#epsiode seven
aylinsmoon · 2 years
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Bad Buddy Week Day 2 - Favorite episode ↳ Episode 7
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ffredmujkic · 7 days
rewatching epsiode 7 of the suckening aughggfhhddh its always bothered me but why is edward so aware of Shilo’s preferences i know charlie as a dm likes to say yes to his players but fucking edward twilight having in canon clothing not only in shilo's size but also clothing he knew shilo would like, calling shilo bird nicknames because he knows shilo loves birds and knowing his favorite color is green while trying to be so nice and understanding abt how things must be hard for him its ajshdhsabdbdgdhdg he literally lied abt not knowing about gabriel trying to kill them in the warehouse and then tried to textbook defination gaslight him abt whether he rlly saw that I HATE THIS MAN SO MUCH physically recoiled hearing his voice again hes so fucking icky why is it the moment shilo asks him what he wants he starts crawling towards him on the bed in his bathrobe why is it when edward asks shilo to be by his side the implications there are so obviously grizzle out of character is pointing it out please can we get a women in here
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milo-is-rambling · 5 months
Any chance you guys could feel proudddd of anyone or anything maybeee *blinks at you with my big beautiful eyes*
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synthwwavve · 1 year
On the one hand I want s3 bo-katan to go feral and backslide into a full on antagonist because I love her when she's terrible, but on the other hand I want her to befriend din and have a cute heartwarming accidental babysitter dynamic with grogu etc etc
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google podcasts hates her <--- me, just trying to listen to wolf 359 in peace
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epsiode eight is turning out even better than i imagined, even better than i hoped for and again, i am only halfway through!!!
annabeth’s arachnophobia was mentioned and that too, in a great analogy of how gods perceive demigods!!
luke and percy’s flashback training with some real great sword fighting choreo and engaging direction & dialogue!!
percy coming out of the water COMPLETELY DRY!!!
zeus actually seeming god-like and genuinely threatening!! (rest in peace, lance reddick)
percy unapologetically and bravely calling out zeus and his ways, staunchly standing for what he believes in.
like every small detail we were worried about in the last seven episodes are being cleared up and look HOW. this is just so fun, so heartwarming and heartwrenching, a true rollercoaster.
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so, if we can assume these are at least somewhat legit, let's discuss!
Chapter One: The Crawl - Directed by the Duffers. Post-apocalyptic Hawkins. we check in on the gang and where we left off in season 4.
Chapter Two: The Vanishing of Holly Wheeler - Directed by the Duffers. This is where the hospital filming comes in. The Wheelers (minus Ted) are at the hospital for some reason. I believe Robin and Vickie are there too.
Chapter Three: The Turnbow Trap - Directed by Frank Darabont (excuse me, the Frank Darabont? Green Mile Frank Darabont? SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION FRANK DARABONT??) Now I'm not sure about the plot of this one. But I think it might have something to do with that fancy-ass mansion they've been filming at.
Chapter Four: Sorcerer: Directed by the Duffers. For sure this is going to be a Will-centric epsiode. And Vecna will be involved somehow.
Chapter Five: Shock Jock - Directed by Frank Darabont (again, FRANK DARABONT? HOW DID WE GET SO LUCKY?) I have a good feeling that the radio station and station van that we've been seeing are going to have a big role to play in this episode.
Chapter Six: Escape from Camazotz - Directed by Shawn Levy. Aside from this title making my Wrinkle-In-Time nostalgia happy, I think this will be the episode where Max wakes up. Lucas and El are going to rescue her.
And chapters seven and eight are a complete mystery! Which is fine with me. It only heightens the intrigue.
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pochapal · 3 months
Hi! Umineko Question!
What do you think Epsiode 2 of Umineko will be about?
i think since it's looking like episode 1 is due to end on the witch's revival that episode 2 will not be a direct continuation of the mysteries we've been dealing with thus far. my thoughts on this depend on whether or not we're going to keep directly following battler/the ushiromiyas after this episode. given the amount of unresolved threads and the amount of knowledge held in the people still alive, i'm inclined to think that we're not going to be done with rokkenjima that easily - as of right now there are basically no leads on how to solve the epitaph and since that thing seems pretty idiosyncratic to kinzo/his family i don't necessarily know we'll be able to make headway with that through different people and a different place. like we still need seven more episodes of murder mysteries to go through and even if they take place on rokkenjima again i don't see how it could compellingly tie to the history of the island and the ushiromiyas built up through episode 1.
also like. we do need to see beatrice in action and episode 1 has spent a great deal of time showing us how her existence is fundamentally connected to numerous members of the cast so again it wouldn't be very fun to have a revived golden witch outside of the ushiromiya context. i think the two options are either a kind of 999-style "many routes" structure where we see different choices/outcomes for the weekend of the conference and we learn new things down each "branch", or a wider generational cycle structure where we see future/past generations of ushiromiyas also gouging and killing each other in the name of the historical constant of beatrice. something like a retelling of the collapse of the main ushiromiya branch that led to kinzo's inheritance through a witch narrative lens or something like a story set in the future with family head ange's offspring repeating the cycle. i think the former makes a little more sense given that it would allow us to examine/understand crucial characters who died early on (and is also kind of just a common way visual novels like to do things, especially ones with metafictional leanings) but i need it on the record that i think a multi-generational witch narrative loop would be cool as hell to see pulled off.
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"As much as I ship Seven/Raffi and did so even before I knew they were dating, I didn't notice Seven and Raffi were a canon thing until after they broke up because I left halfway through watching an episode with my family and never went back to re-watch the epsiode and a half I missed (S2 was boring sue me) before S3. I thought it was all queer subtext, and they weren't ever going to actually do anything with it. So imagine my surprise when one of my ships breaks up supposedly before getting together."
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boldlyvoid · 2 months
my Disney wrapped would be like:
You've watched Criminal Minds Season 3 Epsiode 5: Seven Second 578554 times this year
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duhragonball · 2 months
Christ, I remember trying to watch NGE last year and falling off a few episodes in because nothing was happening and I found other stuff to binge that was more entertaining. I knew most of the infamous stuff happens in the latter half but how is this show 11 episodes in and still ass? At least now I know why Eva is mostly known for it's ending, there's virtually no beginning and thus far very little middle.
It's not a bad show, but yeah, it's kind of a letdown for me. I've been looking forward to this for a long time now, and it just doesn't seem to be measuring up. Maybe my expectations were unrealistic, but Evangelion always seemed to be this really cool, popular thing, and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about.
All that being said, let me dial back some of my negativity towards this show. It has its moments, often quiet, subtle touches that I can't really document with screenshots and a text synopsis. For example, when the kids are making their way through the base during the blackout, Asuka needles Shinji the whole time, then tries to do the same to Rei, and Rei completely no-sells it, just refuses to take the bait. She doesn't dispute Asuka's claims to leadership, but she doesn't recognize her authority either. And yet, when Asuka finally comes up with an actual plan to defeat their enemy, Rei agrees to follow her lead. It's not a question of respect or disrespect. She's just waiting for Asuka to cut out the bluster and be sensible.
This show reminds me of other anime TV series I've watched in the past. Noir. Excel Saga. Cowboy Bebop. Tenchi Universe. Tenchi in Tokyo. The Gonzo Hellsing series. Revolutionary Girl Utena. I feel like I'm forgetting something else, but the point is that they all sort of share a similar story structure, maybe because they're all TV series with similar lengths.
A few years back, I learned about cours, a term for a three month period in Japanese television. It's about thirteen weeks, which is why so many anime TV series are aired in multiples of 12 or 13 episodes. Jojo season 1 was 26 episodes, which was used to cover both Parts 1 and 2, which worked out, because Part 1 was a little too short for its own 3-month run, while Part 2 was a little too long. Part 3 was like forty-eight episodes, so that's four cours. Parts 4, 5, and maybe 6 were three cours apiece.
Of course, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is based on a serial manga, but I'm pretty sure shows like the ones I mentioned above were wholly original, or only loosely based on a manga or OAV. Those shows, including NGE are designed to be 13, 26, or 39 episodes long, and the story is plotted accordingly. And they kind of operate the same way, spending a certain number of episodes introducing the characters, then doing a bunch of routine adventures, and then towards the last seven or eight episodes things start to get serious and the really plot-driven stuff happens.
I wouldn't quite call it a formula, but it explains why I keep finding NGE's pacing so familiar, even though I really haven't seen another show like it. I think what everyone remembers so fondly is the heavy stuff, where a lot of the secrets and mysteries get revealed, and all of these characters and relationships that have built up over the series get pushed to their limits. But if I'm right, that probably won't get rolling until Episode 18 or 19.
And if it is a formula, then it clearly works, or they wouldn't keep doing it. I guess that's just the difference between Japanese TV and direct-to-video stuff. I've been spoiled by shows like Hellsing Ultimate, where the episodes were variable-length, and organized for maximum effect, because there were no broadcast schedules or logistical issues to get in the way. I suspect a lot of these shows have a few weak episodes where nothing happens just to fill out the cour. They wrote 18 epsiodes' worth of story, but it has to be padded out to 26.
How you experience a show like NGE probably matters too. If I had seen Evangelion back in 2000, on the Toonami lineup, I probably would have only caught bits and pieces of it, eventually getting curious enough to make a deliberate effort to watch it all the way through and figure out just what was going on. That's how I got into Tenchi. I can imagine some small group of anime nerds getting together to watch NGE three episodes at a time, and if they're still somewhat new to this genre, it would blow them away. Sentimental value counts for a lot, but it's not something I can recapture just by watching it myself. But it's the best I can manage, and whether the show is good or not, at least I'll have the satisfaction of finding out.
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oswlld · 3 months
oswlld's monthly wrap up: february
note: i am trying something a bit different this year, so bear with me as i figure out how i want to format this. i wanted to spend more time sharing what i consume, beyond what i rb, and put my thoughts in one place. these posts are okay to rb
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The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid [started 02/04, finished 02/13] I recall an article calling out TJR as one of many authors that are pro-israel and haven’t seen anything that disputes the claim. I don’t have much to contribute to the conversation anyways, so I’ll pass on leaving a review. — After Dark, Haruki Murakami [started 02/06, finished 02/21] What I admire about what Murakami accomplished with After Dark was achieving the right level of simplicity to bring out the tense undertones in the magical realism. I also really enjoyed being invited to float with the story, almost breaking a fourth wall and interacting with the spaces. 4⭐️ in storygraph. — When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamín Labatut [started 02/24, still in prog] I am only about 50 pages in and I am already ill. Too early to form an opinion, thus I’ll offer a snippet of the book description: “A fictional examination of the lives of real-life scientists and thinkers whose discoveries resulted in moral consequences beyond their imagining. When We Cease to Understand the World is a book about the complicated links between scientific and mathematical discovery, madness, and destruction.” Feels very timely reading this at the same time as watching Three-Body and then Oppenheimer in the next week or so.
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High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America, Netflix [started: 02/02, finished 02/07] WOW!! Wowowowowow. Wow. This needs to be a mandatory watch, even though we are at the end of Black History Month. It’s a well curated journey through the slave era to present day, from shores of Africa to all areas of the US. It’s so empowering and inspiring. Don’t wait until June or next year, please educate yourselves and open your heart to this show. — African Folktales Reimagined, Netflix [started 02/02, finished 02/08] I heard about this show through an article posted on Short of the Week last year and immediately put it on my watchlist. What a wonderful choice of directors for this series. Such strong visionaries and visuals. My favorites out of the six stories were Enmity Djinn and MaMlambo. MaMlambo still has a chokehold on me. MAJOR trigger warnings for this series is under the cut. — Three-Body, Viki (also avail on YT) [started 02/19, paused on 02/26] Trigger warnings for this series is also under the cut. With that said, I have a very personal connection with Three-Body Problem, both the novel and the physics problem, so taking this show on has been my entire world. When it comes to tackling my watchlist, shows that have a substantial number of eps/seasons gets split into chunks, so that I can tackle them over a number of months. For this series, I divided the 30-epsiode series into three ten-episode parts that will take me from February to June. I’ll post an official review when I finish over the summer, but for now I will say I very much enjoy having my brain turn into goo after every ep. What an explosive first outing. I will be resuming this show in April for eps 11-20, where I’ll be reunited with my beloved war criminal.
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Over the Moon, Netflix [watched on 2/10, DNF] So unfortunate that I started this and could not finish. I hope to get back into it in May, so I can talk about how beautiful it is. Gotta do it for Glen Keane. — Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang, Netflix [watched on 2/11] I…. I think I am going to let this quote from the film speak for me: “In the 60’s, when American astronauts landed on the moon, that was really good news, even in China. But I was sad because I thought I would never make it to space myself. But later on, I realized that art could be my space-time tunnel connecting me to the universe. If there was an opportunity, I would like to make a ladder into the clouds. But the purpose of this ladder wouldn’t be for me to go to space, it would be to encourage a back-and-forth, a dialogue.” I MEANN!!!! Yes, I did go into this film already aware of some of his works but I didn’t really know a lot about him. What I admired most was his joy and child-like wonder when he’s interacting with his art. I loved witnessing him act like he’s 7 yrs old again, especially in that air balloon scene. There’s also a moment when he’s become complacent in his projects, settling on the bare minimum to get a job done. When the art of creating is stripped of the art, what is left of Cai is very clear to the viewer: he is frustrated, he feels suffocated, he’s used. Alternately, towards the end of the film, he brings it back with “Yes, a lot of artists do things that are too commercial. It lacks some compulsive and sincere emotion that should exist in all art. Collaborating with [unknown artists] will always remind me of the pleasure I felt and my original purpose for doing art.” (Fascinating to compare his turmoil with the govt whilst working with Netflix.) All in all, this film did a great job telling a story about the magic in enduring passion projects over time. In this case, his Sky Ladder being a fourth attempt at a impossibly large scale dream project. I feel like my thoughts are all over the place with this film, but I��m still finding new things that really speak to me as an artist. — Your Name Engraved Herein, Netflix [watched on 2/18] I thought I had this gifset on my blog but it turns out I may have just DM’d @forcebook about this and didn’t rb, but anyways I saw this and thought hey this has the potential to ruin me lemme put it on my watchlist. And now over a year later, I finally got around to it. Well… it’s exactly what I ordered, it definitely ruined me. I mean, when they come at me with “Maybe more people would understand me in hell. Make it easy for me and help me go to hell,” what else am I supposed to be but ruined. I want a sequel, I need their reset.
There are more to add to the movies category, due to Oscar season, but I’ll save them for a separate post, with all my thoughts on the films/shorts I was able to catch, for Oscar weekend.
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Ella Sings Gershwin, Ella Fitzgerald with Ellis Larkins at the piano [first time listening] One hobby I picked up during the pandemic was growing my vinyl collection. I found this vinyl in 2022 with the intention of finding more from this era/genre. Not much movement since then, since vinyl purchases only happens once or twice a year. Suffice to say, I am so happy that the quality is still in tact and it makes me want to get back into vinyls soon. Current top 3: My One and Only (What Am I Gonna Do), But Not For Me, and Soon — Wicked [relistening] One thing you need to understand about me is that Wicked was my first musical hyperfixation. I used to spend summers on the train to the city to catch the raffle drawings and when my name was picked, it would be the best $25 well spent to be seated front row. And when I was not in the city, the CD would be on repeat in the car on my long drives going to and from home and college. My introduction to YT was watching all of the bootleg clips of every casting. All the Eden Espenozas and Stephanie J Blocks and Kerry Ellis’. All the Kendra Kassenbaums, Megan Hiltys, and Annaleigh Ashfords. And yes, all the Aaron Tveits don’t look at me. I’ve seen almost all facets of this show enough times to start frankenstein-ing together my version of Wicked. All this to say that my love for this show remained dormant for over a decade, until the movie trailer for part one came out. And then *SPLASH* I immediately jump in head first into a slime tutorial just like that. Long ago, I watched Kara Lindsay’s broadway vlogs without having seen her Galinda and now I can say I have seen the light, she’s just as immaculate as I imagined she’d be.
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Welcome to Night Vale [recurring/catching up] I typically catch up on this podcast seasonally, since I find that this show is more enjoyable when I binge it. This time around, I have fallen more behind and needed to catch up on 11 episodes. My favorite eps: A Car Crash on Buellton Avenue (Ep 232), Sister Cities: Vermillion Falls (Ep 239), and He is Holding a Knife (Ep 240). I will admit that there was a period of time, maybe four or five years ago, when I dropped the show for reasons I cannot recall now but I am glad that I stuck around.
And now here are some tw to keep in mind:
AFRICAN FOLKTALES trigger warnings: domestic violence/abuse, child abuse, attempt(s) of suicide, drowning, and miscarriage.
THREE-BODY trigger warnings: The plot centers around solving the mystery behind scientists committing suicide on an international scale. Scenes ranging from allusions, thoughts of suicide, to moderate depictions of suicide.
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gatormeister · 5 months
Just finished Endless Waltz, and it is absolutely fantastic. I loved every second of that movie. Took everything that was good in Gundam Wing and turned the dial up to eleven. Got just that little bit extra backstory for the pilots. More Tallgeese is always a good thing. I like the TV versions of the suits better in every case other than the Deathscythe Hell, that one's about equal with the TV appearance I'd say. Give Heavyarms back it's orange damn it!
Absolute pacifism was always a weak ideal in the show, mostly because it just sort of worked all the time just by Relena talking. It was only ever really opposed by war mongers. Endless Waltz finally shows the struggle that is maintaining peace and peaceful attitudes in a way outside of having some cartoonish monarchist/fascist practically look at the camera and call it naive before being proven wrong very shortly after. Which was fine in the show really, as I said in a previous post, Wing tried doing a lot with it's plot that it couldn't fully support, and the end result was some plot points that just never sat quite right.
Mariemaia was a seven year old trying to become a world dictator. She was just a puppet of course. Sort of a Haman and Mineva situation there. But every time she'd open her mouth to try and sound smart I could only think, "You are literally seven, what the hell are you talking about?" Which was funny.
My favorite suits from the series and movie would be the Tallgeese with the Tallgeese II be my favorite iteration, the Wing Gundam of course with Unit 01 the first iteration being my favorite of those, the Sandrock, and the Deathscythe Hell TV version. I liked the Leos and Tauruses, but the rest of the grunt suits just weren't big hits with me. I'd put the Leo above the Taurus, but I would also say that everything I like about the Leo, the Graze from Iron Blooded Orphans does the same but better.
Over all an okay to good series with a fantastic ending. I don't know if I'd watch the whole series over again, but I'd absolutely re-watch Endless Waltz. Next up is War in the Pocket followed by Stardust Memory and Thunderbolt, but before that I'm going to take a small break from Gundam. I may have only just started posting about the shows with Turn A, but I have been watching Gundam basically nonstop since around the August last year. Going from G-Witch, to IBO, to The Origin, 0079 the series, Zeta, Double Zeta, Char's Counterattack, 08th MS Team, Unicorn, Narrative, Turn A, and now Wing and Endless Waltz. It's been a lot, and I am ready to watch some shorter shows without giant robots in them... for at least a little bit. I'm thinking I go back to Gundam in February. I'll still be posting pictures of Gunpla I build in the meantime, but that's a lot different than sitting down and watching multiple shows that are around fifty epsiodes each. See ya!
(Edited to add Narrative into the list. A movie so self contained I literally forgot to put it in with the rest of Gundam.)
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dracoandthehounds · 2 months
Fanfic Writer Ask Meme: K, Q, S, T
thank you for sending this in!!!! :)
K: Guilty fanfic pleasure--
hehe okay this was kinda a hard one bc i don't rlly have a lot of tropes that i feel like "guilty" about liking or anything, but I do think I have one!!!
Sometimes in some media that's super sad... i really like searching out the most like self-indulgent fix-it incredible/magic fics that undo all the bad lmaoo. Like the sort of stuff that would not make it a good story hypothetically bc it just magically fixes every problem just so I can like imagine a little world where everything had a happy ever after lmao. I guess it's sort of a guilty pleasure too bc it's not even something I want in a story lmao I want those characters to suffer lol for The Plot but sometimes I like to just read one story where just this once, everyone lives. lmao.
Q: Do you like getting prompts from your readers?
YES! I love it so much. I wish i had more time to respond to some of the ones I have sitting in my ask box or half written lmao. But I love it bc it can be so helpful for me thinking abut the characters in a different way. Like, really, go crazy with it. Send me ten different ones. (100% guarantee i will not get to all of them lmao but it would be fun to pick one out where I get an idea with it that just rolls lmao)
S: How do you feel about fanart inspired by your writing?
Ummmm like crying??? lmaooooo. it's absollutely incredible and i have no words for it at all. It's like..... unbelievable. One of my favorite things is the idea of like what it means to communicate (bear w me lmao). but like the idea that communication is like (idea in your head) > (how you speak it aloud) > (how the other person hears what you say) > (idea in their head) and how like each time the idea has to go through one of the ">" -- it changes. So like when someone draws fanart of something I've written, I get to see how the idea that began in my head ended up in theirs and is now being portrayed again. It's just like............ so unreal lmao. so. so so sos so sos sosooooo cool.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can't stand?
Oooh okay interesting... okay I feel like i can answer this better in the context of like general fiction tropes I can't stand. I cannotttt vibe with relationships being portrayed as like the... this character needs a love interest so let me put this cardboard cutout of a love interest into the show/movie/book whatever and slam them together until it works. Like... what I enjoy about romance is the concept of two characters with fully fleshed out personalities/identities slowly over time melding together until them being together feels inevitable.
I feel like that's why I enjoy fanfic of non-canon relationships bc it is more of a way to bring together two characters who *weren't* made just so they could be in a relationship together. Like they are very much their own people before the romance, so it feels more natural and more exciting. I want to feel like their relationship will last because they've developed and grown into each other if that makes sense.
so like even in canon media, I feel like a good example of this is angel/buffy vs. spike/buffy (.... no hate to angel/buffy shippers pls omg....) but this is why I'm so much more of a fan of spike/buffy bc those characters were NOT written to be together. Their relationship came about bc James Marsters did such a good job portraying Spike as this lovesick puppy (Joss Whedon did not ask him to do that lol and planned on killing him off after a seven epsiode arc), that everyone demanded the character stick around. And then the chemistry between him and Buffy just like leapt off the screen and it just made sense through their journeys that they would inevitably collide together. (unlike buffy/angel where angel was written to be her love interest and like she was into him after three episodes bc he was hot and mysterious lmao).
So that extends to fanfic sometimes I feel like bc sometimes I don't see a reason behind a pairing in the story and it can take me out of it. Like I want to understand why these characters would end up together... I want to see what they see in each other and I just can't do it when it feels like two dolls that are just being slammed together for the sake of making sure they don't end up w/o a partner. I'd rather have them single than that tbh.
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40cleverways · 1 year
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B'Elanna gets into one of her borderline manic epsiode moods and just keeps futzing with different parts of the ship. Eventually Harry gives up trying to get her to sleep and the person who actually talks her into going to bed is Seven. She spouted some nonsense about "efficiency" and somehow it seemed to work.
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Late Night Conversations
– a PJO fanfic
a/n: soooo i’m a fic writer and by compulsion, i wrote a short in-between oneshot based on epsiode four of the pjo tv show! set right after grover wakes up with all of them still in their beds and it’s from percy’s pov.
rated: gen
Who knew that sleep-deprivation could make Grover grumpy enough to start bleating? Not just any bleating either, but irritated, at-his-wits-end kind of bleating. I certainly didn’t. Then again, the long trip on the Amtrak train was making me grumpy, too.
Okay, so grumpy wasn’t exactly the word. Restless was. What happened at Medusa’s creepy lair was a close call and ever since then, I couldn’t shake off the jitters of nervousness. The absolutely wonderful, not at all ominous nightmare didn’t help any.
Though, my conversation with Annabeth had been surprisingly...calming. I knew we didn’t agree on things but I was starting to see her perspective on all the godly matters and I think she was starting to see mine. I didn’t understand how she wasn’t angrier at her mother, how she could settle for so less but maybe I didn’t have to. Wasn’t acceptance more important in friendships anyway? One day, I would understand her but for now, I could accept her regardless.
Yes, I thought of her as a friend, now. How could I not? She’d killed for me. That’s one badass peace offering if I’d ever seen one and there was no way I’d reject it.
“You can go back to sleep, Grover,” I said, hearing another grouchy tirade from my friend.
Grover leaned down from his seat-bed at the top, his eyes squinting, “I will if you promise to not start chattering again.”
“Sorry, goat-boy,” Annabeth said but I think she sounded the opposite of apologetic. She sounded – what was that word? Right. She sounded impertinent. “But Percy and I are in the middle of a riveting conversation. I have earplugs though. Do you want some?”
Annabeth looked at me from the corner of her eyes and I quirked a brow at her. Riveting conversation? That was one way to put it. I didn’t know she was enjoying our chat as much as I did. Maybe there was hope for us yet.
“Earplugs?” Grover repeated, incredulous. “Gee, couldn’t have given them to me before you two went ahead and disturbed my sleep? Why are you even carrying those around?”
Grover had a point. Earplugs didn’t exactly strike me as questing essentials. Then again, what did I know? I’d been a demigod for all of three–four days while Annabeth had a whole hundred page long résumé in being one.
“I thought we might have to sleep on the forest floor,” Annabeth said, as a way of explanation.
That was how it was with her, sometimes. She said things, these odd non-sequiturs, expecting me to decode the meaning behind them. Expecting me to have context or figure out the whole picture from small clues. Maybe her brain worked that way, but mine didn’t.
So, I threw her the seven thousandth confused look since I had met her.
Annabeth sighed, sitting up in her bed, her blanket still covering her legs. “There are creepy crawlies in the forest, Percy? Don’t you ever think about what would happen if they–you know?”
I blinked, “If they invaded my ears and made a tiny nest inside my skull? Wait, do insects even make nests?”
“Yes, they do,” Grover piped up, looking a little less agitated now that the topic was about insects. “And if a bug enters your ear, Annabeth, it won’t be as harmful as you think.”
“I’m not taking the risk,” Annabeth said and she sounded pretty serious about it.
“If a worm ever enters your ear,” I said, “scream your lungs out and either Grover or I will come and get it out.”
“Wow, thanks Percy,” Annabeth replied and I could recognise a sarcastic tone the moment I heard one. “That sounds very reassuring.”
“Don’t count on me,” Grover said, grouchy again. “I don’t feel inclined to help you in any way after you have so callously trampled on my slumber.”
“I didn’t know you could be such a drama queen, G-man,” I said, rolling my eyes.
Annabeth smiled, “Oh, you haven’t seen the half of it yet. We need to get him some tin cans soon or he will start chewing our brains out.”
Above me, Grover murmured reverently, “Tin cans... my beloved tin cans...”
“Is Grover an antique tin-can collector or something?” I asked. Having such an eccentric best friend was just my luck. Nothing in my life could be remotely normal, could it?
“No, no,” Annabeth said, her eyes shining with mirth. They were a pretty brown shade but sometimes I could see them turn just the lightest hue of grey when she spoke of Athena. I had a pretty whacky imagination though, or atleast that was what I believed so it was difficult to tell reality apart from a trick of light. “He eats the tin cans. They’re like gourmet food to him.”
“You’re totally kidding me, aren’t you?” I said, blank-faced.
“Grover, tell him.”
Grover looked over at me, still dazed as if commiserating over past memories and nodded, “She’s right. I’m a bit of a tin-can connoisseur but with me acting as a human for the longest time and then with all the chaos you’ve brought, I haven’t had the time to munch on my favourite snack.”
“Oh. Sorry,” I said, feeling guilty. “Maybe we can get you a coke at the next stop? Do you like the flavor of coke cans?”
“You’re taking this way better than I did,” Annabeth said, looking oddly impressed.
But Grover was frowning at me now, as if something I said had worried him.
“Percy,” he said, sounding very earnest. “I just want you to know that I really like the chaos you bring. So, don’t feel sorry.”
I smiled at him, a small one. It did feel good to know that my friend didn’t think of me as a nuisance. Grover always had a way of telling me things I needed to hear, just like Mom. Maybe his satyr powers were mindreading? Things would be so much easier if I could mindread.
The train lurched and Annabeth was thrown back in her seat from the inertia. I was still lying down so it caused my stomach to flip uncomfortably. After a moment, everything was smooth sailing again.
I yawned. Annabeth looked at me and I knew a wisecracking comment was incoming but when she opened her mouth, she yawned, too. And then, Grover yawned as well because ofcourse he did.
“Maybe we all need more sleep, huh?” I said, pulling my blanket further up.
“Thank you,” Grover said pointedly.
Annabeth lied back down, too, “I think you’re right. Goodnight, guys.”
I murmured a goodnight back and closed my eyes. There were alot of things on my mind, alot of burdens I didn’t want to deal with. I missed Mom and I was paranoid about a monster coming for us in our sleep. I was angry at my father and I was angry at Gabe and I was angry at the Minotaur. I didn’t want to meet Hades but I knew I would have to anyway. Thalia’s story was like a cautionary tale for me and I hated how small I felt because of it. There was a huge confusing tangle of emotions inside me but mostly I was just afraid.
But hearing the steady breathing of Grover and Annabeth around me, for the first time I felt like I could do this. That I could save Mom.
I slept.
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