#should i tag spoilers?
icallhimjoey · 5 months
your friend is an angel. but also…show ass next time ❤️
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doesromandoart · 2 years
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why does my first time drawing evelyn have to be this
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mikodrawnnarratives · 5 months
Lorelai should go through her redemption arc so that we can see her as a minion and therefore be become besties with the other minions, refill her social battery and figure out how to socialize again with em, SO she can then become the Dungeon Master she's destined to be in the friendgroup's DND sessions every month
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lonely-night · 2 years
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“Captain? Captain, can you hear me? Kathryn.”
“... Seven?”
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pokilicious · 7 months
Currently reading the TOTCF novel and I too would think Cale is a dragon if I was in the other characters shoes tbh, my liege is always popping off wth
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huntlowstan · 8 months
I don’t know if it’s because I’m bone tired or those flashback scenes with sally just hit different, (probably both) but I was crying like, that entire episode.
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I sometimes go back to this moment and just.. think about it..
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rolanslide · 2 years
I think Philip thought that Evelyn had bewitched or cursed Caleb and that's the real reason that he left him. Because there's no way Caleb could choose Evelyn and the demon realm over Philip and still love him. Maybe he thought killing Caleb was a kindness, saving him and his soul from the spell he had been put under. And maybe he thought he could bring back the true Caleb, the one from his childhood, the one that loved him. Maybe that's what he means when he goes off about wild magic, it's magic that made his brother no longer love him, it's magic that made all of the grimwalkers stab him in the back. It's not him. It's not him. It's not him.
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Since I started a new playthrough I would like to voice my Life is Strange hot take.
That last choice should’ve been taken away from you. I genuinely feel like the ending would hit so much harder and players would be even more mindful of the choices they’re making upon replay. Like with Kate in episode 2, the choices you’ve made with regard to Kate and the choices you make in speaking with her, will impact whether or not you can save her, and there’s no rewind option on that.
There are also so many opportunities where choices made involving Chloe could (and should’ve imo) worked to make that last choice for you. Yes, your choices absolutely affect the gameplay and storyline itself, but in the end you still have that choice to either save Chloe or Arcadia Bay and you’re free to make it. None of the other choices you’ve made end up mattering as much because you still have that option.
I’ve always played the game in a way where I am doing the absolute most I can for everyone (hello people pleasing tendencies), but can you imagine how gobsmacked I would’ve been if I had to let Arcadia Bay get destroyed bc I chose to kiss Chloe? Or Chloe has to die because I answered the phone call from Kate?
I just think it would’ve made the game way more interesting if that last choice gets taken away.
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godisasimp · 2 years
The love-hate relationship I have with this character is amazing
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Love : basically her whole design
Hate : her writing post-Elysian Realm story
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kindlythevoid · 1 year
I finished AC: Odyssey and the amount of RAGE I felt when watching the after-credits was UNREAL.
(Please be warned, there is a very long, angry, slightly incomprehensible rant underneath. Proceed with caution.)
Like, not even touching the fact that Kassandra put Herodotus’s manuscripts in the LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA (which made me super mad about the burning of the Library which means that she put it there for NOTHING and his writing is GONE and it makes me EMOTIONAL)
Okay, so I touched on it a little.
But other than that, seeing the little bit at the end? The little “Kassandra’s journey continues in AC: Valhalla”??? Unreal. Absolutely not. I get that she’s immortal (a lie; I really, really don’t and did not appreciate that story line because of the fucking plot holes that gives the rest of the series but it’s fine I’m fine I’m ironing them out as all angry fanfic writers do) but dear lord why is she in another game??
Okay, I have taken a second and reviewed my words. Allow me to rephrase.
I actually really like Kassandra. I think she’s great. I can deal with her outliving everyone (which she DOESN’T DESERVE) and fucking about like the world’s greatest cryptid (srsly do they explain why she never got in contact with the assassins when she so CLEARLY adopted their weapon-of-choice and are aligned in the same damn cause?). Part of me is rubbing my hands together and cackling at all the sand this gives me to play with in the sandbox of canon. Another part of me is screaming and bashing pots and pans together in front of Ubisoft.
Kassandra showing up in another game? Incredible. Fantastic. Start filling in those plot holes immediately. But also? Valhalla is a separate game. (I have my own rant prepared on what I’ve heard about the game, but that is for another day and when I have actually completed the game and have a legitimate soapbox to stand on.)
Please, please inform me if Ezio or… someone? Some other game has an end credit scene with “their journey continues” after everything?
Maybe I’m not the target audience. Maybe I’m too happy with plot to be in the AC fandom. But, dammit, this is where you go to when you want to scream about your opinion and by golly who ever made it this far is going to hear it.
Like, okay, I felt so tired when I saw those words. I was taken right back to the MCU (which I love and adore) and just felt tired. The MCU, at the moment, is churning out, approximately, a fuckton of content at lightning speed. Usually, I can wrap my head around it and move on. But they are leaving no time to digest, very little time (imo) for me to settle into a character and form a connection before the next show/movie/short comes out! And they’re rushing (imo) after COVID with movies that can and should be, I don’t know, pushed back or reviewed or something.
However, I’m deviating a little bit. Sadly, not enough. Because I see those words in Assassin’s Creed, my little comfort murder video game who brought me into the bubble of video games that I didn’t leave and got me attached to these characters, and I am filled with… not even dread; I’m just tired of it.
Like, okay, you start a game with an assassin and Some Guy who happens to be his descendant. Okay, cool. Next game, you introduce another guy, sprinkle references to the first guy, and give the descendant some quirky friends. You then build on this group of people for the next two games (totaling four at this point) before introducing yet another family through the same guy. Then you kill the guy. It is a big, emotional scene, presumably with some implications and effects (affects?) and what-not. But the family stays. The next game, the family stays. But you waffle between protagonists for no less than four games. But at least everything is entwined!! At least you’re going after Juno, the quirky friends from earlier show up and help, everyone gets a sad fun reference through the games.
So then you start over.
You are over ten games into this franchise and you start over. To be fair, it’s with a new protagonist and it feels right. It’s a good decision! It pulls things more mythologically, but it works. Presumably, you’re setting things up. And then you bring up Atlantis. And you introduce an Isu. And there is very little progress in the modern world, even though (again, as far as I am fucking aware) there is a humanity-hating Isu in the internet probably fucking things up for people.
And after all of these games, which focus on death, dying, and the permanence of said death, you make one of the characters immortal. Like. Good sir, are you well? And then you tell me that this immortal character, which throws quite literally everything that was built up over ten-ish games into question, is showing up in the next game. No, no, not showing up, continuing her journey.
There are a few instances that will probably be brought up if anyone has really strong feelings against me disliking this.
Ezio had three games, why does it matter if Kassandra shows up again? Because!! This isn’t!!! Her game!!!! If this was Odyssey 2: Electric Boogaloo, so be it, go for it, very excited for you, honey, you’re doing great. But this is Eivor’s game. As in, about Eivor and their journey.
Well, what about Altair in Revelations? It’s basically the same thing and you liked that game? Yes, I did like that game. I liked it very much. But Altair had something going for him that Kassandra does not. Altair was dead. So very dead. Extremely, extremely dead in a way that does not effect Ezio in any way, shape, or form except as someone to be studied and put to rest. Kassandra? Alive. Very alive. Able to make active changes to her environment (and then they fucking killed her as soon as we figured it out, I swear, Ubisoft, I swear—).
Alright, well, Conner Kenway showed up in Liberation and he was living and breathing? Yeah, as a celebrity guest star. He lead Aveline around, helped her kill some people, stood around awkwardly in the snow, and called it a day. Like, if that is all it is, then my problems are zilch. You can ignore this whole rant and sit smugly with the knowledge that you have a good told-you-so ready as soon as I finish Valhalla. But dammit you don’t phrase things like Marvel if they only make a guest appearance (and if that is a thing, then shame on you. Keep the surprise).
I would like, as a fun change of pace, for game plots (if applicable) to be thought out. Just a little. Maybe even, and this is where I get ‘em, connected. I would like to see wtf Juno is up to at the moment. I would like to see Shaun and Rebecca again. I would like a tangible plot that connects all of the games and characters together in a way better than aesthetic.
But, again, that is more my personal grievances with the modern missions that needs it’s own angry rant.
Kassandra, sweet murder darling Kassandra, is really trying my patience here. Ideally, I play Valhalla, find out that the Abstergo and the Juno storylines were picked up, Kassandra shows up for a hot minute before fucking off to who-knows-where, and this whole rant is for nothing. Heck, I’d take one of the three at this point. Because, and I think I’ve tagged it now, I’m interested in their independent journeys.
Now, admittedly this gets a bit sketchy when talking about the Assassins. They’re like Batman. Everyone thinks they work alone until you look behind them and there is an army of adopted/blood family backing them up and doing their own thing.
AC1 is about Altair’s redemption. It’s also about Malik’s long hard road to forgiveness. If you really want to dip deep, it’s also Maria’s break-out role and Al Mualim’s descent into madness. Ezio’s trilogy is the rise of the Italian brotherhood and Ezio’s quest for vengeance, justice, and knowledge respectively. You can also find his mother and her dealings with grief, Claudia and her own coming-of-age story, as well as Leonardo’s grappling with the outcomes of his inventions. AC3 was about Connor’s work-life balance as he pursued vengeance and protecting the colonies through helping the revolution and his own little homestead. It was also intertwined with Achilles coming to terms with all of the death that preceded his life with Connor.
I could continue, but I think you get the point. My point is, these stories were all about the individuals, their own personal journeys through grief and heartache and morality, as well as their affects (effects?) on the ones surrounding them, the ones closest to them. By introducing Kassandra into Eivor’s tale, it takes away some of that individuality.
Kassandra already told her tale. (Hell, you fucking picked her tale out for her. But that is a can of worms I’ll explain later.) This is where the torch gets metaphorically passed and Eivor learns their own lessons. While these games are very much stab/slash/kill games, they are also about the meaning of choice and responsibility (especially when dealing with death). They push that these moral lessons are something that should be experienced and carefully examined by each individual.
And quite honestly, as long as Kassandra doesn’t get in the way of Eivor’s lessons? If Eivor gets their own tale, their own emotional journey, without clashing with Kassandra’s? Then, yeah. Yeah, I’ll be happy seeing my favorite misthios running around a different time.
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
And now the bible radio people have switched to sports announcers! this is so fun
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lizeon · 1 year
gabriel and beelzebub????????
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venchisu · 2 years
just watched mob psycho 100 ep 3 like last Thursday (bcz that's the sched for releasing new eps in here, idk about the others tho...it says wed) and the first thing that reminded me of tsubomi is kokomi from saiki k...I MEAN LMAO THE SIMILARITIES, they struggle with their popular image (making sure no one saw thier flaws or whatever) and the voice of their private thoughts is different from the actual outside of their whole character (love both of their deep voice tho) if these two meet, they would be best friends and will talk about all their struggles at being popular to each other cuz i like wholesome content😍🥰😘 okay that's it, thank you for listening to my ted talk (I'M GONNA DRAW THEM😍🥰)
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frostconebitez · 2 years
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Bad apple
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didyousaykfc · 2 years
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