#especially as a sith apprentice
peanuttoffee · 4 months
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that scene but it's young Obi-Wan falling instead of Anakin
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gffa · 5 months
One thing that caught my attention while watching The Phantom Menace in the theater, a movie I didn't expect to find anything new with after how many times I've seen it and analyzed it, was that Sidious mentions multiple times that he has to change his plans to fit the new circumstances. It got me to thinking about how Palpatine gets credit for his carefully crafted plans, but often times not for how flexible he is in changing them on the fly, especially in time travel fics where someone destroys one of his plans and that's the end of it. Which, I'm not advocating against, I love a good Take That Wrinkled Walnut The Fuck Down However You Gotta Do It fic and I don't want them to change! But in canon Palpatine makes note of things he's not expecting, like:
When Valorum sends the Jedi as ambassadors, it's not part of Sidious' plan: DAULTAY DOFINE: This scheme of yours has failed, Lord Sidious. The blockade is finished. We dare not go against the Jedi. DARTH SIDIOUS: Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again! This turn of events is unfortunate. We must accelerate our plans. Begin landing your troops. NUTE GUNRAY: My lord, is that… legal? DARTH SIDIOUS: I will make it legal. NUTE GUNRAY: And the Jedi? DARTH SIDIOUS: The Chancellor should never have brought them into this. Kill them immediately!
On the Trade Federation ship, after Queen Amidala has disappeared from Naboo, Palpatine originally planned that she would be forced to sign the treaty, and then brings in Maul to deal with this. DARTH SIDIOUS: And Queen Amidala, has she signed the treaty? NUTE GUNRAY: She has disappeared, My Lord. One Naboo cruiser got pat the blockade. DARTH SIDIOUS: I want that treaty signed. NUTE GUNRAY: My Lord, it's impossible to locate the ship. It's out of our range. DARTH SIDIOUS: Not for a Sith. This is my apprentice. Darth Maul. He will find your lost ship.
On Naboo, after Padme allies with the Gungans: NUTE GUNRAY: We've sent out patrols. We've already located their starship in the swamp....It won't be long, My Lord. DARTH SIDIOUS: This is an unexpected move for her. It's too aggressive. Lord Maul, be mindful. MAUL: Yes, my Master. DARTH SIDIOUS: Be patient... Let them make the first move.
Palpatine's plans aren't static, they adapt and change with the events that happen, just as the other characters react to new information and head in new directions for it, so too does Palpatine and I think it's interesting to note that part of what makes him such a good villain is that he has an outline for what he wants to do, he sets up the dominoes of what he needs, but even when they don't fall precisely into place, he generally gets what he wants. He originally intended that Padme would sign the treaty, the Jedi wouldn't be involved, and that would lead to a vote of No Confidence to oust Valorum, using the sympathy for Naboo as a way to boost himself into the position. But he didn't really need her to sign it and still managed to use the sympathy for Naboo to get elected, it ultimately didn't matter what happened to the planet, so long as it was in danger while he needed it to be, he could use it either way. Nor, honestly, do I think he ever planned for Anakin Skywalker's existence, he had no idea they would find such a boy on Tatooine or how useful he was going to be, that was another way he changed his plans once the opportunity arose. Or a lot of his plots in TCW--he has Cad Bane steal the list of Force-sensitive children and kidnap them, bringing them to Mustafar for some sort of program to use them probably not too unlike how he uses the Inquisitors later. That plan is foiled by the Jedi, the babies are returned to their families, and Sidious' plans fall through, but that doesn't really change the outcome. tl:dr: I don't think Palpatine gets enough credit as a villain whose plans shift and change along with the new events that happen, just as much as the heroes' plans shift and change when new things happen. Yeah, he's a great villain because he creates an impossible trap for people, but also because the thing about him is that he's incredibly charming and charismatic and he knows an opportunity when he sees one, that any one given plan might fall through, but it's not necessary to his overall plot.
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short-wooloo · 6 months
Now that the trailer is out, it's probably best that I get this out of the way before acolyte releases
The Jedi are right about the Force and the dark side
The Jedi did not lose their way
The Jedi were not corrupted
The genocide of the Jedi was not their fault
The Jedi are not wrong for being part of the Republic, it is in fact a good thing
The Jedi are not arrogant for thinking the sith are gone
and while we're at it the sith are evil, always, end of discussion
The Jedi do not steal children
If someone wants to leave the Jedi, that's allowed, no one will stop them
The Jedi are right about attachment
Attachment is not love (SW uses the Buddhist definition because Lucas is a Buddhist and the Jedi are based off Buddhist monks, Buddhism defines attachment as being possessive or unwilling to let go of people or things)
The Jedi do not forbid emotions, they forbid being controlled by your emotions, you must control them
The Jedi are not forbidden from loving people, nor are they celibate, they just can't get married (big whup) because their duties must come first
Being peacekeepers doesn't preclude the Jedi from fighting in war, sometimes to keep the peace you have to fight back, especially when its against tyranny, see WWII (or Ukraine today)
Gray jedi are not a thing
The Jedi are not slavers or complicit in slavery
Oh and of course, the Jedi are not elitists for not training non Force sensitives, (Han voice) that's not how the Force works, dave filoni broke the rules so he could shoehorn sabine into a Jedi (to give the benefit of the doubt, I do believe sabine's role as ahsoka's apprentice was meant for an original character but things got condensed by executives, so maybe filoni isn't entirely to blame here)
The Jedi are not cops
The Jedi are not the government/the rulers of the Republic/galaxy
The Jedi do not persecute other Force groups
Padawans are not child soldiers
Feel free to add anything I forgot
Do not, DO NOT!! add anything Jedi critical, I'm done with it and won't hear it, don't have something nice to say? Then go away, I will block on sight, either reblog without comment (either in the reblog or the notes) or don't interact at all
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lesbinewren · 3 months
i’ve never understood the idea that the jedi arrogantly refused to believe the dark side was rising in the prequels/clone wars. that is just… so blatantly not what we see
when qui-gon first brings it up in the phantom menace they don’t really believe it, sure, mostly because to their knowledge they haven’t seen a sith lord in a millennia, so it is a wild idea. this initial denial has consequences, sure, but it’s hardly the all-encompassing arrogance that people accuse them of.
and then at the end of the very same movie the question is literally posed OUT LOUD if they killed the master or apprentice- they know there’s another out there!!! the problem is they just don’t have the slightest idea on where to look first, especially with palpatine clouding their vision with the dark side.
then they also have a hard time believing initially that dooku is a sith- not because they don’t think there’s a sith around, but because they KNOW dooku, loved and trusted him even, and are having a hard time believing he’d do such terrible things. but once they see it for themselves, they do fully acknowledge that dooku is a sith and has fallen to the dark side.
the jedi KNOW by the end of tpm that the dark side is rising in power. they KNOW that there are sith around. they’re not denying anything, and are actively even working against it, but their vision is being intentionally clouded by a bad faith actor.
they are just struggling to put the pieces together and figure out the best way to handle it (while also dealing with every other problem the galaxy has that gets put on their shoulders and eventually a whole ass WAR), and unfortunately, once they figure it all out it’s too late.
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Snooze Cruise
Anakin’s head was whirling as he got into the speeder.
The Chancellor was a Sith. Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith.
The man had been a close friend for – well, since Anakin had left Tatooine, really.
And he was a Sith.
It was… too big. There was too much to grasp.
Anakin backed his speeder out of the parking spot, turned to fly to the Jedi Temple, and yawned.
This led to him nearly crashing into an air lorry, and he skidded abruptly to a halt in mid-air before shaking his head and groaning.
“I can’t believe it,” he said, out loud.
He needed to speak to someone about this.
He should probably speak to Padme about this.
Turning the speeder, Anakin took the air way to their apartment instead, doing his best to concentrate on flying instead of on the fact that Palpatine was a Sith.
The door opened, and Anakin raised his voice.
“Padme?” he called.
“Ah!” C-3P0 said, coming in from one of the rooms leading off the entrance hall. “Sir, I am afraid that Mistress Padme is not currently in. She is involved in a meeting.”
Anakin almost demanded to know if that meeting was with Obi-Wan, before shaking his head as he remembered that Obi-Wan was on Utapau.
“Should I… let her know you want to see her?” C-3P0 asked.
“No, Threepio,” Anakin waved the offer off. “I’ll just wait for her to get back. It’s… something I need to think about before we talk, anyway.”
“Oh, I see,” C-3P0 decided. “Or, rather, I don’t. But I’m quite used to such things. Do you want something to eat, Sir?”
Anakin waved that offer off as well. “No thanks. I’ll just sit down.”
He divested himself of his cloak, hanging it up on one of the hooks by the door, then went through to the main living area and sat down on the couch.
Within a few minutes, four days of no sleep had caught up with him, and he passed out.
Mace Windu glanced at the time – almost eight in the morning – and then flicked on his comlink.
The first comm code he called produced no reply, even after a wait of several minutes, and he frowned slightly before switching to a new combination.
That one, fortunately, produced a response almost immediately. Senator Padme Amidala answered the call.
“Master Jedi?” she asked. “This is Master Windu, yes?”
“That’s correct, Senator,” Mace confirmed. “I was wondering if you knew where Anakin was. I’ve called his comlink, and he hasn’t answered.”
“I don’t know where he is, no, I’ve been involved in a meeting all night,” Padme replied. “Master Jedi – did you know about the Abolition Act?”
Mace blinked.
“I’d heard of it, yes,” he said. “So far as we’re aware, it’s a legal mechanism to try and dissolve the Jedi… we’d believed it was a scheme by Darth Sidious, an attack against the Jedi.”
He glanced in the direction of the Council chamber. “That’s one reason why Obi-Wan launched his attack on General Grievous on Utapau. We hoped to draw Sidious out.”
“I don’t know if that’s what’s going on, but the Chancellor just announced that the Abolition Act was coming up for a vote,” Padme said. “I didn’t have a clue why, but if Sidious is involved… do you think he managed to get to the Chancellor?”
“It’s possible,” Mace admitted. “When is the vote?”
“It’s outside normal order, so… now,” Padme answered.
Mace turned, striding to the doors of the council chamber, and Kit, Agen, Sasee and Coleman looked up from their seats as he entered.
“Something’s happening,” he said. “Senator, can you keep us updated?”
“I’ll do my best, Master Jedi,” Padme promised.
“How important?” Kit asked.
“As important as it can get,” Mace replied. “The whole Order needs to hear this… I can feel it.”
The vote counts began coming in, and Palpatine tried to suppress a nervous twitch.
He was having to improvise. Improvising in the end game was a difficult thing to do, especially when he had no idea why his gambit had failed.
What should have happened was that he would have his new apprentice, or he would have an open break with the Jedi Order… which would earn him his new apprentice anyway.
But as of now, he had neither. And without his new apprentice, he didn’t have nearly as good an excuse for an open break with the Jedi Order… he could not very well have Anakin give his account of how the Council had been planning to bypass and replace the Chancellor.
If he was going to get his empire out of this, he needed that break. Order 66 could not take place without some kind of reason behind it, something he could point to, and yet it had to take place as soon as possible… the war was entering its final phase, and within days the Jedi would be returning home. Away from their loyal soldiers… away from their hidden assassins.
So be it.
If there was anything that would force a break with the Jedi, it was this. And, as the votes rolled in, Palpatine saw that he had managed it… at a great cost, but he had managed it.
At least four factions in the Senate had been persuaded that they had to vote in favour of the Abolition Act despite Palpatine’s professed wishes to keep the Jedi around. Two of those factions had been persuaded by Palpatine himself arguing that their votes were necessary for political reasons, and that the Act would never pass anyway.
“The motion is carried,” Mos Amedda declared.
“I bow to the wishes of the Senate,” Palpatine announced. “And now that it is law, I am bound to carry it out. The Jedi Order will be dissolved, effective…”
Immediately? No. He needed enough time for them to act rashly, not enough time for them to think.
“...as of ten in the morning, today, Coruscant time,” he decided.
The Senator for Naboo signalled to speak the instant it became possible, and her pod floated out into the central arena.
“I have a reply from Master Windu of the Jedi Council,” she said, without preamble, and Mace Windu’s holographic head appeared in projection from her systems.
“Sure,” Master Windu said. “The war’s basically over anyway.”
Palpatine blinked.
“...what?” he asked.
“The war’s basically over anyway,” Mace repeated. “An hour to pack might be a bit tight, but I think we can fit everything into some of the freighters.”
“Are you saying you’re going to just leave?” Palpatine asked, not quite sure what he was hearing.
“Yes,” Mace confirmed. “We have all been working very hard for years, often without much of a rest, and we would very much like a break. If you don’t want to keep us around, we’ll do it elsewhere.”
The image wavered, and a second hologram appeared next to it.
“We’re with you, Master Windu,” Clone Marshal Commander Bly stated. “Voting’s going on now, but I’m sure of it. All of us are – we quit. We’re your army, not the Republic’s, and that’s how it should be… you won’t waste our lives.”
“You were listening in?” Mace asked, sounding amused.
“If it affects all the Jedi, it affects all of us,” Bly declared. “And speaking for myself, Master Windu… we would very much like a break as well.”
Palpatine was staring at the holograms.
“...you are all listening in?” he said, then decided he was never going to get an opportunity better than this one. “Initiate Order Sixty-Six!”
Commander Bly just looked confused.
“Chancellor?” he said. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’d like to know that myself,” Senator Amidala admitted.
It took all of Palpatine’s immense self-control to avoid reacting to that bit of news.
Hiding Order Sixty-Six in the biochips of the clones forming the Grand Army of the Republic was the greatest bit of deception and complex planning the Sith had managed in-
Palpatine’s train of thought screeched to a halt, backed up, and examined the proper nouns involved.
...the clones weren’t part of the Grand Army of the Republic any more, or of any direct successor organization involved. They’d quit.
Someone, presumably someone Kaminoan, had simplified the programming by using a function definition that didn’t apply in this situation, and he was now buggered sideways with a lightsaber.
Anakin yawned, stretching, and his hands touched metal.
“Mwuh?” he asked, blinking a few times, then rolled over on their couch and fell onto a metal floor.
That got him the rest of the way awake, and he looked around with surprise.
He was on… a starship, with a blanket half-tangled in his legs. There were crates packed and stacked haphazardly around the bed he was on, and the quiet murmur in the Force of sentients elsewhere.
“Ah!” Threepio said, appearing at the door. “Master Anakin, sir. It is good to see you are awake. Shall I inform the rest of the Council?”
“What’s going on?” Anakin asked, touching the hilt of his lightsaber. “Where am I?”
“I’m not an expert at hyperspace navigation, sir,” Threepio replied. “That is more Artoo’s department. But I believe we are about halfway between Coruscant and the Yavin system. A lot has happened since you fell asleep.”
“Including me being moved into a spaceship?” Anakin asked.
“You were very deeply asleep, sir,” Threepio confirmed.
“…you quit?” Anakin asked, ten minutes later, looking between the holographic forms of the other Councillors – and the half-dozen Clone Commanders who were also on the call. “All of you?”
“The Senate voted to disband the Jedi Order,” Mace told him. “The Order’s not part of the Republic, but it could have caused us a lot of problems. So… we left.”
“Our ally, the Force is,” Yoda said, nodding sagely. “Helped with packing, it did.”
“The only thing we’re not sure about yet is why the Chancellor said what he said, during the meeting,” Rex told him. “We’ve been trying to work it out since we hit hyperspace. Politics in the Republic are very confused right now.”
“I could… probably help with that,” Anakin said. “Though I guess first I should say… is Padme okay? We’re – we’re married.”
That resulted in a ripple of laughter through the call.
“We know, sir,” Rex said.
“All of us,” Mace agreed. “You moved in with her.”
“It was actually causing a problem,” Ki-Adi-Mundi informed him. “Students were asking if marriage was really not allowed or just that we were supposed to pretend it wasn’t.”
“Clearly the second option,” Sasee opined. “Clearly.”
“...do you also know that the Chancellor is a Sith?” Anakin said. “He told me.”
“Okay, that is new,” Obi-Wan admitted. “Perhaps we should tell your wife. She might find it useful to know.”
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tossawary · 1 month
Having finished the first "Jedi Apprentice" book... some thoughts based purely on that one book and the movies...
On one hand, I do think that no one should have ever let Qui-Gon Jinn be responsible for a child. Like, yeah, the Jedi Council keeps sending children into horribly dangerous situations all the time (because it's kids media, this is how kids media works), so I will not put Obi-Wan repeatedly being in lethal physical danger entirely on Qui-Gon (it's a little bit on him); there's an institutional issue here. But, for the love of goodness, that aside, Qui-Gon is obviously just not currently equipped to take responsibility for and help a child's emotional and mental wellbeing.
On the other hand, I do think that this was... decently written? The characterization is clear. I do understand why Qui-Gon Jinn thinks the way that he does even if I find a lot of his thoughts infuriating and strongly disagree with his conclusions. His past experiences with a padawan fucked him up and it's coloring all of his current choices, and he knows it but doesn't want to examine exactly how. PLUS there is the cultural / institutional element of even Jedi initiates being deadly little killing machines and padawans regularly being sent into danger. Qui-Gon grew up this way, he evidently views some element of this as normal and acceptable. This is along the lines of what happened to HIM as a child.
And that's interesting. Obi-Wan Kenobi will later turn around and make some of the exact same mistakes with Anakin Skywalker.
PLUS there's the knowledge that Qui-Gon was trained by Dooku and... I have to believe that Dooku was probably worse, honestly. Like, I have not read the additional materials that might show off that master-apprentice relationship, but Dooku became a damn Sith Lord who waged war against the galaxy because he thought that accelerationalism would fix shit, which suggests to me that he was probably a strict and demanding master, probably not especially emotionally available, especially emotionally intelligent, and/or especially respectful of, like, other people's opinions or feelings. I won't assume at the moment that it was intentionally abusive or that there wasn't some affection there; I AM going to assume that the Dooku & Qui-Gon dynamic was in some way dysfunctional as all get out, though.
Qui-Gon is actively refusing to take a padawan because he knows that he's not in a good place for one and doubts his own teaching abilities! He really does not want to be responsible for a child! (And Yoda is going, "Fix him, I can," and by "I", Yoda means "12-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi".) Unfortunately, Qui-Gon is so desperate to avoid Xanatos happening again that he shies away from taking even temporary guardianship of Obi-Wan Kenobi for the duration of a transport flight.
So, while knowing that Qui-Gon Jinn is going to fuck up even harder in later books, my current vibes for him are... He's like one of those unintentionally toxic parents who is doing their best most of the time but honestly can't see what exactly is fucked up about their behavior, because THEIR parents were WAY worse and even more abusive, and also general society generally agrees that "not starving your child" / "not beating your child with a belt" / "not causing any physical harm" is the peak of "good" parenting. I would bet that Dooku's expectations for Qui-Gon's skills and behavior as a 12/13-year-old were extremely high.
So, Qui-Gon means well, and is probably internally holding himself up against Dooku and correctly seeing that he is WAY better with kids than Dooku, but unfortunately, Dooku REALLY sucked as a teacher and guardian. (Like, Dooku may have successfully passed on skills, but the whole experience was generally volatile and unpleasant for Qui-Gon.) So "way better than Count Fucking Dooku" still lands us all firmly on: "Oh, shit, Qui-Gon fucking sucks at this, actually."
And Qui-Gon KNOWS he sucks at this! He knows he's not good with Obi-Wan, even if he doesn't fully grip his own position and impact. He's busy risking his own life and nearly dying multiple times fighting pirates and mining overseers right now in this first book, so he doesn't exactly have the time or the tools to fix his shit right now, even if he knew where to get started and actually wanted to rip open those old wounds. (And he does not.)
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voidartisan · 2 years
So I watched ESB the other day and I keep thinking about the line "that boy is our last hope" especially in relation to Leia's relationship with Obi-Wan.
Because Obi-Wan has met her. He knows her. He knows how powerful she is and I highly doubt that when he said that what he meant was "Luke is the only Force-sensitive out there strong enough to defeat Darth Vader" because it's clearly not true.
But, once again, Obi-Wan knows Leia. Obi-Wan, the man who could never bring himself to end his former apprentice. He knows about her spirit and her fire and her anger. He knows that out of her and her brother, she would be the one who would end the Sith lord with no hesitation and no regrets. Yoda doesn't know her like that.
So maybe when Obi-Wan says Luke is their last hope, what Yoda (and much of the audience) hears is "That boy is our last hope for the galaxy," but what Obi-Wan is really saying is "That boy is our last hope for Anakin."
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midorisudachi · 17 days
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"I have no name, but Jedi like you might call me a Sith." - The Stranger
I haven't posted my artwork here on Tumblr for a while! This idea came to me a few days ago. I truly hope you like this!
How amazing was Manny Jacinto as "The Stranger"? Talk about a totally bad-ass Sith! (And a hot Sith, too!) 😉 I've been wanting to see a true Sith like that (when it comes to live action) for a loooong time! He had the best lines, too. Another favourite of mine was: "I don't make the rules, the Jedi do. And the Jedi say I can't exist. They see my face, they all die." And of course, the coldest & most cruel line was: "Was that its name?" Ah, gave me the chills!
This style of artwork is called "Crosshatching". I haven't done this art style in a long time. It was fun to create. And yes, the proportions are correct! Especially with the right arm...you wouldn't see his right bicep from that angle. I used Sakura Pigma Micron pens for the artwork. The space/starry background was done with Koi Watercolours. White highlights around The Stranger is a Sakura gel pen.
I absolutely loved The Acolyte. (And don't come at me with your hatred towards the series. Any hateful comments will be deleted & I will block you.) I loved seeing an era in the Star Wars universe that was never seen before (when it comes to live action). I'm still lamenting over the fact that freaking Disney cancelled The Acolyte. (Shame on Disney & all the toxic SW fans who did their best to destroy the series...hope your misery & hatred makes you "happy" now.) I want more Acolyte. Shoot, even Manny Jacinto himself stated that he wants a season 2 of Acolyte. Yes, YES, YES! Please! Make it happen. 🥺 There is still so much storyline that can be told. The best lightsaber fights & Jedi vs. Sith came from The Acolyte. I wanted to see more "Ohsamir", too! Darn it! And to see how a Sith trains his apprentice. I want to make an Acolyte era style of Jedi, too! Those gauntlets that the Jedi wear look so cool!
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dealingdreams · 1 month
Qimir's motivations might be a little uncertain. Like all we really know for sure is what he's told us. He wants freedom, freedom to be allowed to practice his power as he sees fit, he wants an acolyte, and he wants the power of two. That said, here just my thoughts.
I think when Mae was asking Qimir about his master aka him, he was actually answering her with some truths about his actual master Plagueis. "He collects people...i owe him" etc...best lies have some truths. Which i have concerns cause we know Palps ends up being Plagie's apprentice and later murderer. Plags did go thru some folks before he found the perfect fit for his world domination plan.
Qimir just doesn't really strike me as someone who is power hungry tbh. i know we techically dont know him well enough yet...but i mean the dude really only attacks when he's threatend. he seems more wounded animal than sith mastermind. so why the power of two...why an acolyte? i think his speech about an acolyte killing the dream...is in relation to how the Jedi at this point in time are the authority on teaching younglings how the force works. they say how and if that power can be used, even going so far as to say that without their teachings, your connection to the force weakens. so having someone showing force capabilites without being a Jedi is kinda a slap in the face to that teaching. Especially if that person can kill a Jedi without the use of a weapon. Like damn..the Jedi aren't that powerful after all yaknow. I think it's just a big fuck you to the Jedi tbh.
He's just wants to be a hot philosophy professor guys
As for the power of two, that is basically the Sith end all be all. He's not a Sith Lord yet...he hasn't taken/been given a name. I really think the only reason he would want the power of two is for his safetly...again he reads as wounded and lost to me...not power hungry. A lot of his choices seem to be made with whatever happened with Vernestra in mind. His shoto blade, which is similar to a saber Luke had in the comics(?) i think...was built to block lightsaber whips. His helmet blocks a Jedi's ability to read his mind or sense him fully. Add in the genuine fear on his face when he sensed Vern...something happened there and it left him so wrecked it's still effecting him all these years later.
Now here is where i think he's fucked.
I do think that he cared about Mae. In fact i think he wanted Mae to succeed and had she not betrayed him I do think he would have continued to train with her. I do also think that he was interested in Osha from the jump, but i dont think at any point he would have tossed Mae to the side for Osha. I think this for the same reason I dont think Qimir was trying to replace Mae with Osha. I think he sees the twins as very different people and has a very different dynamic with them. I think he seized the opportunity with maybe pulling Osha to his side...weither he would have done that had Mae remained his pupil who knows.
Qimir and Mae's dynamic is basically In-Laws lol.
I joke but no i think there was a distance between Qimir and Mae. There was a power imbalance between them. Simply master and pupil. Why he never showed her his face we could only guess. Personally I think it was a combination of him not trusting Mae fully and in case she got caught and a Jedi like Sol or Vernestra went into her Mind. He was simply protecting himself once again. Still he created the persona of Qimir to be a companion to Mae. He still taught her, still assisted her, but did it in an unitimitating way. So yeah I think he cares about Mae. Also just fyi, no I don't think he would have killed her when he found her and Osha at the tree in the aftermath of Sol's death.
So back tho to how he's fucked...Osha...hopefully literally fucked by Osha in the future but also like...he's fucked lol. He never had the choice with showing Osha his face, but he did have a choice on how vulnerable he was with her. We know from literally everyone confirming it that he wasn't manipulating her. He felt a connection to her, felt like she would understand him and he could understand her. That they were the same. I dont for one second see a power imbalance playing out between them. I think many of his actions prove that he views her as his equal. So thats one of the many ways he's fucked. the rule of two doesnt like that very much so i think Plagie might have some issues with that.
I think i could see them like playing master and pupil cause it's safer that way...but honestly they are fucked truly.
anyways ending the rant kinda abruptly lol :P
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ibrithir-was-here · 10 months
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So, Mina in the Bad End AU, I was having a hard time getting her “voice” as it were, and then I had the thought-she doesn’t have one. There was an attempt made to fulfill her wish—and attempt Jonathan stopped, and Turning mostly fixed, but not before it cost her voice.
The lack of an ability to speak doesn’t make her any less a force, especially towards Dracula. Her being turned by him does give him a certain amount of ‘control’ over her, so that she can’t just rip his throat out, and she knows that with how things stand at the moment her family is somewhat beholden to his “hospitality”. And I think he enjoys trying to goad her into darker acts of vampirism (under the justifications of giving Jonathan a break from being their shared meal, and creating a world where her son could walk free without fear of being staked)
But she also knows she’s got all the time in the world to come up with a vengeance to rain down on him sweeter then anything else she could possibly taste. So she waits and plots in silence…
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CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH THERE’s NOTHING ROMANTIC HERE. The vibe if anything is the Sith Apprentice bidding their time to overthrow their hated master and they both know it.
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chemicalreal · 7 months
The jedi: the flawed order that failed the chosen one
Anakin's descent into darkness in Episode 3 goes beyond his personal journey and sheds light on the similarities between Anakin and the Jedi as well as the Sith and the Jedi. Anakin's ability to intuit and foresee the future primarily manifests through his dreams, significantly influencing his subsequent actions. Similarly, the Jedi's perception and knowledge of future events set the stage for a series of plots that culminate in the climactic events of Revenge of the Sith.
Anakin's immediate regret over killing an unarmed Count Dooku and later on Mace Windu echoing the same words as Palpatine did in the beginning, justifying the murder of an unarmed enemy, highlights the skewed perception he forms of the jedi order, portraying them as power-hungry and selfish, akin to the Chancellor, as well as the biggest hypocrites when it comes to their code.
Although Anakin recognizes that Sidious is malevolent and acting out of self-interest, he ultimately places the Jedi and the Sith on the same ethical level and his personal motive of saving Padme becomes the decisive factor in his decisions, leading him down a path of darkness where he rationalizes his terrible deeds with this premise.
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The Jedi's inherent distrust of Anakin from his first day stemmed from their perception that his remarkable affinity with the Force posed a potential threat to their established order. However, this initial judgment proved to be a significant mistake that will lead to their failure, especially considering their recent discovery of an active Sith presence recruiting individuals to their cause. Anakin's journey into darkness begins with a profound sense of rejection by the Jedi Order, stemming from their inability to see beyond their arbitrary requirements and fully embrace his capabilities.
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Apart from Qui-Gon Jinn, who recognizes Anakin's potential, the rest of the Jedi show little faith in him, leaving him feeling isolated and unwanted. Even Obi-Wan's decision to mentor Anakin is more out of duty to his late master's final wish than a genuine connection or belief in Anakin's abilities. Both Obi-Wan and the Jedi Order fell into the same trap as Anakin did in Episode 3 regarding their perceptions of the future, ultimately fulfilling their own fears regarding him and his perceived role. Qui-Gon makes the right call in his belief that an uncertain future doesn't inherently spell doom but rather depends on the choices individuals make. This contrasts sharply with the Jedi Order's fear of the unknown, a poignant irony given their professed stoicism and obsessive rejection of human emotions.
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This mindset causes them to overlook significant aspects of their new apprentice, assuming they could simply be disregarded – such as neglecting the natural bond between parent and child. They believed that by finally admitting Anakin into their ranks, they could simply train him similarly to the young children who didn't develop yet long term memory to remember their parents. However, they lacked the empathy and the compassion to address his concerns about his mother, and they never attempted to create conditions that would allow him to let go of that worry, such as freeing her and ensuring her well-being in a comfortable planet of the Republic. Despite Anakin's valuable contributions to the Jedi on Tatooine and the Naboo army in episode 1, freely offering his assistance without seeking anything in return, the only jedi who was aware they owed him a lot and showed genuine care for him and his mother died in the midst of it all.
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The avoidable circumstances surrounding his mother's death result in an irreparable rift, leading Anakin to lose trust in the Jedi when faced with similar situation involving his wife and the need to divulge the true nature of their relationship.
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Qui-Gon's advice to live in the present, attuned to the living Force, echoes throughout the original trilogy, notably paralleled by Yoda in Episode 5. The 20 years spent in contemplative exile prior to his meeting with Luke make Yoda acknowledge some of his own past mistakes during the Clone Wars and learn from them, proving that no matter the age, life will always provide new lessons to learn. Initially prone to projecting into the future, Yoda's prejudiced view of Anakin in Episode 1 results in a series of missteps that contribute to his own failures. In contrast, by Episode 5, Yoda adopts a similar attitude to Qui-Gon's, counseling Luke that the future remains uncertain and emphasizing the importance of self-belief, confidence and trust in the force, exemplified when he explains that Luke's inability to move his ship with the Force stems from a lack of belief in himself.
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Callum & Viren: Are they similar? Is Callum on the same path as Viren? - Star Wars Analogies
I know there have been posts made before in the Dragon Prince fandom comparing characters from tdp to Star Wars characters, esp Callum to Anakin/Vader as someone who will eventually get corrupted/turn to the dark side and become a potential apprentice to Aaravos, as well as Rayllum to Anidala in terms of Callum being seen as being bound to doom the world for Rayla.
I wanted to share a different perspective of mine as to which characters/relationship dynamics (outside of romantic ones included) from tdp I believe compare the most to which Star Wars characters as a massive fan of both sagas myself.
The number one character from Star Wars that I see Callum being most similar to is Luke Skywalker, whereas a character I think is the best comparison to Anakin/Vader, especially after watching Season 6 of the Dragon Prince, would be none other than Viren himself. While I do know for a fact that the tdp characters aren’t carbon copies of the SW characters I’m comparing them to, I still think that their overall arcs are quite matching.
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Starting with Callum and Luke, on the surface, both are the hero who prevails and saves everyone & the whole world/galaxy from doom, but on a deeper level, they both struggle with a dark side inside of them & temptations to give in to it. And before I continue, I wanted to emphasize that I DO NOT see Callum as someone who’s morally dubious, as there are several instances in canon which prove otherwise, specifically his immense guilt over using dark magic and his fear of becoming corrupted and consumed by darkness in S6 (his nightmare at the beginning of episode 3 perfectly illustrates this), the latter of which is a challenge we also see Luke dealing with in The Empire Strikes Back.
Throughout the Original trilogy, mainly in ESB & Return of the Jedi, we see so many “hints” and “indicators” that Luke might turn to the dark side, who unlike Callum, actually shares many personality traits with his father such as his impatience and recklessness. We see Yoda fear that he might follow in his father’s footsteps before reluctantly training him, we see Vader and eventually Palpatine try to lure Luke to the dark side, even pointing out that they could sense his anger which is a major precursor for that. But in the end, despite all of those temptations, despite all of his anger and eventual fear & rage for his sister’s safety, he ultimately resisted and refused to join the sith.
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Along with seeing many protagonists who may be put in similar situations or even in some cases share some similarities with the main/major antagonist, such as Harry and Voldemort being another example of this, this is why I am a firm believer that Callum will be tested in Season 7, he may be faced with temptations to use dark magic again perhaps as a quick means to defeat Aaravos or potentially save Rayla if it gets to that, or even Aaravos trying to bribe him to join him, but in the end he will ultimately resist, since dark magic, as stated several times before, is merely a shortcut that leads to much bigger long term harm (which I don’t think there would be enough time to even flesh this out in the final season of the Mystery of Aaravos arc). As we’ve seen Callum reject succumbing to his dark side after he used dark magic for the first time, and seeing him willingly do the purification ritual to rid himself of his darkness/corruption in his soul, I do believe that Callum has the power to reject dark magic once and for all and do the right thing (this does not necessarily mean he would sacrifice Rayla if the plot does get to that, but I do think he would find a third option aside from dark magic to save her, like he did back in S3 when he cast the mage wing spell to save her). After all, a major theme in the Dragon Prince is breaking cycles and not repeating previous mistakes, so what would be the point in having those themes or specifically Harrow’s letter in the first place, or better yet have the whole “destiny’s a book you write yourself” line be brought up multiple times if Callum’s just fated keep repeating past mistakes over and over again?
Now onto my next analogy: Viren & Anakin/Vader, the characters who I genuinely saw as those whose corruption & downfalls may have started out of desperation to save a loved one from dying, but ultimately grew into greed and hunger for power.
I could go on about the complexities of Anakin’s character, specifically the ones that got fleshed out even more in the Clone Wars and how there are multiple factors that led to his turn to the dark side, but that’s not the whole point of this post. I know that there are some differing factors between both Viren and Anakin in terms of their dark sides/stories, but ultimately the last straw that led to their corruption was the fact that they were both terrified of losing an important loved one and both were completely unwilling to let that happen, whatever the price they had to pay. We also see them seek some sort of counsel/beg for help, like when Anakin vaguely told Yoda about his visions and fears, and Viren telling Kpp’Ar about Soren’s condition and needing the staff, ultimately both Anakin and Viren were told that there wasn’t really anything that could be done and they both needed to learn to let go. However neither of them were having that, so we somewhat see them both resort to another counsel, both very different but leading to same outcome. Anakin starts to open up more to Palpatine, who in turn manipulates him and convinces him that he has his “solution.” While Viren on the other hand, may have offered advice to Harrow to “do what he must” over his own dilemma, he in turn used that same advice but in a more twisted, corrupted manner. So then, both Anakin and Viren resort to darker approaches to solve their own problems and completely give in to their own darknesses.
I won’t go into deep detail about what they each did, since you can just rewatch these scenes in Revenge of the Sith and Episode 6 of TDP for that, but now I wanted to talk about how despite having the desire to save their loved ones, they ultimately caused massive harm to them. Anakin desperately did whatever he could to save Padme, but in the end, when he thought she betrayed him, he force-choked her then afterwards, she was shattered and heartbroken over his downfall that it led to her death, the very thing that Anakin tried so hard to prevent. While Viren on the other hand may have succeeded in healing and saving Soren, he grew to treat him coldly and abusively to the point where he completely damaged & even destroyed his relationship with his very son that he corrupted himself completely to save in the first place.
Even though I primarily focused on the similarities between Viren saving Soren & Anakin trying to save Padme, I also wanted to point out how similar the impacts were on Lissa and Padme as well, namely how they were both horrified when they saw what became of their husbands.
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Sadly both of them ended up getting assaulted by their corrupted husbands, which then led up to the destruction of their families. And ultimately both Viren and Anakin continued on their dark paths and grew more ruthless, evil, and corrupted until they finally reached their eventual redemptions (I know not everyone thinks that Viren got redeemed but I do believe that his redemption arc was him accepting that he’s done far too much and accepting the consequences for his actions).
So far these are the thoughts that I have on which Dragon Prince characters/relationships I think compare best to which Star Wars ones. And I know that Claudia would also be a good comparison to Anakin since she too struggles a lot with loss and refuses to let go, but at the same time, I see her still being in Anakin’s early villain phase during Revenge of the Sith, not yet having reached the Vader levels that we see during the Original Trilogy era. The way I see Vader & Viren relationships with Luke and Callum’s characters, it’s that the former two represent what the latter two fear of becoming if they do not overcome their dark sides.
But to answer my questions in the header, I do not think that Callum is bound to be on the same path as Viren or that he will let himself be consumed by darkness. Season 6 dealt with his overall guilt over using dark magic, his fear of being consumed by it/being used as by Aaravos, and ultimately his choice to purify himself of his darkness and understanding the consequences of doing dark magic again beforehand. Just as many protagonists get put through the wringer in their final battles, but ultimately persevere and do the right thing, I do believe that Callum will win and not fall victim to his temptations once again.
That’s all I have folks! Thanks for reading this far if you have! And an important friendly reminder (as mentioned already in my bio) if you have differing opinions and would like to disagree and discuss, please be sure to do so respectfully. Otherwise scroll by or I’ll be more than glad to press that block button! 😊🙌🏽
(Screenshot+caption of Lissa scene by @stuck-in-jelly)
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gffa · 9 months
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STAR WARS: TIMELINES GRAPH FOR ALL YOUR NABOO WORLDBUILDING NEEDS. Especially of interest is the line of Queens' reigns: 44-40 BBY - Queen Ekay, appearing in Dooku: Jedi Lost
40-36 BBY - Queen Ameé, appearing in Master and Apprentice
36-34 BBY - Queen Réillata, appearing in Queen's Shadow
34-32 BBY - Queen Sanandrassa, appearing in Queen's Peril
32-28 BBY - Queen Amidala, appearing in The Phantom Menace
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28-26 BBY - Queen Réillata, appearing in Queen's Shadow (second term)
26-22 BBY - Queen Jamillia, appearing in Attack of the Clones
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22-20 BBY - Queen Neeyutnee, appearing The Clone Wars
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20-18 BBY - Queen Apailana, appearing in Revenge of the Sith
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3 BBY - Queen Dalné, appearing in Leia: Princess of Alderaan/Leia: Ordeal of the Princess
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4 ABY - Queen Soruna, appearing in Shattered Empire
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ladyinwriting18 · 2 years
The Gift (Darth Maul x You)
Summary: Returning home after a recent failure, Darth Maul just wants to sink into solitude. But instead he finds a rather large gift box waiting for him.
Words: 5,072
Warnings: Master/Slave, PIV, Oral Sex, Knotting.
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It had been one of the longest weeks of Maul’s entire life. He had barely eaten, barely slept. There hadn’t been time for such things. Not when his Master had given him the important task hunting down the Nubian Princess and her two Jedi protectors. There had been sightings of them in the Outer Rim, but by the time Maul had arrived there had been no trace of them. Which meant that he had searched every desolate planet in the forsaken system. But he found nothing. Which meant that, not only is Maul sleep-deprived and underfed, he’s also fucking livid. Come morning he’d be standing before his Master admitting his failure. The disappointment he’d soon face is undeinable. He enters his quarters, desperate to sink into silence and isolation, but instead he finds a giant and neatly wrapped gift box standing right in his path.
Maul almost loses it and snatches off his heavy black cloak to toss it aside. “What in the Stars is this?” He growls to himself. The anger he feels evolves into tension that it has the muscles between his shoulder blades aching. Slowly, he approaches the strange box. His bright eyes run over it, catching sight of a letter sitting beneath a large red bow. Gloved fingers snatch the note up to read the perfectly written Aurebeshian words. Dear Apprentice,
        Use this gift to ease the sting of your failure. Perhaps taking your aggression out on it will help you remember who you are.                                                                                               -Sidious Nausea rolls through him. His Master already knew he had failed. He didn’t need to be told. He just knew. Which is not only infuriating but also humiliating. Maul crumples the letter in his hand and squeezes until his fist begins to hurt. After a moment he lets it drop. He might as well get this over with so he could finally get some sleep.
He reaches out and pulls apart the bow before ripping away the wrapping paper. Cautiously, he leans forward to look inside but what he finds leaves him stunned. He blinks his eyes a few times to see if he’s simply sleep deprived or if there really is a beautiful and nearly naked woman looking up at him. Your lips turn up into a soft smile. “Hello, Master. How may I serve you?” Maul can only stare. You tilt your head to the side curiously. “Master? Are you alright? You look-” “Who are you? What is this?” He snaps, though he can’t stop himself from looking over the length of your body. You’re in a kneeling position, with your knees closed and your hands folded in your lap. Around your neck a silk black ribbon is neatly tied. It matches the nightgown you wear. It doesn’t go unnoticed that it barely covers your body. Maul swallows….hard. Looking up, he finds your gentle and friendly gaze. No one looked at a sith lord like that, especially not random women. You speak up, your voice is soft….comforting, like warm honey. “I’m yours now, Master. I belong to you.” His brows pull together. He doesn’t understand. “What?” However, his confusion doesn’t deter you from patiently re-explaining. “I’m a gift from your Master and I’m here to serve you, for as long as you want me.” “You’re my….gift.” You warmly smile and nod. He still can’t seem to fully wrap his head around the concept. “A human gift. In a box?” “Mhmm,” You hum. “Although, I could be more useful outside the box. If it pleases you, Master.”
Maul suddenly realizes that he’s kept you waiting inside this damn box for much too long. He also has no idea how long you’ve been inside before finding you. Sidious isn’t known for his tenderness towards women. For all Maul knows you had been made to wait for days. He holds his hand out for you to take and waits, but you don’t move. “Well?” He asks, irritated to see you still kneeling. You whisper, looking rather shy. “I need your permission first.” “You need–what?” He has no idea why you’d need a verbal command to stand up, but his patience is wearing thin. His fingers twitch as his hand remains outstretched to you. “Get out of the box. Now.” You immediately rise to your feet and place your smaller hand in his as you lift your leg over the edge of the box, then the other. It gives Maul an excellent view of your body. You’re beautiful, with an air of grace and femininity. Not to mention your scent is so intoxicating that it has his cock twitching. He continues to eye you curiously, enjoying the way your body moves as you situate yourself in front of him. You smooth out your short nightgown and tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear before sinking back to your knees. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but it definitely wasn’t that. Placing his hand behind his back, he looks down at you from the tip of his nose and starts to circle around you with slow, calculated steps. “Did I hear you correctly? You said you belong to me now?” “Yes, Master.” He stops in front of you. “And you’ll do anything I ask?” You keep your eyes down, but answer without hesitation. “It will bring me great pleasure to fulfill your every request.” He grits his teeth and clenches his hands into fists. But not out of anger…out of anticipation and need. Needs that hadn’t been met in a very long time. “Look up at me,” He commands. You eagerly obey, and look up at him with large doe eyes. You stare at him like you truly want to fulfill his every desire. Everything about you screams submission. It awakens the primal side within him. The one that hiss at him to mate and breed. His Master had said that the gift was meant for him to take his aggressions out on. He could dominate you, take you, and claim you all in a single night. His chest rises and falls at a quick, jagged pace. This stunning little creature is all mine. 
The realization makes him grin. “You say that you’ll fulfill any request?” You nod, “Anything Master.” 
Maul chuckles darkly. He wants to test that theory by having you crawl to him and swallow his cock whole. 
But first? First he wants to play, to see if you really did want to serve him. He takes a step forward with his right foot, placing his boot in front of you. “Kiss it.” Immediately you obey, positioning yourself on all fours. You lean down and press your full lips to the tip of his boot. But you don’t stop at just one kiss. In fact you cover the top of his boot with kisses. The entire time you make soft, sweet noises—as if it’s actually bringing you pleasure to kiss his fucking foot. Maul lets out a rough growl. “Don’t stop.” You purr and lower your upper body even further onto the floor, but keep your hips in the air. It showcases the soft curve of your ass. Your kisses turn to licks, making the tops of his boot glisten with your spit. The sight almost makes him lose control. “Keep going,” he commands through clenched teeth. He can feel his cock pulsing, constrained by his pants but so fucking hard and just waiting to be set free. Clasping your hands around his ankle, you pull your torso off the floor to get closer to him. You hold eye contact with him while kissing and nuzzling your way up the length of his leg. You look at him without fear, without disgust, without judgment. 
It's an unusual occurrence for him. Especially because on his home planet of Dathomir, males are deemed desirable based solely on fighting skills.  But this is different. You are different. You look at him with reverence and lust. A quick peek into your mind tells him that you find him beautiful….exotic.  
Another unusual occurrence that only makes him more eager to claim you. However, once you reach his groin, you stop and sit back on your heels with your feet folded beneath you. You sit with your spine perfectly straight and your hands resting atop your knees, palms up. So submissive and so fucking perfect. “You’re waiting for my command, aren’t you?” Maul asks, as a gloved hand hovers over the bulge in his pants. Your eyes dart to the movement of his hand that’s now slowly rubbing his erection through his pants. You seem transfixed but still manage to reply.
“My sole purpose is to give my Master pleasure. I’m your property to do with as you please.” 
“My property?” He breathes and lowers his pants to release his aching cock. 
He watches with satisfaction when your eyes widen at the sight of it. 
You nod as your gaze looks over the markings that line his shaft. 
“You’re my property,” he repeats, savoring the concept on his tongue. “My beautiful…little…submissive…slave girl.” 
Maul pants between words, stroking himself with a firm grip. 
“Yes Master,” you moan with a lick of your lips as you watch his hand move up and down his length. “I’m your slave. I belong to you and only you.”
“Then be a good girl and come suck my cock.” 
You almost take him by surprise with how fast you rise onto your knees. Within seconds, you have one hand wrapped around the base while your tongue traces over the markings you were once eyeing. 
“My Master is so beautiful.” You moan out while your tongue eagerly works. 
Maul isn’t sure if you meant to say that outloud or not but it hardly matters once you wrap your lips around the head of his cock. 
Your hand and mouth work in tandem—tugging firmly while lovingly sucking. That is until you drop your hand away and deepthroat him. “Fucking Maker.” He swears and throws his head back.
You hum, tightening your lips around him as you pick up your pace and bob your head up and down while sucking him off. He watches you intently. Yellow irises burn with lust at every  flick of your tongue. “Are you enjoying this, pet?” He pants, dick stiffening and pulsing in your mouth. You hum happily and Maul can’t fight the smile that tugs at his lips. Your mouth is warm and so fucking inviting, like his cock was always meant to be there. His hand shoots out to grip the back of your head. Thick fingers tangle in the locks of your hair, moving you up and down at just the right pace. You obey his physical commands and let him fuck your mouth while you slobber all over him. The sounds of you slurping and sucking with so much enthusiasm send him into a frenzy. It’s almost too much. Your skilful tongue. Your hot mouth. The wet, messy sounds of you sucking. And your big beautiful eyes that look up at him full of affection. 
It only makes him want you more. His hands tighten their grasp on your head and begin thrusting his hips forward, slamming his cock into your throat as far as physically possible. You sputter around him, nails gripping and digging into his thighs to hold yourself steady.  “That’s it,” he grunts, “choke on your Master’s cock.” You moan, gagging and groaning while saliva drips from the corner of your mouth. Your brows knit together, face crumpled in pleasure and that’s when he catches sight of you pressing your thighs together. A spark of intense heat bursts through him. You’re getting off on this. Pleasing him. Choking on his cock. Being a good little slave girl. His last bit of control snaps. “Stand up.” He commands and forcefully pulls away, slipping his cock from your mouth. You take a moment to catch your breath before standing. He allows you this reprieve but keeps himself busy by stripping off the rest of his clothing. By the time you’re on your feet, he stands before you naked except for his leather gloves. You look him over, taking in every black mark that decorates his flesh. You take a step forward, hands outstretched as if you want to touch. He doesn’t give you the chance. Instead he places his hands on your shoulders and pushes you backwards until your back hits the wall. He shoves his hand between your legs while the other leans flat against the wall above your head. 
He towers over with a grin, “Be a good girl and open wider for me.” You shift your stance, leaning against the wall so you can spread your legs wider and allow his hand to slip inside your panties. His fingers make contact with your already soaked cunt. A chorus of sweet melodies leave your open mouth. You grind yourself into his touch. He desperately wants to fuck you right here against the wall, but he knows you’ll need to cum before taking his cock and more importantly his knot. So first he’d take care of you and make your sweet little pussy gush all over him. “You’re so wet.” He breathes, he can tell by how easily his glove slides along your slit that you’re drenched.
He prods your opening and watches your eyelids droop close. “What an overactive cunt you have.” “It’s your cunt now, Master. All of me is yours.” He hums in approval and leans in to whisper in your ear. “That’s right, you do belong to me,” His finger traces back up towards your clit. “Every part of you is mine. Including your clit,” He purrs and applies pressure to the sensitive bud. You whine and twitch, nearly coming undone from the firm circles he rubs onto your clit. Being Dathomirian helps to heighten his senses. Allowing him to pick up on the sound of your wetness smashing against his glove. Your head tilts back and your mouth falls open into a tiny ‘o’. You’re about to cum, but he isn’t finished playing with you. Not by a long shot. He pulls his gloved hand away and brings it to his mouth, causing you to sob at the loss of his touch. It’s almost adorable how needy you are. Using his teeth, he rips the glove from his hand before spitting it onto the floor and returning it to your cunt. Except this time he moves his fingers to your entrance and plunges them inside of you. You cry out, both hands grab ahold of the arm pressed between your thighs and mercilessly fingerfucking you. His fingers move in slick, quick thrusts that have you mewling nonsense. 
He leans in further, nuzzling the side of your face with his and pressing his body against yours. You gasp at the feeling of his hard cock leaking precum on your thigh. Maul chuckles and hovers by your ear while he speaks. “This belongs to me too. This tight little hole is mine. Do you understand?” He asks, picking up the pace of his fingers. “I’ll fuck it when I want and fill it up with my cum whenever I want.”
“Yes, yes, my Master! I understand.” You blubber at him but he doesn’t relent.  “That’s a good girl.” He praises before falling silent.
For the next few moments, the only sounds are the wet squelching sounds of your cunt and your desperate cries.
You’re close to cumming again, and this time he has no plans on stopping you.
“Master….I….I’m going to–”
“I know.” He cuts you off, “But cumming is a privilege and you may not cum without my permission. Ever. Is that understood?”
“Yes Master. I must never cum without permission.” You whine while gripping his arm even tighter.
His thumb grazes your clit while still skillfully pumping his fingers.
“P-Please Master. May I cum? Please let me?”
Even if he wanted to tell you no he couldn’t with how wide and pleading your eyes look.
“Go on and cum for me.”
The permission is all you need to let the cord inside you snap.
Your entire body goes rigid and the ability to speak leaves you. Words are replaced with breathy, unrestrained moans. Your orgasm hits you so hard that your legs threaten to give out, but his muscular body holds you in place.
His fingers are coated in your juices which makes him wonder if you’d do the same to his cock.
You ride out your orgasm before slumping back against the wall. With a flushed face and glossed over eyes, you try to catch your breath. He watches your every move and removes his fingers from your core.
“Thank you for letting me cum, Master.” You murmur politely.
Could you be any more perfect?
Maul crashes his lips onto yours, forcing his tongue inside of your mouth. You return the kiss in a flurry of passion.
Up until now you had mostly kept your hands to yourself. Using them only when necessary to bring him pleasure or cling to him, but now your hands roam free.
Starting from his shoulder, you trail your hands down his bare chest to his hip bones. He moans into your mouth, enjoying the feeling of your soft hands and the way you gently suck at his tongue.
Your hands continue downward until your fingertips brush against his still very hard cock.
He breaks the kiss with a grin. “Does my slave girl want more? Should I give that cunt a taste of my cock?”
You only have time to nod before being grabbed, spun around, and thrown to the floor. Before you could yell out in shock he’s on top of you, trapping you beneath his body.
“You want this, to be fucked by your Master’s cock.” He lets his gaze leisurely travel down the length of you before making eye contact again. “Isn’t that right my naughty little slut?”
“If it pleases you, my Master,” You breath out with your chest rising and falling at a much quicker speed. “Then yes, I would like to be fucked on your cock.” At the last second you bite your bottom lip and whisper out a please. It has his pulse thumping in his veins and gripping the bust of your nightgown and tearing it apart. You yelp in surprise at being instantly exposed. The flimsy material is nothing but shreds in his hand. He does the same to your panties, leaving you bare except for the silk bow that had been tied around your neck. He stills, soaking in your beauty. You were quite possibly the most stunning thing he’s ever seen. He lets his fingertips brush along your side, chuckling when you shiver as if you’re ticklish. “Get on all fours for me.” As you turn to obey he situates himself behind you, grabbing at your flesh and kneading fistfulls of your ass. You moan, arching into his touch. “Does the naughty thing like this?” He coos, gripping your hips and pulling you back so your ass touches his cock. “Yes Master,” you moan, wiggling against him so his cock presses into your cunt from behind. “Does my little slave want to be fucked?” “I do, Master. Please. Please fuck me?” You look over your shoulder and beg. His arm lashes out and squeezes the back of your neck. He forces your head to the ground before growling out a command. “Keep that pretty face of yours on the floor.” You squeak and manage a nod before he releases your neck and lines his cock up to your entrance. He drags it across the length of your slit, making you whimper impatiently. He chuckles at your eagerness. “Now, now use your words. Tell your Master what you want….Exactly what you want.” Your mind spins, trying to form words good enough to get you what you desire. “I….I want Master to claim me for the very first time. I want to feel your cock hit me so deep that I have to beg permission to cum again. Please Master, I'll do anything.” A low growl rumbles in his chest as sweet words flow from your lips. Everything you’re saying is beyond perfection but instead of giving you a verbal reply, Maul plunges balls deep inside of you. You both tense and moan. He because of the tightness of your walls fluttering around him and you because of the sudden intrusion of his cock demanding to be taken. “Is that deep enough for that hungry hole of yours?” He groans and slowly moves out, then back in, giving you time to adjust. But knew he couldn’t wait for much longer. Not when you feel so good wrapped around him. He breathes out, watching his cock glisten from your juices when he pulls out a bit. “Are you enjoying being my little fuck toy? Do you like that I own this pussy?” “Yes!” You cry, trying to arch back to get his cock deeper. “I’m all yours, Master, and I love it.” At that he slams into you, not being able to wait any longer. You yelp at the pressure, screaming against the floor as he fucks you. He couldn’t keep his pace slow, his rhythm rough and steady. You clench around him, causing him to hiss. “No one will ever fuck you again. Do you hear me? You. Are. Mine!” He punctuates the last of his words with deeper thrusts. 
Your eyes screw shut, the pleasure building in your lower belly. How you manage to nod in response is beyond you. It all feels too amazing to use the rational side of your brain. He plows into you from behind, his balls slapping against your clit. You curl your toes with a whine. 
“Mhmm, that’s my good pet. Take this cock.” He looks down at his cock, hard, ribbed with veins and coated in your juices as it thrusts in and out of your wet hole. It’s a glorious sight and it has his orgasm threatening to hit, but there’s something he has to do first. And that’s making you cum. He grips your hips and delves as deep as he can inside of you, hitting that spot deep inside of you that has you speaking in broken, indecipherable sentences.
“I want you to cum for me,” he speaks in labored breathing and reaches around your thigh so he could rub your clit while spearing you on his length. “I want you to cum for me now.” You fall completely silent. For a moment he worries you’ve passed out, but then he feels your inner walls close around his cock in the more delicious way. Then comes the mewls. Loud, unfiltered, beautiful music. “That’s it. Cum on your Master’s cock.” He praises, lurching forward as you gush and spasm all over him. Your breathing is labored as you start coming down from your high. 
His hand runs up your back to tangle his fingers into your hair, and using it to tug your head back so you hold yourself with your hands. He leans over your body and licks up your spine. Your sweat tastes salty on his tongue. He moans at the taste before moving towards your ear. “Have you ever taken a knot before, Little One?” A barely audible moan passes your lips before shaking your head. Maul hums in satisfaction. “Would you like to?” You don’t hesitate in answering. “Yes please, Master.” Releasing your hair, he returns it to your waist so he can drive himself into you. You start crying out for him again, even going so far as to beg for his knot. He’s so close now, the base of his cock starts to swell. Your pleas push him over the edge. He growls and lurches forward as his knot expands and locks you both together. You yelp and tense up, trying to move away from the intense intrusion but Maul’s arm comes around your middle and holds you securely to his chest as ropes of cum fill you. “Shhhh, you’re alright.” He soothes while panting. He knows that taking a knot isn’t easy. Especially since it’s your first time.
On shaky limbs he turns so you can both rest on your sides. The movements though slow still cause you to whimper. “Easy, I’ve got you.” He continues to sooth and slips an arm under your head so you can use it as a pillow. While the other strokes your sternum. “You did so well for me. You’ve made your Master proud.” He whispers, pleased when he feels you relax slightly. Clearly his words have comforted you.
“I feel so full.” He hums and nuzzles you with his nose. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” You nod, “It’s intense but I’ve never felt anything like it.” He leaves a number of kisses along your shoulder and neck. “Once it goes down we’ll be able to get up and dress for bed.” You leave a kiss on his bicep. “Yes, Master.” “Call me Maul.” “As you wish, Master Maul.” Maul pauses, warmth blooms in his chest. He liked the way you said his name and looked at him. It made him feel things. 
Things he didn’t have a name for. The knot inside you softens, allowing Maul to slip his cock from your depths. He detangles from you and holds a hand out to you. “Let me help you up.” You murmur a thank you, smiling sweetly and place your hand in his. He hoists you up with ease. You sway slightly but his hands hold onto you until you find your footing. His bright eyes look you over and notice the ribbon still tied in place at your neck. He reaches out and unties it. “What’s your name, sweet thing?” You tell him and he repeats it back, liking the way it rolled off his tongue. “Well pet, you are now under my care. If you serve me well, I will take care of your every need.” Your eyes go wide, tears filling them. “Thank you Master Maul! Thank you so much. I promise to be the perfect slave for you.” He eyes you for a moment, curious as to why you seem so emotional. Eventually giving you a nod before walking past you to pull his pants back on. However, when he looks back at you, he finds you still standing there naked. “You can dress in your nightclothes. It’s time for bed.” You fidget uncomfortably. “The only clothes I have with me are ruined, Master Maul.” You point down to the nightgown that he had torn off you. He frowns, “That won’t do. I’ll have clothes made for you tomorrow.” 
Picking up his discarded cloak he starts making his way over to you. “Did my Master not send you here with any personal items?” “No, Master Maul. He said that, um, that…” you trail off, looking down at the ground. “Nevermind, Master.” Your discomfort is palpable. He wraps his robe around your shoulders, letting it encompass your frame. You clutch onto it and say thank you, but still don’t meet his gaze. “Look at me.” He commands, knowing you’ll obey. You do and his hand cups your cheek. “Don’t shut your Master out. What’s upsetting you?” You gnaw on your bottom lip before responding. “It’s just…your Master told me I didn’t need to pack anything because he didn’t think you’d spare my life after….well after you were through with me.”  This gives him pause. Sure he was a Sith assassin but that didn’t mean he’d harm someone without good reason. “What else did he tell you?” “That I belong to whoever opens the box, and that I’m to serve them until they no longer have use for me.” You shuffle your feet. “Which he predicted to be for one night.” Your eyes fall back to the ground. He lets out a deep sigh. Your fear isn’t something he wants. He places a finger under your chin and raises it, ensuring your eyes are locked. “I meant what I said. You are mine now, and I will take good care of you.” Slowly the anxiety in your expression melts away. Your bright eyes and sweet smile returning once more. “Thank you, Master Maul.” “Come, let’s go to bed.” His finger drops and in one graceful motion lifts you up into his arms. You cling to him as he cradles you to his broad chest and brings you into his bedroom. He lets you crawl out of his cloak and under the covers of his bed. Once you’re situated he lays next to you. Suddenly, he feels fucking exhausted–emotionally and physically. He just wants to rest, but every time he closes his eyes everything comes tumbling down on him. His failures, his wasted time and resources, his impending meeting with Sidious in the morning. A rustling beside him pulls him from his thoughts. “Thank you, Master Maul.” You coo, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. Your lips flutter against his skin as you whisper. “For everything.” 
No one had ever thanked him so much in his entire life. He isn’t sure how to handle this type of praise. What he does know is that a kiss on the cheek isn’t enough. 
He turns his head to capture your lips with his own. “You’re welcome, pet.” He whispers against your mouth. 
You seem satisfied and let out a soft sigh before nestling yourself against him with your head on his chest. Not knowing how to react, he doesn’t move. He had never had a woman snuggle with him before. Should he bring you closer? Should he hold you? It doesn’t seem to matter because within minutes your breathing slows and you fall asleep. Maul looks down at your slumbering face. You feel so soft and small next to him. How could his Master ever imagine that he’d hurt someone like you?  Slowly, he lifts his hand and places it on the curve of your hip and pulls you closer. The scent of your hair fills his nostrils.
He breathes in deeply, closing his eyes as the pleasant smell.
You hum contently in your sleep and Maul’s lip twitches up. He doesn’t know what the future held but he did know one thing….
He could get used to this.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
A snippet from the Star Wars AU:
Cellbit, first off, doesn't even know what the Force is. It's an abstract concept, like childhood. Or peace. Or the moons.
Cellbit's home planet of Favela had five moons. By the time he was launched across the galaxy into the war, Favela was down to three.
Now, as Cellbit slits yet another throat under the too-warm Favela sun, there is only one moon left, and it's set to be demolished by the Empire in a week's time.
Grimacing at the smell, Cellbit powers off his knife and tucks it away. He drops the corpse unceremoniously, wrinkling his nose at the way its fingers limply cling to the front of his jacket. He brushes them off; gross.
The job was supposed to be a simple one: meet up with Forever and drop off a ROM for him to deliver to the Resistance he definitely isn't part of. From there, Cellbit would pick up Richarlyson and get him off-planet just in case the Empire's laser causes more destruction than anticipated.
But, well, news travels fast, especially when it comes to Cellbit. Because everybody on Favela's heard all about the young Jedi apprentice who went to war a child and came home a Sith Lord, and Cellbit really doesn't know how to tell them that he's never even held a lightsaber. Honestly, he doesn't know how the rumor started, but it's fucking annoying because he can't so much as breathe in his home planet's direction without getting a laser rifle pointed at his face.
Cellbit picks up the dead man's rifle off the ground and slings it over his shoulder. It's empty, but Forever's a bit of a collector; if he doesn't want it, his "friend" The Demon will.
There's a rustle from behind a nearby building. At the same time, Cellbit's comm rings.
A simple man, Cellbit opens the call in his earpiece.
"Gatinho!" he hears, and he smiles despite the gun starting to peek its way into the street aimed towards him.
Cellbit pulls his knife back out and powers it back on. It hums in his hand. His fingers start to tingle; he needs to get Mike to reseal the handle again, the laser's starting to leak through.
"Guapito," he cheerfully responds, "how are you?"
"Fine, fine, I just had a question about the flowers."
The flowers, right. For the wedding.
In two months, Cellbit is going to get married to the love of his life. He and Roier already have the venue booked, and now they're working on the rest of it. Cellbit has a suit fitting booked for a week from now, and Roier supposedly already has his picked out.
The color scheme is red and white. That being said...
"What about amaranths?" Cellbit suggests.
He ducks just as the rifle fires. Its bullet singes his hair, fucking asshole.
Scowling, Cellbit charges the bastard and swings at them with his knife. They just barely dodge out of the way. The knife cuts through their pristine white helmet, revealing a scarred smile and blank, empty eyes.
"I mean, yeah, obviously," Roier scoffs. "But what else? Roses, maybe?"
The soldier butts the end of their rifle into Cellbit's stomach and pushes him away, and then they pull their rifle back and level it at his face and they pull the trigger and-
"I don't know, aren't those kind of cliche?" Cellbit asks, tumbling to the side and just narrowly avoiding a laser to the face. He falls into a roll and ducks behind a wall. "Like, they're fine, but I think your dad would kill me if we went with something cheap."
"Roses aren't fucking cheap, man. In this economy?"
Cellbit lets out a labored breath, and it's just a bit too loud because Roier goes deathly quiet on his end of the line.
"Fine," Cellbit pants. "Roses are fine. I said they were fine."
Another volley of bullets pepper the wall behind him. A few go right through the wall and mark the building opposite with smoking black dots.
A beep from the comm marks the end of the call. Fuck.
Cellbit adjusts his grip on his knife.
"You know," he calls, hoping the Empire soldier can hear him, "you're going to want me to kill you now."
No response. Figures. It's kind of hard to speak when you were born without a mouth.
One more round of gunfire, and now they need to reload their gun and-
Cellbit leaps out from behind the wall with an animalistic snarl, pouncing upon the soldier and knocking them to the ground. They twist in his grasp, kicking and punching with the hand not holding their rifle.
He presses his knife to their throat, and they freeze.
"You know who I am," he says. "Nod for 'yes'."
The soldier nods. Good. So they can hear.
"You're one of Cucurucho's," Cellbit says. It isn't a question; he could recognize one of Cucurucho's personalized clones from a light-year away.
Another nod, this one more frantic.
"Is Cucurucho on-planet?"
A shake of the head.
"Did Cucurucho send you?"
Cellbit presses the knife in enough for it to start cutting through the soldier's armor, melting it. No response. Seems they've accepted their fate, then.
There's no higher honor for a soldier than to die in the heat of battle. Cellbit may not respect the Empire worth a damn, but he respects the art of war enough to let a soldier die the way the universe intended.
Cellbit drags his knife across the soldier's throat and watches the little life left behind drain out of their eyes. Once they're dead, he stands, and he pulls out his comm to call his fiancé back, his back turned to the dead soldier.
Roier doesn't pick up, but-
Cellbit gasps a scream as a laser shoots through his shoulder. Instinctively, he drops his knife to clutch at his arm, spinning around to face the soldier he had just killed with wide confused eyes, what the fuck?
"You're dead," he tells them. This is new. "You're- hold on."
Entirely disregarding the rifle pointed at his chest, Cellbit struggles to pull out his camera from off of his belt. He could use this! Maybe it's just a fluke, but maybe Cucurucho finally-
"Get away from my husband, you piece of shit!"
Cellbit looks up just in time to watch a red beam of light stab right through the soldier's chest. Over their shoulder, he can see the messy, annoyed face of his very handsome fiancé, who was supposed to stay on the ship to finish getting it ready for Richarlyson.
Roier pulls his lightsaber out and spins it once in his hand before powering it off and tucking it away. He spits on the soldier's corpse as it falls, and then he kicks it for good measure. His eyes almost seem to glow gold for a moment, for just a second, but then he looks up at Cellbit and his face melts into a smile.
"Gatinho!" he cheers.
He jumps over the body and tackles Cellbit in a hug, picking him up and spinning him in a circle before setting him back down and proceeding to lightly smack the back Cellbit's head with a frown.
"You said you would be fine on your own," he pouts.
"I was fine!" Cellbit protests. But he can't hide the wince as Roier's hand brushes against his shoulder, and he can't hide the scent of burning flesh.
"Uh-huh," Roier flatly says.
Cellbit rolls his eyes and shrugs his way out of his fiancé's hold. He bends down to pick his knife up and frowns at the new dent in its handle. Mike's gonna kill him...
"I guess you'll just need me to protect you from now on," Roier sighs.
"My knife..." Cellbit whines. He looks down at it sadly.
"Fuck your knife, it couldn't even kill that guy!"
"It tried its best!"
"Just get a new knife. That way you won't get shot like an idiot the next time you go out on a job by yourself."
Roier grumbles and swoops Cellbit into another hug, this time not letting go as Cellbit squirms in his arms. He mutters loving insults into Cellbit's hair and pinches his ear once before letting go and taking his hand, allowing Cellbit to put his poor dented knife away.
It's only then in that moment of quiet that Cellbit realizes something.
He looks down at Roier with a wide grin. "You called me your husband."
Roier's cheeks redden just slightly. Just slightly, barely noticeable under the red Favela sun.
"I was just practicing, you know?" he says. "For later."
Cellbit's heart skips a beat. He can't help it. He kisses Roier, and he laughs into Roier's mouth as Roier starts swearing at him about PDA and not kissing in front of dead bodies.
"I love you," Cellbit whispers.
Roier pulls his face free from Cellbit's and puts his lips next to Cellbit's ear: "I know."
And that's all Cellbit needs to know.
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Generically Identical
A door chime rang, in one of the finest hillside estates near the town of New Centrif on the beautiful planet of Naboo.
Several seconds later, an elderly man in flowing robes opened the door.
“Yes?” he asked, before taking a step back at the sight of the dozen individuals in identical black robes. “...oh, Sheev sent you, did he?”
“Sheev is dead,” one of the robed men replied. “I am the Rising, named successor to Yupe Tashu who fell on Jakku. I await confirmation to become the viceroy of the Eternal. We have need of you.”
“Dead? Really?” Ken Palpatine asked. “You’re sure?”
The robed men exchanged glances.
“...how did you not notice?” the Rising asked, hesitantly. “He was on board a space station which exploded with enormous violence. It was all over the holonet last year. The Empire has been collapsing for months.”
“Oh, I don’t pay much attention to the news,” Ken said, shaking his head querulously. “I know how much of it is nonsense. Dead? You’re certain?”
“Yes,” the Rising replied, a mite testily. “We have need of you.”
Ken frowned.
“I’m not sure what you could possibly need me for,” he said. “Sheev did rely on me a bit during the Clone Wars when he absolutely needed to be in two places at once, but that was decades ago. I’m a bit out of practice pretending to be him.”
“You are the twin of the Dark Lord of the Sith,” the Rising stated. “You are his blood. You are the best choice to lead the Sith Eternal.”
“What about that apprentice he had?” Ken asked. “You know, Anakin. Vader. That one.”
“He killed your brother, and is also dead,” the Rising answered. “For both of those reasons, especially combined, he cannot lead the Sith Eternal.”
Ken still seemed a bit confused.
“Isn’t there anyone else?” he asked. “Sheev always has other plans. I know that much about him. He planned the death of our father when he was very young, you know. Precocious. I was never like that.”
“Had,” the Rising told him. “Though… we did not come to you first.”
“I should hope not, if it’s been a year,” Ken said, shaking his head. “Or you’d have been very lost. Who did you try, then?”
Another exchange of glances.
“We began by attempting to clone Sidious,” one of the other cultists said.
“Oh, yes, that was his cult name, wasn’t it?” Ken asked. “Oh, I haven’t thought about that in years. It���s quite nostalgic… where were we? I do apologize, you mustn’t let me get distracted like that.”
The Rising rubbed his temples.
“We attempted to clone Sheev,” he said. “Unfortunately attempting to flash-grow a clone that force-sensitive did… not go well. The result has skin that looks like corduroy and it’s impossible that anyone is going to think it’s you. I mean Sheev. Whichever. And there is no sign of his spirit returning from after death.”
Ken blinked at him.
“...you think that’s possible?” he asked. “If it was possible, how would any Sith ever die? The galaxy would be full of them.”
That led to some muttering among the cultists.
“Not the point,” the Rising said, firmly. “The point is, we’re not sure what to do with the corduroy clone – but you are the best choice we have to lead the Sith Eternal.”
“I’m not a Sith, though,” Ken protested. “Which sort of puts a damper on the whole plan, I’d say.”
“That is a problem that can be solved,” the Rising replied. “We will teach you.”
“...I can’t use the Force,” Ken replied.
“You can,” the Rising told him. “You have not been taught. We will teach you.”
“I’m over eighty years old,” Ken said. “Are you sure I can learn?”
“I don’t see why not,” the Rising answered. “It might take decades to become as proficient as Sheev was, but you will have those decades.”
Ken frowned.
“That bastard,” he said, absently thinking about his twin brother who’d assured him that only one of them was able to touch the Force. “All right, whatever. I’m in.”
He frowned. “And we could probably bring my son in on it, as well. He’s a bit of a deadbeat, but he does have his own starship… I don’t suppose you’ve checked him first?”
“We did, actually,” the Rising replied. “He is not Force-Sensitive.”
“Well, whatever,” Ken said. “I suppose it’d be nice to get to be the one ordering people around again. The problem with a comfortable retirement is that you don’t get much to do…”
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