#eren always thought she was cute but he could tell she did not fuck w him so he backs off lmao
likesunsetorange · 5 months
Rivals to Lovers, but the rivalry only exists in one person’s mind, premarital handholding, denial is not just a river in Egypt, attempts at seduction
fake fic ask game
pairing: eremika
(i always do my full fic summaries like this so let’s do the full version rather than one line version to give the ✨full✨ effect or else it wouldn’t make much sense lmao) summary:
“‘Below are the pairings for your final capstone projects…” Mikasa reads aloud. “‘You’ll have the remaining three months of the semester to complete this project, and it counts for sixty percent of your final grade, as well as a final graduation requirement.’”
Her fingers immediately scroll down, searching for her name. “Ackerman… Ackerman..” She mutters, until she finds her name printed in bold at the very bottom beside the words ‘Group 32’, putting her at ease. Her mind fills with thoughts of graduation, her post grad Europe trip that’s just months away, knowing four years of hard work are about to be complete with this final project—she can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But that feeling quickly dissipates when she sees the name printed beside her, Eren Jaeger, and anger begins coursing through her, the universe seemingly deciding to punish her for reasons she doesn’t know why.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
mikasa gets paired to work her capstone with (who she believes to be) her academic rival & her biggest pain in the ass
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fantasizing about frat chapter president! eren....
pairing: Frat Boy!Eren x Fem!Reader, side Porco x Fem!Reader
tw: eren is MEAN as fuck, dubcon touching, cheating, degradation, power play, misogyny, abuse, ooc, i love porco but I'm slandering him here...so sorry. dark content.
eren slides a hand up your thigh from the mini-dress you're wearing, and you're just a little confused bc you're pretty sure he has a girlfriend, and you're pretty sure he knows you have a boyfriend.
but he clearly doesn't care. he's telling you to not make a scene, and you're indignant. well as indignant as you can be. you're soft around the edges, meek to a fault and you find it hard to raise your voice.
he's mocking you.
"is m-my boyfriend the only thing you know how to say?" he emphasizes your stutter. you nervously look around, locking your eyes with a boy with slicked-back dark blond hair and swimming-athlete broad shoulders. when you try to get up, eren's strong hand presses on your thigh to prevent you from escaping.
he follows your trembling gaze and a smirk creeps into his mouth, "that's him right? your boyfriend?" he spits the word out like it's coated in venom.
you don't confirm or deny but that's all eren needs.
"Galliard!" eren calls out. your eyes widen in surprise, and porco is surprised too. but nonetheless, he walks over, hesitation evident with every step.
he doesn't say anything about the way eren is touching you, about his hand groping your thighs like a lifeline.
you know porco. he's very prideful and stubborn and had a tendency to rush into things headfirst but he's also kind and gentle and immensely protective over you.
so, if he was all of these things, why did he stand before eren like a dog with its tail tucked between his legs? there was not even a hint of the usual bravado you've been accustomed to seeing when he was with reiner.
eren pulls you right next to him, his arm wrapped around your waist. there's practically no space in between you two. he's close enough to smell your shampoo.
"your girlfriend is pretty." he says flatly. no not flatly, there's a sneer accompanying his tone.
porco gulps.
you don't what's happening, but eren grabs your dress-clad tit with no hesitation, groping and squeezing your nipple. he must have noticed you weren't wearing a bra.
"isn't she pretty galliard."
your boyfriend is perplexed, unsure of what the fuck is happening: "ye-yeah she is." it's a lame comment and eren sighs like he's bored.
his sharp fingernails dig into the plush of your thigh, "how badly do you wanna join this frat, galliard?"
porco is trying to process what he's just been asked but the answer escapes before he could force it back, "m-more than anything." he repeats himself as if to assure himself, "more than anything."
eren smiles, too wide and full of teeth to be genuine. "that's good...that's good" he hums.
he runs a hand through his pretty dark hair, "well I'll cut to the chase. you wanna join my chapter and I wanna fuck your girlfriend."
you gasp, instantly looking to porco but he can't meet your eyes. why were you being treated like you had no agency? your noises of disagreements and whiny complaints are snuffed by eren's large hand covering your mouth.
"shut up. the men are talking."
he then redirects the conversation back to porco, "you really haven't trained her much, have you?"
what the fuck?! yeah sure you may have been the shyest kid in class but even you had your limits. you've always thought frats were stupid and couldn't understand your boyfriend's obsession with getting into one, especially this one, the supposedly most prestigious and exclusive one.
you bite down on eren's hand. he moves his hand away with an unnatural quickness, cursing under his breath.
"stupid bitch" if looks could kill, his green eyes would have shot you dead thousand times by now, "you're a wild fucking animal." than he gives your body a once-over, staring obnoxiously, "do you fuck like one too?"
porco also looked surprised and nervous. whether for himself or for you, you don't know.
"your girlfriend bit me." he states calmly to porco, "what are we gonna do about that?"
you can't move, you're still trapped by eren's hands and the way porco is standing is over you, he's locking you in.
"she'll apologize, she will."
"no I won't!" you shriek.
eren sighs, taking a long hit of his dab pen, zeroing in the smoke before blowing the cloud on porco's face. the blond merely winces.
"you heard the lady" the dark-haired boy shurgs, "so I have an idea."
you could feel your heartbeat pounding.
"Hit her."
time seemed to slow down. "w-what?" porco's face lost all of its color. "a slap or something. you can backhand her if you want to."
backhand her if you want to. the words echoed in your ears like a frenzy of sounds, you were only hearing it, can't even understand it.
eren pushes you onto his lap, and iron-clad grip on your waist. he transfers your weight like you're no more than a feather. you know he's an athlete, that he's strong, but this strong?
"i-i'm not going to do that."
the dark-haired boy chuckles, "how many generations of your family have been accepted into this frat huh? you have legacy and couldn't even get in your freshman year. jesus christ, you're literally only standing before me because you have legacy."
he's continuing his verbal assault, "and with this fuckin chick, stop your dramatics. it's so cute that you're acting like a good boyfriend when you had your tongue down pieck's throat literally last night."
"w-what" your voice is no more than a whisper, tears welling in your eyes.
you can't even hold yourself back as you stare at your boyfriends, no, ex-boyfriends' eyes and utter, "you are fucking pathetic."
you're not exactly surprised when you see his hand raised, and you brace yourself from the impact, closing your eyes shut.
the impact never comes. you open your eyes to see eren holding his wrist. he lets out a low whistle, "seesh were you really about to hit your girl?"
this is the first time you've seen porco sputter. eren takes another hit of his pen, "get the fuck out of here."
porco has the audacity to look back at you before he turns on his heel and leaves like a cowardly dog.
"let me go."
eren's lips are pressed to your neck, "no...i don't think i will."
taglist: @imjustsomebodyelse @forwardpair @cinnamon-n-roses @candy-hime
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Allo Can I be blessed with some Porco headcanons with a female reader whose from Paradise ;;c;; Both fluff angst n smut >~< Thank uu
Porco dating someone from Paradis Island
Porco Galliard Headcanon
Warnings: NSFW Content
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when you and porco first met, neither of you knew of the others identity
porco had just gotten back from war and you were there to infiltrate marley for information
in fact, you both seemed to be running from who were supposed to be, just wanting a break from your destinies
this caused you both to somehow end up by the ocean one day, just when the sun was setting
you had been sitting close to the shore, the water lapping at your feet when all of a sudden a voice caught your attention
“hey—! wha—! you’re not supposed to be here!”
not expecting for anyone to actually be down there that time of night, you quickly whipped around with alarm in your eyes
“w-whose there?” you ask nervously, terrified that you were gonna get caught and your cover was gonna be blown
after all, levi had specifically forbid you from wandering off
“the tickle monster— who the hell do you think? no citizens are supposed to—”
when porco finally came into the light and he saw you sitting there, eyes wide as your sundress blew in the wind, he was immediately taken aback
not only were you trespassing, but you were also...different
whether it was your skin, your eyes, or just simply the fact that he had never seen you before, porco was astonished
“i-i’m sorry! please don’t tell! i didn’t mean to, i—”
“hey, hey,” immediately his entire demeanor changed. “don’t worry, i’m not gonna tell. how could i rat out a beautiful lady like yourself?”
from that day forwards, you both were gone
you began to see each other again and again and again, at first just by pure coincidence, but then it soon became intentionally
porco would purposely seek out the pretty girl wearing pretty dresses, and you’d sometimes linger in the marketplace to see if he’d be there
it wasn’t long before you two began hanging out
porco asked to accompany to the beach again and since he was a high ranking eldian he was allowed there
of course, he didn’t tell you that
both of you kept your identies a firm secret, but neither of you knew
you just thought that maybe he was a high ranking soldier and he assumed that you were marleyan bc you didn’t wear an armband
you and porco became extremely close and it wasn’t long before a relationship blossomed
porco was horrible at being romantic, but he tried, he really did try for you
he’d bring you flowers, buy you little things of chocolate bc he knew it was your favorite
he’d try to leave you little love letter in the morning and it’d absolutely melt your heart
he’d spoil you and use his status to take you to the finest restaurants in liberio
sometimes when you were out people would recognize porco, but he’d always keep the interactions brief
when it came to porco, you probably didn’t know much about him
he was kinda closed off, and he wanted to seem strong to you so he never shared much
but that was okay— what he did share was enough for you
when it came to you though, he’d want to know all about you
he could stay up for hours listening to you explain your childhood, leaving out the parts where you were really from
he’d love knowing about you and would hold you close, often falling asleep to your stories
really, porco was a gentle yet protective lover
he could be extremely jealous and it translated into the bedroom
sex with him was rough, with porco being the dominant most of the time
he loved to mark you and degrade you, wanting you to scream out who exactly you belonged to
he’d pound you into the mattress and tell you what a good little slut you were and then he’d make you cum all over him
afterwards, he’s not much for aftercare lol but at least he’d hold you?
if he fell for you quickly then he’d probably introduce you to pieck
and she would LOVE you, thinking how it was cute that porco was so mean to everybody else but so soft around his girl
he likes touching you, that’s for sure
always has an arm slung around you
in all honesty, he’d be an amazing boyfriend and uwu but you know it’s not gonna last...
technically, you and porco were doomed from the start
he was lying to you about who he was, liking the fact that you loved him, not the jaw titan, ‘marley hero.’
you were lying to him, not even from marley and an island devil that they seemed to hate
your love came to a boiling point, eventually
when you both found out who the other truly was, both you and porco were shocked— like hella shocked
you were on the battlefield, defending eren when all of a sudden you spotted porco and pieck from up above
you wanted to scream and abandon everything right then and there, to tell them both to get the hell out of there
but then,,, porco looked up and saw you using ODM gear, wearing the same suit as the people attacking marley
his eyes widened, not even believing it as betrayal and anger seeped through his veins
you’d be so terrified to face him
you’d probably break down crying and explain that you hadn’t meant for it to be this way— you didn’t mean to lie and yes, you truly did love porco
but then,,, you’d be exposed to his own little secret
as marley soliders began shooting at you, yelling at you to get away from the warriors, porco would suddenly scoop you up and transform to shield you from their bullets
everybody, including your comrades, was absolutely dumbfounded to see him throw you on his back and run away with you
and you’d be literally frozen, not even believing this was happening
porco kept you safe during the entire battle, up until he decided to take eren on
you couldn’t lie, even though your relationship was probably gonna be in shambles after that it hurt so bad to see him just laying there, not even knowing if he was alive
you tried to find out, you tried to go towards him and yank him out of his titan but jean swooped in and tackled you at the last second
you were a crying mess but he held you, kicking and screaming and all, not letting go until you were safely on the plane
“jean, please! you guys don’t understand — i have to go back! i have to see—!”
“i’m sorry, y/n, but this is for the best. you have to let go, you may never see him again.”
for the next few months, or years that you were separated from porco, you’d be a hollow mess
It’d take some time for you to forgive him, and him you
for the longest he stayed on marley, bitter and cursing your name
cursing himself for falling in love with an island devil
he hated you, he wanted to kill you...only...he didn’t
deep down porco knew that he still loved you
and he carried that love everywhere with him, even if it tore him apart inside
he was stuck between wanting to be in your arms again and wanting to be loyal to marley
after finding out where you were from, he’d have so much rage and so many questions
you were a devil, yes, but...were you?
you were so sweet and compassionate and kind...how could you be?
you were the exact opposite of what porco had been taught
you weren’t a devil...marley had lied
they had lied and filled him with all this hatred for people he didn’t even know
it infuriated him, and it saddened him that he couldn’t be with you all because he was brainwashed
for the time that you were apart, porco was a mess
he hardly looked alive anymore, only thinking about you day and day out
he longed for the day he’d see you again
and when he did—
all hell was breaking loose, AGAIN
marley was declaring war on paradis
there were people everywhere, titans ranging about, eren being...eren
you of course were on the front lies, just trying to survive when you suddenly spotted him
could it be? no...
you didn’t wanna believe it at first
you couldn’t
you only stared at porco’s scrunched up face in shock, not moving despite that being incredibly dangerous
likewise, porco was shocked to see you there, alive and once again fighting for paradis
it felt just like the first time, but this time you both had months to prepare your words
and the first thing you said to each other?
“i’m sorry.”
the words shocked both you and porco even further, but it felt...right
“y/n...i’m so sorry i—”
“please, pock i should be the one to apologize. i lied, i know i did. but i—”
“i lied too. we both did. guess that’s why we were made for each other,” porco chuckled humorously, you nodding in agreement
for a moment, you both just stood there looking at each other
but then, months of tension boiled over and finally you just kissed, in the middle of the battlefield
“uh, guys? that’s romantic and all but FUCKING FOCUS WILL YOU?”
porco promises he’ll find you after the battle
and what do you know, he keeps his promise and after that you guys live happily ever after the manga doesn’t exist
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ymirgf · 4 years
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truth or truth
timeskip dom!armin x fem!bodied reader
cw: nsfw,squirting,praise,teasing,loud moans,pussy-eating,cursing [PLEASE I ACNTJTOEK]
wc: 1.8k
summary: eren forced armin to play a dirty little game called “Truth Or Truth” where the bottle spins and someone asks a dirty question that all must answer to. somehow it ended up with armin in your sheets.
this is un edited so along w all my fics so sorry for any mistakes!
“hey eren, are you sure this is a good idea? i’m not to fond of the idea where we play a game answering sex questions to be honest with you.” the blonde sighs slowly walking to the circle where the game was being held.
“yeah it is. jean keeps saying i’m too much of a pussy to do it and i’m not. so we have to.. plus Y/N will be there! what do you think of that huh?” eren says quite loudly while nudging armin’s shoulder.
“eren shut the fuck up, you’re being too loud. fine i’ll play, okay?” he says finally relaxing a bit.
eren went behind armin and gripped both his shoulders, shaking him. “that’s my boy!” he said as he then pushed armin in-front of the circle.
connie stood up on a chair so everyone could hear him as he started to shout.
“OKAY HORNY PEOPLE!!!! HERE ARE THE RULES FOR TRUTH OR TRUTH! so we have a beer bottle here and we spin it and whoever it lands on gets to say a nasty question we all have to answer, and no you can’t not answer, you gotta. anyways it’s that simple so let’s start.” he said getting down to now sit on his chair.
connie spun the bottle as it slowed down to this short blonde girl with bright blue eyes. pretty sure her name was historia or something.
“oh uh, hmmm.” she said putting her index finger to her chin. “what are your kinks? mine are praise kink i guess.”
after every took turns sharing out their answer.
“edging kink.” connie said bravely.
“size kink.” jean says with no change of expression.
“crying kink.” eren says with no shame.
“hey armin it’s your turn. go.” eren said to him shoving him a bit.
“oh......teasing kink? i guess. lingeries nice too.” the blonde blurts out looking around the room.
it was now your turn. you took a deep breathe as you say.
“praise kink but i can give the praising as well..” you said abruptly, shrugging your shoulders. armin looked you dead in the eyes after you said that, as eren smirked and nudged his shoulder multiple times.
after that question the bottle spun once again, every answer you gave armin always looked right at you. at last it was your turn to ask. you looked up at the circle, clearing your throat.
“what are your turn-ons? ill say mine after everyone goes.” you said pretty confidently, looking around the circle.
armin said, “lingerie, tits and a nice smile.” this time he looked away from you instead of at you. when it was your turn he turned his attention back to you.
“well i like it when guys moan loudly in bed, a cute smile’s nice as well.” you say smiling slightly while eren nudged him again making armin stare at eren telling him to stop.
you couldn’t lie, you have thought lewd thoughts of armin..i mean who wouldn’t? his body was lean, still having a lot to show off, he had a wonderful smile and he was incredibly smart and attractive. thinking about it,, maybe you got off to him at least once or twice in your life.
sooner or later the game was over as well as the party finally letting you go home. you needed to change. somehow that game and armin staring you down ended up with you getting aroused and it wetting your panties.
as you hugged connie goodbye and everyone else, you noticed armin was already gone as well as eren, you just assumed they both went to their cabins.
you made it to your dorm, you knew sasha wasn’t going to return to you and her dorm tonight because you saw her leaving with connie. as you approached the door you find armin standing in front of your door, staring at you as he already was expecting you.
“armin? what are you doing at my cabin?” you say looking at him with a confused look making him straighten his face and look at you tilting his head down.
“you know exactly what i’m hear for.” he whispered in your ear making you throb, why where you throbbing? why does he affect you the way he does?
your thoughts were interrupted as he grabbed the back of your neck as he started kissing right under your ear.
“hey just let me know if you don’t like something. or if you get uncomfortable or something i’d never touch you without your consent.” he murmured on your neck, you nodded as a way of response. his words made your heart flutter.
he was so considerate and you knew deep down he was really so thoughtful even if he tried to act all tough from time to time.
he kissed along your neck, leaving purple spots over the right side. he was so gentle that it made you even more aroused then you were. his hands led their way on to your waist. his fingers were boney and smooth, he slid his hand under your shirt rubbing your waist while moving his lips onto your mouth now kissing you.
he opened your cabin door and locked it behind him without looking back. he led you on to your bed, sitting you up against your headboard, with his knee between your thigh.
you could feel your arousal pooling up in your undies and now dripping down your right thigh. armin swiped his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. you accept his tongue into your mouth.
his tongue explored every part of your mouth making you moan into the kiss. your moans were music to his ears.
he broke the kiss and smiled at you. he tilted his head down to your panties and eyed them for what it felt like a long time but it was really only a few seconds.
thankfully you were already wearing lingerie. not for anyone special, you just like to dress up.
“you’re wearing that?” he said licking his lips as he felt the bulge in his pants grow even more. “you’re so hot fuck.”
“and that wet for me already? i do that to you princess?” he said to you almost in awe and actually quite proud of himself.
you turned away your cheeks, flushed as you were slightly embarrassed from the wet spot of arousal on your panties.
he looked down at you more as he felt his cock twitch in his dress pants, begging to be let out of it’s confines.
“fuck.” he murmured now heading down to your plush thighs as he gripped both and now his head between your thighs.
he kissed up your thighs as your breath hitched from the pleasure you expected you were about to feel..
armin looked up at you. “is this okay?” you nodded frantically, you’ve never had someone go down there before, right as you were about to say it, you felt the warm,wet muscle lick across your sensitive bud.
you let out a loud moan causing his eyes to widen at the fact you were already so loud. he grinded his cock against the bed trying to relieve some sort of tension.
his tongue did lazy circles around your clit, making you throw your head back. he moaned into you as he felt the taste of your juices on his tongue.
you yelped as you felt his middle finger entered inside you. he kept grinding himself against the bed, he didn’t think doing that would make him cum but he was already reaching his orgasm.
without warning he enter his ring finger going at an unholy pace making moan out his name in the lewdest way possible.
“mm! armin, fuck keep going, im going to cum!” you screamed making armin pick up the pace with his fingered and him grinding against the bed.
your legs started to shake as you felt this twist in the bottom of your stomach, something was different from this upcoming orgasm, it felt more bigger,intense.
armin grinded one last time now releasing his big load of cum into his pants, making him moan lewdly into your cunt making you cum.
you didn’t notice because your eyes were shut but you squirted all over his face and on the sheets.
“o..oh fuck armin, my god..” you said, eyes still shut as your legs shook from cumming so hard.
armin stared down at the mess you made, his eyes blown with lust and hunger as he licked his lips at the sight. he knew what happened.
yeah he watched porn a couple times, with the force of eren and sometimes alone. so he knew he made your squirt.
before you could open your eyes he spoke softly.
“hey Y/N have you squirted before...?” he said licking up your thigh trying to clean you up, he left hickeys there as well.
you opened your eyes slightly..not seeing the big mess yet.
“no.. why?” you questioned your breath hitching from his kissing.
he pulled away, since he was down there you could only see his hair and eyes,, nothing from the nose and down.
“you see.., you squirted all over my face and your sheets.” your eyes opened widely as you sat up to view the sheets and his face.
“oh no,, sashas definitely going to ask about this..” you sighed, face palming your forehead.
“don’t worry i’ll clean you out, oh and the sheets too.” as he said that he dove back in,
licking your thighs swallowing every juice you let out.
you moaned as he made his way to your cunt. he didn’t tease, he went right in, pushing his face into your cunt with a force as his tongue licked you clean.
“mm! fuck!” you moaned as he watched your face contort with pleasure, he could feel his cock hardening again now twitching.
he finished cleaning you up, not realizing by him doing that you were about to reach your orgasm before he stopped.
he got up and as he did you noticed the mess all on his chin and face.
“god.” you laughed out making him laugh in response. he licked his lips and wiped off the rest with the back of his hand.
“are you ready for the real thing?” he asked climbing on top of you tilting his head.
“yes i am, and you can go raw and cum inside, im on the pill.” you smiled at him.
those words made him light up inside.
he took off his shirt revealing that lean and muscular hot body you were waiting for.
you licked your lips at the sight good for you he didn’t notice.
“oh and by the way, try and squirt on my cock for me okay?” he smiled at you, making your cunt throb in need.
“okay i’ll try!” you said, nodding your head frantically.
A/N: if u wanna part 2 where they actually do it lmk and i’ll finish it up once i get the inspo..
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yoichichi · 3 years
Intern!Eren HC
warning(s): none
a/n: some Intern!Eren HC based off my CEO!Levi x secretary!reader post you can read here <- if you’d like :) I got one person requesting it in my inbox and that’s all I needed LOL :) I’d love to hear from you guys in my inbox! Hope you enjoy <3 I’m also gonna be posting more characters from this ~universe so feel free to send in thoughts or ideas !
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I’m sorry but hear me out:
He’s very intelligent, right. He was well composed in his interview to be an intern, his resume was wonderfully organized full of all kinds of references and experience, he can hold a corporate conversation like nobody’s business, and he’s definitely got this natural charm working for him
But this man can’t work a photo copier for the life of him 😭
He doesn’t know the difference between business casual & smart casual (tbh who tf does)
He is always joking with boss Levi at the WORST times
He’s AWFUL at finding things pls
Someone will tell him to go grab more printer paper from the cabinets in the break room and he’ll just go and stand in there like 🧍
“Cabinets, cabinets... okayyy what one.”
^he definitely talks to himself like that ALL the time but more on that later
But anyways he’ll be searching through all the cabinets and just,,, not see it and he’d start freaking out like oh fuck they’re gonna fire me cause my dumbass can’t find the fuckin printer paper
He’d just come back like
“Um, uh, Miss Parker I couldn’t find the printer paper🧍.”
She’s an older lady in the advertising department of the company that just finds him so endearing pls
so she goes and just opens the first cupboard he looked in and hands it to him like “here sweetie, make sure to open your eyes next time.”
She’s so sweet but poor baby is so red and embarrassed 😭
It’s even worse when she asks him to load it and he just - breaks it
he accidentally pulled too hard trying to open the paper compartment and ripped one of the plastic front pieces off and is just holding it in his hand like 😰
He jus tapes it on w scotch tape and bolts out of the room once it’s loaded and then blames it on Jean when Levi asks why the hell the printer in the front office is broken
“Yeah no I have no idea sir, I think it might’ve been Jean, I mean I saw him in here last buttt, yeah no I really don’t know sorry!”
Queue Eren speed walking to the bathroom so he can collect himself abdjdjajdjf
But on the note of breaking things it’s totally happened more than once
I STRONGLY HC this mf as being clumsy a lil like he just never fully got used to his height after he had his growth spurt
So he has a habit of tripping over himself or hitting his head on cabinets and such
This also means long arms accidentally knocking these over 😭
His first day he reached across his lil intern desk adjacent to Jeans to answer the phone and just completely knocked off his stapler and it kinda came apart
So once he was done with the call he was like no biggie I can fix this :)
And then he spent the next 20 minutes trying to figure out how the hell to put it back together
Levi happened upon him at his desk with google up on his computer, “how to put together stapler”, and he was fiddling with it in his lap and Levi was just 🤨
Eren was so embarrassed and went beet red
But as soon as Jean started chuckling Levi was like “well help him? I’d rather not have a broken stapler and besides, it’d give you two idiots something to do.”
So of course jean was like ok 🙄 but now him and eren have been arguing and BOTH been trying to fix it for another 10 minutes
Levi comes over to check on them and he’s so disappointed he’s just like “give me the fucking stapler” and puts the pieces back together and hands it to eren like 😐.
But yeah, Eren has a tendency to break things LOL
Ok back to mans talking to himself
He can be forgetful when it comes to tasks he needs to do so you’ll often find him walking around the office muttering things to himself like “phone, phone. Listen to the voicemail on the phone.”
And sometimes he’ll sing it to himself instead of speaking it cause it he finds it keeps him entertained 🥺🤲🏼
He also has a bad habit of just humming at his desk period
Jean absolutely hates it, especially when the songs Eren’s humming get stuck in Jeans head LMAO
Levi implied he was proud of Erens work ~once and he almost cried, he had to excuse himself and Miss Parker thought he was gonna throw up
One time Levi joked about long hair not being dress code and immediately had to take it back before Eren and Jean had a crisis at their desk
But even with his little quirks and shenanigans he takes his internship very seriously and is highly knowledgeable about the core responsibilities of the job, which is definitely a reason Levi accepted his application in the first place
Eren is so punctual it’s insane, he hasn’t missed a single day at his internship and has never been more than a minute late
And he’s so cute always asking Levi what he could do better at the end of his day or if there’s anything else he needs from him
At some point Levi had to ask him to only ask it once a week cause he has other things to worry about too 😭
But Levi did admire his determination to improve
Eren may be a little silly but he’ll be damned if he’s gonna lose this internship <3
Eeeeek okok so this is officially a part of my CEO!levi universe LMAO any work that is based in this will be tagged appropriately! I’m also thinking of posting a pt.2 to this with reader 😏! Lemme know if you guys are interested! I’ll be having some more works come out with other aot boys in this universe too :)! Anyways yes I’d love any and all thoughts <3
requests are open
taglist: @plutowrites @armins-futon @peachysimp (if you’d like to be added to aot, hq, mha, or a mixture of those jus lemme know!)
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nakachuchu · 4 years
Bunny | Armin Arlert
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SYNOPSIS: Modern AU - He has a crush on his friend's crush.
READER: female
WORDS: 1556
WRITTEN: 03/08/2021
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"Hey, Armin," you greeted as you leaned down, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"H-Hi, Y/N," he replied, eyes glancing to the textbook pressed against your chest and your pretty smile.
"Can I sit next to you again? You're a lifesaver when it comes to taking notes."
"Oh, yeah, definitely," he said as he scooted to the side, allowing you to sit next to him in the lecture hall.
You often sat next to Armin because he had good handwriting and his notes were easy to understand.
You often blanked out, thus missing part of what the professor said. He once asked what you were thinking about, and you winked at him before making a zipper gesture on your mouth.
It was always a struggle when you asked to sit next to him. He had to fight himself to pay attention to the professor and ignore the little devil on his shoulder who kept telling him dirty thoughts about you.
If you didn't sit next to him, he wouldn't have to worry about how good his notes were because you wouldn't need them.
It wasn't like you didn't take notes. You simply got distracted sometimes. You would be taking notes, and the next time Armin decided to glance at you, the end of your pen would be in your mouth, tongue swiping at it mindlessly.
Armin was in constant trouble whenever you were around. You were pretty on your own, but the way your teeth nibbled on the cap and how soft your tongue looked made his brain short circuit.
It was the second year you had the same class with Armin, and he didn't know if he wanted to be thankful or not.
The first encounter he had with you was on moving day. He dropped his pink pen that had a bunny as the clicker. It was given to him by his mother who had been sobbing when he left for college.
You picked up the pen and called out to him. He was absolutely embarrassed and dizzy that someone saw the pen, let alone a pretty girl picking it up for him.
You laughed at how red he was and stepped forward to put the pen back into his front pocket, patting his chest before waving goodbye and walking away.
"Armin," you called out, "class is over, bunny."
God, the nickname you gave him always made his body hot. It was a simple, shameless nickname. It was obviously from the pen he dropped, but he couldn't help but fantasize that something deeper was in the works.
"R-Right. Thanks, Y/N."
You smiled. "Of course. Text me your notes later?"
He nodded.
"Great. I'll see you around. Make sure to eat lunch."
He nodded. "You too."
Once you left the room, he sighed and banged his head onto the desk. Even your kindness in reminding him to eat made him like you even more.
He eventually packed up his stuff, walking to the same table outside the lecture hall that his friends claimed since the first day of school.
"How'd it go?" Eren asked.
He knew about Armin's crush on you, but the question was easily hid as "How was the lecture?"
"It was good," Armin replied, which translated to "I made a fool out of myself again."
"Did you see Y/N? What was she wearing today?" Jean asked.
"Uh—You know, the same," Armin said with a wince.
Jean sighed wistfully. "She's so damn beautiful."
"She'd never go for you," said Eren with a glance at Armin.
"Huh? You wanna fucking fight? We'll go at it right now!"
"HUH? Did you say something, twerp?" Eren retorted, standing up from the table to slam his foot onto the bench.
"HUH? You're shorter than me, you fucking midget," retorted Jean as he got into the same position as Eren.
The two boys began to fight as Armin awkwardly laughed and sat down. He was royally fucked. What was he supposed to do when Jean seemed so smitten with you?
"I'm gonna do it," said Jean as he let Eren out of the chokehold.
Eren gasped for air, then punched Jean on the shoulder. "Do...what?"
"Ask Y/N out," he said as he walked off.
Armin followed the direction he was walking in, then saw you crossing the lawn with one of your friends. His shoulders slumped as he realized he wouldn't ever be able to date you.
Eren and Mikasa glanced at each other before glancing at Armin who was watching the exchange between you and Jean.
You whispered something to your friend as Jean began to talk. You stood there with a smile on your face and occasionally nodded at whatever he was saying.
"I—Um—I'm gonna go back to my dorm. I have studying to do," murmured Armin as he grabbed his bag and walked away.
You laughed at something Jean said before nodding and waving goodbye to him. He walked back and sighed heavily as he sat on the bench.
"What happened?" Connie asked.
"She likes someone else, but hey, she called me cute. That accounts for something, right?"
"Do you think—"
Mikasa nodded at what Eren was implying.
Jean looked between them. "What?"
"You see—"
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"Hey, if that dumb ass can ask you out, you can ask Armin out," your friend encouraged.
"Me? I don't have the guts for that," you said.
"No, but you got the tits and that disgusting kindness going for you."
You rolled your eyes. "None of that is true. Besides, I don't know where he is."
"Call him."
"I'm not going to ask him out through tech. It's not sincere," you muttered.
"So you need to do it in person? I got you."
"W-Wait, where are you going? Come back!" you shouted as your friend ran out of your room.
You sighed, a dreadful feeling settling in your stomach. You chewed your lip nervously as you turned to your notes to study, trying to ignore your fantasies of dating Armin.
You put your earbuds in, turning up the volume so that you wouldn't have to think. You drummed your pencil on your desk while reading the notes you took, even though you knew the information wasn't staying in your brain.
You let out a shriek when someone yanked your earbuds out. You spun around in your chair, ready to smack someone until you noticed Armin standing by your door nervously.
Your friend stood in front of you and smiled. "Good luck," they whispered before walking out and closing the door.
"Armin," you breathed out.
He raised his hand slightly before folding them together in front of him again. "Hi. Um—Your friend said you needed to talk to me?"
You nodded, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you come out here. My friend is impulsive."
"It's okay," he reassured. "But isn't it bad if someone notices us alone in your room? What if Jean hears?"
You tilted your head to the side. "What about him?"
"Well, aren't you—aren't you two dating?"
You blinked before laughing. "We're not dating. I don't like him. I like you."
"Oh, I see. You don't like—You like me?" he repeated.
You smiled. "Yeah, I do. I really, really like you."
"Oh. Oh, this is—Oh, I never thought—" His face went red and his mind was playing fantasies of you again. "I—Uh—I didn't think you'd ever like me. I've liked you for a while now and I mean, you're so pretty, and I'm me."
"I like you, bunny," you reassured. "I like that you're you."
"I've never—I've never had a girlfriend."
"That's okay. It doesn't matter. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" you asked.
"Yes!" he exclaimed. His shoulders slumped after a moment. "But I would be a bad friend if I did that. Jean's liked you for a while and I can't betray him like that."
You smiled softly. "I understand. That's—"
The door burst open, hitting Armin in the back and sending him flying forward. You got up from your chair and wrapped your arms around him so that he wouldn't fall.
Armin was dizzy. His face was shoved into your breasts and all he could smell was you. Your arms were wrapped around him for safety and his hands were dangerously close to your ass.
You looked up to see Armin's friends crowding your door. They were all breathing heavily.
"Say yes!" exclaimed Jean. "Why didn't you tell me you liked her? I just thought she was hot!"
Armin said something, but it was muffled by your breasts. You wiggled around at how ticklish it felt, before helping him move away.
He blinked at you before slowly looking up at you. His face was incredibly hot and he couldn't think straight.
"Armin?" you called out.
Oh, your voice was so pretty.
"Armin, are you okay?" you asked.
"Huh? Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Um—I—Yes?"
"Yes?" you repeated.
"I want to be your boyfriend," he said. "Is that okay?"
You smiled. "It's more than okay," you said.
"Thank God," muttered Eren as he turned around with a hand latched onto Jean's collar. "Team, roll out!"
Mikasa followed him silently, dragging Sasha and Connie with her.
"What should the first thing we do as a couple be, bunny?" you asked.
"Um... Food?"
You smiled. "Sounds good."
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velveticamoon · 4 years
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these totally weren’t supposed to go up yesterday ahaha- 
P.S: this is my first writing post!! i thought it would be an easier transition by writing hc’s, and i got my friend saniya (@bokesaniyaboke) to help me out with writing them, so i hope y’all enjoy :) (enjoy our 2 am chaos-)
i have more writing planned for the future too, and decided that i’ll be writing for: 
- attack on titan
- bungou stray dogs 
- free!
- fugou keiji: balance unlimited. 
don’t be shy to send in your requests, i’m more than happy to do them ;) 
anyways, i hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you want more! and to those of you that celebrated, hope you had a merry Christmas :) 
Decorating the house with him!! Except he’d be trying to get out of doing it at first lol
He’d be pissed about the mess that would come with decorating the house 
But if you keep pestering him enough he’ll eventually give in lol 
He’d be very meticulous about which decorations go where, but you’re just gonna have to put up with that 
Pls don’t complain too much, he really wouldn’t be doing it with anyone else 
(in the words of saniya: “ur the only exception be happy about that)
Idk why but i feel like he’d be really good at hanging up the lights?? With the placement and whatnot? 
He probably has a very keen aesthetic eye i feel like (saniya: “pinterest but as a person vibes”)  
At the end of it, while y’all are sitting on the couch drinking some tea, he quietly mumbles how he likes the work you two did 
But you felt like teasing him and he got all huffy and said it louder, obviously calling you a brat right after cuz why wouldn’t he 
Ask him to make gingerbread houses!! pls he’d be so excited about it 
He’d even go to the store himself and get all the supplies on his way home and you both wouldn’t waste a minute to start a baby
Look he’d start getting competitive (pls we all know how he is) and would turn it into a competition so be prepared for that lol 
But when his gingerbread house falls over he starts getting angry
Proceeds to drive to the company’s factory to break it down in his titan form (there’s no stopping him now) 
Gets Armin to join him and they smash the houses in their titan forms together LMFAOFNDND PLEASE IM WHEEZING- 
But for real, he’d probably get pouty, and turn into a whiny baby
Don’t call him out on it though he’ll just get even worse lol  
Shower him with kisses right after and he’ll be blushy but he’s fine dw about it 
He’ll get over himself eventually and then proceed to ask with a boyish grin on his face if you wanna give up and just eat the houses as they are 
Y’all end up with stomach aches but it’s fine he makes it a little more bearable :))
Making ornaments (pls it’d be so cutenjdjn)
Saniya: “she would stab me with an ornament and i’d say thank you” 
Comfortable silence with a little chatter here and there
Every now and then she rests her head on your shoulder (softie) 
Just like Armin, getting super flustered and blushy when you compliment her 
She helps hang the ornaments onto the tree and the tree turns out to look so pretty
Would take your hand and sit the two of you on the couch and just admire the tree in silence 
It’s so comforting you slowly feel like you’re about to fall asleep 
Make her some hot chocolate pls all she really wants is to cherish this atmosphere the two of you have created, all huddled up on the couch together 
She’d totally fall asleep cause the girl’s always working in overdrive pls does she even sleep-
Make sure she’s warm alright?? If u don’t i’ll stab you ;)
Watches hallmark movies with you, only to make fun of them (romance at it’s finest amirite) 
Popcorn fights while watching them 
Will get mad when you see a horse and say “look it’s you horse face” 
He says the dumbest pick up lines during the movie as an attempt to impress you 
“hey y/n, can i have your picture so i can show santa what i want for christmas?” 
“jean, we’re literally dating-” 
Something romantic will happen in the movie and Jean will continuously ask you to recreate that scene. “y/n can we-“ “if your about to ask me if you can spin me whilst ice skating, then no” “aw :(“ 
Oh to be spun by jean while ice skating- but that’s not the point 
Wrap him up in a blanket while watching the movies, he’ll melt 
Call him out on it and he’ll turn into ereh 2.0 (aka another whiny baby) 
Jkjk but he’ll definitely try to deny it cuz u know he’s a “biG oL maNLy maN” but he’s a softie ;)
Making holiday cards with him 
When you bring up the idea his face lights up instantly it’s the cutest thing omg
I can see him bringing his own supplies to help with getting started
Envelopes, letter paper, markers. Hell, he’ll show up with glitter markers (those things are god-tier istg-)
he gets super flustered and red when you compliment his card
If you mess up on your card he’s totally gonna be there to cheer you up!!
“Hey don’t worry, you can just start on a new one :D”
He probably won’t ask but he lowkey wants the card you messed up on cuz he thinks it’s cute
Makes cards for everyone and then takes you with him to deliver them
Would be really shy at the post office cuz he’s never done this before 
*cue you falling even more head over heels for him because he’s just so?? endearing?? it’s insane??*
Eventually, he gets the hang of it and ends up having a really fun time :D
Let him be the one to place the stamps on the envelopes, it’s ~therapeutic~ for him 
Overall, he’s probably the best person if you wanna use this as a healing opportunity tbh, the entire day is just filled with the calmest atmosphere one could wish for, and the smiles never leave your faces, even after you’ve finished
Snowball fights w/ our resident baldy jKJKJK
Pls you wouldn’t even plan for it to happen 
It just kinda,, did,, 
Y’all we’re walking through the park, on your way back from lunch or something 
But you decided to make a pit-stop at the park cuz you saw an ice cream truck (do y’all know how rare those are in winter?? I’d be running to get to it pls i have no self-control) 
Anyways, other ppl had the same idea, so now y’all were standing in line waiting 
As he was looking around, his eyes landed on some other kids throwing snowballs at each other, and ideas started forming in his head uh oh-
And there just so happened to be a pile of snow right next to his feet- 
Y’all can probably guess what happened- 
“Hey y/n” “yeah-?” *throws it right at your face* 
And so the war begins 
Two words: S N O W  F O R T S. pls ppl would be concerned as they walked by and saw y’all just trying to fucking PUMMEL each other (sounds like fun tho i wanna do it now :( haven’t done it in years pls-) 
But you have to stop it before one of you gets hypothermia considering how long y’all have been going at it 
Anyways, he’ll buy you a hot chocolate to make up for making you frozen to the bone dw :)
Popcorn and cranberry garland 
Look away for one second and the popcorn is gone but you don’t really mind
Make sure to bring a second batch of the popcorn because the first one WILL be gone 
(maybe even a third stashed away-)
She’s really excited about it tho!! But didn’t expect it to take so long omg 
I imagine her to be really clumsy while making them, so pull a move straight out of a cheesy romance movie and help her out while holding her hands ;) 
She probably won’t notice what’s going on for a good minute tho 
Pls be patient she’s doing her best 😔🤚🏻
But once she does she has the cutest blush on her face pls (i just love her a lot can y’all tell-) 
She’ll eventually get the hang of it and you both make really pretty garlands!!
She suggests hanging it up in the bathroom as a snack pls-
Caroling with them omfg- 
It’s gonna be chaotic
The neighbors hate y’all but its fine 
Look man if ur like me and can’t handle people being loud all the time bring earplugs cuz it’s gonna get L O U D
But if you tell them that their screeching is giving you a headache they’ll absolutely tone it down!!
But don’t be surprised when they inevitably forget about that-
But if you're more energetic than I am then have at it ;) 
Pls me and my lazy ass could never handle that- 
Anyways when y’all reach the houses where they refuse to open the door?? Hanji’s breaking that shit down and hollering into their house at the top of their lungs
Ur literally gonna have to drag them away before someone calls the cops 
Moblit pls get over here and collect them I’m begging u dude-
Don’t be surprised if y’all spend the night in jail that’s just how it’s gonna be oops 
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AOT Armin x Reader Not so Innocent Part one
Content: Smut
Warnings: losing virginity, Jean being an ass, slightly sub Armin, oral sex (giving and receiving), minors not allowed!
Artist Credit @Yuna_s10
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TW: almost noncon
After Armin finds out he is a Titan and with the weight of his life being spared over Erwin's he really needs some comfort. You were there to give it to him, ever since that day he has wondered if you had deeper feelings than just friends. Armin kept a journal filled with his deepest desires for you because he is too scared to tell you how he feels. Meanwhile you try to make him jealous but it just makes him upset because he thinks you friend zoned him.
This is a side story between season 3 and 4.
You were out taking a midnight stroll because you couldn’t sleep. You could hear someone crying. “That sounds like Armin.” You said to yourself as you walked in the direction of the cries and found Armin huddled in a dark corner with his back turned to you. You walked over to him and hugged him tightly. “Armin please don’t cry.” You spoke softly as you pulled him in closer.
“(Y/N)?” He wiped his eyes. “W-why are you out so late?”
“I couldn’t sleep so I decided to take a walk. Now tell me what’s wrong Armin.” You said sweetly as you played with his beautiful blonde hair.
He pulled your arms around him more. “I feel so lost (Y/N) ever since Floch said that everyone resents me because my life was spared over Erwin's…. Part of me hates my-myself…. Why? Why did Levi chose me over Erwin? The Commander of the Scouts life is far more v-valuable t-than a m-measly Cadets life….” Armin started to cry again.
“Shhhhhh Armin please don’t cry I hate to see you upset.” You said in a comforting voice but he didn’t stop sobbing. “I don’t think Levi made the wrong decision.”
Armin looked up at you with his big blue eyes. “Y-you don’t?”
You wiped away his tears. “Not in the least bit.” You hugged him closer to you. “I feel like all Erwin did was come up with half-assed plans.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hmmmm well every plan he came up with to take down the Titans failed, but every plan you came up with worked we took down the armored and colossal Titans because of you. You even figured out that Annie was the female Titan. Without that beautiful brain of yours we would all be dead right now Armin. You saved everyone else.” You kissed his cheek making Armin blush. “And for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Armin awoke from his dream. “Every night I have the same dream about that night with (Y/N)…. I can’t get her out of my head…. I…. I think I’m in love with her.” He looked over at you asleep next to him in your sleeping bag he had a smile on his face. “She always sleeps next to me…. Could she feel the same way?” He kept looking at you, his eyes traveled down and stopped at your breasts.
“She’s so beautiful.” He thought to himself, his mind wandered as he watched your nipples become hard. He let out a sigh. “The things I want to do to her.” He could feel his pants become tight. “Armin what are you thinking!? Ugh, but I can’t help it…. I want her so badly…. I, I need to make a move soon before someone else takes her away from me…. I see the way Jean looks at her.”
Armin took out his journal and started to write. ‘I had that same dream again about (Y/N)…. I just can’t stop thinking about her…. All the naughty things I want to do to her…. I just want to bury my face in her big breasts and crotch. I want her so bad…. This isn’t fair….’ Armin let out a sigh.
“Well, I guess I should take care of this growing problem down here….” Armin thought to himself as he quietly pulled down his pants and grabbed his length gently stroking. He bit his lip as he imagined it was you doing this to him. He gazed over at you while he touched himself quickening the strokes. He watched you roll onto your side facing him and your breast popped out of your tank top. His eyes widened as he felt his warm seed seep into his hand. Armin quietly pulled his pants back on and went to wash his hands. He came back and snuggled closer to you.
“Goodnight my sweet angel.” He whispered and kissed your cheek.
You woke up the next morning laying on Armin. You freaked out and scrambled to get up. “Why was I laying on Armin!?” You thought to yourself your cheeks turned red as you stared at him sleeping. “He's so cute when he sleeps.” You smiled at him as you stroked his hair.
“Hey beautiful good morning!” Yelled Jean.
You looked at Jean and smiled. “Why good morning to you too Jean!” You replied happily.
He held out his hand to help you up. “Care to join me for breakfast pretty lady?”
You took Jean's hand. “Sure! I just need to go get dressed.” You grabbed your uniform and headed to the bathroom.
Armin laid there in silence. “Stupid Jean always taking (Y/N) from me…. He takes up most of her time it drives me nuts!” He though to himself. “I feel like she doesn’t even give me the time of day anymore…. Have I been friend-zoned?” He curled up into a ball. “When she does talk to me she treats me like a kid.”
You came back from the bathroom and saw Armin curled up. You walked over to him and were about to comfort him but Jean stepped in the way.
“You ready?” He held out his arm for you to take.
“Oh uh yeah I’m ready…. I just wanted to make sure Armin was okay….”
Jean looked down at Armin. “He’s fine lets go!” He attempted to pull you away.
“I'll catch up with you Jean.” You replied dismissing him.
“Jean I said I’ll catch up with you.” You repeated as you knelt down next to Armin.
Jean stormed off.
You rolled your eyes. “What a meathead…. Armin are you okay?” You asked as you stroked his hair.
He closed his eyes and melted as you touched his hair. “I’m better now that you’re here.” He muttered so you didn’t hear him.
“Hm? What did you say Armin?”
“I don’t feel too good.” He replied looking at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
You leaned over to take Armin's temperature and he could see right down your shirt, making his skin get hot. “Well, you are warm. Do you feel sick?” You asked as concern coated your voice.
“Hmmm, maybe I can milk this and have her attention all to myself today.” Armin thought to himself.
“My head is pounding and I have a stomach ache.” He replied in a quiet voice as he clutched his stomach with one hand and his head with the other.
“Well then lets get you some medicine.” You got up and went in your bag to grab herbs and your stone grinder. You lit a small fire to boil water for tea and started to grind the herbs as you sang in a soft voice.
Armin sat there completely entranced by you he loved to listen to you sing. He got lost watching you prepare the medicine. “Come on you dummy now is the perfect time to tell (Y/N) how you feel!” Armin thought to himself.
He went to speak but nothing came out.
You looked over at Armin. “Are you okay sweetie? You’re just starting off into space.” You spoke breaking Armin's thoughts.
“Y-yes I’m fine (Y/N).” He replied his cheeks were red.
You gave him a sweet smile. “The tea is almost ready. You should be feeling better soon!”
“(Y/N) you’re so talented if the Survey Corps didn’t have you as their medic we would be screwed.”
“Awe Armin thank you.” You blushed at the sweet compliment. “I’m thankful my parents were herbalists and passed their wisdom down to me.” You stirred the pot of tea.
“As long as I’ve known you (Y/N) you always had your hands in the dirt studying plants.”
“And if I remember correctly you were always by my side with your hands in the dirt with me studying the plants.” You stuck out your tongue.
“Just like you I love to learn new things.”
You smiled and nodded your head. “I love to learn new things with you, Armin….” Your cheeks turned pink.
“What do you mean?” He asked confused.
“Hm? Oh, n-nothing!”
“Shit, why did I say that?” You thought to yourself. “He doesn’t even get it I honestly don’t think he likes me how I like him.” You let out a sigh as you poured the tea.
“Here you go Armin I added some honey to make it sweet.” You handed him the cup.
“Thank you so much (Y/N)!” He smiled and took the tea. “It smells really good.” He said as he inhaled the steam.
You sat there with Armin enjoying his company.
He smiled at you. “Ahhh this is so nice, being able to spend time with you.”
“What do you mean Armin? We always spend time together.”
“Well yeah we do but it always seems to be interrupted by Jean or someone else….”
“Hey! (Y/N)!” Yelled Jean.
“Speak of the devil….” Muttered Armin.
“Hey Jean!” You waved at him.
“How’s little Armin feeling?” He asked sarcastically.
“A lot better thanks to (Y/N)’s medicine.” He answered back. “She's truly amazing.” He smiled at you.
“Well since you’re feeling better you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed her for a bit would you?” Jean asked as he tugged on your arm attempting to pull you away.
“I think I’m going to stay here with Armin.” You replied pulling your arm away.
“But I really need to talk to you.” Jean kept tugging on you.
You swatted his hand away. “Jean I said no! Now leave me alone!” You turned away dismissing him.
“What the fuck.” He muttered under his breath and stormed off.
“That idiot just doesn’t give up its so annoying sometimes.” You growled.
“But don’t you like the attention?” Armin asked.
“Not from him…. He’s not the guy I want attention from.” You sighed.
“Who do you want attention from?”
“W-well uh I-“
“Hey (Y/N)!” Yelled Eren as he came running over to you.
“Hey Eren! What’s up?”
“Levi needs to talk to you he’s in his office he said it’s important.”
“Oh okay!” You got up to leave.
Later that day you were going through Armin's stuff because you wanted something that smelled like him and you came across his journal. “Hm? Armin keeps a journal? Let’s see what secrets he keeps in here.” You opened the journal and started to look through the pages. You noticed the journal started the night you found Armin crying outside and most of the entries were about you. Your eyes widened as you read about all the naughty things he wanted to do to you.
“Sweet little Armin isn’t so innocent after all oh my goodness. He wants to tie me up and lick honey off my naked body?!” You kept scanning through the pages. “Oh this is a good one make love out in nature under the stars. Heh even when he is writing dirty things he still makes it sound romantic.” Your skin was getting hot and you were getting extremely turned on reading about what he wanted to do to you. “Ohhhhh Armin what am I going to do with you?” You laughed. “Well that was a rhetorical question….. I want to do everything to you.” You got up and went to go find him.
“Oh my sweet Armin I can’t wait to make you mine!” You made your way through the city, suddenly you were blindsided by someone and knocked to the ground. “What the hell!? Jean what are you doing!?” You tried to push him off of you but it was no use.
“(Y/N) you’re such a god damn tease!” He yelled as he ripped your shirt open. “Why? Why do you do this to me? You know I like you I’ve been trying so damn hard to make you my girl but no stupid Armin always gets in the way!” He kept shouting as he ripped your pants off.
“Jean! STOP! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME!?” You punched him in the face but it didn’t phase him in the least bit, he just grabbed your wrists and held you down. “Jean I don’t even like you like that! I’M IN LOVE WITH ARMIN! I HAVE BEEN SINCE I WAS A CHILD! I was just flirting with you to make him jealous!”
“NO! I’m in love with you!” He shouted back as he choked you. “No one can have you but me!”
You started to get light-headed. “J-Jean I-I c-can't b-breathe.” Your vision was getting blurry. Suddenly someone pulled Jean off of you. All you could make out was blonde hair before you passed out.
Armin tore Jean off of you. “How dare you put your hands on her like that! You disgusting pig!” Armin continuously punched him in the face. “If you ever so much as look in her direction.” He pulled his fist back. “I will tear you to shreds!” Armin punched him one final time knocking Jean unconscious.
Armin ran over to you. “(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Please wake up!” He shook you but you didn’t respond to him. He scooped you up and jumped into the window of a inn. Armin ran over to the door and put a chair against it to keep it locked. He came back over to you and put his head on your chest. “Well she’s still breathing thank goodness.” He sat there staring at your half naked body. “This is so unfair. She is literally being handed to me….” He felt his pants starting to get tight he reached out his trembling hand to grope your breast but he stopped himself. “But I know I’m friend-zoned….” He curled into a ball.
You started to wake up. “Armin?” You spoke in a quiet voice as you reached out your hand towards him.
“(Y/N)?” Armin looked down at you. “You’re okay!” He hugged you tightly.
“What happened? Last I remember Jean was trying…. Trying to…. To….” You shuddered as you recalled what Jean just tried to do to you and started to sob.
Armin pulled you in closer to him. “Shhhhh it’s okay stupid Jean won’t ever hurt you again (Y/N).” He ran his fingers through your soft (H/C) hair as he pulled you into his lap.
You turned about eight shades of red as you felt a bulge poke at your butt as he sat you on his lap. “Armin?” You looked at him as your skin got hot.
“Yes (Y/N)?” He replied. “Why are you so warm?”
“Armin I…. I….” You started.
“I…. I…. Awe fuck it!” You yelled as you tackled Armin and kissed him.
Armin was momentarily taken aback and stunned by the sudden kiss. He pulled away, his face as red as a tomato. “(Y-Y/N-N) wh-what? B-but I…. I thought I was friend-zoned?”
You looked at him shocked. “Is that why you’ve been so distant? Awe Armin sweetie no you’re not friend-zoned at all.” You pushed him down onto the bed and straddled him. “In fact, it’s the exact opposite…. Armin….. I’m in love with you.” You leaned in and kissed his neck, a small moan escaped his lips. “I’ve been in love with you as long as I can remember Armin….”
“Yes Armin really.” You repeated as you pressed your body closer to his. “And I found your journal…. You certainly write a lot about me….” You lightly nibbled his neck making Armin moan again.
“(Y-Y/N-N) wh-what are you doing?” He shuddered beneath you as you nibbled at his neck again.
“Oh don’t you play innocent with me Armin I know that you’re far from that.” You gave him a look as you gently grinded on him. “I know how much you want me.” You leaned in and kissed him again.
Armin trembled as he wrapped his arms around your neck pulling you in closer to him. He moaned against your lips as you bucked your hips against his growing bulge.
You took the opportunity and instantly invaded his mouth with your tongue kissing him deeply.
He wined as you quickened the motions. “(Y/N) it's, it's starting to hurt.”
You looked at him confused. “What is?”
He turned even redder. “My, my growing problem d-down there.”
“Awe sweetie do you want me to help you?” You cooed.
Armin bit his lip and nodded.
“Very well my love.” You got off of his lap and slowly pulled off just his pants. You crawled back up his body just to be tackled to the bed by him.
Armin rolled you onto your stomach and held your wrists as he started to hump you. Little whimpers escaped your lips as his length gently caressed your butt. He let go of your wrists and held onto your waist as he quickened the pace. “Am, am I doing a good job (Y/N)?” He asked shyly.
You moaned louder and nodded your head. “Ah-ahhhhh yes Armin you’re doing a g-great jobbbb!” You wined out as you gripped the blankets.
He leaned in and ran sweet little kisses down the back of your neck. “(Y/N) I love you so much…. I, I can’t believe this is really happening right now…. I’ve dreamt about this day for so long and finally, you’re mine.” He cooed. “How did I get so lucky? I finally get my sweet angel.” He reached down and unhooked your bra. He got off of you and rolled you back over to face him. His eyes grew wide in wonder as he removed your bra staring at your perfect body and breasts. “You truly are beautiful (Y/N).” He leaned in and kissed your neck slowly tracing your collarbone with his lips as he traveled down towards your breasts. He gazed at you his eyes filled with excitement as he gently rolled your nipple between his fingers while his mouth encircled your other nipple. He licked and nipped at your nipple as he grinded on you.
“Ah-ahhhhh A-Ar-Armin.” You wined out as his bulge rubbed against you. Your hips bucked wildly out of control every time he made contact, soaking your underwear.
He looked up at you with his beautiful blue eyes. “Yes (Y/N)?” He asked.
“Every little touch is driving me crazy Armin…. I…. I’m going mad right now…. Please Armin I…. I want you in the worst way….”
His eyes widened in shock as those words left your lips. “W-wa-wait are you saying what I-I think you’re saying (Y/N)? D-do you want me to, to take you?” He stammered looking at you shyly.
You blushed and nodded your head. “Yes Armin I am.”
He got off of you and sat on the bed.”Woah hold on a minute th-this is a big decision…. Are you absolutely sure.”
“Is it really Armin? By the way you write about me in your journal, it doesn’t seem that way…. Don’t you want to experience everything life has to offer?”
“I…. I…. I… well that’s writing in a journal I thought no one was going to find…. I never thought this was going to actually happen.”
“Armin.” You took his hands in yours. “It’s written all over your journal that you’re in love with me…. I have known you my entire life I have seen you at your worst I have seen you at your best…. I know you better than anyone else…. I was your friend before Eren and Mikasa knew you…. Armin, I’m in love with you also. I want to spend the rest of our lives together.” You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
He took a deep breath in. “I have no idea what I would even be doing….” He glanced between you and him a smile formed on his lips as he gazed at you. “But if you really want this then….” He pinned you to the bed and nipped at your neck, taking you by surprise. “I am willing to pleasure you my love.” He traced his lips down your torso showering your stomach in sweet kisses. He pulled down your underwear looking on in wonder. “Tell me what do you want me to do to you?”
“I-I want you to rub my clit.” You propped your legs on the bed and opened your lips with your fingers revealing your soaking wet core.
He took his fingers and massaged your clit making you squirt all over his hand. He continued to rub as he took is other hand and gently plunged a finger inside you.
“Ohhhhhh A-Arminnnn!” You moaned out as you gushed again, he pulled his finger out and innocently licked your juices off looking like a child licking cake batter.
He smiled at you before plunging face-first into you. He grabbed your hips and attacked your clit with his tongue as he pulled you in closer to him.
You gently gripped his soft hair, tugging on it with every flick of his tongue. Licking, sucking, nibbling Armin couldn’t get enough of your sweet taste he wanted to eat you up. You bucked your hips as you felt yourself gush into his mouth, Armin licked up every last drop.
He looked up at you and smiled. “Are you enjoying this my love?” He asked wanting reassurance.
“A-Armin.” You said panting. “Y-you're doing an amazing job.” You sat up and leaned in to kiss him. Locking lips you kissed him passionately as you lowered yourself onto his lap. You slowly started to move your hips rubbing your clit on his member, earning sweet little moans from Armin. You broke the kiss tracing your lips down his neck leaving love bites all over his collar bones. You made your way down his torso kissing right above his waistband. You locked eyes with Armin as you pulled down his underwear, revealing his rock hard member. Your smile grew wider as you gently took his length in your hand, little whimpers of excitement escaped Armin's lips as you ran your hands up and down his shaft.
“O-oh-ohhhhhhh (Y-Y/N-N) this f-feels even b-better t-th-than I ever i-im-imagined!” He tilted his head back as he moaned louder and louder.
You lowered your mouth to his pulsing length wrapping your lips around it, ever so lightly licking the precum off his tip. Slowly you started to suck running your tongue along his shaft.
He gently tugged at your hair as he watched your head bob up and down, his hips bucking with every lick. “Ahhhh (Y/N) I’m going to….. I’m going to c-cu-cummmmm!” He moaned as you took his length in its entirety down your throat he released his seed, but you didn’t stop sucking and almost instantly he became hard again.
You released yourself from him. “Let’s get back on the bed where it’s more comfortable.” You helped Armin up and tackled him to the bed, grinding on him making yourself squirt everywhere. You continued to rub your soaking slit all over his size, driving him crazy. “A-are you ready my sweet Armin?”
He looked at you shyly. “Yes, I am.”
You shifted your hips and positioned yourself right at his tip, you leaned in kissing him as you slid down on his member. You yelped into his mouth as you felt a pop.
Armin broke the kiss. “Are you okay?” He asked his voice drenched in concern.
You smiled at him and nodded. “Yes, I am perfectly fine my love.” You leaned in kissing him again as you rocked your hips back and forth. You held onto his shoulders as you quickened the pace, feeling him go deeper and deeper with every thrust. “Ohhhh A-Ar-Aminnnnn j-just like that oh my-my God!” You screamed out.
Armin was in complete sync with you, every time you came down he thrusted into you. “Ohhhhh (Y-Y/N-N)!” He moaned out as he grabbed your butt spreading your cheeks to go deeper into you. Soon he was pounding you wildly. He couldn’t get enough of you as he ran his hands over every inch of your body, caressing your soft skin. He looked at you with amazement as he watched you ride him. “I-I still can’t believe this is-is really h-happening.” He smiled at you.
“Ar-Armin I’m, I’m go-going to cummmmm!” You arched your back as your walls clenched around Armin's length releasing yourself. Toes curling, hips bucking you rode out your first orgasm.
“(Y/N)? Can we try another position?” He asked shyly his cheeks turning bright red. “I-I want to be in control.”
“Of course my love” You got off and stood in front of him.
He gazed at you completely captivated by your beauty. “My, my, my you are a sight to behold my beautiful (Y/N).” Getting up from the bed he walked over to you, he tugged your waist as he pulled you in kissing you deeply. His hands made their way down your torso, gently he cupped your butt as he pressed his length against you, sweet whimpers escaping your lips. His tongue danced with yours as he backed you into a wall. He soon broke the kiss, trailing his lips down your neck, between your breasts down to your soaking core. He got on his knees. “Wrap your legs around my shoulders…. I want to try something.”
“But how is this going to work?”
He placed his hands on your butt for support. “Trust me it will.” He pushed you into the wall more as you lifted one leg over his shoulder than the other one. He adjusted accordingly to make sure you were stable on his shoulders. Armin brought one of his hands forward and spread your lips so he could dive back into your core. He ate you up like a hungry animal, licking every bit of your juices.
Your body shook as Armin swirled his tongue around your clit. “A-ahhhhh Ar-Arminnnnn!” You grabbed his hair, pushing his face into you more as you gushed into his mouth. Slowly he inserted two fingers moving them in and out of you. He quickened the pace as he nibbled on your clit rendering you a drooling mess as your walls clenched around his fingers, earning another orgasm from you.
He came up and lifted you off his shoulders, but kept you pinned to the wall. He pressed himself closer to you as he raised you up again, you wrapped your legs around his waist. Instantly his member slipped back inside you, moaning out he thrusted into you. “I love you so much(Y/N)!” He roared as he pounded deeper and deeper in you.
“I-I l-love you toooooo Armin!” You howled as you bounced wildly with every thrust. You grabbed his head attacking his lips kissing him deeply as he went faster. You moaned into his mouth as you gushed again soaking the floor below you.
Armin broke the kiss looking at you his cheeks were bright red. “(Y-Y/N-N) I’m, I’m going to c-cu-cum a-again.” He pulled out barely in time his seed exploding all over your stomach.
Panting heavily the two of you collapsed on the floor wrapped up in each other’s arms. You smiled at Armin and pulled him in for a long sweet kiss.
He broke the kiss. “(Y/N) t-that was a-amazing!” He said as he nuzzled into your neck.
You sat there playing with his soaking wet hair. “Mhmmmmm it truly was amazing Armin.”
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xxwinterchillxx · 6 years
Halloween Dance and Some Unfortunate Events
Levi is willing to go all the way to get Eren to go with him to the Halloween Dance. But things get complicated since Levi cannot show any sign of intelligence around the German hottie. However, he isn’t taking no for an answer.
Rating - Teen and Up Audiences
Categories - M/M
Relationships - Levi/Eren, background relationships, Moblit/Hanji, Armin/Erwin, Krista|Historia/Ymir
Chapters - 3/?
Read below cut or read on AO3
Chapter 3 : You free tonight?
Last week was kind of a mess. Krista believed us and didn’t stir up any more trouble. Anyway, I think the incident kind of broke her spirit for now cause apparently, she doesn’t feel like going to the dance anymore. But there was a lot of unnecessary drama and shit. So, I’m really looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
The guilt will eventually creep in but for now, I’m just really glad that there’s one less competition.
6 days left till the dance.
I’m not even sure that I’ll be going to this thing though, honestly. It’s very complicated. I mean, I want to go but only with Eren. And I’m not fucking confessing to my crush.  God, it’s so embarrassing just thinking about it. And I go all gooey once I see him. Assuming that I ask him out, what if I go gooey while we’re dancing? Oh shit, I just realised. I can’t even fucking dance.
This is just too much. I’m just gonna go and take a nap.
 Tring~ Tring~
“Huh? Wa-?” I shot up, my mind hazed and clouded. I felt like a dehydrated zombie, which is why you should never take afternoon naps. “Mom! Someone’s calling!” I managed to shout, despite my sore throat.
Tring~ Tring~
A muffled voice came from the next room, “Pick it up for me, will you, hon? Mommy’s in the shower.”
I stumbled out of my bed and literally rolled down the stairs when I tripped on the blanket I wrapped myself with.
“Ouch!” I winced when my head banged against the floor on the last step.
I could distinctly hear mom saying, “Are you okay, Levi?” Yeah, sure.
I picked up the phone and rubbed my eyes, mumbling sheepishly, “Ah…hello… thi- this’… Levi.”  
I could hear some sort of muffled voices on the other end and someone whisper-shouting, “Quiet! Quiet! Shhh!”
Honestly, I’m too tired to deal with Isabel and her bullshit. So, I was about to put it back on the holder before-
“Uh!...-uhm h-hey Levi, It’s Eren.”
I could hear someone on his side mimicking him, “IT’S EREN!!” And then sounds of hitting each other.
“Oh Isabel, fuck you.”
“No no, it is me! Eren!! We sit together in some of the classes, remember?” the person on the other end quipped.
I looked at the caller ID. And my eyes literally went from half dead to shot alive. I could literally feel my stomach drop-     ‘Jaeger’
“Levi? Are you still there?”
In response, I giggled out, “Uh-huh, nyyesss~?” Oh my fucking god, I giggled. I giggled. What’s wrong with mmeeee????
“Oh, uh. I’m having a party tonight-”
“Dumbass, it’s tomorrow,” someone whispered.
“Ah right, fudge. I’m… having a party on Sturdy- Saturday night. And it’s kind of like a costume party, no biggie. Soo it’s gonna be super cool and I want you there…”
I think he said some more stuff about whether I could come or some shit, but my useless brain just stopped at ‘I want you’.
“What did one beach say to the other? Shore.” I made a gun-click sound with my tongue.
I didn’t wait for his response as I literally smashed the phone into the wall, face fuming. Why am I like this? Why am I like this? Oh god, why the fu-
Mom came down the stairs, “Honey? Why is your face all red? And why are you curled up in the middle of the living room?”
I looked at her distastefully. She probably doesn’t even know I’m gay. Huh, I don’t even know if I’m gay. I dated this girl, Annie for 8 months, which is pretty long for a high-schooler. But it kind of just faded away. We haven’t talked in like forever. Huh, we haven’t even broken up. Eh but I guess it’s kinda implied?
Well, whatever. I yanked out my iPhone from the charger and sped up to my room, making sure to close the door.
“Hanji, you’re not gonna believe this!” I chattered out happily, plopping down on the bed and squishing my pillow.
“No no, wait, don’t tell me. Lemme guess.” I could hear her shuffling through something and then a thud sound.
“What are you even doing?”
Not bothering to answer my question, she asked, “Is it Moblit?” I mentally head banged myself.
Moblit. Moblit. It’s always Moblit with her. What’s up with that? Don’t get me wrong, I love that my friend’s in a relationship but please for the love of God, stop. Even I don’t talk that much about Ere- wait, nevermind.
“No, it’s about Eren.”
She hummed, “Did he refuse?”
“What? The fuck, no, Hanji, he didn’t refuse-”
“Gee, alright, don’t get so worked up.”
It’s so hard to not yell at her sometimes.
Taking a large patient breath, I said, “He asked me to come to his costume party tomorrow night. At his house!”
“Whoa, holy shit. Hold up, Levi. I’m coming over.”
And that’s how we ended up in my room. She brought along Petra and Erwin and much to my horror, she brought Armin along. We were actually supposed to discuss my costume but having that blonde brat there made it so damn suffocating, especially since he is Eren’s best friend.
Dragging Hanji into a room, I hissed, “Why did you bring that moron?!”
Hanji viciously hissed back, “What was I supposed to do, huh, Levi? Erwin was making out with him when I climbed to his window.”
Swallowing back my vomit, I gagged, “Ew, don’t tell me that.”
We were spitting out hurtful insults at each other (you know, just like friends do) when Armin came up to us, smiling sweetly, “Can I get refill on the tea? It tastes amazing.”
Hanji and I looked at him for like a full minute before I moved, “Yeah, sure.” He isn’t a bad kid really but now, whenever I look at him, I see a very disturbing mental image of Erwin giving it to him hard. Gag. I led him into the kitchen and poured out another cup of tea. Armin sat on one of the chairs near the kitchen island.
“Eren expects you at the party, you know.” Slip. Crash.
“Jesus! Shit- W-what did you say?” I tried to play it cool as I mopped up the spilled boiling tea carefully.
“He doesn’t invite a lot of people. Well, not directly.”
I hummed positively in response as I handed him his tea. A million thoughts were processing through my head and every one of them had Armin as my very supportive wingman. After all, he is Eren’s best friend. I wanted to ask him so many things. I just couldn’t figure out how to bring it up. I wanted to ask mainly about stuff like ‘What does Eren say about me?’ ‘Have you, by chance, seen his-’
“So, what are you wearing?”
A bulb went off in my head and I almost wanted to French make out with Armin, “Oh, I don’t know…um… what.. what does he like?”
Armin scratched his head, not suspecting even a tiny thing, “He likes lots of things. Mainly stuff like superheroes, cars, transformers…” He laughed out lightly, “You know, everything a 10-year old would like, haha.”
I pretended to smile and pressured him more, “Any idea what he’s wearing?”
“A cop, I heard. He thinks it’s cool, protecting stuff.”  
I smiled. Handcuffs. Dear god, I’m so fucking gay.
“He likes cute things though. You know, small, tiny and cute?” He made a gesture with his hand as if to signal I’m short.
I cocked an eyebrow and growled, “What? You calling me tiny?”
I could see Armin was starting to panic when Erwin came in, “God, you two were in here so long. What were you talking about?”
I hopped down from the counter and headed up to my room, whispering bitterly into Erwin’s ear as I passed by, “Your tiny dick.”
 I sat on my sofa, swimming through dozens of my old Halloween costumes. Most of them were really crappy, to be honest. A coat and a cap (Sherlock Holmes), something greenish (Elves or Peter Pan, I don’t care) and some others. I mean, I like Halloween for the scary movies, not for candy. As a kid, I never liked going trick-or-treating that much. I liked to stay home and mooch off the candies we keep at home. Much to mom’s annoyance.
Hanji came out from my closet wearing a frown, “Don’t you have anything else?”
I looked up from an old magazine, “No.”
“Jeez, you’re fun.”
When I made no reply, Hanji walked over and plopped down next to me on the floor, “Then we’ve to buy something.”
Ignoring me, she continued, “Something petite and cute… cute and tiny… hmm”
I listened to her humming for a split second before flipping another page of the magazine. There was a whole page advertisement for a pet shop or something. Flipping to the next page, I sighed, “I wish I could get a rabbit.”
“Say what?”
I grunted nonchalantly in response. Hanji ripped out the book from my hands earning a distraught ‘hey!’ from me.
“This is it!!”
“I was reading that, you know.”
“A bunny!! It’s cute and tiny, with its little nose and you’re so cute and ti-”
I cut her off, “Bunny costumes scream – hey, what’s up? Let’s fuck.”
Hanji winked at me, “For Eren?”
My face steamed to bright red before I screeched, “Shut up!”
And that’s how I ended up ordering a bunny costume from Hanji’s (shady) ‘guy’ or so she calls. Hanji promised me that it wasn’t one of those revealing sexy types. She said it bent more towards the ‘cute’ side, with ears and a fluffy tail.
I don’t know about the ears but I’m cutting off the tail once that thing gets here. I don’t need people wondering if a cloud was attached to my ass all night long. According to what Hanji said, Armin told Hanji that Eren likes people who acts cute in general. So currently, I am revising the habits of the ‘school cutie’ Krista. She sort of bounces her head around, smiles and makes a lot of weird noises. Not creepy ones like I do, but noises like ah’s and oh’s.
I tried practicing my smile. Tried.
The rest of the afternoon, I tried out different looks with myself. The only thing it did was to remind me why I should stick to my style. Then I talked with myself in front of the mirror, you know, for conversational purposes. It was actually really beneficial cause I found out that if I laugh too freely, my eyebrows raise up weirdly and I make noises like a pig. I also found out my eyes look cooler when I apply some eyeliner. At the end, I had everything planed out – how I’ll smile, what to talk about, how to approach Eren and pull off the ‘cute’ rabbit look like a boss.
Hell yeah, I’m the boss.
That night, I lathered my face with some herbal fluid mom made. She said my face will glow like a princess in the morning if I keep it on overnight. Ha, I’m a princess.  
I kind of looked like Shrek at the moment though so I Facetimed Hanji. As soon as she picked up, I yelled at the top of my voice, “GET OUT OF MY SWAMP!”
Hanji laughed tensely in return. I looked at the screen for a moment before retorting, “What? Don’t you get it? I have a green face.”
On the other screen, Hanji scratched her head nervously and croaked, “I get it! … hehe… Levi you’ll find this funny…. But umm…”
I stopped goofing around. Taking in a deep breath, I glared at the screen and prepared myself.
“You know that sexy cute bunny costume we ordered?”
“Yeah, the one I paid for. What about it?”
“Well, it came at 6 in the evening today and…”
“That’s great. I’ll pick it up in the morning.”
“Well, it’s not exactly sexy…or high school…ish.”
“What do you mean ‘not high scho-’ Oh my god.”
All the strength left my knees as I gazed upon the monstrosity that Hanji was holding up. I must not have done a great job at hiding my shock because Hanji started looking all worried and she tried to console me, “At least it’s cute. Right? Right?”
She was holding up a motherfucking bright pink rabbit jumpsuit. No, Hanji. It’s not cute.
 Hanji and I spent all morning trying to fix the costume. The measurements were too big and I looked like I was wearing an oversized onesie pyjama that I occasionally use as a sleeping bed. In other words, it looked absolutely horrifying.  
I bleached the whole suit and put it in the washer for like, 6 hours. Fortunately, the shocking bright pink colour faded to a soft whitish-pink hue which looked less in-your-face. Mom took care of the rest. But the costume proportions were so wrong she practically sewed the whole thing over.
However, I still had a onesie by the end of the day.
Distraught, I looked at the mirror in vain. My hands felt around the costume and I felt my heart sinking. One of the rabbit ears flopped over to the side while the other stayed upright. The hood fell to my shoulders and the fluffy cloth hung around my tiny frame.
Hanji quipped from the other room, “You look cute, okay? So, stop worrying.”
The party was in an hour. I sighed heavily, my hands patting the giant rabbit ears. I look like a freak. Only my whiskers were on point, drawn on by Hanji.
“Oh, and I’ve been meaning to ask you this since morning.”
I turned away from the mirror and looked at Hanji, “What?”
“Why is your face so damn smooth?”
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Actor AU - ereri week day #5
I’ll keep being late, but I really want to write OS with all the prompt for the ereri week. This is the Actor AU from yesterday -though, it’s already 3 in the morning here (so two days ago i’m an horrible person), and I’ll be out in less the four our for a two-days family trip with no pc, so I’ll try to work on the rest on paper. Now, I really need to sleep. (sorry, I don’t know where pining!Levi came from...)
Rating: General Audience
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin
Pairing: Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman
Word count: 1913
Additional tags: Alternative Universe - Modern Setting, Actor AU, Pining!Levi, Actor!Levi, Help director!Eren
Summary: One Shot for ereri summer week 2017, Actor AU
He wasn’t pining. He knew what the word meant – to miss or long for, as his generous friend and manager Erd liked to remember him. He had anything he had always longed for -a house that fit a man’s basic needs, a family, even if not blood related, a healthy condition and the job career of his childhood’s dreams-, so Levi rarely lost his patience when the guy started reprimanding him about not giving himself the chance to be happy. What did that mean, anyway? He was happy. He really didn’t need anything and wasn’t interested in nothing more than what he already owned. It wasn’t out of arrogance, an accuse that needed to be addressed since just being a well-know, successful actor seemed to qualify him as the perfectly stereotyped windbag. Levi was genuinely okay with himself. He had his good points and bad parts, as anyone, nothing more. The door opened, cutting short his mental soliloquy. “Good morning, Mr. Ackerman!” There. The help-director who has been assigned to him. Closing after him, Eren Jaeger walked toward Levi with his long, tight-black-jeans-hugged legs, combat boots, and a mouth-watering fitting olive green button down. His hands were full of take away cups and a bag from Levi’s favorite bakery shop. God, that deserved more than a simple “thank you”. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Levi, you deaf brat?” Okay. Something went wrong during the brain-to-mouth part of the communication. “But sir-“ “No. Every day the exact same thing before we even get things started. Are you trying to offend me?” How was he so much more talented in screwing up all his not-work-related conversation than movie script? He may have accidentally terrified the kid -his big, clear, magnetic eyes were wide with concern and confusion. “NO! I would never dream of-“ “Then call me by my name as I asked you. We have been working together for months, no need for all this formality.” The look in his eyes gentled a little, his features softening with relief and a sweeter hint of affection. “It’s just hard to get unused to formalities, s- Levi.” “Mmh.” He wasn’t smiling, not really. “We’ll just have to get you used to it.” He didn’t mention the fact that they had more or less one last week of filming left, and Eren didn’t, either. He handed out one of the cups and then hesitated, fiddling with the paper bag. “Here is your tea. I, uhm, I was walking past the place you told me about on the way here, the one with fresh bagels and those awesome donuts we ate when your brought them here? I thought they’d make the day start better, since the filming process is getting pretty intense, plus you seemed a lot stressed last week, so… yeah.” Eren gave him the bag and Levi didn’t know if he should gaze in wonder at that or the boy sitting in front of him on the couch. He chose to check on the item in his hands, breathing in. Levi smelled the chocolate-praline coated bagel before seeing or touching it. “Careful, Eren, you’re spoiling me. I may ask you to abandon the movie making road and become my slave.” And that wasn’t meant to sound as sexual harassment. “W-well, I wouldn’t mind this little deviation to become a routine for the days to come, if you’re up for it. Bagel really seems to lighten your mood!” You lighten my mood. He put a hand on his mouth to not let that kind of bullshit escape him. They already talked about boot-licking behavior and how much Levi hated that shit. They barely knew each other when Levi reprimanded him about it, and even then Eren seemed sincere when he admitted how much he admired Levi and his movies and how he wanted to work hard to make sure he wasn’t going to be a burden for any of them. Levi still saw the same determination, though Eren was much more mellow and friendlier than in those first days. He liked that attitude. Soon, they found a rhythm -practicing lines on mornings in Levi’s dressing room until it was time to film. The perfect routine, one he fought to maintain when the director wanted to change filming times due to a not so important reason -Pixis thought Levi wasn’t sleeping enough, that he was giving a hard time to his make up and hair styling team, but that was stupid, he just wanted to be there in time every morning to review his lines with the boy. He started eating, looking over at Eren as he pulled out of his bag the script from today’s scenes and summed up them for Levi. His voice demanded to be listened to, rich and enthusiastic while articulating every word and sentence, and Levi couldn’t do anything but what he was supposed to do. Chocolate hair were brushed off by a strong looking hand, so delicate between between those locks, and Levi followed it until it disappeared, focusing instead on Eren’s eyes. Worse. He sighed and told Eren to hand him the script so he could refresh the lines in his head before they started to work seriously.
“You’re being ridiculous.” “I’ve already heard that.” “Because you are! This is your ultimate chance! My God, Levi, you’ve been-“ “-pining on the help-director for moths! Why the two of you always talk about the same thing?! Don’t you get bored?” Erd turned around on the barstool and regarded Hanji, one out of two script’s co-writer, with a disapproving look. “You’re not helping, you know that?” “I can’t not-help something that isn’t even there, now, can I?” Levi shot her a dark look, sipping his drink with a frown. “Don’t you have lines to create instead of spitting bullshit here?” “We finished filming, honey!” “Don’t call me that.” “Aww, come on! Everyone knows, okay? Just go with the flow and see what happens! You two should talk and keep it slow, or meet up and fuck all day. But this sexual tension you’re emitting has to stop. It’s becoming hard staying around you. Literally” “Good.” She whined in annoyance. “Hanji is right. Stop pining after him and do something, dude!” He was not pining, for god sake- “Levi!” He shot around at Eren’s voice and located him walking over from the table where the crew was celebrating for the occasion. His smile was as big as theirs, only ten times brighter and cuter and his eyes where fucking shining under the bar’s faint lights. He wanted to run his hands on his cheeks and jaw and chin and caress those lips that kept forming his name and kiss him and see if they tasted as good as they were inviting- Fuck. He was definitely drunk -ish. “Why are the three of you here alone?! Well, you are three, so you’re not alone, but- you should come over!” Eren was cute when he drank too much. “You drank too much.” Right. No filter. Hanji held her laugh back, looking anywhere but at them, and Erd silently slipped away from the boot, siding her. “What are you talking about?! We are partying!” He threw his arms up, almost losing his balance in the action, and Levi shot forward, steadying the boy. “Stop, brat, you want to sprawl all over the floor or what?” “I want to get sprawled under you…” Eren threw his arms around his neck, this time, and Hanji couldn’t contain herself anymore -she burst out laughing, making meny heads turn around to regard them curiously. “Oh, wow. Okay, that’s our clue to leave!” Erd excused them with those word and dragged Hanji after him, while the woman kept crying out and shout thing like: “good luck with that, man!” He sighed, trying to keep Eren on his feet with his hands on the boy’s hips and ignoring what he said. “Stop saying shit. Come on, I’ll call you a taxi.” “Nooo. The party is not over, I came here to call you, not a taxi!” Levi was tired and drank and grumpy and he wanted to go home, but Eren stayed there, dead-weighing on Levi���s shoulders and muttering unintelligible shit in his ear. He sighed again, his heart was not jumping in his chest. “I’ll ride with you, okay? Let’s go, this is not a place for you in this state.” “But the others-“ “You look like you’re going to drop any moment.” “That’s not true! Stop treating me like a kid!” Eren struggled against him when Levi started to shove him out of the bar, not looking over at the table for even a second. “As you’re right now, you should be in bed.” “You could keep me company.” Levi moaned in displeasure. “You’re such a pain in the ass.” He leaned down and with a swift movement, he grabbed Eren’s leg for support, made pressure on his belly with his shoulder and lifted him up with a grunt, adjusting his weigh and keeping him still with his arm before walking over the door. “Put me down!” “As if.” “I can walk!” “It didn’t look like you wanted to.” “I’m going to spank you right now!” “Be my guest.” They left the bar, one more willing than the other, and Levi called for the taxi and moved closer to the edge of the sidewalk, were a bench was. He threw Eren there, minding he didn’t land too hard, and then sat down next to him. Eren almost instantly attached himself to Levi octopus style, making the actor wonder where he found so much agility when he seemed such a sluggish drunk. “Eren.” “Mmmmh.” “Move.” “I hno wanto.” Levi barely understood him. “I don’t care want you want, move.” He wasn’t agitated. He was perfectly calm. Eren didn’t move. “Eren.” “Mmmh.” “Eren-“ “You’r s’ comfy.” Levi freezed. Eren tightened his hold, nuzzling his face against the juncture of his shoulder and neck, making him shiver. Jesus fuckin- “I like your neck, it’s soft.” He spoke more clearly, taking a deep breath, then another. He was sniffing Levi. His heartrate was okay. It was all fucking good. Levi suddenly felt teeth against his neck and he barely held back a real moan, shocked at how quickly he had relaxed on that bench next to Eren. “Eren, we are drunk. Stop.” “Bt you wan me.” “What?” “I know. People talk. And I saw… when you thought I wasn’t lookin…” Levi swallowed, his throat so dry it hurt a little. And he was sweating, fucking gross! Eren’s words were sluggish, but understandably occasionally. He didn’t move his head and kept hugging him, as if he was afraid of letting him go. Levi just wanted to run. Or stay right where he was. “Why re you always s’ jumpy? I barely know what to do with myself when you… you re so… uh.” Levi’s arm found home on Eren’s bended shoulders, and the tension he felt in the boy’s voice seemed to leave his body, at least. “Not now, brat. We can- we can talk in the morning. Alright?” “You’ll be there?” “Uhm-“ “Stay on the couch. Or in my bed. Whatever.” “You seem awfully awake, right now.” “Not my fault.” Levi nuzzled him back a little, and the two of them waited the taxi. Erd was right -he was pining. But little did they know -Eren was pining too.
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kuchenackerman · 7 years
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Summary: Despite his youth, Eren Jaeger is one of the best and most popular doctors of the Kingdom. Among those interested on his services is included a recognized criminal clan, which does not hesitate to use the youngest of the Ackerman as bait. Eren never imagined that this "harmless" girl in red dress would get him into so much trouble, turning his world upside down.
A/N: since I deleted my blog back in March, the “read more” of my old posts is not working anymore, so I decided to re-upload chapters 1 and 2 together to make things easier for anyone who’s interested.
Art by Dani ♥ the full version of Lawless’ cover is here and there’s more related fanart here - I still have to reblog everything again, so the tag will collect more beautiful things done by Dani soon. You can also read the rest of the chapters on FF.net or on AO3
Chapter 1. Crimson
Mikasa hit the wall hard. In spite of it, the coldness of the bricks did little against her accumulated body heat. Today's training had been tough since she had to battle against the stockiest and tallest man at Kenny's service.
Will, who was practically a beast of a man, lay face down on the floor. Blood dripping from his broken nose.
"Is he dead?"
The girl shook her head slightly, without even looking at the man approaching the scene. She needed to catch her breath and calm her heart rate. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her forearm while she thought that yeah, she could have killed him. The idiot would have deserved it only for trying to be too clever.
"He should be dead, huh?" murmured the man in an expressionless tone, but Mikasa knew him well enough to perceive his simmering anger.
"The fucking pig". Levi turned Will over easily with a foot, without any care at all, so he could check his face. Mikasa had done a good job wrecking that stupid face, the guy was going to look uglier than before. Usually when a training session ended like this, it was because the practice puppets had said something disgusting to her or tried something they shouldn't have.
Although she knew that some of the guys Kenny sent as human punching bags were precisely chosen so she could learn to defend herself under complicated and stifling circumstances; a thing that she no longer considered necessary. She was completely capable of defending herself, and she was fed up with it. With this attack, she's managed to send the message Kenny was expecting her to give.
Because of Will's size, it took more time than usual for Mikasa to knock him out. Levi had wanted to be present at the training, but she asked him to trust in her abilities, and so he did.
"This is the last one of the week, maybe of the month," said Mikasa as she passed him by, walking toward the exit, "Or definitely the last one".
She was dangerous. She was an Ackerman.
"Oi, brat-"
Don't mess with the Ackerman, Kenny used to repeat with a smirk.
"I want to be alone," she cut him off.
Levi followed her with his eyes for a moment, then squinted back toward the subject at his feet. He let out a snort when he noticed the nauseating state of the floor, spotted with blood and rancid sweat. He could even see a few teeth not far away.
The youngest of the Ackermans walked rapidly through the dark corridor, observing that farther ahead Kenny's office door was slightly ajar. She could perceive the dim light of the room and the smell of burnt tobacco. She also heard his snicker and some banging, the tell-tale sound of Kenny's favorite and ridiculous boots landing on the desk.
Mikasa moved cautiously to try and glimpse what was happening inside the office but before she could get to see anything, Kenny had spotted her.
"Oi! Stop sniffing around and get in!"
She issued a little snort; that old man always made her doubt her stealth ability.
Mikasa glanced down at herself. She was still wearing her training outfit and was extremely sweaty. The bandages that covered her knuckles were stained with someone else's blood. In truth, she wasn't even remotely presentable… and in this moment what she most wanted was to take off her clothes, have a bath and read something. She did not want to socialize.
Nevertheless, she felt too much curiosity to simply decline the invitation. It wasn't often that Kenny had visitors—and she could tell he had one now since the door was left slightly ajar. Kenny only did that when he had company. He said it was for the tranquility of the visitor. Supposedly.
In the interior, Kenny smoked from his pipe with his feet rested on the shabby desk, while in front of him sat a handsome, tall and muscular blond man with his hair combed neatly back. As the girl entered the room, the stranger scrutinized her face with intense blue eyes and, after some seconds, gave her a cordial smile.
"Miss, my name is Erwin Smith," he introduced himself, standing automatically so he could offer her his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"I'm Mikasa..." she started to introduce herself, glancing at Kenny who nodded with a proud smile. The girl shook the man's hand with less strength than she expected. It seemed that she actually was exhausted. "Mikasa Ackerman."
Erwin Smith noted the dirt and blood on her hands but was not fazed in the least.
"Good," Kenny said, "I just wanted you to know this guy. Go take a shower and do your girly stuff. Whatever. Later we'll talk about tomorrow's mission. It includes a cute dress."
The girl openly rolled her eyes and turned around, saying a polite goodbye to Mr. Smith. She could almost imagine what type of mission it would be.
"Doctor Jaeger!"
The young man turned around and noticed a little girl running impetuously towards him. She was carrying some flowers in a fist that she gave to him as soon as she reached him with a light blush, "Many thanks for healing my daddy!"
He smiled and caressed the girl's head, bending down to meet her height.
"You and your mother did all the hard work taking care for him for days. It's because of that he healed so quickly after my visit," he clarified, taking the flowers. "But thank you so much for the gift."
The girl nodded. The admiration and gratefulness reflected in her hazel eyes thrilled Eren, who was now more convinced that he'd never give up his volunteer work in the poorest districts of the Kingdom for a large house in royal grounds.
Despite the frequent offers, he wasn't interested in filling his pockets while exclusively taking care of the noble and high born, and he was not interested in living a quiet and sedentary life. His desire was to travel constantly. To live one month here and a week there, treating the people that couldn't afford to pay one of the few available doctors.
As he boarded the ship that would take him to Mitras, Paradis Kingdom's capital, he was able to see part of the house where he lived during a large part of his childhood. Now another family inhabited it, but he still allowed himself to fantasize that one day he'd knock on the door and he would be welcomed by nothing more and nothing less than his aged parents.
He let out a bitter smile and shook his head… visiting Shiganshina made him nostalgic, sentimental.
Noticing the orange tone of the sky, he realized it was almost time to set sail, so he decided to search among the boat - built for around a hundred people - for a particular blond headed passenger.
He found him easily a moment later. Armin was sitting on a chair, absorbed in his reading, while a fat lady was looking at him disapprovingly. She was standing and there were no more available seats; the trip would take more than two hours.
Eren loudly cleared his throat but he couldn't catch his friend's attention.
"Hey, Armin…" he called.
The blond looked up immediately from his thick book, stood, and approached the brown haired boy, waving at him cheerfully. The lady took her chance and seated herself quickly, an action that Armin barely even noticed.
"Eren!" he greeted him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I thought you boarded the morning boat and that you were already at Mitras."
"I needed to visit more patients before leaving, you know," Eren replied. "Besides, having to leave Shiganshina so soon for such a stupid reason annoys me, so I just took my time."
Armin nodded and shrugged. He knew Eren wasn't fond of high society's frivolous parties, which he was bound to attend as a courtesy so they wouldn't think he was ungrateful.
"At least I'll be there as your companion, and I'm bringing my chessboard in case you want a rematch after last night's games." The pieces inside clattered playfully as Armin shook the closed board with enthusiasm.
"Armin," Eren groaned and playfully hit him on the arm.
"Ouch! And what else do you want us to do, dance? I d-don't know how to dance, I'll embarrass myself!"
"Historia taught you less than two months ago. You forgot already?" Eren asked while he nonchalantly sat down on the floor. He was exhausted, "I can't give you lessons from now til the night. What are you going to do if one of those daring girls asks you for a dance? It happened to me the last time and I accepted so I wouldn't offend her… unlike the time before that," he complained.
Armin shuddered a little thinking about the possibility.
"I'll ask Historia to hide me in a room or inside a wardrobe before the dance begins", he replied hastily. "That's what I'll do. Or I'll escape to the gardens."
Eren snorted mockingly and shook his head, giving his friend a lopsided smile.
"Crap, Armin. If I knew that you didn't remember how to dance, then I wouldn't have gotten you into this mess." He stared at the sky for a moment and closed his eyes, thinking that maybe he'll take a nap. He needed it. "I'm sorry mate, I'm too worn out to keep talking."
"It's okay, don't worry," Armin replied. "I'll stay by your side and read, and I'll make sure that nobody steps on you while they pass by."
"Mmh… mhh…"
Armin knew that Eren would not wake up even if someone did unintentionally step on him. He always slept soundly since he decided to take the place and responsibilities of his father. The poor boy worked so hard that he could sleep anywhere like a baby.
Wearing tuxedos, both young men arrived in time to present their invitations to the guards, and then to the butlers posted at the entrance hall, who requested they put on masks before going in.
The Reiss's white palace was undeniably magnificent, large and beautiful. In the interior of the ballroom, the vivid colors of the ladies' dresses gave a brilliant contrast to the white marbled floor and pastel toned roses, all part of the elegant decor.
There was food, drinks and flower arrangements on each of the long tables that surrounded the ballroom. Meanwhile, the orchestra performed refined and serene melodies in a kind of domed stage, making the ambience pleasant, despite the noise the conversation of the guests produced.
Armin was captivated and offended at the same time by the opulence, even though it was not the first time he assisted his friend at one of these parties. Eren was talking with a noble men who'd recognized him when they entered and begun talking about things that Eren wasn't remotely interested in.
Meanwhile, Armin decided to walk around in case he found Historia. He hoped to ask her to help him avoid the embarrassment of the dance when the time comes. She would understand.
"I knew that Doctor Jaeger was invited, but I haven't seen him"
Armin heard the voice of a girl, so he stopped his search out of curiosity.
Eren was extremely popular among girls, but he never seemed to be aware of that. He was dedicated to only do his job.
"I haven't seen him either, what a pity," sighed another girl, "He must be looking so handsome, especially today."
"Yes! But with these masks, it's difficult to recognize anyone…"
"True, but at the same time everything is more fun and mysterious, isn't it?"
"Yes, I guess," said the girl that first mentioned Eren, "I wish the doctor asked me to dance with him tonight."
He chuckled to himself. Poor girls; Eren couldn't be less interested in dancing and spending his time with people in a romantic sense.
"Ugh, Historia Reiss is so fortunate. There are a lot of rumors about her and him, like they're going to marry some day or that they're already a couple."
Armin almost spat his drink and, to his bad luck, he caught the attention of the girls. He coughed dramatically for a few seconds, pretending to be sick, so the girls moved away so as not to catch the flu, or whatever that stranger had.
Beside him, a pale girl dressed in a red gown and mask offered him a serviette. She wore her black hair combed into a high bun.
"Oh, t-thanks!"
She gave him a small, pretty smile, framed with crimson lips.
"I saw you arrive with Doctor Jaeger, but I lost sight of him a few moments ago," she commented point-blankly to him. "Everything was the fault of an old moneybag who decided it was a good idea to offer me money in exchange for a kiss."
Armin raised his eyebrows. "Really?"
She nodded, looking at him directly with her dark and deep eyes through the rabbets of her mask. Even if he couldn't see much of her face, she had to be a very, very beautiful girl. Armin couldn't help but to look at her cleavage unconsciously.
"Do you have any idea of where doctor Jaeger is?" she asked smoothly. "I'm dying to meet him…"
Armin looked up immediately and scouted for Eren in the crowd. He could see him talking with Historia near a thick marble pillar.
"He's there, with Historia Reiss, see?" Armin replied, pointing in their direction. "I don't know if it would be appropriate to interrupt them. After all, she's a princess and - Hey!"
The mysterious girl in the showy, red dress left him speaking alone. When she was about to reach the place where Eren and Historia were, Armin saw her trip. Several of the attendees that were near exclaimed upon seeing her fall and some men rushed to help her but Eren reached her first.
Mikasa let out a small cry of pain before hearing Eren Jaeger ask her if she was okay. He helped her to stand up carefully, while Historia Reiss gave him indications to help the poor girl to seat near there and to verify that everything was fine.
"Eren, please accompany and examine her," the heir of the Reiss family directed. "I'll be back in a few minutes, my father wants me to meet some people… Miss, I hope you're alright!" she said to Mikasa before leaving with an apologetic look.
"Are you alright? Does anything hurt?" Eren asked her while he took off the stupid mask.
For a moment, Mikasa felt a slight unease when she was directly confronted with his large, worried, emerald eyes.
"No… the truth is that I don't feel fine," she murmured, bringing a hand to her head. "I think I need a bit of fresh air. I'm feeling dizzy."
"Okay, I'll help you to the terrace. Can you walk properly?"
The girl moaned when she put her right foot on the floor, so Eren held her by the waist and helped her to move. Since the night was cold, the terrace was empty when they arrived.
"Come, let's sit here for a moment," he said while he helped her onto a stone bench. "Please, let me check your ankle." Eren crouched down and carefully took one of her heeled shoes off. His delicate brush made Mikasa blush and she involuntarily dodged a new touch. "Does it hurt here?"
"A bit," she lied, averting her gaze.
"It could be a mild sprain," he pointed out, and in that instant he noticed that the girl's shoulders were bared.
Mikasa watched as Eren took off his jacket and gently placed it around her shoulders.
"You said you have dizziness, did you drink much?"
"Nothing at all."
"Any possibility of being pregnant?"
"What? No!" she almost yelled.
Eren blinked in surprise. "It's okay, I was just asking. It seemed like you passed out, and because of that you lost your balance and fell."
Eren remembered that when he was talking with Historia, she told him that there was an elegant girl dressed in a red gown coming to where they were, so he followed the blonde's gaze but, in that same moment, the girl in the red dress tumbled over just before them.
"I certainly didn't feel well. There's a lot of people and noise inside, and that's a bit suffocating to me," said the young lady aside him. She took off the crimson mask, "But I feel better already. Thanks," she smiled at him slightly.
The boy nodded slowly, contemplating her delicate features and how the darkness of her eyes stood out in contrast with the snowy tone of her skin. Weirdly, it seemed to him that it wasn't the first time that he saw her. He wasn't sure if he had seen her at another of those parties or in another place.
Maybe in the streets.
Maybe a long time ago.
Eren couldn't remember when, nor where, he just knew that those features weren't common and were difficult to forget. He was about to ask her if they'd met before, but then realized that he'd forgotten to ask her something.
"Oh! By the way, what's your name? I'm Eren. Eren Jaeger."
The mysterious girl let out a little bitter smile. It lasted only a moment and was almost imperceptible, but he managed to see it.
"I know perfectly well who you are, Eren Jaeger," she snapped coldly, in a different tone compared to the one she'd used since the beginning. Her face was now stoic, "My name is Mikasa," she informed, somewhat reluctantly.
"… Mikasa?" even though in this instant he wasn't able to think straight, he had the faint thought of recognizing that name.
But then a penetrating sickly-sweet smell filled nostrils. Mikasa moved closer and embraced him, leaning her head on one of his shoulders. The action surprised Eren, making him open his mouth slightly to take a deep breath of adulterated air that only confused him further.
"I'm sorry, Eren," he heard Mikasa whisper in his ear. She covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief, soaked with a substance that he realized was the source of the smell.
As soon as he lost consciousness, Mikasa did a quick whistle after which a man of short stature came out of hiding behind some bushes.
"Finally," he complained sourly while approaching her.
She simply squinted her eyes, took off her shoes and hastened to follow him.
Levi carried Eren on one shoulder as if he weighed nothing.
Chapter 2. Abduction
After waiting for the two guards that patrolled the area to move far enough away, Mikasa and Levi hurried until they reached an elegant carriage parked near a zone of lush vegetation.
Several meters ahead, the access' sentinels were trying to politely reason with three provocative women. They stubbornly insisted that they were invited to the party, although they lacked an invitation that could prove it and they weren't even wearing appropriate wardrobe for the occasion.
The coachman raised an eyebrow when he noted that Levi was carrying someone who didn't offer any resistance.
"Is that one dead? Injured?" the coachman whispered with some concern and glanced at the guards, who were distracted with the prostitutes that he himself brought to the Palace.
"Shut up and make these horses move their asses," said Levi seating at his side, after he deposited Eren Jaeger inside the carriage. Mikasa was boarding it at that moment.
Levi was dressed similarly to the man who held the reins of the horses.
"It's just that I would not want him to... stain the upholstery," the coachman insisted, anxious.
"Don't fuck with me, your upholstery is already disgusting," Levi glanced at him reproachfully and then turned around. "Mikasa, I left you a change of clothes in there."
The aforementioned just nodded, forgetting for a moment that Levi couldn't see her from the outside.
"Okay," she answered, absorbed while she stroked the silky red cloth that covered her legs.
Mikasa liked the dress a lot. She felt so, so feminine wearing it. She loved the entire outfit, it was beautiful. The dark shoes, the red dress and her intricate high hairstyle.
She almost felt like a lady. Almost, because of lady she had nothing, even with that outfit she could only pretend to be one. Besides, she could never get used to wearing high heels. She had only been wearing them for a short while and already her feet were becoming resentful.
"Have a good night, gentlemen!" she heard the coachman say merrily, probably to the sentinels. She didn't hear Levi say anything, as expected.
Mikasa tried to take a look at the unconscious boy in front of her, who she laid down on the wide seat. It was difficult to visualize details in midst of a darkness to which her sight wasn't adjusted yet. Anyway, it was evident that the irregular movement of the carriage made Eren's head bounce rhythmically on the worn padding, so Mikasa knelt beside him and put a little pillow under his head.
It was then when she realized that he was just wearing a white shirt and a black tie, since she still had his black jacket on her shoulders. When she removed the garment, she was invaded by a fetching and musky scent. Instinctively, Mikasa brought the fabric to her nose and inhaled softly to perceive a citric vestige, at the same time that she closed her eyes. The fragrance transported her to the past, to the times in which the sensation of security, tranquility and naïve happiness were a constant in her life… When she still lived with her parents.
The carriage took a leap and the shaking pulled her out of her little lethargy. She quickly covered Eren with the jacket and verified that he was still asleep. She paid special attention to his measured breathing. Everything seemed to be all right.
The girl caressed for a last time the lustrous fabric that clung to her waist - it loosened under her hips and its length didn't get to cover her ankles.
After a listless sigh she proceeded to unbutton her back, not without some difficulty.
"Fucking buttons" she murmured to herself, since the last pair to unbutton was giving her problems.
The front side of the dress had fallen and it no longer exerted any pressure on her naked torso, so she just turned the dress to finish undoing everything. She didn't want to unintentionally damage it. Thankfully, her sight had adjusted to the dim light and she managed to smoothly solve the problem.
Suddenly she realized the boy was moving, so she immediately covered herself with her arms and glanced at him, distressed, because he seemed to have his eyelids half open. She approached him, ready to punch him and knock him out, but Eren didn't even try to dodge the fist that remained just a few centimeters from his nose. To Mikasa's relief he was still unconscious, as it should be. She grabbed his jacket and covered his whole face anyways, just in case.
Maybe Eren Jaeger was that kind of weird person that slept with their eyes open.
Meanwhile, the girl finished removing the dress and quickly put on a shirt, sweater and black pants.
They arrived late-night to an area of small houses located near the border of Orvud, a district to the north of Mitras. The full moon lit the dusty entrance of the structure, next to which a man with a wrinkled face was sitting wrapped in a blanket. When he saw Mikasa get out of the carriage, he showed her a smile that was missing some teeth.
"Good night, missy," he saluted her with a nod of his head.
"Good night, Arnie," she answered with some kindness. "Have you had supper?"
"Yeah, a jug of wine and a delicious chicken!"
"Good," she smiled slightly at him and her stomach rumbled at the mention of food. She had not had time to eat at the Reiss' party, let alone drink anything. She was famished.
Inside the small house, she proceeded to give a series of rhythmic knocks on a part of the wall that happened to be a camouflaged door between two furnishings and behind a small table, on which there was a plate with chicken bones and a clay jug.
The door opened with a squeak and from the other side they were received by the ever serious Tom, a bald man with a black moustache and beard. Since Levi was carrying Eren, Mikasa allowed him to go in first. She went down the deteriorating steps and followed him through the poorly illuminated tunnel - with soil floor and rock walls - until they ran into an iron door already opened and flanked by two men as silent as the first one.
As they passed the entry, to their left it was possible to hear some hysterical laughter, banging on tables and an out of tune man singing with extreme emotion.
Both Levi and Mikasa rolled their eyes and turned in the opposite direction, to a short corridor, in which they soon reached a thick metal and dark wood door.
Eren slowly opened his eyes.
Stunned, he realized that he was sitting on a chair with armrests, to which his wrists were tied. His ankles were tied to the forelegs of the chair.
No, he wasn't even dreaming.
But, what the hell? He thought, irritated.
He tried to look around. It was a small room, with a bed stuck to the left wall, while the opposite wall was less than a meter away from him. He turned his head and at his back he could notice that on a bedside table there was a candle, barely illuminating the place.
In front of him there wasn't much he could see, since his own body blocked what little light there was, but the entrance to the room should have been in that direction. It was a windowless room, narrow and long, and there was at least two more meters of it onward.
This shit again, Eren frowned and felt how the rage overpowered him.
An abduction.
"Another damn time!" he complained, clenching his teeth while he stirred on the chair trying to loosen the ropes.
"We hope this is the last time"
Eren stilled immediately upon hearing the soft feminine voice, without putting much attention to the spoken words. He had thought he was alone.
His surprise didn't last long though, because the annoyance of being in his present situation came back. Realizing that it was the voice of that girl infuriated him even more.
"Mikasa," he pronounced her name in a tone tinged of rage. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? What kind of game is this?"
She had deceived him. She had taken advantage of his goodwill and concern. She had taken him for an idiot.
The girl didn't answer so Eren insisted, making a poor attempt to control his anger.
"Where am I?" demanded the boy. "What do you want from me?"
From one moment to another - and to his bewilderment - Mikasa was standing just in front of him, sudden like the attack of a viper. Eren would have fallen back from the shock if he wasn't tied to a chair.
Mikasa stood without saying or doing anything other than staring at him, expressionless. The only thing that moved was the orange dancing flame reflected in her dark eyes. Her pale and perfect face, now without makeup, almost seemed like an alabaster modeled statue. The ebony hair surpassed her shoulders by several centimeters.
"You're in the Ackerman's residency" she informed him, monotonous.
Eren's eyes went wide and felt his heartbeat suddenly altered.
He recalled the smile and the teasing tone of Kenny Ackerman, the tall and skinny man about whom he had heard tales during his childhood - Kenny the Ripper. The strong and ruthless assassin that nearly three decades ago had blood stained the streets of the wealthy and safest neighborhoods of the Kingdom.
It seemed to Eren that he could smell the tobacco stink that characterized Kenny, so he closed his eyes and pressed his eyelids together hard for a while, reliving the deep terror he felt as a child upon learning the identity of his kidnapper.
"But… but my father is dead. The dead can't make deals," he murmured, half opening his lost eyes.
Mikasa was gone, camouflaged again in the shadows of the room.
"We know that," she stated, feeling a sadness that she tried not to show on her voice, even though Eren could barely hear her.
Doctor Grisha Jaeger had been the first person she met apart from her parents, and he had always been very kind to her. On one occasion, he told her that he had a son that was about her same age, and that his name was Eren.
The last time the doctor had visited her home, he had promised her that he would bring his son with him in his next visit, so they could know each other. So they could be friends.
It never happened.
"What does Kenny Ackerman want from me?" Eren asked, jaded.
He was sidelong glancing towards the shadows, frowning.
"For you to work with us," Mikasa replied simply.
"Ha! Come on…" the green eyed boy scoffed, "You can have me abducted any time you want, even torture me or kill me. Whatever, I refuse to collaborate with a group of murderers, with a pack of beasts disguised as humans."
Eren heard the squeak of rusty hinges and then a thud of wood against wood. Mikasa had left the room, but he didn't hear her locking the door or running a latch.
Mikasa found Levi in the kitchen. He was drinking tea in silence near a counter.
"What are you doing here?" Levi asked her after taking a long sip.
"I just came to look for something for him to eat and drink."
"Tch, that's not how things work."
The man looked at the girl as she poured water into a glass and put a large piece of bread next to a slice of cheese on a plate.
"It doesn't matter," she said.
When Mikasa returned to the room she found that Eren had diagonally fallen with the chair on the edge of the bed. He glared at her furiously from his ridiculous position and she struggled to contain the laughter. His fury in this context didn't daunt anyone but it was rather funny.
The poor boy must have been shaking in the chair like crazy trying to release himself during the time she left him alone.
"Are you hungry?" Mikasa passed him by and put the things she brought on the bedside table.
"No," Eren groaned "I don't want anything from you."
Ignoring his anger, Mikasa moved behind him and returned the chair to its normal position without major effort. Seconds after she started to untie his hands and feet in complete silence. As soon as Eren was released, he ran towards the door, but Mikasa promptly took him by his wrist, put a hand on his back and slammed him against the wall.
"Don't try anything stupid," she warned, as she bent his arm behind his back.
"And what… do you want me… to do?" Eren questioned with some difficulty, since he has his stomach and his chest pressed against the wall, plus half of his face. That girl was strong. "Do you want me… to stay seated… and chill?"
"Yeah," she said, releasing him.
Eren turned around rubbing his cheek as he glanced at her warily.
"I know I didn't had the chance to go further that door," he admitted out of humor, leaning himself on the wall as he crossed his arms.
Eren just wanted to try complicating things a bit, to show her that he wouldn't surrender so easily. Whatever. So he leaped on the girl, but she dodged him with ease.
All of a sudden, Eren's feet had left the ground and - from one moment to another - he had fell on the bed. He sat on the mattress immediately and gazed at Mikasa, dumbfounded.
She was far faster and far stronger than him.
"Good night," Mikasa said as she nonchalantly settled a strand of hair behind her ear.
She was a weird and certainly conceited girl.
This time, Eren heard her lock the door from the outside. He brought his hands to his head, exasperated, then pressed a pillow to his face so he could suffocate a yell full of anger and desperation.
He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he was woken up by the annoying smell of tobacco. A bit disoriented, Eren pinched his nose and sat up on the bed.
"Nice shirt and tie," Kenny said, sitting on the same chair Eren had been tied up in the night before. Behind him, the door was open and an orange light streamed in from the hallway. "So much time living under the wing of the Reiss people has given you a taste for refinement, huh?"
Eren frowned without saying a word. Kenny had more wrinkles on his face now, but he was wearing almost the same outfit he wore the first time he met him, including his stupid boots and his black hat.
"I see Mikasa treated you well," the Ripper said, noticing the untouched water and bread. A teasing tone was palpable on his voice, "You can't rely too much on teenagers."
The leader of the Ackerman took out a curved knife from inside his jacket and nonchalant started to play in a skillful way with it. The light flashed on the edge of the blade.
"So?" he said to the young man, "Don't you have any questions to ask?"
"No. You all can go to Hell," Eren blurted with a defiant look.
Kenny laughed out loud for a while, until he stood up and took Eren by the collar of his shirt, dragging him off the bed.
Kenny held him up with one hand. The boy struggled.
"You're gonna live and cooperate with us, whether you want to or not."
He dropped Eren to the ground when he realized that he could barely breathe. As Eren coughed, Kenny threw him a small yellowing envelope that fell on his lap.
"He asked me to protect you, among other stuff," Kenny informed. "Obviously, in exchange I want you to treat my men whenever they're injured or when they fall ill… And I want you to give me some information," he added the last sentence with a lopsided smile.
"Him?" Eren questioned, confused. He took the envelope with his free hand while rubbing his throat with the other one.
Who the hell was he talking about? And to protect him from what or whom? Because, if there was anyone you needed protection from, it was from Kenny and his criminal association.
"Read the damn letter. I'll come back later."
Eren approached the light of a new candle on the bedside table, which someone must have changed while he was sleeping. He carefully extracted a piece of folded paper from the inside of the envelope, and his eyes widened as he recognized the calligraphy of his father.
N/A: Thank you so much for reading! If you like it, please reblog and/or leave some feedback on FF.net or on AO3, where you can read more chapters of Lawless. Comments/Reviews are highly appreciated :’) - feedback in general is the best thing! 
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derevosky · 8 years
jearmin roadtrip au
this is just a throwback of tinkerlu. she deactivated her tumblr wherein her tumblr is full of treasures especially jearmin like gosh i really miss her.
anyway here’s her fic:
ok so armin’s senior year of high school has just ended and holy fuck is that exciting. he’s so exCITED WOAH. he’s so excited. so. so like the plan is that hanji and levi are gonna be coming to pick armin up in about a week so he’s super pumped because idk he’s like. DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL? WOAH. and he gets to hang out with his dorky but cool cousin and her scary fiancé and his BEST BRO EREN RIGHT? WRONG.
So eren is a really loyal dude right like. he’d do anything for armin ok. and it’s not his fault that like. his mom didn’t tell him she had signed him and mikasa up for some cooking classes man idk. (ANNIE WOULD SOMEHOW ALSO BE INVOLVED SO THEN EREN COULD HAVE A SUMMER ROMANCE TOO OK) carla is somehow involved in this whole “eren can’t come with u and hanji on ur trip this year” thing and armin is like. oh. fuck. so he’s like. well shit. cause he needs a new friend to bring and armin has lots of friends but. not really. ones that he’d necessarily want to spend like. 2 weeks with. in a car. with his nutty cousin yo. so him and eren have a sleep over every night that week to make up for the fact that they won’t be spending 2 weeks of a roadtrip together and armin’s like “EREN WHO THE FUCKLE DO I BRING?” and eren’s like. “shit idk reiner?” and armin’s like “reiner’s at his lakehouse with bert” and eren does the eyebrow thing and armin does the eyebrow thing back cause everyone knows reiner and bert are doing the do. so then eren’s like “YO I GOT IT. CONNIE” and armin’s like. HOLY SHIT YEAH THAT COULD WORK CONNIE’S RAD. BUT HEY. GUESS WHAT. TURNS OUT. CONNIE IS ON HIS UNCLE’S RANCH IN THE COUNTRY. LIKE. CONNIE WHAT THE FUCK. and connie’s like “sorry y’all” and armin’s like. fUCK EVERYTHING. and eren’s like. shit son at this rate you’re gonna be alone with levi and hanji that’s gonna suck. armin does NOT. i repeat. does NOT want to go alone at all because levi and hanji alone in the car together are bad enough cause they bicker like they’re already married and then they make out and argue and hanji’s laugh is cute but can get obnoxious and levi is so SCARY AND ARMIN LOVES LOVES LOVES THEM TO BITS. I MEAN THEY’RE FAMILY BUT. FAMILY CAN GET. VERY ANNOYING. but he also doesn’t NOT want to go on the road trip because??? ROAD TRIP. SEEINGS THINGS. SEEING. THE. WORLD. EXCUSE ME??? ARMIN ISn’T GONNA GIVE THAT SHIT UP EVER. NEVER EVER. and then suddenly armin feels so fucking dumb and he’s like. marco. and eren like snaps his fingers and he’s like POLO! and armin’s like. don’t do that. so armin calls marco and marco’s like. “sorry bud but my sister just had her first baby so next week is family time, i’m gonna go see the new babe, sorry sorry” and armin’s like “it’s ok freckled jesus, i know babies are important” and then marco’s like “one sec” and armin can hear jean in the background. and suddenly everything clicks together in his mind and he feels so LAME. BECAUSE JEAN. so armin can hear like marco say “jean do u want mac n cheese” and jean is like “helll YEAH” and armin’s like “MARCO. PUT. JEAN ON THE PHONE.” and marco’s like. lol ok. so then it’s like: "y-yo" "JEAN!" armin yells into the reciever causing jean to cringe cause WOAH NOW BOY UR VOICE IS LOUD "jeez, didn’t anyone ever tell u to use your inside voice? god my ears are ringing." and like armin ignores jean’s obvious annoyance. (annoyance that helped get them over the awkward greetings hell yea) "sorry i just. i can’t believe i didn’t think of this sooner!" "think of what?" jean and armin are not NOT friends but that’s not to go and say they’re GOOD friends either. at least. well. it’s more of a. they get along well and there’s a slice of sexual tension between the two that neither really understood so they both always just dismissed it as something weird "would you like to join me on a road trip with my cousin and her fiance?" armin can hear marco laughing (laughing at how jean’s mouth drops because what) "w-what?? is this some. dumb joke or?" "no jean it’s-" and then jean hears like. struggling and then he hears eren’s voice saying something like "NO. I’D RATHER U GO ALONE THAN WITH JEAN" and armin’s saying something like "EREN YOU DON’T EVEN DISLIKE JEAN AS MUCH AS YOU THINK YOU DO" and jean is like. "Armin. yes. whatever the thing you asked? yes." and he realizes too late that he let his competitive impulses take over and like. now he’s just agreed to go on a road trip with a (very very cute holy fuck armin is so cute and nice u don’t understand) acquaintance  right after he’s finally just graduated from high school. but jean is not a man to go back on his word and he did already agree so. he decides he’s not going to back out. no matter what. so then armin like. legit fuckin…sQUEALS and he’s like “THANK U THANK U THANK U THANK U THANK U OH MY GOD JEAN WE’RE GONNA HAVE A LOT OF FUN I PROMISE I PROMISE OMFGMFGOMFGOM THANK THANK” and he like hangs up (he doesn’t even tell jean the details omf) and then marco is smiling at jean like, marco has a fricken apron on that says something really lame cause marco’s the type to wear a lame apron (and still look so kawaii) and he like and he’s like "looks like ur summer isn’t gonna be as boring as you thought huh?" cause jean really didn’t have any summer plans and jean’s like "omf ur so lame pls stop" and then him and marco eat mac n cheese and watch something like icarly because why the fuck not ————————————————————————————————- ok boom, fast forward to the day before the trip, so armin texts jean a list of the things he’ll probs want to bring and jean is like woah hello but he’s like “nah it’s cool” so jean is actually kind of excited about this trip because it’s either this or being bored so?? but anyways so hanji and levi arrive that night and they’re in armin’s house hanging out and hanji’s like “yo wheres eren?” cause usually he also stays there over night the day before they leave cause they leave at like 5 am to beat traffic idk levi’s weird about timing and driving and whatever. and armin’s like "oh no eren can’t actually come" and hanji like. does a double take and even levi is like. woah there cause he knows HE wouldn’t want to be a third wheel to his and hanji’s lovefest. and armin smiles and is like "don’t worry yo i got another boy lined up" and hanji is just. so smart she leans in and raises a brow and she’s like "ooh is he cute?" and armin blushes because "HANJI WHAT" because he never thought of jean that way? (liar) sure he might have stared a bit too long when in gym jean would take off his shirt after running for a long time or during the swimming unit he MAY or MAY not have stared at jean’s abs for longer than would classify it as a glance but. BUT HEY NOW. so hanji like. ruffles armin’s hair and she’s like “omf he IS cute isn’t he lemme see a picture!!!” and armin’s lIKE HANJI. but she gives him a noogie until he shows her pictures and jean has REALLY lame facebook pictures so armin’s blushing and all like “i swear he looks better in person ok” and hanji is like. laugh snorting because oh my god his selfies. but then there’s a picture of him and marco at the beach and she’s like “oh hey, he actually is hot, hello handsome” (then she does like a cat call or something) and levi’s like grinding his teeth because he gets jealous so easily but him and hanji already had a long talk about it (after he tried to punch a dude for trying to buy hanji a drink omg and hanji was like LEVI U LITTLE IDIOT but they still had wild sex that night cause they’re weird about stuff BUT THEN THE NEXT MORNING THEY HAD THE TALK U KNOW) and she’s like if u try and be a dick again like that i’ll punch ur dick and not in a sexual way so he’s like. oh shit no thanks. so anyways then. armin can’t even sleep that night because now he’s. having second thoughts because hanji reminded him that he kind. of. likes jean? not really! but. like he could. see himself kissing him. and liking it. a lot. like. ARMIN REALLY DOESN”T THINK ABOUT BOYS THAT MUCH BUT (LIAR) he came out of the closet a while back like. he didn’t really have doubts about his sexuality ok like. he remembers that he told eren and eren was like “what’s gay” (and armin had to explain it to eren i guess cause eren never pays attention to things idk he’s probaby always thinking about hot wheels cause that’s what boys think about) and mikasa was like “cool” so everyone was cool with it like. hell yea so armin’s real chill about it all. but he doesn’t usually like…fantasizing about his friends/classmates but he may or may not have had a few fantasies that starred one horsefaced fellow. so he’s blushing and like. OH FUCK HOW COULD I. FORGET. OH SHIT THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA. CURSE U CONNIE FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO GO GOD CONNIE THIS IS ALL UR FAULT A PLAUGE ON UR FAMILY CONNIE A PLAGUE MEANWHILE jean is cuddling up to go to sleep and he’s like. thinking about spending 2 weeks with armin and he doesn’t hate the idea at all. he starts thinking about all his conversations with armin and he’s like. i actually really like this kid, he’s smart and sweet and kinda like marco but i don’t see him as a brother??? so anyways, jean then thinks about armin’s lips and he’s like. he also has nice lips. and then he’s like WOAH THERE COWBOY HOLD UR HORSES HAHA LOL THAT’S ARMIN WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HE’S A BOY YEAH LIKE WOAH CALM DOWN THERE JEAN JR. and jean’s like. woah there calm down. and so he has trouble sleeping too so he goes and sleeps in his ma’s bedroom (yeah he’s like 18 so fricken what) and he cuddles with her and she’s like “jean ur 18 u dumb shit get outta my bed” but then she strokes his hair and kisses his forehead cause she honest to god loves the kid even if he’s a dumb butt sometimes SO ANYWAYS. BOOM BAM SUN IS UP THE DAY HAS BEGUN so it’s the morning now. and armin is blushing and tired and hanji is loud and hairy and levi is like. everyone be quiet i’m trying to loudly pack up the van while mumbling to myself. and jean’s mom drops him off and she’s like “be a good kid ok” and jean’s like “yo i’ll try ma” and she smacks the back of his head and stares at him and he’s like “OMF OK CALM DOWN” and she drives away and then jean is kind of awkwardly standing by levi’s van and levi just. YANKS jean’s stuff outta his arms and is grumbling to himself and he packs it in the car. and hanji runs over and is like. “WOAH JEAN UR TALLER IN PERSON HUH?” and jean’s like “do i know you?” and hanji is like “no but armin showed me ur facebook pics last night” and armin LIKE. BODY SLAMS INTO HANJI AND HE’SLIKE “NO I DIDN’T HANJI STOP WHAT THE HECK HANJI LOL VER FUNNY” and jean can’t help but laugh because. maybe this won’t be as awkward as he thought and armin is so extra cute today oh. what is this. so they all finally get in the car and hanji is sitting with levi in the front and armin and jean are sitting in the roomy back and levi is like. “so jean, since you’re new to all this, i’m going to tell you the rules” and hanji like. turns around and in her best levi impression she’s like “there are no rules” and armin laughs cause hanji has the best levi impression like omf hanji. and levi groans and is like "YES THERE ARE RULES." and hanji is like. "omf ur such a baby" so then levi lists this HUGE jumble of rules like "no touching the car, no dirt in the car, no anything in the car, ur now allowed in the car" and jean is just so fuckin confused and hanji is like, just zoning out and then jean feels a hand on his arm and he looks at armin and armin’s like "just ignore him, he always does this, i think he’s just nervous about the trip so it helps him to pretend he has control over things he kind of really doesn’t." and jean nods because hey he can understand that kind of thing. so then they let levi talk himself out and then the car ride is pretty silent actually until they make their first stop to rest for the night it’s this nice little place and armin and jean share a room and levi and hanji share a room and like. jean and armin are about to go into their room and they see hanji grab levi’s ass as they’re closing the door to their own room and jean blushes so hard and armin just sighs because this is so normal for him. so he gets the door open and they awkwardly stand in their room and thank god there are 2 separate beds. so they get ready for bed and jean tries not to think about how kawaii armin looks in his baggy pjs and the fact that “ARMIN U. WEAR. GLASSES?” and armin’s like “usually i wear contacts” and jean’s like WOWOWOWOWOOW cause jean sure does like glasses. anyways. they go to sleep and it’s a rather uneventful night for them both (not for levi and hanji though ;) ;) ;) ) so then they set out on the road again but this day is much less awkward so hanji starts talking about the scenery and then levi makes a poop joke, like a real ass joke about shitting, and usually the car is silent after he makes them but JEAN. JEAN. FUCKING. LAUGHS. LIKE. SNORTS LIKE. AND. LEVI GASPS AND IS LIKE “FINALLY SOMEONE WHO. KNOWS REAL COMEDY UP IN HERE” and armin and hanji groan and jean is like “OMFG POOP” and then they laugh about bad jokes like. jean fuckin loses it and armin wants to be annoyed but jean’s laugh is actually really cute. so anyways then they’re just driving and it all looks so pretty and jean starts asking dumb questions like. “would u rather be a short man who looks like a man, or a tall guy who still looks like a kid” and THEN HE REALIZES HE. SHOULDn’T HAVE SAID THAT CAUSE. LEVI AND. THEN. HANJI STARTS. LOSING IT. SHE LAUGHS SO HARD SHE’S LIKE “I”M GONNA PEE MY PANTS OH MY GOD” and levi is like “fuck u jean” and jean’s lke NO I SWEAR. I SWEAR I DIDN’T MEAN U. and he just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself and he’s like motherfuck me and my big mouth and armin is laughing too though and that’s cute. and then they all settle down and jean’s like omf and then they get some fries and they sing or something idk. then they sleep in the car that night. ————— IDK SO. LOTS OF THINGS HAPPEN. YOU KNOW LOTS CAN HAPPEN IN THE DAYS THAT HAVE APPARENTLY HAPPENED ALREADY. but like. the next few days are really rad. jean already feels so comfortable with hanji and armin and levi and him and levi are actually like. bonding. and hanji and armin are talking and they’re watching levi show jean some huge-ass trees and hanji leans over to armin and is like "oh my gosh they’re actually getting along" and she’s smiling and armin’s like "who knew what laughing at levi’s poop joke could do for ur relationship with him" and then hanji tickles armin and his loud ass squeaks get levi and jean’s attention and then jean stares too long and levi punches his shoulder and he’s like "hey jean, you got a boner for armin?" and jean splutters and is like "WHAT NO?" and levi is like "lol yeah right, you sound like me when i kept sayin i didn’t like hanji." and then levi leans against a tree and is just watching hanji kiss armin’s forehead and tickle him and jean is standing there awkwardly and levi’s like "my future wife" and jean like. rubs the back of his head and he’s like "hah cool." and levi’s like "yo jsyk ur coming to the wedding. i’ve already decided." and he gives jean this. super serious look and jean like. is like. WOAH??? and he smiles a dumb jean smile and is like "hell yea bro" and then levi starts walking towards the other two and jean follows and is like  i think he likes me woah that’s awesome (yo cause everyone has heard stories about levi from armin and eren and the dude does not sound easy to get along with but hey. jean’s special) so then that night they’re all sitting on the end of levi’s van looking at the stars and hanji and armin keep talking about the constellations and then jean and levi keep inturrupting with like “oh u know what that one is? my ASS” and they’re such CHILDREN and then hanji smacks levi and he pulls her closer into his arms and it’s cute and then armin looks at jean and he’s like "hey jean? thanks for coming i’m really glad you’re here honestly." and jean’s like. "y-yeah…" and it’s like the right mood for a kiss and it’s very emotional but they don’t kiss (not yet) and then. suddenly. it’s saturday. and it’s almost been a whole week and they can’t believe it and it’s crazy. and they’re all. so. like. it’s like. they are all close lik.e after you have a sleepover with someone and you’re suddenly like best friends? that’s what it’s like for jean and them like. they’re like. like JEAN IS ANNOYING AND WHATEVER BUT WHEN. HE’S KIND OF. put into an environment like this he chills out and hanji and levi love him ok they’re like “omf i hope him and armin kiss” and they’re like, shipping them so hard and ANYWAS SO. SO OK. so then they make another stop for the night. they don’t stop at a hotel/bed and breakfast EVERY night, just when it’s possible. but this night it’s possible but. it’s like. some place meant for honeymooning couples. so levi and hanji are like yes pls but armin and jean are like ????? Ohouegh so anyways. levi checks them all in and the person at the front desk looks at armin and winks and armin’s like NONONONO U DON’T UNDERSTAND AND jean like. stumbles and he’s like “WE’RE NOT TOGETHER” really loud and the lady just laughs and she’s like “yeah right” and they’re so blushy and like. this is SO DUMB. LIKE. the place itself isn’t even like. that romantic it’s just like a small place idk. it has a hot tub outside. so anyways. armin and jean go into their room and it’s really embarrassing cause it’s obviously meant for a recently married couple cause like. the bed is the cheesy heart shaped shit and it all looks really crappy but it’s just. meant to be romantic or something like everything’s red and there’s a pack of condom’s on the bed or something like. it’s fuckin weird. and armin starts blushing and jean’s like WHAT THE HECK IS THIS. and they’re both so AWKWARD and jean’s like “i guess i’ll take a shower” and armin’s like “OH OK I’m GONNA CHECK OUT THE HOT TUB” cause he just??? but then jean is like "OH YEAH ME TOO ACTUALLY" cause jean loves hot tubs man. and armin’s like fuck no. but he can’t say he doesn’t wanna go check it out now cause then jean would know somethings up but there isn’t anything up!!!!??? AND SO THEY. AWKWARDLY CHANGE INTO THEIR SWIM SUITS AND WALK DOWN TO THE HOT TUB AND. armin just. GETS IN THE HOT TUB AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AND WOAH THAT’S REALLLY HOT. and he’s suddenly really excited about the temperature cause it feels so FUCKING. GOOD ON HIS SORE MUSCLES so he looks at jean smiling to tell him that but jean’s like. jean wore his shirt on the walk down to the hot tub right so he’s taking it off and armin’s like oh no abs oh no pecs oh no body oh no look oh no oh no oh no. and he looks down and jean gets in and is like. WOAH THAT’S SO HOT OHOAHOAHHeouYESSS. and armin’s like. blushing but he gets over it and they relax finally and have a little splash fight and it’s kind of dark outside but it’s so nice and there’s a small breeze and the water is so warm and they’re both relaxing and armin notices that there are like. smell good candles and he uses the lighter to have those and it’s like. so relaxing and they’re just. so. it’s so chill. and then. and then things get deep. cause you know hot tubs are where you talk about all that deep shit. that’s where like. they’re both just a little overheated so they’re not ENTIRELY in their full focused mind and they’re tired enough already to just. spill about everything in their life and they DO. so jean talks about his embarrassing childhood moments and his mom being really weird and annoying and how she caught him masturbating once and then armin asks him what he was masturbating to because he’s armin and then jean is like “OH MY GOD WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT TO ASK” and armin’s like “SORRY I WAS JUST CURIOUS OMF” and jean splashes him and moves closer to armin and like. leans in to whisper and he’s like “i was jerkin it to…weiners” and aRMIN. LAUGHS SO HARD. CAUSE JEAN WHAT HTE FUCK AND JEAN’S LAUGHING SO HARD AND He’S LIKE OMFG DUDE UR FACE AND ARMIn’S LIKE HAHAhahaaaaa OMFGgg and jean’s like. “nah nah don’t worry like, i was jerking it to like some hot chick i don’t remember” and armin’s like "lol why would i worry?" and jean’s like "um. like…idk? i’m not gay is what i mean." and armin’s like "Oh oh. oh. yeah yes." and jean’s like. does this awkward laugh and just. MAKES THIS WORSE AND He’S LIKE "cause. cause only gay dudes. uh. jerk it to dicks right hahaha" and armin’s like "yeah man i ONLY dingle my dangle to dicks like, that’s the ONLY thing, there is NOTHING else." and jean’s like. "haha. WHAT? ur gay?" and armin’s like "yeah man" and jean’s like OH. OH OH oH oH OH. and then it’s awkward for a second like. armin’s like. oh wait jean isn’t a dick about this stuff is he? and armin has a small internal freakout cause this could mess up the rest of the entire TRIP???? AND jEAN is like "no i’m. that’s good." and armin’ slike. THAT’S GOOD? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. GOOD FOR WHAT DOES JEAN LIKE ME??? WAIT ARMIN DOn"T THINK THAT HE LITEARLLY JUST SAID HE’S NOT GAY ARMIND DON’T BE DUmb and they’re just LAME BOYS IN A HOT TUB AND THEY’VE BEEN IN FOR TOO LONG AND. SO. JEAn’s LIKE. hey now. and jean just. kind  of. looks forward and is like. "i lied. i was jerkin it to dicks" and armin’s like. "oh. cool." and then iT’S JUST REALLY AWKwARD CAUSE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO EVEN SAY LIKE. WAS JEAN JUST. TELLING HIM THAT OR WAS HE MAKING FUN OF HIM OR WAS HE TRYING TO TELL ARMIN HE ACTUALLY LIKED DUDES OR?????? ARMIN IS LIKE. GOING OVER THE CONVERSATION IN HIS HEAD TO TRY AND FIGURE OUT WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON ARMIN’S LIKE “ok jean told me he wasn’t gay because he didn’t crank his lever to dingles but then i told him i was gay and then he told me he does doongle the dongle to dickies? what the fuck” and jean is like "i wanna kiss him i wanna kiss him i wanna kiss him oh god what the fuck" and armin’s like "hey wanna get out now?" cause his skin is feeling gross and like. wrinkly and pruney and stuff  and jean like. jumps cause he was lost in thought and he looks at armin and he has no idea what he just said so he’s like. "ok" but neither of them. like. move to get out. and they’re both just kind of staring at each other and. AND. AND THEN. JEAN LEANS IN AND. AND. AAANNNNNNDD. THEIR lIPS TOUCH. JUSt. A TOUCH. AND THEY’RE BOTH. FROZEN WITH THEIR LIPS JUST. TOUCHING TOGETHER. JUST A CHASTE KISS U KNOW. and. it’s like. time stops like. woah there. and like. armin suddenly just. feels SO hOt LIKE. HE”S IN A HOT TUB BUT IT JUST FEELS HOTTER THAN THAT ANd HE JUST. KIND OF. STARTS LIKE. REALLY KISSING JEAN AND JEAN’S LKE OH. and THEY THEN THEY’RE JUST. LIKE. sloppily making out kind of (THIS IS LIKE. AN ENTIRE HIGHSCHOOL CAREER OF AWKWARD SEXUAL TENSION BEING LET OUT OK LIKE. DO U UNDERSTAND LIKE, THEY WEREN’T REALLY FRIENDS BUT THEY WERE LAB PARTNERS OR SOMETHING AND HAVE TALKED AND LAUGHED WITH EACH OTHER AND FOR YEARS HAVE TRIED TO DENY THE ATTRACTION THEY HAVE FOR EACH OTHER BUT HEY HEY THEY DIDN”T TRY HARD ENOUGH APPARENTLY HAHA) but they both don’t REALLY know what they’re doing to be honest like. they’re just. emOTIONAL AND TEENAGERS. And THEn they like break for air and armin’s like “OK WE SHOULD .UH LEt’S GET OUT NOW.” aND HE LIKE. IS GIGGLING AND FEELS DRUNK and just of slips while he’s getting out of the hot tub and jean tries to catch him but they both kind of slip BUT THEY’rE OK. and then they kind of like. run back up to their room like. omfg. and just. they get back into their room and are having like. a giggle fit thing going on like. a serious giggle attack and they both kind of fall on the bed and they’re laughing so hard and just. then you know like jean looks at armin and his cheeks are all flushed and he doesn’t have a shirt on and he just wow and jean’s like. “armin i think i’m gay 4 u” and armin’s like “jean i think that’s the gayest thing you’ve ever said” and then like. armin pulls him back in for another kiss and it’s really intense again right like. they get REALLY into it and. idk it’s just. very intense like. armin rolls on top of jean right and they’re kissing like woah there. LIKE YOU KNOW. WITH THE TONGUES. THEY’RE KISSING LIKE. WITH THE TONGUES WOAAAAH. and armin jUST SUDDENLY JUST. STARTS TALKING LIKE. ARMIN HAS THIS HABIT OF TALKING A LOT WHEN HE’S NERVOUS BUT HE ISN’T REALLY NERVOUS HE JUST. CAN’T STOP TALKING FOR SOME REASON (hanji has the same problem like when her and levi are making out she just. starts talking about science and stuff and levi’s like STOP OH MY GOD OR I’LL MAKE U STOP and then it’s like a fun challenge like, he knows he’s done good when he can make hanji shut the fuck up hell ya man ;) ) OK BUT YEAH. SO ARMIN JUST SUDDENLY STARTS. TALKING LIKE. he breaks the kiss and is like "jean i really really like your abs, do you work out a lot? what’s your workout plan do you eat a lot of vegetables? you’re a good runner i know that you seem like the athletic type too and i’ve always found that really attractive about you. gosh when i think about it jean i’ve always found you REALLY attractive you know like. I never SAID anything or THOUGHT much about it but. you’re just. very VERY much my type did you know that Jean?" and jean’s like. WHY IS HE TALKING SO MUCH HE’S SO CUTE?? and just armin is so embarrassed cause he doesn’t know how to stop talking and he’s just like. touching jean’s sides or something idk and jean laughs cause HEY THAT TICKLES. AND THEN ARMIN CAN”T HELP IT HE STARTS TICKLING HIM AND JUST. THEN JEAN IS LIKE (IDK WHAT’S WITH THIS AU AND TICKLING MAN IDK) "STOP STOP STOP STOP" BUT ARMIN WON’T STOP SO JEAN JUST. SUDDENLY FLIPS THEM SO NOW JEAN’S ON TOP AND HE’S HOLDING ARMIN’S WRISTS DOWN AND BOTH  OF THEM ARE SURPRISED AND JEAN’S LIKE. "oh. sorry hah" and armin just. is silent. and wide eyed and. jean thinks he must’ve just really messed up and then armin just. idk lets out some desperate breath that kind of squeaks at the end but like, a sexy squeak (I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SEXY THINGS I’m SORRY) and jean just can’t fucking handle it and he just. attacks armin’s lips and armin’s like. OFMOMGOFngn and jean doesn’t let go of his wrists and armin’s like OMF THIS IS SO HOT and jean’s like THIS IS SO HOT. and neither of them are actually like. that good at kissing but it’s just REALLY GReAT AND THEY’RE JUST. AND jean let’s go of armin’s arm’s SO HE can lower his body right so he can get his face closer and armin like digs his hands into jean’s hair and it’s just gettin real hot and heavy and JeaN’s LIKe HOT DAMN AND THEN AND THEN THERE”s A KNOOCK ON THE DOOR AND ARMIN LIKE ACCIDENTALLY HEADBUTTS JEAN CAUSE HE’S SO SURPRISED BY THE NOISE AND THEN THEY”RE BOTH LIKE. IN SO MUCH PAIN CAUSE ARMIN HIT THEIR HEADS REALLY HARD TOGETHER LIKE OUCH JESUS CHRIST. AND THE KNOCKING HAPPENS AGAIN AND ARMIn’S LIKE OWwwwww and he like. armin like goes to the door and. opens it just a crack and there’s some dude standing there. and he’s like. “your friend left this at the hot tub” and he holds up jean’s shirt and armin’s like. “oh uh. thanks” and then the guy leaves and armin closes the door and just. kind of stands there and holds up jean’s shirt and jean face palms because UGH. and then. jean is sitting on the bed and armin is leaning on the door and they’re both breahting really hard and looking anywhere but each other but finally they look into eachothers eyes and they blush and armin’s like. "uh. so…that just happened." and jean’s like. he like scratches the back of his head and he’s like "yeah. yes yeah. yes that. yeah…" and they’re both really quiet and then armin’s like. "so…" and jean’s like "soo…." and they just. armin like. walks over to jean and just. kind of sits next to him and then he notices the time and he’s like "OH SHIT. IT’s LIKE. 2 AM AND WE NEED TO GET UP AT 5 WE HAVE TO SLEEP" and jean’s like. yeah. so they like. get ready for bed and it’s really awkward but also not? but it is? like. they’re both brushing their teeth next to each other and jean like flicks armin with some water and armin laughs but then they both look at each other and blush and it’s AWKWARD BUT CUTE. and armin puts his glasses on and jean’s like “damn him and his cute glasses”  so then they’re ready for bed and. they remember that they have to share the bed so jean’s like. oh uh. shit. and armin kind of crawls into bed and looks at jean and jean’s like “you. you want me to sleep on the floor or something i mean like-” and armin like. grabs jean’s arm (HE WAs standing close to the bed) and just pulls him onto the bed and jean gets under the covers and armin like kind of just. idk. snuggles into him. and jean’s like. OH OUGMROFMIgm and armin’s BLUSHING SO HARD AND ARMIN’S THINKING AND HE’S LIKE “HOLY SHIT DID I JUST. CUDLE HIM WOW OH WOW I CAN’T BACK OUT NOW OMF WHaT I JUST TOTALLY DID THAT ON IMPULSE FUCMAOIGFGj” but then jean puts his arm around armin and. they both just. cuddle and fall asleep that way. mmmm. ——————————- YO BAM IT’S 5 AM NOW SO LEVI BANGS THE DOOR OPEN (he used the spare key to jean and armin’s room actually but levi’s the type that likes to make an entrance) SO HE’S LIKE. RISE AND SHINE U LITTLE SHITS. and armin sits up and he’s like, squinting, and his hair is all crazy and levi  HAS TO HOLD BACK A SMILE CAUSE EVEN HE CAN’T DENY THAT ARMIN’S MAJORLY KAWAII ANd THEN LIKE HE SEES JEAN GET UP AND HE REALIZES THEY WERE LIKE. CUDDLED TOGETHER AND LEVI LIKE. Smirks and he’s thinking like “oooh i can’t wait to tell hanji omf” and WOAH speak of the devil hanji walks past levi and into jean and armin’s room and she’s IN HER UNDERWEAR HANJI WHAT THE FUCK. AND SHE’S WEARING HER LIKE. SEXY UNDIES (sexy to levi at least idk how sexy they actually are he just thinks she’s sexy in general and he doesn’t even know why) aND HE ACTUALLY IS LIKE “HANJI WHAT” and she;s like "they’re just underwear levi don’t freak out. I wear bikinis like. it’s the same basically kind of" and LEVI IS LIKE. NONONOONONONOONONONONONNONONONONONO and he like. GRABS HER ARM AND PULLS HER BACK TO THEIR ROOM AND THEN. HE LKE. CLoess the door and he’s like "ARE YOU. WHAT THE. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" and hanji’s like "TAKE A CHILL PILL BUD" and she’s about to walk away but levi like. grabs her face and pulls her close and he’s like "hanji. even if. you think it’s fine to walk around in ur sexy undies. eVEN IF YOU THINK THAT’S FINE. THINK ABOUT ME TOO OK LIKE??? I DON’T WANT OTHER PEOPLE SEEING HOW SEXY U ARE LIKE. I MEAN. I. I WANT TO BE THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES UR UNDIES HANJI" and hanji blushes (they’re really weird) and she’s like "omf i didn’t even think about taht" and levi’s like. "just don’t do it again" and hanji’s like. hey now. and she like. jumps him and he catches her and they make out and do sexy things. SO BACK TO THE BOYS. so they get up and get ready and are all set and they close the door behind them at the same time that levi and hanji open their door and like. it’s so obvious that they were just up to something cause levi’s face is flushed and hanji’s hair is messier than usual and they’re both just. a total mess. and jean is like. woahmg HOLY SHIT OK SO. THEY GET BACK IN THE CAR AND THEY”RE DRIVING AND THAT DAY IS PRETTY UNEVENTFUL HONESTLY. (armin and jean almost kind of act like their little make out thing never happened but like, not really cause they’re both really extra awkward around each other but it’s not terrible) BUT THEN. THEY SLEEP IN THE CAR THAT NIGHT AND THEN. THEY FINALLY. GET TO THE BEACH. OH YES. THE BEACh THAT’S RIGHT. THE BEACh YO YOOYOOYOYOOY BEACH BEACH BEACH AND ARMIN IS LIKE FUCK YES THE OCEAN FUCK ME AND HE LIKE RUNS AND GOES TO THE LITTLE CHANGING AREA AT THIS PARTICULAR BEACH AND HE PUTS HIS SUIT ON AND JUST SLAM BAM THANK YA MAM he jUMpS in the water and god armin fucking loves the ocean wow. and jean is just like. “what.” and hanji is like “I’m GONNA LOOK AT ROCKS” and then levi’s like “they really like the ocean this is like the highlight of the trip” and he like. slaps jean’s back and he’s like “good luck” and jean’s like “GOOD LUCK WITH WHAT LEVI. WITH WHAT????” but anyways so they all change into their suits and shit and armin’s like. enjoying himself so much just swimming in the goddamn ocean and then hanji joins him and OMF IT’S AN ANIME BEACH EPISODE. like. jean doesn’t konw if he wants to get in and LEVI. PICKS HIM UP AND THROWS HIM IN THE WATER AND JEAN’S LIKE “NEIGH” and levi like. GETS in the water and they’re all splashing around and having fun like. they’re having real ass fun man like. the fun that you like. just don’t even have like. THEY’RE HAVING SO MUCH FUN THAT LEVI. IS LIKE. SUPER CLOSE TO SMILING OK. THAT’S LIKE. THAT NEVER HAPPENS. and jean loosens up again and he puts armin on his shoulders and hanji sits on levi’s shoulders and they do a chicken fight thing u know the thing they do in the pools in those movies and whatever and then they get out and are laying in the sun and they brought towels and then levi and hanji are like “we gonna go get some hot dogs yo u want some” and the boys are like “hell yeah” so levi and hanji go and then it’s just armin and jean. and. armin is like. “do u ever imagine being a plant and just. using photosynthesis” and jean is like "i think i really like you" and they both. freeze and like. armin’s like omfg and jean’s actually turning red and it ain’t from sunburn honey. and he’s like "i. idk why i uh. wow" and armin’s like. "do u mean like. what. what kind of like" and jean’s like "WHY DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN? ISN’T IT OBVIOUS" and then hanji’s like "WHAT’S OBVIOUS?" AND JEAN SCREAMS and then hanji gives them their hot dogs and armin still hasn’t said anything back armin’s just kind of. sitting there staring at the ocean and it’s real dramatic ok and like.   AND SO THEN LIKE LEVI’s LKE. i’m gonna get a thing from the car and jean’s like I’LL HELP and levi’s like. yeah ok whatever loser and so hanji’s like "so did u and jean kiss yet" and she’s totally joking but armin blushes and she’s like "OMFG U TOTALLY DID" AND ARMIN’S LIKE HANJI PLS and then she’s like "omf armin ur so cute" and armin’s like. HANJI no you don’t uNDERSATND. and she’s like. "yo then help me understand kiddo." and he’s like URHG and if he had a pillow he would stuff his face in the pillow and he’s like. "jean just told me he likes me" and hanji is like "oh? what kind of like?" and armin’s like IDK THAT’S WHAT I ASKED HIM AND HE SAID "ISN"T IT OBVIOUS" BUT I DON"T WANT TO GET MY HOPES UP YA KNOW? and hanji’s like but. you kissed right? isn’t that like. proof enough that it’s the kind of like you want it to be? and armin’s like “WELL I DON’T KNOW WHAT JEAN THOUGHT OF THE KISSING OK” and hanji’s like. omf armin just be happy things are how you want them to be for once jesus christmas. and armin’s like. “but…i’m gonna be i mean. we’re. COLLEGE HANJI. IS IT REALLY A GOOD IDEA TO. EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING INTO A RELATIONSHIP WHEN. WE DON”T HAVE THAT LONG TOGETHER?” and hanji’s looks at him and laughs her fuckin ass off and she’s like "ARMIN WHAT? if anyone can handle that kind of thing it’s you! I mean heck, you know levi and i didn’t go to the same college! I WAS IN A DIFF COUNTRY KID, but we made it work!" and armin groans and he’s like "yeah well you and levi have known each other since you were kids or something so it was easier for you." and hanji sighs and she’s like "armin hon, sometimes you have to just, i dunno, have fun? take things for what they are and enjoy them as they come and even if you lose them later you can still be happy you at least got to experience them right? i mean you just kissed the dude it’s not like you have to get married right? but if you want to go out with him and kiss him more and he likes you i don’t see why not?" and armin sighs and he’s like. IDK IDK IDK IDK and jean is talking to levi and levi’s like “what the fuck is wrong with your face it looks like you painted it red or something what’s up?” and jean is like “have you. ever liked someone?” and levi just. stares at him. and is like. "no i’ve never had a crush on someone that’s why i’m fuckin engaged. jesus you’re an idiot." and jean is like "NO i"M NOT. I WAS JUST. I MEANT. JUST. WHAT. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU HAVE A CRUSH?" and levi is like "are you sure you’re 18? i don’t think you’re actually 18." but jean is totally serious and then levi’s like "oh my god you’re actually serious? you’re asking me for relationship advice oh my god." and jean just. stands there buT STAYS STRONG and levi’s just like "ok ok, what do you want to know you can ask me 2 things." and jean’s like OH FUCK THAT’S A LOT OF PRESSURE DUDE. but he decides to ask "how did you first ask hanji out?" and levi kind of. looks away and is like. "i didn’t. she asked me out” and jean is like…”oh” and levi IS LIKE “BUT I WAS THE ONE THAT PROPOSED TO HER OK.” and jean is like. “oh ok.” and then levi kind of. flicks his hair a bit and he’s like. "she. we. hanji and i have known each other since. i dunno, we were like, dumb 10 year olds or something, it’s been a long time. then when we were like 16 i realized i had a STUPID crush on her when my friend asked me about it and it was fucking ridiculous and. apparently she liked me too. so it worked out. cause she. showed up at my house at like. 2 am one night and threw a rock at my window and fucking BROKE the goddamn thing and. jesus christ she’s fuckin nuts. she broke my window and then said something awful like ‘DON’T BREAK MY HEART LIKE I BROKE YOUR WINDOW LEVI I MEAN IT’ like i was supposed to know what that meant. but whatever that’s how she asked me out and then by the second date when she kissed me it clicked and i realized we were dating." AND THEN JEAN LAUGHS BECAUSE OMF. HE CAN’T REALLY IMAGINE SUCH A LIKE. IDK. NORMAL TEENAGE LEVI BEING CUTE AND DUMB BUT WHATEVER and levi’s like. "kid honestly from what i’ve seen of you, you don’t think a lot before you do shit. so i don’t know why you’re thinking so much about this." and jean’s like "well. cause…ugh" and levi’s like. "just…follow your heart or some dumb shit." and levi gets the thing he needed from the car like. an umbrella or something and they walk back to hanji and armin and like. they sit down and armin and jean kind of joke around but it’s pretty awkward and then it’s getting late. so they go back and drive to some cabin near by and it’s awkward but there are separate beds this time. so both armin and jean are having internal battles with themselves to just get over their fears of what the fuck ever and kiss again because kissing was nice and why aren’t they kissing? SO LIKE. 2 MORE AWKWARD DAYS PASS and they’re like, already kind of taking the trip that will take them back home right? so like. everythings pretty calm and quiet and whatever and then like. then OH SHIT. FLAT TIRE. So THEY GET A FLAT TIRE OH NO. and so then levi’s like, what the fuck and hanji’s like what the fuck and then so basically hanji and levi leave to go walk to the nearest gas station (which is fairly close luckily) and they leave armin and jean in charge of the car. so the 2 boys don’t want to waste like. the car’s battery or whatever and it’s pretty nice out so they’re standing outside leaning against the car and like. finally armin’s like. "hey. jean so. i mean like. you. uh. so." and jean’s like. "yeah." and then it’s quiet again and finally armin just gets so frustrated with himself that he’s just like "JEAN JUST. GO OUT WITH ME." and. and then they’re both quiet again save for like, armin’s heavy breathing cause he basically just shouted that and jean’s like. gonna die because omf. and just. armin just. is like. "SO WILL YOU?" and jean’s like. "will. will i what??" and armin’s like "GO OUT WITH ME WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME JEAN." and JEAN LIKE. SNAPS OUT OF HIS DUMB LIKE. ZONE OUT aND HE’S LIKE "AYEN" and armin’s like "WHAT???" and jean’s like "I MEANT YES SORRY I. I MEANT. YES. UH. YES. YEAH. UH. LEt’S GO OUT YEAH SOUNDS GOOD YES." and then THEY’RE QUIET AGaIN AND facing each other and like. then armin’s just like. "ok. good. GOOD." and he leans against the car again and jean leans against the car and they’re both standing there and. just. and. then like. another tense moment passes and then THYE"RE KISSING. LIKE THEY JUST START. KISSING LIKE. IT’S LIKE THE HOT KISSES MAN LIKE. WOAH THERE BOYS SLOW DOWN THERE LIKE, THOSE KINDS OF KISSES U KNOW LIKE THE ONES FROM THE WEIRD HONEYMOON PLACE AND jUST. armin’s like. thank the lord and jean’s like omf this is so gay and i love it and they’re KISSING and it’s GREAT and then like. then jean starts kissing armin’s neck and armin’s like “fuck yes” BUT THEN. JEAN LOOKS UP AND. LEVI AND HANJI ARE. STNADING JUST. LIKE. STANDING THERE AND. ARMIN is like “JEAN WHY. DID YOU STOP I’M GONNA RIP UR CLOTHES OFF ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, WHY’D U STOP” and then levi coughs and armin squeals and is like.  he is suddenly like. 10 feet away from jean and he’s trying to act innocent and he’s like "H-HELLO" and levi just sighs and starts fixing the tire and hanji just kind of winks really weirdly at them and she walks up to levi and is like "u owe me 20 bucks mister" and levi just like. gives her the money and groans and jean and armin are confused and hanji’s like "levi was betting that you guys wouldn’t be kissing but i was like, OH YES THEY WILL BE" and armin and jean blush and feel so DUMB but are so happy and they get back in the car and the tires all fixed and they’re all ready to go and like. armin and jean are holding hands and it’s really cute AND SO THEN YOU KNOW LIKE. TIME PASSES AND THEy”RE ALMOST HOME and like jean and armin have kissed a few more times but they haven’t had anymore like ravenous makeouts and they’ve cuddled and shit and it’s CUTE as FUCK and anyways then. they’re home. and the road trip is over. and like. levi and hanji like. drop jean and armin at armin’s house and then drive away back to their place that’s like an hour away or something. and so then like. armin and jean just kind of go hang out at armin’s house and armin’s gpa isn’t home and so. hey. they like go and kiss but then jean’s mom comes and jean has to leave and he’s like. “thank u for inviting me” and armin’s like “anytime” and jean leaves and armin just. DOESn”T KNOW WHAT TO DO HE DOES A HAPPY DANCE AND JEAN IMMEDIATELY CALLS MARCO AND IS LIKE “MARCO MARCO MARCO MARCO MARCO MARCO” and marco’s like “OH jEEEEZ” and then idk. i’m just gonna end it there but then the sequel that i wanna type up too would be hanji and levi’s wedding ;) and also like. college and what the fuck would happen with that shit idk man this is lame and long already i spent too long on this i should be embarrassed but i’m like. not at all. OK. OK THANKS FOR. READING THAT LIKE. IF YOU READ THAT WHOLE THING WOAH. I’m LIKE WOW MAN. GOOD FOR YOU LIKE HOLY SHIT. I didn’t even read the whole thing and i wrote it like what. ok. omfok. I’m DONE NOW
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