ixhadbadxdays · 2 years
Orestes's mother via sending: Yeah, so I saw you in my son's dreams, all of you. My son has good tastes 😏
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Enilasor, inwardly freaking out: is everyone in this family smooth af on top of being drop dead gorgeous? Ma'am, you are married and my mother's age and I'm five times your son's age and I am banging/in love with said son.
Enilasor, via sending: why are you in your son's dreams? Also, rip you for seeing a variety of angles of a complete stranger who's been with your son out of wedlock when he's the damn crown prince...
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worldsneverfilled · 2 months
Enil is about to do the unhealthiest 180 the next time the party sleeps. She's waking up as spring, autumn, or autumn/winter and acting like everything is perfect. Fake it til you make it, traumatized from grief edition.
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bushelofmuses · 2 years
//Riley gave my girl more guns...
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
Me, ooc: Enilasor takes a few steps back and turns to face the door.
Enilasor: y'all move out of the way a second -blasts the door down with sacred flame-
Orestes, half-elf eldritch knight: out of curiosity, what possessed you to do think that was a good idea?
Enilasor: well, the doors keep disappearing or locking or leading to a different room than the one we left if we try to return to the previous room so I figured "can't do that if there's no door"
Me: I'm assuming the door failed its dex save?
DM: ...yes...
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ixhadbadxdays · 2 years
Coronal Ilsevele: Yeah we can totally handle the Malyn situation for you so we can bury your mother sooner rather than later.
Enilasor, inwardly panicking bc the coronal still doesn't know that Malyn made her kill her mother and oh fuck.
Enilasor, out loud: Just uh...be careful bc he's great with mind magic and can make ppl do his whatever he wants.
Ilsevele: We'll be fine! We're more than equipped to handle that.
Enilasor: Doubt it but good luck with that 🙃
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ixhadbadxdays · 2 years
Party: runs across a grumpy NPC or critter
Enilasor: friend?
Party: No—
Enilasor: Friend!
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worldsneverfilled · 9 months
Hero Forge has a new head editor that I'm finally playing around with, and new hairstyles.
So I've changed Enil and Jalon a little.
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worldsneverfilled · 4 months
Dreaming; Draft 1
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She opened her eyes to find herself on a blanket, curled up against Orestes. The warmth of him beside her and the sun above were welcome against her cold—oh, she was in spring, not winter...
Regardless, it was soothing and left her feeling lazy and she sank into him.
Behind them was the Copper's orchard. They must have snuck in to take advantage of the fields beyond the grove; she doubted they would mind, anyway.
It was nice to have him in Knashthra with her for a change. The extra magic around them helped soothe her; Toril was so quiet and colorless compared to the Wilds.
Tipping her head back, she stared at him, drinking in the details she didn't want to forget with his absence. Was he absent?
He looked more like he did as a teenager than when she last saw him—not younger, but healthier in the face with no signs of exhaustion or the weight of knowing everything. His hair was the same earthy brown she remembered from his youth and before he—no, he's right here, not gone. It reminded her of soil after a good rain. Or rye bread...and now she regretted that they didn't bring any food for their outing; she's hungry. Maybe she could go swipe an apple.
He kept his eyes closed, basking in the sunlight with one arm tucked behind his head while the other was wrapped around her waist. Orestes seemed at peace, unbothered by the horrors of the things he had seen and experienced, and Enilasor wondered if this is what he would have been like had he never read the Book.
But if Orestes hadn't, maybe they wouldn't be here together. Their lives would have likely remained separate save maybe the occasional time her duties as the Wanderer took her through Cormanthyr. Even then, there was no guarantee that they'd cross paths again after their first meeting years ago, that she would ever need to meet with the Coronal.
She watched as he quirked a brow.
"I can feel you staring, 'Nilly," he mumbled. Orestes moved the arm from beneath his head to shield his eyes from the sun so he could peer back at her. His blue eyes, even squinted against the light, glimmered brightly, and Enilasor thought briefly of glacial caves and playful mischief.
She wished she had the chance to share what she'd written with him. Enilasor was terrible with words but she'd worked for weeks on it, writing and rewriting, hoping that maybe it might help him with how he saw himself. Maybe...
"...blue reminds me of ancient glaciers, their caverns that glow softly in the late afternoon sun with ripples on ripples that cast dancing lights through watery glass across the chamber..."
Too late now. She'd waited too long.
Enilasor realized she hadn't responded and shifted her attention back to the clouds above and the Giants' Shoulders ahead of them. "Just admiring the view."
Orestes snorted, a pause, and then he teased, "Your thinking looked painful."
Enilasor reached up and flicked his nose. Some thoughts hurt but they hadn't lingered this time, hadn't caused more pain than usual. "Was just wondering if we would have become friends if we hadn't traveled together...and also food. Rye bread and apples, specifically."
He slipped his arm back beneath his head and his blue eyes disappeared when they closed against the light. Orestes said nothing for a few minutes. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he thought about it. "I don't know. Your mom and my grandmother were friends, so maybe it would have happened with us too...as for food, there's a whole orchard behind us. I dare you to steal something and see how well that goes for you."
He released her side long enough to lazily gesture in the direction of the trees.
"I'd pay the Coppers for whatever I took. I'm not a thief."
"Says the one I caught swiping one of my shirts."
"You were gone a week and I missed you," she said with a sniff, ignoring that it was a memory of something that never happened. Enilasor caught a glimpse of a smug but boyish grin and gently elbowed him. "Not a word, Gardener."
Orestes laughed and squeezed her.
They fell silent, Orestes dozing in and out, and Enilasor picking out shapes in the clouds.
"You know I'm proud of you, right?" he asked quietly, voice slow and sleepy.
Orestes repeated himself. "You know I'm proud of you?"
"Don't know what I did but thanks." She started to tease him until she looked up and saw the soft but serious look on his face.
"For making it this far."
"I haven't been very useful. They're saving my ass more than I'm saving theirs."
Enilasor blinked and she was in an empty bed, laying on a damp pillow.
He just smiled and kissed the top of her head, his other arm coming to wrap around her too. "I'll see you soon. Promise."
No Orestes, no home, no Mepha or cousin, no uncle, no chance of bringing her mother back. Nothing. She felt like she had nothing.
Enilasor clutched at the blankets that still held his scent and tried not to cry.
She failed.
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worldsneverfilled · 4 months
I feel like writing a bit of angst today.
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worldsneverfilled · 4 months
Just remembered I can change the colors of decals and so now I can make Enilasor's tattoos "glow" like they're supposed to.
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worldsneverfilled · 1 year
So I'm thinking of changing Enilasor's title. She's gone by the Wanderer because that's what her family has always used, however, she's a bit disillusioned at the moment over her family's fucked up relationship with Black Books and wants to distance herself from them and their actions.
Should she keep her Wanderer title and the only thing that changed was her look, or should she also take on a different title?
Options are "an Echo of the death rattle of a dying tradition that should have never been started to begin with," "the Shadow of what they were meant to be," or "Vagabond" because it feels a little more lost than Wanderer does but keeps to the aimless traveling theme.
I'm torn and need help deciding.
Wanderer was meant to be the title her family passed down for 3k years and I had my heart set on it in the beginning, but half of them did some sketchy shit and she's pissed and disgusted over it and wants to be the folk hero they were supposed to be.
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worldsneverfilled · 8 months
I need to fix Enil's family tree since we found out Mepha is her ancestor and not Ysiad???
Not looking forward to the experience lol
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worldsneverfilled · 9 months
DM: Are you really going to try and appeal to the humanity of an eldritch god?
Me: My character just wants everyone happy and to have friends. And depending on the circumstances, you don't just stop loving people overnight. Yes. Yes, she is going to try.
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worldsneverfilled · 1 year
Part of our session tonight included learning dark things about gnomes and our gnome friend Ingevar.
I made this in celebration of the fact he got super serious all of a sudden and then dodged the question of remembering my character fondly after they ascended.
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worldsneverfilled · 7 months
Most of my PCs would die first in a horror movie
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worldsneverfilled · 1 year
Behold! My girl in her new threads, with and without the new mask she made.
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Gone is the all black and red. Just need to get her a shield and figure out what title she'll take up, and then she'll be good to go I think? Anyway, she's still in mixed seasons rn; you get Summer/Winter Enilasor today.
Edit: her with a shield and Dawnbringer. They obvs don't have the shield I have in mind for her but it's a good placeholder. I imagine her having one like what the guards have back in Knashthra. Same shape-ish, but it's got a flat front to it with a tree painted in four seasons on it.
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