#enjolras studies
franny-glasses · 2 years
Okay. So I don’t really ship it anymore, but the Enjolras/Grantaire dynamic really is fascinating. I mean, Grantaire is pretty much obsessed with Enjolras, and you could call it love, but it’s really… not? I mean, Grantaire sees Enjolras as inhuman and above it all; he quite literally relies on Enjolras as his moral backbone. And this is something Enjolras would hate, being seen as anything more than what he is: a mere man. Yes, Enjolras is extraordinary and imbued with symbolism, but at the end of day, he’s a man. And Grantaire doesn’t view Enjolras as that, which is why they’re relationship would never happen or be unhealthy if it did. Disregarding their ideological differences, Grantaire ‘venerates’ Enjolras. Grantaire needs Enjolras and believes in only him. So, in a way, you could say Enjolras is Grantaire’s religion, which is all kinds of wrong, but the sad part is that Grantaire isn’t even a good worshipper! He can’t bring himself to do anything proactive for Enjolras and literally invokes nothing in Enjolras. Enjolras gives Grantaire a little pity at most and only really gives him any thought when he’s making himself a nuisance. It’s just… I don’t remember where I was going with this but it makes me so crazy
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he's such a fucking idiot helppp
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aanthonyvb · 3 months
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l832 · 4 months
Laigle de Meaux was to be seen leaning in a sensual manner against the doorpost of the Café Musain. He had the air of a caryatid on a vacation; he carried nothing but his reverie, however. 
The marble boytoy of reverie.
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heleeanthea · 10 days
I have this les mis fic idea where Grantaire is like law theory or law philosophy specialist (he went into law because he was shit at maths, as per canon, and his father wanted him to have a lucrative job) so he spends his days thinking about how people are selfish and cruel and only care about themselves, and how to stop them from doing so. He comes into conclusion that alas, nothing seems to work and therefore loses faith in humanity becoming his regular pessimistic self.
But then he meets Enjolras at some sort of law event and he's young and passionate and hopeful and golden. He's also a lawyer ofc and he's doing free legal aid in a local LGBT+ support center and truly believes he can help. And R falls for him - as he does in every universe.
All Amis are lawyers for some reason (the reason being comedy and also that law had the biggest number of students among them in The Brick). It would be fun to think about what kind of lawyer would each of them be...
Sad part is that I have finals before me and will probably lose motivation to write it before Ill have the time to do so...
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motions1ckn3ss · 1 month
greek mythology girlies i need your help!!!
i want to write on orestes and pylades but i have no idea which classical texts they feature in. if anyone could compile the texts written on them (literature, drama, articles, poems, anything modern even, anything i can use to talk about the story) that would be super helpful as google is not being my best friend right now
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autumnalmess · 8 months
Noah Kahan would HATE the way I associate literally everything he writes with a little gay man from a 19th century novel
I made some notes because I'm insane
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Ignore my handwriting I drew this with my finger in Google photos
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cherriiramen · 1 year
2 shots later:
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almond-gallery · 3 hours
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extremely late barricade day post. barricade month
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fulladeroure · 8 months
Just... Enjolras
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whourfeyrac · 2 years
i just posted the first chapter of my exr university au!!
read it!! or don’t i’m not the boss of you but i 100% think you should it’s cute and awkward and it’s going to get a LOT better https://archiveofourown.org/works/40331043/chapters/101024676
thank u @shamedumpster for helping me out with this! i’d literally have given up before even starting writing it if it wasn’t for you :))
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Enjolras is the one who gives the speeches (Combeferre is the leader.)
2. Enjolras cannot stand Marius or Grantaire. He has no patience for either of them and their carelessness.
3. Enjolras is asexual.
4. Enjolras views Éponine (at first) as Patria; what Les Amis are fighting for. The more often he's around her via their mutual friends, the more he sees her.
5. Enjolras is the one to carry Éponine's body away from the barricade after she is killed. I may have watched the film too many times, and definitely noticed the switch from Enjolras picking her up to Combeferre carrying her away.
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roach-kinnie · 8 months
canon barricade boys as they’re introduced
honestly reading this part of the brick is basically reading a list of headcannons off tumblr but i digress
…a charming young man who was capable of being a terror.
- essentially both a nerd and a jock
- very very pretty
- cares about justice, not women
- his speech can be harsh and intense
He was learned and a purist, precise, eclectic, hard-thinking, and at the same time imaginative ‘to the point of fantasy’, his friends said.
- very close with Enjolras, and really balances his out
- believes that education is really important in society
- gentle, and while he could fight would rather not
Jean Prouvaire was a lover; he cherished a pot of flowers, played the flute, wrote verses, loved the people…
- learned Italian, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew to be able to read poetry
- likes to walk through meadows of wild flowers
- he likes to contemplate social issues and the immensity of the heavens
- kind in a way that kindness is like greatness
- an only child
- awkward and shy and fearless
There is no more powerful eloquence than that of indignation based on true conviction, and his was the power that he possessed.
- makes fans
- an orphan - he likes to say that his country took the place of his mother
- he taught himself how to read and write
- affectionate and warm hearted
- is really passionate about issues beyond France (greece, poland, hungary, etc)
He possessed that youthful ardour that may be termed the infernal beauty of the spirit.
- ditched the de part of de Courfeyrac because it was too bougie and he wanted to be like lafayette
- he’s essentially the heart of the revolution
- he’s “decent” (victor hugo did him dirty here)
He was a born agitator: that is to say, he enjoyed nothing more than a quarel except a rebellion, and nothing more than a rebellion except a revolution.
- wears crimson waistcoats
- connected the ABC to other groups
- his motto is “no lawyers”, he would literally button up his coat every time he walked by the law school to avoid ‘contamination’
- he has no regular habits but likes to stroll through paris and go to different cafes
Bossuet was a cheerful but unlucky young man, notable for the fact that he succeeded in nothing. On the other hand, he laughed at everything.
- so very bald
- he’s poor, as in basically always broke but still finds a way to squander money when he can
- merry and cheerful and good humoured
- studying law
- couch surfs, but mostly lives with Joly
- bald
For the rest, he was the gayest of them all.
- med student
- disabled and uses a cane
- jolly and eccentric
Grantaire was a young man who made a point of believing in nothing.
- goes by R because of grand R (aka capital R because he’s such a nerd)
- knows where all the best alcohol is
- so fucking ugly
- a boxer, gymnast and dancer
- completely and utterly in love with Enjolras
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oldbookist · 6 months
had it been given to these two young men to attain to history combeferre would have a scientific unit of measurement and several hospitals named after him and enjolras would be a contested figure in the thrilling world of 19th century french studies
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motions1ckn3ss · 1 month
i am once again asking for advice on greek mythology and my dissertation
can anyone recommend what they think to be the best translations of virgil's aeneid, euripides' orestes, and aeschylus' oresteia? i'll be researching them with a particular focus on nisus and euryalus, and orestes and pylades
(essentially what i'm asking is which translator really brings out the homoeroticism between their characters)
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fruity-pontmercy · 2 months
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So my university was blockaded yesterday morning (the first blockade of the year! which is surprising since we usually blockade a lot, but our campus is notoriously hard to block) which made me think a little, I ended up doodling a little blockading Enjolras, continuing my tradition of enjolras headcanons that arent headcanons at all but rather just a projection of my uni experience.
Anyway, hope you like it :).
By the way, since blockades ARE political, my university (Paris 1) is protesting the passing of a new internal reform that would make it significantly harder for underprivileged students to continue studying, and would further social selectivity in higher education, which has been an issue in France since the implementation of the ORE law in 2018: The reform aims to cancel the ability to retake your finals, doesn’t allow for compensation between subjects or semesters (aka if you fail one subject you fail the entire year) and would only allow you to skip class if you have either a serious illness, if a close family member has passed, or if you have a competitive exam.
This new reform is obviously ridiculous, and would mostly affect students who are already in difficult situations. According to surveys led by students, approximately 26% (if I remember correctly) of students would not have been able to pass the school year if not for grade compensations, final exam retakes and allowed absences.
If you have the time of day, do consider signing this petition :3
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