#energize scotty
xyberink · 7 months
Finally Watched 2009 Star Trek
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Now, I'm down the rabbit hole and I don't know what will be come of me; live long and prosper. 🖖
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
Logos and Pathos (Book 3) Chapter Twenty-Seven
TOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Festival of Friends
Summary: The Enterprise arrives on Celia for its Festival of Luminosity, and they get to meet (Y/N)'s family.
            Captain’s Log: We are in orbit around Celia to act as the Starfleet representation to their Festival of Luminosity. It is a celebration of their history, and as our very own Negotiations and Communications officer is a Celian, we were the perfect choice. As such, we have a landing party gathered, and we will be joining the entirety of the festivities.
            (Y/N) was buzzing with excitement as they stood in the Transporter Room beside Spock. Finally (for (Y/N) really had no patience when it came to seeing their home planet after so long), Bones and Kirk walked in.
            “So, Lieutenant, how are you feeling to be going back to Celian?” asked Kirk, smiling widely.
            “Although I love my work on the Enterprise, sir, I am looking forward to the festival. It was always so much fun growing up, and I haven’t been back for many years,” said (Y/N), smiling brightly.
            “I’m always up for getting out of this ship,” said Bones, as not-grumpy as he could be. “And a party? That means a few good drinks, and that’s a good enough reason to go down to Celia for me.”
            “Doctor, it amazes me that you are given the chance to an observe a unique culture, and yet you manage to focus on the most banal aspects of it,” said Spock, the usual repartee beginning between the pair.
            “Yeah, because it’s the culture and not (Y/N) you’re interested in,” replied Bones, just as witty in his retort.
            “Speaking of (Y/N),” said Uhura, turning to her friend. “Aren’t you going to be involved in the festivities even more than us?”
            “I am a Celian,” said (Y/N), smiling. “It’s customary, and I know all the traditions.”
            Uhura smirked and crossed her arms. “So we get to see that dance I saw you practicing in the recreation room?”
            (Y/N)'s cheeks warmed in embarassment. “You will. But I’m a bit rusty.”
            “I’m certain you’ll be wonderful,” said Spock.
            “Thanks, Spock,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Yes, and we will have a great time watching you celebrate your festival!” said Kirk. “So how about we head down?”
            “Right, let’s get the transporting over with,” said Bones, stepping onto the Transport Pad.
            “You all heard the doctor,” chuckled Kirk, stepping up.
            Spock, (Y/N), and Uhura stepped up.
            “Scotty, energize,” said Kirk.
            “Yes, sir,” said Scotty.
            The Transporter powered up, and the group dematerialized.
            The landing party—Spock, (Y/N), Kirk, Uhura, and Bones—materialized in Celia’s council building. The building had a tall ceiling where a mural of the sky and clouds stared down at them. Outside, the sun shone and a large garden sloped away to the nearest city. The group took a few steps to the wide open doors and looked outside. The city of Lelas stretched out in front of them, beautiful architecture highlighted by the sun and green pathways growing free.
            Bones whistled. “Now this is what I call a nice city.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “This is home.”
            Yes, thought Spock. This place, peaceful and beautiful, would create someone like (Y/N).
            “(Y/N)!” shouted an excited voice.
            “Uh-oh,” said (Y/N).
            A blur of long blond braids and a pale blue suit rushed by everyone to nearly tackle (Y/N) in a hug. “Ah! I’ve missed you!”
            (Y/N) stumbled and laughed as they tried to keep themself upright. “Hi, Merope.” It was their cousin, here to greet them with her wife.
            “Darling, they’re working,” said a calmer voice.
            Kirk smiled and turned to the second Celian who had arrived, this time the ambassador Alekto. “Ambassador, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” he said, extending a hand.
            “It is, Captain,” said Alekto, smiling and shaking it. They wore a purple dress with flowers crawling up the end. “And this time on a far more enjoyable occasion.”
            Spock nodded. “Indeed.”
            The last time they had encountered one another had been when the Enterprise had taken ambassadors from various planets to a neutral planet to discuss the admittance of Coridan to the Federation. It hadn’t gone smoothly—what with attempted assassination and his father’s need for surgery—but it had ended in success.
            “We’re so happy to have you all!” said Merope, smiling brightly and letting (Y/N) go.
            “Clearly,” said Bones, chuckling as (Y/N) groaned at their cousin’s antics.
            “Darling, again, they’re working,” said Alekto, gently taking her wife’s arm.
            “Fine, fine,” said Merope. She just grinned at (Y/N). “I’m sure we’ll have a ton of time for fun once the festivities begin.”
            “Don’t worry, Merope, we’ll have time to catch up,” assured (Y/N).
            “I’m going to hold you to that,” said Merope.
            “Alright, alright,” said Alekto, patting her wife’s arm. She smiled. “And now for a more official welcome.” She extended an arm around her. “Welcome to Celia. We are happy to host one of our own, Lieutenant (L/N), but we are honored to also have foreigners come to experience our Festival of Luminosity. So, thank you, Captain Kirk, Commander Spock, Dr. McCoy, and Lieutenant Uhura. And welcome once more.”
            “Thank you,” said Uhura. She smiled. “I’ve heard so many stories from (Y/N). I’m sure we’re going to have a wonderful time.”
            “Yeah, I’m up for a party after all the work I’ve been doing,” said Bones jovially.
            “We still have to meet the council,” reminded Spock.
            Kirk smiled. “And I’m sure we’ll enjoy that, too.”
            “Well, then, follow me,” said Alekto, turning with her wife and walking in the direction of the council chambers.
            “If I can ask, what exactly is this festival about?” asked Bones as they went. “I like a good party as much as the next person, but I usually like to know what I’m celebrating.”
            “The Festival of Luminosity is to celebrate the day that Celia gained control over empathy and became a peaceful planet,” said Spock.
            Merope smiled. “You’re quite knowledgeable.” She smirked at (Y/N) knowingly. Any empath seeing their emotions around Spock knew how they felt.
            (Y/N) just smiled and nodded alongside Spock. “Yes, the festival celebrates our history. We have a lot of singing and dancing during the various festivities, so that’s why I’ve been practicing.”
            “And there’s the Crown of Radiance, correct?” remarked Spock. He had researched and paid attention whenever (Y/N) spoke to him of their culture. He would make sure to understand and respect their traditions.
            (Y/N) smiled. “Right.”
            “The Crown of Radiance?” asked Uhura.
            “Now that sounds impressive,” said Kirk.
            “It is,” agreed Merope emphatically. “But it’s only given out once ever fifty years.”
            “What is it?” asked Bones.
            “It’s an honorary title given out to a single Celian per generation during the Festival of Luminosity,” explained Alekto. “It symbolizes Andromeda, the first Celian to develop empathy and lead our planet to peace.”
            “Wow, it must be a pretty special Celian to get such a title,” said Kirk.
            Alekto nodded. “A Celian given the Crown of Radiance is usually an incredibly powerful empath that has done some great deed with their empathy,” she explained. “They have to be someone who really has the spirit of Andromeda and the peace she fought for.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “It will be our first time seeing someone crowned. It’s very exciting for Celians of my generation.”
            “It’ll be an honor to see it,” said Spock. He glanced at (Y/N). He wondered who could possibly be more deserving of the Crown of Radiance than them. Admittedly, he was biased and only knew one Celian, but (Y/N) was just…incredible. And even logic came to that conclusion.
            “It’s going to be quite something,” agreed Kirk.
            Alekto paused at a set of doors and looked back at them. “We’re at the Council chambers. Everyone ready?”
            Everyone nervously squared their shoulders, and even (Y/N) shifted. It had been years since they were on Celia, let alone saw the Council in any capacity. Spock brushed his fingers against theirs in support, and (Y/N) smiled.
            Alekto and Merope exchanged surprised glances before smiling, and (Y/N) sent them a playful glare as their emotions turned teasingly warm.
            Then, the doors opened, and Merope stepped back to let Alekto guide the Starfleet representatives into the Council Chamber. The room was wide open with plenty of seats for people sitting in on meetings or waiting their turn to speak to the council. The Counselors themselves sat at a long marble table, each wearing official robes in different colors of the rainbow with gold stitching on white scarfs.
            “Ambassador Alekto,” greeted one counselor, standing.
            “Counselor,” said Alekto, nodding politely. “May I introduce the Starfleet representatives?”
            “Of course,” said another counselor. “We are happy to have them.”
            Bones gave a happy sigh. “Real hospitality instead of people trying to trap us or kill us.”
            (Y/N) just chuckled and patted his back.
            “This is Captain James T. Kirk,” said Alekto, gesturing to Kirk, who waved. “This is his First Office, Commander Spock.” The Vulcan inclined his head in acknowledgement. “His Medical Officer, Dr. McCoy.” Bones smiled and nodded. “The Communications Officer, Lieutenant Uhura.” She smiled and raised a hand in a wave. “And the Negotiations and Communications Officer, Lieutenant Commander (Y/N).” They smiled and nodded, aware of the recognition of their name.
            Alekto then gestured to the Counselors. “And now can I introduce our Council. We have Counselor Coronis of Internal Affairs.” The woman in red robes nodded and smiled. “Then we Counselor Hyperion of Foreign Affairs.” The man in orange waved. “Counselor of Legislation, Helle.” The person in yellow smiled. “Counselor Leander of Agriculture.” The man in green nodded. “Nereus, Counselor of Education.” The person in blue waved. “And finally, Counselor Rhea of Judiciary Affairs.” The woman in purple smiled.
            “We welcome all of you to Celia,” said Nereus.
            “It’s a pleasure to have people from multiple cultures present for our Festival,” said Hyperion, smiling.
            “And to have one of our returned after so long,” said Leander.
            “Thank you, Counselors,” said Kirk.
            “We are honored to have been invited,” said Spock, formal as ever.
            “We hope you all enjoy yourselves,” said Coronis.
            “If you are in need of anything, simply let one of our staff know,” said Rhea.
            “And Ambassador Alekto will act as your guide during your time here,” said Helle. “And she is known for being quite good at her job.”
            Alekto nodded and smiled. “If you guys have any problems, just let me know. And now that all the introductions have been made, I can take you to your quarters.”
            “Thanks,” said Bones as Alekto led them out and the Counselors nodded goodbye.
            “No problem,” said Alekto. “I know that the Counselors are pretty busy with preparations for the start of the festival, anyways, so we can get on to some less formal activities.”
            “What are some of the festivities that are going to start soon?” asked Uhura.
            “We have a city-wide lunch,” said Merope, appearing back beside her wife.
Alekto nodded. “All of our local restaurants prepare food and donate to the community, and then we let everyone simply go around and decide what they’d like.”
            “It gets pretty chaotic, but there’s always way too much good food for one person anyways,” said (Y/N), smiling fondly at the memories.
            “And then we have singing and dancing,” said Alekto.
            “I love that part the most,” said Merope.
            “It sounds lovely,” said Uhura.
            “You should join the singing,” said (Y/N). “You have a great voice.”
            Her friend smiled. “Maybe. But I don’t know your songs.”
            Merope shook her head. “We have a ton of free time during the celebrations. I mean, first we have organized performances from various levels of schooling, and then us adults dance together, and then it’s a free-for-all, so anyone can join in to sing or dance whatever they’d like!”
            “Then maybe I will,” said Uhura excitedly.
            “If the lunch is soon, I need to go and get ready,” said (Y/N).
            “Do you get a costume?” teased Bones.
            “I have a more Celian outfit to wear, yeah,” said (Y/N). They chuckled nervously. “I just hope it’ll look good for the celebration.”
            “I’m sure you’ll look nice,” said Spock.
            “Thanks, Spock,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Before you go, we have two more people for you to say ‘hi’ to,” said Merope.
            “Oh? More officials?” asked Kirk.
            “Don’t worry. It’s nothing formal,” said Alekto, shaking her head. She pointed ahead of her to where a woman and a man were standing and waiting for the group.
            “Oh, god, did you bring my parents to the Council Building?” said (Y/N) incredulously.
            “I told Merope you’re technically working right now and she should wait for at least lunch, but, uh, she insisted,” said Alekto, chuckling.
            “So that’s why her emotions were so bright. She was excited about her surprise,” said (Y/N).
            Merope smiled. “Guilty as charged.”
            “We get to meet the people who raised you?” said Bones. “Maybe that’ll help explain your taste.”
            “Doctor, (Y/N)’s parents are a pleasure to meet, and yet you insist on deciding to, as you say, ‘tease’ me,” said Spock.
            “(Y/N)!” said (Y/N)’s mother, finally seeing her child and smiling.
            “Welcome home,” said their father.
            “Hi, Mom, Dad,” said (Y/N), letting their parents hug them and hugging back. “It’s great to see you.” They smiled as the familiar warmth of their parents’ emotions encompassed them.
            “Oh, good, we were worried Merope was pushing for seeing you too soon,” said their mother, stepping back.
            “Merope always gets her way,” said Alekto fondly.
            Merope laughed and kissed her wife on the cheek. “It’s not my fault you spoil me.”
            (Y/N)’s mother waved to the group. “Hello, I’m Eirene, (Y/N)’s mom. And this is my husband, Nikomedes. We’re so happy to meet (Y/N)’s colleagues and friends.” She smiled widely.  
            “So, who are your friends?” asked Nikomedes brightly.
            Spock, Kirk, Uhura, and Bones were quickly realizing that (Y/N)’s warm personality definitely came from Nikomedes, but their general calm and patience came from Eirene. All the energy was clearly on Nikomedes and Merope’s side of the family.
            “This is my Captain, Kirk,” said (Y/N). “My friends McCoy and Uhura.” They shifted nervously, and their parents’ raised their eyebrows knowingly as (Y/N)’s emotions turned to love as they looked at Spock. “And this is my boyfriend, Spock.”
            Nikomedes grinned widely, and Eirene smiled softly. “Well, it’s great to meet you all,” said Nikomedes.
            “It’s nice to meet you, too,” said Bones.
            “Right,” agreed Kirk.
            “Yes,” said Uhura.
            Eirene looked at Spock. “Especially anyone so close to our child.”
            Spock nodded. “It is an honor to meet the family of my t’hy’la.”
            (Y/N)’s parents nodded approvingly at Spock. They trusted (Y/N)’s taste, and he seemed nice, and for (Y/N) to have such deep emotions for him, it meant their relationship was truly strong.
                        “He seems good, (Y/N),” said Eirene, smiling at her child, and Nikomedes gave a thumbs up.
            (Y/N) turned red. “Yeah, yeah, I know, Mom.” They gave their dad a look. “And stop that, Dad.”
            “Well, now that all the introductions are done, I guess it’s time for (Y/N) to go and get ready,” said Merope. “They’re the only Celian not ready for the Festival.”
            “Who held me up?” said (Y/N), smiling still.
            “Me! But I’m also who’s gonna make you all pretty, so be nice to me,” said Merope, grabbing (Y/N)’s arm and dragging them away.
            “I’ll take you guys to where we’ll be having the lunch,” said Alekto, gesturing for the group to follow her.
            Eirene turned to the Starfleet officers as they walked. “How has (Y/N) been doing in Starfleet?”
            “They are a good person and a great officer,” said Kirk. “We’re lucky to have them on the Enterprise.”
            Spock nodded. “Indeed. They are invaluable. Many people have benefited from their presence.”
            “They’ve saved our lives, even,” said Uhura, smiling. “And they’re always willing to help people in need.”
            “Yeah, the amount of trouble they’ve gotten us out of is only beaten by the amount of times we’ve gotten into trouble,” said Bones.
            “We’re glad,” said Nikomedes, smiling. “I can tell our child is cared for.”
            “We were worried,” said Eirene. “(Y/N) choosing Starfleet…it was quite unexpected.”
            “Really?” said Bones in surprise. “They’re a perfect negotiator.”
            “Oh, yes, but we—indeed, all of their professors, friends, and family—thought they’d go into work more geared towards their empathy in a more emotion-based environment,” said Eirene.
            Alekto nodded. “Like being an Ambassador like me or working with different planets in need of guidance.” She smiled. “A lot of people thought that they’d become a Counselor pretty quickly if they went into governing.”
            “Well, they do a lot of good work and help many people in Starfleet,” said Kirk, smiling.
            “We’re sure, and we’re very happy for them,” said Nikomedes, clearly speaking the truth. It was evident that (Y/N)’s family loved them very much.
            “It is merely that empaths will such strong abilities usually stay on Celia or close to Celia since their skills are perfect for our planet,” said Eirene.
            “Other Celians have gone to Starfleet,” said Spock, not to argue but to discuss. “What makes (Y/N)’s position unique?”
            “The Celians in Starfleet have the basics of empathy to work well in confined quarters with others,” said Eirene. “And (Y/N)…”
            “(Y/N) was the prodigy,” said Alekto. “Their empathic abilities are off the charts in strength.”
            Nikomedes nodded. “So we worried when they chose Starfleet since we don’t want them to be harmed because of how much they feel from others and because it was unusual.”
            “Is (Y/N)’s empathy really that strong?” asked Uhura, surprised. “I thought what they could do was normal.”
            “All empaths can feel and manipulate emotions to some degree,” said Eirene. “Most have a specific emotion or sensation they specialize in. (Y/N) is strong in everything. A lot of people were hopeful they’d stay on Celia since such strength could be helpful.
            “But if they’re doing well and happy, that’s all that matters to us,” said Nikomedes.
            Eirene nodded. “Yes. We don’t care about people’s expectations for (Y/N). We’re just happy they’re happy.” She paused. “Alekto, dear, Nikomedes and I still need to pick up a few things for the lunch. We’ll return in a bit, alright?”
            “Right, Auntie,” said Alekto, smiling, watching her aunt and uncle walk away. She glanced at the Starfleet officers. “You know, there’s one more thing Uncle Nikomedes and Aunt Eirene didn’t mention.”
            “Oh?” asked Spock, raising an eyebrow.
            “Yeah,” said Alekto. “No one really wants to talk about it, but, uh, people thought (Y/N) would stay on Celia because even though they have really strong empathy, a lot of people thought they were pretty and could do well in something traditionally Celian.”
            “So not just bureaucracy and helpfulness,” said Bones.
            “(Y/N)’s said that they don’t like people looking at their appearance,” said Uhura. “They had a lot of trouble at the Academy because of it.”
            “What would (Y/N) have done with their empathy if not use it?” asked Spock, not liking the idea of people wanting (Y/N) to be a certain way. He knew they were beautiful, but he knew how much more they were.
            “Dancing, modelling, ambassadorship…” Alekto sighed. “Everything that deals with people and perception can be helped by appearance. Plus, (Y/N) is very free-spirited. People thought Starfleet was too ‘serious’ for them.” She smiled. “But I remember that as soon as (Y/N) realized that’s what people, they refused to back down. If there’s one thing (Y/N)’s good at, it’s proving people wrong.”
            “They’ve definitely shown what they’re worth,” said Kirk, smiling.
            “And many people respect (Y/N) for who they are,” said Spock.
            Alekto smiled at him. “I’m sure some people do.” She didn’t need to be able to feel the Vulcan’s emotions to know he cared. “And I’m glad (Y/N) really has a place to belong.” She laughed. “I hope they get a chance to really shove it to the people who thought they couldn’t do it.”
            “Very diplomatic,” laughed Uhura.
            Alekto grinned. “I might be an ambassador, but (Y/N)’s my cousin-law-law. So as soon as I’m off-duty, I’m just here to support my family.” She shrugged. “And if I don’t encourage (Y/N) to stand up, Merope will.”
            “We won’t let them be disrespected, either,” said Bones protectively.
            Spock nodded. (Y/N) was his t’hy’la, an incredible person full of passion and strength. They were beautiful, intelligent, skilled, and so much more. But it was everything put together that made (Y/N) the person he loved.
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charliejaneanders · 1 year
KIRK: Energize.
SCOTTY: ((jumps up and down, wiggling and waving jazz hands))
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flippyspoon · 1 year
Bleeding Out
Note: Trektober ficlet! TOS Spirk. This is for the prompt: hiding injuries!
How the hell…
Truth be told, Jim had no idea where the blow came from, only that he’d fought his way past two armed guards and was aiming his phaser at a third when he looked down and saw a short sword sticking out of his side which, he supposed, was maybe better than a sword sticking out of his heart. But really, he’d have preferred no swords sticking out of him at all. He still managed to fire his phraser at the third guard before glancing around, dazed, looking for the sword sticker. But there was no one. So one of the guards he’d taken down had managed to stick him before they hit the floor. 
All that had taken seconds and only after that did the pain hit and he gasped, slumping against an iron gate.
Spock was so close. All he had to do was get to Spock and they could beam out. No problem.
…That was assuming Scotty had repaired the transporter. Otherwise, they’d have to make for the forest where the other half of their team waited in a hidden shuttle.
He was still dressed in the garb of the planet’s culture. They were a planet of space raiders, mainly. And somehow, one of those raiders had gotten their paws on some very classified Starfleet tech. Well, Jim had the tech and some war lord had Spock.
Jim took a deep breath and yanked the sword out of his side all at once, falling back against the stone wall and clutching the wound that gushed blood all over his hands. He took off the thick scarf he’d worn wrapped around his head and tied it snugly around his stomach, knotting it in back as tightly as he could stand. He would bleed through quickly. He covered his makeshift bandage with the thick cloak he wore, pulled the hood up over his head and staggered down the cavernous hallway to the spiral stairs which led to the dungeon where Spock was held.
His wound was agonizing. He ducked into an alcove for a moment to compose himself. He was dripping with sweat already. He flipped open his communicator. 
“Kirk to Enterprise. Scotty…tell me the transporter’s back online.”
“I’m sorry, Captain-”
“Scotty…” Kirk shut his eyes, pressing his hand to his side. “I’ll have Spock in a minute. We need to energize-”
“The interference from this ion storm is wreakin’ havoc, sir! If I could do it, I would!”
“Right…Well. We’ll just have to make it to the shuttle. Kirk out.”
Jim considered, sorted, and settled on his options in the space of approximately six seconds.
If he was careful, he could get Spock to the shuttle. If he was extremely lucky, he would hang on through the rough ride in an ion storm back to the ship. Most likely, he would bleed out and die before they even made it to the shuttle.  And dying would slow Spock down because Spock would do something very stupid (that he would claim was perfectly logical) just to stay with him and probably get himself killed.
Ideally, he would convince Spock to go on without him, conjure up some reason he had to stay on while covering up a grave injury. Spock wouldn’t go for that in a million years.
There was only option 1. He had to get them to the shuttle. Which meant conserving his strength. On the plus side, adrenaline was doing wonders as he made his way down the narrow corridor to the dungeons, clutching the ring of keys he’d swiped off the gatekeeper before knocking him out. Maybe adrenaline could get him all the way back to Galileo 7 in the woods.
“Spock, I’m sorry,” he muttered under his breath. 
Around the corner from Spock’s cell, Jim conjured up all his energy and considerable charm and headed in.
“Mr. Spock.” He put on an easy smile as he unlocked the cell door. “Didn’t think you could get out of gamma shift tonight that easy, did you?”
“Captain, you are, I believe the Terran expression would be, a sight for sore eyes.”
“Holy Moly, Mr. Spock, indulging in Terran idioms? What’ve they done to you?” Kirk crossed the cell to Spock, just barely managing not to stagger, but as Spock came out of the shadows and stepped into the candlelight, his expression fell. Spock’s face was bruised and battered, his peasant shirt stained green.
Kirk’s jaw clenched. “Spock, you’re-”
“I am not badly hurt, Captain. They assumed I absconded with the data drive. You know, this society of medieval culture and advanced technology is rather fasci…”
Kirk stumbled just as they were making their way out of the cell, and Spock tilted his head, perusing him. Kirk attempted to stand-up straight, clutching the bars of the cell for support as he stepped into the corridor, but his breathing was too labored and Spock’s eyes too sharp.
“You’re injured, Captain?”
“No, it’s nothing,” Jim said, lightly. “Turned my ankle is all. Walkin’ funny.”
Jim took Spock’s arm, maintaining a light touch, gaining just enough support that he could keep his balance as they quickly made their way back upstairs, hopefully before the other guards caught on. 
They still had to get up the stairs, back out to the bailey (blessedly unmanned with a festival in full swing in the gardens), out a side door, down under the overly populated bridge and through the water, and across a field to the forest.
Jim now predicted he might make it as far as the bridge. He could feel hot blood spreading fast.
“Transporter’s out.” He had to breathe carefully if he wanted to speak. “We gotta make for the shuttle. Then…then get it through an ion storm. So that’ll be fun.”
“C’mon, hurry,” Kirk said, impatient. “Go go go, Spock. That’s an order.”
He could not slow, he could not falter. If Spock discovered Jim’s injuries, he would miss his chance to get out. Kirk was getting lightheaded, but one thought pulsed in his mind and heart above all other concerns besides the safety of the ship (already well out of the ion storm’s way): save Spock, keep Spock safe, Spock must live…
Spock followed Kirk’s lead all the way to the bridge. They would have to scurry under it, which meant crossing the sludgy water beneath, about a quarter kilometer. But they ducked behind a low stone wall under the road beside the river, nearly seen by a few marching guards.
Still, the sun had set. They had darkness and shadow on their side, at least.
But Jim was trembling, and he couldn’t stop.
Save Spock…keep Spock safe…
He made the mistake of taking Spock’s bare wrist in his hand, intending to get to his feet again. 
But Spock’s eyes flashed, and he looked at Jim.
Jim gathered the vestiges of his strength, but he could not get the words out. “Sp-Spock I’m…you…have to…” He forgot what he was going to say and fell back against the wall. His eyes were much too heavy.
He felt Spock pull back his cloak. “I…order you to…just take the…data drive…leave me…go.”
“I cannot,” Spock said.
But there is no logic to that. His mind was increasingly muddled, but he was pretty sure he was right. Their mission was to retrieve the data drive. He had it in his pocket. He fumbled, grabbing for it and held it out, hardly able to raise his arm. “It’s…here it…”
Jim knew Spock had sensed the seriousness of his injury when he touched his skin, his pain and fear, and certainty of death. Spock surely knew how this ended.
Jim knew Spock cared for him. There was no doubt about that. 
But still, he was a committed officer. The mission had to come first.
Kirk was still trying to figure this out while strong arms lifted him under his legs and around his back, as Spock picked him up bridal style. But Spock’s right arm carried Jim slightly awkwardly so that his hand reached Jim’s face, his wrist turned awkwardly, his fingertips pressed to Kirk’s cheek and chin and temple. Jim felt the touch, warm, so familiar and comforting, and humming with a gentle energy. He clung to it, if only because Spock’s touch, skin to skin, could be so rare. At least he could take that with him when he died. One last touch.
Insubordinate, Jim thought as his consciousness faded. You’re in big trouble, mister. You can’t…please…I love you… you mustn’t…
He heard Spock speaking as he carried Jim down to the water, felt muscles clenching as he held Jim’s head above the icy current.
“T’hy’la, take my strength… Beloved, feel me, feel this bond, take this strength from me, please Jim…”
Jim stirred, hearing voices, comforting voices that he followed from the darkness.
“They’re gonna write folk songs about it!” McCoy was laughing. “Ensign Perez told me everything! The great Vulcan warrior carrying the captain to whom he is so devoted in his arms as he fights his way through half a dozen swordsmen!”
“There were no more than five swordsmen,” Spock said evenly. “And I was armed with a phaser. I shed no blood. I simply carried the captain to a waiting shuttle and dealt with a few obstacles along the way . Hardly the stuff of legends.”
“And stubborn as a mule, as always,” Bones said, rolling his eyes. “Can’t even take a compliment, can he? Oh look, our friend the damn pin cushion is waking up.”
Kirk opened his eyes, expecting McCoy on his feet to his left, and Spock in a chair to his right, which was usually the case when he woke up in sickbay.
Except that Spock too was lying in a biobed, wrist fitted with a cuff hooked up to a screen reading out his vitals. He looked much paler than usual, though the evidence of his dungeon beatings had vanished.
“Spock, what’s the matter with you,” Kirk muttered.
“Oh, brother.” McCoy rolled his eyes heavenward. “Typical! Man touches death with both hands, gets yanked back, and still he’s more worried about the science officer in the tight pants. I don’t know what else I expected.”
“Doctor,” Spock said darkly.
“Yeah yeah yeah.” Bones cleared his throat and glared down at Jim, who ignored him as he stared at Spock. “James, sir, your friend here did a nice bit of Vulcan wizadry via some kind of sacred soul mate love bond between you two I’m not supposed to talk about and Bob’s your uncle! You’re alive and he was half dead by the time you two made it to the shuttle. I will step out now and leave you two alone. I find out anybody left their bed, I will take a damn life and it will all have been in vain!”
McCoy took his leave with one last scowl at the both of them and Jim and Spock were left to themselves.
Jim took a deep breath and shifted in his bed to gaze at Spock more easily.
“Excuse me… Sacred soul mate love bond?” He couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face, especially at Spock’s subtly sheepish expression.
“I…intended on informing you of this connection,” Spock said slowly. “I have been aware of it for some time. I was not… I did not know how you would receive this information.”
“Oh…” Kirk nodded, as if seriously considering this. “I think I would have said something along the lines of, so what else is new.”
“You…are not surprised by this?”
“You’ve told me a few things about these Vulcan relationship bonds,” Jim said. “And I’ve known there was this strong connection between us. Something more than friends or captain and XO or even family, yet all of that too. So no, it does not surprise me.” He did not hide the beaming smile that grew on his face. “You’re everything to me, Spock.” “T’hy’la,” Spock murmured.
“Yes.” Kirk nodded. “What does that mean?”
“It is…as you said.” Spock’s mouth quirked,the slightest sign of some inward decision. “It means you are everything to me too, Jim.”
“The second I can get out of this bed, mister…”
“I would not risk it with McCoy outside the door.”
“That’s alright,” Jim whispered. “I’ll just lie here for now. I just want to look at you for a while. That alright with you?”
“If it pleases you, Jim,” Spock said.
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brian-in-finance · 10 months
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😂 Received this meme from a goofy pal via text this morning, and not yet having enough caffeine in my system, I wondered about its origin. Did Spock and Kirk actually wear Christmas jumpers? Don’t know who created the meme, but I found the source of the image.
But first… here’s an original image of Spock and Kirk (same pose, without their hands in their pockets):
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Star Trek, S02E01 Amok Time, 15 September 1967, ©️1967 CBS Photo Archive
And here’s the original photo manip from right here on Tumblr (note the blog name changed):
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I saw the manip reposted, and “memed” with a variety of text, on various sites, and very rarely did I see the oh-so-faint watermark. #Fail
Happy Ugly Christmas Sweater Day to all, and to all a good night. 🐑🐏🐑
Remember… the energizer's bypassed like a Christmas tree, so don't give me too many bumps. — Scotty, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, 1982
Manip Original-Source-on-Tumblr
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bryan360 · 1 year
I’m very proud of him after going through most of my characters, but not the last as I’ll be working new ones later on. For now, appreciate his latest one featuring Emme, Jo, and two rabbits family of Windy and Scottie. Goes to show you can’t have less of their personalities than this. 😉👍
🦌🌻Emme: Look how I’m very well handle to watering some flowers. Gonna love to smell than to eat them; which I never wanted to do….sometimes. 😅
🐆🏃‍♀️Jo: Well at least you needed to eat something to get you energized. Look at me where I went at the school track so fast! Don’t worry, I’d brought with my water bottle to stay hydrated. Good for you two dancing, btw.
🐰🎤Windy: Why thank you, Jo! That’s exactly where we wanted to have our moment to shine.
🐰📚🍌Scottie: Yeah! Shall we boogie together, honey? It’ll be like taking us back to our school years during prom night.
🐰🎤Windy: Now you’re talking! Speaking of years though….
🐰🎤Windy: We wanted to say congrats for Rita and Bonn’s 6th year anniversary! It’s so nice to remember and hoping you can join us.
🐰📚🍌Scottie: Yeah. It’s better than nothing to worth celebrated. Let’s dance! 😁
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spacefinch · 1 year
Magic School Bus episodes that would have been greatly improved by Mikey being in them
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It is a crime that he only appeared in two episodes.
Note: all episodes I think he should be in take place after “Getting Energized.” That episode is a good intro for him.
Anyway: here’s the list.
Out of This World. The whole episode has a bunch of Star Trek references, and I could see him being the Scotty of the team.
Ups and Downs. More opportunities for him and Carlos to cause physics and energy related chaos, this time with buoyancy.
Gets a Bright Idea. I don’t know. It would be interesting to have him and Janet in the same episode. And no doubt he would see right through the Pepper’s Ghost trick, engineering genius that he is.
Makes a Rainbow. Not sure if he would be in the pinball machine or outside trying to help Arnold distract Mr. Ruhle. Carlos already tried (and failed) to buy the rest of the class some time in “Getting Energized.” I’d like to see if his little brother is any better at keeping people busy.
Rocks and Rolls or Holiday Special. Just so I can see what his winter outfit looks like.
Gets Swamped. Again: putting Mikey and Janet in the same room would be entertaining. Also: it’d be cool to see him and his brother both learn to like swamps.
Sees Stars. Again: space.
Gets Charged. Electricity and energy are his specialties, after all!
Other thoughts:
Janet: bossy, boastful, kind of a jerk, but has her moments of being nice. Can be overconfident.
Mikey: from what I can tell, very kind and positive. Also a bit overconfident.
For those of you asking: “Why is Mikey in this episode? Isn’t he in his own class?” Well, he likes going on adventures.
If he is to appear in any episodes prior to his official debut, those episodes should be “Flexes Its Muscles” and “Revving Up.”
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
Scotty, don’t beam me up yet, I’m taking a sh–: Transporter accidents in Star Trek
by Ames
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[image from Jake and Ames’s visit to the Star Trek Original Series Set Tour, Ticonderoga, NY]
Cheeky blogpost title aside, the transporter in Star Trek is a horrifying invention and has proven to be dangerous countless times throughout the franchise. Well, maybe not countless, as we here at A Star to Steer her By are going to count the times right now! We talked about how great they are in our future tech article, and now we’re going to look at all the numerous downsides.
We’re not about to have the “do you die every time you go through the transporter?” debate because that’s a little too philosophical for this listicle (and who can beat this CGP Grey video?), so let’s see what McCoy finds so scary about beaming up. There’s a lot to choose from: getting split in two, ending up in another dimension or back in time, or just never getting reassembled correctly again. Check them all out below, listen to our discussion on the podcast episode (discussion starts at 1:02:09), and energize!
[images © CBS/Paramount]
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“The Enemy Within”
Our first bungle in the jungle happened very early actually. The fifth aired episode of all of Trek was the well-known Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde allegory that we disliked so much way back in the day. And as transporter accidents go, it was enough to make any audience member wonder if these danged contraptions are worth using in the first place. For some it’s an intriguing look at what facets make up a person, but for others it’s clearly not something to mess with lest you get split into two people who cannot survive on their own.
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“Mirror, Mirror”
It was due to some transporter wonkiness and ion storms and other technobabble that we first shimmered into the mirror universe. And it was a pretty interesting outing once you ignore all the illogical coincidences which we can mostly forgive for the sake of a story that depicts other ways Trek society could have gone if not for all the idealism and general not being fascist. A little less forgivable is how subsequent series would overuse the mirror universe so much, but who can really blame “Mirror Mirror” for that?
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The Motion Picture
It isn’t until we hit the big screen that the transporter starts to get legitimately scary. In a mentally scarring scene, we witness what happens when the transporter goes really really wrong. Kudos to the sound effects team for making the unfathomable deaths of two crewmembers something so gross and frightening. We may not understand what is truly happening, but it’s clear that it’s Galaxy Quest’s “turned inside out and exploded” kind of terrible. And each new cut of the movie makes the scene progressively more stomach-turning. Check out the latest director's cut if you haven’t seen it yet, if you dare.
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“The Next Phase”
It took The Next Generation much longer to get clutzy with the transporter – all the way to near the end of the fifth season! – but once they did, they were all butterfingers. One of the better uses we recall of the trope is when La Forge and Ro end up phased after failing to transport off a damaged Romulan vessel. Like earlier instances from TOS, it becomes more of a character study, this one focusing on how people cope with loss, as well as a bit of a survival adventure. 10/10 would go to that funeral.
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“Realm of Fear”
The sixth season of TNG has basically a transporter accident every other week. They really should have shut these things down after a point because it was actually a little silly. We start off exploring Barclay’s well-deserved fear of transporters in the episode that introduces us to transporter psychosis. The whole thing is trippy and confusing, and there are shapes in the interspace between beamings that are both people and also quasi-energy microbes? I dunno if I fully understood this episode, or if anyone did, but I’m with Barclay on this one: I’ll just be taking the shuttle after this.
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Literally two episodes later, a new problem comes out of the transporter! This one’s a good problem to have though, as it’s an old familiar face in Montgomery Scott. We also explore the possibility in this episode of storing a person’s signature in the pattern buffer basically indefinitely. Now in this instance, it only worked for one out of two test subjects, which are abysmal odds if you ask me. Redacting spoilers: We see the buffer used to store a person with much less fatal results in Strange New Worlds, so that’s nice to see. And maybe a little in Star Trek (2009), but I’ve blocked most of that movie…
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One of the worst things the transporter ever gave us was the episode “Rascals,” about which I’ve certainly shared my opinions before. As if de-aging back into children isn’t obnoxious enough, the physics behind the transporter contradict themselves scene by scene depending on what was needed to make the story progress. Luckily, what the transporter breaks it usually also fixes so we don’t have to deal with this mess of bad child actors, absolutely nonsensical science, and kiddie show gags for very long.
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“Second Chances”
Prepare to have an identity crisis with this one. We’ve already seen in “The Enemy Within” that the transporter can split you in half, but in this case the two valid, self-sustaining copies are virtually identical, not some personality grab bag. Both Rikers have the same legitimacy to the name and life of our favorite trombonist, so what does it mean for a person to have two lives that fork so significantly? The question haunts me to me very souls.
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“Past Tense”
One of these days we’ll cover all the time travel episodes (subscribe to the page if you haven’t yet!), but the two-parter that brings our Deep Space Nine heroes to the Bell Riots is the only time that transporter shenanigans are the cause. As if getting thrown back in time to a perilous era isn’t enough, we also see O’Brien and Kira collecting chronitons so they can replicate the accident and go back to various points in time, mostly for the effect of the sight gags we get. Peace and love!
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“Our Man Bashir”
Somehow we got a combination of a transporter accident and a holodeck malfunction wadded together into an episode that is simultaneously both and neither. In the end, it’s all a happy excuse to let most of the cast chew the hell out of the scenery in a genuinely fun, over-the-top espionage thriller parody thing! We’ve got to credit Eddington and Rom for quick thinking when the transporter just isn’t cutting it when they find a rare excuse in Deep Space Nine to do a holodeck episode, another topic we’re sure to revisit (like and subscribe!).
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“The Darkness and the Light”
The last time we had a really gruesome death in the transporter was way back in The Motion Picture, and frankly, we’ve gotten too comfortable with the thing. So when Kira's resistance friend Fala gets horribly murdered in a transporter that’s been sabotaged, it’s a bit of a wakeup call that when these things go wrong, they go very very wrong. What’s your take? Is the TMP death more gruesome than “The Darkness and the Light”? Thanks, I’ll just take the stairs.
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“Treachery, Faith, and the Great River” 
Okay, I’m just including this episode because it’s when we learn of the report on how Weyoun 5 died: in a transporter accident and definitely not because of anything that Damar was up to. Not even a little bit. Why would you even think that? Damar 2024.
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Update 1/28/24: Holy Robert Oppenheimer, I forgot one! Whatever the hell Jetrel was trying to do and failing utterly at definitely deserves mention on this list because it was downright horrifying in the same way as some of these other instances are horrifying. The Talaxians have already been through enough, dying traumatically in the Metreon Cascade, but when Jetrel attempts to put someone’s loose particles back together and it just looks like a being getting tortured, that’s another step into nightmare land.
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You’ll remember we were big fans of the episode “Tuvix” when we wrapped season 2 of Voyager because the ethical debate it presents us with is so fascinating. Like an episode that splits you in two, it presents you with a crisis of identity so profound it leaves minds reeling, but this time a little bit the opposite. Having two people merged into one to create a whole new person with their own sense of self is just interesting to watch and also heartbreaking in its obvious conclusion. Never trust orchids.
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This week’s podcast episode covers this one more in depth, so I’ll be brief here. Transporting someone with Borg nanobots and someone with a mobile emitter from the future yields an even more magical mobile emitter capable of spawning new life if it gets a bite of tasty tasty human flesh. Which of course it does. What we’re left with is One, who is a darling little freak of nature who gives more evidence that individuality is a right, regardless of what certain Borg Collectives have to say.
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“Strange New World”
If all of the transporter accidents we’ve seen so far have been reckless, dangerous, and downright horrifying, then obviously the device was only going to be more unsafe when it was brand spanking new. When we see early uses in Enterprise, the characters are basically flipping a coin every time they use the thing, as is shown in the season 1 episode “Strange New World,” in which a crewmember is transported during a windstorm and the debris and sticks and stuff from his surroundings freakin’ merge with his flesh! How did this thing make it past testing?!
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In season 4 of Enterprise, we meet the inventor of the transporter, Emory Erickson, who just proves to us how dangerous the device is. Erickson has been working tirelessly to rescue his son Quinn, whose pattern got lost during an experiment, leaving his form in kind of a limbo space between existence and the buffer, a ghost that haunts space as much as his predicament haunts his father.
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“Much Ado About Boimler”
Y’all knew that Lower Decks would repeat a couple of the tropes we’ve seen before, but with their own twists. The first transporter accident we see in the cartoon is basically “The Next Phase” again, but with only half the characters and only half phased. What we’re left with is a partially phased Boimler and a good bunch of jokes about how Starfleet treats crewmembers with disabilities.
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“Kayshon, His Eyes Open”
That’s not the last time Boimler will have a rough time with the transporter since Lower Decks tends to drag his character a little bit (read: a lot). After foreshadowing it for quite a while with jokes about Will and Tom Riker from “Second Chances,” the episode pays off with a decent punchline of having a similar transporter accident create two Boimlers who are also the both same and yet also kinda hilariously different.
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the other side! Thank you for beaming with us today; please exit the transporter pad in an orderly fashion. Keep watching this space for more great Trek topics, keep up with our watch-through of Voyager over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts, friend us on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t forget to tip your transporter chief.
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mysteryfox1 · 1 day
NC likes how much of wild card Tricky can be, you could never guess what he was gonna do next. She also like that he insanely smart and of course, she loves the gentle side of the clown, he's so careful with her son.
Tricky likes how confident and charismatic NC is, she just has charm that would attract Tricky towards her. He also loves how clever the mechanic is, who knew pocket picking would be so much fun?
Ares likes that David is clever in his own way and how talkative he is but Ares does miss how David use to be before becoming mix of body parts, before he was once shy and quiet.
David likes how charming and spiteful Ares is, that spirit to get revenge back on those who wrong them. (Plus their shared hatred for Scotty)
Mouse likes Morana's taste in music and gentle side, Morana doesn't usually show that side for anyone, Mouse is only one that gets to see that side of Morana more then others.
Morana likes how energize Mouse is and how creatively violent she can be, who knew having someone dance with you among the corpse would be so fun?
Logan likes how caring and thoughtful Scotty can be, he may not look like it because of how he is grumpy but deep down, he generally care about everyone. Logan also likes Scotty's intelligence, even if he doesn't understand what Scotty say when he talks smart.
Scotty likes how sweet and helpful Logan is, whenever Scotty needs some help, Logan would always be the one willing to give helping hand. Scotty also likes how brave Logan is, he may not seem like it because of his anxiety but that doesn't mean it'll stop him from facing danger.
Scotty likes how sweet and kind Margaret is, it's surprising she never killed a person or lose herself to madness like most people but here she is, giving him the most kindest smile he ever saw. He also likes that she intelligence too, it's always fun having conversation with her.
Margaret likes that Scotty confident and caring, She always admired how he would stand up for her against bully coworker. She also like how passionate Scotty is for his work, it's always joyful working with him.
Logan likes that Margaret is sincere and optimistic, for some reason he always get Logan in happy mood and feel less anxious. It's also surprising how kind Margaret is, there's not a lot of people like that.
Margaret likes that Logan is helpful and determination, it's incredible how determinate Logan is to get the job done. He also likes how caring Logan is, he always worry about everyone safety.
Most of reasons are already on the list, here's the most common ones they like about each other:
Scotty and Logan likes Margaret kind nature.
Margaret and Scotty likes Logan helpful nature.
Logan and Margaret likes Scotty caring nature.
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He Was Simply Known As ELVIS!
Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), also known simply as Elvis, was an American singer, musician and actor. He is regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century and is often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll" or simply "the King". Although It’s a well known fact he detested been labelled and called The King as he said at many times I’m just an entertainer “Christ is the King “His energized interpretations of songs and sexually provocative performance style, combined with a singularly potent mix of influences across color lines during a transformative era in race relations, led him to great success—and initial controversy.Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, and relocated to Memphis, Tennessee, with his family when he was 13 years old. His music career began there in 1954, recording at Sun Records with producer Sam Phillips, who wanted to bring the sound of African-American music to a wider audience. Presley, on rhythm acoustic guitar, and accompanied by lead guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black, was a pioneer of rockabilly, an uptempo, backbeat-driven fusion of country music and rhythm and blues. In 1955, drummer D. J. Fontana joined to complete the lineup of Presley's classic quartet and RCA Victor acquired his contract in a deal arranged by Colonel Tom Parker, who would manage him for more than two decades. Presley's first RCA single, "Heartbreak Hotel", was released in January 1956 and became a number-one hit in the United States. With a series of successful network television appearances and chart-topping records, he became the leading figure of the newly popular sound of rock and rollIn November 1956, Presley made his film debut in Love Me Tender. Drafted into military service in 1958, Presley relaunched his recording career two years later with some of his most commercially successful work. He held few concerts, however, and guided by Parker, proceeded to devote much of the 1960s to making Hollywood films and soundtrack albums, most of them critically derided. In 1968, following a seven-year break from live performances, he returned to the stage in the acclaimed television comeback special Elvis, which led to an extended Las Vegas concert residency and a string of highly profitable tours. Years of prescription drug abuse severely compromised his health, and he died suddenly in 1977 at his Graceland estate at the age of 42.He did once confided in a close friend that he didn’t think he would live long did he have a premonition from God ✝️ about Is own death? we will never know?
Very Mega Rare Photo of Elvis Presley Seen Here Wearing The Black Brocade Jumpsuit in Vegas 1970 He Only Wore This Jumpsuit Once So This is The Only Known Photo That’s Exists Of Him Wearing It Here On Stage At The International Hotel
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deadlandplacebo · 1 year
Spock: remember the prime directive captain
Kirk: ah yes of course Mr Spock, I shall replace my nuclear rocket launcher with my handheld napalm launcher. Scotty, energize!
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Logos and Pathos (Book 2) Chapter Twenty-Six
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Six: Emotions Sensed
Summary: The Enterprise crew arrives on a new planet to discuss their entrance into the Federation. Oh, and they happen to have empaths.
            Captain’s Log: The Enterprise is in orbit around planet Novis V. We are tasked with making contact with the civilization below so that trade agreements may be reached between the Federation and the Novisans. Commander Spock, Dr. McCoy, Ensign Chekov, Lieutenant Uhura, Lieutenant (L/N), and I will be beaming down. From our scans, they seem to be a fairly advanced society with more antique architecture, so we expect smooth negotiations.
            “Are we all ready?” asked Kirk as Scotty punched in coordinates.
            Dr. McCoy sighed. “I’ve heard from scans that Novis V has just the climate for people wantin’ to relax. Hopefully I get to enjoy some of it between meetings and all of that. God knows I’ve earned a rest.”
            Kirk clapped him on the back. “Don’t worry, Bones. Brief contacts show that the Novisans seem to be an agreeable bunch, if a bit proud. It should be an easy mission.”
            “Captain, it is important to the Federation that we build a strong rapport with Novis V,” said Spock. “We shouldn’t dismiss this mission as trivial.”
            “Don’t worry, Spock, we’ll be complete professionals,” said Kirk. “It’s just that if they offer us any of the pleasures of their planet, it would be rude to refuse. Right, (L/N)? You’re the expert on customs here.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “As long as it’s harmless fun, sure, it’s polite to accept people’s hospitality. It builds bonds.”
            “I hope they hospitably offer us good vodka!” said Chekov eagerly.
            “Ensign, it is highly unlikely they have the exact ingredients needed for vodka on their planet,” said Spock.
            Chekov’s good mood was not undermined. “Then I hope they have something just as good.”
            “I just hope they have some sun and peace and quiet,” sighed Uhura.
            Spock crossed his arms. “It seems you are all intent on ignoring the purpose of our mission,” he said, slightly grumbling.
            (Y/N) laughed. “We rarely get a fun one, can’t blame us.” They patted his arm. “But don’t worry. Business before pleasure, I know.” They winked. “And I can handle both at once.”
            Spock nodded, and his eyes were warm as he gazed at (Y/N). “I’m sure you will remain on task.”
            Bones huffed. “I feel like I’ve been insulted.”
            Kirk sighed. “Me, too, Bones, but what can you do? We’re not his favorites.”
            “Not by a longshot,” agreed Bones, glancing at Spock gazing starstruck at (Y/N).
            Kirk chuckled and turned to Scotty. “Alright, Scotty, you got the coordinates?”
            “Aye, you’ll be beaming down right into the heart of the city,” assured Scotty.
            “Oh, Uhura got a report that a guide will meet us there,” said (Y/N).
            “Yes,” confirmed Uhura. “We’re beaming down in the middle of the city and then will be directed to the palace.
            “Palace? That’s pretty formal,” said Bones.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “Scans and preliminary reports suggest they have a lot of gothic architecture and some sort of constitutional monarchy.”
            “I guess we’ll go find out,” said Kirk, clapping his hands and standing on the Transporter. The rest of the landing party followed suit. “Scotty, energize.”
            The landing party dematerialized and reappeared on the surface of Novis V. They looked around themselves and were indeed met with gothic architecture. Around them stood stately buildings with expensive clothing and amenities stores displaying their wares under elegant archways. In the direction of the looming palace, mansions of carved stone lined the walkway, gleaming in the sun. In the direction of the lower town, smaller buildings stood beside the streets.
            “They certainly didn’t overstate the climate,” said Bones, nodding appreciatively. “This is the type of place I would send patients to for some rest and recuperation.”
            Spock checked his recordings. “Tricorder reports a good balance nitrogen and oxygen, amenable for humanoids.”
            “Well, I guess we have a pleasant view then while we wait for a guide,” said Kirk.
            “Excuse me,” said a quiet voice. A plainly dressed woman walked up to them. “Are you the Starfleet officers?”
            (Y/N) smiled. They could feel the woman’s nervousness and wished to allay any fears she may have with their presence. “Yes. Are you here to take us to the palace?”
            The woman nodded. “I’m Dafni. It is my pleasure to escort you to meet our majesties. Come.” She turned and began to lead them towards the looming palace.
            (Y/N) glanced at their friends. “I guess we’re off to meet the king and queen.”
            Spock raised an eyebrow. “Evidently.”
            “Well, we certainly can’t be late to meet them,” said Kirk, hurrying after Dafni.
            Bones scoffed. “I bet he’s just hoping there’s someone for him to flirt with there.” His words were harsh, but he was fond of Kirk’s antics all the same.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “He does have a tendency to do that.”
            “And it usually ends in some trouble for us,” said Spock.
            “Why, Spock, are you making fun of the Captain?” questioned (Y/N) with faux-shock.
            “Merely pointing out the facts,” said Spock imperiously, earning a laugh from (Y/N).
            Kiss each other already, thought Chekov, Bones, and Uhura. What was happening before their eyes was the most obvious Vulcan vs Celian flirting to ever be seen.
            Dafni escorted them into the palace and led them to a pair of grand doors.
            “King Caesarius and Queen Honoria await you within,” she said, bowing formally before leaving again.
            “I feel bad. She was nervous the whole way here,” said (Y/N), frowning.
            “You attempted to calm her, but emotions are irrational,” said Spock, straightening as the doors opened.
            “Thanks,” said (Y/N), smiling at Spock’s attempt to comfort them.
            The doors swung open, revealing a throne room. A woman and man sat side-by-side on thrones. Beside them stood a man and woman, twins by their appearances.
            “Starfleet officers!” said King Caesarius, smiling jovially. He gestured for them to approach. “Please, come forward.”
            Kirk grinned at his landing party. “Not often we get such a greeting.”
            “No, it’s very nice,” said Uhura, smiling as they walked forward.
            They arrived at the foot of the dais the royal family stood upon. From this distance, (Y/N) could see the ornate jewelry they wore. It was expected for their majesties to wear expensive jewels and such, but the purple stones seemed to shine from within. (Y/N)’s eyes were inexplicably drawn to them. They were beautiful, glinting in the light like shards of ice. Each member of the royal family had a piece of jewelry with the purple gem. It was perhaps a sign of their status, but that didn’t detract from their beauty. The king wore a ring with the violet stone, the queen had hers within brooch, the princess’s lay in a dainty necklace, and the prince wore earrings with them.
            (Y/N)’s focus shifted to each of the people. Their emotions were pleasant, but intense enough to (Y/N)’s senses that they suspected they were psychics in some fashion. They wouldn’t ask—that could be considered rude, and indeed it was in many cultures—but they would keep an eye out.
            “I am Queen Honoria of Novis V,” said the queen, smiling graciously at them. “This is my husband, Caesarius, and my children, Regulus and Theresia.”
            Kirk nodded politely to all of them. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise.” He shifted to gesture to his landing party. “This is Dr. McCoy, my First Officer and Science Commander, Spock, my Negotiations and Communications Officer, Lieutenant (L/N), Lieutenant Uhura, and Ensign Chekov.” Each Starfleet officer nodded politely in turn.
            “It’s a pleasure,” said Theresia, smiling at them.
            “I understand your Federation is looking to open communications and trade with us?” said Caesarius.
            “Yes,” said (Y/N), stepping forward. “We’re hoping to discuss your entrance into the Federation. Then, if you show an interest, you can take it up with Ambassadors of other planets who will vote on your admittance.”
            “Oh, please, let’s keep the discussions for dinner,” said Honoria, waving her hand.
            A practiced smile graced Theresia’s lips. “We can sense this setting is a little unnerving you all. Your nerves are abuzz. The formality of it is rather tedious. So perhaps talks can continue over dinner?”
            (Y/N) glanced at Spock and Kirk before looking back at the royal family. “You can ‘sense’ us?” they asked, keeping their voice light and curious, though they were watchful.
            “We’re empaths,” said Regulus.
            “We in the gentry always are,” said Theresia, holding her chin high. Clearly, it was a matter of pride on Novis V to be an empath.
            “Don’t be alarmed, we are not intruding on your feelings,” assured Caesarius.
            “We are not alarmed,” said Spock. Indeed, his expression hadn’t change at all, but that was to be expected of him. “The Federation has many psychics of different abilities.”
            “Including empaths, like our own Lieutenant (L/N),” said Kirk, smiling fondly at them.
            “You’re an empath?” asked Theresia curiously, looking them up and down.
            (Y/N) felt her emotions warm at the connection. Thinking it was a way to buy goodwill and comradery, they didn’t falter and nodded. “I’m from Celia, a planet of empaths.”
            “Really?” murmured Honoria.
            (Y/N) shivered slightly at the appraising look in Honoria’s eyes as she looked at (Y/N) with a slightly calculating look in her eye. Still, they kept calm and nodded. “Yes.”
            Theresia sighed wistfully. “How lucky. Here on Novis V, only those of us of higher class have empathic abilities. We’re surrounded by non-psychics. Tiresome, you can imagine.”
            (Y/N) cocked their head. “Excuse me?” they asked with a light tone, but the warning was in their voice nonetheless.
            “Theresia simply means that she wishes she knew more empaths,” said Honoria. “You must forgive her. We know only the non-empaths of our planet. I’m sure Starfleet Officers are all capable.”
            (Y/N) exchanged a look with Spock. He was reading this similarly: there was some disdain directed to non-empaths. It appeared they were looked down upon on Novis V.
            “Enough of the serious discussions,” said Caesarius, waving a hand. “We will have plenty of time for talks over dinner.” He snapped his fingers, and a young man stepped through the doors of the throne room. “Boy, escort them to their rooms.”
            “Yes, your majesty,” said the man, bowing.
            (Y/N)’s skin crawled as the man’s anxiety permeated their aura. However, the man didn’t express any of those emotions, remaining monotone and calm-faced. Undoubtedly, the royal family could still feel his emotions, but it was clear he was exercising as much self-restraint as he could.
            I don’t like this, thought (Y/N). It just feels…wrong. Something is wrong with this power structure. Unfortunately, without any proof of wrongdoing or cruelty, it was just a feeling, and (Y/N) had to go along with the landing party to their rooms in the meantime.
            “These will be your rooms,” said the man, opening one door. “They are connected by either bathrooms or just doors, but you will all in a room.” He bowed. “Their majesties assured me that if you wish to freshen up before dinner you are at liberty to. If not, dinner will be prepared in an hour. I will return to guide you to the dining hall then.”
            Kirk nodded before asking, “What’s your name?”
            The man seemed surprised. “Elias.”
            Kirk smiled. “Elias, can you tell us what to expect at dinner?”
            “I’m…not sure what you mean,” said Elias, confused and hesitant.
            He’s trying to remain detached. Just how afraid are these people of showing emotions? wondered (Y/N). It wasn’t a good sign when someone didn’t feel secure around a psychic. It either meant they were up to something nefarious or the psychics were.
            (Y/N)’s voice remained light and airy, sweet and relaxing as they could be. “Just who is going to be there and if there are any customs we should know about?” They chuckled, trying to ease the mood with a joke. “We wouldn’t want to make fools out of ourselves, would we?”
            Elias glanced at them. Strangely enough, he seemed even more nervous when dealing with (Y/N). “I know the royal family will be there, as well as four council members. I don’t believe there are any traditions to worry about. I know they’ll be able to sense your emotions, but, uh—” his eyes snapped to (Y/N) “—you have an empath, so you understand.”
            Bones sighed. “That’s a relief. It’s too much trouble to remember all those types of things.”
            “Thank you, Elias,” said Kirk. “We’ll be ready in an hour.”
            “Yes, sir,” said Elias, bowing and leaving the room.
            “Well…preliminary reports?” asked Kirk, turning to his officers.
            “They seem to have pretty strict social classes,” said Uhura. “The way the upper class communicates is much more relaxed than the way the lower class does. It’s much more formal.”
            Kirk nodded. “I heard it too.”
            Chekov piped up. “The power structure reminds me of some of the old times in Russia I’ve heard of in history books, from before we advanced.”
            Kirk was unsurprised to hear Chekov compare Novis V to Russia in some way, but he was pleasantly surprised by how on-topic his comparison was this time.
            “I did some scans, and it seems that both Dafni and Elias seem to have high adrenaline levels, like they’re on edge all the time,” said Bones. “Odd, but it’s possible they both have anxiety. Can’t tell the difference without seeing a cause.” He shrugged. “I wasn’t close enough to examine any of the royal family, but they look to be in good health. I’m curious to see how strong ESP levels are in them. If it’s only the aristocrats with it, it’ll probably be kind of weak.”
            “Dafni and Elias did seem nervous,” agreed Kirk. He looked at Spock and (Y/N). “You two get the same feelings?”
            Spock nodded, his arms crossed as he considered his observations. “There does seem to be a rigid power structure. There seems to be an imbalance between those ruling and those not.”
            “I’m a little worried, to be honest,” said (Y/N). “Dafni and Elias both seemed worried when speaking to me, but not with you guys. It’s like they’re afraid of empaths in general.” They sighed. “I mean, we can’t be sure, but I just feel like something’s off about this. Yes, they could be nervous since their royal family is empathic and maybe that creates a natural nervousness, but the whole thing feels off.”
            “Well, we’ll have to figure it out,” said Kirk. “Our report will help dictate whether or not the Federation will consider admitting them, and if it turns out they abuse any of their power, the Federation will need to know.”
            “Seeing them in their natural setting at dinner will perhaps give a clue to their nature and culture here,” said Spock, nodding.
            “I hope nothing bad is happening. I’d feel terrible for Elias and Dafni. They were rigid, but they seemed like nice people,” said Uhura.
            (Y/N) sighed. “I guess we’ll have to wait until dinner to figure it out.”
            “So?” questioned Caesarius. “What do they think of us?”
            “I don’t know,” said Elias. “They didn’t talk in front of me, and you ordered me to report back immediately after I dropped them off.”
            Honoria narrowed her eyes. The purple gem in her brooch glowed, and Elias gasped, falling to his knees as pain twisted through him and his emotions were manipulated. “Fool,” she hissed. “You should have known we’d want information and stayed behind.” She let go, and Elias struggled to his feet. “Go. Make sure dinner is ready.”
            “Y-Yes, your majesty,” said Elias, bowing and leaving before they got angry at him again.
            “They’re from a whole planet of empaths,” murmured Theresia. “Wow…they must be so powerful.”
            “If we could add their power to ours, we’d be able to control more,” said Honoria musingly. “We’d be much better off…”
            Regulus furrowed his brow. “What? We have no access to their abilities. They don’t have—”
            “We’ll give them one,” said Caesarius.
            “What, and just hope the range is infinite?” said Regulus.
            “We’ll ensure they stay,” said Honoria. She smiled, snakelike, at Theresia. “They’re very pretty, aren’t they?”
            “Oh, yeah,” said Theresia. “Gorgeous.”
            “And powerful,” added Caesarius.
            Theresia grinned. “Just my type.”
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myxmentrashblog · 7 years
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this happened before the X-men met the crew of the Enterprise.
(Uncanny X-Men #166)
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kennajenkins · 5 years
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Going to be making some Star Trek AOS stories/one shots. Some imagines would be great if you all have any! Just send them in to me and I will start writing them in between the actual series I have in mind.
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Mrvlbimbo's Eddie Munson Masterlist 
hiiiiii everyone, I figured it was time I made a master list for all my Eddie fics.
For anything in the series and longer fics catagory y'all can send me requests to further those stories and/or HCs you have for them.
Everything other than the drabbles is explicitly xfem reader because I write in third person using she/her pronouns.
The summaries are bad but hopefully this is helpful for everyone.
Smut meter
🍓complete fluff
🔥full on smut
Other tags
🍬sub! Eddie
🧁sub! Reader
🏠established relationship
🎲virgin! Eddie
💎virgin! Reader
Series and longer fics
Secret admirer series, pt1, 2, 3, 4
reader leaves romantic notes in Eddie's locker because she's too shy to talk to him in person.
Rating: 🌶💎🎲 (will change when chapter 4 is posted)
Eddie x bimbo!reader series masterlist
based on this request: eddie and bimbo reader!! a unique pair, but reader likes metal and rock music, and they find other ways to bond later
Rating: there’s too many parts but it’s a mix of all
Incentive, pt 1
Eddie has a crush on the assistant coach of the Hawkins High women's tennis team. She's only a year older than him, only problem is she refuses to date a highschooler. Looks like Eddie has some incentive to graduate
Something isn't right here, pt 1/2
A few weeks after returning from the upside down, Eddie wakes up changed. His new bloodlust only rivaled by his regular lust for his best friend.
Bimbo!reader x Vampire!Eddie
Perv!Eddie thoughts,
some hcs
Just a little quid pro quo, Virgin!reader buys drugs from Eddie and just so happens for 'forget' her money
Eddie's neighbor gets drenched in the cold and he just neeeeds to help her warm up
Sub!Eddie thoughts,
using a vibrator on Eddie
making Eddie cry his eyeliner off
What’s the plot of Romeo and Juliet again?
based on this request: eddie X (cheerleader?) reader where reader is dating jason. they get into an argument and eddie steps in to protect her. maybe they end up breaking up and eddie is really happy about it.
Rating: 🔥💎🧁
And they were roomates (pt 2 eventually)
Eddie and the reader are roommates, she catches him jerking off. She offers to help.
Rating: 🌶🍬
You mean nothing (everything) to me
friends to enemies to lovers. They fuck in the hellfire chair. It's almost 5k words.
Rating: 🔥🍬☁️
Practice makes perfect, first times the charm (coming soon)
based on this request: Eddie fic? where poor baby is a virgin but his not-girl-friend is more than happy to let him give her head for ‘practice’?
Rating: 🌶🍬🎲
It’s about time someone wrote an Eddie Munson sex pollen fic
its an Eddie Munson sex pollen fic.
Rating: 🔥
Jason doesn’t know
Eddie and reader are fwb and she's cheating on her boyfriend (Jason) Loosely based on the song Scotty Doesn't Know.
Rating: 🔥
One shots
Don’t move
cockwarming with subby Eddie
Polar Opposites
based on this request: eddie with a hyper feminine, super spoiled girl? Like, everyone just being exhausted by the stereotypical girly thing she is, and her just sitting all pretty in his lap in the throne in the hellfire club room
based on this request: Eddie coming home after a club meeting that went rlly well and he’s super pent up and energized and he gets into his room and he’s greeted with the sight of his sweet y/n on his bed in the cutest pink lingerie set waiting to have him basically rearrange her organs, and ofc he does cause how could he say no to his needy girl
Rating: 🔥🏠
I like-like you too
based on this request: eddie x fem!reader where they both like eachother and it’s sooo obvious to everyone but them? and they get teased all the time by everyone
Rating: 🍒
One more?
based on this request: Eddie fucking readers brain out and then taking care of her while she's in subspace
Rating: 🔥🧁🏠
based on this request: u eat some of eddies gummy bears only to find out they were edibles, n now eddie has to deal with a very high y/n who wont stop gushing about him and being all giddy
Rating: 🍓
Road trip
based on this request: reader and Eddie aren’t really close but they both unknowingly think each other are attractive but reader thinks Eddie is way out of her league. So they’re in the car with dustin, max, mike and Steve, but there’s no room for the reader so Eddie offers for reader to sit on his lap. So they’re both really nervous and reader keeps shifting in his lap so he grips her hips to get her to stop because he’s getting hard and he’s really embarrassed about it
Rating: 🌶🍬
I’ll never leave
based on this request: eddie having a nightmare where his gf leaves him only for him to wake up with her drooling all over his arm in her sleep
Rating: 🍓☁️🏠
It goes both ways
based on this request: reader getting into a fight with a jock because he hit and/or upset Eddie? Like, maybe she could kick his ass but she would also have gotten her fair share of hits?
Rating: 🍓
Not so innocent
based on this request: y/ns like this good girl teachers pet-- pleated skirts and mary janes and all-- with straight a's and she's sent to tutor eddie bc man is failing with a capital F so they're studying in her pink room with a bunch of awesome stuffies (in my head a lot of them are dragons and gargoyles and eddie's nerdy lil heart fricken explodes but this is just me being stupid in love) and he has full intention to do absolutely zERO work
(corruption kink and dom!eddie if you couldn't tell by now jdjjd)
and the whole time he's just teasing her (cough degrading her cough) and flirting with her (cO U G H praising her ahem) and- oops now they're fucking *acts shocked*
Rating: 🔥💎🧁
based on this request: idk idk i’m just imagining eddie being like bold bold
“you wish you could handle me”
“yes, i do. roughly…thoroughly…for hours…”
Rating: 🍒
Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
based on this request: eddie accidentally calling you mommy while you’re edging him? so u like slightly laugh cause ur like omg???????? and he’s just so embarrassed BYE
Rating: 🔥🍬🏠
Rings can’t go in there
based on this request: eddie having to fish his ring out of your coochie
Rating: 🌶🏠
Teenage rebellion
Based on the request: What if Jason’s sister flirts with Eddie just to annoy his brother but she ends up having sex with him (I like how you write, specifically submissive Eddie)
Rating: 🔥🍬🎲
Wearing his rings
Giving him hickies
Boobs, boobs pt2
Belly bulge
Your first time with Eddie
Praise kink
Sub Eddie with begging
Naked Polaroids
Eddie x plus sized reader
Eddie with a mommy kink
Eddie x y2k aesthetic reader
Role play
Possessive Eddie
Giving Eddie head scratches
Flirting with Eddie
Jewlery and tits
Eddie is needy and wants attention
Eddie doesn't want to share his cookies with Hellfire
Getting Eddie's name tattooed
(Plz lmk if any of the links don’t work)
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hikikomoriarty · 7 years
Where no man has gone before
„Ensign Dreadpan, was grinsen Sie denn so?“ „Verzeihen Sie, Sir – ich kann mein Glück nicht fassen! Seit ich fünf Jahre alt war, habe ich davon geträumt, eines Tages im Maschinenraum eines der berühmtesten Schiffe der ganzen Sternenflotte dienen zu dürfen!“ „Ensign Dreadpan, schauen sie nochmal genau auf ihre Befehle!“ „Ja, Sir, da steht: „...melden Sie sich bei Mr. Flusher im... Oh!“ „Und nun aber hopp hopp in den Turbolift! Wir haben Fashion-Alarm Orange! Counselor Trois Seidentücher haben sich mal wieder zwischen Trommel und Gehäuse verfangen und das letzte, was wir auf dieser diplomatisch heiklen Mission gebrauchen können, ist eine Empathin im Klamotten-Koller!“ So begannen sie, meine Abenteuer im Waschmaschinenraum der USS Enterprise.
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