#esp bc i was the one who broke up with her (and i'm not sure i ever liked her romantically? help) and i'm 90% that when we broke up she
lakesparkles · 4 months
Why do you like Gideon x Julie so much?/genq I'm not hating, but I've always really hated goosepowers (mainly bc both characters were really really mischaracterized and their writing was half-assed and rushed (esp Gideon) and the backstory for them was stupid and rushed in my opinion), but I'm really curious about what you see in it to like it so much/gen
First thing, thank for asking this in such a nice way! I'm glad you want to know my opinion about them and I'm sorry for how long my answer will probably be lmao
Okay, I think the best way to start is explaining about how I feel about the different adaptations of the characters:
Ramona is one of the only ones I prefer a version 200% times than the others (everytime I talk about her, pls assume I'm talking about comic Ramona). The other characters I kinda can see good sides in all different versions. Like Julie. To me she is the same in all of them?? (The different being the amount of screentime she has). Sometimes I see people saying "I like Julie in the anime but I can't stand her in the comics" and I'm very confused because?? She's the same character to me? But I love rude and evil women. Julie is the one character I would block someone for openly not liking because it'll hurt me.
Now Gideon. I love Gideon so much that sometimes I forget we don't know much about him. The thing is that he's an almost complex character to me and this is the reason I can't stop drawing and writing this dude. I need to understand his mind. And the way I like doing so is taking parts I like of every version of him and creating a Gideon in my mind that makes sense to me. And somehow this is what makes me like Goosepowers too.
All Gideons have their own flavor, but something that tends to be the same is that he's alright as long as everything is under his control. Things being out of his control makes him upset, and he would do anything to make sure it won't happen - I mean, his whole reason for almost killing two people in the comics as because Ramona broke up with him and how dare she?? (This is why I like his backstory in the anime. He truly doesn't know how to deal with being rejected)
I like to think this is the reason he's so "not himself" during his Gordon Goose episodes in the anime. He's just wondering who he even is now that he has nothing. All his biggest fears became true so he doesn't care anymore.
And Julie is just... Everything that he dislikes in that sense: she yells at him, bosses him around and he has to do what she says because he's at her house now. I swear I wrote a whole fanfiction about this, to try to see how he felt in that moment. Maybe he likes Julie because she makes him feel free from all of that thoughts. Or maybe he doesn't like her at all and, inside, is just waiting for a moment he'll be able to change her as he wishes. Maybe he doesn't know himself, he doesn't even know who he is.
And another thing is that Gideon dating Julie doesn't make him a better person. It's the opposite, it's makes him worse because he's sudenly such a good boyfriend and it shows that he was always able to change. He could've been a nice and loving boyfriend for Ramona this whole time and the only reason he wasn't is because he didn't want to. And I'm still crying about how good this plot could've been in the anime if Ramona didn't stop sudenly caring about Gideon or how badly he treated her and how Julie, her friend, is dating him even knowing exactly how he is. The potential this plot had,,
I have a lot more to say about Goosepowers (and the Julie part of it, but that is a totally different story and I already wrote too much) This is the way I see their relationship and feel totally free to disagree. These are mostly my headcanons, after all!
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larchelle-ffxiv · 3 months
more 7.0 spoilers bc I was DRAINED after finishing msq yesterday. also a lot of headcanon stuff for my skrungly bc I have THOUGHTS AND THINGS I GOTTA WRITE
- so this expac hurt obviously, but MAN I didn't expect it to touch on grief and loss, let alone HOW it approached that. where shb and ew had similar themes going on of "regardless of the loss and sorrow we are faced with, we will learn to press on and continue", that sorta thing. dt is here like "hiya gamers are you ready to learn how to ACTUALLY LET GO OF THAT LOSS? HOW TO ACTUALLY SIT DOWN AND PROCESS THAT GRIEF? WELL YOURE GONNA LEARN TODAY"
- everything about alexandria/LM BROKE ME. a really powerful message on how impressive and impactful technology can be, but also how quickly it can be weaponized and abused. and the shit about erasing the memories of those who die just being commonplace???? the turali people who were in the dome, found themselves losing THIRTY YEARS OF THEIR LIVES, their loved ones back in tural thinking they were dead or missing and they were RIGHT THERE, some in that time REALLY DYING/BECOMING ENDLESS? good GOD that fucked me up. not to mention EVERYTHING ABOUT SPHENE. she didn't ASK to be made into an endless, she had goddamn levin sickness and WENT TO TRY TO HELP HER PEOPLE ANYWAY, preservation forced her new self to put the people's needs and desires so much in the forefront of her priorities that she became a TERRIBLY FLAWED leader, but was so blind to her faults bc she "did everything for her people's wellbeing". she's a heartbreaking character for sure, ugh
- this expac gave us SO MUCH GOD DAMN WORLD BUILDING. WOW. ive never done every single yellow quest in an expac, but I've made it a huge goal of mine to do it here esp throughout the expac, and it's been SO WORTH IT. the further extended lore, the foreshadowing/clarification and further explanation for things, it was all terrific jfc. now I wanna go back and do yellow quests for all the expansions bc bro. this shit is just SITTING HERE??? FOR FREE????
- I've finally figured out why people (aka capital g Gamers on reddit/ff forums/twitter) don't like this expac. it's absolutely feeling like what stb has become to a lot of the player base. it features a lot of POC, has female leads, and we as the WoL aren't The Main Character. at least in stb we had more of a presence as WoL, but here one title doesn't matter anywhere near as much in comparison. also, with a lot of the dialogue/plot stuff/music (esp the songs with lyrics) , this expac is kingdom hearts coded AS FUCK. it's goofier than EW/SHB, it has more corny stuff going on, wuk lamat is LITERALLY female furry sora. they're mad that we aren't the Main Character, they're mad it isn't as edgy/horrific/depressing, they """can't relate""" bc everything is so diverse and full of hispanic culture, and they're fucking FIXATED on wuk lamat's VA being a trans woman. jfc I'm so glad I'm not on Twitter and I don't look at the ffxiv reddit, bc the shit I've heard has been pathetic and obnoxious lmao. like, try to have ACTUAL CONSTRUCTIVE THINGS to complain about.
also, I hold the unpopular opinion of HW being my least favorite experience in game. the beginning of it is SO GODDAMN SLOW AND PAINFUL, and i honestly got soooo bored of seeing the same looking white elezens/hearing about the Catholic Control and Drama. i also really dont like the dungeons or trials (minus the last msq one, still great thematically), and playing 50-60 as a scholar was NOT fun lmao. hilda, the OST, and everything relating to the DRK quest line are basically all that kept me going through that expac.
But I won't go being a goddamn asshole about it to people who like it!!! let people ENJOY things jfc lmao, also recognize that every single expac takes time to hit the Big Frickin Moments (aka level x7 most of the time), and not everything needs to involve huge amounts of massacre and horror!!! even then, did yall NOT pay attention to what happened with solution 9/living memory??? where goddamn SOULS ARE A CURRENCY???? how about the mamool ja SACRIFICING INFANTS EN MASSE in hopes of a two headed son being born, and putting all their faith in that son to get them out from the deepest depths of the jungle???? or the war between them and the x'braal???? is2g the lack of media literacy/reading comprehension amongst gamers, I'm so TIRED
- chelle is absolutely gonna find her adoptive mom satsuki in the canal town section of living memory. hands fucking down. ive had this idea for y e a r s now of them having a chance meeting in the aetherial sea as she "died" after fighting zenos in UT, but it fits SO WELL to have it take place in LM of all places. satsuki spending YEARS trying to find her lil meow meow again, hearing tales of what sounded like her girl, but how in the hell did the shy, sickly child she once cared for get strong enough to become a whole ass HERO??? and just always ending up in each place she was too long after she had left, bc she was only able to work off of hearsay ;A;
me and my partner have it where satsuki's wife and her always hoped to visit tural together, and she gave her wife notes on how she needed to help satsuki find this young miqo girl she adopted after her wife went to travel again. as luck would have it, enna was in tural waiting for satsuki to join her there (satsuki and her were doing research based on chelle's appearance and accent and essentially crossed every continent off the list over time. esp Ala mhigo bc, even tho that's where satsuki found her, enna knew she couldn't be born there based on she herself being Ala mhigan). enna becomes chelle's viper mentor and says that she knows her mother, but doesn't elaborate much until they get to know each other better.
so them finding her in LM? still running a tavern and keeping people happy with booze and food and sea shanties all sung off key? oh it's gonna DESTROY THEM, but be such an important step in getting closure/learning to face grief head on/letting her go without regrets. and they're gonna be a family and UGH I CANT WAIT TO WRITE IT
- fellow wolgrahas. fellow wolgrahas how the FUCK WE DOIN BOYS, LIKE?????? they really gave us a main story quest to help an endless find an engagement ring to propose to his beloved, AND THEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER. put us on a gondola ride with g'raha so he could have a """heartfelt conversation"""with us AGAIN???? BRO!!!!!!
chelle and him are absolutely gonna finally address their relationship again, where g'raha has been struggling to figure out whether or not to propose lol. he really wants to do something to symbolize them being together for life, but knows that she isn't the kind of person who likes just staying in one place/being tied down and isn't really about traditional. well anything lol. he's gonna stumble his way through all those thoughts before she gently cuts him off, reassuring him that she understands and appreciates how thoughtful he's been about the whole thing. reflect a bit on what they've seen and been through, both in the first and since he returned to the source, and with this couple and them talking about "living without regrets/living life to the fullest"(gotta reread the dialogue for when I write this lol). and thought stuffy fancy shindigs aren't her thing, she knows damn well that he's someone she wants to see the world and share her life with.
and SHE'S the one who gets down on one knee and asks him to elope with her/be life partners. the bitch PROPOSES HERSELF, but is too stupid to realize/still too scared of vulnerability to actually call it what it is. and he's about to burst into tears and before he can say anything the gondola knocks into the pier at the end of the ride, as chelle's kissing his hand, causing her to nearly headbutt the poor boy in the crotch and both of them panicked going "OH GODS ARE YOU OKAY, DID YOU GET HURT, SORRY". and they stare at one another before chelle awkwardly laughs going "i guess this would be a bad time to make a joke about "giving you head", huh" or something else cringe like that, to which they both start laughing, holding hands as they step back onto the pier before those laughs are joined with joy filled crying as they hold each other as tight as gd possible and jfeivoeoivoeor
I'm sure I'll have more to say and reflect on but this is already super long and I just. wow. what a goddamn incredible experience dawntrail has been.
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tojikai · 2 months
After seeing so many asks about it, I finally finished sundered!
I don’t have any questions about y/n or Satoru or Naomi.I feel like I understand their characters enough, such as their reasoning and such
I'm more curious about Yui herself.
If it’s alright with you, I do have some questions regarding it.
•What will older Yui think of Naomi and her relationship with her father?
•What will she think of Naomi trying to be her mom basically and Satoru letting her along with herself, calling Naomi "mama" when she was younger
• When Naomi and Satoru broke up, did she wonder where she went, why she's gone, or miss her Or was it like, "Oh, dad's girlfriend is gone, wtv"
• who is yui’s favorite parent?
• did yui really see naomi as her mom? Considering she called her “mama” and all
• did she prefer her over her actual mother?
• did yui love satoru more/liked being with him and naomi more?
•^ since she didn’t want to leave that one time, what was up with that?
• was it more of a material thing?
Thank you for answering if you do💞
tysm for reading sundered ~!! <3 lets answer your questions ! ngl answering most of them made me really sad for yn 🥹 yui's just a baby tho </3
when she grows up uhmm..knowing how naomi got w her dad will make her feel bitter, as i said before, she'd feel like naomi inserted herself in between her dad and her mom, instead of really helping her dad. even if naomi was caring to her, she'd find it difficult to be grateful to the woman who further pulled her parents away from one another. if she's old enough she'd probably have a theory that naomi only tried to help her father bc she was already interested in/attracted to him.
yui would feel so guilty abt the mama thing. yn would tell her she's just small and she'd still feel bad, she won't accept that she called the person who tried to take her and her dad away from her mom "mama." she will be reluctant to ask satoru abt it, but she eventually will. probably give her father a cold shoulder for a few days for letting it happen too.
she sometimes told yn "no naomi" like she's just trying to tell her what's going on in her dad's house. and when with satoru, she asked for her a few times bc she's used to naomi being there with them esp. when picking clothes 🥹
definitely yn. she might get distracted, but she'll always look for yn in the end.
yeah, she saw her like a mom. esp when naomi does things yn does for her too, in satoru's home :">
not really prefer it, but she has games/things she really enjoys and remembers doing w naomi 🥹
not that she liked being with them more, but kids can form attachments with people who interacts positively w them. and w the coparenting setup, satoru and naomi always made sure they spend a day or two doing something fun, so the kid really looked forward to it </3
she didn't want to leave bc she got new toys, it's happened more times than one. sometimes she's in a middle of a game w naomi and sometimes she just wants to be with them more. yk typical kids when they feel too comfy, or is having a really good time, they sometimes resist going back to their guardian.
the toys are shiny to her, yes, but other than that, they do a lot of fun things together :''))
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webslingingslasher · 5 months
girl theres so many things happening in my life rn.. rmr my old crush that i ghosted and said sorry to, then told me we're all good and now we're still friends?
guess what, i saw him today!! i had an event coverage and i saw him there, we just exchanged hellos bc i was busy taking photos and he was with someone (who later on i found out was a professor and not a friend lmfao he looked like a student😭)
but yea after the event, he msged me and then we caught up with each other!! we talked for so long lolol but man.. he said me misses me 😭😭 he told me that after the time we spent back then, he didnt rly have anyone to talk to bc i was rly his only friend that time.. and then i ghosted him?? I FEEL SO BADDD i never knew he felt that way 😭 and i never knew that i was his only friend that time, i mean he does have friends yes but his closest ones are in diff campuses so :︎’( but yeah like.. wow.. 💔
it couldve been us against the world fr esp when i broke up with my ex bffs (which i also told him abt today bc he met them before).. 😞
i always knew this but it just sinked in to me that im always the person who leaves.. ive always had my reasons and i can still justify them except for when it comes to him bc that was just rly bad :( and then the thing w my ex bffs (for very valid reasons).. i'm just hoping that'll be the last time i leave someone behind..
ahaha it'd be ironic if the next thing to happen to me is someone leaving me instead lol.. im not trying to manifest it but i think it's bound to happen at one point lol thats life i guess
also.. lowkey i had a feeling he'd be there at the event LMAO we didnt even talk weeks prior but i guess i was right 🤷‍♀️ kinda crazy tho like.. whats this reconnection for @ universe haha i didnt do anything..
also also.. rmr my friend had a crush on him too? and i was very sure he liked her back haha. well im not sure, idk what happened w them but she stopped posting abt him. i think they're just friends now bc my friend's mom told her not to do anything w the guys asking her out 🙁 ig it's bc it's been 4 months since her breakup w her bf of 3 years.. she seems happy tho hahaha
and then this happened.. idk life's so crazy rn what is this lmao this all happened in a Week..
yay!!!! the way this has come full circle and you’ve grown so much!!! i’m glad he has a friend again and so do you!
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2, 17, 25
Will be answering these as M*A*S*H since that's mostly the accounts I've been interacting with! I hope that's okay :)
2. "a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom"
Okay okay as much as I agree w people that Hawkeye has bottom energy, my favourite character is Father Mulcahy and my favourite ship is Hawkcahy... and I CANNOT see Mulcahy ever topping. Like He might bottom from the top but he would never fully top, y'know? In every ship I've entertained or heard mentioned with him, he's always the bottom. Hell, even if he had've gone to bed with that one nurse (Gail, I think?), I'm sure she would've topped. She had top energy. And Mulcahy just... doesn't. He's mostly quiet and sweet and gentle (usually), and also even if he had some experience before he was ordained, it's been like a decade at least since he's gotten laid. He's inexperienced and shy and as much as I think he does have a bit of a wild-side to hip, I can't see it manifesting as him topping. Being a brat? Maybe. Idk how much of a compelling argument this is but whatever. Also I'm not even 100% convinced by my own argument bc I'd love to see him as a gentle dom or actually getting riled up enough to top but I never said that
17. "there should be more of this type of fic/art"
Full disclosure I am an angst reader and writer predominantly and cope via projecting onto my faves, so yeah, I wanna see more angsty stories and artwork. I know MASH started as a comedy but my god that show made me laugh and cry in the same episodes half the time and the characters deserve some comfort. And you know who I want to see have some comfort? Klinger!
Unpopular choice? Idk, maybe. But I feel like that man has so many feelings that he just doesn't show. Like the period of adjustment episode broke my heart because he was trying his absolute best and everyone was treating him horribly and I just wanted to hug him. IK we got to see him chatting with Potter when he was plastered but I mean outside of that. Give me some Charles and Klinger hurt/comfort. Or Kellye and Klinger! Or Margaret!
Speaking of Margaret, I'd love to see more fics/art of her interacting with Radar. The scene where she's reading a letter to him when he's injured was so heartwarming and I feel like she saw him as a son or at last a little brother by the end and I'd love to see some more content of them, but esp hurt/comfort.
Also want to see some more hurt/comfort with Mulcahy. Like in the show he has a few moments where he goes to Hawkeye and I think once with Potter but its almost always him being the counsellor by proxy to the whole camp and on top of everything he deals with for himself he has to del with everybody else too and as someone who has a job that makes me be the therapist by proxy, its so draining. He's probably touch starved too so like... someone give that man a hug. Please.
Oh, and more Igor. Just... more Igor in general. He was funny, I always liked him.
25. "common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing"
I don't know if I have one... Maybe that's because the fandom is small or because I haven't been around here for very long, but I don't really have any complaints thus far. Everyone has been so nice!
Thanks for sending this ask!! Sorry it took me a while, I've been busy with commissions and such. And also sorry that this turned into a rant lmao I hope you don't mind 😅 -Em
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
Hi I'm starting this only 30 minutes into Livesies
This is gonna take a while. It's too good. I have too many favorite things.
Parts 1 and 3
Usual T/W just in case: cursing, violence
Jack's thinking face
"You mean like a strike?"🙄 ... "YOU HEARD DAVEY WE'RE ON STRIKE"
"Half them strikers is laid up with broke bones"
Things you need to be a union: 1. Membership (Albert's lil salute) 2. Officers (IIIIII nominateJackpresident (he's touched)) 3. A statement of purpose (left in other pants)
"Unioned we stand."
Jack once again channeling Draco to say pockets
"Ig you do Mr. President"
Albert fidgeting without a thought in the world
Albert's empty ass head
One thought: Fight
How much teeth Davey uses when he says "we got a union"
Jack essentially translating for Davey
Mush cracking his knuckles
I miss the drums ;-;
Davey's hop off the papes
When shortstop doesn't take it down
Nicholas Masson never knowing what to do with his hands
Tommy v dramatically wrapping his arm around the gate
Davey hopping from the ladder
Race: :0 :O :|
March march march march march
wiggle wiggle
The three different reactions to being thrown out: Les, immediately hopping up and yelling at the guy Jack, trying to find his dignity before he stands Davey, and whatever his dramatic ass is doing
Albert literally jumping onto the table.
Finch sitting on top of the back of the chair.
"Over here!"
"Just gimme a wat'a"
"How. did i ever. see that coming?"
Albert: :(
c o n f u s i o n
"Spot Conlon's toif"
"-hangin' round at the wOild" *hand motions*
Jack hiding behind Davey
Y'all gay asf stop looking at her like that
"You think you have a chance?" Tommy, giving the widdlest nod
"I'll rephrase"
"This is entertaining...so far"
"Methinks the lady needs to be handled by a-" bap bap fix hat vest "-real man."
"How'd she know my name?" "Get outta here" *shove*
Finch hopping onto the table
Them helping Jacobi pick up
Hoppity hoppy hop hop
"cantcha see it in my eyes?"
"Yeah ok"
"W www whasa matta aincha sure?"
"Rather tell ya what I'm hopin' for tonight" bites lip
"TOMORROW-" fuckfuckshitfuckwhatarewedoingtomorrow "-we stop the wagons" thankfuck crisis averted she would've thought I don't know what I'm doing
"Write it good."
"A little hyperbole never hurt anyone"
"If I could just write about it" MOOD
"You poor boys"
"It could practically write itself and let's pray it does"
Kath being an entire writing mood
"What a face"
"I'll be twice as good as that SIX MONTHS FROM never" :(
"Just look around at the world we're inheriting And think of the one we'll create THEIR MISTAKE IS THEY GOT OLD THAT IS NOT A MISTAKE WE'LL BE MAKING"
Davey making jokes about Brooklyn showing up at the worst time is further proof that Davey is autistic plznfanku
"Queens will be right here backin' us up-" :D "-as soon as we get the nod from Brooklyn" D:
The Camp Rock 2 song playing in my head every time I hear Jack say 'we can't back down'
Iain. Young's. Rat. Face.
Les leaning against the gate. 0 fucks given.
Jack leaning on Finch's head
"We doin' this?"
"Once we've begun, if we stand as one, someday become somehow"
Ben Fankhauser's voice
"And a prayer becomes a vow"
"The boids are singin' "
Tommy. Boy's. Arms.
Jack's entire speech
Tommy, marching up to Jack Davey: Les get behind me idk what I can do except be a human shield
"I'm with ya" Everyone: :000000000000
Tommy's pose as he hands his bag back
Nicholas Masson not knowing what to do with his arms pt 2
"Who are you gonna trust? Them? Or them?"
"Y E A H"
Now showing: Jeremy Jordan's Jack's inability to dance
Right left right "HYA"
Spinny spinny spin
"Ya see this Mista Pulitzah?!"
"C'MON FELLAS" -Buttons
WAISCOAT GUY HAS THE CHILD (I think about this all the time)
Do I need to say it?
Do I need to put it here?
Probably not
Jumping over the homies
Jack having to stop Mush
Pushing a cart into bad guys with bae
"Stay down!" Les immediately meerkatting back up
Les s l i d e
Jack's mini tantrum before Santa Fe
"Thanks to GOOD OL CAP'N JACK"
"Dreams come true Yeah they do"
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telestoapologist · 1 year
Shaxx or Saladin for Blorbo Bingo?
u get... both of them!
✦ Shaxx
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Most fandom takes are incorrect on Shaxx bc it's like. He fucked Mara (he did not!!! they are very good friends and he read to her and was probably hella good at it!!), he's either another dumb titan stereotype or "was Shakespeare in a past life" (which isn't meant to be harmful I'm sure, but still, I think characters (esp non-white ones!!) can be successful and good at a thing without having some famous dude in their lifeblood or w/e). Also I see way too much fan art of Shaxx being athletic/not hairy, white, or a tiger alien and it's like,, no this is a big sweet and very smart and beefy black bear of a man and not every great character is going to be all of that other stuff etc etc!!!
man. also when I mean "lost potential" and "writers dropped the ball on them" I don't mean in a terribly serious sense. I just like, it feels like we don't get enough of him as things currently are? like I feel like he could still be seen/heard here and there... maybe there's lore I'm missing though orz
ok lastly i'm biting my fist and acting abnormally because this man is so comforting and wonderful and i wish i knew him irl and live up to his expectations of me. my deep seated love for him comes from me wanting to know someone like him irl so, so, so badly and how people like that would be good for me for tons of reasons.
✦ Saladin
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i used to hate this guy bc i thought he was a boring asshole but ykw. i have come around to him and i like him SO much even though sometimes i wanna punch him. my projected hate/love for him comes deeply from my daddy issues and that's as far as i'll speak on that!!! he's like a grizzled old depressed father-like guy to me though and i deeply care for him as a character now. it's so nice to see him have a purpose now on caiatl's war council.
he doesn't open up about it warmly or joyously, but like, you can TELL he's having a good time and putting his all into it. he smiles again, has more drive than before, hopefully he actually got the motivation to clean up his living quarters bc last i checked he was just. so fuckin down and neglectful of it that it was like a hoarder's space that was in desperate need of cleaning and organizing (that broke my heart so fucking bad bc i've been there before).
i get why a lot of people don't like him but i also feel like some of the hate for him is based in like, not knowing enough about him and just not caring about other people and the shit they go through lmao. that's not always the case but i've seen some people say certain things and it's like... it gives me the ick, even though he's fictional. like there's irl people who are like this too and it makes me wonder if they'd treat them the very same.
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thelovelybitten · 1 year
random stendy headcanons (12:00 am edition) (pt 1 out of ???)
hi everyone, I’ve just passed 2 months with stendy in my life and I’m just feelin’ slapping down some hcs for no reason
cw: mentions of drinking, s*x and unaliving
junior high stendy would be just so messy
like they wouldn’t date in junior high just bc they broke up so much as kids
they rekindle in high school for maybe a year and a half
Wendy drags his ass and Stan makes sure he does the same
everyone else in the school LIVES FOR THE DRAMAAAA
never to be mentioned again until college (two years in)
stan is such a clingy boy when it comes to wendy, physical touch is a must
wendy secretly likes being pampered by stan when she’s having a bad day
in turn she does it for him too
stan and wendy have a tradition of ice skating every winter on starks pond and it is SO CUTE
they are so touchy feely (but in certain places, lol— don’t wanna make the friends cringe bc they are eskimo kissing or sumth)
kyle hates wendy so god damn much until they finally get together for good. even them being together again is a touchy subject
therefore bebe should hate stan ??? wrong. both bebe AND TWEEK hate stan. they are her defence brigade. craig has been a hater of the core 5, so since he's tweeks bf, he's automatically a wendy advocate.
i think stan and wendy would enjoy watching survivor for no reason other than stan yelling at the screen at all the betrayals and idol plays (and then saying it's a dumb show but then is screaming abt it again LMAO)
stan: I could do this easy, football drills have prepped me for this shit
also stan: can't be bothered LMAO
bebe and kyle sometimes come over to watch too !!!! mostly bc bebe and wendy are super fans, haha
wendy and stan are opposites when drinking, obvs wendy is a lightweight and stan is a heavyweight (thanks randy gdi)
wendy will try to one-up stan in a drinking contest and fails almost every single time
besides one night at their high school after grad party when they were pissed at each other... don't compete w wendy when she's pissed ok
other than that, they’re super all over each other drunk
probably would fuck in the bathroom or sumth
wendy would like moscow mules, not too sweet, but not too bitter
stan is a beer drinker until he dies, the stronger the better. during his depressive episodes, he will drink abt an ounce of everclear bc it's faster and makes him feel nothing.
wendy forbids him from drinking it but she knows stan doesn't care, esp in his dark times
kyle, kenny and wendy are the only people who are there when stan almost dies from alc. poisoning. he basically tried to unalive himself in front of his mirror with a razor blade, but was found just in time by his dad before he bled out.
all 3 kiddos are scarred by this. but they make sure stan goes to therapy and recovers well, esp. kyle, who takes stan to his appointments at the therapist's office every week.
wendy is the one who manages his prescriptions until stan recovers
and kenny makes sure his parents know everything that goes on with stan, only if it's causing him or someone else harm. he's the source of light, in all honesty (as he should be, that's my mf son)
sorry I'm ending this v dark but I didn't want to make this too lengthy
:D more soon
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 7~
things are not looking great for shen qiao. first he's betrayed by his shidi, then he's accosted by this old man who wants to bang him, now he's left his old sect behind... rip bby 😔 the old man is enjoying his sorry state a bit TOO much lol WHAT HOW DID HE MAKE THAT FLOWER EXPLODE??? HOLY SHIT HE MADE PETALS INTO A FLOWER AND THEN BROKE IT??? THATS SO COOL??? oh uhhhh there's something about a ring, good and evil, and clearing out mt xuandu or sth idk *shrug* yws: A-QIAO I HEARD U HAVE THAT GAY THOUGHT. SHARE IT A-QIAO. SHARE UR GAY THOUGHTS WITH ME. >:) now the old man and shen qiao are on a date. let's see if shen qiao will be allowed to drink without coughing or eat without fighting anyone :D damn nicholas cage is LOOSE in the jianghu, i can't believe he's just going round taking ppl's faces…….off ;A; ITS HARD TO CONCENTRATE WHEN SO MANY PPL TALK AT ONCE, AND THE SUBTITLES SHOW ME THE DIALOGUE FOR BOTH. PLS ....aaaaaand it's no dinner for shen qiao. AGAIN. smh 😩 oh god he's being a menace again. the old man, not nicholas cage. although nicholas cage also being a menace too somewhere out there is certainly possible, idk yws: oh?? ur gonna go ''''practise'''' alone in ur room??? when u could ''''practise'''' with ME instead???? >;DDD shen qiao: u are being kind of annoying :/ a lot of yws's dialogue are just hums of varying tones to express varying amounts of disdain and horny. i respect that shen qiao constantly being dismissed bc of his appearance is both frustrating and hilarious. esp when he gets the chance to LAY THE SMACKDOWN on his bullies 💪😤 WOO FIGHT SCENE! HELL YEAH! GO SHEN QIAO!!! SHOW THAT XIAOZI WHAT'S UP!!! oh!! he apologised! what a nice young man, he learnt a lesson! good for him! i take back what i said, ur not a brat 😊 DAMN RIGHT BEING NICE IS NOT BEING A PUSHOVER. THANK U FOR SAYING SO!! LISTEN TO SHEN QIAO, HE'S CORRECT!! gasp!! it's MY SON!! YU SHENGYAN!!! (see i remembered his name this time. all on my own. i'm LEARNING y'all) oh my gOD THAT FREAK WANTS HIS FACE!! LET GO OF MY SON'S FACE U MONSTER!! huo xijing: here is ur friend's face lol. i did u a favour, can i have urs too?? lol yws: ONLY I MAY KILL YU SHENGYAN AND PEEL OFF HIS FA--did u just. did u just call me old WHY IS EVERYONE OBSESSED WITH HOW HOT SHEN QIAO IS??? i mean they're right BUT THEY ALL KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT, IT'S SO STRANGE???? hxj: ooh a pretty boy, i'll take his face instead! :D sq: no :/ oh jesus who's this now?? too many new friends at once, im overwhelmed, im so confused ;A; AH!! yuan xiuxiu!! she's a LADY SECT LEADER??? i didn't know they had those!!! oh but the poor thing hasn't even got any shoes, how sad smh 😔 somebody fetch her a pair of slippers or something, this is so sad omg 😔 yxx: tee hee, im seductive and pretty~ yws: back off, tart, im gay >:( awww shen qiao wants to avenge that poor tortured lass ;A; he's such a good man, i really like him a lot ;A; i love how huo xijing is willing to literally peel faces off of human skulls, but the SECONDsomebody had him at a disadvantage, it's 'uuuuwww shen-laoshi, have mercyyy on meeeee uwu' GOT EM!!! GOOD ONE SHEN QIAO!!! U SHOWED HIM SHEN QIAO!!! 💪😤 yxx: how dare u kill my pet murderer??! *attacks the sick man* yws: BACK OFF BITCH, HE'S MINE D:< AWW HE'S HE'S MAKING SURE SHEN QIAO IS OK??? THAT'S SO CUTE????? the old man doesn't know it yet, but he's totally gonna fall in love for real and he's gonna be MISERABLE and im gonna laugh SO HARD >:D i look forward to ur suffering, yan wushi!! 😄
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humanoidtyphoons · 1 year
finished bora! deborah!
it's a good palate cleanser, super bubbly and all round fluff, with a good depiction of different kinds of love across different kinds of people and their relationships -- all het ships tho.
tbh, i usually hate "oh we met before, i remember but you don't", but i enjoyed how it played out in this one bc. look. ML fell for FL in the backstory, but they were strangers. so he moved on. later, had a girlfriend who he loved enough to marry. and that didn't work out, but when it came to meeting FL again, he didn't like her bc he thought she was the reason him and his gf broke up. and then, he spends the rest of the series properly getting to know her, help her out, and fall for her. so in other words, acted like a normal person.
also i'm not sure he even knew she didn't remember that first meeting, esp. since it gets brought up much later, when they're fake dating. and he finds out then, but it's also like... they were never really close? like friend of a friend social circles. and i think it's fair for bora to be unsure if he's teasing her or making up a fake backstory for them anyway, and find the proof in photos later.
(honestly, just between lovers did it well, but i... never warmed to the drama, unfortunately.)
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neo-shitty · 1 year
hope you dont mind me popping in to your inbox to scream abt whc1 bc you are truly the only person out of my friend circle that has watched it 😭😭 first of all
Tumblr media
facts. he can do no wrong.
second of all its been days and i am still processing like this has never happened to me before ?? usually i am a lil :// until the rest of the day when i finish a sad drama but with this im just so heartbroken still. yesterday during a big mental breakdown (unrelated to the drama i am not THAT crazy ok) i realised why it hit me so hard and i think its bc i somehow relate to sieun (anger issues and all /j) and so i somehow projected into his character and so when it all went down with suho i just couldnt deal w it ?? I LEGIT HAD A MINI PANIC ATTACK it felt like it was happening to me 😭😭😭 like he was such comfort for me. he broke the cycle of loneliness and stereotype for sieun and i just really adored each interaction they had. the fact that they would both kill and die for each other makes me bawl my eyes out.
but when it all comes down to it, i understand beomseok, i really do, but i also dont. i dont think ill ever forgive that character, i just cant. i cant imagine how it must have felt for him and i couldnt be able to deal w life either if i was in his shoes, but my brain just cant grasp the lengths he went to hurt people that did nothing but care for him and tried to help him with everything. he's a complex character for sure, one you have to analyze to get, but i dont have it in me to have a single ounce of sympathy after the ending of the drama.
but to think that the parents and the adults were truly at fault here ?? beomseok being abused, sieun abandoned and neglected, suho not really having parents around either (i read somewhere that they are canonically abroad or something?? not too sure), the policemen not taking sieun seriously at first, the teachers seeing the shit happening and not doing anything to stop the bullying... where were everyones parents when all those kids got caught up w the gang? its truly sickening and heartbreaking to think that this truly could be happening anywhere and to anyone.
and it broke me so much bc i could accept beomseok drifting away from them and stuff, but to gang up on suho on his fucking birthday? sieun cooking and decorating with young yi and taking pics for her insta (i strongly believe her and sieuns friendship is SO underrated they were so cute together) and both of them just hid it from everyone to protect suho,, their sunshine ??? the poor boy must have been so confused and lonely on his bday and it makes me :( and then when he saw sieuns cast and went to avenge him ?? I read something about how suho always fought only in self defence but when he saw sieun hurt he crossed the line and fought with the purpose of hurting somebody only bc his best friend was put in danger and that- that broke me.
also i find it funny how i found the drama through a clip on tiktok where jihoon cried at watching the last scene where sieun breaks the window and i was like oh this should be just the right amount of sad for me rn and then i got emotionally damaged. :,)
yeah anyways my fav trope is found family and FUCK all of those who hurt my sunshine bc now im forever heartbroken.
sorry for the rant toffee but it did felt cathartic to write this all out
bar, please don't worry about it. feel free to come back any time you have to yell about it and i'll try to get back to you as soon as i can.
sooho was just too easy to love. we headed into that show blind HAHA we should've known it was too good to be true! i never saw it coming actually.
same !! took me days to get over this too. *hugs* i'm sorry about the mental breakdown, i hope you're feeling a bit better now !! oh the projection must've made the whole thing twice as hard. again, sooho was such a comfort character :( his happy go lucky nature was such a breath of fresh air esp when the themes occasionally got dark. i want that dynamic for me actually (to kill and die for each other, yes). i usually find it corny but it was so well executed here.
oh bumseok :( i think it's valid to simultaneously understand him but at the same time, find what he did unforgivable. i get where he was coming from and how he was just looking for a place to fit in—where he wasn't looked down on. idk how to describe it but when he started misreading the situation (like that whole bit abt sooho not following him on ig but following young yi), i think something in him snapped. he was so fed up with being helpless at home and at his previous school that when it happened a third time, he did everything to get back and lashed out.
I 100% BELIEVE THE ADULTS WERE ABSOLUTE SHITTIEST NEGLIGENT FUCKERS AROUND. like???? leaving a scamming syndicate to be dealt with by high schoolers?????? bumseok's fake ass politician dad??????? sure, sieun's parents were 'present' but emotionally distant, like check on your kids bitches or not have them at all god dAMN. i thought some of the aspects of the bullying were exaggerated bc from where i'm from it never gets that bad but hearing that to an extent, it was truthful about it just left me dumbfounded. how could parents allow things like this to happen under the radar? it's unbelievable and heartbreaking to me.
yeah, i thought bumseok would just join his cool boy squad but he really had to do whatever the fuck he did :D my girl, i know you read my tags and i was vile as fuck towards him but at the time i was just so angry too. also yes! youngyi and sieun's friendship <3 i wish they had more time </3 and honestly, if bumseok didn't do a whole 180, i think the four of them would make such a cute squad. like the way they would protect each other??? hmp :/
'i read something about how suho always fought only in self defence but when he saw sieun hurt he crossed the line and fought with the purpose of hurting somebody only bc his best friend was put in danger and that- that broke me.' i saw that the other day and that broke me to fucking hell i could sell anyone's soul to see them together again (SPECIFICALLY, with the other one being fine and out of comatose yes i would love that for me.
ohhh, i've been meaning to watch that vid of them reacting to whc1 but at the time it didn't have subs. jihoon's acting was so fucking effective like??? the sadness the eyes of that man has can sway me to do anything !! so sorry that you got so much more than just a little sad bout. heading into this drama blind was like bringing a knife to a whole war.
this show made me realize that tragedy could strike any pairing on any show and i wouldn't bat an eye but have the same happen to a found family and then i'm instantly destroyed. THE SHOW ACTUALLY REMINDED ME OF YOUR CHENJI FIC????? FUCK. please do let me know if you ever get around to writing something related to them haha i'm ready to be destroyed.
please do not ever apologize for ranting especially about this show !! i went through this whole phase ALONE last year (watching it after christmas was the biggest mistake, i ended my year DEPRESSED as FUCK) so i'm offering as much help as i can.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
still spoilers
ok, so on my way to the last non-gerudo memory i found some sky islands and got my last piece of diving gear!
i also lost a bunch of data from my interactive map bc apparently i keep getting logged out every 6 seconds. so i have to re-enter all of that now :/
a thought occurs to me. in the opening sequence i saw a dragon flying around in the sky. and i was like haha it's naydra i wanna go see naydra
was it. was it. oh my god
the thing about this whole situation is, zelda lived in 100 years of fucking purgatory trapped inside hyrule castle. and every single day she lived with regret. "i've left them all to die." and 100 years is an impossibly long time, but the human mind, with a human lifespan, can ALMOST comprehend it
ten. thousand. years.
she had to watch the calamity happen twice. if there is anything left of her inside her dragon mind, she had to watch hyrule fall a second time without being able to prevent any of it. she had to watch link die again. her father. her champions. except she's a big fuckoff dragon and who even knows if she's still "her"
that said, her and ganon both being "sealed" that long...really throws a wrench in the current lore of reincarnation. How Does That Work. i wanna believe a piece of her soul broke off and went on to live all those lives so she wasn't just trapped in dragon mode forever but like. i am for sure making that up. nintendo why, just when you made a coherent timeline, did you have to FUCK IT ALL UP AGAIN!!!!!
alright. i'm normal. i think i checked off all my shit. i'm going to get this fucking memory
god this little area looks so FUCKING different. i barely recognize where i am...
ok. bracing myself once again
BUT YOU ARE NOT ALONE wow from the trailer!!!!! who'd've guessed it'd be the sister saying it and not sonia
secret stones..........................ok that was cool. esp knowing they are voiced by the 4 champions
WHOA it's sasan from the poorly translated letter in a bottle quest! what a cool find. this cave has tides in it so finley left him behind lol
at least his dialogue stopped being so creepy lol
oh this is a REAL bad escort mission. this game isn't supposed to tell you "can't" so why can't i just move the damn boat with ultrahand?!
got my ATTACK UP armor!!! finally
i'm actually putting off trying again re the master sword...i dont know if im Ready. i am still missing one memory.................
but the gerudo highlands are too close to what i don't wanna be doing until i've explored more!
hard choices!!!!!!!!!!
from lookout landing i noticed there was a glow above the fake temple of time...i wonder wtf even
!!! i thought it would be impossible to get up here but there's a construct here! wtf! i needed pretty much no stamina at all, i could've done this in the tutorial...
oh man there's a TEST...i light three fires and return within 12 hours lol
this sounds hard 😭 but what the hell, might as well try once before bed
okay yeah no im coming back tomorrow with a walkthru lol. rip
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gravity-lifts · 2 years
i have a message request on instagram from my ex girlfriend (i restricted her ghksdjghd) and we haven’t spoken in ages someone help please
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I'm surprised people see Tadashi as the victim in his relationship with Ainosuke, when it's Tadashi the one who time and time again takes away Ainosuke's agency, without being able to see that he is throwing him unto unhappiness. I can't help but think that if Tadashi was not working at Shindo's house, Ainosuke would have maybe left or broke with the family. But he can't do that if he wants the relationship with Tadashi going on, seing how Tadashi is set on enforcing the family rules...
Hmm.. I def agree with the fact that Tadashi is not what most fandom makes out of him, my man (I mean, Adam’s man) is a 100% Slytherin. But I disagree with blaming him for this, after all the revealed info. The environment they were both raised in made their situation complicated.
I like Tadashi a lot, he’s probably my fav thing about this anime, bc he’s a dark horse, and I’m once again surprised, that so little ppl see him for who he really is, portraying him as an innocent puppy, which he is definitely not.
Now to why I think both Tadashi and Adam are victims of the dad and aunties in this situation. 
We can of course say “if only they told each other how they really feel...”, but like we can say it about any love story really. Every author knows it’s no fun. The truth is that yes, they both hurt each other, and yes, if they were honest about their feelings things would’ve been different, but as I’ve already wrote under that “toxic” commentary on YT, lets look at the whole situation from both of their point of views:
We know that Adam when he was little always treated Tadashi as an equal, he never ever thought of him as someone lower than him and after their fall out, the only reason for this “harsh” treatment (well, besides their confirmed kink) was that Adam tried to get a reaction out of him, so Tadashi would stand up for himself, bc Ainosuke got mad about Tadashi caving to his dad’s wishes and abandoning him, when he needed him the most. 
But now, knowing the fact that Tadashi was his dad’s secretary and was under his control, let’s see it from his perspective: Tadashi wanted to stay by Adam’s side, Adam’s dad implied that if Tadashi did say smth, he’s gonna be.. well, dismissed and they won’t see each other ever again. That’s what caused Tadashi to stay silent in that moment. Ainosuke instead saw this as a “he’s not on my side” thing, well, because. Tadashi won’t tell him his problem, bc dad and aunties control everything, so even if he does tell him, what a teen would do really? He didn’t have any powers back then to make his dad do anything. 
And that’s when it all gone to shit, since they both were hurt for their own reasons. It’s easy to say leave the family, but 1stly nobody explained to Adam still that he’s physically and psychologically abused by his family, he sees it as them “loving him” and sadly also loves them, bc nobody told him, that love wasn’t supposed to be like that really. He definitely feels that smth is not right and feels emotionally exhausted there bc of this treatment, but did he ever consider leaving? I really don’t think so. He feels obligated to be worthy of a family, who “loves” him.
Do you think, for example, that Akashi Seijuro hates his dad for what he did to him? No. Does he understand that he wasn’t at fault for what happened to him and that his dad instead of comforting his child after his mother’s death, who was his only safe haven, made everything worse? I don’t think he does. Like his mom gave him basketball, an escape from all that family’s obligations and strictness. After her death, it was the only thing left that brought him joy, but his dad ruined even that, saying that if he’s gonna be bad at it/lose, he’d take it away from him too. Does Akashi see this as emotional abuse? No, he sees it like “well, I have to be the best bc I was born in such powerful family, so if my dad says that I must be best at everything, then I must.”
I personally hate such parents a lot. To me it doesn’t matter if Adam’s dad didn’t know about aunties hitting his child. Like if he was too busy to notice this and have no time for his kid and made his childhood miserable, it doesn’t make it any better really. 
Same as with Akashi’s dad. Some are like “he was probably also grieving about his wife”. Emm? He was like this from the beginning, bc he treated Akashi not as his son, but as his heir. And yes, that’s different things. Same with Endeavor and Todoroki. Your child is not your post production thing.
2ndly they were too young, even if they knew about each others feelings and he didn’t feel obligated and told everyone to fuck off, they’d be on the streets now, but also Adam’s dad doesn’t seem like a guy who’d leave them alone really. Also eloping seems very romantic, but I don’t think it is, esp when you’re teens. Did you want him to sell some expensive watch and go live on Hawaii or smth? Bc finding a decent job there would be difficult at this age, esp with everyone knowing who your dad is. Chen Ke from “Antidote” survived bc he was 27 and had connections and some great friends. Adam was in high school, where would he go exactly?
Now let’s go back to now. Obviously all this time it didn’t even cross Tadashi’s mind that for Ainosuke he comes first and that he would throw everyone under the bus to make Tadashi stay with him. As we see at the end, he legit believed that Adam was planning to send him to jail and didn’t get that he said it just to shaken he up and that he knew who he’d set up for this from the beginning. 
To Adam obviously it doesn’t matter whether they’re in a quarrel or not, he would never him go. Yes, he’s mad at him, he’s angry and hurt, but Tadashi’s still the person he needs the most, he’s still the person who brightens his days, even tho he deliberately behaves like he annoys him. He always looks at him and looks at him and looks at him, but then hisses smth to hurt him. Bc he knows that he needs him, but he also hates that he needs him, bc he thinks it’s unrequited.
And that’s how their classic romance goes in hellish circles. No one wants to talk as usual. Adam is mad Tadashi is like that bc his dad turned him into a slave with no opinion, while Tadashi is scared that Adam would be taken away from him bc of his ugly family. 
Now I still think that no one and I mean no one can take Tadashi from Adam now, he is his precious. So my plan is... if Tadashi made aunties do smth against him or to get rid of him, aunties will go for sure. The problem is Tadashi still doesn’t get that he comes first, so we’re stuck in this hell still.
So anyways, my point is Adam’s heart basically sings “you got a hold of me, don’t even know your power” to Tadashi, but he doesn’t hear it, bc of his insecurities, the way he was raised and his status. But yes, he holds all the power. He’s both Adam’s sanity and insanity. No matter how cheesy it sounds he was basically his only ray of sunshine in the darkness, if you take it away, that’s what it leads to, that’s why Ainosuke-sama needs more ppl who care for him. I don’t want anyone to die next time, just cause Tadashi and Adam fought about where to put their new couch lmao. I’m kidding, but you know what I mean. And kill the aunties, pls seriously, we need to be free.
Also ppl need to remember that like lots of animes/characters are parcially inspired by some other animes/characters, also the chosen seiyuus are also very important, there are lots of stuff like jokes and references, that creators use, from characters being fully inspired by smth like “Assassination classroom” characters based on KNB, to little stuff like Levi dressed in Akashi’s uniform in chibi AOT bc Hiroshi Kamiya. Utsumi already said before stuff like she sometimes think of a perfect voice for the character and then fully forms him, we also know her clear love for sports animes. So yes, I doubt Tadashi/Kuroko thing is a coincidence and even tho someone was like “zone? is this knb or smth?” I was like no, zone is actually a common thing in sports, even tho most associate it with KNB including me, it’s not like its their invention, but there were things inspired by this for sure, and from other sports animes too and no, I don’t mean the basic sports anime tropes, I mean, like way too specific things, some character designes, too. And yes, Langa appearence and personality wise is a rinharu child for real, I can literally split his scenes in “that’s Haru”, “that’s Rin”.
That’s why I’ve said that this situation in fandom reminds me of Kuroko/Akashi situation a lot, bc same as here in KNB ppl for some reason automatically thought that Kuroko is this innocent sheep and Akashi is the wolf (but also like it was Akashi who chose to dress as red riding hood, while Kuroko was a wolf lmao), not even seeing who is in reality more dangerous and who can easily control who. It just buffles me bc it’s not some deep analisys really. I mean once again there’s a reason for the saying that the sub holds all the power over the dom. 
And like just bc someone yells or threatens ppl constantly doesn’t necessarily mean he is a psycopatic killer, and just bc someone is quiet and doe-eyed, doesn’t mean he isn’t. I didn’t think we needed to explain this to someone, but aparently we do?
And it honestly kills me just how superficially ppl are watching things these days. It really gives me war flashbacks to stuff like the last mdzs s1 episode, where ppl started to comment things like “how LZ can be so heartless” lmao. Or that anonymous ask “do you think haru misses rin?”. Like you don’t see thing at all? Grey substance no needed, while watching things?
P.S. I also would die to see Adam vs Tadashi race just bc I for some reason can bet all my money, that it’s the same situation as with Akashi refusing to ankle break Kuroko, no matter how mad he is. I just can’t imagine Ainosuke hitting Tadashi in the face with a board. Like 100% sure he wouldn’t even try tbh.
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vadersdala · 2 years
👫 - dylan/lena (hehe), skye/lou, steph/arizona, angelica/kelsey, keira/lindsay, jess/bellamy (hehe x2), delilah/marnie, keily/maren, joel/nadia, jade/hadley, tally/iris :)
because im a stupid whore, i read five not four, so everyone gets a bonus hc by yours truly! these will all be elaborated on later. xoxo
uh, obvi they were each other's first kiss. they were probably in kindergarten, and c*ntleen went wild and mrs walter's was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahhh well, what can you do? anyways, now lena's a lesbo and dylan's a hetero so...
obviously lena is the #1 hater, but also the captain of dylan/camden and has been since day 1. no one teases dylan harder than alena. no one.
lena gives dylan piggyback rides all the time. think tyedye girl and hallie from the parent trap - that's them
ngl, i see dylan constantly laying her head in lena's lap and lena often braids her hair or strokes her hair, and in the scenarios where lena is not braiding her hair the tv is on and dylan faces it and lena's legs are crossed, reading a book, mindlessly running her hand through lena's hair dylan is a hetero, remember this bc we all sure don't!
lena and dylan definitely have a communication code through lights, bc in my mind their windows face one another. also, lena used to always climb a tree to dylan's window, esp when c*ntleen was on the rampage.
skye is the little spoon - we know who runs shit in this relationship, but sometimes, skye makes lou Relax™️. not often, bc again, we know what's up. but skye def takes care of her lady mentally and physically.
obvious skye and lou are neon queen and goth girl, but have we considered them as golden retriever gf and super sonic bat gf. also, both def shop at hot topic. for different things, bc i see lou in ripped band tees and old school trips and biker boots, and skye's in the anime print dresses and sailor moon socks. but them shopping there together, end me.
skye does have many playlists about lou/her and lou. it sounds weird, it is weird, jer has made fun of her for this, but lou would beat his ass if he knew this was mocked. skye can't help it, her love language is music and playlists (idc if that's a real love language or not goddamnit!) i feel like their song is sweater weather from the neighborhood. there's no real reason, and i will not elaborate, it just feels right?
they'd get married in vegas, or something along the lines of vegas and you can fight me on that.
skye truly didn't believe lou liked her back, or in general. she thought jer was being an uncharacteristic prick. however, jer definitely teased lou about liking skye daily.
i lowkey know az made the first move. steph is kind of shy (read: wishy-washy) about romance, like it's all in her head like lara jean, and she didn't really get az, this cool qb football girl, liked her, the rainbow glitter queen. and when az made the move, steph was very very surprised. also, she was happy and probably had tears because of how happy she was and definitely hugged her and az probably kissed her.
they always need to be touching in someway. they cuddle a lot. i feel like az's head is always in steph's lap, or az's arms are wrapped around steph, or hands casually on legs and arms. like tbh, not everyone has that vibe of being half when apart, but steph and az are definitely whole together. they complete one another. this is the hill i die on.
their song is boats and birds. anyways, i feel like steph has played it on the guitar for az once in private, because it's for az and az alone. also, they have a playlist one made by steph, one made by skye, and then a fake one made by jer that's ridiculous. you know they play jer's often. sorry skye!
they do eventually get a matching tattoo. i see them getting several, but they'd definitely have at least one eventually.
i'm pretty sure az tried to teach steph football and steph almost broke her nose so they never did that again. and steph tried to teach az cheerleading, but it was hard so the compromise is bring it on and steph attending football games with az and cheering at right moments. it's about the Compromise™️
angelica kisses kelsey first. i know angelica makes a lot of moves first because angelica goes after what she wants, but i feel like there's no set up. no romantic lake side picnic or party, they're just together and bam! angelica kisses her and is like "i like you." very bluntly as she does.
kelsey helps babysit lakelynn, but she cannot dance and angelica has taught lakelynn to mock her. poor kelsey. anyways! lakelynn definitely thinks they're married when she can talk and shit, and has called them her moms. it makes for a fun conversation on the subway and coffee shops.
their first date was pancakes, but their first trip was to alaska in the summer and kelsey taught angelica how to fish and prepare for the winter. also, i see them kayaking a lot that summer and swimming in the water (if they can) and kissing in the water, on the kayaks, sunset kisses - all that jazz. overall: it's about the alaskan romance.
i think kelsey is the cook. for all her bravado, angelica is helpless in a kitchen and i think kelsey's mom bucks her into shape. she still can't cook, but at the end of the summer can cook, like, eggs and stuff.
vanessa definitely read kelsey the riot act and kelsey was probably scared vanessa hated her and angelica laughed, because vanessa hates no one? also, imagine their next trip was to seattle and visiting vanessa and making pottery and having a we are okay moment, but without the sadness? wow. bliss!
keira made the first move post lindsay kissing her. lindsay feels like an idiot for what she did, and she's confused and conflicted. but beyond that, keira is her best friend. lindsay can be herself with keira and she feels like she's ruined that.
2. lindsay feels safe being vulnerable with keira. lindsay is always on her guard, because tears is weakness, and pain is weakness, but with keira she can show her pain and exhaustion, she can cry and be silly and goofy - keira's the only one who sees all of lindsay.
3. i see them watching guilty pleasure shit together, like riverdale and bad movies. i see them making big batches of popcorn, chilling on the couch and booing at these things, and hating them, but they can't stop. it's tradition at this point.
4. they became friends because of jess. point blank periodt. so anyways, i think from day one, jess saw lindsay as someone her twin would love and immediately introduced them that day at lunch, and is gonna do a backflip when she finds out they kissed. this isn't about them, but it is: jess CONSTANTLY gossips about their relationship (ie bitching that they don't date/date the wrong people who aren't each other, or men if speaking of lindsay) to bellamy. these two girls are very invested on the ship and happiness of keira and lindsay.
5. keira and lindsay have roadtripped to vegas. when they were both twenty-one, they roadtripped and drank the night away and gambled and saw shows, but they also have roadtripped up and down the cali coast and have gone to baja ala sisterhood of the traveling pants. fight me.
again, these two bitches were each other's first kiss, but theirs i see as a thomas j and vada type of kiss (the diving into the water to avoid bees and all)
hear me out, but are they the cloe and sasha of our verse? have they gone for halloween as cloe and sasha and also isis and torrance? yes. i 100% think they do couple/matching costumes. always. even when they have gfs, they're gonna have matching and their gfs can match the theme or pound sand ig.
"family that i chose now that i see your brother as my brother" is them. like bellamy sees the bennetts as her family, and aurora is basically jess's sister.
i feel like they became best friends in pre k, because they both were playing in the play kitchen and they both began following what the other was doing and it was probably off the rails (like other kids: mom and dad, cooking for the fam. them: a chef and line cook) and then they sat next to one another, and keira approved of this blonde bitch and suddenly they were besties.
bellamy and jess always share a bed. i think even now, they sneak into one another's room and sleep beside each other. bellamy might suffer from nightmares and i feel like if jess hears, she sneaks in and comforts her friend, and if bellamy wakes up she goes into jess's room and snuggles beside her. regardless: SNUGGLE FRIENDS!
bonus bonus: bellamy is the only white girl to date who is allowed to braid jess's hair. like i see them sitting in the living room, tv on, and bellamy braiding her hair like a seasoned pro, because you know momma cece taught her!
they have a cat. this isn't important, but it is. you know marnie brought home an elderly cat for them to care for and they're lesbian cat mothers. i also feel like delilah makes marnie vow and pinky swear to not adopt more than one.
marnie bawled through her vows. like i think delilah had to read them while marnie covered her eyes and bawled away. meanwhile, i think marnie, at the wedding, wore a pants suit at the reception and an align cut or mermaid at the wedding because she wanted to be a princess.
marnie and delilah do meddle in their siblings lives. like marnie wants sienna and lucas together so bad she could throw up - even more so than aria and xander. lbr, marnie and delilah are more invested in sienna and lucas, but still, marnie doesn't want xander single.
while marnie makes delilah come out of her shell because she's goofy and everything, delilah makes marnie calm down and grow up a bit. marnie needs to slow down and think and plan and budget, but she cannot alone. delilah is lowkey her other half. without delilah, marnie would feel as if she lost a limb or worse.
the first song they danced to married was wonderful world by louis armstrong. fight me. idk why. it just feels right!
keily sometimes doesn't trust maren. some backstory: keily did have a crush on maren in school, and i think they've known one another since grade school and i think she was one of keily's first crushes, but because of the class difference and who maren associates with, it makes keily guarded. and then she began dating leo, so she chiseled at her wall, but at the end of the day as we currently stand, keily hasn't lowered her guard and is prepared for maren to always hurt and betray her.
the day maren showed up and helped keily/the washingtons at the restaurant was the day keily dropped her guard entirely, despite what jesse felt like. it was the moment she felt respected and not judged by this rich girl, and ngl, i also think it was the day keily decided she loved her.
keily kisses maren first. and i feel like they kiss on leo’s boat - that they obviously stole. and i feel like it’s also sunset, because why not make it romance?
i feel like keily teaches maren how to fish on leo’s stolen boat because the kiss. and i also feel like keily teaches maren a lot of basic things, like shucking shellfish, cleaning shrimp and fish, climbing trees, driving boats - just things a rich white girl wouldn’t do on her own.
keily definitely has a place on the island all her own and she’s never shown the boys or her sisters, and the truest act of trust is her bringing maren there. but we’re probably like months away from this!
no one would believe how they are behind closed doors. joel is mr suave, the guy all the girls want, and nadia comes off as prim and proper, and most would assume she's a stuck up priss, but the shit they get up to is unmatched.
i feel like the whole reason that they happened is joel and andrew and the other boys were throwing a football or a frisbee and it landed near her, as she was reading, and he runs over and begins to instantly flirt with her and she covered a hand over her eyes and eyed him and thought "he's p hot" and let him waffle on and then she saw him running on the beach one morning because she was paddle boarding and they began talking and have very little in common, but it's a summer fling so why not? and here they are today.
i feel like they’re constantly laying on hammocks. idk why, joel feels like a man who loves a hammock and is constantly pulling nadia into one with him.
when in bed, and nadia is trying to read and joel’s trying to tease her, she often reads what she’s reading aloud to tease him. at first, she probably did this to kill the mood and realized, with a lot of delight, that he enjoyed these shenanigans. 
i feel like joel sings a lot of backstreet boys at her. mostly because of to all the boys, but i see him singing i want it that way to her a lot. and mostly when she’s either reading or cooking, and into hairbrushes or spoons, and she swats at him but always ends up in a heavy make out session or worse. 
so i feel like they met the first week of college, rushing kat. like i see hadley there in her glitter makeup and green jacket and jade’s heart skipped a beat and she went over, and the rest was history. also, i imagine hadley basically living at jade’s place their freshman year and they made out a lot. 
hadley definitely gets the anna delvy treatment, because jade is like i live in the land of luxury so if you’re my bestie you do get to ride in private jets and get spa treatments and nice gifts because i’m doing all this shit, and i don’t want to do it alone. i feel like they do fight about this, but in jade’s mind, hadley’s basically her wife at this point. so i mean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what can you do?
jade sketches hadley, and often. now she’s not the best, but i feel like it’s compulsive at this point to sketch hadley - and not just her face, like sometimes her hand, or the way her legs are. 
in my mind, their aesthetic is that scenery in ikwydls, at the house party because that’s jade’s house in my mind, and they’re on steps looking out at the sea in the dark and there’s hundreds of stars and the smell of a fire and they’re covered in glitter. no matter the setting, that’s them.
i feel like they’re the ones who do pillow fights. 
tally truly lets her guard down around iris. i feel like iris is someone she protects, but it’s different. with nate, she feels lowkey like she owes him and that he’s vulnerable because of janie, but with iris she doesn’t have to worry about her in these ways. tally can just be herself, relax, cry, be open and vulnerable and admit that she doesn’t have all the answers, that cases are too hard and too complex for her.
tally always makes iris tea when she has nightmares about her sisters, and this tea comes with a back rub and staying up well past iris falling asleep, rubbing her back, to make sure no more nightmares happen.
iris is the only one who knows tally cries about what her parents did to her. i feel like she never cried when they threw her out, didn’t even cry privately when she lived at nate’s, but she has cried about it to iris.
i feel like iris got tally their dog, backup. like obviously these bitches need a guard dog, but imagine iris knowing tally needed something to love unconditionally and bought him i die.
they’re goofy bitches. no one would expect tally to be silly, but these two get into flour and food fights, laugh in the tub, take baths together - they just always know how to make the other fucking smile!
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starxscream · 3 years
1, 7, 10 for OCs!
1. Oldest OC
Scratches chin. Hm. Well there's a difference between Oldest OC still in use and Oldest OC in General
Tho actually wait I forgot I brought back Ven who fulfills both of these so NVM LOL it's Ven. Yea.
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I made him like. a decade ago LMAO he used to be cis and straight and now I trans'd his gender like HE DESERVED. Lmao he's where my love for GNC men stemmed from as a kid esp the bastard kind bc that's what he is <3 little smartass.
He's a furret originally and in this pic but I'll likely be giving him a redesign to use him in Mirakae as well! His pkmn vers is just in a cool RP group I'm in w/some pals GKHNGKH
He's very sentimental to me bc he's what got me into character creation and world-building even if I didn't do anything w/his original world bc I just didn't have the tools or experience to do it back then. The og fav <3
As a fun fact! My first name I picked for myself was based on his! Tho a more "feminine" version bc I was still convinced I wasn't trans- I wanted HIS name but I was like "but I'm a girl..." so... I called it an online name but let's be honest that was baby's first transgender egg moment lol
Kind of ironic the name I use the most NOW is one letter away from his, I think it's kinda a full circle moment :) It makes me happy haha esp now that I have the capabilities and knowledge so that I can portray Ven how I want him to be and how he was always meant to be, similar to my own gender presentation.
7. Do you ship your OCs w/someone else's?
LMAO YEA IF U COULDN'T GUESS BY THE AMOUNT OF SHIP ART THAT GETS DRAWN OF THEM- but yea I mostly ship with my boyfriend! 9/10 if you point out an OC they're shipped w/one of his
There's a few outliers like Ciro, my RP group characters, the MLP ocs I post, and Opal/Saffron BUT FOR THE MOST PART I usually ship with him! We have a lot of fun with it :]
10. Villain OCs?
Oh boy we got PLENTY 'a those. But it really depends on what you'd call a "villain" bc I tend to redeem most of my antagonists and "villains" bc I'm a sucker for Tropes. GKHNGKHNGH BUT AS FOR LIKE. PURE IRREDEEMABLE VILLAIN I DO HAVE SOME. Actor is there but I talked abt Actor already
Jam and Kazi! I have so many cat ocs. I know. You get used to it.
Jam is a back-alley doctor who presents herself has a helpful sort and willing to do shit usually for free/cheap as long as you agree to her terms. Tho like, 90% of the time she's testing smth experimental she created and most likely ur gonna walk away worse than when u came in. She doesn't rly have any remorse for this cuz she's obsessed with the studies of medicine- she wants to create the perfect medicine and is willing to do anything to reach that goal !
Plus she's kind of an ass and does things on a whim and literally broke up with her bf who treated her SO WELL bc she was bored of him. she was only with him for an extended period bc he was interesting and she was essentially studying him but once that was exhausted she just dipped. He deserves better </3
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Aaaand then there's Kazi.
Kazi is. Well he sure is. GKHNGKHKGNHG
I won't go in depth into what he does but he's a serial killer who masks as a famous artist who travels around. I'm not gonna get into it but if you've played "The Evil Within" his M/O is eerily similar to Stefano LOL So you can Imagine how fucked up this guy is.
Very Morbid but a very good artist. In both respects. Tho one takes a "certain kind" to appreciate and sure isn't the majority. Do not condone murder here but making villains is fun GKNHGKHGH my whole thing with him is like, the person next to u could b a killer and you'd never know bc he presents himself in such a way that's very misleading! He's actually quite soft-spoken, kind, and generous but. Well.
I'm not gonna get into him cuz his mentality is very warped and could b triggering but yea. He's one of my favorites I'm sorry I'm s
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(Art by Rob but design is sexily done by me ages ago)
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