#I dislike Grantaire but sometimes I just feel
franny-glasses · 2 years
Okay. So I don’t really ship it anymore, but the Enjolras/Grantaire dynamic really is fascinating. I mean, Grantaire is pretty much obsessed with Enjolras, and you could call it love, but it’s really… not? I mean, Grantaire sees Enjolras as inhuman and above it all; he quite literally relies on Enjolras as his moral backbone. And this is something Enjolras would hate, being seen as anything more than what he is: a mere man. Yes, Enjolras is extraordinary and imbued with symbolism, but at the end of day, he’s a man. And Grantaire doesn’t view Enjolras as that, which is why they’re relationship would never happen or be unhealthy if it did. Disregarding their ideological differences, Grantaire ‘venerates’ Enjolras. Grantaire needs Enjolras and believes in only him. So, in a way, you could say Enjolras is Grantaire’s religion, which is all kinds of wrong, but the sad part is that Grantaire isn’t even a good worshipper! He can’t bring himself to do anything proactive for Enjolras and literally invokes nothing in Enjolras. Enjolras gives Grantaire a little pity at most and only really gives him any thought when he’s making himself a nuisance. It’s just… I don’t remember where I was going with this but it makes me so crazy
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barricadebops · 3 years
A combination of 2, 5, 7 and 11. For my loves E and R.
"Is there a reason why you're blushing like that?"/"OH you're jealous!"/"Please just kiss me already." /"I think I'm in love with you."
The creak of the door opened wide enough to spill streams of light into the dark room as Grantaire turned away and groaned, an arm draped across his eyes. 
See, it wasn't that he was sick or had a headache that he needed to stay in bed and rest, and that the light was currently unbearable. None of that was true.
The matter at hand was that the day prior, Grantaire had broken his leg attempting to help Musichetta move into her new apartment with Joly and Bossuet, and it seemed Bossuet's bad luck was spreading to infect others with the way Grantaire had tripped and fallen down the stairs, breaking his leg in a rather painful manner. 
Now that he thought of it, Bossuet was near him when the accident occurred. Yes, it seemed Bossuet was definitely spreading his bad luck onto the others, starting with him.
And the thing is, it was just a broken leg. It wasn't as if he had caught the plague and was going to die. But Joly ordered him strict bed rest for the rest of that day continuing into tomorrow, and as much of a jolly man Joly could be, he could also muster quite the threatening smile when it came to medical matters. 
So Grantaire wasn't taking chances. Besides, even if he wanted to, it's not like Enjolras would let him. His boyfriend was taking this whole role of "personal-carer" (he said he refused to call himself a "doctor" on accounts that doing so would erase the years of hard work people like Combeferre and Joly go through to become one--Grantaire personally thought it didn't matter because none of this was necessary anyways, but hey, what does he know) a bit too seriously if you asked Grantaire. 
His boyfriend. God what a sentence. Grantaire could probably heal himself with those words only if this were some magic-kids cartoon or something.
So no, he wasn't physically sick; he was sick of having to lie in bed all day. He didn't feel sick. He wasn't sick. Hell, he didn't even have a hangover. As long as he used his crutches, he could move along. 
But alas. Joly. If he was here, he knows Joly would make some sort of a jollity out of being confined to the bed.
His attention was drawn out of his head and back to the present as the bed dipped by his side and he pitched his eyes up to Enjolras' familiar blue pair. 
Well, there wasn't much positive about his predicament, but the extra time with Enjolras? That was likely the one good thing that came out of this. 
Not that he didn't get enough time with him. But any extra time he got to spend with him was all the better. 
By his side above him, Enjolras laid a hand on his chest. "Are you feeling alright?" he murmured, mindful of the silence that preceded his entry into the room. 
Grantaire grinned up at him. "I broke my leg, Enjolras, I didn't have a stroke." All the same, he raised his own hand to curl around Enjolras', brushing a thumb over his soft skin. 
"It was worth asking," was all he replied softly. 
He rubbed another circle on Enjolras' hand before raising it up to his lips and pressing a light kiss on it. Enjolras' smile grew more brilliant even in the dim of the room. He chalked it up to the brightness of his, as Jehan once put it in a poem, exquisite teeth.
At the red that bloomed on Enjolras' cheeks, he smiled and teased, "Is there a reason why you're blushing like that?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." 
"Why yes," he grinned harder at the way his blush grew darker, and he paused a moment to press another lingering kiss on his knuckles, "I would like to know." 
Enjolras carded a hand through his curls, prompting a satisfied hum from Grantaire. "Live in suspense." 
He reached up his hand not already occupied with holding Enjolras' own and twirled a finger around a stray curl on the side of Enjolras' face.
"I thought lecture ended at three? It's--" he glanced briefly at the clock-- "five now. I'm not trying to keep you trapped at home, I can tell from personal experience it's not fun, but you've gotta understand my curiosity here."
Enjolras hummed. "Well, one of your classmates--I think he said his name was Sadiq--he said you left your newest project in Dr. Alvarez' classroom, but that her room was still open. And I would have passed the building on my way back here anyways, so I thought I could bring it home so you could still work on it. If you're up for it, that is." 
Grantaire's eyebrows knit in concern. "Enj that canvas is by far one of the heaviest things I've painted on before. You walked all the way home carrying that thing?"
With a teasing smile, Enjolras said, "It's my secret superpower." 
He quirked an eyebrow. 
Enjolras chuckled. "Alright, no I didn't walk home. The canvas does have some considerable weight to it. But I did bring it home; Maxence was driving me home, and he said he wasn't in any rush. And don't worry, I'm the one who loaded the project into the car, I know it's important. And I made sure he drove extra slow and careful too. So… here I am." 
Quite on the contrary, the idea of Enjolras on an extra slow car-ride with Maxence didn't exactly please Grantaire. Really the thought of Maxence anywhere near Enjolras didn't please him. 
He knew these were his insecurities at play. He knew he should probably address them before his behaviour turned toxic. But really, there had to be some merit to his dislike and suspicion of the man. He saw the way he would look at Enjolras, the way his touches would always linger just the slightest bit too long. And of course, Enjolras, who himself was quite the tactile person with his friends, never thought anything wrong of it. 
But everytime he was there with Enjolras, offering "companionship" by walking out of class with him, or walking him to his next lecture, or offering to help study a concept at the coffeeshop a sizeable distance away from the Cafe Musain--Grantaire couldn't help it; he seethed. 
Some of that displeasure must have shown on his face, or must have made itself heard in the beat of silence he allowed to stretch on for just a moment too long for it to not have been charged, but not with any sort of buzzing of joy. 
Enjolras' face immediately faltered. "Is something wrong?" He hesitated. "Should I have left it?" 
And despite the fact that his mind was clouded over in a haze of resentment at the mention of Maxence, he still had enough of it in him that he couldn't stand the way Enjolras' lips pulled down at the corners. He forced a smile on his lips as he strained to say, "No, why would you ever think that? Your mind, Enjolras, I swear I don't know where you get your ideas from sometimes, it's unreal--"
"Grantaire," Enjolras interrupted. He raised his eyebrows in a silent question. 
But Grantaire himself had never been one for answering what had been asked of him, so instead he smirked a little this time and lightly squeezed Enjolras' hand still held in his own. 
Sighing, he could tell Enjolras knew there was no point in pursuing a topic he knew he wouldn't get answers to, so instead he shifted and moved Grantaire head up off his pillow so he could instead lie his head in Enjolras' lap. He let out a contented sigh and burrowed closer as he felt his boyfriend's hand slip into his curls, stroking softly.
"Combeferre and Courfeyrac really need to sort things out," Enjolras murmured quietly. "I swear I'm going to lose it with the pining in that house. It's thick enough to--"
"To cut with a knife?" he finished lazily. Enjolras hummed an affirmative.
"Exactly. I mean, how any two fools can be this oblivious I have no clue. Courfeyrac keeps going out of his way to do all these things for Combeferre, and while I generally don't like using this phrase because of the way it tends to imply that romantic relationships are somehow superior to platonic ones even though that's not true at all, it's clear to anyone that Courfeyrac's trying to show he thinks of Combeferre as maybe more than a friend, and I don't know how Combeferre--who himself is clearly in love with Courfeyrac!--can miss them, I mean the gestures are clear enough--"
He hummed distractedly, too taken with the way Enjolras' hand felt in his hair. "Like the way Maxence drives you around all the time?" 
The hand in his hair stopped stroking abruptly. "What?" 
Grantaire peaked his eyes open in confusion before shutting them closed again, wondering why Enjolras stopped before the memory of the last few seconds struck him hard enough to make his eyes fly open once more as he realized what he said. 
"Wait, no, I--"
"Why does that matter?" 
He glanced away nervously, only to find once he looked back at his boyfriend, that Enjolras didn't look angry or even miffed. If anything, there seemed to be a hint of a smile playing at his lips. 
His throat dried; he wasn't exactly sure how he was supposed to react. "I…" 
Enjolras tilted his head, peering into his eyes with a sort of intensity it seemed only he possessed, though offset just the slightest bit by the way he seemed to be biting back a smile. "What's wrong with that? In fact, it's better when considering carpooling is a good choice to reduce emissions--though not the best way, mind you--and it saves time too. I don't see what's wrong. Maybe it's his vehicle?"
"Or maybe--wait!" Enjolras' grin broke out in full this time. "OH you're jealous!"
Grantaire let out a long-suffering groan. "You're going to tease me about it?" 
Enjolras made a dramatic show of thinking. "Well," he started, "if I did tease you, you would kind of deserve it for being stupid enough to be jealous of someone I clearly see as a friend." 
"Well he clearly sees you as much more than that," he muttered darkly in reply. 
Enjolras pulled a hand through his hair, though this time was more to call attention to his eyes once more. "I know that, Grantaire. And I've been meaning to talk to him about it, too," he said softly.
His eyebrows crinkled in confusion. "Wait, you--?" 
"I'm not entirely oblivious, you know," he continued with a hint of amusement. "I know that he's been… trying to get past the territory of friendship. But of course, I'm not exactly looking for that with him. And I'm going to talk to him about it soon." He paused for a second before continuing on, "You, however, should comfort yourself with the trust that I hope you have in me, enough to know I wouldn't be dishonest to you in that kind of way ever."
He sighed. "I know. I don't doubt you, I just…" he trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence, even if he could recognize the emotions swirling around in his head. 
Enjolras cupped his cheek, and he gazed above into his face, an expression so gentle it almost made one wonder how it could turn severe, though it did happen on occasion. "We'll talk about this later, but we will talk about it," is all he said. 
"I'm sorry." 
Enjolras leaned forward, his curls reaching low enough to tickle Grantaire's forehead. "You are forgiven," he whispered before pressing a soft kiss to his skin.  
Grantaire closed his eyes took a moment to revel in the feeling of Enjolras' lips on his skin, humming in content for the while they lingered, and attempting to stifle his disappointment when he drew back. Of course, his attempts were no good and Enjolras laughed.
"Too quick?" he asked, teasing. Grantaire opened his eyes once more and grinned. 
"Always too quick. Would it be too fast to ask for another?" 
"That depends." Enjolras scratched softly at his head. "What's the magic word?" 
Grantaire's grin grew. "Magic words, you mean. All hail Feuilly our saviour."
Enjolras let out a surprised laugh. "While that is true, it wasn't what I was looking for." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled down at him mischievously. "Looks like no kiss for you--"
"No!" he interrupted. Enjolras' laughs grew more vibrant, making Grantaire soften at the sight of it. "Please?" 
"Hm. Please what?" Enjolras continued to tease. 
"Please just kiss me already."
This time, when Enjolras' lips kissed his own, he could feel the way they stretched into a smile, prompting Grantaire to smile into the kiss too. 
When Enjolras drew back, Grantaire had thought he had never seen quite so lovely a sight in so long. If Enjolras at his most fiery was like the radiance of the bright sun, then at his gentleness he had to be the soft colours of the morning's dawn. 
And for Grantaire, who had for so long seen only dark night, it was surely a most beautiful sight. One that ought not to be corrupted with a toxicity such as jealousy.
"I think I'm in love with you," he muttered in amazement. 
At that, Enjolras' smile simply grew even more dazzling.
"I'd sure hope so, or this engagement ring you bought me really would have been a bit of a waste," his fiance said, joy evident in his speech. "But know that I love you too."
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aromantic-enjolras · 3 years
I won’t do it, because I find writing hard enough already and it would be purely a work of spite, but some times I feel the uncontrollable urge to write a fic where Enjolras rants about Grantaire, and his friends start trying to convince him that he’s secretly in love and that’s why he’s obsessed with him (you know, the thing most of the fandom does All The Time) and Enjolras is like
“What the fucking hell are you talking about, I rant about him because he’s an insufferable troll who spends his time creepily staring at me and that I’m forced to tolerate because he’s friends with my friends”
and that’s it. It’s not a setup for a revelation of feelings. It’s not Enjolras being in denial. It’s just that sometimes people rant about people they dislike because they dislike them.
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rainhalydia · 4 years
D, I, K, J, Q, R, W? :D
Thanks, darling!
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
For Les Mis, I can’t like any other ships involving Enjolras and Grantaire except for Enjolras x Grantaire. I wish I liked them even a little bit because it would really enjoy the range of fic I’d like to read, but alas, their journeys are too connected for me to want anything else.
For Teen Wolf, I wish I liked Alison x Lydia more. I liked their friendship, and Lydia certainly cared deeply about Alison, but it irked me that Alison never bothered to warn Lydia about the third season treat.
For Asoiaf, Thramsay, because the crowd seems super chill and the fics seem amazing, but I just know I won’t really enjoy them even if they’re high quality. Also any Robb ship that’s not Throbb.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
No, because as soon as I get in a fandom and start looking for content, I also block anyone that has even the slightest annoying opinion. I’m not in fandom to hear how my faves are terrible, thank you very much. Even so, thanks to tumblr I’m never watching Star Wars.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
For Les Mis, Grantaire. I love that he’s allowed to fail so badly even if we never hear about the repercussions. That’s an essential part of his arc, and it’s also one of the things that make me remember that Hugo was a professional writer, you know?
For Teen Wolf, Lydia. She has always had hidden depths, but with the actors coming and going from the show, her story grew and I liked where it went by the end. I especially liked how her relationship with Jackson was handled.
For Asoiaf, Theon. Best arc in the series, best words GRRM has ever written.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
The Untamed, Good Omens, The Witches, The Magnus Archive... I’m only interested in watching one of them right now, but I feel I’ve learned most of them by osmosis anyway.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
I no longer care about Harry Potter. Thankfully it happened before all the JKR drama, and I’m including from her TERFdom to her amazing takes on twitter such as students pooping on the floor even though there are canonical bathroom in the school here, though one is more serious than the other. I simply wasn’t that impressed with the last book, I think I was outgrowing even her writing style looking back, but it didn’t help that my favorite characters were killed off. Also, the epilogue was deeply frustrating, not for the usual reasons fandom doesn’t like it...
That said, sometimes my brain gives me some random headcanons and opinions still, such as: Ron would be the popular one in a world where Voldemort didn’t exist.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Les Mis: Grantaire, Joly and Bossuet. That Grantaire rant where he lists Bossuet’s baldness as one of the causes for his hopelessness with the world is amazing. As are Joly’s and Bossuet’s reactions of just letting him rant to his heart’s satisfaction and then just changing the subject. Also love that part where Bossuet finds time to make a little joke about Grantaire sleeping on duty during barricade times.
Teen Wolf: My favorite friendship was Liam and Mason. It was just refreshing. They’re both highly underrated characters, actually, probably due to debuting when the show was alread past it’s prime, so to say.
Asoiaf: from what we actually see playing out instead of mostly being told, I think number 1 is Jon and Sam. I also ship them, but I love their friendship as well. Sam just brings out the best in Jon, which in turn explains why Sam thinks so highly of him and why he’s so shocked at the baby swap. Honorable mention to Arya, who will make friends with a rock if given the chance, though most of the time her “friends” don’t deserve her - the exception being Gendry, who’s her love interest anyway, and the sex workers in Braavos.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I’ll read basically anything, but I’ve yet to find a fake relationship fic that I like. No, I lie, I liked @janiedean‘s fic where Throbb pretend to be engaged to rent a place. But that is a good reason to fake a relationship! Which is the secre to make this trope work! In fact, a list of good reasons to fake a relationship with the person you’re secretly in love with features things like:
- renting a place (like in the fic mentione above);
- getting a visa;
- getting a tax discount;
- pretending to be a couple to spy on people or countries;
- getting discounts on stupid things;
- adopting a kid that needs adopting asap.
Those are all things I’d love to read about! And I’m sure there are more reasons if we start to think about it, but you know what reason most fics I’ve seen on the topic pick?
- To get overbearing parents off the character’ back.
Now, that is a good idea in one specific situaton: when a gay character needs a beard. But somehow that’s never how it goes, so we’re left with people getting into fake relationships with their crushes even though the most obvious solution is to tell the parents to take care of their own damn lives!
Another thing that irritates me in this trope when authors pick the overbearing parent route: the whole thing is usually played for laughs. I hate that. If your relationship with yout parent is so bad that you’d rather fake a relationship rather than just make up a boyfriend/girlfriend, then this parent has to be a nightmare of a person! But most authors have no idea what it’s like to have an overbearing parent and it shows. So we end up with well-meaning, caring parents who would absolutely respect their offspring’s privacy and boundaries should they be stated. In short, not the kind of parents that give reason to fake an entire relationship.
I also dislike high school AUs on principle.
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another fanfic ask game post! enjoy!
This time I’m doing these questions!
Inspiration and Reading Questions:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
Reading: I’m not sure. Maybe 2011/2012
Writing: 2013
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
It’s definitely both, but I wouldn’t call it a perfect 50/50 split. It varies. Sometimes I read more, but write less or vice versa.
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do.
Not really. I usually just write fics for whatever I want to.
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
Current favorite WIPs.
All That’s Left by @doriangrayscale
flowers for your grave by @grantairesbottle
Lover of the Light by @areyoumiserableyet
Favorite (four) all-time fics
Ask me no question (and I’ll tell you no lies) by Signe_chan
If you offer salvation, I will run (into your arms) by mornmeril
this is fact not fiction by Rianne
Oh, It’s What You Do To Me by captainskellington
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something.
I have a love-hate relationship with slow burn fics. Like I love them because give me the pining, give me the obliviousness, give me the amazing, sweeping first kiss, give me the angst, just give me all the delicious development that comes with finding common ground and falling in love. That being said, however, and I realize that I’m in the minority here, the hate part comes in when the story is really long, let’s 50+ chapters, and the story gets to chapter 50, but the romance still hasn’t started coming into play and I’m starting to just get sick of it because nothing has progressed to romance. Like there gets to be a time where too much is too much and usually, when that happens, it’s time for me to say adios! to the story.
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction.
I primarily read fics on Ao3. I loathe FFN.net with every fiber of my being.
I usually just leave the Enjolras/Grantaire category open on and refresh it like three to four times a day for new stories to read.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics?
It depends on the ship, but I mostly like long fics.
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like?
I’m absolutely horrid at commenting (I’m working on getting better), but if it’s a story that I really like (ex. the three WIPs mentioned in question 4), I will comment every time there is a new chapter.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
I have no idea. In my opinion, I think all writers are underrated and unknown.
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Enjolras and Grantaire (Enjoltaire) from Les Mis.
Fanfiction Writing Asks:
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
Through music or quotes. Sometimes one just comes to me, but mostly through music or quotes.
12. Tell the author your favorite fics title of theirs (not the fics, stricktly the title). Author: what’s your favorite title you’ve come up with and why?
I love all the titles of my fics, I can’t possibly pick a favorite.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just look at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
I make some sort of outline, but I don’t think they’d really get much of a headache since it’s pretty much just a basic plot, maybe sometimes a little more than that.
14. Do you have personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not?
Absolutely not! I write until I think I’ve found a good quitting spot. That can be 500 words or 20k words. It all depends on how I’m feeling and where my motivation is at.
15. Tell the author your favorite fics of theirs. What’s your (the author’s) favorite fic you’ve written?
Forever Was In His Eyes is my favorite with Begin Again as a close second.
Honorable mention because it pushed me out of my comfort zone: Beating of Our One Heart.
16. Do you research your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you down by accident while researching?
I only research if the fic absolutely calls for it.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
On a scale of 1-100, 100. I’m not motivated by feedback like some writers are, but I do love to know if someone is enjoying my fic or not.
18. Do you have WIP that you keep telling yourself that you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably lie?
Nope. Any WIPs that are unfinished, will probably stay unfinished.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)?
I edit, and then, I’m constantly editing after it’s posted. If I re-read one of my fics and spot a spelling mistake, I can’t just let it sit there, I HAVE to fix it. I am also currently in the middle of long and giant editing project to make sure all my stories are the best stories that they can.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Um...I, for some strange reason, love outlining. I love coming up with the sequence of events. How do the characters get from point A to point B. How does the story end.
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Editing and revising. Always.
22. Do you take fic requests? If so, for what characters and why?
Nope. I don’t get enough attention in my inbox to do that.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Forbidden love. I’ve always been such a sucker for this trope.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
I’m sure that there are some tropes that I would never touch in a million years, but I can’t think of any write now.
25. Do you listen to music as your write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
I listen to music, but I don’t have a playlist. Most of time it’s just Taylor Swift.
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
Um...if I’m watching a brand new TV show or one I haven’t watched in a long time, I’ll pay more attention to the screen then what I’m supposed to be writing. This goes for movies too.
27, Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random?
I keep my fics under lock and key until they are finished. No one knows any details about them except me. The one exception to this rule was Beating of Our One Heart. I warned that that fic would feature a polyamorous relationship (something I have never written before) while I was working on the outline.
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
Well, the only pressure I usually feel is worry that people won’t like my story, but I think that’s normal for every writer.
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)?
I don’t write for events.
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
R (11:46 P.M.): I’m not sorry.
31. Of the characters your write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain one?
I love writing Enjolras. I’m sure people who have read my fanfics find him to be OOC, but I don’t care. When I write him, he’s half me projecting and the other half is him being the righteous revolutionary that we know him as.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
I can’t pick three, I have too many favorites.
33. What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
It depends. I like writing both. I also really like writing one shots that are 30k+ and multi-chapter fics that are under 10k. It all just depends on my mood and what the fic calls for.
34. How much of yourself and your life experience do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
As stated above, I project onto Enjolras. How much, I’m not saying. I do put my likes and dislikes as the characters’. When I write children, I draw inspiration from my nephews. I use my high school class schedule as the characters’ schedule when I write high school AU’s. The jest of what I’m saying is that I have no idea what my readers’ image of me is.
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
It’s become my escape when things get too difficult or stressful.
36. Are they any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been apart of?
I’m not embarrassed by it, and I never finished or posted it, but I started writing a Sound of Music fic. I don’t remember what it was about, though.
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write.
My current WIP is almost done. I just have to finish writing more scene.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
It’s very tame, so 1. I write my stories in order of events, if I don’t I get confused on what’s happen. I start by writing an outline, and then I write and I edit (multiple times) before I post.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
That I write what I want to. No comments can really influence the story (unless it’s a consistency thing) because I write the whole thing out before it’s posted.
40. How did you come up with the idea for [x fic]?
You can see this answer right here!
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on Tumblr, most hits/kudos on Ao3)?
My most popular fic based on hits: Somethings Are Meant to Be.
My most popular fic based on kudos: The Enjolras Guide to Weddings and Love.
42. Asker: pick three of the author’s works. Author: rank them 1 (the best) - 3 (the worst) based on whatever criteria you want - this could be something totally random that isn’t quality related ( like simply ranking fics based on how many trains appear in them) have fun!
I’m skipping this question!
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
Every comment that I get, especially if I get it when I’m having a bad day, is like a little ray of sunshine for me. Again I’m not motivated by comments or feedback, but I can’t deny that receiving it is like a cherry on top of a delicious hot fudge sundae.
44. Ran about something writing related.
How long it takes to write. I wish I could just connect some sort of machine to my brain, and it would just churn out the words for my fics and they could be done a lot sooner. And that fanfiction could come before homework and life, but alas it can’t.
45. Fic specific questions - if you have any weird questions about specific works, here’s your shot to ask them!
Skipping this one, but if you have a question about any of my fics, my ask box is currently closed, but my DM’s are always open.
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awreckfics · 4 years
Day 2
Characters: Eponine, Courfeyrac
Prompt: brazen (it’s not really in the story, because it decided to take an other direction but it’s somewhat included)
“Can I be the next? Can I?” Courfeyrac raised his hand so violently, he almost hit Bossuet in the face.
“Okay, sure, choose a number” Grantaire nodded, then proceeded to shuffle through his papers to get to the appropriate question. “Uh, this will potentially be very awkward” he remarked.
“Ah, yes, read the question!” Courfeyrac leaned forward excitedly.
“Okay, you asked for it” Grantaire shrugged. “When did Eponine become friends with Courfeyrac?”
“Oh, come on, this one is easy! When you first brought her along to hang out with us and I ordered her seventeen-years-old self some alcohol as any responsible adult friend would do.”
“Ponine?” Grantaire turned to the girl sitting with her back against Bahorel’s at the other end of the room.
“Well, no. Actually, I rather disliked you at first” she shrugged.
“What? Are you even my friend, woman?” Courfeyrac faked a dramatic gasp, but he couldn’t fully cover the fact that he was slightly hurt by the answer.
“I think the fact that you are still alive after calling me woman speaks for itself” Eponine rolled her eyes, but a fond smile was playing in the corner of her lips.
“Fair enough” Courfeyrac nodded in agreement. “But why didn’t you like me back then? I was so nice to you. I was trying to make you feel welcome with us.”
“You kind of had the opposite effect, though. I mean the first thing you did when we met was going all creepy saying how young I was and how you will help me out and buy me something” Eponine explained.
“But you drank it” Courfeyrac pouted.
“Well it was a free drink after all” Eponine shrugged.
“Did you at least like it?” Courfeyrac continued, not even trying to cover his hurt anymore.
“Oh, come on, Courf, you have to admit a guy pulling you around a bar by your elbow, saying things like good old Courfeyrac will help you out, kiddo is a bit creepy” Eponine tried but when her words made Courfeyrac only shrink in on himself more, she continued with a sigh. “Come on, Courf! It doesn’t even matter anymore. I like you now. We are friends” she ran a hand nervously through her hair as she saw that Courfeyrac was still visibly upset and Grantaire was about to apologize, because asking this question seemed like a really asshole move in hindsight, when Courfeyrac finally looked up from staring at his knees.
“When?” he asked Eponine on a small voice. “When did you start to consider me as a friend then?”
“In the year I got custody over Gavroche.”
May 2018
Eponine placed her head on the table in front of her, hoping that the cold bartop would ease some of its throbbing. The letters on her computer screen were turning into unreadable smudges if she looked at them for more than a second anyway. Well, that much was to be expected, since she was running on three hours of sleep after getting home at one from a waitressing gig on a random event Grantaire had found for her and getting up at four thirty to get to one of her day jobs in the city centre by six.
She only needed to concentrate for a few more minutes, then she could take a quick nap in one of the café’s armchairs until Gavroche got there from school and then they could finally go home and from then on she only had to stay awake for an hour until Azelma got home, then she could curl up in her bed and sleep for twelve hours if she was lucky and nothing else came up. That sounded like a dream.
But right now, she needed to finish reading through her emails, since the only reason she was in that loud café at the first place, was to get access to free internet. And because Grantaire was working there that afternoon and that meant a free coffee for Ep. Even if it didn’t wake her up at the slightest.
She was about to open her eyes again and get back to reading, when Grantaire’s friends started laughing again at something Grantaire had said over the counter and Eponine’s headache re-emerged in full force.
She loved Grantaire, she really did but sometimes she wished he could just stop making his idiotic friends laugh for one stupid second. Okay, that wasn’t fair of her. Not all of Grantaire’s friends were that bad. Joly and Bossuet were decent, she even liked Jehan, Bahorel, Feuilly and Musichetta and she, Combeferre and Enjolras were politely ignoring each other, which was totally fine by her. The only person that really irritated her was Courfeyrac.
Because even when it was plain and simple that his world was so far removed from the one Eponine was living in that sometimes she felt like they weren’t even speaking the same language, he didn’t seem to accept the uncoverable gap between them. He even seemed to be under the impression that they were friends, which was about the most irritating situation Eponine could imagine.
The laughter finally died down again and she could concentrate on the email in front of her again. It was from Montparnasse, saying that she could pick up an extra shift at the tattoo salon, because Joana was traveling to Switzerland. Third fucking time this month. Anyway, who was she to complain, she needed the money. Gavroche’s school trip shook their monthly budget a bit. She had no idea before that school took up so much money.
Right as she was about to send Parnasse a respond, the door of the coffee shop burst open and Gavroche entered, bouncing happily on his feet, not bothered at all by his bag that must have weighted at least five kilos. Eponine smiled in spite of her headache. Sometimes all she needed was seeing her little brother happy to remind her that there was a reason she was working herself to the bone. Seeing that Gavroche wasn’t dreading to go to school so much he spent more days wandering the streets of Paris than actually making it to class anymore. That now that he was with Eponine, who let him participate in after school activities and actually gave him money to buy gifts for secret Santa, he had finally managed to make good friends, who made him excited for going to school. So much so, that he hadn’t missed a single school day since October.
“Hey, Ponine” he greeted her happily as he climbed up to the bar chair next to hers. “We are celebrating Fathers’ Day with the parents at the first Friday of June in school.”
“Cool” Eponine nodded, opening her next letter distractedly. “I’ll be there.”
“But you aren’t my dad” Gavroche remarked.
“Would you like me to tell your real dad to come?” she snapped back. still paying more attention to the emails than the little boy. She just wanted to get it over with.
“No, but I thought you could maybe, get a boyfriend or something.”
“Am I embarrassing to you?” Eponine felt herself getting more pissed by the moment. She sure as hell didn’t sleep enough for this.
“No, but I’ve already told everyone that my father would be there and…”
“I won’t get a boyfriend for this, Gav, I don’t have time for that right now” she gripped the edge of her chair with whitening fingers. She needed to keep her temper in check, she didn’t want to shout at Gavroche but the whole boyfriend topic was a bit of a touchy topic for her on a normal day.
“But please Ponine! It doesn’t have to be anyone new. You could just ask one of the guys that pick you up in the evenings someti…”
“That’s enough!” Eponine broke, unable to contain herself anymore. “What I do with my evenings is none of your business. I’ll go see your Fathers’s Day show and if you want someone else there, you can talk Zelma into coming.”
“If you say one more word you can go and live with your father again” Eponine shut him off.
“Fine!” her brother shouted as he jumped off of the chair. “I’ll just live on the streets then, because I hate both of you anyway!” he shouted back red faced from the entrance of the café, before he shut the door behind himself with a loud bang and ran down the street.
Eponine’s anger left her as if it was never even there, instantly giving space to her worries instead. She quickly pushed her computer into her bag, sent a quick glance towards Grantaire, who pointed desperately at the clock on the wall behind him, and right, he still had two hours of his shift and he was in alone that day. Doesn’t matter, it wasn’t his fault she screwed up anyway.
Eponine was already at the door when someone grabbed her arm before she could exit. She turned around to find Courfeyrac looking down at her with a sympathetic expression.
“What?” Eponine asked as rudely as she could, because she needed to go after her brother, and she needed to go right then.
“It’s just that you seem exhausted lately” the boy continued, though he seemed a bit less sure of himself than a moment before. “If there’s anything I can help with.”
“I don’t need help” Eponine stated drily as she pulled her arm out of the boy’s grip and hurried down the street after her brother, desperately trying to forget Courfeyrac’s words, because he noticed – and if he noticed, everyone else had noticed as well – that she wasn’t enough. And if he offered his help that meant he knew the thing Eponine was desperately trying to push out of her brain ever since she got custody over her siblings, that she would never be enough.
June 2018
Eponine took a quick detour to the bathroom of Gavroche’s elementary school to put on another layer of corrector under her eyes and fix her dark lipstick before she went on finding her brother. She always put on heavier makeup when she went to Gavroche’s school. She wanted the other parents to take her seriously, which meant she needed to look older than her age. It didn’t take a lot of time anyway and made a world of a difference in how the moms in Gav’s class addressed her.
Thankfully, she discovered as she entered the gymnasium where the celebration was taking place a few minutes late, the play hadn’t started yet. She even spotted Gavroche standing at the side of the room, talking to his teacher, so she made her way over there to let the kid know she had arrived.
“Oh, Eponine, you’re here, that’s wonderful” Gav’s teacher hurried to her as soon as she saw her approaching, which was rather unusual. Eponine had known the woman to be rather cold actually. “Do you know when your father will be here?”
“My fa…” Eponine stared at the woman in shock, then Gavroche caught her eyes behind his teacher, looking repentantly at his feet and she remembered their conversation from a few weeks ago. “Oh, I’m sorry but Gavroche’s father won’t be here today.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that. What happened?”
“He was never planning on coming” Eponine answered drily, watching closely as her brother visibly paled after her words.
“He was never… You brazen little div” the woman turned violently towards Gavroche, towering over him. “You said you will have your father will be here.”
“You wouldn’t have let me play the main role otherwise” Gavroche answered on a small voice, which made Eponine’s stomach twist. She should have known it was important for Gavroche to have someone he could call his father in attendance beyond wanting a dad there.
“I’ll never give you a main role ever again, you’ve just made sure of that young man” the teacher shot back. Eponine twisted her hands into fists behind her back. She was about to open her mouth to say something that would have probably got her banned from the ten-meter radius of the school, because no one should talk to her little brother in that tone. But before she could say anything, someone slipped past him and stopped at Gavroche’s side to place a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, kiddo, I’m sorry I’m late, I was coming as fast as I could” Courfeyrac said. The words died at Eponine’s throat as she looked over at the boy, panting slightly from probabl running there, but looking perfectly formal in his light blue shirt and expensive pants.
“You came?” Gavroche asked excitedly and if Eponine didn’t know him so well, she would have easily fallen for him and though Courfeyrac was invited all along.
“And who are you again?” Gavroche’s teacher straightened to give Courfeyrac a distrustful look over.
“I’m Gavroche’s father, Oliver de Courfeyrac” he held out his hand politely. “Okay, biologically, I’m his cousin” he leaned slightly closer as if he was telling a secret to the woman. “But I’m kind of a father figure to him.”
“Eponine didn’t mention you were coming” the woman tried to resist the boy’s charm with one last desperate attempt.
“I wanted it to be a surprise. I’m sorry, did I cause some kind of inconvenience? It didn’t intend to” Courfeyrac managed to look genuinely terrified by the concept, which made any mistrustful thoughts vanish from the teacher’s mind.
“Oh, no, not at all. We haven’t started the show anyway. Why don’t you two find a seat until I get the kids in order?”
“That would be lovely” Courfeyrac gave the woman one last charming smile before he pulled the shell shocked Eponine after him to two empty seats in the back.
“What are you doing here?” Eponine asked as the play started and she was finally able to get her thoughts in order.
“I was really sorry for stopping you the other day. I realized that my timing was entirely wrong, and I figured I should make up for it somehow” he admitted, looking sheepishly at his knees in front of him. “Also, I wanted Gavroche not to feel left out today. He’s a good kid.”
“Yeah, he is” Eponine nodded, turning her gaze towards the stage where Gavroche entered, wearing a purple bucket on his head for some reason.
“You raise him well” Courfeyrac added next to her. “Do you know why he has a bucket on his head?” he asked the next moment, genuinely confused, totally ruining their sentimental moment and Eponine couldn’t fight her smile any longer.
“Oh my god, Eponine, can I hug you?” Courfeyrac asked as Eponine finished telling the story, wiping tears from his eyes.
“Okay, fine” she rolled her eyes, but it didn’t take a genius to see that she was extremely touched by the boy’s reaction.
“Aw, come here!” Courfeyrac was on his feet in an instant, stepping over the amis in his way to pull Eponine into a deep hug. “It was totally worth missing that European Law seminar for the Fathers’ day then” he whispered into the girl’s shoulder.
“What?” Eponine pulled away suddenly to look Courfeyrac in the eyes. “You missed a lesson for it?”
“He had to retake EU Law next semester, because that was his fourth missed class” Combeferre chimed in from his place on the floor before Courfeyrac could dodge the question.
“What? You idiot!” Eponine hit him on the head rather forcefully before pulling him back into the hug. “Thank you” she whispered. “I’m glad you forced your friendship on me.”
“Me too” Courfeyrac whispered back, pulling her even closer. “Also, ouch. That hurt” he added, which led to the whole room breaking into laughter again.
First chapter || previous chapter
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fivie · 5 years
Anything you feel like sharing about 'if you'll believe me I'll still believe me', please *puppy eyes* that fic is awesome!
flaps arms YES PLEASE I miss that fic!! I’d love to go back to it sometime but I feel like I’d want to start it over again? but for now i’M GONNA TALK ABOUT IT
okay so the original endgame pairings were Enjolras/Grantaire (obviously) and Courfeyrac/Jehan but in all honesty if I went back to it now I’d be very tempted to have endgame Enjolras/Grantaire/Jehan despite the fact that that is a sort of non-existent configuration and maybe no one would read it but I don’t KNOW, I love Jehan so much and I feel like he and Grantaire are weirdly compatible when I write them (this goes for UMW too, I’ve also had the urge to write some kind of poly AU one-shot for that fic lol) and it would just be so tasty!! the drama...the conflict...the unorthodox but perfect resolution!! When I read over ‘if you’ll believe...’ I catch myself feeling bad for Jehan because without even meaning to I think I wrote him in such a way that it seems like he might have feelings for Grantaire, but now they’re fake-dating so Grantaire can make some stupid point to Enjolras, and initially I wrote it that way because I wanted to ZAG on the traditional ‘they fake date but fall in love along the way’ trope but it turns out I love that trope too much to not use it and now I want Grantaire realising he was in love with the idea of Enjolras but that Jehan is very much Real and his best friend and he’s maybe in love with him, but then he also finally gets to know Enjolras as a person and it turns out he is pretty great and oh fuck it seems there’s no happy solution to this conundrum............unless? ;) 
the real challenge would be bringing Enjolras and Jehan together, especially since Jehan initially dislikes him based on what he’s heard about him from Grantaire’s high school stories and would also definitely resent him a bit for having Grantaire pining after him for so long when Jehan himself is right there, but I think it could work. Even if they only tolerated each other for Grantaire’s sake at first, I think they’d eventually become close. The three of them together might not be the healthiest relationship to start with, because most everyone in that fic is struggling with their self-esteem and finding their place in the world and looking for validation in all the wrong, sexy places (because at its core that story is about my very millennial experience of Oh God How Do I Find Meaning In My Life In This Capitalist Hellscape That Cares Not For Me and wishing that I could at least have some torrid romance to distract me from the existential horror of it all LOL) but I’m a massive sap so by the end it would totally become this beautifully loving and supportive thing and everyone would be happy.
(I’m sorry I don’t know what you were expecting me to say about this fic but I bet it wasn’t THAT)
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thevagueambition · 5 years
i kind of dislike when people takes Grantaire’s perception of reality completely literally
That “Enjolras disdains me” line? In the situation at hand, it makes perfect sense that Enjolras would send his message to Lesgle rather than Grantaire (or Joly) and the fact he does so has nothing to do with his feelings about Grantaire. Grantaire takes it personally and warps it into being about how Enjolras dislikes him or looks down on him because his mental health is so shit that that is how he perceives reality. 
And I get that the narration states in their introduction that Enjolras disdains him and always treats him harshly but... I still feel like some of that is a reflection of Grantaire’s warped view of the world.
In the interactions they do have, imo Enjolras doesn’t necessarily seem that harsh. Since there are no descriptors of it, a lot of it is up to how you interpret his tone in these scenes and again ultimately to me that’s a reflection of how things really can be when you have the kind of warped perception of reality Grantaire does because when you’re in a mindset like that it really does feel like you’re walking around in a world with no clear indicators of intent behind people’s words, where every interaction is a potential admonishment
Which isn’t to say I don’t think Enjolras is ever harsh to Grantaire - you’d sort of have to be, sometimes - I just really dislike the characterisation I see where Enjolras is basically a dick to him. Like, Enjolras smiles during Orestes Fasting and Pylades Drunk? He WANTS Grantaire to be better. He cares. In a lot of ways I see Enjolras’ annoyance with him as being about what Grantaire could be, which is why he gives him a chance in Enjolras and his Lieutenants. 
And that Enjolras is “capable of being terrible” is not that he’s secretly a dick, it’s that he’s not infallible and that he’s willing to use means he finds reprehensible to further the cause (ie kill in the rebellion). Idk, I just dislike a lot of Enjolras fanon, I guess. 
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moviestorian · 5 years
Les Mis BBC final thoughts
Alright, on monday I finished the 6th and last episode of the most recent, mini-series adaptation of Les Misérables. I was slightly hesitant about posting my thoughts (mostly because of the tag being largely dominated by negativity; any effort to post anything else seemed kind of pointless to me), but I eventually decided to go for it. I still wanted the entire show to sit in for a while (I also want to do a rewatch, because I can't guarantee that my feelings remain the same; I might just as well change my opinions completely). But let's begin!
Tldr; Also, unpopular opinion alert: I actually enjoyed it. A lot. I genuinely liked the miniseries. Yes, there were some choices and things I wasn't exactly fond of, but I have the same thing about literally every single adaptation I have seen so far (mostly thinking of the stage musical and 2012 film). Cause you know, you can like something and still see its flaws, and the other way round - you can dislike it and yet admit it is not inherently bad.
Now, the longer "review" comes in. It's gonna be reaaaally long. Also: spoilers.
The negatives/things I'm indifferent about/what could have been better:
- I'm following the popular trend of disliking that font. I care a lot about cinematography and visual parts of films and shows, so I wasn't satisfied with this particular choice. They could do better, honestly.
- For most of the time, the music was a bit meh. Nothing really striking or to hate, but compared to the War&Peace 2016 soundtrack (which was amazing!), this one was very undermining. There were some individual songs I liked a lot, though.
- The overall cinematography was ok. Again, nothing super special, but there were some pretty nice shots, too. I had some minor objections about cgi in a few scenes, but let's that the 2012 film wasn't exactly flawless in this aspect, too... If not worse.
- Ok, confession time & another unpopular opinion alert: I genuinely think the script is not half as bad as some people on this site try to tell everyone and the majority of their issues is either exaggerated to an enormous extent or comes from a huge prejudice. Or a general but pretty clear misinterpretation of certain scenes. Having said that, I had issues with the script, too. Davies did a waaay better job with his W&P, really. Although I actually like some of his changes or narrative choices, there is one thing I can't exactly ignore: how certain scenes were pure exposition. I think it got better in the later episodes, but I spotted at least two(!) examples just in episode one alone. Davies, being the experienced author as he is, should really know that it's not a good way to write scenes, especially in the first episode (which is supposed to encourage the viewers to keep watching). There's nothing more annoying to me than being treated, as a viewer, as a person who needs a straight-in-your-face explaination of what’s happening on screen.
- Another fairly popular trend: the brothel & the wet dream sequences. Even though I expected both of these to be A LOT worse, given what the fandom was saying (exaggerating again), and I don't think they are "out of character" or unrealistic in terms of the setting, I tried to cut these out from the episode (in my head ofc). And I think we could do without them; the brothel scene could remain in the final cut, but I would make it way shorter.
- What I REALLY disliked: a minor thing, but it bugged me a lot. I mean the main dialogue being in English, and the background dialogue in French. Christ, how I hate when they do such stuff in the movies...(thankfully the main characters didn't try to pull off their fake French accent, that would be even worse) Either you do it in French, or in English. One has to be consistent.
- The pissing scene in ep1 was...weird.
- Valjean being mean to Gavroche.
- The timeline was sometimes a bit odd, if not crazy, but could’ve been way worse (nothing can surpass P0ldark and its weirdly ageing children and even more weirdly, or not at all ageing adults)
- Valjean firing Fantine left me with very mixed feelings. On the one hand, I think it makes sense narratively, in this particular adaptation, it’s also not the first one who makes Valjean responsible for Fantine’s misery (to a smaller or bigger extent). On the other one, it’s not a choice I’m super happy about so...
Now, let's move on to the positives!
- Excellent choice in casting. I think all of the actors did a solid job. Obviously they had some veteran, experienced or acclaimed actors like Bradley, Sumpter, Jacobi, Colman, West... You couldn't expect any less from them. BUT there were also some younger and fresh faces, who's interpretations of their characters I really loved - Lily Collins, Erin Kellyman, Reece Yates, Josh O'Connor. Liked Joseph Quinn and Ellie Bamber a lot, too, especially the former. Obviously, I cannot NOT mention David Oyelowo! He was particularly impressive in the last episode.
- You have no idea how grateful I am for the entire Pontmercy storyline, honestly. I have so many feelings about Georges Pontmercy it's not even funny. Also baby Marius!!! Huge props for the Marius/Guillenormand dynamics.
- Fantine's storyline. I love the focus on her in this adaptation, and instead of merely showing her "downfall", we got to see her entire background story and many faces of her character. From naivety and joyful innocent to her determination to survive, and, finally, her desperate attempts to feed her daughter. I love that we got to see a glimpse of her relationship with Cosette. I love that, heartbreaking as that scene was, we got to see the moment of her leaving her child with the Thénardiers. Loved that she was also outspoken at times. I really felt for her in this series. Naturally, I always do have tons of empathy for Fantine, she's one of my favourite characters in general, but I found Lily Collins' version to be particularly relatable.
- Btw: I disagree that Fantine and Cosette were overly "sexualized" or fetishized. And don't even get me started on the supposed "sexual undertones" between Cosette and Valjean, cause this is utter bullshit.
- I actually liked the relationship between Cosette and her Papa, especially when she was little!
- I loved Gavroche in this adaptation. I'm usually not a huge fan of his, but Reece was so charming and impossible to resist!
- All the side characters (good or bad) we finally got to see at least for a while! I already mentioned the Pontmercies, but I also mean: Petit Gervais, Tholomyès and his gang (+Favourite and Zephine), Azelma, Gavroche's little brothers, Mabeuf, even Victurnien. And Sister Simplice, I love that woman. And Rivette. 😁
- Huge thumbs up for portraying the Thénardiers as the evil/malicious people they were (but not one-dimensional, esp. Madame Th.) instead of as some comic relief only.
- Contrary to the popular opinion, I count Les Amis as the positives. I actually think that narrowing down the number of the students to focus on was a good choice (like, excuse me, but giving a few lines to a character in an ensemble song is not enough to give them personality. Even in the book some hardly had one). And guess what? I legit cared more about this Enjolras or this Courfeyrac than in other adaptations. I liked Quinn's version of Enjolras more than I like Hugo's original character. This is obviously a personal preference, but to me personally Quinn's slightly toned down version, sort of a hybrid of Enjolras and Combeferre was way more appealing (I also think Quinn had more innocence and wide-eyedness in his eyes and face than some most popular actors who have played the role. To me, the accurate hair colour is the least sygnificant thing, honestly. Especially that some of the fans' favourites hardly fit the book description in that aspect).
- The Enjolras/Grantaire execution scene.
- Small interactions between Enjolras and Courfeyrac. Especially the ones in the final moments of the resistance. Oh my...
- Overall, the barricade scenes were very good.
- I liked Marius a lot, which is quite a thing! I loved that we got the awkward, but still adorable side of his. I had seen Josh in The Riot Club and I remember him being good but not memorable; I was impressed with his performance in Les Mis, he was so different!
- Erin's Éponine broke my heart. Especially in episode 5, she was fantastic. So many expressions in her eyes; I loved her fidgety hand moves, too!
- I appreciate that they started the show with something other than the galleys/bishop Myriel. That was a nice and quite refreshing take.
What else do I like about this adaptation? That it revived my passion for Les Mis; that it made me want to reread the book (or certain chapters at least), rewatch the 2012 film, listen to songs from the musical, check out other adaptations. That it’s gonna bring new people to the fandom. And, whether you like it or not, it DOES offer new interpretations of the characters and actually does give a fresh take. Every adaptations gives us something new to discuss, this one included. I also don’t believe it’s the worst thing that ever happened to Les Mis or whatever; I happen to think it actually is a good adaptation overall. Is it flawless or 100% accurate in everything? No, because it’s impossible to turn such a huge and detailed book into a 100% faithful adaptation; also it’s really not what the adaptations are for. I too would have added/cut out some stuff from various versions of Les Mis, but this is because it’s my interpretation; the fact that we imagine some things differently does not mean that other people’s interpretations are bad.
Since films and tv shows belong to the visual media, I think that Les Mis BBC could have done better in that aspect - I wasn’t exactly satisfied with it, as I wasn’t exactly over the moon about some choices in the script. It’s not a masterpiece, but I never expected it to be one; neither it is a “piece of shit”. Despite its flaws, I still found the miniseries to be very enjoyable and I will gladly rewatch it in the near future. I feel that it might even become one of my favourite adaptations(I will decide once I’ve seen them all, or most of them!), save for the interpretation of JVJ, which could’ve been better tbh. For me, it’s a nice 7,5/10
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soulwounds-a · 5 years
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was  that   niels schneider  ?       oh  no  no ,  that  was  just   enjolras ,  a  canon  character   from   les  misérables .       they  are   twenty  years  old  and   are  not   aware  that  they  are  not  actually  from  washington  d.c.
link  presents:   angry  french  twink  in  red .       ------       do  i  love  les  mis ?    well  i  didn’t  buy  three  separate  copies  of  that  massive  book  to  have  several  different  translations  of  it  just  so  i  could  be  someone  who  moderately  enjoys  it .    i  literally  could  not  tell  you  what  it  is  about  it .    it’s  probably  not  the  paris  sewer  system  but  you  know  victor  hugo  made  sure  i  knew  all  about  that  anyway .    point  is  though  i  just  fucking  love  all  these  mega  depressing  french  people .    and  if  you  like  les  mis  then  how  can  you  not  love  this  righteous  twink ??    love  this  gay  sjw  to  pieces  so  here  we  go  into  it .
how long has your character been here ?
he’s  been  here  around  a  month  now  which  is  exactly  how  long  he  believes  he’s  been  DC  even  with  his  false  memories .    he  thinks  he’s  come  here  from  paris  for  school  ;   that  it’s  a  year  abroad .    
he  also  believes ,  from  his  memories ,  that  this  year  abroad  was  entirely  his  parents’  decision .    he  didn’t  exactly  want  to  spend  a  year  in  america  ,  he  loves  his  home ,  but  he’d  been  causing  some  chaos  with  his  extremist  activism   &   inability  to  keep  his  rather  strong  opinions  to  himself  that  his  parents  sent  him  on  a  year  abroad  in  hopes  of  simmering  him  down  some .    it’s  not  working  at  all .
what is your character’s job ?
he’s  a  college  student !   specifically  a  political  science  major .
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom ?
he’s  taken  from  his  death  at  the  barricade .   obviously  he  has  no  memory  of  his  real  life  but  he  does  see  glimpses  of  it  in  dreams   &   occasionally  has  nightmares  of  the  barricades .    he’s  woken  up  in  sweat  after  seeing  one  of  his  friends  in  his  real  life  die   &   while  his  false  memories  have  him  unable  to  recognize  them  fully  he  still  feels  agonizing  sadness  seeing  them  die   &   will  sometimes  wake  up  with  their  name  on  his  mind  but  no  idea  how  he  knows  it .
from  the  gunshots  that  killed  him ,  he  also  has  eight  birth  marks  across  his  chest  from  where  the  bullets  hit  him .
has any magic affected your character ?
he’s  alive   &   can’t  remember  anything  but  other  than  that  he’s  the  same  pissed  off  revolutionary .     oh   &   also  he  can  speak  fluent  english .    it  put  learning  that  into  his  false  memory .
other information
brief  rundown  for  those  who  don’t  know :    in  les  misérables ,  enjolras  is  the  designated  leader  of  a  group  of  student  revolutionaries  in  paris  from  the  early  1830s  known  as  les  amis  de  l’abc .   in  1832  they  took  place  in  the  june  rebellion  in  attempt  to  rise  up  against  the  government   &   king .   they  had  hopes  the  people  of  paris  would  stand  with  them  but ,  unfortunately ,  they  weren’t  aided   &   were  fiercely  outnumbered   &   outgunned .   still ,  the  refused  to  surrender .   they  were  slaughtered  by  the  national  guard  at  the  barricades  they  built .   enjolras  was  one  of  the  last  standing ,  along  with  grantaire ,   &   they  were  shot  together .
also  should  note  enjolras  is  ,,    exceptionally  beautiful .   i  mean  literally  every  other  line  when  he’s  around  is  something  about  how  perfect  he  looks .   victor  hugo  wanted  everyone  to  be  completely  aware  that  enjolras  looks  like  a  fucking  flawless  angel .
now  on  to  headcanon  stuff .
while  victor  hugo  gave  us  a  description  on  every  kind  of  silverware  the  bishop  likes   &   dislikes   &   why   he  likes / dislikes  them ,,,    he  did  not  give  us  any  of  barricade  boys’  first  names .   save  for  like .   bossuet .   jehan .    &   marius .    that’s  it .    so  i’ve  picked  one  out .
though  he  prefers  to  go  by  it   &   everyone  calls  him  it ,  enjolras  is  his  surname .    his  full  name  is  philippe  alexandre  enjolras .    hardly  anyone  even  knows  that  though  as  he’s  just  always  going  by  enjolras .
the  book  specifically  goes  on  about  how  he  never  pays  attention  to  women  trying  to  flirt  with  him   &   that  he  hardly  realizes  they  exist ,,     waves  it  off  by  saying  it’s  because  he’s  too  swept  up  in  the  Revolution(tm)  but  i’ll  tell  you  the  truth .
it’s  cause  he’s  gay .
like  maybe  his  overall  distraction  from  romance  is  due  to  his  dedication  to  the  cause ,  sure ,  but  his  tendency  to  specifically  ignore  flirtations  from  women ?    that’s  just  cause  he’s  gay .
he’s  extremely  into  activist  work   &   though  this  isn’t  his  country  he’s  still  trying  to  get  students  to  meet  up  to  talk  about  things  they  can  do  for  change   &   he  has  never  once  kept  an  opinion  to  himself  in  his  life .   he’s  loud   &   angry .   and  he  will  let  you  know  when  he’s  pissed  off .
keep  in  mind  though  he’s  not  a  lot  of  muscle .   he’s  like  5′9″  &  generally  a  twink  in  terms  of  body  type .   so  while  he  does  get  into  it  a  lot   &   that  results  in  physical  fights  sometimes  ,,    he  doesn’t  always  come  out  on  top  in  those  fights .
he  feels  things  in  extremes  all  the  time  he’s  got  very  strong  emotions .
he  has  a  disease .   it’s  called  caring  too  much   &   it’s  INCURABLE .
while  he  can  be  forceful  for  what  he  believes  in   &   when  he’s  angry  he  can  be  very  cold   &   say  extremely  harsh  things   . . .    he  also  is  an  extremely  caring  person .    he’s  an  extremely  passionate  person   &   loves  so  fiercely .     human  rights   &   equality  for  all  is  kinda  what  he  drives  home  on  in  his  beliefs .    also ,  if  you’re  his  friend  he’ll  do  basically  anything  for  you  he  loves  his  friends  so  much .
he  hates  rich  people  like  fuck  you  if  you’re  rich  but  also  he  is  a  rich  person   &   he  hates  it .     his  family  is  extremely  wealthy  both  in  his  real  life   &   false  life .     he  tries  his  best  not  to  show  or  talk  about  his  wealth   &   doesn’t  use  it  lavishly .   he  donates  to  a  lot  of  charities  with  the  allowance  his  parents  send  him .
he  does  have  feelings  harbored  for  grantaire ,  yes ,  which  came  much  clearer  to  him  just  before  their  death  together .   before  they  were  mixed  in  with  a  lot  of  frustration  pointed  towards  grantaire  due  to  how  little  grantaire  seemed  to  care  or  how  enjolras  almost  felt  like  he  was  mocking  the  cause .    he  believed  grantaire  could  be  great  but  was  frustrated  that  grantaire  wouldn’t  even  try .   at  their  death ,  though ,  grantaire  made  clear  how  much  he  cared .
of  course  enjolras  remembers.........none  of  this  not  even  who  grantaire  is  but  you  know  he  will  some  time  or  later .
anyway  this  got  longer  than  intended  bye  lmao .
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enjwrites · 6 years
rating: T for swearing and mild emotional distress
word count: 2155
relationships: enjolras/grantaire
Enjolras tries to drive home. He gets about halfway there before tears well up in his eyes and he has to pull into a corner store’s parking lot. He shuts off his car and rests his head on the steering wheel as he tries to control his breathing.
He calls Combeferre.
“Enjolras? Wh- it’s three in the morning,” Combeferre says on the other line, voice raspy from sleep. “Are you okay?”
Enjolras takes in a deep breath before replying. “We fought.”
Courfeyrac chimes in, a little distant from the phone, it seems, but clear enough. “You two always fight.”
“I’m putting you on speaker,” Combeferre says.
“I know we always fight. We… I…” He takes in another breath, trying to focus on what he’s saying. “We didn’t really fight. I don’t think it was a real fight, anyway. He just…” And he chokes back a sob. His abdomen tightens and twists, though he doesn’t really notice; he can’t stop thinking of the uncertainty showing on Grantaire’s face - the hurt, the insecurity.
“I love him, guys.”
“We know.”
“He doesn’t.”
“Sure he does!” Courfeyrac’s voice lifts a few octaves. “Who else are you willing to get naked around?”
Combeferre shushes Courfeyrac. “Why do you think-”
“Because he... He said he loves me. And I fucking -” a choked sob, “I froze, god, I’m so fucking stupid.”
“So you froze, what’s the big deal -”
“He left, Courf. He got up and ran.” With a look of terror on his face.
“But you were at his apartment?”
“I have no fucking idea where he went, I checked the cafe and the bar, but he doesn’t wanna see me, I fucked it up, he thinks I’m -”
Combeferre shushes Enjolras, now. “Do you think you can come home? I’ll make some hot cocoa, and warm up that cake you liked so much.”
Not much of a phone conversation, Enjolras thinks, but agrees, and does his best to hold back tears as he drives back to the apartment he shares with Combeferre.
Combeferre is waiting with a blanket and a glass of cocoa, with a peppermint candy cane in it, and a place of warm cake on the coffee table.
“I froze,” Enjolras repeats. Combeferre lays a hand on his back comfortingly. Courfeyrac anxiously paces the living room.
“You froze. He ran.”
Enjolras hums. We’ve already been through this.
“He must have thought you were mad,” Combeferre says. His voice is soothingly even, that’s a talent of his - he can always manage to comfort Enjolras. “He jumps to conclusions, you know that. He must think you don’t feel the same -”
“God, I fucked it all up.”
“Try texting him?”
“I’d call him,” Courfeyrac interjects.
Combeferre nods. “Yeah, that, actually. What were you doing when he said it?”
“Cuddling, sort of? On the couch. We watched a movie.”
Enjolras, in all his anxiety, has already finished the cocoa and cake. Combeferre lets Enjolras rest his head on his shoulder. “I don’t think I could call him.”
Courfeyrac decidedly sits next to Enjolras on the couch, rubbing his shoulder sweetly - it’s been a while since Enj has needed this sort of comfort, but they fall into the rhythm quickly. “Enj, love, if I were you,” he sighs, “I’d give him his space. You know how stubborn he is.” Enjolras nods - once, Grantaire said, laughing, “I’m a Taurus, being stubborn is my job.” It was funny at the time. Enjolras can’t laugh, now. “You can text him. Let him know you’re not upset with him, tell him you were just shocked. He probably won’t read them, now, but he’ll read them later.”
Enjolras’s phone buzzes on the coffee table and Combeferre picks it up. “It’s from Bahorel,” He says, relieved, and shows Enjolras the screen.
Bahorel (3:47 AM): grantaire’s being an idiot rn
Another text comes in seconds later.
Bahorel (3:48 AM): listen dude i know he’s overreacting but… (Enjolras then opens his messages to see the full text.) you gotta let him know how you feel. i don’t know what happened but he’s freaking the fuck out
Bahorel (3:48 AM): he keeps saying you don’t love him and i know for damn sure that isn’t true
Bahorel (3:48 AM): just text him or something okay. he’s not mad i think he’s just sad
Bahorel (3:49 AM): luv you xx hope it works out
Enjolras huffs a little, wanting to smile at Bahorel’s instantly-nurturing nature.
You (3:50 AM): I’m going to give him some space, get some sleep. I’ll text him in the morning. Tell him that. I know he probably doesn’t want a text from me right now.
Bahorel (3:50 AM): he may not think he does but he does. he’s starting to pass out so yeah text him in the morning x
Enjolras falls asleep on his couch, and wakes up late. His eyes hurt; they’re swollen, from crying last night. He has a text from almost every one of his friends - he expected this, because Bahorel doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, neither does Courfeyrac, so between the two of them, everyone had to find out.
Jehan (6:23 AM): I heard what happened. You should text him. I can help you with that.
Marius (7:31 AM): hey i hope ur feeling ok
Cosette (7:46 AM): Call me later we need to talk
Eponine (8:09 AM): i’ll fucking kill you if you don’t patch things up with him i swear to god
Feuilly (9:45 AM): I’m here if you need to talk buddy :(
Bossuet (10:32 AM): Hey r is here he says you hate him? Did you fight? :( Talk to him soon he looks like he’s been crying.
Joly (10:34 AM): Come get your mans we all have work
Musichetta (10:40 AM): I’m taking the boys to work, if R isn’t out of here by the time I get off tonight, you’re getting the death penalty. I love him, but you need to work shit out.
Musichetta (10:41 AM): I love you, too, jsyk. Stop being stupid. Talk to him.
Courf (11:04 AM): hehy i had to leave for work but i will interrogate you on my break you need to talk to r he loves you n  so do i you looked so sad. i hope ur feeling better. Gotta go in now love u xx
Combeferre (12:21 PM): You awake? I’m bringing burgers.
1-555-XXX-XXXX (12:42 PM): its gavroche i stole ur number off ponine i heard what happened im on the way to lunch rn so i cant talk but you better fucking talk to him
Gavroche (12:43 PM): u dont wanna get ur ass kicked by a teenager
Enjolras’s eyes water as he reads the next message.
R♥ (12:57 PM): hey sorry about last night. its cool if you wanna like . break up.  i thought we were there and i was wrong. im sorry.
He locks his phone and tosses it onto the couch next to him, resting his head in his hands, willing away tears. He feels a warmth and a depression in the couch on the other side; Combeferre comes bearing a cheeseburger and hand-cut fries. “From that gelato place on 6th you like so much. I got gelato, too, but you were still asleep when I got home.”
Enjolras takes the place graciously, and notices that there’s already a cool glass of water on the coffee table for him. Can you be alive and still be made a saint? Enjolras thinks, idly, as he chews. His phone buzzes, and on instinct, he looks down at it.
R♥ (1:17 PM): you there?
R♥ (1:18 PM): i know i fucked up but the silent treatment still kinda sucks
Enjolras sighs deeply and sets his plate on the table, picking up his phone.
You (1:18 PM): Yeah, I’m here. Sorry. I slept late. Give me a minute, to type up what I want to say, okay?
You (1:19 PM): And I’m not mad. You didn’t fuck up.
R♥ (1:20 PM): you can say that but it’s not gonna change my mind.
Another deep sigh, and at that point, Combeferre squeezes Enjolras’s shoulder gently, then stands and goes to his bedroom.
It takes a minute to type it all up. He’s sure his food is getting cold. He doesn’t care.
You (1:31 PM): I’m sorry. I’m so, so fucking sorry. I froze. I didn’t know what to do, because I’m an idiot, and I’ve never felt anything like this before, it’s new, and I’m not used to not knowing what to do. You know that. So I froze. I fucked up, so badly. You deserve so much more than that. Grantaire, I don’t hate you. I don’t dislike you. I can’t get mad at you, or at least I can’t stay mad, because every time I see your face, I lose my ability to form words, you’re so fucking beautiful in a way I can’t begin to describe. And then you open your stupid mouth and even though you piss me off a lot I can’t be mad that you said anything because your voice is like fucking velvet and you drive me nuts every second you speak because I want to kiss you but that’ll make you stop talking. Please don’t ever stop talking to me. Listening to you talk is like reading the most interesting book in the world; the Library of Alexandria pales in comparison. You always say I’m an angel, but I think you’re confused, you’re so gentle and kind, behind all that sarcasm and bitterness is a sweetheart who just wants to see people smile; I’ve seen the way you are around kids and sometimes that makes me think maybe I want kids, I want kids with you, because you’re so fucking sweet to them it hurts. You’re so fucking talented, I’ve never cared for art or music but yours makes me feel in a way that makes Monet and Bach look like pussies. Just as a note: I can’t tell you what to do, but if you ever cut your hair, I think I’ll die, because you have the most beautiful hair in the world and I want to spend the rest of my life playing with it. Your eyes are so incredible and I know you see me staring sometimes, but you never comment on it, because you’re amazing like that, and I fucking love you, Grantaire.
You (1:32 PM): I love you so fucking much, and I froze, and I hurt you, but I want you to know that I love you.
You (1:32 PM): I don’t want you to ever think I don’t love you.
You (1:32 PM): I love you.
You (1:33 PM): And I’m well aware I’ve just written you a full-length novel. Sorry haha
Enjolras sees Grantaire typing for a second, then the dots disappear. They reappear again, then disappear - this repeats a few times before Enjolras actually gets a message.
R♥ (1:35 PM): holy shit
R♥ (1:35 PM): just
R♥ (1:36 PM): you made me cry you shithead
R♥ (1:36 PM): can you like. come over? Combeferre’s home on his lunch break right
You (1:36 PM): Yeah, let me get dressed, first. Give me, like, half an hour and I’ll be there.
R♥ (1:37 PM): ok
R♥ (1:37 PM): i love you
R♥ (1:37 PM): aaAAA i’m still nervous about saying that!!!!!!!!!!
You (1:38 PM): :’) Cute. I love you too.
R♥ (1:38 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjolras gets dressed in a rush, throwing on a band tee and those black jeans that Grantaire loves.
He gets to Grantaire’s place in 15 minutes flat.
He doesn’t even really need to knock on the door - Grantaire swings it open and pulls him into the apartment, kissing him fiercely, pushing him against the wall.
Enjolras lays his hands on R’s hips, while R lands one hand on Enjolras’s chest, the other cupping his cheek, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb.
When Grantaire pulls away, he’s panting, his cheeks are rosy and his eyes are watering. He stares up at Enjolras; there’s a heartbreaking uncertainty behind those eyes - he waits for Enjolras to speak. Enjolras rests his forehead against Grantaire’s, taking his hands in his own. Blue eyes meet deep brown, and for a moment, Enjolras is enchanted. Back to business, he thinks.
“Grantaire.” Grantaire hums in response, and holds up on of Enjolras’s hands to kiss his fingers. “I love you.”
There’s a shaky exhale. Then R is pulling Enjolras impossibly tight, burying his head in Enj’s shoulder, quivering as he whispers, “I love you so fucking much.” Enjolras can’t help but smile as he presses a kiss to Grantaire’s neck.
Well, that’s the shortest fight we’ve ever had, Enjolras thinks.
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pontmercyingtil · 6 years
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So, this Courfius week drabble turned into... a lot more. Rated PG, feels abound, enjoy!
Courfeyrac did not look up as Marius entered their apartment. He knew it was Marius, because his friend, and now roommate, was the only person who not only took off his shoes at the door, but also apologized.
Perhaps to the floor? Or to the shoes? Surely not to Courfeyrac himself, as he’d told the Linguistics major multiple times he didn’t give a damn if Marius wore shoes inside.
After all, his parents paid for the off-campus apartment, not him.
“All done apologizing to the thin air?” he teased, still looking at his phone.
“I just… sorry.” Marius mumbled, coming to sit on the other side of the couch, always seemingly trying to leave room for eight other people, which was ridiculous, because the Amis met at Combeferre’s house these days, as Joli had decided he was allergic to cats.
“Marius, you know, you can spread out on this couch. Oddly enough, our cat has decided she only likes sitting on it if you are already quite comfortably arranged, so don’t save space on her account.
Courfeyrac was perched on the arm of the old thing, which had once been a sort of mauve but now was rather grey with cat hair. Perhaps he should get a vacuum.
But then Joli would claim to have won the debate over the cleanliness of the apartment. No. better to leave it as is.
“Sorry,” Marius said again. He did not move.
“Nothing to apologize for,” Courfeyrac replied, his thumb swiping across the screen quickly. “No, no, definitely no, hmmm. No.” His commentary made Marius lean over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?”
“I am sadly not doing anyone, hence my need for this app.” He slid the phone into his pocket, and laughed, because Marius’s face had turned a lovely shade of pink. “It’s called tinder, dearest roomie of mine.” “I’m your only roomie. Unless you count Madam Gris.”
“His name is Smaug.”
“You can’t name a kitten after a dragon, Courfeyrac.”
“Have you seen her fangs?” he replied. “She is vicious. I shall raise her to be my attack cat! She shall defend us from all who might wish to break into our fine abode and abscond with our property.”
“Your property,” Marius muttered, glumly.
Ah, damn. Just like that, Marius’s good humor vanished. In the weeks they’d lived together, Courfeyrac had tried multiple tactics to keep that goofy smile on the young man’s face, loved the way it light up his face and made his eyes sparkle.
But between heartbreak, homework, and complicated familial relationships, keeping a smile on Marius Pontmercy’s seemed a nearly impossible task. Luckily, Courfeyrac thrived on doing the impossible.
“Come now. Someone might want to steal that nice backpack of yours. You know, the one with your name appliqued on it.” he elbowed his friend, trying to get him to laugh. “I’ve heard the name Marius is very trendy now. Everyone would want to have an item that granted them that wonderful name.”
“Do you really think my name is wonderful?” Marius looked up at him with such hope in his eyes it practically glowed. It was as if he was a plant that someone had forgotten to water for weeks, and survived only on the tiniest bit of rainfall. Who had given this handsome young man so few compliments in his life?
“I think you’re wonderful,” Courfeyrac blurted out, and hastened to add “at being my roommate. You’re quite good at it. Most aren’t, I’ll have you know.”
“I can’t imagine why…” Marius said, but lightly, as he surveyed the disaster of an apartment. There were an assortment of abandoned coffee mugs on the table, wine bottles of dubious origin waiting for next week’s party in a row, a pile of dirty laundry Courfeyrac had meant to get to… yesterday.
It wasn’t that he meant to be messy, and in fact, he quite liked when his apartment was spotless. It was just… lately he’d been distracted. Unable to focus. He found himself staring aimlessly at the wall in class, or meandering down hallways he had no reason to go down, or worse yet, forgetting to go to the gym, and instead sitting home, watching Great British Bakeoff.
Courfeyrac, in short, was due for a romantic entanglement.
It was either that or run off to England to try and impress Mary Berry with his only functionally recipe: Rice Krispie Treats, but made with Lucky Charms, for extra marshmallow action.
No, surely, a rendezvous with an amorous person was a far better idea, and not just because he’d burned through the only mixing bowl they had when he’d tried to make pancakes for himself and Marius last sunday.
Which was why he’d skipped class to perch on the couch and swipe through candidates on Tinder. A task he should get back to.
A task he needed to get back to, instead of watching as Marius sang to the cat-with-the-disputed-name as he poured her a helping of kibble. The one thing more pathetic than him had been that bedraggled cat he’d brought home last week, tucked safe in his soaked-beyond-repair coat.
But the little scamp had blossomed into queen of the home, happy, healthy, and quite delighted to take up space anywhere she chose.
Maybe Marius could learn a thing or two from that cat.
The next day, Marius came back from class to find Courfeyrac sitting in one of his usual positions on the couch, legs up in the air, back against the place most people sat. He’d never quite figured out why the russet haired man preferred to sit in a thousand unusual ways, but he found it rather charming. But also, like so much about Courf, baffling.
And then, he sniffed the air.
“You cleaned!”
The apartment was now spotless. All coffee mugs had vanished, the carpet appeared a few shades lighter, and even Madame Gris, where she sat on the window, watching birds outside, looked rather cleaner.  Though, seeing as she washed her paws more than either of her roommates washed the dishes, that was probably her doing.
“Ah, yes. I did.” Courfeyrac said. “Does it look nice? And smell nice? There’s this new lavender spray I found.”
“It does.” Marius said. “What’s the occasion?”
“I’ve got a date. Or rather, I have five dates, and I just have to make up my mind which fine person I shall bring back here.”
“Five dates? In a day?” Marius found himself staggering backward. “How?”
“It’s called tinder!” Courfeyrac neatly tumbled off the couch, and bounced over to Marius. “Check it out. You see people’s faces, and you swipe them right if you like them?”
“Swipe. Them?” Marius stared down at the screen. A rather familiar young man stared up at him, his chiseled jaw seemingly made out of marble. “Oh, I’m in French 201 with him.”
“Ah, no! That won’t do.” Courfeyrac quickly swiped his thumb to the left on the screen. “I banish thee, friend of Marius! I shall never match with you as surely, we shall kiss, and you shall pine for me forever, ruining your friendship with dear Marius.”
“I don’t think he’s the pining type…” Marius started, but he felt a smile pulling at his face. Courf’s antics always had a way of making him forget his courseload, his own lack of love, and well, everything that made him, according to Grantaire, a bit of an Eeyore. (when, really, it was rather hypocritical for that scruffy six-year-senior to be calling out anyone else’s lovelorn moping around.) “and um, we’re not friends, I mean, if you did want to kiss him…”
“Nonsense. I shall not impinge upon your friendship with the golden haired Hercules of Corinth College.”
Madame Gris bounded over to Marius, mewing, and he picked up the young kitten, scratching her under her chin just like she liked. “So, this Tinder. You can use it to… meet people?”
“Well, yes, meeting is sometimes an end game. Me? I find it fun! It’s like... “ Courfeyrac threw out his hands. “It’s like making a collection! Of people! Who are attracted to me, and I to them! What could be better?”
Marius thought perhaps a long walk on the beach under a moonlight sky with just one person might be a little better.
He also thought Courfeyrac might not appreciate it. “Well, good luck, um, finding your soulmate.”
“Soul mate? Pffft.” Courfeyrac leaned in to pet Madame Gris’s back. Unlike most cats, she seemed to thrive on the attention, and started to purr.
“You don’t believe in soul mates?”
“I don’t believe they’re found on Tinder, that’s for sure.” Courfeyrac replied. “Isn’t that right, Smaug?”
“Madame Gris.”
Courfeyrac looked directly at Marius, challenging him to a staring contest. And Marius stared back, finding those green eyes unexpectedly deep, with little flecks of gold in them that sparkled like summer sun. Courfeyrac’s smile grew. “You’ve blinked a bunch, my dear monk-like roommate.”
“I… have?” he wet his lips, finding them suddenly dry. “Um. Teach me to use Tinder?”
Anything to distract from how those eyes made him feel.
Courfeyrac was delighted to share with his roommate, who usually asked so little of him, even though Courfeyrac had much to spare. In fact, Marius’s own phone was Courfeyrac’s own. He’d claimed that he was due for an upgrade, and no longer needed it, but that wasn’t… exactly true.
But it only had cost seventy dollars to break his contract, and Marius didn’t need to know that. It was more important that his friend had a way of being reached that wasn’t the ancient flip phone he’d bought with the last of his work study pay check. Marius’s work as a tutor was dependent on just how many students needed translating help, which seemed to rise and fall with the proximity to midterms and finals.
Other than that, Marius had nothing.
Courfeyrac had noticed cards marked “return to sender,” that were certainly that oblong rectangle shape of the weirdly-specific gift cards that older folks used to mail checks in. But whoever sent the money, Marius did not like.
And not dislike in the way Courfeyrac felt terribly embarrassed by his own fathers, who decided to “embrace the old country” by adding some obscure participle back onto their name. Courf was quite sure that the participle was utterly made up, and therefore utterly embarrassing. As embarrassing as those “google your own family crest” things, or socks with sandals or Hawaiian print shirts worn unironically… or any other fashion his fathers sported.
Two dads meant twice as many pairs of Dad Jeans in the house.
Which was why he rebelled with carefully selected outfits. Tailored trousers, perfectly fitting jackets, crisp shirts, and soft sweaters in just the right shade of green. Even his workout clothes were ensembles, with tees carefully selected to match various pairs of tennis shoes.
Marius had, as far as he could tell, three shirts, one pair of black jeans, and one pair of blue. Not that he’d cataloged what his roommate wore, of course.
Not that he’d notice how sharp Marius looked in that white tee that clung to surprisingly well-sculpted shoulders, before he’d pull on an ancient green sweater that Courfeyrac had insisted he take to not freeze in the November air.
“Have you taken a selfie yet? You know you can add more. It’s not supposed to be a work of art” Courfeyrac leaned over Marius’s shoulder, feeling his roommate's stubble brush against his own smooth cheek. He cleared his throat, unexpectedly “I mean. Unless you want it to be. You could be a work of art, you know.”
“Why? Because this sweater is old enough to be in a museum?”
“Hah. Hah.” Courfeyrac rolled his eyes, but blushed, glad Marius hadn’t heard the compliment that slipped out. “Right. So you’ve got your selfies, you've got--- goodness, Pontmercy, did you have to write a textbook for your bio?”
“I wanted to share my political beliefs.”
“It begins “Live, Laugh, Love.”
“Those are very political things! The pursuit of happiness!”
“Yes, sure.” He tousled Mariu’s hair, feeling the soft inky curls glid over his fingers. It was more an excuse to play with his hair than anything else. “Now, all you have to do is this: swipe left on the people you don’t like, and right on the people you do.”
“Then what?”
Then, he’d met some new love of his life, some shiny new soulmate, and never shut up about her, probably. Courfeyrac used the generic people, but he’d never heard of Marius being interested in anyone other than Cosette, who dumped him for his friend Eponine
Maybe this was a terrible idea.
Oh, why did he never think before he did things?
“Um, well, you can’t message them unless they’ve already swiped right on you too.”
“Ah. So we have to mutually like each other before we can speak.”
“Yup. have fun!” Courfeyrac said, and even to his own ears, he sounded false cheerful. He sprang up from the couch, scooped up Smaug, and headed to the other side of the room, intent on studying so he didn’t have to watch the roommate-he-was-certainly-not-crushing-on pursue a new soulmate.
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ironicandpunny · 7 years
Some Les Amis Headcanons
(Part 3 of however many I want)
>Courfeyrac: Courfeyrac is also small and pale, much like Enjolras, but is taller than Enjolras by exactly 2 and a half inches (something he throws in Enjolras' face All. The. Time). Unlike Enjolras, Courfeyrac at least looks like he can handle the sun, and gets cutely tan and freckle-y in the summertime. As we all know, the boy goes mostly by Courf, and not much else (Although Joly once called him Courfey the Rac Johnson and Courf HATED it). Also!! Courf loVES space!! He's a Space nerd, he owns at least nine NASA shirts of varying colours and put glow-in-the-dark stickers on the ceiling of he and Ferre's bedroom. (Ferre pretends to hate them but Courf knows that he actually loves them.) Courf has brown hair that is really, REALLY curly, and brown eyes to match. He hates it because he says it looks plain, but Ferre is constantly telling him how beautiful he is. Also! Courf is like, really bad at self care. He nonintentionally skips meals and forgets to bathe sometimes, which is really just another reason he needs Ferre around because Ferre will just smile, take his hand, and say "Come on, little one, you need to (insert thing here)". Every. Single. Time. It makes Courf smile and blush, and he just loves his boyfriend so much, he loves how supportive he his and Courf personally thinks that he is the luckiest of the Amis for "scoring Ferre". Also!! Courf is made of sass, anxiety and not much else. He's just always sassing the other Amis, especially Enjolras when he says something that he especially dislikes. Courf jitters when he gets anxious, his leg will bounce and he'll tap his fingers on the nearest surface, including but not limited to tables, arms of chairs, Ferre, and his own thighs (Just to name a few). He forgets to take his meds sometimes, and it will get real bad and /of course/ Ferre notices, and he'll just take his hand and smile softly and whisper sweet nothing's about everything being okay until they get home. Courf is also definitely the touchiest of the Amis, his love language is physical touch and you cannot tell me otherwise. He's constantly touching everybody in reassurance, be it a firm hand on Enjolras' shoulder or tickling Gavroche til his face turns pink. Courf just loVES EVERYBODY SO MUCH, HE WANTS THEM ALL TO FEEL REASSURED AND HAPPY. Also!! Courf was one of the earliest members of the Amis, and will hit his chin out and call himself "The Founding Father of Les Amis de l'ABC". Enjolras wants to smack him every single time (and Grantaire stops him from doing so). Courf is so proud of how far the Amis have come, and he's constantly bringing in New members! He's like the little recruiter!! And he'll drag Ferre along to do his recruiting and Ferre will just sigh and take his hand and go because, really, who could argue with that face? Okay, that was a shit ton about Courf so..there ya go. Stay tuned for more shit.
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kcrabb88 · 7 years
Shining Bright
Note: This is just a small offering for @acemisweek! Featuring Bossuet, aro-ace Enjolras, a night at the opera, and some heartfelt conversations on the walk home. Canon era. 
Somehow, Bossuet convinces Enjolras to the opera.
“As you know,” Bossuet says, leaning against the door-frame of Enjolras’ bedroom, his coat tossed haphazardly on the sofa in the sitting room beyond. “Poor Courfeyrac remains down with a head cold, and begged me to not let the ticket go to waste.”
“He was lamenting to me yesterday that he might never recover,” Enjolras says, his lips curving upward. “Though it was a bit hard to take seriously, given how stuffy his voice was. Combeferre enjoys the opera more than I do, you might ask him?”
“He has a late shift at Necker,” Bossuet says.
“Oh, yes, I suppose he does,” Enjolras says, running his thumb across his chin. “I’d forgotten. Grantaire?”
“He’s occupied with…something or the other, this evening,” Bossuet says. “And claims he’s seen this twice already.”
“Enjolras,” Bossuet says, grinning indulgently. “You know as well as I do that he’s meeting with that group of Polish migrants and our usual printer, to see if they might work together.”
“I would rather be doing that,” Enjolras mutters.
“I know,” Bossuet says, fond. “But too many of us, and it gets suspicious. So. Will you come? The plot is a bit revolutionary, Bahorel says. He’s seeing it a second time. You might like it.”
“I might like four hours’ worth?” Enjolras asks, skeptical.
“You never know,” Bossuet says, patting the side of his arm. “Besides, I guarantee a good time. Joly and Musichetta will be there, as well as Bahorel and Prouvaire. And perhaps Adelaide,” he continues, referencing Bahorel’s mistress.
“What’s the name of the opera?” Enjolras asks, giving in, unable to say no to Bossuet’s earnest grin.
“Guillaume Tell, By Rossini,” Bossuet says, a twinkle in his eyes, knowing he’s won. “Be in front of the Opéra Le Peletier at 8 o’clock. Don’t be late.”
“I’m never late,” Enjolras says, raising one eyebrow.
“No,” Bossuet says, chuckling. “But you might be tempted for this.”
Enjolras laughs in return and Bossuet clasps his shoulder, leaving Enjolras to contend with his wardrobe. He opts for a pair of gray trousers with a black coat and waistcoat, selecting the red cravat Courfeyrac gave him on his last birthday, claiming it suited him. He looks at his hair in the mirror, tilting his head; he’d neglected to get it trimmed, yet finds he likes it longer. It was out of fashion, but he couldn’t claim to care about that. He smooths it back, tying it in a queue at the back of his neck, one of the more stubborn wavy curls falling out and framing his face.
He arrives at the opera at a quarter of eight, met with Bahorel’s wide grin, and feeling the eyes of some of the women gathered outside sticking on him as he approaches.
“Well don’t you clean up well, my dear friend,” Bahorel says. “My goodness.”
“Don’t tease him,” Adelaide says, flicking Bahorel in the arm.
“He is my friend I will tease him as I see fit,” Bahorel says as Enjolras reaches them. Enjolras bites his lip against a smile, seeing the amusement in Bahorel’s eyes.
“Well, Bossuet invited me,” Enjolras says, fiddling self-consciously with his collar. “I wanted to dress as I should for the evening.”
“You look perfect,” Prouvaire says, coming up and pressing a kiss to Enjolras’ cheek, wine on his breath. “Flawlessly handsome as always.”
“I’m not sure about that,” Enjolras says, feeling his face warm. “But thank you, Prouvaire.”
“Ah but here he is!” Bossuet says, coming out with Joly and Musichetta on each arm. “I told you he would come, Joly.”
“So you did!” Joly exclaims, kissing Musichetta’s hand as he breaks away, coming up to Enjolras, embracing him. “Hello, Enjolras. You look splendid. I think you might enjoy yourself tonight you know.”
“I’m certain I will, in your company,” Enjolras says, fond affection in his voice. “Do lead the way, Joly. I shall have to tell Combeferre how I like this, he has been anxious to see it. And Courfeyrac will demand a full recounting of the evening, I am sure.”
Enjolras follows his friends inside, feeling more gazes catching on him, one young lady giggling and blushing as he passes. He nods awkwardly at her; Courfeyrac’s told him that he shouldn’t glare to ward off advances, though he certainly doesn’t want to lead any young woman on, even accidentally. They settle in their box, and Enjolras finds himself lost in the conversation and then the play itself, finding he likes it better than expected. As the night wears on his friends pay less attention to the opera and more attention to their partners. Bahorel’s whispering something to Adelaide, one of his hands intertwined with hers. Musichetta sits between Joly and Bossuet, one hand in Joly’s and the other patting Bossuet’s cheek. Enjolras doesn’t know the specifics of whatever the arrangement between the three of them is, but they seem happy, and though he has no experience in the matter, he thinks the three of them all look rather in love with one another. People would certainly call it unconventional, but in his mind it’s no one’s business but the people involved. He looks around the box, realizing he’s lost sight of Prouvaire, unexpectedly drawn in by the opera as he was.
He looks around the theater, seeing more than one couple closer together in the darkness than propriety would allow in the light. He wonders if he ought to feel sad or out of place given he’s without any romantic partner in a room filled with them, but he doesn’t. Then he wonders if he ought to feel strange that he doesn’t feel sad. He shakes his head, freeing himself of the tangle of thoughts, turning his attention back to the story.
When the opera ends Bossuet offers to walk him back home.
“You don’t have to,” Enjolras says, waving him off. “I’ll be all right.”
“Of that I have no doubt,” Bossuet says. “If anyone tried to rob you I daresay they’d find themselves on the wrong end of your swing. Your canne de combat skills come in hand with or without your cane, don’t they? Perhaps I should just like to share your company for a while longer. You did come out to the opera just because I asked.”
“In that case,” Enjolras says, letting Bossuet take his arm. “I’m glad to have it.”
They walk along the starlit streets toward Enjolras’ rooms, Paris still alive around them even at this hour. They chatter about various things until silence falls, and words come spilling out of Enjolras’ mouth before he really knows what’s happening.
“Bossuet?” he asks, drawing his friend’s eyes back to his face.
“Hmm?” Bossuet asks, curious, sensing the nerves in Enjolras’ voice.
“Do you…” Enjolras struggles, annoyed at the ineloquence. “I know women look at me in the street, sometimes with a particular sort of…interest.”
“So they do,” Bossuet says, gentle, and sensing Enjolras might divulge something. “But you don’t like it?”
“I…” Enjolras tries. “I am simply uninterested in returning the sentiment. I am not…I don’t have those desires, as others do. Is that odd?”
“No,” Bossuet says without hesitation. “You are allowed to be whoever you like and feel however you like about this.” He pauses, looking serious, the usual kindness still resting in his eyes. “I have desires for Joly and Musichetta both,” he continues, the first open admission of something Enjolras long suspected. “And you would not say that’s odd, would you? Even if I’m sure some grumpy old priest might.”
“No,” Enjolras says, shaking his head, and Bossuet pulls them a bit closer, tightening his grasp on Enjolras’ arm in encouragement. “I think that’s the business of the people involved, and no one else’s. I’ve never been quite sure why others might be so morally concerned about who was in bed with who, anyway. It doesn’t hurt anyone.”
Bossuet smiles, eyes bright. He tilts his head.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Enjolras answers. “Whatever you like.”
“Do you feel desires for other men?” Bossuet asks. “It would be all right if you did. I just admitted my own to you.”
“No,” Enjolras says, looking down at the paving stones, the rain from earlier still pooling between them, lit silver by the moon. “I have thought about that, too. I simply…I have never really felt any push to engage in, well…”
“You don’t have to explain,” Bossuet says, gently interrupting him. “I understand what you mean.”
“Do you think there’s something…wrong with me?” Enjolras asks, disliking how vulnerable he feels, but he cannot do anything but trust Bossuet, even still. “I feel that I…I love all of you,” he says, voice cracking slightly over the words. “I love this country.”
“Enjolras,” Bossuet says, stopping and looking Enjolras in the eyes. “No. There’s not a single thing wrong with you. And no one could accuse you of not loving, my friend. You shine with it every moment of the day. You brighten the world with your love. Not wanting to go to bed with anyone doesn’t change that.”
Enjolras nods, feeling his smile grow, his chest lightening.
“Thank you, Bossuet,” Enjolras says.
“Of course,” Bossuet says, wrapping an arm around Enjolras’ waist because he’s too short to sling it around Enjolras’ shoulders. “We both know each other a little better now, don’t we?”
“So we do,” Enjolras says, the warmth in Bossuet’s eyes filling him up with affection. “So we do.”
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sunshinequeer · 7 years
Feuilly and Bahorel both, 18 to 24?
18: favorite beverage black tea with two sugars and sometimes honey they’re trying not to rely on caffeine too much but you can still catch them drinking coffee with hazelnut creamer every once in awhile19: what do they think about before falling asleep if they have work in the morning it’s usually “what will the weather be like, is my alarm set, will i have time for breakfast or should I pick something up on the way.” If they’re off the next day they stare out their window to watch the stars or a storm or whatever is going on in the sky and they make up stories for hours like they did as a kid until they pass out and dream about the characters they created and the world those characters live in20: childhood illnesses and stories behind them They had a really bad case of the chicken pox when they were around 4 years old and still has a few scars. They were also very prone to seizures as a child and would sometimes stop breathing in their sleep but it gradually stopped happening as they got older and now they haven’t had a seizure or stopped breathing in their sleep for around twelve years21: turn ons and turn offs I’m gunna describe stuff they like and dislike for this soLikes: early morning light that’s gold and warm, cats, running, indie movies, soft flannel, spinner rings, garage rock, polaroids, fresh pineDislikes: the freezing cold like can’t feel your face for awhile after you get inside cold, marshmallow peeps, marshmallows in general, people who attack them for being a vegetarian, injustice22: given a blank piece of paper a pencil and nothing to do what would happen? hecka doodles of anything and everything just a page filled with neat cartoons23: how organized are they and how does that manifest in their day to day moderately organized? They clean a lot because it clears their head and they generally like everything to look nice but also their room is a disaster area. They’re the person that piles up dishes at restaurants for servers both because of manners but also because they cant stand the chaos of the table but then will also go home and just throw their stuff somewhere. 24: a particular subject they excel at math like it comes so easy to them it’s amazing they’re a math wizard
shaken lemon water, it’s literally just lemon and sugar in water that’s shaken but for some reason to him it’s special and Different19: what do they think about before falling asleep what outfit he might wear the next day that he usually forgets about, he changes between listening to podcasts and going down memory lane which make him feel a wide range of emotions, sometimes it’s Feuilly’s voice he thinks about telling him stories20: childhood illnesses and stories behind them he got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was twelve21: turn on and turn offs I’m gunna describe stuff they like and dislike for this soLikes: lip gloss, fluffy comforters, his friends and family being together, running, fairs, snow, the smell of blown out candlesDislikes: expensive makeup, hawks, mosquito bites, overhead lighting22: given a blank piece of paper a pencil and nothing to do what would happen? he’d write a dumb note to Grantaire23: how organized are they and how does that manifest in their day to day he is the cleanest person in the world but never does laundry and leaves clothes everywhere, Joly has shipped his underwear back to him before in the mail 24: a particular subject they excel at he won’t admit it but he is an incredible lawyer
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artiegayberg · 7 years
ALL of the salty asks
1 - What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*Most fandom ships for Philippe tbhJehan/Montparnasse?? I don’t have a problem with it I just??? Bahorel is? Right there?Feuilly/Bahorel too actually whilst we’re on the topic2 - Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*Philippe/LouisPhilippe/LiselotteCourfeyrac/CombeferreAlmost all Grantaire ships 3 - Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?Usually only when they’re aggressive with that opinion or involved in discourse but yeah I have4 - Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*I think I’ve already listed most of them lmao5 - Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*Not totally, but it has made me very selective in terms of content/blogs 6 - Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you never considered before?*I changed this question slightly but yes lots!!! The main ones I think are Grantaire/Bossuet, Jehan/Bahorel, Courfeyrac/Marius7 - Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*I don’t think so?8 - Have you received anon hate? What about?*Nope never9 - Most disliked character(s)? Why?THOMAS I hate his face I hate his moustache I hate his actionsAlso boi this is going to be Unpopular™ but I still very stubbornly dislike Liselotte 10 - Most disliked arc? Why?My boi Chezzer’s arc in s2 just all of it it’s so desperately unhappy and he gets so lost in that hole he dug for himself whilst all the other characters just keep handing him shovels to keep on going arghAlso Philippe and Thomas bc the more that face is on my screen the worse it gets sorry not sorry11 - Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?Idk I feel like Chevs fits this best, I think people are much more quick to point out negative things about him than positive sometimes. 12 - Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?The sewers!Nah um I’m not sure? I wasn’t nearly as upset as I should have been about Henriette’s death maybe? 13 - Unpopular opinion about XXX character?Philippe and Louis are not fucking xoxoxoHenriette was incredibly self-pityingGrantaire is very capable of having good moodsJoly and Combeferre can be very silly and have Crazy Science Ideas Bossuet is worth more than just a background character role14 - Unpopular opinion about your fandom?I think both can sometimes feel a little exclusive? Like if you don’t have the exact right popular opinions for the right characters you end up kind of shut out? 15 - Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?What on earth is their historical advisor doing I mean that’s great drama right there but it is wildly different from history16 - If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?Season 2.17 - Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…Instead of season 2, we get at least one episode ft. the lads’ holiday to Italy, and um the rest of it is generally happier and healthier with far better communicating and less Thomas18 - Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?Not at all. Not shipping something that’s canonically happy and healthy, perhaps? But fandoms can be weird you should never have to conform to their ideas19 - What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?The whole drama about Chevs a while ago like um I cannot believe someone sent a rudely-worded ask to Penny, a literal blessing to the fandom, best person I know etc etc@that anon fight me20 - What is the purest ship in the fandom?Fabs and ClaudinejbmJacques and his trees21 - What are your thoughts on crack ships?Baffling. Philippe/Fab???? Really?????22 - Popular character you hate?Still Liselotte lmaoDoes Thomas count??? 23 - Unpopular character you love?I really liked Madame de Clermont she was funAlso most of Louis’ councillors I feel like the fandom is kind of neutral on them bc they’re tiny characters but they make me laugh24 - Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?Lmao nah most of my friends think Versailles is shitty porn and I don’t think any would really enjoy les mis either tbh25 - How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?I don’t think so? S3 better be happy though I swear26 - Most shippable character?Philippe apparently I mean I’ve seen him shipped with like half the characters27 - Least shippable character?Thomas. The moustache must be contained before it can spread.Also Grantaire like sorry but there are only 2 characters at most that I could ever half-seriously ship him with
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