#erythromelalgia awareness
bonsaiiiiiii · 1 year
So I've just recently come to terms with it, but apparently a few months ago I got diagnosed a rare chronic illness that is so rare that it has no cure/therapy so I have to show up at the hospital for controls twice a year and if it worsens then it's a constant travel to the hospital but it's 🆒️ because I study in one already yay yay
but anyways
have a tictac about it (under a read more because it's like a sorta description and while it's not detailed it still describes an illness so ??? idk)
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
G-d/The Universe: welcome to the world, Meig! you're going to be obsessed with dinosaurs me: okay cool G-d/The Universe: you're going to be aware of mass extinctions before you understand death me: is that a good thing- G-d/The Universe: and as such, you'll realize the true dangers of climate change before you start school me: that doesn't seem appropriate for a 6 year old to kn- G-d/The Universe: you also have PCOS and erythromelalgia. you'll basically only be comfortable at temperatures at or under 68F/20C me: but wait the climate is getting warmer so am I screwed or- G-d/The Universe: and you'll spend your whole life watching all the people older than you completely ignore and or trivialize this issue in the favor of infinite growth and capitalism. Also, everyone around you will act like you're crazy for being warm all the time. Have fun! me: oh for FUCK'S SAKE
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This is important to share for awareness. I learned a lot here. Pass it on. It’s the whole point of this piece.
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shiki-rat · 1 year
EM/Erythromelalgia/Mitchell’s Disease/more
Holy. Shit. I never see shit about EM. Me my father and my sister have EM and EM symptoms (I.e my hands burn and are not to touch with blotchy red spots on my hand during flares) but I never see anything about it and to be honest it pisses me off. This is kind of a vent but even though there’s such a low possibility of having EM I never see anyone actually trying to raise awareness?? One time I put EM into the search bar and only got one post like holy shit I’m astounded bc this has taken up a lot of my life and is the reason for a lot of my problems with sleep and like. Woah. I’m barely getting hit with the recognition that even I myself as an individual with EM don’t say anything about it. Just shock ig. Weird.
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meridiandesigns · 2 years
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You are strong! But some days we all need a little more awareness, and a few extra spoons! (in red!)
The red awareness ribbon represents those with addiction, aosd, aids, alcohol dependence, apert syndrome, bleeding, blood disorder, blood cancer, blood clotting, bronchiolitis obliterans, burn victims, cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular disease, cavernous angioma, complex regional pain syndrome, heart disease, heart failure, anemia, drug addiction, epidermolysis bullosa, erythromelalgia, evans syndrome, factor xi deficiency, female genital mutilation, giant cell arteritis, gpa, hemophilia, high blood pressure, hiv, hypertension, long q-t syndrome, marfan syndrome, platelet donation, poland syndrome, prinzmetal angina, sickle cell anemia, sinus tachycardia, stroke, ttp, tuberculosis, vasculitis, vwd, wegener’s granulomatosis, zika virus
And the dark and light versions of the design are available on my Threadless store in a variety of products and background colours!
threadless dark- https://meridiandesigns.threadless.com/designs/red-awareness-pocket-dark threadless light- https://meridiandesigns.threadless.com/designs/red-awareness-pocket-light
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