#episode 01x05
cerealbishh · 2 years
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"Are you okay?"
"Uh... not really. Me and Camilla broke up."
"Oh. Oh... I'm so sorry."
"Yeah, it's a lot. Can I turn in the intention statement later? I'm having these crying jags."
"Yeah, of course. Go ahead. Also, if you ever need to talk or anything, I'm here."
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levithestripper · 28 days
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“If you wish to see him for yourself, Arseling, I say you leave the way you came. I’m serious. We are stuck on this hill, and here we will die.” THE LAST KINGDOM— 01x05 “Episode 5” for @errruvande
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gay-spock · 1 year
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"I loved her very much. She lives in my dreams. She walks and sings in them."
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independent-fics · 3 months
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The Leverage OT3 in Every Episode
Leverage: 01x05 The Mile High Job
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cbrownjc · 3 months
Hi. I’m a recent follower and I really enjoy your commentary and predictions on iwtv.
I was curious, cause since the play was scripted, are any of the revelations that lestat made (the turning of Claudia, their fight in 01x05, that it was actually Louis who was hunting lestat) true or a little bit true?
Hi! Thanks for following and I'm glad you like my commentary and such. 🙂
So I think, when all is said and done, the only things we can trust about anything wrt the things Lestat said during the trial are the things he said when he was clearly off script. Those things, and those things alone, I think are safe to trust 100%.
Anything else he talked about, however, is highly suspect IMO, and if Louis called something out as being false then I -- personally -- am 100% taking it as such, and looking at it as clearly part of the narrative the coven wanted Lestat to present to the audience.
Anything Louis didn't call out as false I'm giving more credence to. However, I also think there is probably more context to those events that we are still missing because Lestat was still being scripted when talking about those things.
Because even with Armand's interference with Louis' memories, I still feel there is more credibility to Louis' POV for now than Lestat's when it comes to the trial since we have still yet to hear or get Lestat's POV fully uncoerced or manipulated -- which he very much was during this trial -- about all of this and of past events.
I mean, for starters. Lestat says he went to sleep underground right after Nicki died and slept for 100 years, waking in 1908. So that would mean that Lestat went to sleep sometime around 1808.
However, there are little anecdotes Lestat dropped in Season 1 that contradict that he was asleep underground for 100 years. Such as in episode 1x02 when he tells Louis about having seen the comic opera Don Pasquale. That show first premiered in 1843, and Lestat told Louis he was there for it (as well as that he was acquainted with the composer of it). Which would have been impossible if Lestat had gone underground to sleep after Nicki ended his life and didn't wake up again until 1908, 100 years later.
Also, in the trial, Lestat said once he did awaken he immediately chose to go to New Orleans. Yet, in episode 1x01 he tells Louis that he was actually headed for St. Louis, Missouri, and only stopped and then stayed in New Orleans first because of the music and then because of Louis himself.
These two things were clearly scripted in this way to establish a narrative that Lestat was just a lonely, brokenhearted vampire still mourning the loss of his first love when he first encountered Louis, who supposedly preyed upon Lestat. And used Lestat's brokenheartedness and loneliness to his advantage. All of which Louis loudly rejected and said wasn't true.
So when it comes to those two events, as well as the narrative they were being used to lead to -- that Louis pursued Lestat and took advantage of him -- that was all false and part of the script IMO.
However, when it comes to something like Claudia's turning, Louis says that Lestat's version of that event was correct. So, just for now, I take those events as having more credence than what we saw in Season 1. However, I still think parts are still missing with regard to this event that we won't know in full until Season 3 when we can get Lestat's full, and clear, POV about it.
So that is something I think we should also wait to hear from Lestat's full, and unscripted self before any final judgments are made about it.
And I think the same should be true of any other events that fall under this same mode, such as the fight in 1x05. Louis didn't contradict or call false anything Lestat said about the part of it we didn't see in Season 1. So I'm taking it as true, though I still feel there is even more context to it all that we still don't have and will only, once again, get when we finally get Lestat's full, unscripted, POV.
Also, I think it's important to note that the times when Lestat would fully go off script was when it came to emotional things, not simple narrative ones -- such as when he confronted that homophobic audience member who was ridiculing the love he and Louis held for each other, or when he was apologizing to Louis for the drop in 1x05.
It was deeply emotional things about and for Louis that would break Lestat fully off-script, even right at the start when Lestat corrected that this was a story of love after Santiago tried to call it a story of betrayal. And when he was recalling and talking about the actual events themselves he would also only do so if they were deeply emotionally connected with Louis, such as him talking about the fight in 1x05.
So I would say anything Louis didn't directly call out as being false are things that should be dismissed as false, for now. And the things Louis didn't do so with should be given more weight wrt their truth. But, even then, there might still be -- and very likely is -- context missing to those events that we won't get a true and full picture of until we can hear Lestat talk about them via his own, fully unscripted and unmanipulated, POV next season.
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rayllurn · 1 day
What was the sandwiches ref again? I can't remember off the top of my head lol
In episode 01x05, Callum is having a dream about Claudia ("I've been waiting for this moment....your breath still smells like peanut butter"), and Ezran wakes him up and later asks what he was dreaming about. Too lazy to look at the exact dialogue but it goes something like:
Ezran: "You were kinda sleep talking before. What were you dreaming about?"
Callum: "Why? I didn't like...say anyone's name out loud right?"
Ezran: "There was something about peanut butter-"
Callum: "Sandwiches! I remember now. I was dreaming about sandwiches."
Ezran: "You seemed weirdly excited about sandwiches."
Callum: *laughs* "In a few years, when you're older buddy, we'll sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk about sandwiches." (aka, The Talk).
And then in 02x03, when Callum asks Ezran to go for a walk because he plans to tell him about what happened to Harrow:
Callum: "So, Ezran, I wanted to talk to you about life, and growing up, and how sometimes there are...changes you don't expect."
Ezran: "Is this the talk about sandwiches?"
Callum: *very flustered* "No no no no...not that. Definitely not that."
Hope this helps!
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funforahermit · 6 months
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the legendary ending of episode 01x05 (selected moments)
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cmdeepdive · 2 months
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Every Episode of Criminal Minds
01x05 - Broken Mirror
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theboardwalkbody · 3 months
Succession 01x05 and 01x06 Roman-Thoughts:
So despite the dominant Roman scene we got at the end of 01x04 we still get a little nugget of the Roman who's not Into It with Grace's "every 6 months" comment.
Absolutely seeing how any time you say anything to Roman that is Absolutely the Truth about himself he doesn't want to hear it and just tells that person to fuck off and walks away. Because God Forbid Roman actually deals with his shit like a mature adult.
---2.5 - I know that coming up(?) is a moment between Roman and Shiv about therapy (because I think everyone goes at one point?) but I really find it hard to believe that Roman and Therapy go well together given his propensity for not talking about anything serious related to his behaviors, especially if those behaviors are "negative" or perceived that way.
Got a little peek into Roman's brain with the "I'm not smart but I'm not dumb" and "I don't have the attention span" and "this is the most important time of my life and I'm thinking about six other things right now" statement. Do we have some ADHD-Roman?
I would have LOVED to see Roman's face in response to Logan hitting Iverson. Obviously I have been spoiled and know that Logan physically abused Roman but from the gif-sets I've seen Roman plays this off as Not A Big Deal and makes excuses for it. So I really would have loved to see how Roman reacted to seeing it happen to his nephew.
Roman absolutely flew into detachment when Grace left. He broke up with her, and they gave each other the cold shoulder the rest of the night (especially Grace's bite at him while saying Thanks), but when she was actually leaving Roman just straight up ignored her. He was physically present in the room but mentally and emotionally he was Not.
I see you Roman-Barely-Eats-Roy. With the picking at his stomach in the earlier episode, declining food when au devours were brought around passing over his plate completely at first during Thanksgiving dinner and only taking food after Grace. Taking small bites. When having dinner with Lawrence he was shown to put a small bite of food in his mouth like, once. During the meeting at the diner about the Vote of Confidence he ordered only a black coffee (which if I remember correctly this is actually the SECOND time on screen he was ordering food / offered food and only ordered/accepted a black coffee).
I know Kieran said that he saw Roman as having some sort of disordered eating but I wasn't sure how much he actually got to work it into the on-screen portrayal or how soon this occurred. So I'm kinda seeing, at the moment, that clearly he worked it in.
ALSO: to some psych diagnosis - I've seen Roman later on makes a "joke" about having borderline personality disorder and I am looking for evidence of it (because maybe I am biased with my own diagnosis) but having seen that I keep looking at him through that lens and I have been perceiving that his dumping Grace was a reaction to seeing her watching the movie. I see it as him feeling betrayed, maybe also embarrassed, and that caused him to split and therefore any love/feelings he had for her turned into hurt and he pushed her away by breaking things off with her. And his ignoring her leaving was absolutely him shutting down to block out any regret he may have been feeling or any further hurt.
And one more thing: As much as Roman talked about voting Logan out I knew the SECOND Logan decided to stay in the room during the vote he was going to buckle. I could also see the nervousness in him when Kendall wasn't there to help act as a buffer/support for him. Roman was absolutely squirming that whole time and when it came to be his time to vote, even though he did make a nervous attempt at sticking with his original vote, when Logan snapped at him he tucked tail. The shame and fear was written all over his face. When his turn came that was no longer an adult sitting in that seat but a child.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Recently went on twitter to see some discussions about the new episode. My god people love to hate the actors it’s so sad. It’s not like Tumblr doesn’t have some weirdos but damn so called ‘fans’ on twitter just find any reason to misunderstand the scenes and characters. It’s either they hate Lestat (which turns to abuse to Sam) for 01x05 or find any reason to discredit Louis and also hate him. It’s really disheartening because I think my Tumblr bubble for iwtv is really friendly. Your blog is really refreshing to read after going on the cesspit which is twitter. Thank you 🙏🏻 😊
:) Glad it’s a positive experience here for you!!! 🥰
I must say I am not much on Twitter anymore for similar reasons :/
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cerealbishh · 2 years
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"Listen! The two of you, stop. Both of you guys, step away. Probies, to the barn. All of you."
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myckicade · 2 years
@motleystitches left me this lovely, thought-provoking comment, and I wanted to take some time to answer it throughly:
"But was there at any time genuine affection between Louis/Lestat? That’s the part I feel is really awkward. Ep 5 seems to be asking to reinterpret all the previous episodes. Yeah, it’s abusive, violent, but ep5 made it seem like *everything* was just fake to Lestat, so they never went into a “pattern” at all. instead, it was just a game/hunt to Lestat…"
First, I apologize for taking multiple days to answer this. Second, let me clarify that I will make mention of things that I feel explain each character's shitty behavior. Explanation does not equal excuse. There is simply no excusing a great deal of what has gone down here.
So, to dive right in: Yes, I absolutely believe there was - and, still is - genuine affection and love between Louis and Lestat. That love is, quite understandably, not sitting around in plain view during the events of 01x05. Things have spiraled so far out of control between the two of them - lying, cheating, manipulating - that neither party seems to like the other, all that much, right now. While this is the first time the two of them have clashed to such extremes, it is hardly their first time at-odds. Love can survive a lot, and there's something about twisted, fucked-up, these-two-should-not-be-together love that seems to lend a little extra elasticity before the break.
To look at each character, I guess I'll begin with Public Enemy Number One. When the two initially met, I would agree that Lestat was on the hunt, both vampiric and romantic. The thrill of the chase was alive and well, as I should think most beings experience when they have a goal in-mind. And, as much as Lestat tries to separate vampire from human, he is still victim to basic human nature. He wants love. He wants companionship. I just don't think he's terribly fond of the idea of that he needs it.
Lestat, if you should ask me, is a terrible liar, even to himself. This, I think, is where a lot of the manipulation comes from. It looks ugly as hell, at face value, but I think a lot of it is rooted in insecurity. He either doesn't know how, or - for my money - doesn't want to ask for the things he shouldn't need. The things he should be strong enough to do without. Things that, in the past, have probably come back to bite him in the ass. So, he comes up with other ways to get them, to entice Louis into giving him what he wants. Again, manipulation is manipulation, but I don't think it comes from a place of falsehood when it comes to Louis. He wants from Louis, but he doesn't want Louis to know that he holds that kind of power over him. Unfortunately for him, it slips out when he feels that he's faced with no other choice to get what he wants.
Monogamy is my favourite example. His assurance to Louis that other people are acceptable is so terribly, obviously transparent, only to have a complete, unsurprising meltdown in the face of Louis taking advantage of their agreement. While there is definitely bullshit to be called in the double-standard, Lestat also comes across as genuinely heartbroken. And, who could blame him? (I'm sure many could, but, I'm speaking to the heartbreak, not the actions that followed). Here is his partner, who - by said partner's own admission - has little sexual desire for Lestat, only to take up with an old friend at the drop of a hat. I can tell you from experience, that is a shitty feeling. To have your partner show no desire to do something with you (not necessarily sexual), only to be all too willing to give it a go with someone else. That said, I firmly believe that Lestat wanted to believe it would be fine with it, to know that Louis was with someone else. Otherwise, he's in it too deep. He's jealous. That jealousy and heartache become weakness, and those weaknesses can be exploited at Louis' will.
And, Louis… This is what I love about this series, is that everyone is feeling this story in so many different ways. Personally, if I was to find anyone's love to be in doubt, it would be Louis'. He's so caught up in resentment of Lestat, for turning him, for killing to survive, for all of the basic things that Lestat is... He clearly has difficulty in getting around that. Louis has a very mild way of showing affection. Granted, a great many beings in this world are not affectionate, and that is just fine. In his case, it makes sense that at least some of it comes from a lifetime of being told that his feelings were, to quote, "a crime against nature". He doesn't owe Lestat affection, and he's not obligated, but... A lack of attention doesn't tend to work very well, when paired with a needy personality. Again, I'm not saying Louis should give Lestat everything that he wants. But, he knows what his standoff-ish ways do to Lestat. There's no way that he doesn't. Threatening to leave, and then walking out, only to turn back up once his point has been made. Or, even better, when he has need of Lestat, again. (See: Claudia).
Speaking of Claudia, this is a fine example of the things Louis knows, and how best to use them to his advantage. He's far more subtle about it than Lestat, but Louis is guilty of manipulating his lover when it suits him, too. When he needs Lestat's help to save Claudia, he knows just what buttons to push. He knows that Lestat loves him, and will do anything for him. A daughter means that he'll stick around for a family. Coming to him in the first place doubles as a stroke to Lestat's ego, letting the scales of power tip to his favour for a time. Even with that, it still gets Louis what he wants. He wants to save Claudia. He wants to atone for his own sins. He wants to be a good person. And, yes, I do believe that he genuinely wants to fix things with Lestat in the same move. (Four birds, one bite).
That's where the love (and the co-dependency) shows the most. Louis wants to fix it. He cools off, and comes back around, and gives it another try. Ill-advised? Fuck, yes. But... You can convince yourself of a great many things when you're in love. Otherwise, in theory, you'd probably walk away. He knows Lestat. He trusts him, trusts in his love, and in the good of him that certainly does exist. Again, if it was all bad... Well, something attracted him in, in the first place.
Fast-forward to 01x05... Violence is definitely not the answer, but I am not one bit surprised that such is where they have landed. Lestat has lost all of his hold on Louis, in all forms, be it love, attention, or power. And, he lost him to Claudia. His weaknesses have come back to bite him, and he's doing the only thing he seems to know how to do: bite back. Biting back against Claudia, though? Wrong move. Trying to harm Claudia, the only redemption that Louis may feel he has left in the world, his child, is worse than taking on Louis, himself. There is no way Louis lets that slide, even if that means taking on an older, faster, stronger adversary. Even if that adversary is his own lover. To protect his family, yes. But, in some truly fucked up way, I feel like this is the only way Louis is going to bother to protect himself. Where this leaves them, now? It's not pretty, not by any means, but it will be interesting to find out.
That was... a lot. (And, sadly enough, I have so much more that I could add). All together, yes, I feel that there is love between them, but they suck at showing it. Love isn't their problem. They're a personality mis-match, to say the absolute least. Incompatible. These two fail at communication. They really might have benefited from a long, involved, check-your-ego-at-the-door type of a conversation. It didn't have to come to this, but no one was willing to get to the root of it. Ego. Ego, ego, ego. (Mm, I love it). This relationship feels very real, where so many other on-screen portrayals are lacking. Now? Now, the road back to love will be treacherous, if even passable, at all.
After all, Louis may have said told Lestat to let him go, but he never said he didn't love him.
P.S. This is just my opinion, and I may very well be biased. I have been in this type of relationship before. We shouldn't have been together, but we were oddly perfect for one another, and that thought still surprises the shit out of me.
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thebumblecee · 2 years
I see a lot of critique for 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star that is either “this is so unrealistic” or “this happened in XYZ show” well I get to be the nerd that tells you a lot of what happens in the show is based on real life events and fictionalised (like a lot of shows). So the same storylines come up again and again.
This nerd is going to make a list because real life really is stranger than fiction.
Things that actually happened in real life plus their Lonestar episode:
(Some of these are on IMDB so I’m using the direct quotes)
01x01 - Pilot: A manure factory fire that kills the original 126
Real life: The opening incident at the agricultural-products facility is based on the real-life ammonium nitrate explosion at West Fertilizer Company in West, TX, on April 17, 2013. Fifteen people died in the fire and explosion, including ten firefighters from the West Fire Department. (IMDb)
01x02 - Yee Haw: a man poisons sandwiches with mercury.
Real life:
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01x03 - Texas Proud: someone gets trapped in a grain silo, sucking them down.
Real life:
01x04 - Act Of God: tornados in Texas
Real life: The tornadoes are based on the 1997 Central Texas tornado outbreak that occurred on 27 May 1997 that resulted in 27 fatalities around Central Texas. (IMDb)
01x05 - Studs - fire in a bull semen factory
Real life: The explosion at the bull factory was inspired by a real-life event in Victoria, Australia. (IMDb)
01x 06 - Friends Like These - a dog alerts the 126 of its owners farm accident
Real life:
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01 x 07 - Bum Steer - runaway bull causes havoc in a car dealership
Real life: (happened in Scotland lmao)
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01 x08 - Monster Inside - a rattlesnake infestation in the basement of a house. The dementia storyline was too sad I’m not researching it. Son refuses to accept his mother has passed.
Real life: this one is self-explanatory and there was too many examples and now I’m getting adverts for anti snake traps. America you scare me. (Although I’m reading texas houses don’t have basements the more you know). The last one is a common motif in shows this Criminal Minds episode did it too and so did the film Psycho.
01 x 09 - Awakening - gender reveal party goes horribly wrong plus a caving disaster.
Real life: here is an article about gender reveal party accidents and here is the wiki about John Edward Jones’ tragic death in Nutty Putty Cave
01 x 10 - Austin, We Have A Problem - solar storm fries the electricals
Real life: In the year 1989 in Quebec, Canada, waves of energy called a coronal mass ejection or CME wreaked havoc on the power grid for 12 hours. These CME's are the result of an explosion on the surface of the sun which has released powerful bursts of electromagnetic energy into the solar system. (IMDb)
Season 2
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One set for every episode ↳01x05 Shoplifter
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moltage · 1 year
here is the fire (01x05) would be a MUCH better episode if they hadn't deleted all those scenes. like there are a LOT of clips from that episode that they didn't use and all of them are beautiful i don't know what the hell the producers were thinking by deleting all that :/
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sword-day · 2 years
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A SCENE FOR EVERY EPISODE — 5/63 BETTER CALL SAUL | 01x05 | Jell-O Alpine Shepherd Boy
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