pulse-vibes-media · 25 days
Explore the German Revolution of 1918-1919, a pivotal uprising that ended the German Empire and led to the birth of the Weimar Republic. This turbulent period was marked by political unrest, social upheaval, and the quest for democracy.
 What were the key events and figures that shaped this revolution?
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 #GermanRevolution #WeimarRepublic #EndOfEmpire #RevolutionInGermany #GermanHistory #PostWWI #BerlinUprising #KielMutiny #SpartacistRevolt #WeimarDemocracy #HistoricalRevolution #NovemberRevolution #SocialChange #Germany1918 #PoliticalTurmoil #WeimarEra #RevolutionaryHistory #GermanyInTransition #RevolutionaryMovements #PulseVibesMedia
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*#menemenetekelupharsin #endofempires #writingonthewall* http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Kingdoms Prophet Daniel predicted four empires - Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome - that were to dominate the world. These empires are called four great beasts in Daniel Chapter 7 and illustrated as four parts of a huge statue in Chapter 2. In both chapters, Daniel goes on to clarify them as the four empires to come. He predicts God’s own kingdom being setup on Earth after the fall of the last empire - Rome. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=563956469096139&set=a.549191003906019&type=3
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josefavomjaaga · 4 years
A bit of a misunderstanding
Briefly (okay, not really) back to family trouble and that truely complicated almost-father-son-relationship between Napoleon and Eugène. In mid-February, as related earlier, Napoleon had had Josephine write to Eugène in order to repeat to him an order to evacuate Italy. This had wounded Eugène deeply as he – probably rightfully – saw this as distrust from Napoleon's side. Distrust in Eugène’s loyalty; apparently, Napoleon had felt the need to bring Josephine into this, in order to give Eugène sufficient motivation to remain in Napoleon’s camp.
And, as has also been said, Napoleon in truth had ample reason to question where Eugéne really stood in this struggle. From his private correspondence it becomes pretty clear that Eugène’s only hope for the empire to continue lay in Napoleon making peace, not in him winning. Eugène refused to go along with the plan to evacuate Italy (even if for good reasons), he had never completely given up his correspondence with the enemy (i.e., with his family in Bavaria), he continued to negotiate with Murat (in a way Napoleon could not directly oversee), and he had on several occasions even contacted his Austrian opponent Bellegarde, both on business (armistice) and in private matters: about his family.
The one thing Eugène truely worried about was the fate of his wife and children. He had four kids at the time (three daughters and one son), and Auguste was due to have her next child in mid-April. Eugène was mortified at the idea that Auguste might fall into the hands of enemy troops (or possibly of rioting Italians?) without him being able to come to her aid. (Maybe that’s his childhood memories resurfacing. He had grown up during a revolution, after all; he had lost a father on the scaffold.) In order to make sure nothing would happen to her, Eugène had contacted Bellegarde early on, and Bellegarde not only gave all sort of promises for Auguste’s safety and liberty, but even contacted his emperor. Who actually sent the following note:
Emperor Franz of Austria to the Vice Queen. Troyes, February 18, 1814:
Madam my cousin, Marshal Bellegarde having reported to me the determination of Your Imperial Highness to fix her stay momentarily at the castle of Monza, I pray her to be convinced that this general has perfectly fulfilled my intentions by anticipating all that can be pleasant to Your Imperial Highness. I have just ordered that a guard of honour be formed for your suite: your suite will in any case enjoy the most complete freedom, and I can only regret the reasons which force you, Madame, to a decision which would flatter me in all other respects. I beg you, Madame to accept the assurances of the very distinguished consideration with which I am, Madame my cousin, of Your Imperial Highness, the good cousin,
This letter would reach Eugène and Auguste on March 2. On a sidenote: How all these good cousins and other relatives managed to write all these polite letters while having people fire at their recipients is beyond me. - Anyway, this is the letter Eugène asked Auguste to tell her father about in order to calm Max Joseph’s fluttering nerves.
It should also be pretty clear that this sort of amicable conversation between enemies was not what Napoleon had in mind when it came to defending the borders of his empire. And so, right after having sent off his own letter to Napoleon, defending himself about not evacuating Italy, Eugène received yet another missive from his imperial step-father.
Napoleon to Eugène. Château de Surville close to Montereau. February 19, 1814 My son, the vice queen must immediately go to Paris for her delivery; my intention being that under no circumstances she should remain in a country occupied by the enemy: therefore, make her leave immediately. [...]
This is when for Auguste and Eugène the proverbial shit really hit the fan. What could this be, other than Napoleon’s reaction to Eugène’s disobedience? Napoleon was basically taking Auguste hostage, in order to make sure Eugène would remain loyal to him!
On top of that, Auguste was already approaching the last five weeks of her pregancy, and as she had suffered of bad health after giving childbirth before, she had really not planned on travelling in her state, particularly not on winter roads. But that was not really what infuriated her. She had already been angry about Napoleon before, about the divorce, for him having stripped Eugène of his right to the crown of Italy, and especially for the reproaches regarding the evacuation of Italy. The way Auguste saw it, Eugène was always there, always Napoleon’s last resort, was always called in to clean up other people’s mess, and never did he get any reward for his efforts. In an earlier letter to Eugène she had already written:
I am appalled, my dear Eugène, and I am no longer surprised that the Emperor is abandoned. Is it possible to be more ungrateful than this man is? You who sacrifice everything for him, who have done wonders, to receive reproaches as a reward! No, my friend, I did not expect this last blow which crushes me, I feel all that you must feel at this moment, I am disgusted with this world and with men; it is clear, the family of the Emperor, and perhaps the Emperor himself, is jealous of you, they would like to see you make mistakes. The King of Naples will be forgiven his treason, but they will never forgive you for the reputation and esteem you enjoy. [...]
And now Napoleon ordered her to Paris. Under a pretext, obviously – after all, France was just as menaced by enemies as Italy! The Allied armies were closing in on Paris already. This really was too much!
Eugène’s own reply was still somewhat toned down, stating basically »Okay. I’ll tell her. She won’t like it. And I really don’t know what I have done to deserve this.« However, Auguste this time took to the plume as well.
Auguste to Napoleon. Milan, February 27, 1814.
Sire, Eugène has just communicated to me the order given to him by Your Majesty: it surprised me greatly, for I did not expect that after all the proofs of attachment Eugène never ceases to give you, you would also demand of him to risk the health and even the life of his wife and children, the only asset and consolation he has in this world. If he does not speak on this occasion, it is for me to do so. Without doubt I know his and my duties towards Your Majesty. We have demonstrated this to you often enough, and we have never failed to do so; our conduct is known to all; we do not resort to intrigue, and we have no other guides than honour and virtue. It is a sad fact that our reward has been nothing but sorrow and mortification, which we have borne in silence and with patience. Although we have done no harm to anyone, we have enemies, I cannot doubt it, who seek to harm us in your Majesty's mind; for, if you would open your heart, you would not treat us as you do.
What have I done to deserve such a harsh order of departure? When I got married, I never thought that things would come to this.
My father, the king, who loves me dearly, had offered to take me in when things were going so badly, so that I might be able to give birth in peace. But I refused, fearing that this step would cast doubt on Eugène's conduct, although his actions spoke for him, and I intended to go to France. I have since been ill, and the doctors told me that I would be risking a great deal if I made such a long journey at this time, being already in the eighth month of my pregnancy, and so I decided to retire to Monza, if Eugène was forced to leave Italy, believing that Your Majesty could not find it bad; but I see that you no longer take any interest in what may happen to me, which grieves me deeply.
In spite of this I will obey your orders, I will leave Milan if the enemies should come here; but my duty, my heart, makes it a law not to leave my husband, and, since you demand that I risk my health, I want at least to have the consolation of ending my days in the arms of the one who possesses all my tenderness and who makes all my happiness.
Whatever his fate will be, I will share it, and it will always be worthy of envy, since we will be able to say to each other that we have deserved a happier one, and that we will have a conscience without reproach.
In spite of the sorrows which Your Majesty is causing us, I shall never cease to rejoice in His happiness, and to wish for that of the Empress.
However, this time, they probably really did Napoleon an injustice. He, but also Josephine and Hortense had talked about Auguste coming to Paris for the birth of her child on several occasions before (apparently, all French ladies were convinced that life outside of Paris was unliveable). And Napoleon never made much words about personal matters. (This at least Eugène could have known – Eugène’s invitation to his own wedding had basically read: »Be here! Yesterday, if possible!«) Napoleon indeed answered Auguste very politely:
Napoleon to Auguste. Soissons, March 12, 1814.
My daughter, I received your letter; as I know the sensibility of your heart and vivacity of your mind, I am not surprised by the way in which you have been struck. I thought that, with your disposition, you would have a bad time in a war zone and among enemies, and that the best thing to do for your safety was to come to Paris. I did not tell you this earlier, because Paris was then in danger, and I saw nothing to gain by placing you in the midst of the alarms of Paris instead of those of Milan. But, as soon as the danger of Paris was over, I thought that this journey had all sorts of advantages for your state. Acknowledge your injustice, and it is your heart that I hold responsible for punishing you.
It was – who else - Eugène at the receiving end of the imperial wrath:
Napoleon to Eugène. Soissons, March 12, 1814. My son, I have received a letter from you and one from the vice queen, both of which are extravagant! You must be out of your mind. It is by reason of human dignity that I wished the vice queen to come to Paris to give birth, and I know she is too delicate to find herself in this state among the Austrians. At the request of Queen Hortense, I could have written to you earlier, but then Paris was threatened. From the time when that city is free, there would be nothing simpler today than to come and give birth in the midst of one's family and in the place where there is the least cause for concern. You must be mad to suppose that this has anything to do with politics. I never change my style or my tone, and I have written to you as I have always written to you. It is unfortunate for the century in which we live that your reply to the King of Bavaria has earned you the esteem of the whole of Europe; as for me, I have not paid you a compliment because you have only done your duty and that is a simple thing. However, you have already been rewarded for it, even in the opinion of the enemy, whose contempt for your neighbour is in the highest degree. I am writing you a letter in figures to let you know my intentions.
»What’s up with you two? You gone both totally bonkers now? All I said was: come to Paris!«
This was basically the last »family« interaction between Napoleon and Eugène. At least for quite some time. After Napoleon’s abdication, Eugène did try to contact Napoleon, before and after Josephine’s death. There are three letters from that time, none of which seem to have reached Elba. As for later communications, during the Hundred Days and on Saint Helena, I know there was some, but this seems to have been almost completely about financial issues, at least from Napoleon’s side.
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endofempireblog · 4 years
A new video for one of my old songs - "What Good Does It Do Me"?!
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apveng · 2 years
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wqueens7 · 2 years
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“Polio [Virus] Has Been Detected In [The] New York City Wastewater Officials Say [‘Cause Anti-Vaxxers Fed From Lies of Trump, Reagan & Goldwater]” #headlinepoem @gop following tRump into America’s Abyss #endofempire #polio #publichealth (at Geographic Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChKnKSaun4V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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estherattarmachanek · 3 years
Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg Yinka Shonibare CBE. End of Empire @shonibarestudio Shonibare CBE. #EndofEmpire Kurator_innen: Thorsten Sadowsky, Marijana Schneider Ausstellung: #exhibition 22. Mai – 3. Oktober 2021 Öffnungszeiten: Di–So 10–18 Uhr / Mi 10–20 Uhr Während der Festspiele zusätzlich Mo 10–18 Uhr Mönchsberg 32 , 5020 Salzburg, Austria https://www.museumdermoderne.at/de/presse/detail/yinka-shonibare-cbe-end-of-empire/ (hier: Museum der Moderne Salzburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSgmPh0AI-l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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buffalogirlsdesign · 4 years
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#blm #enoughalready #sayhisname #georgefloyd #endofempire https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyBZsqJm4q/?igshid=1w5n03yn3fe9e
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tigermunson · 5 years
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#liar #corrupt #45 #drumpf #cheeto #chief #presidentcheeto #impeach #endofempire #unpatriotic #traitorous #sicksymptom #orangeandblue #crunchy #cheetoscotus #cheetopresident #cheetoruler #impeach #crush #flatten #tigrefino #tigrefinoprojects #vote2020 #getthisloserout #getorganized #antitrump #antitrumpmemes (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKticFFgw5/?igshid=14q6uxr096zok
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aniketosomina · 7 years
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Strangeness and charm in Mark Valentine's volume of interwar mitteleuropean wunder-tales. #markvalentine #selectedstories #swanriverpress #weirdliterature #interwar #europe #endofempire #alternatehistories #fadedgrandeur #gnosticism #sorcery #greatwar #decadence #lostlanguages #talesofwonder #currentreads #bookstagram #bookporn #bibliophilia
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secretsurfacetattoo · 4 years
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despite the somber expression on this guy's face, making him was some of the most fun had in recent memory.. it's 'the emperor of ice-cream' for maree, inspired by one of her favourite walllace stevens poems.. such a massive pleasure both to meet and to make this for you, lady.. thank you! contact: [email protected] ______________________________________________ #tattoo #berlin #berlintattoo #tattooberlin #tätowierung #secretsurfacetattoo #contemporarytattoo #pics_of_inked #femaletattooartist #veganink #inked #contemporarytattooing #contemporaryart #tattooart #btattooing #neukölln #visualart #tattooed #theemperoroficecream #wallacestevens #poetryinmotion #surrealism #icecreamcone #meltdown #upsidedown #death #sweettreat #blackink #conehead #endofempire (at Moving Lines Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXwBPTF3i-/?igshid=1q3i6oxxm3a8o
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#tragic #romance#Africa #truestory #love #death #endofempire https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tragic-Romance-Africa-True-Adventure-ebook/dp/B00FPW9ZLS/ref=zg_bs_362901031_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=407ZYD8F2FQ3PJ19JESX
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wqueens7 · 3 years
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#Repost @jimmyvanbramer with #farcicalcriminaljustice #endofempire https://www.instagram.com/p/CWeYx7lLfbv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tomleighton · 8 years
Love this work #endofempire by #YinkaShonibare at the @turnercontemporary in #Margate. It is slow but is mesmerising in #slowmotion. #1418now #contemporaryart #TurnerGallery (at Turner Art Gallery)
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willvarnerart · 8 years
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Drew this #alongtimeagoinagalaxyfarfaraway #endofempire #stormtrooper #companyman #maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #regram
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endofempireblog · 5 years
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Me and Andy Warhol hanging out in Soho NYC. Two visionaries! #andywarhol #sohonyc #nyc #gotham #travel #lookup #artforartssake #maninaminorchord #manhattan #saturday #weekend #springtime #spring #endofempire #chrisbromageandtheendofempireband https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxnz7wgAORs/?igshid=xov51ybxdzjd
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