#end of lease cleaning act
charsau · 1 year
End of Lease Cleaning - Why You Need a Professional
Getting ready to move out of your rented apartment or house in Canberra requires a lot of work. In addition to packing and organising, you also need to clean the property thoroughly.
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You may want to hire a professional end of lease cleaning company to do this for you. They will follow a checklist to ensure that the property is clean and in good condition.
If you are renting a home or apartment, you will need to get the property cleaned to a high standard. This is an essential part of the handover process and you should choose a professional end of lease cleaning Canberra company to do this job.
These professional cleaners have years of experience in end of lease cleaning and know exactly how to do it without compromising on the quality. They can perform this task efficiently in less time and leave the house looking pristine. They also offer a money-back guarantee to ensure that you will receive your bond back after the job is completed.
Keeping your house clean is a daily chore, especially if you have kids and pets. However, if you’re moving out of your house for good you will need a professional end of lease cleaning service to get your place in shape.
The best part is that they will take care of all the heavy lifting and cleaning for you. Using the best possible techniques, they will give you a top-notch clean that will ensure that your property impresses your new landlord and earns you that much sought after bond money back.
The most important component of the end of lease cleaning in Canberra experience is choosing the right team to do the job. Be sure to ask for a free quote and consult with a few local companies before making your final decision.
Unlike regular cleaning, end of lease cleaning requires detailed and thorough attention to all areas around your property. Hence, hiring a reputable end of lease cleaner in Canberra is crucial.
A quality end of lease cleaner will understand the type of cleaning you require at this stage and will perform the task with efficiency and effectiveness. They also use a variety of environmentally-friendly cleaning products that won’t harm your furniture, floors or walls.
Clean windows not only help to welcome in natural light but also enhance the overall ambiance of your home. Professional window cleaners will have all the equipment needed to keep your windows pristine and sparkling.
Light fittings
One of the best parts of moving out of your tenancy is getting your deposit back. However, you can’t do this if you don’t follow the rules. Before you can cash in, you need to perform a thorough end of lease clean and inspect the property for damage. The best way to do this is to hire a professional. Aside from the obvious dusting and polishing, you should also take a good look at your kitchen cupboards, bathroom vanity and bedroom cupboards. There are a lot of items in your cupboards that you don’t know about and you might be in for an unpleasant surprise.
When you move out of a rental property, it is important to leave the place in a good condition. This shows your value as a tenant and helps you get your full bond back.
It is essential to hire a reliable end of lease cleaning service in Canberra that can complete this process quickly and efficiently without any delays. Professional cleaners will use a checklist that identifies the minimum scope of cleaning required by your landlord.
One of the best end of lease carpet cleaning Canberra is Get Clean ACT, which has served over four thousand clients in the past three years. The team uses high quality products and equipment to deliver a fully comprehensive clean. They also perform deep hygiene cleans and organise additional specialist services such as pest control.
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yoichiris · 1 year
better than letting go | nagi seishiro x reader
✩ accidental sugar daddy nagi ✩ pro-player!nagi, roommates au, angst to fluff, heavy pining, miscommunication
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"just go live with nagi," reo says offhandedly, "if you clean up after him, he'll let you stay there forever."
you open your mouth to refute the suggestion, because reo knows how you feel about nagi, knows you couldn't possibly stay in an enclosed space with him hours on day on end without jumping him... but before you do, nagi himself interrupts.
"i'm okay with that," he replies in his usual laid-back voice.
you glare at him because you think he sounds more excited about the cleaning part.
"you're going to be homeless," reo shrugs, "why not?"
you return your glare at reo, "why can't you just house me in one of your billion-dollar properties."
"then i'd have to ask my old man for permission," he waves you off like the asshole he is, "no thanks."
"what's wrong with living with me?" nagi wonders, and you hate him for acting like he wants to live with you so badly.
"look, just clean nagi's dirty underwear for the next year while you finish your degree and you won't have to worry about a thing," reo explains, as if there aren't other factors like your five-year infatuation with nagi, and maybe the fact that nagi lives like he doesn't know what a vacuum does.
you sigh, thinking about the end of your lease and the astronomical increase in rent incoming, and how much you don't want to work your stupid part-time job, and give in.
of course it's not that bad. all you had to do was keep your feelings to yourself.
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"nagi," you hiss, "nagi, wake up, you're going to be late!"
he only stirs, covers tucked under his chin, as if he's hiding from you. you inch the door wider, stepping into his room hesitantly. he doesn't even make a move.
"nagi," you whine, crouching at the side of his bed.
he makes a sound of acknowledgment but keeps his eyes closed, so you sit cross-legged on the floor, watching his sleeping form. he's so cute like this, you think, yearning.
it's been a week since you moved in with nagi. in a lot of ways, he's exactly what you thought he would be like in private: he's rarely home, and when he is, he's quiet.
you thought he would spend more time in his room, under the covers, but you realize quickly he's furnished his couch with the coziest throw and likes to curl under there when he is home.
it makes your heart warm when you come home to see nagi, his toes sticking out from underneath the blanket, waiting for you to eat dinner.
"...what time is it?" you hear him mumble.
your heart skips a beat when he opens his eyes, groggy with sleep, and touches your arm. you sigh shakily.
"too late," you smile softly at him, "i'll prep your pre-workout so you can take it with you, okay?"
"thanks," he tells you, his voice raspy.
he smiles back at you and reaches out, poking you in the forehead. when you feel his fingers touch your skin, you think you'll drop dead right there.
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"are you gonna move out after you graduate?" reo asks, nine months into your arrangement.
you've been avoiding even thinking about it. you're busy with graduation, you justify to yourself, you don't have time to look for a new place yet.
"hm?" you hum innocently, "i dunno. haven't had time to think about it."
"nagi asked me 'bout it," he mentions casually, and you freeze. is he counting the days down until you leave?
you and nagi have settled into a daily routine: you wake him up, he goes to practice, you study after class, and when he comes back late at night, he hangs out with you for an hour before he has to sleep. mostly, you and nagi sit on either end of the couch, sharing the cozy throw, and read manga.
it's lulled you into a false sense of security, you think.
"oh," is all you manage to say. maybe he finds you bothersome? maybe he wants his own space back?
reo hits you over the head, lightly. "what's that face for? it's been going good living with nagi, right?"
and it was. it was everything you had dreamed of, and it shocked you how well you got along with nagi. you think of how, in early mornings when both of you (mostly you) are rushing out the door, bumping hips in the kitchen, even then it seems like you were working together.
"yep," you reply, sipping your iced coffee, "too good."
reo takes a bite of his food, and suggests, "maybe you two should just keep living together. you can split rent or something."
"can't rely on nagi forever," you protest.
"why not?" he says, just like he did when he had first suggested this whole thing, "isn't that what you want?"
you kick him under the table, angry that he was bringing your feelings up now. yes, you want to scream, it is. but nothing has changed between you and nagi, nothing at all.
you're always trying to keep your feelings in check: when he peers over your shoulder as you're cooking, the warmth of his body hot asgainst yours. or how adorable he looks when he comes out of the shower, his shaggy hair falling over his eyes, his face shiny. those are the times your feelings want to burst.
"just talk to nagi about it," reo nudges. you're not sure if he's talking about the housing or the feelings.
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you're curled up with nagi on the couch when you muster the courage to say anything. your legs are touching his under the blanket, and you feel as if that might connect you to him.
there's a month left until you graduate, which is absolutely not enough time for you to find a place to live, but you were scared. you hear the victory sounds of nagi's mobile game, so you decide now's better than never.
"so," you start, and his gaze drifts over to you, "i haven't really found a new place to live yet."
it's quiet. "s'okay," nagi mumbles, not even looking up from his phone, "you can move out whenever."
well, at least that answers your question on whether or not he wants you to move out. at least he wasn't pushing you out the door, you tell yourself.
you don't know what else to say. do you want me to leave so badly? you want to ask. can't i stay with you? you think, desperate. but those words don't leave your mouth.
"are you coming to my graduation?" you ask lightly, and regret it when you realize that you've opened yourself up again.
he shrugs. "dunno my prac schedule yet, but reo's going right?" he replies, as if reo could replace him.
you feel cold despite the blanket, and sink deeper into the couch, feeling drained. from the corner of your eye, you see nagi tapping away at his phone, signaling to you that he's still deep in his game. you take your legs away, knowing he wouldn't even notice.
"yep," you say and awkwardly crawl out of your warm spot on the couch. "i'm gonna go to bed first, nagi."
"g'night," he replies, finally looking up as you pass him with your head bowed. he watches you walk back to your room, and doesn't take his eyes off of you until you close the door behind you.
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you eventually begged reo to find you an empty unit in one of his father's rental properties.
he had been insistent you just talk to nagi, as if he knew something you didn't, but you had to explain that you did, and nagi had no objections to you moving out, and you weren't going to wait until he shoved you out the door to move on.
it has been so awkward since that small conversation you'd had with nagi. maybe it was you, feeling out of place, like you had reached a point of no return.
waking him up in the mornings were now rushed, gently pushing him awake and scurrying off before he was fully awake. leaving his pre-workout on the counter instead of handing it to him. sitting at the kitchen table under the guise of studying instead of curling up on the couch with him.
it's not that he'd changed, you knew, it's that you couldn't keep playing pretend with your feelings anymore.
you hear the front door click as nagi walks into the apartment.
"hey," he says, pushing open the door to your room, "i'm home."
you turn from your position at the front of your closet, where you were just about to take out your suitcase. "oh, hey," you reply lamely, "welcome home."
he hovers, something he's never really done, as if he knows you have something to say, as if he had something to say. the words were stuck in your throat.
"reo told me you're moving out," nagi finally tells you.
traitor, you curse at reo. "uh, yeah," you smile tightly, "i didn't want to keep bothering you, so..."
"you're not bothering me," he replies, maybe a little too quickly, but you don't notice.
there's another silence. what else can you say?
"you don't have to leave," nagi continues, "i don't mind if you stay here."
but do you want me to stay? you want to ask. the way he says it so casually, as if it didn't matter whether you stayed or not, only solidified your decision to be away from him. at least then you could just be his friend without delusions of sharing a life with him so intimately.
"nah," you try to keep your voice steady, "it's probably better this way."
"i like living with you, though," nagi shuffles his hair uncomfortably as he says it.
you laugh, maybe a little bitterly, "because i cook and clean for you?"
"no," he says quickly, looking flustered, "no, i just like it when you're here."
but why? you want to scream. your heart pounds, because you feel like you're close to something, but at the same time it feels so far. sometimes you're convinced that he knows about your feelings, that sometimes you two are talking about them even though the topic is unrelated.
"it was nice," you settle on saying, as if it wasn't life changing, "but i can afford living on my own now."
"i don't want you to leave," nagi almost sounds like he's whining, and your heart skips another beat.
"why not?" you say, frustrated, breathless, "we can't just keep living together forever."
"what if i want to?" he says, and you feel like the conversation has become out of control.
your mind is racing. what is happening right now, you try to breathe through your nose. what is he talking about right now, you try to ask yourself.
"nagi—" you stop yourself, trying to get a grip, "what are you saying?"
you're looking at him now and you're surprised by the determination in his eyes. it's what he looks like when he's really focused, like he is when he plays soccer.
"i want to live with you forever," he declares, sounding defiant, as if that wasn't what you wanted.
but you're not sure what it means. you only know that five years is a long time to be holding onto your feelings.
"i don't understand," you mumble, staring at the floor, quieter than before, "i love you, nagi. not as a friend. so no, i can't just live with you forever."
you feel him before you see him, his body towering over you. when you look up, he's pouting. he puts his hand on top of your head, gentle, warm.
"why do you look so sad," he wonders, as if he hadn't heard what you just said, "that's why i want to live with you forever, dummy."
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you wake up to nagi wrapped around you.
"sei," you groan, turning in his arms to look at his sleeping face, "you're heavy."
he mutters, groggy, incoherent, and you can't help but press a kiss to his nose. his hair is falling all over his face, but your eyes memorize every slope. he squeezes you harder.
"why are you awake so early," he mutters, nudging your chest with his head, "it's my day off."
you soothe your hand down his bare back, feeling the tight muscles underneath your fingers. he works so hard, and his days off are so rare. you wiggle some more, to loosen his arms.
"i know," you smile, "but let me go make breakfast, kay? i'm hungry."
he shakes his head and whines. "no," he refuses, "just go back to sleep."
you relax, unable to tell him no. mornings with nagi often go like this, except that you usually have enough self-control to get him up. but sometimes, you remember what it was like wanting him so bad, that now you remind yourself to enjoy it.
as a partner, nagi is clingy, vulnerable. but he's also determined, and sometimes, the intensity with which he wants you catches you off guard.
"y/n," he calls, his breath hot against your neck, "i'm happy you're here."
you close your eyes, nodding. "me, too."
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Girlfriend Interrupted
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Summary: Reader had a bad day at work and Spencer's complaints are not the best timing.
Couple: Spencer/Fem!Reader
Category: Hurt/comfort
Content warnings: Mentions of food, hunger, and prolonged time without eating
Word count: 887
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The bus rumbles across the old asphalt and bricked crosswalks while hissing at stops. All you could do was lay your head against the window and try not to fall asleep or accidentally smash it into the glass after hitting a precarious pothole. You were three stops away from home and all you wanted to do was lock yourself in the apartment and gorge on the least healthy meal you could find. 
You had a healthy meal planned for lunch today actually; a salad filled to the nines (the nines being roasted chicken, nuts, pomegranate, and honeydew). It was perfect. So perfect in fact that someone stole it from the fridge when you were in the middle of beating a deadline. And even after being successful in that, your boss still found time to yell at you for something another co-worker did. You weren’t sure which one, but it wasn’t you. You’ve been nibbling on a granola bar on the ride, but your mind is occupied by the leftover lasagna in the fridge.
And you find it there, waiting for you under the stark refrigerator light. You yank it from the bottom shelf and don’t even consider looking at the microwave. You barely looked at the dishes you left in the sink after breakfast this morning and remember how behind you were when getting ready for work, telling yourself you’d put them in the dishwasher before Spencer got home. You did say you’d do that. And Spencer doesn’t like dishes in the sink.
 Instead, you grab the blanket from the back of the couch and settle in the dark, pulling up a YouTube video you’ve been meaning to watch. You rest your phone against the book spines Spencer had specifically picked out to be displayed for their guests (mainly your parents during the holidays and his co-workers). Most of them are about astronomy, nothing you’ve cared to pick up. They’re detailed enough to keep Spencer entertained and sturdy enough to keep your phone upright while you slurped up tomato sauce and ricotta cheese. And so you snuggled in like a kid watching Saturday cartoons, sugary cereal at the ready.
And it’s when you think of your boyfriend again that the door behind you opens with a creak. The thud of his cane echoes across the wood floor as that same door clicks as he shuts it. You manage to say “Hey, Spence” through your glorious mouthful of a rushed dinner. But Spencer says nothing back. He’s been struggling not just with his knee acting up again after his previous surgery, but with being unable to travel with his team. The thud of Spencer’s cane trails from the entryway to the kitchen. It was a tough day for both of you, no doubt.
Your sympathies started to wane though when Spencer interrupted your video.
“Ugh, Y/N. I told you I don’t like dishes in the sink.”
“I know.” You tried to say without a mouthful. “And I’m sorry. I was running late for work and needed to get going before—”
“And you left the fridge door open, too. We talked about needing to cut back before our lease renewal. The National Weather Service expects an uptick in accumulation by late December.”
You pause your video and turn in your seat. “Sorry, I was going to do it when I got home, but I needed to eat because someone stole—”
“And you’re eating the lasagna from the tray? We have clean bowls. You could easily grab one from—”
“Let me talk!” You ended up shouting. It was sudden for both of you. You’re never one to raise your voice and Spencer has never been one to fuck up bad enough to witness it. It forces Spencer to freeze in place, like that accumulation he talked about just rushed through the apartment on your command. It would be funny if it was some sort of command if you already weren’t teetering on the edge of tears. The sting in your nose already started traveling to your eyes. They welled up and Spencer quickly became a blur as you started to sob, the trials of a bad day finally getting to you. You let your chest heave and tears streak down your cheeks, hoping at least a portion of the stress will subside afterward.
You didn’t expect Spencer to be right next to you. You didn’t hear his cane once on the floor. It was against the arm of the couch. And he was on the floor, resting on his knees. Of course, you’re too distressed to point out that is the last thing he should be doing if he wants to avoid more surgery so badly. Plus he’s busy with taking the meal off of your lap. “Come here,” he tells you. He’s holding your hands. His hands are just as frigid as the lasagna. But he pulls you up as he tries to stand, meeting you on (somewhat) equal footing to bring you into a hug. It’s warm, obviously. All of his hugs are warm. He wears cotton-only cardigans and wears layers of clothes even at the peak of summer. “I’m sorry.” He says. “Just let it out. I’m here.”
“Spence. Your knee.”
“It’s fine.”
“You need to—”
“Be here. Which I am.” And he holds you tighter.
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AITA for telling my roommate to stop doing certain behaviors that give him gender euphoria because it pisses me off?
So I (25, closeted ftm which is relevant later) have been living with my two roommates, John (24, ftm) and Sarah (28 cis f) for 5 years now. Within the past year John realized he is trans and began to transition. (both fake names)
The thing is… John used to be a good roommate, and now is a nuisance. He’s started leaving dishes in the sink because “that’s a woman’s chore” and leaving his laundry out wherever he pleases. He claims being messy gives him gender euphoria, which sure I get since it’s perceived as a masculine trait but I’d be more fine if he did it in his OWN ROOM instead of all over the apartment.
The big fight happened when he got his stp. for those unaware, stp allows you to pee standing up. This became an issue because he has started leaving the seat up and leaving little piss droplets on the seat. Sarah fell in the toilet once in the middle of the night because she wasn’t expecting it to be up, and hurt her elbow because she slammed it against the wall when she got startled. This was the last straw for me, so I told John that I didn’t want him making messes, to stop leaving the seat up, and to just clean up after himself.
He told me I wouldn’t get it. Told me that since I’m “cis” I wouldn’t understand how much euphoria he gets from us “women nagging him about it”. I told him he’s just being an asshole and he thanked me for it.
I’m quite honestly hurt because him continually pointing out the fact I’m a “woman” and have “woman traits” is causing me to have dysphoria but I’m closeted for religious reasons (family would try to institutionalize me) so I can’t come out this is just my cross to bear. I know no one will ever perceive me as a man offline but it just hurts when he rubs it in.
So I told him I don’t care if it gives him euphoria, clean up or I’m moving out once our lease ends. He freaked the fuck out about that saying that he needs me as a roommate and he doesn’t want to learn to live with anyone else. But I honestly don’t know how much more of this I can take.
Sarah agrees with me that John needs to shake up his act, but John brought his boyfriend (20M) into it who scolded both of us and told us that we were being transphobic by not letting him “act like his true self” to which I said “if that’s his true self then I’m moving out, it’s not related to his gender but his behavior”
What are these acronyms?
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snippychicke · 3 months
Poppy Seeds --Part Two
Inspired by TooManyPsuedonyms work, which in turn was inspired by @semisolidmind fanart/cabin!Au for Playtime Poppy.
Dogday/Player!reader (attempting keeping it gender neutral)
Warnings: will touch on the after effects of trauma, but nothing is super explicit. Maybe some unhealthy coping skills (Dogday holding Reader on a pedestal) But otherwise we're giving everyone a happy ending. (Everything is wonderful and nothing hurts)
@twistedcece wanted tagged, anyone else?
Four: Water
It did end up raining later that afternoon. You had found Ollie a fresh change of clothes and had been showing the four around the farm. Thankfully, the day was warm enough that the cold droplets weren’t going to chill anyone too much, though Ollie squeaked as soon as the first droplet hit him. 
It was just a light spring shower, but it was still tricky to convince Ollie to come out from the chicken coop he had taken shelter in. It wasn’t until you decided to join the others that he slowly peeked out, sunken eyes wide.  
Kissy was twirling in the middle of the drive, her arms spread wide and her smile bright as ever. Poppy had her own arms outstretched, her face tilted up against the tickling drops and a smile on her eternally-painted lips. Dogday was brightly laughing as he pulled you out from the sheltered area to where several puddles were quickly forming. 
Seeing you and Dogday stomping in the water looked far too fun for the boy to ignore, and soon he was brave enough to leave his place of safety (to the relief of the hens not used to the small child in their home). IT took him a moment to get used to the constant patter on his skin, but both you and Dogday were becoming him closer with open hands. 
Laughter soon echoed in the air as the three of you would stomp from puddle to puddle. Kissy and Poppy didn’t join in --both not fond of getting muddy-- but enjoyed watching the three of you, two acting like overgrown kids and one finally able to act his age.
Things seemed perfect.
Later, Kissy and Poppy had corralled Ollie into the upstairs bathroom for a ‘proper’ bath. Judging from the splashing and outraged squeals from Poppy, the boy was still enjoying the new lease on childhood… or maybe Kissy had decided to join in the impishness. You weren’t sure, and was more focused on Dogday anyways. 
Your bedroom had its own bathroom, complete with an old large clawfoot tub that Dogday was able to sit in, though it was a tight fit. So you had taken it upon yourself to grab a basin and a few washcloths to scrub his back that was still coated in sticky things you rather not think about while he handled the rest. 
“I wish I could have done better on these stitches,” you offered as you gently cleaned around the sloppy uneven stitches where you had sewn his bottom half back on. The thread you had been able to find was a bright neon green and easy to see against his tan hair, and the ‘hide’ of his top half flapped over a bit of his bottom half since you had no idea how else to stitch the pieces together. Sewing has never been your forte. 
You swore magic had to be involved, considering that a simple sewing together and undoing the tourniquet had somehow ‘healed’ the connection and he could feel and control his lower body once more. 
“They’re fine,” Dogday reassured, currently scrubbing a stubborn stain on his arm. “The fact you were able to fix me in the first place is a miracle in itself, angel.” 
“I know,” you whined, unable to stop glaring at the poor stitchwork. “But it’s green. And all wonky…” 
He paused to look down at the stitching, a fond expression on his face (though you couldn’t see it.) “I like it that way. It’s a visual reminder of how much you cared.”
Your heart thumped at his words, and you bit your lip. It had been an act of desperation… but he wasn’t wrong. You had cared-- you had been terrified that you would do something to hurt him. To cause him to die no matter what you did. You wanted to save him-- to be able to save someone.
The memory threatened to overwhelm you, and you dropped your washcloth so you could wrap your arm around his shoulders, uncaring that you were getting your clothes wet by hugging him. 
You had been so close to losing him. Close to losing your own life. Failing everyone  yet again after you had failed years prior. 
“Angel?” Dogday managed to shift, and before you knew it, you were in his arms, cradled against his body as you cried. “What is it?” 
“I-I-” you stuttered, clenching your eyes as if you could push those memories out of your mind. Not just of him, but of everything. It was like a crack had formed and everything you had stubbornly ignored came rushing in. 
“Oh Angel,” he sighed as if he understood, pulling you closer. “Sweetheart. It's okay.”
“How can you call me that?” You choked out. “I-I left all of you, ten years ago. I saw what they were doing and I ran away.” 
“You were little more than a child yourself,” was not the answer you were expecting. As if he remembered just like Mommy Longlegs had. “Probably a bright-eyed intern or something, am I right?” 
You weakly nodded your head. You had been so excited when your application had been accepted. Everyone was hushed about the project, but they were looking for brilliant minds to help lead the future. You had been chosen out of hundreds of others. You had signed so many non-disclosure and other legal papers you thought it was weird for a toy factory but dismissed it as corporate paranoia. 
You didn't realize why until you stumbled upon that first file. Realized the toys looking after the kids weren't advanced animatronics. You hadn't discovered the whole story, but enough to send you running for the hills.
You quit everything, and ran away into the woods hoping they would never find you. 
“Besides, you came back. And now we're here. Safe.” His thumb wiped at your tears. “Cuddling in a bathtub.” 
The last but made you laugh despite yourself and helped bring you back into the moment. You had to admit, it probably looked odd; giant Dogday squished in the tub with you--a full grown adult--more or less cradled in his arms. Both of you now thoroughly wet.
Your laugh made his smile widen faintly. “There we go. I know we'll all have hard days, but as long as we're here for each other, I think we'll get through it.” 
Five: Wait
“I won’t be gone long, I promise,” you had said as you climbed into your truck. Without him. Dogday had all but whined at you, unashamed at the puppy-eye expression he gave you. “Day,” you had sighed, leaning out the window to cup his cheek as he leaned down. “I’m sorry, but the back is going to be full when I come back. And besides, who’s going to look after them?”
He should have pointed out that Kissy and Poppy were well able to deal with anything, the two girls were much more capable than they appeared. However, he had quietly conceded and stood back, allowing you to disappear down the steep drive. 
That had been early this morning. Nearly five hours ago.  
Dogday had barely moved from his spot, waiting to see the sunlight glint off your truck as it climbed the driveway. Or to hear its engine grumble as it approached. What if something happened to you? His sweet angel? He may have been trapped in the factory all those years, but he still knew the outside world could be just as dangerous. Especially to someone sweet and kind as you. 
“You’re really whipped, aren’t you?” Poppy spoke as Kissy approached, carrying the smaller doll on her shoulder. “When I said they’d be our angel to come save us, I didn’t think you would take it this far.” 
“They saved me,”  he answered, his eyes still focused on this distance. He meant more than just his life, when he was strung up like a piece of meat for the miniatures to come feast upon. When he had been so blinded by rage and the need for revenge…
He could still see your eyes through the thick glass of the gasmask, begging him to stop. Your voice as you asked him to spare Catnap’s life because there had been enough death.
 “If that doesn’t deserve loyalty, I don’t know what else would.” 
“Loyalty. Right.” Poppy sighed, shaking her head. “You sure you’re not suffering from a bad case of puppy-love?” 
Dogday paused, his thoughts screeching to a halt at her words. Kissy Missy giggled behind her yellow hand as he struggled with the idea. Puppy love? Certainly not. What he felt wasn’t all warm, fuzzy, yet superficial. 
It was deep and all encompassing to the point it almost overwhelmed him sometimes when he looked at you. Whether covered in blood and dust with a look of grisly determination, or freshly showered and wet hair clinging to your face while you laughed, you were his angel. He’d do anything for you. 
“Not puppy love… but I do love them.” 
Just as the admission left his voice box, he heard the grumble of an engine, and looked down the road to see your old truck making its way up the zig-zagging path, the bed filled with things as you had predicted. His tail slowly started to wag behind him, belying his excitement and joy. 
He loved you so much, and he didn’t care if you never felt the same. As long as you let him stay by your side day after day, he’d be happy. 
Even if he had to wait sometimes. 
Six: Memories
Ollie may have been naive to things you presumed as common knowledge, but when it came to technology, he was a veritable genius. Considering he had to use the old machines to often run and hide from the others in the factory, it wasn’t that much of a surprise. 
The scrawny boy was able to help you hook up the various equipment you had brought home with you amongst the tons of groceries. A scanner, an old VHS reader, and an internet router with enough power to accomplish what you wanted. 
You hadn’t left the factory empty handed, after all. Dozens of VHS tapes, hundreds of files and loose papers. You had collected every bit of proof you could. And you were going to finish Rowan's work. 
“Are you sure about this?” Ollie asked as you popped the first VHS tape to convert into a digital file. “You’re going to be in big trouble if they find out…” 
“I should have done this a long time ago,” you said with determination. “Besides, I promised everyone else. They’ve waited long enough.” 
Poppy and the others were silent. This had been part of Poppy’s plan all along, after all. Bring the crimes of Playtime Co to light and assure nothing like this happens again.
Yet your hands shook as you scoured for the email address for every news company and journalist you could find. You remembered what Playtime did to Rowan, and while their factory had been decommissioned a decade ago, it was hardly the only one. They were still one of the largest companies on the scene.
Who’s to say that similar things weren’t happening there? More than one had an orphanage on site, after all. 
This would certainly be their downfall, and they were bound to come after you if given half the chance. This little piece of heaven that you had these last few days would be stolen away from you…
Dogday leaned on you from behind, lanky arms wrapped around your shoulders while his chin rested on your head. The heavy weight was comfortable, as was the soft scent of vanilla that you had worked back into his fur after his bath the other day. 
“Nothing is going to happen to Angel,” he growled softly. “Or any of us. We’ll protect our new home.”
“Our family,” Poppy added quietly, and got a determined nod from Kissy and a cheer from Ollie. You relaxed into Dogday’s embrace, wrapping your fingers around his arms.
Dogday and Catnap circled each other, growls and snarls echoing in the small chamber. Red Mist filled the air, yet somehow Dogday was still awake. Aware of what was reality and what was a waking nightmare.
 Catnap had not expected to see his old friend again after ripping him in half and sacrificing him to the miniatures. All these years and he thought Dogday was with him--with the Prototype-- and only to learn he sided with her. Poppy. And you. The one Dogday called angel.  
Dogday finally made the first move, swinging a broken pipe he had been carrying. Normally Catnap could avoid it, but his feet stumbled over the debris hidden in the thick red mist. 
“Stop it!” You screamed, voice muffled by your gasmask as you suddenly appeared out of the mist. Dogday nearly slammed the pipe into you, but stopped a hairbreadth away. Catnap was just as stunned as his counterpart as you stood protectively between the two large beings. 
“There’s been enough death,” you continued as Dogday lowered his weapon. “I know he hurt you. I know he’s done a lot wrong, but…” 
“He doesn’t deserve your mercy, angel,” Dogday growled softly. “None of us do, but especially not him.” 
You shook your heads, arms still stretched wide. “Maybe, but I’m tired of all this death. Everyone’s been wronged here. The horrors that you all went through, even before the Hour of Joy. It has to end, and I want it to end now.” 
You protected him. Stood up against the Prototype when He came down and tried to end Catnap’s life and steal his body to integrate with His. Catnap vividly remembered the determined expression on your face as you faced off against his fake-god. 
You… were merciful. Kind. Real.  While the Prototype had stayed to himself, distant from everyone else, you walked with them. You had taken those four away from the factory, swearing to those left behind that help would soon come. 
You would save them. 
Catnap had to waitfor little less than a week before seeing your promise come to fruition. Not years, or another decade of pain and suffering. Less than a week and all sorts of people were swarming the factory. 
You had made everything public knowledge, so the company or anyone else couldn’t just sweep them under a rug and dispose of them. He watched as humans cared for the little ones, offering the food and water that they had been deprived of for so long. PJ Pug-a-pillar, Huggy Wuggy, and others he didn’t know were still alive were pulled from the hands of death and into life. Freedom. 
He could have stepped into the light and joined them. He knew the miniatures would be happy about that…yet watching one of miniature counterparts huddle close with its brethren, all of them with juice boxes and blankets, reminded him harshly of what he had done. He had done so much in the name of that false-god…
He had to find The Savior and do what he could to be redeemed. 
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emidealia · 1 year
☆ timeless what's AWAITING YOU next month ☆
Hey lovelies! Bienvenue! This is a PICK A CARD tarot reading is about what you need to hear about your upcoming month, starting pretty much from where you are right now. Choose a picture from the top 1, 2 or from the bottom 3, 4. Be kind and take with you only what applies. Take a deep breath ...and enjoy!:)
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pile 1
Nurture your Goddess energy
Main thing you’ll focus this month is bringing back rosy feeling(fresh, sweet, gorg). You have a tendency to not feel like a boss a— bitch and this is rooted in trauma from home/finances and results in lack of trust, confidence in yourself. Perhaps not feeling “clean” or not having a romantic lifestyle like others around you and on internet. It is affecting how you express your mind, the way you present yourself etc. Because you don’t really believe in yourself you treat yourself as such. The way back from this is from outward actions too. This month you’ll start prioritizing having a put together bedroom, aesthetically pleasing desk and thought-out hairstyles, makeup and outfits. Healing feminine energy will be truly empowering for you. Look into that! When you act confident you start gaining back your power, truly believing and feeling worthy and divine.
Don’t deny it, there’s a lot you could do in your situation. There’s absolutely no point in sitting in your despair, hoarding sadness, feeling pathetic. Literally no one else cares, no one will come feeling sorry for you and no one but yourself can save you. Be known for having built yourself up or are you envisioning yourself in the same pile of pity years from now, only more bitter? If you can change it, stop whining and change. If you can’t, then there’s no point in whining either, it’s out of your control. But be honest.
Back to what you can do. What is it that creates a spark in you? Even the smallest of desires to get yourself together. For example late at night on pinterest or the right tiktok hitting the spot, maybe the right friend or seeing what your interests can accomplish. Journaling, vision boards, meditating, working out, waking up early, podcasts. Gather everything that sparks the motivation to start something, change sth about yourself, chase your dreams and such. Use these things to your advantage, learn what helps your mind to stay focused, body to stay healthy. Learning about the way you can motivate yourself with your actions, you’ll trick your brain into being more confident as the brain changes everyday according to your surroundings. I do recommend notion for putting down your plan to renew yourself, music, habits, dreams, routines etc. This month you’ll be in your element and succeed babe. Love the process, love yourself, you are so goddamn worthy of living as you desire. You are divine as fuck, you lack nothing!
pile 2
A long period came to an end. School term, finals, relationship, friendship, lease on sth or a project? Even though it’s over, rather than being grateful, glad, you visit the situation and feel a bit guilty, uncertain, could you have changed the outcome, said/done it better or been more present? Yeah, no, stop, it’s useless. Maybe you could have, how about that? Nothing to do about it anyways. Find peace for yourself human! You are in the now, it is certain that storm is over and be glad.
MOVING ON. Too much overthinking, man, this time about the future. You are tiring your mind, so much is going on, like the 13 open tabs and there’s music, screaming, a random question about lemurs and existensialism video essays. A lot of escapism, wishing someone would make the decisions for you or being far away from here, doing nothing. No no no. You can’t give away your oppurtunities and potential, you’ll learn a lot from this. You are destined for greatness. I’ll be honest this month there are a few days of feeling shitty but it’s in your control and nothing you couldn’t deal with. Also nothing you haven’t done before so this may be a reoccurring lesson. Main question is, how tf to sustain yourself? In healthy-ish coping mechanisms please. Learn to find something stable in your life that doesn’t fall apart if everything else does.
Main focus this month is about concious progress, intentional advancements. Things will get better, you’ll keep pushing forward, along with much success and enjoyment. You can shape your career, hobbies, plans in according to your own timetable, if you make the needed choices. In this upcoming period you need to be grounded and ready to jump at oppurtunities. You are ambitious, career-driven, but a step back does not kill you. It’s actually essential to sustain yourself. Your brain is a resource, for too long you have used it only for work, being in survival mode, resulting in feeling drained out of power.
I know how hard it is, but take a break, several breaks, a vacation even. Learn to do nothing more than just exist for once. Loving yourself for you, not just for your work validation. That’s also something you should tak einto consideration this month. Separating yourself from performance statistics in your job. If you give it so much control it can really eat you up and destroy you. But you are more than that, am I right? I bloody am, you are an amazing person. Reconnect with yourself, with more humanity. Get rid of the need to be perfect. You really don't need to. Truly okay if you couldn't do your best, or just didn't. It's okay.
Being mentally ready, feeling present and being truly glad to wake up to experience the world is pretty awesome. You’ll be ready for anything then. Love you for you!!! Kisses and hugs, muah :)
pile 3
Right away, when starting this pile I was full of the feeling YOLO, let’s do it :D. Spring is coming. Oh the cards made me smile right away. Attracting like a rose, receiveing abundance, you have a right to your joy. Screamiiiiing in joy. I’m obsessed. You have noticed how easily you manifest, right? The little things just flow to you. This is your time: vision boards, letters, writing down your wishes, affirmations, being grateful. You’ll receive everything you manifest right now.
Fall into the mystery, when you receive oppurtunities take them. Your manifestations come in different forms, what you might gain may be hidden but you will receive what you desire for sure. If an offer sparks feelings in you, the ,,what if ;)” type. DO IT! It’s your soul calling. If you want to advance creativity, learn new skills or gain a little money, you might do it in a different way you anticipated. I sense some workshops or little jobs, it might not be exactly what you thought about when manifesting but it’s like such a cute opportunity to also take some time off. It will be easy and safe to you, in a good way. Your boss or the manager and colleagues will be such great people, you’ll gain so many connections. I hear some teamwork is in order. I feel you will be receiving abundance in the form of what your inner child loved to do. You’ll be connecting to that forgotten side of yourself. I think you are aware of the hobby, but forgotten the potential of it, the joys it can bring you. This can turn out to be first of all an amazing way to connect to yourself, but also a way to gain mental well-being and little side cash. It will offer emotional and physical things, like the joy of creating art and having paintings in your home or selling prints on internet.
I just need to put this out there that it will be something you can connect over with your future significant other too. This shared joy for a hobby is truly pure, healing and sweet. You may even meet through this. Yep they are amazing, but don’t take your focus on romantic validation, you know better. There’s this beautiful saying. If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. If you spend your time making a beautiful garden the butterflies will come to you. And if they don't come, then you still have the beautiful garden.
pile 4
I started the reading with bits of confusion and come clumsiness but in a free nonjudgemental chill way if that makes sense? Pfft oops:D anyways … You are the essence of confidence, self acceptance, at least you are perceived that way. You know your needs, you don’t resist when you need a break, you ask and you receive. Great standards, others must accept you like u do. Just like it should be. I am enchanted by your energy and I’m not the only one. This month you’ll keep on shining like you are, taking it to another level. Others will be greatly motivated by your ability to be in total control of your life, caring for your wishes and needs with trust. Main focus this month is advancing your everyday things: style may be the most prominent, also smaller things like a new type of go-to food or coffee you swear by. You’ll have great luck in finding new items for your wardrobe and new ingredients for recipes. So saying yes to going thrifting or buying mysterious exciting things will be rewarding.
Traveling to a neighboring city or country most likely alone. A great refreshment for you. I see you safely wandering in the evening, finding cool bars, cafes, museums, talking and hanging out with strangers but essentially making new friends and learning about people. This is something that really interests you, finding out about different subjects, talking to strangers, learning about different opinions and world views. At the same time, you will also develop your own hobby, photography or filmmaking, writing or doing remote work.
So to sum up, this month is about great curiosity, travelling, charming, communication with new people, developing your style and pursuing a hobby. Life is a grand adventure!
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inourtownofhawkins · 1 year
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Summary: You and Eddie finally move in together.
Author’s note: Finally, some fluff lol
CW: Some sex references, mostly just fluff, Cheerscoops reference if you squint
Word count: 740
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
Contrary to popular belief, you and Eddie never formally decided to move in together, you’d never had the conversation of “let’s see if we can move in together”. In reality, you had come over to Eddie’s apartment one night to cook dinner with him and watch a movie and then you seemingly just never left, not that Eddie really minded.
Although you did split your time between your own shared house with Eddie’s apartment, it became clear as the months went on that you would rather just stay at Eddie’s to get out of the shared house. There wasn’t any bad blood between you and your housemates, they were old school friends of yours after all. But the main problem was privacy.
Whenever you and Eddie would try to have a movie night or even try to get it on in your room, one of your housemates – usually Robin – would storm in and ask to borrow something or just annoy you. As much as you loved Robin and Chrissy as housemates, you knew you wanted your own space, and you wouldn’t be able to find it with them in the house.
Thankfully, your job wasn’t a big issue for you as you were able to work remotely as a freelance reporter; but dealing with Robin being Robin and Chrissy and Steve acting like loved-up teenagers, you found working at home a rather stressful affair.
While staying at Eddie’s you could actually get work done, when you two weren’t constantly making out, that is. But you soon slipped into a routine; you would be awake for when Eddie left for work to make him coffee and kiss him before he went, before going back to bed for a few hours to sleep, then you would work in his kitchen and wait for him to come home so you could cook dinner together and settle down for some video games or a movie before bed.
By the time your lease was up in your shared house, you almost instantly told your landlord that you were moving out and signed a new lease with Eddie’s apartment. And that was that.
The day you formally moved in and signed the necessary paperwork, Eddie had baked you a cake. At least, he told you he did, but you could tell from the plastic container in the trash that he’d bought it. Not that you minded, of course. You knew Eddie couldn’t bake to save his life and the last time he did, he almost set fire to the shared kitchen and the smell of burnt chocolate lingered in there for several days afterwards. Because who knew you shouldn’t put a plastic bowl in a microwave to melt chocolate?
The cake itself was simple; double chocolate with caramel buttercream with “Welcome home, Sweetheart” written on the top in cute white icing. Even though Eddie hadn’t baked it himself, you still loved the thought that had gone into getting it for you.
After eating a stupid amount of cake, you and Eddie relaxed with a movie. Well, after squabbling like children for over an hour over which movie. You had wanted to watch Love Actually, and Eddie had wanted to watch Final Destination. You’d tried to settle it reasonably at first by negotiating like adults, promising to do each other’s household chores for a week and buying takeout but when negotiations fell through, you’d resulted in a good old fashioned food fight with the remainder of the cake and whatever else you two could get your hands on from the fridge.
You came out victorious, even after being rugby tackled to the floor by Eddie to avoid getting whipped cream in his hair.
Once you’d both taken a long shower and cleaned up as much of the apartment as they could, you flopped onto the couch to watch the movie, Eddie, naturally, giving commentary the entire way, much to the delight and slight annoyance of you.
By the time the movie ended, you’d had fallen asleep on the couch. Eddie looked down at you cuddled into him, a faint smile coming onto his lips as he played with your hair a little. He slowly got up from the couch, being as quiet as possible as he turned off the lights and the TV before turning back to your still sleeping form.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he whispered as he gently picked you up. “Let’s get you to bed.”
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Everything the Light Touches (18+) - Chapter One
Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader
chapter warning: language, alcohol/drinking
a/n: here it is folks! first chapter of Everything the Light Touches, a Bucky Barnes x reader mafia fic! Hope y’all enjoy it, and remember if you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know in the comments or send me a message!
Series Masterlist
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Manhattan. The city that never sleeps. The city that you once called home. Ten years ago when you left for college in California you swore you’d never come back. You were only eighteen but you’d experienced heartache far beyond your years. You told your parents that if they wanted to see you, they had to make the trip across the country to do so. So for the last ten years you’d seen your parents over a multitude of different video chat platforms and at least once a year. Usually Christmas. It’s been so long since you’ve been back that you almost forgot why you left in the first place. Almost. 
Tony Stark is the reason you’re here now. The reason you dared step foot back in Manhattan a decade later at twenty-eight years old. You started working for Stark Industries out of Malibu, starting as a personal assistant, basically running coffee orders and dry cleaning, to Pepper Potts and eventually you worked up to the level of Executive Assistant to the CEO of Stark Industries as you made your way through law school. Pepper was in place as acting CEO of the company but Tony still pulled all the major strings. And that meant that a part of you still had to listen to Tony. It didn’t help that Tony and Pepper had practically taken you in as their own kid, a fact that made you feel closer to them than your own parents at times. Which is how you ended up here. 
When Pepper called you into her office six months ago and told you that she’d be moving back to New York to work in the Stark Industries headquarters there and that she and Tony had been very impressed with your work ethic and wanted to take you on permanently as the new legal consultant for the company following your Bar results. A part of you hesitated when you heard the only stipulation was that you would have to move back to the city. You tried to ask Pepper if you could work out of the Malibu office and fly to the city whenever they needed you, you all would have the money and the means to do it, but she insisted that she needed you by her side as Tony started putting his dreams of expanding the scope of his business to paper. 
You thought about it long and hard. It wasn’t a decision you could make lightly, knowing your history in New York, and the uncertainty that lined your stomach as you thought about all the ways the city you once had loved and called home had possibly changed. But eventually you gave in. You hadn’t gone to school for corporate law just to turn down the biggest and brightest job opportunity that would ever fall into your lap. So you said yes. You contacted your landlord and talked your way into the termination of your lease, agreeing to pay an extra months worth of rent but that was it. You said goodbye to your friends that you had met and become close with these last ten years and promised to visit whenever you could. Your closest friend Wanda squeezed you tight and made you promise to call whenever you had the chance and to FaceTime her when you got into town. She’d never been to New York and you told her you’d fly her and the boys out to visit you whenever you could. Wanda had married Jarvis within a year of you introducing the two of them at one of Tony’s parties. Not long after came the twins Billy and Tommy, your nephews for all intents and purposes. As a single child you knew that they were closest you’d probably get.
While you didn’t FaceTime Wanda the second you reached the city you did send her a few pictures as you took a taxi to the apartment that you’d been able to set up while packing up your life on the other side of the country. Your parents had been upset when you told them that you were moving back home but were not moving back in with them. They almost flat out refused to accept it until you reminded them that you’d spent ten years on your own and that you didn’t need their help. They relented at that, shrank back almost as if you’d burned them, but there was no malicious intent in your words, just truth. So they offered to help a little bit and to look around for some apartments and send you pictures before you moved in. You met with the landlord, picked up the keys and rode the elevator up to the apartment. It was a nice place, good views on the city and spacious enough for one person without selling your vital organs on the black market. The movers were still traversing the country but they’d promised to be there tomorrow morning bright and early ready to unpack ten years of memories and place them into a place where they didn’t quite fit.
You made one concession in your move. You promised your parents that you would stay with them tonight. Tony and Pepper had offered you to sleep in their guest room while you awaited your furniture but you knew that would hurt your parents more than you wanted. So after dropping off one of your suitcases of clothes, you took the other and hailed another cab to your parents place. You could have called their driver, Jack, but you just needed a little time alone, without a familiar face, before dealing with your parents on their turf.
You came from good money. Your parents weren’t poor but they definitely weren’t as rich as Tony. They had money to give you a comfortable life, a private school education and a car when you turned sixteen in a city where that was not only unnecessary but pretty unfeasible as far as parking was concerned. You drove that car across the country for college and drove it into the ground until you decided to buy a new one. You tried your best not to rely on your parents’ money. You saved so much money working in college and while you were in law school working for Tony that you didn’t exactly need to depend on your parents. And after the salary that Tony and Pepper had promised you, you could practically feel the pride growing in your stomach that you wouldn’t need to be fiscally reliant on your parents ever again.
When the cab pulled up at your parents house you could practically feel your heart digging its way into your stomach. It hadn’t changed at all. Granted it was a little difficult to change a townhouse in the middle of Manhattan but you brushed that thought aside, thanked the cabby and walked up to your childhood home. The minute the door opened it was like walking into a memory. To the left was the living room with the same couch that you’d had your first kiss on, the memory bringing a tingle to your lips. You knew if you went up the stairs you’d probably find either a time capsule or a shrine in what used to be your room. Your mother was nothing if not dramatic and when you left for college and stated you were never coming back, she didn’t take it that well.
Ten Years Ago
“You can cry all you want, I’m not coming back here. I’m moving to California, I’m going to school and I am going to become a lawyer and I will never set foot in this godforsaken city ever again!” You knew your cries and threats were good, albeit a little dramatic, and your mother did too. The hurt you’d been through in the last few months had felt like someone had ripped your heart from your chest, stabbed it multiple times, and then tried to stuff it back in, not caring if it hurt you in the first place.
“Sweetheart he’s just a boy! Surely you’d want to come back and visit your family! You don’t have to see him, it’s a big cit-“ your mother started, practically begging you to stay, but your father interrupted her.
“Y/M/N this is for the best. She knows what she’s doing by going to the other side of the country. Let her. It might be the best thing for her,” your father had stated and you had flung yourself into his arms thanking him with every breath you could muster. 
He was right. You had made up your mind. You’d made up your mind the second HE stopped answering your phone calls. And your texts. When HE stopped coming around to visit you just because. When HE missed your anniversary. And your 18th birthday. And your high school graduation. When Bucky Barnes practically disappeared into thin air on an island that is simultaneously too large and too fucking small. Ghosting you and the decade long relationship the two of you had built. So you thought it best that you leave. Leave the place that held the memories of every touch, every laugh, every kiss he had ever placed upon you. And so, you did.
You liked to think of your time in California as a reinvention of yourself. You made new friends and tried your best to forget about the ones you had left behind. In the beginning you’d occasionally find yourself stalking his social media, or the social media of any of your other mutual friends that might just prove that he was okay. But they were all locked up tight. When Bucky ghosted you it seemed all your mutuals had as well. Steve and Natasha had gone so far as to block your number and your socials, Sam had just unfriended you. The betrayal hurt, especially Steve’s. You, Steve and Bucky had grown up together. You went to the same school, your parents were of the same social class and you just clicked, despite the boys being a year older and grade above you. 
The trouble started when you entered second grade. For the first time in your entire school career, the three of you had the same recess period. And when one of the boys in your grade decided to pull your ponytail and throw your bow into the mud, Steve and Bucky couldn’t, nay wouldn’t, take that. The kid mysteriously ended up with a black eye and a lifelong friendship had begun, or so you’d thought. When tyou hit high school, you and Bucky started to flirt. Steve hated it, said he hated being the third wheel all the time. But it wasn’t until you turned sixteen that you and Bucky decided to see if you could be anything more.
Bucky Barnes was your first everything. The first hand you ever held. The first boy you ever kissed. The first person to ever truly love you. Or so you thought. When the texts stopped coming. And the phone calls started being sent to voicemail, eventually you received an answer from a robotic voice on the other end saying the dreaded “we’re sorry but the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected or changed.” And all your so-called friends just ignored you, that’s when you knew it wasn’t love. It was foolishness. You’d been fooled by the pretty face that was Bucky Barnes and you promised that you would never be fooled by it again. 
“I can’t believe my eyes! Is that my sweet girl standing in my foyer for the first time in a decade!” Your mother practically bubbled over with excitement as she hurried down the stairs to pull you into a hug. While your relationship with your parents had been strained over the last ten years, there was a part of you that always appreciated the love and light that only your mother could give you.
“I hope you’re hungry, I got your favorite ordered for dinner as a welcome home treat! Your father will be home soo-,” she started but in true Y/F/N fashion the front door opened at that very moment to reveal him.
He looked more tired than when you’d seen him at Christmas. More harrowed, older. You obviously knew that time hadn’t just frozen because you’d left home but he definitely wasn’t the younger man you’d left standing on the front steps as you drove off to college ten years ago. He hadn’t looked up yet, staring intently at something on his phone before speaking. “Y/M/N, I saw a cab just pull off a minute ago, is Y/N here yet?”
“Why don’t you pull your head out of that infernal technology and look up dear?” 
Your fathers eyes were on you in a minute, softening and showing a bit more of the man that you once knew.
“Hey, dad. Miss me?”
He moved fast, pulling you into a hug with a squeeze that could have choked you had you not been preparing for it like you’d been doing all your life. “It’s good to see you, sweet pea,” he whispered in your ear before pulling back to get a better look at you.
“You’re too thin! What were they feeding you in California, nothing but tofu and wheat germ I’m sure,” your mother took you by the arm and led you to the dining room, chattering on about how you obviously weren’t getting a proper nutrition on the West Coast but that she would make sure that changed here. You drowned her out just a little, you’d become a pro of that in your pre-teen and teen years, never truly wanting to listen to your mother telling you that your friends, no matter how well connected, were never truly good enough.
Dinner was like nothing had ever changed. Your father sat at the head of the table, your mother to his right and you to his left, as you talked about your flight, and packing, and what time the movers were going to be in town the next day. Your father asked about your work schedule and your plans for the next few weeks, while your mother told you about her best friends’ son and how he just became a member of the state Senate, it was beginning to become a little overwhelming. You’d barely been in the city for a day and your mother was already trying to set you up on a blind date. You took your deep breaths like you’d practiced and did your best to tune her out for the rest of dinner. 
As the evening drifted on and your mother swore more and more that Liam was ‘just the sweetest’ and the ‘cutest thing since they started mixing poodles into all the dog breeds’ you’d had enough. You expressed your interest to check out the city and see what had changed. Your mother had almost refused until she realized that you didn’t live there anymore. You were a 28 year old with your own apartment, your own job, your own car, and you didn’t need to listen to her. You were doing her a favor by staying in her house tonight. So she let you go, so long as you promised not to be out too late and to let her know when you were coming home. 
You considered that a win. You promised her that you were just going to try and find a bar for a drink or two and that you wouldn’t stay out too late. Your father murmured something in your ear about being careful, that the city wasn’t the same as what you’d left, but you just waved his warning off and heading down the steady darkening streets of Manhattan until you stumbled upon a club you remembered all too well. A club that was bound to force you into a trip down memory lane if you walked in its doors. The irony of being legally allowed into The Underworld now as an adult, and not having to sneak past the bouncers trying to keep underaged, up-to-no-good teenagers out, wasn’t lost on you. So you mustered up your courage and approached the tall blonde man built like a damn grizzly bear out front and flashed him your ID before being granted access to one of the best clubs in the city.
The club looked a little different than you remembered. As if the owners had finally pulled it into the twenty-first century. The bar was glass and the lights were dimmed just so that everyone in the room was cast in shadow. Lights flashed on the crowded dance floor and a roped-off section surrounded by sheer curtains just up the stairs, where you knew the VIP lounge once stood, remained virtually untouched. You could bet that if you went up there now you’d be able to see everything going on in the club, but nobody would be able to look in. 
Bucky snuck you in here a couple of times. Specifically to the VIP section during the day when you were supposed to be in school or super late at night when you were supposed to be in bed. The thrill of possibly being caught always made the time you spent here more fun. The memories playing on repeat in your mind caused your heart to sting just a little. You’d always joked with Bucky that he needed to stop carting you off to The Underworld whenever he felt like it, it was becoming a little too similar to Greek mythology. He just laughed it off.
You did your best to push away the unwarranted memories, and began to make new ones in their place. You ordered a drink at the bar, shot it back, and then ordered a second before making your way to the already crowded dance floor. You let your inhibitions free for just a moment, losing yourself in the music as you swayed back and forth, until a pair of strong hands attached themselves to your waist, almost questioningly. You looked up and saw a cute guy, blonde with sparkling green eyes, silently asking you to dance with him. Shrugging, you turned back around and continued swaying your hips as he pulled you closer to him. The closeness lasted a minute, maybe two tops, before his body was being yanked away from you, his nails almost digging into your skin before he was unceremoniously shoved away. You turned around, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on and who the fuck had the audacity to remove your dance partner from you when the admonishment got stuck in your throat. Because after ten years of course this would happen. No matter how big Manhattan may seem, it never failed to remind you how small it truly was. As you took in the hulking brown haired, ocean eyed god before you with muscles for days you realized you’d made a mistake coming here.
Bucky Barnes stood before you with all the power of a god on earth. And you felt like you might finally face his wrath. 
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wyvchard · 1 month
You know, being legally dead brings some challenges most people don't usually think about.
It's pretty difficult to deal with, the paperwork. Seeing your loved ones grieve.
But… in the eyes of the law, you're pretty much a nonentity.
You don't exist.
Thankfully, they gave me a new identity… but…
That person's not me. The picture may look like me. But it's not me.
Imagine hearing your name be different, foreign. It's not like getting married where you found a new place to belong in and change your name accordingly. You would have a household to build up with someone. Or being adopted to a new family where you know belong somewhere, to someone or a group. No.
You're practically a stranger in the land you grew up in.
You can't ever acknowledge the fact you relate to those who never left your sleepy hometown or bustling city. But also, you're too frequently moving about to the point you no longer connect to the sights in your eyes when you're racing against the clock. You don't have time for that.
Not when the world could be taken over or destroyed if you mess a few things up.
You're invisible and gone. Nothing. No trace of you. You're a ghost in the world you try so hard to protect.
And what do you get in return?
Just death and a chance you live to the next few days. It's not even certain you'll live to see your next sunrise.
He gave me the keys to my apartment. The old one. Not the one where I was attacked by those robotic hornets.
There's no point to it. It's most likely been leased to someone else. Someone alive.
I have to rely on them in order to make sure I have a place to stay in. They have kept their end of the agreement but…
The sight of my old keys with the faded keychains just sting. The plastic keychain had been stained with tiny scratches, reminding me on how much I loved the place. It was home.
It's merely a reminder that I'm practically a ghost now. A key without a lock to belong to.
I can't even go to people I consider companions, family. I'm dead and it could put them in danger if I come to them. I mean, it would leak some things I would rather keep buried with me.
They really should have given me my stuff back at the van. Then again, it would have been too heavy. And it would tip Zoraxis off that I survived. It was an easy sell for the agency.
But it was not easy for me.
That time I got my ocular implant, things just hit me all at once. I can't even trust them to keep me safe. Robotic hornets nearly stung me to death if I hadn't acted quickly. They didn't even check if they would bring me somewhere safe. What if something went wrong with my vision? There were so many possibilities that could have gotten me killed and I was mostly left alone to deal with it.
They just don't care, do they?
When I put the keys to the door of my original apartment, I took a pause as it entered inside the lock and came back with a satisfying click. They didn't change the locks.
I arrived a winter wonderland of dust when I opened the door, suppressing a cough in case any other person hears. The apartment was abandoned for a long time, maybe since the day I 'died'.
I opened the nearest window and began to clean after I shut the door behind me. Telekinesis is useful in that regard, it's like a second pair of hands to help you. It can help you reach places you normally couldn't without it, like a helper.
But I'm alone in here, no one to talk to or ease the labor. I've been alone ever since I joined them, haven't I?
All I had was a voice in my ear who derides me constantly, mocking at my habits even as I did the job right, as my companion. I appreciate his professionalism towards my silence but...
I'm only someone expendable in his eyes. In the agency's eyes.
They took away my choices to walk away in this life. There's nowhere else to go. They're the only ones who know I still exist and who will shelter me.
Everything was as I left it, the pens I left on the holder where I filed the paperwork after missions, where I wrote my last letters to everyone when I was convinced I was going to die. Yet, it was desolate even after the dust was removed, the ink dried up and no longer able to write-to do its purpose. It's better off disposed of.
Just like me.
I cautiously tried on the radio and heard broadcasts of John Juniper, of people asking if he was coerced into this. They couldn't believe the actor they beloved would do something like this. The static from the breaking radio hazed my mind as several bags of unusable stuff filled up the entrance.
I was shaking when I managed to throw away all of them, fully knowing that they would no longer be useful.
Saying "I'm dead" and trying to accept it seems easy, but not when the proofs of your existence is left abandoned and disposed off right in front of you, reminding you that you're left with nothing.
By the time I managed to arrive to the control point, it had been a week since Juniper's downfall.
I doubt I'd ever see him again, might as well accept that he would probably think I'm dead.
I have to start all over again.
It doesn't matter. You weren't attached to him.
It's just that I have nowhere else to go.
It's time to reestablish communications and accept that I will most likely never see a life away from this one ever again.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 7 days
disregard this if jensen's breakdown is before he and bryce get pets- but do either corn/barry notice his decline in mood and start acting different in any way?
jensen has barry at this point (he is living alone until bryces lease is up) and he def notices. he's way more cuddly w jensen and generally active which helps to get jensen up even if it's just to clean up a cup he knocked over
not overloading you w too much detail here, jensen ends up leaving boston for a couple days which means bryce has to come over and feed barry. jensen gives him no context, just says he's going out of town, and up and leaves. bryce had been super busy getting ready for boards so he didn't really question it when jensen wasn't texting him, but he thought it was weird that he didn't answer when bryce asked him ab the argument w ethan (though jensen is notorious for not answering texts). so bryce was curious to go over to his place and it's a fucking wreck. jensens usually very clean and tidy but there's a pile of dishes and blankets all over the living room and clothes thrown all over his bed
and barry WONT leave bryce alone. barry usually couldn't care less if bryce is there, but he's all over his feet and meowing at him (and it's not bc he's hungry). barry had nested himself in a pile of jensens clothes and bryce could tell something was off thanks to barry
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charsau · 1 year
Cheap End of Lease Cleaning | chars.com.au
If you're renting a property in Canberra, you're legally required to clean it before handing over the keys. This is known as cheap end of lease cleaning Canberra, and it's important to get your house looking pristine so you can get your bond money back.
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It can be a stressful time when you're moving out of your home, but hiring a professional cleaner can help reduce stress and ensure the job is done right. We've rounded up some of the best end of lease cleaning services in Canberra to help you get the job done right.
Get a Quote
If you’re planning on moving out, you’ll need to hire professional end of lease cleaning services to get your property ready for the new tenants. This is especially true if you want to get your bond back.
Getting a quote is the first step in finding the best end of lease cleaner for your needs. You’ll also want to check out their reviews and experience.
You should choose an end of lease cleaning service that’s reliable and takes pride in their work. A good end of lease cleaning service will turn up when they say they will, work efficiently and be available to answer questions promptly.
You can also ask for a money-back guarantee to reassure you that they will deliver a top-quality clean. The best end of lease cleaners will also use high-tech equipment and methods to ensure your premises are sparkling.
Check Reviews
When you are moving out of a rental property, it can be overwhelming. You need to find a new place to live, get rid of your furniture and belongings, change your address on all your bills, and most importantly, clean the property up before you hand the keys over.
When hiring an end of lease cleaner, it’s important to check their ratings and reviews online. A good end of lease cleaner will be able to meet all your requirements and will be easy to work with.
A good end of lease cleaner will also offer a money back guarantee if they don’t clean your property to the standards that you want. This will help you to feel confident that they will give you a quality clean and that your property is going to be ready for inspection.
Having a professional end of lease cleaner come in and do all the cleaning is a great way to free up time for you to take care of other things that need to be done before handing over your home. These include carpet cleaning, pest control, and outdoor cleaning.
Check Insurance
Vacating your house can be a stressful time. It includes searching for a new house, arranging to move out and moving your belongings, as well as cleaning up before handing back the property to your landlord.
There are a few key aspects that can help you find a good cleaner, including checking their insurance and coverage. Check to see whether they’re insured against theft, fire and damage.
Also, check to see if they offer a money-back guarantee in the event that their services don’t meet your expectations. This is a great way to ensure you’re getting the best deal for your end of lease cleaning needs.
PTCS is one of the most popular and reputable cleaners in Canberra, having been in business since 2010. They’re known for their eco-friendly cleaning solutions and quality equipment. Plus, they have staff who are police checked and fully insured. Using the latest in cleaning technology, they’ll make your house look as good as new!
Check Experience
There are many cleaning services in Canberra, but it is important to find a reliable and trustworthy cleaner who will get the job done. They should have a high work ethic, be punctual, and pay attention to detail.
They should also have experience in end of lease carpet cleaning Canberra. This is a special type of cleaning that requires a lot more skill and effort than regular house cleaning.
A good cleaner will have several years of experience and be highly skilled at cleaning. They won’t take shortcuts and will be able to identify issues that need attention.
They should also have a money-back guarantee, which is a great way to ensure that you get a quality clean. It is also important to look for a company that offers additional services such as carpet steam cleaning, rubbish removal, and odour management.
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masterwords · 1 year
I've got a fluff request! Jack asking Hotch if Derek's going to live with them. So he isn't alone in bed, cause Haley and him are separated.
Two stories in one day? Must be the end of the year push to get to a nice even word count! My goal was 475k and I'm inching toward it little by little...so here, have about 2.3k words of SHOPPING. Pure fluff with a dash of angst, some Hotch & Dave best buddies time because it's been a while since I've written Dave. This story was inspired by how very confused Hotch's apartment decor is and how there is no other explanation outside of depression and allowing a toddler to take charge. Set in a vague post-divorce but pre-Foyet time when he still has some dim hope that his life will get better.
****** you worry too much******
Hotch's apartment was new. It smelled like fresh paint and chemical carpet cleaners. More than just professionally cleaned, the place had been torn out down to the studs and remodeled along with half of the building. Even some of the pipes were new, a treat the landlord impressed upon him many times when he'd toured the place. The cabinets came sealed with tape, proving that they'd been installed brand new, and the stacked washer/dryer combo still had the user manual taped to the front. Everything in the place was muted, Earth tones, beige and brown and cream and other shades of boring. He'd toured a number of places, including every single apartment recommended to him by his team. One was down the street from Penelope, but it was only a one bedroom, and if he had any hope of having Jack come and stay with him, he would need two. There was an opening in Emily's building but no one else there had children, most of the tenants were young and hip, not the type of place he saw himself living at this state of his life. Finally, he found this place, a building filled primarily with tenants at least as old as his parents, very few younger than retirement age, and just two blocks down was a quaint little park that he could walk to with Jack. It was a far cry from his beautiful home in Alexandria, but it suited his needs and it fit easily into the budget he'd set for himself. The muted walls were calm and boring, they made him feel nothing.
He liked that part. He'd never been fond of Haley's painted walls, the whims on which she'd acted in turning their dining room red or their bedroom blue. He preferred neutrals. But this felt almost clinical and it only served to bolster his already uncontrolled depression.
The first night in his new place, he'd cried. Not for any reason he could pinpoint either, just the finality of it. The lease signed with only his name, the quiet absence of life outside of his own barely beating heart, the noise of the neighbors next door talking quietly. The walls were thin, though his landlord assured him that once he had furniture inside it would cease to be quite so easy to hear his neighbors and they him. He rarely made noise, though. Quiet as a mouse, save for the crying he was doing as he sat on the couch with his grocery store pre-made salad and his plastic fork. He hadn't done much of it since he'd moved out of Haley's. A night or two with Dave at his place, a few nights in a hotel, and then there was Derek there to catch him when he fell and hold onto him until he found a place to call his own.
Now he'd had it for a couple of months but had done nothing with it. He'd been spending so many nights at Derek's that he'd almost forgotten he had a place of his own. But Haley insisted that as nice as Derek's house was and as kind as it was that Derek set up the spare room for Jack, the kid needed his father to be stable and that included having a place of his own.
“You wanna go do some shopping?” He needed plates, cups, bowls, pots, pans...really, he needed everything. Bedding, pictures, an entire bedroom set for Jack. He needed to buy a new life, because he'd left the old one in Haley's care. She'd insisted he take the couch and mattress from storage, and for now that was all he had in his entire place. One queen sized mattress on the floor of his bedroom and one rumpled old gray couch that made the trek with them back from Seattle because Haley insisted they might want it someday. He wondered if this was what she'd envisioned when she talked him into keeping it.
“YEAH!” Shopping was always an easy request. Hotch didn't care for it, but as he stood and looked around his apartment and thought about the way Haley had been hesitant to even leave Jack there, he knew it was high time. The couch and the frozen dinners were fine for him, but she was right. Jack needed to see that he was doing alright, and that would start with where he lived. Not where Derek lived.
The mall was busy. Too busy for his taste and he held a little too tight to his son's hand to keep him close. “Why the mall?” Dave asked, approaching the two of them with coffees in hand. Hotch hadn't exactly asked for Dave's help, but he hadn't turned it down either. The coffee was a nice bonus.
“I figured we could get it all done in one stop.”
Hotch could feel the sarcasm from where he stood, and as he looked around at the sheer number of people traveling from store to store he wasn't feeling great about his decision. Their first stop was a home goods store that had plenty of trendy decorating schemes to choose from, whole entire display rooms he could purchase and not have to think even a little.
Jack hated all of it. “BOATS!” he squealed, pointing at a display wall of paintings. There were several different types of boats in thick ornate frames, and Jack stared at them with adoring eyes.
“What about them?” Hotch asked, crouching to speak with his son. He wasn't sure he had an aesthetic, necessarily, but of all things he thought boats would come low on the list.
“Like the ones at the beach!” Ah, yes. The boats at his family's beach home, of course. Jack had spent as many holidays there as time had allowed in his short life, and he'd developed quite a love for sitting on the end of the dock watching boats sail by. Hotch sighed.
“You think I need boat paintings?” Jack nodded, and that was it. He couldn't say no, even when Dave wondered aloud about the more abstract paintings, something a little more subtle.
“BOATS!” And Jack pointed at each painting he wanted, and that was it. Settled. Later he would add some knights, a key, some beautiful polished rocks for bookends...his car was filled with a scattered mix of random items and Dave was absolutely beside himself.
“Aaron,” Dave said quietly as he helped load the last of the paintings into the car. “I don't mean to be rude here, but you're a very eligible bachelor now. What kind of message does this décor scheme send to your dates? You bring a lady home, she walks inside and she sees...” he indicated the absurd spread in the back of the car with more than a little of that typical sarcasm. Hotch chuckled.
“I believe the message it sends is that I'm a sad, recent divorcee who doesn't know the first thing about decorating a home and let his toddler do it.”
“Going for the honest route, huh?”
“It's all I've got, Dave.”
“We can make it work. I say we go to Pottery Barn for Jack's bedding, but for you...you'll need to splurge. I insist. And I know just the place.”
Try as Dave might to get Jack to settle on one theme for his bedroom, the kid was predictably all over the place. Knights in shining armor, dinosaurs, sports motifs, a little of everything. Hotch didn't try to sway him, this divorce had been hard enough on all of them, the last thing he wanted to do was create a bedroom that Jack wouldn't want to sleep in. If the kid wanted it to be a wild mixture then so be it. Thinking back to his own childhood bedroom with its sparse white walls and dark wood trim, his neatly made bed, he thought this couldn't be anything but an upgrade. A bedroom that felt comfortable, that let him express who he was and how he felt, a bedroom that could get a little messy during play...it was one small thing he could do to ensure that Jack had it better than he ever did, in spite of his many shortcomings.
Their final stop was an upscale boutique, Dave's just the place. Hotch would never have even looked twice at the shop and here he was walking right into it with the intent to buy something he'd rather forget entirely. “Dave,” he pleaded when his friend held up a gaudy duvet in a pattern he could barely bring himself to look at for long. “That isn't me.”
“Okay, okay, here how about this one...” he pulled up a simple navy blue, rich and dark, luxurious. He ran his hand over the too soft fabric, the delicate way it almost felt like velvet but not quite. “Yeah. You like this one.”
“I do,” he said a little reverently before snapping out of it. “But Dave, I almost never sleep in my bed. This feels a little frivolous for something I would rarely use.”
“It's bedding, Aaron.” The implication that it was a necessity, that it wasn't a new toy, struck Hotch as a little off the mark. He hardly slept in his apartment, and even less did he sleep in his bed. More often he fell asleep at his desk or on the couch, somewhere that wasn't so wide open, somewhere that didn't quite showcase exactly how lonely he was.
And when he shared a bed, he did that at Derek's house. A place that was far and away more comfortable, better decorated, more livable than his own. Dave didn't know that, though.
He leveled his glare at Dave and ultimately gave in. “Fine.”
The sheets Dave pulled to go with it, bright white, had a higher thread count than Hotch knew what to do with. This was the stuff he would expect from a high end hotel, not for his home. But he allowed it because arguing with Dave was a lost cause, and it was either that or explain to Dave his very precarious situation with Derek. A situation they were both very keen on keeping under wraps, at least for a while longer. His divorce was barely final, and sure he'd been separated from Haley for a long time and things were more than settled, but it still felt like they were walking through a minefield. Haley had a boyfriend, too, it wasn't out of the question, and they were both doing their best to ease Jack into this new thing slowly.
He liked Derek, though. Liked him a lot. The transition was going about as smoothly as it could. “Daddy!” Jack chirped, tugging on his jacket. “Is Derek gonna move in with you?!” He was eyeing the fancy sheets with some wild thought twirling around in his little mind. Hotch could see the gears shifting and turning over ideas for how great things would be if. Always if. Wouldn't it be fun if Derek lived with you daddy? Then we could go to the park all the time cos Derek loves to play! Chalk that up to Derek being more or less an overgrown child, he'd figured, and at that time the answer was a pretty solid no. And it still was, mostly, but this bedding he was paying a heavy price for felt like the kind of thing you wanted to share with someone special. He could picture lying there staring at the luxurious royal blue against Derek's skin, diving beneath it, curling around each other inside of it.
“Yes, Jack?” he asked, as if he hadn't heard the question. He avoided Dave's look entirely though he knew if he did glance his direction, the man's eyebrows would be meeting his hairline.
“Derek could move in with you and then you wouldn't be lonely in your bed anymore!”
“Derek has his own house,” Hotch reminded his son casually, still avoiding Dave's piercing glare. He could feel a flush rising hot beneath his collar as he reached out for the receipt. “Thank you.”
The drive back to the mall, to drop Dave off at his car, was silent and awkward until about halfway when Dave could no longer stand it. “Why would Derek move in with you?”
“You know children,” Hotch attempted around his parched tongue. His vision was going spotty and he gripped the wheel tighter, glad for a red light.
“I do. And I know your child, he's not one to fabricate elaborate stories. Shall I ask him?”
“He's asleep.”
That much was true, Jack had almost instantly fallen asleep the minute the car began moving. Shopping had worn him out. Hotch couldn't blame him, he wanted a nap too...he hadn't slept a wink the night before.
“Aaron. Are you and Derek fraternizing?”
The way Dave said that word made him laugh, he simply couldn't help it, and that relaxed the coiled muscles in his shoulders, it released the tension in his jaw. “I suppose you could say that.”
“How long?”
“A while. It's complicated, Dave.”
“Well, that I believe. Does Haley know?”
“Yes, she's aware. We're moving slowly, both of us, for Jack. He doesn't seem to mind any of it though. In many ways, Jack is better at all of this than we are.”
“Aaron, why didn't you say something? I called you an eligible bachelor earlier and you didn't even react. Did you think I wouldn't approve?”
Hotch licked his dry lips and pulled into a parking spot, letting the engine idle. “Nothing like that. We simply weren't ready to make anything known. We're taking things slowly. This situation comes with many challenges, with my family and our jobs. Contrary to what Jack seems to think, Derek will not be moving in with us anytime soon.”
“Are you happy?” Dave asked, finally, turning toward Hotch.
“Yes,” he answered quickly and with a soft smile. “Very.”
“Well, then. Mazel tov. He's going to love that new bedding of yours...”
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AITA for getting on my roommate about the dirty kitchen? (apologies for length)
so, we live in a decent sized 3 bedroom apartment, but with a tiny tiny kitchen. i’ve lived here for a year prior to him moving in. my friends moved out for a variety of reasons that didn’t have to do with me, and one reason my old roommate left is she is a baker and wanted to be able to bake properly in a larger than one-person sized kitchen.
i brought in two randoms from FB after interviewing and hanging out. one of them kinda duped me into believing he was cleaner than he is. he said repeatedly that he deep cleans monthly when we were first chatting, and he seemed like a sincere person. little did i know that either his mental health had deteriorated (which he told me it had) and prevented him from cleaning as he said he would, or he’s just not that clean. he constantly leaves bacon grease all over the kitchen, and i have turned on the electric stove to find grease burning on it, which is a Big Fucking Issue. i have to do his dishes and wipe up his crumbs and spills if i want to cook and he leaves my towels to get musty with water crumpled on the counter. he regularly throws things in the trash that can be recycled or composted, and today i found a metal can in the compost (??).
the other roommate i brought into the house has essentially stopped living with us shortly after moving in: partially from being in love with her boyfriend and spending time with him, but largely because of the state of the kitchen. it’s gross. both her and i currently work in kitchens and both of us have taken culinary classes (she has a degree in it) and a big part is learning how to clean up a food prep space.
i recently figured out that i have ocd, which often manifests in organization and cleanliness. i know i have issues with order and germs. but this isn’t that. i have to sometimes rewash his dishes because there’s grease on a pan or there’s shit (not literally) on a glass. i do have issues with doing all of my dishes sometimes as i have pretty sporadic but serious mental illness that kicks in at inopportune times, and i have a busy schedule that makes it hard to handwash dishes for 20 mins before i need to go. but i always communicate if there’s a notable amount of dishes or they’ve been there for over a day. we don’t have a dishwasher either which makes things extra hard.
a few months back, i finally yelled at him over it. before this, i’d made a lot of gentle reminder comments about timely doing dishes and being conscientious about the common spaces. yes, i shouldn’t have chosen to yell while he was stoned, but he is always stoned and i couldn’t deal with it anymore. my other roommate sent us texts in december bringing up cleanliness and how she is going to move out early because of it.
i’m tired of dealing with this so i’m moving out at the end of the lease in a few months but i just feel bad for how scared he is of me. my partner and friends have told me that he needs to be a little scared if it means he cleans up. i get very stressed out just being in there if he hasn’t cleaned up. i’ve used sharp tones with him repeatedly and feel like i’m acting like a parent. he’s said he’s afraid of me coming home to a messy kitchen.
tldr: gross kitchen courtesy of messy roommate. he’s scared of me because i get upset with him but he won’t clean up if i use a gentle reminder. aita for giving him a piece of my mind and reminding him to wipe up bacon grease on the reg? aita for getting on his case when i’m not a perfectly clean roommate either?
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spydoclovr69420 · 3 months
TIME TO SPEW OPINIONS (Companion Edition):
Rose was a great companion who worked really well with 9 and 10. Her personality really helped exaggerate the Doctor's sass and later his emo-ness as 10. She was super brave and very willing to act on her beliefs. (even standing up to the Doctor)
Martha was unfortunately overshadowed in the Doctor's mind by the loss of Rose (L) but she is a GREAT character who had strong opinions and wasn't afraid to tell the Doctor he was wrong or fucked up.
Donna was a great partner to the Doctor with their bickering back and forth. She would readily challenge him but would also play off of him with her own specializations (The calendar in The Doctor's Daughter, The planets in the stolen planet bits)
I have my own issues with Moffat's writing so I'll leave out things that I believe to be "Moffat Issues" and not individual character issues.
Amy was an interesting character who seemed to understand the Doctor more than some of the other companions. This, combined with the new lease on life that was the 11th Doctor really let Amy be both serious and goofy playing off of the silliness of the Doctor.
Rory felt like kind of a side note until he died the first time. When he came back he was a main character kind of guy. His main priority was always Amy, even when there was other things going on, and I REALLY like him.
River isn't really a companion, she's more of a side character. River feels like she was kind of shoehorned in to some of the Doctor's lore in earlier seasons, but by the time she arrived in the Capaldi era for the Christmas special it felt like she was actually someone that the Doctor would like. Before then it almost felt like she was just there for drama. Her appearance in Silence in the Library was interesting and made her character someone to be excited for, but her appearance in The Impossible Astronaut felt kinda of dramatic for me. (not that drama is a bad thing, just my preference) I'm not really a fan.
Clara... I've written essays on why I don't like Clara's character. I think she's well written, especially when we get into series 8 territory, but I also very much HATE her as a person. Her struggle with 11's regeneration is understandable, but the way she treats 12 hurts me a little bit. The 12th Doctor definitely doesn't help Clara's ego when he makes her choose things for the entire planet Earth (Kill the Moon) but by the time Dark Water rolls around her ego is so big it could have BEEN the moon. Spoilers BTW: Oops her boyfriend dies. She's like "OH, I have a time travelling friend I love and care about, he has nothing to do with anything related to this horrible thing that just happened to me so let's threaten to strand him on this planet forever if he doesn't help me undo an event that I already witnessed" What in her mind tells her to do this. I get it, you're mentally ill and grieving. I hate her. Not only did she think of the idea of stranding him on Earth to be fine, but she also TRIED. She tried to drug him and strand him. The idea that he was ok with that kind of put me off a bit. Him forgiving her aside, she also told him that anything Missy did ever was his fault, which is INSANE. I know Missy did some terrible shit to her boyfriend but Clara using this to guilt the Doctor into MURDERING Missy is insane. If she had a spine, she would have done it herself before he got in between them. Anyway I'm glad she died of her hubris. (I could go on)
Bill Potts is my scrungly and she was SO perfect for the 12th Doctor. Their conflict in Thin Ice really nailed down how different the Doctor is from their human companions and emphasized that he's not morally perfect all the time. His hands aren't clean and she knows that, but she also knows that he has good hearts and wants the best for humanity. They have a very grandpa/granddaughter kind of thing going on, which I think works super well with the grumpy 12th Doctor. They're fun, they get along, and in the end it's the Doctor's confidence in his own ability that gets her killed (at first). Bill did nothing wrong ever.
Graham and Ryan are generally ok. I'm putting them in one section because I don't really feel much about either of them. They each have like 3 character traits and nothing else. I feel ways about Chibnall's writing, but I feel like the crowded TARDIS was a bad idea and if it was going to be crowded I might have preferred that Grace be there. I don't dislike Ryan or Graham but a lot of the things they do (particularly Ryan) seem to be for the plot and have nothing to do with their personalities. In the first two episodes Ryan shows some impulse control issues, (touching a shiny alien thing in the woods, and running out to shoot robots with a gun). Graham shows some anger management issues when it comes to emotional things a couple times(The Woman Who Fell to Earth, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos)
Dan was a great short-term companion. He had what... 4 stories total? His personality was good and he fit in well with Yaz and the Doctor. He was sarcastic, and missed his crush. He had guts, running around with a wok in Liverpool during an alien invasion.
Yaz. I have feelings about Yaz. If only they had decided to make her crush on the Doctor apparently BEFORE series 13, it would have allowed them more than 3 episodes to deal with it. With what little reference there was to it in The Flux, there was maybe 4 lines and some screentime in the new years dalek episode for that season, and a 2-3 scene reference in the sea devils return episode. That, combined with her saving the Doctor's ass in Power of the Doctor, it feels like this was shoehorned in after audience response, which is almost never a good idea. Otherwise Yaz is a generally ok character with little to argue about, and not enough to her for me to dislike. I do feel like they used Power of the Doctor as the stock standard "companion who has a crush on the Doctor saves their ass" that all these types of companions get at some point. It just feels like it was decided late and they realized that they didn't have one.
Anyway, writing some of these opinions made me feel like it was 2014 again and I didn't like rose because I liked the 10th Doctor. Ofc some of these opinions are from a place of "oh no! They hurt the scrungly!" I did not read this before posting, I just WENT.
P.S. Also I have feelings about the Master, I'll post those later.
P.P.S Also I have watched some of classic who but there's a lot of it so I just skip around to whatever bits sound the most interesting at the time.
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inourtownofhawkins · 2 years
#EDANCYWEEK | day two — domestic
Eddie and Nancy’s life after moving into their first apartment together.
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
Contrary to popular belief, Eddie and Nancy never formally decided to move in together, they never had the conversation of “let’s see if we can move in together”. In reality, Nancy had come over to Eddie’s apartment one night to cook dinner with him and watch a movie and then seemingly just never left, not that Eddie really minded.
Although Nancy did split her time between her own shared house with Eddie’s apartment, it became clear as the months went on that she would rather just stay at Eddie’s to get out of the shared house. There wasn’t any bad blood between her and her housemates, they were old school friends of hers after all. But the main problem was privacy.
Whenever she and Eddie would try to have a movie night or even try to get it on in Nancy’s room, one of her housemates – usually Robin – would storm in and ask to borrow something or just annoy her. As much as she loved Robin and Chrissy as housemates, Nancy knew she wanted her own space, and she wouldn’t be able to find it with them in the house.
Thankfully, her job wasn’t a big issue for Nancy as she was able to work remotely as a freelance reporter; but dealing with Robin being Robin and Chrissy and Steve acting like loved-up teenagers, she found working at home a rather stressful affair.
While staying at Eddie’s she could actually get work done, when the pair weren’t constantly making out, that is. But they soon slipped into a routine; Nancy would be awake for when Eddie left for work to make him coffee and kiss him before he went, before going back to bed for a few hours to sleep, then she would work in his kitchen and wait for him to come home so they could cook dinner together and settle down for some video games or a movie before bed.
By the time Nancy’s lease was up in her shared house, she almost instantly told her landlord that she was moving out and signed a new lease with Eddie’s apartment. And that was that.
The day she formally moved in and signed the necessary paperwork, Eddie had baked her a cake. At least, he told her he did, but Nancy could tell from the plastic container in the trash that he’d bought it. Not that she minded, of course. She knew Eddie couldn’t bake to save his life and the last time he did, he almost set fire to the shared kitchen and the smell of burnt chocolate lingered in there for several days afterwards. Because who knew you shouldn’t put a plastic bowl in a microwave to melt chocolate?
The cake itself was simple; double chocolate with caramel buttercream with “Welcome home, Nancy” written on the top in cute white icing. Even though Eddie hadn’t baked it himself, Nancy still loved the thought that had gone into getting it for her.
After eating a stupid amount of cake, they relaxed with a movie. Well, after squabbling like children for over an hour over which movie. Nancy had wanted to watch Love Actually, and Eddie had wanted to watch Final Destination. They tried to settle it reasonably at first by negotiating like adults, promising to do each other’s household chores for a week and buying takeout but when negotiations fell through, the resulted in a good old fashioned food fight with the remainder of the cake and whatever else the pair could get their hands on from the fridge.
Nancy came out victorious, even after being rugby tackled to the floor by Eddie to avoid getting whipped cream in his hair.
Once they’d both taken a long shower and cleaned up as much of the apartment as they could, they flopped onto the couch to watch the movie, Eddie, naturally, giving commentary the entire way, much to the delight and slight annoyance of Nancy.
By the time the movie ended, Nancy had fallen asleep on the couch. Eddie looked down at her cuddled into him, a faint smile coming onto his lips as he played with her hair a little. He slowly got up from the couch, being as quiet as possible as he turned off the lights and the TV before turning back to Nancy’s still sleeping form.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he whispered as he gently picked her up. “Let’s get you to bed.”
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Love at First Grade (18+) - 19
Single Dad!Bucky x Single Mom!Reader; Teacher!Bucky x CEO!Reader
chapter warning: language, lil bit of smut (some major dirty talk, the daddy kink is back, Bucky calls reader his little slut but it’s consensual & something they’ve done before even though I haven’t written it lol) , lil angst(?)
a/n: 1 more chapter and the epilogue to go, brb someone’s cutting onions over here 😭
Series Masterlist
(a/n #2: I just love this gif of Seb so much. That’s why it’s this chapter’s pic 😭🫠🥲💕)
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When you went with Bucky to pick up Becca and you met your parents at your place the next day the girls we thrilled to see each other, and even more thrilled to see their parents together again. Becca and Avery are smart girls, they knew that something was up because neither of them saw each other as much and their parents were acting weird. But the second they saw each other it was like everything was right in the world again. The ear shattering noises they each made upon seeing the white kitten in your arms? Easy proof that you and Bucky were going to need hearing aids in the future. The bright blue eyes of the kitten sucked the girls in as quickly as they did you. The soft mews of the kitten followed by copious purrs could be heard whenever the girls were playing with her.
You and Bucky had both done some soft coaxing and suggesting to keep the girls from naming the cat snowball or fluffy, each names that Becca and Avery suggested. But a few hours later, the name Alpine fell from Bucky’s lips and you were all immediately in agreement that it was her name. Alpine was a smart cat, another smart girl added to your horde, and she knew how to manipulate the girls into giving her more treats, even after you and Bucky had told she’d had enough. After Alpine’s official naming and the full throttle excitement that came with owning a kitten slowly began to fade, the girls expressed their concern about who she would be living with. You and Bucky could both tell by the way the girls were looking at you that neither wanted to part with her but that they were willing to share between two houses. And that’s when you got to break the news.
Telling the girls while you were inside the apartment that Bucky and Becca would be moving into the penthouse in just a couple months may have ben a mistake. The second you told them Avery and Becca spent the next fifteen minutes squealing and screaming, louder than they had when they first saw Alpine, and talking about how they were going to live together like sisters and how they were going to share a room and all the toys in the whole wide world. The site warmed your heart, no matter how bad your ears and head hurt in response. You looked at Bucky in that moment and saw all the love in the universe mirrored in his eyes as he took in your two girls dancing and squealing while their new kitten wound figure eights around their tiny feet.
The school year ended on a relatively quiet note. Bucky had gotten more confident in his arm after your night together and more therapy. Becca didn’t get into anymore fights with Ethan over Avery. And Avery had grown into a pretty feisty seven year old, thanks to her best friend’s influence. The slutty mom, as you had nicknamed Alyssa in your head and private conversations with Bucky, hadn’t tried to flirt with him anymore the rest of the year after the last parent-teacher conference. On the last day of school you had met at the school to help Bucky and Steve clean their classrooms before the break while Winnie took the girls for the night. Winnie loved that the four of you were moving in together and your parents were overjoyed. You thought it had more to do with the fact that your parents were just excited that you had someone else in your life besides Avery and that they were thankful to see you fully happy, but that was just a thought. One you never had any intentions to vocalize. 
Bucky and Becca’s apartment was covered in moving boxes, the end of their lease rapidly approaching, and you had offered to help. Between the court date coming up in a few weeks and the big move you figured it was the least you could do. You had considered yourselves lucky that the court date was before the move but now that you were sitting in the middle of a pile of boxes the anxiety and stress of everything was sitting on your shoulders. You and Bucky both had faith in Matt. You knew he was doing everything in his power to make sure that Brock would go away for at least a few years and that you’d suck him dry. But you couldn’t help wondering what would happen if you lost. That’s what Bucky saw right now as you sat at a makeshift table of cardboard boxes in his living room eating a slice of pizza, your eyes staring off into the vague middle distance looking for answers and relief. 
You felt Bucky before you heard him, his metal arm rubbing soothing circles on your back. But when you finally came back around you chanced a look at his face. His eyes were full of concern. That was emotion you’d gotten dangerously good at reading on him. With everything going on with preparing to see Brock again you knew that you were also going to see Dot. Becca hadn’t recognized Dot the last time she’d seen her, but Becca was also only two years old when her mother left. Avery was four when you and Brock divorced and you knew that a part of her would probably recognize her biological father. Whether she knew the connection to him that ran through her veins was another story, but one you were mentally preparing to answer in case that question came.
You opened your mouth to tell Bucky you were okay and that you’d just been thinking when your words were stopped by his lips on yours.
“I think you need a little distraction, honey,” Bucky practically purred against your lips, his fingers rubbing almost ticklish paths along your waist as your body arched into the kiss. Bucky managed to coax a moan out of you as your thighs rubbed together ever so slightly. You threw your arms around his Bucky’s neck, pulling him in close and tight against your body. The kiss grew even more heated until Bucky was nipping your bottom lip and managed to pull it in between his teeth.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his actions but your giggle swiftly turned into a moan as Bucky situated his body between your thighs and begin to undress you. With one hand around your neck, and the metal one between your thighs, Bucky worked you closer and closer to orgasm until you were right on the edge and he stopped. Frustrated your eyes flew open, glaring daggers and begging questions but Bucky merely smirked. He slowly began working his own pants down his thighs and your mouth watered at the strip tease. When Bucky was finally just as naked as you were it was your turn to push him on his back. 
You knew your knees would hurt after this, damn flooring, but you didn’t care. You ran your tongue from base to tip, circling the tip with a little more care, before dipping down to suck on one of his balls. The sensual groan from Bucky’s lips had you closing your mouth around in him seconds and you used your hand to stroke what your mouth couldn’t take. That is until you took him deep in your throat. Bucky’s hips bucked against your face, your nose close to him, your eyes watering as you struggled to breathe through your nose. Bucky was saying every single possible curse in the thesaurus until you moved back just a little, made eye contact with the only man who would ever hear you beg, and pulled off of him with a loud pop. 
The next words out of your mouth almost made Bucky cum then and there.
“Fuck my mouth, daddy. Please?”
His eyes rolled back in his head as he nodded ferociously and scrambled to his feet so you were on your knees in front of him. You took him back into your mouth, he moved one hand to guide your head, and began bucking into your mouth without a care in the world. You moved your hand to play with your clit as Bucky growled above you.
“Such a pretty, dirty little mouth. Wanna cum down your throat. Think you can handle that baby, huh? Does daddy’s pretty little slut think she can handle that?”
Bucky’s words did little to keep the heat between your legs from growing as you whined around him. The vibrations from your mixed whine-moan making Bucky’s eyes roll back in his head. You knew he was close by the way his pace grew more frantic and wild and next thing you knew he was pulling your head tight to his body as he came down your throat. The mix of a limited supply of air, your fingers touching your body, and the knowledge that Bucky had just finished brought you to orgasm seconds later. Bucky pulled you off his slowly softening cock and brushed the tears away from your eyes, placing soft kisses where tear tracks once were and eventually making his way to leave a soft kiss on your lips. Too fast, Bucky was leaving you. But he returned even quicker with a glass of water that he brought to your lips and he murmured in your ear.
“Such a good girl, my good girl. Drink the water, baby. I love you so much,” he cooed, new tears springing to your eyes at the love that was washing over you. He laid you down on the floor again, this time pulling a blanket and a pillow for the two of you to use, and snuggled up close to you. In his embrace, the two of you fell asleep.
A few weeks later and it was the day of the case. Matt had contacted you when Brock’s criminal case for his drunk driving was tried and told you that Brock had managed to get himself in jail for four years, due to this not being his first dwi in the last ten years but rather his third. While you had hoped he would have gotten longer, you were thankful that he’d be locked up for at least a short period of time. The case Bucky and Brock were involved in was a civil case that would be paying for the damages, physical and emotional, that he had brought upon Bucky’s life. The two of you knew that you didn’t want the girls in the actual courtroom, you were convinced that they would be more of a distraction than anything, so Steve agreed to wait with them at a nearby park while you and Winnie watched the proceedings. That morning the four of you had walked up to the courthouse and the first person you saw was Dot. 
Bucky froze as Matt continued to talk to him about the plan for the day and how if everything went well today the judge should have a ruling by the end of the day but Bucky wasn’t paying attention anymore. 
Dot stood on the courthouse steps looking as beautiful as ever. She watched Bucky with a near taunting grin and she started walking down the steps to meet him. You stood behind him with Avery and Becca holding onto your hands, each girl trying their best to peer around Bucky’s legs to see why he’d stopped. Steve, seeing that a meeting with Dot was inevitable, moved to get Matt out of the way before shit really hit the fan.
“James how good to see you and your merry band of misfits trailing behind you,” she hissed with a smile on her face the whole time. Her voice must have shaken Bucky out of his stupor because his face turned into a scowl as he responded.
“Dolores, if I had known the Wicked Witch of the West was on trial today I’d have brought a bucket of water with me. Shame.”
Bucky’s quip had you trying your best to hold in laughter but it didn’t work, so instead you attempted to cover it with a cough. Dot never laughed. Instead her permanent bitch face seemed to become even more bitchier as she regarded you holding onto both girls hands. 
She sneered once more before asking, “what are the little snotty gremlins doing here? Honestly Barnes you thought a courtroom was the best place for them to be? Sometimes I wonder why I left her with you,” she gestured at Becca before dropping down slightly to Becca’s level. Becca began to hide more behind your legs as this stranger stood directly in front of her.
“Hi honey,” Dot’s voice was sickly sweet, as if that was what Becca needed to hear to face her, but it just made Becca cower further behind you. A scowl took up residence on Dot’s face as she spoke a little harsher, “come say hi you little brat,” and she reached around you to grab Becca’s arm before you caught her arm and pushed it off. 
“Back off, Dolores,” you warned before turning to face Becca, whose eyes had begun welling with tears, when you heard a little voice confidently behind you.
“That was mean of you! You need to apologize to Becca. Who do you think you are?” You could practically imagine Avery’s little hands on her hips as she stared up at the woman in front of you. You whipped around to make sure Dolores didn’t lay a hand of Avery too but she just crossed her arms and looked at the seven year old with her eyebrow quirked.
“I’m her mommy. I don’t have to apologize.”
That was the wrong thing to say. And it all happened so fast because the next thing you knew Dolores was letting out an indignant yell as Avery stomped on her foot with all her might. 
Avery’s hands returned to her hips as she hit Dolores with, “No! MY mommy is her mommy! You’re a bully! And mommy and papa always told me that we don’t like bullies!” Dot hopped away from Avery with a look on her face like she was going to say something else but she was stopped by Bucky.
A proud grin had crossed his lips at Avery’s act and it reminded him of just how much she had grown in the almost year since they had met. How so much had changed since Becca took charge and stomped on Avery’s bully’s foot. Now Avery was returning the favor. Avery had turned her attention fully to Becca and was giving the girl she viewed as her sister a hug and telling her that everything would be okay.
“Go inside Dolores. And do not ever, ever, fuck with my family again,” Bucky threatened lowly as an angry Dot pushed past him into the courthouse.
“Who pissed in her cornflakes,” Matt asked nonchalantly, he and Steve overhearing the entire conversation. His use of bad language had all the adults chastising him and the girls both laughing. 
Steve managed to respond, in between laughs, “she’s just jealous because her personal toy is in lock up for the next couple years and she has nobody to go home to at the end of the day.”
You and Bucky both knew that he wasn’t wrong and that she was massively jealous of a life that she would never have. When Winnie finally arrived, Steve gathered the girls to go to the park and told you to text him when you were out. So, with a deep breath, your group headed into the courthouse and awaited the hearing.
Brock looked like hell. It made a part of you so happy to see that he obviously hadn’t slept very well in his new “house.” His eyes were scouring the courtroom, sweeping right over Bucky and Dot until they landed on you. His lips turned into a nasty grin at the sight of you, one that made your stomach roll and roll. When the judge came in, the case was finally underway. 
After months and months of reading and prepping and making sure that your case was solid, it only took an hour for a judge to declare that Brock Rumlow owed James Barnes $2 million dollars in damages. The number was higher than any of you thought it would be, but lower than you thought he deserved. You knew that you had to be happy with the outcome because either way Brock was going back to jail for the next four years with no chance of parole. But the thought of him finding a way to worm his way back in your life made your stomach roll yet again. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you barely paid attention to the celebratory hug Winnie was giving you as Bucky approached you with Matt to leave. You excused yourself to the bathroom after giving Bucky a hug, and the second the door shut you began to cry.
You cried tears of joy that Brock was going to be out of your lives for the next few years. You cried tears of joy that he was going to owe Bucky out the ass for a while. You knew that the next thing you wanted to go over with Matt would be getting a restraining order on the books for Brock so that he could legally never come around you, Bucky, Avery or Becca ever again. When you finally caught your breath, you took a few deep breaths and reached into your purse to find something to wipe your eyes when your fingers brushed against a tampon wrapper and you froze.
How long has it been since I’ve used one of these…wait what month is it…damn it why did I stop tracking my period on that app…WAIT! I started keeping notes on it…where are they….aha! Okay, do the math, Y/N…when was it…shitshitshitshitshit….it’s been over a month. I’m two weeks late. Oh fuck.
The calming breaths you had been practicing were turning back into the anxious ones from earlier but the thought of Bucky as a dad with a newborn baby eased your anxiety. That is until you realized the two of you had never once talked about the future and what you wanted from it. You didn’t know if he wanted to marry you, let alone bring a child into this world together. You allowed yourself another minute to freak out. You had no proof that you were pregnant, just a missed period. So you made a mental note to tell Bucky as soon as you had a little privacy to purchased that damned test. Finally succesful in removing the traces of your tears, you opened the door to the bathroom and almost ran into a hard body and came face to face with Brock.
The nasty grin was back on his lips, he had two guards on either side of him. You backed away slowly but Brock’s words were faster.
“Leaving so soon, kitten? Gonna go crawling back to that worthless robot of yours?” Brock knew he was touching a nerve by the way your lips curled into a snarl and so he prodded a little deeper, the grin never leaving his lips as he spoke, “no, you’re gonna go back and see Avery. How is she? I’ve missed her. Maybe when I’m done with this little stint I’ll think about following up with that custody agreement we made all those years ago. That’ll be fun won’t it sweetheart?”
The thought of Brock ever seeing you or your daughter again made bile rise in your throat. The underlying threat in his words made you hiss your response.
“I told you once and I will tell you again. You will leave my family alone. You will never see Avery EVER again. You will sign away your rights while you rot away for four years and you will pay up every fucking cent that you owe to the person who is more of a man than you will ever be. Goodbye Brock Rumlow and good fucking riddance.”
Brock opened his mouth to speak but was hauled away by his guards as he yelled empty promises and threats over his shoulder. The overwhelming urge to cry was back and you struggled to regulate your breathing when you felt Bucky’s presence close in around you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tight to his chest, whispering soft words of comfort in your ear. He knew that seeing Brock again was going to be hard but neither of you expected to get anywhere close to him. Bucky’s proximity started to calm you down and your mind was racing as you thought about his threat to get Avery back into his life. Bucky assured you that it would never happen, that you would get the best lawyers and he would never see you or Avery ever again. When he was trying to usher you slowly to the front door, where Winnie, Steve and the girls were waiting just outside for celebratory ice cream, your lips were moving before your brain could tell you to stop.
“Bucky I’m late.”
“Late for what, honey? We just got through and we never had a set time for ice cream.” Bucky was cute when he questioned things. His brow furrowed and his lips quirked as he tried to rack his brain for information that would help him make sense of the words that had just fallen out of your mouth. Your lips returned a small sad smile in return and you felt the need to clarify.
“No, not for ice cream, Bucky. My period. I’m almost two weeks late.”
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