#english minor brain is rotting me
sadlittleratboy · 8 months
My magnum opus fanfic that I will probably never write (because the audience for it would literally JUST be me) would be a Frankenstein shigadabi au where Shigaraki is Victor Frankenstein and Dabi is the creature and it's very homoerotic. They're kind of both bottoms but I'll work that part out later. It would have my favorite quotes from both Wuthering Heights and Goblin Market. This would not appeal to a single other soul I think.
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toms-cherry-trees · 1 year
Thrilling Chase || Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: All the girls want him. One does not. And he wants her
Word Count: 1551
Warnings: Not really. Aemond being a bit more of book Aemond than show Aemond and being overall annoyed with life
Author’s note: I dreamt this plot Sunday night and spend the entire day racking my brains to turn it into a fic. Please let me know about any errors, I am still polishing my English. Also this Aemond I am not sure I got the characterization right but I liked how it turned out. And remember I interact from @finite--incantatem
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The ball is being hosted with the purpose of celebrating Aegon’s nameday. What better way to celebrate the anniversary of his birth than being surrounded by fine drinks and lovely ladies, a field full of flower buds for him to pick and spoil? Aemond can barely stand the frivolous pomp and pageantry, the ass kissing lords showering his brother and father in banal pleasantries and praises, as if any one of them paid any heed to such flummery; one too inebriated to care and the other unable to hear anything above his own wheezing. 
Aemond has tried to excuse himself three times before the feast has even been served; as dutiful as he could be, even he has a limit, and his limit has been long surpassed by this insufferable event. But his weak spot has overcome his distaste, in the form of his gentle mother, who implores him to play the part for the evening. His sweet mother, who does everything in her power for the family to present a united front, all while sweeping the shambles behind the drapes. Only for her happiness is he willing to endure this foolery.
He hoped that chatting up some minor lordlings and not yawning before them would be enough to fulfil his obligations; but he has not accounted for the unwanted feminine attention. Aemond thought his physical imperfections and his downright hostile demeanour would be enough to ward off the ladies, but he could not deny the facts; as the eldest bachelor in the family, he remains a coveted prize to whom lords would offer their daughters in silver trays. He can vividly imagine them, ambitious men whispering in the ears of their girls and urging them to employ any means necessary to get in Aemond’s good graces. Only then could he explain the parade of fair maidens, all of them more adorned than carnival horses, showering him with their candid smiles and their coy giggles, batting their eyelashes and hinting most cunningly how much they would love to dance. They all seem to ask the same pre thought and bland questions; if one more lady asks to ever see Vhagar, Aemond would go and bring her down to the hall for them to see up close and personal.
Just when he hopes he has done enough to please his mother and the crowds, the first dances begin. One look from the Queen deters his efforts to flee the scene; without word, he has been reminded that his duty has yet to conclude. But Aemond would much rather eat Aegon’s toes than be found dancing with a lady. All his dexterity and gracefulness in the sparring yard do not translate to his waltzing skills; while he could be fast and silent and slippery in the face of the enemy, at the tune of the strings he possesses the elegance of a rotting tomato left in the sun.
The Prince knows the second he sets foot into the dance floor, he will be swarmed with adoring girls. But he cares not for them, since he has already set his eye on one. Just like the others she is burdened by golds and silks and stones, but unlike them, she carries her adornments with such grace and dignity that the opulence of her garments only brings forth her natural beauty.
There is something in her, something unidentifiable and unexplainable, that makes her so…so alluring. It may be the way her lips hold a perennially ineffable smile, so subtle one cannot truly tell it is there, but the mere possibility of its existence is enough to entice the mind. 
It could also be her hands. Aemond cannot stop staring at them, from the way her fingers curl around the stem of the goblet, to the particular way they bend when she holds onto the pendant hanging from a fine gold chain around her neck, a subtle move that occurs whenever a young man engages her in conversation. Her left hand holds delicately onto a small fan, although its purpose seems to add to her aura of mysticism rather than keep her cool; her face disappears behind it whenever her smile becomes too wide, only her piercing eyes remaining visible, keeping her expressions unreadable, a most intriguing secret.
Only the greatest artists of the country, working for years on the best of marbles, could even dare to come close to resembling her splendour. The figure of the Maiden brought to life, and that would be a most dashing compliment - for the Goddess.
If he is to dance, he must dance with her.
He cuts through the crowd, moving past wide-eyed ladies and squeezing around dancing couples with one objective in mind. She is right there, standing near the pillar bearing the image of King Jaehaerys. She is alone, and she saw him coming. The proximity of the prey has Aemond on edge, muscles tense and ready to pounce. A man cuts his way, and he pushes him aside vigorously, but it is too late. Her figure has disappeared amongst the crowd like a vision.
Aemond spots her again a few minutes later, near the massive gates of the hall. Once more he approaches her, but he is distracted by his mother asking something, and once more loses his chance. The process repeats several times, with her always standing just at his fingertips but never close enough to grasp, her presence so real yet also so unsubstantial he begins to think he is trapped in a vivid dream.  
The Prince is well damn tempted to just order everyone but her out of the chamber, but there is something in the chase, the subtle yet invigorating excitement of the pursuit, the way his pupil is blown wide and his jaw set in concentration. A sensation he has only ever experienced while wielding his sword in the training yards or soaring the skies with his dragon. An unexplainable elation, all due to this little dove who keeps flying away.
Aemond groans in frustration as she evades him once more. How can she be so fast and nimble while wearing a heavy gown? Are the Seven playing a wicked game on him, fate holding the prize above his head just out of reach? He does not care now for dancing nor pleasing his mother. This is a matter of pride; to go through all these obstacles to drop out mid-hunt would be shameful and disappointing. 
She is now across the room, now more easily visible due to the dwindling crowds. She is looking straight at him, half her face obscured by her fan. But she pulls it down softly, painfully slow, and Aemond’s heart beats frantically in his chest, like he is witnessing the unveiling of the world’s greatest mystery. The fan rests lightly on her chin, and she rewards the prince with a cunning smirk.
She is doing it on purpose.
It all makes sense now. How could he be so stupid not to realise she has been playing the game alongside him? Evading him and taunting him, letting him think he had her and then slipping away like sand. This newfound knowledge spurs his desires. He needs to have her close, needs to know who she is and why is she doing this to him. His decorum and self-control slips away as a new feeling blooms within him. A warmth blooming in the depths of his body and spreading through his body. The more he cannot have her, the more he wants her. She may be akin to the image of the Maiden, but Aemond is sure the deity has never evoked the thoughts now crossing his mind, nor has any other woman ever before. 
Determined to sate his curiosity, and perhaps some other lowly needs, he makes a straight line for her. She does not move nor backs out, and he can already feel the silk of her dress under his fingertips and the scent of her perfume in his nose. He doesn’t understand where the primal urge to crash his lips against hers stem from, but he is ready to give in to that urge as well.
His marching is cut abruptly by the colliding of his body against a long table. He had been so focused and lost, so unlike himself, that he paid no attention to anything or anyone around him, his vision like a tunnel focused upon her. The table is so long he would have to wander half the hall to circumvent it, and he still has enough hold of his wits to know it would be improper to vault over it or slide under the tablecloth. They are so close, yet the brief distance is unbreachable for the time being. 
His eye meet hers, the mischief dancing in her pupils. The corners of those soft lips tug just a bit more, sly and bewitching. She backs away slowly, the fan coming up once more to shield her face. She turns around and disappears behind a column amidst the rustle of stiffened skirts and the tinkling of her bracelets
Defeat overcomes the Prince, but a smirk spreads across his own lips. He has not given up the chase; he is just giving the dove a head start before the hunt resumes. 
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heavenlyvision · 6 months
I’m literally inlove with your writing! Anyways I was wondering if you could maybe do a Kuai Liang x reader one shot where he’s had like a stressful day and basically goes crazy with back shots. English is not my first language so I’m sorry if this does not make sense.
Thank you sm !!!! Kuai is a little ooc because he is a bit grumpy in this but he is a little sweet in the end (kinda) 🫣 This fic is shorter because I got brain rot for Kuai atm and I can only write on my phone. Also, your English was great !!! Thank you heaps for your request and I hope you enjoy it <33
Not sorry
Wc: 2.7k
Pairing: Kuai Liang x Afab!Reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, no use of pronouns, p in v sex, creampie, biting, minor burns, no use of y/n, Kuai is a little mean… sorry !!!
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When Kuai Liang walks through your front door you can immediately tell he’s had a bad day, mostly because the door slams behind him and he doesn’t even flinch; he just walks over to where you’re sitting on the couch and drops down beside you.
“By the way you’ve just slammed my door I’m guessing you had a great day,” you speak sarcastically; not looking up from your book.
He sighs beside you, “Sorry… today was… trying.”
He sounds drained from beside you but he also seems angry, like something happened to royally piss him off; well, something or someone.
You go to ask him, “Do you want to talk about–”
“–No.” He cuts you off.
You drop your book and look him in the eyes, “Yes, clearly whatever happened is not an issue that should be discussed.”
He doesn’t look at you, instead keeping his eyes on the wall in front of you both. The frown resting on his brow is prominent and you feel the need to reach over to smooth it out but as your hand reaches for him he grabs your wrist and holds it up.
His eyes lock onto yours, “What are you doing?”
You feel a bit flustered and you don’t know how to tell him you were going to touch his face, “Nothing, don’t worry about it.” You mumble a bit before pulling your wrist from his hold.
His eyes are examining you, trying to understand your intent but you’ve looked away and started to read your book. Or you’re pretending to read your book, you’re a little preoccupied by his heated gaze on you.
You sigh, “Why’d you come over if you’re in such a bad mood?”
“Because I always visit you around this time,” he’s snippy, whatever happened has obviously pissed him off severely.
He does always visit around this time, though you wouldn’t think he would come around when he’s in this bad of a mood. How kind of him to subject you to his incredibly annoyed demeanour. It’s a bit irritating but you also think it’s a little bit sweet, his want to see you outweighing his poor mood.
“I don’t know how to help you when you’re like this,” your eyes are still on the book, not reading any of the words on the page.
He’s stoic beside you, still watching you, “For starters, you can stop pretending to read.”
“I’m not pretending,” you lie.
“You’ve been on the same page since I walked in,” he observes.
You scowl at your book, “No I haven’t,” you double down.
From beside you, he grabs your book and pulls it away, chucking it across the room.
“Hey!” You exclaim at him, you move to pick up your book but he pulls you back onto the couch. Making you look at him.
“I also came here for a specific purpose,” his eyes are hard, looking at you firmly.
You’re unamused, “And what’s that?”
The way he’s looking at you is setting you on fire, he’s making you flustered and it’s completely unfair. You have been carrying a torch for this man for many years now and he’s never once shown signs of reciprocation but with the way he’s eyeing you right now, you feel completely exposed to him. He’s looking at you like he wants to eat you alive, and you might let him.
“Something happened today and I want to– need to know, how do you feel about me?” His question stuns you.
You’re unable to speak for a few moments, lost at where his sudden question has come from. “W–What prompted that question?”
He doesn’t answer you, just looking you head on, waiting for your answer. An answer you don’t really want to give.
You deflect instead, your confession coming in a non-committal way. “Well, I love you of course, I always have.” You make it sound as casual as possible, hoping he doesn’t see through you.
“I see,” he replies, his tone even.
You’re both sat looking at each other, not sure where to go from here. Unconsciously, your eyes flick to his lips, lingering for a moment too long, giving away your desire for him. You look away quickly, wishing you still had your book in front of you.
“I think you are lying,” his hand reaches towards your face and pulls it back to him, “I think you have feeling for me.” The emphasis on the last word confuses you for a moment but before you can ask him about it, his lips are on yours.
He leans in closer and pulls you towards him by the hand on your face. His kiss is harsh and needy, his bad mood still lingering under his lust for you. He pushes you back onto the couch, following you down; his lips never leave yours. When your back hits the couch, you gasp against him and he shoves his tongue into your mouth. The shock of it has a whiney moan pulling from you, the sound you make has an appreciative grunt coming from Kuai.
Your hands grab at him, holding onto his shoulders, needing the leverage. He is so large above you, his body heat consuming you, his mouth overwhelming you, he’s driving you insane. He’s taken over all your senses, when he pulls back, you’re huffing underneath him. His kiss has taken your breath away, you’re dazed by the way he’s just kissed you. You can practically feel the hearts in your eyes as you gaze up at him. His own are filled with a desperate heat, dark and lustful.
“I need you… on your stomach,” his voice is deep when he speaks.
You feel the blood rush to your cheeks, heating your face up. Taking a moment to look up at him, completely dumbfounded. He leans down again and kisses the look off your face, his hand moves to your neck and hold you as he does.
When he pulls back again, he tells you, “Roll over.”
You immediately roll over for him, lying on your stomach beneath him. His hands pull your hips up onto your knees, the dress you’re wearing falls upwards and pools around further up your body. Your arms move to hold yourself up slightly, your back arched low. The position has you feeling completely exposed to him. His fingers graze over your core through your panties, the slight touch makes you twitch.
He hums at you, “Already so wet, I’ve only kissed you.”
His touch moves back to your core, firmer this time. The feeling cuts off your words, he pushes the tip of his finger into your pussy hole, held back by your underwear. The action results in your panties getting wetter. He’s toying with you, playing with you over your panties. His touch grazing over your core, making you twitch and squirm for him. He’s making you moan for him, purposefully touching you so you’ll whimper out his name.
His touch withdraws before he leans down, his face pressed to your core, his mouth over your panties. His tongue licking at you over them, the stimulation has you jumping forward and moans tumbling from your lips. His mouth soaks your panties completely, ruining them. Ashamedly, he gets you impeccably close to your end like this, so close to cumming in your underwear for him. Your moans reaching a higher pitch, coming more frequently.
Suddenly, he pulls back, removing all stimulation, your cunt pulsing from your almost orgasm.
“Mmm I bet you were close,” he comments, his observation makes you huff at him, your hips moving back at him, trying to entice him.
He hums and then his mouth moves to your arse cheek and bites down, you gasp and jump at the feeling. He’s no doubt left an impression of his teeth in your skin. Once he’s pulled back, he borderline moans at the state of you.
His tone is dark and pleased, “You look great with my teeth marking you.”
“Kuai, please, do something.”
He seemingly considers your words for a moment before answering, “Remember, you asked for it.”
The shuffling of his pants can be heard behind you and then he’s pulling your panties to the side. The head of his cock sliding through your slick for a moment before notching on your pussy hole, he slips the head in, giving you a moment to adjust to the stretch. The sensation is burning, he’s large in every way apparently and you really wish you could see him right now. What kind of face is he making, what does his cock look like entering you.
Your thoughts almost have your mouth drooling, instead, it’s your cunt drooling on him. Your wetness leaking from you onto the head of his cock. The sight of your obscene arousal has Kuai twitching inside you and a moan pulling from his chest. He can’t help the way he stuffs more of himself into your small pussy. His length opening you up, your cunt taking him as he inches into you. You’re pulsing around him in need, completely desperate for him at this point.
“Gods, I wanted this to be different but you drive me crazy,” his words are hissed out between his teeth.
You don’t have the time or brain cells to pull apart what he means, your hips push back on him, taking more of him. He moans and meets your thrust, pushing his cock all the way into you. Stuffing you full, your arse rests on his pelvis. He grinds into you, his hands gripping at your hips, holding you flush to him.
He groans reverently at the way your cunt grips him tightly. At the way you’re throbbing around him, you’re driving him just as crazy as he is you.
Whimpers spill from you as you try to speak, “P –hah– lease, move~” you squirm against him, grinding back on him, needing the friction, desperately.
His fingers dig into your plush skin, holding you tightly, “Give me a second, pretty. Gripping me so –mmmph– tight, I nee –ah– d a second.”
His words broken by whiney sounds set you on fire, you need him to move. Now. You draw forward, aiming to fuck yourself back on him but he grabs you and pulls you back forcefully, the sensation exactly what you wanted. A moan tumbling from you at the action, you want more. Greedy for him and his fat cock.
He grunts, “You’re needy –hah– fuck.” He pulls out slowly; leaving only the tip inside you, “–mmph– I’ll give you what you need,” he promises, before forcing himself back inside you.
You moan loudly, your fingers grip into the couch, your forehead pressed into the cushion below you. Kuai’s thrusts are harsh and fast, fucking you silly, using your body as a fuck toy. His hands holding you and fucking you back onto him, his cock hammering into your cervix. Your cunt pulses around him, your slick coating his dick completely. Lewd noises fill the room, wet slapping sounds echoing in the lounge.
He grunts and moans from behind you, the way he’s shoving his dick into you has you willing to worship the ground he walks on. He’s in the same boat regarding your cunt, obsessed with the way you cream around him, the way you grip him, the way you’re so wet he’s slipping in and out of you with ease.
You cry out his name, almost literally, eyes wet and glassy, “Kuai~”
“Hmm?” He asks mindlessly, too obsessed with watching the way you suck his cock in to pay attention to anything else.
“I wanna –hah– see you,” you whimper out to him, wanting to see him, to touch him.
He chuckles at your desperation, “Next time.” His promise of a next time makes your pussy jump, “You like that? The idea of me fucking you again? Having you regularly take my cock?”
You moan out shamelessly, not even trying to hide the way you’d love to be fucked by him daily, loving the idea of being stuffed full of him. Sitting on top of him with his cock in you, not moving just full of him. Your own imagery has you clenching down on him again, your whimpers spilling from you, a tear slipping from your eye at his relentless thrusts.
His hands on your hips are hot, his body heat in general making you sweat. His pelvis slaps into your arse consistently, you’re spasming around him. So close to finishing.
“Kuai~ I –mmph– I’m close–” Tears fall down your cheeks.
“Cum then,” he grunts out, encouraging you to finish on his dick.
His thrusts and the moans he’s letting slip have you cumming for him, hard. Your cunt grips down on him tight, vice like. Your own orgasm has him grunting loudly, his dick twitching inside you. Ropes of his cum filling you, he continues fucking it into you. Prolonging your orgasms and enjoying the way his cum leaks out around you both when he pulls out and stuffs himself back in.
The heat on your hips burns and you wince in pain, a small whimper exiting you at the feeling. He removes his hands suddenly, “Fuck, sorry. I’ve burnt you.”
“It’s okay…” you huff out, dazed from your orgasm but also okay with the burns.
He pulls out of you slowly, both of you groaning as he does. He pulls his pants up, taking his time to enjoy the view of his cum leaking from your pussy hole.
His hands gently trace over the burn marks of his hands, humming appreciatively. Enjoying the way his hands are burned into your soft flesh, “It’s a good look,” he comments.
You laugh airily at him, “Help me up?”
“Of course,” he pulls your panties back into place and then moves you into a sitting position on the couch.
“Thank you,” you smile at him.
He looks at you thoughtfully, his hands pulling your dress off completely out of nowhere. Your hands go to cover your chest at the sudden exposure, “What are you–”
“Wanna see the burns,” he frowns, looking you over, his hands so gentle with you. “I’ll be back, gonna get you some ice.”
He wanders off and grabs some ice blocks, wrapping them in tea towels and coming back to you. He holds them against your hips, soothing the burns. You aren’t bothered though, you like knowing that his hand prints will be seared into your skin for a while.
“I’m sorry, for burning you.”
“It’s okay… I liked it…” you shy away from his gaze, looking off into the distance.
He takes in a deep breath from beside you, “I didn’t say earlier but… I love you too.”
You look back at him, a shocked expression on your face, “You do?”
“Of course,” he smiles softly at you, “I was rough and didn’t express myself in a healthy way.”
You implore him, “What happened today?”
He frowns, “You know that guy, the one you hang out with.”
“My friend? Yes…”
“He… was boasting about you liking him, about how obvious it was. When I told him you did not, he called me jealous… He is not a good person, but I realised I was jealous. Because I want you. And I want you to only want me…” His words are filled with annoyance, getting angry again at the memory of your so called ‘friend’ being a pompous ass.
Your hands move to hold his face, making him look at you, “I do want only you, always have.”
He melts for you, “Good.” His smile is soft but then his eyes wander down, staring at your uncovered chest. It makes you roll your eyes at him.
“Eyes up here,” you joke.
He doesn’t look back up, gaze staying on your tits, “I know.”
You move a hand to his chin and use it to tilt his eye line back up to yours, “Don’t be a perv.”
He raises his eyebrows suggestively at you before he holds the side of your face tenderly, serious as he says, “I know I’ve already said it but I am sorry about taking my anger out on you.”
“And like I said… I liked it.”
“You’re making it hard to be sorry,” he sighs, amused by you.
You smile coquettishly at him, “I don’t want you to be sorry.”
He leans in and kisses you, it’s tender and warm. He makes your brain fuzzy and you’re happy, always happy when he’s next to you.
You can feel his light smile against your lips when he pulls back, “Then, I’m not sorry.”
₊ ⊹
A/N: Thank you for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed it :)) and I should have access to my laptop tomorrow so hopefully ‘Bare’ pt 2 will be up sooner rather than later <33
As per usual, if you have any thoughts, feelings or requests feel free to slide into my inbox <333
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moodywyrm · 1 year
bookish lil crush
college au! Abby Anderson x bookworm! reader
she is occupying my every thought I want her so bad but here!!! a lil series of thoughts I had about abby bc she is so cute I wanna hold her hand. occasionally nsfw/suggestive at times so MDNI pls go away u can’t be here I'll block u 
also listened to do I make you nervous by dreamer isioma while writing this! I am also!!! so down to talk about these books and other books pls talk to me about books in my asks I love reading so so much and so does abby! or talk about college abby bc she is rotting my brain away 
wc: 1.7k im sorry idk how
Thinking so much about Abby developing the most debilitating crush on the cute girl in her class who is always early and always reading
Like one day she decides to show up to class earlier than usual, bc she usually gets there like 5min before class starts and gets stuck with weird seats or super packed aisles that had the only seat open and it really sucks
So out of spite she just starts showing up unreasonably early (1hr before class) to make sure she gets a good seat and low and behold there is no class in that room before her english class (bc I firmly believe she would do an english minor and like maybe kinesiology? I have not put too too much thought to her major but i would love to hear opinions!), so she gets her pick of the entire room!
She nestles into the third row bc it’s the perfect spot! Not too far back to be easily distracted but not immediately in front of the professor. I think she’d pick an end seat, but the ones next to the wall and not the aisle bc she knows she’s a bigger girl and she doesn’t want to make people like crawl over her to get a seat and she’s always super aware of how much space she takes up anyways
There she is! In her lil seat! An hour before class just hanging out! She’s checking her laptop and her phone and getting her note-taking situation set up and god she is so regretting not bringing like a book or something bc this is a lot of free time and it would be perfect for reading and then!!
Like fifteen minutes later you show up and she doesn’t really notice until you sit in the same row as her, a few seats down
She looks over and she is f l o o r e d bc who is this cutie??? Have you always been in her class??? How did she not know??? She thinks ur so cute in ur lil outfit, how much shorter you look compared to her, even in the seat, ur headphones in and ur music barely audible and she’s just staring at this point and oh god oh no you notice and now she wants to crawl into a hole and decay 
You, unbeknownst to her, are completely Awestruck by this absolute goddess of a woman who is suddenly sitting in your row and thank god she didn’t take Your seat that you have been sitting in since the class began and oh god ur not gonna change seats now so you have to sit next to her
So you act Natural and pull out your stuff as you usually would, including your current read!! Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo!! Very good very gay and oh my god you hope the mystery girl sees the girls on the cover and gets the hint and you hope that she also likes girls bc wowowowow!!! She’s even prettier the closer you are to her!! And she looks so strong!!! Her arms so big and now ur head is spinning bc she could probably pick you up and mandhandle you and do whatever she wanted and now ur completely off track bc she is just so pretty
And she is staring at you!! So you panic a little bit and send her a lil smile and wave and her heart damn near stops because One she got caught Two ur so fucking cute so she Composes herself and waves back and then
Just turns back to her laptop
Like a coward. Bc u are so cute and she wants to talk to u so bad so Obviously she can’t bc she can and will make a bigger fool of herself than she already did
n this makes you sad bc duh, she’s so cute u thought she was gonna say something but no :( so you just start reading ur book and u get so into it that u don’t notice that abby keeps looking over at u! And she thinks ur so cute! Bc ur so focused and there’s this lil crease between ur brows from how hard ur focusing on this book and oops now she’s trying to look at the cover without u noticing and oops now she’s typing it into her browser and would u look at that! It’s in stock at her favorite bookstore! so now she knows what she’s doing after class instead of homework!
so u two sit and u read and she watches and floats aimlessly on the internet and then class proceeds as usual and abby feels so much better in this seat! She can actually hear and see without being stuck with ppl who talk during class or are super distracting on their laptops bc ur the closest to her and ur a diligent little notetaker! truly the best idea she’s ever had good job abby :)
Immediately after class she hauls ass to the bookstore and picks up the book u were reading (and maybe two more ok she has little self control in here it’s fine her dad is a neurosurgeon) and she starts reading it that day and omg!! She loves it!!! She reads like half of it in one day and forgets to do her homework and oh shit okay she has to bust out two discussion posts before midnight and now she’s panicking but it’s fine she’s got this!
the next time she has that class, she brings the book with her to read beforehand and u show up! But with a different book :( she’s so sad she wanted to talk to u about this one but u probably already finished it! So, of course, she pulls out her phone and writes down the book ur reading now, In A Lonely Place by Dorothy B. Hughes
she is both kinda shocked that it’s so different, some old crime novel but it sounds interesting so after class she runs back to the bookstore to get it and it’s there!! She didn’t even bother to check if it was in stock but it was! obvs the universe wants yall to have this connection so ofc she buys it and starts reading it the next week bc school caught up to her and it took a second to finish the first book :(
so she’s so excited when she shows up to class that week with the book, which she hasn’t started yet! And then u show up! And omg she might cry bc u have another book again :( ur just so fast she cannot keep up but she is gonna keep trying!
another two weeks pass with another two books and by now ur starting to notice that she always seems to be reading the last book u read and u don’t know if it’s intentional but if it is that is so sexy of her and u will hold her hand about it
so u decide to test it! u slow down on ur reading speed for the next book and u intentionally pick a less popular one (???)  bc at that point what are the odds it isn’t intentional? So u show up with When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore for the next three classes and sure enough! By the second class she has it and she’s reading it and so are u and ur both so excited about it!!
Abby is like ninety percent sure she’s been found out but her suspicions are confirmed when u turn to talk to her, voice low even though ur like the only people in the classroom bc class doesn’t start for another forty minutes, and u ask her how she likes it, especially compared to the rest of the books and she just turns Bright Red
She’s so cute and blushy and tripping over her sentences when she tells u she really likes it even though she just started it and by god she thinks she’s gonna melt into a puddle of pure sapphic when u giggle and smile at her and tell her ur glad!! Bc it’s one of ur favorite books!!
n y’all start talking about the books you’ve been reading and ur both so into it that u completely give up on reading before class today! Not when this absolute sweetheart of a girl is reading the book u read!! For u!! Bc abby straight up tells u she wanted to talk to u but didn’t know how so she just started reading all the books u read bc that makes sense?? I mean it worked so yeah!! Makes sense!!
u scoot into the seat right next to her, abandoning ur old seat :( but for a much better one bc omg she smells so good u wanna bite her or kiss her or sit in her lap and snuggle into her :( and abby is freaking out bc u also smell good and ur so pretty she wants to hug u and kiss u and make u cre-
Anyways eventually class starts :( which sucks so bad but ur right next to her and she maybe finds it a lil bit harder to focus but it’s fine!! She gets through it and at the end of class, she builds up the courage (tbh she wasn’t really listening to the last ten minutes bc she was so Anxious) to ask u for ur number!!! Which u give her ofc, and right before u leave u nearly make her heart pop out of her chest
As u pull on ur bag, u turn to her and say that you’ll text her to set up ur lil bookclub :( maybe you can go get coffee to talk about it :) and by god that is close enough to a date for abby that she just nods dumbly and smiles and watches as you leave, a lil smile on ur face that makes her want to pull u back and kiss u silly!!
She knows then and there that she has to make u her gf or she’ll literally wither away (ofc she succeeds!! She’s abby!!!)
Anyways yeah thinking of her debilitating crush i luv her
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pakunod-a · 5 months
Open my heart, read the signs. || Yandere!Vil Schoenheit x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Yandere kidnaps victim, finds out victim is over the moon for them. What to do in a situation wherein my love interest likes me back, without the use of my carefully thought-out plan?
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Warnings: Realistically, this should be titled as Whiny!Fem!Reader (totally not a self insert of what I am like irl, no...) Yandere themes, if being dependent on others was a person, it would be the MC in this fic. Reader is 100% on board with Vil's plan. Who wouldn't want to be kidnapped by an insanely handsome guy, AND is in love with you? Honestly, he kinda mean tho. Potentially OOC Vil, this is somewhat fluffy to an extent.. I am not fluent in English, it is not my native language.
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Note: am I writing this to satisfy my severe need to taken care of in a concerning way? Maybe. Is this unnerving to see, considering I am a minor? Definitely. But it's all fiction, right? Yeah, totally. Might be long af because I've been brain rotting since forever.
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It was horribly dark in here.
No source of light, not even a window or a lamp.
You try to move, but your movements have been restrained by chains.
You try to wiggle a bit farther, but it's no use. You're stuck here. You begin to sob softly, sniffling as you realize you are stuck in a secluded area, alone.
You hated being left alone, be it in class, projects, friend groups.. you didn't like being left somewhere to wander alone.
...That's right, you hated being alone.
..but you were never truly lonely, weren't you?
After all, Vil Schoenheit always vowed to make time for you.
He swore on the statue of The Fairest Queen, that he would not neglect your need of human affection.
..even if that meant you clinging to his side forever.
You remember walking alongside Vil on Main Street, looking up at the statues of the Seven.
You've always admired them, a lot, actually.
So when you unconsciously walk over to the Fairest Queen's statue, and blurt out your thoughts..
"...Hey Vil, do you think the Fairest Queen would be proud of you for being a spitting image of her?"
Vil paused for a moment, looking down at you to confirm. You were interlinked by the arms, as you stared up to the statue, focusing on the sculpted apple she held by the stem.
"I suppose she would. Why.. why a spitting image of her though? I look nothing like the Fairest Queen herself."
"I think.. because.. I find you very pretty. And you're like.. really reaaally smart at making potions. And you're like, perfect. Real perfect."
You beamed at him, grinning like a Cheshire cat. You felt.. dizzy. A little dizzy, as you lean onto Vil for support.
"Mmm.. feelin' a bit sleepy, Vil. Catch me."
You went limp in his arms, and the world around you fades to black. From fatigue, maybe? Or from something else..
There are a flurry of footsteps making their way towards you. The door creaks open, and you can make out a tall, beautiful shadow from the emitting light.
"You're up, dear? That was quick. I'd have expected you to sleep for a while longer."
You know that voice. You've heard that voice many times, in your dreams, in your nightmares, the voice that sets you to sleep and causes you to wake. The voice that makes your heart yearn for more, if not all of the praises it sings for you.
"That's right dear. Vil Schoenheit, if you've forgotten. Now, let's get something through that thick skull of yours, alright? I will not let you go. No matter how much you plea—"
"..'s cold Vil. Hug me please."
That caused Vil to pause for a moment. What do you mean, "hug me please", do you not understand what type of situation you're in? Or maybe, it's a trick! You're trying to deceive him!
"Enough. I'm not here to play your silly games, [Name]. If you try so much as to fool me, then I swear on the Great Seven, you are not leaving this room, nor will you see the light of day again."
Vil.. was raising his voice at you. That was weird. It always felt weird when he yelled at you, or got mad at you for whatever reason. He always dotes on you or compliments you, and on the off-chance that he DOES yell at you, he always apologizes profusely, stroking your hair in an attempt to console you.
"But.. you never yell at me.. Vil—"
"SILENCE! I will not fall for your made up stories and lies! Just for that, you will stay in this room for days on end without human interaction until I say otherwise!"
He storms out the door, slamming it shut. You begin to sob quietly, patiently awaiting the hands that once held you to hold you once more, the voice that used to comfort you until you peacefully slept in his arms..
But alas, he was gone. Gone was the kind, loving Schoenheit you knew, now just a cold and unnerving replacement. Why.. why would he do this to you? After you've trusted him to stay by your side.. to not leave you like the others do.
You thought he was special. You thought you were special to him, too. But you're starting to wonder if everything that he said was only lies for his convenience.
True to his word, you spent the next few days alone in his dark room. As those days pass by, you began sobbing yourself to sleep as the hours trickled through the hourglass of time.
You called out to Vil unconsciously, of course. In your sleep, you would yearn for the presence of another. It just so happens that you call out the name of your captor, Vil Schoenheit, whether you were aware or not.
This breaks Vil's heart, and it almost breaks his resolve too. He wants nothing more than to hold you close, coddle you like a mother, as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. You would sleep in his bed, as the both of you wrap your arms around each other for warmth.
He hears your calls in the dead of night, echoing through the empty Pomefiore halls. His sleep would be disturbed by a call of distress, his beloved calling out his name.
Alas, he believes this is all a trick, an illusion to simply lower his guard.
And so he spends the next few nights, tossing and turning, guilt eating at him constantly, without fail.
Until one night, your calls stop. You yearn for him no more. He cannot hear the gut-wrenching melody that once rang in his ears, the call of his beloved to come find her, to save her from the predicament he had put her in.
He gives in to his thoughts, and visits his captive at the peak of dawn.
You were there, sitting as if you had been weakened to an extreme extent. He wanted nothing more to hold you, to caress you again. But he has thought of every possibility, every problem, every solution.. but his conscience gets the better of him. He unbinds your hands from the chains restraining them, and carries you back to his bed. Thankfully, you were asleep at this moment, so he had little to no struggle in moving you to an accessible spot.
He sets you down gently, and for the first time since he's held you captive, as he drapes a blanket over your sleeping figure, you unconsciously grab hold of his hand, reaching, feeling the warmth you so dearly missed.
"..—il.. Vil.."
"[Name].. my dearest [Name], did I go too far? Did I break the promise I swore to honor in your name? Tell me [Name], I'll set it right, you don't deserve to suffer like this. You deserve to be—"
He notices that you've shifted, instead of being at a reasonable distance, your first instinct was to cuddle up to whatever warm living thing you find. As a result, you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to your sleeping form.
"Nnh.. Vil.."
"Yes dear.. Vil is right here, with you. There is no need to call out, this is where I will stay; beside you. You would appreciate that truly, wouldn't you?"
You did not respond, but something about the relaxed look on your face tells Vil that maybe you weren't planning anything meticulously drastic at all.
"I won't ever leave you again my dear, I promise. I mean it this time."
...You wake up to the feeling of an arm draped over you, your head elevated on someone's chest. You glance up to see Vil Schoenheit embracing you, burying his face into your hair. He mumbles in his sleep, holding you tight as humanly possible.
"Stay.. stay with me.."
You poke his cheeks. It's adorable whenever he's vulnerable like this. You peck his forehead, and drift off to sleep.
You hear a soft melody that causes you to stir awake, the familiar comfort of two hands caressing your hair as a lullaby graces your ears. You felt all too familiar, until the melody was broken by a question—
"Good morning dear, did you sleep well?"
This time, Vil was the one looking down at you, your head in his lap, as he gazes at you with the most woeful of looks one could give.
"I am sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. I shouldn't have done this to you. I understand if you want to leave, and I'll understand if you hate me so much to the extent that—"
He was cut off by a kiss to his nose, which both surprised him and caused a blush to his face.
"..ah. You.. um.. seem to react.. not in the way I was hoping you would."
He muses, as he hears you giggle softly.
"I'm fine with being like this with you any day. But please, promise to not lock me up in a dark room for days next time?"
He chuckles, kissing your forehead in adoration.
"Never. Not again. Say, once winter break is over, how about I spend the next spring break with you? Ah.. given that I'll have to clear my schedule, of course."
"You'd do that? Like.. seriously? I thought you had gotten an offer to star in another famous movie as the antagonist?"
He grumbles, pinching your cheeks suddenly.
"And why would I willingly accept the offer if all they would do to my poor image is to villainize me?"
"Ha ha. Funny. It's because of Neige playing the protagonist, isn't it?"
"Partially, yes. But also.. I promised I'd take you to see the first flowers bloom in spring. I can't jeopardize special moments like those for some silly movie."
That remark stuck with you. Your arms only opted to wrap around him tighter.
"..okay then. As long as you promise not to lock me up again."
"Silly little spudling, of course I wouldn't. You've taken quite well to being captured though. I can't help but wonder if maybe you love me or something."
"It's taken you this long to figure out?"
You look in mock horror, teasing him.
"Don't tell me you thought that all the things we do are platonic. Holding hands, interlinking arms, overly affectionate hugs and kisses—does that not seem romantic?"
"..I feel silly."
You giggle at that, kissing the tip of his nose as a response.
"For such a smart person and a great actor, you sure are a dummy."
"Very funny. I'm going to make you sing at the well on the campus in the midst of this cold weather if you don't stop teasing me."
"Like actually?"
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Note (2): lol i wrote this at 11pm and finished at 1am cause i kept on dozing off now that ive proofread the entire thing it just seems like an original character rather than Vil himself 🏃
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ryndicate · 1 year
As you wish ⨳ Thorkell 
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Pride is not worth dying for.
notes: this will probably be updated with smut at another time, it's been sitting in my drafts for a bit and i just don’t have the brain for adding the spice rn </3 but i really enjoy the idea, and the next part will have a fun little plot twist sooo yk. hehe. enjoy my little story dump for now. drabble length, less than 1k.
warnings: wrote this from the time period of the series itself, so pls note that reader was sold to her husband! time period misogyny! also blood/death mentions
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
Blog Rules/DNI
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The giant of a man leers around the destroyed hall, one eye clothed the other crazed. His face and clothing are splattered with blood, the same which drips from the flat blade of his remaining axe. The other still lays embedded in your husband's—former husband's—chest plate.
The other women lay cowering beneath the tables, some silent and shaking and other's shaking and crying. You, however, remain seated at the head table, as you have been since this giant and his men stormed the lord's hall.
His shoulders seem to sag as his bellowed call goes unanswered, and he shakes another stream of red onto the floor. His stare rounds the room and this is the moment you choose to stand, and he notices. His expression doesn't seem to change as you round the table, brows set, but his head tilts as you gather your skirts and crouch by the dead lord's side.
"He was almost worth the effort."
You glance up at him, finding the giant standing above you. He gives you a broad smile and his expression, misplaced in the chaos around you, recalls to you something you already knew, but had forgotten. His appearance meets the description; towering height, tall blond hair tied back in a headband, muscular beyond reason.
"I imagine there aren't many men worth your effort, Thorkell the Tall," you return impassively.
"Those are pretty nice words to give your lover's killer," Thorkell banters with you far too easily.
Resolutely, your hand closes around the shaft of the axe in the corpse, and it takes you great effort to pull it free. Besides the incredible heft, there is nothing special about it. But still, you trace its blade almost lovingly, fingers smoothing down from iron steel to the pine finish. You pay the blood no mind.
The enemy warrior doesn't tense, doesn't stiffen, nor show any sign of threat. You don't imagine you pose any to the likes of him, even with a weapon in hand. You tilt your head back to gaze upon his face as you lift the weapon towards him in offering. "That man was my husband, but I have yet to take a lover in this lifetime."
Thorkell pauses only a moment before accepting his axe. "Yet?"
You smile at him coyly. "If you so wish, I yet have a life ahead of me. I choose to be optimistic."
"Yer placin' your life in my hands?" He rumbles now, scratching his head with a slow forming grin. He’s peering at you closely now, and you can only hope you’ve got his attention.
"I was one of the many slave wives of this hall, but it was me you saw seated at my master's side. I can be valuable to you, if you wish to buy me."
"And who's to sell you then if your master rots at my feet?"
"My cost is them." You step closer to the giant, catching his gaze and purposefully drawing it towards the women still trembling on their bellies. They certainly haven't escaped his notice, nor his followers'. "You nor your men are to lay a finger on them. Allow them the choice of their own freedom, and in return I am whatever you wish of me. My fate lies with you now, Thorkell the Tall."
“Any of them English?”
You tilt your head curiously but answer him all the same. “No. Each of us are a spoil of conquest. Our homelands are elsewhere.”
Thorkell hums to himself and rests his axes on his shoulders. He seems to be mulling over your words, and you’ll take that for what it is, holding your head high and not allowing yourself to tremble after coming this far. Coming this far means nothing if it ends in naught. You are not scared of this warrior. You are not scared for even your own life. Your last few years have been hell under your former lord and way he treated you. Your only peace has been the kindness shared between the other wives and servants, so failing to save them is the only thing you fear. If you can do this for them, even if it leads to more suffering or your own death so be it. You will stand tall.
“As you wish then.” A weight leaves your shoulders for a bare moment, but he continues, and it begins to thump and patter as you try to keep a calm expression. His cheer remains untouched; there’s something deeper in his eyes now that calms you somewhat, though you don’t quite understand. “I like ya. Not like most dames, I’ll give ya that. So, I’ll give ya the chance to prove yerself.”
“To prove myself?” 
The warrior turns his back to you and slams both axes into the wood of table, shafts held aloft from how deep the blades sink in. It’s loud, frightening the other women into short shrieks as they curl in on themselves. “Men! We’ll be resting here tonight and taking advantage of their fine hospitality. Anyone who touches the women here will be responsible for the stain on my honor and will answer to me. If ye be so bold, I look forward to it. We'll rejoin Askeladd in the morn.”
Some of his men laugh, cheer. Others look chastened, intimidated. You resonate with both. You imagine there are few who would find themselves at perfect ease with such a formidable fighter.
Thorkell turns to face you, grin still in place, and you find yourself cast in his shadow.
“Show me to yer dead lord’s chambers. They’re ours for the evening.”
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mingiswow · 1 year
Color this cold world | Jeong Yunho
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Pairing: Yunho x gn!reader (reader has a vagina)
Genre: smut, post-apocalyptic, dystopic, porn with a little of plot
Word count: ~4k
Warnings: mentions of death, weapons, fight, blood, wounds and murder, mentions of father and mother figures, reader doesn’t believe in god, reader is shorter than him, many pet names it gets sickening, not proofread, smut
Smut Warnings: oral (reader receiving), fingering, piv, protected sex, choking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, slight degradation, Yunho has a big dick, uses of pet names (baby, bunny, etc), semi-public sex if I forgot anything let me know
A/n: I’m going through a Yunho and Seonghwa brain rot ever since the concept photos were released and when the mv came out I HAD to write something. It’s not completely inspired by Ateez universe (also because I still don’t understand a single thing about the storyline and tbh gave up, I’m too old for this lol), but a little inspired by the mv, and the dystopian novels I grew up reading, so if anything sound similar it might be that. 
⚠️ English is not my first language, so sorry if there's any grammatical error
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⇉Minor DNI ⇇
You paced around the little room. The skin around your nails already hurting from how much you’ve been biting them while waiting for any news from your boyfriend and his friends.
You looked over the small dirty window and saw the grey and ashy sky of the country. You don’t even remember seeing the sun, ever since the revolution started years ago and the opponent side won, the world have turned into a big mess of ashes and destruction, the few pieces of vegetation existing being the small weeds that besides all the pollution and destruction rose upon the cement cracks and dry soils. They are, somehow, the reason you still believe in a better future. And Yunho.
You still remember how you met him and the others, your father was one of the heads behind the rebellion against the state, always busy trying to make this destruction stop. He was a very smart man and raised you and your older brother alone after your mother left you three to run away with the chief of the opponents when you were born. Your dad recruited young children and teenagers who wanted to fight, and Yunho was one of them. 
He was your age, his chubby cheeks fuller to make him look stronger but his eyes and the way his knuckles were white from hilding into a fist betrayed him. 
The first time you had contact was when you helped his wound a few months after he joined the rebellion, you were one of those responsible for the nursing, alongside his friend Jongho, that joined with him.
“Are you okay, man?” the younger asked and he nodded, clearly scared.
“If you want to be part of this, you’ll have to be stronger. The state army have no fear nor remorse, not even for young people like us” you stated as you prepared the gauze to clean the cut. “I know it’s hard” he nodded and held all the pain he could. That day he promised to fight not only for his family and friends, but for you as well.
As the years passed by, the young chubby boy you used to know grew to be one of the best body combat fighters as well as shooter, his body now tall and well built made every one swoon over him. When your dad and brother were killed, Yunho was the one that held you close and wiped your tears, the one that soothe your pain away and made sure you were strong enough to go back to your duty as the head nurse. All while assuming the combat training chief position. 
So when you looked at the watch in your wrist and saw that Yunho was more than half an hour late you panicked. You didn’t even believe in god but started praying for him to come home safe and sound to your arms. 
Him, Seonghwa, Hoongjoong, San and Yeosang went to a mission on the frontier a week ago and you marked to meet in the spot this very day at 3pm but so far no news of him or the others. The minutes seem to pass one by each hour yet, at the same time, to fly fast. 
It was past 4pm, your eyes betraying you and watering down on the thought of losing Yunho, the hope was almost gone but then a loud noise scared you. The first thought being that they came to get you. The enemies. You stood quiet in your corner of the room, listening to the noises that seemed to be happening a few floors under the one you were. You hugged your legs and more tears spilled as you expected the worst to fund you. 
And then you heard silence. Everything went quiet. The only sound being your fastened heartbeat and steps that came closer and closer by second. You closed your eyes and waited.
“Yn? Yn, are you here?” You recognized Seonghwa’s voice and immediately jumped into his arms to hug your friend. “Hey hey hey. It’s fine, big brain. We’re back” he hugged you back and let you cry on his shoulders seeing how overwhelmed you were. 
“What happened? Why are you guys late? Where's the rest? Where's Yunho? Is he okay? Please tell he’s fine and safe and-“
“Yn, calm down” the tall man held your shoulders. “We were surprised by an enemy troop while almost arriving at the gates. We had to wait till we could attack”
“And what were those noises before you entered?” 
“There were more of them waiting for us here, thankfully they didn’t know you were here as well otherwise…” he went quiet and you understood what he meant. Seonghwa always has been the reason in the group, always making sure everyone was both physically and mentally well. 
“And where’s Yunho? And the others?” 
“They are back at the HQ, Hongjoong, San, and Yunho were hurt a little. But they’re fine!” He was quick to add seeing your eyes widen when he mentioned your boyfriend’s name. “Let’s go back eh? I know you want to see him” you nodded and quickly started to go down the stairs, a few dead men over the floors and some of your people collecting everything useful they had. 
You couldn’t help but notice the number of dead men, especially on the first floor and your heart squeezed thinking about how many of these Yunho and the boys had to fight knowing that they were at a disadvantage. “There were many but you know how good San is with traps and Yeosang in bulk killing” Seonghwa spoke as he could read your thoughts. You nodded and sat in the passenger seat of his van, more anxious than before. 
As soon as the van stopped in front of the nurse HQ you jumped out of the vehicle and ran to find Yunho. 
“Wing four” you hear someone scream to you and you went straight to the place. 
You opened the door and there he was, sitting naked on top of the doolie, his back facing you and you could see some cuts, burns and scratches.  He heard your footsteps and turned around, a smile finding its way on his lips amidst the dry blood and wounds. 
He left the bed and opened his arms for you to hug him and before you could even think about hurting him more, you ran to his arms, burying your face in his chest and crying all over again. 
“Sh, little one. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere” he caressed your hair and kissed the top of your head. 
“You scared me, I almost thought I had lost you” you confessed to him, feeling the anxiety finally leave your body, legs becoming a bit weak after the tension vanished.
“I’m not going anywhere, love” he held your face between his hands, making you look into his eyes and wiped your tears, his smile never leaving his lips. “I love you too much to simply leave you like this, you have to make more effort to get rid of me” 
You chuckled, even after being beaten and hurt, even after almost dying, he still had the energy to be playful and make you feel better. “I love you so much, Yunho” he nodded, pecking your nose. “I love you too, my love”.
You kept in each others’ arms for some time, just enjoying the presence and warmth of your bodies before you remembered you had to treat his wounds and clean him. 
“Go to the bath to clean the dirt and relax your muscles. I’ll grab the things to clean your wounds and patch you up, k?” 
While he did as you said, you grabbed the necessary items from the other room and prepared some ointments and medications.
“Were you waiting for me to come and stitch you?” You asked as you entered back the room, putting everything in its place and going with gauze and some antiseptic spray to disinfect the cuts and bruises. You sat at the edge of the tub, bending towards the bigger cut in his chest. 
“Always. Only my little bunny knows how to treat me” he sniffed your neck making your skin shiver. 
“You could have had an infection with that” you could feel him tense up his muscles under your touch as you spread the ointment and analyzed if it needed stitches. He smirked when he saw you bite your lips when you felt his broad chest in your hands. You always have been obsessed with Yunho’s body and, for some wicked reason, every time you saw him with some type of bruise your body heated all up knowing that those were symbols of his strength and that he could kill someone with his bare hands. 
“I knew it was not that bad. Besides…” he slowly ran his fingers through your exposed arms and legs, the hairs getting bristly at the touch. He smirked. “I was dying to touch you” 
“You almost died and that’s all you can think of?” you were scolding him but deep down your thoughts were the same. Such as that you locked the door before entering the bath area. That also didn’t go unnoticed by the man. 
“Of course! What if I died before claiming you mine one last time?” He put you on his lap inside the bath, wetting your whole uniform.
“Yunho! My clothes!”
“I’m gonna take them off anyways, bunny, you won’t need them to be dry” his lips attacked your neck, kissing, licking, biting, marking you like a hungry animal with his prey. “The last thing you should be right now is dry”. You threw your head back and enjoyed the touch of his lips on your skin. You had missed him dearly. 
His hands started to roam your body up and down and you could feel and see his erection underneath you. The cold bath water already welcoming the warmth in your body, cooling the fire that seemed to consume you both. 
Finally, his lips met yours, hungry and desperate, fighting against yours as he needed your air to live, teeth clashing and tongues fighting for dominance. His hands held your hips strongly and started to rub your clothed core against his dick that you could feel hard even under the thick fabric of your pants. “Fuck baby, all I could think about while fighting those men was coming home alive so I could fuck you senseless” Yunho whispered in your ears as he kept you rubbing yourself on him. “Did you miss me, bunny? Did you miss my cock buried in your pussy?” You could only nod, too caught up in the feeling building at the pit of your belly. “Are you already close? Are you that cock starved that just rubbing your cunt on me is enough?”
You did not answer, not being able to form any sentence, everything coming out of your mouth being nonsense babbles and moans.
It didn’t matter how many times Yunho had touched you or made love to you, every single time felt like the first. He had a special power in making you putty in his hands just by touching you, whispering dirty things into your ears. He knew exactly how to get you worked up and desperate for him. 
But on his side it wasn't any different. Every time his nervous system felt the texture of your skin on his hands it was like he had never touched something so sublime, it was almost as if he could taste you in the tips of his calloused fingers. The roughness of your skin was something he could only feel by touching. The years of helping people and handling the apocalypse that became this earth marked up in your body, in the way your skin reacted to his touch, the scars of your own battles adorning you like you were a hand-crafted fabric. He loved each and every part of you. The visible and invisible signs of your strength, determination and will. He loved the strong and determined person you were. He could admire you for days but he always thought that nothing showed his love and adoration for you as the way he made love to you. 
And that’s exactly what he was planning to do. 
The man started taking your wet clothes away from your body, slowly, feeling every inch and bump from your skin. The shirt being the first one, the fabric clinging to your wet body like a vice but Yunho was more vicious than a simple shirt. 
Your chest, now fully in disposal, rising up and down with your uneven breath caught his eyes immediately and he listened to his intrusive thoughts and dipped his face in between them, smelling your scent and enjoying the warmth of your skin. 
You reached his face and grabbed with both hands, making him look at you. His eyes black, dilated with lust yet still covered in love. “I love you, Yunho” you spoke in a whisper, joining your foreheads. His smile was bright as he nodded and joined your lips in a slow and sweet kiss. The one he expects to feel the day you get to get married. “I love you too”. 
He kissed you again as his right hand enclosed what he could get of your left boob, squeezing and massaging it. You cut the kiss to breathe, throwing your head back. Yunho took advantage of your position to put your other breast in his mouth. Sucking it, biting it, and licking it. You were far too gone in the pleasure, your hips starting to move again on top of his dick, making him moan on your chest, the vibrations sending shivers down your body and concentrating in between your legs, your walls closing against nothing. 
Your boyfriend kept his assault on your chest for a few minutes, enjoying the way he could make you squirm just by playing with your boobs. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it. 
When he was satisfied with the purple marks all over your chest he lifted you both up from the tub and took you to the bed he was previously on, sitting you and standing between your legs. He started kissing you again, his mouth and hands eager for you. “Baby please do something” you moaned against his mouth and grabbed his hands to put on top of your clothed core. “I need you"
“Your wish is my command, Princess” he gave you one last kiss before getting on his knees and taking your pants and panties off. The cool air hitting your labia and making you shiver in anticipation. He gently opened your legs more so he could be inside them, his lips ever so gently touching your inner thigh. Yunho was a strong man and he knew you loved when he used that on you, so he grabbed your legs and pulled you closer to his face, thighs resting on his shoulder as his lips finally touched where you wanted the most. His tongue licking from bottom to top, lapping every single drop of your wetness that rested there. To him, your taste was the same as dionysus wine should taste, bittersweet, intoxicating and addicting, he could live just with your taste. 
His fingers spread your labia open as he made sure to give a powerful suck at your clit, a particularly loud moan leaving your lips as you quickly covered them trying not to be too loud. He kept his assault at your clit, alternating between circling and licking up and down and left to right, spelling the whole alphabet against your little bundle of nerves that sent desperate signals to your brain, the fire in the pit of your stomach rising dangerously fast. When he felt you squirming against him, he held you down on the bed and lowered his attack to your hole, entering it with the tip of his tongue, provoking you, tickling your insides, making you want more. 
“Baby, fuck, please” you managed to moan out in midst all the pleasure. “Do something, please” he chuckled but nevertheless he gave what you wanted, what you needed, and started to fuck you with his tongue, thumb going to your clit and drawing circles to help with your pleasure. Your moans started to get louder and louder, your hands that covered your mouth were now attached to your boyfriend’s hair, pulling his face closer to your vulva. You were so lost in the feeling. The fire in your belly snapped and you came undone in his mouth, him never stopping his movements, riding you through your orgasm. His mouth then replaced his thumb and he inserted two fingers knuckles deep inside you. An obscene scream left you as you felt your belly tighten again.
“You’re doing so well for me, bunny. Such a good girl taking everything I give. Can you give me another orgasm, huh?” His deep voice praised you, his fingers going faster and faster inside you, your clit swollen and sensitive from all the pleasure and friction against it. Your voice betrayed you, a high gasp coming out instead as you nod your head. Legs shaking on top of his shoulder. 
Soon enough another orgasm waved through your body, leaving you already in shambles on top of him. Yunho helped you ride out your orgasm again, this time stopping his ministrations and getting on his feet again. 
He kissed your lips, making you taste yourself in his tongue, your mind dizzy with pleasure. “I could taste you all day, bunny. But my little friend down here needs a little help” you chuckled at his words and pulled him close to you again, locking his hips with your legs and rubbing your sensitive vulva on his dick. You hissed at the feeling, still sensitive with the previous orgasms. “Can you take me, Princess? Or are you still too sensitive?” 
“I can always take you, baby” you grabbed his dick in your hand and started to put the condom on him, torturing him with how slow you were sliding the piece and how sometimes you’d squeeze his member in the process. “After all, you were the one who got me addicted to your dick, isn’t it? Made me your cock slut”
“Fuck yn don’t talk like that” you smirked at his reaction and aligned the tip of his dick in your entrance. 
He slowly pushed inside you, the burning of the stretch making you lay your back flat on the bed, hands grabbing the sheets. To say Yunho was gifted with his dick was just a fact. He was just the right size for you but it was the girth that always made you cry. In a good way. In a delicious way actually. No matter how much he preps you, stretches you open with his fingers, nothing will compare to him slowly entering you until he’s balls deep inside you. He always waits for you to get used to his size and start moving by yourself. 
“You are made for me, baby bun. Your pussy was made for me, wasn’t it?” He pulled you by the back of your neck close to him, foreheads glued as your eyes stared at each other. His hips ever so deliciously moving at a punishing slow pace, getting as deep as he could. 
“Faster… please” you moaned and threw yourself back against the bed, back arching with the feeling. “Need… more…”
“Is my baby cock drunk already? Can’t even speak properly?” He mocked you but still gave you what you wanted, pistoning his hips against you, one of his hands going to your clit and the other wrapped around your neck. Your eyes rolled at the overstimulation, feeling so much at the same time. “Good god bunny you look so hot right now. Wish you could see yourself, all fucked out and cock dumb for me. Such a good girl. Go on baby, cum for me again. I know you can do it” you nodded desperately, a string of whispered yes leaving your lips as you felt the burning feeling take you over for the third time and snap a few minutes after. Your juices starting to fall down your legs, an obscene squelch sound reverberating in the room as you weren’t even able to moan anymore. 
Suddenly Yunho took his dick out of you and before you could even question it, he turned you around, bending you on the bed, legs falling wobbly from the edge. “I’m not finished yet, bunny” he spread your ass cheeks and entered you again, the new position and the sensitivity almost knocking you out, eyes wet with tears of pleasure as he went even faster this time. “If you give me another orgasm I’ll reward you. So be a good girl and cum again, okay?” You nodded, body too weak to resist. 
Yunho then slithered his hand under your chest and pushed you flush against his chest, his hand once again going up to wrap around your throat, getting you even more dizzy and light headed than before. 
“Yunho… p- please” your voice was hoarse and low, the next orgasm ready to snap at your pussy once again. 
The man wasn’t so far from coming himself, his cock twitching inside of you and you both could feel your highs approaching and his thrusts losing its rhythm. He let go of your chest and neck, letting you fall limp onto the bed as he grabbed your hips to get more stability. 
He kept thrusting, a bunch of profanities and praises to you leaving his mouth as he came, his hips losing its speed but going as deep as he could. His right hand reached your clit with some difficulty and started playing with it to help you reach your high as well, his hips never stopping its slow and deep thrusts. 
Within seconds you reached your fourth and last orgasm of the night. Your whole body aching in delicious pain and overstimulation. Little whimpers left your mouth and finally Yunho stilled inside of you and felt on top of you, his weight being comforting against your completely gone body. 
“I fucking love you so much” he whispered against your ear, leaving small ticklish kisses against it. 
“I fucking love you so much too, Yunho” you smiled against the bed, sighing happily. 
After a few minutes he lifted himself and got out of your body, going to the bathroom to take the condom out and clean himself. He damped a piece of cloth and came to clean you, careful not to hurt you. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to exist after today” you chuckled as he cleaned you, your whole body aching now that the pleasure was gone and the adrenaline went down. 
“I’m sorry, bunny. I went a little overboard” he gently kissed your shoulder blades, caressing your back. 
“No, I loved” you tried to move but your legs were still weak. He grabbed you and put you on top of the bed, throwing the wet cloth away before laying by your side and cuddling you. “I missed you so much” you whispered as you played with his fingers wrapped around your tummy. 
“I missed you too” he deep sighed and held you stronger. “I just want this to end so we can have a peaceful life” you nodded, your eyes getting heavy. “I can’t wait for us to be free and have a huge farm with many animals and our little kids running around and playing with no fear and worries in their life” Yunho nudged his face against your neck, scenting you and feeling his chest warm with love and hope. 
“Soon, baby. Soon” you said as you both drifted asleep, both dreaming with a better world and a future together. 
"Have you guys seen yn?" Jongho asked his friends as he helped the hurt soldiers that came back that day, San hissing at the feeling of the antiseptic spray sting. Seonghwa just chuckled as he exchanged looks with San and Yeosang. "Again? Great! Now I'll have to clean all that wing again because Yunho can't hold his dick inside his pants". The man rolled his eyes as the others laughed at how predictable the couple was.
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Can I have some nsfw headcanons for Gromsko and male reader?
Gromsko NSFW headcanons!
This is NSFW minors DNI. Enjoy also please send more Gromsko my Polish Princess needs more hype!! This will cover both Sub and Dom Gromsko and Reader, no details though. No real detail just rambling and headcanons that have been rotting my brain. Knives, slight mention of blood, slapping, choking, marks/marking, cum consumption, if any of this makes you uncomfortable please find another fic to read. Not proof read.
-Bro is soooo loud in bed. It doesn't matter if he's dom or sub he's loud af. He's groaning, whimpering, whining, moaning, grunting, swearing in English and in Polish. It doesn't matter he's making noise.
-He loves it when there are marks left behind. He loves bite marks, hand prints, scratch lines, bruises. He loves it all, on him and on you. He won't let you go until you're covered in marks.
-Hes def into knife play for sure. Will only do it if you're fully up to it, he'll make sure you're constantly comfortable and will always checks your color (He uses colors to make sure your comfortable like green= go, yellow= give me a moment or slow down, and red= stop). He likes to mainly do you're chest, thighs and your hips.
-He loves loves loves! Your stomach if it's sucked in or is chubby he's all over it you can't convince me otherwise. He loves cumming on your stomach, and leaving marks. He will lick cum off your stomach. (He told me so uh-huh)
-Hes open to experimenting, you want to use toys he's already got them out, you want to do bondage he's doing the research. (My guy does his research to make sure he knows what he's doing). Anything he's willing to try.
-He likes to be in-between your thighs. He'd die a happy man if you suffocated him with your thighs. You can't get him out from in between your thighs it's cra-zy!
-Bros got a breeding kink. (Do I need to say more? Perhaps). He prefers when you fill him up. But he'd gladly do the same for you.
-He loves being slapped. Slap his ass, thighs, face. He loves it. He draws the line at hitting you though. He wouldnt forgive himself if he hurt you even if you said it was okay.
-He likes choking goes both ways. Makes his adrenaline kick in.
-King of aftercare. He will make you food, makes sure you drink water. If you used knives he'll clean up the blood. If you want a bath or shower he'll be there w/you if you want him there. But he understands if you want your alone time as well.
-Hes also a sucker for when you take care of him, he loves when you bring him food and water. He will ask you to feed him, he loves when you do that.
If you want more then be my guest. Im willing to do the alphabet for headcanons as well sfw and nsfw. Hope you enjoyed :D I'm slowly working on fics but my motivation and mental health is messing with me I'll try my best to post when I can.
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
-• Rules + Other Information •-
DNI if: homophobic/transphobic, racist, ableist, a minor, a genuinely problematic person
-• Transformers Masterlist •-
-• 2nd Transformers Masterlist •-
-• The Legend of Zelda Masterlist •-
-• Call of Duty Masterlist •-
-• Kink(tober/cember) 2023 •-
-• Pick-a-Fic Masterlist •-
Pick-a-Fic events will take place on the first to second day of every month except for January, April, September, October and December.
-• Q&A will always be open! •-
All Requests Opened -> June 1st
Oneshots- closed
Headcanons- closed
Nsfw Alphabets- closed
Matchups- closed
Love Letters - closed
Doodles- closed
Call of Duty fandom requests are open- please ignore the space above if you'd like to request that! I will try to write for every character and not just my favorites I swear. (major brain rot wuh oh)
Want an answer? Just ask, this is a judgment free zone. Don’t worry about if your question is stupid.
Interact with me! I love it when followers or mutuals ask me something unrelated about writing or about opinions.
-• Rules for Writing Requests Below •-
Matchup Rules -> send the continuity and faction or fandom you want to be matched up with and some basic information about yourself (hobbies, favorite foods, smarts, bad habits, pet peeves, ect). You'll get some headcanons in return.
Love Letter Rules
Doodle Rules
Absolute No’s -> r^pe/noncon (dubcon is fine), beastiality, ped0philia, incest, crossovers, character x oc, female readers (all readers will use they/them or he/him wether afab or not), pregnancy/breeding (you can ask for it but it’s an iffy subject), religious topics, Q+/minority discrimination
I’ll say this one again: I Do Not Write For Female, Fem or Femme Readers at all. Your request will be deleted if it mentions a female reader. Afab readers are fine, female presenting and/or identifying readers make me uncomfortable to write and read.
Unless I know you personally, I will not be writing neutral readers anymore. Anonymously submitted requests will be male readers whether described as or not.
(The rule above is going to be enforced once I open and get new requests.)
Fandoms I write for -> Transformers (TFP, TFA, RB, RBA, RID15, G1, Cyberverse, MTMTE [Issues #1-#27], ROTB, War for Cybertron, ROTF, All AUs), Undertale (All AUs), BOTW/TOTK, Hasbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Supernatural, The Dragon Prince, Breaking Bad, JJBA, Inside Job, Nimona, The Barbie Movie, Call of Duty
4 characters maximum per headcanon request.
I’d love to write for -> (TFA) Sentinel, Ratchet, rarepairs, angst, coregasm, degradation, stepping, sounding, (CoD) Soap, König, Ghost, Graves
Please include the fandom/continuity and themes/kinks you want in your request! If it’s just an ask with characters in it it’ll probably be discarded.
I may tend to write the requests that are not anonymous instead of the anonymous requests or doing the requests in order. The best bet to have your request finished first is to not be on anonymous.
-• Info ‘bout Me •-
I am transgender (female to male) and autistic. @gay4ratchet is my other SFW and TFA/RBA themed side blog. I’m fluent in English, I am currently learning German and need lots more practice. I have a lovely girlfriend (EEE @cyberrose2001 LOVE U POOKIE<3) and am quite happy with my cards in life, so to speak.
-• Tags •-
#valveplug -> where the nasties are.
#micro talks -> random thoughts, anons talking or asking questions, rambles or opinions on ideas.
#reblog wednesdays -> art or the occasional fic I reblog on wednesdays (CDT time).
#pick a fic -> where all of the Pick-A-Fic polls and fics are.
#micro matchups -> where all of the matchups are. they’re very personalized to individual people/not meant for every reader.
#love letter -> all of the love letters.
#nsfw alphabet -> all of the nsfw alphabets.
#micro’s kinktober -> where you’ll find all of the kinktober (and the kinkcember extension)event posts and fics.
#micro doodles -> where you'll find all of my art
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amaria-the-soup · 1 month
hello, I just wanted to call out someone who sent me an anonymous message about my statement on your post about those immoral fics, and I just hope the person will be able to read this, because first of all, who the fuck do you think you are to tell me whether or not I'm recovered? That's incredibly rude and unnecessary, and I genuinely hope you'll think over your words because dictating my state of mind because of my statement was extremely ignorant?
Second it's not about me (or anyone else) distancing myself from it, as if it were a silly hobby. Pornography is as much addicting as drugs or alcohol. It's not a silly pass time I got burnt out from, it's a serious illness, and you're treating it like some silly little stuff. Third of all, this type of fiction can very much be the reason people start those type of behaviours, so yes consuming this type of media can lead to dangerous outcomes and turn "normal" people into mentally ill (especially as a minor). Your words were literally "well gambling addiction isn't bad, you just couldn't control yourslef lol". Hope this person can reflect on the brain rot they said <3 (I'm really sorry, but I just doubted that if I answered on my page they'd see it bc I don't post, but I really wanted them to see what kind of bullshit they said, sorry if this was bothering you dearie <3)
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It’s not a bother at all! I agree with everything you said, and have some things to add in terms of actual studies:
It’s a big problem, and here’s the proof. And it’s not just visual, it is easily in reading too. So to encourage people to make “dark” or “taboo” fictional stories are really just adding to the porn culture and making it harder for people to get out.
It’s a cage, and without any help, it can get out of control easily.
Also, Hon, I just wanted to tell you that even if the asker is anon, they’ll get a notification when you answer them! But I am so honored that you were willing to come for help, and honestly, you’re so fucken’ brave. I hope that all of us can improve ourselves, and hopefully we can overcome our problems.
If you’re suffering from “dark smut” or rather, porn in general, I encourage you to take the steps to overcome it. Here’s some links for everyone, including me.
ALL of us need help, and we are all worthy of redemption. There’s someone out there who loves you, and you deserve to be loved and at your best.
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mllx-anazra · 2 years
tis the damn season (part.1) 
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Here is the Taylor Swift-inspired reader insert fanfiction to hopefully tame the brain rot Eddie Munson has induced since Vol.1 (also posted on Ao3).
TW: smut in later chapters so minors DNI, talk of therapy and trauma in later chapters, Eddie Munson is pinning, so is the reader, mentions of asshole rockstar boyfriends, drugs (the old devil's lettuce), explicit references, reader is a Henderson to make my no Y/N rule easier but is a cousin so hopefully it's ""inclusive"" enough?
Part 1: And it always leads to you, and my hometown 
"Jesus, man, can you drive any slower? We're late already!" Dustin pestered for what felt like the hundredth time in the short time he, Wheeler, and Sinclair pretty much begged Eddie to drive them to the other side of town to help you move in. 
            His curiosity got the better of him, and he not only adjourned the DnD meeting of today but agreed to drop the freshmen on your doorstep, hoping to understand why the hell you were back in Hawkins two years after your graduation. 
            The golden child, all straight A's, bouncy hair and toothy grins, bedazzled acoustic guitar, and the flare of the next Stevie Nicks, had made it out of bumfuck Indiana through a contract with a fancy Californian label, like some kind of modern fairytale. And yet, as the fall of 85 was settling slowly and surely in this small town, Eddie grew to see as his personal hell, you were coming back, settling back in your parents' small old house not too far from the trailer park, for no understandable reason.
            "Remind me again why the fuck is your cousin settling here again?" the metalhead glanced at his rear mirror, catching Dustin's impatient gaze. 
            "I don't know, something about a job and taking a break from the label or some shit. C'mon, man, it's the SEVENTH red light we have gotten in the past five minutes; for the love of CHRIST, could you speed up!!"
            "Calm the fuck down, Henderson and get a grip, jeez; little miss sunshine can wait five minutes for us to move her couch or whatever."
            "Steve is probably there already!" the teen whined. "I wanted to be the first to see her!". 
            At the mention of Steve "The Hair" Harrington, Eddie felt a pang in his belly, immediately remembering the chaste kiss he had seen you exchange with the King of Hawkins during your sophomore year winter dance on Toto, where he had been dying to ask you out. He mentally scoffed at the memory; pretty girls like you frenched and held hands with pretty boys like Harrington, while guys like him, well… Were at best dirty little secrets. 
Which is whatever the fuck you could call the first, and in your case last, senior year, you spent in dark corners branding him with scalding lips that tasted like cherry chapstick. After a too-drunk encounter at a Halloween party in 1983, where you had sloppily told him, "Today we're all allowed to be freaks, Munson," and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, you had both sought each other out for the months until your graduation. Official tutoring lessons where you'd wear the shortest preppiest skirts to drive him crazy and jam sessions to "exchange creative ideas" were just excuses to fool around like the horny teenagers you had been. And God, if you were not one little devil behind all your good girl skit. Eddie fought to not get too lost in the raunchiest memory of your skin against his, lips nipping and kissing every crevice of each other's bodies in his van, your car, his trailer, your childhood bedroom, the school's bleachers, empty English classrooms and study halls at the library, Lovers' Lake shores, the movies…
            How the hell was he supposed to make small talk with you after two years without so much as a call or letter? Oh, the cruel torture of politeness with a woman who rocked his world and that he still had trouble shaking off, dropping your cousin and his friends at your door when the only thing he wanted was to drop was his knees and see for himself if you tasted like he remembered. 
            "Turn left on that corner!" supplied Dustin, after five minutes of bickering with Mike and Lucas about the following steps to best approach the brutal campaign Eddie had set up for them. 
            "I know where the house is, deep shit."
            "How?" pressed Wheeler, eyebrows furrowed. Fuck, pestering reporter genes might run in the family. Nancy had provided the same inquisitive tone after Eddie had agreed to drive the kids rather than her at the school parking lot thirty minutes ago. 
            "Because the trailer park is really close to this neighborhood, and I've lived on this hellhole my entire life?" the mere fact he had to justify himself made him pissed off. 
            "There, there, stop the car!!" Dustin excitedly screamed, unfastening his seatbelt and bolting out of the van to jog his way to your front stairs. 
And there you were, dropping the box you were holding to immediately hug your cousin, gushing over his growth, matching dimples on both of your faces. 
            Were you a sight for sore eyes, all long summer dress and silky shawl, skin radiant and smile beaming, sunglasses pushed back on your forehead, and bracelet clicking as you embraced Lucas and Mike once Dustin had let you go. 
Psyching himself up, Eddie summoned his coolest demeanor as he locked the van and strutted towards your porch. Your look of initial confusion morphed to a wide grin, almost feral, making him weak in the knees. 
            "Do my eyes deceive me, or is this you, Munson?" amusement laced your voice, making his heart jackhammer in his ribcage. Same timber, warmth, and spice characterizing your voice after all this time. 
            "All metal and denim, sunshine." God, he hated how easily the nickname rolled off his tongue, electing strange looks amongst the boys and a glint in your eyes he had thought of so often. 
Before you could quip further or embrace him (fuck did you still use the same perfume and conditioner, he needed to know), Steve fucking Harrington interrupted your reunion:
            "Now that you cruds are finally here, come help us set the couch, it's super heavy. Oh, hey, Munson."
He was still wearing his Family Video vest, literally having come here from his workplace to help you settle, Eddie interpreting this as an eagerness that immediately gritted his nerves. It was no secret that Steve had chased you before he set his sights on Nancy and did not shy away from what could be qualified as grand romantic gestures to win you over. 
            "Jeez, Steve, let them grab a drink first it's so freaking warm today. C'mon in, there is a lemonade cooling in the kitchen, help yourselves. You know the house!"
The teens skited towards the entrance of your modest but coquettish home, Eddie leisurely strolling up the stairs to meet you on the last step. 
            "Long time no see, Henderson. Looking good." Smooth, Munson, keep it smooth. 
            "You tell me, Eddie." A shiver ran up his spine at the way your plump lips curled around the syllables of his name. "Are you converting my kids to your satanic cult through the impenetrable ways of DnD?"
He smiled at your teasing. 
            "They say it's better to get them young when they're more influenceable."
You chuckled, a side smirk still firmly planted on your face. 
            "Well, be my guest, Dungeon Master (his knees buckling again); I have a beer in the cooler if you prefer."
            "Hey, why does he get beer and I don't?" Steve indignantly called out, apparently shamelessly eavesdropping on your conversation.  
            "Because, unlike you, he is turning 21, and you're supposed to be a role model for the kids or something", you retorted, slightly exasperated. 
The guffaws the boys made at the implication were enough to bring a delicate warmth to your gaze as you guided Eddie through your corridor towards your kitchen. Fleetwood Mac was blasting in the living room, and his fingers couldn't help but tap in rhythm, reminiscing how you would let it play in the background of your study make-out sessions. 
He followed and pretended to look at your walls interestingly as if he had not slammed you there several times while driving you back home after school. 
"Cool house, Henderson." He supplied, prompting you to look back at him, eyebrow raised, as if your mind had joined his. 
The boys were gathered around your small kitchen island (another fun memory), sipping on your lemonade as you fetched too cooled beers in your ice box. Steve's grumbling only intensified when he figured out the second can was for your sake and not his, prompting you to bonk his head with it. 
Eddie tried not to envy the easiness with which Steve and you seemed to interact, probably already caught up with each other's lives as it was.  
            "So," Lucas started after a very loud sip, "what brings you back to Hawkins after this time?"
            "Seeing my favorite people on Earth is not a good reason enough, Sinclair?" you said while leaning on the counter, hands joined. Eddie thought he recognized a glint on one of your fingers. Did you keep… 
            The unimpressed looks on your audience made you fake gasp loudly. 
            "Fine, FINE!" you huffed. You mulled over your response for a second, eyes adrift. "I was in the studio when I heard about the Starcourt fire. I was so scared that something might have happened to any of you… I don't know; it freaked me out. So many weird things have happened in Hawkins these past few years I feel like…."
            Fiddling with your rings, including the one Eddie gifted you after your marveled at his a few weeks before you left, you didn't register the looks the kids and Steve exchanged. 
            "Also, I need field experience for my college credits, and Hawkins High has been looking for a part-time librarian and teaching assistant since Mrs. Sinema retired."
            "Why the hell you're going to college for? You work", Mike said, disdain clear in his voice. Damn, did Wheeler know damn well how to be annoying when he wanted to.
            "Yeah, well, working sucks Mikey, so I'm going back to school," you chuckled. 
            "Don't ruin it for all of us, Henderson. Some are trying to graduate this year", Eddie quipped, gulping down his drink. 
            "Are you now Munson? Who will lead your hordes of satanic minions in your absence?"
Mirth was evident in your tone, but Dustin clearly missed it. 
            "Hellfire is a Dungeons and Dragons CLUB!! Not a satanic cult??? Are you getting your talking points from Jason Carver or something??"
            "Jeez, Dusty, can't a girl crack a joke? I know what DnD is, it's all you nerds yap about. Also, ew, is Jason Carver still preaching his choir at school?"
            "You have no idea…." Mike mumbled. 
            "He's not that bad, guys," Lucas started, prompting a chorus of groans from his club. 
            "He is incredibly entitled and a terrible basketball captain, in my humble opinion," offered Steve, eyeing your still untouched beer. 
            "Moh, salty about the person occupying the throne you vacated, King Steve?" Eddie snarked with perhaps a bit too much gusto. 
The look Steve threw him, a mixture of "who the fuck are you again" confusion and "why are we interacting" that cheerleaders would throw his way, made the metalhead's stomach drop a little. 
            "Maybe I don't miss high school all that much," you hummed, finally sipping on your drink. 
            "Well, we sure did miss you," concluded Dustin, hugging your side as you smiled at him brightly, squeezing him back. 
            "You might less after moving my furniture, Dustibun." 
The boys collectively groaned as you jumped back into action, your cousin and his friends making their way to the large trailer attached to your car outside. Eddie lingered, chugging the remanent of his beer. 
            "You don't have to help Munson, I didn't expect you here," you offered, and was it a twinge of nervousness he could hear in your voice? Oh, that was interesting. 
            "Always here if you need a hand, Henderson." You caught the suggestive wiggling of his fingers, rolled your eyes, and pushed him towards your front door. He did notice the blush tinging your cheeks. 
            After what felt like hours of moving boxes – how much shit could you bring back into your semi-empty childhood home was truly baffling –the sun was starting to dim significantly. 
            "All right, y'all, thank you all so much for your help, but I'm afraid it's time to scram if you want to be back home before dinner!".
            "You're still coming over, right?" asked Dustin as he polished the last gulps of the lukewarm lemonade on your counter, much to Steve's dismay. 
You nodded enthusiastically and hushed them all to the door. Your hand might have lingered one second too long on Eddie's small back, electing delicious sparks up his spine. You had both danced around each other lightly all afternoon, both sides trying to figure the other out without being too suspicious. It was a skill you had mastered with all these months of sneaking around, for what must feel like a lifetime ago to you, shining bright on stage yet coming back to grace Hawkins with your smile once again. 
Eddie nodded at the tall boxes carefully placed still in the large trailer outside, knowing they probably contained your music gear, before inquiring, "You're not putting them inside? Careful, they might get taken."
            "You fancy my bedazzled folk guitar, Munson?"
            "Depends. Is your name still engraved on the fretboard?" Are my initials still carved on the back of the neck? He was dying to whisper to you. 
The laugh that accompanied the slight push you gave him was enough for now. 
            "Alright, Sinclair, Wheeler, in the backseat. You Hendersons will be okay?" asked Steve, hands on his hips. Since when did Harrington exude this motherly energy, Eddie wondered.  
            "Yeah, I will just detach the trailer and lock it, we should be good."
            "I could drive you."
Eddie had blurted out too fast for his brain to register, the idea of parting from you so soon making his heart lurch. 
You and Dustin looked at him quizzically; "The trailer park is literally down the road, my house is on the other side of town," the younger Henderson supplied. 
            "Rule number one of Hellfire, mini-Henderson; you treat fair maidens gracefully, especially returning ones." He cringe internally, his panicked state at losing his cool making him sound like a grade A nerd. 
            "I thought the first rule was listening to the Dungeon Master," quipped Wheeler as he settled in Steve's car. Oh, he was gonna make Mike lose during the next campaign if the kid did not watch his tone. 
            "Thanks for the offer, Eddie, but I'll need to drive back here anyways, so I'll take my car."
            "Let me help you with the trailer, at least." He thought he heard Harrington mutter along the lines of "since when is Munson that willingly helpful." 
How Eddie hoped the genuine smile you threw him was unique and your lingering gaze not a cruel fabrication of his imagination. 
You hugged the kids and Steve goodbye, dress flowing prettily as you turned back to him and embraced him softly. And yes, your laundry still smelled the same, sweet as lavender and soapy, but with a newer distinctive scent, he could quite not pinpoint. Will need to sniff again, supplied his brain. He wanted to slap the creeper out of himself so hard. 
            "Nice seeing you again, Munson," you whispered in his ear, making him shiver and ache for you only further. The speed with which you could worm yourself back into his body and spirit was frankly concerning, he will ponder later, screaming in his pillow back at the trailer. 
            "You too, sunshine." He brushed his finger along the thin silvery band adorned with a skull on your middle finger. Telling you, he did notice how you kept it. Did remember – how could he ever forget you –. 
            You hopped into your car and honked goodbye as the hopeless metalhead watched you drive away, butterflies swarming in his guts, before the stunned look on Steve's face reminded him of hopping back into his vehicle. 
            Eddie Munson was royally fucked, but so incredibly eager about it if you were the reason. "This really is my year," he muttered to himself as he fished out a mixtape long buried in his glove box, "songs we will fuck to" scribbled on the label with your pink sharpie, the ink fading making the hearts and dick you drew almost transparent. As Eddie drove back to his home, Led Zeppelin blasting in his speakers, all he could hear was the blood drumming in his ears, in time with his pounding heart. God, he had it bad. 
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prpfs · 10 months
📚 Hello!
I am Kat (she/her, 23). Having major brain rot after season 2, and would love some roleplays!
🌸 Fandom:
Good Omens.
🌸 Ship:
Aziraphale/Crowley (With myself as Aziraphale!)
🌸 Plot:
I have several plot ideas that I will share in DMs to avoid clogging the post ! But I'm also up to discussing any other plot ideas!
🌸 Info about me/Requirements:
My writing style is literate/novella! If you can’t match at least a min of 300 words, I probably won’t be into the RP all that much. Please be descriptive and semi-lit, I always put my all into my replies and expect my partner to extend the same courtesy with proper grammar and capitalization! (I won’t respond to the all lower text in the RP itself).
I ask that anyone who contacts me be at least 20+ but 18+ is okay too. I DO NOT feel comfortable roleplaying with minors so please keep this in mind and please don’t lie about your age.
I also love talking ooc and plotting together with my partners and gushing over the characters; I enjoy making playlists and vision boards for current plots, things like that! OOC is not a big requirement but I’m not against it!!
Please be active/consistent because I try my best to be too. If you have to be off for more than a couple of days please let me know, don’t just ghost without saying anything. (I'm in the English/Ireland time zone, by the way!)
I only write on discord too!
🌸 Like this ad, comment or message me here and I’ll try to reply as quick as I can! :)) thank you!!
like or dm
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findroleplay · 10 months
📚 Hello!
I am Kat (she/her, 23). Having major brain rot after season 2, and would love some roleplays!
🌸 Fandom:
Good Omens.
🌸 Ship:
Aziraphale/Crowley (With myself as Aziraphale!)
🌸 Plot:
I have several plot ideas that I will share in DMs to avoid clogging the post ! But I'm also up to discussing any other plot ideas!
🌸 Info about me/Requirements:
My writing style is literate/novella! If you can’t match at least a min of 300 words, I probably won’t be into the RP all that much. Please be descriptive and semi-lit, I always put my all into my replies and expect my partner to extend the same courtesy with proper grammar and capitalization! (I won’t respond to the all lower text in the RP itself).
I ask that anyone who contacts me be at least 20+ but 18+ is okay too. I DO NOT feel comfortable roleplaying with minors so please keep this in mind and please don’t lie about your age.
I also love talking ooc and plotting together with my partners and gushing over the characters; I enjoy making playlists and vision boards for current plots, things like that! OOC is not a big requirement but I’m not against it!!
Please be active/consistent because I try my best to be too. If you have to be off for more than a couple of days please let me know, don’t just ghost without saying anything. (I'm in the English/Ireland time zone, by the way!)
I only write on discord too!
🌸 Like this ad, comment or message me here and I’ll try to reply as quick as I can! :)) thank you!!
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terrabachi · 9 months
Meet The Artist
Tumblr media
The quality here is sort of trash and overly blurry, sorry. I use very bright colors and I enjoy pink stuff. I'm somewhat trilingual but I'd prefer English above all. French is pretty shoddy and I can only speak Vietnamese, not write it.
I've realized I messed up with the height thing. I'm a bit taller than that, lol. 178-180 cm?
I'm currently a minor so plz don't do anything weird.
Same face syndrome enjoyer, brain rot enthusiast, literally me stuff, lainpilled/gigapilled memes too, estrogen enthusiast
None of my stuff has any backing so if I say something dumb, it is because I'm a smooth brain and like to scream an opinion that is objectively wrong sometimes
Mutuals should give me a visible WRITTEN list of their boundaries for me to respect because I'm bad at reading between the lines and sometimes just unreasonably rude because I'm an idiot who doesn't understand social cues when online. Plz type it, people with bad handwriting don't acknowledge that they have bad handwriting so this rule applies to everyone.
I'm not part of any fandom currently. Just memes that apparently belong to a big community sometimes.
Disclaimer: I sure do love lying on the internet. (White Lies/Half Truths Dependent If The Post Is Personal. Don't take anything too seriously)
╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
Side blog for too much info on OCs Code is given to moots and friends only
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mothman-clarice · 1 year
I'm back bitches :)
My hyperfixations tend to shift around a lot every few days so that's why I vanished for a bit but I'm back on my hannibal brain rot so here we go.
This time I'm gonna be writing some rough notes about a fanfic I may or may not write at some point. It's the one I talked about briefly in my patrick Bateman post where I wondered what would happen if he met hannibal. I'll try to make a break in the text so if you wanna wait until the fanfic comes out you can read it spoiler free. This is mostly to help me try to make a story outline.
I originally thought clarice and hannibal would go on a trip to NYC but I soon realized that was a bad idea considering their "status"
So I decided Patrick would go on a trip abroad to Argentina with his new fiancee and that's how theyd meet
It starts with clarice and hannibal perusing the local market. They're looking at some produce when they overhear a man starting to raise his voice
Its patrick in an argument with a shopkeeper over the price of some fish which is rapidly escalating. Think the scene of him arguing with the lady in the dry cleaners
He suddenly stops, looks around and then grabs the shopkeeper by the collar, pulling them close as he whispers through gritted teeth
"Listen here BITCH, I will fucking fillet your ass if you dont shut those cock sucking lips of yours, UNDERSTAND?"
Hannibal and clarice take notice of the situation and silently agree to investigate, doing their best to blend in while getting closer so they can gather more information
Clarice goes into undercover FBI agent mode and hannibal listens while on standby as backup in case things get ugly
The situation isnt descalating so clarice eventually decides to tell hannibal they should try to intervene to protect the shopkeeper, but advises hannibal they should be slow and cautious
She says from the sounds of how he was talking to the shopkeeper (who was a woman) she noted he seemed to use a lot of vaguely misogynist language so she figured hannibal would be better to be the first one to intervene. Hannibal is bigger, older, and overall would command this mans attention better from what little clarice could tell about his character
Hannibal finally clears his throat, "excuse me? Is there a problem here?" He asks politely with a twinge of concern
Patrick stares at hannibal like a deer in headlights, his whole body frozen. All the blood seemed to instantly drain from his face as his mind races, "oh fuck how much did they hear? Was I being that loud? Fuck fuck fuck"
Patrick stands up straight and faces hannibal with a completely shifted demeanor recognizing him as an older obviously well off man similar to himself.
The shopkeeper stares at hannibal and clarice with a look of fearful hope, gazing at them as if they were angels who'd come to save her from certain death
P: "oh no need to worry, it was a minor... dispute." He smiles with gritted teeth.
Hannibal looks at patrick with a sort of side eye, unsure of whether he should pretend to believe him or confront him
Before he can decide patrick pipes up and tries to derail the topic. "Are those oxfords? Midnight blue if I'm correct? I must say you clearly have impeccable taste, sir. And your vest! My oh my you must tell me the name of your tailor!" He puts on an unnaturally wide smile
Hannibal looks over at clarice who nods subtly, gesturing to go along with it
"My tailor? Well I go to Kingsman, they're an english tailor shop that's been around for centuries and served countless members of nobility. They're absolute masters of their craft."
They keep patrick engaged in conversation and slowly guide him away from the now deeply relieved shopkeeper.
"Kingsman, I've definitely heard of them before. I knew you had to be European, I've just never heard an accent like yours before. I must say sometimes it can be boring spending all my time amoung my fellow american wolves of wallstreet," he gives a chuffed smile and straightens his tie.
Hannibal and clarice both immediately understand the kind of person they're dealing with, the dreaded wallstreet yuppie.
H: "Ohh Wallstreet huh? Interesting."
Patrick's chin lifts slightly and his grin grows as he bathes in what he thinks is Hannibal's admiration.
P: "Say, who's this lovely specimen you've got here?" He suddenly notices the gorgeous Clarice standing close to Hannibals side.
Her hair formed perfect shimmering waves which framed her freckled face perfectly. She wore a gorgeous summer dress and a sun hat which gave her a certain feminine softness, almost like Lolita. She really had outdone herself with her appearance today.
"You can call me June, Luca is my husband." She gives him a confident smile and gestures to hannibal who gives a nod to patrick.
C: "And your name is?"
Patrick is a little taken aback by her assertiveness but tries to brush it off. "Patrick Bateman. I'm from New york city, I'm visiting Argentina with my fiancée. I must say it can be quite breathtaking. Judging by your fair faces I'm assuming neither of you are from here either," he chuckles with his eyes trained on hannibal
C: "Oh yeah we immigrated here a few years ago. Couldnt stand the cold of Canada and needless to say we never looked back."
For a very brief moment Patrick's irritation became barely visible on his face, merely a twitch of his brow and lip as he cast a glance at clarice. However, Hannibals keen eye was able to spot this microaggression. Despite this he continued to play along, wanting to investigate this figure further.
H: "how about we go get some coffee and chat, my treat." Hannibal put on a smile.
P: "I think that would be lovely, thank you!"
They made their way to a local cafe, ordered their drinks and settled at a table when clarice spoke up.
"Oh would you excuse us for a moment? I need to ask luca about something privately."
"Of course! Take your time," yet again that creepy ass grin.
The couple walk outside and stand close with hushed voices.
C: "what do you think so far?"
H: "Clearly he seems to have a distaste for confident women. He threw quite a rude look at you whenever you spoke."
"Yeah I thought I felt some aggression coming off him too. Not surprising considering how he was yelling at that woman before."
"So what are we thinking? Should we keep up the investigation? Someone who treats honest workers like that surely is too violent to mingle with the public."
"I think we should, theres something about him... something that feels especially wrong. Like he's not just a guy with anger issues, theres gotta be something more."
I'm gonna stop there for now. I feel like I've got a good flow going. Hopefully I kept it at least somewhat engaging lol, I felt like I was getting a bit too involved in their small talk at certain points but I hope I fixed that. I'm excited to see where my brain takes this idea! :D
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darkdoverpseeker · 10 months
📚 Hello!
I am Kat (she/her, 23). Having major brain rot after season 2, and would love some roleplays!
🌸 Fandom:
Good Omens.
🌸 Ship:
Aziraphale/Crowley (With myself as Aziraphale!)
🌸 Plot:
I have several plot ideas that I will share in DMs to avoid clogging the post ! But I'm also up to discussing any other plot ideas!
🌸 Info about me/Requirements:
My writing style is literate/novella! If you can’t match at least a min of 300 words, I probably won’t be into the RP all that much. Please be descriptive and semi-lit, I always put my all into my replies and expect my partner to extend the same courtesy with proper grammar and capitalization! (I won’t respond to the all lower text in the RP itself).
I ask that anyone who contacts me be at least 20+ but 18+ is okay too. I DO NOT feel comfortable roleplaying with minors so please keep this in mind and please don’t lie about your age.
I also love talking ooc and plotting together with my partners and gushing over the characters; I enjoy making playlists and vision boards for current plots, things like that! OOC is not a big requirement but I’m not against it!!
Please be active/consistent because I try my best to be too. If you have to be off for more than a couple of days please let me know, don’t just ghost without saying anything. (I'm in the English/Ireland time zone, by the way!)
I only write on discord too!
🌸 Like this ad, comment or message me here and I’ll try to reply as quick as I can! :)) thank you!!
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