#epithet erased carcrash
mikodrawnnarratives · 5 months
Lorelai should go through her redemption arc so that we can see her as a minion and therefore be become besties with the other minions, refill her social battery and figure out how to socialize again with em, SO she can then become the Dungeon Master she's destined to be in the friendgroup's DND sessions every month
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noxnixnoxp · 2 months
EE and Poptropica🔥🔥
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velolceraptor · 5 months
Hey quick question but
if one of gio's boys left the group for their own villain arc, which would it be?
Need it for research
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sadsoftserve · 5 months
They are the best. No challenge, I don't even have to think about it.
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I love these goobers.
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shartyfart · 2 years
hi everybody. look !
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Hello epithet erased community :))
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Warm-up with Giovanni and the boys>:)))
I love these guys to bits sb sedate me 😭💞💞
(small edit heheh: the boys names left to right, top to bottom: 
spike, flamethrower, darkstar, crusher, ben and carcrash)
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crowithy · 1 year
Fuck It I doubt I'll get to drawing all of them but have mine and partially my friend @jackbmx637 's headcannons on what WOF dragons each epithet erased character would be
We came up with these weeks ago so I don't really remember much but I'll try to explain each one I can (all under the cut)
Apologies for typos, new phone with wider screen plus horrendous autocorrect plus no glasses plus eepy
Molly- Night/Rainwing | Nightwing to give the star scales in place of her hair stars, and rainwin for the frill so they can still be on her head :) also so the scales could be colorfully but the designs I have for them don't follow cannon colors really so that part doesnt matter as much, just the frills mostly.
Giovanni - Rainwing | mostly vibes but also come on tell me Giovanni wouldn't absolutely love being a color changing dragon that can spit acid, you can't because he would. And rainwings are the coolest so nyeh
Sylvie - Silkwing | was originally icewing cause he gave off the vibes but I also kinds headcannon silkwings to be a little bit fluffy. Also the idea of him being all like "I'm not a kid >:(" even tho he literally doesn't have wings yet really funny (I have looked up an age chart for WOF to figure out the atrocious age system and came to realization he would have his wings at his age making it less funny but I still kept him silkwing because I liked it so much)
CarCrash/Fred - Silkwing | litterally only because I remember someone in the Talons Of Peace discord server joke about how silkwings have the right anatomy to drive cars. I don't even know if that's technically true or not .
Crusher - Leafwing | I felt the leafwing fin would he a nice way to give him his bangs, Crusher with eyes just felt wrong. Also idk if it's cannon or a headcannon from a fic I read that he liked gardening and plants so like leafwing. (It was prolly a headcannon)
Flamethrower - Silk/Skywing or Rain/Skywing | Kinda debated by me and my friend, because he does cheerleaders we wanted to choose the most fitting for him. I argued rainwing because from what I know they seem to have better movement (I'm not good at words but like yaknow how they have to climb around a lot idk I can't words its like 1 am) he argued wsilkwing because the four wings could give better maneuverability. Idk neither of us know anything about what we're talking about here I don't think.
Ben - Skywing | maybe if you get a cooler name Ben maybe you'd be assigned a dragon that's not just your sterotypical dragon. Jokes aside I can just easily imagine his voice fitting a skywing for some reason???
Spike - Hive/Icewing | the two spikiest dragons I could think of.
DarkStar - Nightwing | Darkstar is 100% a nightwing name.
I'll do more later today when I'm not about to pass out. Uh let me know if yall want anyone specific I guess.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
ben i miss you so much bro it’s not even funny. i miss darkstar and spike and crusher. i miss giovanni and carcrash n even molly, even though i only knew her for like 5 minutes. - flamethrower (epithet erased)
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millicent-dagworth · 4 years
Could you draw Ben and carcrash in the dragothedemon radical draw your oc template? with ben being one saying radical
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Hope you enjoyed it! Ben is a feral child who tries out a new outfit every week and Fred just doesn’t know what to say anymore
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sosospoopy · 5 years
CarCrash x Ben
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Here, have some "post car crash" angst
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grangermonarque · 2 years
EPITHET WEEK!! (Mostly) All art I did✨
I forgot to post it here individually on tumblr so here's the whole thing
Day 1 — Prison of Plastic!! Have a friendly purple man :)
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Day 2 & 3 — Mundie and Inscribed!! They are being besties ur honor
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Day 4 — Favorite S1 Arc!! The scene that made me love Sylvie more for some reason!
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Day 5 — Banzai Blasters!! I wanted to do Bliss Ocean as well but Darkstar and Flame has my heart 💜
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Day 6 — OC TIME!! I had to go all out for my bastard child Vincenzo... Excited to use them on my campaign soon!
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Day 7 — AU!! Yeah I'm still considering on the mod with some awesome ppl :)c
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Day 8 — REDESIGN CHALLENGE!! Drew two of my favorites because fuck it, sibling time
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Day 9 — NEO TRIO!! Which is sadly a repost because I've been mentally drained lately... But who knows! I may redraw this soon >:)
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(also happy bday Mr. Jello Apocalypse)
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If Gio gets a new outfit, the Boys need some too
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velolceraptor · 7 months
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I drew these three as the admirals for some reason
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sadsoftserve · 6 months
@arospecbandgeek and I are on the same brainwave most of the time apparently.
She made this and holy shit I giggled a lil too hard.
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Flamebomb is litterally my new fav thing.
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speyerboot · 3 years
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Waitin for Boss
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someuselesswriter · 3 years
Gio Polycule hc time! Will keep making these if I think of more good ones, or if y’all like it.
The heather blasters are on frenemy terms with flamethrower. They are constantly challenging each other in an attempt to one up the other.
Lorelai cheering and supporting Flamethrower while he does his male cheerleading. Especially bc canonically flamethrower is great at it and going to like, regionals or smth. She is here for it. Attends every practice, cheers obnoxiously loud. Insults the other team. Full 10 miles
Crusher and Lorelai do the like. Girl Talk type of thing during sleepovers where they just talk about Giovanni.
Darkstar epithet binary, two darkstars, four hands to hold
Ben is little spoon. And by that I mean during sleepovers they all cuddle and Ben is the little spoon on the end. Tiny man fit good in cuddle.
Giovanni paints all their nails. Darkstar finds some like rhinestones and stuff to add more flair.
They all just carry Ben around like a sack of potatoes. Crusher is beefy af and probably carries his partners either way, flamethrower carries people constantly for cheerleading, car crash there is reason to believe that he has had to probably pull his car out of a ditch or something of the like many times, even if darkstar can’t do it two of him could carry Ben like a firefighter holding a hose, Lorelai could reasonably do it too, Giovanni probably can’t and accidentally drops him, and spike does it out of pure determination. All of them are capable of doing it.
All of the banzai blasters can get a little over exited. Lorelai does too ofc, but not in the same way. It takes her a while to catch up to their energy but them throwing a “welcome to the polycule” party definitely helps her vibe w them
They do a dnd campaign together. All of them (and the heathers included sometimes) have had one running for forever. They’re all a little anxious to invite Lorelai to do it w them bc she’s never played before and they don’t want her to fuck up the characters they’ve been playing in this campaign for a long time, but she adds the whole Dream Bubble to the game to make it all more realistic and they love it. She doesn’t really like the game, feels like it’s too much rules, but as it goes on with Lorelai being basically a co-dm bc she needs to know stuff to set them up beforehand, she gets really into it and learns all the rules to add little touches like health bars etc
Giovanni has a meeting with his Boys after meeting/having Lorelai joining the polycule, explaining possible triggers for her bc dead mom in the fire and having them cross off “arson” from the list of crimes they do.
Spike has one of those fucking wild cars where there’s like. Fence for doors and the top has been taken off and it’s a pickup truck. Giovanni made her include a way for the “doors” to lock and seatbelts. Safety is important.
A regular date night activity is driving out somewhere in spikes car and then finding a place where they can see the stars and sleeping in the back
They take shifts on driving car crash around. They have a secret gc or smth logging who last drove him, so they know who is next. This is an attempt to stop him from hurting himself or others via his namesake
The gc is secret so that every time he makes plans to do something and says it in front of them, they can have someone to drive him and not have to waste time arguing who did what when etc and always know who is w him
They have Life360 and have named a lot of locations different names. Every good date spot is added to it
Crusher gets flustered easily and when he has to present something for class the others all meet up to be his audience so he can practice, and it’s less scary for him
Spike and at least one other saw Lorelai at school and had at least a little crush on her, and then Giovanni brought her to the polycule and they went fuck yeah girl from geometry or smth like that is here
Crusher gives gifts. A lot. Bakes, cooks, makes food, little heart shaped things, he gives a lot of gifts to his partners. Half the time it’s like. A bouncy ball he found on the ground that he drew a heart on but they all love it
They all love doing like, big meet up-sleep over-parties for everything. It’s at least two of those things. Spike has the others dye her hair and every time it happens they all end up w hands dyed purple despite using gloves
She/he spike?
They take turns babysitting/helping Molly, picking her up from school, tutoring, all that. Some of them have helped take up shifts in the toy store, usually accompanied by Lorelai.
Molly asks Lorelai for help, she, as she is known to do, brushes off responsibility and says she’s busy, goes out to hang out with the Giovanni Polycule. Molly gets overwhelmed, asks Giovanni for help, he goes to help saying it’s a secret mission, Lorelai wants to come with to spend time with him. Lorelai forced to help, rinse and repeat several times, before Lorelai figures to cut out the middle man and just help molly, calling Giovanni and the others over claiming it’s too hard as an excuse to spend time with them and have the whole process happen faster.
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