#era: scars
earlycuntsets · 2 months
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2004 fuse interview
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tahopo · 2 months
off topic but ur hawke looks so cool n sexy…whenstever i go to scroll past ur art i have to stop and bask in awe of their wondrous visage and nightmare demon situationship. is the red on their cheeks+nose a stylistic choice? scarring? a secret third thing? inquiring minds want to know
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it’s a butterfly rash! no little blood streak for this hawke, my girl’s got rosacea.
gareth had it too….
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pearlsoceanworld · 4 months
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He may have committed those crimes, but that's what makes him hot your honor ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈)
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hazelnutnebula · 7 months
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dude, its like. 6 times more evil in here now;, h ello? ?????
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khayalli · 8 months
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manic pixie dream girl? No. Manic autistic science man on the edge of his rope.
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
"Come on, Remus!"
"I hurt you."
James frowned at the large duvet lump on Remus' bed, "It doesn't matter."
The lump shook slightly, "Of course it matters, look at your face."
James glanced in the mirror across the room, "Dashingly handsome, I know."
"Not what I meant."
James stayed silent a momemt before sitting down gently at the end of the bed, "Have you ever done that before? Scarred someone?"
"Other than myself? No."
"I have."
The top of Remus' head peaked out from under the duvet, curiously staring at James.
"You've seen my dad", James shrugged, "That scar on his cheek? I did that. And there's a few more scattered on his body."
James lifted his hand to his hair, pulling on a few strands, "I uh- I was a very unruly kid."
Remus snorted, "Course you were."
James grinned at him, "Yeah. I'd never just settle down, always had to be whizzing about. And my dad had to try keeping up with me- but y'know they're old, and I'd cause mum and dad a lot of pain trying to catch up. And one day, I was about six or seven, my dad was playing quidditch with me. And he was the keeper, so I was trying to get the quaffle pass him. And I got a bit too into the game. I saw an opening so I threw it, and I thought he was about to catch it, but I had put a bit more force behimd the throw and it came barrelling right into his face. He fell off his broom and passed out for about ten minutes, his right cheek was split right open, from the ear to the corner of his mouth. I didn't play quidditch again for years."
Remus stared at him, "But you did start playing again."
"Yeah", he nodded, "Dad was so upset I stopped because of it, but I just couldn't play afterwards. But then Marlene moved next door and Dad suggested I ask her round to play quidditch with me. Obviously I refused but then he said that the scar didn't matter. I may be the cause of it, but to him it's a lasting memory of a fun experience he had with his son, and between getting to play quidditch with me but having a scar or never having played quidditch with me but not getting a scar- he'd always choose spending time with me. And y'know I'd rather have this scar than not be with you on full moons."
"You realise that's a totally different situation, right? Like 80% of people get injured playing quidditch."
James laughed, "Well, yeah. But a scar is a scar, Moony."
"I ruined your face."
"Merlin, you think my face is ruined do you?"
"That's not what I meant!"
James grinned, "I think I'm rogueishly handsome and mysterious now, like you."
"You're much better looking, James."
"Oh, you big flirt! What should I say to people when they ask how I got it? Maybe I visited your pet rabbit and got the same treatment from the little rascal?"
Remus smiled, "Maybe just say a prank went wrong."
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els-moonleaf · 2 months
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I made a promise I doubted I could keep.
‘I will protect you.’
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kelsochronicles · 3 months
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Someday I’ll fight the compulsory urge to color every half decent sketch of her, but today is not that day
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winterswake · 1 year
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PATRICK GIBSON as the King of Scars Nikolai Lantsov
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silvernyxa · 9 months
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knowing that they were paid to remember the past, he blew out a hot breath and said, "burn it all."
{ merry fobmas @alonetogether ! }
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theelmoarchive · 9 months
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Once again, you're alone.
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Im so normal I swear
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al-luviec · 3 months
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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Interlude 5
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when a virus-laden duck thing decides your coat is actually perfect to cuddle within
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floofiestboy · 4 months
Sometimes I just lie in bed and think about how Akai loving Rei to the point of stupidity is the only in-universe explanation I can think of for Kir being the one to first tell the FBI about Bourbon.
A year of one-sided murderous enmity, two years apart after his cover was blown, and apparently not once did Akai mention the codename Bourbon to even his boss James, let alone his coworkers.
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crescentpaws · 7 months
councillor fintan (aka slut era)
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rhapsoddity · 1 year
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"I- I can't break him out of it, not that easily. I'm going to another room, this is going to take a lot more focus..."
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