#eri 223
bedlamsbard · 6 months
this is not the same but I’ve lately had a pattern of people commenting on my ship fic about everything /except/ the ship, which is not bad but not how I’d expect fanfic to go! so shaking hand emoji regarding odd patterns
I've had that happen before! It's very "what is happening" for sure. You just truly never know what people are going to take away from a fanfic. (I had a non-zero number of people read Backbone and say they skipped all the Kanan/Hera scenes -- I also had one who said they skipped everything but the Crucible flashbacks and then complained that the fic was too dark.)
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subjectsix · 2 years
06 + Dylan!
06. — catalyst
Dylan used to like science. Ephemeral thoughts are hard to distinguish from dreams, now, but he's certain it was a subject he enjoyed. Trips to local farms to look at animals. Goggles a bit too big and a bit too old to see through. Baking soda volcanoes. Journals, proofs, and observations.
He liked science in the Bureau, too. It was pure fantasy. A tiny part of him always wondered if the books he read in the library at school were true. If kids like him did get to have grand adventures and find fantastical things. Survive in the wilderness, fight monsters, befriend giants, live on their own without adults. Kids in those stories always proved to the adults that they could make it on their own. That they didn't need the adults. Sometimes they even proved the adults wrong.
They watched a video once on an experiment the teacher refused to do herself. Something messy and big, with soda bottles and food coloring and foam. The mess came about because of a catalyst. He wrote the definition down in his scientific journal, tucking it back into his cubby before recess. Catalysts bring about changes. They speed up the process of things.
Dylan used to like science. Journals, proofs, observations. He knows he will never get out of here. Doomed to a repeat existence. The Bureau tried to find his powers, find a catalyst to enact something grander in him. Telepathy, visions of the future, arcane knowledge-- something to prove how much of an interesting kid he was to the adults.
He's decided he has two possible results. He either wastes away into a pile of slack skin and rotten bone in this glass box, still prodded at and studied by eager scientists who want to strip down every molecule and atom for an answer. Or he shatters the room and carves his way out through the concrete, proving every scientist and guard that steps in his way right.
He lays on his cot, staring up at himself in the dim reflection of the glass. He's not sure he recognizes the man in the warped reflection.
All he needs is a catalyst to speed up the process. To cause something drastic. Change the monotonous routine. Prove his hypothesis.
He rolls over and pulls his arms up over his head, trying to drown out the buzzing of the lights overhead.
At this rate, he'll take either outcome.
(one word writing prompts)
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anghraine · 1 year
Ooh, interesting! This one is:
Is there a fic concept you have that you’d like to just explain and share because you’re not sure you’ll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Many, for sure! One I thought about recently, between BG3 and my perennial Star Wars feelings, was ... SW is very fantasy-in-space to me, much more than sci-fi, and occasionally I think "okay, but what would it look like not in space?" But the boring answer is that it'd look basically the same with some aesthetic modifications.
A few years ago, though, I remarked that D&D Skywalkers would be aasimar (update: the super-cool pre-Mordenkainen's aasimar). As I was backing up posts about that, I got to thinking about SW in Faerûn. Anakin as Vader would be a Fallen Aasimar, of course, while Luke (contrary to expectation) would not be a Protector Aasimar but is a Scourge Aasimar, as Anakin was originally. Anakin reverts to Scourge Aasimar at the end, knowing its effects will kill him.
I kind of like the idea of Padmé being one of the hidden lords of Waterdeep. She'd have to be a bit older c. TPM, of course, and probably Anakin as well. Later, the Organas get extra kudos for concealing Leia's aasimar qualities—I think she's Scourge, too, though I could see Protector (I played a Protector Aasimar once who was extremely cool, and I think Leia-as-protector could bring out some interesting nuances of her character—but I kind of want Anakin-Luke-Leia to each be the same fundamental type, differing mainly in expression).
The Jedi could be added to the standard factions, perhaps aligned with the Harpers or the Enclave. The Force could be comparable to the Weave, though I kind of like the idea of it being a literal deity (given Anakin's origins), a really major one, but not the only object of worship or spiritual power. I imagine the Jedi as a mixture of clerics, monks, and paladins.
Han is a rogue, of course :)
But yeah, I doubt I'd actually write it. I rotate it in my mind sometimes, though!
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canonkiller · 10 months
hello I would like book recs about dragons
Hmm, pretty wide net! Depends what sort of genres of dragon you like and what demographic. Here's a bunch off the top of my head, for varying age groups. I'll star my personal favs
If you want fantasy adventures like LOTR or DnD
YA pick: ⭐ Dragon Codex series by R D Henham
Older YA/Adult pick: Dragonlance
If you want dragons and humans coexisting, but less of the huge prophesied evil high stakes:
Grade school: Dragon Girls series, My Father's Dragon,
Teen/YA: ⭐ Dragon Slippers series, The Dragon with the Chocolate Heart, Dragon Rider, The Dragon in the Sock Drawer series, Dragonology novel series, Enver and the Ice Dragons, Dragon Assassin
Older YA: Seraphina series
Adult: ⭐ The Memoirs of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan, Temeraire series, Dragon Blood series by Lindsay Buroker
If you want dragon riders:
Teen: Dragonsdale series
Adult: Dragonriders of Pern series, Temeraire series
If you want dragons as the primary protagonist(s):
YA: Wings of Fire series, a few of the Merlin's Dragon series, a few of the Tales of the Frog Princess series by E D Baker
Adult: Age of Fire series (the titles are coincidental, but funny), Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton
If you want dragons that aren't the four legs two wings european kind, but this category is kind of slim pickings in the books I've read so the genres are wildly different sorry:
YA: Dragon Keeper series, Dragon Pearl series
Adult: Priory of the Orange Tree (I'm counting it because I like it)
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flowers-of-io · 5 months
Petra/Variks role swap? I don’t know how this would work at all but it was the first thing that came to mind lol
oooHHHHHH okay wait. Petra as a cast-away spy/captive still loyal to her Queen but sort of banished, like she was pre-House of Wolves in the Tower. And Variks as a, heh, 'loyal' scribe to... I guess Skolas? But he's Variks, so he's shifty and has his own agenda, and I have this really clear image in my head of Petra in some boiler room under rusted pipes and Variks being her warden/overseer. I suppose the timeline would be the Reef Wars, Skolas wanting to use Petra's knowledge against the Awoken, but she ends up plotting with Variks how to betray him because Variks himself isn't very pleased with Skolas and you know, would love to see him twice docked and cast through an airlock. Nem stop giving me ideas for multi-chaptered fics!!!!!!
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cmdonovann · 2 years
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another portrait commission, this time for @eri-223, who did in fact take advantage of my portrait sale to get blorbo art (it's martin hatch from quantum break heheheh)
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warlordfelwinter · 8 months
Felwinter/Timur 27?
[things you said prompts]
27. things you didn't say at all
Would you come with me, if I left?
Timur had slept, sound and undisturbed, while Felwinter thought. In the soft darkness of their room at Vostok Observatory he had mapped Timur’s face with gaze and touch, memorizing every detail. But his mind had been miles away. In a jumpship, somewhere else in the system, away from Earth, away from Rasputin. Running, running, running.
Would you run with me, if I asked?
He didn’t ask. He had let Timur sleep, watching his face twitch, and wondered what he dreamt of. A bright, shining future, built by their discoveries? A bloody death that awaited under the snow guarded by a Warmind?
I’m afraid.
He had shared Timur’s excitement, his eagerness to see this through, his hope for what they could create. He had wanted to believe they would succeed. But in that cocoon of gentle dark, he wondered. It wouldn’t be easy. Rasputin wouldn’t make it easy. Would it be worth it? Was SIVA even what they hoped it was?
We should have run.
I wish we had run.
Timur opened his eyes and the room was red. Everything around them was chaos. He could taste blood, feel its warmth running down his chin. He could see it on his gloves, infested with flickering nanites. He could hear it whispering in his mind, feel it crawling into his Light. Someone sprinted past. Jolder. SIVA chased her, cut down by Radegast, covering her as she placed the charges.
Felwinter’s arms tightened slightly around him and Timur looked up at him. He could see it, weaving into Felwinter’s armor, threads blooming from the plates of his face. He looked at Timur, the orange light of his eyes flickering slightly. Timur could hear fans running, could feel the quick thrum under his hand, systems overworked trying to keep SIVA out. A mirror of Timur’s own labored breathing.
The lights flickered again and then Felwinter tensed, hands digging into Timur’s coat. Timur pushed himself up against the pain gripping every part of his body, taking Felwinter’s face in his hands.
He watched as that familiar orange light flickered and turned red, and then went dark. Felwinter’s grip on him loosened, arms falling as his body slumped back against the wall. Timur shifted back down, leaning against him, burying his face in the fur mantle of Felwinter’s robes.
I’m sorry.
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planet4546b · 2 years
Eris, 55?
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image id: a monochrome painting of eris morn in the hellmouth. at the top of the page, the mouth of the hellmouth is seen, and a map-like diagram of the passages beneath it, with small notes and annotations of locations and depths. the map receeds into darkness, and eris is seen at the mouth of a dark tunnel, with one hand over her face and a pained expression. white text at the top reads 'in the night there is something wild' and text around eris reads 'can you hear it breathing...?' and 'i feel it, it's leaving me...'. end id.
your mind's playing tricks now
show is over so take a bow
and leave it in the shadows...
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lonepower · 6 months
@eri-223 replied to your post “i am the dinghy. this has never happened before”:
ooh mountain in the sea is on my pile. and I enjoyed vespertine
​It's SO good, I think you'll like it! My sole complaint is that it falls prey to the... I'm not sure what to call it, except the "debut author third act pacing problem"? I feel like there's been a noticeable tendency where an author's first novel is, like, astoundingly well put together except that the pacing in the third act specifically is all over the place. (Iron Widow had this problem too, imo. it definitely didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of either work; if anything it's something to be aware of if I ever finish an original longform...)
I went into it expecting "arrival, but with octopus," and while that wasn't... entirely inaccurate, the mountain in the sea was a lot better at not making me sit there going that's not what the sapir-whorf hypothesis means, dumbass!!! for the entire second half. I'm still peeved about that. but Ray Nayler did his got damn research! A+ on the linguistics accuracy and, while I'm not a marine biologist, I'm pretty sure the literal actual international advisor to NOAA probably knows what he's talking about there too. we love to see it.
also, weird bonding between three extremely emotionally stunted people who just want to do science (give or take). I love them so much. i love evrim so MUCH DO THEY KNOW THAT I CHERISH AND ADORE THEM-
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eleonorpiteira · 2 years
Do you plan to have the Aloy piece you posted today for sale as a print? It's gorgeous and I'd love to throw some money at it/hang it on my wall
Hi!! Thank you so much for the interest - I just added it to my two online stores, INprnt (there's a sale!) and Redbubble ❤
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soothinghymn · 2 years
14 & 20 for inscryption?
14. The character/story arc I find the most compelling
I like Leshy a lottttttt. I love his "true neutral druid" vibe. I love his design. I love his version of Inscryption more than any other. I love his dedication to storytelling and aesthetics. I love how he manages to simultaneously come across as cold and ominous, yet calm and civil (the irony is not lost on me, calling the Scrybe of Beasts "civil"). He is my grandpa, but he's my grandpa who mostly gives me advice about the harsh realities of the world in a completely unaffected tone lol.
...And I mean, his final scene literally made me cry, there's that too.
20. Fics/fanart I’d love to see
Damn, good question. I've seen a lot of fanart but haven't looked into fics for this game at all. I like Grimora and Magnificus a lot, and I think they're the Scrybes who get neglected more in fan content, so seeing more of them would be fun. And I mean, I've tried my hand at doodling Leshy a bit.
I'm also making a little powerpoint for some of my friends as an elevator pitch for the game, trying to balance playing with the meta aspects without spoiling much past Act 1. That's been a fun exercise.
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bedlamsbard · 8 months
for the wip game: fly?
"I probably can’t fly you into Russia, even after the war ends,” he warned.
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subjectsix · 1 year
I'm curious about your Dishonored WIPs and the Control + Resident Evil AU!
My Dishonored wip is a successor to my fic Dream of the Void, where The Outsider visits Emily again, this time when she's a bit older and suffering a sickness. She chalks the entire interaction up to a fever dream-- standing on sinking ships, whalers, the deep keening songs, the stench of blood, and other horrific ventures-- but with The Outsider involved... who knows if she's really in those places or not?
I'll spoil it a bit and share the best line I have in it so far:
“Hold the beating heart of your dead mother in your hands and consider the weight of every action you will take, dear princess.”
As far as the Resi au, so far I've decided that it follows our Control cast set in the Resi universe, while the Resi story with its original characters continues as normal. Polaris is a type of infection or mold that both the Fadens encountered at a young age, and has made them something more than (or less than) human. I really want to play with that concept. I don't think any of the cast will ever really meet or crossover with the Resi cast outside of mentions and allusions-- though I think Sherry would get along with the Fadens really well.
I also want to focus on the idea of being healed from an infection and how that would effect your life-- what symptoms linger, what about your life changes, what becomes chronic-- but not in a necessarily doom and gloom way, but in a "this is just part of life" way, like any chronic condition (which I suppose sometimes includes a bit of doom and gloom, but in this case I mean more like treating them normally and not like a sole defining character trait).
Underhill also plays a much bigger part in this story, and some of her research being twisted might be the catalyst that knocks the Hiss into play...
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chubsonthemoon · 2 years
Hey there! Do you do fic binding commissions or know anyone who does? Or is that not a thing? Ty
Hello! Thanks so much for reaching out--I'm flattered to be asked!
I've answered a similar question here, so I won't go too much into detail in this specific answer, but basically: apologies, but I do not take commissions! However, there are some fanbinders who do, and I have a few tips on how to find/contact them in the answer linked above.
Thank you again for your interest--it means a lot! And best of luck <3
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flowers-of-io · 8 months
Tete a Yut & Oryx exiles Nokris?
Tete a Yut is a fill for one of that kisses prompts, I don't have enough written to really share but it IS quite literally Toland getting sexily obliterated.
Oryx exiles Nokris is @winnower-winnower's fault because we were talking about how tragic it is that all of Oryx's sons he had to kick out of the house for one reason or another (and Alak-Hul's reason was quite literally that he loved Oryx enough to challenge him!) and I started thinking hey what if Oryx exiled Nokris because that was the least harsh option he had, with the worm gods and his own worm breathing down his neck and taunting him about allowing this blasphemy to continue.
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aldieb · 2 years
happy birthday!
ty nem!!
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