#enamoured actually
xo8ball · 1 year
did anyone see patrick. i stared so fucking MUCH
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Crowley being carried bridal style into the South downs cottage is something I need to see. Even better if Crowley spontaneously hoists himself into Aziraphale's arms, and Aziraphale doesn't even think twice about it.
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absurdumsid · 7 months
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i may be VERY cool but I AM NOT AS COOL AS YOU !!!!
Killer! Sans belongs to rahafwabas
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sincerelymarner · 8 months
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boston college v massachusetts | nov 4/23
© richard t gagnon
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justaz · 3 months
merlin standing to the side watching arthur address camelot, the sun shining on his skin and lighting his hair up as its own crown despite the actual gold resting atop his head, his red cap billowing behind him by the light breeze, his eyes shining with joy, merlin’s freedom spelled across his lips. merlin watching arthur be drowned out by enthusiastic cheers so he laughs and recedes back inside toward merlin, head held high and shoulders squared back, looking even better than the king merlin has shaped him into. merlin falling impossibly deeper into love as arthur returns to his side with a grin after repealing the magic ban
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tinseltownie · 3 months
Given every opportunity to talk shit, Max has said his only priorities are good racing and maintaining his relationships with Lando 🥺🥹🥹🥹🥺🥺
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definitelynotshouting · 5 months
“The universe sings,” Grian said.
He sounds vaguely distant- like he’s speaking from hundreds of blocks away rather than right next to Mumbo.
He turns on his bed, slow halting movements, to face him.
“Did you know?”
Mumbo can only stare.
“…Sings?” He asks. He shifts on his chair.
Grian seems to want to nod, but aborts the motion halfway, and hums instead.
“Yeah. The code. It sings, if you listen close enough,” Grian mumbles.
Mumbo opens his mouth, then closes it again.
Grian exhales a long breath, and his eyes drift close.
“Can you hear it?”
Mumbo watches the way Grian’s chest rises and falls, shallowly, slowly.
He closes his eyes, and strains to hear.
He hears- Tango out in another room of the house, pacing circles around the kitchen. Mumbo can tell it’s Tango by the shuffle in his walk.
He can hear birds outside, twittering. Wind rustling through branches. An animal- a pig, maybe, trotting along some grass.
It’s quite calming really- but he doesn’t hear singing. At least, he doesn’t think he does?
When he opens his eyes again, it’s to Grian staring right at him.
Mumbo exhales in one sharp breath- he didn’t realise he’d stopped breathing- and meets Grian’s gaze.
“Did you mean like, actual singing or- or was that metaphorical? Because I can’t hear anything other than trees, mate,” he says, only half-joking.
Grian huffs a small laugh, and shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s not really singing-singing. It’s music, though. You’ve definitely heard some of it- discs. That’s the easiest way to hear it. But that’s- so few of what’s out there. There’s more music, if you know how to listen for it,” he hums. His eyes close again, and he leans more into the mattress.
Mumbo pauses, and thinks on that for a moment. Music discs, huh? He supposes it seems plausible, that there’d be more music out there.
But then why has he never heard it? Mumbo doesn’t ever recall hearing ‘the code sing’. If it’s tied into music discs, then is it naturally generated? Is hearing it a ‘watcher thing’?
Mumbo glances down at his hands, traces lines of dirt under his fingernails.
He nods, though Grian can’t see it anyway. He makes some vague ‘see you later’ comment he can’t bother to think about, and carefully gets to his feet.
At the doorframe, he peers back.
Grian lies there, breathing steadily.
Mumbo turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.
headcanon that the minecraft soundtrack can be heard in the code, but only if you're 'in harmony' with it. cue other headcanon of watchers being very aware of the code
HEY ANON. ANON. I ADORE THIS HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE THIS HEADCANON???? The idea that the universe is constantly singing to itself, and you can hear that through the Greater Code if you really carefully listen, is something i lowkey want to canonize SO BADLY holy shit. And this is such a lovely snippet too, im always such a sucker for deeply layered conversations like this.... i adore how youve given so much depth to the sentence "the universe sings" and the implications of how and why Grian is hearing it so much right now. [THROWS UP BLOOD] IM OBSESSED.......
Also this Mumbo dialogue especially is on point youve done such a good job of capturing his little speech patterns :] STUNNING JOB ANON IM SO FLATTERED U WROTE THIS!!!!! I really think i might canonize this concept just for how absolutely amazing it is, im utterly obsessed with it
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
i still cannot get over The Twins like.
you have another version of you out there arguably living a life just as difficult as yours, if not more, that you can talk to at literally Any Time! and they're You so you basically already have half a convo down anytime you decide to pop on over via a portal
1610 and 42 stepping out of their respective portals side-by-side just to stroll out of an alleyway like nothin happened just going:
42: rough day too huh?
1610, brushing debris off of his shoulder: yeeep. another run-in with the rhino. again.
42: you didn't lock his dumb ass up like, last month? how'd he get out?
1610: don't know, don't care. so done with this week, i just wanna... i dunno. hibernate til spring 😮‍💨
42: man, what a mood.
1610: what happened to you? you look like you had a rougher day than me!
42, covered in visible bruises and cuts along with his bandages: mannnn... rougher week more like. well... rougher life. but. anyways.
they both nod at each other in Understanding
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okay, whoever started the whole thing about alex looking like a rat is fully responsible for the fact i am now the proud owner of a plush jellycat rat named alex 🫠
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baeshijima · 1 month
everyone, i genuinely believe that sunday is one of — if not the most handsome character in hsr, and possibly even in across all of the hyv games bc ???
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and then there is this.
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like. what the fuck man.
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shesmore-shoebill · 6 months
Putting Arasha Marvel-Actress-Queen-Of-Silently-Committing-1000%-To-The-Bit Lalani on Culinary Crimes next to Courtney's Food Detective was everything I ever needed actually.
Truly just look at her facial expressions this whole time. Perfect and hilarious progression of 😧-> ☺️-> 😦 -> "why would they even have that then" -> 🧐 🔍-> ☺️-> 😏. comedy queen.
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wulfhalls · 11 months
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the most cringefail girl boss in all of history <3 the grind sure never did stop for him 💪
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what-the-fic-khr · 7 months
I felt such a strong, visceral reaction to this post specifically and had to write something really short and dumb for it literally immediately I’m so serious holy shit. in love with this. I’m gonna cry
character/s: superbi squalo, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: 359
warnings: swearing
prompt: squalo runs colder than most
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“It’s too cold! I don’t want to go on this stupid mission!”
Squalo watched you kick up a fuss, quiet as you gathered your stuff. He paid attention to every item you grabbed so he would remember them, so you wouldn’t complain about losing them if you forgot one on your way back.
“I just wanna stay here! It sucks, but it’s indoors at least…!”
“Just hurry up. The faster we leave, the faster this gets done, the faster we get home.”
You grumbled about it the entire way out of the estate, and he let you grouch on your way through. It’d get it out of your system and then you could get to work; you at least knew when to shut up.
You also promptly ignored every dig or mocking remark made at you as you pulled on gloves, a thicker coat, earmuffs. Because of your thick snow boots, the scarf you were wrapping around your neck. They could make fun of you all they liked, but you wanted to stay warm. Fuck ‘em.
Once you’d made enough of a trek away from the estate, pushing through snow with irritation, you eventually slowed to a stop.
Squalo stopped next to you, and leant down when you waved at him to. He stayed still, head bowed a touch so you could reach up and slip your (his) earmuffs onto his head. He straightened with a low noise, a grunt of thanks.
“You should start killing people if they’re gonna make fun of you for wearing fucking earmuffs, you know.”
He blinked at you slowly before lifting a leg. You yelled out when he hooked his foot into the back of your knees and you fell, knees hitting the snow.
“You bastard! Give them back and freeze, then!”
Squalo snorted and headed off again, not waiting for you to scramble out of the snow and catch up to him. You didn’t.
He jerked forward after you threw a crudely made snowball at the back of his head, poorly constructed due to your gloves.
“Oi! You stupid bitch; just get up and come on!”
“Bastard! That’s what you get!”
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expectiations · 11 months
Why you should read the Day of the Doctor novelization
10 and River in a bath
just, you know, mentions of River that weren't in the show
inner monologue of the Doctor about River
the Doctor saying "I'm Mr. Moon!"
moments with River that weren't in the show
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teaforqne · 7 months
I read that thing about how Robert had a habit of caressing girls' hair when hugging them and honestly just the mere thought of him caressing my hair makes me melt into a puddle
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Workin on some Slips art, so here's this WIP that was an beautiful accident while I went to work on the background + Joke Lore for it.
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AU where Slips and Cicero fought the rest of the Falkreath Sanctuary after the Attempted Astrid Stabbing and they won but died shortly after and now haunt the Sanctuary
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