#i need a Tracy šŸ„ŗ
bonsaiiiiiii Ā· 1 year
So I've just recently come to terms with it, but apparently a few months ago I got diagnosed a rare chronic illness that is so rare that it has no cure/therapy so I have to show up at the hospital for controls twice a year and if it worsens then it's a constant travel to the hospital but it's šŸ†’ļø because I study in one already yay yay
but anyways
have a tictac about it (under a read more because it's like a sorta description and while it's not detailed it still describes an illness so ??? idk)
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barbwritesstuff Ā· 9 months
Just here to say that i totally agree with anon, like seeing Marcel leave all hot and bothered after having to comform with only touching us with his shadows ? Good shit šŸ‘Œ
but on the other hand him getting all soft and distressed and BEGGING to pay our tribute for us? šŸ„ŗ like dude??
Marcel is so much fun to write because of that duality. Iliya works for you. Tracy has her own reasons for needing you alive. Marcel, despite acting all diabolical, has literally 0 reason to do that.
He literally nuked his reputation in court because he likes you... and now everyone knows it.
Gosh, I love him.
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butmakeitgayblog Ā· 8 months
I cried so hard when Tracy performed. What sheā€™s been through all those years is heartbreaking and now look at her. An ageless goddess with a voice still smooth as butter. The recognition is long overdue. And when the camera panned to Brandi Carlile and her wife? Oh i was done for. That performance was so healing honestly
She just, she has so much of my admiration. And I'm glad a new generation is getting to experience her talent. You're talking about a woman whose first big appearance was to a crowd pf 60,000 people šŸ˜³. 60,000 who were agitated and hot and pissed off because they'd come to see Stevie Wonder, only to find out he wasn't coming on (highkey I'd pissed too), and so they just plunked her on stage instead because she was the only artist there who could play without needing any setup. Just her, and her guitar, and her poetry turned into songs. And by the second chorus everyone had shut the fuck up just to listen to her and feel her music.
Who has that kind of power? That presence? Very few. And what gets me every time I watch that original set, you can hear how nervous she was. Like that had to have been so unbelievably overwhelming. And then you hear her voice break when she hits that "I had feeling I could be someone" like YES BITCH YOU CAN AND YOU WILL BECAUSE GOD IS A WOMAN AND HER NAME IS TRACY CHAPMAN
And I know she's hella private (rip literally all the people I love are šŸ˜­) and doesn't talk about her life, but also we all know she's a šŸ“šŸ„­šŸšŸ which šŸ˜Ž
Also, look at that face
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Look at that face and that joy šŸ„ŗ I just wanna pinch her cheekies she's so precious
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go-to-two Ā· 6 months
If you look closely at the scene with the baby, she holds Tracy's hand šŸ„ŗ
That makes me wonder do they give children instructions like that? A baby would be too little but at what age do they start getting lines or actions to do?
Cute! I love when babies grab hands šŸ˜­
You're right, a child that young is waaaay too small to give direction to. You basically make sure their needs are met, they're comfortable, and you start hoping to whatever you hope to that they don't cry. Their parent(s) would likely be right off camera. Sometimes you just get lucky and they do something cute like that.
As for when a kid starts taking direction, that just depends on the kid. Some are able to begin following small instructions around 2 years old, and some don't until later. While they're small, it's mainly about containing them and building the scene around them with the assumption that they won't do a ton.
As the age of the kid in a script gets older, it's common to have a child actor play down in age. Ramona is a great example. I think she was 8/9 playing 6 when Makayla was introduced. It's much easier to have an older kid with fewer restrictions and more maturity play a young kid than try to have a kindergartener take on a bunch of responsibility. That doesn't tend to end well for anyone.
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Yesterday was day 2 of our vacation and we watched free practise from the pit straight. Parker nessie has hurt her knee and canā€™t walk so being nice kind Tracys we got her a wheelchair so she can still take us on our vacay! @drileyf @cg29 @tbirds @mrmustachious @alexthefly @janetm74 @soniabigcheese @katblu42 @nourelle-tracy @ak47stylegirl @m-calculus
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And I spent some time taking some photos of bikes as thatā€™s why I am here!
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This is Pol Espargaro, Pedro Acosta, Jake Dixon and Johann Zarco. Zarco is so cool he only needs one wheel! šŸ˜
Today the weather looks awful though so we arenā€™t sure that it will be as fun šŸ„ŗ
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stephanie-nicks76 Ā· 2 years
I just finished the second book (crush) in the crave series by Tracy Wolff and Iā€™m SCREAMING
I already ordered the next book (covet) and Iā€™m dying for it to get here. I had a feeling that Hudson and Grace were gonna be mated, but Cole breaking the bond between Jaxon and Grace just- holy shit. I was almost in tears I had to put it down I was ready to fight someone.
I like Hudson but idk how Grace could even CONSIDER accepting him as a mate. I donā€™t know about the three months that they were together yet but I figured that they would have some sort of bond/ one-sided friendship bc he remembers and she doesnā€™t. I just want Jaxon and Grace to be together šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ. These bitches need a break omg this whole book was just one blow after the other. I just couldnā€™t put it down.
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imjustwritingg Ā· 1 year
Wtf were those season finales. No like seriously
Will resigned but ultimately ļæ¼gets a happy ending with Natalie ļæ¼(see pd writer itā€™s not that hard to write a character and their relationship with respect and thatā€™s true to their character.) Good for him šŸ«¶
Mouch is dead (who knows if Trudy knows but we all know how the writers are. So sheā€™ll probably just get a text letting her know šŸ˜’šŸ„ŗ)
Bre*tsy got engaged and a happy fucking ending (of all people šŸ¤¬)
Adam gets shot (shouldā€™ve been vo*ght)
Burzek got an ambulance scene (even though upstead couldā€™ve had like 2 last season and 1 in season 7 but whatever šŸ˜”šŸ˜’)
And then the fucking season ends with vo*ght drinking in a bar while Adamā€™s in the hospital (still shouldā€™ve been vo*ght in there)
They only good thing about this season finale (other than itā€™s over) is that Kev ļæ¼wasnā€™t the one terribly injured or killed off but then also even that is kind like ehhhā€¦ with the ending they gave him
And well I donā€™t have much to say about Hailey for the simple fact that sheā€™s now getting treated like a side character and not the main character she is. (I seriously need Tracy to free me and herself from this shit show. Like please Iā€™m begging you šŸ™šŸ˜«)
This is the most perfect summary of the shit show that was One Chicago finale night.
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wolffyluna Ā· 2 months
I've just finished rereading Tian Guan Ci Fu! I am currently vibrating into another dimension of feels, past coherency.
Though now I have a dilemma. I've got Legendborn by Tracy Deonn borrowed on Libby, and I have been on an on-hold loop with it and I don't want to go around that merry go round again.
On the other hand, there's a book I need to reread as canon review for the Little Black Dress exchange.
On the mutant third hand that has me by the throat-- I have never read the tgcf extras. And I have them with me šŸ„ŗ
(You may be voices of reason or encouragement as you do choose :P)
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tutuandscoot Ā· 1 year
Thanks for the playlist- I found a few Iā€™ve never seen! This is very specific, but sometimes it bugs me when I canā€™t remember where a moment is from, I was wondering. If you could help me out?
Itā€™s around 2010 era I think, theyā€™re standing outside possibly in Vancouver, being interviewed by maybe Tracy Wilson? Itā€™s windy and Scott just randomly in the middle of the interview decides he needs to help T by tucking her hair behind her ear. Itā€™s super cute and bugging me that I canā€™t rewatch it šŸ„ŗ. Sorry very niche, but let me know if youā€™ve got any ideas.
Also this video has some little interview gems in it that I hadnā€™t seen before :)
Of course! Youā€™re welcome.
I know itā€™s so annoying, I get super bummed when I find a gif of a moment where the linked video isnā€™t working anymore or has been blocked- there was this great fan made video called ā€˜T&S- the Olympic yearā€™ that I loved and watched a few times but itā€™s since been blocked šŸ™„
I know the exact moment you are talking about- itā€™s the sweetest. From the looks of the location it looks like it was worlds 2010 in Torino, after the YVR olys. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a full video and not sure if itā€™s on YT- if someone knows please help out. šŸ™ā¤ļø
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noemitenshi Ā· 10 months
Right, anyone up for some backstory on abusive!Serena?
Here's Troy (who, as we all know, survived being stabbed - in this version he got saved by a group of people who are actually concerned with helping people not just paying lip-service to the idea - yes it's a dig at the show amongst them Lee and Ri, and (shock twist!)he falls in love with them (also for those interested how that happened: troy lost his memories as a trauma response after getting stabbed and having to renounce his daughter to keep her save. he stumbled upon lee and ri's group (in keeping with canon since apparently they all just s tumble into one another) and though troy has no memories he feels safe around lee and that's how it starts. currently troy has his memories and his daughter back and he's)) telling his lovers about his past.
Troy's all cuddled up with his loved ones and he knows he should talk about his relationship with Serena to them. He feels he owes them that - or maybe he needs it, too. Needs to put these things into words. Even though his throat closes up when he thinks about it, his jaw clenches. But he never surrenders.
"i, i had a wifeā€¦" he starts, in this kinda sing-song tone that means he's uncomfortable speaking about it. they nod because they kinda assumed haha that him and tracy's mom had a relationship "and iā€¦ i loved her" and he's nodding his head, his mouth downturned. and he repeats it a bit likeā€¦ almost an invocation "i loved her." his voice is forlorn now and far-away sounding. "a-andā€¦" he grimaces a bit, the next part difficult for him, he really doesn't want to say it. but he also does. "it-" shakes his head a little "it wasn't good between us. n-ot, not for a long time."
and of course they grow concerned for him, touch turning softer, maybe a whispered "oh sweetie" but quiet quiet because they know he needs to get this out. they can react after. they still looked at him softly inquisitive, hoping and at the same time dreading he'd say more about it. "she-uh- serena, sheā€¦" and he licks his lips, trying to gather the bravery to say it. he never said any of those things before. "she wasn'tā€¦ patient. easy to - anger. and when she was, angry, she uh. she said things. and sometimes, sometimes she did things. things that-" he broke off and shook his head "but she loved me. she loved me and i- i understood" (and i think here ri is probably gonna reflexively close her hold on him, tightly, just for a sec bc it enrages her so, for him. saying he understands his wife being abusive from the sounds of it). "i-i'm not easy to be around---"
"no." ri again, a cold little sound and his head snaps to her, probably bracing himself for her anger at him but she just looks like šŸ„ŗ "she had no right" ri tells him. troy just swallows. and he repeats
"she loved me. id have forgiven her anything." ri needs to work very hard not to break down crying, for him. and lee is quietly listening to this, probably holding troy a bit tighter, a bit more securely but he's quiet bc if he starts speaking he's not sure he can stop anytime soon. and he thinks troy needs to say these things first. all of it. troy takes little breaths, grimacing again. His whole face tense since he started speaking, his emotions pulling at it, relentlessly. "then she got pregnant" it's softer said than anything before. it touches their hearts. "andā€¦ one day, one day we weren't careful and - she got bit. her armā€¦." he shakes his head. "i thought id lose her. a-and she- refused to let me cut. she.. and i didn't know what to do, i couldn't lose her, i couldn'tā€¦ so" he laughed a little, void of amusement "i radioed for help. didn't really think--- but someone heard- and came. alicia." lee knows that name of course and he furrows his brows, squeezing troy gently. "she-she knew what to do. had lost her own arm so.. serena trusted her."
and he does this lip bite thing, like he's hurting and needing to put this into an expression "serenaā€¦ she changed after that." he tells them how she wanted to be like alicia, help people too. and "she also.. changed her behavior towards me. slowly. couldn't always but--- i could tell she was trying. weā€¦ got better, slowly. and i-" he laughs "i was grateful to alicia, you know. for saving her, for changing her. what unbelievable luck i thought." he grimaced a grin "freak luck" Lee and Ri probably share a very concerned glance bc even though this sounds good, he doesn't. he sounds desperate. and they wish they could just take his pain away. "one day she got a call for help she didn't come back from. got robbed, got shot. they just left her there. when i found herā€¦ she was dying. i held her as she died. and i thoughtā€¦. i thought how selfish of me. i'dā€¦ i'd been soā€¦."he snarled "so happy about the change in her, i didn't even considerā€¦ i should've seen this coming. but i didn't think, didn't think beyond myself. how could i have been so fucking grateful for the thing THAT GOT HER KILLED!?"
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waterloou Ā· 2 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Tagged by āœØšŸ’•@ksbbb @thiamsxbitch
Ok so half of these are ideas and others are almost done šŸ˜‚
-Morey first date
-Scira, Berica, Morey and Thiam types of kisses
-Thiam first date
-Continuation of the chimera series with Tracy, Hayden and Josh
-broken parts later chapters
-of my beautiful li later chapters
-gaze up to the heavens drag me underground later chapters
-the ring later chapters
-unintentional later chapters
-young vernon boyd
-thiam smut that I will be very vague ab if asked and I will never post probably
-loneliness Vernon Boyd
-rewrite s3 a on
-goodbye, hello (scira oneshot where she comes back and heals his eyes šŸ„ŗ)
-movie rewrite with Kira/Scott/Isaac bc itā€™s what they deserve
-as the bell tolls
-Hikari history/background
-Hikari and Kira interaction (itā€™s a VAGUE idea but it would be killer)
-Thiam best men to Morey wedding
-telltale heart future chapters
-Berica Persephone/Hadesā€™ assistant au
-thiam parents reformed villain/hero au
-various Theo character studies
-various Liam character studies
-various mason character studies
-Corey background
-various young Theo
-Brett and Lori background (aka how the Briggs twins, Brett and Lori, and the Hales are all connected bc BORN WOLVES LOSING THEIR FAM IN A FIRE??? HELLO???) (Iā€™ve seen maybe three or four fics do this and there needs to be more)
-connections between those who died and were brought back
-Hikari oc romance
-Kira and Theo talk
I have too many oc projects to name but just send me one of these fandoms
-the last of us
-teen wolf
Tagging @veetlegeuse @bisexualterror @s-s-southsideserpentine @humangrumpycat @chasing-chimeras @theoceanismyinkwell @songbvrd @darth-caillic @carmens-garden @wolfboy88 @sydney-winchester @letthestorieslive
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frog-artz Ā· 2 years
How IdV Couples/Ships where discovered as a couple:
KurtVais/ Kurt x Servais
Both didn't necessarily care if their relationship was discovered or not
Servais never bothered to hide any hickeys Kurt gave him
If his costumes covered them, good for it, if not, oh well
Kurt...Kurt's just a little oblivious....
Kurt sometimes simply forgets to hide the more 'indecent' things.
Sometimes when they wOoHoO in a match and someone comes by after they're finished Kurt will let go of Servais and fall cause his legs gave out and Servais will just face palm
They didn't need to tell anyone, everyone already knows.
TracEmma/ Tracy x Emma
They both told a few people each, who they completely trust.
Tracy told Luca, Will and Ganji
Emma told, Emily, Freddy and Leo( of course)
If Will didn't accidentally blurt it out by the time they share it themselves, they're just be more public about PDA and let the others discover it themselves.
WillGanji/ William x Ganji
William is not a quiet person
He will let everyone know
He'd yell it from the rooftop, probs something like "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! GANJI'S MY BOYFRIEND! GANJI'S MINE!" and then laugh like a cute idiot
Ganji is there just staring at him like 'what did I get myself into'
LuchiMelly/ Luchino x Melly
Luchino like to publicly flirt with Melly
They're both pretty touchy, in public too
Slapping butts? yea, they do that....the poor other people
Like Servais and Kurt, they wOoHoO in matches, but unlike them she doesn't suddenly let go of Luchino and just let the other get traumatized
They kiss in front of others too
They got together and never verbally told anyone, but everyone knew it
EliNaib/ Eli x Naib <3
Eli loves PDA
He loves show people just how much he loves his partner
He wants the entire world to know just how much he loves his partner
Eli would hold Naib's hand, lean over and kiss him in the match room 'for good luck'
Naib would keep his usual cold demoenour in front of others, but whenever Eli leans down and kisses him he can't stop the smile
Naib doesn't do alot of pda, but he be more protective and stay closer to Eli in matches
Everyone knows because Eli loves bothering people with how much he loves Naib
They do the little picky hold šŸ„ŗ
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gofigureelectra Ā· 2 years
Rika Kihira - Grand Prix Espoo 22 - Womens SP - JPN
3S | 2Aeu3S | 3Lo | 3Lo2T | FSS4 | 3F | 2A2T | 3T | ChCoSp4 | ChSq | StSq3 | LS4
Program: Titanic
Gosh, it is seriously so refreshing to see, and I am so captivated by Rikaā€™s clean skating, even more so than at SCI. Her comfort and ease in this program and with this ā€˜easierā€™ content really just brings you into her performance and makes you forget youā€™re even watching a competition. Seriously, just such a joy to watch. It was so tough to have a season without her last year, but seeing her thriving and setting herself up for a long, healthy career makes it all worthwhile.
And seriously, Women and Men across both disciplines need to take some serious notes on Rikaā€™s performance, her program composition and her score. So many of the up-and-coming skaters would be soooo much more successful if they laid out CLEAN, attainable programs for themselves and focused on quality and confidence building. ESPECIALLY when coming off of major injuries or full seasons off of the competitive circuit.
I also still love this dress on her, and it is so lovely seeing Tracy at the boards with her šŸ„ŗ
Score: 128.36, 192.43 into 1st
(Do yā€™all even understand how huge of a score that is with her current tech content? Thatā€™s 8 points away from 200 šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜­šŸ‘šŸ»)
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gordonthegreatesttracy Ā· 2 years
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I posted 619 times in 2022
94 posts created (15%)
526 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 29 of my posts in 2022
#thunderbirds are go - 17 posts
#thunderbirds - 16 posts
#thunderbirds 2015 - 14 posts
#gordon tracy - 13 posts
#plush life - 11 posts
#sea bean - 8 posts
#scott tracy - 7 posts
#alan tracy - 7 posts
#the adventures of the sea bean - 7 posts
#team sea bean - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#i looked through my tag for any character meme that wasn't ship heavy
My Top Posts in 2022:
@drileyf @mrmustachious @janetm74 @soniabigcheese @ak47stylegirl @cg29 @tbirds @alexthefly @inertplanetary
This morning I woke up really early and decided to wake my brothers up with some classic Christmas music. This was one of my songs:
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
Iā€™m telling you why
Scotty Claus is coming to town
He sees you when youā€™re sleeping
He knows if youā€™re awake
And if you say his name out loud
Heā€™ll steal your birthday cake
For some reason Scotty didnā€™t like it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. He ordered Parker jr to take me out until I was ā€œsuitably exhaustedā€ so she and Parker nessie took me into town for the winter fest to explore. Scott was so desperate for some peace and quiet that he gave Parker jr money to keep me entertained!
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Unfortunately he didnā€™t give me enough for this really cool bag
But I found a puzzle, and a doughnut stand, then I went and played on the hook a duck to rescue a plushie. I won a shark, his name is Jaws. Then it started to rain so we went to costa for some lunch before I went to explore the market. Parker jr said I still had some money left so I chose a ride to go on. I went on the big wheel! It was so so fun!!!!
See the full post
41 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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Today was Scottā€™s big trip he has been organising for weeks for Parker Nessieā€™s birthday. Then John found out he was going to a museum and begged to go with him. Scott and he compromised as Scott was determined to have a day out on his own but wouldnā€™t tell Parker jr what he and John agreed too.
Then I found out they were going to a museum with boats and decided I needed to go so I asked Scott and he said ā€œjfc (he really did say the F word) fine you can all come!
So we did!
See the full post
48 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
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Today it is national Bean Day. So come come fellow Gordonā€™s letā€™s take over tumblr with our agordable Bean faces! @janetm74 @drileyf @cg29 @tbirds @mrmustachious @rachfielden-xo @ak47stylegirl @m-calculus @inertplanetary
48 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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Thereā€™s a red weather warning in the uk for high winds and we have been advised to keep warm and safe indoors and watch thunderbirds. @drileyf my best friend - squiddy, and my wife - lady Penelope would like to say thank you so much for finding them a forever home where they are loved and cherished šŸ’›. The frogs and lizards are playing hide and seek in the truck!
@janetm74 @rachfielden-xo @cg29 @tbirds @mrmustachious @inertplanetary @ak47stylegirl @m-calculus @alexthefly @katblu42 stay safe! And make sure my cousins across the globe are all safe too!
48 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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@drileyf @mrmustachious @cg29 @tbirds @janetm74 @soniabigcheese @alexthefly @melmac78 @katblu42 @rachfielden-xo @m-calculus @ak47stylegirl today it is some English thingymabob where Parker jr throws us a party šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. John said itā€™s the queens platinum jubilee and that she has been the queen of England for 70 years (thatā€™s even older than grandma!) Casey joined us for our picnic (which was supposed to be outdoors but itā€™s raining šŸ„ŗ) so we moved the party indoors
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We even got to wear these awesome crowns!
See the full post
68 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review ā†’
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burned-lariat Ā· 2 years
Boy this years Nurse's Ball better be good. Despite GH knowing how to do it up big, that doesn't mean all these coinciding stories that will take place before/during/after the Ball will present any kind of "entertainment". Sure there will be surprises but... The bar is set real low, C&D I'm looking at you bastids.
Mostly looking forward to Tracy making an appearance and Epiphany's tribute. I miss Monica/Leslie.
Dead weight: Cody, Esme, Eileen, The Bensons; Millow, Jex, Crew. None of the characters can't even fill in on a filler episode. F is for FAIL! Convince me Fiz is dead and never to return.
Now with that said I saw a clip of Jordan and Finn. Got my Jovan vibes tingling. If Finn stops being a weirdo long enough, I could go for it. And I want to see Chase flip out at Finn dating his boss. Lol ya know actual entertainment.
I need moreQuartermaine family drama (again minus Millow), Selina Wu and Bradley Cooper (more Wus in general) Turi, TJ, Sante and Sprina, Taggert and my ChayLynn (...buffering atm)
Ship name for Austin and Ava?
Ava and Trina are headed for a rough patch. I can't handle the utter thought šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­
The only way I will tolerate little man Michael Corinthis (Quartermaine who?) is if he turns to the dark side. No Jaaon wannabe, but a good guy turned bad because of his fake vendetta against Sonny blowing up in his face and take his little sidekick Joss too. Replace Dex as the Jason prototype we didn't ask for and get this party started. Carly can go sit in a corner and bake imaginary brownies that nobody asked for cause she's been taking lessons from Bobby in secret that we care not to know about. Hansel and Gretel anyone? These kids Wiley and Amelia, better make like Michael and Janet and Scream! lol.
I'd love to see a good story being told without to much of the repeated copy and paste tactics from C&D. The advantage of a serial soap opera is you get more room to explore different types of stories without the limitations of a regular tv series. The last 7 years have not been spectacular for GH. There's not been a "good run" or an era to mark quality soap writing.
Most of the characters are too two-dimensional and inconsistent with the inconvenience of bad writing/retcons.
Which beleved character(s) would you like to make a brief return to shake things up for 2023?
Make it make sense.
1-800-FFS-GH23 šŸ¤£ put in a prayer
Considering that cast photo, my expectations are very low for the NB.
Same! And hopefully we see Monica soon!
Agreed. And unfortunately for us, it doesn't seem like the writers will be giving up on Fiz anytime soon šŸ˜“
Honestly, keep Dex as the "New Jason." I don't need more Michael, I need less. I need less Benson everything (Bobbie can stay tho).
Absolutely! Or if you reuse a soap trope, put a new spin on it! Mix characters that haven't mixed and let them take the charge.
I'd love to see Brenda & her son as well as the Scorpio-Drakes come back!
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chloenwckobia Ā· 2 years
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Works at The Vinyl Hub. Passionate about the environment. Loves collecting fashion magazines, drinking tea, and gardening.
Meet Chloe Sonya Nwokobia, an employee at The Vinyl Hub. Sheā€™s passionate about how digital streaming and TikTok are killing the music industry. Outside of the digital world, Chloe is also a fashion and book lover. She has a knack for keeping up with an intense skincare routine, following a zero waste lifestyle, and drinking more coffee than she probably should.
FULL NAME: chloe sonya nwokobia
GENDER: cis woman, she/her pronouns
DATE OF BIRTH: june 24, 1991
AGE: 31
BIRTH PLACE: alexandria, virginia
HOMETOWN: berkeley, california
OCCUPATION: employee at the vinyl hub
RELIGION: agnostic
ETHNICITY: nigerian and russian
LOCATION: merrock, maine
HOUSING: lives in a brownstone in the historical downtown district
FATHER: daniel nwokobia
MOTHER: lynne zadorov
BROTHER: henry nwokobia
OTHER FAMILY: a few cousins
PETS: none, but wants to adopt a bunny.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual, questioning lesbian
POSITIVE TRAITS: assertive, sensitive, intuitive, observant, imaginative, adventurous, dynamic, determined, flirtatious, outgoing, protective, passionate, punctual, adaptive, charismatic, energetic, loyal, self-reliant, resourceful, hard-working, team player, athletic, artistic, bold.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: emotional, jealous, irresponsible, talkative, cheeky, fiercely independent, bottles everything in, secretive, impulsive, foolish, moody, unpredictable, stubborn, vengeful, competitive, hard on herself, desperately afraid of failure, indecisive, doesnā€™t deal with conflict well, over-works herself, easily distracted.
THINK OF: phoebe buffay (friends), sutton brady (the bold type), zoey johnson (grownish + blackish)
FAVORITE MOVIE: breakfast at tiffanyā€™s, 10 things i hate about you
FAVORITE SONG: fast car by tracy champman
FAVORITE PERSON: her brother, henry
FAVORITE HOBBIES: listening to vinyl, painting her nails, watching makeup tutorials, taking twenty minutes everyday to journal, playing words with friends, reading before she goes to sleep.
LIKES: avocados, uber, spending time with friends, reality tv shows, chinese food, kisses, traveling, people watching, midnight grocery runs, sewing, cheerleading, autumn days, internet memes, bubble baths, french fries, buzzfeed quizzes, trivia, scented candles, singing in the shower, starbucks, ice cream, doritos, cardigans, reading in a bubble bath, hockey games, live music, hot cheetos, parties, garlic bread, dark chocolate, indie films, breakfast food, practicing makeup, long baths, stevie wonder, huge dogs, christmas, karaoke nights, dr. pepper, astrology, cartoons, music festivals, intersectional feminism, nights alone, halloween, horror movies, face masks, bagels, anything banana-flavored, bean bag chairs, puzzles, learning new things, apple juice, fun phone cases, the smell of oranges, animals, debates, intellectual conversations, pimple popping videos, stand mixers, body pillows, weighted blankets, politically correct jokes, documentaries, being outside, flipping the pillow to the cold side, tattoos, collecting things, dancing in the rain, making sand castles, eating peaches like apples, 90ā€²s rap, babies, rice krispies treats, plush toys, baking, late nights, hamsters, international travel, subtitles in movies, winning an argument, feeling needed, the feel of a good sweater, stand-up comedy, red starbursts, photobooths, early morning dance classes, sushi, road trips, deep conversations with strangers, snow angels, bubblegum flavored anything, bralettes, butterflies, stargazing, chocolate chip cookies, catchy songs, getting people worked up.
DISLIKES: loud eaters, hangovers, being nagged, being lied to, being ignored, assholes, being alone, the kardashians, animal cruelty, diet sodas, wasting food, ā€œadultingā€ (taxes, seeing lawyers, etc.), flip flops, cheesecake, her father, pistachios, beer, preachy vegans, narrow-minded people, eating carrots, having to ask for help, soggy bread, brain freeze, car sex, doing laundry, cardboard, saran wrap, drinking anything besides coffee or tea out of mugs, christmas without snow, extreme conservatives, stigmas against pit bulls, sprained ankles, forgetting names, cheesy pickup lines, eating in bed, the morning after, the youtube comment section, chipped nail polish, burnt toast, pineapple, thunder, feeling bored, being told she canā€™t do something, people getting too up in her space, anyone hurting anyone she loves, talking on the phone for hours, staying still.
She loves candles and burns one every night before she goes to bed. She has to set a reminder to blow them out or sheā€™s afraid sheā€™s going to burn her place down by accident.
Sheā€™s never driven in her life and doesnā€™t have her license. Sheā€™s only really lived in cities that have transportation systems, so sheā€™s never had the need to get one.
She enjoys working out and playing sports, but she wonā€™t play tennis ever again after fracturing her wrist when she was fifteen.
She wears contacts because her eyesight is awful. Sheā€™s a candidate for Lasik eye surgery, but sheā€™s afraid of being awake during the procedure and having something so close to her eyes so sheā€™ll just deal with wearing contacts or glasses.
She loves having her nails done, and youā€™ll rarely ever see her without nail polish on her nails. long or short, gel or acrylic, round or square ā€“ it doesnā€™t matter to her as long as they look good. Ā 
Chloe is spontaneous. Sheā€™s fierce, and sheā€™s outgoing. Sheā€™s the type of person to be best friends with someone after one conversation. Itā€™s very easy for her to trust people, but if they lose it for some reason, itā€™s insanely hard to get back. Sheā€™s very reliable; when she says sheā€™ll be there, sheā€™ll be there.
While she loves social media, sheā€™s a terrible texter ā€“ often either forgetting to text back or otherwise taking ages to do so. She doesnā€™t like emojis much but will use them sparingly. She hates chatspeak.
She cleans when sheā€™s stressed; but, there isnā€™t ever much mess to take care of. She is very keen on keeping her place clean and tidy as best she can. Being so frequently busy, though, it does sometimes get (by her standards) out of control. Itā€™s never for long, though, and sheā€™s quick to put everything back in its place.
She collects mugs. These donā€™t correlate with her choice of design aesthetic for her kitchen and Brownstone, but she has a bit of an addiction to them. They range from classy to kitschy. She always got a mug on her birthday from her grandmother.
If she wasnā€™t into climate and sustainability, sheā€™d definitely be a fashion designer. She loves sketching, sewing, and making garments. A lot of the clothes she wears are actually made by herself. She tries to not shop fast fashion and wants to wear clothes that are sustainable and eco-friendly. She wants to get back into fashion sometime and enroll in a class, but enjoys where she is at right now. Perhaps now that sheā€™s in Merrock, sheā€™ll see if the community college offers any fashion courses.
Chloe has a very extensive skincare routine; as someone who loves beauty and playing with makeup, she puts great stock in her appearance and strives to have well-behaving skin.
She loves wrapping gifts. She takes great care in making sure her gifts look nice, because the presentation is just as important as whatā€™s inside. She keeps a small stock of wrapping papers, gift bags, ribbon, and tags so that she can mix and match appropriately depending on the person. while birthdays are her favorite thing to do gifts for, the process of wrapping presents is her favorite part of Christmas.
She drinks coffee in the mornings. Sheā€™ll drink it during the earlier hours of the day as it helps her wake up. In the afternoon and evening, sheā€™ll make a cup of tea as it helps calms her and puts her in a more relaxed mood.
Her grandfather used to restore old gumball machines and he would let Chloe sit at his work bench and help. He would give her little jobs and let her use his tools and paints to make her own ā€˜creationsā€™.
An approximate timeline for Chloe!
From birth to age 8: Alexandria, Virginia
From age 8 to 18: Berkeley, California
From 18 to 22: Ithaca, New York - attended Cornell University
From 22 to 31: Manhattan, New York
From 31 to present: Merrock, Maine
Chloe is fairly new to Merrock, having only been here for a few months because of a job opportunity that she couldnā€™t turn down. Sheā€™s originally from Berkeley although sheā€™d been living in New York City for the past few years before moving. As a result, almost everyone she meets in the windy city would be fairly new to her. Chloe doesnā€™t have trouble making new friends. She seems fairly high-strung and tightly wound, but most of that is from the pressure sheā€™s put herself related directly to making her family proud and feeling like she wasnā€™t worthy of her fiance who was from a far more influential family than she was. She has a deep-seated need to succeed and she can get too wrapped up in that.
Once you get past that initial opinion of her, sheā€™s actually a very warm person. Sheā€™s very friendly, the type to offer a stranger a compliment in the grocery store for no reason and really enjoys the process of getting to know people. She likes collecting friends although sheā€™s happiest with a group of tight-knit people she can spoil. She takes joy in putting a smile on the faces of the people she cares about and helping them solve any problems they may have. She has a long streak of rationality and sheā€™s empathetic which makes her a very good person to have by your side in a crisis. And to be honest, she loves being the supportive shoulder.
On the other hand, she can be very rigid. She has very strong opinions of people and holds onto snap judgments made until proven otherwise. She can be very single-minded, especially when it comes to the things she feels she needs to do and she can stress herself out about it. Sheā€™d really benefit from meeting someone who can counter this and pull her out of her head when she gets too stressed out, although she wouldnā€™t turn down any type of support system at this point.
Her love life should be fairly open and closed. Chloe was engaged to Barry, a young lawyer currently studying to be a lawyer. She had been with him since graduate school and they were engaged for a little bit before they broke off their engagement. She still loves him (she thinks) but their relationship lacked passion, although sheā€™s attributed that to them being in a long term relationship with each other and both of them trying to kick-start their careers. Sheā€™s been openly bisexual since her teen years, so she has experiences with all kinds of people, she doesnā€™t really have a preference, itā€™s more about vibing with the person. However, sheā€™s been thinking about how she feels more like herself when sheā€™s with women. Sheā€™s been questioning her sexuality and if the reason she broke it off with Barry was because she wanted someone he couldnā€™t be.
Sheā€™s comfortable with the idea of being single now and she's not looking for anything, but she is open to one night stands as long as she can remember their name.
TROUBLESOME TRIO -These three are always seen with at least one another. You can call them Charlieā€™s angels, Destinyā€™s Child, or Phoebe, Rachel, and Monica from Friends. Something that resembles the trioā€™s of The Bold Type and Someone Great.Ā 
OLD FRIEND - Someone from her past that she reconnects with in Merrock. Maybe they met in college or when she lived in New York City? Or maybe even in high school? Just someone she meets again and they have a past, whether romantic or not, would be very cute and much appreciated!
PARTY BUDDIES - Whenever thereā€™s a night out for fun, theyā€™re together tearing it up. - RYDER
MUSICAL PAL - Whatever the occasion, theyā€™re kicking back and playing some music together. They share playlists and their favorite artists with each other. Plus, they always tag along to concerts with her! - DARRIUS
SELF-CARE FRIEND - They can text each other when theyā€™re in need of a pick-me-up and just indulge in some serious self-care and pampering. - STELLY
MIDNIGHT HOOKUP - They barely know each otherā€™s names and yet when the clock strikes twelve, theyā€™re a text away from hooking up and ditching before dawn.
Other than those, Iā€™m very much open to plotting and brainstorming!Ā 
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