#endi sinclair
enidsinclajr · 1 year
kinda ran out of energy towards the end of this one, but wanted to write something based on enid having a night light shaped like the moon lol
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stevemother · 1 year
enid: are we flirting or fighting?
Wednesday: Enid, i will sink my teeth in to your throat.
Enid: ...................?
Enid: i'm confused.
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sassylovermongerbear · 7 months
Wednesday Addams never experienced love. She's seen it with her parents (too much of it) but she never experienced it herself.
She throught that she may like Tyler because people told her not because she truly liked him.
From the very beginning she said over and over again how she didn't care about him (or Xavier) and how she only talked to him because he was useful to her. He had a car and knows the place more than she. But because she was spending time with him (out of necessity) everyone assumed she liked him, he even gaslight her into thinking there was something between them when she never show any interest in him. She completely disregard his feelings and never truly cared.
But you know who's feeling she always cared about from the very beginning? Enid.
Enid is the only one she listen to. She actively tries to make her happy and when she fucked up she did everything to make it up to her. She wore the snood, the catsuit, she apologized to thing AND she threaten to hurt Ajax if he hurts her.
In her own special way she always care for the wolf and let her get aways with so much shit that she wouldn't take from others, like the surprise party for her birthday.
Because Enid is the only one that truly care about Wednesday too and take time to understand how she is without trying to change her, like every body else.
The only other person she show any type of care for is Eugene cause he reminds her of her brother.
It's obvious that she love her family but the way she interact with Enid is very different of the way she interact with her family or Eugene so we know that she doesn't care about her the same way but she is not any less caring for it, it's just different.
But because she never experienced love before, other than in a platonic sens with her family, she doesn't see the difference. Wednesday didn't have friends before nevermore either, even less a best friend, so she doesn't know how she's supposed to feel for her best friend.
As much as she would like to believe that she's above it, Wednesday still feel pair pressure and that's why she went for Tyler, thinking that's what she should do. Everyone around her thought she should, plus after everything he did for her (even if she doesn't owe him anything for agreeing to help. Which he still gaslight her to believe she does) he "almost died helping" her and Wednesday is fare from selfish, no Addams is, so she let herself be convince that she did like him and she should give him a chance because she doesn't know what love feel like.
She doesn't relise yet that love is wanting to make the other happy, to be comfortable enough around someone else to let your walls done, to be their for eachother, save eachother. Everything she already feel and do with her roommate.
But because Enid is so different from her Wednesday can't even consider it being a possiblity. It's not the fact that Endi is the girl, that s the last of her worries but Enid is just so colorful and full of life, the complete opposite to Wednesday dark and deathly attitude, that it just doesn't make sens to her.
Every time she through about her future hoping to never succumb to the family cruse she still considered the possibility of it, of course she did, she always think about all the possibility but every time she thought about it she was certian that she would end up with someone like her. Not someone that pass out at the sight of blood, that listen to pop music at full volume and dance around the room while singing loudly, someone who absolutely love physical touch and it being her love language.
It doesn't make sens to Wednesday so she doesn't think about it because in her mind it's impossible and yet she definitely is in love with Enid Sinclair.
And after the blood moon and seeing Enid turn into a werewolf and beat the shit out of Tyler to save her. Wednesday saw an other side of Enid she never throught she would see. A tall, strong beast covered in blood. That s when she realise that they may not be so different and she starts to question her feeling for her friend.
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mikeyss1ut · 2 years
(This is for fun and I never claimed for this to be good, like ever so don’t come at me this is only because a TikToker who loves them as a ship wanted a fic, and this ain’t staying up for long.)
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Wednesday Addams x endid Sinclair
Type: fluff
Basic summary: Wednesday is trying to figure out the mystery and starts getting a little bit frustrated and endid calms her down and helps.
Wednesday had been up all night trying to find out what exactly was jut going on. She didn’t want to admit it but she couldn’t help it. “I seem to be getting a little frustrated with the fact that this is not going my way.” Wednesday says slowly taking her hand and gliding it along the note that had been sent her way.
“It’s fine you’ve got this! Here let me help-“ endi said touching the note just where Wednesdays hand was.
Wednesday smacked it in defense “excuse you.” She said pulling her hand away. Endi put her hands up in defense.
“I wasn’t trying to hurt you Wednesday just let me help.”
“What exactly would you know about mystery’s anyway, it’s doesn’t seem cliche for you.” Wednesday replied
“I think I would say you don’t know anything about me if I didn’t love a good mystery.” She defended herself
Wednesday hummed “I suppose so, well okay then I guess.”
Endi put her hand back down and smiled and nodded to Wednesday that it was okay. Wednesday then put her hand back down to where endi was, hands touching.
“Thank you, I suppose that may have helped calm me down, however the mystery still seems to not be solved.” Wednesday said
Endi laughed.
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cambria-writes · 2 years
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crawling gasping heaving
somehow i made it i did it i actually wrote it before the end of the day and before i have to go to bed for work tomorrow holy shit i honestly didn't think i'd be able to do it
i didn't take the time to proofread this so i'm probably gonna be correcting the living daylights out of this tomorrow, but here you go!
rating: M, each chapter rated individually warnings: soft eddie, swearing, there's guns but no shooting, reader's going a bit off the deep end, a lot of essentially pointless rambling that may or may not eventually be foreshadowing, billy mentioned a singular time, typos bound to appear word count: 4,458
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊: ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔳𝔢 ℭ𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢
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“Y’know that’s actually kinda hot,” you cough, parroting what you’d been told when you had pulled out your set of lock picks.
Robin steps in before Eddie can say anything, and there’s a quick back and forth before Steve eventually replaces him in the driver’s seat, once the thing has been successfully hotwired. You let them figure out the rest on their own while you make your way to the back of the RV to sit on the bed.
‘Stuck in the back of a speeding trailer with the awning still attached after your childhood best friend hotwired it just like his male genetic donor used to’ wasn’t exactly how you would’ve imagined the latter half of your spring break to go. Then again, you hadn’t entirely anticipated dimension hopping, either, or having to deal with what might potentially be the end of the world. 
Nancy had briefly caught you up to speed before the lot of you left to hijack someone’s home—and you’re desperately trying not to think about that for too long—and the entire thing left a sour taste in the back of your throat. Not just the world-endy bullshit, but the fact that Vecna slash Henry slash One had access to something you weren’t sure you could do.
Fucking divination. 
You’re digging your nails into the palms of your hands when Steve peels out of Forest Hills at a speed the RV you’re all crammed in would consider breakneck. There’s so much you haven’t tried, actually. And the more you think about it, the more you think that maybe you should’ve taken the asshole up on his offer. Maybe you should’ve let the stupid lich king teach you. 
Beyond the regret, though, as little as it may be, there’s a lot of contemplation. Dustin, Lucas and Eddie are chatting away, concocting some harebrained scheme probably, and with Robin and Nancy up front with Steve, you’ve got some peace of mind to think. Because thankfully, unlike her brother, apparently, Erica Sinclair is capable of recognizing when someone shouldn’t be bothered.
The idea of a phylactery had occurred to you, originally, when Eddie first brought up the concept of a lich. That even if you tried to kill him, it would just be a matter of time before he came back. What would the phylactery be, though? What could he have attached himself to so wholly and completely that he’d be willing to risk using it as a respawn point? 
When you look up from where you’re sat cross-legged on the bed in the back, you open your mouth to call for Nancy. You barely mutter the first consonant of her name when you notice that she and Steve seem to be… discussing, pretty intently. 
“H-hey, Robin?” 
“Huh? Yeah?” Robin answers quickly, turning around and shuffling her way to you, quickly whispering apologies to the kids for getting between them. “What’s up?” She asks, letting herself fall heavily next to you. 
“You went to Victor Creel’s house with the others, yeah?” 
“Creepy abandoned mansion, yeah,” she confirms, nervously drumming her fingers against her thighs. “What about it?” 
“Was there anything like…weird about that place? Anything that stood out?”
Robin frowns and hums for a second, turning to look down at her feet. “Something that stood out, huh…” There’s another moment of pause before she slaps her thigh and points at you. “We found the clock! The one you keep hearing, it was right there in the main hallway.” 
“Okay yeah, that does stand out.” But not exactly the kind of thing someone would bind their soul to, you figure. Way too obvious and easily spotted. “Anything else? Something maybe hidden? Like, a lot better?” 
Robin chuckles but nods, letting her head fall back and crossing her arms as she thinks. 
“We kind of split up, so it’s hard to tell but I heard Steve screaming like a girl. Something about spiders?” 
“It was a god damn black widow!” Steve shouts from the front seat, and you can’t help but stifle your laughter. 
“A black widow, alright. Where was it, do you know?” 
“Yeah, it was on the second floor. In the bathroom, I think? It was like, hidden under a vent in the floor ro something.” You frown and open your mouth to ask another question, but Robin excitedly flaps her hands. “Oh, oh! And there was this freaky shrine in the attic with a bunch of jars with spiders in them too!” 
“Oh wooow,” you say, putting as much nasally sarcasm into it as you can. “Love that. Spiders. Awesome. Anything else?”
“I don’t think so, place was pretty run down. I mean no one’s lived there since the Creels were murdered and I don’t think ‘home to a demonic serial killer who pops your eyes from the inside out’ sells too well.”
“Yeah, probably not,” you mutter, bringing your thumb up to chew at the nail. 
Something related to spiders would be way too obvious as a phylactery, right? Anyone with any kind of knowledge about Henry would be able to guess something like that. And though the grandfather clock does feel like a decently significant item, too, that’s beyond obvious. No way that someone like Vecna would use that as a phylactery, either. It’s too flammable, anyways. 
You squeak in surprise when Eddy drops himself on the bed on your other side. Robin quickly excuses herself to move back up front with Steve. You’re about to pull her back and tell her to give him room, but when you glance ahead it seems like whatever discussion he was having with Nancy is over. 
“What was all that about spiders?” Eddie asks, letting himself fall back on the bed with his hands behind his head. “I thought you hated spiders.”
“Ugh, god do I ever,” you groan, letting yourself fall back onto the mattress as well. “I’m just trying to figure out like. If I was a lich that ended up in a parallel dimension, right? What would I choose as the one thing to bind my soul to and make sure I can respawn?”
“You’d probably have better luck asking Wheeler,” he replies, end of his sentence fading into a yawn. “She’s the one he gave his weird psychic visions to.” 
“And you’re assuming he has a phylactery to begin with.” Dustin has his has steepled in front of him on the small table, leaning out just a bit to be able to look at you. You left yourself up on your elbows to look back at him and frown. 
“There’s no way he’d be able to survive in that place for as many years as he has without dying,” you state, closing your eyes for a second to try and recall the small fragments of conversation you were able to catch when you were In Between with Eleven. “He took control of that thing, right? The thing you call the mind flayer? What if that’s what turned him into whatever the hell he is now?” 
“That doesn’t really matter,” Lucas pipes up, turning around in his seat and throwing his arm up against the back of the bench-like seat to look at you. “If we cut him off from the mind flayer, he won’t be able to do anything, right?”
“Yeah, and then all hell breaks loose, genius,” Erica scoffs, and you can tell without looking at her that her eyes are rolling. “If Vecna’s the only one keeping the monsters in check, we’re screwed if they all decide to do whatever they want.” 
You groan and let yourself fall back onto the bed Eddie pulls a hand from behind his heat to pat yours. 
“We’ll figure something out,” he says quietly, while the others continue discussing what to do about both Henry and the Mind Flayer. “You should probably take a nap while you can.” 
“I just got up from a nap like two hours ago!” you whine, kicking your feet. “I feel like all I’ve been doing is sleeping. I need to think while I’m awake. Shit gets weird when I’m asleep.”
There’s a beat of silence before Eddie turns his head to look at you with a brow raised.
“How weird are we talkin’ about?”
You groan again. “Being sucked into a weird not-dimension by someone else levels of weird.” When you turn your head to look at Eddie, you almost flinch at how close your faces are. You keep your eyes on his nose; nice, safe, doesn’t give any kind of weird impression. Right? Right. 
“That’s how you talked to their friend? Eleven?” he asks, quietly, and the breathiness of his voice makes you swallow thickly. You nod twice and clear your throat, turning your head back to look up at the ceiling of the RV.
“Y-yeah. Um, yeah she, uh, she said it was In Between. Whatever that means.” 
“Sounds more like dreamwalking to me.”
“You’re not wrong. Would be nice to know who was doing the walking though. Me or her?” 
Eddie shrugs, and somehow, without your realizing, he’s wormed an arm under your head and pulls you in. He’s extremely nonchalant about it, which you wish you could be. You try to lift yourself up on your elbows again, but he makes sure you can move, and in fact holds your head fast against his shoulder. 
“Sleep,” he said, an edge in his voice even though it’s nearly a whisper. “We’re going out of down to buy guns and traps. You need your rest.” 
With the rumbling of the RV, the constant bump and jostle of it, and the presence of someone warm next to you, you find that your eyes are starting to feel a bit dry and heavy. 
“Fuck you,” you grumble, but close your eyes and clasp your hands over your stomach anyways. 
“Sucks to sucks,” Eddie chuckles, and the last thing you register before falling into a light slumber is the feeling of fingers raking through your hair. 
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You wake up to the sound of the RV door slamming open and Eddie jumping out of his skin next to you. Nothing much happened—Erica making a quip to her brother, Steve shouting, everyone on edge and holding on to the nearest stationary object while Steve puts the RV in drive and bolts out of… 
“Wha—where are we? What hap-happened?” you mutter, sitting up on the bed, noticing that you’d been scooted up to lie down on it proper rather than just half-laid at the foot of it. “Did you move me while I was asleep?”
“We saw Hawkins’ star basketball team,” Robin says quickly, moving past you on the bed and kneeling by the window to peek out. “They didn’t seem super stoked to see us and honestly seeing a bunch of white boy jocks out for blood in a military surplus store doesn’t give me good vibes.” 
“Military surplus?” You ask, sleep still fogging your brain as you rub at your eyes. “That’s where we are—were?” 
“Yeah, Dustin and I stayed in here while they shopped around,” Eddie explains shortly, and there’s a tightness in his voice you don’t like. He’s sat with his back against the wall, Robin fit snugly between the two of you before she climbs back off the bed. “Did you grab anything good?”
“Oh,” Robin starts, turning around to face you two with a grin that feels just a little bit unhinged. “We grabbed something good. Nancy found a shotgun and, get this.” She leans in, and if you weren’t in a literal ride-or-die situation with this girl, you’d be a little worried about the teeth showing in her grin. “She’s gonna saw the thing off herself. Nancy Wheeler, illegally modifying a firearm. Amazing.”
“Amazing,” you mutter back, scooting yourself up on the bed to put your back against the wall, and leaning over to let your head fall on Eddie’s shoulder. “You were right. I needed a nap. I think I need a few more naps, actually.” 
“You can probably keep napping until we get there,” he says quietly. And again, there’s a warm arm around your shoulders that keeps you fixed to his side. You don’t even notice when your eyes drift shut again. 
“Where… when we get where?” 
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. Just sleep.” 
Sweetheart? That’s a new one. You wish you could analyze the speed of your thrumming heart and the wings of the butterflies in your stomach, but again, you’re unconscious before you can make too much of it.
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You’re sitting on the steps to the RV while Robin and Steve prepare, of all things, Molotov cocktails. Dustin and Eddie are off in the field to your left hammering nails into trashcan lids, and though you’re exceptionally doubtful of their efficiency—”Aren’t the nails just gonna pop right out the second something hits them? What’s gonna keep them from just popping out?”—they seem pretty content doing that. Max is holding onto the previously mentioned shotgun while Nancy is, indeed, sawing off the barrel as short as is probably safe to do.
You’re not doing anything at all. Rest, they said, you burnt yourself out for hours teleporting both yourself and Nancy out of the Upside Down, they insisted. Not that there’s much for you to do. Even looking off to your right at the Sinclairs, and to what even you can tell is a shit wrapping job from Lucas, you wonder what you place is here, right now. 
You take a particularly long drag from the one cigarette you were able to convince Robin to let you have. You’d agreed, if only verbally, not to get involved with any of the fighting. And that had been after you’d tried to argue with both Eddie and Dustin that acting as a decoy was a stupid idea. Stupid, dangerous, reckless, pick a descriptor. 
Roughhousing catches your eye, and you hear Dustin shriek about wedgies. You take another drag and hop off the steps. 
“Where’re you going?” Steve pipes up, making Robin turn around almost owlishly to be able to see you. 
“Something on my mind,” you say vaguely, waving Eddie down when he eventually looks at you. “DnD nerd shit I gotta run by him.”
“Ugh, have fun,” Steve says with a shudder, turning his focus back on the bottles in front of him and waving at Robin to pay attention. 
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Ed,” you say, once you’ve got him to follow you to the other side of the trailer. You keep walking a bit, though it’s more of a nervous pacing. “There’s no way this is going to be an ambush.” 
“You’re thinking about it too much man,” Eddie replies easily, hands in his pockets and slightly out of breath. “It’ll be fine.There’s no way he’ll see us coming.” 
“That’s the thing,” you say, a bit too loudly, rounding on him. You look around quickly before walking up to him and leaning over, clearing your throat and quieting your voice. “Did they tell you what happened with the mind flayer before? Two year ago?” 
Eddie frowns and shakes his head. “They mentioned something about one of their friends being like, possessed or something, but they didn’t really… explain anything.”
“Right, Will was possessed,” you reiterate, grabbing at Eddie’s upper arm. “By the mind flayer. Whatever Will could see and whatever Will knew, the mind flayer knew, too. That’s how—” You cut yourself off before you can mention Billy. Not my story to tell, you think bitterly. “That’s how all of them almost got caught. Will was leading the demodogs right to them. If El hadn’t come back in time they would’ve been screwed.” 
Eddie doesn’t speak, looks off in the distance. Slowly, he reached up to grab the hand at his upper arm to pry it off, but doesn’t let it go. 
“What are you trying to say?” 
“Max is cursed, Ed,” you whisper, balling your hand into a fist in his. “She’s cursed, and just last night he took a joy ride in Nancy’s head. I’m pretty sure he’s well out of mine, but can we really be sure that there isn’t some kind of—a fragment of him, in either of them?” 
You can see Eddie twisting his tongue in his mouth, clenching his jaw. It’s a possibility that makes for a very grim reality; one where nothing you do matters because there isn’t a way for you to keep anything secret. There’s no way anyone is going to want to exclude Nancy from what’s going on. Nancy wouldn’t want to be excluded, if the ferocious expression she had earlier was anything to go by. 
And Max…
When Eddie turns back to look at you, there’s something a little wild in his eyes. Different from last time. He looks… not feral, like this, with his hair all out of sorts and his knuckles bloodied and bruised. No, he just looks dangerous. You bite the inside of your cheek when you realize that maybe this is what everyone in Hawkins was seeing all along. Ridiculous to be scared of this Eddie; everything about him right now is about protecting people. 
Not an ounce of malice. 
“You got a backup plan then?” 
You take a deep breath and shake your head. “I haven’t been able to come up with something that makes sense, yet, no.” 
Eddie lets out a breath that’s almost a sigh and finally lets go of your hand. He lets himself fall down onto the grass to sit, cross legged, and gestures at the ground next to him for you to follow. You sit directly in front of him, hands on your knees, drumming your fingers on them. 
“What do we have so far?” Eddie asks. 
“We’re working under the assumption that Henry’s a lich,” you start, looking down at your hands to count on your fingers. “We know he’s a psychic kid, like Eleven. Nancy mentioned that he said something about keeping everyone he kills up in his head. Is power absorption even a thing?” 
“In ADnD? Sure,” Eddie answers, leaning back on his hands and looking up at the clouds. “There’s ways to take someone else’s abilities, so I guess it’s not impossible for him to have yanked the other kids’ abilities from them.”
You stay quiet for a moment. Max had also mentioned that Henry’s, his… whatever weird mind palace he has going on had the bodies of the three teens he’d killed all strung up. You can’t help but wonder if maybe the other people he’s killed are somewhere in that psychic sanctuary, too. You shake the thought out of your head and continue. 
“Right, okay. So he’s yanked abilities from kids before. He’s psychic, and somehow being shoved into the Upside Down turned him into a lich.”
“Or being in there long enough turned him into one.”
“Shit,” you mutter, bringing a hand to your mouth and frowning. “No, you’re right. Steve was choking on something when we got to your trailer in the Upside Down and I remember dreaming about them being in the tunnels. And Will…” You growl and wave your hand in front of you. “Doesn’t matter, point is that he’s acting like a lich so we should probably treat him like one. I’m still worried about the phylactery.” 
“When you were with Nancy, in there,” Eddie starts slowly, and he has the impression of someone who’s trying to describe a picture while he’s still putting the puzzle together. “When Vecna got in her head, you like, froze when you touched her. Did you, y’know?” He motions vaguely at his eyes and you snap your fingers at him. 
“Yeah, yeah! I did! I saw some of that!” you exclaim, slapping your knee excitedly. “Okay, okay wait. So I saw the house, and saw the spiders. Fucking hate the spiders,” you mutter under your breath, screwing your eyes shut and trying to recall more. “There’s… this weird shrine in the attic, for the spiders. There’s something—I know there’s something else there besides the jars but I can’t—it’s too, I don’t know. It was too out of focus, I can’t remember what it was.” 
You let the end of your sentence trail off and start tracing patterns in the grass. “If he has a phylactery, and I’m pretty sure he does because everything else is Dungeons and Dragons related, I’m pretty sure it’s got something to do with that shrine.” 
Eddie nods and frowns. “He goes up there when he hunts people, right? It would make sense if he kept it close to him there.”
“But here,” you say, putting your hand out in front of you and pointing at the back of your hand. “Or there?” You flip your hand over and point at the palm. 
Eddie looks enthralled until something seems to click in his brain. He leans back from where he had, at some point, gotten very invested in the conversation and leaned into you. You lean back, in turn, frowning at him. He shakes a pointed finger at you at squints. 
“You’re going somewhere with this and I don’t like it.”
“Yeah well I don’t like the idea of you attracting a swarm of bats with fucking Metallica but here we are, aren’t we.” You slap his hand away and lean back in. “Look, if you can find a way to get me that disgusting ‘double the caffeine’ soda, like as many as you can.” 
“I’m pretty sure dying of a caffeine-induced heart attack is the opposite of helpful, y’know.” 
You can’t help the bark of laughter that escapes you. “No! God, no, look. Doing the plane shifting shit is draining, right?” He nods. “Right. So I just figure—”
“No, nuh uh, that’s a shit idea,” Eddie cuts you off, crossing his arms. “There’s a reason you pass out when you do it too much. Your body can’t handle it.” 
“When I’m starved, sleep deprived and freaked out of my mind, sure!” You exclaim, throwing your hands up. You clear your throat before lowering your voice again. “Look, it’s a—not a theory, fuck, uh. It’s a hypothesis, okay? We don’t have time to test it, I just have to trust that it’s gonna work.” 
“And what exactly is your backup plan?” 
“While you’re distracting the bats with Dustin and not getting yourselves killed,” you start, placing your hands back on your knees. “And while the other bozos are busy trying to blast Vecna back to whatever hellscape he crawled out of, I go looking for the spider shrine here and torch it.” You pause, and hold your hand up when Eddie opens his mouth to speak. “And if it’s not here, I’ll just plane shift and get it in the Upside Down.” 
“M’hm, cool, there’s a problem with that though,” Eddie says, and flaps his hands at you to quiet down before he continues. “No, shush. Vecna’s gonna be in that attic when you go there. And then there’s Max.”
‘Let’s use me as bait’ Max. ‘It won’t matter if it goes wrong if it’s me’ Max. You swear under your breath and bite down on your lip. Vecna being in the same room you don’t really care about; provided that Sanctuary actually worked, there’s not much he can do to you. 
Once he’s in Max’s head though, you can’t control that.
“Not on my own,” you whisper, and when Eddie asks you to repeat yourself, you feel your face splitting with a grin. “I can’t do it on my own, I mean—look, no one’s gonna be able to convince Max not to be the bait. She’s cursed, that’s how it is, and we don’t know whether or not Vecna’s looking through her head. But once he’s in there,” you pause, standing up and starting to pace. “Once he’s hunting her, she said something about hiding in her own head, right? Like, in a happy memory or something. I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t think that’s going to work.” 
“And you have the face of someone who somehow managed to come up with an even worse idea,” Eddie says, slowly pushing himself to stand up on his feet. 
“Right, okay, first of all, fuck you,” you spit, crossing your arms as you pace. “Okay, so scrap the idea of looking for the phylactery. For now. Eleven knows what’s going on, and I already ended up in that weird In Between place with her, right? So once Vecna starts hunting her I can just—”
Both you and your thoughts are interrupted when Eddie stalks over and grabs you by the shoulders. 
“Hey, stop for a second,” he says, quietly, to a point where it’s got you a bit concerned. “Look, I get—I don’t understand what it’s been like for you for the past three years, okay? But you have to stop for a second.” One hand goes to grab one of your wrists to pull your hand up into view. You frown at Eddie and look at your hand when he nods at it. 
You’re shaking like a leaf. 
“You’re trying to throw yourself at way too many problems.”
“I can’t do nothing—”
“And I’m not telling you to do nothing,” Eddie says, letting your hand fall in favour of cupping your jaw with both hands. “I’m telling you to use that giant brain of yours wisely. You don’t need to go looking for soulbound artifacts or fighting psychic wars,” he continues, a thumb coming up to rub at your cheek.
“What else am I supposed to do, Ed?” You whisper, bringing your hands up to grab at his forearms. His hands don’t move. “I-I’ve been having these nightmares for years, and all of a sudden I can—I can do all these things, and I just, I have to do something.” 
“And you can,” Eddie reassures you, and when he rests his forehead against yours, you can just barely feel his breath fanning over your cheeks. “Just, just stick with m—us, just stick with us.”
“And what, bail you out?” you huff, and Eddie snorts. 
“Yeah, yeah just be our getaway driver. Best one out there. You ever heard of a getaway driver that can dimension hop?”
You laugh quietly and shake your head. You don’t risk opening your eyes yet. 
“Yeah, no, not so much.” You breathe, clear your throat and lean your head back away from Eddie, “Okay. Yeah, I’ll stay with you and Dustin. Second anything goes south I’m getting us all out of there.” 
“Sounds good to me.” You get a finger pat on the cheek before you put a finger up. 
“I’m still gonna need that gross soda if I’m gonna survive shifting like, three people though.”
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@storiesbyrhi @anothermunsonsimp @alovesongshewrote @doratheignora
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about me
hi !!
fav movies: 10 things i hate about you, booksmart, x-men 1, romeo & juliet, the perks of being a wallflower
fav shows: stranger things, gilmore girls, rebelde, the babysitter's club, diary of a future president
guilty pleasure tv show that i'm emotionally attached to: chicken girls, brat tv in general
fav characters: max mayfield, lucas sinclair, dixon alvarez, cameron james, lord tewkesbury, amy antsler, rogue, juliet capulet, dave rygalski
fav ships: lumax, elmax, mixon, endi, cameronbianca, dave and lane, cartero
i hope you stick around and enjoy my account :)
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author-gremlin · 1 year
𝑀𝑜𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓈 → Scream 1996 Billy Loomis | Stu Macher | → Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003&2006) Thomas Hewitt | → House of Wax Bo Sinclarer | Vincent Sinclarer | Fester Sinclarer | → Halloween Michel Meyers |
𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈 → Supernatural
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester |
→ Wednesday
Wednesday Addams | Endi Sinclair | Ajax Petropolus | Tyler Galpin | Kent the Siren | Bicanca Barclay| Divina the siren |
→ Stanger Things
Steve Harrigtion | -smugglel a cat with Robin Eddie Munson | Robin Buckly| - Smuggel a cat with Steve Nancy Wheeler |
→ Criminal Minds Spencer Ried | Derek Morgan | Penelope Garcia |
0 notes
agentsterling · 4 years
Wall of Valor
[Disclaimer: I compiled a list of SHIELD agent blogs that have deleted their accounts. If they are listed here but they have moved to multi-muse blogs or have changed their account name from what is listed here, I was not aware. Please let me know where they moved so I can remove them from this list and follow them. This is just my list of “fallen agents” throughout the years rping as a SHIELD agent. Sort of like an in memorium to agents he knew that fell in the line of duty. If there is anyone you’d like to add to this list that you miss, please let me know.]
Agent C(harlie) West - agentwest Agent S(heri) Grayson - themusicalhypocrite Agent E(leanor) Hanson - certifiedeinstein Agent Z(oey) Thompson -  agentzoeythompson Agent A(rabelle) Shade - arabelleshade Agent M(arty) Diamond - agentmartydiamond Agent C(orinthea) Sinclaire - chessthecheshirecat Agent D(aniel) Galoyan - agent-daniel-galoyan Agent P(entele) Garrickson - ask-agent-pentele Agent S(hannon) Corriander - agentoldspice Agent M(indy) Mahvell - agentmindyfromshield Agent A(lek)Sanders - agent-sanders Agent G(race) Wilson - shieldsgracefulwreck Agent S(amantha) Hansen - promisingagent Agent J(ayne) Canton - themostbadassmailguyever Agent J(eaki) Li - thatundercoverintelagent Agent K(ari) McKeen - shieldagentkarimckeen Agent L(orcan) Macilwaine - codenameandronicus Agent W(endy) Eldair - roleplayconglomeration Agent M(ia) Ross - agentmiaross Agent J(eremy) Anders - agentjeremyanders Agent G(ranville) Flynn - shieldagentflynn Agent J(acob) Heugh - cutoffthehead Agent K(ristoff) Bjorgman - agentbjorgman Agent O(rlanda) Beauchene - agelessagentofshield Agent L(ily) Valli - agentlilyvalli Agent M(argaret) McNab - grettamcnab Agent L(ia) Banner - liahulkgen2 Agent L(ennox) Sovesky - shieldagentsovesky Agent Nehelania Wharheit - seeing-the-truth Agent A(rtemis) Lune - shieldagentlune Agent S(olomon) Welby - solomon-welby Agent L(ee) Clancy - shieldsmalenurse Agent D(avid) Grant - agentdavey Agent R(yan) Mason - agentryanmason Agent W(illow) Randall - willowrandallofshield Agent J(ohanna) Song - shieldscalpeljockey Agent S(arah) Tenison - agentnursetenison Agent G(ideon) Whitt - goliathhalf-whitt Agent K(alina) Maas - agentkajamaas Agent A(ura) Henley - agent-henley Agent K(ate) Neville - agentneville Agent O(liver) Benjamin - shieldagentbenjamin Agent O(livia) Rojas - thesplinteredolivebranch Agent S(tefan) Salvatore - codenamecockyripper Agent B(ennett) Black - an-exploding-sponge Agent M(att) Jenkins - forgeshield Agent S(heri) Grayson - themusicalhypocrite Agent A(nayeli) Rojas - quelledspitfire Agent K(ate) Neville - agentneville Agent I(lana) Stark - i-am-ilanastark Agent V(elma) Dinkley - jinkiesimashieldagent Agent E(ttore) Di Stefano - agentdistefano Agent E(ric) O’Grady - irredeemableandidiotic Agent K(ohlani) Tuisalo’o - candycoatedcoder Agent T(ristopher) Ilo Hoffman - shieldagenttristopher Agent E(mery) Jansen - jansenmoreorless Agent O(liver) Benjamin - shieldagentbenjamin Agent B(ryce) Drummond - agentdrummond Agent S(ebastian) Moran - disgracedtiger Agent S(eth) Riley - agentseth Agent M(elania) Romero - siblingagents Agent A(ston) Vickers - vigilincinereo Agent I(saiah) Smith - angelicagent Agent A(utumn) Stark - mylifewaschosenforme Agent Z(arya) Teplova - shieldagentteplova Agent J(ames) Quick - shieldvault Agent I(van) Borskov - ivananddmitri Agent O(rlanda) Beauchene - agelessagentofshield Agent K(aitlyn) Marx - shieldagentkaitlynmarx Agent L(illiana) Goldstein - agentgoldstein Agent T(heo) Knight - notyourusualknight Agent L(orraine) Walsh - shieldcontainprotect Agent J(ericho) Elrond - littleshieldtechnopath Agent G(wendolyn) Pierce - shieldagentgwen Agent C(harlie) Storl - shieldagent-storl Agent M(organ) Fury - secretofshield Agent R(omar) Wilder - shieldmar Agent S(arah) Tenison - agentnursetenison Agent D(avid) Grant - agentdavey Agent A(lexander) Leibowitz - agentleibowitz Agent J(uliet) Fisher - agent-fisher Agent G(ideon) Whitt - goliathhalf-whitt Agent G(retta) McNab - grettamcnab Agent J(ackson) Baerenwald - specialagentbaerenwald Agent L(ennox) Sovesky - shieldagentsovesky Agent E(lizabeth) Feiwel - shieldmedic-feiwel Agent M(iriam) Grant - shieldagentmiriamgrant Agent Brandt - shield-agent-brandt Agent Parsons - Soovert Agent Matsumoto - shieldagent-matsumoto 
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stevemother · 1 year
Enid: am i straight?
Xavier: what?
Bianca: nope.
Yoko: aren't you dating Wednesday?
Enid: i meant my parking.
Bianca: still no.
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stevemother · 1 year
Tyler and Xavier fighting over Wednesday.
Enid: little do they suspect I'm gonna steal their girl. Hehe
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stevemother · 1 year
Xavier: where's Wednesday?
bianca: I'll find them.
Bianca, yelling: Enid sucks!
Wednesday, appearing out of nowhere: say that again I dare you.
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stevemother · 1 year
Enid: i told Wednesday her ears blush when she lies.
Thing: - why?-
Enid: because i can do this.
Enid: hey Wednesday do you love me?
Wednesday, putting earmuffs on: No.
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stevemother · 1 year
Enid: why did you release those birds at the wedding!
Wednesday: isn't it romantic to release birds at a wedding?
Enid: you released vultures!
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stevemother · 1 year
Wednesday: *exists*
Enid: so, do you want me to pop the question now or what?
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stevemother · 1 year
Wednesday: i need you to look me straight in the eyes.
Enid: sorry, but i can't do that.
Wednesday: and why is that, enid?
Enid: because when i look into your eyes i can no longer be straight.
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stevemother · 1 year
Enid, fake slipping: Wednesday, i think I'm falling for you.
Wednesday: then grab the wall.
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