#esp james fucking wilson
cupcraft · 5 months
In loveeee with watching characters age and get older. Love tracking their smile lines and frown lines and the gray in their hair. Love seeing them get older.
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johannestevans · 9 months
i think a really funny house md plotline would be if after cuddy and house are broken up and house starts actually dating wilson, cuddy's mother makes a snippy comment about how house loves dating jews so house decides to convert to judaism just to one-up her
no one would hate this more than james wilson. just he and cuddy just fucking dying, every rabbi in new jersey hates this man so fucking much
wilson loved it when he learned to cook. loves so many hobbies of his. his new obsession being yeshiva is BAD
i just think it would be a really good running plot where house is getting into fucking fist fights w ppl when he's meant to be fucking davening. house in the bath reading rabbinical literature and diagnosing hundreds year dead ppl based on biographical notes
esp bc you know arlene would be like. but aren't you jealous. because he didn't bother wanting to convert for you but he's converting for this shmuck
and cuddy is like. i'm so glad he didn't do this for me and literally all of us is suffering bc he's doing it "for" wilson
you know that there'd be at least one reform rabbi who just. gets really into this awful guy. you can always do with a good doctor who'll take freak cases whether they're poor or what, so he's actually into having this guy on board
but he's just so AWFUL
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stemmefemme · 4 years
McQueen as a Character
Watching Pixar’s Cars as an adult, over ten years after it came out, I find myself asking, “Is this really who I’m supposed to root for?” I had managed to convince myself that it has less to do with Lightning McQueen, and more to do with my love for a good underdog story. That it wasn’t distaste for the character, as much as it was distaste for the safe bet as a whole. Cars 3 almost proved this. I loved Cruz Ramirez, and was rooting for her from the moment she first appeared on screen, yet I loved Jackson Storm, the favorite, and projected winner, almost as much. So why was it that I found Lightning’s character dissatisfying? 
After asking myself this a few times, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s his character arc, or maybe a lack thereof. In Cars, Lightning starts out cocky and arrogant, he has canonically fired three crew chiefs at the beginning, and his disregard for his crew’s advice is ultimately what costs him a win and leads to the three way tie. Lightning’s character is riddled with opportunities for growth at the beginning. He has a strange resentment for his sponsors that gave him this opportunity, and the “one man show” attitude to match, and is constantly jumping the gun. He is self absorbed enough that his own trailer is filled with merchandise and memorabilia of himself. One of the major things that irks me about this movie is the way Lightning acts in Radiator springs. He brushes it off when he gets in trouble, and has this attitude of “I have better things to do than fix my mess.” He refers to the town as Hillbilly Hell, and has zero respect for the people who live there. He talks about his distaste for Rusty Cars to Mater, and when Mater asks what’s wrong with Rusty cars, he specifies that Mater is the exception. I don’t know how it works in the cars universe but that kinda sounds like casual racism? Or tokenism?
About halfway through the movie, Lightning starts to change for the better. The main reason he ever starts change is for Sally. His crush on her, and his respect for Doc after finding out he’s The Hudson Hornet are the only reasons he starts to attempt to know or befriend the other cars in Radiator Springs. His “moment of clarity” where he realizes he should be a better person is also his moment where he realizes his crush on Sally isn’t purely a physical attraction. At the end of Cars, Lightning’s growth is believable and seems to be genuine. It’s a safe assumption that Lightning has become a better person.
In 2011, there was no need for a sequel to Cars, and this shows. I personally love Cars 2, I could go on for hours about what Cars 2 could have been, and was. However, it’s not Lightning’s story. He’s the face of the franchise, yet fades into the background besides a few key moments. The first moment is the intro. Lightning has regressed some since the end of Cars. He is pushing Mater aside for Sally and only even invites his best friend on this trip of a lifetime because Sally told him to. He leaves Mater stranded in this new foreign world, when Mater had done the opposite for Lightning, and showed him all there was to life in Radiator Springs. The Tokyo leg of the WGP was Lightning's chance to return the favor, and he ultimately failed. Lightning spends most of the scenes in the first half of the movie treating Mater as a nuisance.
At the end of Cars 2, Lightning finds, and apologizes to Mater, who was the only friend Lightning had any known conflict with, as the majority of the movie is James Bondesque and focusing on Mater, Finn, and Holley(Who we deserve more of, tbh). I really don’t have any comments on Lightning besides his initial headassery because he doesn’t exist in the movie.
I Literally just think he’s annoying, and mean to Cruz in Cars 3
He’s trying his hardest to hold onto a career when he’s out of his prime, and his refusal to actually heed any of his trainers advice irks me as someone who’s coached different things for a few years
He just was like,,, dismissive of her. Her abilities as a trainer, her wants, the fact that she,,,, has feelings. Until of course he realized that he had no chance of actually beating Storm himself. (Also let’s talk about how Jackson has very clear neurodivergent coding and I’ll go on about that and how it’s damaging that he’s the “antagonist” with how neurodivergent kids could relate to him(esp in the canon book it seems) but that’s for another time.) His “development” in this is accepting his retirement and the fact that he’s not in his prime. Also the fact that his coming to terms with it was copying his mentor almost exactly besides disappearing for 50 something years.
Though his growth seems too sudden to mean anything in Cars. and his general being kind of annoying in Cars 3, maybe I don’t actually dislike him THAT much, I just hate Owen Wilson’s voice so fucking much
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queenerdloser · 5 years
god i finally watched ep 1 of hdm and i’m vibrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that one reviewer who complained about the lack of explanation is just stupid, they give you all you need to know about the world in the opening cards christ
all of the daemons look so great!!!!!!!!!! not cartoony but not the bad lion king cgi either - they clearly have expressions and they feel very real.  i will protect pan with my life
god i was SO pumped when they cast dafne keene bc she was so fucking good in logan and she did NOT disappoint. all of lyra’s keen curiosity, feral attitude, and charm!!!!!!! i love her and i will die for her. 
surprised by how much i enjoyed asriel and lyra’s interaction??? i don’t remember caring that much about their byplay in the book but they managed to be seriously charming during their brief scenes together. also love the dynamic of a useless adult dealing with a bright child. i’m really excited to see them together more even tho we.... won’t really lmao. 
they did so well setting up all the major plot threads!!!!!! there’s a lot happening but none of it is too confusing or too rushed. esp the gyptian children going missing and the introduction of that subplot, which i remember being more subtle in the books but really comes to the forefront here - which is probably the benefit to tv being able to do an omniscient narrator instead of just lyra’s pov
roger is SO charming. what a cute kid. his friendship with lyra was so very cute and i’m glad they spent some time building that up instead of throwing it under the rug considering lyra’s main motivation from here on out is going to be finding roger. if we didn’t have that clear sense of their strong friendship, the entire purpose of her journey would have felt weak. 
GOD RUTH WILSON AS MRS COULTER............... i knew this was going to be good but she’s SO good. already getting the skeevy undertones from her but she’s also so soft-spoken and bright-eyed and beautiful that it’s easy to see why attention-starved lyra would fall immediately for her charms
all of the casting was great actually!!! literally no character yet where i felt it was off. even asriel - i was skeptical of casting james mcavoy but he did so well!! captured asriel’s impatient condescension and fervor excellently. 
i think i always imagined the althieometer as an actual watch but it is described as a compass in the books so i’m pretty pleased with the design. the moment of lyra trying to talk to it to get answers was very cute and also kind of heartbreaking considering how desperate she was. 
also very glad that it was clear how much roger was lyra’s priority - the moment she suspects  he went missing, she doesn’t really care about london anymore and i think that’s really clear in that she almost doesn’t make the airship and only decides to go bc she thinks coulter is her best chance.... idk i was really pleased with setting up lyra’s motivation
that little moment of lyra escaping the librarian to go see asriel at the beginning? SO good. pure lyra and i’m glad the showrunners are very cognizant of her kind of sly cleverness bc that’s honestly at least half the reason i love her. 
the magisterium feels sufficiently oppressing and creepy but tbh their aesthetics are on point.
i got chills several times!!!!!!!!! i had to scream several more!!!!!!!!!! it was SO GOOD and i am vibrating to see more!!! the preview for the rest of the season made me scream it’s everything i want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in conclusion, this is my present for suffering through the 2007 movie and god i’m glad i’m alive to see it, please watch this series so that it doesn’t get cancelled before they renew for season 3 i’m begging u
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henrysfox · 6 years
You know I love you to death, but I don't agree with that. James Gunn made a lot of messed up tweets, not just one or two, but a series of them. And I've read them and they're-- horrific. He makes fun of rape victims, he makes light of pedophilia (over and over again), he makes homophobic jokes, and the icing on top of the cake is the bestiality jokes. I understand the concept of jokes are just jokes. But laughing about rape, pedophilia, homophobia, and bestiality isn't right. 1/2
He was like 42 when he made those tweets. A grown, consenting adult man choosing to put those tweets on a public platform. Implying that he knew the whole world had the option to read it. He made a conscious decision and it bit him in the ass. And his movie Super had a gross disgusting rape scene with Ellen Page and Rainn Wilson -- and it was used as humor. Yes. The violent rape was disregarded as humor and it didn't count because a woman can't possibly rape a man. [2/3]
Sorry this got so long! I'm just saying that for some people -- esp ones that have gone through abuse can't make light of repetitive comments like that. Gunn did wonders for GotG but it doesn't excuse the shit human being he is/was. Change is great, evolution is wonderful, but I draw a line at forgiving pedophilia sympathizers. But again, that's just my opinion and it doesn't need to be anyone elses. I just wanted to explain to you where your anon or anyone else who cancels him is coming from.
but I understand why he was fired, and i’m glad marvel is for once running background checks for their people, tho i think they should have done it before they hired him.
he did a horrible thing and i’m not surprised people hate him and want him fired. but from what i’ve seen on tumblr they already cancelled him for life and wished that he would “die already” because “it’s time for him” and to me that’s just fucked up. it’s the same as it was with stan lee. people literally made posts saying that it’s time this “old asshole died” just because he didn’t want spider man to be bisexual. 
i really don’t care abt james gunn and whether or not he stays at marvel. i just can’t stand tumblr’s hypocrisy. sure, not everyone has to or should forgive him, especially if the whole situation hits a bit to close to home. i myself have celebrities who made jokes abt stuff that weren’t so bad, but rubbed ME the wrong way and i still hate them. but that doesn’t mean i’m gonna make posts telling them to “just die”. tumblr pisses me off when they think they are better than everyone, and they are all judge, jury and the prosecution.
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lightningbig · 7 years
tell us more about the cinderella au pls!! so james is the jock and aleks is the nerd? do they still have awkward encounters at the diner together where aleks has to serve james and his jerk friends? does godmother brett have to deal with aleks raving about his online crush all day at work? (tbh this movie was one of my childhood faves i'm so excited you're gonna do something with it at some point!!)
i started writing the scene where aleks is serving james and his friends and o o f
i love the awkward boys!! esp interactions like that, before aleks knows that the guy he’s talking to online and james are the same person 
he is both gushing to brett about this ‘nova’ guy online and complaining to him about james and his obnoxious friends, how they take up table space only to be loud and disruptive, order something and then not wait for it, leave without paying, not even leaving a tip 
and when they meet at the dance?? aleks is so fucking ready to leave, to call it off, because there’s no way james fucking wilson is nova, and he feels so stupid for ever thinking that this could work 
but james doesn’t ask him to take the mask off, or tell him who he is, just asks ‘immortal’ to give him a chance, so aleks sucks in a deep breath and says fuck it and takes james’ hand and follows him outside and fuck, it really is such a nice night
they talk for fucking hours, all the cliche shit, connect right off the bat like they’ve known each other for years, and aleks is still half stunned that this is even happening. 
trevor doesn’t believe him when aleks says that nova, the guy he’s been talking to online, is the james wilson, but then they walk into school and the fucking flyers are everywhere, looking for “cinderella”, and trevor is laughing so hard while aleks just looks so torn 
(and yess i fucking love this movie so much!! it’s such a feel good flick for me, so so good!! it is definitely an old child hood favorite!!!) 
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voldiebuns · 7 years
Oscars 2018
The Oscars are tonight, who's excited?? I don't tend to watch them except vicariously through tumblr, but I'm actually planning to watch live tonight. Part of it is that I feel like there's a lot of really good films nominated this year, part of it is that I've been getting more interested in the film industry as a whole. Plus my favorite podcast had a great episode about the nominations, plus several about individual nominees (Call Me by Your Name, Phantom Thread, The Post, The Shape of Water, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and various others). I sort of challenged myself to watch as many of the nominations as possible before the Oscars, though as there are iirc 69 things nominated, I knew I wouldn't get through them all. I do think I watched more than most years though, with a total of 7. Which doesn't seem like a lot, but I'm pretty sure I saw like 3 last year lol Most of them I even saw in theaters since I've been watching a lot more in theaters lately. (I will squee about MoviePass in another post sometime lol) I'll likely be liveblogging on my “Oscars 2018″ tag, so feel free to watch me be completely wrong in real time! Which is in not much time at all, wow this post took a long time to do...
Under the cut is my list of watched nominees plus short reviews, and my predictions.
Nominee Reviews
Beauty and the Beast I really only went to see this movie bc my friend had an extra ticket and I was her third string option lol I don't particularly care for Disney films in general and hadn't seen anything to interest me from the previews. I was unexcited about seeing it, and I remained underwhelmed lol I had a myriad of problems with it, from bad costume design (Belle's dress was just so so bad) to uncanny valley CGI (Cogsworth and Lumiere esp) to general boringness (not that that's entirely the fault of the adaption, since it's well, an adaption, but they didn't do anything to help). The only redeeming feature was Gaston and LeFou, both of whom I did really enjoy overall, and I even have complaints about that! Mostly that there was all the hullabaloo about "gay content, le gasp" and there was... none. One split second same sex dance does not gay content make imo. That is paltry rep and I'm not satisfied with that anymore tbh. The Breadwinner I just watched this last week when I happened upon it on Netflix, and I'm so glad I did. It was a beautiful movie, and so so heartwarming/heartbreaking. I was legit crying by the end. The story was wonderful, as was the animation. I tend to do other things on the computer when I watch movies, but I really got sucked into watching. I'm disappointed it didn't get more attention, but I really do highly recommend it. Get Out Just saw this one recently as well after hearing so many good things about it. All of which were certainly deserved. My horror movie experience is not terribly deep, but this was one of the best I've seen. It was so clever and so well acted, it's kind of amazing that Jordan Peele put out such a fantastic movie for his directorial debut. I actually watched Scream, which Get Out has been compared to a lot, on the same day, and tbh this was a much better and more intellectual film. Highly recommended. The Greatest Showman This is actually the only one I've seen twice (so far). I expected to like it since Hugh Jackman and musicals are two of my favorite things, but I liked it so much more than I even expected. Even on my second watch, I was on the edge of my seat for the suspenseful bits and crying for the angsty ones. The acting and singing was fantastic, as was the storyline. I know it deviates a lot from what actually happened, but honestly this movie was so heartwarming and beautiful that I don't even care. My only complaint is that there's been so little attention on the secondary characters, bc I found them so so fascinating! Logan Saw this one the other day after meaning to watch it since it came out. I was... disappointed tbh. I found the plot kind of stiff and confusing, and the acting for the most part was not particularly memorable. I'd heard a lot of good things about this, but I really didn't care for it. Definitely not one of the better XMCU films imo. The Shape of Water If you follow me on tumblr, you may have seen that I was like desperate to see this since I'm a huge del Toro fangirl, and I was really pissed that it took so long to come out where I am. But I finally got to see it and it was just as wonderful as I'd expected!! My only disappointment is that we didn't get to actually see any fish dick lol But seriously, this was a supremely beautiful movie with fantastic acting and fantastic characters. I think that's one of the things I liked best about it, that each of the characters was so distinct and so compelling. Like I had a really visceral reaction to the fingers scene (you should know what I mean if you've seen it...). I was so impressed by that, that the writing and the acting gave such life and depth to the characters and their stories. I was really just enthralled the whole way through <3 Star Wars: The Last Jedi And if you follow me on tumblr, you also know that I hated this movie lol Which was actually really disappointing, bc The Force Awakens was really good and I think that movie set up a really good start for this trilogy. Unfortunately, I don't think TLJ followed through with any of the interesting plotlines that had been set up. Mostly, this felt like an entirely pointless movie to me. It didn't move the plot forward at all really, and I felt it even went backwards (or sideways) on a lot of things. The characters were dull and many of their storylines (esp Finn, which was esp disappointing) didn't really go anywhere or ended up being totally superflous imo. I felt like Rian Johnson was more interesting in making a movie that would get him attention than in making a good Star Wars movie. It feels like just another mediocre white male director being handed the helm of a big franchise and fucking it up bc they have no respect for the franchise or its fans. Honestly, this movie was just so bad that I've lost almost all interest in Star Wars :/
Best Picture: The Shape of Water It's gotten so much critical aclaim and already won so many awards, I feel pretty confident in this one. I would not be salty about Get Out winning instead, but although it got pretty great critical acalaim as well, I still think the Academy is still too racist, plus the fact that it's a horror movie, which is not a genre that is generally seen as legitimate in awards circles. Lead Actor: Gary Oldman, “Darkest Hour” I had no interest in Darkest Hour since I hate war films, but everyone seems to love Gary Oldman in it. I don't necessarily think it's a deserved win compared to some of the other nominations, but I do think it's the likeliest. Lead Actress: Meryl Streep, “The Post” It's fucking Merly Streep, is there more that needs to be said? Supporting Actor: Woody Harrelson, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” I don't even know what this movie is about, but ppl seem to be loving it so... Supporting Actress: Lesley Manville, “Phantom Thread” By all accounts a fantastic movie and a fantastic actress, though I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Director: “The Shape of Water,” Guillermo del Toro No contest, really, since he's won all (or at least most?) of the other best director awards for the year. And I mean, he's my favorite director, so I'm certainly not mad lol Animated Feature: “Coco,” Lee Unkrich, Darla K. Anderson I abolutely think The Breadwinner or Loving Vincent deserves it more, but I think this is one of the categories where most of the voters will not have watched the movies and it's a Disney movie, so of course it will win. Animated Short: “Revolting Rhymes,” Jakob Schuh, Jan Lachauer Since it's the only one I've even seen anything about lol Adapted Screenplay: “Call Me by Your Name,” James Ivory The only other one I think that has a chance in this category is The Disaster Artist, honestly. And I think that Call Me by Your Name is such an arty film gives it the boost. Original Screenplay: "The Shape of Water,” Guillermo del Toro, Vanessa Taylor Lady Bird and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri have good chances here, too, but again, The Shape of Water has gotten so much acclaim. Cinematography: “Blade Runner 2049,” Roger Deakins Bc apparently Blade Runner is the epitomy of cyberpunk. Which is bullshit and The Shape of Water deserves it more but whatever. Best Documentary Feature: “Icarus,” Bryan Fogel, Dan Cogan Really I think it could go to any of them fairly equally, so it's more of a tossup imo. Best Documentary Short Subject: “Heroin(e),” Elaine McMillion Sheldon, Kerrin Sheldon Again, only one I've heard anything about in the category. Best Live Action Short Film: ? I literally have heard nothing so who knows! Best Foreign Language Film: “Loveless” (Russia) Yet again, only one I've heard anything about. Film Editing: “The Shape of Water,” Sidney Wolinsky I think this one's a bit of a free for all, so I just think The Shape of Water should get it lol Sound Editing: “Baby Driver,” Julian Slater Since this is basically the entire draw of Baby Drive afaik. Sound Mixing: “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” Stuart Wilson, Ren Klyce, David Parker, Michael Semanick I don't think it's deserved tbh, but I think it's most likely. Production Design: “Beauty and the Beast,” Sarah Greenwood; Katie Spencer Again, definitely not deserved, but everyone went googoo over it's overall shitty production design so. Original Score: “Phantom Thread,” Jonny Greenwood I certainly wouldn't be mad if The Shape of Water won instead, but from what I've seen and heard, I think Phantom Thread has a really good chance. Original Song: “This Is Me” from “The Greatest Showman,” Benj Pasek, Justin Paul Really not sure whose going to actually win, but I really really think The Greatest Showman deserves it most. This Is Me is a spectacular song. Really, the whole soundtrack was amazing. Makeup and Hair: “Victoria and Abdul,” Daniel Phillips and Lou Sheppard Really the only choice out of the nominees. Costume Design: “Phantom Thread,” Mark Bridges I mean, it's basically what the movie is about, so it should win. Beaty and the Beast is the most likely other choice since it got a lot of attention when it came out, though I found the costume design there appaling. Visual Effects: “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” Ben Morris, Mike Mulholland, Chris Corbould, Neal ScanlanIt's a tossup between Star Wars and Blade Runner 2049, but I think the greater nostalgia will win out. Who actually deserves it? Fuck if I know.
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