#like i watched loki for this girl so that we could have something in common
muddyorbsblr · 7 months
gestures & rain checks
See my full list of works here!
pre-story author's note: Yes I am very aware that it's been a solid month since Valentine's Day. Yes I am still posting this 🫡
Summary: It feels like your friends are getting plucked away from you one by one as their respective (or in Nat's case prospective) partners make grand gestures to ask them to be their Valentine.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warning/s: language (nope still not sorry, Rogers); mentions of alcohol; tooth-rotting fluff; gun use [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: Morgan being a precious beb; himbo!Thor hours; lowkey sad Reader hours; chaotic group chat vibes in the end
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You always had a distaste for this day. Valentine's Day. To you, it was the one day a year that you would do everything in your power not to step outside because it reeked of flowers and chocolate marked up to the heavens for merchants to take advantage of last minute gift shoppers hoping to make a gesture big enough that their crush would let them score at the end of the night. Or guys buying extravagant and ridiculously large arrangements to make amends for wronging their partner as if a 10-foot tall teddy bear was gonna magically press some Undo button of him going on Hinge or Tinder and talking up a dozen other girls on the side.
There was one year that you let slip around Nat and Wanda that this day "smelled like a cemetery" with all the bouquets that bombarded you the second you exited the perimeter of the Compound. Hell, the second you left the main section that housed you and the rest of the Avengers. And you stood by that opinion stubbornly, mostly because you'd only ever witnessed flowers being given when someone was desperately trying to glue back together the pieces of a severely damaged relationship.
And also because no one had ever given you flowers in your entire life. Or chocolates. Or a teddy bear. All your past relationships were with men who were still mentally and emotionally boys that believed emojis and gifs sufficed and were as good as the real thing. Nary a single soul had ever actually spent a lick of time or effort to give you something that told you they deserved your time and effort in turn.
And after so many years of being barely an afterthought, the day just felt like this entity that you resented to an irrational degree, where all you wanted was to lay in bed and wait it out until the clock struck 12 and it was February 15th. Then you could go on a hunt for all the overpriced chocolate that suddenly got their prices slashed by 50% or more.
That was the plan again for this year, had it not been for both Nat and Wanda barging in to your apartment and practically dressing you up like you were their own life-sized definitely seen some better days Barbie doll. "Come on, we can go and have a Galentine's Day 2. Maybe hit up a club and get some free drinks…" the assassin trailed off, zipping up your dress and playfully swatting your ass to nudge you forward. "March on, soldier."
The common area was nearly bare and eerily quiet when you all got there, which made perfect sense considering that most of your teammates who were happily committed to someone were off spending their day together, probably executing their own personal twists on those cliched gestures of adoration. Knowing Tony, that would probably consist of a two-storey tall stuffed bunny or a lavish new vacation house as a nice private little getaway spot for him and Pepper when they wanted to have a date night.
Only Morgan and Shaun were at the big dining table by the kitchen, the little girl working on bracelets with the martial artist nursing a cup of coffee while he handed her beads to add to her work. "Whaddup, Ten Rings…Baby Stark," you greeted them, ruffling his hair and pressing a kiss to the top of your goddaughter's head. "What're you two up to this fine completely ordinary day?"
"Oof, I take it you're gonna be spending the day watching a bunch of couples be all extra lovey dovey just like me?" You threw him a look, squinting your eyes at him that had him throwing his hands in the air in surrender. "No need to mentally squish my head, Y/N, we're on the same side, I swear," he chuckled, scooting over to the other seat so you could sit next to Morgan. "How about this, karaoke later tonight? Just us and anyone else that doesn't have a date with dinner and co--" You swatted his arm to get him to stop talking, not so subtly signaling in the little girl's direction. "I mean…adult balloons?"
"Wait how come you have special balloons?" Morgan asked, looking up from her activity book and earning barely stifled chortles from both Nat and Wanda. "Why can't I play with them? I like balloons."
You leaned back in your seat, making a motion with your hands as if you were wiping them clean of the whole conversation. "I'm not helping you out of this one, buddy."
He scratched the back of his head, obviously backed into the corner with his own words. "Eeeeeh…put a pin in that and ask me again when you can order a beer, Baby Stark."
The child pouted at both of you, slumping down in her place at the table and slipping back on her princess pink headphones before focusing all her attention on her activity book again, grumbling something about how grownups shouldn't have conversations around her if they didn't want her to ask questions. Valid enough point, but you still weren't going to be the one to give her her first lesson in Sex Ed class a good decade ahead of time.
"Anyways…" Shaun poked at your side, calling your attention back to him. "Karaoke, ladies? We can pick up Katy and Wong before we head over and sing some Disney duets and gorging ourselves on shots and nachos--"
"Hold up, Wong?" You all turned your attention to Stephen, who'd just walked in to the common area. "This I gotta see. You guys have room for one more?"
"Sure thing, as long as you use your sling ring to help us get into Tony's private stash," you quipped, taking a sip of your coffee. "There's no way I'm getting through this day stone-cold sober."
"Or we could go for the really hard stuff and break into Thor's stash of mead from Asgard before he depletes his supply." He showcased the ring in question with a wiggle of his fingers. "Just a portal away."
"I like the way you think, Strange."
"You can all cease your scheming to pilfer my liquor, my friends," Thor's voice boomed into the area, a bounce in his step as he made his way to the coffee pot. "I would happily supply you all with two barrels if that would be enough for your gathering?"
"That's perfect, Thunder. Thanks." You started to tuck into the breakfast plate served by the Compound kitchen staff, mumbling your next question to the blond god. "What've you got planned with Jane for today?"
"Ah." A wide grin stretched across his face at the mention of his girlfriend, the sight both warming your heart and pinching it at the same time. A bittersweet reminder that in the midst of romantic plans with sentimental or grand gestures, your plans involved getting shit-faced with your fellow single friends. Plus Wanda and probably Vision. "Well, I have employed the aid of Wilson to order an ornate bouquet of Jane's favorite flowers which should arrive this morning. Then for lunch I shall prepare her a meal."
"Lunch?" Wanda questioned, tilting her head to the side. "Forgive me if I overstep, my friend, but aren't the romantic plans usually made for dinner?"
"Well, yes…but Jane has graciously agreed to adjusting our schedule for this day so that I may spend the time after lunch aiding my brother in a gesture of his own." A lump formed in your throat at the words. "It seems he wishes to get into the spirit of the holiday, and I am simply ecstatic that he came to me asking for a helping hand."
"I asked nothing of you, you over-muscled oaf," you heard the raven-haired god call out from the main entrance, two large packages hovering a few inches above the ground blanketed with a glow of green from his magic. "You volunteered when you imposed yourself in my space and hovered over my phone."
"Pfft, semantics," Thor waved off, already making his way over to Loki so that he could do some more apparently unnecessary volunteer work. "Are the flowers in one of your parcels?"
"I like flowers!" Morgan chirped from her seat, bouncing in place with bright excited eyes. "Prince Loki, can I help? Please?"
He let out an exaggerated sigh, a trace of a fond, amused smile betraying his facade. "Very well, little Stark. Come along."
Your goddaughter squealed, skipping over to Thor and placing her tiny hand in his. "Uncle Barbie, tell me who his princess is?" He leaned down to whisper the answer in her ear, making her sprint in place with even more excitement. "I promise I won't say a word."
"Barbie? Like your doll, little Lady Stark?" You could practically see the wheels turning in Loki's head from learning about the nickname.
Morgan nodded her head vigorously. "Auntie Y/N came up with it. She calls him Macho Barbie." She proceeded to talk about how you came to give the blond Asgardian the nickname that bizarrely stuck to him more than "Point Break" ever did, said god looking like he already dreaded the coming days -- maybe even years -- now that his brother knew that little tidbit of information.
Once they'd all made their way up the stairs and you could no longer hear the little girl's chipper tone, realization sat heavy in your heart from her reaction to whatever Thor whispered to her just a few seconds ago. Whoever it was that Loki was going to make this grand gesture for, it was someone that Morgan knew enough to the point that she couldn't contain her excitement finding out who the woman was.
It was someone in SHIELD. Maybe even someone in the Compound.
"You good, Babes?" Nat's tone was cautious, approaching you like you were a wounded animal, teeth bared and ready to pounce if she so much as breathed wrong.
You answered with a terse nod of your head. "There is absolutely no fucking way I'm getting through today sober."
"Y/N, dude, I'm sor--"
"What the fuck?" All eyes grew wide at the sound, your body stiffening as another shot rang out, reverberating throughout the common area. "FRIDAY? Threat assessment," you called out, already readying yourself for combat once whoever was outside made their way to you in the compound.
"No threats have been detected," the AI answered simply. "There seems to be no living target for the gunman."
You could only manage to repeat your words. "What the fuck?" Shot after shot rang out, an interval of three to five seconds between them. Each deafening bang making you flinch, your head spinning with possible explanations on why FRIDAY didn't deem the supposed attacker as a threat. "Where's the target then?"
"Shots are being fired at the training area, by the track field, Agent Y/L/N." You all started to make your way to the area, everyone still on high alert despite FRIDAY's findings.
"Y/N?!" You shared a look with everyone else in the room at the sound of Loki's voice calling out for you, the god looking frantic as he appeared at the top of the main staircase, a sigh of relief escaping him once he saw you standing at the bottom. "You're alright," he exhaled, hurriedly making his way down. The quickening pace of the gunshots had him squaring his shoulders, stepping in front of you and marching toward the sound.
"We've handled way worse than gunfire, Laufeyson, you don't have to lead the defense," you told him with a touch more bite to your tone than you intended, irrational jealousy coursing through you knowing what he was preparing for before he started charging down the stairs. You sidestepped him and started walking toward the training area, brows furrowing together when you saw that from where you stood, the marks from the bullets digging into the ground where forming some sort of shape.
"It's a message…" Wanda mused, angling her head to and fro to see if she could get the whole picture from the ground. "I'm going up, I wanna see what's worth risking Pepper's wrath with all the lawn work she has to commission now." She held her hand out to you, wordlessly offering to take you up with her, an offer that you gladly took, clapping your hand over hers, both of you giggling as your feet lifted off the ground.
Once you two had risen high enough, it was clear what the message was. The shots had been positioned so that the markings would take on the shape of a heart, and the ongoing shots were creating initials. "N…" you read along, barely able to contain your excitement when you saw that the next letter was an R. "Natasha Romanoff!" you yelled out, the assassin's eyes lighting up with a mix of giddiness and curiosity as she tried to look at where the gunshots could've been coming from.
You did your best to turn your head, trying to see who was behind the gesture, kicking your feet in the air once you saw the gunman. "What? Who is it, Y/N?"
"It's Barnes," you squeaked, giving Rogers a reckless wave when you caught sight of him jogging toward all of you with a megaphone in hand.
"Natasha Romanoff," Bucky's voice boomed through the speaker system, making the usually cool and collected former Russian spy put a hand over her mouth to hide the way she was steadily turning pink from how flustered she was. "I know I have a long way to go to make up for how we first met, but I think you're swell and I'd like to try starting it off with maybe dinner tonight?" Both you and Wanda squealed and held each other tight mid-air watching her nod her answer, running over to her once your feet touched the ground again.
"You two won't be pissed if I take a rain check for tonight, will you?" she cautioned, still a wistful tone in her voice from processing what was happening.
"Absolutely not, you go enjoy your date. More drinks to go around and all that," you told her with the biggest smile. "But tomorrow night we're all staying at my place and you're giving us a full report."
"And remember to wear the red lacy underwear," Wanda teased with a comical wiggle of her eyebrows, earning her a poke to the ribs from both of you.
Nat pulled away from the two of you, walking back toward the indoor gym with Steve walking alongside her, starting to talk about how his best friend had been trying to work up the nerve to ask her out since he got sworn in to the team nearly a year ago. From the sound of the conversation, it seemed that Rogers was divulging some information that Barnes probably swore him to secrecy not so long ago.
"And then there were seven," Shaun spoke up, walking toward  you and the sorceress and clapping a hand on each of your shoulders. "Thor came through and left the barrels in the kitchen for us."
You were about to start talking about the food arrangements when the sight of Wanda's husband flying toward you all with a bouquet of camellias and hydrangeas in his hand. "Wanda, my love, I owe you my deepest apologies."
"Whatever for, Vis?" She broke away from you and Shaun to greet the synthezoid, placing her hands on his upper arms as he pulled her in for a chaste kiss.
"It did not occur to me that you might have wanted to make plans for today until Mr Stark had gone into detail of his own itinerary today for his wife," he explained, handing her the bouquet. "Unfortunately I cannot procure a reservation for us tonight, but I still wish to do something for you. Would you allow me the honor of making you a meal and perhaps watching a movie in the private theater?"
You and Shaun gripped each other's hands like you were high schoolers watching their best friend get asked out on their first big date, shaking and pushing each other over the sweetness of the gesture. "I don't need fancy restaurants or pretty flowers, Vis. Getting to spend time with you, especially after everything that's happened to us, is more than enough. I just need you."
The Sokovian turned back to face you and Shaun, a touch of guilt in her expression. "Rain check? I'll bring extra snacks tomorrow night to make up for it?"
"Don't worry about it, Babes," you reassured her, both you and the martial artist waving off her worries. "Enjoy your evening."
The couple have you a curt nod and a smile before happily flying away hand in hand back to their apartment.
"And then there were five," you and Shaun said in unison, walking back to the common area to load up those barrels that Thor left for tonight's 'festivities'. When you got to the kitchen area, Morgan was adorably sitting atop one of the barrels in question, feet happily swinging in the air with a big smile on her face.
"Off the goods, little Stark, we're not risking you getting drunk your dad's gonna kill us," Shaun said in a panic, already lifting the little girl up and off the barrel and making her squeal and giggle as she giddily exclaimed "I'm flying!".
"If you really think that she can get drunk from osmosis, we have a lot to talk about, sweet little summer child," you joked, walking up to one barrel and starting to push it toward the garage. "Think you can use that ancient mystical ring magic for makeshift wheels so we don't bust out our lungs lugging this all the way to your truck?"
"I can assist you, darling." Your skin bristled at the sound of Loki's voice, taking every ounce of strength you had to not stiffen or recoil at his use of the word. He was only saying it out of habit. Probably a remnant of his upbringing as a prince on Asgard.
He didn't mean it the way you wanted -- more than anything -- for him to mean it.
"No need, Laufeyson, I've got it from here," Strange butted in, conjuring an energy shield with his magic that he slid under the barrels, starting to wheel them toward the garage. "Carry on. Oh and friendly advice, man to god? Your future girlfriend, you know, the one you're making this big gesture for? She might not appreciate you calling other women 'darling', so I highly recommend kicking the habit while it's still early. Avoiding future battles and all."
The god sucked his teeth, the action causing his jaw to clench and sending your thoughts someplace they had no business being. You had no business thinking about another woman's man that way, no matter how hot he was.
"I will remember that. Thank you, Strange," he said softly, making his way back up the stairs.
"Thanks for the save," you muttered, opening the door to the garage for the sorcerer to guide the barrels through. "Don't think I could've gotten away with being on Bitch Mode with him a second time today. Not like I can help it, though. Some lucky Midgardian bitch is gonna be his by the end of the night."
"Pretty sure you're the only woman I know that considers being Laufeyson's girlfriend a good thing."
"Yeah, Y/N, like I know he's on our side and everything but most days he still has me on edge. Like passing him on a bad day's gonna get me a stab in the ribs, not a death glare like normal people," Shaun concurred, nudging your shoulder to hopefully stop your lamenting before you got in too deep. Again.
"I'm really down bad, huh," you sighed, letting out a little yip when a portal to the dark dimension appeared just a few feet in front of you. "The fuck--"
"Hey Strange," a reverberating ethereal voice called out from the portal, and then a tall woman with platinum hair with beauty that you could only describe as 'dark celestial' stepped out. Her eyes trained on the sorcerer next to you. "Heard that today's something of a holiday in this dimension. Figured it might be a good idea to stop by and maybe you could show me around your uh…" She turned to you and Shaun, both your jaws slack on the ground. "What's this place called again?"
"Avengers Compound?" Shaun said at the same time that you blurted out, "New York?"
"Compound York?" She raised an eyebrow at the two of you, amusement coloring her face as she gave you both a once over.
"Eherm…no," you answered her, chuckling nervously and shifting your weight between your feet. "This structure here is Avengers Compound, which is in Upstate New York. New York is a city, but also a region…and a state…?" you drifted off, already feeling a pinch in your head from trying to explain the best you could. You looked over to Shaun. "The more I try finding the words to explain, the more I realize how complicated it actually is. Save me."
Stephen stepped forward. "How about I just take you on a tour around New York, then?" His face stretched out into a wide grin, clearly unable to hide his giddiness over the knowledge that she crossed dimensions to be with him today.
"Is that…New York the city, the region, or the state?"
"The city. New York, New York. There's a whole song about it and everything I can play it for you in the car." He proceeded to drape his arm around the dark sorceress, leading her to his car further down the expansive garage.
"Your little human friend is right, things here are complicated. Downright confusing." She looked back at you and Shaun again as they walked away, hand in hand. "It was nice meeting you both! Stephen speaks highly of you all," she called out, her majestic voice echoing throughout the area.
"You're really pretty!" you blurted out in response, causing her voice to melt into a chuckle, telling her partner how she found you 'adorable'. You threw your head back and groaned toward the ceiling. "I'm a fucking dork."
"At least you're an adorable dork," Shaun shot back, nudging your shoulder and lightly touching the back of your head to get you facing forward again. His phone chimed with a text notification. "Katy. Her shift's over, she said she'll get us a room for eight. I'm texting her now to get a smaller one." He held up his hand, palm facing you. "And then there were four?"
You sighed, clapping your hand against his, your friend giving you a reassuring squeeze once you did. "And then there were four." You jerked your head toward the apartments. "I'll just go change into something that involves 'eating pants' and I'll meet you down here in ten."
The walk back up to your apartment wasn't that long, but it still felt like it with how quickly you slipped back into your lamenting over how your friends had such an eventful day today. Nat had her very public grand gesture. Wanda had her husband trying to cook human food in the name of spending time with her. Strange had his girlfriend literally rip a hole between dimensions to get here.
"And all I have waiting for me are two barrels of mead and karaoke microphones," you muttered, walking through your front door and begrudgingly unzipping your dress from the back. You were just about to half-stomp your way to your closet when something on your bed caught your eye.
Three shiny roses lined with gold, tied together with a gold ribbon at the foot of the bed. A large heart-shaped box of chocolates at the center. And a little teddy bear dressed as a bee with red antennas that had hearts at the end, at its fluffy little feet was an embroidered message. "Bee mine".
"What theeeee fu--"
"Y/N," an all too familiar voice called out from behind you. The air left your lungs at the sight of Loki in a form-fitting forest green button-down tucked into onyx black slacks, tucking his hair behind his ears before smoothing his hands over his shirt. "You're early--"
"What're you doing--Was this you?" you babbled, gesturing at the gifts on your bed. For a second, your heart beat erratically, the thought that maybe this was for you, before reality and logic sunk in. "Okay I think I know what's happening…"
"You do?"
"Yeah, you got the wrong apartment. Gimme a minute to change and I can help you move all this over to--"
The rest of your words died in a little squeak at the back of your throat, the god closing the distance between you two with a few long strides, framing your face in his hands and placing a tender fleeting kiss to your lips.
"Those tokens of my affection are exactly where they belong, little mortal," he murmured against you, tracing up the bridge of your nose with his lips until he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "As am I."
You let out a shaky breath, fighting against the urge to melt in the god's embrace as he snaked his hands around your waist. "The gesture your brother mentioned this morning…this?" He proceeded to press kisses down the side of your face, his warm exhale as he whispered 'yes' into your skin making you light-headed. "This is for me?" you gasped out, whatever was remaining of your logical brain smacking the rest of you with how stupid a question that was.
"Who else would it be for, darling?" He pressed a kiss to your jaw, tightening his arms around you and pressing your body against his. "There is no other in this or any other Realm that could have captured my heart so completely." He kissed the corner of your jaw, making his way down the side of your neck, holding you tighter to keep you up when your knees finally buckled from the sensation. "I did this for you, because I wish to ask something of you. That you become mine as much as I am yours."
"M-Mine?" you stammered. "Y-You're mine?" Since when? How come you didn't get this particular memo? Could've saved you a lot of turmoil and nights spent alone staring up at the ceiling trying and failing to hypnotize yourself out of being into him.
He kissed the tip of your nose, resting his forehead against yours. "I have always been yours, darling."
Your hands traveled up the length of his arms, like you were grounding yourself and trying to tell yourself that this was real. He was really here and he was telling you the words you wanted more than anything to hear for who even knew how long at this point.
He's here, you thought to yourself. And he's mine.
There was only one word that you could muster up in that moment. "Yes." I've always been yours, too.
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Karaoke Dreamin' on Such a Winter's Day group chat
myfirstnameisagent: Don't kill me but…rain check?
busboy10: Are you kidding me, Y/N?? You said you'd be down in 5 minutes tops and we're gonna meet up with Katy.
nromanoff: Sweet, now you're gonna have a story to tell tomorrow night, too.
myfirstnameisagent: Actually about that…rain check on tomorrow night, too? I'm kinda not there right now…
busboy10: There?? What do you mean "There"?? How'd you get out the Compound without me seeing you? Or whoever the hot date you're ditching me for is?
imjustwong: Where is everybody? We ordered nachos.
myfirstnameisagent: Yeah…I'm not in the Compound…or in New York…any of the "New York"s. Might not be for the next week. Maybe more. The three of you better not drink all the mead in one go.
busboy10: ??????
thevision: Agent Y/L/N, my wife is showing many signs of distress over her inability to contact you. Your phone seems to be going straight to voicemail.
myfirstnameisagent: Babes, I'm fine. That was just the Bifrost.
thewanda: EXCUSE ME??
nromanoff: BABES WHAT--
pointbreakbarbie: My friends, I heard the Bifrost be summoned near Lady Y/N's abode. Is there an emergency? Must I make my way to Asgard to assist?
myfirstnameisagent: Thor your brother said if he finds you here I have permission to stab you, don't even fucking think about it.
thewanda: I REPEAT. EXCUSE ME???
busboy10: Y/N are you in Asgard?? With Loki??
myfirstnameisagent: Yes. And yes. See you in two weeks.
thewanda: He better use that healing magic on your legs so you don't walk funny.
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A/N: It took me a whole month to write this because real life was trying TKO me in the work department and also I got sucked in to the worlds of Hello Kitty Island Adventure, Disney Dreamlight Valley, and Delicious World and I've been too weak to even attempt time management 🤣
I'm working on stuff tho I swear it 🫡 Horny bitches cuts are in progress, stories are in progress…lots of progress 😅😅
Also for reference, this was the lil stuffed bear that Loki gave Reader:
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and the roses looked like this:
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'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears
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arcielee · 6 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you @st-eve-barnes for going over your Saltburn series with me! Just a reminder, you can view volume 1 & 2 of my ongoing series Interview With a Writer, where these talented individuals allow me to pick their brains over the brilliance behind their writing!
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Name: st-eve-barnes
Story: Leverage
Paring: Michael Gavey x Female!Reader
WARNINGS: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
So, when did you start writing?
I guess I have to say as a teenager, though I never shared anything I wrote back then. I still have the notebooks I used to drabble in (in Dutch), it wasn’t very good at all but I guess even back then I had that need to be creative and make my own stories.
I officially started writing fanfic in 2013. I watched Thor the Dark World, fell in love with Loki, made a Tumblr and a whole new world opened. After a few months of reading fanfic, I started writing my own. Again, it wasn’t very good at all but even my bad stories slowly started to find an audience on here, so I stuck with it.
Loki is amazing, just Aemond energy in a different font.
He truly is! I've written different characters since, but the moment I saw Aemond on screen I was transported back to the first time I saw Loki. His intensity, that quiet threat like you don't know what he's going to do next, combined with this, "I was made to be king but my stupid brother is the chosen one."
And a certain sadness, of course. We know they're the villains, but we understand them in a way and can feel their pain. And they are sexy as hell of course ;)
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Where did the plot for Leverage come from?
Okay, so first of all, I am someone who never plans an entire plot when I start a fic. I am very much a "make it up as I go along" writer. I start with an idea and a dynamic I want to write between two characters and then I build from there.
For this one I wanted Reader and Michael to have a common goal and a common enemy, something that would push these two different characters to want to work together. I wanted the enemies to lovers vibe but soft. Like, you can tell very early on in the fic that they have empathy for each other. When Reader is crying, Michael softens up easily, and when she sees Michael being vulnerable about not being able to get girls, she feels for him as well.
Their personalities will still clash even after that, but you can (hopefully) feel the connection between them as well. I wanted Ben's threat to loom over them for the entire fic but also never make it the main plot point in every chapter. The main plot for me here was how Michael and Reader could help each other change and grow, and then either accept that change or turn away from it.
Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
No, not really, I think. I wanted to make her independent and confident, but also a little bit lonely, all traits you can also find in Michael. And anything else, as usual, I make up as I go along. I get to know the characters as I write them and often I'm surprised where they take me. In this fic I think it was Michael who surprised me the most though, he really turned out different than I initially had planned.
Explain your interpretation of Michael. What drives him? How did he differ from what you originally had in mind?
Salburn didn't give us much to work with, and I actually love that because it gives us so much freedom to play with the character.
I went with what the movie did give us: Michael's obvious hatred for the popular privileged kids. It's the reason he initially hates Reader, but warms up to her when he learns that she is actually working for her place at Oxford and she is not a real part of Ben's group. I think he is driven to help her purely because of that common enemy in the beginning.
Then he gets to know her a little and the promise of sex comes into play, which he definitely doesn't say no to. What surprised me in writing him is that I initially planned on writing him as a sub throughout the entire fic, but then half way in the tables started turning and he started taking over control a bit (of the Reader and me as well apparently!). And then suddenly it made complete sense to write him that way, because he would be that overeager student who wants to do well and who does the homework to get it exactly right, it doesn't matter whether it's math or sex, he wants to show how good and smart he is.
Him just accepting his feelings for her so calmly was also something I didn't plan, but just sort of happened as I was writing.
My initial plans there was going to be a big fight between her and Michael right before they would call things off. He would force her to admit her feelings and the sex would turn quite rough; Michael just being Michael and saying a lot of wrong things to her that would eventually shut her down completely. But I never wrote that scene and by the time I got there in the story it didn't seem to fit their characters anymore and it also seemed too heavy for this fic so I let go of that idea.
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Do you feel your Reader and Michael complement one another?
I definitely think they complement each other, but I also think they are quite alike in many ways. As I said before, they are both quite confident in different ways and insecure in others.
I do think they complement each other perfectly with Michael being more book smart and focused, while Reader is (a lot) better with people and social skills. I think them being together changes them both for the better cause they can learn from each other's personalities and bring out the best out in each other (but also the worst, of course).
Let's say that in their future they definitely learn to focus on bringing out the best and not the worst in each other ;)
Do you think you'll ever continue their story?
Never say never, but there's no plans to write more for them for now. I don't think I've written many sequels over the years, but I love writing different ideas and dynamics between two characters and once they are together, it's like "my work here is done."
Do you have a personal favorite story (on ao3 or Tumblr) you'd like to share?
My absolute favorite story is from a previous fandom that I'm not in anymore, but I have to share that one as it is the single most beautiful thing I've ever read. It was the fic that pulled me into the fandom. It's a Stucky story and it's called Not Easily Conquered, known as NEC in the fandom.
It will crush your soul and heal you and I will give anyone the same advice I got before I read it for the first time: be prepared because this one will hurt. I cried for like a week after I read it and I don't cry easily so this one should come with a warning. But it is absolutely worth it!
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Do you have another story in the works?
The only thing I'm working on right now is a Felix Catton x Reader story called Pretty Little Liars. Two chapters have been posted and I'm working on the next ones, but it may be a while as life has been a bit full on here lately.
Would you like to share a snippet of what's to come?
“I think he has a little crush on you,” you stated while Felix opened the door to his room and let you step inside first. Felix shook his head but the little blush on his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you. “It’s not like that,” he denied, “He’s just…a bit lost and I’m trying to be his friend.” “You sure that’s all he wants?” “Yeah,” he laughed, “Ollie doesn’t want me, he just wants to be like me.” “If you say so,” you sighed, not convinced. Felix grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you down to sit on the side of his bed, leaning forward to look into your eyes, “Hey, come on, don’t ruin this by becoming jealous.” “I’m not jealous, I’m…concerned.” That wasn’t a lie. Jealousy was never a factor, you knew right from the start that Felix would never truly be yours, you would always have to share him with the rest of the world. And you always accepted that. But the idea of sharing him with Oliver somehow made your blood boil. Felix kneeled down in front of you, eyes locking with yours as his gaze darkened and he smiled that irresistible smile of his. “Now, did you come up here to chat about Ollie, or to get your pussy eaten, hmm? Cause I can’t do both at the same time.” His lips connected with your knee, kissing your skin softly and you bit your lip and sighed deeply, “Fine, I’ll shut up.”
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criticalpraisefilm · 1 month
I Saw the TV Glow - and I wept. Here's why.
Coming out is scary. There's a million reasons why but the one I want to talk about is the self doubt.
What if I'm wrong? What if it's not true? What if I go through the frightening, worrying steps I have to take to live my most authentic life and it just gets worse?
I Saw the TV Glow asks another question: what if you're right? And what if that fear didn't go away? And what if it was worth it anyway?
(for the sake of this review, I will be referring to the main characters as Owen and Maddy, and using he/him and she/her pronouns respectively, as that is how they are presented in the movie, no matter the subtext. Or just straight text)
Owen (Justice Smith) is a lonely, shy, awkward boy living in the suburbs to an ill mother and an unwelcoming father. He connects with Maddy (Brigette Lundy-Paine), a lonely, show, awkward girl living with an uncaring mother and an abusive father, over The Pink Opaque, a TV show about two psychic girls, Isabel (Helena Howard) and Tara (Lindsey Jordan) fighting evil. As they grow up and their lives drift apart and together again, the lines between reality and The Pink Opaque start to blur, and Owen and Maddy realise they may have more in common with Isabel and Tara than they realised.
I first watched this movie in a group on a TV connected to a laptop with a bunch of other trans people. The small screen felt appropriate, with the early 2000s VHS aesthetic and imagery, somehow watching something modern and slightly more retro at the same time, like we really were streaming The Pink Opaque, but the real one, not the terrible version Owen discovers later. Describing things from my own childhood as retro feels a bit strange, but life moves on, whether you really live it or not. Maybe we should have watched it on a CRT TV for the full effect.
Regardless, after it was done, there was discussion, but mostly there was silence as we processed what we'd watched and dried our tears. I think I cried more than anyone else. That's not a comment about how it connected with me more than anyone else. I just cry a lot at movies now. Thank you, estrogen.
The second time I watched it it was in a cinema. The movie got a very limited cinema run in my home country and there was only one day to go and see it. I didn't think I could emotionally handle watching it alone, so I invited a few friends. In the end, only one friend was able to come see it with me. That friend is not transgender.
After the movie I stood outside smoking a cigarette and bouncing up and down talking about all the details I had missed the first time, the aspect ratio changes, some of the callbacks that were more obvious second time around, but mostly I ranted about things I had already experienced the first time I saw the movie because it still sat with me.
Somewhat ironically, and maybe slightly perversely, I described how I felt by using a moment from a Marvel movie. I talked to my friend about Maddy and Owen speaking about years moving like seconds, your life going by without you even noticing, like scenes are being skipped. And then you're older, and then you're a year older, and another year, and you barely notice because it's like you're watching it play out on a screen. You can't feel anything because you feel hollow, like someone has dug out your insides and it's all just a dream you can't wake up from. Despite the hollowness and the numbness, you can't breathe.
And I told my friend it was like that moment in Thor: Ragnarok where the Hulk smashes Thor against the ground in a callback to when Hulk did that to Loki in The Avengers. Loki in the crowds stands up and points and shouts "that's how that feels!". Because yes. That's how that feels.
That's how it feels to watch your life go by because you somehow can't bring yourself to care. As if the life isn't yours. As if there's another life you should be living, but it's not there. Or, rather, it is there, but saying it out loud, admitting it to yourself sounds silly. Crazy, even. There's another life I should be living? My memories of being myself are all mixed up with my memories of being somebody else? That's ridiculous. I am myself. I have a life.
I'm not somebody else. I'm not a character I grew up connecting to and relating to. There is no other life waiting for me. I'm myself. I'm not someone else. I'm not a girl.
It doesn't matter that my life doesn't feel my own. It doesn't matter that I wish I was someone else. It doesn't matter that I wish I was beautiful and powerful and very far away. It doesn't matter that I found something, a piece of media that describes being different, and I clung to it like a lifeline. It doesn't matter that the person I connected to through that media did what I'm afraid to and was better for it. It doesn't matter that I can't breathe.
That's how it feels to live in the Midnight Realm. That's also how gender dysphoria feels. At least, that's how it felt to me.
"It was time I became a man."
Owen's line here is one of the two moments in the movie that makes me cry the hardest. I cried a lot, but I really cry there. The denial, the doubling down on the life you hate, that you can't connect with, but that you stick with because that other life you want or have been promised just seems to scary to strive for. Like Isabel in The Pink Opaque, he's afraid of what's inside him, and that fear keeps him away from his life and pushes him towards a life that doesn't suit him, that never suited him, but that he feels he has to live. A life as a real man.
I cried because the denial was heartbreaking and tragic. And very familiar. I was 16 when I learned what the word "transgender" meant, and that being that was something people could do. I didn't come out until I was 21, because it felt scary. I'd know. I'd be more certain. I'm not certain, and what if I'm wrong?
I'm 28 as I write this, and I've never been more certain. But I look back at myself, 10 years ago, and think what if nothing had changed. What if I hadn't taken those steps. What if I hadn't had the support I did and what if nobody had held my hand through that first step. What if nobody had given me the permission to come out and realise that I never needed permission?
Maddy tries to be that hand for Owen, but he's too scared. And that's familiar too. The first time I watched the movie I thought it was odd that Maddy tries to convince Owen to join her in The Pink Opaque, but she shows no joy in it. She doesn't describe how liberating it was to live her own life finally. She just describes the trauma it took to get there. But on my second watch I understood better. Because she had to return to the awful life that wasn't hers. Show how terrible this life is, how it isn't Owen's, how he can be that girl he briefly pretended to be when he wore Isabel's magic dress. The magic is that it's not pretend. This is who you could be.
The gentleness of the way Maddy interacts with Owen in every scene stands out to me. From drawing the tattoo on his neck, to never forcing him to come to terms with himself the way she did. It's not something she can force him into. He has to come to that conclusion himself. The scene where he tries on the dress and her reaction is very important to me. Seeing who he really is before even he does. The fact that the movie has gone out of its way to inform us that she is a lesbian is important, as it informs how she sees him. As a girl. Not as Isabel. Not as part of The Pink Opaque. Not as someone trapped in the Midnight Realm. A girl, first and foremost.
This is reinforced by the way Maddy reappears years after disappearing with shorter hair and wearing a shirt. Whether or not the character has made a change to her gender identity, we don't know, but she's found her truer self and wants to help Owen do the same.
The constant framing of Owen in pink hues, the way the aspect ratio changes between reality and the TV show and eventually starts presenting The Pink Opaque in the real aspect ratio, tell us who Owen is and who he is afraid to be.
If I'm harping on the same point. it's because that's what the movie is, a character piece about what if you didn't transition. What if you didn't take that step, and it takes great pains to show what it feels to be unfulfilled and watch your life go by without ever burying yourself, burying your old life, and rising into your new one as the person you should be.
Which brings me to the other line in the movie that makes me cry more than any other. A simple shot of a street with graffiti in the road, spelling out the ultimate message of Owen's character arc and the movie as a whole:
"There is still time."
There really is no time limit. There is time to learn how to breathe. To be yourself. I came out at 21, but I know plenty of people who came out later. The longer you have a life, the more difficult it is to let it go, and yet I don't know a single person who isn't happier having found a life as their more authentic self. It is always worth it.
That's what the ending is about, to me at least. I've heard people say it's bleak, that it ends suddenly without providing resolution on either the plot, or the allegory that the plot is about, but I disagree. Owen realises that Maddy was right. He gets the permission he's been waiting for for the last 20 years. His apologising for existing afterwards is more realistic than anything else - he's still himself. But he knows where his life should be. He knows to go and join his friend in The Pink Opaque. He knows how to breathe again.
Was Maddy right? Were they in the Midnight Realm the whole time? Was it all just a plot from Mr Melancholy? Were all the people in their lives just there to keep them there and keep them down? Was The Pink Opaque more than a TV show?
I don't care. That's not the part of the movie that moves me. That's just the vehicle through which the movie delivers what it's trying to say.
I describe the first steps of transitioning as a rabbit hole. It's dark, it's cramped, it's difficult to move and it seems like it goes on forever. Going down there in the first place is scary. Seems like a bad idea. What if it leads nowhere? What if it leads deeper? I have a sky that I can see here, and that's fine. My life has places it can go.
It's only after you come out the other side of the rabbit hole that you realise that what you've been seeing when you look up your whole life is the roof of a cave, and that the world is so much larger, and the air is so much crisper than you ever knew. You can move. You can breathe. You can see. The cave is comfortable when you don't know anything else, and the path out is terrifying. But the first time you see the sky, you know that you're never going back.
I cried the first time I saw the sky. And I cry when Owen sees the sky too.
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lizzieisright · 1 year
Avengers!AU as I promised. It's rushed because the movie is fucking 2.5 hours long and I'm not rewriting the whole thing, because this is just for fun. I also didn't proofread it, sorry for mistakes/misspellings.
Cap!Abby x Black Widow!Reader if you squint really hard.
Also I gave the reader Natasha's last name (the proper one, not the weird one, sorry, it bothers me to this day).
So we start with Shield base getting attacked by Jinx (Loki) so she could take Tesseract and destroy the Earth because it's her sister's precious place. Sevika (Nick Fury) gets pissed off at the blue haired maniac of a girl and she loses Manny (Hawkeye) so she is furious.  
You (Black Widow) are somewhere in Russia, in the middle of interrogation, when Maria Hill calls to inform you that your buddy is now a baddie and you kick everyone's asses and immediately get on a new mission. You head off to India to persuade Caitlyn Kiramann (Hulk) to help Shield find Jinx and rescue Manny, promising it's only about her physics knowledge and not about the green giant woman she can turn into. 
At the same time Sevika makes it to Captain Anderson, to persuade Abby to help Shield. Abby, still not really adjusted, still so mad, agrees. (Now can you imagine that scene when Steve is beating the punching bag and you can see his back and ass and biceps? Imagine it with Abby). 
Now Maria Hill has the most insufferable person to recruit: Ellie Williams. The Iron Woman is not someone who'd want to work with Shield, she is not a team player and prone to anger, so Maria just wants to bash her head on the elevator door while she gets to her floor on the Williams tower. Thank God for Dina (Pepper) who can make Williams do anything, because Ellie takes the documents and starts working on it. (She is a little excited: she'd get to work with Caitlyn Kiramann! But she also sees Captain Anderson and rolls her eyes: she heard too much about her)
During the flight to the helicarrier Maria gives Abby her new uniform and Abby politely thanks her while inside she screams in agony: didn't Shield watch the war chronicles? Did they see that this atrocity with a fucking skirt was her performance costume? (I have personal vendetta against Cap's costume in this movie)  
The first person Abby meets on the helicarrier is you. 
"Agent Romanova. Captain Anderson." Maria introduces you to each other and you nod politely.
The deep winter in your eyes makes Abby feel understood. She doesn't know you, doesn't trust you, but she feels like you two have something in common. (It's a trauma and a sense of humour). Her cheerful naive side died in arctic ice, and what was left now found a familiar soul in you. 
"You really revived American patriotism." You chuckle and Abby chuckles too. "I didn't think miracles would still happen in our time, but here you are."
Abby wouldn't call it a miracle, so she stays silent. And then a tall woman stumbles into her, so Abby steadies her by her shoulders. Abby saw this face before: she watched the reports about Hulk. But this woman looks delicate and nervous, and the stark difference makes Abby stop for a second. 
"Doctor Kiramann." You say politely, but Abby hears a small laugh in your voice. It's indistinguishable, but Abby spent enough time around people who didn't laugh to know how it sounds.
"Agent Romanova." Dr Kiramann says with apprehension, like you're scaring her, and it definitely amuses you. "Captain Anderson, nice to meet you."
Abby smiles and shakes her dainty hand - not like the one that crushed buildings.
"The word says you're going to find the cube." 
"Yes. Is it the only thing?" Dr Kiramann asks nervously.
"The only thing I care about." Abby shrugs. It doesn't matter to her if Caitlyn can destroy all of them in a fit of rage - they need to anger her first, and Abby can't think what they will need to do for it. After all, she'll be in a lab. 
"Ladies, we need to move." You tell them and lead them inside while helicarrier gets in the air.
Caitlyn helps locate the cube and you and Abby go to Germany to stop Jinx. You thank God for years of training because when you see Abby in her old uniform it's so hard to not laugh. She looks uncomfortable and you pretend this is perfectly normal and mundane while you pilot the jet. 
"Shield didn't do their homework." You note offhandedly and Abby chuckles. 
"I hope this uniform is stronger than it looks. I usually didn't wear my costume to the battlefield." 
"I'm sure Hill made it bulletproof." Abby knows you're making fun of her and somehow this is the most pleasant conversation she had since she woke up. "Okay, she is there and she is doing some crazy shit." You point at Jinx as you get closer. "Good luck Cap." 
Abby salutes you with two fingers and jumps out of the quinjet while you get your cannons aimed at blue-haired disaster.
Seeing Abby fight Jinx is very satisfying, even if this tank of a woman is wearing a skirt. Actually - it's even better. Captain Anderson is in amazing form for 90 years old.
Hearing AC/DC in your headphones - not as good, you have to admit. 
"Agent Romanova, did you miss me?" You hear Williams' smirk and chuckle. The same annoying cocky clowness as always. 
Well, watching Iron Woman blast Jinx is also very satisfying. 
"Make your move, Smurfette." Ellie says and you snort. 
"Miss Williams." Abby politely nods while they watch Jinx surrender.
"Captain." Ellie decides Anderson is not as annoying as the stories about her. 
Jinx annoys the shit out of you, but she also worries you: she gave up too easily. Captain Anderson looks as suspicious as you are, and three of you have a private moment in the pit. 
"Something is not right."
"You mean that the Fairy with Turquoise Hair let you win? I mean, for a grandma you're pretty fit, but she could have knocked you out." Ellie looks Captain Anderson over and you know she is hitting on Abby. Abby, on the other hand, doesn't know it and just rolls her eyes. 
Then you hear the thunder and you get tense, while Jinx starts giggling. 
"What, you enjoy lightning so much?" Ellie smirks, but Abby is assessing the situation.
"Oh-ho-ho, you're in for a treat, girls." Jinx starts laughing and gets up just in time for the hatch to open and a pink haired woman to come in, grab Jinx by her collar and jump back out. 
"Yeah, no. I'm sitting this one out. " You know Vi, and you don't plan on fucking with her. But those two can try. 
"Williams, where are you going? We need a plan to attack." Abby feels rusty and she doesn't like improvisation, she likes to know who she is against. 
"I have a plan. Attack."
"Cocky motherfucker." You murmur and watch Abby grab a parachute. "Where are you going? They're gods."
"I don't believe in them, ma'am." Abby says and jumps out. 
For some reason your hand finds the cross on your neck. 
(I'm sorry I'm not rewriting the Thor and Loki scene) Vi chews Jinx out for lying and pretending to be dead and Jinx invites her to go fuck herself just before Ellie knocks Vi off. Jinx laughs and sits down, curious how this will play out. 
The three of them beef it out, but only when Vi hits Abby's shield with her hammer everything ends. Abby is tired and wants to fucking strangle Williams, but she resorts to making peace with a goddess. 
"We find the cube and you can take your sister back." 
The escort Jinx to the helicarrier and when she passes the lab where Caitlyn is working she winks at her and makes kissy lips, creeping Caitlyn out. 
Sevika is finally in a good mood as she tells Jinx what will happen to her if she tries to escape. Jinx nods like an A-student, pissing Sevika off. 
 "Ooh." Jinx laughs. "It burns you to come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is."
"Well, you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something."
Jinx asks for cosmopolitan and a caramel macchiato.
"She is unhinged." Caitlyn says and moves away from the screen. 
"Have care how you speak. Jinx is beyond reason, but she is of Asgard, and she is my sister." Vi says and you look at her. Blissful idiot.
"She killed 80 people in two days." And took my fucking best friend, you think. 
"She is adopted."
"Why is she looking for Iridium?" Caitlyn asks Vi like this golden retriever of a goddess would know. Vi panics, but Ellie saves her. 
"It's a stabilising agent." Ellie looks at Vi in her muscled glory and you want to roll your eyes. "No hard feelings, warrior princess."
Why doesn't Vi hit Williams again is a mystery. 
Ellie and Caitlyn talk about physics and you want to ask for a raise, while Abby looks as confused as you feel. 
"It's good to meet you, Dr. Kiramann. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster." 
Can Ellie Williams meet a woman and not flirt with her? 
"Thanks." Caitlyn even blushes a little. 
Ellie doesn't trust Fury and she is one of the smartest people on Earth, so after she innocently banters with Caitlyn while they work, she bickers with Abby and then she brings up her suspicions.
"You think Sevika is hiding something?" Abby asks.
"She is the spy. Her secrets have secrets."
"You don't find it weird they didn't ask Ellie to work on Tesseract when Williams tower has been running on clean energy for over a year now?"
Abby thinks, but doesn't say anything. 
You are sent to interrogate Jinx, and she looks so happy to see you. 
"You should read this article on skin care, agent Romanova. Would be of use."
"If it's about hyaluronic acid I don't need it." You say and Jinx closes her magazine.
"Soooo. What made you visit me? Wanna braid each other's hair and talk about boys?" Jinx looks as you stumble for words. "Or about the boy."
"Once you win, what will happen to Alvarez?"
"How sweet." Jinx cooes. "Your world is going to be destroyed and you bargain for your little boyfriend. True love." Jinx wipes non-existent tears. "You know what, sweets? Your honeybun is my plaything now. So when I win, and when everything on this pathetic little planet is destroyed, I will make Alvarez skin you and he will be conscious the whole time, and when he is done with you, I will make him cut his hands off for killing his boo. How about this?" Jinx smiles.
You swallow, pale from the horror.
"You're a monster." You say, terrified.
"No-no-no, sweetheart." Jinx eyes are dramatically big. "You brought the monster." 
You chuckle. 
"Oh, so Dr Kiramann is your target. Thank you for your cooperation." You nod and leave, leaving Jinx pissed. 
After that everything goes to hell. Everyone gets pissed at each other, Caitlyn hates your fucking guts for lying, Abby and Ellie almost go out to fight each other when the explosion hits. 
You fall down with still pissed off Dr Kiramann and she is not happy to see you. Her other side is not happy too, judging by her heavy breathing. 
"We're okay. Caitlyn, you're okay." 
She growls at you, and you notice you're stuck under a metal bar. You're stuck under a heavy piece of metal with Caitlyn who is halfway into Hulk territory. 
"I swear I'll get you out of here, whatever it takes." You tell her, but her voice is not hers anymore. 
"Whatever it takes?!" She growls and you get your leg out just in time, because Hulk hates you and she is definitely going to kill you. 
You run with all you have, screaming into your earpiece. 
"Can someone help me out here before Dr Kiramann tears me to fucking shreds?"
"I could take her." You hear Vi answering.
"Great, hurry the fuck up!"
Vi manages to knock Hulk out and give you time to escape, so you hide and try to put yourself together. At the same time Ellie and Abby who hated each other's guts a second ago, work together to restart the engine and not fall into the fucking ocean.
Ellie looks at the engine, but can't figure out what's wrong.
"Joel, run diagnostics." Ellie says and looks at the print of the engine when her assistant shows it to her with all damage on display. It doesn't look good. "I'll get inside and restart it manually." Ellie tells Abby. 
"It will shred you." Abby tells her and rip her skirt off in annoyance, only leaving tights on. 
"That's why you need to reverse it so I could slip out."
"And how do I do that?" 
"Red lever on the wall." Ellie goes inside the engine and starts pushing the rotor arms.
Abby stays by red level. 
Sevika is super not happy: her ship is getting destroyed and right now it's fucking Alvarez who is definitely going to free Jinx. 
"Does anybody copy?"
You swallow the terror and answer. 
"I copy."
If Manny needs his butt kicked he will get it kicked. 
Vi runs to detainer just to get into typical Jinx fog. She stumbles around, trying to find Jinx, hearing her giggles everywhere, but she hears a click and the fog disappears. Vi is in the container, and Jinx and smirking at her across the room.
"You Asgardians are supposed to be invincible. Who do you think will win? You or the beast?" Jinx jumps on the control panel and presses the button. "Boop."
"JINX!" Vi growls as she falls down. 
"Bye-bye sister!" Jinx spits and runs away. 
Abby is under attack, and she fights for her fucking life while Ellie is already saying goodbye to hers as she is simultaneously screaming at cap to PULL THE FUCKING LEVER ANDERSON JUST FUCKING DO IT
"Working on it." Abby says as she kicks the last enemy into the air.
But then she is in the air and she barely holds to some kind of wire while Williams is still screaming at her. Her suit is getting so damaged Ellie wants to cry and Joel is being so annoying by telling her the exact percent of damage. 
"I know man, stop upsetting me." Ellie says when she hits the floor with her chest again. "Cap, come on!!!"
Abby wants to tell her to shut the fuck up as she climbs the wire, but she needs to be quick so she saves time to pull the lever. As she pulls it, there is another gunfire, but Ellie flies in and knocks the man out. 
Jinx pissed everyone off. Everyone who is still on a helicarrier wants to get her head. While Manny is recovering from mind control, restrained, Abby comes to you and you notice that the skirt is gone. 
"Do you think there are any pants I could use?" Captain Anderson asks sheepishly. You assess Abby's size and go to Manny's closet to take a pair of blue cargo pants. 
"Sorry, don't have anything with stripes." 
Abby rolls her eyes playfully and leaves to change. 
"(Y/n)?" You turn around and Manny's eyes are clear. 
"Do I need to punch you again?"
"What did I do?"
"Not important. It wasn't you."
"I still did it." Manny chuckles. 
"Do you want to join our revenge party?" You ask as you let Manny out. "Cap will come here in a minute to ask us to go and fight that bitch."
"Cap as in Captain Abigail Anderson, as in fucking Captain America?"
"You can fangirl later. Yes."
Right on cue Abby appears in her new pants, her ridiculous helmet under her arm.
"She is going to take Williams tower. Are you in?"
"Maybe if I put an arrow through her eye I'd be able to sleep at night." Manny says grimly and you nod to Abby.
"In a minute."
Ellie is so pissed. This blue-haired nature mistake dared to put her portal shit on her tower. On the tower she built for Dina, the best woman in her life, and Jinx wants to parade her alien army from her porch! 
"That device has a shield, don't shoot it, kid." Joel tells Ellie and she rolls her eyes but listens. 
She lands her suit and walks to the bar to find Jinx watching her TV. She is watching The Simpsons. 
"Hello Marge, I'm home." Ellie imitates Homer as she searches for her bracelets. Jinx looks up to her, annoyed at the comparison.
"Oh, iron girl. What, you want to beg me too?"
"Actually I came to threaten you."
"Really? With what? Terrible jokes? I already have an old man to do it, what do I have to fear?"
"The Avengers." It makes Ellie cringe. "It's our little team of heroes."
"Yeah, I've met them." Jinx snorts. 
"Well, we needed some team-building, and you provided it." Ellie put one of the bracelets on. "But let's see. We have your sister, a literal goddess; a living legend who actually lives up to the legend (to my surprise); the kindest woman with breath-taking anger management issues; and a couple of assassins whose body count goes into the hundreds. And you, you've managed to piss off every single one of them." Ellie puts the second bracelet on. 
"I have an army, dum-dum."
"We have Hulk."
Jinx huffs in disbelief and slowly makes her way to Ellie. 
"Well, iron girl, I think your team will be a little busy fighting you to stop me."
Jinx taps Ellie's chest and they both are confused as nothing happens.
"It never happened before."
"That's what he said." Ellie snorts, but then Jinx grabs her by her throat, her chipped nails digging into her skin. "Joel, any time now."
"I will destroy you." Jinx hisses and throws Ellie out of the window. 
"Joel for fuck's sake!" Ellie screams as she falls, but the suit catches her signals and Ellie manages to not die. Again. 
Ellie stabilises herself and looks up to see a bunch of aliens coming out of the portal. 
"Right. Army." 
Manny flies close enough for all you comms to connect and Ellie leads you to a new set of enemies. You shoot all of them before Jinx blasts the jet engine and Manny has to make an emergency landing. 
You exit the jet and the first thing you see is a giant flying slug. You look at Manny and both of your heads have the same thought, and the thought is what the fuck. 
Manny notices people trapped and you both cover for Abby so she could run and give orders to police. You and Manny free the civilians and go back to shooting the alien assholes. 
It's weird, but it also isn't: they are enemies who just look strange, and their weapons are not complicated. You steal one and figure out how to shoot in a second, and these things don't have the bullets to run out, so you roll with it. 
By the time Abby comes back, Vi comes to you too and fries the rest of the assholes. You sigh in relief and put the stick down, listening to what Abby has to say, but just as she opens her mouth you hear a bicycle horn. 
Caitlyn is half-naked, drives the bicycle with one hand while her other holds what looks like a towel or a sheet. 
"I apologise, I had to take public transport." Caitlyn says and everyone stares at her for just a second, mainly focusing on long long naked legs.
Is everyone on this team gay? 
Well no, Manny is still straight. 
"I'm in need of some clothes." Caitlyn blushes and everyone rushes to find something until Ellie sends one of her small bots to Caitlyn. 
"It will stretch, big girl." You hear over the comms.
Caitlyn gets covered by some kind of material and she smiles at you, apologetic. 
"I'm so sorry."
"We could use some of that right now, actually." You tell her and Caitlyn nods, while she puts her long hair into a bun. 
“Dr Kiramann, it’s time to get really angry.” Captain Anderson says, still so delicately polite. Captain America is a sweetheart, and you feel your dead heart flutter.
"I have just enough repressed anger." Caitlyn turns towards the giant slug that Ellie leads to her. Caitlyn’s skin turns green as she grows bigger and bigger, and she becomes 8ft tall, her noodle arms grow muscles that put to shame Abby and Vi combined. It’s not Caitlyn anymore, it’s Hulk, and she is terrifying.
Hulk swings her fist and smashes the slug in the nose, making it flip on itself. You hear Vi gasp just before Abby jumps next to you and puts the shield over your head as pieces of meat fly everywhere. She holds you with her other arm, protecting you.
"Thanks Cap." 
"Ma'am." Abby nods.
By that time Ellie joins you, and all six of you are finally in one place.
"Call in, Captain." Ellie says.
Watching captain Anderson work is magical. Her fighting skills are impeccable, sure, but her immediate assessment of the situation and planning is just… it's nice to have someone so talented to be your leader. You don't argue, you just listen and do what Abby tells you to do. Ellie takes Manny and flies away, Vi flies away as well to fry the bastards as Abby put it, Hulk is just straight up having fun beating aliens up, and it leaves you with Abby.
Fighting alongside Abby is effortless. She is strong and big while you're agile and fast and you work as a team, looking out for each other and the best ways to attack. And while you're a killer, you aim to eliminate the threat, Abby is a protector to the bone and you catch her shielding you a few times. It's strange, but sweet - you’re not used to teamwork, to someone watching your back except Manny. The fighting is exhausting, it’s not your usual gig - you’ll have to hit the gym and not be an embarrassment like this - and you don’t see the end to it.
"You know we can't keep this up. We need to close that thing." You shout as you put more bullets into aliens.
"It has a shield on it." Ellie reiterates in your comms.
"Well maybe it's not about guns, Williams." You sigh. “I need a ride.” You look up at flying monsters. “And I just found it. I could use a boost though.”
Abby looks at you as you gain distance so you could run up, and gets into the position, angling her shield for you.
"You sure about it?"
"It would be fun." You shrug and run at Abby, and she boosts you into the air the moment your boot touches her shield. You catch on one of the aliens and fly to the tower.
Hulk is fighting alongside Vi and she is not happy about their previous quarrel, but Vi is very honourable and takes it in her own hands to make up with the beast. 
"It's my honour to be in battle with you, fair Hulk." Vi says and Hulk grins at her.
"Hulk likes." The green woman roars and they destroy a new slug together. 
"Williams, they sent the nuke." Sevika says and Ellie stops for a second, her little bombs still flying from her shoulders. 
"Are you fucking kidding me." 
At the same time you’ve found a way to stop Tesseract and you hold Jinx's sceptre, penetrating the shield around the cube.
“I’ll close it.” You shout into the comms, not really expecting anyone to protest, but Ellie stops you.
“Not until I get rid of the nuke.”   
Ellie catches the nuke and flies into the portal.
“Dina will kill you.” Joel tells her as he makes a call, but she is not answering.
“Not if I kill myself first.”
The last thing Ellie sees is the alien ship blowing up.
You close the portal when Ellie flies out of it, and all of you are relieved - she made it. Until Vi notices she is not stopping, and she swings her hammer to fly and catch her, but Hulk is faster - she climbs the building, makes a powerful jump and catches Ellie. 
It takes a very loud roar to wake her up.
“Did anyone kiss me?” You hear over the comms and roll her eyes. Everything is back to normal.
Manhattan is ruined, Williams’ tower is left with an a on it, and you all sit at the small cafe eating shawarma. You’re not a stranger to it, but the rest of the team are not as pleased as you are. Caitlyn is wrapped in Vi’s cape because even Ellie’s materials can’t handle Hulk yet, Ellie didn’t get out of her suit for this, Vi has a wound on her side, Manny looks half-dead from exhaustion, you lost your guns and Abby’s face is so dirty you want to clean her up like a toddler.
“Let’s never do this again.”
“Save the world or eat shawarma?”
79 notes · View notes
elfboyeros · 7 months
The Dead Man
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Wanna Read More or start from the beginning: Hallows Academy Masterlist @karaboutmyart @jj-pines @lerenee
“Attention: All students are invited to the first séance in the dormitory today, Friday, September 8th, at 16:00. It will be taking place in the storage room off the common area on the third floor (Hall Romanov). Again, all students are invited to join. There will be pizza afterward.”
-Euphrasie Head of Student Residency
Amora and Loki walked up the stairs of the dorms, the American girl’s heeled flats clicking against the steps as she walked up to the third floor.
“Do you think it will be a success?” Loki asked looking over her shoulder.
“Hard to say, it depends on what you believe in,” Amora answered, following behind her, “I like to believe that ghosts are real so something like the séance could work. Do you believe in ghosts, Loki?”
“I do,” Loki replied softly, “Do you?”
“I feel like I have to,” Amora began as they reached the 3rd floor, “I mean with all the fae and creatures that wonder about in our everyday life, I feel like it would only make sense for ghosts to exist.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I mean if something that is so inherently magical and whimsical exists, couldn’t be possible that something that is so inherently supernatural and paranormal exists as well? It would be odd to have one without the other if the two are synonymous of each other,” Amora explained.
“You can Luther would be fit to have conversations for hours with the way you are thinking,” Loki commented as they reached the setting area on the third floor.
“What about me?” Luther perked up, from one of the couches after Loki said his name.
He sat on one of the beige couches watching Lance and Odysseus play a round of Mario Cart on the TV in the living space. The larger brother looked over the couch to look at his sister over the bridge of his glasses, “What have I done now?”
“I wasn’t saying anything bad,” Loki scoffed, “We were just talking about whether ghosts existed or not and Amora was getting very philosophical.”
“Will I mean the existence of ghosts is based on personal opinion, but it wouldn’t be impossible for ghosts to exist given that they are very magical—”
“Brother Bear, as much as I love you, I don’t wanna have this conversation with you, it will make my brain hurt,” Loki remarked, leaning against the couch.
“Who’s winning,” Amora asked softly, as she rounded to be closer to Odysseus and Lance as they sat in the middle of the 3 large couches that were all in a U-shape, facing the flat-screen TV.
“Odis,” Lance muttered.
“Technically it’s someone named Maverick, from Marquis Island,” Odysseus replied, “but right here in this room, it’s me!”
“Odysseus, does everyone call you Odis?” Amora asked.
“No, Only the Holloway siblings call me Odis.” He answered, “I don’t even know why they do.”
“Odysseus Odis,” Luther commented, moving his hands as if to put the two names into columns. “Sound similar.”
“SWEET WE’RE PLAYING MARIO CART!” A boyish voice exclaimed before an olive-skinned blonde male vaulted over one of the couches and landed beside Odysseus giving him a little nudge, “You should have told me, dude, so I could take you down a peg!”
“Solomon you were studying,” Odysseus chuckled.
“Honestly, Mario Cart is more important than studying for my Forensic Science class,” Solomon scoffed before looking order at Amora, “Hi, I’m Solomon.”
“Amora,” she replied, sitting down on one of the couches while Loki sat on the arm next to her. She remembers Loki vaguely talking about Solomon. Her British roommate said he was friendly, but he can be a bit of a jerk when his best friend is around.
Euphrasie soon arrived with pizzas and all the items she would need for a séance, after Calliope joined the group around the TV, sitting quietly and keeping to herself. Euphrasie waited a few moments for a few more students to arrive like Iphigenie, before beginning.
“Thank you for coming, for the first-ever séance at Hallows Academy,” Euphrasie began, “we are going to take this box of séance items to the storage room then we are going to try and talk with ghost.”
“Euphrasie, I love you, but I only came to get some pizza before I went to work,” Iphigenie remarked, stealing a slice of pizza from one of the boxes.
“That’s fine don’t work too hard,” Euphrasie replied, before grabbing her box and heading to the storage room with her peers following her.
“Isn’t it a little late for that?” Luther asked as she walked by.
“One of the closers got sick during their shift and I was asked to help close,” Iphigenie answered.
“Want me to come so you don’t have to do all the walking alone?” Luther inquired, as Cassiopeia made it to the 3rd floor while a chocolatey red-haired dude had his arm around her shoulder.
“No, it’s alright,” she replied, “Thanks for the offer though.”
The British boy nodded, as she turned to walk away, “Text or call me if you need any rescuing,” he added.
“Thanks, Luther,” Iphigenie replied before letting out a little “Excuse me.” While passing Cassiopeia and the boy she was on the arm of.
“Get rejected, Luther?” The boy laughed.
“Roux,” Luther sighed, clenching his fist while having to urge to punch Roux in his pretty football player's face, “Screw off,” he muttered before being the bigger man and walking away.
“Hey, Roux!” Solomon interjected, “You going to join us in the séance?”
“That sounds stupid,” Roux scoffed.
“I thought it sounded like fun,” Solomon muttered a frown forming on his face.
“Dude, I don’t care what you do, but it sounds so stupid, especially since ghosts aren’t really,” Roux retorted.
“Stick around and maybe you will change your mind!” Euphrasie exclaimed, poking her head out of the storage room as Luther entered.
Roux looked to Cassiopeia who had only stood beside him in silence while her boyfriend had his little exchanges, “What do you wanna do?”
Cassiopeia shrugged, “What would it hurt, ghosts aren’t real, right.”
“You guys coming or not!” Euphrasie shouted.
“Yes, Euphrasie, Jesus!” Roux huffed, entering the storage room with Cassiopeia.
“Who is that again?” Amora asked Loki quietly, while Euphrasie began setting up the séance.
“Roux,” the British teen muttered in a disgusted tone, “If you do anything I advise, let it be staying away from him.”
“He can be nice,” Calliope whispered, from her place beside Amora, “sometimes.”
“Calliope, he’s only nice to you because you are Cassiopeia's sister,” Loki mumbled.
Amora looked over at Cassiopeia, ever since their first meeting anytime Amora as seen the girl always in red, the cheerleader has held a resting bitch face, but now, when she is cuddled up to Roux, she looks so small against his large frame and so miserable. Yet, every time Roux’s at her, he looks at her with a loving gaze, and she only smiles one of those smiles that is clearly fake, although Roux seems to not notice.
“She’s unhappy,” Amora commented to herself, out loud.
“What?” Loki asked as Euphrasie finished setting up the séance, with the Ouija board in the middle of the group of students, surrounded by candles.
“It’s nothing,” Amora replied.
Euphrasie cleared her throat before beginning to speak, “Oh spirits of Hallows Academy, we all come to speak to you today within this storage room. If you wish to speak with us, give us a sign.”
There is a large moment of silence, teenagers all looking at each other, as if nothing happened, “You could like… knock something down… maybe blow out one of the candles,” Euphrasie muttered.
After Euphrasie spoke something fell in the corner of the storage room making almost everyone jump, then look at all the séance items in the middle of the circle they formed.
“C-could you blow out the tallest candle?” The dorm resident asked.
The tallest candle’s flame is then extinguished, making the students gasp. The sounds of whispers filled the room, voices layered over each other talking all at once in shushed tones around the teenagers, yet it seemed like Amora was the only one who could hear all the noise.
The overlaying vibrations made her head hurt, “Amora?” Calliope asked, seeing the American girl's discomfort as everyone else was focused on the ghostly happenings in the center of the circle.
Loki looked over at her roommate seeing her with her head in her hands and her eyes shut tight, “Lovely?”
The overlapping voices continued to get louder as Amora’s head continued to throb in pain. She then looked up for whatever reason seeing the blurry silhouette of some individual standing in front of her.
The silhouette then approached Amora, standing right in front of her, along with the overlapping voice which continued to get louder and louder accompanied by a buzzing sound.
“Do you all not hear the buzzing?” Amora mumbled, unable to properly focus on anything.
“Amora? What’s wrong?” Loki asked concerned.
She can’t hear Loki, however, as the voice around her and the buzzing is so loud Amora felt as if her whole body was vibrating. With squinted eyes Amora watched the blurry silhouette reach out to her with one of their fingers, pressing the tip of their extremity into the center of her forehead.
The American teenager is then on the floor, unconscious.
“Amora!” Calliope gasped, while Loki immediately fell to her knees, to help her roommate.
Everyone’s attention is on Amora and by proxy Loki, “What happened?” Euphrasie gasped.
“I-I don’t know,” Loki stammered out, pulling Amora into her arms, “She just collapsed!”
“It’s the ghost!” a random student shrieked.
“Dude, shut the hell up,” Solomon scoffed, “Is she alright?”
Luther made his way over to his sister, taking Amora from Loki’s arms and picking her up and off the floor.
“Do you know if she ate anything today?” Odysseus asked.
“Maybe she’s dehydrated,” Lance added.
“I’ll call the Nurse’s office and tell them you’re coming,” Euphrasie remarked pulling out their phone.
Loki and Luther left the storage room, heading to the Nurse’s Office in the main building, where Amora stayed well into the night. While in between the land of being awake and in slumber, it feels like she is being watched. Once she was out of the land of sleep, she opened her eyes, face with a man.
With dark burgundy-brown hair, dusty pink skin, and heterochromatic eyes staring down at the blonde girl, left eye purple right eye pink. He had a tea-green glow to his whole body as he floated above her as she lay in bed.
Amora looked at him with wide eyes before he gasped, “You can see me!” The man remarked.
Her eyes got even wider, as the floating man above her put his hand up, “Please don’t start screaming!”
She obviously started screaming, which woke up Loki who was sleeping in a chair, “Amora! What’s the matter!” Loki exclaimed, coming to her side.
Loki paused and blinked, looking in the direction that Amora was pointing in as she screamed, “Lovely, it’s a dream, breathe.”
Amora stopped screaming, huffing out breaths and staring down the name as she snickered in the corner, “Go back to sleep, yeah, you’ll be better in the morning,” Loki remarked, affectionately rubbing up and down the blonde’s arms.
All she did was nod, sinking back into the bed she was in, as Loki took her place in the chair next to her, she could feel eyes on her. Not Loki’s, no she’s kind enough not to intentionally stare. No, it’s the eyes of that man, covered in a green mist, staring at her from the corner of the room.
And he continues to linger the next day, from the moment Amora woke, to being let out of the nurse’s office, to getting back to the dorm, he’s there with his 5’10 stature to the way he floats behind Amora at a good distance. He is just there, and the fact that it seems that she is the only one who can see him, Amora can only believe she is going insane, and she’s only been at Hallows Academy for a week.
“Gah,” Loki sighed, looking at her phone, “Lance wants me to come to his dorm.”
“Go, I’ll be fine,” Amora muttered while sitting in her bed.
Loki stood up from her bed, fidgeting a bit, “If you need anything text me okay.”
Amora nodded, before watching her leave their room hesitantly. Once alone, Amora pulled out her laptop and typed into the search bar: seeing people that other people can’t see.
Multiple articles, and definitions of hallucinations along with what could cause them waterfalled on her internet browser, “Chickadee, this isn’t a hallucination,” the man stated, “Put in Cobalt Thornton.”
“How do you spell all that?” She asked, before shaking her head.
“C-O-B-A-L-T T-H-O-R-N-T-O-N.”
When typing the name into the search bar, the top result was an obituary and an article from 15 years ago.
Tragedy Has Befallen Solostica: Hallows Teacher Found Dead
Solostica News Channel One Editor: Suzette Levi Writer: Nicolette Heri-Louis
Found deceased in his small home, on March 23rd, in the early morning, Cobalt Thornton, a Pre-Calculus teacher at Hallows Academy and a Solostian born and raised. Known as Mr. Thornton by all his students and Mister Blue by close friends and family. Respected for his passion for the field of mathematics, and tolerated for his stubbornness, it is shocking to find out that a well-respected man, who seemingly has no enemies, had been murdered.
Thornton’s death is undetermined as of this report. This case is a top priority according to law enforcement, Although Thornton’s wife, Primrose, stated at the funeral:
“The only thing that the sergeants have told me was that he couldn’t be cremated. Cobalt wanted to be cremated, that was his only wish! They won’t update me on his case, I don’t know how he died, but it must be made sure that he can’t be cremated, they're a joke!”
Cobalt Thornton is survived by his wife Primrose Mero-Thornton and his daughter, He was buried in Solostica Grand Church, yesterday, March 26th.
If you have any information about the death of Cobalt Thornton, contact Solostica Detective Matias Prescott at 020 9734 2648 or ask for him at the Solostica Supervise Office.
Below the article is a picture, of the same man that was now haunting her, yet less green, “So what? You’re a ghost?” Amora scoffed, looking over her shoulder at the ghostly man floating next to her.
“You honestly believe I am a figment?!”
“I am center I don’t believe you are actually a ghost, that you are actually haunting me!” Amora fought back.
Cobalt sighed, moving to the door, “There are plenty of old yearbooks around this campus, so why not go find one from before I died,” Cobalt suggested motioning to the door.
Amora sighed, staring at the article open on her laptop screen and then at the back at the ghostly man at her door, “Your little friend in orange might be able to help you,” Cobalt commented.
The American girl sighed, getting out her bed and heading out to find Euphrasie. Remembering that their room was on the 3rd floor, she made her way to Hall Romanov, knocking lightly on Euphrasie’s door where she could hear whispering before the door opened.
“Oh hey, Amora, how are you feeling?” Eurphrasie asked.
“I’m okay… I guess,” Amora replied, “I actually wanted to know if there were any old yearbooks I could look at.”
“How old we talking?”
“15 years or older,” Amora answered.
“Uh… Oh yeah! There are a few in the entertainment center from around that time… I think,” Euphrasie replied, “Come on I’ll help you look.”
The two seniors walked to the setting area in the 3rd hall, devoid of people now in time in the day.
“Why do you want to look at old yearbooks?” Euphrasie asked, opening the entertainment system shelving units.
“Something for my history class,” Amora answered, as the dorm resident pulled out a few yearbooks.
“Nice save, chickadee,” Cobalt noted, from his ethereal place around her.
“Thanks,” Amora muttered after Euphrasie handed her the small stack of yearbooks.
“If you need to borrow some just send me pics of the news you take so I know where they’re at,” Euphrasie stated.
“Got it.”
“Have fun,” Euphrasie chirped before heading back to her dorm room.
The chipper student had handed Amora some older yearbooks, that didn’t have Cobalt in them, as the pages were in black and white and from over 50 years ago. The last one she looked at was one from exactly 15 years ago, and thankfully in color flipping to the staff page and looking in the T’s their Cobalt sits, looking like the ghostly man that is sitting next to her, albeit less green. Even after finding him in the staff pages, Amora continues to flip through the yearbook, discovering a memorial page in the back of the yearbook dedicated to Cobalt.
“You’re actually dead,” Amora gasped.
Cobalt chuckled, with his legs crossed as he sat on the sofa across from her, his head tilted as his cheek rested against his fist, “I have no reason to lie about my mortality.”
Amora huffed, taking the yearbook she had in her lap with her back to her dorm room after putting the others away. She spent the next few hours at her desk, searching the web for answers about ghostly hauntings while making small talk with Cobalt.
“Okay! It says here that ghosts haunt those on the moral plain to so to curve boredom, and they are still on the moral plain because something is preventing them from ascending to the afterlife,” Amora explained.
“Ah, I have unfinished business,” Cobalt remarked, “…Yet I don’t remember what I would have left unfinished besides my entire life!”
“Mhm… do you remember how you died?” Amora inquired.
Cobalt thought for a moment standing in the middle of Amora’s dorm room, “I… don’t remember…”
“Someone says that if you help a ghost figure out how they died or tell them how they died this may help them ascend,” Amora read aloud.
“That sounds like a plan to get me out of your hair and free of this school, but how do we do that?” Cobalt pondered.
“Solomon,” Amora mumbled.
“He’s a classmate, he said yesterday he was studying Forensic Science.”
Amora got up from her desk and headed out of her dorm room if she could correctly remember Odysseus and Solomon were roommates, if she just went back upstairs hopefully, he would be there.
“Hi! Anore!”
Maybe she didn’t have to go back upstairs, as when she got to the stairwell, she heard Solomon’s voice yell something that sounded like her name behind her. When she turned around Solomon began to approach her, dressed in a nice dark suit.
“My name is Amora, but hi,” she said.”
“Ha… My bad, I know it was something like that, but I wanted to know if you were okay, ya’ know after yesterday.”
She looked at him confused which made him frown, from what Loki said and the fact that she didn’t know him why is so concerned? “Hey, don’t look at me like that!” He whined, “You went down yesterday like out of nowhere!”
“We barely know each other.”
“I can still be concerned! That’s a normal human emotion!” Solomon retorted.
“Well thank you, but I’m fine,” Amora articulated.
Solomon was about to ascend the stairs before Amora stopped, “I need to ask you something.”
“Okay, shoot!”
“How could I find out someone died?” She asked.
“Well, if it's someone recent the funeral home would have the records, my uncle owns the funeral on the island, I can look up whoever you need next time he needs my help,” Solomon answered.
“What if it’s someone older?”
“Mhm… the coroner's office might… can I ask why?” Solomon expressed.
Amora thought for a second, “It’s for one of my classes, I need to do a report on someone who died on the island, and the person I can’t find a cause of death online. I was wondering if I could find it from somewhere in town.”
“If it's someone from a long time ago, it should be recorded at the coroner’s office because that guy doesn’t get rid of anything, but he’s on vacation until next month… sorry, you may just have to say the death was undeterred in your paper.”
“Damn, okay thanks anyway Solomon,” Amora sighed.
“Glad I could help.”
Amora mopped back to her dorm, defeated, flopping onto her bed, unaware that Loki was in her own bed, “Overexert yourself?” she asked.
“No,” the American girl groaned.
“What’s wrong?”
“There is this thing I need, and the place I need to get it is going to be closed for the next month,” the blonde griped into her pillow.
Loki chuckled, “You could steal it… just break in and steal it,” she joked.
Amora lifted her head out of her pillow, looking over at Loki seeing her sit in her bed, her headphones around her neck as she read Shiley Jackson’s We Have Always Lived in the Castle.
Amora giggled at the thought. Her in her coquette fashions breaking into the coroner’s office just to get the records on the weird-ass ghost that keeps floating around her. She had only been at Hallows Academy for a week, and she’d not only been bullied and housed with Loki but been touched by a spirit and now talking to a ghost.
Although it’s not a bad idea… breaking into the coroner’s office.
“Chickadee don’t even think about it,” Cobalt muttered, watching Amora look up the address for the coroner’s office while Loki was in the bathroom.
“Do you want to ascend or not?”
“It’s a nice thought but we can wait a month and just ask for my records.”
“We? Ha! There is no we can wait!” Amora exclaimed, before turning to look and point at him, “You can wait because you've been dead for the past 15 years, I thought I was hallucinating this morning, I would much rather have you gone sooner rather than later.”
Cobalt hummed, “Will, I’m tied to this campus, so if you are going to get into serious trouble, I can’t help you.”
“That’s fine,” Amora mumbled.
The plan: wake up early on Sunday morning, go to the train station and get on the first train which would be mostly empty, enjoy not having Cobalt waking you, go to the coroner’s office, find the back window (which would thankfully be to the records room) thanks to images online, and take a brick and throw it through the window praying that the place doesn’t have a security system.
One had made it to the window and had a brick ready in hand the next morning, she discovered the window was open slightly. With the brick now in the grass, Amora pushed open the window more so she could squeeze her body in.
Once in the small records room, she stood still and waited before she exhaled. Thankful that no security alarms were going off. “His last name is Thornton,” she muttered to herself, attempting to find the filing cabinet marked for the T’s.
Once she found the cabinet, she searched for what felt like hours for the last name Thornton, her eyes beginning to hurt from the light coming from her phone and having to look at such a tiny print.
Thornton C.
“FINALLY!” Amora exclaimed, before covering her mouth, pulling the file out of the cabinet, and shutting the drawer quietly.
She only wanted to take pictures and then put the file back and attempted to as she sat the file down and opened it, but before she could even snap one picture it sounded like footsteps were approaching the records room.
Not wanting to take her chances Amora closed the file and made a B-line for the window she came in, leaving it the way she found it before dashing toward the train station and heading back to campus.
Returning to her dorm room, Cobalt was the only present, “Glad to see you aren’t arrested,” he commented.
“Thanks for the concern,” Amora replied, “I got your file!”
She sat next to him on her bed flipping open his file, seeing a simple report listing information she already knew along with this suspect time of death, yet the one thing she searching for was the cause.
Cause of Death: Undetermined
“WHAT!” The two of them shouted.
Amora’s eyes continued to scan the document seeing a note at the bottom.
It is very possible that Thornton died of a heart attack, yet to do not feel confident in stating that as fact given his age and health history. So, his death will continue to be labeled as undetermined and his death will be labeled as murder.
Cobalt sighed as Amora groaned, “I’m sorry,” she mumbled before lying on her bed and facing the wall.
She pretty much stayed like that until the following day, mostly because she had class, giving a basic “I’m fine,” response whenever anyone, mostly Loki, asked if she was right.
Cobalt was ever-present following her through her classes, he doesn’t bother her, in terms of speaking or standing/floating near her, yet her knowing he’s around is a huge distraction for her.
When she entered her Trigonometry class she took a seat in the back next to Iphigenie greeting her with a small “hi,” before laying her head down on the table.
“I see you are very smart, I’m impressed,” Cobalt praised as the bell rang.
Amora groaned softly in response as her teacher began by greeting the class before getting started.
Cobalt's voice sounded much softer than Amora had heard in the past 2 days, he sounded so broken, so sad. Amora raised, looking at Cobalt and seeing him staring at her Trigonometry, before realizing that the two of them looked similar, with the color of their hair and eyes being identical.
If Amora was closer, she could probably tell that they had similar features, yet she is more focused on the fact that Cobalt got closer to her standing in front of her as she taught.
“My sweet little girl… you’re all grown up…And you are a mathematician!” Cobalt laughed, “My baby, I had no idea… Oh, Primrose must be so proud of you!”
He placed himself behind her desk, seeing all the nicknacks that littered her desk including pictures of herself and her mother, a woman with a darker complexion with graying violet hair, and chocolate eyes.
“Rosey… I’m sorry I left. I didn’t mean to… God, my girls, my beautiful girls. I hope you know I love you both so much, God, why did things happen like this? I wish I was actually here, with you, Bethy,” Cobalt lamented.
“Amora,” Iphigenie whispered nudging her shoulder making the American girl look over at her, “Are you okay?”
“Uh?” Amora asked quietly.
“Amora, are you crying?” Iphigenie questioned.
Amora touched her cheek, damp and covered in her tears, no doubt caused by the dead man in front of her lamenting to his daughter as if no one could hear him.
“M-my,” she stuttered out with a frog in her throat, “My eyes are just watering bad.”
Iphigenie is smart enough to know that the girl next to her is lying, but if Amora wants to lie, why not let her?
It’s going to be a living hell if this continues… This is linked to Cobalt. It’s not only strange just having him around, but Amora can’t just leave, she was coming around, slowly coming to like being a Hallows Academy, and now she’s a physic! This is like a waking nightmare, and it is going to continue to extensive agony if Amora continues to force Cobalt to watch his daughter teach every time she’s got Trigonometry while he stands in his purgatory.
She’s got to help ascend… it is the right thing to do.
What could go wrong? She just has to figure out how he died, right?
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gravity-lifts · 2 years
i have a message request on instagram from my ex girlfriend (i restricted her ghksdjghd) and we haven’t spoken in ages someone help please
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Okay, here goes nothing...
If you have time and if you like it, could you make a genderfluid Loki x bi/pan fem reader, please?
I have this idea living rent free in my head : Loki and reader were "kinda" together but they kept arguing, breaking up and getting back together, both teasing the other but sometimes the teasing would turn into bad fights. To the point where their friends never know if they're together or not 😅
After a break up, they don't talk for a long time, both being too proud to go back, and reader goes to a bar after some time to try and think about something else, and she meets a beautiful girl with whom she has a lot in common. There's clearly a thing between them...
You chose when and how she discovers that her new crush/girlfriend is Loki and how she reacts to the news...
Thank you for your stories, hope you're having a great day, may the gods look after you 💚
Hiiiii!!! I'm so sorry this took me ages to get to!!! Life was being life....but I'm here and I got this!! I hope I did this justice for you!! Thank you so much for sending it to me!!!! And may the gods look after you as well 💚💚💚💚
All of You...
Pairing: Genderfluid Loki × Bi/Pan reader
Warnings: yelling, swearing, angst, breakups, mentions of alcohol, mentions of cheating, crying
Summary: you had dated Loki on and off for awhile, until one day you can't take it anymore...
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"You know what Loki, why don't you go to hell." You yelled, storming out of his room towards the elevator "it appears I'm already there.....dear." he snided following behind you. You came to a dead stop in the hall, making him almost run into you. "What, your tiny brain forget how to walk?" He snarked behind you. You closed your eyes sighing, slowly turning to meet his cold gaze. "I...I can't do this anymore." You breathed watching his eyes soften slightly. "You'll be back, you always are." He smirked proudly. "No, I won't. This is over Loki." You said not breaking from his gaze. "Hm.. we shall see." He huffed, retreating to his room slamming the door.
You walked to the elevator, pressing the button trying not to let your face betray you. "Y/n, are you alright? I heard the commotion." You heard Thor, you turned your head slightly, keeping your eyes down "yeah, I'm fine. Just had a disagreement with Loki." You sighed. "Oh, I didn't know you two were back together." He smiled "we aren't, not anymore." You said as the elevator opened. "See ya later sparkles." You said pushing the button as the doors closed. You leaned on the wall, thinking back to the last six months. The countless fights, the yelling, the crying. And for what?
You walked into your apartment, suddenly overwhelmed by the silence. Making your way to the kitchen you set the kettle on the stove, Loki had introduced you to the world of tea and now you had to have it. You sat at the table, staring at the empty chair in front of you, thinking about all the times Loki sat there, apologizing for what he said, saying it wouldn't happen again, but it always did. You would fight, break up and one of you would crawl back to the other, begging for forgiveness and the others body. It was toxic, all consuming, and had become a vicious cycle of hate sex and makeup sex. The problem, you wanted something beyond physical, he didn't want to tie himself to anyone. Remembering the argument from earlier when you asked him if he was sleeping with anyone else, his answer "should it matter?" Making you decide once and for all, that you were done.
Months had gone by as you tried to adjust to the God missing from your life. It took everything in you not to text him, to run to the tower and beg him to slam you against a wall and take you. But you knew this was for the best, especially since he hadn't reached out either. You finally had a Friday night off so you decided to go out, get your mind off of everything. You got dressed up, putting your hair up and headed to the nearest bar. You sat on a stool, ordering a jack and coke, looking around seeing everyone having a good time, when you eyes landed on a woman across the bar from you. She was alone, her long hair tied back in a ponytail, her hand over her face. As she put it down you felt butterflies in your stomach, she was stunning.
Her skin seemed to glow in the light of the bar, her lips were full, plump. You wondered if they were as soft as they looked. You scanned up seeing her eyes, you could see the dark circles and bags present under them. They seemed puffy and bloodshot, had she been crying? You weren't one to walk up to strangers but if you could help her feel better, you were going to do it. You grabbed your drink, downing it as you got up, making your way towards her. You contemplated what you would say "hi, I'm y/n, need a hug?" You laughed nervously at the idea, your palms sweating as you rubbed them on your pants. You walked up behind her, seeing her long hair went to her mid back, it looked like silk in the light. You cleared your throat as you came up next to her.
"H..hi, is this seat taken?" You asked as her round eyes landed on you, she was even more beautiful up close. "Umm....no, no it's not." She said staring at you. "May i?" You asked as she nodded. You sat, ordering another drink as she looked down at hers, her finger circling the top of the glass. "I'm y/n by the way." You said holding your hand out "I'm L...Lucy.." She stuttered, she smiled grabbing your hand, God her hands were soft. "Well hello Lucy, what brings you here?" You ask trying to break the ice. You heard her sigh "well, if I'm being honest, trying to drown my sorrows, you?" She asked looking at you "same, trying to clear my head." You said looking down.
You sat talking for hours, telling you about her annoying coworkers, and her idiot brother. You couldn't help feel something familiar when you looked at her, like you've known her forever. She was telling you about something she had done the other day when your eyes began to roam, taking in her supple breasts, her smooth skin that peeked from under her shirt, her long legs that you wanted to be tangled in. "Y/n, you ok?" She asked snapping you back to reality "yes, sorry. You were saying?" You blushed. "Can I walk you home?" She asked again "umm sure yeah." You said standing up.
She got up, brushing her chest to yours as she slid in front of you, making your face heat up. "Lead the way darling" She purred slipping her coat on. You furrowed your eyebrows looking at her, there was definitely something off about her. She looked at you wide eyed as you turned heading out the door. You kept sneaking glances at her as you walked. She was slightly taller then you, and she seemed to almost strutt as she walked. "So tell me Lucy, what really brought you to the bar tonight?" You asked putting your hands I'm your pockets "truly, I was trying to forget. Awhile ago, I met an amazing wonderful woman, she was everything I ever dreamed of..kind, compassionate, loving." She said looking down.
"So what happened?" You asked looking at her "i...I took her for granted. Assumed she would always be there. But after what I said to her, I don't blame her." She said clearing her throat. "What did you say?" You asked "it doesn't matter, my stupidity ran my mouth and I lost the best thing in my life." She said. "Have you tried telling her that?" You asked "no, I'm afraid she won't speak to me." She said. The more she talked the more and more realization dawned on you, so you kept going.
"Well, do you love her?" You asked as her eyes shot to yours "love, love is complicated for me." She said "not really, does she make you happy? Do you smile when you think about her?" You asked, seeing a smile spread across her face "Absolutely." She said "can you picture the rest of your life without her?" You asked as she looked at you "no, I can't." She said "does she occupy your dreams, your thoughts, does she almost haunt you?" You asked. "You seem to know alot about this." She said laughing "Well, I love my ex too." You said looking down. "You do?" She asked looking at you "Yes, but I never had a chance to tell him. We got into a fight, my insecurities got the better of me and I accused him of things." You said as she nodded.
"Well, this is me?" You said stopping in front of the door. "Then I will take my leave." She said smiling. "You could come up, if you want to of course." You smiled "umm..sure. I'd love to." She said following you inside, you had a theory and you needed to test it. "Want something to drink?" You asked, motioning to the couch "um, sure. Thank you." She smiled sitting down. You made Loki's favorite tea, exactly like he liked it, smiling as you handed it to Lucy. "Mm this is amazing, thank you." She smiled sitting back. You sat your cup down, turning to face her "so, what do you want to do?" You asked smirking as she turned to you. "Oh, I don't know, whatever you would like." She smiled.
You scooted closer to her, you had one more test. "You have beautiful hair." You said running your hands through her ponytail. "T..thank you." She smiled looking down. You put a finger under her chin, lifting her head as you steadily pressed your lips to hers, wrapping a hand in her hair you ran your tongue across her lips tugging lightly making her lips part in a moan as you tongue dove past her plump lips, they really were as soft as they looked. You felt her hand go to her back of your head as you explored eachother, tasting, nipping, you wanted to melt into her. You pulled back, nipping her bottom lip placing your forehead on hers as you looked into her eyes.
"Your an amazing kisser...Loki." you panted as she pulled back wide eyed. You saw her begin to panic as you grabbed her arm "hey, it's ok." You said getting her attention. "I..I don't know what I was thinking, I just missed you so much and I thought..." She said looking down. "Loki, it's ok. Hey look at me." You said as you lifted her head "did you mean it? What you said. You love me?" You asked cupping her cheek "yes darling, I meant every word. I'm so sorry for how I've treated you. I was scared and I didn't know how to handle what I was feeling." She said watching you. "I love you too Loki, but I can't keep doing what we were, I need more then that." You said.
"W..would you be willing to start over, Allow me to court you properly?" She asked watching you. "I may be able to do that." You smirked seeing her smile. "So, I've never seen Lucy before." You said looking her up and down. "I wasn't sure how you would feel about it, it has put people off before. But she's part of who I am." She said "Loki, you know I would never judge you or make you feel less then, and I love you for you not what anatomy you have." You smiled. "C..can I ask you something?" You asked as she scooted closer "of course." She smiled "Can i...maybe touch them?" You asked staring at her. "Touch what darling?" She asked.
You leaned close to her ear "can I touch your perfect, plump breasts...Loki?" You whispered, pulling back seeing her face red. She cleared her throat, leaning forward pulling her shirt off leaving her in her bra. "You are so beautiful." You whispered, you hand ghosting over her breast as she closed her eyes. "How long has it been since you've been taken like this?" You asked, gliding your palm over her nipple hearing her moan "a..about a hundred years give or take." She panted as you massaged her breast, leaning her head back on the couch. "Well, I think it's time we change that." You breathed, latching onto her neck biting down, earning a moan.
You didn't know if things would work this time, but you knew one thing, you were absolutely in love with the God on your couch....
@vbecker10 @high-functioning-lokipath @buttercupbestie @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lonadane @mcufan72 @daggers-and-mischief @lily-sinclair-2006 @lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @limiworld @mochie85 @sinsandguilt @chickencouncilrep @lulubelle814 @midnights-ramblings @commanding-officer @xorpsbane @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokixryss @froggiecky @intoxicatinginsanity @huntress-artemiss @sekaishell @slpnbty2001 @your-taste-on-my-lips @usagishira @lokis-coffee221 @kats72 @lucylaufeyson3 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokiprompts21 @sititran @lokisgoodgirl @babysharkcreator @princess-asgard
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Scared to be Lonely - Part 3
Part 1    Part 2    Epilogue
Summary: Jake has entered the chat and it’s about to get nasty. 
Rating: Explicit, Minors DNI!
Pairing: Jake x Fem!OC, past Steven Grant x Fem!OC, past Marc Spector x Fem!OC, past Loki x Fem!OC
Word Count: 5.2k 
A/N: Oh my goodness everyone thank you for the great response to the first two installments of this fic! So encouraging for a long-time lurker, first-time poster. It helps keep me writing, and I apologize for the delay here! If it’s any consolation, this is an absolute fuckfest. Also as for the Allspeak of it all, I imagine Sigyn is speaking to Jake in Spanish the entire time but since English in my first language (I’m an intermediate Spanish-speaker) and it is for most you all as well, their dialogue is primarily in English. I sprinkled in a few Spanish phrases and the pet names throughout though, and translations are at the bottom of the post!
TW/CW: Handsy Jake before he’s gotten full consent, light bondage, breastplay, fingering (both vaginal and anal, f!receiving), rimming (f!receiving), oral (f!receiving), dom!Jake and bratty!sub!Sigyn (our girl’s a switch), orgasm denial, spanking, mucho dirty talk that includes pet names, grinding, anal sex, unprotected sex, exhibitionism between the alters, masturbation, cumshot, aaaaaand you guessed it, angst!! 🙃 But also aftercare because as ruthless Jake may be in the streets, something tells me he takes care of his lady in the sheets. 
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When Sigyn’s eyes blinked open, she could just spot the edges of the sky beginning to lighten. Steven’s arm was still wrapped around her, holding her snugly to his body. It made her bite her lip as she grinned, taking an odd sense of pride at easing away some of her lover’s shyness. 
She twisted in his grasp, ready to rouse him with a kiss, but he was already awake, watching her. One look at the man in bed with her and the Asgardian knew he wasn’t Steven. There was a hardness and rapacity behind his eyes that ruled out him being Marc as well. 
Sigyn tensed, but didn’t allow her face to betray any fear. She retreated to her mask of haughty indifference. “And you are?” 
“I’m the man who’s going to fuck you properly.”
The princess instantly recoiled. “I beg your pardon?!”
Jake faltered, “You can understand me?” He’d figured Sigyn wouldn’t since she’d spoken exclusively English with his alters. 
“Asgardians possess what we call the Allspeak, which means we can understand all languages across the nine realms,” Sigyn explained. “Now, would you like to try that introduction again?”
He gathered himself. “I’m Jake, es un placer conocerte.” 
He reached to kiss Sigyn’s bare shoulder, yet she evaded him. “Marc didn’t mention you. Nor did Steven for that matter.” 
“Si. I’m their dirty little secret.” 
“Why is that?”
“Dunno, maybe because I’m Khonshu’s favorite.”
“What sets you apart, I wonder,” Sigyn mused. “Surely it’s more than your coarse language.”
He let out a quick, amused laugh. “I get the job done, no matter what.”
“And is that what I am to you, to them?” she questioned, “A job?”
“I guess so,” Jake shrugged, “but I think you’re something else altogether…”
He leaned to her again, trying to wrap his arms around the princess’s waist, but Sigyn disappeared in a shimmer of golden light. She reappeared on the other side of the room, materializing on one the chairs in the sitting area, a short black satin robe now draped over shoulders and tied securely around her body. 
“Santa mierda,” he breathed at Sigyn’s vanishing act. It shouldn’t have been as hot as he found it to be.
“You assume because I laid with the other men, you’re entitled to me as they are.”
“Your highness,” she corrected him.
Jake held his hands up in surrender, sending her his most disarming grin, “Princesa.” 
“Steven and Marc earned my trust, my desire. I’m not some common whore that you’re promised a turn with,” Sigyn spat at him. 
He moved toward her, slower this time, but Sigyn’s magic was quicker. Next thing he knew, Jake’s wrists were pulled above his head, tied to the headboard. If the Asgardian wanted Jake to settle down, this certainly wasn’t the way to do it. His cock stirred beneath the sheets, he did always love a challenge. 
Play nice, for fuck’s sake, Marc implored him from the glass top of a nightstand that flanked the bed. Don’t ruin this.
“I’m sorry, su alteza. I was out of line,” he apologized. Sigyn’s face was as impassive as stone. “I…I won’t try anything again, I promise. Forgive me.”
Sigyn seemed to be fascinated with her manicure. Jake tried to test his bonds, but the ropes the princess had conjured were strong. 
“It’s um, clear you’re a lot more powerful than you look,” he continued as he fidgeted, trying to slip his hands free, “I was distracted by your beauty.”
“Shall I leave you here?” she pondered. “Let Thor and the others find you like this when they return?”
Jake smirked at her. “Carino, I don’t think that’s going to have the effect you intend it to. I’m nothing like the others.” 
Sigyn followed his gaze to the tent forming under the sheets. With a scoff and an eyeroll, she waved her hand and freed Jake from the restraints. She dematerialized in another flash as he tended to his reddened wrists. 
What’d you have to do that for? Steven reprimanded him. Now she’s gone, S.W.O.R.D. is going to be so cross with us, let alone Thor. Blimey, we’ve made an enemy of the god of thunder–
“Callate”, Jake silenced his alter and did his best to ignore the concern beginning the brew in his stomach. Giving no regard to his nudity, he exited the bed for the living room only to find Sigyn curled up against the bay window. A pale shade of blue had begun to paint the horizon.
“If you’ve been able to do that the whole time,” he asked, making sure to keep a safe distance, “why haven’t you left already, bruja?” 
“I prefer the term sorceress,” she replied automatically, then caught herself. She mustn’t reveal too much. 
The truth was Sigyn’s ability to teleport with her magic was limited. Though she’d been working on incorporating the skill into her combat, the Asgardian lacked the control over it she desired and could only travel a handful of paces without tiring herself. On Asgard, her powers seemed paltry compared to her husband’s, who was regarded as one of the most powerful sorcerer’s the nine realms had ever seen. Like being called goddess, she guiltily cherished Midgardians that perceived her as a strong, powerful deity, since she’d spent most of her life feeling like anything but. 
The princess chose to cite another reason, still true but that one that had contributed slightly less so to her surrender to spending yet another night in the hotel that had become her cage. 
“Because I wanted to Marc to fuck me,” she told him, enjoying the jealous flare of Jake’s nostrils when she said it. 
“You’re missing out princesa,” he chided her. “If you thought the other two could show you a good time–”
“You’re leaving yourself very vulnerable like that,” Sigyn interrupted him and gestured to his bare, caramel skin. 
“I’m not worried.” He hadn't missed how the princess’s eyes had roamed over his body, lingering just a fraction of a second too long on his legs and now soft cock. 
“Perhaps you ought to be. Men’s underestimation of me is one of my most powerful weapons.”
Jake stalked closer to Sigyn’s perch on the upholstered bench by the window. “Oh I know exactly what you’re capable of, and if you’d wanted to do something to me, you would've by now.”
The pursing of Sigyn’s lips and lack of response meant he was right. 
“You can’t blame me for wanting you,” he continued as he sat next to her on the windowsill. “I don’t get a lot of time off-duty with the body and I…I mean come on, you’re a goddess.”  
Sigyn squirmed. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that term to be perfectly honest.” 
“You sure seemed to like it when Steven called you that.” The glare Sigyn shot him prompted an instant apology from Jake. “Lo siento.”
“We were in the throes of passion,” she explained, her defenses back up.  
“Claro. Princesa it is, then.”
“What do you mean when you say you don’t have much time ‘off-duty’ with the body?” Sigyn inquired. 
“Khonshu refers to his avatar as his fist of vengeance. Marc likes to think he’s it, but it’s me. It’s like I said earlier, I get the job done and I’m fucking good at what I do.” 
Quiet fell over the two. While Sigyn took comfort in it, Jake found it intolerable. He sprung up and began pace, rifling through the files and materials S.W.O.R.D. left behind until he unearthed a pack of cigarettes. 
“Can you light this?” He asked with the smoke between his lips. 
“Ask nicely.” 
“Fuck, I’ll just find a light.”
Before Jake could however, the room’s sole box of matches flew into her hands. He turned back to her with a grimace. 
“Por favor su alteza”. He considered adding in a mocking little bow, but for once restrained himself.
Sigyn complied with a flick of her fingers. She opened the window behind her so the smell wouldn’t linger. 
Silence blanketed them once more, Jake particularly aware of the princess’s eyes on him, examining his gait, the way in which he held himself, how he’d pushed his hair back unlike Steven who preferred it parted towards one side. Soon it became unnerving.
“What?” he snapped 
“It’s mad.”
“What is?”
“You all share a body but look so different.” 
Jake shrugged, taking another drag from his cigarette. “Does it scare you?” 
“Does it fascinate you?” Sigyn could hear the years of resentment and hurt caged within the question.
“That’s not the word I’d use.”
“What would you use then?” Jake challenged her. 
“Intrigued, perhaps,” Sigyn answered simply. 
“Por supuesto,” he laughed humorlessly. “I saw you with Marc downstairs. You wanna shrink all of our heads, I’m just next up.”
“That’s not true, Jake,” the Asgardian kept her voice even. “I merely wish to understand better. You’re not the first complicated man I’ve been with.”
“That’s right, Prince Not-So-Charming.” 
Sigyn allowed the barb to roll off her back. “I know how it feels to an extent. To be seen and praised for one thing. I was nothing but an adornment to Loki. At least you get to fight.”    
Another laugh without a trace of humor or cheer from Jake. 
“Oh come now,” she cajoled him. Sigyn shifted from her seat leaning against the window to sitting on her knees away from the panes, facing Jake. “You know by now that the only way I’ll let you have me is if you open up.”
Jake stubbed out his cigarette. “Mira, I don’t think that’s true.” He approached her once more, his stride loosening into a swagger. “I think you want someone to take care of you.” He was back on the bench, crowding Sigyn’s space. “You had to spar with Marc, then had to coach Steven the whole time you were fucking.” 
“He did just fine, thank you,” Sigyn protested.
“Who do you think spanked you so you could come the second time,” he murmured into her ear. “Vamos nena, let Papi make you feel good.” 
Sigyn knew she shouldn’t have found the scent of smoke on his breath so enticing…but she always did find herself drawn to a bad boy.
“I don’t know,” she vacillated, her voice going airy as Jake traced the length of her neck with the tip of his nose. “Do you believe you can fuck me better than a god?”
Sigyn’s question had its intended effect with Jake growling his response and pulling her into a kiss. They clashed in a mess of teeth and tongues, Jake’s tongue plundering Sigyn’s. His hands fisted the black satin of her robe, clinging to her in case she disappeared again, which is precisely what she did. One moment he had his arms full of the Asgardian, the next Jake was falling forward, his palms catching him on the upholstered bench as Sigyn had vanished. 
He muttered a curse in Spanish. He thought he’d made headway with her. 
She must have picked up a few moves from her husband, Steven remarked from his reflection in the bay window. She was married to the trickster god after all. 
Before Jake could respond, he heard Sigyn. “Ohhh Jaaaake,” she intoned, “wherever could I be?”
He leapt to his feet and hurried as fast as his swollen member would let him back to the bedroom where Sigyn’s voice had drifted from. Jake found the princess kneeling on the bed, naked with only one of the large pillows covering herself. She was a wet dream come to life. 
“Well done you,” she giggled. Jake’s cock throbbed. 
“Fuck…” he growled, crossing to the bed with long strides, “I am going to fuck you so hard.” 
“I certainly do hope so,” she replied, a beguiling smirk painted across her mouth as she bit her lip. 
Jake tore the pillow from Sigyn’s hands, earning another giggle mixed with an exclamation when he did, and tossed it to the side to reveal the goddess’s naked body. He tackled her back onto the bed and captured her lips once more. They rolled atop the already mussed sheets, their limbs tangled together, Jake eventually ending up above Sigyn. 
He traced two fingers along her slit, his chest rumbling in delight when he felt her wetness. “You put on a good act, princesa, but I can feel how much you want me.”
Jake pre-empted any retort from the goddess by inserting his two fingers inside of her. 
“Do you know how torturous it was watching them get to have you first?” He asked her. She gasped as he played with her pussy. “Being able to see, but not touch, or taste for myself.” 
He withdrew his fingers from Sigyn and brought them to his mouth to suck off her juices. “Delicoso.”
“You have me now,” she reminded him, fixing him with a dark, desirous gaze. “What are you going to do with me?” 
“Well first I need to get my hands on these titties,” Jake did as he said. He cupped her supple breasts, toying with them, feeling their weight in his grip for himself, giving one a little slap.  
He took his cock in hand, guiding the head to circle the circumference of her nipple ever-so-gently. Jake must have been taking notes when Steven had been worshiping her breasts and knew it was a highly erogenous zones for her, Sigyn realized. He seemed just as titillated by the featherlight contact as Sigyn did. The dirty, but ultimately soft, touch surprised the princess. She figured he didn’t have it in him. 
“I could just jack it and come all over your tits,” Jake thought out loud, “But I want to do something else more.”
“What else?” Sigyn prompted him, “you said you were going to take care of me, Papi”. 
The princess’s use of the term made him grunt. “Impatient girl. On your hands and knees.” 
She obeyed without hesitation and Jake got an eyeful of his prize. 
He draped himself over her back, and hissed into Sigyn’s ear, “I don’t like sharing with the other two, and I hate that they got to have you first…” he slid his hands from the Asgardian’s shoulders down her back, going lower “so I want to fuck you where I can have you all to myself.” He finished by giving her ass a squeeze. 
Sigyn stiffened ever-so-slightly, but Jake could see the tensing of her back muscles under her golden skin. “Perdoname princesa, does su alteza not take it up the ass?” 
The princess in question craned her neck to the side, tossing her hair in the process, to reply placidly, “You seem to be unable to grasp that I was married for hundreds of years. Of course I have. It’s merely been a little while, that’s all.”
She was telling the truth. Sigyn didn’t know what had come as more of a shock, the revelation that Loki had wanted to penetrate her there or how much she found herself to enjoy it when she finally allowed him. 
“Muy bien,” he celebrated with a smack to her ass. Sigyn shuddered. “Don't worry nena, I’ll get you nice and ready for me, make it feel so good for you and Papi.” 
Sigyn purred as Jake dropped kisses in a line down her spine. She quivered more and more with the lower his lips descended, her anticipation increasing with each notch of her spine Jake’s lips touched. 
At last he reached his destination. “Such a pretty little asshole,” Jake murmured against her wrinkled skin, making Sigyn's breath hitch. 
He circled his tongue around her pucker first, using its tip to make her tremble. Jake fed off the gasps and sighs that escaped the princess as he licked her hole and crack. His tongue was warm and insistent against her delicate skin as Sigyn gradually relaxed and surrendered to what she still somewhat believed was the inappropriate pleasure of having her ass eaten. 
Jake’s flattened his tongue to draw long, flat stripes up the entire length of her backside. Sigyn shuddered. The languid, warm, wet pressure against her most private place gave her goosebumps and kept her nipples hardened into points. Jake used his tongue next to breach her hole. The Asgardian keened and fought to keep her wrists steady on the mattress. 
Jake probed her carefully, savoring the heat around his tongue, well aware it would feel ever better suffocating his cock. He soon progressed to fucking in and out with the muscle, alternating between tongue-fucking Sigyn’s pucker and lapping at the valley between her ass cheeks. 
He extracted his tongue and gave her hole a parting suck before speaking, “Princesa, we need lube.” 
“Yes, alright,” she panted, “allow me a moment to concentrate.” 
Jake removed his hands from Sigyn’s sweat-glistened skin. She drew in a deep breath and then in her signature golden shimmer, a small glass vial of oil appeared in Jake’s palm. 
“Gracias, nena” he thanked her as he wet two of his fingers. He brought them both against her pucker, rubbing the wrinkled skin there before he eased a digit in. 
Where Sigyn had been all breathy gasps and cries, a guttural groan left her when Jake pushed his finger inside her. He gave her a second before he began moving it back and forth, giving her a chance to accommodate the initial stretch. Another finger joined the first, and Jake scissoring and spreading them in her intoxicating heat. 
“How does that feel, carino?” he inquired. 
“Mmm so good, Papi,” she responded without hesitation, the bliss of submission washing over her. “Want more.”
“Oh, you want more?”
Sigyn answered with a wanton moan and a clench around his fingers. 
“Ask nicely,” Jake threw her earlier jab back at Sigyn. 
Sigyn couldn’t help but laugh. “Fuck you.”
Jake laid a forceful spank across her ass. Sigyn whimpered. “What was that?” 
“Oh please fuck me, Papi?” she asked, resuming her submissive demeanor. “Need your dick in my tight little hole.” 
Her dirty talk was almost enough to convince Jake that she shouldn’t be punished for her mouthy comment, but Jake wanted to show Sigyn that although she may be considered a goddess, he could handle her. 
He spanked her ass again, then pressed the same hand between her shoulder blades, forcing the Asgardian’s face rested against the sheets. “Good girls wait for Papi to give them their pleasure.” 
“I’m sorry, Papi.”
Jake lubed a third finger and wriggled it bedsides the others. He picked up the pace and bent down as well, attaching his mouth to her folds and went straight for Sigyn’s clit. 
“Ohhh norns” the princess whined. Jake was bringing to her a point where her pleasure was almost starting to hurt. He was merciless, driving his fingers into her now yearning hole and sucking on her clit. 
He pulled away for only a moment to catch his breath and ask “Gonna come su alteza?”
“Yes!,” The Asgardian cried, “So close Papi, just a little more…”
Jake withdrew his fingers from her ass so suddenly and swiftly it was cruel. Sigyn sobbed at the loss as her pussy and pucker clenched around nothing. She mewled, mourning the likely mind-blowing orgasm her partner had denied her. 
“That’s what impatient, insolent girls get.” 
The princess had half a mind to turn Jake into the little weasel he was if it wasn’t for the slick sound of him lubing up his cock. She glanced back at Jake and ached at the view. She watched with unabashed desire as his large hand flew up and down his thick length to distribute the oil she’d conjured him. The emptiness in both of her holes as acute as it had ever been, Sigyn leered at him in a trance-like manner as he stroked his large erection. 
He caught her ogling him and chuckled darkly. “Like you see, no? You want me inside of you?”
She nodded feverishly, spreading her knees further apart on the bed to give him better access. 
“Gods”, he groaned at the action, “Ever since you sauntered down to dinner in that little dress I’ve wanted to stick my cock in your ass.”
He ground himself between her cheeks to take the edge off before he lined himself up at her pucker. It was just shy of the satisfaction Sigyn needed, and it took a massive effort for her not to touch herself. But she knew Jake would punish her, and at this point, she was salivating for him to enter her. 
Jake reveled in the sight of his wine red cockhead at the princess’s winking asshole. “You ready, princesa?”
“Yes, please!” her desperate tone made him harder. “Put it in, Jake, need you so bad.” 
Who was Jake to deny such a request? He fed her his cock slowly, his eyes glued to where he disappeared into her snug entrance. It took most of his willpower not to give her his entire cock in a brusque snap of his hips.
The Asgardian had forgotten how heady the stretch inside her could be, how overwhelmingly full having a cock stuff her rear felt. She braced herself, breathing deeply in and out of her nose as Jake entered her mercifully slowly. 
He gave Sigyn’s hips a reassuring squeeze once he was fully seated. “You alright, princesa?” 
The stifling heat and vice-like grip of her walls around his dick was as close to any sort of peace Jake believed he could find. 
“Mmhmm, move Jake,” she ordered him. The feel of him was too much and not enough all at once.
He obeyed, setting a middle-of-the-pack pace, watching his cock disappear into the Asgardian’s entrance over and over again as if it could hypnotize him.
“Your ass feels so good, nena,” he praised, enjoying how she’d slightly clench around him every time he withdrew his cock from her body, “want to live in this hole.”
Sigyn was drowning in pleasure. Not only did it feel like Jake was splitting her in half with his dick, but the force of his thrusts were causing her already sensitive nipples to brush back and forth against the Egyptian cotton of the bed’s sheets, adding another delectable layer of bliss. 
“Papi,” Sigyn pleaded, “fuck me harder.”
Jake picked up the speed of his thrusts. “You realize what you’re asking for, si?” 
Sigyn twisted so she could lock eyes with her lover. “What, is this the best you can do?” 
“Mocosa,” he grunted, with yet another crack of his hand across the princess’s backside. “Papi is going to have to teach you a lesson.” 
He wasted no time transitioning to roughly fucking into Sigyn, eliciting a cry of delight and overwhelm from her. She basked in the ruthless pounding of Jake’s cock into her entrance, the collision of his hips into the globes of her ass. This way the princess couldn’t think about anything else. Jake was all-consuming, shrinking the multiverse to just the two of them, his pelvis driving into her hole, and the bed they were atop of. 
Jake on the other hand, felt eyes on him. The sky had lightened more, which meant more reflections had appeared in the plush bedroom.
He caught Steven first. Jake’s alter seem awed by the fact he was fucking her asshole rather than her cunt. The tip of Steven’s tongue darted between his lips, watching Jake and Sigyn copulate as if they were starring in some sort of custom porn for him. Jake tilted his head, he supposed they were in a way, albeit not intentionally. Jake could only see Steven’s torso in the window’s reflection, but he clocked the telltale movement of his arm revealing that Steven was getting himself off. 
Even less of Marc was visible in the glass top of the nightstand. He watched sternly, his brow furrowed and the corners of his mouth set in a thin, downturned line, which clearly meant he was angry. Angry because he was jealous. 
Despite all of the shit they gave each other in their headspace, Jake did truly care about Marc and Steven. He was their protector, the one who took over when shit got too real so they wouldn’t have to see it. Even so, there was a form of sibling rivalry the three shared, so Jake decided if Steven and Marc were both watching, why not give them a show?  
“Am I pleasing su alteza?” Jake crooned. “Is my cock good enough for la princesa’s little ass?”
Sigyn eschewed replying verbally, instead she pushed herself back on Jake’s throbbing erection, impaling herself harder. He sent an arrogant, thought warranted, smirk to Marc, then a wink to Steven that implied “check this out”.
Emboldened, Jake used his grasp on the princess’s hips to pull her back so her knees were on the edge of the bed. Next, he planted a foot on a corner of the mattress to change his angle and pound into Sigyn all that much deeper.  
Jake tossed an arched brow and another shark-like grin to his alter’s reflections. He may have the body the least, but Jake wanted them to witness how good he was dicking her down.
The princess wailed. Jake was so far up her ass it was as if she could feel him in her stomach. It forced her to squeeze her eyes shut in ecstasy. Sigyn hadn’t let go like this in a long time. After Loki betrayed her she’d put her guard up higher than ever. It was necessary, she believed, but exhausting. Sigyn was sure she still required the protections around her heart, but fuck did it feel good to let them go, if only temporarily, and succumb to her lust. 
Jake reached down between them and placed his thumb on the rim of her puckered skin. While he admired how the width of his cock held her open, her partner’s touch sent a shiver of extra through Sigyn . 
“This is what you’ve needed since the beginning,” he surmised. Sigyn couldn’t believe how coherently he was speaking as he was absolutely railing her, “you needed Papi to fuck you good and put you in your place.” 
Sigyn frowned at the implication she needed to be put in any place but Jake’s cock had scrambled her brain enough to prevent her from protesting. Still, the desire to get at least some revenge was impossible for the princess to dismiss. She bore down on his cock, fluttering her inner muscles around the rod. 
It worked too well. With a shouted “FUCK”, Jake began spilling inside of her scorching channel. He pulled out mid-orgasm, shooting the rest of his load onto her back. She arched her spine as the ropes of his hot cum landed on Sigyn’s golden skin. The Asgardian could put on a show too. 
Jake couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a release that intense. Or that much. When his climax finally subsided, he dragged his fingers through his spend cooling on Sigyn’s back. 
“You made me come so hard, princesa,” Jake growled as he struggled to form an articulate thought. 
“What about me?” Sigyn asked, sitting back on her heels and looking over her shoulder. “I need to come. So badly.” 
Jake’s expression hardened. “Do naughty girls like you deserve to come, hm? That was quite a move you pulled just now.” 
“But you liked it, didn’t you?” she parried, batting her eyelashes at him, pouting her lips. She turned to claw at his broad chest. “Please Papi, I feel so empty without you.”
Sigyn wasn’t particularly proud that she’d resorted to flattery and begging. She knew she could easily lean into the full strength of her magic and threaten. Yet  honestly, she found it more entertaining to pull Jake’s strings instead and conceal exactly how quickly she could humble him. It struck her that perhaps her marriage to Loki had impacted her personality more than she’d admitted previously. 
That train of thought was derailed when one of Jake’s strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back against his torso. 
“Shhh nena, don’t worry, I’ll make you come” his voice was gravel, just millimeters from her ear. His inflection was surprisingly tender. 
Jake parted Sigyn’s legs, arranging them over his, and snaked his hand down to her folds. He pressed possessive, if not harsh, kisses into the juncture of the Asgardian’s neck and shoulder while he went to town her clit, rubbing the flats of three fingers against the bud. 
“Jake,” she thrashed her head to and fro, burying it in his shoulder. 
“I’ve got you,” he soothed her, his digits trailing down further and gliding into her pussy without resistance, “Mi diosa.” 
His words, those words, said so sincerely paired with the way Jake curled his fingers to hit her g-spot, had Sigyn coming. She’d never confess that a tear or two fell down her face as she rode out her high. Her cunt spasmed around Jake’s fingers as she dug her own digits into the flesh of her forearms. 
The princess collapsed back into him, utterly spent. He brushed a few errant locks of hair out of her face, dropped a few kisses to her jaw. “Are you okay?” 
“Yes, I think so,” she answered, her eyes still closed. “Don’t ask me to use any magic though. Or move.”
“No no, of course not,” Jake soothed her. “Though when you did that little vanishing act…” 
The faintest smile graced her lips. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” 
“Come,” he gathered Sigyn in his arms. He considered throwing her over his shoulder in a firefighter’s carry, but thought better of it. Jake scooped her up bridal style instead and carried her into the bathroom. 
He set the Asgardian down delicately on the lip of the massive tub while he turned on the shower, then collected her once more and guided her into the spray. 
They didn’t say much to each other as the hot water beat down onto their bodies, both half asleep. The princess clung to him, not able to stand comfortably without being supported, and Jake angled Sigyn so her back would be properly rinsed. 
“It dried,” her voice was barely a whisper, “Could you–”
Sigyn didn’t need to finish her question when Jake held her in one arm, grabbed a bar of the fancy hotel soap and washed her back for her. 
“Turn around,” he instructed her, using his grip on her to assist her in doing so. When he bent down to clean the insides and backs of her thighs, she tried to push him away. 
“Jake, don’t–” It was much more intimate than Sigyn has anticipated getting with Jake that evening, even taking the fact he’d rearranged her insides mere minutes ago into consideration. 
“Tranquilo,” he fired back, though there wasn’t much heat behind it. “I’m making sure you’re okay.” 
She relented, the hot water luring the Asgardian into dozing a bit as she stood and her lover cleaned her bottom half. Before she knew it, he was leading her out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her, and navigating Sigyn to the bed. She crumpled onto the sheets with about as much grace as a marionette did once their strings were cut. 
Jake dropped down next to her a minute later and the two of them fell fast asleep just as the sun rose above the horizon. 
A/N: Whew! I’m tired, who’s tired? Anyone need an orange slice? Gatorade? Jake Lockley to bathe them? Same. I’ll have a fun, cheeky epilogue to follow this chapter and tie up the fic, plus I may have a few drabble ideas in this AU percolating. Again, all the likes, reblogs and comments fuel me to write pure filth in crowded public places so if you enjoyed, let me know :) 
Es un placer conocerte - It’s a pleasure to meet you 
Si - yes
Santa mierda - holy shit 
Princesa - princess 
Carino - sweetie/honey 
Su alteza - your highness 
Callate - shut up
Bruja - witch 
Lo siento - I’m sorry 
Claro - Sure 
Por favor - please 
Por supuesto - of course 
Mira - See 
Vamos  - Come on
nena -  baby 
Perdoname - excuse me 
Muy bien - very good 
Gracias - Thank you 
Mocosa - brat 
Mi diosa - my goddess 
Tranquilo - calm down 
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x-reader-writer · 3 years
Hii can I request for Peter parker x male reader.
The reader is taller than him, dominant and has piercings, and peter comes out to the avengers as bi and tells them that he has a boyfriend. They're sceptical first but then they see peter sitting on readers lap and them being affectionate and sweet and laughing at jokes they make.
If this contains anything that makes you uncomfortable pls ignore this.
Thank uuu.
A/N: Hi!! Of course you can. I don't do nsfw posts, but I can make the reader seem more confident to fill that gap!
Sorry it's taken so long!! I hope this is alright!
I'm coming out
Pairing: Peter Parker x Male! Reader
"Baby, it's gonna be okay."
"But what if it's not! What if they yell, or they hate me, or Mr. Stark wants to never see me again, or-"
You quickly grab your boyfriend's hands to stop him from talking. "Babe, none of that will happen," you say calmly, with a gentle tone. "Do you know why? It's because they're decent people who adore you, Pete, just like I do."
"You think so?" Peter asks nervously, blushing from the compliment from his partner.
"I know so," you reply, a gentle smile gracing your face.
Peter was stood in the elevator, his foot anxiously tapping on the slightly metallic flooring. He lets out a long, deep breath, trying to control his anxiety.
The doors then open, on the penthouse of the Avengers Tower (formerly Stark Tower). Peter steps out and looks around the common room.
All of the Avengers were sat on the sofas and little chairs, lounging around and watching a Disney movie. Peter was amused slightly as he saw that Bucky was sat on Sam's lap as a joke (Peter could tell he just wanted to sit there-).
Peter then quietly clears his throat. It wasn't the best idea, as the movie was playing quite loudly, so nobody could hear him. He takes a deep breath and then loudly cough.
Everyone in the room jumps, even causing Tony to make his popcorn go flying. Everyone looks over at the teen, who nervously rubs his arm.
"Oh hey, Pete," Tony says, picking up a handful of his popcorn that had landed on his lap. "What're you doing here? It's not Friday yet."
"Sorry about scaring you all," Peter says quickly. He then replies to his mentor saying, "Yeah, sorry about coming earlier than expected Mr. Stark, but I wanted to talk to you. To you all."
"What is it, son?" Steve asks, smiling gently at the teen (no, Peter isn't actually his son, Steve's just old). Peter stays looking awkward and nervous, so he encourages, "It's okay, we're here for whatever it is, Peter."
"I'm bisexual," Peter blurts out. The room goes silent. He then quietly mumbles, "And I have a boyfriend."
Peter grips at his arm tightly waiting for some type of reaction, the silence dragging on.
"No," is the first thing said after minutes of silence. Unsurprisingly, it was Steve who had said this. Peter had kind of expected him and Bucky to react slightly badly towards this as they were from a different time period where they didn't accept gay people.
Peter then feels hope as he sees Tony going to say something. However it is shattered when the words 'I'm sorry Pete, but bisexuality isn't a thing' come out of his mentors mouth.
"What?" Peter whimpers, taking a step back in surprise and hurt.
"Tony, that's a bit harsh," Natasha says, glaring at the man. She then looks at Peter with a straight face and states, "However, that doesn't mean that you are Bisexual. You're just confused and need to find the right girl for you."
Peter shakes his head and turns back around to leave the penthouse, ignoring the calls from the avengers, especially the shouts and demands to come back and to stop being stupid.
Peter was sat in your lap, crying into your shoulder. You were gently shushing him and smoothing his hair, whispering in his ear it was okay.
"I'm really sorry, Petey, I pushed you into this-"
"It's not your fault," Peter replies, sniffling as he wiped his nose.
"And it's not yours either," you reply, gently poking his chest to prove your point. "They were wrong to say that and do that to you, I'm glad I was here waiting for you so you could come to me. Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened."
Peter nods and sniffles, wiping his nose with his hand. You chuckle softly and grab a tissue from your pocket (what? Peter cried a lot, you liked to be prepared!) and hand it to him with a smile. He smiles back at you and blows his nose.
"Better, Dumbo?" You ask, teasing him with the name.
Peter giggles and says, "Better, n/n."
You grin and then say, "uh oh, I see someone coming.." Peter looks at you confused, but you simply raise your hands slowly. Peter pales slightly before squealing and trying to get away from you as you start tickling his sides. He laughs and giggles, kicking and squirming on your lap. "Tickle monster!"
After a few minutes, Peter's sad tears had turned into tears of laughter. So you stopped and smirked at him as he was still laughing and blushing from the tickle 'fight'.
You lean down and kiss his nose, which makes him blush gently. then you start kissing all over his face, making him a blushing mess.
"Ksh, mission complete boys, ksh," you state, pretending you had a Walkie talkie, making Peter giggle at you and move up to cuddle up to you. You grin and gently smooth his back.
"And who are you?" A male voice says, interrupting the peaceful atmosphere between the two.
You look up and glare at the group who had approached you. The Avengers. The ones who hurt your boyfriend.
"What do you want?"
"We heard from security there was a random guy sat here, so we came to see who you were, and then we saw you touching up Peter," Clint says, glaring at you.
"Excuse me?" You state, shocked at what he had said, as you had hardly even touched your boyfriend, only holding his head and hugging him.
"Who. Are. You?" Bucky says, getting angry.
"I'm Y/n L/n, aka, Peter's boyfriend," you growl. You then hold Peter gently as you pull him closer, feeling extra protective over him as everyone starts yelling their complaints and how much they disagreed.
"What on Midgard is going on here?" You hear a booming voice call out.
Both you and Peter look over first. You see that the owner of the voice was Thor Odinson, next to him was stood a very pissed looking Loki.
"I think we both know what is happening here, brother," Loki replies, a muscle in their forehead spasming, almost comically. You would have found it amusing if not for the situation at hand.
Tony replies to Thor's question, ignoring Loki had said anything, "Peter is apparently 'Bisexual' and this random guy is his 'boyfriend'. I'm thinking he's a hydra agents and has brainwashed-"
"Enough!" Thor yells, glaring at Tony and the group. "How dare you make rude comments about these poor boys! Bisexuality is a common thing among Asgardians, Loki himself is one! Bisexuality is common amongst many things, even the animals on your own planet are bisexual, gay or any of the other LGBTQ community! You should not slander such a group, especially as they are such a huge quantity of the population, and not only of this planet or your species!"
The room was silent, even you included.
Loki walks over to Peter and gently pat's his head, their face soft and a gentle smile was placed upon their lips. "You are the Peter child, yes?" The brunette nods at the god, who smiles more in return. "Here is a little secret of my own that I've been keeping from everyone, that I shall share. It will mean that I'm joining you in, as Midgardians say, 'coming out'."
Loki then turns to the group and says, "I have something to say too. I, myself, am genderfluid. And I identify as a female today."
The room is silent again.
"I have a sister!" Thor says excitedly, picking Loki up and twirling her around. Loki smiles, happy Thor had accepted her.
"Woah, that's so cool, Ms. Loki!" Peter squeals, smiling brightly. "Oh wait, do you still want to be called that?"
"Yes, Loki is perfectly fine, child" she replies, smiling back.
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saberstars · 3 years
Bonding Activities
Pairing: Loki x Y/N
Warnings: Vaginal Penetration, Unsafe Sex, Oral (Fem Receiving), Squirting
Word Count: 3393
Summary: You had fancied the God of mischief for a while & he had fancied you. Somehow after a “rescue mission” that was unneeded things get a bit steamy so you mutually decided to relieve each other’s frustrations.
Notes: I may have gone overboard with over explaining sex ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this is my first smut fic I’ve written in a while and shared so enjoy. Tbh this sounded a lot better in my head.
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Ocean eyes follow the girl, tracking her pacing from one side of the room to the other. It was rare to get Y/N this worked up, this irritated at the stupidity of others. She was usually the type to laugh at people’s dumb mistakes, brushing it off as their problem and not hers. However, this was definitely her problem.
Nat was idly tapping at her laptop, stopping every once in a while to tune into her friends' rambles of frustration, watching her stride back and forth across their shared common area, and making large gestures with her hands. Y/N abruptly stops and turns to Nat, a frown on her face and eyebrows knitted together. She almost looked like a pouting puppy but Nat would never admit that to her face, unlike others, she enjoyed having teeth.
“I don’t get it, when I say or tell them something they ignore me, but when you tell them something, they listen. How do you do it?”
Nat blinks at the question and even takes a moment to think about it before shrugging, “Thor listens to me regardless, Loki is a hit or miss but there's one way to get him to listen with little to no complaints.”
“You’re referring to your ‘mom voice’,” Loki points out, getting an eye roll from the raven haired male.
“I do not have a ‘mom voice’,” Natasha shakes her head, eyes landing back on her computer screen.
“You do to have a mom voice, it’s like your superpower,” Y/N snickers before moving around the desk, sitting on the armrest of Loki’s chair, “So what’s the plan to save those idiots?”
Nat lets out a soft sigh, deciding to just drop the ‘mom voice’ thing for now. She points to her screen, a red dot on a map of the city was her prize. She was smart enough to have put a tracker on one of the two boys. She never imagined she'd end up having to use it seriously.
“You already found them?” Y/N sounded surprised, it had barely been five, maybe ten, minutes since she got back to base after all.
“Bucky has a tracking chip, just in case he ever gets...re obtained by Hydra. He’s one chess piece we can’t afford to lose to them. So we know where he is.Your brother, however, is a different story. We have no idea who or what we’re dealing with so pulling a plan out of my ass is going to be the hard part. Do you have anything else to share with the class about what happened?” Natasha Leans back, crossing her arms over her chest. She keeps a close eye on the red dot, making sure it didn’t disappear or start rapidly moving.
“They broke into a very expensive looking building as per requested by Shield. After they successfully found what they were looking for the told me via the comms. They waved at me then three men who looked exactly alike tazed the hell out of them and that's the last I saw of them. I booked it with Y/N like I was told before they had a chance to take us down,” Loki recalls, humming after as he watched Nat think.
After a long moment, Y/N stands, frowning at her options. She didn’t have many and the only plan she came up with was probably her worst idea yet.
“You have a plan,” Loki says, standing as well and watches as his friend grabs her leather jacket.
“I do, but you’re not going to like it. I don’t even like it but we don’t have a choice, we have no idea what those men can do or will do to the boys. Not to mention if they successfully recondition Bucky he’s fucked. We need to get them out before either of them gets hurt,” Y/N shrugs her jacket on, and gathers a handful of things that could be used that were scattered around the room. Loki follows close behind, grabbing his own jacket as well. One that was gifted to him from you.
Nat grabs One of Loki’s knives and tosses it to him with a grin, “I’m sure it can’t be that bad but I should probably stay behind in case you two fail.”
The asgardian and his pet nodded in agreement knowing if anyone would be useful in a predicament like that it was the Russian spy.
“Fine, that sounds like a plan, But you better come. Even for him.” Y/N stated jokingly with a certain look in her eye gesturing towards the mischievous god.
Loki snapped his head towards Y/N raising a brow as a grin tugged at the corners of his lips.
“What’s this? Enjoying my companionship are you?” He teased, ignoring the redhead's eye roll. “I jest I jest.” Loki retorted, tossing his hands up as you both exited the common room due to the displeasure you had shown in his remark.
“You can fool around all you want, but right now Bucky & your brother are, unfortunately, more important.” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as you both headed towards the helipad. Normally you wouldn’t have shown this much concern over the two, let alone Thor but they were a part of the team so therefore you had to care about their combined wellbeing. If you were being honest you only seemed to truly care about one of your teammates but for all the wrong reasons.
————————— ☆ —————————
“I take it back, this is the worst plan you have ever come up with. I might actually cry from disappointment,” Loki groans out in annoyance. Being the dramatic drama queen that he is.
“Oh hush.” Y/N hushed playfully, swatting at Loki’s arm as you both peered down at the side door entrance waiting for an opening so you could both sneak in.
Loki chuckled before you caught a side glimpse of a green shimmer, immediately meeting his eyes which were now down below by the side entrance causing you to scoff. You rolled your eyes before hopping down off the ledge landing gracefully before skipping over to his side. “Teamwork makes the dream work ya know.”
“You were taking too long and besides, the quicker we rescue Mr Sleeper agent the sooner I can indulge in my book.” Loki teased intentionally not mentioning his brother.
“Right, right, I forgot you're old and you prefer books rather than meaningful relationships.” You teased choosing not to remind me of oaf you were also rescuing like a damsel in distress. Loki gave you a snarky smile at your comment not confirming or denying your observation. In which you curtsied before walking through the door that he held open for you.
“What a gentleman. Perhaps there’s hope for you after all.” Y/N teased continuing her relentless remarks impatiently waiting to see how long it took for the god to finally snap from them.
“I’ll have you know compared to the rest of the avengers my manners are incomparable to the others. Despite what my personality and past actions may cause you to infer about me.” The god retorted quite quickly in an attempt to defend himself.
“Righhtttt and I’m a god.” Immediately after the word passed your lips you winced mentally and physically. “Ignore that, you know what I meant by that comment.” You weren’t a god, just a human with rather interesting abilities. Abilities that caught the attention of the avengers. You had been brought into the team around the same time as Loki. Thor had randomly shown up with him, insisting that his brother was ready to turn over a new leaf and “serve” and protect Midgard as requested by Frigga. It was that or something Loki wished not to disclose. So it must have been worse. Maybe he did it for her, maybe he was just waiting for the right moment to sip away from everyone. No one knew entirely. All anyone knew was that for now, it was a game of five and taken with very minimal trust.
But before either of you could make it any further into the building alarms & flashing lights sounded off, Thunder following suit.
“I can only assume that they are fine.” Y/N stated plainly a bit annoyed by the time she has wasted with the mischievous scamp next to her. “And to think I missed my show for this.”
“Prep the heli carrier?” Loki asked, cocking a brow still holding the door open.
“Yeah. Just make sure they both come out.” You retorted by giving him a certain look.
“Both? Are you sure? I’m sure Thor w-“ Loki paused as your hair thwacked his face when you turned to walk away ignoring his jest. “Rude.” He spat out before slipping in and letting the door close behind him.
It didn’t take long for all 3 to catch up to you, despite the rather serious containment two of the three suffered they seemed to be in a rather calm and playful mood Or at least Thor was. Bucky on the other hand was just enjoying the show Thor and Loki were providing with their sibling rambles.
“If you two don’t shut up I’ll turn this around and send you back.” You half heartedly joked knowing neither would stop but rather laugh at your request. “Hmm would this be a bad time to say I told you so? Or is it too soon?” You asked, eyeing both Thor and Bucky finding a bit of amusement in the situation now that they were safe.
————————— ☆ —————————
Somehow you all managed to make it back to base with no issues. It was strangely convient. Upon further discussion Thor and Bucky revealed it was just a part of their own solo plan. Not to mention they thought it’d be amusing to see the enemy attempt to lift m’jnolnir which Tony, Nat & others felt was completely irresponsible. Though Loki couldn’t help but snicker to himself in the corner.
“So you mean to tell me that I worried for Nothing?!” You boomed completely floored by their idiotic plan. The entire team looked at you, unable to find words. Thor made an attempt to open his mouth to speak but you swiftly turned on your heels storming away. Leaving a hole in the wall behind you.
Loki would never admit it out loud but he never despised your caveman like outbursts of anger. He actually found them rather igniting. Sending shivers down his spine straight to his cock. He had been pining over you for some time, and you did the same for him, but alas neither of you actually acted out on said feelings. Today’s outbursts combined with your relentless teasing was the tipping point for him though. Loki shimmered away, disappearing from the room teleporting outside of yours waiting for the rhythmatic thuds of your feet storming towards your bedroom. A slick smirk tugging at the corners of his face as you grew closer caused him to tilt his head to the side groaning into his hair. A sad attempt at muffling it.
As you grew closer to your room your pace sped your eyes narrow and glued to the floor. So much so you had hardly had time to notice the god standing score your door causing you to run straight into him. His thick scent wafting into your nose.
“L-Loki?!” You exclaimed fairly surprised by his presence prompting him to clear his throat.
“You were frustrated therefore allow me to be your punching bag?” He suggested with a hint of seduction lace in his chords. One of his hands slid its way onto your hip planting itself there, rubbing circles near the hem of your waistband.
You of course ignored his advances, fully aware of the warm sensation fluttering through your stomach and chest, as you moved your hand up towards your doorknob giving it a slight turn. “Mmm Tempting, but I don’t think that’s what Tony meant by team bonding?” You replied with a sly smirk before abruptly pushing the door open causing the two of you to fall crashing into your room. “Not so graceful are we?” You added sticking your tongue out playfully as you both surely heard the click of your door shutting.
“It surely may not have been what he meant, but it is something that I meant.” The blue eyed god replied effortlessly testing the waters waiting for a red flag to be waived by you. He may have been a morally grey god, but he wasn’t entirely evil. He still respected your choices, wants, and needs even if it would potentially not be what he would have favored.
“And you’d let such a lowly mortal ruin you?” You questioned as your lips drew closer to one another. Your shared breaths in between heating you further.
“I would, as long as you worship me like the god I am.”
You opened your mouth to speak but Loki already knew your answer. He captured your lips which elicited a moan from you, based on your current posture, and not throwing a fit as he gripped your waist pulling you closer into his groin. Your tongues danced battling for dominance in each other’s mouths. Before you finally pulled away in defeat, gasping for air. A single bead of sweat forming on your temple.
“And would a god like to be sprawled out on my floor or rather snug in my bed?” You whispered to him in between breaths.
The blue eyed god chuckled to himself as his lips met the crook of your neck. “I don’t think your god prefers either so long as I can sheath myself in your warm,wet cunt.” Loki replied, his words vibrating against your skin. The way you both flirted with each other came out so natural almost as if you had spoken like this to one another for an eternity but unfriended you had only had the luxury of knowing him for a good 6 months. Slowly building up to this explosive moment.
“Then take it.” You hissed in response, rolling your hips up against his in an attempt to sooth your already throbbing clit.
Loki’s hands slid up from your waist snagging your shirt with his fingertips pushing it up over your head tossing it to the side of the room. His hands immediately caressing over your skin, feeling every dip and curve. Finally finding a place with your breasts, kneading them both like a cat before pinching your left nipple eliciting a moaning wince from you.
Loki moved his hands back towards your waist as he sat up slowly staring into your lust filled eyes before prompting you to shift and locking your legs around him. So that you were sitting in his lap more so. Afterwards he rose to his feet carrying you to the bed before roughly dropping you onto the mattress hovering over you. With the snap of his fingers his asgardian leather was no more leaving only his preferred undergarments to sheath his weapon which was already blatantly saying hello through the fabric.
His lips and tongue dragged across your torso down towards your belly button and back up before giving a playful nip to your skin. Pushing your right knee off slowly removing your pants. He didn’t mind undressing you slowly, the sight of seeing you wreath under him whimpering with pleading eyes sparked joy in him.your underwear were already soaked through the scent of your arousal seeping into the atmosphere, driving him wild with lust.
“Your scent is absolutely divine.” Loki said before gliding his finger down in between your plush slick lips & the fabric. “I’m going to ravage you.” He said as he removed his hand pulling the fabric off your waist. He brought his lips down to your cunt, his uneven breaths causing you to squirm with anticipation. Prompting him to grab hold of your waist pinning it still. Dragging his tongue from the bottom of your slit towards the top before circling your precious throbbing bead. Moans cascading from your lips as your toes curled.
His tongue danced between your folds occasionally giving soft sucks to your clit. He pushed a finger into your warmth curling it skillfully, pulling a way to watch the whimpering mess that you had become.
“S-stop teasing me.” You whined as you began seeing stars slowly trying to roll your hips further into his touch. “Just fuck me already.” You demanded.
Loki’s cock twitched a tiny bit of precum leaking out at the sound of your begging demands, a bit shocked by it. He chuckled lowly, eventually succumbing to your demands with a snap of a finger. His boxers were gone. Your eyes glanced down at his length with a soft gasp as he lined himself up with you. His hand falling on your chin tilting your face towards his.
“I admire your seeming innocence.” Loki teased as his cock grazed over your wet folds.
“You would wouldn’t you?” You teased back wrapping your hand around his neck tangling your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. Loki pulled back before plunging into your core causing you to yank his hair at the intrusion of his thick member. A sinful hiss emitting from his lips as he picked up his pace whispering lewd comments into your ear.
“Why so quiet? Normally you don’t shut up? Have I found the key to silencing your cocky remarks?” He said proudly egging you on as your cunt squelched around him.
“N-no I’m just not vocal in that sense.” You squeaked out between thrusts. It was sad but true, he had a death grip on your voice. You could feel the pride that gave him radiating off his cock pressing against your sensitive spots.
“Fuck, I haven’t been used like this in forever.” You admitted rolling your hips in sync with his, pushing his tip as far as it was able.
Loki chuckled as beads of sweat began to drip down the side of his face. “Maybe I could make sure that never happens to you again. We could put your pussy to good use.” He offered as your core began to tighten and pulsate around him knowing fully that meant you were drawing closer to your end. You legs began to shake slowly becoming more violent with each thrust as your ability to speak went out the window. Your words became nothing but babbles.
“That’s it, just like that. Moan for me, pet.” Loki encouraged you nibbling your bottom lip before slipping his tongue back into your mouth which you so graciously accepted. Your hand slid down gripping his biceps digging your nails into them. He hissed lowly as his cock began to throbbed as it dragged in and out of your pulsating pussy.
You pulled away from his lips gasping for air trying to forewarn him about your impending organsm. “I.. I think I’m going to come.” You babbled out a bit of drool slipping out of your mouth.
Loki pressed his forehead against yours, his pace becoming uneven and shaky. His balls slapping against your juicy cunt as his growls became more and more vocal. “I want you to come all over my cock. Don’t you dare hold back.” He threatened urging you to give him every drop of juice that your cunt would allow.
You nodded of coarse before a final string snapped inside you, allowing a wave of pleasure flowing through your entire being sending a scream through your throat before you squirted all over his throbbing erection. Your nails dug deep into his biceps causing you to profusely apologize. Your chest rising and falling rapidly. Loki came a few lumps after you, your orgasm being what sent him over shooting a sticky mess against your cervix. Before he lazily pulled out collapsing beside you. He Wrapped his arms around you before reaching for a blanket to cover your nude body with.
He cleared his throat pushing aside a strand of hair off your face. “Don’t apologize.” He simply stated as his eyelids closed. They were heavier than he’d thought them to be because before you both knew it you fell into a blissful slumber curled up in each other’s arms.
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emeraldiis · 3 years
Falling for a God
A/N: Forgot to properly post/format this fic, so here ya go ya filthy animals (ok but i wrote it so I’m filthier)
AO3 Link
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 7.1k
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Summary: “Tell me, does being touched by a god make you nervous? I can feel you quivering, are you afraid?” Loki pauses, then leans down until his lips are almost touching your ear. “Or is that arousal I sense?”You have a huge crush on Loki, there's lots of sexual tension, y'all fuck. That's the plot.
“Nat,” you whine. “I feel like you’re not even listening.” You prance to the front of her, spinning around to walk backwards.
Natasha rolls her eyes. “Wow, are you sure you aren’t pyschic?” She keeps up her brisk pace, and you nearly trip over yourself trying to keep up.
“That’s so rude!” You exclaim, but can’t hold back a giggle. Despite her cold demeanor, you know that Nat is just messing with you. Shooting a quick glance backwards, you decide that your path is clear, and return your gaze to your friend. “You’ll tell me if I’m about to run into something, right?”
With a wry grin, Natasha gives you a thumbs up. You beam at her. “Anyway,”  you continue. “I started watching this new TV show last night, and it is so, totally awesome. There’s this guy, and he has these badass powers, and he’s fighting this girl, and she has-”
A small oof escapes from your mouth as your back collides with something solid. You pitch forward in surprise, and yelp as you try to stabilize yourself before you fall. Large, warm hands grab your waist, tightening around you to keep you from toppling over. You sigh in relief as your frantic heart slows to a normal rhythm. “Wow, thanks,” you say, and spin around to reveal the identity of your saviour.
Piercing blue eyes meet yours, and your breath catches in your throat. “Careful, pet,” Loki murmurs softly, a sly grin spreading across his lips. His hands slide off of your waist, making contact with the sliver of skin between your shorts and your top on the way. An involuntary shiver creeps up your spine, and you bite your lip.
The reaction doesn’t go unnoticed by the ever-perceptive trickster, and his eyes flash with surprise. “Are my hands really that cold?” Loki teases. “Perhaps you could help me warm them up.” His tone is playful, but there’s something deeper underneath his banter that makes you think he’s actually flirting.
You can tell that your cheeks are red, and you choose not to respond to Loki’s question in fear of making an even bigger fool of yourself. A stammered apology tumbles from your lips, and you look back towards Natasha with a look of betrayal. She grins and shrugs. “I forgot to warn you. Oops.” Your mouth drops open. That scheming little devil. She knows about your crush on Loki, and she still allows you to make a fool out of yourself?
Your interactions with Loki were sparse, to say the least. Aside from a few casual conversations in a group, you had barely even talked to him. Still, he captivated you from the very first day he arrived at the compound. He was exactly your type; tall, dark, and brooding. Aside from Thor, most everyone gave Loki a wide berth, hesitant to forget the battle for New York. You, however, didn’t see a villain. You saw pain behind those blue eyes, and could empathize with Loki’s behavior. You knew all too well that it hurt to live in someone’s shadow, and sometimes acting out was a cry for help. Granted, Loki’s outbursts were far more drastic than yours had ever been, but it was more or less the same on a base level. And, the fact that he constantly had a witty remark on the tip of his tongue never ceased to entertain you. The man liked to hear himself talk, and damn, so did you.
It takes you a second to realize that you’ve been staring. You clear your throat awkwardly and look to the floor, eager to hide your discomfort. “Um, thank you for catching me,” you manage. When you look back up, Loki is wearing an odd expression. His pretty eyes are narrowed, searching your face. The scrutiny only embarasses you further. “Well, see you around!” WIth that, you dart around Loki and scurry off. Natasha follows you, snickering softly.
When you reach the common area, you plop yourself down on the couch and groan, throwing an arm over your face. Natasha sits down beside you. “Smooth,” she says, drawing out the word obnoxiously.
You remove your arm from over your eyes and give Natasha a withering look. “So not funny.”
Nat positively cackles at that. “Oh, come on,” she says. “He’d be an idiot to not at least have a thing for you, I mean, you’re smoking! ” She looks you up and down. “Nice rack, too.”
A giggle bursts from your lips. “Nat. Oh, my god. Stop objectifying me.”
Shaking her head, Natasha replies, “Me, objectify? I would never.”
That earns her an eye roll from you. “Sure. Anyway, can we please change the subject? I’m sick of talking about my embarrassing Loki crush.”
“What does ‘crush’ mean?”
You freeze. Now that was a distinct voice. “Thor,” you choke out. “When did you get here?”
Thor walks up behind the couch and swings himself over the back, making the poor piece of furniture creak in protest. He settles next to you, effectively sandwiching you between him and Natasha. “Just long enough to hear you discussing my brother. Now, will you please enlighten me on this strange Midgardian term?”
Before you can shut him down, Nat pipes up from the other end of the sofa. “It means she likes him. Romantically. Sexually. ”
The temptation to throw yourself onto the floor wailing is high. Instead, you opt to beg for your life. Still embarrassing, but slightly more productive than throwing a tantrum. “Nat!” You screech. You turn to Thor with pleading eyes. “Please, don’t say anything to him.”
Thor furrows his eyebrows. “What an odd expression. You’d think that the word “crush’ would be associated with something negative.” He places a big hand on your thigh. “If what Lady Natahsa says is true, then why would you not tell my brother? He is quite vain, you know. I’m sure he would be delighted to know that a beautiful woman is attracted to him!”
You groan and bury your face in your hands. These Asgardians will be the death of you. “It’s not that simple, Thor. What if he rejects me? I’d never be able to show my face around him again!”
There’s a pause, and then Thor asks you in a much gentler tone, “It seems as though you care for Loki a great deal more than you are letting on. Are you really afraid of embarrassment, or is it the heartbreak you fear?”
You’re glad that your hands are covering your face, because the way the color drains out of it at Thor’s question would have given you away. “No,” you mumble through your fingers. But he’s right, you do care for Loki more than you’d ever admit. His image ran through your head at night when you were trying to sleep, and his voice was what came to mind when your fingers were between your legs and you were pretending they were-
You rub at your eyes, then look up at Thor in desperation. “Please, if you really care about me as a friend, you’ll keep this secret.” You shoot a look at Natasha. “You, too. I may not be able to take Thor in a fight, but I could kick your ass.” You know you sound like a pathetic teenager, but you’re past the point of caring. You were perfectly happy admiring Loki from afar, and didn’t want to get your hopes up just to be met with shame.
Natasha scoffs. “As if.” Before she can continue. Thor holds up his hand.
“Lady Natasha, I believe we should stay out of this. I have done a great deal of meddling in my brother’s life, and I’ve learned that even the best intentions can cause disaster when Loki is involved.
“Thank you, Thor,” you say gratefully, relief evident in your voice. With a tired sigh, you hoist yourself up from the couch and turn to face your friends. “Well, I think I’ve had enough excitement for today. I’m going to hibernate, see you next spring.”
Natasha giggles and blows you a kiss goodbye while Thor scrunches up his face in confusion at your joke. Oh, well. Maybe he’d understand Midgardian humor one day.
Thunder rages outside your window while you toss and turn. You roll over to glance at your clock, and scowl when it flashes “3AM.” Giving up on the prospect of sleep, you opt for creeping to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Your bare feet pad down the carpet, and you shiver slightly at the cold air of the hall. Goosebumps rise on your bare legs and you start to regret your decision not to put on pants.
To get to the kitchen, you have to walk through the common area, and for a moment you linger just outside the entryway. There’s a soft glow coming from the corner of the room, and you mentally groan, hoping it’s one of the female inhabitants of the compound. You weren’t too excited at the idea of walking past one of the guys in just a sleep shirt and underwear. Still, your mission for food is not one you’re willing to give up on. Taking a deep breath, you step out of the hallway and into the room. And nearly pass out.
Across the room, perched in one of the loveseats, is Loki. He’s sitting with his legs curled underneath him, thumbing through a book. You consider darting back into the safety of the hall, but you’re too late. Loki has already noticed you, and is now staring far too intently for your liking. Suddenly feeling very exposed, you tug on the hem of your shirt, trying to pull it further down your legs. “Sorry to disturb you,” you whisper, afraid to break the deafening silence. Loki raises an eyebrow at you, then turns back to his book. You aren’t sure if you’re relieved or disappointed when his gaze leaves you.
Not wanting to linger in the entryway any longer, you make your way across the room, keeping your eyes down. As you pass Loki, a loud clap of thunder booms outside, and already being on edge, you yelp. Startled from the deafening sound in an otherwise quiet room, you stagger, falling backwards onto the loveseat. Right next to Loki. The sofa is small, and in your splayed out position, you’re almost half on top of the god.
Loki flinches away, and you immediately begin to apologize. “I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened, I guess I just lost my footing. Did I hurt you?” As you talk, you push yourself off of Loki and cower into the other side of the loveseat. Some more rational part of your brain urges you to get up, give him some more space, but you don’t listen. As embarrassed as you are, you’re not quite ready to give up this closeness to the object of your affection.
With a huff, Loki straightens himself and gives you a cool look. “You did not hurt me, mortal. I was simply surprised.” Then, having composed himself, he smirks and sets his book on the end table beside him. “I suppose it is only natural to have weak knees in the presence of a god.”
The comment lightens the mood, and you find yourself relaxing next to him. “You’re right, Thor’s thunder does make me a tad unsteady.”
At that, Loki stiffens, obviously having not expected you to return his teasing. For a brief moment, you feel proud. Then, something changes in his expression, and he scoots closer to you. His hand finds your bare thigh, and the contact sends butterflies through your stomach. Loki senses your restlessness and gives you a predatory grin. “Is that so? Are you telling me that this,” he squeezes your thigh, and you gasp. “Doesn’t make you feel...faint?” His voice is low, and he almost purrs the last few words.
You fight hard to keep your breathing even, not wanting to give away just how flustered you are. The heavy weight of his hand feels heavenly, and you can feel your panties grow damp. God, you hope he can’t smell it.
This predatory tone is so much different than the playful teasing that you usually receive from Loki. You’ve never seen his blue eyes so dark, and the unfamiliarity of it all tightens your stomach.
Taking your silence as a challenge, Loki presses himself even closer to you. His fingers creep up your leg, closer to your underwear. “Tell me, does being touched by a god make you nervous? I can feel you quivering, are you afraid?” Loki pauses, then leans down until his lips are almost touching your ear. “Or is that arousal I sense?”
Fuck. A full body shiver skates across your skin, and despite your best efforts, a small moan breaks free from your throat. Loki’s hand feels like a brand on your thigh, sending waves of heat up your body. The warmth pools between your legs, and you can’t help but shift a bit. Knowing that your panties are the only barrier between your soaking heat and the sofa, you arch your hips ever so slightly to keep from soiling the cushion.
Of course, your small movements don’t go unnoticed. Loki’s eyes are hooded as they rake across your bare legs, and you can hear his breathing get a bit heavier. He looks up at you, pupils dilated. “Oh, pet, look at you. Barely even touched, and already-”
He’s cut off by the sound of footsteps echoing through the hall, headed in your direction. Loki curses softly and reluctantly draws his hand away, then moves as far away as the small sofa allows. Your skin aches at the loss of contact.
The interrupting stranger’s footsteps approach the entrance to the common room, then carry on past. You let out the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding, thankful that you wouldn’t have to explain anything. Something tells you that, while there’s nothing going on now, sitting with Loki in the middle of the night might raise a few eyebrows.
You and Loki are alone again, but the moment has passed. Whatever spell that had overcome the two of you is gone, and all that’s left is a quiet room and a dim light. “I apologize, I believe I have overstepped,” Loki says, and for the first time, he sounds...unsure. His voice has lost that arrogant confidence that it normally carries, and he sounds like a child that has just been caught stealing cookies from the jar.
You bite your lip and risk a glance at Loki. He’s still pressed against the opposite arm of the loveseat, and is avoiding your eyes. Without the atmosphere of desire from before, now you just feel...awkward. Sighing softly, you rise to your feet and make your way to the hallway. You pause briefly in the entryway, and breathe out a “goodnight, Loki.” You don’t wait for a response, instead turning and trudging back towards your room.
As you flop back down in bed, you replay the night’s events over in your mind. It almost feels like a dream, and you’re having trouble believing that Loki, the God of Mischief, had actually come on to you. It didn’t seem plausible. You’re just a plain mortal, nothing special, no powers. Sure, your combat skills could rival Natasha’s, but besides that, you can’t find anything about yourself that would attract a god.
Eventually, you decide that maybe Loki was just horny, and you were in the right place at the right time. You did walk out without pants on, after all. No matter the reasoning, you know not to expect a repeat occurrence, given how regretful he had seemed afterwards. Tears brim in your eyes as the reality of the situation hits you; Loki regrets touching you. It seems that your crush was one-sided, and even though you weren’t surprised, that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
Things are tense around the compound. You creep around corners, terrified of accidentally finding yourself in the same room as Loki. And it seems that Loki is taking the same precautions, because you haven’t even seen a glimpse of him since that night. The ache in your heart from his rejection still keeps you up at night, and you still find yourself pining over him like a lovesick idiot.
Ever the observer, Natasha catches on quickly. “Are you really still embarrassed about bumping into Loki?” She asks after cornering you in the kitchen. “You’re not acting like yourself, and it is beyond obvious something is bothering you.”
You groan at her around a mouthful of a granola bar. “Are you really still thinking about it?” You counter.
Nat rolls her eyes. “Please, it’s hard to pretend it didn’t happen when you’re playing this stupid cat and mouse game. I see you check every room for him, I can’t believe you even care that much. He barely even touched you!”
A piece of your snack shoots down your throat with your gasp. You double over, wheezing and coughing. Natasha slaps a hand on your back, sighing. When you finally catch your breath, you glare at Nat. “Yeah, maybe that’s the issue.”
You immediately regret your words as a fire lights itself in Natasha’s eyes. “Want me to help?”
“Nat, hold on. No thanks-”
“Shush, trust me!” To your dismay, Natasha is already on her way out of the kitchen when she finishes hushing you. You whimper out a half-baked protest, but your friend is long gone by the time the words leave your mouth. Fuck, you’re so screwed.
LIfe  was very quickly becoming a stressful game of hide and seek. You’d resorted to spending most of the day in your room, hoping to avoid Loki, and more importantly, Natasha. You’re not sure what she has planned, but it can’t be anything good. As weeks pass by with no incident, however, you begin to drop your guard. Maybe she’s taking pity on you.
It’s around noon when you get the text. It’s an all caps message from Nat, pleading with you to at least hear her out before saying no.
That’s a terrifying text. I’m listening.
Nat: I may have bragged my way into a drinking contest with Thor, and I need a teammate to make it fair.
You want to try and outdrink Thor????
Nat: I want US to outdrink him. I convinced him that it’d be more balanced if it was 2 to 1.
You owe me.
Nat: :)
It was a terrible idea, but maybe a nice night of getting hammered is just what you need to break you out of your funk. Despite your initial reluctance, you find yourself getting excited. You hadn’t really relaxed in ages, this would be a good thing.
As the hours pass, you start to get nervous. It’s been so long since you’ve gotten properly drunk, and you seriously doubt you’ll be able to keep up with even Natasha. Still, a promise is a promise, and you have far too much pride to chicken out now.
The clock reaches nine o’clock, and you sigh. Showtime. Before leaving your suite, you set several glasses of water and a bottle of Advil on your nightstand. If you’re going to fuck over your future self, you might as well try to ease her pain. You take a deep breath and spare a glance over at the mirror against your bedroom wall. You had opted for something comfy, but cute; an emerald green dress that stopped just above your mid-thigh, and fell off of one shoulder effortlessly.
Okay, so maybe you had wanted to get a tiny bit dressed up. You’re sure Nat will tease you for it, but sometimes a girl just wants to feel pretty.
A bit breathless from those pre-competition nerves--yes, a drinking contest was that serious--you make your way to the kitchen. As you round the corner, you stop dead in your tracks. Sitting at the bar Tony had insisted on installing, is Nat and Thor, of course. But next to them, perched delicately on one of the stools, is Loki. He wears a look of disdain, as if this entire competition is beneath him. You hope he can’t tell how badly you want to be beneath him.
Natasha gives you a wicked grin as Thor waves you over, his smile far more innocent-looking than Nat’s, though you’re sure he had a part in this. Cursing your terrible friends under your breath, and yourself for falling for it, you trudge over. Naturally, the only stool left is the one on the end, directly next to Loki. You gingerly hoist yourself up and slide onto the seat.
You stubbornly keep your eyes on the counter, not daring to even glance up at Loki. It’s obvious from the way he’s angling himself away from you and towards his brother that he’s regretting that night, and doesn’t want to be near you. You don’t blame him, humans must seem like animals compared to gods. The reality is that you were a mistake to him, and you just needed to accept that and move past.
Breaking the awkward silence, Thor produces a jug of what looks like beer from god knows where. He grins and gestures to it grandly. As he opens his mouth to speak, you cut him off. “Hold up! I thought this was two against one? Loki being here makes it unfair.”
Natasha rolls her eyes at you. “Yeah, I may have bent the truth to get you to come out. It’s teams of two, but we have a handicap. Our drinks and shots count as twice the actual amount, and they’ll be drinking Asgardian mead. So,” She smirks. “No more complaints, let’s do this shit.”
You swallow nervously at the mention of shots. You could hold your liquor fairly well, but you and shots had...history. Nat knew how touchy you got when you were drunk, and how much of an oversharer you tended to be. Though you have to admit that her plan is almost flawless, you’re still unimpressed with her shenanigans. She’s pretty much set you up to embarrass yourself.
You twiddle your thumbs in your seat as Natasha grabs a bottle of Svedka from behind the bar and begins to pour the beginning drinks. Following her lead, Thor pops open his jug and splits it between two large glasses, then passes one to Loki, who sighs in apparent boredom. He shoots you an unreadable look, then grabs one of the shot glasses that Natasha filled and slides it your way.
With a mumbled “thanks,’ you gingerly take the glass, and look at Nat and Thor. Thor raises his glass. “May the better warriors win!” He announces, then tips back his glass. You roll your eyes at the word choice, but bring the shot glass to your lips and throw your head back. The liquor goes down rough, but you manage to keep your poker face and grit your teeth against any retches.
“The lady can drink!” Thor bellows, wiping at his face.
You shrug, wanting the spotlight off of you. “Um, I went to college?”
Before Thor can question you, Natasha cuts in. “Hello? I took it just as well, where’s my applause?”
“Natasha, you are not a lady,” Loki deadpans. Nat glares and pours herself another shot in response, throwing back the second one just as easily as she had the first. She then points at you. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up. Despite everything, Loki was still Loki, and he still had your heart. It seems that the tension between you and Loki dissolves after you laugh at his quip, and he relaxes his stiff posture.
You sigh in relief and reach for the bottle to refill your own glass. This time, it goes down easier. That is, until the burns travels past your stomach, right down to between your legs. You squirm in place at the unexpected burst of arousal. Still, you should have been ready for it. Alcohol has always gotten you a little worked up. It was your mistake to believe you could fight it.
Despite the setback, you keep up with your teammate as the night goes on. Shot after shot, broken up by the easy conversation that emerges as the liquor continues to flow.
You’re not sure when the competition was forgotten, but you soon find yourself splayed on the couch next to Loki, laughing hysterically at some story he’s just finished telling about Thor in his youth. You look over at him, hazily trying to center your double vision to properly admire the god. His cheeks are flushed red from the alcohol, and he looks more relaxed than you’ve ever seen him.
Loki glances over, catching you staring, but you’re far too intoxicated to be embarrassed. Instead, you hold your gaze, waiting for a reaction. Loki smirks, then eyes his brother with annoyance.
“Brother,” he says, voice a lazy drawl. “I believe we’ve won this contest, wouldn’t you say?”
Thor cocks his head, then widens his eyes in understanding. “Oh, certainly! In fact, I think it would be necessary for me to walk you back to your quarters, Natasha.”
Natasha begins to protest, but it dies on her lips as her gaze flickers between you and Loki. “What a gentleman,” she purrs, only swaying slightly when she rises from her seat. “Lead the way.” Taking his outstretched hand, Natasha stumbles down the hall with Thor, giggling excitedly.
Now that it’s just the two of you, you expect things to get awkward, but find that you’re still just as comfortable. “Well, I guess I have to bow to the drinking champ,” you slur, sitting up to give a half hearted bow.
Loki throws his head back and laughs. “You,” he manages between snorts, “are far more fun to be around than most others on this planet.”
You scoff and wave your hand dismissively. “You’re only saying that ‘cause I bowed to you.” Chewing on your lip, you let your eyes drift back over to Loki. In your drunken haze, he just looks so...comfy. Before you realize what you’re doing, you slide over to lean up against him. Loki’s surprisingly warm, and you sigh contentedly, letting your mind wander back to how his hand felt running up your thigh.
The arousal from earlier that you had forgotten about rears its head, turning your sigh into a shaky exhale that is not at all subtle. The air feels thick, just like it had on that one stormy night, and you press yourself closer to Loki, unable to resist how good his body feels against yours.
Loki freezes for a moment, then seems to force himself to relax into you. His arm snakes around you until he’s holding you comfortably against his side. For one brief moment, you start to wonder if this is a good idea, given how things had ended in the past, but the intoxicated part of your brain tells the sober part to go fuck herself, and then you’re speaking without thinking. “Do you want to walk me to bed?”
Oh, shit. You can’t believe that just came out of your mouth. A wave of sobering panic hits you, and you untangle yourself from Loki and shoot up from the couch. Before you can flee, however, a pale hand grabs hold of your arm, stopping you in place.
Loki gets up, then moves his grip from your wrist to your hand. “I think that is a lovely idea. Allow me?” With the hand that isn’t holding yours, he gestures toward the hall. Well, that was unexpected. You try not to giggle in child-like excitement, and instead nod hurriedly.
Your heart speeds up at the feel of his hand in yours, and you start off down the hall, letting Loki pull you towards your suite. Caught up in trying to navigate the titling floor, you don’t notice that you’re being led the wrong way until the two of you come to a stop at a door that definitely does not belong to you. You look up at Loki in confusion. “This isn’t my room.”
“I know,” Loki growls, then opens the door and whirls you both inside. When you’ve recovered from the swift movement, you manage to pull away from Loki’s grip.
“What-what’s going on?” You say, attempting to sound stern. Loki stalks towards you. Instinctively, you back up, until you’re pressed against the wall with Loki boxing you in.
Loki presses his hands to the wall on either side of your head and sneers at you. “What’s going on?” He mocks. “I’ve craved your body under mine since long before our little nighttime meeting, and I have run out of patience for games.” He leans in and presses a kiss to your neck, grazing you with his teeth. Just like before, his playfulness has given way to a domineering aura, but you’re not complaining one bit.
You barely suppress a full body shiver. “But,” you protest weakly. “I, I thought you regretted it. I mean, you never said anything about it, so I figured...oh…” you trail off into a soft moan as Loki roughly licks up the side of your neck, growling.
“And when would I have gotten the chance?” Loki pulls away from his assault on your skin to look you in the eyes. “You have been avoiding me for nearly a month.” Those blue eyes are staring daggers at you, and you realize that there’s hurt behind all that frustration.
Your mouth goes dry. He’s right, but the eye contact from his smoldering stare is making you forget how to speak. Fumbling with your words, you cast your gaze downwards. “Yeah, I guess I have. But with what you said after we were interrupted....I thought you were uncomfortable with what happened.”
A dark chuckle spills from Loki’s lips. “The only discomfort you have caused me is the nights I have spent spilling over my own hand because I could not have you. ”
You gasp softly as Loki’s words send a wave of heat through your overheated body. Loki takes that as encouragement, and presses himself closer until his lips are grazing yours. “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll leave,” he mumbles, eyes hooded.
Your response is to surge forward, hands flying to the back of his head as you roughly pull him in to kiss you. You both groan at the contact. The kiss is anything but gentle; your fingers are tangled in Loki’s hair, tugging harshly, and you can feel his teeth nipping at your bottom lip. It was far better than you could have imagined, and the dizzying pleasure of it all has you feeling drunker and more sober at the same time.
Before long, the room spins as Loki lifts you and hoists your legs around his waist. He kisses you breathless as he walks slowly down the hall towards what you can only assume is his bedroom. There’s a giddy part inside of you that squeals with excitement at being carried like that, but it’s quickly overshadowed by lust as you and Loki reach his bedroom. He tosses you onto his king sized bed like a doll, then kneels on the floor and yanks your ankles until your bottom is almost hanging off the bed.
Loki slides your dress up and nuzzles the inside of your thigh. “I could smell your arousal the entire night,” he says, nearly purring. “May I taste?”
You sit up on your elbows and stare down at him, face flushed with mild embarrassment at his face so close to your soaked panties. Dumbly, you nod, words failing you. Loki growls his appreciation and hikes up your dress, taking a brief moment to admire the soft fabric. “You look absolutely ravishing in green, I’ve wanted to tear this off of you since the moment I laid eyes on it.” And then he’s sliding your panties down your legs and plunging his tongue into your heat.
A ragged gasp tears its way from your throat and you throw your head back. You feel the grin form on Loki’s lips against your skin, and a fresh gush of arousal flows down your thighs. Loki eats pussy like it’s an art form he’s been perfecting for ages. His lips tug at your pussy, worshipping every fold like it’s the last meal he’ll ever have. You open your mouth to make some joke about his silvertongue, but all that comes out is a pathetic whimper as Loki drags his teeth lightly across your clit.
It isn’t long before the pleasure reaches its peak.You fight hard to keep your legs from clamping around Loki’s head, but you can’t help it when you crest over the edge of orgasm. Your muscles lock up, your back arches, and you scream. White hot euphoria explodes from your core, spreading through your body like venom. Loki’s tongue works you through it, slowing to wide, long strokes as you begin to come down.
You’ve barely recovered when Loki rises from his knees and crawls up your body, coming to a stop when his face is inches from yours. His eyes are hooded, and his glistening lips are parted to allow frantic, heated pants to escape. “Pet,” he hisses, leaning down to nuzzle into your shoulder. “You taste sweeter than the fruits of Asgard.” He bites at your collarbone, making you shudder in your post-orgasmic haze.
Still out of it, you sluggishly fumble at Loki’s belt. “Wanna make you feel good, too,” you mumble and lick your lips. Loki bats your hand away, shushing you.
“Darling, there will be plenty of time for that later. Right now, I need to feel you.” He grabs your shoulders and drags you up to the pillows, so that you’re lying comfortably on your back with him hovering above you.
Your heart skips a beat at the mention of ‘later.’ So this wasn’t just a one-night stand? You don’t have time to process that, however, as Loki barely gives you a moment to breathe. He sits back on his knees, straddling your waist, and with a wave of his hand, you’re both stark naked. Your hands twitch, wanting to cover yourself. Being naked in front of an attractive man has always intimidated you, but the fact that Loki was a god made it worse. As if sensing your sudden shyness, Loki leans in to kiss at lick at your breasts, and brings his hands up to pin your wrists to the bed. You sigh in pleasure, insecurity fading with every hot swipe of his tongue, not even wanting to struggle against his hold.
Loki lowers himself to grind against you. His hard cock slides against your dripping folds as his narrow hips press into yours. Both of you shiver, and you arch your hips to bring him closer. Loki growls against your skin and sits up. He lets go of your wrists, roughly grabs your waist and angles it to meet his. “Ready, pet? I can’t wait, I need to have you.” he breathes, eyes locked on yours.
Like a deer in the headlights, you’re frozen, anticipation coiling tightly under your skin. Slowly, you nod. Loki wastes no time. He smirks, then slides himself into you, the stretch burning in the loveliest way. Your heated groan mingles with his, and when Loki’s hips come to rest against yours, he falls against your chest, panting. You appreciate the time he gives you to adjust; Loki’s cock is thick, and longer than anything you’ve ever taken, and you can feel it throbbing desperately within you. Now that he’s released your hands, you bring them up to thread through his soft, black hair. He closes his eyes and leans into your touch, nearly purring.
“Tell me when, love,” Loki grits out, fighting to keep his voice steady. The shakiness in his usually smooth tone is arousing to no end, and you can feel yourself clench around him in approval. Loki’s hips twitch at the fluttering of your walls, and though you’re more than ready, you decide to torture him a bit longer.
You bring your legs up to wrap around Loki’s  waist, pulling him closer. He shivers, but keeps his composure, remaining almost statue still. His concern for your comfort makes your heart swell, but you want to see him lose control. “You’re so big,” you whimper out, the alcohol in your system quelling the embarrassment you’d usually feel when talking dirty. You press your face into Loki’s neck, grazing your teeth along the pale skin there.
With a deep growl of barely kept composure, Loki rises up to rest on his elbows, desperate eyes searching yours. It seems that being the God of Lies gave Loki the ability to see through your cruel game, and his expression turns dark, though the neediness is still blatant. You shift nervously as he stares you down, already regretting your mischievousness. “Feeling playful, are we?” Loki asks.
Your mouth goes dry at being caught and your core tightens around him again, earning you a flutter of his eyelids. “I…” you trail off, eyes drifting to Loki’s parted lips. Watching you gaze, Loki grins at you.
“Oh, pet. I think you may be confused. You are mine to toy with, not the other way around.” With that, Loki leans down to crush his lips into yours. His tongue forces its way into your mouth and you whine around it. While his tongue’s distracting you, Loki takes his chance to begin pounding into you at a ruthless pace, and you break away from the kiss to throw your head back and shriek out a moan.
You feel utterly wrecked, stomach clenching and nerves alight with pleasure as Loki continues his assault on your body. Your eyes are squeezed shut, so his teeth nipping at your jaw come as a surprise, sending a whole new shockwave of sensation down your neck.
“You feel so fucking good, pet,” Loki moans, his voice quickly losing its characteristic steadyness. He sighs out something that sounds suspiciously like a whimper, and brings one of his hands down to toy with your clit. Your legs tighten around him involuntarily. “A-ah, fuck,” Loki grits out, increasing his pace.
The pleasure is overwhelming, and the unhuman speed at which Loki’s pounding into you leaves you no time to catch your breath. Moans and whines erupt from your mouth in a constant stream, and Loki keeps his mouth hovering above yours to drink them in. “I wanna cum,” you whimper as Loki’s assault on your senses continues.
“Then cum, pet,” Loki groans, hips stuttering. “ Cum for your god.”
You keen, writhing and chasing your high. As you climb up to your orgasm, you are met with a startling realization that Loki has already ruined you for anyone else. No human man could match the fire that he’s set upon your nerves, the blinding pleasure that mounts with every thrust and kiss. With that settling into your mind, you finally reach your second peak of the night.
Your eyes try to flutter shut, tears brimming at the corners as you wail Loki’s name again and again. Through the haze of your climax, you notice Loki’s muscles begin to tense as he nears his orgasm as well, and you force your eyes to stay open in order to watch him come apart.
Watching Loki cum is almost like a second climax. He speeds up impossibly, mouth hanging open and eyes barely able to stay focused on you. “You’re mine,” he growls out. Choked moans fall from his lips as he nears the edge, and you rake your nails down his back to encourage him.
“Cum in me, please, I need it, make me yours” you ramble breathlessly.
“Oh, fuck, I-I’m so close,” Loki manages, voice breaking. You continue to coo pleas and encouragements at him, and the way his eyes roll back at your wrecked voice gives you an intoxicating rush of pride. Finally, with a whimpering moan, Loki stills, cock pulsing within you and hips twitching as he pumps you full of his cum.
Loki slumps against you, still moving in aborted little thrusts, as if he can’t quite stop fucking you just yet. The weight of him on top of you is heavy, but not unwelcome, and you take the time to bask in the euphoria of having just slept with the god you’d pined after for so long.
“That was…” you start, words failing you.
“Divine,” Loki finishes for you. He slides his cock out of your pussy, and with it comes a gush of warm cum that you’re sure will stain the sheets. He rolls off of you, then guides you onto your side so that he can pull you up against him.
You weren’t expecting Loki to be the ‘cuddling after sex,’ type, so having him spoon you was surprising, to say the least. He nuzzles his nose into your hair, and you find yourself wanting to fall asleep like that; comfortable in his bed and safe in his strong arms.
Still, there’s a nagging question that won’t let you fully relax. Not wanting to expect too much, you brace yourself for the worst and open your mouth to speak. “Loki...what does this mean for us?”
Loki tenses behind you, and your heart breaks at the assumed rejection as he begins to pull away. “Are you...are you not mine? I thought this was-I’m sorry, I must have misunderstood. Forgive me.”
This time, your heart breaks for a different reason. Loki sounds so hurt, so unsure of everything, and you can hear a scared little boy behind that velvet voice. “No!” You nearly shout, turning around to pull him back to you. “I want to be yours, I promise,” you say as you tug Loki back into your arms, running a soothing hand down his back. “I just wasn’t sure if that’s what you wanted.”
The relief in Loki is visible as he relaxes into you. “Love, I am yours as much as you are mine, do not doubt that.”
The pet name brings a smile to your lips. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you reply happily. Heart full, you roll back over so that Loki can snuggle into you again, and finally let your drowsiness overtake you. You catch a faint, ‘I love you,’ just before you drift off to sleep, and though it could just be your mind playing tricks on you, you know that you love him, too.
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
Your grace! Bless us with a Natasha x reader where the team is invited to a wedding by a close friend of Tony’s. Then when the bridal bouquet is thrown, the bride throws it too hard where reader accidentally catches it and the team is just going “Oooooh!” And reader is like “I’m not even in a relationship!” But the team know in secret that reader and Natasha have feelings for each other but are too dumb to know. Just funniness and fluff! 🥰😍 (Your writing is brilliant btw!)
I loved this request!! I hope i did it justice <3
it’s a wedding thing
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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^idk Nat, you tell me^
Summary: When the Avengers get invited to a close friend of Tony's wedding, what hidden feelings will surface? What relationships will bloom? Who will be the next bride?
Warnings: none!
word count: 4.1k
Message/ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
requests are open loves
“Alright gang, this one’s for all of us, we all listening?”
A cluster of ‘yes’ ‘go on’ ‘come on Tony’ filled the room, everyone eager to hear what the fancy envelope held inside. It was amusing to watch Tony take advantage of everyone’s excitement, slowly peeling the envelope, gasping when he pulled the letter out of the casing slightly, not letting anyone else see what was written on it.
You, Natasha and Wanda all seemed to share a look of amusement at the dramatics and the almost visible frustration coming off of everyone. It was like watching children try to wait patiently for sweets in a shop, almost completely off of their seats. It wasn’t until Tony noticed that Pepper was giving him a warning look, that he, begrudgingly, hurried up and announced what was written on the letter.
“Wow. Caleb’s getting married.” He spoke, eyebrows raised in surprise. “And he’s invited the team.”
“Well, I’m not going.” A voice spoke from the corner of the room, clearly un-amused by what was currently going on.
“Luckily for you, I don’t see ‘reindeer games’ anywhere on the invitation. So you’re off the hook.” He replied with a tight lipped smile, Thor had been visiting recently to see Jane and pay the avengers a visit and wanted to bring Loki to meet her.
‘A pleasant trip’ Thor said.
‘A living hell’ Tony corrected.
It got a laugh out of the team though. Nat and I especially. We’d spent the last couple of nights in each other’s bedrooms, making a list about our favourite moments through the day where Tony and Loki clashed, making stupid insults towards the other. I think it’s safe to say that we went through multiple bags of popcorn over the nights, though you were both thankful it was there, it was the only thing muffling the laughter, if it hadn't, you’re almost certain the entire compound would have woken up at the sound of our laughter.
You nudged Natasha’s side gently, the bicker between the two men still continuing.
“Hey, Nat.” She turned and tilted her head questioningly.
“So we know how a physical fight between those two worked out. But, if they had to compete in a rap battle, who do you think would win?”
Her face immediately lit up, eyes sparkling which only enhanced their beauty, you could almost feel the cogs turning in her head, trying to go through every logical option.
“Well. Loki seems pretty well spoken, so vocabulary wise, I think he’d be strong. But Tony is sarcastic which can help with quick quips. But then again, Loki-”
“Hey lovebirds, Romanoff, Y/L/N” Tony clicked his fingers, earning himself a pair of eyerolls at the term he’d used. “Anything you wanna share with the team, or can we move on?”
“Overridden. Moving on.”
You looked towards Natasha, snickering slightly at how blunt he’s being, Loki having found his way under his skin again. A part of you felt bad for the man, but that feeling is soon replaced by amusement. It was obvious Nat felt the same way, her sharing the same expression as you, although, you could hide yours much better. She had to physically put her hand over her mouth in the hopes the man wouldn’t notice her.
“So, the wedding is next week, a little short notice but when do we ever have enough notice, who’s in?”
Looking around the room, there were a handful of nods, each looking to see who else was going to go. You looked towards Nat again to see if she was planning on attending, only to find her already staring at you.
“So Y/L/N, up for a wedding?”
“It would be a nice change of pace. Are you going?”
“Only if you are” You blushed slightly at the response.
“Better get your nicest dress on Romanoff.” You winked, her turn to blush and focus back on what the rest of the group was saying.
“It’s probably easy if I list couples first on the RSVP and then the singles.” Tony took a glance around the table, mentally taking note of those who had shown signs of agreement. “So there’ll be Wanda and Vision, Legolas and his wife, Romanoff and Y/L/N, Thor and Jane-” You felt your face morph into one of confusion.
“Woah woah, Tony, back up, what did you say?”
“Thor and Jane, they’re-”
“Before that.”
“I’ve said this before Y/N, Legolas isn’t actually real. I meant Clint.”
“Very funny.” He held a proud smirk. “Romanoff and I aren’t a couple”
You wish.
“That’s not what Rogers said when he saw you both cuddling up on the sofa last night.” Before you had a chance to look in Steve’s direction, you could practically feel the daggers Nat was sending him, making his face cringe slightly and his back straighten.
“That’s what Rogers said, is it?” She spoke, tilting her head in question. You knew she was partly joking, but you’d still decided to intervene before anyone lost any limbs.
“My head fell onto her shoulder when I dozed off during our movie. It wasn’t ‘cuddling’ , thank you very much.” You laughed, internally wishing that Steve’s words were true.
“See? So cut it out.” Steve put his hands up in surrender, despite having a cheeky grin on his face.
“Okay okay. Fine!” The billionaire said, writing something on the envelope. “I’ll just put ‘couple pending’” He muttered
You and the girls had just come back from dress shopping, all three of you had spent the whole day in and out of different shops, hours in dressing rooms and your voices were almost completely gone with how often you were telling each other, ‘that looks stunning’ ‘that’s the one!’ and the most common one by the end of the trip; ‘please just pick a dress so we can go home and nap’. That one was from our very own black widow, her patience wore a little thin after 8 hours of staring at dresses.
You had gone through all the colours and styles while you were out, ranging from classy jumpsuits to figure hugging dresses that felt like a second skin. Wanda and Natasha had chosen their dresses and were eager to find you one, and what a mission that was.
“I promise you, we’re not going home until we find this dress, okay?”
“Wanda’s right. We’ll stay out until they all shut if we have to. But, let’s make that a last resort.” Natasha eyed you both warily.
You’d been walking around for hours now. Each dress you tried on had potential, but there was always something that didn’t sit right with you. It was either too baggy, too tight, the cut wasn’t appealing, the length wasn’t ideal, it was starting to feel hopeless. You’d even suggested just going in your pyjamas, but Wanda’s death glare had made it clear that wasn’t an option.
You and Natasha were both dragging your feet, Wanda still having a slight spring in her step as you walked into the final shop and picking up a couple of dresses before then going into the dressing room to try them on.
The first two were okay, but you weren’t a fan. Then there was the third one. The third one was a gorgeous Y/F/C dress that fell just past your knees, it had thin straps and the skirt was simple and loose so that when you spun around in it, you felt like a princess. You looked in the mirror and you adored the reflection, you still wanted the others opinions though, though you didn’t doubt that they’d feel the same way.
Pulling the curtain back and gaining their attention from where they were looking elsewhere, you smiled when you saw their reaction, more specifically, Natasha’s. Wanda was complimentary, walking up and feeling the fabric, gushing about how beautiful you looked, but you barely heard it, too focused on the redhead sitting in front of you, her eyes glazed over and her jaw almost on the floor, completely zoned out on you.
“This dress is it, Y/N, you have to get it! Nat? What do you think?” Her head shook, bringing herself back to reality and briefly meeting your eyes, only to quickly dart between You, Wanda and your dress in an attempt to compose herself.
“Yeah, I mean, wow, you look- wow.” Her hands flailed in your direction. You’d knocked the assassin speechless. Wanda rolled her eyes playfully at the interaction. She’d known about you and Nat’s feelings for each other for a month or two now, silently cursing the both of you when there was an opportunity to confess, yet never did. It was obvious to the rest of the team, why were neither of you picking up on it?
Keeping quiet, she ushered you back into the changing room, much to Natasha’s relief, both because she wanted to head back to the compound and she wasn’t sure how much longer she would’ve lasted seeing you standing there looking literally flawless. She always thought you looked amazing, but there was something about the way you looked in front of her just then that made her brain feel like a haze.
It was pretty safe to say,
You bought the dress.
Collapsing on your bed, dropping your bags to the side and letting out a loud sigh, you heard your door shut and someone fall into the chair by the window. You already knew who it was.
“I’m exhausted.” The woman groaned, rubbing her hands up and down her face to attempt to physically remove the tiredness from her body.
“Sorry for dragging you around for so long, I just-”
“Hey, no, don’t apologise for that. We all said we’d find the perfect dress, and it was worth the wait.” Heat rose to your cheeks at her words.
“You really think I looked good?”
Natasha could sense your underlying tone of doubt, unsure as to why you would doubt her opinion, she’d always been honest with you. Nonetheless, she heaved herself out of her seat and made her way to the end of the bed, kneeling down so that your now sat up figure could look down into her eyes, with her hands on each side of your face to focus you on her and her alone.
“I wouldn’t lie to you, okay? You looked incredible and I'm sure you’ll look even better at this wedding on Saturday, if that’s even possible.” You let out a small chuckle at her words as a smile made its way onto her face.
“You’ll be the prettiest one there.”
“Better not tell the Bride you said that, Nat.” She laughed, looking down for only a few seconds before looking at you again.
“We’ll make that our secret.” You nodded in silent agreement, grateful that she’d made you feel so reassured.
“Thank you, Tasha.”
“You’re more than welcome, sweetheart.” She replied.
You were so lost in her words, you hadn’t realised how close her face had gotten to yours, and how her eyes swapped between your eyes and your lips. You didn’t realise how she subconsciously had kept edging towards you, hands trembling a little with every inch closer she gets.
She wanted to kiss you. Every nerve in her body was almost electrified with the temptation to just move her lips over yours and become one. Her pulse raced, almost to prepare her for doing so. Which is why she wanted to kick herself with a pair of her highest heels when she uttered her next words.
“We should get some sleep.”
You broke out of your trance, jumping backwards slightly when noticing limited space between you both. You awkwardly coughed as she stood, heading back over to her chair to grab her bag and return to her room.
“Yeah, yeah of course. Big today, rest is probably a good idea.” You both nodded, she was already one foot out of the door when she gave you a small ‘goodnight’ and left, not waiting to hear you say it back.
Just like you hadn’t realised her actions early, you were oblivious to her hitting her head off of the wall in the corridor just outside of your room, wondering why she’d backed away. Where was Thor’s hammer when you needed to knock some sense into yourself? She thought before dragging herself back to her room where she would fall asleep, unable to get you out of her head.
“Right! Headcount before we go in! And I want us all on our best behaviour Avengers, this is a wedding” Steve had completely lost you after ‘Headcount’. Not only are most of you fully grown adults, sorry Peter, but he seems to be oblivious to the fact that some of you were wearing high heels, and patience in high heels had an expiry date.
“Y’know, if he doesn’t let us in soon, I’m not afraid to threaten him with his own shield.” You heard a whisper just behind your ear, smirking at the comment.
“I’ll join you.” You answered, Bruce and Clint sharing a knowing look from afar when watching the two of you have your own quiet conversation, though short lived when they saw Natasha’s head move in their direction, their gaze coming to a halt so as to avoid any conflict with their teammate.
You guys could try to hide it all you want, but your entire team knows better than that, they just had to wait it out until you both finally admitted it to the other.
You and the Avenger’s were currently sitting at a guest table, now in the reception part of the evening. The ceremony was beautiful, the bride wore a crisp white ball gown with her makeup and hair done to perfection, the groom looking like a prince in his black tux and a look full of adoration towards his wife to be painted on his face.
Their looks weren’t the best part of it though. The clothes and the accessories were lovely, of course. But all you could focus on was the love shared between them as they shared their vows telling the other how they believed they were each other's soulmate, and that they promised to always be the other’s rock. You’d found yourself with tears in your eyes, barely able to appreciate the sight with how blurry your vision was now. They finally fell when they said their ‘I do’s’, feeling only happiness for the newlyweds.
Although marriage hadn’t been something you always thought about, you’d hoped that you would meet your special someone and settle down, retire from the missions, the battles, the superhero lifestyle and just be with your soulmate for the rest of your days.
Despite not being a couple, whenever you thought of the person you wanted to spend the rest of your time with, there was only one person that came to mind. And she stood right in front of you throughout the ceremony, comforting a sobbing demi-god while he was also trying to explain to Vision why he was in floods of tears.
Music filled the room, upbeat, but calm enough for the couples on the dancefloor to sway gently to the beat, soft lights occasionally shining on them as they danced, the bride and groom being one of them. You smiled gently at the sight, feeling dreadfully single with all of the love in the room, but grateful that you could see so many people look so content and in love with their significant other.
An elbow could suddenly be felt in your side, pulling you from your thoughts to instead be met with gorgeous green eyes and a bold red smirk.
“Penny for your thoughts?” She leaned in, curiosity clouding her mind.
“Nothing much up there really.” You glanced back at the dance floor quickly. “I’m just happy to see everyone so happy.”
Natasha followed your direction of where you were looking, an idea soon popped into her head. She was going to ask you to dance.
Her mouth opened to speak, but as if it was done on purpose, a ‘screech’ echoed in the ballroom, catching everyone’s attention, including taking yours away from hers.
“We’re taking a break from dancing for a minute folks, It’s time for the bride to throw the bouquet!” He announced, soon followed by shrieks and the sound of feet padding on the wooden floor, women all gathering in a small bunch, huddled together as if their lives depended on it as the men all returned to their seats, shaking their heads at the commotion.
Not really wanting to take part, you turned back around again.
“Sorry Nat, what were you-”
“Y/N!” Your head fell as you were interrupted by a very excited Maximoff.
“Y/N! C’mon! We need to do the bouquet toss!” She started to pull you up, refusing to listen to any excuse you could possibly conjure up to avoid having to take part.
Giving the team a desperate look, hoping someone will help you escape, you’re instead met with encouraging and amused faces, including Natasha’s a clear indication that not a single person was going to help you. Traitor’s.
With a half serious eye roll, you quickly grabbed your glass of champagne and kicked off your heels, heading towards the group of screaming women basically crawling on top of one another when the bride was barely up on the ‘stage’ yet. You let Wanda wander off into the group but remained towards the back, sipping from your glass and sending the occasional sneaky glare towards your table.
“You guys ready?” The bride yelled, only to be met with more screams and a faint chorus of ‘yes’ heard among it as they all threw their hands higher. Wanda saw you were just stood there, and subtly used her powers to raise your hand, earning loud laughs and cheers from the Avengers, taking great joy in the scene unfolding in front of them.
“Okay! Three...Two..”
You kept your arm up, pretending to be enthusiastic about the toss, when you realistically didn’t really expect much from these kinds of traditions. What you definitely hadn’t expected, was for your figure to stumble backwards as you suddenly felt petals and stems in your palm, a faint feeling of silk brushing against your thumb as your fingers wrapped around the item.
You almost spat out your champagne, eyes widening in shock as you looked to see the arrangement of flowers in your grip, looking up to see women both disheartened and elated at your catch. How the hell had you managed that? You were literally the farthest person away, and on your own! You must’ve been set up. Okay, a bit of a stretch, but still!
The bride noticeably laughed at your friend’s cheers, she hadn’t meant to throw it that far back, her arm just kinda went full force, but seeing the reaction it caused, she didn’t regret it. She didn’t even regret it when she saw the look of embarrassment on your face, as it was soon replaced with a contagious beam as you walked towards them again, a very proud Wanda in tow,
“Guys! Guys! I’m not even in a relationship! I highly doubt i’m the next woman in this room to get married.” You joked
“Well, I wouldn’t be so sure.” Sam laughed “Romanoff, you got an engagement ring handy?” He yelped as a peanut from the centre of the table was thrown at him, and of course with being a trained assassin, Nat had hit him right in the centre of his forehead, earning a dramatic noise of pain to leave his mouth.
These guys will be the death of you.
After some teasing, the room had filled once again with happy couples dancing, now including some you were very familiar with, one being a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist and his CEO wife, and another being an Asgardian with his Midgardian girlfriend, both gently moving side to side in time with the music.
Letting out a content sigh, you were met once again with the flowers, however, this time, they weren’t on the table, but were held by a gorgeous woman in a flawless navy dress.
“So, I know we aren’t a couple, but, would the future bride like to dance?” She asked, you let out a content sigh, pretending to think it over for a minute.
“Y’know what, I would, thank you for your kind offer.” You took the hand she’d held out for you and led you to the dance floor. While her hands went to your waist, gently tugging you closer, your arms went around her neck, hands interlocking behind her as you, like the others you’d admired all even, swayed.
You’re unsure when it happened, much like a time before, but your head had made its way onto your dance partner's shoulder, your body following suit as it left no room between the two of you, though you weren’t complaining. Neither was the fellow Avenger.
It was peaceful for a period of time, the only sound being the slow music and a quiet chatter of people across the floor. It wasn’t long before you heard the red head above you whisper in your ear once again.
“You really do look amazing tonight, Y/N.” You raised your head so it was directly opposite hers, sending her an appreciative gaze.
“That future fiance of yours is lucky.” She winked.
“Hilarious” You scoffed, fully aware of her humorous tone.
“I know, sometimes I amaze even myself with my jokes.”
“Well, it really is funny, because I honestly don’t see myself getting married anytime soon.” Nat’s eyebrows raised in what could almost be described as confusion.
“And why is that? Do you not want to get married?” Her hands started grazing up and down your waist, like she was comforting you, but really she was bracing herself for what was incoming.
“No, no it’s not that. I just..”
“I don’t think the person i’m interested in, is necessarily interested in me.” Her heart dropped. So you did have someone of interest. She pushed the sinking feeling to the side quickly so that she could respond.
“Right, and why is that?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen them make a move. I thought it’d be obvious. I think it has been to some others.” Your eyes wandered, lingering for longer than what was probably appropriate, on Natasha’s plump lips, wondering if you’d ever get to experience what it’d be like to feel them on yours.
This time, Natasha didn’t miss it. She would’ve blamed it on alcohol, saying that she must’ve just imagined it, but she had only consumed a few drops all evening, being too entranced by you didn’t leave much room for hydration. She hadn’t been more thankful, because it made a light bulb go off in her head as the pieces came together in her head of who you were referring to. She didn’t make a move the other night. It was obvious to the team. How could she have been so blind?
You didn’t see it coming, even when your chin was held in her grasp and you saw her face leaning in towards yours, the reality only hitting you when you finally felt what you’d been wanting to feel for the last months, right now. Your surroundings had just disappeared, the only thing that was running through your head, was the way her lips were moving against yours, and the way her lips tasted faintly of vanilla, and how she smelled like her floral perfume she wore for special occasions.
Whooping and cheering brought you both back from your bubble with just the two of you, your head falling just below her chin, her hand stroking your back as you could feel her chuckle bubbling where your head lay. Well, hid. Her arms had muffled their comments, but you had an idea of what they were, probably a mixture of ‘finally!’, ‘i knew it!’ and you’re almost certain you heard a ‘You owe me 20 bucks.’, that one making you shake your head.
Remaining in your hiding spot, that wasn’t very well hidden, but was keeping your bright red face to yourself, a pair of familiar lips lingered right beside your head.
“So, about that bouquet..”
You weren’t getting married, but by the end of the night, you definitely didn’t feel so dreadfully single as you had earlier.
taglist: @the-dumbass-that-throws-knives
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lovelybarnes · 4 years
peter- p. parker
pairings: peter parker x reader, platonic!tony stark x peter parker, mom!natasha romanoff x reader, platonic!harley keener x reader
warnings: none?
about: based off of this (tiktok trend where you call your boyfriend/husband by their name)
a/n: i wanted to start a tiktok series for the longest time and this is a nice start right? i'm going to include all of the people i write for, i just need to find trends lmao. i hope y'all like this!
you pouted, glaring at tony as he ignored you, continuing to steal peter’s attention away from you. in his defense, you had done that to him before, dragging peter away by the hand the second he finishes in the lab. you could feel the smug look tony was sending your way as you gave up, and you kicked at dum-e in retaliation. “hey, bub? i’m gonna go train or something, please come get me when you’re done, i wanna spend time with you.”
peter nodded, looking over his shoulder for a second to pucker his lips at you and blow you a quick kiss, “okay, pretty girl, i promise i’ll be down in one or two hours- right?” he looked at tony, and the man responded with a distracted nod.
“promise?” you ask, too used to him saying the same thing and spending twice the amount of time. “of course, i can’t spend that much time away from you, angel.”
you blushed, muttering a “fine,” and heading down to the training room.
you were sprawled on the mat, chest heaving while natasha stared at you, “you good, y/n?”
“not great, mom, you really didn’t hold back today, did you?” you asked, eyes closed. you heard nat chuckle, poking you with her foot, “you did good, honey, i’m proud of you. i imagine peter is in your room sulking?”
you groaned at that, rolling over. “i doubt it. how long have we been sparring?”
“almost four hours, why?”
an hour or two, my ass, you thought, sighing. you stood, “nothing, just, he’s busy right now. is wanda around? loki? harley?”
natasha unwrapped her hands, asking for yours as she spoke, “wanda’s on a date with vision, loki is… probably being the god of mischief somewhere, and harley is in the common room doing something.”
you thanked her as she took the bands away, stretching your fingers.
“thank you, nat, i’m gonna go take a shower, thanks for letting me beat your ass,” she shoved you lightly as you walked past, and you giggled, walking to the elevator. pushing up against the glass that let you see into the lab, you spotted peter, slumped down on a bean bag chair tony had put in his lab for your boyfriend. his mouth was moving, hands in the air, and tony was in front of him, nodding along to whatever he was saying with a screwdriver uselessly in his hand. you managed to catch a sliver of their conversation,
“you know how i told you yesterday about ned? well, today, he…”
busy indeed, you thought with a scowl, watching as the elevator rose past the floor and up to yours. you grumbled as you walked to your room and resisted the desire to simply drop on your bed and call harley over, stepping into your bathroom instead.
ten minutes later, you were on the couch of the main room with harley, your head smushed against his shoulder, paying attention to the screen of your phone instead of the movie on the television. “so, you’re angry at peter?” harley asked, and you looked up at him, shaking your head.
“no, no, i’m just upset, i’ve barely seen him all week, and he promised he’d be out in an hour or two, but it’s been four-”
“maybe he’s busy?” harley offered, and you scoffed, “yes, gossipping about ned-”
harley bit his lip, “maybe it was a break?”
you shrugged at that, leaning on him again, “maybe. i still miss him, though.”
harley hummed as you scrolled past the videos on tiktok, coming across one of the couple videos that had been popping up on your for you page ever since you posted a video with peter.
harley swiped your phone in excitement, pointing at the video, “hey, you should do this! scare him a little.”
you tilted your head in confusion, taking your phone back apprehensively, “do what? you didn’t even let me watch, and what are you talking about?”
your eyes settled on your phone, mint letters reading calling my boyfriend by his name instead of his pet name. you laughed at it, realizing that harley was right.
as if reading your mind, harley smirked, “he would freak out, sometimes i think you forget each other’s real names.” you gave him a look, and he raised his arms in a sign of surrender. “i don’t know, it’s not a bad idea. people have been asking me to prank him for a while now.”
“see?” harley said, satisfied with himself. “i’ll do it, if i ever see him again, that is.”
“oh, you are so dramatic,” harley huffed. “you love me,” you scoff, and you feel him nod, “yes i do, now, go away, i haven’t been able to concentrate on my movie at all since you came here.”
you harrumph, and just as though on cue, you hear peter come through the door of the living room. you hum when you feel him press his lips on your forehead, “hi, beautiful,” he greets, shoving harley’s head away as his hello.
“hello to you too,” harley mutters, and you feel peter tug at you, “come on, let’s go to your room.” you laugh and pat harley’s thigh, “i’ll see you later, harls.” he waves you off, and you stand before letting peter drag you to your room. right when you’ve clicked the button to your floor, peter still outside of the elevator, you remember the video, stiffening up. “actually, can you get me some water, peter?” you ask, and you only catch a glimpse of peter’s face as his eyebrows furrow, voice saying a cut off “yeah,” the elevator doors closing on his face. you chuckle while the elevator lifts, scrambling to pull out your phone and setting it up to make a tiktok. you sprint to your room, closing the door quietly and sitting on your bed, pretending like you were on your phone as you waited for peter’s hurried steps to come closer.
three tentative knocks came from your door and you clicked record before telling peter to come in. “hey, princess,” he spoke softly, and you smiled, “hi peter.”
he winced, setting down the glass of water on your table. you gave an insincere frown, “what’s wrong?”
“i just- did i do something wrong?” peter asked, puppy eyes in full blow. “no?” you say, feigning confusion, “why?”
“it’s- you called me peter,” he whined, and you breathed out in a sort of laugh, “is that not your name?” you queried, and peter puffed out his cheeks, “you only call me that when you’re mad.”
you laugh fully now, “when have you ever seen me mad at you, peter?”
peter crosses his arms, huffing, “i don’t know a peter.”
your mouth falls open slightly, “peter!-” you don’t get to finish when peter turns his head away from you, bottom lip jutting out and eyes looking up at nothing, “peter isn’t here, i’m bubba, or handsome, or-”
“oh my god,” you snicker, “dude, it’s-”
peter turns to you, mouth open in indignation, “dude- y/n/n!” he cries, and you drop your phone on the bed, noticing the video is done.
you’re smiling, stretching your arms out to him as a peace offering, “it was just a tiktok, petey, and it was also all harley’s idea-”
“i thought you were mad!” he complains, accepting your arms and wrapping his own around your waist, head on your chest. you respond with a small snort, running your fingers through his curls, “i didn’t think it was this big of a deal, it’s just your name, bub.”
peter doesn’t respond, nuzzling his head further into your boobs, “mean.”
you just roll your eyes, grabbing your phone to post the tiktok (which amassed over three million likes after an hour).
(@lovelyrdjr )
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Can't Keep a Secret
Word count: 4300
Warnings: tickling, fluff, reader with an inability to keep secrets, reader with a crush on a certain god of mischief
I'm so excited for 100 followers!! I didn't expect so many people to actually be interested in my writing when I started posting 🥰
This one is based on @atlas-of-the-universe's request here for a fic where Loki tickles the reader to get information of some kind 😉 I hope this is what you were looking for!
This one also has a little more crushing/romantic fluff than some of my other fics at the end, so if you're not into that just skip that part. As always, completely SFW!
* * *
No one ever seemed to do anything nice for Loki. So, when Thor approached you to ask if you’d help him and the others plan a surprise birthday party for his brother, you wholeheartedly agreed to assist. As the Avengers’ best party planner, you jumped at the chance to start brainstorming ideas to make this party the best Loki had ever experienced – including on Asgard. And, if it meant he’d pay a little extra attention to you, well… that was an added bonus.
The only problem was – you were terrible at keeping secrets.
It wasn’t as if you went around spilling the details when someone asked you not to tell the others about something. You knew enough not to just blurt out the fact that you were planning a party. Unfortunately, though, you had a tendency to let your feelings show in your facial expressions. Trying to keep secrets made you anxious, knowing you’d been the one to accidentally say just a little bit too much in the past and ruined other surprises.
The fact that you were the worst secret keeper was no… secret, for lack of a better word. Your teammates frequently exploited this fact when they wanted to know what you were hiding from them. Tony, especially, loved to talk circles around you until he could get you to trip up and give some detail away. On the other hand, they also tried not to let you in on too many details when they were planning a surprise for one of the other team members.
This time, you were determined not to give anything away. You were thrilled that the team was finally going to do something special for Loki, and you were NOT going to ruin it by spilling the beans to the trickster. Thor was probably one of the more trusting members of the Avengers, and he assured you when he asked you to help with the party that he had faith you wouldn’t screw up (quite literally in those words).
You started researching online to get some ideas. This party had to live up to the standards of an Asgardian prince, so you couldn’t just order a few pizzas and beer and call it a party. Plus, Tony had offered to pay for the whole thing (you suspected he felt guilty for having accidentally blasted Loki through a wall in the training room with his new Ironman suit the week prior) so your funds were basically limitless.
Inevitably, though, you were bound to run into situations where you had to spend time with the raven-haired god without allowing yourself to let any details slip.
The moment Loki first started to suspect you were hiding something was when he walked in on a conversation you were having with Thor in the kitchen. You had been asking him about the Asgardian mead his brother loved so much and wanted to know if he could manage to get some here on Midgard for the party.
“What is it about the Asgardian mead that you like so much better than standard alcohol?” you inquired curiously.
“Ha! That is a very funny question, Lady Y/N,” Thor laughed heartily. “As if any Midgardian liquor could so much as hold a candle to the spirits we drink on Asgard.”
“Hey! I enjoy my tequila! Margaritas are arguably a delicious alcoholic beverage,” you bantered.
“You truly believe this ‘margarita’ as you call it could compare to the smooth, sophisticated taste of an Asgardian mead?” Thor countered.
“I must agree with my brother on this one – I have seen this ‘margarita’ drink you speak of, and it is highly unlikely to be superior to Asgardian spirits.”
You gasped involuntarily when you heard Loki’s voice in the doorway, spinning around to face him with a look of bewilderment on your face. He cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow as he scrutinized your expression.
“Oh, hey Loki! Didn’t see you there,” you greeted, trying to lean casually against the counter you were standing beside.
“Yes… it appears you didn’t. You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.” Loki folded his arms across his chest, eyeing you intently. “What was it that brought you to the subject of Asgardian liquor?”
“Oh, that? Well…”
“I was just informing Lady Y/N that I have been feeling a bit nostalgic thinking about the celebrations we had on Asgard, when we would drink heartily with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three,” Thor cut in, quickly interrupting you mid-sentence. “Brother, you must recall the time you had a bit too much while drinking with us and…”
“I believe that’s quite enough nostalgia for one evening, dear brother,” Loki cut in, appearing almost frantic as he glanced quickly at you before turning back to glare at the elder Asgardian. “Stark asked me to inform you he requires your assistance in the laboratory. You’ll need to continue this conversation another time.”
“Ah, yes, alright then. Another time,” Thor agreed, winking at you before he exited the kitchen. Loki followed close behind, but not before giving you one last calculating glance before he crossed through the doorway and out of sight. You let out a breath of relief, hoping he hadn’t thought much of the conversation.
You noticed, though, that Loki started conveniently popping up around you more often after that incident. Maybe he didn’t want Thor to have the opportunity to tell you about whatever embarrassing story had occurred when they were younger, you thought. Regardless, it meant that you had to be extremely cautious about doing any planning for the party in any of the common areas.
The second time you nearly let something slip was during a hushed conversation in the training room with Peter after one of your sparring matches. He had pulled you aside after training to ask your opinion about whether he should ask his friend MJ to attend the party with him. He’d had a crush on the girl for quite some time, and now that she knew his secret identity he thought it might be time to introduce her to his Avengers family.
“I’m nervous she might not want to come, but I think it would be a great chance for her to meet everyone when the focus would be on someone else,” he explained. You hiked your backpack up onto your shoulder with your training gear and made your way toward the door to the training room with Peter by your side.
“Why wouldn’t she want to come? From what you’ve told me, she seems to be more of a social butterfly than you are, even,” you asked.
“Yeah… you’re right, I’m probably overthinking this, aren’t I?” he chuckled. “I just don’t want to screw things up!”
“What are you screwing up this time, spiderling?”
You stopped short as you heard Loki’s voice from behind you, making your heart leap into your throat. You turned around, trying not to look startled.
“Oh, Peter wants his friend MJ to attend… a training session with us!” you fibbed, trying to think quickly. “You know, so he can show her his Spider-Man moves!”
“Yeah! That’s right,” Peter agreed, nodding vigorously. “I’m going to go call her right now, thanks Y/N!” Peter scurried off down the hallway, leaving you standing with a somewhat skeptical looking god of mischief.
“Why was Peter asking you about inviting a friend to his training? Would he not have asked Stark?” Loki inquired. You shrugged in a non-committal way.
“Who knows? Anyway, uh, it was nice talking to you, but I’ve got to get going… big assignment to finish up tonight, can’t really stop and chat. See you later!” you blurted, not waiting for a response as you hurried toward your room. Phew, that was close, you thought to yourself, hoping he hadn’t been standing behind you for too long.
Later that week, you found yourself alone in the common room while watching television. You pulled out your laptop during one of the commercials and started searching the internet for caterers, hoping to find something fancy enough to appeal to an Asgardian god. You had thought that everyone else was out for the day, so you weren’t overly concerned about anyone seeing what you were doing.
“What mindless reality television show are you watching today?” The smooth, baritone voice caused you to jerk your head up from your laptop screen and instinctively slam it shut. He hadn’t even been standing behind you to see what you were searching – it was purely on reflex that you closed the computer. Loki raised his eyebrows at you. “I see you aren’t really watching anything, are you? What is it you were viewing on your computer?”
“Nothing! I mean, nothing exciting, really. Just some old photos that I was trying to sort through,” you stammered, standing up with the laptop clutched to your chest. “You can have the TV if you want, though. I have to go… work on that assignment some more. I was just taking a break. It’s almost done!” Loki opened his mouth as if to say something, but you didn’t wait around to let him ask any more questions that might make you give away something you shouldn’t. You spent the rest of the evening in your room, avoiding the trickster at all costs.
The next morning, after getting ready for the day, you grabbed some breakfast before heading back to your room to continue to do some additional party planning research where Loki wouldn’t walk in on you unexpectedly. You shoved the last bite of one of Thor’s pop-tarts that you’d stolen into your mouth as you approached your door, opening it and walking toward your desk where your laptop sat. You always left the door slightly ajar when you were in your room, and so you were quite surprised when you heard the door thump shut behind you, the lock clicking into place.
“You’ve been hiding something from me.”
You stopped dead in your tracks, your heart pounding in your chest. You turned around slowly, staring wide-eyed at the god of mischief now standing in your bedroom between you and your only exit. His hands were clasped behind his back, his blue-green eyes gleaming ominously as he stared you down.
“Oh, hey Loki! What brings you to my room?” you asked, trying to sound casual.
“Let’s end this little charade, hmm?” He took a few slow paces forward into the room, closing the distance between the two of you. “It’s become clear to me over the last week that you have knowledge of some information that you do not want me to become aware of. I’d like you to tell me what it is.” His tone was calm; low, but dangerous. You swallowed hard.
“Loki, I-I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t have any secrets.” You took a step back from the advancing Asgardian, your back meeting the cold, hard wood of your desk behind you.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is up to you,” he threatened, stepping even closer so he was only a foot away from where you stood trapped against your desk. “Tell me what it is you’re hiding, or I will… coerce you into talking.”
“Coerce me? Heh, what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked nervously, your hands gripping the desk behind you.
“I have my ways. I am the god of mischief, after all.” Loki stood in front of you unmoving, a barrier holding you hostage against your desk.
“Even if I did have something to hide, you wouldn’t hurt me. Your brother would kill you,” you warned.
“I never suggested I would hurt you, darling. I would never do such a thing.” He took the slightest step closer. “You seem tense. Am I making you nervous?”
“Good.” A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. “Have you decided, then? Will we be doing this the easy way or the hard way?”
“I told you, I have nothing to hide,” you insisted.
“Very well then. We’ll do this the hard way.” Quickly, you darted around Loki toward the door, trying to make your escape. He was faster, though, catching you with an arm around your waist and dragging you back so your back was against his chest. “Tell me, darling…” he growled in your ear, making you shiver, “… are you… ticklish?”
“Wha-“ you opened your mouth to protest but stopped speaking as you felt gentle scratching on your side. You shook your head quickly, suppressing the giggles that were threatening to rise out of your throat. If you stood still long enough, maybe he would give up.
“Do you think you’re fooling me by not allowing yourself to laugh? I felt you tense up immediately the moment I touched you.” He tightened his grip, wrapping both arms around your waist and digging his fingers into your sides. You snorted at the sudden sensation, doubling over to try to fight your way out of his grasp. “As I suspected. You are extraordinarily ticklish.”
“S-shut up, Loki!” you demanded, your muscles relaxing as his fingers stilled against your sides. He released you, allowing you to turn and face him but still standing in between you and the door.
“Now then – are you going to tell me what it is you’re hiding? Or do I need to tickle you until you are begging for mercy?”
You felt your face flush with heat. You’d been tickled before, certainly, but only for a few seconds at a time, and never as a means to pry information from you. Truthfully, though, you were enjoying this playful side of Loki. You were also determined not to tell him about the party – it would be so much more fun if it were a surprise, and he deserved to have fun. You braced yourself, folding your arms defiantly across your chest.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
Before you could react, Loki had tackled you, and you found yourself flat on the floor with your wrists pinned over your head. Your heart hammered against your ribcage as the dark-haired Asgardian loomed over you, his smirk growing wider.
“I see you’ve made your choice, then. But I should warn you – I don’t do mercy.” The fingertips of his free hand connected with your belly, lightly tracing the soft skin through your shirt. You turned your head so you wouldn’t have to look at him, his knowing stare making it more difficult to prevent yourself from laughing. Slowly, he applied more pressure until he was clawing at your belly with all five fingers, varying between the center and sides and analyzing your expression to evaluate your response.
“I-I’m telling y-you, t-there’s nothing to t-tell,” you insisted, jolting a little each time his fingers found a particularly sensitive spot.
“Unfortunately, I don’t believe you.” He shifted his attack to your side, his fingers spidering gradually up your ribcage. Your nerves were alight with ticklish shocks, helpless giggles now bubbling out of your chest.
“W-whyhyhy don’t you believe mehehe?” you asked, your tone starting to sound more desperate.
“You’re not exactly subtle. It’s rather obvious when you’re trying to keep a secret.” Loki was now scratching in between your upper ribs, and your giggles were evolving into desperate laughter. “I see this is becoming more challenging for you. I wonder – should I try to identify all of your weak spots? Surely one of them will get you talking.”
“NOHOHO LOKI!” you pleaded, thrashing to try to free your wrists from his grasp.
“You’ll need to provide me some information, then. What was it you were really discussing with my brother the other night?”
“HE TOHOHOLD YOU!!” You shrieked as Loki’s fingers found purchase under one of your arms, your feet pounding against the floor in desperation.
“Honestly, Y/N, I didn’t believe a word either of you said.” His fingertips grazed the underside of your upper arm, tracing from your elbow down to your underarm and back up again. You hadn’t realized how ticklish the soft skin of your arm could be, but his maddeningly light touch had you writhing to try to evade his fingers.
“STAHAHAP THAT!” you begged, yanking at your restrained wrists to try to lower your arms. Even before you were in this weakened state, the god of mischief was stronger than you.
“Then talk.”
“Aha!” he exclaimed suddenly, lifting his fingers away from your arm. You sucked in air desperately, letting out the residual giggles as he allowed you a moment to recover. “You ARE hiding something! You’ve given yourself away.”
“I… but… no I didn’t!” you pouted. He chuckled, a genuine grin spreading across his face at your adorable, disappointed frown.
“It’s too late now. You may as well tell me your secret.”
“I won’t tell! I’ll never tell!” you barked, a sudden surge of bravery rushing through you.
“I’m afraid I must continue, then,” he stated, feigning pity. “Why don’t you tell me where else you are ticklish instead?”
“What? No! I won’t tell you that either!”
“Fine. It’s much more amusing for me to locate your weak spots myself anyway.” Loki released your wrists and in the same motion reached behind him to squeeze above your knees with both hands. You yelped at the unexpected touch, trying with difficulty to sit up now that your arms were free. You reached toward Loki’s sides to try to retaliate but he was too perceptive, grabbing a wrist in each hand using his cat-like reflexes. “You don’t want to do that, darling,” he warned.
“Oh, but I think I do,” you argued, trying your hardest to break free of his grip. He wrestled with you for a moment, successfully forcing you onto your stomach so you could no longer sit up and try to counterattack.
“Now then – where were we?” he huffed as he sat himself down on the back of your legs, pinning you in place. You lifted your upper body up onto your elbows and turned to look at him, keeping a close eye on his hands. “Ah, that’s right. You were about to tell me what you were discussing with the spiderling the other day.”
“No I was-“ your retort died in your mouth as Loki’s fingertips touched down on the backs of your knees. “L-Loki, hold on, don’t you even think about it.”
“Why? Too sensitive?” he teased, tracing one finger along the tendon in the back of your knee. You let out a squeal, only egging him on as he began to flutter his fingers against the thin skin there.
“You hardly sound threatening when you’re giggling like a child,” he taunted, tracing along the skin on the inner sides of your knees. You reached back desperately with one hand while holding yourself up with the other elbow, trying to grab hold of his tickling fingers. He snickered at your feeble attempts, reaching up quickly to slide his fingers under your arm so your elbow would buckle beneath your torso before returning his attention to your knees. “This could all stop if you’d just tell me what your secret is.”
At this point, you’d come to the embarrassing realization that you were actually having fun, despite your abdominal muscles aching from laughing so hard. You were also still determined to keep the party a secret, if not for you then for Loki’s own good. You picked yourself back up onto your elbows so you could turn and look back at him defiantly.
“No!” you declared.
“No? I see I must not be trying hard enough, then. Let’s try somewhere else, shall we?” Loki shifted his weight so he could pin your legs down with his shin, his gaze turning down toward your socked feet.
“Don’t… you… dare!” you warned, noticing where his line of sight was directed. He placed his fingertips teasingly against the soles of your feet, maintaining eye contact with you, eyes glowing with mischief.
“I’ll give you one final chance. Spill,” he ordered. You merely smirked back at him.
“Make me.”
Without another word, Loki sprang back into action, his torturous fingertips skimming along the soles of your feet. Frantic giggles spilled from your lips as you tried jerking your feet away from his touch without success.
“I’d wager you’re regretting what you said now, aren’t you?” he goaded, scratching under your toes with one finger on each foot. Your giggles pitched up as you curled your toes to prevent him from reaching the sensitive skin. “Are you prepared to talk now?”
“NEHEHEVER!!” you screeched, still determined to win. Eventually he’d get tired of this and give up, right?
“Then I’m afraid you leave me no choice.” You practically screamed in ticklish agony as his fingers once again connected with your ribs, darting rapidly up and down your sides and under your arms, scribbling into the small of your back, fluttering against the sides of your neck and behind your ears, never staying in one place long enough to grow accustomed to the sensation. Your laughter fell silent as you tapped your hand hard on the floor, signaling you were giving up. Seeing your signal, Loki’s fingers stilled against you, still pressed gently into your sides as a warning that he could start right back up again at any moment. “Talk.”
“I will… alright… just… just give me a sec,” you huffed, your chest heaving with exertion. Your mind was racing, trying to come up with a plausible lie that would satisfy the god of lies. Your heart sank as you realized you couldn’t possibly come up with something in the next ten seconds that would fool him. It had to be the truth. “I’ll tell you, but you have to swear to me you won’t tell your brother that I told you.”
“That depends on what it is you’re about to tell me,” Loki bantered.
“No, I’m serious!” Loki shifted so his weight was no longer pressed on your legs, and you turned over into a seated position on the floor. “Promise me you won’t tell.”
“Fine. I promise. Now tell me.” You took a deep breath.
“We’re planning a party. For you. It was supposed to be a surprise.”
Loki was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. His blue-green eyes searched yours as if trying to find any hint of a lie in your face. His face softened a bit as he began to realize you were actually telling the truth.
“What for?” he asked, his tone flat.
“For your birthday.”
“We don’t celebrate birthdays on Asgard, we have far too many of them to be excited for them.”
“Ugh, Loki, don’t you get it? Thor wanted to do something nice for you! I wanted to do something nice for you!” You held his gaze, trying to prove to him you still weren’t lying.
“You wanted to do something for me?” His voice was low, but there was something different about his tone; something you hadn’t heard before. Hope? Excitement? You averted your gaze down to the floor, poking at the fibers in the carpet with your finger.
“Yeah, I did. You deserve something nice. You’ve come a long way since New York. And you’re… a good friend.” You felt heat rush to your face. You’d nearly revealed another secret, one you had no intention of telling him today. Or ever. Unfortunately, Loki was perceptive.
“That sounded like another lie, Y/N,” he stated ominously. You risked a glance up at him, seeing a smirk slowly spreading across his face.
“What?! No, it’s not!” you argued, the warmth in your face spreading to your ears.
“Haven’t you learned not to lie to me by now?” Loki suddenly grabbed hold of your waist, dragging you closer to him. “Or do I need to repeat the lesson?” His fingers latched onto your ribcage, squeezing and kneading with maddening precision. Still exhausted from the previous attack, you immediately caved.
“ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I like you, ok??” Loki stopped tickling you, not yet releasing you from his grasp. You covered your flushed face with your hands. “Happy now?”
Loki pried your hands gently away from your face, tilting your chin up with his finger. His eyes were softer than you’d ever seen them before as he gazed at you, a small smile on his face. With a surge of confidence, you closed the gap between your faces, pressing your lips to his. He kissed you back, gently but passionately all at once. When he finally pulled away, he grinned at you.
“Yes, I am happy,” he said simply. You smiled shyly back at him.
“Good.” You hardened your expression a bit, although admittedly it was hard to wipe the smile off your face. “You still have to act surprised. I can’t have people thinking I can’t keep a secret.” Loki laughed at that, his voice rumbling in his chest.
“But you can’t, darling.” He gave you one last poke in the side, eliciting a whine from you. “I’ll do my best to act surprised. I am the god of lies, after all. I should be able to put on a convincing display.”
“Good.” You allowed him to help you to your feet before shooing him out the door. “Now, get out of my room. I still have planning to do.”
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled, stopping in the doorway to look at you. “I’ll go, but only if you’ll have dinner with me tonight.”
“Only if you don’t tickle me,” you countered.
“Sorry, love, but I can’t make any promises,” he replied, winking. You sighed, smiling at him.
“I guess I’ll take my chances then.”
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
hello writer!! i was wondering if you could do a fluff arranged marriage loki oneshot with the prompt “can we makeout now?”
thanks for considering!
Dating and Marriage
Relationship: Loki x Reader
Warnings: N/A, just fluff!
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: alright i hope this is okay and ended up well i love the arrange marriage AU and i thought i was gonna be better at putting this together but maybe its clunky or something idk i still like it so i hope you do as well!
It had taken you a while to get somewhere in your relationship with Loki.
When the two of you were informed you had already been promised to one another before either of your births, you weren’t too shocked. As both of you came from royal standings, arranged marriages were far too common for a variety of reasons. In your case, it was to cement a peace treaty.
Sure, at first, you and Loki were very annoyed with the decision, especially since neither of you was ever even given the chance to be in on the conversation but that annoyance wasn’t allowed for very long. You two were adults now and had to take on your royal responsibilities as such. That responsibility included following through on the outlined marriage.
Loki didn’t seem to harbor any malice towards you and you never held anything against him. But, still, it wasn’t like you two were in love. You were tolerating one another.
And for a while, that toleration was enough. As a couple, you were quite poised in public. Sometimes you thought maybe it was hard for others to believe it was an arranged marriage based on how much you seemed to accept each other’s company. It was okay at times, you felt like you had a friend. Being a royal in a whole new palace could be lonely. Loki at least would spare you some time to sit and chat.
But this unusual friendship you two had started after the wedding was growing into something else for you day by day. And as much as he probably wanted to deny it, you could see something shift within Loki. He’d look at you differently. Reach for your hand when out of the public eye. Even began inviting you to spend his leisure time with him.
There was no avoiding the fact you two were headed on a different course than originally planned in this arrangement and despite its prevalence, you two didn’t speak about it. But you were growing greatly tired of ignoring it.
"We should go on a date," you suddenly said one afternoon. You and Loki were sitting in the library. He was in his favorite chair, consumed with some fairytale while you were seated on the couch across from him, in the process of knitting…something. You didn’t know what — you had only taken up knitting because you had heard other princesses did it. Making scarves had become all the rage.
You could feel Loki eyeing you suspiciously as you tried working on another stitch.
Eventually, he placed his book to the side and spoke. "A date?" Loki echoed.
You shrugged, not taking your eyes off the yarn. "Yeah, a date. You know, just the two of us. We could go out or — or maybe make some dinner here. I’ve been having the kitchen servants teach me about cooking."
"I know what a date is," he sighed. "What I meant is, why should we go on a date? We’re already married."
You felt a bit defeated with that response. You set your yarn on your lap and looked at your husband. He was watching you quite intensely, waiting for your answer. You shivered under the icy stare.
"Y-You don’t want to—"
Loki cut you off abruptly. "I didn’t say that." He glanced down then back at you. "It’s just that… Dates are for wooing, yes? Why would I need that when I can already tell you’re taken with me."
Your heart dropped. You blinked at him, stunned. You hadn’t expected him to just…admit he knew what was working up in your mind. There was some pride in his eyes at your reaction but behind it, you could make out a hint of fascination.
You tried shaking off your pounding heart. You promptly picked back up the yarn, continuing your hopeless scarf, as you responded, "Have you never considered that maybe your wife still wants to be wooed despite the status of her interest."
"So you admit," he chuckled, "you have fallen for me."
You scoffed, "Don’t act all high and mighty. I’m well aware of how you look at me."
You heard Loki lean back in the chair as the leather of it creaked. You could feel his eyes roaming over you but you didn’t know in what capacity. Whatever was in his eyes now you were ignoring as you frantically tried to focus on knitting and not your love confession.
"Okay," he eventually said. "We’ll have a date."
It was impossible for you to hold back the smile forming on your lips.
After minimal deliberation, Loki agreed to let you cook for him. You had heard that the Midgardians used food as signs of love and were fascinated with trying to learn some dishes. You studied with the servants for days trying to perfect a meal. They were always a little uncertain about letting a princess in where servant frequented but once you explained this time you were cooking to please your husband, they giggled like schoolgirls, excited to help.
Once you felt prepared enough, you informed your husband of when you wanted the date. You may have had to do some rework of both your royal schedules but it was fine. Meetings are forever, love can be fleeting.
You were preparing the food when Loki hesitantly entered the kitchen. You had explained that you two would be eating at the kitchen table. It was just a little table where servants usually sat to eat meals or relax in between shifts.
Loki had originally protested this saying he was not of such low status. You assured him that there was no intimacy to be found at the grand dining hall. It was far too big and annoying for two people. He didn’t argue further, just mumbling that he’d be there at the time requested.
And, luckily, he followed through.
"Hi, honey," you smiled, watching the stew simmer above the flame.
Loki took his seat gently as if he was going to catch something from the table. "This is really what you wanted to do for our date?"
You nodded. "I’ve had so much fun learning this meal and doesn’t it smell great? I think it’s going to be nice. I ever have bread baking." You motioned towards the stone oven. Loki followed your gaze but didn’t look impressed yet.
"We could’ve very easily had someone make this for us," Loki pointed out. "We have that luxury, darling."
You rolled your eyes, turning back to your bubbling stew. You could feel your anger bubbling in the same fashion.
"That’s not the point, Loki," you said, the tone in the kitchen shifting as you spoke his name. You rarely ever did. He perked up as you continued, "The point is that I, your wife, like you and would like to express my adornment through a freshly cooked meal."
Loki fell silent with that, something that was so rare for him. You didn’t push any further, though, and instead killed the fire under the stew and presented your bread from the oven. You divided it out into individual portions then placed each on the table. Still with an annoyed, sour look, you sat across from your husband. He was watching the stew, you were watching him.
"It—It looks delicious," he said
"Thank you," you mumbled. You two dug in then, this date now turning out a bit more awkward than you had planned. Neither of you spoke for a while, instead filling the kitchen with the slurping of soup and chewing of bread.
Loki soon began looking between you and the food like he was working up the courage to say something which was absolutely ridiculous to you. Your husband was one of the most outspoken people in the realm.
Eventually, you just decided to look up at him, your eyes begging for him to say whatever he wanted to say.
"This meal is lovely," Loki eventually said. "Th-Thank you for…doing all this."
You smiled, a faint blush creeping up on your cheeks. "You’re welcome."
Loki finished his stew then asked, "What else should we do on this date?"
Now you were really blushing. While taking your little cooking classes, you asked the servants what else goes on on dates. They seemed like lovely girls and you were curious. You had heard stories before of dancing and parties but you wanted something more intimate and you had never actually been on much of a date before. You spent time with boys in your youth and the night before your wedding you and Loki had talked for a little bit but nothing was ever of such fashion.
One servant had informed you, quite shyly, that she and her boyfriend always finished their dates by making out. You had gasped, amazed at her bluntness but then remembered these were servant girls. They lived far less controlled lives than you.
You were partially envious but then you realized, technically, you had a husband. A husband who was capable of making out with you even if such actions and beyond were typically reserved for very a calculated time — heir bearing, such intimacy only happened during the time when potential conception was at its peak.
"Well," you said, running your spoon through your bowl of stew, "one of the servants that helped me said her and her boyfriend end their dates with make-outs."
"Making out?" Loki repeated, brows raised in surprise. "But it’s not—"
"I know."
He looked away. You could practically see the gears turning in his brain. "You want to make out with me for fun."
You giggled at his shock. "Is that so unbelievable? I thought we already established I am into my husband."
"Yes, but you, well, neither of us, have never been so bold before."
"But it’s not such a bad thing," you shrugged, "to be so bold."
Loki hummed in agreement as he eyed you. There was something in his expression you couldn’t quite put your finger on but you definitely knew something between you two had shifted. It had already been shifting, sure, but your newly expressed desires opened the dam walls.
"Alright, dear, I think I can indulge you."
You smiled at his excitement which he was certainly trying to hide. But you maybe wanted to take a moment to maybe mess with him a bit. "Hmm," you glanced around at the dirty pots and pans, "after we clean up."
Loki’s jaw dropped. "What?"
"We can get on with our date once we clean up."
"You’re kidding me, right?" He pointedly asked. You shook your head. Loki huffed, "When did my wife become such a tease?"
You stood up, collecting your bowls and plates, bringing them to the counter. "I’ve always been like this, honey," you said. "Maybe you just have to get to know me a little bit more."
Loki began stalking towards you as you pretended to be fooling with the dirty dishes. "Well, darling," he said as his hands came upon your hips, "there’s something you must know about me and it’s that I don’t like to be kept waiting."
"I can maybe leave all this for later if you ask nicely."
He scoffed. "Are you asking me to beg?"
You shook your head. "I’m just asking you to ask nicely."
"Fine," he sighed. "Please, can we make out now?"
You sighed, leaning into his hard body. His arms moved to wrap around your waist now. "Yes, your majesty."
Loki chuckled lowly, dangerously, in your ear. "Thank you, princess."
He leaned his head around and within seconds, your lips were captured with his, getting more and more lost in one another as you two become a miss of kisses and touches.
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earlgreydream · 4 years
| loki x reader | fluff | 
summary: you and loki cross paths on a rainy day
warnings: only the slightest bit of steam if you squint
a/n: I needed something sweet and soft, and I miss the rain
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You were walking along the cobblestone path to the tiny coffee shop you loved. The town you lived in was small, but you loved it and had lived there your entire life. It was quaint, with a vintage feel and sweet little cottages. 
Clouds hung heavy overhead, and the air smelled like rain. You pushed open the shop’s door, hearing the familiar chimes of his bell. 
“Hi, Y/N! Your usual?” The barista called. 
“Please!” You said with a smile, leaving your card on the counter. She grabbed it and nodded, taking the order of a customer who walked in behind you. 
You sat down on the faded yellow couch in the corner, opening the novel you’d brought along, soothed by the smell of coffee. The barista placed a steaming london fog on the small table beside you, setting your card down with it. Soon, your novel was forgotten as you sipped the tea, watching customers come and go. 
A man walked in that you didn’t recognize, catching your attention. Bright blue eyes stood out on nearly white skin, and he was wearing black jeans with a dark green shirt. He definitely stood out against the locals, but he didn’t pay any attention to the girls and guys who turned to watch him walk. 
The shop had gotten busy, all the tables full. He looked around, and you sat up, pulling your legs off the couch and pointed to the other side. He smiled and walked over, setting his bag down. 
“May I sit?” He asked politely, and you nodded. 
“Of course. I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself, sticking your hand out. He shook it, a bright smile crossing his face that made your insides erupt in butterflies.
“Y/N,” he repeated, “that’s a beautiful name. I’m Loki.” 
You blushed, laughing shyly at his unexpected compliment. 
“It’s lovely to meet you. I’ve never seen you around here before,” you commented, curious as to where he came from.
“No, I’m traveling through. I, my car, broke down on the edge of town, and I had to leave it at the shop. I walked here for a drink.” He explained with a defeated chuckle.
“Oh, that’s terrible, I’m so sorry.” 
“Having coffee with a stunning girl isn’t exactly the worst detour.” 
You bit your lip and looked up at him, warmth spreading through your face. He was incredibly charming and by far the most attractive man you had ever met. You shook your head, hiding the warmth in your cheeks. 
“So, where did you come from, Loki?”
“New York.”
“New York? You’re a city boy,” you giggled, earning a soft smile from you. 
Loki thought that your laughter was the prettiest thing he’d ever heard, and he found himself wanting to be the cause of it.
“I guess so. And you? Are you from here?” He sipped on his black coffee, leaning back against the couch and looking at you, studying the way your nose squeezed as you smiled, trying to bite back the giggle he wanted to hear.
“Born and raised. I love it here.”
“I hear the girls in this town are charming.” He teased you and you grinned at him before sipping your tea. The two of you kept talking, and he learned that you liked to read, just like him. You both loved poetry and classics, and he couldn’t keep the smile off his face as you passionately talked about the novels you loved. He quickly discovered the two of you had quite a bit in common, and he could’ve sworn he was dreaming. 
“I’m so sorry, it’s the auto shop,” he smiled apologetically as he answered the call he received on his phone. 
“Mr. Laufeyson, we won’t be able to fix your car until tomorrow. The radiator is blasted, and we need to get the piece from the next town over. We’re so sorry for the inconvenience.” The owner apologized, and he sighed.
“It’s alright. Thank you.” He sighed before hanging up.
You took note of the frown on his face.
“Bad news?”
“I’m stuck here for the night, my car isn’t an easy fix. Is there accommodations here?” He asked you, and you nodded before a thought occurred to you. 
“There is, it’s a bed and breakfast, but it’s right on the other end of town. It’s nearly three miles, and the weather is bad. I live close and I have a guest bedroom. Why don’t you stay with me?” You asked, surprising you.
“I could be a serial killer.” He pointed out, making you burst into laughter.
“Serial killers don’t read poetry about love.” You pointed out, making him smile.
“Fair enough. At least let me cook you dinner, for the trouble.” He begged, and you smiled with a nod. 
“Come on, we can run to the market.” You stood, slipping your book into your bag. The patrons of the shop watched the two of you leave together, and he followed you out and across the street to the market. He bought ingredients to make a fancy pasta that you struggled to pronounce the name of as you tried to repeat it after him. 
As the two of you walked back to your house, the sky cut loose, rain pouring down from the clouds. You shrieked at the cold rain, making him grin. You grabbed his hand and broke into a run toward your house, thankful the ingredients were in a waterproof bag. The two of you were soaked by the time you pushed open the door of your small yellow house. 
“It’s so cold!” You squealed, laughing as you kicked off your shoes inside and dropped your bag. Your hair stuck to your face, and his once-perfect hair had now fallen in dark waves. He set the ingredients on your table, and you tried to speak through your uncontrollable giggles.
“Give me your clothes, I can toss them in the dryer.”
“I haven’t got anything to change into,” He admitted and you shrugged.
“It’s fine, you’ll never dry like that, though.” You pointed out, pulling your own dress over your head, leaving you in tight black boy shorts and a matching bra. He admired your confidence, and you reached your hand out for his own clothes, a blush creeping across your face as you caught him looking at you for an extra moment. He kicked off his jeans and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing toned abs, and making you bite your lip. 
You took your clothes and tossed them in the dryer before lighting a fire in the fireplace. You grabbed a towel for him, and wrapped one around you, squeezing the moisture from your hair. 
“Your home is cute,” Loki said as he began to boil water for the pasta and he turned on the stove, making the sauce from scratch.
“Thank you!” you said proudly, earning a smile from him. You sat on the counter beside where he was cooking, watching the way his muscles moved as he expertly cooked. 
“Where’d you learn to cook?”
“I went to culinary school for a year.”
“Why’d you leave? Are you secretly a terrible cook?” You teased, kicking your feet and bringing a smile to his face.
“No, I wanted to study literature.”
You opened a bottle of wine, pouring two glasses that you drank prematurely while he cooked. You had returned to your place on the counter, watching in fascination as he made the meal. He described the process of making the dish as he did it, and you were enamoured by the gorgeous man. 
“Dinner, darling?” Loki inquired, serving two plates of the elaborate dish.
“Please!” You slipped off the counter, following him to the table. 
“Loki, this is incredible.” 
He thanked you, and you ate and he recalled horror stories that led to him leaving culinary school. He listened to your sweet laughter at his stories, finding himself laughing along with you. It was impossible not to with your contagious giggles. 
“I’ve never eaten a fancy dinner in a towel.”
“I’ve never cooked and eaten in a stranger’s home.” He confessed, making you grin at him.
You insisted on doing the dishes since he cooked, but he protested, not wanting you to feel like he was making you. You promised that you were happy to, and you turned to see him watching you with stunning blue eyes that you could drown in. 
“Y/N,” he said your name, taking your hand and pulling you closer to him. You smiled, biting your lip as you blushed. He leaned down and gently kissed you, and you melted into his touch. His touch was like electricity, and you reached up and threaded your fingers into his dark hair, deepening the kiss. 
He gently tugged at your towel and his, letting them fall from your bodies. He lifted you onto the counter, moving to stand between your legs as the two of you made out. 
You were blushing wildly as you finally broke away for air, and you gazed up into his blue eyes. 
“Finally.” you teased, and he laughed, kissing you again before moving down your jaw and your neck. His lips ghosted the column of your throat, and down to your chest, and you tangled your fingers back into his hair. You shivered at his touch, chills erupting on your skin at his light, erotic touches.
A soft whimper escaped your lips and he slid your bra straps down your arms, unclasping the back and letting it fall from your body.
“Gorgeous.” He murmured, making warmth spread through your chest. You wrapped your legs around his waist and let him carry you to bed, kissing him deeply.
| + |
Thunder rolled through the dark sky, and you stirred beside Loki. Opening your eyes, you saw it was early, too early to be out of bed. You studied the man beside you, who was still sleeping peacefully through the storm. Your hand rested on his chest, tracing light patterns against his skin. 
You leaned over him and lightly kissed his chest before slipping out of bed, pulling his now-dry t-shirt over your head. You went to the kitchen, making pancakes for breakfast, listening to the rain and thunder outside. 
You jumped with a small squeal as arms wrapped around my waist from behind. You back against his chest, and he buried his face in your shoulder, leaving gentle kisses up your neck.
“Thought you’d want breakfast to wait out the storm a bit before going back for your car.” You explained, and he kissed the back of your head, nodding. 
The two of you ate, and once the rain lifted, you walked him to get his car. He held your hand as you walked through the town, your fingers intertwined. You found yourself wishing he wouldn’t leave. 
You stood on the tarmac and watched him pull his car into the parking lot.
“You’re going, then? Off to your next adventure?” You asked, tears threatening to fall. 
“What if I stayed?”
You were shocked, and your eyes grew wide.
“If you’d have me.”  He spoke, getting out of the car. You ran to him and threw your arms around his neck, nodding fiercely. 
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