#esli fanfiction
levi-x-sasha · 10 months
Starting a new series of LeviSasha oneshots!! 🥰🎄🎁
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esli-art · 1 year
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Artwork I made for my wip rivasasha fanfiction: To You, 11 Years Ago
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canonfatbisexualenby · 10 months
*you see me sitting at a cafe, typing away furiously with a cigarette and coffee nearby*
*you assume I’m writing some pretentious novel and go on your merry way*
*in actuality, I’m writing self insert fanfiction about how hot Pa/m Be/esly thinks I am and also how my ass is deliciously huge*
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fivefootab1tch · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
tagged by @tatakaeeren ~ ty victoria ♡
① the thing i'm most proud of to date is my levi & eren blm commission i did for @sp00kydraws ♡ the initial flood of tags on that art filled me with so much pride to be advocating for something that means so much to y'all personally. it means the world to me too and i felt such a strong and empowered sense of community with y'all upon drawing it. this also includes my commission post, which i'm taking up in exchange for donations to blm affiliated orgs. sp00ky's the only one i've done so far, so please help me find more ♡
② closely behind is my oc, @belzinone . after first getting into snk in 2015, i promptly dealt out a 140k+ fanfic about her journey through snk's main events and behind the scenes with her own original conflicts as well as relationships with the main cast. after that, i created an rp blog for her and have had a lot of fun writing her in the rpc and building her character to this day. when snk finishes (💔) i look forward to completing her fanfiction too (& possibly continue to write fics with her past the end, idk, we'll have to see how yams leaves us)
③ next is my stripper levi series (my favorites are this one and this one) and his ask blog. though i haven't answered any asks for him in a good long while, i took up the theme to mix fandom with my thesis and possibly educate people on sex worker and other related issues. though i've graduated, i plan on continuing this work so please follow @askstripperlevi and send him some questions, if you'd like!
④ then some select levi arts, including redraws of mobster levi from ch 123, which i also made an appreciation post on (at like breakneck speed fbsnfnskgk we were deprived of him for sO LONG), his two birthday arts last year (especially this one), this no name levi striptease (where i put him in a binder ♡), & chad levi
�� finally... my shitposts fbsgmsgmsl including make a wish levi & my most successful post of all time
bonus: my returning annie art. i love how she came out ♡
tagging @imikhey @kimako-art @snk-esli-thoughts @peachymess @nicoliputski @hilow @blindfolds @dirtylevi @momtaku @shuuhuu @sp00kydraws @evilwvergil @dahlia-25 @soapy0-0 @leanniera @tsukiy0 @laffitine @fluffyboots @kahleniel @emmysmith @matcha-castella @madcapraccoon @dinklebert @varrix @hunnymz @drinkyourfuckingmilk @alemanriq @huchidori @meatkasa @everylevishot @lampurpleart @ryuichirou @arianaisblessing & every creator who sees this ♡
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gloves94 · 5 years
White Holes [Cassian Andor] [10/10]
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Warnings: None Tags: Death Pairings: Cassian Andor/OC
Summary: Captain Cassian Andor was an Officer of Rebel Intelligence for the Alliance. An emotionless tool. There was nothing more to his life than following orders and working for the Resistance. Hell! His only friend was an Imperial droid named K-2SO. So what happens when he is struck by love at first sight and meets Dr. Lya Stryker? Will their story has a happy ending? (CassianxOC)
My fanfiction: M A S T E R L I S T
*** 3 Years Later ***
Adair sprinted to Dr. Stryker's home. He wasted no time in banging on the door. It only took a moment for the woman to answer the door. Her hair swayed as she did it rapidly.
She would never say but she had been patiently waiting for her significant other's return. She had a bad feeling about this mission. She could feel her stomach twisting in anxiety with every second of Cassian's absence.
"They're back," the male doctor nodded. His face was pale and his tone was one of seriousness. Her heart stopped. Dr. Lya Stryker looked back at the Imperial droid that had been reprogrammed recently. "NA-2, it's time." She quickly rushed back to a room which had been built in the back. There was a toddler sleeping on a small bed.
"I'll be back Jorel, mom is going to go get dad," she kissed the child's curly topped head carefully not to awaken him and rushed out of the house whipping her lab coat over her shoulders.
She had begged him not to go.
"Cass," She pleaded leaning over her kitchen counter.
"You always have bad feelings," Cassian sighed. "You have to admit you just don't want me to go."
"Well- of course not," She exhaled in frustration. It was like this every time. Except this time it was somehow worse.
Vital information about a weapon of mass destruction called the Death Star with the power to obliterate planets was just intercepted by rebels. However, it was potentially just a rumors. If it wasn't true- it was a trap and if it was true- what choice did the Rebel Alliance have? Would the galaxy be condemned if they didn't fight? What were the chances? What were the choices that they had?
She would plead for him not to go and he would return would a few souvenirs in the form of scars and bruises. Lya snaked around the counter and wrapped her arms around his arm. She leaned her head on his shoulder and kissed his arm. "If it were up to me I'd be selfish and keep you here all to myself." "If it were up to me I'd let you," he smiled at her. That ages smiled that made the edges of his eyes crinkle with affection.
"We have to go, get our hands on those plans. We've all done terrible things on behalf of the rebellion. Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion, for a better future and every time I walked away from something that I wanted to forget I told myself that it was for a cause that was worth it, for something that I believed in. But now, if everything is lost, everything would've been for nothing. I couldn't face myself if I did nothing." She looked down her eyes stung as they filled with hot tears, the grip became tighter around his arm.
"I'm doing this for us," he said taking her face in one of his hands. "For Jerol," he nodded his head over to the bedroom at the end of the hallway. "For me?" "For you," he leaned in and kissed her forehead. "For Esli?"
"Esli?" His eyes narrowed in confusing. "Who's Esli?"
She looked at him before cracking a weak smile. Her eyes lowered to her not yet swollen stomach.
It was a complicated time during the Galaxy War for children to be born, but alas life had to go on.
"A-Are you sure?" His eyes went wide. "Another one?" he beamed. He wrapped his arms around the doctor and hid his smile on her hair. He hid his smile, his tears, Cassian knew he wouldn't come back. He took everything in, her smell, her touch, the way her body felt against his.
He remembered the first time he ever laid eyes on the doctor. His heart had stopped, he had been so persistent in loving her since.
"Oh, Lya, my love, my all," he closed his eyes and pressed a kiss on her forehead. Like a broken damn the tears streamed down her eyes silently as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him as if it were the last time.
They made love one last time and her parting words to him were.
"May the force be with you my love,"
That had been yesterday.
Lya had not slept all night, she had been praying with every action and every step she took. Preparing the medical ward for the return of the brave volunteers who had decided to partake on this dangerous mission.
Beds were prepared, medicine was restocked and everything was ready the return of any fallen heroes.
Fighter ships and U-Wings were coming in ignited in flames. Survivors were rushed in to the ward. Medics began running left and right, there was pain, fire, blood, screaming and death quickly filling each and every one of the beds in the ward.
Lya kept her eyes sharp her senses on edge. She remained attentive to every individual that was checked in. Surprisingly there weren't that many survivors, there were beds to spare. She did a round around the ward desperately looking for Cassian. She kept her eyes open looking for Jyn Erso, K-2SO, anybody that could have whereabouts about Cassian.
Time flew by in the ward, and with every aching minute she knew.
It was around midnight when the Rebel Alliance had gathered at the main headquarters for a final update on the results of the mission.
By this time Lya already knew. She could feel it in her gut. She walked as tall as she could as she entered the crowded room. At the center stood the leaders of the Rebellion. They honored and praised the fighters that sacrificed their lives for the purpose of the Rebellion. They announced that thanks to these brave souls the mission had been a success and because of that the Rebellion actually stood a fighting chance against the Empire.
Holographic figures began glimmering in the projector with their names spelled above. Names and faces of valiant soldiers killed in action began flashing before the crew. Lya's face was stoic. Adair stood at her side analyzing her composed expression. Some of the faces flashing were familiar, some weren't.
Her heart was at her throat.
Her breathing, however was not.
She looked over her shoulder briefly. Wishing, hoping that Cassian would be casually leaning against the wall. His dark, bottomless eyes lingering on her as they usually would. K-2SO would come in and make a blunt sarcastic remark. But that wasn't the case today.
Her eyes returned back to the screen when they landed on her beloved for the last time.
Everything she feared had just been confirmed.
Just like that she felt something shatter inside of her. She stumbled backwards on her feet, the breath she had been holding choked out in scattered fits.
Her blood ran cold as she lost her footing and collapsed. She couldn't hear Adair calling her name, hoisting her up and dragging her limp body to the back of the crowd.
He knew what this felt like. He had felt it when Lux, the light of his life, had perished.
Her eyes remained fixed on the blue hologram of the man she had come to love, the father of her children, the martyr. She had known that choosing Cassian as her significant other would lead to this, however, she had not planned for it. It was never something she had wanted to witness. And just like that it flickered away, on to the next fallen soldier and the next, and the next.
Her hands began trembling as she allowed ragged breaths to escape her cloudy eyes. Dr. Stryker could feel an icy numbness consuming her soul, the tears came without a warning burning down her face.
He was gone.
Cassian had passed in Scarif.
Lya didn't know how it had happened. Nobody knew how or who he had been with. All that she knew was that it had been unstoppable. The planet had literally been obliterated. The only thing that brought her peace was knowing that it was fast and that if anything he hadn't been alone.
His death had not been in vain.
She liked to think that his spirit was with her. Comforting her throughout her mourning, keeping a watchful eye over Jorel, their child. She held the toddler's hand in hers. Everyday he was beginning to look more and more like his father with those dark eyes and his wavy brown hair.
They stood next to a memorial in front of her house. It was simple, just like he would've wanted it.
'In Honor of Captain Cassian Jorel Andor, who sacrificed his life for the Rebel Alliance and died in Scarif. Loving friend, father and husband.'
There was no use in hiding their relationship now. The two had been wed in secrecy. People around the base would gossip and whisper about the doctor and the mysterious parentage of her children.
However, that was now over, there was no more hiding, no more secrets. The only thing left to do was to move forward, and Cassian wasn't completely gone. He lived on, through his children, through his legacy, through the words and actions of those still fighting against the Empire with tooth and nail.
Lya would make sure that legacy stayed alive. She would keep fighting with her whole heart, even if she had just had half of it. For her, for their family, and specially for Cassian.
Author's Note:
I'll admit it.
This story was supposed to be 12 chapters long and I had already written them out, but then my OneNote crashed and everything went down the drain.
*Shoots a hole through my laptop*
So it is time to bring the story for a close. However, I have been wanting to start a Kylo Ren fic with Cassian and Lya's child Esli, so maybe that will happen one day. If it happens keep an eye out for Black Holes.
Thank you so much for the support and patience everyone.
All my love,
Prev: Chapter 9
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levi-x-sasha · 11 months
I have been struggling to get back into writing, I have left my wip levisasha fic aside for so long. Now I think this big fic has been scaring me away, and I need to get back into writing with smaller goals in mind.
So Im thinking about making little oneshots inspired by the songs on this playlist I made
I don't really know why I'm posting about this. Maybe I'm looking for affirmation, ideas, or encouragement. Anyway, that's it, and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in my AO3 for so long...
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levi-x-sasha · 2 years
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New fanfic! 🤍
Oneshot of 992 words ⬇️
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levi-x-sasha · 2 years
My Levi x Sasha fanfictions
From the oldest to the newest // Popular ones in orange
Team chemistry: A team building expert helps the squad
Little by little: Levi’s opinion about Sasha slowly changes
Shoulder to shoulder: Aliens invaded Earth and no one is safe from heartbreaks
Levi Ackerman and the Sorting Hat: Harry Potter universe with Parseltongue!Levi
The Letter: Levi’s life is in danger and only Sasha can help in a strange way
Hide and Seek: Levi and Sasha have to hide their relationship in canonverse
Lie, Live, Love: Second (and finished) version of the Letter
A Thousand and One Words: a series of oneshots inspired by songs
The Game: Armin shares his theory to Jean about Levi and Sasha’s relationship
Solis et Luna: AU where Sasha makes a deal with vampire!Levi
Distress: Sasha and Levi are left behind during a titan battle
In the Shadow: Levi notices Sasha’s injuries after her stay in her hometown
I’m always curious: Captain Levi has a crush and Eren ships them
Reminder to care: Sasha has had enough of the potato jokes
See you at Christmas: AU where Sasha didn’t join the army
Guilty: Reincarnation in the modern world gets Sasha in prison
I know you from somewhere: Reincarnation in a post-apocalyptic world
Feelings locked in a box: Sasha has to watch over grieving Levi
Tea and Potatoes: Eren finds Sasha and Levi taking a nap together in canonverse
Too late, mates: Sasha dresses up and boys realize what they’re missing
Really stupid: Sasha is making stupid things for love in canonverse
Feeding Quest: Sasha and Levi walk together in the snow
Home Free: Sasha finds Levi in distress, 5 years after the dissolution of the SC
The Teacher: Levi observes Sasha practicing archery
If you have any suggestions you can ask me 🤍 (Sasha and Levi have to be both adults or both teenagers)
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levi-x-sasha · 2 years
It's here! 🤍
I'll post a new chapter every day :)
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levi-x-sasha · 2 years
💛 Welcome to my LeviSasha blog! 💛
Be polite and respectful
Levi and Sasha have to be both adults or both teenagers
No ship/character hate
Avoid season 4 related content
Avoid nsfw
My Levi x Sasha fanfictions
If you like Levi x Sasha, you should check out...
A few TV shows ships reminding me of LeviSasha
⬇ Regular tags are on this post ⬇
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esli-art · 2 years
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Sasha at Queen Historia’s birthday in my fanfic Lie, Live, Love 🤍
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