#epithet exchanged au
Since the votes for the og poll are coming to a close, id like to know;
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aloesarchives · 8 months
All That is Revealed(JJK One-shot)
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TW/Warnings: Some angst but Fluff ending, minor profanity, MANGA SPOILERS FOR HIDDEN INVENTORY ARC, Possible OOC Toji/Megumi/and Satoru/ Toji and Satoru still having beef after 12 years, Reader feeling stressed, Megumi indirectly cockblocks Toji
A sequel to this headcanon
Series: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Toji x Fem!/Mama! Reader, Megumi x Mama! Reader(platonic)
AU: Toji Lives AU
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.8k words
Summary: You finally tell your son and his friends about Satoru and Toji’s shared “history”.
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It had only been a week since Megumi got cooked by his dad during their little practice sparring session, which ended with you breaking it up and reprimanding Toji for almost critically injuring his son. That is not what’s bothering Megumi, however. Well, okay, he left a little salty with a bruised pride from barely holding his own against his dad. But that’s beside the point.
What’s bothering him is what you said to him at the end of your conversations. After learning Toji was just playing with Megumi, not even using a fraction of his actual strength, Megumi asks you how truly powerful his dad is. Your only answer was, “Ask your teacher, Megumi.” You then left the school grounds without another word. What did you mean by that? Megumi had never seen his pompous teacher like this before. Satoru’s endless sweat bullets and fidgety hands looked out of character for him. He tried asking him the next day, but Satoru didn’t acknowledge the question and completely ignored it. However, Megumi noted Gojo’s increased stuttering and rapidly fluctuating curse energy. He didn’t have any luck with Geto-sensei either. Geto would give some sort of cryptic answer to Megumi’s question with a lopsided grin, but even reading between the lines was a pain for Megumi himself.
Though, Megumi couldn’t blame his teachers for avoiding his question. He is well aware that his family is not average, even by Jujutsu standards. His father, Toji, was seen as the black sheep of the entire Jujutsu society, a useless human with no trace of curse energy. But the whispers and hushed voices he heard were a different story. His notorious epithet of “Sorcerer killer” wasn’t something every sorcerer took lightly. From the reactions he’d seen about the talks of his dad, something wasn’t adding up. The disconcert and uneasiness radiated from his two special grade teachers at the mention of his father, not to mention many others having a sober expression when speaking about him. It was like an entire act missing from a volume, and Megumi needed to figure out why.
Since he couldn’t get it out of his teachers, he’ll go for the primary source itself, you. Yet, he was swamped with school and back-to-back missions every chance he had. So, he had no time to bring it up in the first place. It was gnawing at him for days, and he wasn’t the only one. Yuuji and Nobara were also curious about your vague statement and wanted answers. Seemingly more determined than Megumi himself. But it isn’t their fault since your vague answer sparked more questions than answers. Plus, on top of not knowing much about you either. 
You were an enigma to the two students. They have seen you around campus but will be out of sight the next, leaving no trace other than your curse residuals behind. Yuuji and Nobara met you briefly a couple of times after the exchange event, only for Megumi to drag them away to leave you to your own devices. It also didn’t help them that Megumi was pretty reserved about personal details, especially ones involving family. Their only leads on you came from the mouths of other sorcerers and the school staff members. Their teacher, known to be a mortal deity, speaks highly of you with a pinch of fondness, which is strange since he never says that of anyone in such a manner. Not even to their other teacher, Suguru Geto, his best friend.
After constantly pestering and begging Megumi to tell more about his ethereal and alluring mother, Megumi decides it is now an excellent time to converse with you. For him, it’s killing two birds with one stone. His friends will finally stop bugging him about you, and he’ll get his answers. It was Thursday; the first years were preparing for a night mission. Gojo had told Megumi that you were coming to discuss recent curse activities and sorcerers' reports for the mouth. The students didn’t have to leave until 3:00pm, so he had time to spare. After their routine classes and training, Megumi begins seeking you out along with Yuuji and Nobara. With plenty of time before dispatching their mission, they searched the whole campus for you. 
While walking through a corridor from one of the student lounges, the students hear voices from one of the nearby private rooms. Before Megumi could think, Divine Dog: Totality summoned itself and dragged Megumi to where the voices came from. Megumi didn’t know his shadows to summon themselves without his command. However, this has happened a few times, such as when you’re nearby, and they picked up your curse residuals. So, remembering that his shikigamis know your essence, he lets Totality pull him along with Yuuji and Nobara. He was proven right when your voice on the other side of the shogi door was from the other side. Totality wags its tail, pushing its master’s hand to open it before disappearing into the corridor’s shadows. Before he knocked, he could hear the different voices as well. There was Gojo-Sensei, Geto-Sensei, and— is that his dad’s voice too? 
‘What the hell? Why is Dad here of all places?’ Megumi thought with his brows furrowing. He knows about the rule that Toji must always be with you on Jujutsu High grounds. He only comes to the school when he wants to tag along or you ask him to. It’s mainly the latter. Megumi snapped out of his thoughts when Nobara and Yuuji shook his shoulders to knock. He takes a deep breath before lightly tapping his knuckles on the door. There was a brief silence before your voice called out to them.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Megumi, Mom. I also brought Yuuji and Nobara, too.”
  Upon hearing your son, you allowed them to come in. As the students came in, they spotted you in the room's layout. The light from the afternoon sun made the mahogany coffee table shine. Three black lounge sofas spaced to face each other, two on the opposite ends of the table while the other met the head. You sat on the head sofa with your legs crossed; Toji was on your left while Satoru and Suguru sat on the other two sofas. Satoru joins Suguru's side to make room for the kiddos to sit. You eye your son curiously, seeing his fidgeting fingers stick out his straight posture.
“What brings you three here? Something on your mind, Megumi?” You say tenderly, a soft affection for your son to feel comfortable.
“Yeah, Mom. . . It’s about–”
“Fushiguro-kun wants to know about your question from last week, (L/N)-Sensei!”
“Yeah, Fushiguro-sensei! Fushiguro has been moppy all week because of it. Would you so kindly answer his question, Fushiguro-Sensei?”
You paused from sipping your (favorite drink), looking at the trio with scrunched brows and a slight frown. Megumi reprimanded the two for speaking on his behalf before he returned to facing you, his fists unusually clenched in his lap.
“ Megumi, I’m sorry for giving you anxious thoughts and restless nights. I didn’t mean to do anything to hurt you; you know that, right? My son, what is it that you want to ask me? You said, reassuring your brooding son. You glanced at Toji, his face unchanging, but his eyes shared the same feeling. Your husband shrugged his shoulders at you, indicating he had no idea what was happening with Megumi. You direct your attention back to your son, hoping he will confide in you like always. Your son takes another deep breath to calm his nerves before speaking again.
“Last week, after Dad beat me, you said that he wasn’t even trying. So when I asked you how strong, you said ask Gojo-Sensei, and that was it. Unfortunately, Gojo-Sensei and Geto-Sensei didn’t answer me, so I wanted to ask you.”
You looked over at the two teachers who were once your students. Suguru shrugged with his hands out while Satoru whistled away with his hands behind his back, relaxing in his seat. You shook your head. You look back at your son with a soft smile.
“I see, so you had to come to the primary source. Well, don’t blame your teachers, Megumi. After all, this is a hard topic for them to discuss.”
The trio looked at each other, confused but curious in your answer. But Megumi was more confused since he had known the two teachers all his life.
“Mom, what are you implying?”
The air shifted, and tension settled in, though Nobara and Yuuji couldn’t feel it. Megumi knew what he was asking was going into a rough part of his parents' lives. Megumi may not be the brightest, but he’s far from dumb. He knows this is serious with what he knows about his father and how vague everyone has been. You were about to speak up if it weren’t for Satoru stepping in to give an answer to the young Fushiguro, albeit failing miserably as he was beating around the bush.
“Megumi-kun, how do I explain this. . . Toji-san, your father, he, erm, he actually–”
“Your father defeated Gojo-kun, Megumi.” You blatantly said, interrupting Satoru to save himself the embarrassment. 
There were various reactions to your answer. Though Satoru was wearing his blindfold, you could sense his eyes widened as he refrained from talking further. Suguru and Toji choked on their own air. Yuuji and Nobara had surprised looks, mouths slightly open. But out of everyone, Megumi had the most emotional reaction. His fists clenched even harder, and his face etched in absolute flabbergast. He was completely floored by your answer. What intensified this reaction was the profound aura you gave off. Your posture was not stiff but firm, showing no sign of slack throughout your body. You set your cup down while uncrossing your legs so the heels of your shoes are flat on the ground. Megumi knew you were telling the truth. He could feel his blood start to rush throughout his body like his chest had been squeezed and forced the air out of his lungs.
“M-mom. . . In what way? And how?”
Though your eyes were severe, your soft smile never left your lips.
“I will try to explain everything to you, but there are many details that I have to give you a shortened version. I’m also speaking on behalf of your father. At the time, I was a part-time sorcerer with a full-time job in the real world. I only knew your father did freelance work with another person. I knew your father hunted curses for a check but not hits on someone. I also became a teacher at Jujutsu Tech so we could get by because my full-time job was cutting hours. Your father’s work paid well but wasn’t consistent, so we had some financial troubles. This caused your father to disappear for months at a time, leaving me to raise you and your sister alone.”
Mentioning the last part, Toji shifted in his seat to be more comfortable. It was futile because it was his attempt to respond to being reminded of one of his biggest regrets in life. Toji knew he had every right to feel shameful for his past actions. Still, it doesn’t change the fact he still gets hurt by them after 12 years. You gently reached out to place your hand on your husband’s as it was on your shoulder. Sensing his discomfort, you tried to soothe his thoughts with the gesture. He deflates slightly as your soft action gives ease, leaning his head to lay on your other shoulder. Your eyes never left Megumi’s as you resumed comforting his dad.
“The day after your Father’s disappearance, I got a significant assignment where I had to oversee and act as one of two guardians for a mission. The same one your teachers were assigned at the request of Tengan, Jujutsu society’s barrier guardian. Initially, they wanted to just have Satoru-kun and Suguru-kun do it. However, the nature of the mission needed some, let’s say, more cautious individuals, and that’s where Maho and I, a fellow sorcerer, were brought in.”
“Okay, but (L/N)-dono, we were careful and diligent if you or Maho-san didn’t come with us! Suguru and I would’ve handled it just fine!”
You raised a single eyebrow at the blindfolded fool, giving him an intense side-eye.
“Given your track record of forgetting to dematerialize veils and scooping out the perimeter beforehand, I could beg to differ. Plus, with how you were back then, your lack of self-awareness would’ve got you, AND Suguru, into situations that would have been completely avoidable.”
Everyone snickered at your comment, causing Satoru’s cheeks to be dusted over with a rosy color. Suguru even laughed at his expense when he should be backing up his best friend. Satoru whined at Suguru, and the two started to bicker with each other. You paid no mind to it as you used to it over the years.
“So what was the mission, Mom?” Megumi inquire
“Every couple of years or so, Tengen needs to merge with their chosen vessel called the star plasma vessel. The merging allows Tengen to not evolve past their humanity, maintaining a humanoid form. At the time, their chosen vessel was a girl named Riko Amanai. The mission was for Satoru and Suguru to escort her to Tengen to complete the merging. However, I was mainly assigned because a high-paying bounty was placed on Riko, so I had to help.”
“Do you know who placed it, Mom?” Megumi said, a little agitated at the person who made your mission a living hell.
Satoru and Suguru stared intently at you, wondering what you would say next. You glanced at the two and then your husband before inhaling to give you some air from the already tense room.
“The person… that placed the bounty on her, Megumi, was… was your father.”
At the mention of Toji, Megumi's face went from rage to repulsion in a matter of seconds. He looked at his father with absolute detest as Toji had regret written all over himself. Yuuji and Nobara felt like they were watching a soap opera. This is the most they have seen Megumi this reactive. They saw him as someone who kept his emotions in check, never letting too much spill out. However, seeing this version of him was unexpected but made them sympathetic since his life is more intertwined in the Jujutsu world than theirs. 
“A cult member from a group that worshipped Tengen disagreed. He contacted Toji and Shui Kong, his freelance partner, to capture Riko. Dead or Alive. So Toji decided to place a bounty so others could wear us down. He didn’t, however, know I was on that mission. Nor was I even aware he was the one who placed the bounty.”
Each word you spoke carried a heaviness as you recalled the mission's events. You tried to include crucial details, having Satoru and Suguru talk occasionally. To know that it takes one mission to change everything was unbelievable. The first years, though shocked, were locked into the story. Many mixed emotions stirred within them as you retell the fable mission. Even though this happened long ago, speaking about this constantly reminded you of life’s unpredictability. It can be fulfilling, then cruel and unfair the next. As you continue, a heavy weight you haven’t felt in years creeps up as you nears the mission's climax. Getting to the fable fights that rocked the Jujutsu world forever. 
The more you speak, the heavier the invisible weight becomes. The feeling of suffocation closing in. At the moment, you didn’t know why you were feeling this. But later on, you come to realize it came from the burden of having to tell your son the atrocities his own father committed, not just against the Jujutsu world, but against you as well. For as long as you can remember, you knew Megumi wasn’t always getting along with his dad. He was a mama’s boy through and through, a brother who always looked out for his older sister. 
When it came to his dad, however, it was a mixed bag. Megumi does love his dad, but he doesn’t necessarily hate him. Even when Toji returned, he wasn’t forgiving of his presence like Tsumiki or open-minded like you. He was expecting his dad to vanish like before. Your heart aches to know your own son had that level of self-consciousness from a young age, meaning he and his sister were forced to grow up, all while you tried to raise them by yourself. It was clear that after 12 years, Megumi hadn’t entirely accepted his father.
Now came for you to reveal what his father had done to be so infamous. So you laid it out for them. Telling how Toji temporarily killed Gojo, fought and won against Suguru and Maho, and captured Riko. This happened when you only talked to Tengen for a few minutes, coming out of the chamber to see the chaos. Your eyes never left Megumi, watching to see how he was handling it. Oddly enough, he had an unreadable expression, but you know the rage that burned in his eyes. You can tell he was holding himself together. But if no people were around, he would have snapped at his father and lost all the patience he had accumulated over the years. 
This obviously didn’t go unnoticed by the other adults in the room. Satoru and Suguru briefly observed Megumi, empathetic at his mother’s revelations. Unsurprising to them to see Megumi like this. After all, they were a part of the majority of his life, essentially seeing the boy grow up. The two knew he never wore his heart on his sleeve. The flurries of mixed emotions brewed in him like a storm. But his restraint was stronger, letting his eyes speak for themselves. Emphasizing their awareness of how much Megumi loves and respects you, he does not dare lash out because he knows it wasn’t your fault.
Toji had difficulty sparing Megumi a glance, the shame never leaving his body. The years of fatherhood have softened his hard exterior, not always bearing the cocky smirk he wore his single years. Like father like son, Toji had a blank expression, but his eyes held warmth and softness unlike any other to the blessing in his life, his son. He doesn’t blame Megumi if he gives him a spiteful look. If not for his filter, Megumi would denounce and never acknowledge Toji as his father. No matter the reassurance from you or Tsumiki, it can’t convince you to think otherwise. And he was okay with that reality.
Satoru made a backhanded remark at Toji in between your storytelling, which made Toji glare harshly at him. Suguru chided Satoru for his comment, which prompted Toji to throw one back with a smirk etched on his lips to highlight his scar. Megumi didn’t care to put up with his teacher and dad’s squabble. He was focusing on the memories you recited. He’ll leave the worrying to his classmates, who became a little on edge to see if a full-blown argument would break out. You, however, will not let any of it, considering the weight of your burden is already frustrating as it is.
“Satoru, Toji, please! Now’s not the time, and I’m not in the mood to deal with you two, so behave yourselves! Drop the pompous attitude, Satoru and Toji; this wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t hung on beef with a couple of teenagers. Also, stop manspreading and sit up properly! That’s why you both have back pain from your ugly posture! Tsks,” You firmly command, staring them down individually.
The two immediately dropped their act, listening to your demand like soldiers getting reprimanded by their commander. Your tone made it to Suguru and the students because they subconsciously sat up in their seats. You sigh to try and ease the pressure of your burden caused. Surprisingly, it did help only a little as you finished the story. Speaking of Satoru’s enlightenment and newly awakened power, the dissolving of the cult group, and the eventual aftermath.
“In the end, your teachers defeated Toji. And before you ask, Riko Amanai and Kuroi survived. I rescued her and got her back on Jujutsu High grounds. The two actually live on Jujutsu Tech grounds but don’t leave the barrier often due to their safety, unfortunately.”
“So what happened to Dad afterward?” Megumi finally spoke up after sitting on the sidelines so his classmates could answer the asking.
“Your father was imprisoned, waiting for his execution. However, I pulled some strings and made a deal with the higher-ups in exchange for your father’s life. Satoru-kun did me a huge favor and came in clutch when talking to the higher-ups. In the end, your father’s execution was halted on the conditions he and I would have to abide by. The rest was history.”
You haven’t thought much about it, but this story-telling was just a conversation between you and Megumi. You forgot Yuuji and Nobara were there listening in, too. This dawned on you when they kept looking back at each other and Megumi. As much as you wanted to continue your over-sharing experience, this was a good place to stop, considering your son might not be mentally ready for the others. ‘That’s for another time.’
Before anyone could speak up, particularly Megumi, the door to the room slid open, revealing Maho, Akari, Nanako, and Mimiko. Maho glances around the room curiously before coughing into her hand.
“I’m sorry to break up your little conversation, y’all. But the first years need to get going on their night mission. Akari is here to take you three to the location now. Also, Suguru, the girls want to check out a new pop-up dessert stand while on patrol in the Taito ward.” 
Suguru chuckles, standing up and straightening out his uniform. He bid you and Satoru bye while sending good luck the first years' way. Nanako started to whine that they’d be late queuing Suguru to get going. Once Suguru leaves, the first years begin to leave the room. You got up to stretch when you noticed Megumi stopping at the doorway. You start to regret telling Megumi all this because this may not allow him to focus on the mission. Putting his friends and the mission in danger. 
Just as you were about to call for him, he hastily walked over and gave you a tight hug. Startled at first, you eventually returned with the same intensity. Even though Megumi was 15 years old, a young, proper man, you can’t help but see your little baby boy who always called out Mama. You softly pat his head and kiss his forehead before your son pulls away. Megumi looks at you with a soft smile he has always given since he was a young boy.
“I’ll be safe, Mom. Don’t worry,  I’ll come back home in one piece.” Megumi reassured you.
“ Sweet, soft hum I know you will. Just promise me you, Yuuji, and Nobara will try to be careful.”
“Of course, Mom. We will.”
Toji grins at Megumi and nods when his son locks his eyes with him. You look over at the other two standing behind Megumi. They replied to you with a ‘Yes, Ma’am!’ in a saluting position. You laughed at their antics before shoeing them off to Akari for their mission. As their footsteps grew quiet, you relaxed your shoulders briefly before squaring them back up. You haven’t forgotten that Satoru was still in the room with you and Toji. He was still sitting, his signature grin gone and replaced with a firm line on his lips. You know he was peering up at you through his blindfold while Toji causally threw an arm around your shoulder. 
“(L/N)-dono, did you purposely leave out the conditions of your deal with the higher-ups to Megumi-kun?”
“. . .Yes. My son has every right to know about what happened. But simultaneously, this is a matter to be shared with him alone, not when his other classmates are present. The aftermath of the Star Plamsa incident created a domino effect that thrust Megumi into this world. When I tell him everything, I want it so he’s not forced to put his guard up. I wish for him to be comfortable with his vulnerability to this reality our family is in. To tell there’s the possibility he could lose his parents will weigh heavily on him, and he’s already been through so much for his age.”
You attentively gaze down at Satoru. It wasn’t unusual for him to look out for you, to show his caring, almost vulnerable side. He knows you don’t like hiding truths from people, especially your children. So, for you not to tell the other details means something else that’s made you hesitant. He was right, as you revealed the other issue.
“I also don’t want to jeopardize Megumi’s relationship with Toji. I won’t force him to feel what he already has. But I at least want him to understand that his father loves his family more than anything, even though what Toji did was inexcusable. I just don’t want to put Megumi under pressure in front of other people to be this calm, reserved Sorcerer. I want my son to be present and comfortable asking me anything when I tell him. You know how Megumi is, Satoru.”
He simply nods at your answer before he stands up at his full 190 cm height. He pulls on his goofy grin, pulling a complete 180 from how he was mere minutes ago.
“Of course, (Y/N)-dono. I understand, given what Megumi-kun is like when he’s on missions. Anyway, I gotta meet with Yaga-san, or I’ll get yelled at again. I’ll see you later, (Y/N)-dono!”
Satoru walks out of the room, leaving you and your husband alone. It was quiet, the sound of nature only resonating in the room. Then you suddenly felt Toji’s arms wrapped around you firmly, laying his forehead on your shoulder. Gently grasp Toji’s forearms and rub them soothingly.
“I know it’s hard for you to come forward to tell Megs this, Hon. I’m sorry I couldn’t say my part. I'm still terrible at saying my words. Thank you for speaking in my place, (Y/N).” Toji vocalizes, his tenderness revealing itself in the confines of the sit-in room.
“I appreciate it, Honey. You know I always have your back like you have mine. But please know Megumi does care for you, Toji. He has his own way of showing it, that’s all.” You assured him.
“Yeah, I know. He doesn’t like to do those whole words of affirmation things. I get the kid.”
“Hm, where have I seen that before? Like father like son, I guess.” You feigned your curiosity at your husband.
This evokes a burst of laughter out of Toji as he turns you around while still holding you close. Looking at you like an absolute fool too deep in love.
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you, (Y/N)? Come here, you.”
Toji dips his head, going for a kiss. Your eyes fluttered closed in response. You would have kept them closed if your phone hadn’t buzzed off in your pocket three times. You pulled away just as Toji was millimeters away from your lips. Toji groans as you check your phone to see who texted you.
“Who the hell is texting you right now–?” Toji asked in annoyance.
“It’s from Megumi, Dear. Give me a second.”
Toji grumbles, shoving his face in your neck to see what his son sent. You can feel your husband pouting, making you rub his head to calm him down. You read your son's texts that interrupted you and your husband’s intimate moment. 
‘We’re at the location, Mom’
‘It doesn’t look bad, but I’ll still be careful.’
‘I’ll text you when we’re done, Mom.’
‘I love you, Mama❤️’
You cooed at Megumi’s text, sending your replies to him. Toji notices the texts and smiles as well. Megumi, indeed, was a mama’s boy; there is no denying it. Your sweet smile still graces your lovely lips as you look at your husband.
“Toji, stop pouting. I’ll give you all the kisses you want when we get home. I know how you are, you fiend.”
“What do you mean, Hon? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You give Toji the stare that causes him to put his hands up in defense while scratching the back of his head. You roll your eyes as you escape your buff husband’s grasp, walking towards the door.
“If we get groceries and you cook dinner tonight, I’ll let you have your way with me, Dear~. Tsumiki said she was staying at a friend’s house because they were studying for an exam tomorrow. She won’t be home until Friday afternoon.” You said in your suggestive tone, sending a wink to your husband over your shoulder.
Toji holds a mischievous smirk as he quickly walks over to follow you closely as you leave the grounds of Jujutsu Tech.
“Of course, Doll. Anything for you~.”
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epithetemporium · 9 months
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Fanart for @zemoleinyourtrashcan's AU epithet exchanged! (+ me playing around with ugly wanna be backgrounds because I'm bored)
I ended up playing around with the design a bit and made a few changes because....idk inspiration or sum so it isn't fully accurate but I still like it
(don't mind me for some reason having thought it's called epithet replaced that never happened you're from a different timeline if you have a memory like that)
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Haven't posted in a while so here's a fun fact for the Prohibition AU:
Percy is French.
Hillarity aside, our idea was that Percy spent her early adult years being caught up in the First World War as her hometown was razed and turned into a battlefield.
During this period, Percy learnt first aid and assisted in firing mortars (which replaces her Epithet in this AU).
A combination of her ability in keeping order, propensity for being mistaken for a man, and undeniable competency helped her land a job as a police officer shortly after landing in the States.
(and pass customs with a mortar in a trunk though they thought it belonged to careless soldiers)
Percy's main role in the AU is her agreement with Naven in controlling the excess crime resulting from prohibition.
She is only partially aware that Naven has some sway over the criminal underworld but wishes to retain the secretive nature of this in exchange for peace on the streets of Sweet Jazz City, a deal with too good of a benefit to reject.
She also has a mortar in the trunk of her car that she has fired on at least one occasion in Sweet Jazz City.
Specifically, into a warehouse full of undercover FBI agents (though she didn't know that).
This is 3/4ths of the reasons why the FBI has ceased all operations within and completely forgotten about Sweet Jazz City.
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epitheterasedgen · 1 year
Writing Commissions [OPEN]
Hey gang! Remember the good ol’ days when I wrote EE oneshots in exchange for fanart of Percy being a mom to Molly? Well, I’m finally opening real, actual fanfic commissions! For real-world money! To help me move out of my parents’ house! Wowie zowie!
Oneshots will be ~1k-1.5k (depending on however they shake out; I’ll try and aim for longer whenever I can!) and $20 each through PayPal.
Primarily expecting Epithet: Erased commissions, but if you have another fandom you can ask if I know it!
Gen requests are your best bet. You may ASK for a shipfic, but inquire first “are you willing to write A/B?”
You can ask for any of my existing prompts to be extended into a fic, or pitch your own!
You can request AUs (Epithet: Switched, Cinderella AU, or otherwise)!
You can request Anime Campaign, Red Stitch Report, or Damn Strange Residence! I am familiar with all Epithet-adjacent properties and other SurpriseRound shows.
Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have; I’ll publicly open up my DMs for this. (Please don’t abuse this power! <3)
If you’re somehow seeing this but are unfamiliar with my work, examples of my fanfics (including lots of EE pics) can be found here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6547434/Candaru
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
ML au: Miraculous Piece (Headcanons)
-The ship the Miracle pirates ride on is called “The Guardian” it’s an impressive ship that Maxkov tricked out with all sorts of gadgets and is one of the best ships on the Grand Line.
-Marinette learned Haki from Wang Fu or his epithet Jade emperor Fu. Marinette then explained the basics to her crew mates.
-Fu ended up dying at the hands of Lila, her true name unknown. Their epithet, The 100 faced Woman
-Lila, ate a powerful devil fruit the Henka Henka No Mi/ Change change fruit. A devil fruit that allows the user complete control of their body down to the cellular level when awakened. She eventually alters herself so she could eat a Second devil fruit. The one that belonged to Adrien’s father, the Serve serve fruit. The power which when activated gives the target boosted power in exchange for serving them.
-Chloé is a celestial dragon and makes it her mission to get revenge on the woman that killed her fiancè (Adrien) (but he’s not dead)
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what-the-fuck-adam · 1 year
Hello I, a sabo enthusiast, wants to ask you about your dragon sabo au 👁️👁️
AAA ok ok so:
essentially it’s an au I have where Sabo eats a Dragon zoan devil fruit as a child. It’s also part of a greater au called the Find Ace au but that’s not important rn.
the first chapter of the fic i was working on (I’m in a bit of writers block rn ): ) sort of expands a bit on the backstory of how he got it and his and Ace’s meeting. (I actually made a post about this a while back I’ll paste a screenshot under the cut)
This au is what I like to call ‘canon but a step to the left’.
Sabo meets Ace bit later than he does in canon and that causes him to work for a couple of gangs/thugs in the grey terminal in exchange for food. In a job for one of these thugs he’s supposed to steal a chest full of treasure but decides to double cross the pirates and steal it for himself instead. BUT instead of treasure in the chest he finds a devil fruit!
So the first part of the fic happens while he’s on the run from these pirates and runs into Ace. I go into a bit more of their meeting in the other post so I won’t ramble about it here lol.
Anyway, after all that is settled everything goes more or less according to canon. Sabo still fake dies (except it’s saving Ace during the terminal fire which is a Whole Deal) and ends up in the revolutionary army with amnesia.
There, the revolutionaries find out about his devil fruit abilities and start assigning him jobs that have to do with speed and travel (he’s really fast and can fly through the calm belts with his df) which ends up unofficially assigning him the role of Dragon’s personal messenger/errand boy.
Another thing is since in this au he was in the fire, his clothes got burned off him so he doesn’t actually know what his name is. He goes by variations of the name Ryū/Ryūnosuke or his government assigned epithet ‘Hermes’ (get it,, cause he’s the messenger lmao)
Uhh other fun facts are: he actually knows the whitebeards pretty well because them and the revs are allies and he’s the one sent to deal with all of that. He likes to piss Haruta off and they like to pretend to dislike him because of his overall attitude but they’re actually besties.
(In a variation of the au he shows up to Marineford to help the Whitebeards because he’s genuinely attached to them rather than because of anything to do with Ace lol)
Anyway that’s basically it? There’s some other stuff but I don’t want to go on too long. I’ll if I can find some art I’ve made and rb this post with it later or post it separately or something.
Thank you so much for sending this ask It made my day 💕💕💕feel free to pop into my dms any time to discuss this au or anything Sabo related whenever :D
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This is the other post I was talking about ^^^
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Foto: Panorama Helsinki / Finland - Cathedral and Place of the Parliament (by tap5a)
“We only do this for Fergus!” is a short Outlander Fan Fiction story and my contribution to the Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3: Fake Relationship AU: Jamie Fraser wants to formally adopt his foster son Fergus, but his application will probably not be approved… unless he is married and/or in a committed relationship. Enter one Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (Randall?) to this story) @outlanderpromptexchange
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The Wartburg/Eisenach/Thuringia - Picture by A.Savin - Own work, FAL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=96810117
Chapter 17: Visit to the Wartburg (II)
         At 9.15 am Claire was standing in the hallway outside Jamie and Fergus' room. Five minutes later Jamie and Fergus also came out. Fergus seemed full of energy as always, Jamie's sleep deficit was clearly visible. A few minutes later the small group was on their way to the Wartburg. The hotel was only a few hundred metres from the castle. But the walk through the cool autumn air did the adults in particular good. Shortly afterwards, they passed the medieval drawbridge and the entrance to the castle.          At the ticket office, Jamie bought the tickets and asked for a personal tour. Since they had decided together to go on this trip, Jamie had spent several evenings preparing for it. First he had booked the rooms for Claire, himself and Fergus. Then he had consulted some websites that reported either on the history of the Wartburg or on family trips there. One evening he had come across the homepage of an amateur historian. The man had recommended the book "World Heritage Wartburg - Portrait of a Thousand Years" from the series "Castles, Palaces and Fortified Buildings in Central Europe Volume 4". Fraser liked the man's review and immediately ordered the book online. A few days later he was able to pick it up in the small bookshop in Französische Straße, only a few minutes away from "Fraser & Son". During his preparation for the trip, he had read, among other things, that the castle would usually not be so busy in the morning hours. The tourist rush usually came around lunchtime or shortly after. This information was true and Jamie was immediately promised a personal tour at the ticket office.          A short time later, Jamie, Claire and Fergus were greeted by an older man who introduced himself as Mr Klaußner and explained that he would guide the small group through the castle. Claire watched Fergus' face light up and the boy immediately took his place at the guide's side. Understandably, Mr Klaußner was an impressive person. Claire had to admit that. The guide was at least six feet tall, wore an elegant deep blue suit and a white shirt underneath with a bow tie to match the suit. But most impressive was Klaußner's distinguished face, dominated by a fine, long nose and very lively brown eyes.
         First, Mr Klaußner led the small group around the outer castle courtyard, explaining that the castle was 411 m above sea level and was most probably built around 1067 by Ludwig the Springer, a count from Franconia. His descendants, beginning with his son Ludwig I, were the landgraves of Thuringia for over 100 years, from 1130 to 1247. Klaußner went on to explain that Ludwig the Springer received his epithet, according to legend, through a daring jump into the river Saale. The landgrave is said to have tried to gain the Palatinate of Saxony. For this reason he stabbed Count Palatine Friedrich III to death, after which he was imprisoned in Giebichenstein Castle near Halle. In the third year of his imprisonment he was threatened with execution. In order to escape this, he is said to have used a stay on the castle tower to jump into the Saale flowing below. There, a servant is said to have been waiting for him with a boat and his favourite snow-white horse, the "Swan". But the legend about the landgrave's epithet, Klaußner explained, is merely a misinterpretation of the Latin name Salicus. Ludwig Salicius means that this man was a member of the noble family of the Salians. Mistakenly, this term was translated as "Springer" very early on. Whether Count Ludwig was ever imprisoned on the Giebichenstein was also doubtful.          They walked a few metres further. As they did so, the guide explained that the founding of Wartburg Castle was just as legendary as the legend about the jump into the Saale. According to the legend, Landgrave Ludwig discovered its location while hunting in 1067 and exclaimed: ''Wait (in German = ‘Warte”), mountain, you shall bear me a castle!'' However, since the mountain did not belong to his domain, he used a trick: He had earth brought to the mountain from his domain in order to build the castle on this earth. Later, he and his twelve most faithful knights had to make an ''oath if swords'' by sticking their swords into the earth and swear on their honour that this was the landgrave's rightful property. Only then were his rights of ownership recognised before the Emperor.             Fergus listened intently and was quite entranced. Every now and then he asked questions and whenever he gave his own "medieval knowledge", Jamie and Claire looked at each other and at times could only suppress a loud laugh with difficulty.
         As they slowly left the front courtyard of the castle, Mr Klaußner also explained the buildings that Jamie, Claire and Fergus saw:
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Coutyard of castle Wartburg - Picture by Ingo2802, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=747423
         The first section of the castle through which they entered was called the castle redoubt. Here there were defensive buildings through which the entrance could be defended and which gave this section its name. In former times, these buildings extended far beyond the area of the drawbridge. If you entered the castle via the drawbridge, you came to the area known as the outer bailey.  The buildings to the right of the entrance were the knight's house and the bailiwick. Both buildings dated from the late Middle Ages. Klaußner did not have to explain further what a knight’s house was. Fergus ''explained'' it in his place. But Mr Klaußner then explained the concept of a Vogt in more detail: a Vogt was a lordly, often noble official in the Middle Ages and early modern times. Such a man ruled and judged as the representative of the landgrave. He presided over the land court and had to organise the defence of the country. In war, he led the country's fiefdom. The castle guide pointed out that the half-timbered buildings in this part of the castle date back to the 15th century.          The western area of this part of the castle was called Margaretengang and the eastern Elisabethgang.          The Margarethengang was named after the wife of Landgrave Albrecht II. Margarethe, better known as Margaretha of Staufen, was a Sicilian princess from the House of Staufer. She was the daughter of Emperor Frederick II and his third wife Isabella of England. By marriage she became the Landgravine of Thuringia in 1254 or 1256. After first living with her husband in Eckartsburg at Castle Eckartsberga, the couple then moved to Wartburg Castle. In 1270, the landgrave is said to have persuaded a donkey servant to murder his wife Margarete. This was because Landgrave Albrecht had begun an affair with Kunigunde of Eisenberg and wanted to get rid of his wife. This is why the landgrave was later called "Albrecht the Degenerate". Margarethe is said to have learned of the assassination attempt and fled Wartburg Castle on 24 June 1270. According to legend, however, she bit her son Frederick on the cheek before fleeing. He therefore went down in history as "Frederick the bitten".          Claire watched Fergus, whose eyes had widened as he listened to Klaußner. Unconsciously, the boy grabbed his right cheek as if he needed to reassure himself that his face was still intact. Claire poked Fraser, who was looking at a building, in the side with her right elbow. Fraser let out a soft, pained "Whew!" but before he could complain about Claire's rough treatment, she pointed Fraser to Fergus, whose hand was still protectively over his cheek. Jamie grinned all over his face.
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Bailiwick (Vogtei) with the Oriel of Nuremberg - Picture by Lemmie - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=473821
         Klaußner had now also noticed that his story had made a deep impression on Fergus and, to distract the boy, he explained that the Elisabethengang was named after Saint Elizabeth. Then he told the small group that Elizabeth of Thuringia had been born in Hungary as the daughter of King Andreas II. For this reason she is also called Elizabeth of Hungary. Already as an infant, she had been promised as a wife to the eldest son of Landgrave Hermann of Thuringia. At the age of four, she was brought to Thuringia with a rich dowry. There she was brought up in the family of her future husband. This was common practice within noble families for a long time and was practised well into modern times.                Jamie and Claire, who had been watching Fergus all this time, exchanged knowing glances again when they saw the boy's eyes widen once more. They were sure that Fergus was thinking about what it must be like to have to leave his own family and homeland at the age of four.          Klaußner had not missed Fergus' thoughtful look either. He continued his story of Saint Elisabeth and reported that after her first fiancé, Hermann of Thuringia, had died at the age of only 16, she was married to his brother Ludwig IV. According to the sources, Ludwig IV's marriage to Elisabeth was a happy one. The Landgrave is said to have been devoted to his wife with a loyalty and sensitivity that differed from the customs of his peers. Contrary to the conventions of her time, Elisabeth is said to have sat next to her husband instead of opposite him. She is also said to have regularly accompanied him on his travels. Elisabeth's energetic commitment to the needy and the sick was also supported by her husband. In 1223, for example, the couple founded a hospital in Gotha together and provided it with plenty of property, the income from which was to finance it in the long term. Quite obviously, the couple also shared their religious convictions.          In 1227, the landgrave followed a vow he had made a few years earlier and set out with a large retinue to take part in Emperor Frederick II's fifth crusade. In the presence of her husband, Elisabeth of Thuringia made a twofold vow before the altar of St Catherine's Church in Eisenach: she promised to obey her confessor Conrad, provided this did not restrict the landgrave's rights, and in the event that Ludwig should die before her, she promised unconditional and unrestricted obedience as well as perpetual chastity. Just as Elisabeth submitted to the will of her confessor in many areas of her life with this vow, the confessor thereby assumed the duty of guiding her pastorally to spiritual perfection. As one of the first acts, he ordered her to use only such goods in her court life where she could be sure that they were not based on illegally extorted landlord income.             Shortly afterwards, the pregnant Elisabeth accompanied her husband to the border of Thuringia and only said goodbye to him there. The landgrave and his entourage then travelled via Hesse, Franconia, Swabia and Bavaria to Italy to meet Emperor Frederick II's crusading army. However, on 12 September, shortly after embarking in Otranto, Landgrave Ludwig then died of an infection. He was only 27 years old and left behind three children: Hermann II, Sophie and Gertrud. His youngest daughter was never to know her father.          Ludwig's death was kept from Elisabeth for a long time, but she suspected it and urged the family to tell her. The news of her death led to a breakdown. Afterwards she is said to have said: "Now all the world and all wealth and all prestige shall have died to me. [...] If now my brother has died, the world has died for me too." Soon after the landgrave's death, conflicts in Ludwig IV's family, which had previously been laboriously suppressed, escalated. Immediately after his brother's death, Heinrich Raspe, Ludwig's younger brother, who considered Elisabeth to be unfit, had taken over the regency in place of Hermann, who was only five years old, and one of his first acts was to deprive Elisabeth of the power of disposal over the lands and income that Ludwig had guaranteed her as a widow's estate. Elisabeth then left the Wartburg together with her immediate servants.
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Cistern in the inner yard - Picture by Christian Bohr - (taken from the German Wikipedia, uploaded there by Thommess), CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=85906
         For some time the women lived in very poor conditions, at times even in a former pigsty. Only a letter of protection issued for Elisabeth by Pope Gregory IX, which arrived in Thuringia in February or March 1228, won her renewed respect and support. Elisabeth spent the last three years of her life as a poor hospital nurse in Marburg. She earned her living by spinning wool for the Altenberg monastery, where her youngest daughter Gertrud was housed. In the hospital, which had been built with part of Elisabeth's widow's inheritance, she performed the most menial maid services. She devoted herself especially to the care of lepers, who, in the terms of the time, were among the most miserable of the miserable and lived marginalised lives on the fringes of society. She died at the age of only 24. Two accounts of her death have survived. One comes from Irmgard, one of the Marburg hospital sisters, and one from a letter written by her confessor, Conrad of Marburg, to Pope Gregory IX. According to these sources, she fell ill on 4 or 5 November and died on the night of 16-17 November 1231. Elizabeth was canonised on 27 May 1235.          Fergus had listened attentively to Mr Klaußner's report and Claire had to give him a little nudge so that when they left the area of the outer castle he did not lag behind. Klaußner led the small group past the castle's own cistern. As they continued on their way, the guide explained that the main castle area was bordered by a series of buildings that dated from the second half of the 19th century: the New Bower, the Gate Hall and the Dirnitz, a heated dining and common room. The medieval buildings in this area of the castle had already fallen into disrepair by the 18th century. Later, the medieval condition of the courtyard was reconstructed through excavations.
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View of the courtyard from the South Tower - Picture by A.Savin - Own work, FAL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=96805928          The castle's museum with large parts of the art collection was located in the gate hall, the new bower and the Dirnitz from the 19th century. They first entered the Dirnitz, built in 1867, which once housed the Grand Ducal Armoury with a very important historical collection of weapons ''of European rank''. The most valuable items were 70 suits of armour belonging to well-known historical personalities. This collection was taken to the Soviet Union after the Second World War in February 1946 and only some piece were later returned to Germany. In the three buildings, the small group then viewed a permanent exhibition presenting the lives of famous guests, residents and landgraves at the castle. Numerous exhibits and paintings by Lucas Cranach, among others, showed the eventful history from the construction in the 12th century, the stay of St. Elisabeth and Martin Luther, the decay as well as the reconstruction in the 19th century.          They now moved over to the central building of the main castle, the late Romanesque Palas, the landgrave's residence. According to Klaußner, apart from the south tower, the Pallas is the only building in the area of the main castle that has survived from the Middle Ages.
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South tower and gadem, inner yard - Picture by J.-H. Janßen - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51082774
      He then pointed to the house opposite and explained that this, now used as a restaurant, was once the castle's gadem. A gadem was a one-room building in which harvest supplies and similar things were stored. In peaceful times, the gadem could also be used to house people. The Wartburg's gadem, which had also served as a magazine, armoury and court kitchen, was restored between 1874 and 1877. The basement with its barrel cellar was preserved. Adjacent to the Gadem was a brewery.
         "Now please follow me into the most important building of the castle," Klaußner said and pointed to the Pallas.
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psalacanthea · 7 months
WiP Whenever
I think I'll be done with this chapter tomorrow, but I'm not sure! (work is crazy ;_;) From the Tav x Astarion Modern AU. Dealing with other people is mortifying. (don't go to dinner with carm he probably tries to get out of paying for his food after he's eaten it by complaining to the manager)
When Zyn stepped outside, the cleric had cornered a hapless passerby and was herding them towards the menacing collection box.  The woman was looking highly uncomfortable, backed into a corner by a 5’3”, balding half-elven man wielding a half-burned cigarette like a weapon. 
“You think you can just walk by like this?  You don’t think.  You don’t stop and think about what misfortune should befall you should you ignore Her.  You really feel that lucky that you can neglect her like this?  Huh?  Do you?”
Zyn tugged his hood a little further over his head.  Hells, this was so embarrassing to witness.  He didn’t even like asking people for help.  Couldn’t even imagine the fucking balls it took to accost people in the street like this.
“I asked if you feel lucky enough to neglect Her. You walked right by the collection box, my child.” The term of endearment sounded like an epithet.
“I– I didn’t think,” the woman said, sounding annoyed but fearful all at once.  “I don’t carry cash.  Okay?  When I have some cash…”
“Hey, come on.  Leftovers?  That’s insulting.”  Carm whipped a small black device out of his pocket, like a magician revealing a dove suffering from oxygen deprivation.  “Luckily for you, Lady Beshaba takes plastic and digital currency of all kinds in exchange for Her protection.  You just swipe that right here.  No problem!”
“Carm, come on,” Zyn groaned, mortally embarrassed as he yanked the edge of his hood down to meet his mask.
“Mind your fuckin’ business, kid!  You don’t mind him, ma’am, you don’t mind him.  Kid’s got no respect for the clergy.”  Carm beamed a craggy smile as the woman retrieved her wallet from her pocket.  “There you go!  You on the blockchain?  That magic internet wizard money?  I don’t know what it is, but I know we take that, too.”
Zyn wanted to die.
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Pspsps lwa x EE pspsps
Had some random thoughts about a Little Witch Academia x Epithet Erased au (with the Lwa characters in the EE world). I don't have anything concrete at the moment, so I'll just post stuff I brainstormed. I'll post more about the au in future posts. I'm considering naming the au “Dumb Little Spark”, which I like, but I don't just wanna go with the first thing I thought of. Let me know what y'all think the au name should be!
Lwa x EE Braindump!
Ursula had a large reputation in the public with the persona of “Shiny Chariot” for being the most wanted Vigilante in Sweet Jazz City. Despite this, people weren't afraid of her. If anything, most people looked up to her as someone of hope for helping more than the entire Sweet Jazz Police force. For a while, things look great. But as expectations and pressure grow, it becomes too much for her. One day, Shiny Chariot dissappeared without a trace, like a star in the sky that burnt out. No one knows what happened, but regardless of her disappearance, her impact on the city was insurmountable, bringing inspiration of hope and change to many adults and adolescents alike.
During the night, Akko takes on the role of a vigilante with the job of keeping Sweet Jazz City safe. She was inspired by her idol, “Shiny Chariot”, and when Shiny Chariot had disappeared, Akko had taken the initiative to spread the same kind of hope as her idol. Most underestimate her because she's a mundie, but those who do won't get the chance to make that mistake twice
Akko and Lorelai know each other. Despite them being complete opposites, they're actually friends with each other, though it's somewhat strained.
Sucy and Mushroom Girl are siblings, with the former being adopted into the family
Sucy became one of the chaperones of the field trip because the teacher of the class wasn't assured, with Martin being the only person to sign up as a chaperone. The teacher begged their dad, and the two managed to reach a compromise where the teacher would pay the family if Sucy signed up.
Lotte had the chance to go to college like Sylvie and get a degree before becoming an adult, but she declined as she said that it would be too much for her to handle. They told her that she could be a big-name famous person, but didn't realize that Lotte would rather dig her hand in a vase of poisonous snakes.
Giovanni gace Sucy a handmade invitation to try and get Sucy to join his boys. Everyone but Crusher didn't believe that it would work, but was surprised when Sucy actually accepted Giovanni's invitation. Till this day, nobody knows how Gio managed to convince her.
Lotte's epithet allows her to interact with the souls of others and herself. Because of that, she did gain a decent reputation for helping people with physical and mental health complications with their epithets for free. This had put her on Phoenica’s radar, and she's dead-set on meeting Lotte and convincing her to join her group of magical girls
Ben found Sucy creepy and objected to her becoming a minion, but Giovanni was having none of it and shut him down. Ben thinks she's going to poison them in their sleep
Constanze signed up for an internship with Howie, who found her inventions helpful for helping with construction
Whenever Constanze goes to the Blyndeff emporium, she just glances at Molly, and she immediately knows what Constanze specifically wants without a single word being exchanged (Constanze is her favorite customer because of this, and because she pays extra)
The Cavendish family is known as well and widely as the Fleecity family, becoming famous from a Cavendish and Fleecity working together when the Songstress first arrived. Since then, both families have had a rival relationship. They'd compete with each other but won't hesitate to team up when the arrival of the Songstress is near.
Trixie and Sucy know each other, and Sucy will sometimes help them with their potions
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Hey - can I ask a couple questions about your Feathered Serpent AU? (Witch!Nyx). 1) Does Immortal!Witch!Nyx ever interact with the Wise Witch? and 2) What /does/ he do in response to the Nif invasion? (Does he end up with Cor?)
Hey there!
Sorry for the late answer. This one got kind of buried XD
Nyx and the Wise Witch are like a pair of very territorial cats that don't like the other intruding on their turf. They know each other and exchange barbs, if they feel like interacting - criticising and needling each other to the Gate and back. But they have some genuine fondness for each other. Buried deep, deep down. You could describe them as not quite frienemies.
But the Spirits be kind to the one who hurts one of them. The other will dish out revenge with a furious glee.
They are the only immortal beings they know of and that creates a bond between them that is strong and deeply complicated.
So, this would be an AU where Niflheim tries to conquer Galahd and- fails utterly. Because Nyx does NOT appreciate them trampling all over his quiet place. (Nyx says and staunchly ignores that he includes the humans in that statement.)
In this AU Nyx is not lightning and wilderness. Instead he is the sky and the furious winds. He can cover Galahd in a storm that smashes the airships against the mountains and when he moves the ground shakes and swallows those who managed to land.
The Galahkari say he swallowed their souls, making sure they would never go beyond the Gate, and that the Great Coeurl took what was left of the bodies, while the Wise Witch made cursed knives from the metal left behind.
(I'm not sure, if they'll end up together in this one. On one side, drama! Because Cor isn't immortal, no matter what his epithet says. In the other, I so can see Cor do tasks maybe the Wise Witch gave him to archieve actual immortality to be with Nyx. It would be her way of showing that she cares. Nyx hates it not.)
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maglors-anion-gap · 3 years
Fic Writing Asks
Thanks to @samarqqand for the tag! Sorry for the late-ish reply!
how many works do you have on AO3?
I have 8 fics on AO3, with one WIP that I have been neglecting for Ages (so sorry to the anon who requested it, and to user findrahil for helping me beta in, like, march...), and three Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang fics coming very soon!
what’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently 36,972
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Mostly Tolkien. One sad MCU fic (it's not finished, please ignore it, I started it in a brighter era where I wasn't exhausted by the MCU movie industrial complex)
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"Why Breaks Thou the Wand" - Gimli/Legolas (qpl) Tam Lin!AU
The MCU fic that I will not be linking to
"Your Mouth is Poison (Your Mouth is Wine)" - Celebrimbor/Sauron, the events leading up to the sacking of Eregion, also known as "how to bottom in the most manipulative and vindictive manner possible"
"There are Roses That Come Without Seeking" - Curufin/Finrod, midwinter masquerade celebration turned hook-up
"Turning Shadows Into Shapes" - Feanor&Fingolfin, brotherly loveloathing and the aftermath of Finwe's death
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Every single one. I don't get a Ton of comments so it's pretty easy for me to do and I talk non-stop so.... it's a natural instinct. I love to see what people have to say abut my work, and I love to let them know I appreciate their commentary
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest ending is hands down "Where the Spirit Meets the Bones" because it ends with Maedhros yeeting himself toward his doom... In general a very angsty fic because it's all about failed obligations, self hatred, and being a flawed person.
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never written a crossover, I haven't really found universes that I desperately wanted to smash together. The closest I'll ever get is AU works.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes but not on anything posted on my AO3. The commenter left me something mildly obnoxious, but when I checked out their profile they were a huge bigot. Bidoof's law for general assholery.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yes. More often than not. Excuse #1: the pandemic is keeping me from being my slutty self and I am projecting. Excuse #2: self-introspection. It's no coincidence that my smut fic is most often either something I find kinky, or an exploration of my identity or something I want to communicate in my life. "Halos Made of Summer, Ribbons Made of Spring" was me exploring my attraction to women (when I still thought I was a woman). A lot of my other stuff was me coming to terms with being transmasc (though I haven't included trans themes in my fics yet - that's gonna change tho).
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! I don't think my stuff gets enough traction for that (rare-pair hell, my beloved). I also don't think I'd notice if themes were lifted from my work. I treat fandom like a soup pot. It would be rude to take the stock wholesale and say it was your own. That said, it's likely that at some point two or more of us are going to come up with similar flavor pairings. If you're inspired by my work, it's good grace to say so. But swapping ideas is pretty par for the course.
have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But you guys are always welcome to do so! I've been meaning to translate my stuff into Spanish, it's good practice for me and I know that fandom can be pretty English heavy.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I would like to at some point, I think the closest I've gotten is like, trsb exchanges.
what’s your all time favorite ship?
Probably Fingon/Maedhros because of my penchant for self-flagellation and bad decision making. It's an old standby pairing for me, and I like its Romance, in the classical sense. Celebrimbor/Sauron is a close second because I like working through how I feel about deception and betrayal and really unhealthy love.
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Um... I don't want to say the WIP that's currently languishing in my drafts. I have Got to finish it because I went out of my way to get people's opinions on it. Um, probably this thing I started for Gimli/Legolas, I don't think it was imaginative enough, I have a hard time being imaginative and it feels derivative. I need to significantly re-tool it.
what are your writing strengths?
Setting up a central theme, and characterization. I like implicit meanings.
what are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue is hard, pacing is hard (it's really hard for me to read, so I always want to pare my stuff down when I should expand on it). Executive function is non-existent so the writing process itself is just. odious (/humorous).
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Ah, like adverbs and epithets, it serves a purpose (to indicate something specific). I think about a) can readers understand this b) is this respectful and does it fit the situation or characterization c) does it add something special d) do I have a good enough grasp of this language. For MCU fic I won't be linking I taught myself some very basic russian to include some russian dialogue because I wanted english readers to be temporarily out of the loop like one of the characters (like, in dramatic irony the readers know something the characters don't - I wanted a situation where the readers didn't know either). Don't go looking for that fic, my russian is embarrassing to me and others.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
The lord of the flies :( I was 13
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably "Halos Made of Summer, Ribbons Made of Spring" for managing to write something long and detailed :)
I’m tagging @galadhremmin @arofili @undercat-overdog @findrahil @dialux (some of you may have already done this, sorry) - this is the moment where I forget every single one of my followers and mutuals... I'm so sorry, if you're reading this please consider yourself tagged and back-tag me with your replies
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
I just find it so unfortunate that some aggressive shippers ruin a ship and a character for so many people. A popular Erwin x Levi artist got hate comments by some Levihan shippers and so many people are bashing it now on twitter because of that. Its just so sad considering LH was one of the most beautiful and fun dynamics in such a depressing story. Even Hange is getting hated because LH is pretty much the default ship involving them and it just breaks my heart :(
Twitter has some great content and I actually hang around AOT twt for some quick content. It’s like every time I’m feeling fast food I just hang there, like a few tweets, read a few soc med AUs etc etc. 
But god. It’s a mess man. Last year I was constantly on twitter to be honest and it left me in a bad mood everyday because people are just being assholes for little to no reason really but just to put themselves in what they believe is a morally higher ground from their peers. And people just like fighting and the funny part is no opinions are actually heard, no views are actually exchanged. It’s just “you dont agree with me so you’re a bad person.” 
Ad hominem attacks are just everywhere.
So I like staying in my small little hole and just talking to myself there and just liking the content of the Levihan people I actually follow. I see stuff I don’t agree with but I’ve kinda accepted that a lot of people there are just there to push an agenda because really if people were that open minded, I don’t think lynching and call out culture would have gotten this far.  
I’ve used this same analogy so many times but I feel like in Twitter, people are just scrambling for some sort of moral high ground. Because of that, it is completely useless to engage in discourse there because one thing I noticed is most people who are vocal there already have a set stance on something and the fact that they’re ready to just bully anyone who stands in the way of their agenda, just makes convincing them out of the agenda impossible and a complete waste of time. And there are two issues in particular among the LH community which are really unsettling for me: the ship wars and within the LH community, the gender war. 
Ship wars
I find the ship wars unnecessary because really what makes a superior ship? 
Probability of being canon? How much fuel they were given in canon? Healthiness of the relationship?
The truth is people ship for many reasons. But really, who are we to judge how a person goes about the way they decide to participate in the fandom and ship? As long as it is something they keep within personal spaces and do it responsibly, I don’t think it’s our business to judge someone or lynch them. The important thing is people are able to not be an asshole about it. People can ship the most questionable shit, create the most dubious content, as long as that person is respecting boundaries and putting the right tags and trigger warnings, who are we to call them out right?
Of course I prefer LH over other Levi ships personally but is there really a need to attack other people’s ships about it? I probably do poke fun at Ereri because until now I still do not get why people enjoy Ereri in the first place but why destroy the fandom experience for people just because we don’t agree with them.
My general intention behind shipping Levihan is because above anything I value the healthiness in the relationship and the things people can learn about love and relationships by analyzing Levihan’s dynamics and headcanoning them. I love Levi and Hange’s dynamics to death and I like digging deeper into them and pulling out lessons from it about love, life and relationships and just sharing them with people which is my whole point for participating in this fandom in the first place. 
But in the end, ships are just preferences. Some people like getting a kick out of dubious pairings and toxic relationships. As long as they consume these responsibly and don’t emulate them in real life, I see no problem in it. 
The toxic ones are the ones who actively crucify people for preferences. 
The Gender War
One really disturbing thing I found about twitter is that deciding to use ‘she’ to refer to Hange can get you lynched. I found a few accounts that would reblog tweets where someone says something like “Yes, Hange, Queen” which gets retweeted by some NB Hange folk who say stuff like “Unfollow this transphobe now.” 
Because apparently deciding to headcanon Hange as a woman or just preferring to use ‘she’ makes people a transphobe. Which is personally just... really disturbing. I don’t believe words like homophobic, transphobic, racist should be so easily thrown around unless there is hard evidence to believe that someone is really one of the epithets above like for example: 
There are things I find completely assholish like of course, refusing to use someone’s preferred pronouns if they ask you. 
But Hange is fictional and Hange is a gift to the fandom.And I don’t even think the issue about Hange’s gender should have ever reached this far. The only thing Yams ever said was that Hange is just not the type to be tied down to a single gender. 
And policing Hange’s gender and saying NOPE SHE’S NON BINARY USE THEY Is just counterintuitive to the whole idea that she’s a free spirit. In the end, Hange as a character wouldn’t have given a fuck whether people called her a they, she or even a he. 
And yeah, it’s frustrating really that these two issues I just discussed above are ruining Hange as a character for a lot of people and consequently, ruining Levi x Hange as a ship. 
Apparently, a lot of people are closet LxH shippers or closet Hange stans because the moment they tweet something about Hange, there are people who will attack them. If people refer to Hange as they, they get attacked. If people refer to Hange as she, they get attacked. There are so many antis apparently to the LxH ship, some apparently are jealous because ‘it’s the closest to canon’ while others just apparently deem it a toxic ship because of our own internal gender war.  
There’s no winning really. And to be honest, there’s nothing I can do either and I don’t want to engage in any arguments in twitter if at the end of it, I’m just gonna end up wasting my time listening to ad hominem attacks directed at me just for not agreeing with someone in a fandom related matter. . 
I’ve said my piece about the Hange gender issue so many times. There are NBs who use she. There are those who use they. Being female and being NB aren’t mutually exclusive. You can be both at the same time.
But yeah, we still have people being assholes about this and pushing factually wrong agendas. I love research and I have been writing research papers and metas for a lot of things even before I started this blog in the first place. And I eventually learned that the world is so complex that no opinion is completely and absolutely correct. 
And ideally, opinions shouldn’t be made so easily. 
Don’t get me wrong. I believe everyone is entitled to a preference and when I say preference I mean the type of food they like, the type of wallpaper they like. 
But no one is entitled to a moral judgement or opinion just for existing and when I say opinion I mean questions on morals, on what’s right or what isn’t, what is or what should be. Every single person has the responsibility to research, hear both sides of a discourse and understanding them before deciding for themselves what’s right. And this is why hearing accusations that someone is ‘transphobic,’ ‘homophobic’ blah blah over how we hc a character just really does not sit well with me. 
Passing moral judgement on someone requires discernment, deep thought and lots and lots of evidence. But yeah this is a philosophical question and a political question so I ain’t going to delve into it here.
Because, in the end, fandoms are preferences. The way we choose to participate in a fandom and create content are preferences more than anything.
So what? (Btw, if you reached all the way here, thank you for listening to me ramble lol and sorry if you weren’t expecting this type of ramble)
I know I’ve just been rambling a lot up there for a lot of reasons but really what message do I wanna give? 
Fandoms are preferences more than anything so I don’t even believe that there should be a discussion on moral judgement here. People can have the weirdest kinks, the most questionable preferences but as long as they aren’t going around romanticizing abuse, beating up people in real life, killing them and lying in real life, who are we to judge?
Even if someone says they have a rape kink and abuse kink when it comes to fics, as long as they acknowledge it’s something they shouldn’t emulate in real life, as long as they can keep an adult conversation about it, I think these people are generally kinder and more pleasant overall than people who force their healthy canon ship and lynch everyone for having more questionable preferences. 
Ship and let ship. Live and let live. Headcanon and let headcanon. If a person has a differing opinion, listen. (Or really, if you just don’t want to deal with listening to differing opinions coz you’re just gonna get stressed, don’t lynch? Don’t send hate? And just ignore it?)
Ask yourself. Does the person acknowledge that it isn’t right in real life? Do they acknowledge if they emulate it in real life it has the potential to be harmful?
Honestly, all I wanna do is just let people stan Levi and Hange however they want to. There are obviously hcs I dont agree with. But in the LH community we just all love Levihan, let’s not ruin the fandom experience for anyone. In the AOT community, we all just love AOT, let’s not ruin it for anyone. Let’s not hurt anyone, attack them etc. 
If someone doesn’t agree and they can hold an adult conversation about it and they don’t emulate these toxic opinions in real life and they recognize that there is the option to just agree to disagree, why don’t we just listen and engage in this discourse to learn more about other people and to build more perspectives?
Because really it isn’t the questionable hcs or the multiple genders which leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. It’s the people who just go straight to attacking instead of actually considering that there’s potential for discourse and there’s potential to ‘agree to disagree’ because in the end, fandom discourse is a question of preference more than moral judgement. 
It’s easier said than done really. But personally for me, I just try to keep my fandom experience as non toxic as possible while at the same time as mentally fulfilling as possible. I enjoy discourse, I like hearing differing opinions and I really believe with something as light and as inconsequential as fandoms as our common ground, we can learn to peacefully co-exist despite differing opinions on what the best ship is or what Hange’s gender is. 
Note: I won’t delve too much on the Hange gender issue here because I have pending asks about those which I’ll answer in one go, but I really believe that both they and she are valid pronouns for Hange. 
I have a general preference for ‘she’ because it’s just easier to read. But personally I don’t think too much about the gender identity issue because it’s really just too complex for me and i like spending my time thinking of other headcanons about Hange than gender and people who push the Hange is nb agenda and people who push the Hange is a female agenda and just insult each other and lynch each other are both equally unsettling. 
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ryukogo · 4 years
I know you talked about it a while ago, but would you mind talking about your shuffle AU for Epithet Erased? It seems interesting!!
EYE EMOJIS? i didn’t think anyone would ask me about it haklhgldfhlg
it basically came from my brain saying ‘what if they still had the same epithets... but they’re all in different roles’ and also because i wanted to draw Tiny Zora(tm), which i did
im gonna put it under a cut cause im gonna RAMBLE, BABY
which means the museum arc features kid Zora getting stuck in the museum after hours and befriending Sylvie and his Banzai team as well as tired teen Molly working at terrible hours
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- Sylvie’s epithet is still Drowsy and still makes Counting Sheep, but his counting sheep only have unique hairstyles because they styled them after the hairstyles of Sylvie’s teammates!
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- Zora’s still got Sundial, but it’s not as powerful as we see it in the main Epithet Erased show - which is because she’s still a kid
- she got stuck in the museum after hours because nobody really bothered to follow after her when she drifted away from the tour group and she started fucking around with some of the smaller displays
-- she took a nap at some point on the ground because she’s just a little gerbil sleeping on dirt and woke up to the museum closed
- summary of Zora and Sylvie’s relationship
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- since Percy takes Mera’s place and Ramsey takes Indus’s, this means they’re out for the amulet and Zora’s epithet - this is because Percy believes that by taking Zora’s epithet, she can minimize the stamina loss she believes is caused by her epithet via constantly turning back the clock on the energy she loses
-- Ramsey’s tried to figure out her logic. He still doesn’t really get it, but he’s here to help.
- you bet Ramsey got his ass kicked by Percy just like Indus’s ass got kicked by Mera and that’s why he’s following Percy, though he’s much more intelligent about their partnership
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- Molly still has Dumb as her epithet and is more or less the same as she is in canon, but a lot more openly cynical and tired, mainly because she works in retail
- She passed out halfway while walking to the bathroom of the museum due to overexhaustion and woke up after hours and just groaned to herself in frustration for letting it happen
- she hears percy and ramsey rummaging around the back room for the amulet and asks them for the key outside - ramsey gets the idea to get this kid to chase out Sylvie and Zora in exchange for the key and molly just sighs and says ‘of course. equivalent exchange. why did i expect anything less’
- DD Museum Trio summary in screenshots:
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- as for the redwood run arc..........................
- sylvie, with the arsene amulet, seeks out mera salamin’s expertise on precious stones and asks for a referral. mera’s smart enough to not give him all the details but also asks what he’s doing with the amulet and if he was going to use it
- sylvie of course sees no use for it other than a means of rising through the banzai ranks and is thankful for her assistance
- mera’s got an eye for precious stones, but she also fabricates fake precious stones with her epithet because people are easily fooled - not very often though because Yall She Still Gets Fucked
- she’s still pretty fragile but years of being a con artist have taught her better survival skills and she only breaks a bone every other day instead of every minute!
- indus is the biggest himbo of a cop but damn if he isn’t a favorite with the kids because he’s perfectly willing to share as many barriers as he can make
- he’s very useful too in shootouts
- he’s looking for the amulet just like percy is in order to retrieve it, and enlists mera’s help in looking for the amulet
- ok i want to take a nap now so im gonna end on these notes
- giovanni is in howie’s position, he’s the howie and his worker bees are his boys (car crash, ben, etc.)
- he makes them cream puffs and soup!
- howie’s in zora’s position. yes, he’s still a mundie. yes he’s still got that strength to bend a wrench in half. yes he still hates the fact that epithets render hard work useless half the time and his interests do line up with bliss ocean’s. and that cool anger and strength is chasing after mera salamin.
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Hello. I was thinking about the BS Defense AU and wondered if Apollo ever got a royal epithet.
Yep! And he never, ever wants to use it, because it’s still sort of weird as hell to him. He loves his family dearly, and knows they love him, and he knows that he’s a part of this family no matter where he came from - but he also feels kind of weird about it, like he just sort of stumbled into being royalty because his father was murdered, and while he knows he belongs in this family, he’s not sure he belongs in a palace. When he goes to LA as an exchange student when he’s 14/15, it’s in part because he knows his parents came from there and he wants to see what it’s like, and he wants to see what it’s like to be a normal person - not a rebel growing up in hiding, and not a prince growing up in a palace. To just be Apollo Justice.
Nonetheless, at home in Khura’in, he’s officially Prince Apollo Justice Khura’in.
(From what the game gives us, it seems like “Khura’in” is affixed as a surname, like with Igna. And then it also seems that the daughters of each generation get the same...middle name? Generational name?) So anyway, I’ve extrapolated everyone’s official names/titles out to:
Queen-Regnant Amara Sigatar Khura’in
King-Consort Dhurke Sahdmadhi Khura’in
Prince Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Khura’in
Prince Apollo Justice Khura’in
Crown Princess Rayfa Padma Khura’in
....and Datz Are’bal, Head of the Royal Guard. He doesn’t get any fancy royal title, unfortunately, because he’s not like....technically part of the royal family? Like functionally he is, but. Not. technically.
When Apollo goes abroad, though, and they’re like “shit maybe we should make this kid an actual birth certificate and passport”, they do ultimately put his name down simply as Apollo Justice, leaving “Justice” as his surname. Just kind of makes it easy for seeking out his birth family. It also allows Apollo to pretend he’s not royalty, which he valiantly does for nearly ten years until Nahyuta shows up.
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