moonyartsblog · 1 year
That I ardently love these two together was understood, right?
No, because it's probably one of the KNY ships I've drawn more than once and, undoubtedly, I will draw it again. And again. And again. 🤧
In this moment we can see a moment of intimacy between the two; they are a bit older and Kochō has finally given up the ghost of her sister and decided to move on with the person she has always loved (and always bullied because yes, as a child she was convinced that he wanted to take Kanae away from her so she began to bully him in various ways so that the other would move away from both of them. This treatment, however, had an opposite effect by leading the boy to grow even closer not to Kanae but, rather, to Shinobu herself.) and that, over time, he was able to learn about unseen aspect that he never revealed to anyone.
Kyojurō (in this AU saved himself from fighting Akaza and with Shinobu's surgical medical knowledge was able to recover from long months of coma. Shinobu was the only one who could stay in the room and take care of him H24. As far as parental visits were concerned, only his apprentice Senjuro was allowed to come in and be updated.) he discovered new aspects of himself and, in doing so, had opportunities to see Shinobu in all new guises; less vengeful, less pain, less angry at the world at large. Even here, however, the boy is a little bit targeted by Kochō's character who does not hesitate for a moment to provoke or poke him even after an intimate encounter. After all-who could resist poking that blushing little face who hasn't quite figured out that you're veiledly implying that you'd be inviting him for yet another round of bed sheets?
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capobegone · 2 years
How do y’all refer to the Hashira/Pillars?
Okay, as a fic writer, this has DESTROYED me. I usually say Pillar in casual conversations. For the fic, I eventually chose to call them Hashira to stay true to the original language, but then I realized I say XYZ Hashira in English, rather than the Japanese XYZbashira title format.
So I wanna know!! What do you call them?
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upperthird · 3 years
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doodle for @en-bashira 💖
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sxs-a · 3 years
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@en-bashira​ || 🌸
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🌸 → ❝Sensei--Sensei wake up! PLEASE! ❞
The young slayer watches the Flame Pillar unconscious, dripping in blood. She remembers Rengoku telling her not to cry, but she could not stop. She lost her family to these demons and she has yet to move on after all these years. Rengoku is too much like a brother for him to see him leave her like this. 
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ofastereae · 3 years
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@en-bashira​ whispered:  👫 :3 // Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
rather she knows it or not is up for debate, but mitsuri has had a crush on kyojuro from the get go.  he’s pretty much everything that she’s been looking for in a guy.  he’s strong, he’s cute, and he’s sweet as pie.  i don’t think it’s something that’s immediately apparent to her because... she’s really oblivious when it comes to her own emotions until they slap her in the face, but she’s def been making moon eyes at him from the moment she met him and i think that’s really cute because i think everyone would notice.  but then they’d prolly be confused because she pretty much crushes on all the other hashira LOL
there’s a lot of genuine concern on her part regarding how reckless he is.  she admires his dedication to protecting others, but having seen it for such a long time first hand she’s sort of worried about what he’ll do when he’s alone and it makes her anxious about her promotion to hashira at first because she won’t be with him.  and if she’s not with him who’s gonna have his back when he does something stupid?  it’s something she’d def confide in him about post train, but it contributes to a lot of stress surrounding leaving him for a while. 
mitsuri adores his hair, which is sort of funny considering how much she dislikes her own hair.  she likes playing with it once they’re at a spot where they’re comfortable with that sort of intimacy.  she’ll sort of sit behind him and just spend hours twirling it around her fingers and letting it run between them.  it’s part of what makes him unique and therefore one of the things she loves most about him. 
after he retires, she writes to him via her crow almost constantly, sending messages and updates whenever she can and reminding him how much she loves him.  she’s extremely verbally affectionate and likes to dote on him as much as possible.  this verbal affection continues on when they’re together in person and she makes a point of telling him how much she cares about him as often as she can.  but she doesn’t just tell him, she tries to show him too.  she cooks for him when she has the time, she helps him with whatever he needs, she’s encouraging, and she’s constantly seeking out physical affection. 
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chuchucoolate · 5 years
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loveofarose · 3 years
Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse! | @en-bashira​
(#゚Д゚) : What does your muse do if they’re angry?
Mitsuri isn’t the kind to get angry easily. If someone ( or a demon ) has managed to piss her off they’ve more than likely earned her scorn.
Whenever Mitsuri starts to get irritable she goes quiet and chews on her tongue. Not the best habit but it helps her to bite back anything harsh she might say if pushed any further. Her posture becomes more rigid and she appears less friendly than usual. It’s almost as an invisible wall has been wrapped around her in an attempt to ward people away from talking to her any further.
If someone has somehow missed all of those signs that’s when her angry side starts to show. She balls up her fists, nails pressing tightly into her palms and warns the other person to stop. If they stop the worst case scenario is she ignores the other person until they can talk civilly or she ends up cutting them out of her life. This unfortunately happened with her and her parents. She still communicates with her siblings but her parents are another story.
In the case that the other person doesn’t stop she starts getting really vocal. It ranges anywhere from actual screams, grunts, or loud irritated sighs. Mitsuri likes to avoid getting to this point however when her temper has been activated it’s hard for her to calm down.
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She’ll stomp her foot down and insist that the other person stop talking/doing whatever is upsetting her and if they don’t that’s where things get past the point of no return. If they’re hurting someone she cares about she’ll pull them off and scold them, telling them that they’re not welcome and to never come back. Worst case scenario she’ll tell them that they’re dead to her. On the other hand if it’s a demon they’re as good as dead.
However if it’s a case where the other person is talking shit about someone she loves or herself she’ll deliver that same energy back. She doesn’t really like this side of her which is why she tries very hard to prevent herself from getting angry. Though to be clear she will never stoop low enough to shit talk someone else’s loved ones. That’s a line that she will not cross, nor will she ever seek violence on another human being. The worst thing she would do is pull them away.
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This all being said you’d have to be a pretty nasty individual to ever get on Mitsuri’s bad side. After all she isn’t the Love Hashira for nothing.
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wisteriase · 3 years
for @en-bashira
"you really should start being serious about finding a tsuguko. after all, you're not getting any younger." she posits, an airy laugh leaving her. out of all of the hashira, he was probably one of the most seasoned to take on a successor; shinobu wondered why that spot in his life was vacant when he had all of the makings of a master. he was inspiring without being didactic, spirited without being overbearing─a natural-born instructor who had no one to instruct.
the air between them is quiet for a few seconds...odd, especially for someone like kyojuro whose booming register immediately fills any empty space in conversation.
"rengoku-san?" her foot swivels in place, allowing her to turn her gaze to her colleague after she notices how their gaits suddenly fall out of sync. an inquisitive look settles onto her features, a set of eyebrows raising as she attempts to process the abrupt change in atmosphere.
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"are you okay? was it something i said?"
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jasonlienart · 4 years
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Rengoku Kyoujurou
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ichigogyunia · 5 years
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Rengoku sama...
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moonyartsblog · 2 years
Who has understood by now that Shinobu x Kyōjurō is my Top Ship and that I will never get bored of drawing her? If no one had arrived there, now they will have the certainty! ✨❤️ Yes, I can easily draw other ships with them but this is what it is and it will always remain in my heart~ 💕 With Giyu? The relationship with Shinobu is the parental one, strictly familiar and of an affection that is felt between brothers and sisters. In him, Kochō has found a brother who 'understands' his general silence. 🤫 In her, Giyū, he has found not only a pain in the ass but also a 'sister' who understands him… one way or another! 😂 Yes, oook. 👌 But with Rengoku? 🤔 Well, the relationship between the two was born from a very young age and thanks to Kanae's hand. She has always been a thorn in her side even though she silently and violently hid her feelings for him, He was a poor martyr who didn't understand the reason for such hostility towards her. Maybe out of jealousy and overprotectiveness towards Kanae, maybe because she saw him as an intruder in her family. The fact is that, with the tragic and troubled succession of events and adulthood now arrived for both, Shinobu has changed the approach with Kyōjurō by admitting, in those pages of a diary, the greatest tragedy: being tragically in love of that boy who knew how to lighten the darkness in her soul to the point of giving her glimpses of a normality that she felt and knew no longer belonged to her. There have been numerous events that have led the two to approach each other, talk to each other, tell each other and gradually declare themselves to each other. A look, kindness, a hug, a kiss… well. Love is born with the scent of wisteria under the most ardent rays of the sun. 💜❤️
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808impz · 3 years
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upperthird · 3 years
@en-bashira​   /   sc.
                            and  fingertips feel  so  cold  ––––  he  doesn’t  disclose  that  he’s  been  near  the  rengoku  household for  what  feels  like  forever (what  if  something  happened  to  them?). who  stood  before him  was  a  transformation  in  its  entirety; previous  pride  in  having  fought  a  hashira  washes away  to  regret  (but  regret  didn’t  make  it  right).
akaza  considers fleeing.  he  considers escaping  and  wandering  back  to  the  next  household, leaving  kyojuro  wondering if  what  he’d  seen  was  an  illusion. but  instead,  he  stands;  unmoving.
“––––i  know  that  apologising...  doesn’t  do  anything,”  he  swallows  thickly, “–––but  i––”
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“–––i’m  sorry.”
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sxs-a · 3 years
Nez easedropping rn 
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ofastereae · 3 years
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@en-bashira​ gets a semi-plotted starter!
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               she can’t remember the last time she ate a full meal.  the only thing she remembers is that she ate until she couldn’t move, was carted off to a room of her own to recover, and hasn’t eaten since.  mochi and manju and dainty little fish cakes.  there’d been a whole heap of sweet potatoes, but she’d left them untouched, half convinced it was only a matter of time before kyojuro woke up and ate them all.  he could have as many as he wanted, could yell as loudly as he liked, if it meant seeing him again.  she’d do anything... 
              she can’t remember the last time she slept more than an hour or two at a time.  her movements are lethargic and when she leaves the butterfly mansion it’s only a matter of time before she returns, beaten and battered in her own right, always to settle at his bedside.  it’s important to her, for some reason, that she’s awake when he finally wakes up.  that she’s the first thing he sees when he opens her eyes.  love.  it’s because she loves him.  she can still feel the kiss they shared burning on her lips. 
              she’s scared their first will be their last. 
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              her body is slumped against his bed, head resting near his side and his hand clasped in hers.  slender fingers draw circles against his arm, a repetitive motion that keeps her from completely losing her mind as the clock on the wall ticks out the maddening rhythm of time passing.  any second now.  she can hear his heart beating in his chest.  any second now, he’ll wake up and the second he does she’ll tell him.  she’ll hold him close and tell him- 
              ❝ i just wanna see you smile again... ❞
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hizzashii · 3 years
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unprompted ask @en-bashira
❛❛ Your company is precious to me! Do not think of yourself as a burden! Such a title doesn't fit the likes of your kind heart! ❜❜
He was just unable to help it, taught from such a young age of his own worthlessness. The harsh words still rang too clearly within his mind--unwanted, cursed, failure, a pariah of his own making for part of Yoriichi's heart could not help but believe in those words.
Why else, would Uta and their child be gone? His mother's illness? Driving his own twin so far away from him?
Even now, he remains caught between the need and desire for friendship and the belief that his mere presence will only lead to more tragedy.
That odd feeling of alienation had never left him, instead growing stronger as the years passed. Yoriichi just wanted to be...human.
Nothing special, nothing grand, no talent or strength, just a normal human.
Kyojuro's words strike a chord within him, Yoriichi forced to avert his gaze.
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"You think too highly of me," comes the weak argument, hands curling upon his knees, wrinkling the fabric of his hakama. "I'm not deserving of such praise."
He's bashful, still holding his gaze averted.
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