#errortale sans son
the-leech-lord · 7 months
I reached the link limit on the first one
Monster Musume
Dragonball Z
Son Goku
Trans Goku & Gay Vegeta
V the Series
The visitors
Ham Tyler
Transformers More Than Meets The Eye
El Brave
Yabai Kamen
Undertale + AUs
Underfresh Sans
Aftertale Sans
Flowerfell Frisk
Underfell Papyrus
Underswap Sans
Nightmare Sans
Horrortale Sans
Reapertale Sans
Dusttale Sans
Sans and Papyrus
Errortale Sans
One Piece
Roronoa Zoro
Tony Tony Chopper
Blackleg Sanji
Bon Clay
Red Haired Shanks
Edward ‘Whitebeard’ Newgate
Caesar Clown
Luffy X Buggy
Gay & trans Luffy
Chopper eating drywall
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Nymphia Wind
Detox’s Season 5 promo look
Coco Montrese Season 5 Think Pink look
Q’s Season 16 Faster Pussycat, Wig Wig! Look
April Carrion Season 6 Best Drag look
Courtney Act Season 6 Animal Kingdom Couture Look
Charlie Hides Season 9 White Party Realness Look
Nina Bo’Nina Brown Season 9 Princess Fantasy Look
60 anime stimboard challenge
Yotsuba Nakano from The Quintessential Quintuplets
Beethoven from Classicaloid
Tohru from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragonmaid
Konata Izumi from Lucky Star
America from Hetalia
Death the Kid from Soul Eater
L from Death Note
Crimveal from Interspecies Reviewers
Miku day stimboards
Sand Planet by Hachi
StargazeR by Kotsuban-P
World is Mine by Ryo
Deep Sea Girl by Yuuyu-P
Senbonzakura by Kurousa-P
Slowmotion by Pinocchio-P
My Little Pony
Rainbow Dash
Cupcakes Pinkamena Diane Pie
Princess Cadence
DC Comics
Ambush Bug
Arkham Knight Riddler
Batman The Animated Series Riddler
Batman The Animated Series Two Face
Booster Gold
Reverse Flash
Kamen Rider Ichigo
Purple snake
Girl by Daoko
Blackie from Nightmare Cafe
Smiley from The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
The Warden from Superjail
Comic Collecting
Mafuyu Asahina from Project Sekai
Big Al from Vocaloid
Raised by the World Wide Web by Crustsox
Literally Me by Cyborg9k
Kinito from Kinitopet
Charlie from Smiling Friends
Pim from Smiling Friends
Mesmerizer by 31ki
Masterlist Part 1
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dragonscaron · 5 years
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Yeah... @kabe-ilama always makes me find a ship with my OC's •H•
We thought today and created the children of Avion and Error '^'
Bot by - Me (right)
Adler by - @kabe-ilama (left)
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sirius-night09 · 4 years
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Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male
Sexual preference: Heterosexual
✧ Annoy your father ✧ Visit the Omega Line ✧ Eat ✧ Strategy games ✧ Train with Murder
✧ Ink ✧ The talkative ✧ Let their parents argue ✧ That they break with your personal space without your permission
Curiosities: ✧ His threads come from his soul ✧ You can travel to different universes without the need for a portal ✧ It has the power of reconstruction, however, it can only rebuild objects that were broken by accident, which seeks to perfect that until it is able to rebuild an entire universe.
❁ Yes, I know that many were expecting an ErrorCore daughter, but then I remembered that Killer and Murder have girls, so ... why not give one of the ships a boy? I had planned to draw it as a child, however I was a teenager 😅
Edad: 17 años Genero: Masculino Preferencia sexual: Heterosexual Gustos: ✧ Molestar a su padre ✧ Visitar la Linea Omega ✧ Comer ✧ Juegos de estrategia ✧ Entrenar con Murder
Disgustos: ✧ Ink ✧ Los parlanchines ✧ Que sus padres discutan ✧ Que rompan con su espacio personal sin su permiso
Curiosidades: ✧ Sus hilos provienen de su alma ✧ Puede viajar a distintos universos sin necesidad de un portal ✧ Tiene el poder de reconstruir, sin embargo, solo puede reconstruir objetos que se rompieron por accidente, lo cual busca perfeccionar eso hasta ser capaz de reconstruir un universo entero.
❁ Si, se que muchos esperaban una hija ErrorCore, pero luego recordé que Killer y Murder tienen niñas, así que...¿por qué no darle un niño a una de las ships? Tenia planeado dibujarlo de niño, sin embargo me salio adolescente 😅
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lucyhblack · 4 years
Summary: Cross and X! Papyrus go to work at the hospice that his father runs. Cross thinks it will be an easy job of watching cameras and making patrols... but he ends up making friends with a patient, playing the detective and discovering much more than he wanted to know, including himself.
Sans (Cross) and his brother start working as guards at the hospice (Research and Mental Rehabilitation Center) of his father, the famous Dr. Gaster (X!Gaster).
For Sans it is a simple job of watching cameras. He and his brother will not have to deal directly with the crazy poor that their father treats (or so he hopes), but everything changes when he is dragged into an investigation, ends up befriending some patients and discovering the truth about the place, his father and even himself.
Dream / Nightmare (Dreamtale) - hospice patient and a severe case of memory loss and double personality.
A skeletal monster who spent years in a coma and when he woke up presented a case so serious of dual personality that even his appearance changes.
The first personality is called Dream, a gentle, kind and calm young man. It looks like a normal skeleton with yellow eye lights.
He doesn't remember anything about the accident that left him in a coma and the only thing he remembers from his old life is that he had a brother, but he doesn't remember anything else about him, neither name nor appearance.
He doesn't understand why he is there and wants to leave as soon as possible to try to find his brother. Considered harmless by everyone.
Nightmare is the second personality of the young skeleton. Violent, cruel and sadistic. It is not only your personality that totally changes, but your appearance as well. When Nightmare takes control a black liquid oozes from its orbits covering it completely and its lights become turquoise blue. When Dream returns, the “black slime” regresses to its orbits without leaving a trace.
Being Nightmare he just wants to cause as many problems as possible.
Dream and Nightmare do not seem to know that they share the same body, but they know each other's existence (but they think they are separate individuals). For some reason Dream thinks that Nightmare was the one who caused the accident that left him in a coma.
While Nightmare never reveals his connection with Dream, he only wishes, above all, the destruction of the gentle skeleton (which may indicate that deep inside, Nightmare knows that he shares a body with him and “killing” Dream, the body can be his alone).
Dream is ink's friend, the monster that “haunts” the hospice. Nightmare already pretends not to know him, but gives clues that he is aware of his existence.
Dream befriends Cross, while Nightmare tries to use Cross in his plans, both to escape and to try to make the life of everyone around him hell.
Ink (Inktale Sans) - enigmatic figure that “haunts” the hospice.
Officially, he is considered as a common “imaginary friend” of several patients (the theory is that one patient told the other and the story spread like an urban legend).
Despite being considered as the result of the imagination of the patients of the place, some employees came to see him (what makes some believe that he is really a haunt).
He is described as a skeleton monster that is always dirty with ink and with eye lights that change according to who saw him. He has a cheerful personality, a little flustered and always seems willing to help, even though his "help" sometimes causes more problems.
Gaster (X!Tale) - Doctor and director of the Hospital. He is a specialist in psychological problems and highly respected in his field.
Originally he became a doctor just to make his dream come true, give "life" to his imaginary friend Ink.
Gaster never accepted that his "friend" was just the result of his mind and through tests and experiments, he is trying to "bring" his friend from his mind to reality. The fact that several people can see Ink is considered proof that he is succeeding in his attempts.
He was a terrible father, neglecting his children most of his life, always very busy with his work and his patients.
He spares no effort, nor does he care about sacrifices and the pain he causes, as long as he achieves his goals.
Sans/Cross (XTale) - Elder son of Gaster. It was originally the doctor's first attempt to create a body for his friend. The plan didn't work out and after an incident he suppresses Cross's memories of the time that he was a guinea pig.
Despite not remembering that time, he has nightmares about what happened and other sequelae of the experiment.
Sans has no interest in working with his father (although he once tried to get him interested in becoming a doctor), he just agreed to work at the hospice to support his brother.
Papyrus (XTale) - Younger son of Gaster. When the experiment with Sans did not work, the doctor thought about trying with Papyrus, but the child can shake the monster's cold heart, that gives up, focusing only on the patients of the hospital he runs.
Papyrus always wanted to become a police officer and Gaster always disapproved of his son's choice, but ends up encouraging him to work with him as a hospice guard in an attempt to dissuade him from his dream (and who knows how to influence him to a more scientific career).
The younger monster hopes to get some kind of experience in his new job that will help him realize his dream. He knows Undyne, a police detective, and becomes friends with her and under her influence ends up investigating the strange events of the hospital.
Frisk (XTale) - one of the Gaster patients. He is described as a calm and peaceful child with fits of violence in which he loses control and attacks anyone in front of him. When he are in one of your "crises" he becomes very violent and dangerous.
Due to several experiments of the doctor had his physical development delayed. He's a lot older than he looks.
Frisk was hospitalized with his twin brother Chara. They both had a very strong connection and Gaster uses that connection for his experiments. After several horrible tests he manages to make Chara's soul share the Frisk body .
Frisk and Sans had known each other for a long time, although Sans no longer remembers him, as Gaster started experimenting on the twins at the same time with Sans.
Frisk calls him "Cross" because he says his friend Sans, the "original", was killed by Gaster a long time ago (referring to Gaster "killing" Cross's original personality).
Chara (XTale) - twin brother of Frisk. He was hospitalized with his brother when they were still children.
He had a suspicious and explosive personality.
He ends up being killed by Gaster when he decides to tell the truth about what the doctor had been doing with him and his brother to Asgore, another doctor at the hospice. His soul was then “attached” to Frisk's, and Gaster used him as a scapegoat when he murdered the other doctor.
In the beginning Chara could only "get out" when Frisk lost control, in time, he was able to be heard by his brother and now they are both trying to escape from the hospital and take revenge on Gaster.
He hates Cross because he thinks he abandoned them as a child (because he was lucky enough to escape the experiments and be treated like a son, while he and Frisk remained as guinea pigs).
Alphy (XTale) - doctor and the main assistant of Gaster.
Alphys begins to suspect that there is something wrong with the madhouse. She even comments with Undyne, with whom she was going out, about her discomfort, but she couldn't say exactly what it was. She then begins to investigate and finds out about the experiments the doctor has been doing with patients.
Before she can tell Undyne, she ends up being discovered by the doctor who brainwashes her and makes her his assistant / puppet. After brainwashing she breaks up with Undyne.
Undyne (XTale)- policeman and Alphy's ex-girlfriend.
After breaking up with Alphys she realizes that the doctor is acting strange and, remembering the doctor's suspicions, starts trying to investigate the hospice, without success, mainly because her superiors think she is just resentful for the breakup.
Things change when she finds unlikely allies in the hospice director's own children.
Asriel (XTale) - Doctor “responsible” for Frisk.
He's a good doctor and doesn't really know anything about what's going on in the hospital.
Gaster uses Asriel to control Frisk / Chara, with the threat that if they don't behave he will kill him as he did with his father, Asgore, who was the doctor in the hospice.
Asgore (XTale) - Doctor at the hospice and friend of the twins.
Chara tells about what Gaster was doing with them and Asgore is going to confront the doctor. He ends up being killed by the skeleton monster who takes advantage and uses the death of the goat monster to cover up Chara's death (saying that Chara killed the monster and that Asgore ended up mortally wounding the child in self defense).
Toriel (XTale) - nurse, mother of Asriel and wife of Asgore.
Just as the son doesn't know anything about the hospital. She worries a lot about Frisk and Chara when he was alive. She does not blame children for her husband's death.
Toriel, just like Alphys feels there is something wrong in the hospital, but unlike Alphys, she prefers not to look deeply at the problems at the hospice.
Geno / Error (Aftertale Sans / Errortale Sans)) - A skeleton monster originally hospitalized under the name of Geno, with serious depression problems. It was one of Gaster's first test subjects. The experiments with him ended up driving the poor skeleton crazy.
His personality became so erratic and dangerous that Gaster had to isolate him, which further worsened his condition to the point that it not only affected his mind, but his magic and appearance. After his move he completely forgot who he was and started calling himself Error.
Gaster keeps him isolated in a white room and few know of his existence.
Although Gaster initially considers it a failure he ends up changing his opinion and finding it his first success because, after becoming Error, he was the first being, after Gaster himself, to see Ink.
Oddly, Error has a deadly hatred of Ink and has vowed to destroy it and all the other "errors" of the Doctor.
Killer (Killer Sans) - hospice patient.
Gaster even used it as an experiment for a while, but gave up because he considered it imperfect. Killer had his feelings erased as a result of these experiments.
He is the first to be recruited by Nightmare for his escape / destruction plans.
Dust (Murder Sans - Dusttale) - hospice patient.
Dust is a case of great interest to the doctor. A skeleton with a serious dissociative case that ended up killing his brother in a psychotic episode. Since then he fantasizes that his brother is at his side, talking to him even though no one sees him.
Because of this, Gaster did everything possible to put the skeleton in his care, including paying lawyers to ensure that he was considered crazy and ended up in the asylum instead of prison.
Gaster is convinced that like him, Dust is a rare case of a monster that can see beyond the mundane spheres and communicate with real beings, although they cannot be seen by other people.
He is recruited by Nightmare as well as Killer, to help him escape from the madhouse.
Blue (US! Sans) - Blue is a volunteer nurse at the hospice.
Befriends Dream. It is through him that Cross will meet Dream.
He has no idea what happens at the asylum and will be targeted by Nightmare's wickedness.
He interacts with Ink thinking that this is a patient. He doesn't understand why people look at him strangely when he comments on the dirty of paint monster .
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rubberduckyrye · 5 years
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I sketched out my Errordance (Errortale + Dancetale) son because he is one of those two muses from the Undertale “multiverse” fandom that I miss so much, Hhhhhhhhhhhhh--
... Ironically, the other muse I miss from the Undertale fandom (though not the multiverse part technically) is my girl Chara, who is also a break dancer. Go figure!
I really wish I could figure out how to update him! His name is BlackLight btw, but really everyone calls him “Light” so his name might as well just be Light. I don’t know if I ever posted a doodle of him here but........... well here he is.......
I don’t know what to do with you, boy!!!! I’ve tried many times to “update” him but the “Error Sans” aspect of his backstory is like, so crucial to his character that removing it from him just feels wrong. With Irene it was easy to update her because her backstory was removed from her canon, but with Light his story is so reliant on the Errortale canon that everything I try to replace it with just feels like a cheap knock off or unfulfilling. Guh.
(BTW he does, indeed, have the Errortale glitches, but I typically count those as “Effects” and I do effects last when I draw so rip)
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singerkillerjaetch · 7 years
Chapters: 22/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), Error/Death, Death/Error, DestructiveDeath, GlitchyDeath, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Error Sans, Null, Void - Character Additional Tags: Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide, Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety, Ligyrophobia, Poinephobia, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Alternate Universe, Multiverse, Magic, Father-Son Relationship, Father Error, Original Character(s), Alternate Universe - Errortale, Error Sans - Freeform, Implied/Referenced Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, Running Away, Fate & Destiny, Error needs a hug, A huge amount of hugs needed Series: Part 1 of Forced God of Destruction Error Summary:
Error is the destroyer, Ink is the creator. Both Gods in their own right. They are the balance in their Multiverse, making sure that their Multiverse did not fall apart at the seams.
If Error was able to destroy all the AU's, then there would be nothing left. The universe that they live in would just cease to exist if that happened. If Ink was able to continue to create with no one to stop him, then the AU's would collide and destroy one another. The universe would crumble and decay as they touch, as there is no more room to grow in. Error knew this well. Ink did not.
Error was broken. He had nothing in the end. He had no friends, no family. He called for help, for anyone to save him from his own madness. But no one came. He fell into the void to be scattered across time and space. But he did not scatter, he traveled through time and space. Error landed in a new Multiverse. By the time Error's universe knew what they did wrong ad the truth of the matter, their universe was falling apart and they had to get back Error. But they hit a big roadblock when they finally found Error.
This universe would not let Error go without a fight.
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espkamaleon · 7 years
Kamaleon!Sans -FICHA-
Kamaleon (llamándose a si mismo "K") es un Sans que nació en un universo (cuyo nombre hasta ahora es desconocido, llamándose de forma no oficial "ATale") donde aquellos seres que solo nacían con cola eran totalmente rechazados, y... ¡Oh! Ese es el caso de K. Vivió su infancia a base de burlas y golpes, siendo el único que le defendía su hermano Papyrus.
Al crecer desarrolló sus habilidades que básicamente usó para evitar las golpizas y no preocupar a su hermano para que este fuera a salvarlo.
A la llegada de Error "K" solo tuvo la opción de huir mientras su hermano se quedaba atrás luchando con el alterno, y usando sus habilidades logró colarse en el anti-void para luego comenzar a pasar de universo en universo; observando, matando y suplantando. Pero eso es algo más adelante que no les quiero spoilear.
Cambiar de forma como quiera, esto Incluye:
Volverse totalmente invisible
Correr en 4 patas, lo que le da una gran ventaja de velocidad
Ser bastante sigiloso
Abrir portales hacia otros universos con el filo de su cola
Gaster Blasters invicibles
Sentidos mas desarrollados
Volverse una especie de Gaster Blaster con cuerpo, de gran tamaño
Dientes y mandíbula bastante fuertes como para romper huesos con facilidad
Cola: Esta se puede alargar bastante, y la punto de esta puede llegar a ser tan filosa como para cortar el espacio-tiempo
Dientes: Como se menciona antes, muerde bastante fuerte
Ataques de un Sans normal: La única diferencia notable son sus Gaster Blasters que son totalmente invisibles.
ErR0r!SaNs: Es el objetivo de K principal para asesinar, le odia con toda su alma y se le ha escapado varias veces cuando llevaba la desventaja
N00D/N0TF0UND: El mejor amigo de K, fue uno de los dos únicos seres que pudo establecer amistad con este. Luego de sacrificarse por el, se vuelve un alma perdida que no deja de seguir a K y le ayuda en algunas batallas con ataques totalmente mortales, aunque es difícil que lo haga.
N0TFR1SK: El segundo ser que pudo establecer amistad con K, bastante cercana tanto a N00D como a K. Es la primera víctima de Error cuando este ingresó en su universo. Su alma queda atrapada en el anti-void.
A!Papyrus: Hermano de K, este era en único en su universo que le defendía en vez de hacerle daño. Cobrar venganza por su muerte es uno de los incentivos de K. 
Ink!Sans: Nada en especial, intentó detener una vez a K de seguir a Error y pues... Ink se quedó con un brazo roto
Michelle: Es la humana original del AU de K, técnicamente no la conoce, pero fueron muy buenos amigos antes del reset. Gracias a sus habilidades pudo zafarse de Error quedando varada en otro universo.
Chile!Sans/Kevin: Lo odia bastante ya que no pudo imitar la forma de hablar de este, y Kevin usa esto para burlarse reiteradas veces de manera random.
K varía bastante en su comportamiento mientras transcurre el tiempo, aquí resumiré lo mejor que pueda
F1-En su universo: Bastante tímido y con la autoestima por los suelos, llegando hasta a llorar sin darse cuenta. Cree que no debería existir. Bastante apegado a su hermano. Si Michelle está presente, el se animará a salir tranquilo de casa.
F2- Después de Error: Tomando algo de valor por la determinación de vengar a su hermano, se atreve a comenzar a espiar Sans, para luego solo secuestrarlos para luego suplantarlos, no puede evitar sentirse culpable. Al llegar Error a ese universo K solo procede a irse al no considerarse preparado.
F3- Después de N00D: La ira de este crece al punto de perder un poco lo que es la paciencia, asesinando a los Sans en vez de secuestrarles. Puede llegar a intentar atacar a Error.
F4- Etapa actual en el ask de este: Es algo más calmado, aguantando varias cosas, no soporta mucho la palabra "Error". Es bastante difícil de provocar.
F5- ??? : No pierde el tiempo, solo mata para subir su LV rápidamente. Pocas veces se dedica a suplantar, y se le descubren, solo hace lo primero.
F6- ??? : Mata por diversión, asegurándose de que sea lenta, usando sus habilidades para que la tortura sea tanto física como psicológica. Es totalmente agresivo y muchas veces habla con sarcasmo.
Datos extras
Tenía tanto tiempo libre en su universo que aprendió a tocar el violín, desgraciadamente no a vuelto a ver uno desde que su universo fue destruido
Es totalmente adicto a la leche, hace lo que sea por ella
Conserva una de las plumas de su hermano
El contacto visual y el que le toquen le pone nervioso
Hasta la Fase 5 era casi incapaz de dañar a un papyrus
No sabe usar un teléfono
Hasta la Fase 2 era capaz de tropezarse con su propia cola
En el universo de N00D, usaba sus poderes para jugar bromas
Es llamado "Abominación N° 34" por Error
Gracias a lo que pasó en la F1, su cuerpo es más resistente
Su LV está por las nubes
Su cola es tanto su mejor arma como su mayor debilidad. Por esta razón tiene puas filosas en estas para evitar que se la pisen.
Tenía secuestrado a Blueberry al momento que Error entró en Underswap, así que solo le liberó y se fue, para que luego ocurran los sucesos en ErrorTale
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inknanda67 · 7 years
2 Chapter from my Fanfic
Of course, because of the war, there would be many ensensions and assacinatos both in the guanto ink family in the Error family.
The last kidnapping was out of Ink! Sans, G! Error had gone into the house of G! Ink the hidden ones and would try to catch the girl, but she was so sensitive that she woke up to feel the approach of G! Error.
Ink: !!!!! * open your eyes *
G! Error: Damn …..
Ink: Sniff … sniff …
G! Error: Shhh …. shh … shut up … * whispering *
Ink: Sniff … * begins to whimper *
G! Error: Shut up! * Whispering a little loudly *
The baby starts to cry.
Ink: Waaaaahh !!!!!
G! Error: !!!!!!
G! Error tries to shut up the child’s mouth. Nothing else matters, she continues to cry and louder. Soon G! Error hears someone approaching, it was Ink (mother), she arrives at the girl’s room and grabs her in the lap to calm her, soon begins to sing a song of mine. G! Error is hidden in the shadows watching the mother soothe the baby.
Ink (mother): 🎵When the sun..is set at the end of the afternoon ….. fireflies …. blink without ceasing ….
Ink: Waaahh !! The crying seems to be stopping
G! Error:… … .
Ink (mother): 🎶And so sleep invades you … how good it is to dream …. to dream …
Ink: Mm ….
Ink (mother): It’s okay, my beautiful * smooths her face *
Ink: Mm … nyh …
Ink (mother): Heh … it was just a nightmare … * kisses the brow of ink * She puts ink in the cradle already sleeping, she turns and faces G! Error that slaps her mouth before she screams.
Ink (mother): !!!! Mmmm !!
G! Error: Shhh …. It’s just a nightmare … hehe
Ink (mother): !!!!!
The baby turns to embrace the teddy bear and faces the shadow of the ropes of G! Error crossing his mother’s body, it turns to dust at the same instant.
Ink: !!!!! * whimpering *
G! Error slap the baby’s mouth gently so as not to hurt her by being so fragile.
G! Error: Shhh …..
G! Error disappears and after dawn, G! Ink goes to the baby’s room and comes across the ink pit (mother) on the floor.
G! Ink: !! I-ink?! … ink?
G! Ink goes to the floor in tears along with his daughter ink, he cries as he embraces the ink scarf (mother). After a few hours he picks up ink and ink! Papyrus and leaves the hill where they lived and descended to the capital where all the Ink’s were United.
G! Ink erases the memories of ink after the murder of her mother, so she does not remember it and is traumatized, she also gave her mother’s cache, ink never took that scarf without remembering who it was and uses it Today, G! Ink was now living in the middle of the capital where, in case he heard another attempt at G! Error, everyone would see him and frighten him from there. If it had been five years and Ink would be celebrating his birthday soon, G! Ink decided that those attacks were over, he took his cloak and a little sword, left ink and ink! Papyrus asleep and went to Errortale determined to avenge his wife.
G! Ink watched G! Error in the distance.
G! Error: Wow … I’ll be right back …
Error (mother): Goodbye …. take care!
G! Error: Yes …. I take ….
G! Error kisses his wife and two children on the forehead.
Error: Father …. then you teach me after how to destroy!
G! Error: hehe … Of course small mistake … * rubs his hand on his head *
Error (mother): Ahem ….
G! Error: Am …. and you too..Error! Papyrus …. heheh …. ahem …
Error! Papyrus: !!! Swear ?!
G! Error: I swear ….
Error! Papyrus: Yeeehhh !!!
Error: Cool Bro!
The two sons of G! Error stay with their mother, Error (mother) tries to teach some things to them how to make bubbles of Souls and the famous ropes, it was an agility that only the errors had.
Error: !!! MOTHER MOTHER! I got it !!
Error (mother): How good my baby!
Error! Papyrus: I GOT TOO!
Error (mother): Onw !! My two destroyers !! * hug them both and kiss them *
Error and Error! Papyrus: Hahhahaha ..
Error (mother) lets them play nearby with the new powers, she watches them in the distance, G! Ink picks up the sword and goes to Error (mother) soratly.
G! Ink: How life is ironic does not it?
Error (mother): But … who is yo-
G! Ink cuts her head to Bug’s head (mother) rolls to the floor and then body and head turn to dust. Error witnessed everything with his brother.
Error: M-Mother ?!
Error! Papyrus: !!! DAAAAAAADDY !!! * runs out looking for his father *
Error: Mom? * Crying *
G! Ink goes to Error with the sword in hand, Error moves away slightly and G! Ink lowers and speaks with Error.
G! Ink: In the same way that their mother died, yours was ….
Error: W-Why are you doing this? S-She did not do anything to you * crying *
G! Ink: But your father did …..
G! Ink leaves Errortale and Error tells everything to his father when he returns to his brother he continues to hold the bubble that his mother taught him to do.
G! Error uses his hands to take the soul of his wife and put it on the ceiling along with other Souls coiled in blue threads.
G! Error is infuriated and gives a great cry of pain.
G! Error prepares the army, for him this war ends today or never ends.
Ink!sans: @comyet
Error!sans: @loverofpiggies
G!ink and G!Error: @ginkgerror
Ink (mother) Error(mother): me
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inknanda67 · 7 years
1 chapter from my fanfic
For many years … There were only three au’s. They were, undertale (original), Inktale (where ink lived) and Errortale.
Inktale was a very colorful AU so to speak, Undertale and its inhabitants did not know of its existence, only knew that there were others of them only. Inktale was not only a very colorful place, it was also a place full of joy and music. Its inhabitants were few but they were together. The main ones were:
G! Ink or Gaster! Ink: He was the leader so to speak, he did not have an asgore but he had only one toriel, but it remained in his ruins, G! Ink took care of all the in habitants and of an immense tree called Rainbow tree, she was the source of all Colors and inks of this AU.
Ink(mother): She was the wife of G! Ink and mother of two skeletons called ink! Sans and ink! Papyrus, she helped her husband with the rainbow tree and she was also the one who made the inks from the leaves of the giant tree.
Ink! Papyrus: He was the son of G! Ink and ink (mother), he was the oldest what was different from the original AU undertale, he was in charge of pixar, yes, literally pixar the walls of the ruins, so that they always had color, Not only the purple of the ruins, he was also in charge of taking care of his younger sister ink! Sans.
Ink! Sans: She was the younger daughter of G! Ink and ink (mother), ink was still a baby, but she was very fragile and she was crying or hurting herself because she was so fragile and small her father nicknamed her Of “ink droplet”, but it gave its name of ink or ink! Sans, being identical to its mother in terms of appearance.
All the inhabitants of inktale were very cheerful and they used many clothes and they usually had many embellishments and they always had ink to staining, it gave a certain charm by signal …. meanwhile inktale besides giving color to them they were in charge to protect them of All the evil that happens to them, they were also in charge of helping the creators. What are breeders?
Come ….. it’s us! Yes …. they were in charge of us helping to create new au’s and new stories, they gave us creativity something that was exclusively theirs, everyone born in inktale had too much creativity.
Errortale was an AU not too distant from inktale, but it was the most colorless, so the inktale inhabitants did not venture there, because they were so colorless they were afraid.
Errortale for the name itself it says, it was made by mistake’s, its inhabitants were very many or few, since all had left an AU that we can say that it gave wrong.. good …. errortale could Seem like a dark place, full of strange creatures and “bugs”, but it was a place that even very dark was a place full of music, hope and a lot of fun !. Then you wonder … “fun?” Yes they did not stop to have fun, especially with their strings and glishs, they live to smile and have fun without limits, they destroyed everything that was ahead, simply because it was “fun”, its main inhabitants were:
G! Error or Gaster! Error: He was also a leader and a great leader, he was in charge of taking care of the dark voild that they lived, since the AU of them had been destroyed, he did not have the arms, but he had his agile hands, that could change of size, Why did not he have hands? Why he was an Error …. all the error’s were imperfect in the ink’s view.
Error (mother): She was G! Error’s wife, she was “perfect” unlike her husband, but her body parts were taken by mistake’s floating, she could barely see the face, but nonetheless she helped her husband in the lead And in building a new AU for her friends and family, she was also mother of two Skeletons Error! Sans and Error! Papyrus, she was extremely calm as opposed to her husband, who was very thick.
Error! Papyrus: He was the eldest son, unlike the original AU as well as the ink’s, Error! Papyrus was calm as the mother but had the fury of the father, he was only in charge of taking care of his younger brother Error! Sans and of helping others But parties that the mistakes gave almost always.
Error! Sans: He was the younger son of G! Error, unlike G! Ink’s newest daughter, he was stronger than his father G! Error, he was not fragile despite being a baby, his father loved him more than his Brother, just because Error! Sans was the exact copy of himself, of course … that this did not please Error (mother), after all he must love the two children in the same way, but for being equal to him But to have the same strength as his mother called him Error! Sans, but he always called him a “small mistake”, it was an affectionate nickname for him.
The Fight Between these two families, it began after the errortale inhabitants were destroying everything again and this pre-occupied G! Ink, he had them arrive at their AU and destroy the tree or worse, that they arrive at the original AU and end with She, making everyone die including themselves, because the only ones existed because undertale existed. It is precisely for this reason that G! Ink called G! Error for a conversation and explained to him the situation and the risks of this act of destruction.
G! Ink: Understand now …. why, I’m trying to protect everyone does not think I’m trying to destroy your holiday.
G! Error: But it does not seem …. I know the risks, do you really think that nois destroyed like this … without thinking? This is an offense for me and the inhabitants of Errortale …
G! Ink: Forgive me for this … but I really want to make sure you stay in your AU ..
G! Error: What AU?! … oooohh …. is speaking of our AU that you … did the favor of destroying … and will be myself to destroy yours ?!
G! Ink was silent, soon after this a tremendous discussion began, yes, the G! ​​Ink had destroyed AU of error, because he considered it dangerous to undertale, because of this mistake of G! Ink G! Error hated him a lot, for That thanks to him, the inhabitants of Errortale were without a real house.
G! Ink: I will not listen to your cries! Just stay away from the undertale!
G! Error: Whatever! But listen! You’ll still see my face!
They withdrew from the anti-voild, since those two families lived in great conflict, of course with the new years they were created and the desire was not long in the beginning.
Ink!sans: @comyet
Error!sans: @loverofpiggies
G!ink and G!Error: @ginkgerror
Ink(Mother) and Error(mother): Me
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