#ephemeral nagi
dreamtydraw · 2 years
A while ago i did the 6 character challenge but decided to be specific and went "give me 6 love interest of otome game with Black/white hair" and here how it went !
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Oh, please have mercy on me...
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Why is it always the white/grey hair guy the one who suffers the most?
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hellcatinnc · 11 months
Ephemeral -Fantasy On Dark- Review
Spoilers Included
So got into playing this and although there is several endings and I have not played it all the way through however I have done the main story first of it and gotten a idea of how these fellas are so I wanted to review the game in whole as well as each love interest and my thoughts. There will be spoilers.
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I did not see this coming what so ever this man blindsided me in away that brought me to tears. I went into this game for Shiba and Natsume and walked away with the most wonderful memories of Ray. He made the rest of the mens sacrifices seem pointless not only did he fight for her, not only was he willing to give his life for her, and not only did he pass up other women who were prettier and an arranged marriage but he really gave over 1000 of his lifespan for just 100 more years with her so that they could die alone. He stepped up past any others and even early on once he confessed his love to her he said we will find someway around you living longer and he kept his word.
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No matter what they went up against no matter how much she got hurt he was there to pick her up and save her. She saved him as much as he did her in so many ways and let him be himself. His words of love and devotion for her were absolutely breath taking. I have always loved vampires and even though he is a Tsundere as most do he lets those walls down to her and is still nasty to everyone else but he is willing to give up the world and destroy it all for her. At one point someone hurts her and he bout kills them she is the reason he stopped. He showed what unconditional love was until the end. Ray by far is the best reason to play this game and even if you know things about how things might end trust me you still aren't prepared for how much this will emotionally effect you in some way. Even if Ray isn't the guy you would choose you should still feel the loyalty and connectiuon they have for yourself.
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----------------------------------------------- Natsume
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This man had me stumped at first because first off before playing it I found him severely attractive. Then going into it after hearing others talking about him being yandere I wasn't so sure I was going to like him. I'm not a huge fan of yandere per say however in my book not sure I feel like he is truly one. I say this because I feel like with him his issues with him mom growing up trying to kill him and fighting the way it feels to be a merman the need for beautiful things on top of abandonment issues I feel like he was more the less dealing with PTSD. I also feel like he was upfront with her when he started getting possessive of her he told her and he said he didn't want to see her due to that. He knew he would emotionally hurt her and she continued to come back because she loved him. I only say this because I have PTSD irl and I know sometimes you hurt the people closest to you even when your the one trying to shield them. I feel like he always loved her but wasn't always sure how to show it. I know he betrayed her but I also see from his end of things from a PTSD side of things he just didn't want to lose her so he felt if she had no way to leave him he would never worry about that. I will tell you from a PTSD mind set you would not believe how easy it is to make yourself believe something is the best way to prevent being betrayed and left.
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On from that though in my past yandere's to me were scary like psycho scary I never felt that with Natsume and thats why he is my number 2. I feel like nothing compares to Ray's good ending and his lovingness however if you do Natsume's bad ending it broke my heart he stayed by her for 300 yrs even when she was bones promising her he wouldn't kill himself so he could one day hopefully be reunited with her. His love shined out past any wrongs he had done in the past to show he was genuine. I broke into tears when this man held her hand her nothing but bones hand and confessed his love, loyalty and devotion to her. Honestly I hope people push past to really see the core of this character because he is so worth it. To find out he isn't a mummy floored me yet at the same time around that time I saw it coming. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys him as much as I do and honestly when this man tears up it touches my very soul, and to think his mom wanted to kill him SMH.
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----------------------------------------------- Shiba
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I know he may not always be peoples favorites and yes he did hurt Cloe at one point but when he realized what he did wrong and knew he could lose her forever he fought for her. He may not seem smart to others but who cares about how smart he is when he does have so much love deep down for her. He decided being a bigger badder wolf wasn't worth it and we can't forget this man jumped out in front of a wolf that could kill him to save her life. This itself makes things different. He shows you sometimes in life the people we love may not be perfect but its the fact they know they make mistakes and want to better themselves because they can't see a world without you in it.
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Even when he was under a love spell he chose to fight to get back to her and she was in a happy world that didn't hurt her yet still chose the real Shiba in the end. I feel like he has many layers from being funny, cute, and adorable as well as shy and even sometimes a bit arrogant. He tried to be this big puffed up wolf but I think he did it because he wanted to be the best for her. I also love his flirtiness at times and how he gets shy and bashful if he has to confess his love or that he was falling for her in the beginning. I don't know he is my feel good romance even though I felt her pain it was a believable pain but I also felt how sincere how he didn't want to live life without her and this is what makes me love him so much. Also can't forget that when he is a little wolf he likes to be cuddled and then the point where he likes the rubbing and petted when he is human I normally am not down for that but for him I would have done it too. Sweet Shiba you still know how to make my heart beat faster.
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----------------------------------------------- Nagi
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Oh sweet Nagi he looked so innocent from the start. He had such a soft and slowly moving romance but once he let that wall down and truly let Cloe in you could see he had a passion inside of him that would love her forever. You watch him grow as a person and learn to care about himself as long as he has her in his life he doesn't feel alone. They both have something in common one day he will no longer be seen and she will turn to bones and yet after Nagi meeting her grandmother he vowed right then he would never leave her side just like the grandmothers lost love never left hers even though he could longer be seen he was there beside her to the end and Nagi said he will do the same for Cloe. Honestly whole scene has me in tears and I was so moved by Nagi.
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As everything fell into place I could see Nagi always had a good heart and he loved her so purely to the point it would make you cry when you saw him cry. I will say it is so sweet and tragic that even on the best ending he gives his life so that she can one day love again. (My opinion though that if it wasn't for Shiba yelling at him and practically confessing his own love for her on top of wanting to make it where she was happy and not reliving over and over this cycle I think Nagi would have sat in a corner and faded away for good.) That is honestly the part of Nagi I found more annoying because Shiba gets shit on by people the fact his prank went wrong and he left her for an amount of time but yet he saved her life and went into the dream world to bring her back, yet Nagi plans to fade away when he just couldn't change the original outcome cause the stupid doll and everyone's ok with it. Nagi is a good guy and honestly I think the world of him but now you know why he is a confliction for me at the same time.
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I also loved the MC she was pretty cool probably one of my more favorite ones she wasn't an idiot but she loved completely with her heart. She wasn't overly naïve yet you could still see she was young. This has now made it to one of my favorite games and I finished the whole game all routes good and bad in 30 hours on Switch.
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mikia87 · 7 months
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I’ve been playing Ephemeral - Fantasy on Dark on the side. It's a cute little game.☺️
So far, I played 2 stories of Shiba and 1 of Ray. It's funny what a vampire can do to a girl (me in this case).🥵💦
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I finished Natsume’s route. It was an interesting story & the ending was good.😁 But the bad ending was really sad.😭
He’s the perfect example of a yandere. He’s so obsessed with Chloe.
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Shiba’s route is done! He’s cute & handsome, but he’s so stupid.😆 And I prefer the first part of his story.
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I just finished Nagi’s route. His story is so sad!!🥺😭😭😭😭 I think Nagi is the best choice for Chloe. They understand each other and experience something similar.
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I saved the best for last!😁 Even if Ray can be rude sometimes, he’s the one who stole my heart in this game.🥰 He can be kind and caring too. I love my little vampire so much!!!❤️
There are some really hot scenes in his story.🥵💦 I even cried in some others because of Olivia. I hate her!! And I wasn’t expecting the ending of his route. OMG Ray! He’s ready to sacrifice 1000 years for Chloe.🥺😭
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shark-smuggler · 2 years
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i hope someone gets this reference
(photo creds: @dem0nunderthebed)
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aishaarashi · 16 days
EPHEMERAL: Fantasy On Dark ~Nagi - Normal Ending~
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This is a walkthrough/guide on how to get Nagi’s Normal Ending. 
❈ His Romance Ending can be found HERE.
❈ His Lovers Ending can be found HERE. (not yet)
❈ His Bad Ending can be found HERE. (not yet)
Main Menu ➔ Story ➔ Nagi ➔ Episode (Romance)
Episode 1: The other side of the invisible
Woah, a ghost?!
Episode 2: Behind the Smile
I wanted to be with Nagi
Episode 3: A Straw in the Wind
Touch Nagi’s cheek.
Episode 4: Rejection
Episode 5: Even Without Seeing
Maybe not
Episode 6: Inner voice
Stroke his head
Episode 7: Unconscious Love
Yes, I am.
Episode 8: Jealousy
I wouldn’t mind being with you, Ray.
Episode 9: Confession of love
I’m not so sure……
Episode 10: The true colors of awkwardness
Grandma, you’re so cruel.
➔ Normal Ending - Being Worthy
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nv11c · 1 year
OF EARTH AND OTHER ft. seishiro nagi, michael kaiser
is intimacy with you earthly or divine? | 18+
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nagi finds pleasure in you so painfully earthly, wherein the sweet gratification you serve him is temporary- ephemeral. sure, he's sent over the moon with your warmth and squelches and sweat. sure, your skin is branded with unrestrained murmurs of how heavenly you feel. but every so often he makes the mistake of pulling out a little too far; chest burning up with the loss of your heat. his hand trembles when he reaches down to guide himself back into you. at first, you found these wet slips hot. at first. the sixth time or so had the both of you grunting- so frustratingly edged with temporary whites of pleasure, and it's all his fault.
"nagi, please," you grab at his skin as if to discipline him. nagi shifts. arms looping around your back to pull you closer, like you weren't already close enough. languid thrusts gaining speed. he could've done this from the start, you see; it's not that your indulgence isn't worth his energy. in fact, he has been putting in effort. pulling out every time he feels you squeeze in the telltale way of your high isn't as easy as he makes it seem. it's just that climaxes are temporary, and he doesn't want this to end.
kaiser, in all his protagonistic, star-of-the-show arrogance, quite takes to worshipping you; no less in the bedroom. he sits you on the throne that is your bed, starting what he would call 'a ritual'. (you, to his chagrin, would call it foreplay). he undresses you at a painstakingly slow pace. fingers tease the rim of your shirt, feathering up your stomach like you'd break if his hold was a little firmer. he lifts it above your head. fingers grazing your skin like small electric kisses. once you're completely exposed to him, he whispers, "mein gott,"- and he isn't saying god's name in vain. he is, with the teasing lilt in his voice, calling you his god.
in all your naked glory he then runs his thumb down your thighs; firm enough to leave invisible lines, etched in your muscles, etched in your memory. cradling his head with your thighs, he kisses them along the lines he drew. blatantly taking a sniff with each meeting of lip to skin. closer. he gets closer to your crotch. the wisps of his hair brush against you- ticklish and prickly in all the wrong places, as if they were marking you where he missed to. and when you pull against his hold, he looks up at you. his breath is warm against your core, "tell me what you want, mein gott- i'll pray to you."
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hanaerize · 5 days
MEDiUM / IDOLiSH7 (Anniversary Song 2024) Kan/Rom/Eng Lyrics
- Iori
- Yamato
- Mitsuki
- Tamaki
- Sogo
- Nagi
- Riku
Let's steal the applause... do the magic trick!
Let's steal the applause... do the magic trick!
名もない Painter 暮らす傍らに心を預ける Gardener
比類なき Noble
舞い降りた (飛行艇) -Illusionist-
観覧自由 但し... ひとつ宝を盗んでゆくと噂の
おとけ Clown 合図したら始まるは華麗なショー
Marionette に陽気な Musician
見せるまばゆい (一夜の夢)・エフェメール・
誰もが夢中 華やぐ空
Oh! Magic tricks on stage
傷負って庭よろめく背 そっと撫で生きようと筆捨てる手
煌めくライト花を添えて Knife 投げ 揺れる満場
光と影を胸に抱いて 街の夜は更ける
Wonderful to meet you
Dear stranger
おとけ Clown 挨拶して幕閉じた華麗なショー
(飛行艇) -Illusionist- は次の街へ
街ではひとつ盗まれてた とある絵が視線浴びた
孤独を慰めたその絵は 運命さえも回す
この世全てが MEDiUM
Oh! Magic tricks on stage
Let's steal the applause... do the magic trick!
Let's steal the applause... do the magic trick!
Na mo nai Painter kurasu katawara ni kokoro o azukeru Gardener
Hissori hibi wa atta
Hirui naki Noble
Onaji sora no shita
Majiwaranai unmei o tada kizandeta
Aru toki
Fushigi o shikakeru yō ni
Maiorita (hikōtei) -Illusionist-
Kanshō jiyū tadashi... hitotsu takara o nusunde yuku to uwasa no
Otoke Clown aizu shitara hajimaru wa karei na shō
Marionette ni yōki na Musician
Miseru mabayui (ichiya no yume) · Efemēru ·
Dare mo ga muchū hanayagu sora
Hitobito wa yoishirete
Yorokobi to iu e ni natta
Oh! Magic tricks on stage
Kassai to borutēji
Yamanai toyomeki wa machi de namiutte
Kensō ni oite ikareta sabishisa kakusu
Kodoku ni naite gōsha ni umoreta me
Kizu otte niwa yoromeku se sotto nade iki yō to fude suteru te
Kansei haruka tōi
Kirameku raito hana o soete Knife nage yureru manjō
Hikari to kage o mune ni daite machi no yoru wa fukeru
Saigo no negai kyanbasu e to sono sama o egaite ta
Dareka no mae oritata
Wonderful to meet you
Warau shiruetto
Konna e demo ī nara
Dear stranger
Mitsukete kureta kimi e takusu yo
Otoke Clown aisatsu shite maku tojita karei na shō
(Hikōtei) -Illusionist- wa tsugi no machi e
Mabayui yume o tsurete
Machi de wa hitotsu nusumareta to aru e ga shisen abita
Kodoku o nagusameta sono e wa unmei sae mo mawasu
Sā, shōtaimu nani ga okita
Egakareta jōkei wa...
Kono yo subete ga MEDiUM
Oh! Magic tricks on stage
Kassai wa dare ni?
Let's steal the applause... do the magic trick!
Let's steal the applause... do the magic trick!
An anonymous painter,
entrusting their heart to the gardener living alongside,
their days passed in silence.
A peerless noble,
under the same sky,
marking a destiny that would never intersect.
One day,
like a mystery waiting to be revealed,
a flying ship descended - the Illusionist -
A spectacle free to watch, but... rumored to steal a single treasure.
The mischievous clown signals, a start of a magnificent show,
with the marionette dancing to the lively tunes of the musician,
a dazzling display, an ephemeral dream for one night.
Everyone was captivated as the sky comes alive with splendor.
People were entranced with joy,
becoming a picture of happiness.
Oh! Magic tricks on stage,
The cheers and excitement (voltage) rise.
In the city, the buzz of the crowd never fades,
masking the loneliness left behind by the noise.
Tears flowing down in solitude, buried in luxury,
a wounded soul staggering through the garden,
gently caressing it with trembling hands, the painter abandons his brush,
as the cheers fade into the distance.
As glittering lights adorned with flowers sway,
knives are thrown in a full house.
Embracing both light and shadow,
the night in the town deepened.
A final wish is painted onto the canvas,
and there someone stood before it.
Wonderful to meet you,
a smiling silhouette.
If this kind of painting is alright,
dear stranger,
I'll entrust it to you, who found me.
The mischievous clown bids farewell, and the curtain falls on the splendid show.
The flying ship - the Illusionist - heads to the next town,
Bringing the radiant dream along.
In the town, one painting that comforted solitude was stolen and caught the eye of many.
That painting, with soothing loneliness,
had the power to even alter fate.
Now, what transpired during the showtime?
The depicted scenery...
Everything in this world is a MEDiUM.
Oh! Magic tricks on stage,
Who does the applause belong to?
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garoujo · 1 year
Comfort sex with roomate!Nagi🥺
The sounds of soft whimpering and stiffled cries rouses him from his post-practice nap on the living room couch. A moment later, and Nagi is greeted by your trembling form emerging through the entrance to your shared apartment. He takes one look at your crestfallen expression, cheeks dampened by tears, and the 190 cm striker is immediately drawn to your side. Nagi isn't the best at consoling others, preferring not to get involved with emotional matters since they often involve far too much effort. However, seeing his beautiful and sweet roomate in such a distressed state causes his chest to tighten and an uncharacteristic feeling of anger to well up inside of him. He gentley wraps his arms around you and brings you into his broad chest. Full body sobs wrack through your body as you clutch onto him. Nagi is warm, his presence soothing, and you feel so safe in his arms. After some time passes, you timidly glance up at your tall, and handsome roomate. His eyes are gentle, honeyed voice enticing when he offers to " help you forget the pain."
Your lips are petal soft, an ephemeral presence against his own. However, if you give a ravenous man an inch, he will gladly take a mile, and Nagi had been lusting after you from the moment you first met. It's your vulnerability, laid bare before him, that finally gives him the resolve to pursue these carnal desires.
He fucks you like a man possessed, large hands molded to your hips as you weakly wrap your arms around his neck. Nagi's taken you several times already, but the silver haired man shows no signs of stopping. Your tears of sorrow are rendered into tears of ecstasy. The pleasure is mindnumbing and all encompassing. You can scarcely remember your own name, let alone the cause of your despair. He'll make you cum as many times at it takes, until all your troubles are forgotten and the only thing you can remember is his name and the feeling of his cock against your velvety walls.
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dreamtydraw · 3 months
hii, i haven't sent an ask in a long time so how are you?
im really busy with uni entrance exams but itll be over soon hopefully (╥﹏╥), any new hyperfixations?
also do u happen to play japanese otome games because i started to get into them, which is not good for my wallet at all ( ;´ - `;)
otome games will be the end of me... i see one and boom my money is GONE. their power is unmatched.
i hope you'll have a good day ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Hiiii euhm.... anon ? I don't know who you are anon I'm so sorry, I need your anon name !!!
Good luck on uni entrance exams, I had to pass mine twice and hated every step to it ngl, wishing you'll do well and for everyone in that situation that you'll get accepted where you want to go !
I personnaly dislike japanese otome I'm sorry for the betrayal- It's just that i consumed TOO MANY JAP OTOME during my tweens recurent tropes with all same looking characters end up boring me ( and some issues see as normal makes me angry in jap otome type of games )
The only one I have in my heart is Ephemeral because Nagi's route was incredibly well written ( we don't talk about shiba on this tumblr- ) And also another one who's name I forgot about mc being an android getting rebuild and taken out by people who wants to buy her and influence the developement of her personality.
I am way more into amare games or indie otome that are queer friendly and usualy serve nice concepts for li.
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mikumanogi-blog · 9 months
2023-08-19 "Raison D’être" Tereblog #106 [ENG]
Thank you for your hard work today, I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa. Thank you for coming to read my blog today, it’ll make me happy if you were to read till the end m(_ _)m
The 5th generation member song from the 33rd single “Kangaenai younisuru” 🌿 ܸ
Accompanying the 5th generation members on standby.
It was released on YouTube yesterday at 20:00! Please have a listen. We have leaf motif hair pins like in the lyrics.
With the outfits and dancing in front of Western style mansion it really felt like we were fairies… On the other hand, our plain clothes are overflowing with individuality and I really like it. I have so many stories from the shoot.
The seaside town art gallery where we shot the video all the footage was really beautiful and it will be a memorable shoot for me.
It’s an ephemeral and heart rending song, it’s a Nogizaka like summer song. I feel like the MV has this power to make you remember how much you love a scene. This time I was blessed with a really good position. I want to become someone who is worthy of it.
I’m scared that if I don’t continue to think of something and if I do stop then I feel like I will never be able to move. I think that the lyrics of this song have loosened some part of me that is like that.
I’m scared to have things expected from me, and it’s thanks to all of you who a reading this blog right now that this person who did her best to accomplish something but didn’t have the strength to do it is able to change. Because of all of you I’m standing here now. That’s why I want to see what amazing things lie ahead together and so I’m going to use this time to do my best to grow even more. As always thank you very much.
This time I’m in symmetry with Nagi. Nagi has a tendency to tell me kind of embarrassing things with me even more …! Is what I think now.
I’m so glad to be given the position where we both support the center of the song. I want to continue from now on to share the same passages and to be able to see the same scenery. Nao’s strength and ability to say that she wants to be loved is absolutely dazzling, and on top of that it’s adorable. Please rely on us okay because Nogizaka is a group where we support and can be there for each other.
Thank you for reading this far.
I’ll write again (´˘`)
#Tereblog #106
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
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Otometober Day 6 The Part Where You Cry
This one was a hard one because there are so many scenes in my otome's that have made me cry however I'm thankful for each and everyone at some point because they give me a closeness to the character that I love anyways. However I sat and tried to think of one time that I cried that wasn't for good reasons. This would come from Ephemeral Fantasy On Dark, I love this game and there are happy and sad tears in this game however the good ending of Nagi was messed up it really wasn't even a good ending and it had me in tears. In the end he gives up his own life so that the MC lives.
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Scene setting normal ending of Nagi.
So for those who don't know she has a doll thats possesed that takes over Cloe's mind and it makes her forget Nagi every time she realizes he is the love of her life the slate is clean and she restarts. So in the long run he spends every day reminding her who he is for only a fraction of a minute for her to eventually remember she loves him and then slate cleaned again. He does this until one day he will disappear and although he will be beside her he will never be seen again. That is a bad ending to me not normal WTF anyways this is how it should have gone for a normal ending at least. Honestly anything I write is gonna sound better than that. SMH.
Cloe hears a knock at her door before she can answer Nagi opens the door smiling at her as he walks in. "Cloe how are you feeling today?" She hears Nagi in his soft voice say to her. There is something comforting about hearing him say her name, she isn't sure why but she looks forward to him stopping by daily to see her. She had only met him 6 months before and he has stayed by her side as her best friend. She wonders sometimes if the way she feels about him being there if there is more to this than a simple friendship. She spends another day hearing about his days and back when they were in school even though he doesn't remember him they know all the same people they joke about and reminisce on. When its time for him to leave and go home her heart hurts the tightening in her chest is painful enough to make her gasp for air the moment she hears the door shut and he is gone again.
She decides the next day she wants to tell him how she feels for him and is excited yet nervous about doing so. She sits in the window with the creepy little doll sitting there beside her she notices it looking over at it wondering why she even has this little doll when it literally creeps her out. She decides to take it off the shelf and throw it in the trash. As she is heading to the bin Nagi walks in with a smile so warm across his face. He looks scared yet astonished I have to know what he is thinking she says to herself. "Whats wrong?" He stutters before pointing to the doll "What are you doing with it?" She throws it in the trash bin near the door and turns back to him before mentioning "I have decided I do not need this creepy thing but I do want to talk to you about something if you have time".
Nagi actually looks a bit frightened not sure why Cloe thinks but goes back to sit on the couch before patting beside her. He still hesitant walks over and sits down beside her. She clears her throat "I think I'm falling in love with you!" she blurts out and when she turns to look at him tears are streaming down his face. "I never get tired of you telling me so you love me most?" She leans her hand over not understanding what is going on as she wipes the tears rushing down his face. Cheeks have become a rosy color of pink as does his nose. She says "You I love most!" Then her vision blacks out. Her mind flowing through as she can hear him crying harder and all she wants to do is hold him.
Morning came she opened her eyes and she was on her bed as she turned her head Nagi was snuggled up next to her. She smiled then brushed the hair from his face noticing how truly beautiful he is. He started to stir a bit then looked up at her and you could tell he has spent so much time crying his eyes were red and puffy still. Cloe smiled at him "I love you more than anyone else in the world, and I will stay by you until my death." He looked shocked at her words yet still couldn't stop the tears welling up in his eyes before he said anything he clumsily went to sit up and slipped falling on top of her. He pushed himself up looking at her at a close angle before he just didn't care he had spent years upon years hoping this day would come again, his lips crashed passionately into hers kissing her until they couldn't breathe and had to come up for air.
As he looks down at Cloe after they break apart their lips he asks her with so much love in his voice... Who do you love most in this world?" He awaited her answer anxiously hoping what he had done worked. "You and only you forever until I die." She smiled as she pulled him down to kiss his soft lips again. In between kisses he wants to know to know no matter what she will never forget him even if he fades away and after asking her this she put his mind at rest that he would always be in her heart and she never needed anyone else. She went on to ask him what happened after she blacked out, this was his story that he made sure she understood what could come of all of this.
"I gave the doll a name, one that wasn't what you had given so long ago. I called her Marigold meaning despair, sorrow, and jealousy just like her. She took away your love for me and I will never forgiver her for that. After I gave her a name I told her I hated her and began to stomp her into the ground. It didn't take much before she sounded like she was on repeat until she went poof into smoke and her body dissolved in front of me. With that I think it broke her hold on you so when you came to you still remembered me and your love for me"
He breathed softly after telling her everything then watched as a smile started to form on her face. "You will never get rid of me now Nagi we are to be together til you disappear and then some as well as when all my skin falls off. You will still be my one and only forever and ever.
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Exitium – Talján horror a javából
Exitium – Talján horror a javából - https://metalindex.hu/2023/05/11/exitium-taljan-horror-a-javabol/ -
Holnap érkezik az olasz death/black metalban jártas Exitium debütáló albuma. A nagy nap előtt azonban még készültek nekünk egy lemezelőzetessel az Imperitous March For Abysmal Glory albumukról. A Time To Kill Records jóvoltából fog megjelenni mindent elpusztító koleratornádójuk. Most pedig hallgassuk meg a Rooted in Blackened Soil nevezetű förtelmüket.
Exitium – Imperitous March For Abysmal Glory
(Time To Kill Records)
01. Incomb (Intro) – 1:47 02. Rooted in Blackened Soil – 5:44 03. Abyss Wolf – 4:11 04. Hammering The Walls of Grace – 5:26 05. Ephemeral (Instr.) – 4:15 06. The Sinister Sedition – 5:02 07. Led by a Scornful Hand – 5:51 08. Ab Aeterno – 2:20 09. Spoils of Defilement – 4:47 10. Dieu El Veut! – 6:21
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yaassu · 3 years
[ 💌 ] Random otome screenies that I have in my camera roll pt. 12
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Okay but MOOD 25/8 🥲
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“my hand touched something hard and solid” 😩 when I tell you my head went straight to the gutter
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Honestly, she’s kinda right about that 🤧 I still love his annoying ass though
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A... pfffftttttttt— BIRD COSTUME (≧∇≦)
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yuzuki102 · 3 years
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ikemenayakashi · 5 years
Not a story, sorry
I started playing Ephemeral (from Hunex) and I love the story so much 😍 I am now playing Nagi's route and I already love him 🖤🖤
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Help me I am falling in love AGAIN
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