#esp if he continues to be hellbent on staying
slythereen · 1 year
Genuinely don't get why people want Charles to abandon Ferrari bc like yeah the strategies rn are shit and they need to get their shit together but Charles loves Ferrari, he's passionate and dedicated to the team. Success takes hard work (from everyone on the team) and time and it would be disappointing to see him abandon his dreams just BC there's no huge success right now. Give them time, and besides not everything is just about awards. Idk just my view tho kfjfjsjfke 😭
tbh i go back and forth on this so much. it may be a product of me not being a long time tifosi and feeling significantly more loyalty to charles than ferrari (& lowkey being as much a fan of rbr in terms of brand and vibes, probably), so i don’t feel as strongly about ride or die ferrari…
mostly for me it’s just that ferrari doesn’t seem prepared to back charles completely. i can understand having a shoddy car and struggling with a bad season (or two), even if it’s a bit embarrassing such a big team can’t show some operational competence. but i can’t understand deliberately developing the car away from charles or the frankly baffling strategy calls that charles suffers or how his car is always having problems or how ferrari never seems to fight penalties or how they ignore his accomplishment and contributions on social media
like. i could keep going. i think ferrari’s problems are more than just incompetence and i worry that not having the right attitude/philosophy about it as a team means they won’t become more competent or ever deserve charles. rbr might be cut throat, but at least they fight for their drivers and at least the car would actually suit charles’s driving style. frankly if ferrari is going to treat him like a number two driver to carlos, i think he may as well roll the dice with rbr and his preferences aligning more with max’s
that being said: it really is charles’s dream and means so so much to him, and the times i love ferrari the most are when i see how the tifosi (and to some degree the mechanics) rally around him and adore him and make him so happy. so. you know. it’s 50-50 for me on any given weekend
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reineyday · 4 years
bnha characters as volleyball players (au headcanons)
i have never in my life played volleyball outside of gym class and the occasional beach jaunt, so this is all based off of what i learned from haikyuu LOL
anyways, this started as tags from this fanart by @syblatortue​ of deku, kacchan, kiri, sero, iida and shouto as vball players, and then it got away from me so if you wanna read 2.9k worth of headcanons about powerhouse athletics high school UA then go ahead and press “read more” :)
deku's the calculating setter like kenma and he fanboys over stats from the international to the national to the high school
kacchan used to make fun of him and look down on him bc he used to think too much on court to move properly, and as a kid kacchan used to think that it was spiking or bust so he always gave deku grief and bullied him over being slow and weak
in middle school kacchan was a starter since first year and eventually became the ace but deku was always second string setter
his athleticism was nothing to write home about but he was just good enough to make the bench
in their middle school tournament their starting setter got injured and deku had to step in to set for a match for the first time ever
powerhouse volleyball high school coach yagi toshinori is watching and he sees all the aborted plans in deku's setting choices
he sees the gutsy sets that miss and the one successful dump he did that threw everyone off-guard (even deku himself), and yagi remembers what it was like to be hungry for volleyball seeing the look in this kid's eyes and he recognizes the brain on him
their team loses there though bc the fact is that deku wasnt athletic enough to do it and kacchan is yelling and deku's crying
but yagi approaches deku (who freaks out bc all might is THE legendary vball player of their country, and the nation was SHOOK when after getting severely injured by a malicious spike in the wrong place he chose to coach high school vball, even if the school was a powerhouse school and also his alma mater lol)
but anyways deku babbles and fanboys even through his tears and says he got into UA but he's not sure he can make the vball team, and yagi says he sees the potential in deku's plays and if he trains hard every. single. day. from now until the tryouts at UA, he might make at least the bench
(cue montage)
kacchan is angry to see deku at tryouts and fuckn RAGING when deku more or less keeps up bc deku got buff since their last high school match
unfortunately for kacchan he is actually the one most familiar with deku's playing since they trained together in middle school too, and he almost pops a blood vessel just thinking it but ever since deku started actually being able to get to the ball in time, vball has been more fun ‘cuz the things deku ends up doing are fucking batshit crazy and his sets are begrudgingly his favourite to hit
deku sets right where kacchan can just hit the ball as violently as he can, and it sounds like a bomb goes off when the spike hits the ground
(kacchan also obviously has the best serves and he mixes it up with the power ones like his ap shots, or floaters when he's strategic; he knows how to read the opposing team and either wait or serve really fast and serves up high to blind them like his flashbomb explosions, and he’s really arrogant about his serves but at least he can back it up as per classic kacchan)
anyways they become a really intimidating duo, apart but especially together, because despite the way deku still occasionally cowers from kacchan’s rage and kacchan is often yelling and antagonizing deku, they can read each other really smoothly on court and they match each other really easily, and they both go for the really gutsy shit no one else would think to try (like samu and tsumu going for the freak quick with samu setting kind of gutsy)
kacchan is also antagonizing af and calls the other team extras lol
but yeah, those two along with renown olympic vball player todoroki enji's son shouto are the three most intimidating first years at UA
enji has a very aggressive playing style and where he targets people on the opposing team specifically to make them sweat, makes them feel like he’s hot on their heels even from the other side of the net, always glaring, always strong
shouto hates it and hates the way his dad made him train day in and day out just because he had a good reaction time and instincts for the ball when he was young
fuyumi and natsuo were slow as kids and got immediately dismissed bc of it bc to enji if they werent athletic enough for the ideal vball playing style as children then theyd never be athletic enough to beat all might’s vball career and metrics in the future
touya was fast enough but he overtrained and strained his knees and then continued straining them to play anyways till they were permanently damaged, and by the time he graduated middle school, his doctor put him on orders to never ever ever do anything that might be overly strenuous for his knees ever again
anyways, shouto plays very cool and detached, like even when he spikes the ball right into your face you’ll feel like he wasn’t looking; he’s a middle blocker like suna, stays calm but uses his whole body
deku eventually convinces him that playing with fire every once in a while, especially when he spikes, can be a good thing because at the end of the day, his dad may have taught him the tricks but it’s shouto himself who’s playing, and so it’s not his dad’s style, it’s his own
also the spikes just aren’t as good or as psychologically effective if shouto’s not 100p IN it when he goes to spike one of deku’s demanding sets
and im gonna say shouto is ambidextrous but more comfortable with his left hand in this volleyball au because shouto’s left side is his fire side, and it’s more parallel to the character to make his more aggressive spiking hand his left one but still have him be able to use his left hand for spikes too (it’s also SO stressful for opponents bc angles)
also yes he does indeed only play with his right hand (his ice side) when he gets into UA, and is initially very hellbent on proving to his father that he can become a pro vball player without being as aggressive as enji on court and without using his more dominant hand, the hand that his dad’s been focusing on whenever they trained at home, the hand he’s spent hours and hours spiking and serving with since he was like five years old
one day deku notices shouto’s writing with his left hand and then connects the dots and sort of badgers him into spiking one of his sets with his left hand too and then yeah shouto tells him his life story and deku manages to emotionally coerce him into being okay with his left-handed spikes
(shouto also feels better about it when deku points out the left-handed angles thing)
so yeah that’s the big three scary first year starters: calculating and gutsy deku, who occasionally makes plays so gutsy he’s at risk of twisting one of his limbs in a very scary way (he’s always bruised in weird ass places from volleyball); raging, aggressive but also cunning kacchan, who is undoubtedly the loudest on any court he’s on, and ambidextrous hot and cold shouto, who does a pretty solid general defense with little holes but has scary aggressive spikes
btw shouto’s got a fanclub and they call him the volleyball prince
also at one point they totally play a practice match against shiketsu and UA loses bc inasa starts antagonizing shouto for being exactly like his father (inasa asked for enji’s autograph after a match once when he was a kid and got rudely blown off) and shouto gets offended and starts targeting inasa and then they get outplayed (it was a close match though ‘cuz both of them couldnt get their heads out of their asses and both their teams were suffering as a result)
alrighty, the other players in that fanart lmao!
kirishimaaaaa my dude my bro, super solid libero, always pumps up the team, and his defense is unbreakable! will receive even the scariest, most powerful spikes and smile cheerfully through it; will always insist that you’re manly for playing with everything you have and never letting fear get in the way of going for it
his middle school had a huge and scary substitute gym teacher who didn’t have mercy and spiked hard right to the faces of the students, and kiri really wanted to run forward to receive the spike and yell about how unfair this teacher was but he froze because the spike seemed unforgiving and if he received it wrong, what if his nose broke? what if he fell and broke something from the impact? mina didnt pause though and she received the spike and told off their substitute teacher and then reported it to their homeroom teacher and it was so manly of her, he promised himself he would never hesitate just bc of a scary spike again
btw mina’s all-around athletic and could probably make it onto the girls vball team but she’s probably on the UA dance team (UA is a powerhouse school for many sports, and theyre famous for their athletics department bc they often hire (former) pro-athletes to teach and coach)
iida comes from a family of sprint runners and he’s the one they trust for the most running; he’s their first year decoy and he’s fast af for such a big guy, and he often also provides extra block support from zooming left and right
also enjoys helping out the managers and corralling his team into being good students; he’d offer to tutor kirishima but kiri seems to have fun trying to be friends with bakugou lol; he makes it known that he’s there if kiri wants some extra patience to go along with his studies though
sero guess blocks so accurately people like to say that he’s got tape coming from his elbows, bringing the ball straight to his arms so that he can block; actually he’s pretty known for having weirdly accurate control bumping the ball back from places other than his hands (esp his elbows though), like he’s just so aware of his body, and he uses everything he can to keep the ball off the ground so he’s good at general defense
some other people i wanna mention:
aizawa’s their supervising teacher and the first year homeroom teacher (he gets to hear bakugou explode both first thing in the morning AND right at the end of the day, oh joy); all might just coaches ‘cuz he does other former pro stuff during class time, so he somehow ended up in charge of the volleyball club after the previous teacher stopped being able to
he never went pro but he’s a black belt mixed martial artist, and he still does those parent-child karate classes with hitoshi (who is now close to black belt and on the demo team, since they’ve been doing this since hitoshi was like five) and eri (who just got her yellow belt! aizawa is soft)
only hizashi, nemuri, oboro and his kids know this but he’s also REALLY good at doing aerial silk and he looks graceful af when he does it
hitoshi started kinda learning aerial silk when hizashi took him to a rock climbing place that had the silks on the ceiling (dont at me, there’s a place EXACTLY like this where i used to live lmao) and found out they offer classes there, and hizashi laughed and said “yknow your dad is pro at those right”
ochako is their first year manager, and when everyone is confused about kacchan continuing to call deku something so mean, she talks about how the nickname is cute and gives off the impression that he’s trying his best and when deku grins and blushes and seems to be happy with it, the whole team starts calling him deku with the same intentions and fondness behind it
every time other people hear UA calling their starting setter “deku” theyre so confused
nejire is the third year manager leaving and she does gymnastics and dance outside of school
mirio is the ace and his thing is that he is very strong and very precise, and he moves like he phases through the other players
tamaki is a middle blocker that can adapt all kinds of playing strategies pretty fast as long as he’s got time to digest them and decent food in his stomach—he’s a great decoy ‘cuz his spikes are hard and he’s pretty fast too, and while he prefers read blocking, there are a few times he guess blocks and it’s accurate af and kinda scary honestly
tamaki and mirio are also pretty fearsome ‘cuz people start off scared of mirio’s power spikes and serves (btw his goal is to spike a million service aces LOL), and then tamaki kind of surprises them ‘cuz he seems to be able to just? do everything??? (and theyre extra surprised bc no doubt he’ll be talking himself down and doubting himself before the match and the opponents will think like “oh good he’s mentally weak” and he kind of is but also holy shit??? we got blocked AGAIN???) and so they sort of only keep a peripheral eye on mirio while they start focusing on tamaki, and then all of a sudden mirio’s not where you thought he was and how’d he get there so fast and there other players in the way??? and then mirio spikes one in
this isn’t really related to anything else but you BET mirio can bend low and do insanely accurate bump receives from pretty close to the ground like! his thighs and knees are legend
we don’t really know any second year bnha students, but i’d like to think their starting team isn’t just first years, so i’d say like… hm or mb tamaki is starting setter (all the stuff about adapting and easily digesting strategies still applies, as well as his flexible skillset, it just now includes setting) and mirio is his ace, but all might puts deku in a lot more than you’d expect a bench player to be subbed in not only ‘cuz it shakes up the other team to see such a meek-looking kid do these gutsy-ass sets, but also bc it’s good for tamaki’s mental health that he feels like he’s got a really great setter right there supporting him as well, even though he knows (objectively) that he can hold the fort on his own
so yeah, id say tamaki and mirio for sure starters (mirio is captain), kirishima’s a starter (he’s always been really good, he just used to get a little scared off in matches sometimes, but since the thing with mina, he’s been really gunning for it, and also conveniently their last really good libero graduated the year before and they didn’t really have a good backup), shouto’s a starter (he’s lowkey mad about it bc it feels like he’s fulfilling his dad’s legacy and he doesnt want to be), and probably two second years, that feels fair
bakugou’s benched bc his temper’s still a little too unwieldy for the court (much to his dismay), sero’s still patching up holes in his defense, and deku could stand to watch other people’s playing styles, but u bet theyre all fearsome af when theyre on court: deku seems to be the only one that seems to be able to bring out shouto’s terrifying spikes for now; after their first qualifiers, rumours fly around the vball circuit about his angry pinch server that’s so mad he’s not a regular, he takes it all out on his serves and rip the team that has to try and receive them
well okay, so bakugou is the only that i can qualify as actually fearsome bc even when he’s being intimidating sero is a pretty chill dude, and deku looks too nice to really be scary so the opponents usually arent scared until he starts playing and then for them it’s just this internal monologue of “what the fuck? what the FUCK???”
and sero, while chill, is the type to be aggressively cheerful and grin really wide after he blocks and gives you, the opponent, really supportive feedback that sort of still offends you but in a way you cant refute because every word he said was nice and his demeanour was nice too and yet? you kinda wanna strangle him??? and then he laughs winsomely and blocks your next spike too (like, “awh i noticed you have a tendency to follow here when xyz happens, but better luck next time right? that’s usually a pretty good play”)
and of COURSE their school banner says “plus ultra”
ANYWAYS i went OFF lmao i can’t believe i really wrote 2.9k of headcanons for this
i have waaaay more ideas about what the rest of the class and other characters are up to in this au that is powerhouse athletics high school UA so if for some reason you got all the way to the end then thank you and please interact if you wanna talk more about it!!!
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cannibal-wings · 4 years
If you’re still answering questions about your outlast opinions I was wondering how you feel about Val? I think they have a lot of wasted potential and the in game mystery about their gender has unfortunate implications anyway you look at it but I was wondering your thoughts?
First I’m always open to talk about Outlast for forever all the time any time.
Second, oh boy do I have opinions on Val.
You mostly summed it up pretty well though. I feel like one of Outlast 2′s biggest pitfalls besides the story being a garbage fire, is that none of the villains were all that memorable when compared back to the base game and DLC. I personally feel like there were too many villains and none of them were given enough time to really shine and make a lasting impression.
With the base game, you have characters like Chris Walker, the constant threat that follows you everywhere and who you have a few really intense encounters with who dies in a spectacular way to showcase an even bigger immediate threat to your safety, the Walrider. There’s Trager, who had a short amount of screen time, but is bursting with personality and has quite a few notes and documents to really indicate who he was as a person. (fuck off comics for doing him a dirty). And that’s really... it, for base game bad guys. They’re effective and don’t overstay their welcome. The DLC kind of has a similar feel, there’s Frank, the cannibal who serves as the first real threat and blood-pumper. You encounter him a few times then he goes away... kind of weak but also kind of scary because there’s this lingering tension that he could come back and continue his chase. Then there’s Eddie Gluskin. The character that flips the table and instills in men the same fear that most women have with abusive men. It’s so satisfying to watch reactions to Eddie’s segments in the game because he makes men uncomfortable. Waylon is hobbled, and pursued by a man who wants to do horrible things to him, use him as an incubator for his seed. You’re called a slut, a whore, by a (for Outlast standards) nice looking man in a suit with an appealing voice. It’s great. Eddie’s section is great horror.
Now there’s Outlast 2. A game I think suffers from pacing issues and the fact that it’s just... too long. And there’s far too many antagonists. I love the idea of the dueling “factions”. The cult lead by Knoth and the counter cult lead by Val. That idea is neat. That Val was cast out and makes their own group of... zealots of sorts. If I wasn’t hellbent on rewriting most of the plot, I would say that that aspect should stay. It’s interesting. But the game never really gives you a chance to get to know Val and their counter cult, because they’re too busy giving you Knoth, Marta, Loutermilch, Nick and Laird, and general townspeople to avoid.
None of the villains are given enough screen time to really shine, and none of their single encounters are really stand out worthy. This is combined with the way that none of the villains die or are removed as a threat in a satisfying way. There’s no visceral joy like when Eddie is strung up and impaled by his own actions. The deaths in Outlast 2 just aren’t... equivalent to that, I feel. There isn’t an emotional catharsis and even Blake’s ending when compared to Miles’ falls a bit short. BUT those are critiques of Outlast 2 which wasn’t what this ask was about.
I think Val had the outstanding potential to be a really cool character. However, you also touched on my biggest complaint I have with their character. Way back when Outlast 2 first came out, I was pretty uneasy with the fandom immediately jumping to label Val as a transwoman. There really isn’t anything in canon to “confirm” this, yet it was added to the wiki early on anyways based on headcanons. Which happens with fan run wikis, esp on games with little to no canon to go off of. Red Barrels did not make this any better with their “Val is Val” tweet in response to questions regarding Val’s gender identity. I feel like this was a very, very, weak answer and pretty much a cop out. Either answer they would have given would have gotten them shit, so I can see why they chose the non-answer answer.
My biggest problem with stating that Val is a transwomen comes from the fact that Val is a rapist. They are a sexual abuser. I’m not saying transwomen or trans individuals in general cannot be villains. I would love to see more trans and queer villains who are canonically trans and queer and not just coded that way. HOWEVER. That being said, you have to be really, really, careful of what type of villain you’re doing. I’m a huge supporter of dark fiction, I’ll always defend it, and I’ll defend the right to write fucked up shit in your story. But you need to understand the implications of that fucked up stuff outside of the world you’ve created.
The fact of the matter is that before and during Outlast 2′s production, when it came out, and to this day, there has been a huge push to label real life transwomen as predators. Esp sexual predators. This is a real world issue that affects every transwomen who has ever tried to just exist in peace. So putting a transwomen character in your horror story who is specifically and near exclusively a sexual predator is... not great. Fictional worlds don’t exist in a vacuum. It is deeply important to make sure that you’re not reaffirming negative stereotypes of marginalized people. And Val reaffirms them all. If Val was any other type of villain I think I would like their character a hell of a lot more, instead of avoiding doing anything with them.
You can, of course, still like this character. I’m in no way saying you can’t. I mean shit, I’ve gone to bat for fucking Dr. Wernicke in the first game. But I really wish fandom had slowed down for a half a heartbeat and really thought through what they were implying and what they were accidentally supporting in the mad rush to make Val a transwomen in the popular headcanon. And it’s not all fandom’s fault, Red Barrels 100% wrote in that ambiguity, and they need to really work harder in any new project they do at not repeating this kind of mistake. Have queer villains, go for it, I would love to see it. But make sure you don’t give our community’s enemies more ammo to shoot at us with.
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adonis-koo · 2 years
Missy,,, you must be some sort of genius or something bc THE NEW CHAPTER ????? THE SMUT EXTRA YOU GIFTED TO US ???!!??? OH MY GOD JUST TOP TIER WRITING!!!!! Like first of all,,, no offense to Wicked!Jin but I kinda hate him LMAOOO I do not care how sexc the kids was written I hated how much he was pressuring poor MC🥺 maybe it’s bc she’s my new bby but ,,,, yeah did not like that. Also I’m biased LMAO but I trust Wicked!JK and if he doesn’t like him then,,, that’s all I need to know. Also Areum seemed to hint jin had a reputation too and I trust her v much(pls don’t make her betray us😭) so double reason to not like jin. The bandage scene,,,, now ,,,,, truly genius I ate that shit UP!!!! God I can’t wait for the tension to continue to build and build until none of us, characters included, can take it anymore lmao also,,, I love seeing pissy jk it’s so funny to me like I can see him constantly vaguely complaining about MC and Taehyun just being like “yep. Uh-huh” I wonder if we would ever get to see him talk back a little? That would be interesting and also I think it’s be funny but idk how that would work with the power dunamic since jk is quite literally royalty but ye. Also I can see both sides of the argument like I feel like JK def crossed the line first but MC kept it going and then he kept it going and so like they both contributed to it. Also the speech MC have was so cool! I really loved it. ALSO THE SCENE WITH WHEEIN AND TAEHYUN WAS ONE OF MY FAVS I loved swing them interact and they were v funny. Like wheein is v much here for MC and that’s her girl and Taehyun is like “listen I know jk prob did something but he tells me NOTHING just mumbles about stuff I don’t understand so idk what to tell you” and wheeins just like shaking Taehyun for more info he doesn’t have😭 I loved it it’s giving me v much older sister trying to get info out of her younger brother. ALSO THE PLOT TWIST AHHH YESSSSS this probably indicates something alarming about me as a person but I LOVE when the MC is in danger,,, idk it just makes me giddy esp when the other character(s) is/are hellbent on keeping MC safe it just,,,, scratches an itch for me LMAO and the smut,,, do not get me started that shit was so HOT good LORD like I can’t imagine what’s gonna happen when we get smut with both of them and not just one persons fantasy like idk if I’ll be able to handle it I’ll prob have to take breaks while reading so I don’t hyperventilate lmao thank you for such amazing writing and I can’t wait for the next chapter!! Also,,,, I was the anon who went to the concert and I’m glad I had fun! I did almost have a panic attack when the carts came by bc ppl were starting to rush but I made sure to alert security to be prepared! And a friend calmed me down But yeah it was still p scary and bad, I even have a video where you can see jimin getting hit with a bouquet:( and ! Some horrible girls snuck onto the Ada platform and literally tried to push my mom so they could see better and get closer to the stage,,, my mom was fine but she didn’t go back to that area the rest of the night just stayed close to me,,, I hope the next weekend goes better for everyone who gets to go,, ppl need to behave lmao anyways,, sorry this was so long but you are a genius and your writing is incredible and needs to be praised tbh !!! Also whenever your book is out I hope you let us all know!!! Would definitely love to read it💜💜💜
HAHAHAHA rest assured I think a lot of people are quickly shaping up to NOT like wicked!Seokjin which means !!! It’s all going according to plan 🫣 I didn’t want his character to be an outright jerk for multiple reasons- but a big one was that most guys irl usually aren’t actual dickwads (have met and attempted to date one tho- wouldn’t recommend), they’re usually a lot more subtle and just pressure or say shitty things under the guise of playfulness and like, oftentimes it makes a girl feel even worse then when he’s an outright dick!!!  Jungkook for sure has a reason for not liking Seokjin!
My FAV trope is the idea of MC and Wheein being really close and sentimental with each other and just !!! 🥹 and then you have fckin Jungkook and Taehyun who are just men that !!! Jungkook cryptically ranting about MC and you’re right !!! HAHAHA Taehyun is always like “yup, yeah, for sure sire” and then occasionally he’s like “🤨 are u sure you aren’t part of the problem??” And Jungkook kinda stops and sighs and like “probably but I don’t wanna talk about it” cue his rant continuing 💀I think if Taehyun thought it was really necessary to talk about to Jungkook, he would do so, regardless of the power dynamic.
Partly because he knows that Jungkook would never take advantage of the fact that he has power of his servant, he might get mad at Taehyun but the worst he would do is dismiss him for the day and be a bit cold and strict for a few days before warming back up. Jungkook, though cold and callous on the outside would never misuse his power as Crowned Prince, no matter how much somebody personally crossed him.
HEHEH I don’t think you’re the only one who enjoys a good ‘MC in danger’ trope otherwise I wouldn’t have put it in 🫠 because it gives me a lot of leeway to bring them closer together because like !!! Her life is in danger you guys HAVE to cuddle up 🫠 it just brings us that much closer to the very anticipated moment when they FINALLY crack and cave to the other about their growing affection for one another 🫠🫠🫠
I’m so glad you and your mom stayed safe at the concert babe!! That sounds actually horrifying omfg, I’m relieved nobody and the boys didn’t get hurt in all the chaos. I think the throwing flowers thing was cute at first but some army are starting to get a lil aggressive with it 💀 anyways thank you so much for such a wonderful ask!! 🥹 I apologize for taking awhile to reply I was just trying to figure out where I wanted to begin and what to reply with, I LOVE detailed chapter reviews though ahhh!! 🥹🖤
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