#ermmmm so yeah
hippie-self-shippie · 10 months
guys i think i have a new crush but i can’t say who she is it’s too embarrassing…
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sho0t1ngst4rrr · 4 months
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I don’t even know at this point
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deoidesign · 22 days
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panels from my webcomic. the characters are also from my webcomic. believe it or not it's about gay time traveling vampires
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teaniart · 8 months
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Welcome to the circus!
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skribbyposts · 1 month
ugh i hate when people misinterpret mlm ships. because why is this great relationship between this autistic man and his tweaker boyfriend with depression suddenly dumbed down to buff alpha wolf who never shows emotion and little twinky baby who cries all the time. please let them both be comfortable in their masculinity AND vulnerability, one doesnt always have to be the bottom 🙁🙁. these tropes are so overplayed and kind of heteronormative and im tired of seeing it in media.
or like do whatever you want maybe im just too into writing porn about big sweaty men.
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captainschaos · 4 months
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I will never stop thinking about this fic by @i-got-hit-by-a-planet hare joel in my brain and sketchbook FOREVER!!!!!
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marblerose-rue · 6 months
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wahaha sneak peek!!
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ryukyuin · 21 days
Heyy😭 Idk if this is dumb but idk if you do fanfics! If you do can you do Yandere shaiapouf x reader headcanons! I am a fem but the reader can ofc be gender neutral:3
I DO HELLOOO !! Yandere Shaiapouf is a very silly concept to be because just... ??? Is it just me or is he really barely toeing the line. For the other ants it seemed moreso "devotion" but just. Pouf. POUF... sighhs.
assume pre-established relationship btw this man has to go through all six stages of grief before he accepts he loves a STINKY HUYMAN... this just isn't the place to write allat
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, "yandere" behaviors/tendencies, unhealthy mindsets, dead animals (non-graphic), Shaiapouf idolizing violence/depictions of him wanting to fucking maul people GFHDSAH
HIS LOVE LANGUAGE IS ACTS OF SERVICE!! despite all the flowery bullshit he might say later on n the relationship, you'll always know how he's really feeling by his body language and what he goes through with.
there's so little shaiapouf content that its soooo fun to just make up stuff for him. little habits and ticks and sounds he makes as he goes about his day....
have you heard abt the orange cracker butterfly? you will now (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01hjJ4EhWtI)
that shit sounds like a TASER and they make that noise to tell other male butterflies to fuck off from their territory.
.........yes shaiapouf makes irritated taser sounds in public. yes you've almost gotten kicked out of places because workers think you're threatening patrons with a taser.
peppering his face in kisses until he calms down....... he starts warbling and chittering and his pupils dilate and he melts. three bajillion s/o points if you cusp his face in your hands and just rest your forehead against his afterward.
i think he'd give you dead animals as gifts, especially if you were too skinny for his liking. youre his monarch, his ruler, his sovereign, of course he'd find the best of the best for you! it's okay if you don't know how to skin them, he can take care of the gore himself, blood shouldn't grace your hands!
the level of dejected he looks when you turn him down is unfair in every sense of the word. you could have kicked a box of puppies and he would have looked less hurt. he probably would have white-knighted for you and said the puppies deserved it, actually
if blood DID grace your hands however,,,, god,,,,,,,,
him grabbing your arm, pressing kisses to the inside of your bloody wrist before lapping up every trace of red marring your skin......
DO NOT ASK ME ABT HOW HE'D BE DURING YOUR CYCLE!!!!! THE WORLD ISN'T READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /silly /nsrs
THIGHS THIGHS THIGHS THIGHHSS MMMMMFF.... i think its less about him being a thighs man and moreso that he'd enjoy just resting his head there. it doesn't matter how much shorter you are than him, he'd still contrort himself just to rest his head there as your hand cards through his hair......
okay time for the actual yandere headcanons, you didn't think he could just be cute and kissable and slutty, did you 🤨🤨🤨🤨
he REALLY likes pressing himself as close as possible to you, to watch the way you squirm in the iron shackle of his grip before he lets you go
because don't get it wrong-- he LET you go. shaiapouf finds it entrancing sometimes, the way he can feel your bones grinding together in your hand when he squeezes it too tightly, letting go the moment you yelp and pressing kisses to your knuckles until you complain at him for being the gooiest sap on the planet
micro-manages. god he micro-manages. he'll do the dishes, clean entire rooms, get rid of the old food in the fridge that he knows you're never going to eat despite saying you'd get around to it....
it feels... gross sometimes? you'll be laying in bed, sitting on the couch, at the kitchen counter, and he's just..... been working.
he looks so sad if you try and stop him though. he just wants to help, you know?
it doesn't matter if he's throwing away the clothes that you hide away your body with, stained and threadbare. they're your comfort clothes? that's okay, he'll get you better ones-- or even better, maybe you'd like to try on his own? he's sure you'd look adorable in them <33
it doesn't matter if he's slowly working out your chipped and dented dishes for fine china, delicate crystalware that clinked softly whenever he plated a meal for you. polished silver gleamed from your cutlery drawer, and you were a little scared that your knives would give you a thousand tiny cuts if you even breathed in their direction.
but thats okay, isn't it? he just wants the finer things in life for you... you do like his gifts, right? he worked so hard to get them!
you ask and you ask and you ask, and he never... quite tells you where he goes when he leaves, humming about it being 'confidential' and not to worry your pretty head about it before nuzzling against your temple .
he's not... trying to get rid of your comfort items, to warp your safe spaces. but if you come running into his arms, cuddle against his chest a little more often, well.
that's perfectly fine with him <333
just... don't worry about the speckles of blood on his clothes, the red marring his lips, pretty please? he'll lick the gore from his fangs, peel his clothes from his skin and toss them into the laundry basket before worshipping your body.
don't think about anything else. just him.
loves loves loveessss nipping at your skin...... if you're a chubbier s/o then i'm sure he'll ADORE you.
don't say anthing self-deprecating about your body around him. a gleam will enter his eyes, something dark and menacing before he's laving his tongue across your skin, leaving you squirming and breathy...........
he just really really likes how you look when your skin is littered with bruises and hickeys!!!! when his teeth sink in a little too deep, he'll whisper apologies into your skin, lapping at each droplet and pressing open-mouthed kisses until you're a giggling mess
ermmm anyways let me stop hornyposting this is the yandere part he gets SO SUPER IRRITATED WHEN YOU DO SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T MEET HIS IMAGE OF YOU!!
he SAYS he loves you but...... he can't understand you sometimes, why you'd shiver and start tearing up when he entertains the idea of viserally ripping someone to shreds whom he thought had personally wronged you a few minutes prior
in his mind you're his liege, the thing he worships and protects and lavishes n anything he can offer, he simply can't comprehend the way you start to shy away from him in fear when he entertains any of these ideas too long.
oh, he'll excuse it as instincts, his culture even. he's more than aware of how humans function, their benign society and rules that they keep in place and enforce, but oh.... he's so sorry for asking to rip off the arm of the mailman just because his fingers brushed against yours as he passed a letter to you, to sew his mouth shut with silk thread just because he complimented your appearance.
it was commonplace in his culture, you must understand-- to make moves towards what was very clearly someone else's partner simply wasn't to be tolerated.
ohh, how he wanted to pinch your cheeks and snatch you up from the way your face adorably scrunched up, right before you asked him how the grocer asking credit or debit was making a move.
guyyyysssss he's so sillyyyyyy please just stay with him and vcudlde with hijm in bed and dont think about anyone else ever
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arisaline73 · 7 months
oh yeah guys . shig, toga, and dabi doodles from today
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Son boy
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realsafari · 3 months
i forgot that certain types of jokes REALLY arent funny and i made 2 yesterday after being told the first time that it wasnt funny uhhh...
yeah um.
this week is not going so fun.
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evaunit-00 · 6 months
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posting this bc its my favorite thing i ever made and ive never posted it here!!!!
a gift for a secret santa exchange last year :3
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zmbiicrsh · 9 months
was vod watching and this came to me in a premonition
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jack-kellys · 13 days
hi i’m rizz!
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couple things about me if you’re new here:
primarily a newsies blog, all other theater content is under #musicals normally
they/them, name is rizz, tags say fizz- an old newsie name from 2018 :))
am mixed!! white/black
21 year old blogger, little nsfw content. will not follow minors if a blog indicates they are one
ao3 is, naturally, rizzjackkellys, my full government name
#rizz.analysis: my down to business newsies intellectual tag, home to all of my rather extensive newsies uk posts specifically (and other posts ofc)
#fizz writes: exactly what it sounds like! and without tumblr scrambling any of my ao3 direct links >:)
#fizz draws: i do exactly that also pretty regularly
#writing game: i do a LOT of snippet and au idea asks and they're all stored here! this is the secret #fizz writes.
#fizz freaks: i talk a lot
bad things happen bingo 2024: here is what's been done so far, here's the ao3 series of oneshots, and here's the tag!
only so far: current au that im working right now. here's the world guide, the fic so far, and the tag.
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bobsquatley · 8 months
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oh my god WHAT THE FUCK
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