#epcot mexico pavilion
samsdisneydiary · 7 months
Experience the Captivating Melodies of Marimba de las Americas at Epcot 2023
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meekosthemeparkphotos · 2 months
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Dante Topiary
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Extinct Disney Parks and Attractions tournament round 1: Group A2
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Reminder, you don't have had to experience any of the attractions/experiences to vote! Just read in the info and/or watch the vid,then vote for which you wish you would have experienced more/which sounds cooler!
Videos and propaganda/info dumping under cut
El Rio del Tiempo: Epcot (1982-2007)
"Look, I absolutely adore Gran Fiesta Tour Starring The Three Caballeros, but El Rio del Tiempo was so much fun and really felt like a better showcase of Mexican culture. My favorite part was always when the merchants would "follow" alongside your ride vehicle trying to sell you things."
Cranium Command: WDW Epcot (1989-2007)
"So weird and so old school Epcot, it was great. Gave me weird af dreams that I still remember today. Also! Partly inspired Inside Out! Also also! Hanz and Franz from SNL were randomly in it as the heart's Right and Left Ventricles. Iconic. Also, BUZZY!! EPCOT LEGEND!"
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mini-the-pooh · 14 hours
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Omg my favorite band! Donald is my bias :)
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disneyparktournament · 7 months
Round 1
East Coast:
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adventuresofoswald · 3 months
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"Remember me when I play in the dark or the light."
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tropicalwindowglass · 8 months
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haveamagicalday · 1 year
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Dante in Mexico!
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sarahg170194 · 2 years
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Mexico Pavilion at Epcot
April 27 2018
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emaadsidiki · 2 years
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Epcot Pavilions
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notclub33 · 1 year
Is This the Best Pavilion at World Showcase?
Is this the best pavilion at World Showcase? #wdw #epcot #disney100 #CODP #Mexico #notclub33
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off-color-darkrai · 1 month
Splash mountain shouldn't be rethemed to go with Princess and the Frog. If they were absolutely determined to make a Tiana themed ride at Disney world, they should have built a restaurant with a connected river ride like the Mexico pavilion at Epcot.
Splash mountain's retheming should have been based on Brother Bear.
And as you climb the part before the big drop you get the northern lights spooling out around you, like cave paintings suddenly coming to life along the walls, some probably appropriate mystical build-up music, before the older brother eagle shows up right at the crest, then you plunge down into the salmon run and get some more delightful Phil Collins music.
Just saying, we could have gotten two cool rides and a sweet Cajun sit down restaurant, instead of one ride that doesn't make much sense build wise.
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meekosthemeparkphotos · 5 months
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Donald Duck
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roosterforme · 1 year
Happy 3K lovely!! No one deserves it more than you!!
I come to you with the below very self indulgent DILF thought. IYKYK and I know you know.
Bradley and his wife getting drunk in EPCOT while they drink around the world. Maybe they’re there just the two of them, or maybe it’s a family trip but Mav and Penny have their honorary grandkids over in the park to give the parents a break. Bonus points if there are snacks involved.
Love you babe! Congrats again!
IYKYK, and I know you know that I know.... anyway....
This is for my Dagger DILFs 3k party!
"Why did we come to the Disney in Florida when we live in California, babe?" Bradley asked you as he gave your son a piggyback ride.
You laughed as you watched your daughter a few feet ahead holding hands with Mav and Penny. "Because this one has the World Showcase," you told him. "And we can drink around the world all afternoon while Mav and Penny take the kids on some rides and to get character autographs."
"Sounds fun," he said with a shrug.
Two hours later, Bradley was giving you a piggyback ride while he laughed hysterically. "Babe, I had no idea I liked tequila so much! Can we just go back to Mexico and have more margaritas?"
"No, Bradley!" you scolded when he pretended to turn around. "You need to keep going towards France, or we'll never finish this before the park closes!"
"France?" he asked, squeezing your thighs. "I don't like wine. How about some French kisses instead?"
You giggled and kissed his neck as he got in line for more drinks with you still on his back. "If you drink a glass of wine, I'll reward you," you whispered, and sure enough Bradley chugged some Chardonnay like it was his job.
Then you made out with him next to the miniature Eiffel tower.
By the time the two of you were very tipsy and finishing your beers in the Canada pavilion, you got a text from Mav. "Bradley! They are taking the kids back to the hotel and letting us stay out by ourselves!"
Bradley reached back and patted his shoulder. "Hop back on, babe. We're going back to Mexico."
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morgenlich · 5 months
rating each country’s mickey ears at epcot, december 2023
there were several countries where i didn’t see any ears at all, which i was sad about (especially morocco and japan !!!)
also not counting ears you could buy elsewhere in the parks, like mexico also had the churro ears and germany had snow white ears. ONLY looking at the epcot pavilion exclusives
first up is the uk
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7/10, the mannequin’s fit makes it. this girly was big on superwholock era tumblr. points for the floral wreath ears, i’m partial to ears that aren’t solid. also the only ears i saw that incorporated the country’s flag which now that i say that feels both weird and a missed opportunity
next up is france
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6/10 i like the colors and macarons are a favorite snack of mine but this design is too childish for my tastes (yes i’m allowed to critique mickey ears for being too childish do not @ me)
ok moving onto italy
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1) the venice ears. 7/10 i like what they were going for but i feel the colors and design concept would be better suited to like, paris, rather than venice
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2) the limoncello ears. 8/10, love the colors and like the pattern on the bow. not big on sequined ears personally though i concede that they look cool at night. mixed? feelings on the lemon charm.
now germany
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7/10 embroidered edelweiss is perfect no notes. the bow…well for one i don’t think it needs to be sequined. for two, i think the stripes + colors lend it an americana vibe which….not really the point lol
onto norway, land of vikings and elsa according to disney
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1) embroidered flower ears. 10/10, i liked them so much i paid $37 after tax for them. no regrets especially because i didn’t see anyone else with any of the country specific ears and i got compliments when i wore them today lol
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2) both variants of the viking hat ears. 10/10 no notes. no, not even about historical accuracy
finally, mexico
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1) embroidered flower ears. 8/10, love the colors, ribbon, and stitching on the borders. something about the design feels empty to me though, maybe the white background
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2) concha ears. 11/10, the ear design peaked here
bonus round: the epcot ears
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9/10, very cute, i like the texture and iridescence. the bow is cute but feels a little too busy. would wear with the epcot crewneck i bought, though.
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life-set-to-random · 7 months
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Disney’s EPCOT cast-member cultural exchange, Japan day.♥️🇯🇵
We played games, won prizes, learned songs and dances, how to write our names in kanji, and how to properly put on a kimono.
I hope we end up doing all the Pavilions in World Showcase, so far we’ve experienced Mexico and Japan.
I chose my stickers with Usagi in mind. A katana, a Kappa and a cute sushi.
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