#erika stranger things
sweetblinginrose · 5 months
here’s mine, just with the characters i like the most to the least, without considering how good they are or anything like that, it’s just my opinion lol
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fandoms-in-law · 9 months
Around Their Lake
Summary: When Steve broke up with Eddie he split a lake property he'd brought for them so Eddie could own half of it. Now they run competing camps and have to deal with a camper mix-up
Authors Note: I had this idea near the start of the month, and decided today and tomorrow I'm rewriting Rock 'n' Royals for Steddie, first as the camp owners and tomorrow as Erika / Courtney. I deny wholeheartedly this being an excuse to rewatch the film multiple times.
This wasn't what Steve wanted for his life, was never what he'd dreamed of and part of him just wanted to stop enforcing the entire argument. Eddie was constantly saying he wanted the entire lake, wanted to extend Camp Rock and Steve, well, he didn't care.
The only reason he argued was that it was easier, far far easier than admitting that he didn't want to lose this connection with Eddie but if asked he'd probably all too willingly give up his camp for Eddie to share his passions with more kids. Robin sometimes called him out on it but often just agreed they wouldn't have worked out back when the lake property was brought.
She'd been the one to help him split the property deed before his parents ever learnt he'd brought it, and ensured that Eddie knew he had it, ownership of half the lake they'd dreamt of running away to and living peacefully with their family and kids coming to visit. Robin had been the one he'd questioned his parents re-entry to his life and doting after Hawkins was rebuilt and the one who helped him figure out.
The break up had been to protect both of them from what his parents could do and Steve hated it. He hated it even more when Eddie decided he was reverting back to his King Steve days and thought he was above him when all Steve was thinking about was how easily his parents could block Eddie and all of Corroded Coffin from ever achieving anything with their music.
“Either you're in the wrong camp or I needed parents like yours twenty years ago.” Steve stated, seeing Erika Juno enter his office. He recognised her, easily recognised her as one of the popsters Max, El and Erica Sinclair were raving about being amazing currently, and knew that she wasn't meant for his camp, jokingly called camp royalty since Steve had focused on his favourite things when setting it up.
“Nope. I'm meant to be at Camp Rock. I was running late and went where I could hear my name being called.” Erika agreed, leaning back and putting her feet on the desk.
Steve smirked at her, doing nothing to discourage it. “Then you get two choices; I can call Camp Rock and try to sort out the mix-up while you stay here for a few days until your transfer is sorted, or you can stay here for the entire time and see whether you like horse riding, baking and ballroom dancing compared to the dance styles you're more used to.”
“As fascinating as that sounds, I'd prefer to go through the transfer. Nothing against you though. This place is flashy.” Erika decided, glancing around as she complimented his camp.
“Robin will direct you to where your room is and I'll try to catch up with you about how the transfer will work tomorrow.” Steve stood, holding his hand out to shake and gesturing to Robin.
Camp Rock needed the space.
That was basically the entirety of Eddie's claims that he'd buy out Camp Royalty. He was sure both of them knew there was plenty of space to grow their camps closer together and both of them were avoiding doing so for all their arguments and claims of expansion, but his camp was growing more each year and he needed to extend sooner rather than later.
Except he couldn't subject his students to noise limitations here when all of them faced that at home too and Harrington's had been a family as likely to log a noise complaint as they were to get one when Steve's parents were out of town. It seemed unavoidable that after years in their pockets Steve would be just the same now.
“And this is Miss Courtney.” Eddie said, looking at the computer screen rather than looking up at the camper now sat in his office. “Gareth, why is Miss Courtney here? I could swear it usually takes at least a day before anyone is asking for help.”
Gareth scratched his neck, before deciding to just redirect Eddie's gaze. “Well, there's been a mix-up, with Camp Royalty I think.”
“Daughter of a wealthy businessman wanting you to follow in his steps or fulfil traditional gender roles?” Eddie summarised his views of the campers across the lake.
“Something like that, but this was meant to be a fun week away from that.” She offered.
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Not sure how that camp is getting away from it, but fine. Do you want me to call and sort out a transfer or to rebel a little, stick around here and find out how much fun you can really have?”
Courtney paused, watching him. “I don't think I'd really be much good here, so if it isn't a hassle, please can you arrange for me to transfer to the camp they meant to send me to?” She uncertainly requested.
“Your choice. Gareth will point you to the right note your staying in while I sort that out.” Eddie agreed easily with a wave.
Steve was already pinching his nose by the time the phone was answered. “You're through to Camp Rock, if this is family news for the students please only call if it's urgent they know. How can I help?”
“Hey Gareth, it's Steve from Camp Royalty. I need to speak to Eddie. We've got one of your campers here.” He explained, already aware that Eddie rarely was the first to answer the phone.
“And we've got one of yours. I'll find him, but are we really not just letting them swap and skipping the paperwork?” Gareth asked, the sound of a door opening and closing audible through the phone.
Steve groaned, “I wish. It's the insurance paperwork though. We're already paying extra because there's no fence or separation between the borders of our camps. If we swapped campers between them without paperwork to say who is staying where the premiums would inflate exponentially.”
“Oh Stevie, you sure know how to solve a problem.” Eddie replied, chipper and confusing him before he realised the phone had been handed over without him being told. “But seriously? Are they actually charging us extra for that? Because that is idiotic.”
“The joys of things my parents forced me to learn, right? Insurance companies like to be precise over what they protect us from and things that make them more at risk.” Steve muttered, “Anyway, I've got a camper called Erika who should be over at your camp.”
Eddie laughed, “You're not sending the Sinclairs over to me just because baby Sinclair can walk rings around you.”
“Erika Juno.”
“Point to Steve.” Eddie stated, “Okay, well we do have a Miss Courtney who should be over with the snobs too. What forms do we need to processing to transfer them to each other?”
He sighed again, chuckling a little. “Just because I was forced to use computers before you found the need to doesn't mean I'm in charge of telling you how they work.” He said before explaining what the forms should be for, as well as what information would need to be included and agreeing to send copies of them over.
Robin was stood leaning against the door when he got off the phone. “You are still so gone on Eddie, it's almost sickening.”
“Not my fault that I'm a romantic.” He countered, leaning back in his seat.
“This isn't being a romantic, this is pining hopelessly without daring to ask for more than your half confrontational, half weirdly dependant neighbours thing you two have.” She stated, deadpan, “And that's coming from your entirely co-dependant, no borders allowed platonic soulmate.”
“Robin, this is how I manage it.” Steve stated the moment he heard Erika Juno actually sing. “This is how we get Eddie to take the rest of the lake without trying to push money on me.”
Robin frowned at him, glancing around in confusion. “By walking through our camp listening to the singing classes masquerading as an acapella choir?”
“No, by making a bet on a singing competition between our camps, making Eddie think we're that confident in the Camp Rock kid we've got being able to win it for us. Winner gets the full lake.” Steve explained, grinning, “She's amazing but with the Camp Royalty campers making cliques just as much as Hawkins High did, she'll be fighting a losing battle to make the song win the contest.”
“Steve Harrington wants to set up a competition to deliberately lose? Did I die in the upside down and this is a very long hallucination.” Robin exclaimed playfully, after a quick glance around to confirm none of their campers was close enough to hear.
Steve shook his head, laughing too. “You know I've not been that focused on winning for years, practically since before we ever worked together.”
Gareth and Eddie both stared at the phone in confusion. “That was on loudspeaker. I didn't just imagine that entire conversation, right?” Eddie mumbled after a while.
“Nope. Steve Harrington just suggested a song contest between our camps. Either he's going to fix the judges, or he's literally trying to give the rest of the lake to you for some reason.” Gareth agreed.
“Now come up with something believable for a suggestion.” He glared.
Holding up his hands and stepping back he repeated a comment the entire band had directed to Eddie a million times over the years, “Both are believable and quite possibly he'd fix it in order for us to win. Harrington has been gone on you for-literally-ever at this point. Why else would he have given you this property in your break up as if it was a divorce instead? That and I'm 100% certain his parents never knew that he'd brought the entire thing and then given half of it away.”
“It was the easiest way to get my name off the deed without getting me to agree to him buying it out.” Eddie mumbled back. “Besides he's definitely not now since he wants to get away from me and the lake.”
Gareth rolled his eyes. “Remind me how long you've been asking how much to buy him out? This could easily be just trying to fulfil what you want for the hundredth time. Someone wanting to get away from you would not, I repeat Would Not spend ages teaching you what paperwork or computer filing needs doing to run your camp effectively.”
“So he's still a good guy. He still dumped me so he could play happy families with mum and dad Harrington.” Eddie pouted.
With the bet confirmed, Steve had wanted to just let the campers enjoy preparing for it, decide who forms the acapella group and which songs they do. The issue was that the campers didn't seem all that willing to just enjoy the process themselves.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, stepping between Olivia and Erika calmly.
“Just an artistic difference of opinion.” Olivia said, sounding stressed and overly polite compared to the ferocity that had been in her voice moments before.
Erika held out the pages he'd thought they were arguing over. “I was just asking if we could try a song I've been playing around with for the contest.”
“Friendship is a more relatable subject to sing about than being royalty, which, I might add, none of us should claim to be. Being rich because of parents successful in business does not guarantee our own success without putting the work in and learning to get along with those around us.” Steve reasoned, repeating some advice he knew Robin must have told him at some point early on in the career his parents pulled and pushed him into. She'd followed along, of course, but neither of them had enjoyed their work until they decided to build and open this camp.
“We've already chosen our performance piece.” Olivia attempted to argue but was clearly now uncertain on how important that was.
Steve nodded, “But you still have a few days left to practice. Plenty of time to learn a new song should the rest of the group want to do so. This shouldn't be a decision made by just the two of you.”
The girls glared at each other for a moment more before turning back to the group. “Okay guys, let's try practising both for today and voting on which we like more at the start of tomorrow session.” Olivia called out, clearly unhappy but accepting his point.
He just wanted to rock out with the band, perhaps give a few hints and tips to the future chart toppers.
He did not want to walk into the studio to Sloane screaming corrections at the rest of the group and Marcus claiming no-one was feeling the song they were using for the competition.
“What if we played one of Courtney's songs?” Zia suggested.
Sloane was immediately scoffing, none of them noticing Eddie there still. “A princess can't write songs.”
“A good song can come from anywhere and anyone.” He interrupted. “Looks like you found your skills for Camp Rock. Let's hear whichever song Zia thinks would fit the competition.”
Eddie beamed as he listened to the song and got to rock out to it a bit. This was what music was meant to be about, sharing a story and having some fun together. He couldn't help but declare it able to win the competition, even if he thought he should have tried getting his campers to find a compromise themselves.
Steve had headed back to his office, already drafting up the paperwork to sign everything over to Eddie and thought he'd heard something. If it was one of the party surprising him during a camp week he knew he'd have to wait until they decided to jump out, given both Dustin and Mike had kicked up a fuss the times he didn't. Except if it was a camper then he should probably check on them in case there's an issue he needs to help resolve.
Or he could monologue about the bet and see whether the campers react to learning about it at all. “Eddie better have the paperwork ready for when I win that bet. Camp Royalty has this in the bag and Camp Rock should be preparing to close its doors.” He tried to make his words believable while meaning none of them. He never wanted to make his campers doubt themselves or their abilities even when he was hoping they'd lose the competition.
A gasp and the sound of his table scraping slightly along the floor showed whoever was there heard and was trying to hide even more than before. “I better start getting the expansion plans finalised.” He decided, turning around to head out of the room.
Whatever was going to happen could come now, and hopefully that wouldn't backfire on him.
The stage and binding lights had never been Steve's place. He'd never wanted the spotlight and had barely dated Eddie long enough to dream about helping them on tour, doing something backstage so he could just watch Eddie perform every night.
It had always been a 'what if' daydream since then, but now he had to co-host, at Eddie's insistence, this entire event.
“Can you believe he's single? I hear opposites attract, maybe you should find someone funny.” The words felt foreign to him, and he begged in his mind that Robin wouldn't be quoting that at him later. She already was mouthing opposites attract at his back, he was sure of it, even more so when Eddie's expression momentarily twisted.
“Let's introduce the judges.” Eddie announced, thankfully ending the stilted commentary they'd attempted making to begin the show.
Robin and Steve were jumping around and cheering like mad.
On the other side of the audience Eddie was screaming and whistling, leaping around while Gareth hollered and encourage the rest of their campers to applaud louder.
“Never in my life did I expect this to be the outcome of this competition! I want to commend whichever campers managed to orchestrate this amalgamation, this blending, this meeting of worlds, if only for how much they must have been racing around the lake constantly to organise it.” Steve ran out onto the stage, realising that the applause was slowing down and as hosts he and Eddie were meant to be there. A glance back to the Camp Royalty section of the audience showed Robin laughing at his praise.
Eddie was soon to follow, clearly prepared to argue but pausing just as he was beside Steve, “I entirely agree, but also entirely expected you to be arguing with this. Whatever happened to competition is healthy for our campers?” He asked, clearly attempting to question whether the bet they'd made still stood.
Steve laughed, gesturing behind them, “I think it's pretty clear that even our campers don't agree with that. They've decided that rock and royalty can work together and I long since learnt better than to argue with a large group of teens. Perhaps we should even merge our camps together to see what else they'll create.”
“Hey Steve? You wanted to congratulate us for storming away from camp and befriending each other instead?” Erika called, arm around Courtney and pulling her forward from the rest of the performers.
Eddie burst out laughing then, “Oh I am so glad not to have gotten involved in whatever camp drama caused that reaction. Let me guess, you both struggled to get along with everyone in the camps you ended up in and stood out enough to have confrontations.”
“Just a few.” Courtney admitted.
Both camps were saved, and the band had somehow launched into a completely different song Eddie was sure couldn't have been rehearsed half as much as should've been necessary to perform it so well. Except instead of being allowed to just enjoy it, he found himself being pushed away, and lowered into the backstage area by Gareth, with Robin doing the same thing to Steve, on the same lowering platform.
“I get the feeling they want us to talk.” Steve muttered, glancing around to see where the platform control was instead of heading for the way out into the audience.
“Gareth is probably expecting me to ask if this was your attempt to give me the rest of the lake or if we could date again.” Eddie sighed, hoping if he just brought up those talking points they could get back to their celebrating scheming campers quickly. “But I want to know why the campers would have made themselves a supergroup at all.”
For a moment he was just blinked at. “To Gareth's questions, the answer is yes. And to yours, I was pretty sure one was hiding in my office a few days back so spoke aloud about the bet. Not sure who or why they were hiding, but you said it yourself, I'm happy not to get involved in the camper's drama.”
“When the hell did you start wanting this again? You told me we couldn't be together and you had to spend time with your parents if they were going to so much effort for you.” Eddie ranted.
That was the thing that made Steve snap, that brought out the fierce glare Eddie had seen a few times when Hawkins was still treating him like a murderer after the Upside Down was dealt with. “I Never Stopped! I'm still utterly insulted you believed half of the nonsense I said when breaking up with you and infitely hurt you just immediately decided I was reverting back to being King Steve. The Harrington's could have destroyed any chance you had to get this far! Those albums on your walls could have been gone before you dreamt them up if my parents found out we dated! Who cares that I'd have been immediately either disowned with everything they could take from me taken, or trapped in the lowest role of their business with no chance to progress until they decided I was straight and following their orders, you would have lost your dreams! Business owners don't let their kids have room in rockstars worlds.”
“There was always room for you in my life, Stevie. You never asked for it back.” Eddie's voice had softened, sounded comforting now in the face of anger now being thrown at him.
“You immediately called me King Steve when first opening your camp beside mine. Even when Gareth was pretty chill to talk with, you left the wall there. How was I meant to know I could ask for anything?” The energy was gone from his words and his head came to rest on Eddie's shoulder. “So I just took what I could helping and arguing as you wanted.”
Eddie nudged him back from his hiding place in his neck, one hand coming up to tilt Steve's face to his own. “Well what I want now is to date and run one big camp with you. Is that something you think you could stand?”
Steve smiled, nodding, “On 2 conditions. 1. I'm in charge of the filing and paperwork with Gareth's help for the numbers side of it all.”
“And the other?”
“You kiss me already.”
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
I love thinking about everyone coming back to Hawkins eventually
Steve is the Middle School guidance councillor (Mr. Clarke is now the principal) Robin is the High School guidance counsellor and runs the school's gay/straight alliance. The two of them went to the same college, they just can’t stop looking out for other kids going through rough times.
Will is not only a fantastic artist but a wonderful storyteller. he gets a degree in English literature and he does a few art classes to be the best he can be and he turns his stories into graphic novels that he illustrates himself. The Stranger Things series is published through scholastic and in libraries all over the country, he gets fan mail from other weird kids who found solace in the stories, he does book signings and he takes photos with groups of friends that formed over the love of HIS book and it makes everything worth it. with the success of the book he can move anywhere he wants to, but he just buys a nice big house in Hawkins with enough space for anyone in the party to stay when they visit. and Joyce lives with him too, she takes care of the house when he's out on book tours and talk shows and she's so, so proud of him.
El was able to get into an adult education program and catch up to a grade 12 education by the time she’s 23. After that she goes to college, she gets a degree in early childhood education and she works in the elementary school as an EA for special needs children. Now she runs the special needs program at both Hawkins middle and high and her office is right beside Steve’s.
Dustin originally goes to school for engineering but gets sidetracked when he meets some people in the radio and communications courses. He ends up switching over and getting his degree in television broadcasting. Now he's Dustin Henderson head news correspondent for HAWK Channel 7 News, he does the 6 and 11 o'clock news, and his voice fills the homes of Hawkins residents for many years
Erika goes to college and gets a degree in political science and comes back to run for mayor of Hawkins and she wins. she’s the mayor for a long time until she decides to run for governor. And then president.
Jonathan is so burnt out from everything and the trauma of it all that he doesn't do anything big for a while. He works odd jobs, he gets hired for some prom photos and then some engagement photos and then the same couple comes to him a year later for their baby's newborn photos and that's where his career starts. He makes business cards, he gets a business loan and rents out a building downtown and he opens a photography studio. He's Erika's campaign photographer, Steve and Robin get him a contract with the school for grad photos, and he loves it.
Argyle befriends Keith whose parents own both the arcade and family video and he convinces them to open up a Surfer Boy Pizza branch in Hawkins to go with their games and movies... and now He's the manager of said Surfer Boy Pizza and living his best life.
Max is a doctor at the hospital. When she was in recovery, she got bored just sitting in her room in her wheelchair so she asked to help out. They let her do rounds and learn what a nurse did every day which helped her get up and start walking again… and she ended up loving every second of it. She went back to high school after that and took every science course she could, she went to college on a scholarship and she came back to Hawkins Memorial hospital as soon as she could. Now she's head of trauma surgery in the ER.
Nancy comes back to Hawkins in the 2000s after years of being a big city cop in Indianapolis for many years, ready to take over as the Hawkins Chief of Police when Hopper retires.
Much like Nancy, Mike also works with the Hawkins police. He is a social worker who relocates children during an emergency. If a couple passes away in a car accident, a domestic dispute, or anything, Mr. Wheeler is called in to talk to the kids, make sure they're okay and drive them to their Foster parent or next of kin. It's a very hard job to do but he has experience with finding kids on the worst night of their life and making sure they're taken care of.
Lucas doesn't know what he wants to do for a while. he takes a basketball scholarship to a really good college somewhere far away and he thinks he'll find himself there... and he's right. he gets hurt in his 3rd game and benched until he's better, causing him to spend a decent amount of time with the team's physical therapist. he remembers when max was in recovery and how he liked to help her and so he switches his major to Kinesiology and he becomes an occupational therapist for people with chronic illnesses and severe disabilities. he moves back to Hawkins when Erika gets elected, the town a lot different and there's a large number of veterans in the area too since the war, she convinces him to move back and open a care facility, cause no one understands Vets better than someone who's been on the front lines himself.
Eddie tours around as a guitarist for some solo artists for a few years and then comes back to Hawkins to set up a music store where he does guitar lessons for kids after school.
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complicatedsquishy · 2 years
Ima say it again, this is Steve Harrington trying to be supportive and play dungeon and dragons with the party
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piastrinorris · 2 years
the fruity four as the worlds beyond number cast discussing how to eat reese's pieces, clockwise from top left:
steve harrington as lou wilson
eddie munson as brennan lee mulligan
robin buckley as erika ishii
nancy wheeler as aabria iyengar
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punchyhorse · 1 year
Don’t do it. Don’t. Do it.
Do not.
But look. Look. Steve’s not much of a hand talker, not like Eddie or Robin. He uses gestures pointedly, for emphasis, not like he’ll die if he doesn’t use his entire body to get his point across. It results in a lot of sharp movements, one big finger on one big hand jabbing at the air, or cutting through it, short, succinct movements that catch Eddie’s attention like a shiny does a crow and encourage the festering attraction.
Steve has Really Nice hands. 
And Eddie? Eddie would really like those hands in and around him in any way that he can get.
Alas. Steve is straight and really wouldn’t appreciate his arguably all male friend sucking on his finger out of nowhere. So. His mostly male friend keeps it in his pants, even though Steve’s just there, beside him, throwing up one hand in exasperation at Dustin while the other holds a slice of pizza.
He doesn’t realize he’s done it until there’s a warm, salty weight on his tongue and everyone goes silent.
Well. Intrusive thoughts: 2 - Eddie Munson: 0. 
He slips off slowly, dragging his tongue up the underside of Steve’s finger as he goes, making deliberate, unwavering eye contact with Steve. He’s making the same expression he did the last time Eddie let his intrusive thoughts win, leaning close in the RV and calling him Big Boy. Being just as disgustingly transparent as he is right now.
It’s cute, is the thing. Caught off guard. Knowing that guy pals don’t act like that around each other but trying to justify it anyways. Confused and bitchy about it.
Robin’s fake gagging in the back. Someone else is chortling wildly, snorting and ugly. Eddie finishes pulling off with a wet pop and grins, dragging his tongue along his incisors, and says nothing.
Steve’s turning red.
Everyone else turns back to what was occupying them before. Max, distantly, demands to know what just happened, cackling when Lucas explains, deadpan and long suffering. 
Steve’s frozen, the little hamster wheel of his brain turning so fast it’s nearly smoking, still with that bitchy expression, the pursed lips and lowered brows and thousand mile stare into the distance. 
Eddie leans in, ready to take pity and put the poor guy out of his misery. His pizza is drooping under its own weight, toppings about to take a dive onto his parents nearly pristine white sofa. Steve’s eyes snap to his face when he draws near, then dip down, down, and catch on his lips, Eddie’s tongue still poking out. His face changes, eyebrows lifting, eyes widening that little bit more, mouth dropping open. Eddie’s so close that they’re nearly nose to nose, guiding Steve’s pizza hand closer, closer. He touches the tips of their noses together, nuzzling just to see Steve go cross eyed, then dips and takes a massive bite of Steve’s pizza.
“Dude, what the fuck?!” Steve splutters, looking between his pizza, which is half gone, and Eddie’s puffed out chipmunk cheeks. His mouth’s too full to reply, too full for the giggles that are trying to escape. He garbles out an unintelligible something, flapping his hands, manages to chew and swallow half of the food without choking.
Then he gets soaked in ice water. Judging by the indignant squawk, Steve gets drenched too.
“You two need to cool the fuck down,” Erika snarks, two empty pitchers held aloft, shaking out the last few drops on their already dripping wet heads. Everyone else roars with laughter over Steve’s protests, and Eddie thinks, yeah.
Maybe it’s not the worst think to let them win sometimes.
“Jesus Christ, Jesus CHRIST, what the FUCK?!?!?!!”
“Calm down, dingus, before you have a stroke.”
“I can’t CAlm DOwn, RObin, did you see that?! What does that even mean?? Who DOES that?!”
“Babe, he full on deep throated your finger, how do you not know what that means? And you were, like, super into it. I didn’t need to know that about you.”
“No- it wasn’t- uh uh, it was just a- guy being a guy, doing dude stuff.”
“Even if it was, which it wasn’t, your reaction definitely took it out of the realm of “dude stuff.” Most guys, if their pal tried that, would either punch first, ask questions later, or shove them off, groan about how gross that was, and wipe off their hand.”
“But- girls!”
“And, apparently, Eddie.”
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Here is some shots from the stranger things store in Dallas!
Have a strange day! ❤️🖤
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sebyplay · 2 years
Here's my headcanon about the St characters sexuality (pls respect mine, thank you)
Straight: Dustin, Enzo, Erika, Hopper, Joyce, Karen, Lucas, Steve, Suzie, Owen.
Gay: Alexie, Mike, Murray, Will, Yuri
Lesbian: Eden, Robin
Bi: Chrissy, Eddie, Max, Nancy, Vickie
Pan: Argyle, Eleven, Jonathan
polyam: Eleven, Lucas, Max
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greekgeek24 · 2 years
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padme-amidala · 1 year
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ERIKA’S 2K CELEBRATION: Top 10 Stranger Things dynamics (as voted by my followers) [insp.]
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salemoleander · 1 year
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solving counting sheep webweave
MCYTblr AU Fest Summer 2023 // sources under readmore
Created as a treat for the absolutely stunning fic by @theminecraftbee!
What is a webweave? Previous art: Third Life | Void Falling | Attempt 33 | Martyn | Limited Life | Nightingale Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | singing songs to the secrets behind my eye | A Hundred Things We Had Not Dreamed Of
Pt. 1: The Specialist’s Hat, Stranger Things Happen p.63  / Kelly Link ◆ Requiem Angel / Daniele Valeriani via @satanasaeternus ◆ Maschera Venetian Joker Mask / Atelier Marega Mask ◆ Macbeth 1.5.57-61 / Shakespeare ◆ Watch / Carol Milne ◆ Excerpt from Salt Is For Curing / Sonia Vatomsky via @geryone ◆ Carved Damascus Steel Bird Knife / Robert Mayo ◆ Excerpt from STOP ME IF YOU’VE HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE, Calling a Wolf a Wolf / Kaveh Akbar ◆ off to finish it at the source / @catcrumb ◆ Excerpt from The War of Vaslav Nijinsky / Frank Bidart ◆ Having a cat is great tweet / @premeesaurus ◆ Secrete / Kate MccGwire via @snailspng
Pt. 2: I am asking you to endure it. / @intactics (Deactivated 12.31.21) ◆ Hi! You have great eyes / @illness (Deactivated 3.25.18) ◆ Taste for Independence Cat / @alisonzai ◆ Support Mental Health pin / @snailspng ◆ A Barn at Kronetorp, Skåne / Gustaf Rydberg ◆ Living: There is a period when it is clear... / Jenny Holzer via @funeral ◆ Neighborhood Plague, Fjords I / Zachary Schomburg ◆ Ugly, Bitter, and True / Suzanne Rivecca ◆ It just keeps happening / @mothcub ◆ Shepherd with Flock of Sheep / Anton Mauve ◆ No Longer Evil cat / @b0nkcreat ◆ Excerpt from All Our Futures / Jody Chan via @geryone ◆ Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stitch / Carol Milne via @knithacker ◆ Deep Dark Fear (9.29.2013) / Fran Krause @deep-dark-fears
Pt. 3: Read more pop-up / @screenshotsofdespair ◆ Combination of Painter Javier Palacios and Enoch 18:14 /  @mountainqoats ◆ Wandering Albatross ◆ Diomedes ◆ Forgive dead players: OFF / @screenshotsofdespair ◆ Inktober52 Angel / @lastmousequeen-blog ◆ The Heavenly Host / Violet Oakley ◆ Excerpt from No Rush / Todd Dillard ◆ I will not go gentle magnets / @carpethedamndiem ◆ Excerpt from cain / José Saramago via @ilumark (Deactivated 2.5.22) ◆ Excerpt from Salt Is For Curing / Sonya Vatomsky via @geryone ◆ Purple / @ungfio via @sosuperawesome ◆ Excerpt from Lessons on Expulsion / Erika Sánchez via @geryone ◆ The Practical Companion to the Work-Table, Containing Directions for Knitting, Netting, & Crochet Work / Elizabeth Jackson via @knittinghistory
Pt. 4: Excerpt from A Ghost is a Memory / GennaRose Nethercott via @tolerateit ◆ What’s done is done / @thatsbelievable ◆ Excerpt from Ante body / Marwa Helal via @geryone ◆ Minor Resurrections / Elisa Gonzalez ◆ Mirror ◆ Coming back / @ungfio ◆ Candlestick ◆ Flame
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eggmode · 12 days
fact checking the "haitian immigrants are eating pets in springfield ohio" thing so you dont have to
(even though you should abaolutely look into it yourself instead of taking the word of some stranger on the internet)
it is not true.
it started because of four separate incidents: a woman made a facebook post that incidentally incited the rumor; there was a graphic video of a woman (in no way connected to haiti) from canton, ohio allegedly killing and eating a cat; a picture of a man from columbus, ohio carrying a dead goose down the street; and the death of an 11 year old boy after his school bus was crashed into by an immigrant from haiti.
first, erika lee was the woman who made a facebook post about her neighbor's missing cat. the neighbors, according to the post, thought that their haitian neighbors had something to do with the disappearance, but no proof to back it up. erika admits deep regret for her accidental spreading of hate towards the haitian immigrant community, and has since deleted the post.
second, the woman who alleged to have killed a cat with intentions to eat it was from canton, ohio, not springfield. she isn't a haitian immigrant, nor does she have any relation to haitian immigrants- she's always lived in canton.
third, the guy carrying the dead goose? the image was found to be taken in columbus ohio and posted on the columbus subreddit. the person who took the photo has admitted regret for posting it because of how its been weaponized against the haitian immigrant community. also we don't know whether or not the guy killed the goose or for what purpose, if so.
an 11 year old boy did die in a collision caused by a haitian immigrant crashing into a school bus. however, the boy's father has stated that he never allowed trump to politicize his son's death against immigrants.
my conclusion? it seems like the far right are trying to cartoonishly demonize the haitian people as a means of inciting fear into voters to get them to support trump. this comes from a place of extreme fascism and racism.
yeah, it's funny to look at what trump said in the debate with harris. "haha he thinks people are eating pet dogs in ohio! crazy, huh?" but let's take a step back to think about where these claims are coming from, and why he's making them. critical thinking, baby
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stxrvel · 1 year
gym time
summary: you didn't expect to meet someone like Bucky Barnes when you decided to enter the gym, especially since his looks and words were anything but friendly.
pairing: au!bucky barnes x f!reader
words: +1k
warning: uhm, descriptions of bucky working out? some bad words. also i suck at summaries but what i was trying to say is that bucky is very suggestive here, and there will be suggestive conversations iykwim. this chapter doesn't contain too much of that but still minors do not interact!!!!
note: hi guys! um, i dont know what to say. being honest idk why i wrote this when i dont know if i'll ever be able to continue it, i think it was for the joy or fun in it and maybe trying to test new things? i kind of wrote the draft for a second part but i dont think i want this one to be a series, i wanted to see it like a drabble but i got carried away and now there are too many words. but what i do know now is that i will be pleased to write drabbles in a scenario like this, like in this universe or au. if you guys liked this (which i hope so) would you mind sending me what would you like to see next? only time will tell how good i'm doing but i hope i can at least entertain you a little. anyway, looking forward to your opinions and i really hope you like this one! since it's my first time writing in this kind of genre :'(
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You were at the gym. It had been barely a week since you had started with the goal of creating a routine in your life, because work was consuming you from the inside out. Coming home no longer felt like it used to, when you still had the fever of being independent and being able to get yourself everything you wanted. Adult life really was a mud puddle compared to what we always thought as kids.
So… yeah, you decided to join the gym closest to your apartment to try to change your bad procrastination habits a bit. Maybe now that you were paying for it with your own money you'd feel more like going, just for the sake of not making the money go to waste. But, hey, it was something.
During that week everything had been relatively fine. You hadn't had any problems with anyone, no awkward comments and you had gotten some workout partners to take turns lifting weights or running on the treadmills with at the same time.
It was honestly becoming your favorite place to be after work.
And, well, of course, there was him.
The man you shared end-to-end glances with at the gym. He never came close, always kept his space, unless he had to use some machine near where you were.
He looked like a decent man… and definitely sexy. But you didn't dare get close even though it seemed to be the only thing the two of you wanted to do. The furtive glances weren't even accidental anymore, you both sought each other out through the masses of air as if it was second nature to you. And that upset you too much because it hadn't been too many days, how could you feel so passionate and heated just sharing glances with a stranger? Within what you didn't know there might be something you didn't like, even.
Anyway, you had to avert your gaze each time before it became too much, but it always seemed like it wasn't enough for the people around you not to notice.
“Why don't you just go talk to him?” Veronica spoke in front of you, waiting for Erika to leave the press to start her series.
You were on the treadmill finishing your routine that day and that man was on the other side of the gym, lifting weights like they were nothing. You had watched him for so long without embarrassment that you had almost memorized every line of his massive arms. And your partners that day had definitely noticed.
“I don't think it's appropriate,” was all you could think of.
Erika snorted, lowering her legs as she put down the weights. “She's afraid the sexual tension surrounding them will suffocate her.”
“Erika!” you scowled at her. “Stop talking nonsense.”
“I'm of the same opinion as Veronica, you should just go talk to him. If it turns out his personality isn't as sexy as his body, you're not going to lose anything and you're going to gain a lot.”
Veronica, who had already settled into the press after Erika cleaned the chair, nodded animatedly at her partner's words.
You turned your head to look at him again, just as his strong hands released the weight that bounced to the floor. You saw him shake his arms slightly and move his shoulders in circles, releasing the tension a little at a time. Even in the distance you could make out as if he were right beside you the line of his veins running around his arms and the-
“Look at her, she's drooling already.”
You clicked your tongue and Erika only shared a chuckle with Veronica. You decided to focus solely on getting the treadmill over with quickly so you could get through that day.
You came out of the shower with an incredible freshness dancing in your body. In the bathrooms the atmosphere was always a little cooler than in the center of the gym, so the time after the bath was one of your favorites. Veronica and Erika had already left, they had said goodbye before you entered the shower. They always left at seven o'clock at night, but you preferred to stay a little longer and enjoy the showers you paid for because you didn't have much to do at home when you got there.
With the towel over your right shoulder you walked towards the lockers to get your training bag and other belongings. You thought for a moment about leaving a few things from your bag since there would be a zumba class early tomorrow morning and maybe you were getting a little interested in going, when you heard some footsteps close to where you were.
There shouldn't have been too many people left in the gym at that time because closing time was at 8:00 p.m., so someone else must have gotten out of the shower to get their belongings just like you.
You decided to leave a few things in the locker for the next day's class, encouraging you a little more to leave the house a little earlier. Anyway, you knew Veronica would be there so you wouldn't be alone.
You pulled out the bag with the things you were going to take with you and closed the locker. You turned around to leave, when you finally realized who else had come in after you.
It was him. It was that man.
You had never met him in the evenings. He always left before seven o'clock so you never had the chance to meet him alone until that moment, when you stopped dead in front of him, your sneakers grinding against the floor as if you had braked violently at fifty kilometers per hour.
Your locker was all the way in the left corner of that room and it looked like his was a few spaces away from yours in the same direction, closer to the door.
His gaze lifted in your direction at the sound of your shoes and you had to squeeze your bag strap tightly over your shoulder, eating your embarrassment fiercely.
“Hey,” he spoke first and his voice was nothing like you had imagined.
It was incredibly better. His baritone tone, somewhat raspy and light, sounded like he didn't have a care in the world. The way he slightly curved his lips sent an electric sensation throughout your body. He had given you that smile before, but at that proximity it was a whole new experience. It seemed like your body began to vibrate on another frequency.
“How did you like the gym?”
The man turned back to you, closing his locker almost at the same time and leaning his shoulder against it in the most smooth way you'd ever seen, handling his body with a confidence that almost made you feel intimidated.
“You're new here, aren't you?”
“Ah, yes,” you nodded slightly, again feeling that embarrassment make its way from your throat. “I've really liked the gym, I've felt very comfortable thankfully. And the monthly plans are very good, affordable.”
The man nodded attentively at your words, as you tried to keep your composure under his sharp gaze.
“I'm Bucky,” he suddenly introduced himself, stepping a little closer to where you stood.
“I'm Y/N,” you kept your voice steady as you raised your hand to meet his that had just extended in front of you at a safe distance. “A pleasure.”
“The pleasure's all mine,” Bucky gave your hand a good shake, causing things in your body that you were too embarrassed to admit. You didn't know if your cheeks could get flushed, but at that moment you felt like they looked cartoonish, vibrant red and hot. “And I'm glad to hear you're comfortable. I do my best to make my clients happy.”
Even though you felt spellbound under the piercing fierceness of those blue eyes, your ears were still working enough to allow your head to process what you'd heard.
“You're the owner?”
Bucky nodded and you wanted to hide your head in a hole for a moment.
So you'd been eye-fucking the owner of the gym? Hell, now that you thought about it more clearly, it could even be that this man was older than you, much older.
Oh no, the things you had to go through for not being a little more prudent. Good thing that embarrassing moment would only be in your head.
“And now that you know, you can drop any complaints or recommendations directly to me, if you want.”
You let out a short laugh, trying to cut through the awkwardness you felt inside as you realized the situation you were in.
“Sure, yeah, anything I need to tell you I'll do it personally.”
“Also if you want me to change something… give you something or do something, you can tell me.”
“Sure,” you nodded quickly, starting to move around him to get closer to the exit. Bucky wouldn't take his eyes off you. “Now I know I'm counting on you for anything…. From the gym, that is.”
Your awkward laugh died under his intense but amused gaze. Was he enjoying it?
“And you can talk to me, if you want too,” Bucky continued speaking as you completely surrounded him and now found yourself in the position he had been before, “not just watching me from afar.”
You were sure the blood had left your face by this time. Your level of embarrassment had gone over the edge and in that instant you didn't know how to do anything but look at him as if he had caught you in the middle of a crime. You tightened the strap of your bag while holding your breath as you noticed him moving a little closer towards you.
“It's not that it bothers me, don't go thinking that. It's just that… I'd like to get to know you a little more if that's possible.”
“Uhm…” you mumbled with a dry mouth, the reflection of the light in his blue eyes much clearer against the short distance between the two of you. You passed saliva with difficulty, shaking your head to answer him, “Yeah, sure. I'd like to know you too.”
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he nodded at your words, not making a move to get any closer. If that five-foot distance alone already felt like you were suffocating, you didn't want to imagine what it would be like to have him standing to the side or behind you explaining how to do some exercise even though you already knew how to do them all…
“See you then, doll.”
He walked around you, walking away from that conversation and that tension like it was nothing, like a bomb hadn't just exploded in front of you. You couldn't even say anything goodbye to him, you didn't know in that instant how to move your mouth.
For a moment you felt so foolish for allowing yourself to show yourself in such a vulnerable way in front of a man… but, at the same time, so much had happened since the last time you had actively flirted with one of them (even though what you had done at that moment had been spitting words). You'd barely had a taste to remember what the adrenaline, excitement and anticipation of having a truly fun night was like… that you didn't plan on letting go.
Bucky had thrown you that rope and you were sure you were going to take it.
a/n: thank you for reading!! <3
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agarthanguide · 1 year
I just realized that Deanna looks like smol Gina Torres, who is my #1 Space Mom. Was that on purpose? What was the direction from Aabria? How does the process of creating the guests’ art compare to what you do with the main cast?
It was not intentional!  Aabria was pretty descriptive about Deanna, but I’d say Deanna actually has a lot of influence from animation, more than real life markers.  In fact, she was getting so far from realism that I consciously stepped up and chose to hyper-render the knitted and textile elements to see if I could ground her, a little. But her features- her big eyes, her button nose, her heavily defined curls- and her proportions are simply not realistic enough to meaningfully reference a human.  That being said, I’m hugely flattered that anything I’ve ever drawn could make someone think of Gina Torres, who is actually my wife (I share her with tens of thousands of others who also have immaculate taste).
As for guest processes- they are all very different, but I can honestly say that the Dimension 20 kids are like- they are succinct, descriptive, flexible, and fast.  They are honestly such pros.  I thought it was an Aabria thing- I remember thinking- oh, she must make 5 characters a week, and she’s so good at YesAnd-ing, I’m sure that this is a one-off experience with an amazing player (this was during Laerryn).  But then Emily and Lou and (half of) Erika were exactly the same!  IDK if that’s because they are ALSO hyper-prolific and well practiced, or if this is circumstance, but it was Notable.
As a general rule, I’d say that the guest characters are faster than the main cast, but I think that’s just because they aren’t gearing up to inhabit that character for potentially years, so they don’t need to feel complete comfort the way a long-term player would.  It’s not because they care less, or because I care less.  The actual lining/rendering has the same level of effort.
The only person who really freaked me out was Utkarsh/Bor’dor, because he had a really intense description, but then deferred to my opinion on like most things (actually, just clothing. Utkarsh was pretty specific about things like face and hair and eyes and expression).  And I didn’t know anything about him, but I was pretty sure something was up with him, so I wrote a list of things that could be changed at the drop of a hat, in case the story went that way.  And then I sat for weeks worrying about it and wondering if I should like... paint in glowing eyes, or a version with his cape thrown back revealing... something!  Or whatever!
But honestly, I think the fact that ultimately he was a carefully constructed terrified kid who was then thrown into rags by a stranger was... pretty on the nose, actually.  Sad, right?
Anyway, Aabria rocks.  Very hard.
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hererafjastori · 10 months
The movie Barbie in Princess and the Pauper is deeply misunderstood. In this essay I will…
No but like, seriously. I have come across too many people making fun of “I’m just like you” and fundamentally misunderstanding both the meaning of the song, and Annalise as a character, by acting like Annalise is a rich brat who doesn’t know to be grateful for what she has. So we are going to take an in-depth look at the song, Annalise, Erika, their situations and their character, and make a few things clear.
Let’s start with the above mentioned song, and the widespread opinion, that the girls and the movie act like there is no difference between Annelise living in constant luxury, and Erika suffering the life of an indentured servant. But what is happening has a lot more nuance.
First of: Annelise is not the instigator for this compare and contrast. Note how it’s Erika who starts comparing their lives, not Annelise, who reacts very perplexed. Annelise would have been fine with Erika never figuring out she was a princess, and only starts talking about the luxuries that being a princess grants her, after Erika prompts her. This is not Annalise bragging about her life, downplaying the privilege she enjoys or whining about how hard her situation is. This is her replying to Erikas enquire by both, acknowledging the vast difference there is between their lives, but also by underlining the ridiculousness that is such luxury. We can see later, in the movie, when Erika gets her breakfast, that there are no fucking minstrels. And Erika is totally on board with that, she even plays around with her, look at the way she interacts with the ‘omelet’ Analise presents her with. And later in the song, Erika acknowledges that the ‘married to a total stranger’ situation sucks.
But let’s take a look at the ways they recognize that they are the same. What are their similarities?
“I’m just like you, you’re just like me, there’s somewhere else we’d rather be. Somewhere that’s ours, somewhere that dreams come true, yes I am a girl like you. You’d never think, that it was so, but now I’ve met you and I know. […] ”
“I would never tell my mother. I wouldn’t wanna disappoint her.” “I completely understand.”
“[…]We take responsibility. We carry through, do what we need to do, yes I am a girl like you […] It’s something anyone can see. A heart that beats, a voice that speaks the truth”
So, what are their stated similarities:
They are in a situation they desperately want to escape. They see no option of realizing their dreams and fulfilling their desires or even have a perspective of leading a happy life.
Others lean, depend on and draw from their strength, so they have little to no opportunity of sharing that burden
They recognize that there is a reason they have these duties, and their conscience won’t allow them to even try and shirk said duties. They take up this responsibility that they never wanted, fully aware of the sacrifices that they will have to make.
Throughout it all, they make the active choice not to complain, to stay optimistic, to not loose hope and to carry their burden with dignity and integrity
Nobody disputes that they life very different lives. The first minute of their interaction makes that abundantly clear. Erika even sings “You’d never think that it was so”. Them coming from very different places was never up for debate. What they are comparing is the way they deal with it.
This willingness to endure under the pressure and expectations placed upon them without allowing to loose themselves, is the very core of both of these characters!
And we can see all of this throughout the movie, especially in ‘Free’.
[1] I don’t think I have to explain Erika. We see the direness of her situation in the way Mdm. Karp treats her the times she finds her singing, her threatening to use the excuse of interest to keep her prisoner for basically the rest of her life, the way she treats Annelise, thinking she is talking to Erika after she fled, the fact that she locks her seamstresses in often enough, that there is a routine in place to allow at least Wolfie an escape.
But Annalise is just as worked to the bone as Erika, if in a different way. Her day is planned through, down to the literal minute. Just listen to the start of Free. Her greatest wish is to have one day without work, because she hasn’t had that in living memory. And yes, most of it is studies and keeping up appearances, but in “to be a princess” we get an impression of how much thought and energy that takes. (“be charming, but detached and yet amused […] Never be confused”, “Never fall, don’t ever stray from protocol. All through the day, there’s just one way you must behave” “Never crack” “Never show a thing you feel inside. Glide.” “to be a princess is to never get to rest” “Never squirm […] Speak and be clever, never at a loss for words” “Never show dismay and be there when people call, be prepared whatever royal life may bring” “Never ever turn your back. There’s a time and place and way for everything”)
She has to be flawless, confident, and composed throughout the day without the  slightest hint of being imperfect. She has little to no privacy, she is constantly observed, perceived, judged by far more metrics than pretty much anyone else, and is she falls short of them and say, worsens relationships with another kingdom, makes a bad decision in ruling the kingdom, makes the kingdom appear weak in any way, her people will be the ones to pay the prize. And all that is without taking the marriage into consideration. She doesn’t know who Dominic is! We know that he is a great guy, but for all Annelise knows, he could be the kind of person Preminger reveals himself to be. Even if he is a decent guy, it would likely be a loveless marriage. That is a sacrifice (as we can see when her mother is forces into the very same position), especially if it means sacrificing her relationship with Julian, her childhood friend, who shares her interests, helps her through all that nonsense, and understands her better than anyone. On screen, he is the only person she truly opens up with, other than Serafina (who is a cat), and Erika (who she only met that day, and has little emotional investment in the whole thing). Erika and Dominic sing a whole duet about the importance of knowing each other in order to have a functioning relationship, and she has had that with Julian for years. They both (Julian is clearly just as devoted and self-sacrificing as she is) accept to let this unspoken thing between them slip through their fingers, with no hope of ever finding something comparable, and the prospect of drifting apart with time, all for the sake of the kingdom.
And in terms of hope for the future, Annelise is just as bad of, if not worse than Erika. Erika has been working continuously to escape her situation, and never given up hope (“My determination’s strong. People will gather around the world to hear my song! Soon I will forever be free). And in the meantime, she has found small ways to fight back against Mdm. Karp (She can never stop my schemes). How realistic it is to ever pay off Mdm. Karp is a different matter, but she still has a fighting spirit. Annelise meets Erika, while in the process of making peace with the fact, that this was it for her, and there will be no coming back from this (“Now I fear I’ll never be Free” “I’m savoring a first and last taste of freedom”).
[2] In terms of hope and determination, Erika is doing the emotional heavy lifting for both herself, and the other seamstress. And Annelise is putting up a strong façade for even her mother, because in the face of the lack of options, she doesn’t want to burden her mother with the knowledge that she is damning her daughter to an unhappy life.
[3] I already explained Annelise’s situation in detail. Because she was born in royalty, she is tasked with a lot of responsibility, and even though she had no choice in the matter, she still accepts her cross to bear, and does so silently knowing the great personal cost she’ll have to pay. For Erika, they kind of fumbled the ball with the duties she chooses to accept, seeing as pretty much the sole person to suffer from her just, running away and ignorin her 'duties' would be her active abuser. Even if she has yet to pay back all the money her parents borrowed from Mdm. Karp (something she had no say or choice in), she has more than done her time in emotional suffering, and saying that staying in this toxic environment is her duty is not a message I agree with. But in-universe she explicitly states such convictions, so any and all points on the matter of her dutiful behavior still stand. One might be able to twist her duty to be to not leave the other seamstress to suffer alone, but that has no textual evidence. But we see this willingness to sacrifice for the sake of duty and responsibility most strongly, when she agrees to help Julian out and take Annelise’s place. There are two ways this could play out: she get’s away with it, or she doesn’t. We see both, her options are being thrown into the royal dungeon for treason, or being locked away by Mdm. Karp for running away, and knowing those where her prospects, she still chose to do this for the sake of both Annelise and the kingdom.
[4] Just, listen to free, watch the movie. These two girls prove their inner strength and endurance time and time again. They always keep going, searching for solution after solution, no matter what obstacles lie in their way (Being sent away at the palace gates, escaping Mdm. Karp, escaping the mines, escaping the dungeon, etc.). Their drive, determination, endurance and unbendable spirit are admirable.
“I close my eyes, and feel myself fly a thousand miles away. I could take flight, but would it be right, my conscience tells me stay. I’ll remain forever royal. I’ll repay my parents debt. Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret. But I’ll never stop believing/ she can never stop my schemes. There’s more to living than gloves and gowns and thread and seams, in my dreams, I’ll be free”
This is the end of free, the core of them, and the thing they recognize in each other, and I will no longer allow any slander against either them!
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kedsandtubesocks · 11 months
erika i am so curious about baseball player gojo..... like.... omg 😳😳
Sel… I am going to chase after him with a baseball bat…
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00: Foul Ball.
You run into the tallest man you’ve ever seen in your life at your favorite local coffee shop.
Literally, while moving to your usual seat this giant of a man, not paying attention on his phone, smacks right into you spilling both his and your hot drinks all over you.
It burns, thankfully not that much. Mainly embarrassment and annoyance burn you more. Frustratingly you try to dab away the mess with the pathetic wad of napkins the guy shoves at you.
“Look! Please let me pay for another drink and anything else you want!” Your mystery man
“No it’s fine.” You seethe trying to gather your dignity.
“Aw come on! Those pumpkin cheesecake muffins look pretty good! Don’t you want one?!” He cries almost desperate.
Turning up you’re about to snap at him when you finally get a very good look at your current enemy.
He’s tall with striking cloud white hair. Sleek modern sunglasses slide down his nose as azure pool eyes stay focused on you. And of course he’s absolutely gorgeous.
To save your sanity your eyes dart to the bakery display and spot those muffins he mentioned.
“…okay fine. But I also want a croissant.” You mutter.
He buys you two of each.
You’re also surprised at how adamantly he drags you to sit down at a table.
“We can break bread together over our temporary peace treaty.” He beams.
The man is annoying charming, like a song you find annoying but can’t help but still bop your head to.
He’s new in town, actually moved here all the way from Japan.
“That’s a long way from home.” You admire genuinely. “What brought you out here?”
“Work.” He says simply and with a shrug.
Your mystery man rapidly and eagerly jumps to ask about you, where you work, what you do.
It feels…like a pity conversation. As easy as it is talking to him, you know this is unfolding simply because he ran into you and is trying to just smooth things over.
“Look,” you sigh picking at your croissant. “We don’t have to do this.” You wearily wave your hand between the you and him. “The pathetic small talk and all that. I get it, accidents happen and I appreciate the apology muffin. But you can head out.”
“Don’t forget the ‘I’m a clumsy and unaware idiot’ croissant I got you.” He adds and your lips twitch.
“And come on. I’m not that boring to talk to am I?”
He isn’t and it annoys you even more.
“Besides, who says I maybe just wanna chat with the cute stranger I accidentally spilled various drinks on?” He smile wide at you and it’s dangerous.
He’s dangerous.
Mystery man vows to run into you again same time next week and he is true to his words. In his hands are more pastry treats and your drink order, because of course he remembered.
It’s then that you finally learn his name.
“Gojo, Satoru Gojo.” He introduces himself. “Though you can call me cute coffee guy.” He smoothly adds.
You refuse to call him that and he playfully cries.
Again, it shocks you how just easy it is talking to him. Conversation is casual and so effortless. Gojo eagerly listens to your recommendations about places to visit, restaurants to try out.
“As long as you go with me! I need my own cute tour guide unless I’ll get lost.” Gojo pleads.
You roll your eyes and hate how fast your heart beats at his words.
Then his phone goes off. Sighing Gojo answers it. You give him privacy by looking at your own phone. However, you can’t help but catch bits of the conversation. He talks about a photo shoot scheduled for the end of the week and how his agent will be making any adjustments to the time slot.
And it clicks. He’s a model. He’s definitely a model.
“Sorry, work being dumb.” Gojo apologizes as he hangs up.
“No worries.” You reassure him casually. You realize you never fully asked about his job last time.
“So, what do you do?” This time you make sure to.
Gojo’s wide sky eyes flicker to you as he takes a sip of his tea.
“Oh I’m a professional baseball player.”
He answers so casually while setting his drink down, like he just told you about the weather. For some reason you can’t help but laugh. Because model made sense, but a baseball player?
“What?!” Gojo cries playfully. “I’m serious look!”
Suddenly he grabs his phone again. He quickly types something on it and turns it to you.
What he did was Google himself. Because of course he did. Low and behold, you discover he is indeed not a model.
Instead, you see his broad shoulders, his tall frame, looking infuriatingly gorgeous in a uniform -
And you learn that your mystery coffee man, Satoru Gojo, is in fact a very real and actually very famous professional baseball player.
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