lumaere · 2 years
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I’m ugly laughing at my own horrible jokes now, someone stop me
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kusa-of-sumeru · 2 years
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ꕥ a response to this interaction »»»
❝ How interesting! This is what the Traveler meant. However– these answers do not reflect what's on your mind. ❞
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vixlenxe · 2 years
@eonsadrft​ Gets a Grim Reaper incarnation
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“By The Fury, be careful who you walk up on in the woods.”
When Tiffanie heard footsteps coming from the tree-line, she had her hand very close to her scythe, very much ready for another bunch of fungi to come at her. She had been running into those things all damn day, & was right sick of getting jumped by the things. 
Seeing another person emerge for a change was such a breath of fresh air, & a bit of a relief, she was starting to think there were no people on this world. She felt safe enough to left her hand relax at her side once again, away from the handle of her weapon.
“I was about ready to cut your head off thinking you were something else entirely.”
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erabundus · 2 years
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his gaze flicked from the anemo vision the other wore, to his familiar ( oh so familiar ) face. he had been in this situation BEFORE, hadn't he? the way he acted at that time ... how pathetic. ❝ it's been a while, hasn't it?  ❞ head canted to one side. ❝ what name do you use now ... wanderer?  ❞
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iiryoku · 2 years
*plotted starter. / @eonsadrft​
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It was something upon the air, it was the scent of fine fabric and anemo. Just like always, the wind told a story, a story that slowly unfolded before crimson depths, captivating like maple leaves amongst bright yellow. It was a combination that always had captured the wandering samurai’s eyes, it was why autumn was his favorite season. Inhaling deeply, Kazuha breathed the scents he had caught into his lungs before releasing them slowly out his mouth, with eyes briefly closing before he calmly started to wander, towards the direction, it was coming from. It was an interesting combination, especially as a hint of something unknown laid beneath the two familiar scents, which awoke the samurai’s curiosity.
Finally reaching the area, where soles gently graced the ground, almost soundless in their lightness, Kazuha halted, only to calmly gaze around, to take everything in that mother nature had made blossom and grow. There was a pleasant taste of anemo in the air. Suddenly catching a pair of unfamiliar depths, the samurai blinked slowly before smiling politely at the stranger before him as a light breeze brushed against fair features.
 ❝ Hello. I apologize if I am intruding. The wind spoke of you and I couldn’t help, but be curious of whom it was speaking of. ❞
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mrcyclopsfan · 2 years
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@eonsadrft​ : ❝ ... ❞ Wanderer clearly knew who this kid was. On top of that he reminded him of someone from the past. He stared at him, arms crossed, not knowing exactly what to do. He wanted to be annoying, but it was a child in front of him. For some reason, he didn't dare.
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“MR. SCARAMOUCHE!!!” He shouts running towards the other. He wraps his arms around the wanderer’s waist looking up at him excited. “I found you!! I found you! I found you!  Hehehe, that means we can play right? I gotta show you Mr. Cyclops!!” 
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dcndrohime · 2 years
Random Asks. // Always Accepting.
@eonsadrft​ -  ❝ You remind me of someone. But it's not like I care, I just don't like dogs. ❞
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Oh my, what a revelation. 
‘‘Thats pretty common for peoples to say, i don’t mind them but i prefer reptiles’‘, she knows its said to target her but this is a pretty unoriginal choice of words. Clearly, Hinamori is not bothered by that in the slightest, given she passed this as a normal topic of conversation.
‘‘Everybody has likes and dislikes’‘.
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fatedevour · 2 years
♢  —    @eonsadrft​ asked:  Wanderer keeps quiet after entering one of Dottore's many secret laboratories, approaching a table with a large number of vials… from which he slowly moved his hand to throw one of them to the floor. Yes, like a cat. 
❝ Whoops. ❞
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PROBABILITY did not favor the chance of crossing paths with Dottore even when venturing into his dens. He had lairs strewn across Tevyat for whenever something in an area caught his fancy, only to be DISCARDED or NEGLECTED when his interest was sated or something BETTER caught his attention. After all, a tiger prefers a FRESH KILL over chewing on the same carcass for days. Eventually he’d return. Or some segment of him (although probability had decreased with the number he’d sacrificed. But he was not so foolish as to sacrifice them ALL to a god who was IGNORANT of their existences). Regardless, PROBABILITY favorited the chance that the Wanderer would not encounter The Doctor.
LUCK, however, did not seem to favor him. If he was TRYING to avoid The Doctor, that is.
“  You’ll be replacing that.  “  Dottore’s rough voice rolls like an oncoming storm from the darkness that he was standing in, HELLFIRE red eyes hidden beneath his ever present mask.  “  Look at you, scurrying back to the labs. It almost seems like you MISS it. Or rather, the purpose.  “  He laughs, harsh and cruel as he walks closer with RAPTORIAL intent. He knows, naturally, that it is NOT the truth. But it is no less amusing to him. A puppet without a purpose, a puppet deluding itself to a status of grandeur only to fall on his face.
“  I must say. You’re rather....disappointing.  “  Dottore remarks, head tilted towards the shattered glass and splattered chemicals.  “  But previous results indicated as much with your OWN schemes. I muse say however, you served your PURPOSE for ME quite well. Congratulations.  “  Lips twist upwards, exposing jagged fangs in a VICIOUS grin. Going back with TWO gnosis had truly been quite the accomplishment. All thanks to the predicted failure.
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abyssmalice · 2 years
@eonsadrft​ asked: ❝ Are you still alive? Surprising and disappointing. ❞ 
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“I should be the one saying that!” Tonia puffs her face with childish indignance, waving an annoyed fist in the Wanderer’s direction. “After causing us so much trouble to deal with, how do you get to leave the Fatui practically scot free and I don’t? You still have a stupid hat to wear too!”
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wanderingxmaple · 2 years
@eonsadrft cont'd from  🍁
The Sabzeruz festival really was a thing of beauty. Everything was so bright and colorful. Streets were filled with locals as well as crowds of people that had come from all across Sumeru to celebrate the birth of the dendro archon. As someone who was merely passing through, Kazuha almost felt out of place. He'd simply decided to stop by to see what all the commotion was about, and had never intended to stay for long. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a small figure, (or more accurately a large hat). It was really all he could see of whoever was scurrying by. Wherever he was going, he certainly seemed to be in a hurry, so much unlike everyone else at the festival that seemed to be strolling through the markets at their own pace. Perhaps it was out of sheer curiosity that he decided to follow the boy. He followed the Wandering to an open area near the lake and stopped only a few feet away. " My apologies if I'm INTERUPTING something. I couldn't help but notice you seemed to be in a bit of a hurry back there. Were you not enjoying the festival ? "
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hydroglia · 2 years
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✧ @eonsadrft
❝ What's wrong with you and why do you want so badly to spar with people?! ❞ Wanderer already knew it but, like this he would not need to act like 'he does not know him' later.
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An amused & joyous laugh vibrated deep within the taller male's throat upon hearing the outburst, for it was truly amusing to him, to have that question thrown at him, for wasn't it obvious? Slight excitement and adrenaline was already coursing through his body as cobalt depths watched the other, who clearly knew how to fight ⸺ it could be felt all around his newfound interest, that was in the form of the shorter male. His main reason for being so interested in the other, was of course the obvious reason, a reason that always warmed the blood within his body, whenever he found someone, who might be able to grand him a good time. However, beneath it laid something else, something that confused the harbinger as it made a strange feeling settle around his heart, almost like a feeling of having forgotten something, of utmost importance. It made Childe's excitement be on the more tame side as he grinned at the male.
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❛ Oh, come on now, comrade! What is wrong with wanting to have a little fun? ❜
To be honest, Childe also found the reactions, he was getting quite entertaining. It was always fun to get a rise out of certain people & Wanderer was one of those people. Maybe even more so, due to that odd feeling in his chest, which felt just a tiny bit lighter, whenever he got a reaction out of the other.
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lumaere · 2 years
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For a dear friend ♡ pls carry me Mr. C6 Wanderer owner.
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kusa-of-sumeru · 2 years
❝ Did you just use a pun in your blog name???? ❞
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❝ Does this mean you're warming up to my jokes now? ✿ ❞
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vixlenxe · 2 years
❝ Tch, I'm alright without a name. Although Zero doesn't sound bad. ❞
Lips quietly press into a thin line for a moment, sparing the other a glance. The other Wanderer can say he’s fine without a name all he likes, but Zero knows that’s not true; they’re the same after all. 
“I took a while to think of it.” For a long time, he partly thought he didn’t deserve a name, not someone like him, but names are life’s first gift, & when he realized he was stuck in this life, he decided it better to start thinking of one. Perhaps... it was the same for this other version of himself...?
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“If you actually gave it some thought, you’d find one fitting for you.” Zero came off a bit to cruel sounding then, not his intent but it couldn’t be helped. “Unless... you’re actually waiting for someone to give you one?”
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erabundus · 2 years
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@eonsadrft &&. said... ❝ Hey. ❞ A voice was heard next to Ren, it sounded like someone who was flying has just landed next to him.
❝ Maybe it's just another day for you, but it's never a bad thing to celebrate after so much headache, don't you think? ❞ After a slight chuckle, the wanderer offered him a gift. Inside the box were small tools that few knew how to use. Handmade and useful for troubleshooting engine problems.
❝ I'll leave now, I'm not interested to be more friendly than that. Have fun. ❞ Of course, he hid all kinds of deep feelings so as not to be so tied up with the other. Who knows if one day one of the two would disappear or not because of their rare condition but….In the meantime, reminding him that 'he is close' was enough.
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his  footsteps  stilled  at  the  sound.  one  hand  raised,  tilting  up  that  familiar  hat  and  allowing  mirrored  eyes  to  peer  from  underneath. leave  it  to  —  well,  himself  to  find  him  when  he  didn't  want  to  be  seen.  ren  supposed  that  was  enough  to  WARRANT  hearing  what  the  wanderer  meant  to  say.
he  was  soon  to  regret  that  decision  at  the  first  mention  of  the  day.  (  just  when  he  thought  he  had  managed  to  avoid  it.  )  ren's  gaze  went  sharp,  brow  knitting  in  disapproval  —  though  he  was  quick  to  quiet  his  growing  UNEASE  with  a  sigh.   ❝  is  it?  ❞   he  asked,  unsure  whether  his  own  question  was  rhetorical  or  not.  either  way,  he  hardly  saw  his  own  creation  as  reason  to  CELEBRATE.  (  though  at  least  now,  he  could  stomach  seeing  it  as  something  that  simply  was.  )   ❝  our  histories  diverge  at  minor  points.  ❞   like  the  offshoot  branches  of  a  gnarled  tree  —  though  recognizable  as  the  same  plant,  the  finer  intricacies  of  their  respective  silhouettes  differed.   ❝  i  wonder  if  this  day  holds  the  same  SIGNIFICANCE  for  you  as  it  does  myself.  ❞
ren  looked  down  at  his  hands,  debating  whether  to  elaborate  or  merely  leave  it  at  that.  no,  he  supposed  the  wanderer  had  already bore  witness  to  him  at  his  most  PATHETIC.  in  a  strange  way,  it  made  showing  those  dreaded  glimpses  of  vulnerability  just  a  bit  easier.
❝ today isn't the day i was born.  ❞ and then, for the TRUTH he hadn't told another soul. ( to expunge the poison gnawing a hole through his hollow chest. ) ❝ today is ... the day i was found.  ❞ he smiled ruefully, allowing the implication a moment to fully sink in. then, he shook his head. ❝ you can imagine why i have mixed feelings about the whole thing.  ❞
exhaling  slowly  through  his  teeth,  ren  finally looked  up  —  and blinked  at  the  gift.
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❝  ...  ❞  complicated  feelings  aside,  he  still  reached  out  to  take  it.  he had given the wanderer a journal in a similar manner, once; it only seemed fair he allow him a chance to settle the perceived debt.
opening  the  box,  storm  colored  eyes  widened  at  the  contents.  those  tools ...  being  one  of  the  few  educated  in  their  purpose,  he  recognized  them  immediately  —  though  he  hadn't  a  set  of  his  own, nor seen one at all in quite some time.  it  had  been  ANNOYING  trying  to  make  due  without  them,  self-repairs  far  less  efficient  when  performed  with  improper  materials.  he  considered  crafting  a  set  for  himself,  yet  the  thought  of  gathering  the  components,  of  trying  to  explain  what  he  was  making  left  him  with  a  sense  of  UNEASE.  (  funny;  he  thought  he  had  grown  comfortable  seeing  himself  as  an  object.  what  changed?  )  ren's  attention  flicked  back  to  wanderer,  and  he  found  the  other's  aloof  goodbye  to  be  a  strange  source  of  RELIEF.  a  snap  back  to  the  status  quo.
❝ good on you for making something USEFUL.  ❞ a little huff, jab tempered by the way it was clearly in jest. ❝ enjoy the rest of your day, oh wise and generous wanderer.  ❞
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iiryoku · 2 years
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“ . . . . . “
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He is trying really hard not to react, but atlas, eyes narrow at the other for a brief moment due to the sound catching in his ears over and over.
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