#enjoy abby simps
oddballwriter · 8 months
A Date at the Diner
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Summary: A blurb in which you and Mike go out on a date where it's actually just the two of you, but come to find out, you prefer the old version more. 
Warnings: Just a blurb were you and Mike are on a date and giving each other witty banter. It does get the slightest bit implicate-y but that's it. Just banter.  
Author’s Snip: Saw the FNAF movie and we be simping for Mike. Am I surprised? No. It was foretold in our tea leaves. This was written in stone, and so was William.
Notes: This has no actual ties to the movie or reference to it at all other than one niche one that's literally just a cameo.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 306
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"Did we really have to go out?" you tease as you look across the table at Mike as you both sit down at a booth table in a small diner. Mike looks up at you a bit confused before shrugging. "I thought it would be nice to actually have a night where it was just the two of us." he said.
"No sitting on the couch watching rented movies with Abby here half the time till I shoo her off to bed," Mike explained glancing at you with a soft gaze, "Just..." he muttered before holding your hand from across the table "You and me." he concluded more confidently.
You smile and laugh a little, "Well what if I like those date nights where we have our little third-wheel. If I'm honest, her movie taste isn't too half-bad. I'm okay with watching Never Ending Story and Princess Bride till she gets tired and we can watch more stuff catering to us." you remark. "What's wrong with here?" Mike asks prompting you both to look around.
You grimace a bit at the faded colors of the diner, looking like it's past it's golden times by a little, and shrug. "Nothing," you respond, "I just like the homey feel that our rent-a-movie dates have better." you say as you glance back at Mike for a bit holding his hand a bit tighter. "I like it anywhere you are." you flirt.
"Even if there's a risk of Abby catching us sucking face." you joke with a wink. "Well then," Mike says in response, "Maybe we can suck face in peace later on toni-"Mike attempts as a joke of his own but gets cut off by a waiter handing the menu to the two of you and talking about one of the dishes like he's being paid per word.
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cuteskunkz · 3 months
One Night With You
(Mike Schmidt x Reader)
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Summary~ Mike is a very touch starved man. He spends all his nights at work and the daytime caring for Abby if not sleeping. He hadn't been with a girl since his junior year, making him feel like a total loser. The amount of times where Mike went back and forth with his inner thoughts, convincing himself that he was the problem was getting pretty intense and it was clear that he just needed a night out to clear his mind and prove those thoughts wrong.
You've been a "dancer" for the past few months at the downtown strip club, just trying to make ends meet. There was a tough competition working against you. You were new to this line of work whereas the other girls had been in the game for a while now, but you kept pushing on desperately. How else were you going to make rent or keep the lights on? The nights were slow and building a consistent flow of clientele proved itself to be a challenge, that is until one night when you meet a new guy outside of the nightclub.
Tags~ Stripper reader, Mike is a SIMP!!!, lowkey enemies to lovers but not really, no smut (YET...)
Note~ This took me much longer than I thought since I've been super burnt out of writing lately, but I hope you guys enjoy! As always if there's anything in particular you would like to see in chapter 2, please lemme know
Mike felt confused with the lack of responsibilities and errands to run on this warm summer night. Abby was off at a sleepover and Steve finally hired a second night shift worker, leaving him all alone with his reoccurring self doubt introspections. Dude gets one night for himself and simply cannot think of a single thing to do to pass the time. He laid there in his bed tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. He jolts up feeling frustrated with himself, "Ughh... just fall asleep already bro..." He shifts around in his bed and grunts, "I can't do this-". He sits up and sulks his way into the living room, plopping down on the couch. Mike pulls out his phone and begins to scroll.
He isn't really the social media type but had made an anonymous instagram account a while ago for mindlessly scrolling. After what seemed like hours, Mike stumbles across a video of you. You were practicing a routine for the club, twirling and moving seductively. Mike felt himself grow larger in his pants and put the phone down in shock. He stares up at the ceiling in disbelief, damn you really got him feeling this type of way this quickly? He looks down at his lap and feels helpless. He wrestles with his feelings for a while and ultimately picks his phone back up to look more into you.
He clicks on your account and "researches" a bit. There's multiple videos of you practicing, photos of your skimpy outfits, and the most captivating selfies he's ever seen. One of your posts has a location tagged in the top corner, "Deja Vu Showgirls". He looks further into the club, finding that it's not too far from the pizzeria. "Fuck it. Why not..." he whispers to himself. Mike ensures he's well groomed for the occasion. if you're there he wants make a good impression. He showers, dresses in the best outfit he can come up with, and slaps some product in his hair. He finally felt content with his appearance and hopped in the car.
You weren't surprised to see another night play out typically. Maybe 2 or 3 cheap lap dances and a couple short sets up on the stage for less than 50 bucks. This clearly isn't working for you, at this point you've spent more on outfits and shoes than you've made while working here. An older gentleman walks up to you reeking of alcohol and cheap cologne, you couldn't help but gulp at the thought of providing your services for him. Yeah you were a stripper but you still had standards that made doing your job successfully hard at times.
"Well aren't you something?" he slurs while damn near tipping over from intoxication. You sigh and snap into your persona. "I'd hope so, this outfit ain't cheap y'know!" you reply in a flirtatious tone. You grab him by the hand and lead him to a booth, preparing for the worst. He starts groping on your sides which makes you shudder. Maybe this place isn't for you after all. "H-hands off baby.... Use your eyes and focus on me" you redirect with confidence. Times like these made you wish someone could just scoop you off your feet and save you.
He drives to the location with his heart pounding out of his chest. He'd never been to strip club before so Mike felt nervous even making his way closer to where you have the slightest chance of being at. He pulled into the parking lot and shut his car off abruptly, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. "What if she isn't here? I don't even know the girl why am I acting so fuckin' weird about this.... I really need to get out of the house more" he thinks to himself while gripping onto the steering wheel. After a few mental pep talks to himself, he finally musters up the courage to get out and make his way in.
Just as he goes to push the door to the club open, you storm out with eyes welling with tears. Mike stumbles back a bit not wanting to startle you. You're holding your pricey Pleaser heels in hand, walking barefoot and trying your best to keep it together. All you want is to curl up into a ball and quit at life. You thought that creepy dude would cheap out on a dance, not grope and hurl insulting names at you for rejecting his advances! You look up from the ground and lock eyes with a man you've never seen before. He's cute... too cute to be wasting his time at some dingy place like this.
"Can I help you?" you snap at him with a shaky voice. It was hard not to notice the concerned look on his face. "No I'm-" he stutters before you promptly cut him off. "Leave me the fuck alone then." His face goes pale hearing you say this, he didn't even get a chance to meet you yet and he feels as if he already blew it. You pace towards your car and pop the trunk, filling it with the all the contents of your locker. You pick a T-shirt out of your duffle bag and drape it over your revealing outfit. His presence is burning a hole into your back so you swiftly turn around to meet his gaze.
He walks over slow and bashfully. There's a pink tint to his cheeks and he can't keep his hands still out of anxiousness. "Dude are you good?" you ask. He looks as if he's going to break a sweat, "Yeah... I'm good. Are you though? You looked pretty shaken up back there." You assumed he was just another guy looking to get lucky with a dancer after a shift change. "Look, if you want to get some action, walk your ass into the club. I'm not who you're looking for" you reply. His stomach drops hearing your voice. It was one thing to see you for the first time, but to hear your voice even if it be out of anger made Mikes head spin. He didn't want to sound like a complete creep stalking you out to your job for a closer look but you were exactly who he wanted.
"That's not why I'm here. Fuck- look... To be totally honest, I'm not a strip club type of dude. I just- I saw a video of you on instagram and I was- y'know... impressed by your talent and beauty." Typical response coming from a man trying to bring a stripper home for the night you think to yourself. "I'm not shocked by your reaction. You realize that's what I hear like- 10 times a night, right?" you say with a sarcastic tone. He seemed a bit more genuine with his words than the others but men will do and say anything when they're in need of a quick fuck. "Not that type of girl sir. Try one of those cheap hookers down the road" you point down the street and close the trunk.
"Please... I know how this sounds, believe me I know how dudes are but-" He sighs and continues, "But I don't have a lot of experience with girls so- I thought coming here... to meet someone new would help" he says looking very serious, almost to the point of desperation. If he weren't so damn handsome you'd turn him down in a heartbeat but something in you is screaming to give him a chance. He seems to be telling the truth and damn is he starting to fluster you with the whole innocent act. "Fine. I'll give you my number but don't you dare think about blowing my phone up." You scribble your phone number into his palm with a pen from your bag and blow him a kiss while getting in your car to drive away.
Mike smirks and waves at you, watching you drive off into the distance. "That was easier than I expected...huh..." he whispers. He gets back into his car and texts you, already so eager to see you again. The message reads:
Hey it's Mike, the guy from earlier. You doing anything tonight? I could take us out to a bar or something? :)
His cheeks start to blush again from imagining you two hanging out. He desperately craves a deeper connection with you but doesn't want to come off as too interested off the bat, it could scare you off for all he knows! His phone dings and he reads it:
Shitttt I'm free as long as you're gonna be on your very best behavior!!
*Read part 2 and part 3 here!*
It might take me a bit to get part two posted, but I'll try to give you guys as many updates as possible!!! Keep in mind I am a new writer. This is my third fic put out so far :))
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azk0re · 7 months
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…and they were roommates! (pt. 1)
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pairing: roommate!abby x black!reader
synopsis: your sophomore year of college is starting in a few weeks, and you’re in dire need of a roommate. abby just so happens to be in a similar situation…
warnings: mdni, abby is bi (no bi erasure on this page), slightly older abby, reader is black, reader is femme, reader is a simp tbh, strong language used, (y/n) is used (i had to guys i’m sorry T-T)
an: i’m so terrified of posting this it’s not even funny T-T. i’ve had a really shitty week and wanted to post something about my favorite buff masc so here’s this. i know it’s bad but please be nice! i hope you enjoy. look out for part 2 because it’s coming soon! - with love, ellie ♡
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You were having an absolute fucking crisis. At the college you attended, all students were required to stay in a dorm their first year but could move out their sophomore year if they wanted to. You definitely wanted to move out especially after having a nightmare for a roommate your freshman year who snored like a banshee, always brought guys over, and, after finding out about your sexuality, constantly accused you of wanting to sleep with her even though she was far from your type.
In order to move out, freshmen had to alert the school of their decision at the end of their last semester of their first year and they only gave students a month to go back on their choice. You were not aware of this and, by the time you were, you’re month had very well passed and you still hadn’t been able to secure a place to stay. It seemed like every one and two bedroom apartment near the school was taken by someone.
You even asked the few friends you had that attended the school if you could room with them but all of them either had a one bedroom apartment or were rooming with someone else.
So, essentially, you were fucked.
You only had a few weeks to figure something out before school started and you were beginning to get desperate. Finally, after days of sulking over your shitty situation and complaining about it for an hour over the phone to your best friend, Heaven, she gave you the idea of looking through the school’s online bulletin to see if anyone had posted a ‘roommate wanted’ post recently.
The only problem with that idea was the fact that the school’s online bulletin was notoriously difficult to navigate. The layout was horrible and the website had no filtering system so all posts from different years were just mixed onto the website and, for that reason, most people didn’t use it.
It took you two days of sifting through hundreds upon hundreds of old roommate wanted posts to find a recent one. You were just about to give up the hunt for the night when you came across it.
The post itself was very short and simple. The original poster hadn’t put much information about herself other than that her name was Abby, she was a junior, what her email address was and the fact that she was looking for a roommate after accidentally renting a two bedroom apartment instead of a one bedroom apartment.
The moment you saw it, you opened up your gmail account and typed out a very quick email before sending it and finally turning in for the night. The next morning you saw a reply from this mystery Abby woman, asking to meet at a coffee shop in town for lunch for a small interview and to discuss the intricacies of the arrangement which you, of course, agreed to. An email was sent back to you almost immediately giving you the coffee shop’s address and where Abby would be in the coffee shop.
Knowing this was going to be one of those ‘first impressions are very important’ moments you put on one of your favorite outfits that fit the somewhat chilly, early autumn weather that included a tan mini skirt, black long-sleeve turtle neck, black boots, and you’re favorite pair of cream leg warmers, before heading out to the coffee shop.
When you entered the little shop, it finally dawned on you that you had no idea what this lady looked like. All you knew was her name and what booth she was going to be sitting in. So, as you made your way to the back corner of the shop where Abby had instructed you to go to, you couldn’t help but imagine what she could possibly look like. A million different ideas ran through your head as you walked. Maybe she was brunette? She was probably taller than you but not by much, and you imagined her voice to be similar to yours.
What you definitely weren’t expecting to see as you drew closer to the booth was a buff woman with dark blonde, almost brown, hair sitting at the table that you had previously been instructed to go to. The woman was absolutely stunning with her hair tied back, a few strands left out to frame her face, freckles splayed across her cheeks, and her brow furrowed in concentration. Her outfit itself was definitely more on the masculine side which is something you did not anticipate. Even just sitting there, typing away on the laptop in front of her, she looked very intimidating.
When you finally approached the table, you cleared you throat, effectively gaining her attention. Her blue-grey eyes were piercing as she turned her full attention to you, raising an eyebrow in question, “Um, hi, are you Abby?”
A small smile graced her features as she nods her head just so, “I am,” she confirms, her voice catches you by surprise. It definitely fit her face, deep and smooth, but it wasn’t what you thought she would sound like. “I assume you’re (Y/N)?”
Her question snatches you out of your own head. You nod and she motions toward the spot across from her, silently inviting you to sit with her. After clearing her laptop off the table top, she once again turns her gaze to you and you can feel the familiar feeling of anxiety rise in your chest.
“So, let’s cut straight to the chase,” she begins, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms, “you want to be my roommate, right?”
You nod.
“Well, I have spoken to many people interested in rooming with me and a lot of them haven’t been very…fitting for me.” Just by the way she’s speaking and the look on her face, you can tell that she’s probably ran into some of the weirdos on campus, “But, from just looking at you, I think you’d be a good roommate but I do have some questions and things I’d like to discuss before I make a final decision.”
You nod.
Abby grabs a small black notebook that was sat beside a cup of what looked to be straight black coffee, before flipping open to a page and speaking again.
“Okay, so, for one, I think a huge part of what will make this work best for the both of us is full transparency. I’m gonna tell you what I need in a roommate and I want you to tell me what you need in a roommate, and then we can kind of decide whether or not we’d work well together, okay?,” she asks, looking you straight in the eyes as she speaks. Her gaze is unwavering and intimidating, analyzing every bit of you that she could see.
You nod again, “Okay.”
“Alright then,” she starts, “I’ve never really shared a living space with anyone before. Freshman year, I had a single dorm and sophomore year, I had a one-bedroom apartment. I’m a very private, organized, and clean person and I like my space to reflect that. Therefore, what I need from a roommate is for them to respect my space, my privacy, and just keep up with their end of the chores and house care.”
You nod again.
“Other than that, for the sake of being fully transparent, I have to tell you now that I am bisexual so if that’s going to be a problem then this arrangement will not work.“
Abby’s words catch you off guard. From the look of her, it made sense, but you always tried your hardest not to place a label on anyone based on their appearance. Abby studies the hesitance on your face but she doesn’t say anything, she just stares in silence as you collect yourself before finally speaking.
“Okay, um, that won’t be a problem at all.” You say, speaking honestly but you can tell by the look on Abby’s face that she isn’t convinced just yet.
“Are you sure?” She questions, leaning forward slightly, her voice slightly deeper than it had been a moment ago, and her eyes burning holes into your own.
“Yes, 1000% sure,” you smile at her, trying to ease the nervousness rising in your chest at her intense stare, “I mean, it definitely won’t be a problem for me considering the fact that I am a lesbian.”
Abby hums and you can visibly see the tension leave her shoulders as she relaxes back into her seat, “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” you confirm, “I was actually worried about that being an issue with you but it’s nice to know that it wouldn’t be.”
Abby nods and, after a moment of slightly awkward silence, she says, “What are the things that you would need from a roommate?”
“Um,” you start taking a moment to think Edie’s speaking again, “I think I basically need just about the same things. I like my space but, if we’re being 100% honest, I am not a very social person but I can be quite…clingy?” Uncertainty is present in your voice as you speak, not really sure if that would be the best word choice.
“Clingy?” Abby questions, raising an eyebrow, “How so?”
“I mean, I guess clingy wouldn’t be the best word for it,” you mumble, looking away from Abby’s intense stare and out of the window, “I like to talk to people a lot and sometimes I enter other people’s space without realizing it. I understand that some people don’t like that, so if we were to live together I’d want you to create boundaries and stand on those boundaries so that I don’t make you uncomfortable.”
You look back over to Abby, feeling much more confident in the way in which you’d phrased what you felt. Abby slowly nods in understanding after a moment, uncrossing her arms to jot something down on her little notepad, before looking back at you.
“Anything else?” She inquires.
“Other than that I just need you to be courteous and, um, when you have company over be respectful of the fact that I may be there and may need the apartment to be relatively quiet.”
Abby nods, “I can do that. I don’t typically have others over anyway.”
Abby jots something else down on her little notebook before looking back at you, “Okay, now I just a few questions for you and then you can ask me whatever you want, okay?”
You nod.
“Do you have a partner?”
You shake your head, “No.”
“Do you like to have friends over often?”
“Sort of?” You admit, “It’s usually just my best friend and her girlfriend, though.”
Abby nods, scribbling something down again on her notepad, “Do you know what your schedule will look like for the semester?”
You nod, “Most of my classes are late morning, early afternoon or evening classes, so I would be home most of the morning and sporadically throughout the afternoon and evening.”
Abby nods, taking a moment to write some more things down before continuing, “This one’s kind of odd but are you a morning person?”
“Sometimes,” you respond, “there’s days when I wake and I’m ready to tackle the day but there’s also days where I wake up and I want to slam my head against a slab of concrete.”
“I understand the feeling,” Abby snorts, smiling slightly accentuating a cute little dimple on her cheek that makes your own smile a little wide, “I think that’s the last of the questions I have for you. Do you have any for me?”
“Um,” you take a moment to think before settling lamely on your first question, “are you a morning person?”
“I am, I get up at 5 am every morning.”
You groan, “Why put yourself through that every day.”
Abby chuckles, “It’s not that bad. I just like to get my workout in early,” she shrugs, “it keeps me energized throughout the day.”
As you take in her answer, you can’t help but let your eyes wander over her broad shoulders and toned arms, straining against the tight fabric of her long sleeve shirt. You can definitely tell that she works out every day. After a moment, you realize you’re staring and snap your eyes back to her face to see her looking directly at you with a smug expression on her face.
You quickly look away from her own and down at your hands which were sat interlaced on the table in front of you. You felt the tell-tale feeling of embarrassment seep into you. You clear your throat, trying to ignore the butterflies now beating against your ribcage, “So, what will your schedule look like?”
“For this semester, I’ll be out most of the morning and home around late afternoon, hopefully.”
You nod, finally looking back up her to see that the smugness was gone for the most part but she still had a small smirk on her face, “Do you have any hobbies that would be nice to know about beforehand?”
“I play guitar and I play on our school’s rugby team, so during the fall and spring semester I’ll be gone often because of practice and also because of work.”
“Oh, that’s cool. I forgot our school had a rugby team,” you admit almost sheepishly, “I wanted to come to some of the games last year but I was always too busy.”
Abby hums in acknowledgement, “Hopefully you’ll be able to come this year, we’re going to be having quite a few interesting games against rival schools.”
“Yeah, hopefully,” you agree, “um, I can’t really think of any other questions.”
Abby nods at the admission, “I don’t think we’ll have any problems living together. I quite like your company and you’re a lot better than some of the other prospective roommates I’ve met.”
You smile at the praise, “So…does that mean I’ve passed this…interview?”
Abby chuckles at the question, “Yes, it does. You can be my roommate.”
“Oh thank goodness!” You exclaim, slumping down into the booth behind you dramatically getting another chuckle out of Abby, “You have no idea how much you just saved my life. I couldn’t find an apartment for the life of me and I was so worried about having a roommate.”
“Have you never a roommate before?” Abby asks, amusement apparent on her face and in the tone of her voice.
“Oh, no, I’ve had a roommate before.” You sigh, remembering the suffering she put you through, “I had one last year actually, but she was pretty awful and I was just afraid of having another bad one.”
Abby hums, “Well, I hope I haven’t disappointed you yet.”
“You have not,” your assure her, giggling a bit, “trust me, you’re a hundred times better than she was.”
“What was so bad about her?”
You sigh, “She was just not very…kind. She was quite selfish actually.” You admit, “She was very messy and she would bring guys over to mess around with even when I was there and basically kick me out so she could do her…thing.”
Abby’s face contorts into one of pure irritation as you speak, “That’s awful.”
“Yeah, it really was,” you agree, “she also was convinced that I had a thing for her after finding out I was a lesbian. She wasn’t even my type! She was far from it.”
Abby nods, looking at you sympathetically, “I hate when people assume that.”
“So do I,” you sigh, again before smiling up at Abby, “but it’s alright. It’s in the past now.”
Abby smiles back, nodding again, “Yeah, now you have me as roommate and I promise that I will try my best to give you a better experience than that.”
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You and Abby sat in the little coffee shop for a few more hours, getting to know one another better before heading on your separate ways for the time being, but not before exchanging numbers.
The next day, Abby texted you the address to the apartment, and told you that you could start moving in whenever but just to let her know so that she could be home to help. The two of you continued to text routinely almost every day until the day you were supposed to move in.
A week after you guys met in the coffee shop, you were ready to move in and had texted Abby as much. The plan was to start moving in that day with the help of Abby and your best friend, Heaven. In your mind, the move itself would be pretty easy and straightforward since you didn’t have a ton of stuff. In total, you probably had fifteen or so boxes and a few bags which all fit nicely in the tiny U-Haul you’d rented. The rest of your furniture and stuff would be moved in later in the day by a moving company, so nothing that you had with you was too heavy.
When you arrived, you texted Abby to let her know, expecting her to come out in something similar to what she’d had on the day you met, a simple shirt and jeans, but you were mistaken.
When Abby came out, both you and Heaven were distracted with taking things out of the U-Haul, it wasn’t until she called out your name that you noticed her walking up to the two of you. Her appearance caught you off guard…again.
Her hair was essentially the same, tied in the back and braided into a long braid that cascaded over her shoulder with a few pieces out in the front, but her outfit was dramatically different. This time she was dressed in what seemed to be gym attire. Black shorts that hugged her pretty tight, a black muscle tee, white Nike socks and sneakers. The main thing that caught your eye wasn’t really her attire though, it was the dark ink that littered her arms and thick thighs.
You were mesmerized, stuck staring until Heaven smacked you discreetly on the behind, hissing a reprimand at you about you staring at your new roommate like a piece of meat all through a polite smile that was pointed in Abby’s direction.
You quickly tried to pull your shit together as Abby reached the two of you, smiling kindly at the both of you, not seeming to have noticed you gawking at her only moments before. After introducing Abby and Heaven, the three of you began working on your boxes.
You were all able to get your things inside the apartment and into your room pretty quickly. You kept getting distracted though by the absolutely delicious view that was Abby Anderson.
You knew she was obviously strong just by the look of her physique but you couldn’t get over how easily she picked up all of your heaviest boxes without even breaking a sweat. Her outfit left nothing to your imagination, and it made it hard for you to focus causing you to run into and drop things all too often.
When you guys were finally done, Abby had left you and Heaven alone to relax and get you all drinks as the two of you began to go through your things.
Heaven kept giving you a look that you were pointedly trying to ignore. Eventually, she got tired of being subtle and hissed your name, “You need to get it together, girl.”
“I’m trying.” You whine, quietly.
Heaven sighs, glancing over to and out of the open door to check to see if Abby was coming or not. When she confirmed that the other woman was still downstairs she leaned toward you, “I get it, babe. She’s hot as hell but she’s also your roommate now. You’ve gotta tread lightly.”
“You have a girlfriend, you can’t call other people hot.” You throw back at her trying your best to ignore the last bit of her sentence.
Heaven rolls her eyes, “As if Ellie would give a shit,” she snorts, “we point out hot women to each other, and, trust me, if my baby was here, she’d agree with me and add a lot more vulgar comments.”
You ignore her statement knowing how true it was, sighing to yourself instead, you halt your work on the box of your belongings in front of you, “What am I gonna do, Heaven? She’s completely my type. I thought I could do it before, y’know? At the coffee shop it felt fine because I couldn’t see all of her, but now…”
“It’s the tattoos ain’t it?” Heaven teases with a shit-eating grin and you whine nodding your head before flopping backward on to the floor beneath you, laying flat on your back. Heaven simply laughs at your pain, enjoying the dramatic display in front of her.
“I mean, she might be hot but there’s no way she’s gay, right?” Heaven says, giggling a bit as she turns her attention back to the box of your belonging in front of her. When she’s met with no answer she looks at you, squinting, “Right, (Y/N)?”
“She’s bi,” you whisper with a sigh, covering your face with your hands.
Heaven gasps, dropping whatever she was holding back into the box, “You’re lying!”
“I’m not!” You groan, “I wish I was.”
“Oh, honey,” Heaven says, sounding sympathetic now, “the only thing you can do is try not to fall for her.”
You groan once again in absolute defeat. There was no way you were going to be able to manage that.
“Maybe she’s got a boyfriend or a girlfriend or something and you won’t have to deal with her being single and hot as hell.” Heaven offers, going back to rustling through the box in front of her.
You’re about to say something about how that wont help much at all because it would just piss you off to see her with someone else, when you hear the sound of footsteps approaching the room. You shut your mouth quickly and turn your attention to the doorway of the room, seeing Abby with three bottles of cold water, still looking as mesmerizing as before.
Abby hands a bottle to Heaven and then to you before speaking, “I’m sorry for taking a while to come back, I had to take a phone call.”
She opens the lid of her own water bottle and takes a few gulps from it, pulling your attention to her adam’s apple as it bobs in her throat.
Heaven nudges you with her foot, once again pulling you out of your embarrassing staring before Abby could see.
“It’s no biggie,” Heaven says, snickering a bit as she answers for the both of you knowing that you are far too distracted to respond to Abby.
Abby smiles at Heaven after pulling away from her water bottle, turning her attention to you, “The call was about your key. It’ll be ready tomorrow, so when I get back from the gym I’ll pick it up and bring it home to you, yeah?”
You nod, still too distracted to speak.
Abby doesn’t seem to think anything of your lack of verbal response, instead she just nods as well, “I’m gonna head to the gym. If you girls get hungry please help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I’ll be back in about an hour and a half, okay?”
You nod again and Abby spares you one more sweet smile, before telling Heaven that it was nice to meet her which Heaven, of course, reciprocates, and leaving the room.
When Abby is far enough away from the room, Heaven turns to you and shakes her head, “Girl, you are so fucked.”
You knew she was right but you didn’t have the energy to respond verbally, so instead you just cover your face with your arms and groan.
You were far beyond fucked.
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blue-sunflower-bee · 7 months
Detective Ness
Let me add a bit to the rather common headcanon that Ness has a true crime podcast and sprinkle a bit of Abby in there.
(Continues under the cut)
Imagine Ness one day recording a podcast while Mike is asleep and Abby listens to him cause she is bored but ends up being really invested. Ness had talked about all the great detectives he had loved as a kid and so on, and Abby, curious as always asks about them.
And Ness gets literally so excited to show her the old Sherlock Holmes books he had read as a kid and also some episodes of Columbo...which they ended up watching when Mike had woken up and joined them.
And... Abby's like: I wanna be a detective too... before she falls asleep besides them
And Ness just...plays detective with her from time to time after that? At first it's some small riddles he gives her but then they get more and more invested in this game; Ness deadass dressing up as one of those old fashioned police detectives and preparing a Sherlock Holmes like costume for Abby and she's kinda his sidekick/assistant? It'd be so cute!
Abby loves Ness' detective persona cause he's very good at acting it out. Mike enjoys it as well for... different reasons, cough cough.
Got the idea while watching Escape the night with MatPat in it and just had to think about sth where Ness dressed up like this
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But also make it like cute and wholesome...and with Mike simping for this Ness lol.
I gotta write this...or someone write this for me? Haha
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camillecrellin · 7 months
Crystal Clear — Chapter Two: Tweet from Android
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Series Masterlist and Last Hope Album
Next Chapter
A/N: Thank you soo much for the love so far. Hope you enjoy! <333
Warnings: swearing, breakups, abby being a simp
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Taglist: @mcqueeferson @ellieschair
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typekiku · 6 months
under the dark crimson moon, i write this newest entry of the much awaited much beloved tsukihime fashion review.
it's a duty i must carry out for the sake of the generations of lost sheep both before and after my time that have yet to truly appreciate the true depth of style that is contained within the single greatest visual novel known to mankind (according to me)
yet, i feel as if i am not doing my duty to its fullest... how can i possibly adequately sum the glory of todays fashionista? how can i dare attempt to sum that up?? no! i cannot waver in my faith in my incredibly lacking writing skills nor fear people figuring out this barely has anything to do with fashion... I WILL PERSEVERE!!
on with the show as the youth say!
(SPOILER ALERT: i should mention ill probably end up spoiling a shit ton of oghime and whatnot here so watch out)
so without further ado todays subject is:
drum roll
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thanks uhh whatever you are from
yes the one and only roa
the legend himself, the Serpent of Akasha, Uroboros, the founder of the burial agency, the infinite reincarnatior, and professional Arcueid simp.
we have gathered here today to judge his design and uh fashion ig and whatever else i feel like ranting today about.
lets get right to it.
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look at this dude all shirtless and shit like cmon so shameless... cover em up damn. seriously tho this man has a thing for showing off his (or should i say others) bodies like you will see soon.
i guess this comes down to him enjoying the freedom of being fully in control of whatever body he is currently occupying actually?
maybe this is some super deep look into the merits of semi nudism or whatever idk im not smart.
probably takeuchi just wanted an excuse to draw some seriously ripped abs actually i mean this might seriously be the most abby abs we ever see in any TM work. its fucking shredded and roa probably knew that. weirdo
on the flipside that majestic hair is simply incredible. DAMN thats some 10/10 hair. only other hair in this series that compares is my wife arcueid's long hair before her mean little (Older actually but idc) Altrouge got all mean and shit.
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umm who is this? what happened to my incredible haired roa?? TAKEUCHI WHERE ARE YOU??? someone please give me back long haired roa... this isnt funny...
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do you see what we lost? long gorgeous haired roa should've stayed and im genuinely upset we lost him to this admittingly much better dressed roa. im ashamed of you serpent of fraudkasha
fr tho where tf did he even get this rockstar ass drip anyways? we know SHIKI has been locked up in the outside house for awhile before released thanks to a certain maid... did he just drop by the local hot topic or whatever? did he manifest it through sheer willpower and arcueid simpery?
understandable tbh i too acheive things through arcueid simpery such as dirty stares and social exclusion!!
for reference, here is SHIKI
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i guess he just uhh changes him which in hindsight is really fucking sad to think about so lets not
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ok so ignoring ciel on the right elesia or should i say roa decides the very first thing hes gonna do in poor elesias body is to strip it naked
yea roa is definitely a weird one. no wonder the other ancestors hate him (besides nero because he is #HIM)
sick cape tho
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why is he so hot here actually? what the hell? i underestimated his looks like damn
no really why is he so hot anyways he should look like an absolute freak like he actually is. i see you roa. i see you got that long braid wrapped around your neck like damn son... you may have fallen in love with a literal killing machine and never even got to speak to her till the very very end but i see you.
rizzless bastard.
well thats enough from me so ill drop this classic mahoyo line because i found it very funny without context.
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scham-wcan · 1 year
Just going to make an individual post for this so it doesn’t get too too long. Thank you for the tag @powertaco I’ll try and find some things!
List 5 things that make you happy, then tag a couple folks who follow you or you’re mutuals with! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3
1. I think the Cinder Simp Discord has to be on this list somewhere at least, so why not let it be first. The community there I am proud to be one of the first and somehow the leading people there. It’s full of creative and amazing fans and artists who really just are a step above. A lot of them too are just so friendly and welcoming, to the point of allowing me to actually calling a great number of them directly friends. If any of y’all there see this, hi! Always great knowing y’all!
2. Weight lifting I think is another thing I am required to say I love. The entire idea of trying to be physically better and dealing with a whole bunch of just constant internal negativity, having something constant to rely on as a way to deal with those emotions—and actually be able to assign values to progress—it is just another huge part of why I get up in the morning.
3. I really enjoy writing, well as much as anyone who writes does. It’s weird cause you flip flop between loving and hating creating, like loathing the things you made but needing to love them for where they allowed you to get to. Impostor syndrome is wild. I actually picked up a couple self help books on the topic of writing recently that pulled me back into loving my own writing, which was a pretty forceful endeavour mind you haha.
4. History, classics, research textbooks, and all of that stuff just gets me enthralled. I don’t know why but history and the study of it has always been a big part of my life as a thing for entertainment. It’s just so intriguing to watch something that happened in like the 1300s spiral and domino until eventually it becomes this huge event in the 18th century, and that further develops until its something we can palpably see and comprehend the ramifications of today; and yes, I know how nerdy that all sounds but I love that shit.
5. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my dogs. Robert and Abigail, or Bob and Abby. They’re little Boston Terriers and they’re little bullies and morons but I love them to death
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Now for tagging, with all of these things obviously you don’t have to do it, but if you do feel free to give us 5 things to like/love!
@azzmodeus @daemonofrazgriz @lesbianneopolitan @actualbampot @dawnmaidenofdragons @messis-luna
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narislvr · 6 months
Hello! How are you doing? Thank you for blessing us with your lovely writing! I hope it's alright if I request more Abby too, despite only knowing CoD! Can you write more simp!Abby please? Maybe something where reader wants to go on a run with her to show her interest in her and how much she loves her, but reader's got absolutely no stamina and needs to take a break fairly early on! Would that be okay? :>
₊˚ෆ Hey! Life's been a little overwhelming if I'm being honest but things are getting a bit better. Your words always mean so much to me and you're genuinely ĵust really sweet so thank you so much for the support you've been giving me on everything ♡ I hope you've been doing alright as well, and I'm sorry it took forever to write this but, here you go 🎀
I only just realized that this isn't exactly the prompt you asked for but I hope you enjoy it regardless- !
Anywho, I hope you have a lovely day/night and thank you so much for the request 🫶🏼 (also, apologies for the like spam but I hadn't realized I hadn't caught up until now)
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punkrockmads · 2 years
I'm reviving the Abby Simp Society on Discord
If you recall, back when Tumblr had group chats, I made the Abby Simp Society
I'm remaking it!! Here's the link:
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nicollekidman · 1 year
st patty's tipsy so that's my excuse but abby i am here and knocking on your door and spilling into your house to share a drink and green-tinged edible brownies with you and to talk about dogs and being kept. to say that for all the crimes of s&b (book and show) there is something about kazinej and malina. something like. they ard very different obviously. obviously. but. kaz is kind of murdery in a nasty way, like he enjoys getting silly with it (it= scaring the shit out of people. also murder). inej battling the allegations that she is a murderous wraith by being pious, by being selective about her murders and condemning kaz when he asks her to kill certain people but doing it for him anyway - the struggle to be Good matters soo much to her. men who calls themselves monsters with a kind of bitter pride and young women who are trying really really hard to be Good but are negotiating with what it means to sometimes have power over others andd who actually would/do kill violently under circumstances and sometimes even feel good about it!! and like kaz is not a good person but he Is. the darkling is not a good person but if kaz had lived a few hundred years before meeting inej he would easily be on that level of nasty. jessie serving horny alina when she uses her powers for the first time..... girls and knives and captivity and men who are insane simps for them. self-hating-but-not-really monsters obsessed with myth-making their own faults. myth-making their wraiths their sun summoners. nasty monsters who are Not Normal about women who try to be Good........
and then. And then!! they reach across the funhouse-mirror parallelism because of the knife. That Knife. you Give a Girl a Knife.....i am just saying thatt these are four people who love blood and gravity and drama and being psychosexually obsessed with their own and each other's saintliness vs monstrosity. also i think kaz and the darkling would like very badly to be kept as small dogs by these women. they are so Stupid. kings of phantom thread romance because they would love alina and inej to poison them and tell them to slow down a little. unrelated but if they were all fucking each other, the four of them i mean, there would either be so much collateral trauma and casualty that their relationship could feasibly be called a war crime, or it would calm all of them the fuck down and bring about world peace ✌️ here finish the wine, i gotta go home but text me later xoxo
you scared the SHIT out of me by accidentally typing malina but then followed it up with such a sexy message thank god. i will comment on this later but rest assured we are on the same wavelength! you get it!!
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wasteland-lover · 2 years
Naylo, loml, could you pretty please briefly summarize the first three seasons of Stranger things so I can just jump into the fourth?? Please and thank you
Here are some things I know already:
Steve is a man whore apparently but also basically the babysitter? Nancy has a gun? That dude with the bowl cut is gay for Mike but Mike likes Eleven? Aren't Lucas and Max together?
I'm really scratching my head here.. although I guess I could just google it...
I don't wanna binge watch the first 3 seasons cause I know Eddie's not in them. I am totally not a simp, and I enjoy things normally btw
Abby, moon to my stars, imma try my best to summarize everything (im sorry it’s hella long😭)
here is also a video that you can watch that will summarize everything much easier :)
season one:
- so this group of kids (mike, lucas, dustin, and will) love to play dungeons and dragons. one night after coming home from mike’s house, will missing without a trace
-like the next night, mike, lucas, and dustin find this mysterious bald-headed girl named eleven who escaped from dr.brenner, a man she called papa and the head scientist of the lab she escaped from. the boys feel like eleven’s appearance is somehow connected to will’s disappearance
-will’s mom and older brother, joyce and jonathan, are both very distraught by will’s death but joyce kinda goes crazy over it
- meanwhile sometime time later mike’s older sister nancy and her friend barbra go to a small party hosted by nancy’s boyfriend steve (who’s popular at their school and is basically a bully at this point). at that same party, while steve and nancy are off having sex (😒), barbra also goes missing w/out a trace
-it’s also important to mention that jonathan was in the woods taking pictures and happened to stumble upon steve’s house where he took pictures of steve and nancy from the window (hella weird). ones of his pictures depicts a strange figure near barbra right before she disappeared
- felling guilty over her friend’s disappearance, nancy goes to jonathan in hopes of trying to figure out the disappearances (this is where she get all badass and starts messing w/ guns and shit). together they figure out how that that strange figure in one of his photos has something to do with it
-it’s also important to mention that the kids figure out that eleven had telekinetic powers (i forgot how but this is important)
-back w/ joyce, she’s going frantic over her son and is convinced that he’s somehow still alive (even thought his dead body was “found”) and is trying to talk to her through the lights
-through will’s perspective, we see that he’s stuck in an alternate dimension called the upside down where everything’s the same but it’s basically a dark and hazy ghost town with demonic creatures all over the place. unlike barbra, he managed to survive and hide out in the alternate version of his home where is was able to send his mom a signal through the lights
-due to joyce’s persistence, the the leader of the disappearance cases and cheif of police, hopper, goes to the morgue and cuts open will’s dead body to find out that the “body” isn’t real and is just a dummy full of stuffing. this leads to him actually believe her and them teaming up to find out what the hell is going on
-it’s kinda not really improvement to mention that steve and nancy find out about the weird ass pictures jonathan took of them and Steve fought him about it. nancy was defending jonathan tho (bc they became friends over the course of that mystery solving) and steve is like🤨.
-back w/ the kids, i don’t really remember wtf is going on with them but just know the lab she escapes from is out to get her
-something something later jonathan and nancy are in joyce’s house fighting a demogorgan, one of the weird demonic things from the upsized down that came through a gate (like a portal that connects the two words). steve shown up all of a sudden to apologize to nancy and teams up w/ them to beat the shit out of the demogorgon. this leads to him kinda joining their little team
-yeah im ngl the earlier seasons are really fuzzy to me bc i watched them back in like 2017. just know that eleven is presumed to be dead and they end up getting will back. also joyce and hopper found out that this government research center called hawkins lab had something to do with the will’s disappearance and the creation of the upside down (i forgot how💀)
season two:
-i don’t really remember much from this season but just know that this season takes place like a year later. something called the mind flayer possessed will from his upside down days and started controlling him more and more
-it is revealed to the audience that eleven is actually alive and hopper basically unofficially adopted her. they have been secretly in a cabin in the woods bc the lab is still looking for her😪
-meanwhile this girl names max and her racist ass older step-brother billy are new to hawkins. billy basically has beef w/ steve bc he wants to take his place as the “king of hawkins high” and max becomes friends w/ lucas, dustin, and mike
-it’s important to mention that will is basically bedridden cuz he’s sick (even tho it’s really just the miss flayer eating away at home from the inside)
-joyce goes to one of the doctors of hawkins lab (i forgor his name but he’s important in season 4) and is like “what’s wrong with my boy🤨???” and he basically says it’s relay to the upside down
-back w/ hopper and eleven, they get into a fight and she runs away from home. she ends up in some city where she finds her sister who also grew up with her him the lab and has powers. on her little soul searching journey, eleven finds out that her real name is jane and she had a mom but the lab gave her shock therapy making (bc she tried to find her daughter) this making her go crazy
-back in hawkins, nancy and steve breakup. in an effort to get her back he shows up to her house to apologize where he meets dustin (this is where he get a character arc and people start calling him the babysitter) and gets dragged along to help him and his find his pet baby demogorgon (bc he had that for some reason???) before it terrorizes the town
-anyways i think it’s joyce and hopper who find out that the reason the mind flayer had such a hold on will is bc there’s a gate to the upside down that’s still open (and the only one who can close it is eleven)
-anyways eleven comes back from her lil trip and steve is left watching the kids (mike, dustin, lucas, and max) while joyce is off with will and hopper takes eleven to close the gate w/ her powers
-while steve is with the kids, billy shows up outta nowhere looking for his step-sister. he storms in the house and starts besting the shit outta steve (cuz remember they got beef) and once he’s done w/ steve he immediately starts attacking lucas for handing around max (he told her not to hand out with “his kind” some time earlier)
-anyway max ends up being the one to put billy down and the gang and up stealing his car to go set fire to this thing thats attracting the demogorgans (idk i forgot about allat)
-and then eleven closes the gate and will gets unpossessed and everything is good🙂
season three:
-okay so everything isn’t really all that good
-so there’s a really big mall that opens up in town and steve, having graduated high school, gets a summer job where we meet his coworker robin
-i forgot to mention that mike and eleven and lucas and max got together back in season two
- dustin finds some message in russian and he, steve and robin are able to decode it. this leads them to find out that the mall is actually a cover up for a russian operation going on underneath it. also note that lucas’s younger sister erica tags along w/ them and becomes a main character
-in this season, nancy and jonathan are relevant again and are dating. they have an summer job as interns for a newsletter and after some investigating, they find out that the mind flayer is still possessing people
- joyce and hopper also somehow figure out that russians are involved w/ the upside down stuff and basically abduct a russian scientist they found in a secret lab. they go to the town theory conspirator murray who is able to translate what the russian guy is saying
-billy is off somewhere and ens up being the first person fully possessed by the mind flayer. through him, the flayer is able to possess more and more people
-the kids figure out something’s up and end up teaming w/ nancy and jonathan to figure out what’s going on
- back with steve and dustin anc all of them, steve and robin end up getting kidnapped and the russian guys are like “who do you work for😡” and steve’s like “an ice cream shop😩” and then they just beat the shit outta him and drug them up so they can be tortured for information. dustin and erica save them before that happens tho and they all escape back to the mall
-the scientist guy w/ joyce and hopper and Murray lowkey ends up siding w/ them and confesses how to get to the russian lab where they’re experimenting with another open gate to the upside down
-the scientist guy ends up getting killed off and hopper, joyce, and murray go off undercover to the lab to close the gate
-back with nancy and them, all the possessed people (except billy) basically morph into the gross blob that personifies the mind flayer chases them down
-(not important but good to know) while robin and steve are all drugged up and he ends up confessing to her that he has a crush in her she she’s like “mm no🤭🏳️‍🌈” and basically admits that she’s lesbian. i also forgot to mention that will and mike got into a fight way earlier in the season bc all will wanted to do was hang out w/ his original friends and play d&d but mike wanted to hang out with his girlfriend eleven. all of a sudden mike was like “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls🤬” which basically tells us that will is gay
-ANYWAYS everyone finds themselves at the mall so they can close the gate. the big gross mind flayer thing is still hunting then down but billy sacrifices himself to save them. his lil sacrifice doesn’t really do shit and eleven ends up being the one killing it(💀). it’s makes her loose her powers
-back with joyce and her little group, her and hopper are left having to close the gate but hopper has to go down and fight some russian guy trying to killing them. joyce is left having to close the gate by herself while hopper is hella close to it. this leaves the audience to assume that he’s dead (in season 4 it’s revealed that he’s not dead and was actually just captured by russians)
-at the end of the season it shows all the kids helping joyce, will, and jonathan move out of their house bc they’re tired of dealing with everything. eleven is also going to live with them bc her surrogate dad (hopper) is “dead”
that pretty much all i can remember. it turned out hella long so i don’t expect you to read all of this🚶🏿‍♂️
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boomerang109 · 3 years
boomerangsandadora >>> boomerang109
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azk0re · 6 months
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…and they were roommates! (pt. 2)
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pairing: roommate!abby x black!femme!reader
synopsis: your sophomore year of college is starting in a few weeks, and you’re in dire need of a roommate. abby just so happens to be in a similar situation…
warnings: mdni, abby is bi (no bi erasure on this page), reader is black, reader is femme, reader is a simp tbh, strong language used, (y/n) is used (i had to guys i’m sorry T-T), reader is pretty sensitive (sorry not sorry), reader dissociates, reader is an overthinker
an: this has been sitting in my drafts for a lil while but i have not had the time or energy to post it because finals were kicking my ass. i’m struggling a ton with writer’s block so bear with me. this isn’t really a full cohesive chapter, it‘s kind of a filler chapter. again, this series is very self-indulgent on my behalf so reader is quite sensitive in terms of emotions and quite the overthinker. nonetheless, i hope y’all enjoy the (sort of domestic) fluff in it! - with love, ellie ♡
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The first few days of living with Abby were kind of rocky. Not because the two of you were having a hard time living together, but because you were kind of avoiding her.
In your eyes, your attraction to her was still a problem and you were trying your hardest to get over it as quickly as possible by lounging around Heaven and Ellie’s place most of the day to avoid seeing her, much to Ellie’s displeasure.
You thought that simply spending as much time away from Abby would make your attraction to her lessen, but you were sorely mistaken because spending less time around her didn’t make her less attractive. Soon enough, you gave up trying to avoid her and started spending more time around the apartment instead of at Heaven and Ellie’s place. In doing so, you picked up on Abby’s daily schedule.
Abby hadn’t lied about being an early riser. From what you could tell, she got up every day before or with the sun, went to the gym, came home to shower and make breakfast for the both of you, and then, by the time you’d woken up, she was out the door again after leaving a sticky note on the fridge to let you know that your food was in the toaster oven near the stove to keep warm, and that she’d back in a few hours on her lunch break from work. The next time she’d come back was around lunchtime, and she’d come home, grab a snack, and check in with you before leaving again and coming home later in the evening.
You thought the breakfast thing was just a one time deal at first, until it happened again…and again…and again. After a while, you started to feel bad about the fact that you weren’t really doing much for Abby when she made you delicious breakfast every morning. You wanted to repay her for it but you didn’t really know how.
Your first idea was to reach out to Ellie and Heaven to see what the thought, and after being called an idiot by Ellie she gave you the brilliant idea of just simply making lunch for her every day since you were home during lunch time.
It became a bit of a tradition in the apartment for Abby to get home on her lunch break to food either already prepared or nearly ready, and the two of you would enjoy whatever you prepared for lunch together, discussing any and everything before she had to head out again for the second half of her shift.
This routine didn’t change much when classes finally did start, outside of the fact that now you spent a lot less time in the apartment. Abby’s schedule seemed to stay remotely the same, the only thing that changed was her spending more time home in the afternoon and evening than she had been before because her shifts were altered at work due to classes beginning.
Your routine changed pretty dramatically, though. You got a job right before classes started and had to spend less time around the house. When classes did start up, you spent even less time around the house in the afternoons and evenings.
You still tried to make Abby lunch everyday though, simply preparing it before you left for your 10 am class, and leaving it in the fridge for her to find when she inevitably made her way home in the early afternoon. For the most part that still worked. The only thing that was different about it was the fact that the two of you weren’t usually able to have your daily lunchtime talks.
Instead, those talks were pushed back to the evenings when you were both home. Before classes started, you and Abby spent most of your evenings alone in your own areas of the apartment, but when classes started you’d began making dinner together to make up for not being able to have lunch together anymore.
It’s where you found yourself now, sitting on a stool at the island in your and Abby’s shared kitchen while she tended to a stir fry in a pan on the stove, laughing while telling a story about something a close friend of hers, Manny, had said to her at work earlier in the day. She was in nothing but a white wifebeater and some joggers that fit her ass far too well. The view was spectacular from where you were seated. You could see the muscles in her back and arms tense and flex as she worked away at the meal on the stove.
“I’m really starting to think he believes that his dick is God’s gift to women,” Abby sighs, shaking her head as she pulls the pan off the heated eye of the stove, turning the stove off by the knob. You can’t see her face but you know there’s a smile sprawled across her features, just as there usually was when she spoke about her friends.
You giggle, “Of course he does, he’s a man. They all seem to think that.”
“Tell me about it,” she huffs, turning around to grab the plates beside the stove and plate the food, “sometimes I question why I even like them.”
“It’s a wonder to us all,” you drawl, false disappointment dripping from you tone which causes Abby to laugh as she picks up on it.
When she’s done plating the food, she sets a plate in front of you and one across from you before going to grab two forks from the nearby silverware drawer.
“So,” Abby starts, situating herself on the stool across from, “how did your day go?”
You sigh, looking down at your plate instead of at Abby. You honestly didn’t want to talk about the day you. You just wanted to forget about it.
Abby picks up on the abrupt shift in your mood immediately, “It was rough, huh?”
You nod you head, “Yeah, I ran into an ex fling and was late for my class this morning.”
“The class with that one asshole professor?” Abby inquires.
“Yeah, he made a show of embarrassing me for being late.” You tell her as you push around a piece of broccoli on your plate.
Abby hums, “That’s shitty,” she says, sounding genuinely sympathetic, “what happened with the ex fling?”
“She was just really passive aggressive. She was making conversation but I could tell she was upset about how things ended between us.”
“Ended? So, it wasn’t just like a one and done thing with her?” Abby asks, after taking swallowing a bit of her food.
You shake your head, “No, we were kinda working somewhat toward a relationship, I guess. It started out as a one night stand after a party but we kept seeing each other. But, after going to another party together…something happened and I ended whatever we had together.”
Abby hums again but doesn’t say anything more for a moment as you finally take your first few bites of the delicious stir fry she’d made.
After a moment or two, she speaks again but her voice is considerably lower and you can hear the cautiousness in her tone as she asks, “Do you mind if I ask what happened?”
The question makes you pause for a moment as you think back to the events of that night, trying to decide whether or not to tell Abby.
A few minutes pass before you finally decide, “I don’t mind telling you…just not now.”
Abby nods in understanding, “Okay, that’s perfectly fine. You don’t have to tell me at all if you don’t want to.”
You smile at Abby, grateful for her not pushing you to tell her and she returns that smile, “What do you want to watch after dinner?” She asks, effectively changing the conversation quickly as to not allow an awkward atmosphere to settle around the two of you.
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You were on your way home from class one afternoon, trying to decide what to make Abby for dinner when you almost walk past a small box on the side of the the road. You stop dead in you tracks when you hear a very faint noise come from the box. You wait for a second, trying to see if you were simply hearing things when you hear it again.
The noise is muffled but it sounded like a weak meow. Your heart squeezed in your chest as you draw nearer to the box, cautiously flipping open the top flap to be met with the sight of tiny, adorable little kitten. It’s fur was splotched with orange, brown, black, and white, and it looked so cute.
You couldn’t help but coo at the small little thing as it peered up at you meowing almost silently. Who would ever just leave such a precious little kitten on the side of the road? You couldn’t possibly just leave the poor thing there, so, just like any sane person would do, you picked up the kitten and continued on your merry way to the nearest vet.
An hour later, you finally made it home with almost all of the necessities needed for the small little kitten that was currently tucked away in a little carrier courtesy of the vet you’d visited. It wasn’t until after you’d gotten everything set up in the house for the kitten that you realized you hadn’t ran keeping her by Abby yet.
A bit of panic started to set in as you realized your vital mistake. You might live here but this is Abby’s apartment, and you had no idea if Abby liked cats, if she were allergic to cats, or if she even wanted an animal in her home at all. You were overstepping a boundary and you knew that that was something Abby took quite seriously. If she really wanted to, Abby could put you out for this and you’d have no where to go.
You were so caught up in your overthinking that you didn’t hear the door of the apartment open, nor did you hear Abby shuffling at the front door to take off her shoes and jacket, or the sounds of her footsteps as they neared the living room where you were sat on the floor, with the little kitten held in your lap playing with your fingers as you stared blankly off into space.
You didn’t notice her presence until she cleared her throat, scaring the shit out of both you and the little kitten in your lap. When you turned to her, the first thing you notice was her outfit which was just a simple Henley long sleeve shirt and jeans. Her large arms were crossed over her chest, muscles straining against the fabric of her shirt, her eyebrow was raised in question, and there was a stern, unrelenting set to her jaw that let you know immediately that she was less than pleased with the image in front of her.
“(Y/N),” she starts, her voice sounding a tad more deeper than usual, “what’s that?”
She points at the small ball of fur now cowering away in your lap at the presence of someone new. You look down at her and back up at Abby slowly, feeling guilt crawl up the back of your neck.
“A kitty,” your voice is almost a whisper as you speak and she sighs deeply at the answer, immediately prompting you to continue speaking, “I’m sorry, Abby! I know I should have asked but I found her on the side of the road in a box and she sounded and looked so sad. I took her to the vet and they said she’s in pretty perfect condition. I know I should have asked before bringing her home especially since I don’t know if you’re allergic or anything but she’s just too cute and I didn’t want to just leave her there especially when our apartment building is pet friendly. I promise if you let me keep her I’ll do everything for her. You won’t have to buy anything for her or lift a hand for her, I’ll do it all! I promise! I’m so sorry, Abby-“
You’re just about in tears when Abby finally cuts off your pathetic ramble by simply holding up her hand. Her stern look contorts into one of sympathy as she looks at the state of you. To her, you looked so pretty and pathetic sitting there clutching the little kitten close to your chest with tears brimming your lash line and a pout on your lips. It was quite the sight and, in a different situation, Abby probably would’ve been a little more mean just to see your lip tremble and those tears pool enough on your lash line that they spill over and leave pretty trails down your cheeks. But, this wasn’t that type of situation and Abby knew that, so she quickly pulled her head out of her boxers and brought her attention back to the situation at hand.
“Calm down, sweetheart,” she soothes, voice as silky and sweet as honey, “I’m not mad and I’m not allergic to cats, either. I just would’ve liked to have been told beforehand.”
Abby comes closer to you, squatting to be on your level. A loan tear escapes your eye as relief washes over you and Abby wipes it away with her thumb, still looking at you with that same soft expression. She turns her attention to the little fur ball as a soft meow comes from the, otherwise silent, kitten who was looking up at her with big doe eyes that matched that of your own. She tentatively reaches out as not to alarm the kitten or you and scratches the little thing on her head with a single finger. Purrs erupt almost immediately from the little kitten causing an even wider smile to spread across Abby’s features.
You watch the exchange with a soft smile of you own, feeling your heartbeat pick up speed as you realize just how close you and Abby were at the moment. You’d been close before, having sat side by side to watch a movie or your favorite show together but never really this close.
She glances up at you, smirking a tad bit when she notices you already staring down at her, “She’s real cute, ain’t she?” Abby whispers softly.
You nod, “Can we keep her, Abby?” You whisper back, not breaking eye contact with Abby, “Please Abby? Please?”
Something flashes quickly over Abby’s eyes but it’s gone before you can figure out what it is and she averts her eyes from your own. She instead turns her attention back to the kitten, clearing her throat.
“Yeah, we can keep her,” she finally says.
You let out a squeal scaring the kitten you were holding which scrambled out of you arms, down onto you lap, and scuttled behind Abby’s leg.
Abby laughs at the display in front of her, scooping the kitten up as she stands, “Have you thought of a name for her yet?”
Once you’ve gotten yourself together you answer, “I was thinking Mochi. I know it’s kind of an odd name but, for some reason, it just feels right for her.”
“Hm,” Abby hums to herself, looking down at the kitten that’s not rubbing herself all over Abby purring loudly, “It’s not odd, it’s just unique. I think you’re right, it does fit her.”
Abby raises the kitten off of her chest and looks it in the eyes, “Welcome to the family, Mochi.”
You try not to let the fact that she’s just called the relationship between you, her, and your newly adopted cat a family, and instead rejoice again in the fact that now you have a cute little kitten to call your own.
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A few hours later, you were laid up in your room without Mochi who opted to follow Abby around as she finished up her night routine. Clearly she’d chosen a favorite person and it was not you. Abby promised to bring her to you after she was done since the little thing refused to leave her side. You would be jealous but you can’t blame Mochi. You’d follow Abby around everywhere too if you were a cat. Mochi just had the same taste as her mama. Good taste, too.
You were just about to turn in for the night after plugging your phone onto its charger when it pinged and the bright light of the screen lit up the dimly lit room around you. You unlock your phone and open your messages app to see some texts from Heaven.
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You quickly prop yourself up on the headboard waiting for the FaceTime call that came in seconds later. You answer it and, almost immediately, your phone is being taken up by the faces of your two best friends, Heaven and Ellie. They seemed to be laying on their bed, Heaven slightly on top of Ellie, with the phone angled just so to where both of their faces were visible.
“Alright girl, spill your guts.” Heaven says almost immediately and spill your guts you do.
You tell her all about the events leading up the the family comment from Abby, trying not to be loud or speak too much about how you felt about it as Abby could be coming to your door to drop off Mochi any minute now.
“She can’t be that hot,” Ellie comments absentmindedly after you’ve finished, staring at something off behind the screen that was more than likely a soccer game playing on their TV.
“Oh no, baby, she’s fucking hot.” Heaven tells her, looking over at Ellie who glances down at her, “Like really hot.”
You’re about to say something else when a soft knock on your door that’s soon followed by the soft little meow interrupts you.
“Come in,” you say, smiling already and Abby hasn’t opened the door yet. You hear Ellie groan through the phone and you know for a fact that it’s 100% because of the smitten look that’s no doubt on your face.
Abby slowly opens your door and peaks in with a goofy smile. Her hair is down, which is not a sight that you’ve seen often, and she was in Batman themed pajama pants and a simple black wife beater, “Hey,” she says, her voice soft, “I came to drop off the little monster.”
“You can’t call a baby a monster, Abby,” you reprimand, “that’s mean.”
Abby snorts and you hear cackle from your phone that sounds eerily similar to Ellie’s laugh, “Oh yes I can, especially when the baby in question keeps trying to crawl up my legs every time I set her down.”
Abby walks over to the side of your bed, placing Mochi right beside as she meows loudly in protest, “It’s not her fault you’re built like a tree. Poor thing’s probably just confused.”
Abby rolls her eyes, picking Mochi up yet again as she tries to climb back into Abby’s embrace by climbing up her top. She hisses in response to the scratch of the kitten’s nails against her skin underneath her shirt, and the sound definitely doesn’t do things to. It does not.
After getting her detached from her again, Abby hands Mochi over to you, “Here, go to your mama, Mochi.”
You feel your stomach do a flip at the mention of the use of the term ‘mama’ coming from Abby as you sit your phone down beside you and take Mochi into your arms. She struggled for a little bit before relaxing against you and beginning to purr.
“Hi, Abby!” Heaven hollers from the phone beside you, startling you a bit.
“Hi, Heaven..?” There’s some uncertainty present in Abby’s tone as she looks at you for confirmation, and you nod your head letting her know that she was correct in her assumption.
You glance down at the phone to see that the only face that was taking up the screen now was Heaven’s. Ellie seeming to have gone off somewhere on her own.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were on the phone.” Abby speaks softly, pulling your attention away from your phone.
You smile up at her reassuringly, still petting the small kitten now laying in your lap, “You’re fine, it’s just Heaven and Ellie, no one special.”
The both of you hear Heaven gasp offendedly from the phone, “Excuse me? ‘No one special’? Do you hear this, Ellie?”
Although Ellie’s face is not present on the screen, you and Abby hear her voice shout from somewhere else in the room, “Yup! I’ll remember that next time you wanna come hide out at our apartment.”
Abby chuckles, “Hide out from what exactly?”
“Nothing!” You rush out quickly getting another chuckle out of Abby.
“Alright then,” she laughs, “well, I’m gonna head to bed, don’t wanna keep you from talking to Heaven and Ellie,” Abby speaks softly, nodding toward the phone still laid on your bed beside you.
“Okay,” you say, nodding you head, “goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, Abby!” Heaven shouts from the phone again.
“Goodnight, Heaven.” Abby replies, chuckling a little.
She smiles at you, leaning forward to give Mochi one more scratch on the head as she falls asleep in your lap, “‘Night, Mochi.” Abby coos softly.
She then looks up at you with a smile on her face and a glint in her eye, “Goodnight, sweetheart.” Before you can even fully process her words, she’s stood up straight, turned on her heels, and left your room nonchalantly as if she didn’t just leave you in shambles.
The moment Heaven and Ellie heard the door to your room close shut, they erupted in giggles, “Did she just call you sweetheart?” Heaven squeals while Ellie, who’s face has finally popped back into the screen, laughs at the awestruck look on your face through the phone screen.
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wonderofasunrise · 2 years
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Hello, I'm M! I'm an Indonesian bisexual woman in my late 20s and I'm the Chief of Emergency Medicine in the ER Fic and Fandom Discord server. It's a fun and inclusive space run by six queer women who met through the ER fandom - for all things ER and for everyone in the community.
What drew you to being a part of the server? Zoë came up with the idea of a Discord server for ER fanfic writers last year, and I was immediately sold on the concept of a space where fic writers could discuss writing stuff including different AUs and headcanons. Over time the server has evolved into a space for all things ER where people can share other types of content (fanart, gifs, memes etc) and talk about various aspects of the show and the fandom in general. I enjoy having good discussions with other ER fans, and while our favourite characters/ships/headcanons may differ we always discuss things in a civil (and often humorous) manner without attacking those with different opinions. In addition, as someone whose background is grossly under-represented in (Western) media I love being able to offer different perspectives on things related to the show like medicine, education, and healthcare to people who may not be constantly exposed to them outside the server.
Who is your favourite ER character? Kerry Weaver - no doubt. LGBTQ representation in Western media has grown so much since her groundbreaking storyline on the show, yet she remains the only queer TV character I can fully relate to. She's a queen, what can I say?
In addition, I always have a soft spot for Susan Lewis, whom I ship with Kerry greatly, as her level-headedness quite often offers balance to some of the show's storylines. Then there's Abby Lockhart, whose character development impresses me so much, and Carol Hathaway who was the reason I started watching the show in the first place (can you tell I'm a simp for Julianna Margulies?).
Which lesser-used channel on the server do you particularly appreciate? Being a non-native English speaking fic writer for an American show can be...well, challenging, so "translation-localisation" is great to ensure accuracy when it comes to vocabulary and other related stuff, especially as I'm not accustomed to using American spelling, terms, and slang words in my writing lol
Favourite scene, episode, season? Gosh, this is hard... One scene that I can always replay is, unsurprisingly, Kerry's coming out speech (which I have memorised lol). Another one is Robert Romano signing, "Take care of your dad." to Peter Benton's deaf son Reese which is just heartwarming in so many ways. I also have a soft spot for one particular underrated scene—from "Just as I Am", when Kerry is telling Susan about meeting her biological mother. Susan is genuinely happy to hear it, and her reaction shows how far they've come along as colleagues and wives. As for favourite episodes, "Love's Labor Lost" is a masterpiece though not one that I can watch over and over again, and I have a special place in my heart for "Secrets & Lies" for shits and giggles. Tbh I'm not sure what my favourite season is, but I usually say season 3 because it's the first season featuring both my ladies Sherry Stringfield and Laura Innes as main cast members 😂
Have you ever taken an IRL trip to the ER? Exactly three times. Once when I got dengue fever (#tropicalcountrythingz) at 14 and had to spend a couple of hours in the ER while waiting for an available bed, once when I was travelling to my mum's hometown and had an annoying allergic reaction to something I ate, and most recently about a couple of years ago I was on my way to a work event and very suddenly fell and sprained my ankle which landed me in the ER and caused me to use a crutch for a few weeks. Every now and then my affected leg bothers me (as I have a history of injuries in the same leg) and on worse days I use a crutch or a cane—hand me a lab coat and I'd do the perfect Asian!Kerry cosplay, basically.
If you’d like to join the server you can do so using the link below - everyone is welcome!
Join Link: https://discord.gg/9wnkspZvaJ
We at County do not tolerate discrimination against other members for any reason.
Please be mindful that this server is open to anyone who agrees to the rules. This means members may be from any background, ethnicity, faith, gender, nationality, sexuality, and time zone! Across the mods we don’t actually have a single person from the USA or Canada! (Minors are welcome, however, only in accordance with Discord and their host country’s rules. Please ensure you check the “Safe” section of rules - posting tomorrow.)
We have received complaints that some individuals speak over others’ experiences living outside of a white, western experience. Therefore, please be mindful of how you speak about your experiences, ensuring that you do not use any positions of privilege to speak over others.
We have “physicians-of-color”, “girls-club”, and "ada-compliance" channels which are safe spaces for, respectively, POC, women and women-aligned non-binary people, and those who identify as disabled (inclusive of all disabilities.).
We are open to creating new channels for other groups’ identities, please just ask.
When posting any content that may be harmful or triggering to others, please use Content Warnings (CWs). Where a CW is required, please create a Thread by hovering over a message and pressing the '#' with a speech bubble.
If a content warning is not being used, anyone can say the word 'sharps' to trigger a bot response that will remind people in the conversation to create a new thread with the CW as the thread title. (The person who has said 'sharps' is under no obligation to explain themselves, however, they may suggest a reason if they choose to do so.)
Inside threads, any sensitive language or content that is shared under a CW should be suffixed and with '##################################' at the end of each post so that this content does not appear on the main channel chat.
Any further questions should be addressed in a message to a mod, or alternatively tag @Admin. If you have an issue with something that’s being discussed, or with another member, DM one of us.
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abbystanaccount · 3 years
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Abby's been taking some pics... simps eyes only 😤
Abby's sending some suggestive selfies to her someone special 😉
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I like how these turned out but they're probs too hot for Twitter so y'all are the lucky simps who get to see them. idk I may reconsider tho because I know many on there would enjoy these too...
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abbysfrenchbraid · 4 years
Truth or Dare
Hi guys! This is a oneshot in which the (female) reader is stationed at an WLF outpost and joined by Abby for a work assignment. They become roommates and the reader starts to develop feelings for Abby but isn’t sure if they’re reciprocated until a night of truth or dare with friends reveals more than Abby intended.
It was inspired by this picture of angry/confused Abby with her hair down shared in the Abby Simp Society Discord server (message me or @theenglishmonster​ if you’re interested in joining!). Sadly I couldn’t find the editor anywhere, so let me know if you know who I should credit!
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4.4k words, a little angst + smut 
content warnings: alcohol consumption, smut, mention of sex in public, derogatory language (if you need me to tag anything else let me know)
feedback is very welcome, enjoy!
Truth or Dare  
You were laying in the bottom bunk of the bed you had shared with your fellow WLF Abby for the last month. She had been restationed to your outpost and there had only been a few empty bunks left. You had enjoyed having your own room before, even if it was tiny and fitted only two metal locker cabinets and the bed, as well as a small table and chair in front of the 5th story window. As your outpost didn’t allow men and women to share rooms unless they were married, Abby and her patrol partner Manny had to split up when they arrived. 
The tall blonde made quite the impression on you; she was always composed and stone-faced, standing straight and towering above most of the other soldiers. The first days you two hadn’t talked much, she had taken the empty top bunk and one of the lockers without complaining and told you that you wouldn’t have to take up with her for long. 
After two weeks, she had come in angry and breathing heavily, kicking the bedpost and sinking down next to you on the bottom bunk, putting her head in her hands. Isaac had sent a man named Owen to pull Manny off the job and stay at this post with Abby for the next three months. She had reluctantly begun to tell you about their dynamic, how Owen was her ex boyfriend and Manny had been the only good friend she had in this place. You had felt sorry for her and invited her to come along for some game nights with your friends. She had slowly warmed up to you and was extremely grateful for being able to spend time with you instead of Owen, who had found himself some friends with the hooch experts. 
This night was going to be different. One of your friends had managed to trade some home grown mushrooms for the outpost’s best hooch and suggested to play truth or dare. After some reluctancy on Abby’s side, everyone agreed and you sat down in a circle. After the first few sips it suddenly became very clear to you how close Abby was sitting next to you, her left knee touching your right ever so slightly. From that point on, you couldn’t concentrate on anything else but that tiny, sweet, hot spot where your bodies connected. 
You had kept your distance from the soldier, sensing that she was not the type of person who enjoyed physical contact with people she didn’t trust completely. Still, you had often thought about what it must be like to sink your head onto the stronger woman’s broad chest and be wrapped into her arms, feeling so small and secure in her embrace. You had pushed the idea away, seeing as Abby was more trustful and open with you now but still kept some doors closed, some parts of her hidden away beneath that perfectly smooth face that rarely showed what was going on behind it.
Nina, a younger girl who had just completed a dare to perform her favorite song for the group, smiled warmly at Abby. “Your turn!” Abby had started to relax and you really liked seeing this loosened up, smiling version of her enjoying herself with your friends. She picked truth. 
“How do you like your roommate?” Abby tried to stifle a grin but then she just laughed out loud and your heart felt like it was going to combust. She looked at you and placed her hand on your knee for a second, then seemed to realize what she was doing and quickly put her hands in her lap. “I gotta be honest with you, when I came here I just wanted to get this job over with and leave as fast as possible. That’s why I didn’t even attempt to make any friends or get to know Y/N. But when Manny left, it was extremely kind of Y/N to just take me in and introduce me to all of you, which she was by no means obligated to after I was so cold to her at first.” Abby turned her gaze towards you. “I’d actually count you among my close friends.” 
There was a gleam in her eye as she said it and a part of you just wanted to jump on her and kiss every inch of her face for being so open and unapologetic and cute in front of everyone. You restrained yourself and just beamed at her, internally looking forward to going to your room later and talking all night. Only talking of course. The images that shot through your mind, of Abby throwing you on the bed and crawling on top of you, of pulling that braid you had never seen her take out, of her fingers at your throat and in your mouth, you quickly fought them down and cleared your throat.
It was now Abby’s turn to ask, but surprisingly she didn’t choose you. She dared a guy who had made jokes about being stronger than her earlier to arm wrestle her so everyone quickly put together a table and two chairs for the contestants. It was a quick match. Abby let him struggle a little bit, then she gave you the faintest smile and slammed his hand on the table, making everyone jump to her with congratulations and more alcohol. When she sat down again next to you, she made sure to sit exactly like she had before, your knees touching lightly. A wave of affection and pride rushed over you. This was your friend, the woman who had just told everyone how much she liked you. You looked into her eyes to find that feeling in her too, that unconditional warmth and that want for more, a spark of the fire that could erupt at any moment if any of you dared to ignite it. It was like looking into a mirror - there was something fierce in her gaze, drawing you in and telling you to just wait until you two were alone.
When it came to the defeated wrestler’s turn next, he unexpectedly picked you. You were wondering what he was going to want from you when you saw that Aaron, the dark-haired, handsome man who had organized the drinking night, straightened up and winked at his buddy. After you warily picked dare, he shot immediately: “I dare you to kiss Aaron.” While some of the others whooped or giggled, Abby stiffened next to you and changed her position. The spot on your knee that had just been buzzing with electricity from her touch now felt strangely cold and numb.
You gave the triumphant Aaron a defeated half-smile and got up to go around the circle and kneel down next to him. The rules were the rules, you weren’t going to cop out on a kiss and embarrass yourself, as much as you just wanted to grab Abby’s hand and flee. As you looked at Aaron, you could see Abby out of the corner of your eye, looking away with a strange look on her face - was it anger? Sadness? Maybe she just thought the dare was childish. You went in for a quick kiss, but Aaron grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in, kissing you hard until you finally managed to break free. The first thing you saw was Abby’s face; she looked absolutely furious. 
Suddenly the door flew open and you jumped to your feet at the sound. “Well, what’s going on in here? Was that a full on makeout session?” 
Of all people, it had to be Owen taking the first step through the door, opening up his arms, bottle in one hand, and grinning in your face. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Don’t you have a little room left for three more players?” Two of his friends came in behind him, also lightly swaying from the alcohol they must have had beforehand. You felt yourself blush bright red and freeze, not able to say a word. 
Right in that moment, something brushed your arm and before you could register what was going on, Abby had stormed out of the room, almost knocking Owen over with a shove of her shoulder as she passed him. By the time you had gathered yourself she was long gone. 
“Well, someone clearly didn’t enjoy themselves. More room for us!” Owen tried to sound lighthearted but you could hear that he was a little shaken by the confrontation. Him and Abby had had to work together a few times during the last weeks and they had kept it professional; this came unexpected. 
You pulled yourself together. “I’m off too, I’ve had enough of that awful brew.” Before Owen had the time to be offended, you had slipped past him and closed the door behind you. After rounding the corner with a few quick steps, you leaned your back against the wall and took a deep breath. Too much had happened in the last few hours. Where was Abby? What was going on between the two of you? You decided to head back to your shared room, hoping she would be there.
When you opened the door, Abby was leaning against the desk with her arms folded, staring at you distractedly from underneath furrowed brows. As she registered you being there, she straightened up and dropped her gaze to the floor. 
You were at a loss for words. Part of you just wanted to go to her and kiss her, tell her it was okay and that she shouldn’t worry about Owen or Aaron or any other idiot trying to come between you. On the other hand, she seemed on edge, angry and disappointed, and you didn’t want to make the situation worse by overstepping any boundaries. Maybe you should have had given her some time alone before barging in like this; after all, this was the only safe space she had in the outpost. 
You made the decision to leave it up to her. “Do you want me here right now? Or do you need some time alone? I’m sorry that the night ended like this, I didn’t know he was going to come.”
Abby looked at you with such sadness in her eyes that your heart dropped. “I don’t care about Owen. Whatever, you don’t get it. I’m going to shower, I can’t go to bed smelling like alcohol and sweat. You can stay here, I don’t mind. It’s your room after all.” And with that, she grabbed her towel from the bunk bed and was out the door. 
You sank onto your bed with an exhausted sigh. “You don’t get it,” that had been a stab right at your heart. How could you possibly understand what was going on in Abby’s head when she never fucking talked to you about anything? How were you supposed to make a move or tell her how you felt when she looked at you with those thick stone walls almost visible behind her eyes, never letting anyone in? Of course it was the right thing to be cautious and not trust anyone too quickly, people regularly lied and cheated to get what they wanted here and the WLF was certainly not as tightly-knitted and honorable as Isaac would like it to be. But you had been nothing but kind and understanding to Abby, showing her every day that she could feel safe with you and trust you, introducing her to everyone and telling her your secrets and worries every night before bed. Today had been the first time she ever opened up about her feelings and the night had to be ruined by two stupid, insensitive, drunk men. 
Lost in thought, you didn’t notice the steps outside the door. Abby came in, wearing one of her token black cutoffs and grey sweatpants she had brought back from a recent protection run. She had given you a smaller pair, still wrapped in plastic and completely new, without any holes or dirt on it. You were so distracted by the pants that you didn’t notice until Abby had crossed the room and hung her towel over the chair at the desk - her hair was down! It was still drying from the shower, long dark blonde strands falling over her shoulders and down her back leaving wet spots on the cotton fabric of her shirt. The soldier usually braided it while it was still wet so as to keep it extremely neat and in its form, meaning you never got to see anything else. She kept her hands on the chair and looked out the window, down onto the small square in front of the building where the night patrol was just heading out the gate. 
“Your hair is down.” Wow, insightful commentary from your big brain. You wanted to smack yourself across the face; instead you got up and took a step towards her. She took a deep breath and turned around. 
“I snapped my hair tie in the shower. I’ll find something else to tie it with tomorrow. Let’s just go to sleep, okay?”
With pleading eyes she silently asked you to let it go, not talk about it and act like nothing happened tomorrow. But you knew it was going to be different if you didn’t talk about it now. She would become distant again and you wouldn’t get another chance at cracking her shell. 
“What was that about earlier? When Owen came in?”
She immediately leaned away from you and crossed her arms, her usual defense mechanism setting in. “I told you, I don’t want to do this now. You know he’s my ex and I just didn’t want to deal with him right now. The evening was going well until…”
“Until what? You work with him all the time, what’s the big deal all of a sudden? I get that you don’t wanna party with him but you could have told me and we could have left without attracting this much attention. Aaron just invited us to have a nice evening and I couldn’t even say goodbye to him properly!”
The mention of Aaron lit a fire in Abby’s eyes, her face forming into a mask of pure disgust and rage. She straightened up to her full height and glared down at you. “Aaron is a piece of shit! Using some stupid children’s game to get a girl to kiss him instead of having the balls to do it himself.” You opened your mouth for an answer but she cut you off. “What, did you actually enjoy kissing him? That grimy little macho? I guess I was wrong about a lot of things then.”
The Wolf wanted to rush past you like she had done to Owen earlier but you grabbed her by her upper arm and leaned into her with your full weight. She stopped dead in her tracks and her bicep flexed underneath your grasp as she jerked back her arm, staring at you with a mixture of hurt and confusion. 
“Listen to me! I’ve known Aaron for a long time and I know he’s had a crush on me for a long time. I always shut him down and tried to prevent hurting his feelings because I don’t feel the same for him, you hear that? I’m not into him, I just wanted to play the game and give him this one kiss because he’s not getting another one ever again and he knows it.”
Abby had shrunk down at your tirade and leaned against the frame of the bed, watching you questioningly. 
“Abby, I have adored you ever since you set foot in this room and I don’t care if this is going to ruin everything, I’ve had enough. Every time you’re in the same room I can’t concentrate because all I see is you! Tonight you opened up to me for the first time and I was the happiest I have been in a long time. Why won’t you understand that I won’t hurt you, I won’t betray you, Abby, I want you!”
You were practically spitting out the words now, your voice cracking as tears started to build in your eyes and threatened to come rushing down your cheeks. With an angry wipe of your wrist you banned them from your face and stared into Abby’s eyes. She seemed to be processing what you had just said, arms hanging down her sides and no longer on guard for you and the world. 
You sighed and let your shoulders drop. “That’s all you need to know. Now you can go to sleep.”
Suddenly there was movement. Abby rushed towards you, slamming you against the wall behind you and pressing her lips to yours. She tasted like mint and the faint aroma of liquor lingering between both of you after drinking all night, but now you could smell her for the first time. Sometimes when Abby had walked past you, she had left a tiny cloud of her musk, smelling like wood, faint sweat and something you couldn’t quite place. Now you could immediately tell it was pine, meaning the badass soldier actually spent a lot of trading goods just for the special WLF base pine soap and you weren’t complaining.
You ran your fingers through her damp hair and felt her shudder underneath your hands, drawing back her head ever so slightly to look at you. She laid a rough, calloused hand on your cheek with utmost care and gentleness, wiping away a single tear that had escaped with her thumb and then softly caressing your bottom lip. 
“Is that okay?” Her words were only a quiet breath against your skin, the warmth of her hands almost making you melt like wax underneath her touch. You answered by pulling her in for another kiss, quickly running the tip of your tongue over her closed lips and making her fall into you. You let out a tiny whine and she flinched, releasing you immediately. “Oh shit, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry, I can be thoughtless sometimes.” 
You stepped forward and grabbed her by the hem of her worn down shirt. “You didn’t hurt me, Abby. Come with me.”
Stepping around her, you crouched back into the bunk bed and threw her an inviting smile. She reacted immediately, crawling into the small space and on top of you, coming down on her elbows left and right of your shoulders and placing one knee between your legs. Your next kiss was more heated than the ones before, her tongue daring to push against yours and mix her mint flavour with the alcohol on yours. She finally dropped some of her weight on you, grinding her thigh against you and making you gasp into her mouth, your eyes flying open to reveal a malicious smile on the blonde’s lips. You hadn’t even noticed the bloodflow to the space between your hips and your heightened sensitivity almost made your vision go blank for a second.
Abby continued to press her thigh between your legs while attacking your throat with kisses you would definitely still see the remains of in the morning but you didn’t mind. You just wanted to be even closer to her, grabbing a fistful of her beautiful long hair and pulling her head back, making her groan and dig her nails into your shoulder. 
“You like that, baby? Take your shirt off for me.” Her eyes widened at your commanding tone, but she obliged immediately, pulling the cutoff over her head and tossing it into the corner, then returning to your neck with an even stronger passion. She grabbed your breast with one hand, squeezing it while biting into the skin on your throat, sucking hard and following the trail of marks she had left with the tip of her tongue. You could hardly stifle your whimpers anymore and decided to gain the upper hand again, pulling your foot up and bending your knee in order to squeeze your thigh against her crotch. She collapsed on top of you and moaned into your neck, mumbling curses as she got back onto her forearms and laid her forehead against yours, slowly grinding back against your thigh.
You held the back of her head with one hand and started to gently drag the fingers of the other one along Abby’s jaw, her throat and collarbones, drawing circles around her breast and slowly coming to a point at her nipple, teasing and lightly pinching it and making the heavy woman on top of you whimper into your ear while keeping the friction between both of your bodies. As your hand moved lower, exploring her toned stomach, you wound a few strands of her hair around your other hand and finally arrived at the hem of her sweatpants. You slowly pulled the string and brushed a finger along the line where skin and fabric met. The blonde instinctively lifted her hips up and allowed you to slide your hand inside, finding nothing underneath but soft curls and burning hot skin. You let your fingers wander deeper and they were instantly met with hot, slick wetness, making you moan in surprise and slide your fingers along Abby’s folds, instantly covering them in her juices. 
Abby let out a quiet sob next to your ear. “Please don’t tease me Y/N, I’m so close already.”
You pulled her head back and made her look at you, giving her a half-pitying, half-devilish look. “Poor Abby, are so needy you almost came into your pants just from riding my thigh? I don’t know if I should even let you cum, needy whores need to be put in their place. I should ride your face first and then maybe I’ll think about it.”
The soldier had given in completely; Abby was a whimpering mess on top of you, her wetness running down your wrist and her hips desperately bucking forward into your hand, trying to regain some form of friction. “Please Y/N, I’ll be good, I’ll do everything you want, please, please touch me!”
Satisfied, you pushed two fingers inside her, sinking them in entirely and feeling her contract around you as she gasped and went wide-eyed, staring down at you in ecstasy and opening her mouth in a silent scream. You slowly started to move your fingers in and out of her, stroking that tender spot inside her that made her thighs twitch and her eyes roll back into her head. Wanting to pick up the pace, she began to roll her hips back onto your fingers and fought herself back up on her hands, gazing at you through half-closed eyes and strands of hair falling into her face.
“That’s a good girl, riding my fingers like a little whore.” Abby let out a grunt of protest but didn’t stop, sitting up straight and leaning back, placing her hands on your legs to keep her balance. You took the opportunity to pull her pants down to her thighs, revealing dark, shining curls and ivory skin. After taking in the view for a moment you decided it was time to give her what she wanted, placing the pad of your thumb on the spot that had been waiting for any attention from you until now. As you touched the small mound, Abby gasped and shifted her hips forward, losing her rhythm as you slowly rotated your thumb around the pulsing spot. 
She took a deep breath and then slammed down onto your fingers mercilessly, riding your fingers with an unhinged expression in her eyes, her face and breasts gleaming with a thin layer of sweat and strands of hair sticking to her skin as her moans got louder and louder. You joined her rhythm, thrusting your hips up and rubbing her clit as you felt her convulse around your fingers and tremble uncontrollably, catching her shoulder and guiding her down to you as she caved in and lost all strength in those beautiful, now useless muscles. You helped her get rid of the sweatpants entirely, the wet spots in the fabric making being naked the more comfortable option. Abby cuddled up close to you and softly kissed the hickeys she had left on your neck earlier. 
You smiled down at her and brushed a wet strand of hair behind her ear. “How are you feeling?” The blonde sighed and buried her face in your neck. “Like I need another shower.” She lifted her head, a new thought gleaming behind her eyes. “You think anyone is still up?” 
You snorted. “You probably woke up half the hallway. But I don’t think any of them will use the showers in the next few hours, if that’s what you’re playing at.” You knew that Abby hated going to bed dirty or sweaty, she always showered before bed and when she came back from longer missions she wouldn’t even bother to talk to anyone until she was in a clean set of clothes.
Abby pulled your face toward hers and gave you a long, loving kiss. “Of course you can sit on my face first if you want to. I was just thinking of forcing you to be quiet, fucking you against the wall under the hot shower until you can’t stand anymore and making you sit on my shoulders and cum on my face there. I’ll even carry you back here and get us some early breakfast.”
Her words had the desired effect, making you squirm involuntarily and press your thighs together in an attempt to calm yourself. “Fine, who could say no to that? But only if we use your fancy pine soap.”
Abby looked at you in surprise. “You caught that? Well, I like to allow myself that one luxury if I have the means to get it.” She jumped out of the bunk, gave the sweatpants on the floor a kick underneath the bed and threw on a big shirt full of holes along with some boxers, then she gallantly reached out her hand to help you up. You grabbed both of your towels and the small box containing the soap and gave the blonde waiting by the door a peck on the lips. 
“Carry me there, too?” 
She rolled her eyes and crouched down a little so you could put an arm around her shoulder, swooped you up bridal style and carried you out the door.
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