#engaged tarlos
alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
something something carlos feeling like he had to pick up his own broken pieces something something realizing the pieces weren't broken he was just missing one and it was tk
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captain-gillian · 1 year
nothing a kiss better can't fix
2,196 words. rated g. summary: Carlos has a hard time admitting when he's sick, but when he's hurt on the job he's forced to let TK take care of him.
Carlos wakes a while before his alarm, but he doesn’t mind. There’s a certain serenity in the silence and the solitude in the hours before the sunlight streams through the gap in the curtains and rouses TK from his slumber. Today especially, he appreciates starting the day watching his perfect fiancé sleep so soundly.
TK’s been getting over the flu for what feels like an eternity, and seeing him this peaceful is a very welcome sight. In actuality, it’s only been about five days, but after the hypothermia, even a simple cold seems to be enough to send TK to bed for three days straight, so now Carlos can’t help but worry the whole time whenever TK gets sick, and watching his fiancé feel so awful, but being unable to help has left Carlos feeling defeated.
It’s the same crushing defeat he felt all those months ago as he sat in that horrid plastic chair in the ICU and watched the man he loved—a man he thought no longer loved him—fade away. The same helplessness he felt watching the plane he’d just put the love of his life on hurtle towards the ground, smoke billowing out of the engine. 
He never wants to feel that powerless again. And thankfully, for now, at least, he doesn’t have to. TK has finally recovered—sure, he wasn’t actually sick for more than a week, but watching the ones you love unwell feels like an eternity—and is going back to work today, and a weight has lifted off Carlos’s chest; he feels like he can finally breathe again. 
It takes everything in Carlos not to snooze his alarm—or better yet, turn it off altogether—and stay in this serene moment for as long as possible. But he can’t. He has a big case he’s helping detective Washington with at work, so he reaches out and gently pushes back TK’s hair to kiss his fiancé’s forehead.
“G’morning, love,” TK whispers sleepily as he stretches his arms out, slowly waking up.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, TK,” Carlos tells him as he swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands. The room spins, and his vision goes fuzzy around the edges; then Carlos stumbles, landing back on the bed. Everything sounds muffled and distant.
“Babe?” Comes a far away sounding voice as the bed moves beside him, probably TK scrambling to sit up. “Are you okay?” 
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Carlos takes a deep breath and steadies himself. “I think I just stood up too fast. Go back to sleep, and I’ll see you tonight. Love you.” TK looks over at him with an eyebrow raised and an air of scepticism in his expression.
“Are you sure?” TK asks, reaching out to feel his forehead and check for a fever. “Well, you don’t have a fever.” He concludes, but it doesn’t seem to comfort him.
“I don’t have a fever because I’m fine, TK,” Carlos tells him squeezing his hand reassuringly. “Go back to sleep; I’ll see you after my shift.”
TK stands up and strides toward the closet. “Just let me check you over, babe. Can’t be too careful.” He tells Carlos as he reaches for a backpack—the over-the-top first aid kit he keeps around ‘just in case’. 
“Fine, but quickly, I’ve got to get to work. I can’t be late today.” Carlos relents, sinking further into the mattress as TK takes a stethoscope from the bag. 
“This might be cold,” TK warns as he places a stethoscope against Carlos’s bare chest. Carlos draws in a sharp breath when the cold metal meets his skin, but he sits still and patient and complies with TK’s vitals checks, a process he’s all too familiar with. If there’s one person who worries more than Carlos does about TK, it’s TK whenever Carlos is sick or might be sick. He can’t so much as sneeze in his fiancé’s presence without being treated to a complete checkup and the suggestion of a day’s bed rest. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to call in sick? I could take an extra sick day and take care of you? I could bring you matzo ball soup, and we could watch that new season of grand designs you’ve been looking forward to.” TK asks, and it’s so tempting. He wants more than anything to say yes, to stay here. But he’s not sick; he doesn’t have time to be sick. He never gets sick.
“I’m sure. Be safe today.” He tells TK. He’s not a superstitious person by nature, but this is his one exception. He tells TK to be safe before every shift because the man he loves seems to collect near-death experiences like baseball cards, and he can’t bare the thought of one more ICU vigil, kidnapping, or plane crash in their future. Wishing him safety before they part is a little way for Carlos to comfort his nerves when they’re apart. “I love you.” He whispers into TK’s hair as he kisses his head and stands again; this time, the world doesn’t spin.
As Carlos gets ready for work, he chalks his dizziness up to a poor night's sleep. He doesn’t think of it again until he’s following Detective Washington down a staircase following a lead on a case, and suddenly the world is spinning. He’s stumbling, and it’s too late to catch himself, feeling the hard concrete edge of every stair in his back as he tumbles, landing at the bottom in a heap of limbs and hurt pride.
As if falling down the stairs in front of a superior officer wasn’t bad enough, Detective Washington radios dispatch for an RA unit despite his protests—he may be bleeding, but he really doesn’t think an ambulance is warranted. He can’t be seen showing weakness on the job by calling an ambulance over a stumble and a scraped knee. What would his father think? 
Worse still, dispatch assigns the 126, Captain Vega, TK and Nancy. Because, of course, it would be TK and Nancy’s shift. Just thinking about it has Carlos groaning internally—between the two of them, he will never live this down. And worse than that, TK will be going out of his mind worrying the whole time—as yet unaware that it isn’t warranted—it’s a type of fear Carlos is all too familiar with, the stomach drop every time that he gets a text from Nancy during a shift, or he hears of an EMT down over the radio with no further details, and TK takes a while to answer his call, the bone-chilling fear when TK is late home from a shift. It’s a fear he hates to be the cause of for TK.
It feels like it takes an hour for the 126 ambulance to pull up on the scene, but Carlos knows it’s just because he’s stressed and still feeling a little off from his fall. Nancy parks the rig, and she, Captain Vega and TK calmly walk across to him. TK walks stiffly, visibly tensed, as though he were awaiting bad news whilst trying to remain professional and calm.
Carlos can practically feel the tension lift from his fiancé’s shoulders when they lock eyes from a distance, and TK sees he’s conscious, breathing, and barely bleeding. TK’s face softens instantly, “Carlos, babe, what happened? Are you alright?” He blurts out, the pace of his speech at odds with his calm, professional demeanour.
“Seriously, it’s nothing, TK,” Carlos says as he leans against the back of the 126 ambulance with his worried fiancé methodically checking him over. 
“It’s not nothing, Carlos. You’re bleeding .” TK tells him, trying to gently guide him towards the stretcher. “Now, will you please sit down and let me treat you?”
“I’m okay, TK. Breathe,” Carlos says, taking his fiancé’s hand. “This is nothing a kiss better can’t fix.” 
“Is a kiss better for a certain flu-riddled fiancé of yours, perhaps exactly how you ended up in this situation, dude?” Nancy asks with a raised eyebrow and a laugh.
“First of all, I’m not ‘flu riddled’,” TK tells her, putting dramatic air quotes around his words. “And second, how do you know about that?” 
“When are you going to just admit I know everything,” Nancy tells him with a grin before adding. “Also, you’re both, like, hella predictable.”
“It’s irrelevant because I don’t have the flu,” Carlos interjects. Frankly, he doesn’t have time to have the flu and having the flu won’t get this case solved.
“Babe, you have a fever of 102 degrees,” TK tells him gently, “You’re clammy and congested, you were dizzy this morning. You have the flu.” 
“I’m fine, really,” Carlos says, wincing as TK presses a sterile gauze pad up against his bleeding elbow. Being able to admit when he’s sick has never been Carlos’s strong suit. Every time he suppresses a sniffle or covers up a cough, he hears his father’s words from his childhood, “Never let them see weakness, son.” 
His father hadn’t been talking about being sick, but Carlos took his words to heart. He learned ways to appear strong in all aspects of his life, and that included never being sick. Sickness was seen as weakness, and Carlos wasn’t soft, so he didn’t get sick; he pushed past it ‘like a man’, doing his best never to let on, no matter how unwell he felt. It’s a thought process he’s still working on unlearning.
“You’re not fine, babe. Hold pressure on this.” He instructs, placing Carlos’s hand over the gauze. “I’m going to patch you up, and then I’ll talk to Captain Vega about taking off the rest of the shift, and I’ll take you home.” 
“I can’t let you do that, TK. I’ll be alright. I’ll drive home and hang out on the couch until your shift is finished.” Carlos says and receives a trio of sceptical glances in response.
“I don’t know how I feel about that,” TK says as he removes the gauze from his fiancé’s elbow and presses the steri-strip Nancy passes him over the split skin. 
“See, I’m all better now, TK,” Carlos tells him with a reassuring smile. “You don’t have to worry.”
“You can’t be all better just yet,” TK says, leaning in so only Carlos can hear. “You haven’t had your kiss better.” He reaches out and brushes a singular stray curl off Carlos’s forehead—Carlos swears his hair has a mind of its own, he slathered it with gel and brushed it neatly into place only a few hours ago to look presentable for work, but already the curls were making their escape—and presses a gentle kiss to it. TK’s cool touch against his warm forehead is fleeting but, nonetheless, comforting. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take off the rest of the shift?” TK asks, giving pleading puppy dog eyes to Carlos.
“I’ll be alright, TK.”
“I don’t like the idea of you being home alone; what if you have a head injury, a concussion. You hit your head pretty hard if that bruise is anything to go off.”
“You checked me for a head injury. And then you made Nancy check me and Captain Vega, too. I’m okay, TK.” Carlos points out. TK has been more than thorough in making sure Carlos was ok.
“But none of us has X-Ray vision, and you won’t let me take you for a scan.” 
“Tyler. I’m okay. I’ll get a Lyft home if it makes you feel better?” He offers, and TK relents. So he takes a Lyft home, changes into sweats and gets comfy on the couch. However, he soon starts to regret his decision when he realises all he has the energy to do is sit and overthink the impression his fall might have made on detective Washington and if it might affect his chances of becoming detective in the future. Not to mention the splitting pain in his head. So he calls TK.
“TK?” Carlos asks as his fiancé picks up the phone. 
“Yes, babe.” TK answers. “Is everything okay? Do you need anything? I called your mom; she’s on her way until I get home.”
“You called my mom for me?” Carlos asks. Nobody has ever done that for him. He’s never had anyone who cared enough to notice if he was sick, let alone call his mom to take care of him. Whenever he thinks he can’t possibly love TK more, he proves him wrong in the best possible way. 
“Of course, I called your mom. It’s ok to let people take care of you when you’re sick. It’s not a sign of weakness.” TK says, and relief washes over Carlos. How does TK always know what he’s thinking?”
“Thank you for calling her.” He tells him.
Andrea interjects from the doorway, having just let herself in, “It’s a good thing he did, Carlitos. Just look at you, mijo.” She says as she takes a tupperware of soup from her tote bag in the kitchen. “Mama is here now, with your Abuela's famous chicken soup. I’ll have you feeling better in no time.” 
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rosedavid · 1 year
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3.18  |  4.18
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heartoflightning · 2 months
i would give anything to have a crossover where tk and carlos meet buck and tommy
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lonestardust · 1 year
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angeltk · 1 year
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [week two]
hosting an event -> engagement announcement party
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sapphire11 · 2 years
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“It’s not drama, it’s not drama. It’s love. The kind that you can’t get away from. And baby, my life has been scarred with loss and at times it’s felt inescapable. But that’s the risk of love, right? But for the first time in my life, the love that I feel is infinitely more powerful than the fear of losing it. And every moment that we’re not married is a wasted moment, and baby, we only get so many.”
“Tyler, can I say yes now? Can I say yes now?”
“I sure hope so”
“Then yes, a thousand times, yes”
Tagging: @chaotictarlos​ @bubblesandroses8​ @porscheanakinns​ @ronensass​ @firstprince-history-huh​ @detective-giggles​ @noxsoulmate​ @beautifulhigh​ @rangergurlgleek1211​ @buckybarnesalways
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reyesstrand · 2 years
no no no because it’s still sinking in that we’re even going to see engaged tarlos….the fact that we’re going to see married tarlos in the same season
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
Paper Rings
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Gabriel Reyes, Andrea Reyes, Owen Strand, Paul Strickland, Mateo Chavez
Rating: K
Summary: Five times T.K. and Carlos made progress on their wedding planning and one time they didn't.
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“Okay,” Owen whispers, darting a glance around the room to make sure no one is listening. “Here’s the plan: I’m going to tell them I have to use the bathroom. While they’re distracted, you sneak out the side door. I’ll get the car and meet you.”
“They have the keys,” Gabriel whispers back. 
Owen thinks for a moment. “We could rush them?”
Gabriel shakes his head. “There are three of them, and they’re faster and stronger than us. We won’t make it.”
Owen sighs. “I guess I’ll have to hot wire it.”
“You know we can hear you, right?” Carlos says from where he, T.K., and Andrea are standing a mere five feet away in the ballroom they’re all checking out as a possible wedding venue.
“Damn it,” Owen mutters before turning toward them, a bright smile on his face. “Oh uh, we were just discussing how beautiful the…sconces are. Right Gabriel?”
“Oh yes,” Gabriel agrees. “Excellent uh, lighting in here. Very…bright.”
“Thanks for the input,” T.K. says with a smile and a roll of his eyes. “That’s definitely our main focus in choosing a wedding venue, good lighting. Right babe?”
“Definitely,” Carlos mock agrees, putting an arm around T.K.’s waist.
“You know, if we’re annoying you, we can leave,” Owen suggests in that voice he uses when he’s pretending to be sincere. 
No one is falling for it.
“Absolutely not,” Andrea says flatly. “I want the two of you where I can see you. Every time you’re together you cause trouble.”
“But wouldn’t it make more sense for you to bring us along to the things we’d be useful at?” Gabriel tries. “We don’t know anything about wedding venues. A barn versus a ballroom? Who cares! Now when the cake tasting rolls around…”
“Yes,” Owen jumps in to agree. “I think we’d be excellent at cake tasting. And very bad at floral arrangements.”
“If you keep dragging us around now we’ll be too tired to help when it really counts,” Gabriel says.
Both of them look hopefully at the rest of the group. Carlos and T.K. exchange a glance while Andrea shakes her head disapprovingly. 
“Look,” Carlos says finally. “We know that looking at wedding venues and researching photographers and addressing invitations—“
“You’re going to make us address invitations?” Owen interrupts in horror.
“Dad!” T.K. sighs, giving him an exasperated look.
“Sorry,” Owen says, holding out a hand to cede the floor back to his son’s fiancé. “Go on Carlos.”
“We know that doing all of this isn’t really your thing,” Carlos continues, ever the peacemaker. “But we want you to be involved.” He looks at T.K. who nods in agreement. “It’s important to us that we do this as a family.”
Owen and Gabriel both deflate a little bit. “Well,” Gabriel says slowly. “I think I liked the second space today better.”
“The vineyard?” Andrea asks.
“No,” Gabriel says. “No the…what do you call it? Homestead?”
“That was number four,” Owen says. “And I agree. You want something with indoor space. No need to invite the elements to ruin your day.”
“Is this even the right size?” Gabriel asks, starting to wander the space. “You need room for the guests spread out.”
“Well we’re keeping it pretty small,” Carlos says. 
“But even still, you need space for food, for dancing, you don’t want your guests tripping all over each other,” Owen says. “And aesthetic wise this carpet would have to go. Do you think we can rent flooring?”
“We’re not renting flooring,” T.K. says, but his words fall on deaf ears as the two men start talking about the building’s structural integrity and clocking the number of fire exits.
T.K. looks at his fiancé an exaggerated grimace on his face. “We made a mistake, huh?”
“Oh yeah,” Carlos says.
“Don’t worry. I’ll round them up,” Andrea says, patting Carlos’ shoulder. “Oye! You two! Vengan! No one needs you to check the fire extinguishers, vámonos!”
“Dude, you cannot wear that to your wedding,” Paul says seriously as he eyes T.K.’s suit.
“Why not?” Mateo asks. “I think he looks dope as hell.”
“Yeah why not?” T.K. asks, brushing off the front of the floral patterned jacket, then turning so he can see the matching pants better in the mirror. “I like it.”
“There is no way Carlos is going to let you wear that,” Paul says with a shake of his head.
T.K. just smiles. “Hey babe?” he calls.
“Yeah?” a reply comes from across the room where they’re separated from Carlos by a curtain. 
“Can I wear a sage green floral suit to the wedding?”
There’s a pause and then, “Whatever makes you happy.”
“See?” T.K. says with a smirk. “He wants me to be happy.”
“Uh huh. Mrs. Reyes?” Paul calls. “When Carlos paused just then, did he make his ‘contemplative, thoughtful face’ or did he make his ‘blank look of long suffering’ face?”
“I have to say it was the latter,” Andrea calls back.
Paul gives T.K. a look and T.K. frowns. “Well if he could just see how great I look in it, he’d probably change his mind,” he says loudly.
“We agreed not to look,” Carlos calls back.
“No you agreed. I was forced to comply,” T.K. mutters. He sighs and looks the suit up and down again. “Maybe for the rehearsal dinner.”
The decision to go together to look for wedding attire had been born out of time constraints and Andrea’s desire to see both men try on suits. Their dads had been fired after the venue fiasco, so they’d each brought along a couple friends and family members to give opinions. The decision not to see each other on the other hand, had been entirely Carlos citing tradition. T.K. wasn’t a fan.
On the other side of the room Carlos examines himself his own mirror. “I think I liked the first one better,” he says.
“Ohhhhhhh my god, just pick a suit, they all look exactly the same,” Francesca whines from where she’s reclining in a chair between their mom and Adriana.
“Cesca!” Andrea scolds. 
“I’d like to remind you that you were not invited to this,” Carlos tells her. She and Adriana had shown up out of the blue, having tracked Andrea’s phone to the tux shop. So despite firing both Owen and Gabriel, they still had unwelcome guests at this appointment. “Unless you’re going to be nice, you can just be quiet.”
“You need opinions,” Adriana says, not looking up from where she’s scrolling her phone. “Tía’s just going to say you look great in everything.”
“Well he does,” Andrea says. “I have beautiful children.”
Carlos snorts and rolls his eyes, then studies himself again. “I’m putting the grey one back on.”
“Ugh!” Adriana and Francesca both groan in displeasure.
On the other side of the curtain, things are looking up. “Now that is a good look,” Paul says when T.K. comes out for the fifth time. 
“Yeah, you think?” T.K. asks, brushing his hands over the three buttons on the vest. This suit is blue, with a light pinstripe running through it, and he’s really liking the look without a jacket.
“You look fly,” Mateo says, giving a low whistle. 
“We could do matching pocket squares,” the store associate who’s been helping them says. “To tie the two suits together.”
T.K. nods and straightens the grey tie around his neck, looking contemplatively at himself. “Carlos!” he calls. “Did you find the one you want?”
“I think so,” Carlos says.
T.K. turns and immediately strides toward the curtain. 
“Whoa, hey! Where are you going?” Mateo asks as he and Paul jump to their feet to follow him. 
“To see Carlos,” T.K. says. 
“But he—“
“T.K. don’t—“
“Babe, I’m coming over!”
Carlos has about three seconds to react before T.K. comes through the curtain. “T.K.!” he cries, spinning away with a hand over his eyes. 
“I’m not looking!” T.K. calls back. 
There’s a shuffling sound and then a small thump and Andrea says, “T.K.! Cuidado mijo!”
Seconds later Carlos feels someone press up against him until they’re standing fully back-to-back, familiar fingers sliding between his own. “Hi,” T.K. says.
“Hi.” Carlos fights back a smile. “We said no looking.”
“I know, but someone needs to see how the suits look together,” T.K. says. “My eyes are closed, I promise.”
“Paul?” Carlos asks.
“He’s telling the truth,” Paul confirms. “Almost killed himself getting up on that pedestal with his hand over his eyes.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Carlos tells him. 
“And you love it,” T.K. says, squeezing Carlos’ fingers. “So?” he says to the rest of the group. “How do we look?”
“Extremely stupid,” Adriana says immediately. “But also hot.”
“Yeah you look great together,” Mateo says.
“Mom?” Carlos asks, but he doesn’t get a response.
“She can’t talk, she’s crying,” Francesca says on her behalf. “It’s just suits ma! You’ve seen them both in suits before!”
“But not their wedding suits,” Andrea finally says in a watery voice. “My boys, you’re really getting married.”
They really are. 
“And so THEN I said that we should probably find a different way to get him out, but Nancy said we should keep trying…”
Carlos listens to his fiancé ramble on at a mile a minute as they walk toward the next bakery on their list. They’ve already been to three today and T.K. is so hopped up on sugar that he hasn’t stopped talking in over ten minutes. 
Carlos is also feeling a little bit over-sugared; they should have taken his mom’s advice to spread these out over a couple days, but he’d wanted to get it checked off his list and today was the only day they were both free during regular business hours for the next two weeks. 
“And can you believe he wrote that song in a single day and then recorded it, I mean it’s unbelievable—“
He’s still reeling from their first three appointments; the first place had wanted $600 for a basic cake plus more for anything custom, the second had tasted stale and flavorless, and the third had been good, but the owners had rushed them through the appointment, giving both Carlos and T.K. a bad vibe. 
“Maybe I should just bake it,” he says, interrupting the flow of T.K.’s tangent, which has moved onto something about a meteor shower next week.
T.K. pauses for a moment and shakes his head. “I knew this was going to happen.”
“Knew what was going to happen?” Carlos asks.
“I knew that you were going to get all picky and not like any of the cakes we tasted,” T.K. says.
“Be honest, have you ever had a good wedding cake?” Carlos asks. “They’re always dry and tasteless and it seems like a huge waste of money. We could put it toward our honeymoon instead.”
“Baby,” T.K. stops walking and takes both of Carlos’ hands in his. “It’s not that I don’t think you could bake a wedding cake. It’s that I don’t think you could bake our wedding cake.”
Carlos just raises an eyebrow and waits for T.K. to explain his cryptic statement. 
“I love you,” he starts and Carlos rolls his eyes. “But I also know you. And I think, that in the days leading up to our wedding, you might start to feel a little…stressed. I really don’t think you want the added responsibility of baking a cake for a hundred people, do you?”
Carlos’ shoulders slump. “No. But what we’ve seen so far today isn’t very promising.”
“Well then we’ll just have to keep trying,” T.K. says as he loops his arm through Carlos’ and starts walking again. “I will selflessly commit to visiting every bakery in this city until we find you the perfect wedding cake.”
Carlos laughs. “You just want more cake.”
“Eh, that’s just a perk,” T.K. tells him with a wink, pulling open the next bakery’s door.
The space is bright, and modern, display cakes placed artfully around the room. “Hi,” the woman behind the counter says brightly. “Are you Carlos and T.K.?”
The appointment goes perfectly. The designs are unique but within their price range, the owner, Katie, is beyond helpful and takes her time, and everything they try is so good they struggle to choose a favorite. They leave two hours later with signed paperwork and an additional box of cake samples to take home. 
“See?” T.K. says. “Told you we’d find one. I get to have a wedding free of cake stress, and you get to check something else off your list. It’s a win-win.”
“I should never have doubted you,” Carlos says.
Engagement Photos
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” T.K. calls as he rushes into the loft, hurling his bag to the floor and kicking off his shoes into a haphazard heap. 
A last minute call had put them well into overtime and he knew that his fiancé was going to be sweating his late arrival since they were now fifteen minutes late for their engagement photo session. 
“I just have to jump in the shower and then I’ll be ready, ten minutes tops, I sw—“
The rest of his assurances die on his lips as he enters their bedroom and finds Carlos laying out his clothes on the bed. “Hi,” T.K. says, eyes slowly looking his fiancé up and down.
Carlos has on dark jeans and a grey button down, a narrow tie completing the look. His curls are artfully tousled the way T.K. likes them best and he smells incredible. He’s hot, and judging by the look in his eyes, he knows it.
“Hi,” Carlos says, a small smirk quirking his lips as he straightens up and leans over to give T.K. a peck on the lips.
“You uh, you look great,” T.K. tells him.
“Thanks,” Carlos says. “You look like hell.”
“Long shift,” T.K. tells him, feeling the weight of it in his bones. He’s not actually sure how he’s going to muster up the energy to smile for six hundred photos, but this is important to Carlos and Andrea, so he’s going to figure it out. 
Carlos reaches out and touches a spot behind T.K.’s ear. “Is this blood?”
T.K. winces and pulls back. “Yeah last guy was a gusher. Took us forever to get the rig cleaned out, that’s part of why I’m so late.” He pauses and cocks his head. Carlos looks calm and assured, not frantic the way he’d thought he would be. “Speaking of which, why aren’t you freaking out? If we don’t get these done today we won’t have them in time for our save-the-dates.”
“I already called and asked if Maria could push us a half an hour. She said it was no problem,” Carlos says. 
T.K. feels himself sag in relief. “Have I mentioned that you are the best fiancé in the entire universe?” he asks.
“Mmm I think maybe once or twice,” Carlos says, running a hand over T.K.’s hair and cupping his face. “But I like hearing it. And you don’t need to keep apologizing, it’s not your fault that your shift ran long. It happens.”
“I know, but I don’t want you to think this isn’t important to me,” T.K. tells him. “I know I wasn’t initially very…open about engagement photos.”
In fact he still thinks they’re kind of stupid. But Carlos and Andrea really want them, and he’ll do anything to make Carlos happy, even if it means getting dressed up and fake smiling for two hours.
“I know you care,” Carlos says. “You don’t need to worry about that.”
“Well I’m still going to make it up to you later,” T.K. tells him, tugging gently at his tie.
“Oh, I fully intend to let you,” Carlos says, eyes going a little dark. Then he puts his hands on T.K.’s shoulders and turns him toward the bathroom. “Now go shower.”
“Love you!” T.K. calls over his shoulder.
“Love you too!”
Gift Registration
“Oh my god, please stop,” Carlos says, taking hold of T.K.’s wrist to prevent him from scanning yet another random item. “This isn’t laser tag.”
“But it’s fun,” T.K. tells him as he breaks Carlos’ hold and spins around to zap another box, effectively registering them for a decorative glass swan that Carlos immediately removes from their list via his phone. He’s also had to remove an industrial cappuccino maker, a box of tampons, five XXL t-shirts, and a cotton candy machine in the last fifteen minutes alone. When he’d suggested they go register for some wedding gifts, he clearly hadn’t thought through the childlike joy that a hand held scanner would give his fiancé. 
“So what exactly do we think is the limit on what people will buy for us?” T.K. asks as he scans a set of dinner plates with little flowers on them.
“I’m pretty sure a Maserati or a Lambo are probably off the table,” Carlos says with a wry smile. 
“You’re the one with the car fetish babe, not me,” T.K. tells him, smiling when Carlos immediately looks around to see if anyone heard him.
“It’s not a fetish,” Carlos replies, his voice low. “It’s just an appreciation for fine machinery.” He immediately realizes his mistake and tries to correct. “T.K. don’t—“
“I appreciate your fine machinery,” T.K. says with a grin, setting the scanner on a shelf so he can slide his hands into Carlos’ back pockets and tug him closer as his fiancé rolls his eyes. 
“You just can’t pass up an opportunity to be a flirt, can you?” Carlos asks.
“I really can’t,” T.K. says, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “Seriously though, we don’t need any of this stuff. We already have towels and pots and pans and champagne glasses.”
“It might be nice to upgrade some of our things,” Carlos says, picking up a box. “Marlon Blendo the Second?”
“Can’t we just tell everyone to give us cash?” T.K. asks as they wander down another aisle where he immediately zaps a dog bed shaped like a cheeseburger. 
“I think that’s probably frowned upon,” Carlos says. 
“We’re a cop and a paramedic. We don’t need…” T.K. taps a box close to him, “a breadmaker. We need to pay our bills.”
“That’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me,” Carlos says dryly. He looks around the store. “I think we’re done here, right? We can go home and look online.”
“But I want to scan more stuff,” T.K. says, pointing the scanner at a pink and purple unicorn bean bag chair. 
“What if I buy you boba on the way home?”
T.K. raises his eyebrows. “Are you bribing me like a toddler?”
“Bribery, love, is there really a difference?” Carlos teases. 
T.K. considers this for a moment, then sets the scanner down. “Fine. But I’m getting a large.”
“Mom I don’t think—No I’m not! We said we—“
T.K. listens from the couch as Carlos switches between English and Spanish. He’s been quietly arguing with his mom for nearly half an hour and he looks spent. He’s run his hands through his curls so many times that they’re sticking up all over the place and his forehead is pinched tightly in the middle, creating a V over the top of his glasses. 
“I’ll ask T.K. No, Mom, that’s it. I’ll talk to him. Okay. Okay. Adiós.”
Carlos hangs up and sighs, letting his head flop forward onto the table. 
“You okay?” T.K. asks when he doesn’t get up.
“My mom wants to add ten more people to the guest list,” Carlos says, his voice muffled by the stack of invitations he’s mashed his face into. “Three family friends, my great aunt and uncle, and five cousins from New York.”
T.K. frowns. “I didn’t know you had any family in New York.”
Carlos lifts his head, a look of long suffering on his face. “I didn’t either. I’ve never even met them. So I don’t know why my mom thinks they should be invited to our wedding. We told her we wanted to keep the guest list small, but this is the third time she’s called this week and I—“
“Hey,” T.K. stands and joins him at the table, rubbing a hand over his back. “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out.”
“I don’t know what’s gotten into her. She’s not usually like this. She’s turning into some kind of Mom-zilla.”
“She’s excited. She wants to show you off.”
Carlos still looks miserable. “I didn’t know that weddings were this much work. When my sisters got married I just kind of showed up.”
“Why don’t we take a break?” T.K. suggests. “It’s late, all the wedding stress will still be there in the morning.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Carlos sighs, looking down at the stack of invitations in front of him. When he looks up again his face has gone from exhausted to something that T.K. can’t quite interpret. “Marry me.”
T.K. blinks a couple times. “Pretty sure that’s what we’re already doing babe.”
“Marry me now,” Carlos says, and there’s a tinge of desperation in his tone.
T.K. checks his watch. “At 10:37pm? I don’t think there’s anywhere to get married right now, except for Vegas. And that’s a really long drive. You’ll be late for work tomorrow.”
“I don’t care,” Carlos says, looking a little manic . “I don’t care about any of it. I just want to marry you.”
It’s so genuine and sweet and T.K. feels his heart melt a little bit, even though he knows Carlos very much does care and that’s how they’ve gotten here in the first place. 
“Let’s go to city hall tomorrow,” he continues, reaching for T.K.’s hands. “We don’t need flowers or favors or…or…or save the dates. We just need each other, right? That’s all that matters?”
“Yes,” T.K. says with a soft smile. “That’s all that matters.”
Carlos sags in relief. “You really don’t care about the rest of it?”
“Carlos I proposed to you in the middle of the night without a ring, of course I don’t care,” T.K. says, running his thumb soothingly over the back of Carlos’ hand. He chooses his next words carefully. “But baby, I think you do.”
Carlos doesn’t say anything, he just sits staring down at his lap in defeat, so T.K. continues. “You’ve worked so hard on all of this and it’s going to be amazing. We don’t need it, but we deserve to have an awesome wedding that our friends and family can be a part of. And if you wake up tomorrow morning and decide you still don’t care, then I will run down to city hall with you the minute they open the doors.” He pauses. “But remember that your mom will murder us. And then Marjan will bring us back and murder us again. So our wedded bliss will be short lived.”
“I’m just so tired,” Carlos says, looking defeated. “I don’t know if I can deal with six more months of this.”
“Then let me help,” T.K. tells him. “I will call your mom tomorrow and work out the guest list, okay? And we can divide up whatever else is on your list to get done this week.”
Relief washes over Carlos’ face and he leans forward, wrapping a hand around the back of T.K.’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss. “Thank you,” he says.
“You’re welcome,” T.K. says, their faces still only millimeters apart. “Do you want to get ready for bed?”
Carlos nods and hums an affirmative, leaning in and brushing their lips together again and then again.
T.K. smiles against him, acutely aware of the half lidded, familiar look in Carlos’ eyes. “Is me taking over wedding duties a turn on?”
Carlos nods and kisses T.K. a little more firmly this time.
“So not actually bed then?”
Carlos shakes his head and gently pulls T.K. to his feet. No more invitations are addressed that night. 
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
oh the suit shopping for the wedding scene is going to be FUN i want an 80s style montage where marjan, nancy, mateo and paul all give tk thumbs ups and thumbs downs while walking on sunshine playing the background
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captain-gillian · 1 year
you and me against the world
3,318 words. rated t. summary: when well-meaning but overbearing parents turn wedding planning into a nightmare, tk and carlos take matters into their own hands.
Much to TK’s chagrin, wedding planning has created an unlikely alliance between his father and his soon-to-be mother-in-law. The small, simple wedding he and Carlos had been hoping for seems more out of reach than ever each time their parents get together. As the pair try to outdo each other’s outrageous suggestions like a flash mob and a dove release, the wedding gets bigger and more over the top, and the budget does too.
“Are they driving you mad? They’re driving me mad. My dad has gone insane.” TK vents to his fiancé as they leave another session of frustrating wedding planning and walk hand-in-hand back to Carlos’s car.
“Yeah, he and my mom are bad influences on each other. What happened to a small wedding?” Carlos admits as he opens the passenger side door for TK. TK knows giving up control over the planning hasn’t been easy for him, but his parent's approval means everything, so when Andrea asked to help plan the wedding, how could he say no? Andrea and Gabriel eloped when they were young, and Carlos is an only child, so it’s her one chance to plan a big wedding, and she’s not wasting it.
“Neither of his marriages worked out. So why does he think he has the right to dictate how ours starts?” TK says, sinking into the passenger seat as Carlos 
“What if we just eloped?” TK says out of the blue as they drive along in frustrated silence, and Carlos’s eyes briefly light up at the prospect before he looks back towards the road. He opens his mouth to protest, but TK keeps talking. “No, I’m serious; hear me out. We could just be married today without any of this stress.” 
read more on ao3 or under the cut
“I want nothing more, but we can’t, TK. Our families have expectations about this wedding. My mom and dad eloped. They don’t want that for us.”
“It’s not their wedding,” TK argues back. The more he thinks about it, the more he wants this. For their wedding to be just that, theirs .
“We can’t, babe. I wish we could, but we can’t.” Carlos tells him, eyes fixed on the road ahead. And so, TK drops the subject and pushes it to the back of his mind.
They get home just in time for TK to turn around and head back out the door for his shift. He kisses Carlos goodbye, slings his backpack across his shoulder and heads to the firehouse. 
It’s a quieter shift than usual, and all the downtime gives TK time to daydream about eloping again. After their first call, Nancy corners him in the ambulance when they return to the station, “Out with it, Strand,” she says.
“Out with what?” 
“You’ve been quiet all shift. It’s not like you, dude. Something is up.” She says, and TK makes a face and opens his mouth to protest, but she continues. “So, out with it. What’s on your mind?” 
A surprising bonus of transferring from fire to EMS has been his friendship with Nancy; after working so closely together as partners, she’s become the sister he always wanted growing up. She knows him better than almost anyone—except Carlos—she always knows when he’s in his head, and she’s never afraid to call him on his shit. Today is no exception.
“You don’t wanna hear this,” 
“Oh, so it’s about the wedding?” She says, “I was the one who broke up with Mateo, dude. So I’m not going to fall apart at the mention of a wedding.”
“Wedding planning is doing my head in, Nance.” He admits. “And don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that Andrea and my dad want to be so involved—so many couples don’t get that kind of family support—but it’s exhausting. Every time we talk, they have new ideas and want more from us.” 
“But what do you and Carlos want?” Nancy asks him, and he has to stop and think; it’s been weeks since anyone's asked him that. 
“We just want to be married. I don't care about seating arrangements or flower colours or whatever; all I care about is marrying the love of my life, and I kind of want to run away and just get married. Just me and him.” 
“So then do it, dude. It’s your wedding, not Captain Strand’s, Mrs Reyes’, or anyone else's. Yours . Your and Carlos’s. So if that’s what you want. Do it, TK. Your families will understand.” She tells him. 
And he makes up his mind. “You know what, I think we just might. Thanks for helping me work this out, Nancy.”
“What are friends for?” 
The unusually quiet shift leaves TK plenty of time to hide away from his father’s prying eyes in the bunkroom to research elopement destinations within a few hours' drive from downtown Austin and make a plan. 
By the end of the shift, it’s all booked. TK has made a reservation at the same little chapel Andrea and Gabriel eloped to when they were young. He’s booked a charming little Airbnb in the hill country and made sure every detail of their elopement will be to Carlos’s liking.
As their planning has evolved, TK has made a note of everything Carlos loved. Written hurriedly and secretly in the notes app on TK’s phone is a list of all of Carlos’s favourite things; the suit he tried on that was later vetoed by TK’s father, the wedding photographer he wanted to book but Andrea didn’t think was the right fit, the dulce de leche cake he loved but Owen thought was too sweet, and the ring that had Carlos’s eyes lighting up with joy. It’s all there in TK’s phone because all he’s ever cared about in the planning process is what Carlos wants.
A few phone calls later, and the photographer is booked, the bakery is making them a mini wedding cake in the dulce de leche flavour Carlos loved so much, the suit is being tailored and will be ready to pick up by the end of the week, and the florist is organising the boutonnieres. Deposits are paid, and everything is scheduled for a week and a half’s time; the first day that their days off align for more than an afternoon at a time. 
How he’s going to keep this a secret from Carlos for another week and a half, he doesn’t know, but a week and a half is nothing compared to knowing he’ll spend the rest of his life married to Carlos.
“Run away with me?” TK asks Carlos that evening as they cuddle on the couch, watching some home renovation show Carlos has been talking about for weeks. But, honestly, TK isn’t really watching it; he’s far too lost in a daydream about their elopement.
“What?” Carlos asks, turning his head which has been leaning up against TK’s chest, to look at his fiance.
“Let me take you away for a weekend, just us. No wedding planning, no well-meaning but overbearing parents, no stress, just you and me against the world. I’ll plan everything, do all the work, I’ll even drive. You won’t have to lift a finger.” TK says to Carlos.
“How do you always know exactly what I need?” Carlos asks.
“Is that a yes, then?”
“That’s a yes, TK,” Carlos says, turning to lean in for a kiss.
A week and a half later, TK has picked up the cake, the rings and the suits and packed it all into Carlos’s blue Camaro with their overnight bags, and a picnic dinner, with sparkling cider and chocolate strawberries, for after the ceremony.
“Where are you taking me, TK?” Carlos asks as they merge onto the motorway. It’s not often TK is allowed to do the driving, but somehow he’s convinced his control freak of a fiance to let him plan this date, prepare everything, and even drive, so he’s not about to ruin the surprise now. 
“I told you, it’s a surprise,” TK says, keeping his eyes on the traffic.
“I don’t even get a hint?” Carlos pouts.
“No hints,” TK tells him, and Carlos drops the subject, settling in for their road trip.
For the rest of the drive, they blast Taylor Swift and sing along at the top of their lungs, totally carefree. Carlos looks more at peace than ever sitting in the passenger seat, wearing one of TK’s APD hoodies with his glasses. His curls bounce as he dances in his seat and sings like nobody is watching; it’s a side of him only TK gets to see, far removed from the polished cop with perfectly gelled hair. TK can’t think of a better way to start their wedding day.
“I thought we weren’t doing any wedding planning this weekend?” Carlos asks, confused, as TK pulls up to a chapel on top of a hill and puts the car in park. 
The chapel is open-air, with sweeping views of the hill country. None of the pictures TK looked at online do it justice, not the chapel or the view. It’s breathtaking in person.
“We’re not planning,” TK tells him. “We’re getting married. Here. Now. Today. Just you and me against the world.”
“TK, my parents, your dad, we can’t,” Carlos protests, clearly conflicted. TK knows he wants this. They both want this.
“I’m not marrying our parents. I’m marrying you. Today . We have to do this on our terms.” 
“But we’re wearing hoodies, TK. We can’t get married in hoodies!” Carlos exclaims, running a hand through his curls in exasperation.
“I would marry you in any outfit,” TK starts, pulling Carlos in close. “I’d even marry you in no outfit at all.” He whispers with a wink before adding, “I have our suits in the back of the car.”
“So we’re really doing this?” 
“We’re really doing this,” TK says, pressing a kiss into Carlos’s forehead. “You know, I think that every moment we’re not married is a wasted moment.” 
“So let’s not waste any more,” Carlos says, taking his fiance’s hand.
The chapel has two suites for couples to get ready separately, but they opt to share one. There’s an intimacy in helping each other get ready, in TK helping Carlos out of his hoodie, in Carlos’s fingertips brushing against TK’s hand as he buttons his cuffs for him. 
TK is glad for the couch in the suite because the sight of Carlos with his touseled curls, black framed glasses and a tightly fitting dusty pink suit is enough to make him weak at the knees. 
TK doesn’t realise he’s teared up until Carlos puts an arm around him and gently asks, “Are you okay, Tyler?”
“More than okay. I’m about to marry the love of my life.”
“We’re getting married,” Carlos says, smiling wider than TK’s ever seen.
They step out of their blissful bubble hand in hand and step up to the altar. The ceremony is a blur of happiness and more love than TK previously thought was possible to feel at once.
They say their vows quietly, so they’re the only ones who hear, not the officiant, not the photographer, just them, hand in hand with the sky shades of pink and orange behind them as the sun sets over the hill country.
TK goes first. The carefully edited vows written on notecards stay concealed in the pocket of his emerald green suit, opting to speak from the heart, much like his proposal.
“From the moment we first met, you’ve brought colour into my world again, and you’ve been by my side whenever I’ve needed—even when I gave you every reason not to be—I can’t imagine my life without you. I might make a career of saving people, but you’re the one who saved me, Carlos. You are my best friend, my soulmate, my everything .” TK’s words come out choked from his crying, but he knows Carlos understands him. 
As he squeezes his hand reassuringly, TK continues. “It’s no secret that in the past, when things got hard, I had a tendency to run. But that ends today. I’m done with running away. From now on, no matter what happens, the only running I’m doing is towards you to face whatever life throws at us together. I am yours, Carlos, forever. I do.”
And then, through tears, Carlos says his vows. “Tyler Kennedy, getting to love you is the greatest privilege of my life, and I love you more and more each day. Nobody sees me like you do, and I still can’t quite believe I get to call you mine. I don’t know what the future holds for us; it might not always be an easy road, but to love is not to leave, so this is my promise that I’ll always be by your side. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. It’ll be you and me against the world, forever and ever. There aren’t adequate words in any language to describe the love I have for you; it’s infinite. I do, Tyler. I do. A thousand times, I do. In every lifetime and every parallel universe, I do.”
And after what feels like a lifetime of waiting, teary-eyed and more in love than ever, the officiant pronounces them husband and husband. Before he can finish getting the words out to say, “You may now kiss the groom,” TK leans in, takes Carlos’s face in his hands and kisses him like nobody is watching. In that moment, they’re the only two people in the world, and they’re husbands. They’re finally husbands.
TK places a ‘just-married’ sign on the car's bumper as they leave the chapel. He wants to shout it from clifftops and tell everyone they know that Carlos Reyes-Strand is his husband, but he also kind of loves that it’s their little secret. It’s the kind of good news they’d rather share in person than via a social media post or a phone call, so for now, only they know.
“Did that really just happen?” Carlos asks as he relaxes into the passenger seat. “Did we really just get married?!” 
“Sure did. I get to call you my husband now, husband .” He says the word slowly, letting it roll off his tongue, enjoying how it sounds, still not quite believing he gets to call Carlos his husband for the rest of his life.
“You’ve been calling me your husband since you proposed, TK.” 
“Shh,” TK says, leaning across the centre console to silence Carlos with a kiss, “Not the point, husband . I will never get sick of calling you that, husband, husband, husband.” 
“I will never get sick of hearing it, husband,” Carlos says as TK puts the car into drive, and they start the journey to their Airbnb. It takes two hours of driving to get there—by which time the sun has well and truly set, giving way to bright moonlight—it’s a secluded spot in the hill country, miles from anything. 
“We’re here,” TK announces as they turn off the road onto the drive for their Airbnb. The driveway goes on for what seems like forever, leading to a moonlit clearing and a tiny windowed cabin with a hot tub, just trees and miles of serene nothingness in every direction. 
“Wow,” Carlos says as they step inside. The California king bed takes up nearly the whole room—it’s tiny in a cozy, intimate way. TK can’t think of a more perfect place to spend their first night together as husbands.
“You like it?” TK asks, leaning against the door frame and watching his husband take it in. 
“I love it,” Carlos says, pushing TK up against the door and kissing him passionately. “And I love you. Thank you for today, Tyler.” Carlos starts to kiss TK’s neck and fumbles for the buttons on his shirt, but TK stops him.
“All in good time, babe. But first, your final surprise.” He says as he runs back to the car to grab their picnic. “A moonlight picnic under the stars.”
“Did you make all this?” Carlos asks as TK spreads a picnic rug in the grass and opens the basket, revealing a gourmet spread of sandwiches, chocolate-coated strawberries, sparkling cider, and a tiny wedding cake, just big enough for two.
“I got it from a deli downtown. Grace says they make the best sandwiches in the city.” 
“Well, it looks perfect,” Carlos says as TK starts to lay out the picnicware and the food.
“Just like you.” He says, and he doesn’t think Carlos has ever looked more perfect; he’s glowing. TK’s not sure if it’s from the moonlight filtering through the trees or just the sheer happiness he’s exuding; either way, he loves it.
Carlos blushes slightly, adding to his glow, “You are such a flirt, TK.” 
“You love it,” TK says back, brushing a curl off his husband’s face and then turning to pour two glasses of sparkling cider, holding one out to Carlos, “To us.” TK toasts.
“To us, husband ,” Carlos echoes, clinking his glass against TK’s and sipping his cider.
“You make that word sound so sexy.” 
“Which word?” Carlos asks teasingly as he leans back against the picnic basket.
“You know exactly which word.”
“Oh, did you mean husband ?” Carlos asks, drawing out the vowels and batting his eyelashes innocently, and suddenly TK is weak at the knees again.
“You’re such a tease,” TK says, leaning back with his head against his husband’s muscular chest.
“Takes one to know one,” Carlos shoots back, earning a laugh from TK. 
They fall into a comfortable silence while eating, broken by Carlos saying, “We should do this more often.”
“What, get married? I think it’s kind of a one-and-done activity…” 
“Not get married. Do this—weekend getaways, moonlight picnics, eating strawberries and sparkling cider under the stars, all of this. We need to make more time for date nights.” 
“I think that can be arranged,” TK says, holding a strawberry out to Carlos, he doesn’t have a hand free with one wrapped around TK’s shoulder and the other clutching TK’s left hand and fiddling with the silver wedding band on his fourth finger, so he opens his mouth and takes it with his teeth.
As they lay here, hand in hand beneath the stars, TK is certain eloping was the perfect choice for them. As much as he loves their friends and families, TK wouldn’t trade this moment with his new husband for anything.
“Are you ready to cut the cake?” TK asks, sitting up, and Carlos nods, placing his hand over TK’s as he reaches for the knife. 
They cut into the cake together, Carlos’s right hand over TK’s left, moving as two halves of one whole. Once they have their cake on plates, TK leans back, and Carlos sinks into his lap, resting his head against his chest and looking up at him, sighing contentedly, holding the cake plate with one hand and reaching back to grab TK’s hand. “What are you thinking?” TK asks.
Carlos quotes TK’s own words back to him, clearly also thinking about the last night they spent together under the stars, “We make a pretty good team, husband .” 
“We really do, don’t we,” TK says, and Carlos offers him a forkful of cake. “You’ve got to try this, babe.” 
TK messily brings the cake to Carlos’s lips, “Careful, you’re getting it everywhere.”
“Maybe that was intentional,” TK says, pushing their cake plates aside and turning to kiss the cake off his face and then pressing a trail of kisses down his neck, pausing to unbutton his shirt.
“You’re really good at that,” Carlos murmurs into TK’s neck.
“That’s not the only thing I’m good at…” TK says, standing, pulling Carlos to his feet and leading him inside. He throws his own shirt to the floor as he pushes Carlos up against the bed.
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trkstrnd · 2 years
they’re engaged.
70 notes · View notes
is anyone else thinking about the fact that the actresses playing jeeyun and charlie in 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: lone star respectively are gonna be visibly older by the time filming starts...
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strandnreyes · 1 year
he really said that sometimes I can’t believe… dropped the word husband before they were even engaged. we’re in for a ride this season I fear
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lonestardust · 1 year
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youwannadance · 2 years
remember when we got this still and immediately went “they’re announcing their engagement” and were right for once?
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