#end the lunacy
awesomecooperlove · 1 month
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bilolli · 1 year
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I finally finished and edited it! This time there shouldn’t be problems with sizes and messed up colors.
Anyway, this scene lives rent free in my head and I HAD to draw it.
Solar Lunacy belongs to the talented @bamsara​ , (seriously, it’s a wonderfull fanfic, read it.)
Process GIF and variants under the cut!
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On PC this one looks better, but on my phone it’s wayyyy to saturated and dark. Ujsdbidfshf I hate screens differences.
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bamsara · 2 years
Hi I'm literally BEGGING you to do a part II of the Drunk Byte with Sun?? He would be so motherly and exasperated with us
I freaking LOVED part I
Sun takes care of hungover Reader. Continued prompt from this post. Wordcount: 3200+
AO3 link (preferred if you comment!)
CW: Drinking mention, (1) puking instance and other typical syptoms of hangover. Nudity mention in a non-sexual situation (you eat soup while a nice hot bath, yay.) and some suggestive humor.
You wake up easy, with sunlight coming in through the blinds of your bedroom window leaving lines of light across your face, it's unlucky enough for you that one cast across your eyes and burns through your eyelids as you come to consiousness.
Eyes shut tight, your hand palms around your surroundings (you feel sheets, a blanket, your pillow) before grabbing the nearest one out from underneath something heavy and throwing it over your face.
It's a instictive reaction, quick and you're almost back to slumber when the thought process starts to churn in your mind: you didn't fall asleep in your bed last night, and you don't remember ever walking in here.
Sleep ignores that thought. Nausua, however, beats sleep back with a barbed stick and you sit up quickly, eyes flying open and all but blindlly scrambling upwards, over something gangly on the other side of the mattress and out of the bed.
There is a very surprised "oh dear" you hear coming from your bedroom as you run but you don't really catch it until you're kneeled over the toilet, eyes starting to wet as a sour feeling starts to boil and-oh, there you go. Yep. You're puking. You are definantly throwing up. Man, this was never pleasant.
Between the horrid noises and the inbetween on your still-groggy conciousness, footsteps approuch. You're finished (at least, you hope you are) as a hand comes to brush back across your forehead, and another settles on your back, running up your spine in a comforting rythem. "Guess you didn't see the bucket by the bed, did you?"
Turning your head, you squint at the yellow, smiling gangly thing through wet, blearly eyes. "Heuh?"
Sun's smile is soft, brightening the room. "Good morning!"
You open your mouth to speak, and then immediatly choke on trying to swallow back the rest of the nausea. "It is-" You cough, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. "I-It does not feel like a good morning."
"Well, we can work on that part." He's chipper, though a touch quieter than normal. A sorta-whisper yell under his usual volume, like he was purposly trying to be mindful of the potential headache you might be in route for. "All done? Do you need a minute."
You swallow. You feel gross. Terribly gross. "I'm- I'm done."
"Okay, now. Uppys-daisy, like so-" Hands underneath your arms, he lifts you gently into standing position, slowly enough so the movement doesn't make you dizzy. The toilet lid is put down, flushed and Sun lowers you to sit while the world spins. "Sit here. Good, there you go."
Honestly? You're not even fully awake. "I feel horrible."
There's amusement in his voice when Sun steps back. "Oh, I can tell!"
"Mean." You mummble, a soft tissue being pushed into your hand and you using it to wipe your face without missing a beat. "Rude."
He scoffs, plucking the tissue and throwing it in the waste basket. "I think 'rude' would be pulling out my pillow and then almost tripping over me while I was in the middle of a very good book!"
Your face scrunches up, only partially because the bathroom light is too bright for your incoming migraine. "Didn't have to be in the bed."
"Well, no." Sun tosses the tissue, leaning over to start running water in the skin. "But We like to be close by, and that was the comfiest spot!" He says, and your retort is silienced by him handing you a toothbrush, and a cap of mouthwash you were too groggy to see him pour. "Here, now. I don't know the experience but I've heard a lot of little ones complain about the taste."
You don't reject the offering, grabbing both items and not-complaining when you are guided to standing again so you can lean over the sink. "You still get sick ones in your classes?"
"Plenty! All the time. Often. They like to eat glitter glue when I'm not looking. Sometimes, parents drop them off with a fever." Sun smiles, his hand still resting on your back like he was afraid of you falling backwards. "We think you should stay home for the day, too."
You start the process of mouthwash, toothpaste, mouthwash and repeat. "M'not arguing."
"Sit tight." He bids you to stay, and you see his shape blur out of the corner of your eye out of the bathroom, the door cracked open in his absence.
It takes it's few runs but the taste goes away and your mouth feels infinatly cleaner than it did before. A breathe check and you're good to go, like the whole unpleasant experience never even happened. Your appereance, however, was a sight to behold in the mirror.
You're dishevielved, starting to feel a little grimy on your skin and still wearing the same clothes from the night before. Except your jacket was missing, and your shoes had been taken off. They never went past that, always lecturing about diginity and privacy if you were caught sleeping with your day clothes on.
You didn't mind it, but it's kinda hypocritcal when they're perfectly fine barging in when you're awake though. The nerf gun is probably still sitting loaded on the shower shelf. You can thank Moon for the need of that one.
You needed a shower, a change of clothes, and some food in your belly. Seriously. There felt like nothing in your stomach and it was not doing you any good for the hangover you were currently expereincing.
Turning on your heel, you seek out the door to find the kitchen (maybe stuff some shredded cheese in your mouth or something) but a taller form suddenly appears, blocking the exit. "Oh, feeling better?" Sun exclaims, something folded over his arms. You squint at what he's holding; a towel, and more comfortable, clean clothes. "Feel like coming and sitting at the table? Or would you rather take a shower first instead?"
You think about it for a long, hard moment. You're hungry, but you're also gross. A glance back towards the bathtub is very tempting, but the rumbling in your stomach is also persistant. "Give me a second. I'm trying to decide between food or hygine."
"You can have both." Sun offers, holding out the offerings of clean clothes and the towel. "Run a bath and I'll bring it to you, or slide it through the door. Whichever suits your fancy."
You groan. "Sounds like you're trying to spoil me."
"It's in our design!" His sunrays spin once, and lower with a smile. "...And we did just watch you upcheck a peanut butter sandwich."
Fair enough. You take the clothes and towel into your arms, throwing them on top of the counter and ushering him out with a wave of the hand. "Okay, get out. Shoo."
He salutes you in the doorframe. "Yell if you need me!"
There's pounding in your head when you lean over to turn on the faucet, so your response is a aknowledgment that comes out more like a zombie-fied groan.
There's a chuckle as the door softely shuts behind you, but you don't have the energy to call him out for it, and you start to undress. The water fills up to a comfortable level when you're done, tossing the dirty clothing in the corner (oh, Sun hates when you do that) and testing the tempature. It's hot, but just enough that you can comfortably sink into the water.
You just kinda....sit there.
The hot water is very nice. Muscle aches and preassure in your skull still lightly throbbed, but melted away a bit at the steam. You still felt hungry, dehydrated, and you didn't have the energy just yet to grab the soap and shampoo, but taking a deep breath helps the nausea disppate and help you finally start to wake all the way up.
At some point, you take the effort to pour a little body wash into the water around the faucet to hopefully start some bubbles, but they're scarce and don't really do much except make the water a bit cloudy. Welp. At least it smelled nice.
A knock on the door causes a small twinge of headache pain, but you muster out a answer to the waiting figure on the otherside. "Come in."
The door creaks open, two sunrays are peeking through the crack while a robot arm holding a soup bowl and spoon slowly come into view so carefully it's almost comicall. You fight back a snort as Sun's voice rings around the corner. "Delivery! I'm not looking, promise!"
"Hypocrite." You call outloud, and this time you don't hold back the snicker when the door opens wider, Sun fully walking into the bathroom with his head spun all the way around in some freakish 180 degree turn. How does he even walk straight looking backwards?
He manages, finding the floor next to the tub and sitting down on the floor mat. "It's the thought that matters! And I would like to remind you that I am holding some yummy soup that will maybe definatly hit the floor if you decided to use that terrible nerf gun on me!"
"I won't shoot you." You snort.
Sun's head rotates back around to his proper position, and smiles at you. "Oh good. I wouldn't have dropped the soup anyways." It's a coy, teasing grin sent your way as the bowl is set on the side of the bath. "Chicken soup is supposed to be good for this sort of thing. It's cool enough to hold, but still be careful."
"Yeah yeah-" You take a hold of the bowl, careful not to drop it in the bath (which, honestly, would have been hilarious) and take a tentive sip from the side, forgoing the spoon. It's hot, but not hot enough for the bowl to burn your hands. The broth and noodles go down very quickly, and you can feel your body start to pick up energy from the promise of something in your stomach. "Thank you for the soup."
Sun nods, pulling out something with his other hand, second hand going to his pants pocket. A glass of water you didn't even notice is set to the side, and your phone is pulled out from the fabric. You don't even ask, but grab and gulp the water in a frenzy of hungover dehydration as the animatronic taps your phone to life. "You got a missed call while I was making food."
"Oh, yeah?" You talk inbetween gulps, returning to your soup. It's nice to sink into the water and just drink from the bowl, really becoming one with the liquid here. "From who? What was it about?"
Sun looks up, quizzically. "Oh! Was I supposed to answer it?"
You slurp a noodle."If you want? I really don't mind."
"Reducing me to an answering machine, I see." He grins. You just slurp a noodle again, but this time obnoxiously louder. He taps a few buttons. "It's from your classmate, Brianna. Looks like she left you a message."
(Oh! So that's what her name was!)
He turns the phone towards you, handed out just not over the water so you could reach out to accsess the thread, but you flinch at the screen's brightness that burns your eyes. Your face must have twisted with your headache, because the phone is pulled away and Sun talks quieter, offering. "May I?"
You mean to say 'yes', but it comes out more like a grumbled zombie groan plagued with the start of a migraine.
"There's pain killers in the cabinet. I'll get them for you in a moment." Sun smiles, turning the phone back to himself and tapping to the message thread. A second passes where he scans the scree, and his smile stretches awkwardly. "Ah."
You blink. "What?"
His smile turns increasenly more nervous, hesitation in his voice as he starts his sentence off with a awkward laugh. "She, ah, asked how your-" Sun pauses like he was inwardly debating on the correct word. "-adventures with the....'sexy, tall, robot clown' went, last night."
You almost spit out your soup, swallowing the last gulp hard. "Oh my god."
"There's also some more...things she asked." Sun puts the phone face down on the floor. "And I, well, I do not think I can ask those outloud."
"Oh my god." You snort, and almost choke on a noodle so bad you're forced to lean over the side of the bath, set the near-empty bowl on the floor just so you can catch your breathe from the laughter that's bubbling up in your throat. "Oh my god, ha! That's-that's hilarious. Holy shit!"
"Well, I'm glad you found it funny!" Sun gasps, hand over his chest ands so shocked that he doesn't even scold you for the profainity. "I'm disturbed! Offended! You were drunk! What kind of robot do they think we are?!"
The laughter hurts your head, but you don't care at the moment. "A sexy one!"
He makes a noise that makes you laugh harder, and points accusatory to you. "You stop that!"
"Okay! Okay-" You take a deep breathe, calming youself. Partially because you don't want to be flustered yourself, and partially because you didn't want that nausea you've been keeping at bay to steadily creep back up to you. "Okay. I'm fine. It's fine now. But it's funny."
"What nosy, personal questions." Suns tuts, sliding the phone away from him. "I think I would have preferred answering your questions from last night instead."
Oh, man. You had actaully forgotten about that. "Hey-"
"Feel any better?" The change in topic is abrupt, but the shift in his smile from nervous to teasing is just as much whiplash. "Ready to get out yet? Or would you rather sit here for a while and pick-up where we left off last night?"
Your face sours, frowning at him and sinking into the water. "I'm dying. I'm dying in soup and you're going to mock me while I'm dying."
Without missing a beat, he stacks the dishes to the side, his other arm reaching back to pull the towel off the counter. "I'm sure you'd make for a tasty soup, but I'm afraid I'll have to save you for later."
You groan something incoherent at the joke, but quiet any retort you had ready unless you wanted to be met with the same wit. He helps you stand up, (turning his head away backwards again, though it's more out of respect than actaully avoidance by now) and you're wrapped in the towel and guided out of the tub by the time he picks up the dishes, the dirty clothes you left the corner and moves to the door.
He pauses in the doorway with upward turned eyes and a mischivious grin. "I'll be in the living room, unless you'd like some help-"
You throw the towel at him, to which Sun fake-screams at a super high pitch, dodges the projectile and darts out of view.
Something tells you that you were going to get teased about those questions for a long while.
The aches and nausea has disapated now that you were clean, relaxed and had something light in your stomach, so it's easier to get dressed in whatever he brought you. Lounge-wear, sweatpants and a t-shirt good enough for a lazy day. You pick up your phone off the tile before you forget it and flip it back over to face the screen.
It's still open on your classmate's message thread. Squinting as you turn down the brightness, you glance over the incoming texts and yeesh, oh man. Wow. Yeah, these were some very...interesting questions. But hey, it looks like she score a date with that bartender robot after all! Good for her.
It is with your almost horror, however, that Sun has accidently taken a close-up selfie of himself and sent it into the message thread with no further context, probably by accident. Robot fingers weren't the best to work with on touch screen phones. You can already see the chat bubble popping up for your classmate typing.
Probably best to avoid any misunderstanding. With a quick tap of your fingers, you send two pictures (one of a selfie of you and Sun from a previous date, another one you took of Moon and yourself during a movie night) and in your hungover state, try to give the brief explanation that it was in fact, a friend and roommate who picked you up last night, and that none of her previous questions apply.
You even ask her how her night with the bartender went to keep up the solid conversation, but her next message flat out ignores it and is typed in all caps.
The message reads: 'YOU HAVE TWO OF THEM??!?? 😳😳😳'
Actaully, you know what? Let's just back out of that message thread and make it a problem to deal with later.
Sun is in the living room just as he said he was, and he meets your gaze just as you flinch from all the light coming in from the balcony glass windows. He looks up at you from the couch, book in hand and meets your scrunched expression with a bright, chipper look. "You're looking brighter!"
Your reponse is a stuck-out tongue and a 'blegh'. "Where are those painkillers you talked about?"
"Here." He sits up, gesturing towards the coffee table so you walk about the sofa. A fresh glass of water and two small ibeprofen sit on a napkin waiting for you.
You snag it, downing them quickly and sighing as you place the now half-empty glass back down. "Great. Soon I'll only be half dying. Let me in. " With all the grace of a zombie, you flail your arm in Sun's direction until the animatronic, confused, arms are raised and you all but practically plop into his space, both of your legs resting on the rest of the couch. "Oof."
He's careful adjusting so you're inbetween his arms and resting on his chest, the book situated in front of you for his viewing while you shimmie your phone back out of your pocket and click on all the notifications you've missed. You bypass a couple of social media links, a news report and a couple of game notifcation as Sun hums. "How do you feel?"
"Better. Mostly." You scroll through your feed with mindless effort. "Did you add more games on my phone? My notifications are all stacked up."
Sun shys in on himself. "Perhaps."
You find the one most recently used, and it brings you to a higher level in a mobile game you've ever seen a human person do. "...Candy crush? You're a robot. It takes no effort to calculate the right move to win."
"I like the animations! Some of them look like Sundrops and Moondrops, too"
"I'm going to beat your high score."
"Then I'll watch." Sun speaks softely, and he's comfortable to lean into the crook between his torso and his arm, curled up with your phone close to your face on the lowest brightest setting and the shadow of his book protecting you from the light that shines in from the balcony.
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glitzybunny · 1 year
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Assorted Solar Lunacy Doodles! With some minor(?) spoilers for Chap 13 in the small lil bab’ panels at the end-
Honestly might flesh out that Eclipse Drawing if I remember, cause omg
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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Hello can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh Dance I ALSO realized I’m drawing them really fucking tall??? Sorry not sorry. Read somewhere they were like 10 feet tall and it stuck. Welcome to inconsistent height city! Who knows what we’re gonna get. Another @bamsara​ cause hells yea dancing Y/N around the room~
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moominpaws · 1 year
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Robots deserve a little kiss, as a treat-
I’ve been reading @bamsara ‘s Solar Lunacy fanfic for a while and they just finished arc one so I figured I’d kick my ass outta artblock and doodle my own little Y/N with my favorite little jesters-
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loth-cat-nation · 2 months
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So... Backstory: During whatever free time I get during college, I work on my "business" of mass producing rice stuffed fleece frogs. My first child was Garth. Upon discussing my frog children with my friend, we came to the realization that "Garth is the Jango Fett of frogs," since Garth is the original, and all the others are formed from the same pattern.
Thus, the unhinged pieces you see here. The first image features Garth's face in all his green glory. The second is all 41 frogs that I made over spring break. Enjoy.
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ezkezpez · 1 year
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Sorry changed my mind posting these separately for ease of tagging. Just a couple of thoughts i had for general small illustrations and details, including a title page and end page. Still not sure what colour i want the book itself, but I’m actually leaning red and gold now, and then have blue and silver for vol2 and burgundy and black for Vol3. Have each arc colour coded to one of the DCA.
Anyway this is looking less and less like a thought experiment and more like an Actual Project now…
Solar Lunacy is an in progress but WELL WORTH IT reader insert by @bamsara if you like fnaf sun and moon honestly go check it out
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twoshotsoffandom · 2 years
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I was unaware that we could share the gremlin we envision in the self insert fics. And then my pen died.
Have this teddy bear of a human being, they/them for Wyatt
Uhhhhh @bamsara and @paper-lilypie because I drew stuff somewhat related to their fics and I am pretty sure you are supposed to tag someone when you do that
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“I would argue that this ending of the show is happy for Landon, in many ways.”
“...for him, I think he gets everything he wanted...”
—Brett Matthews
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kaprisvn · 9 months
Posing with the Gf 😍
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Idk what possessed me to draw this I just like her a lot and she totally deserves more fanart. I just know my Y/N would be QUIVERING from the workout (robots wouldn't get physically tired yk)
For those who know my blog, I'm 5/10 panels done for the second part of the comic! Don't worry, I haven't abandoned it ;)
Also this TECHNICALLY isn't Solar Lunacy, as this situation never happens in the fic, but this is totally y/n's and Chica's relationship to me <3
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iwtvdramacd18 · 8 months
Love your blog and art! Do you hv any werewolf Louis opinions?
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Thanks so much! I'm gonna be a bit vague bc I do have plans to actually drop a werewolf au fic/art concept thing for AU day for the @iwtvfanevents louis month event but here's some rough stuff in preparation for it... The way I'm planning on portraying on werewolf Louis isn't gonna be too far removed from canon vampire Louis (especially since his maker is like the most werewolf ass vampire in popular western vampire lit) but there will be more explicit (dis)connections with "monstrosity" and the body in a trans black context. What does it meant to be black and inherently considered as less than human normally, to have a body that you can't live the way you wish to live in even in your most familiar spaces, and then you can turn into a body that is Literally inhuman? One that might provide you some bodily peace in some aspects but reflects the inhumanity you're accused of having from white people in other aspects?
This poor man always struggling trying to keep that conk cuz I'd assume in canon his hair goes back natural after day sleep and now after shifts it grows out a bit so he's gotta restyle it and account for length and stuff
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bamsara · 1 year
Solar Lunacy
Chapter 12: Questions, Musical Meeting, Insecurity
You question Sun about the history of the Pizzaplex and Fazbear Entertainment; and while he does not have all the answers, he humors you. The company has done a fantastic job monetizing off rumors of murder and nightmarish animatronics; there's a reason why the robots have teeth and claws, though you wonder if it's really all just for show.
That night, you meet DJ Music Man with Moon as your chaperone. A nice, big fella, who loves his minis apperently likes to gossip considering he already knows quite a bit about you. The two of you share introductions, and it's quite a nice time, even if Moon is seemenly distracted by….something.
There is a break in at the Pizzaplex.
Your animatronic friends do not handle that well.
Wordcount: 13,709 | Second half of the previous chapter split for length. Read chapter notes, thank you for reading!
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env0writes · 11 months
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Dead End Dirt Lot Diaries 7.3.2023
“Lunaris Umbra"
Late on the morning of the Third of July I looked up to the moon and told her, “I’d give you more credit if I could” She beamed back at me, full and bright I was a crescent mooned-smile Feeling looney in love
@env0writes {C.Buck}
[Ko-Fi ] & [Venmo]: @Zenv0
Support Your Local Artist!
Photo by @mynamemeanscloud
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lavampira · 8 months
I wish I could use just the phase 2 segment of tsukuyomi’s theme for my fc room orchestrion playlist ;—;
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fillejondrette · 10 months
after reading a book on melancholy i've gotten really interested in the social construction of mental illnesses. e.g. melancholy was characterized by anxiety and depression, which makes so much sense bc i feel like when i encounter someone who has one of those things, they typically have the other as well. so you could argue that there's a common comorbidity there or you could argue that they're actually part of the same illness, bc mental health diagnoses are kind of made up in the first place.
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