shizukais · 2 years
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sweetieangel300 · 2 years
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Lockwood & Co. Season 1 : You Never Asked
Salt Sprinkler scene
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bubblegeon · 4 months
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When a man harbours desires beyond his control, he is ultimately destroyed.
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on-this-day-btvs · 11 months
November 6, 2001
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Once More, With Feeling aired for BTVS season 6, episode 7. This was the only BTVS episode performed as a musical. All of the regular cast performed their own vocals, although two actors (those who played Willow and Dawn) were given minimal singing at their request. Apart from vocal and choreography prep: "[actual shooting] took something like 19 hours of singing and 17 hours of dancing in between shooting four other episodes."
The demon Sweet (shown in a blue suit above) is played by Hinton Battle, a three-time Tony-winner. This is his only Buffyverse appearance.
(mod note: Apparently Hinton Battle also choreographed the dancing in this episode!)
Commonly referred to as "OMWF," the episode was nominated for a 2002 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Music Direction. (If it had won, the award would have gone to Christophe Beck and Jesse Tobias.) Despite the nomination, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences neglected to include the title on the ballots. The Emmy was awarded to the Opening Ceremony of the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games.
In March 2019 a vinyl press of the original cast recording was released, with cover art by Paul Mann (shown above).
The moderator is unaware of any recordings of the 2002 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony ever being sold, in any format.
(image create to illustrator Paul Mann) (vinyl details and image via Consequence) (SMG quote and other information via wikipedia)
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BRETT DALTON as Mark Trent Found 1.06 “Missing While Addicted”
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natstarbuck · 2 months
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sowhumpful · 10 months
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eepersjeepers · 8 months
Blushing, covering my face, giggling, yelling, kicking my feet, losing my mind, falling head over heels, eating my hand-
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 1 year
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are they. y'know .
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shizukais · 2 years
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naidgaem · 7 months
Background king
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larabar · 7 months
wait what are the frontiers and 06 aus... more ghost sonic????
glad you asked‼️‼️ to summarize:
the frontiers au is a role swap of sonic and knuckles, where sonic gets stuck in ghost mode with the others and knux has to go island to island instead.
the 06 one is an au where sonic's spirit was what got elise's attention and he was able to help em out as they searched for the emeralds
theyre kinda all over the place and i dont have tags for em but here's what i can find :) (edit: ive added the tags you see at the end of this post to all of these)
frontiers: X X X X
06: X X X
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bubblegeon · 2 years
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lastencoregraphics · 2 years
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See? See? This thing really flies! Y-youre a surprisingly advanced driver... Oh, yes! I may not look like it, but I’m a driving maniac! Of all the toys Kiritsugu has given me, this is definitely my favorite! It’s a toy? Back at the castle, I could only do laps around the inner courtyard. So this feels great! Wouldn’t hiring a chauffeur have been better? Oh, that’s no fun. I mean, it’s too dangerous. What if the enemy were to ambush us? I suppose...
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BRETT DALTON as Mark Trent Found 1.06 “Missing While Addicted”
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syntia13treeman · 7 months
Case files 06.01
We've got a new monster! I repeat, we've got a new monster! Also this call was made just 3 days before Sam heard it! The monster is roaming the streets as we speak!
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Ahem. Let us begin.
What I think happened in:
Case 06.01, the case of "Prickly Hugger – a cautionary tale for muggers" or
"I'm scary and pointy!"
We've gathered here today to talk about Mr. Needles.
Who is Mr. Needles? Mr. Needles is a local. He grew up here (somewhere in London), and he'd seen the neighbourhood go from 'nice' to 'dreadful' over the years. (He had a hand in that, though he won't say how). He used to feel lonely and hollow, but has found something to remedy that. Some kind of mark. Don't worry about it.
Mr. Needles does not look dangerous. On the contrary, he seems like an easy mark, a perfect victim (a perfect lure). This particular night, some knife-wielding ruffian fell for it and tried to mug him. Mr. Needles let the mugger get very close, before deploying needles (they come out from under his skin from thousands of tiny holes). (…does it hurt? Every time. Mr. Needles doesn't mind. He's experimented with BDSM before).
He happily glomped the mugger and made sure to position himself over muggers face (and his eyes). The needles broke off after digging into the mugger's flesh. (It's OK. They grow back).
When the mugger was already on the ground, moaning and bleeding, Mr. Needles decided to call emergency service. This was not his first hmugger, but his first emergency call - he's not very clear on how exactly they work, but he does know where the local contact centres are located.
After a little bit of back-and-forth with the dying mugger and the various operators, Mr. Needles ended the call without actually stating their location, so it will probably be some time before somebody stumbles upon a body full of needles, lying in a pool of blood.
Somewhere in Lambeth, a police operator is feeling rather unsettled and will be looking over his shoulder on his way home for at least few days. (And maybe he'll meet an unassuming little man fond of hugging).
Other important things to know about Mr. Needles: Mr. Needles is a very scary monster.
He can smell fear. He can smell fear even over the phone (which probably means it's not actually scent he's perceiving, but that's just a technical detail).
If his scare-factor is challenged, Mr. Needles becomes agitated and rattles his needles like an angry metal rattlesnake. It is not advisable to question his scariness. He WILL take offence and threaten to stalk you.
What we don't know about Mr. Needles:
Sewing needles or syringe needles? I've seen fanart depicting classic hand-sewing needles, but I don't think that works for the simple reason that the mugger is said to be bleeding to death rather quickly, while the needles are still in him. Every stab-wound PSA reminds us to leave the 'weapon' in, because it slows the bleeding. So I posit that Needle's needles are hollow, promoting fast blood-loss. He even says "This isn’t some poxy blood test," when arguing his scariness, which I think supports this.
What is Mr. Needles? A monster-ified human, or a human-shaped monster? He says he grew up here – does it mean: - he was just regular boring human before he grew prickly (how did it happen?), - or was he once just a tiny itty bitty prickle of unease in the back of somebody's brain, before feeding on collective fear of the locals, and growing big and fearsome, until he could manifest as a fully fledged, physical monster (what prompted it?). - Or was he once a tiny baby monster, toddling underfoot and biting ankles? (kidding ;) Smart money is on the first option, but I rather like the idea of the second. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.
How old is he? He seems to be rather new to the whole 'being a monster' thing, so whatever he was in his youth, I think he became Mr. Needles fairly recently. Like maybe...hm, about a year ago? When some other things started happening for no apparent reason?
Are muggers his usual prey? I doubt it. The line "once they realize their mistake" could mean "they thought I'd be easy mark – oops, surprise!", but it could just as easily apply to "this good Samaritan though I needed help," or "this random passer-by thought I was harmless and not danger to them". He also says he's proud of making the streets unsafe at night, so I think he is a predator that just also happens to eat other predators. Top of the foodchain kind of deal (or at least he likes to think of himself as such).
What is his name? The transcript says 'Needles' and I'm calling him this for now, but I don't believe it's what he calls himself. I bet when we meet him and he introduces himself, it will be with an overly long, pretentious edgy name, sth like Dr. Sharp, the Terror that Stabs in the Night, or similar.
What does he mean by "the land is marked now, same as me"? What happened to the land? Too much man-made destruction (physical mark)? Too many man-made tragedies (metaphysical mark)? An apocalypse seeping in from a nearby universe (eldrich mark)? Something else? All of them at once? What? *gnawing at my keyboard over a tiny inconspicuous remark*
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