#especially if i start thinking about where i was in the rpc previously and just! this experience has been way different
tvrningout-archived · 2 years
my throat hurts and it’s made my brain all mushy but pls know i think all of you are doing wonderfully with your portrayals, be they canon or oc 💜 if anyone ever tries to make you feel bad for whatever silly reason they come up with, tell them bel is gonna bite them if they don’t skedaddle off your blog
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unladielike · 2 years
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NAME: livita (or livi for short)
PRONOUNS: she/her but i won’t be up in arms if you happen to accidentally misgender me. 
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr ims or discord but i may be slow to respond if the topic doesn’t revolve around my special interest or roleplay stuff
NAME OF MUSE(S): vivian, kensuke hibiki from the caligula effect whose blog you can find here, and a myriad of other obscure muses on my canon multimuse
RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): OH GOD... i’ve honestly been rping for a long, long while, but tumblr wise, i think i’ve been at it for eight years now? so my first ever blog was made when i was 17 years old.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: gaiaonline, quizilla, email, discord (but ended up discovering it isn’t for me), and tumblr
BEST EXPERIENCE: probably meeting/befriending @aaetherius​ tbh. honestly, i don’t ever regret writing with noise all those years ago, because they helped me gain more experience with novella-esque replies and inspired me to play around/experiment with language. ofc, i only ended up settling on a proper writing style after writing with several other partners over the years, but noise was prob the first one i had that made me develop a love for world building and lore oriented headcanons. ofc, i sadly cannot emulate their descriptive, thought-provoking writing, but i like to think my own writing managed to improve partially because of noise.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: i seriously have a lot, that i could go all day, talking about them, but the biggest is prob a lack of communication and the ‘i  don’t owe my partners shit’ mentality that is practically rampant in the rpc. ofc, as some of you might know, i’m autistic, so if a partner suddenly ghosts me out of the blue or gives me the silent treatment, especially due to issues with me they never bother addressing, chances are high i would end up softblocking, because i was previously traumatized by someone who did the exact same thing. due to this, i really, really love if a partner tells me stuff and is actually honest with me. like, seriously, i can’t stress enough how much i appreciate someone going, ‘livi do you mind only sending in one ask from one muse at a time?’, instead of internalizing that shit until the bitter end, to the point where resentment builds. but yeah, i had someone claiming i had double standards when it comes to female muses, due to the fact i never once bothered reblogging a promo for their best friend’s female oc... and i’m just ‘first of all, you never asked me to reblog it, and second of all, you have another thing coming if you think i have the attention span to constantly lurk on the dash.’
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: sweats... is it bad i can’t really settle on one? cause i think they’re all great. granted, i need to be in the right state of mind to write smut, but i still love it.
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes, hands down... i’m not against plotting though. i just may not be the best at it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: both can be good, as sometimes, you might want a more chill rp experience or something shorter to respond to for a change of pace, but if i write three paragraphs, only to receive two sentences back, then that to me seems incredibly lazy. like, yes, i prefer quality over quantity, but there has to be actual effort put into your replies for me to wanna respond.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: basically when i have caffeine in my system, meaning usually after i had finished drinking my first coffee of the day.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): it depends on which muse you’re talking about, because i have more than a few, but considering vivian had first started off a self insert before later evolving to become her own person separate from me, i’d say we definitely have some stuff in common... like us both being autistic and sharing the same birthday. vivian, however, is more extroverted than me, less picky when it comes to food, and not afraid to speak her mind even if it means pissing someone off.
TAGGED BY: @immoralraigan ( thank you for tagging me, bandy! <3333 ) TAGGING: @eliteimperialism / @etoilexdechue / @sadamenai / @afacere​ / @enterthestratosphere​ / @shatterher / @banditborn​ / @hehosts / @dxfiedfxte / @s-talking and whoever else might be interested!
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griimhilde-a · 4 years
if you know, you know.
———       a response to those who refuse to move on.
EDIT: after some encouragement and realizing that, while i tried to be respectful and private about this situation, i was not given the same treatment, i’ve decided to be upfront and filterless. here is a link to my page of receipts that i did not provide in this post. 
i would like to point out that when i made the DNI, it was buried and sandwiched in my super long rules purposely so that it wasn’t explicitly visible and drawing attention. it was specifically put there for mutuals to understand my boundaries for the new blog, and as soon as i moved blogs, my guidelines underwent heavy reconstruction and the DNI section was removed overall ( i don’t like DNIs for myself ), as well as on this blog. all statements made in the DNI were what i felt to be true and based off of not only my experiences, but others’ as well, backed up with evidence i have saved that i didn’t feel the need to provide because it wasn’t meant to be a big deal, but i also felt i needed to explain why this person was on a DNI and that it wasn’t done out of malicious intent. again, if something sounds bad it is because “bad” things were done and i can’t control that.
reading the call-out had me ( and others ) confused on where it was i had bullied her, when i had her blocked since november, where it was i had manipulated her, and so forth. i’m always wanting to be a better person, so i was extremely confused on where i had done anything wrong. i also didn’t appreciate my new blog url being attached to it as it had nothing to do with it and i was trying to move forward, and it read very much like an attempt to blacklist. despite everything, i never wanted it to be a spectacle. the pinned, public call-out by this person doesn’t read to me as someone wanting to move on, but wanting to drag things further. this is not a call-out post, this is me defending myself. i will not name drop. if you know who this is about, i ask you just read this to understand the full story. 
this is going to be a long boi ( i really tried to keep it short but alkfjdklfksldf nope ). i would also like to apologize for any dryness here, but i am aiming to just state facts as they are. it feels    ----    ridiculous writing this all out because it’s something that could and should have been handled privately. but, here we go !!
everything on the DNI is true. i will not post or reveal the sources because one, they are not my stories to tell, and two, i am not going to give her the excuse to bother them. they deserve to be safe, and i am walking proof of what happens when you speak out against someone like her. if i have to bear that burden, then so be it. 
it stopped being about “just a url” a long time ago. it became more about how i was treated in that interaction, and how i was continued to be treated afterwards. not to mention the increasing tension within the rpc and having to second-guess whether or not i was truly wanted. it was about how it was affecting those around me, my time in a hobby i love, and my mental health. the amount of times a mutual has tagged me by accident when they meant to tag her is insane. it most definitely did not feel good !!! if that kept happening, it was a problem. i also had to shut off the anon feature because of the amount of anons i was receiving. some had good intentions, but others had resorted to hate. 
regarding the messages on discord --- i stand by them. i thought if you were friends with someone on discord and have previously talked over time, it was okay to message, otherwise what was the point of discord? i didn't realize it would make her uncomfortable to do so, and i’m more careful about how i approach people now !!! 
regarding the messages: there was no change in tone other than that i grew exhausted and extremely anxious ( shaking !!! palms sweaty !!! knees weak !!!! mom’s spaghetti !!! ) and wasn’t in the proper mindset to sound happy while i was being invalidated to my face. i have even apologized there if i came off as mean. i don’t “present myself” in a way. that’s just how i talk, i prefer communicating one-on-one and i try to alleviate tension that arises no matter what because these types of conversations aren’t always a walk in the park. i wanted things to be good and not stressful for all parties involved. i’m sorry my tone came off as insincere. after being in desc rpc for a year, i was a little surprised seeing a near-identical url so i think it was fair for me to message her about it. she made the decision use it, and i was allowed to react. it was said misspellings in urls made her anxious so i wanted to help and i was shot down and vilified, essentially told i made her feel unsafe and shouldn’t have messaged. if it wasn’t okay to claim i felt “unsafe” and “paranoid”, why was it okay for her to claim the same based on a choice she made herself, but not me to feel anxious about those choices? 
i have never told a blog to block her. i have never initiated conversation about her, nor have i spoken negatively about her as a person. ever. i have, in fact, even stated that i didn’t want anyone blocking and that it would be okay to interact. here’s one example after i was approached about her. i cannot control what other people do.
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hardblocking her on my end was to avoid seeing her on dash as much as possible. 
i am allowed to softblock / unfollow people who interact with her after months of trying to be okay with it. what kickstarted this process was someone i thought was a close friend had dropped me and suddenly i realized i didn’t need to sacrifice my comfort for the sake of keeping a mutual. if they could do it, so could i. while i adore the descendants rpc, the rpc is not a family, we’re not obligated to interact IC or be mutuals with every single person in the rpc. it’s not causing a rift when we don’t interact on dash. i have even emphasized that i would love to stay in contact via discord and write there if possible !! why am i being vilified for trying to make my blog a safe space for me?
regarding the “vagues”: they were all responses. a mutual wrote the post, i reblogged it, my tags were in response to the post ( said mutual’s url wasn’t even blocked out so ... ). if it felt like a vague, i can’t control that. the meaning behind the url post was circulating on dash, i didn’t see any vaguing in it other than me recounting my process of choosing this url, which was true ( was i not allowed to participate?? ). the shrek meme was in response to a public dash event ( which i originally thought was a joke ) that had received copious amounts of criticism for. it wasn’t a vague and it was explicit on what it was referring to, it was meant to be silly dash commentary, nothing deep. 
this is in my rules but i have explicitly stated that my headcanons about my characters are not a vague if they differ from yours. the talk about hair styles was actually initiated in a conversation with my friends in private. it had absolutely nothing to do with her. if it sounded like a drag, i encourage everyone to look at how i’ve “dragged” many other things including the original outfits for descendants, evie thinking mermaid dresses are ugly, evie not liking wine, and so forth. my portrayal of evie =/= other portrayals of evie. while she may never do so-and-so, it doesn’t make it wrong for another portrayal to do it. ( why was my blog being kept tabs on and compared with, in the first place? that’s not duplicate friendly ).
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regarding sex week: i've stated it was an inappropriate event because the descendants rpc had been heavily criticized for smutting and felt it wasn't the best response, nor was it the best way to promote sex positivity. it was insanely uncomfortable to witness, as someone in this rpc. it doesn’t matter if the people or the muses involved were adults, i would still call it inappropriate had it happened in any other rpc. it wasn’t a “block and move on” situation. i’m also allowed to defend myself because i didn’t want to be associated with something she posted. i didn’t want it tied to my url. i would like to clarify that when i said "embarrassing" in the responses under that anon, it was directed at the anon for misreading the url, nobody else. ostracizing occurred when the descendants rpc was being added to DNIs because of sex week / smutting, which was posted by this person ( if you post it, you start it. simple ). i had been blocked simply because i am a descendants blog and that had never happened before. 
i was also notified that people uninvolved with this have been namedropping me on dash in an attempt to have me “written off” ( their words, not mine ) because my rules stated that i was open to exploring evie’s sexuality. below is a screenshot of my rule regarding smut. i deleted the rules page from this blog when i moved so i snatched it from my other canon descendants blog that i reuse on all blogs. the second is my elaboration on sexual content in my new evie rules. the third is what’s on my google doc, a condensed version of my rules. there is a major difference between smutting and posting a public dash event dedicated to sex versus being open to explore sexuality as a topic. they are not the same. also, me not choosing to smut does not dictate my opinion on smut, so do not make assumptions about that either. if you want to move on, why are you still talking about me on dash, especially when unprompted? if you just want to move on, why are you upset that i’m not “written off”?
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this person has vagued me multiple times ( which they conveniently did not show in the call-out ), this person has been shown to talk badly of me in private ( and now, publicly as well )    ----    all of which i have not done. i have screenshots sent by others to show for it, but do not feel it’s relevant to share because this is not about her. this is just about defending myself. 
i have spent three months apologizing for feeling things, apologizing for reacting, apologizing for things i should not have been apologizing for. i have spent so long accepting blame because i felt it would help. i’m done doing that. i know what i did and what i didn’t do. people know what i did and didn’t do.
all in all, i am confused on why a call-out was made when the content provides nothing other than catty remarks meant to air out personal drama. the messages exchanged only show how i tried to remedy things. the screenshots of my “vagues” were just responses, and most of which had nothing to do with this person. my initial silly dash commentary and later discomfort over a sexual dash event posted by this person is not a vague. 
if you ( referring to maker of the call-out and others who partook ) are upset about people not talking about me in regards to the “rest of the call-out”, maybe consider the fact that there was nothing about me in it that warranted a call-out in the first place. people saw that i did nothing wrong. the only thing of substance in the call-out was something the maker themselves did : the public, sexual dash event. people are allowed to identify that as a more prominent issue as opposed to how my messages or public posts could be perceived through basic, biased narrative manipulation.
me deciding to unfollow / softblock blogs that interact with this person =/= involving the descendants rpc or making it public. i am allowed to softblock whoever i want to cultivate my dash experience. most people i know have it in their rules that they are okay with people softblocking for their comfort and that it won’t be taken personally. you know what IS making it public and involving the entire descendants rpc? this person messaging a descendants server and name dropping me in the server, reducing the situation to just being about a “url” and publicly announcing it in the server. here are the facts to consider: her message was sent jan. 21. my DNI went up feb 2. 
so, regarding the call-out: there was no bullying, no manipulation, no harassment, no gaslighting, nothing from my end, and the call-out shows precisely that the claims are just that: claims. whatever was felt is valid, but feelings =/= gravity of the actual action itself - the most common thing pointed out in therapy: feelings are valid, but are they justified? call-outs should be reserved for people who cause actual harm, not because someone wants an excuse to blacklist. if i am a “bully” for unfollowing blogs for my own comfort, then i think the rpc really needs to reevaluate what these terms mean because the misuse is harmful. 
here are the things i did do: treated everyone i talked to with respect. approached things civilly. communicated. tried to accommodate for others. attempted to make a safe space for myself. did not involve the entire rpc by announcing it in a server. did not make a call-out post nor pin it. did not continue to name drop afterwards despite claiming to want to move on.
this entire situation is absurd and should have never been public, much less made a call-out for !! while this was meant to defend myself and state facts, i understand it may not change minds. a friend has told me that people will hate me because they want to hate me, no matter what. and i can’t do anything about that !! all i have to say is that holding hate in your heart never ends well. i hope everyone can find peace at some point.
so please, let me move on. let me write with my friends. let me unfollow / softblock people to keep my dash comfortable. let me take a break from descendants while also having the choice to return at anytime. please stop talking about me when i’m not even giving this another thought and haven’t since i moved blogs. please stop name dropping. stop keeping tabs on me, stop stalking my new blog. please leave me alone. i hold absolutely nothing against anyone i may have softblocked / unfollowed or am not currently interacting with on my new blog. my IMS / discord is always available, you will not be violating my safety by messaging me, everyone is welcome, but i also understand if you feel the need to separate yourself !!! as for those of you who have interacted with the call-out post, i wish you the best but i hope you understand why i do not want to interact with you by any means in the future. 
i’m hoping this post lays everything to rest, seeing as my first one did not. honestly, what are you trying to prove if you still have to post about this? it helps nobody. this back-and-forth is exhausting and unneeded. no more. let’s be better people, yeah?
i hope everyone takes care of themselves, i hope you all have a great day / night !!! thank you for reading this long boi !!
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rpbetter · 3 years
a vent (feel free to ignore if it's too much!): so recently i've noticed psd makers getting anon asks on whether they're ok with people who write certain topics (mostly rpf, incest, rape, underage, the usual "problematic" topics) using their recourses. now, i don't roleplay any of these subjects on tumblr, so even if a content creator said not to use their stuff, it's not even something i need to worry about - but, and maybe this is me overthinking it, what if i, someday, write a noncon fanfic on ao3? i'm still not using their resources on the subject or writing it on tumblr, but i'd probably feel weird about it, like i'm crossing some boundary. what if a psd maker whose content i've already purchased suddenly goes "actually don't use my psds if you rp abusive relationships", which is probably the closest to what people consider "taboo themes" of the things that i roleplay. it just feels like a fine line between personal boundaries and a shitty situation for a customer - not wanting to cross boundaries but already having PAID for something previously, when no such rules existed. it's making me want to 1. block everyone i see saying this, because even though i don't personally roleplay the topics above, i don't feel SAFE around people who tell others what kind of fiction they are allowed to enjoy and 2. just quit using people's resources and spend years learning to make my own psds so i won't have to worry about this shit. it's just stressing me out, as someone who has been harrassed and bullied online for speaking against censorship. i've had literal sock accounts made just to spew targetted harrassment at me on twitter. i've been accused of being a pedo and supporting incest and this is??? literally for saying "i don't think real people should be harrassed for fictional shit", i've not even shipped underage or incest ships. both make me uncomfortable. but fuck, antis make me 1000000x more uncomfortable than people who ship these kinda ships. i digress, this got rambley, i just. do you have any advice on what to do with the potential psd situation, or am i really just overthinking it? (always worried i accidentally send stuff like this off anon. help)
I need you to know that I actually had to rush-scroll back up and just double check that you did submit on anon lol! I always get worried I'll miss the one person who accidentally didn't use anon, if it makes you feel any better! When someone does submit with their URL attached, I message them first to be sure they are okay with them having it posted that way/it wasn't an accident ;) That's what I would want someone to do!
Alright, so, anyhow...
I've also noticed that becoming a more common thing and it's been on my (maybe huge) list of things to look into for a bit because I really do try to make sure I'm not just noticing things in my areas of the RPC/failing to notice things that do not impact me. Since I do all my edits and graphics, it falls into the first category for me. So, thank you for moving that up the list and informing me that it really is more prevalent and not my imagination!
My take on seeing it was a combination of business logic and anxiety, not going to lie.
On the first: charging to do a psd that is just that, just a psd file being used as a template/to act as an easier version of a photoshop "action" in a way, that's 100% legal and fine. Absolutely no muddy waters there. However, charging to do things like icons, edits, etc. that include images of celebrities and stills from movies (or gifs) is quite muddy. Legally, it's not legal. It's a thing we're allowed to do and use (on most platforms) because we're not making money off of it, we're not claiming to hold rights to the images, and so on - it's ignored but illegal. Charging money for it, however, even when phrased as "for my time" (which, absolutely valid feeling), is a more serious form of illegal and potentially attention-getting. This all gets more iffy though when we add donation instead of direct commission/purchase when working with these copyrighted materials. You can ask people to donate and suggest a donation based on your time spent, and that is always what I advise people to do.
Okay, so, that preface is necessary because the thing about stipulating use-rights is that they're iffy, too, there are variables present.
Often, these same people are charging for things like icon packs as well, meaning that even if they're only charging you for a template-style psd file sans imagery they don't own, they've kind of shot themselves in the foot. Not to mention, it's exceedingly damn hypocritical to pitch a fit about someone violating your rights when you're literally using other people's copyrighted materials lmao And that does tend to occur to me, yeah, it's a consequence of attorney friends and running businesses.
The other issues with this are that usage rights have to be stated at the time of purchase and morality clause-style shit, as pertains to products, is not legally binding.
When you purchase something like a psd file, that purchase acts as a sort of contract.
Think of like...buying a photoshop brush set - the person selling it puts very simple rules as to its use, such as: non-commercial use only, brush pack cannot be resold or distributed for free, separate brushes from the pack cannot be resold or distributed for free individually. Meaning that you own the brushes you bought, but you are not legally allowed to make real-life money from anything you use them in, and you cannot send the whole pack or files individually to friends for free or charge other people for them. By buying these, you have agreed to these stipulations of use and ownership.
If the person sells psd's and you agree to what they've stated about the use (you can't use them to do commissions you make IRL money from, you can't give them away to friends, etc.), that's binding even somewhere as casual as RP Land. The exchange of real currency makes it that serious.
However, there are limits to stipulations of use! One of those things is when you agreed - this person cannot, even one literal second, later change their terms of use and retroactively hold you to them. If they were okay with you not crediting them anywhere or using them in works you will gift others or charge others something like game currency for at the time you purchased, then that's it. Tough shit for them, not you, when they decide a month later that they want credit given where the work appears, that they do not want finished products gifted, or don't want you to make even in-game currency from them.
And that absolutely would apply to the morality wank, yes.
Except that this very morality wank comes with its own issues. Reality is not tumblr. In reality, at least in most instances and countries, you can't throw in a fucking morality clause regarding the buyer, use of item, or finished product.
Think of this in this way: Chik-Fil-A starts denying chicken and waffle fries to anyone suspected of being queer. They're legally allowed to run their business (as a private business, everything does have variables) with some things that are morally objectionable that they feel morally aligns with their religious beliefs. They're not allowed to deny queer workers a job or queer customers service, however, in accordance with overarching laws.
While "being gross" online in fiction is not like, making anyone a protected status person lol this is just an extreme example to drive home the point. Legally, when it comes to items/products be they digital or physical, your rights and responsibilities as the seller don't include your moral policing.
What your right is, is to make people uncomfortable to a degree, yeah. You absolutely can do that. You can state some nasty shit about prospective buyers you don't want. For example, they should (I mean, they should just grow up and get some real concerns, but) be stating that they would not like to see their psd's used by people on this following DNI list of idiocy, and they will block those users if possible to prevent interaction and purchase. That's really it, that's what they can do and the least immature way to proceed.
On the second: none of this logic would make me feel comfortable about interacting with them and their psd's in the future once they had outed themselves as morally objectionable and dangerous to me with this nonsense. And I would still feel anxious about using things I had previously bought because once harassed...it doesn't really go away, does it? It would just give me some ease about the latter with things I'd already made. Like, I could keep using the icons I'd made with those psd's with a little bit more comfort knowing that they honestly have not a leg to stand on outside of their harassment.
I might have the tendency to respond to harassment without much upset, but that doesn't mean I want to be harassed. Especially when I am not doing anything that draws that kind of attention. Not that harassment is warranted over anything, but when I make a PSA or answer an ask that I know is likely to get their attention and piss them off? That's an acceptable risk I am knowingly taking. When I'm just going about my life as a RPer, it isn't.
So, I don't feel like you're overthinking it or being too concerned! In no way did you sign up for getting unwanted attention, and because it has happened before, of course, you're trying to insulate yourself from having it happen again. That's totally reasonable!
Now, what you could do about it...
It's another of those situations in which we're only truly capable of controlling ourselves. Everyone else is kind of a NPC.
You don't have to do anything I'm suggesting, but these are things I would do!
I would block the shit out of anyone saying these things/trying to make them stipulations, yes.
By that, I mean that I would also visit blogs they appear to interact with and they'd be blocked as well. We can all reblog something like resources or a shit post from a user we do not agree with without realizing it, but when it's frequent reblogs, direct support, and friendly vibes going on, it's safer to assume that they are aware their friend sucks. More importantly, that they do not think their friend sucks and support their views.
Even if that is not the case, do you want someone else's repeated inattention to expose you to bad actors? Nope! So, don't run the risk of paying and otherwise interacting with the one resource blog in the group that doesn't express these views/"requirements," but does involve themselves with those who do.
Try to find people selling these resources, that are not connected to the problem ones, who do not have those views. Once a trend starts, it is very hard to stop until it has run its course naturally, so, this might be difficult and take some extreme effort. You might want to consider asking like-minded friends who use psd's where they got them so you can check those users out for yourself.
If they're all the same, problem, people...
Look for users well outside of your corner of the RPC(s) who are not asking to be paid. I know it sounds wild, but there really are RPers out there who just enjoy making things for others! I can think of at least one right off on my dash. They might not be advertising for doing psd's or psd packs, but either they might be willing to do so (especially if they do not appear policing-positive) if you explain what is going on, or they could at least fill some requests for you for fully made icons and such. Hell, people who love doing this work usually know others who do as well, and anti-policing people quite reasonably stick together. They could have suggestions for someone not vile selling psd's.
Depending on what it is you want your psd's to do, I promise you that it wouldn't take you very long to learn it. I know...I know lol that's both really easy for me say when I've been doing it for over twenty years and am about to piss some people off. The latter because the most common settings on popular psd's are extremely simple shit, a lot of that is the kind of thing you're expressly told not to do in design work. Like ramping up extreme contrast, pixelating the fuck out of an image, and turning up the primary colors only. Once you get to playing with photoshop or an equivalent, you will totally see what I mean. You can accidentally make an icon look identical to something that is on trend in the RPC. If that was what you were going for? You've hit the mark, and it's just repetition and tweaking it here and there!
Once you start playing with it, too, it's actually pretty intuitive when it comes to the basic things like resizing, adjusting colors and contrast, and doing easy effects like blurs and sharpening. Frankly, playing with it is better than half the tutorials you'll find because they get unnecessarily complicated when all you want to do is crop your muse's face, overlay some color, and add a damn dotted border. Listen, like I said, I have a lot of experience...and I find many tutorials frustrating and overwhelming!
It is not just you, you're not dumb or anything. People get very comfortable with something and when they try to explain it to others, they use terms and methods that are more advanced or specific to them than they realize. That's all!
If you have friends who make their own things, ask them some very basic questions about what you want to do. They know you, so, they'll know better how to explain to you, specifically. Just keep it simple until you've had some time to experiment! Ask things like, "I want to take this image, resize it to be an icon, and add an orange tint to the image while sharpening only my muse's features...how would I do that? Easy mode?"
And! You don't even have to pay for photoshop or pirate it anymore! Photopea is as an exact copy as possible entirely located in your browser for free. It's all overwhelming at first, a real case of too many options and ways to do the same thing, but the only way it gets less overwhelming is just diving into it. Dive in, get a little frustrated, have some successes, make some awesome discoveries, it gets a bit addicting in short order. Then, the tutorials and tips are so much easier to figure out and expand on, too.
If you'd like, you can always send me a pm here and ask me. I'm happy to try to explain how to do things, zero judgment or impatience. Just an additional option if you both decide to try learning and would feel comfortable doing that. Zero judgment as well on not wanting to do either of those things!
Okay, this one is much harder than learning PS basics because it's honestly a bit terrifying...the way these people are, they're going to take issue with you no matter what you do, and in the end, if they notice you and feel like bothering you, they will. There's literally nothing you can do about it. All you can do is try to buffer yourself, stay away from them, and be aware that you are not the problem.
Like with the AO3 thing or writing what could be viewed as toxic relationships. You can never write or be interested in a single, solitary thing that they're on about (and accusing you of doing in real life when the burning Eye of Moron turns your direction), but to them, you supporting the right of other people to do so is just as bad as doing it yourself. To them, the toxic relationships not only would be problematic, they'd be problematic enough. Being uncomfortable with their policing and feeling unsafe because of it is, to them, a red flag of how problematic you are. Writing anything they've deemed objectionable (or reading or viewing it, for that matter) anywhere, doesn't have to be on this platform or RP-adjacent, doesn't have to actually utilize any of their materials, is enough.
They're absolutely including you in who shouldn't use their shit. That's part of the "logic" and methodology of policing. Everyone is problematic, so, everyone can be labeled a pedo and harassed without too many people getting up in arms about it. No one is safe, so, everyone better behave. You don't actually have to be engaging with or enjoying things like underage, non/dubcon, rape, abusive relationships, etc.
It's gross, it's bullying, it's actually a problem...and there isn't much you can do.
All that is truly up to you is making an effort to avoid them, though, this is very often unfair and likely to get more unfair as resource blogs of all sorts deal in it more. At least, in this case, you do have some small bit of actionable power - by not ever buying from them. They wouldn't be charging if they did not either need or want the money, not giving it to them is a bigger hit than things like simply unfollowing/blocking, reblogging PSA's, and so on is!
Nope, it isn't like you're denying them some extreme amount of money by yourself, but every three, five, ten dollars is felt pretty hard when you desperately need money and/or are saving for something.
I know, I mean, I personally do know, that it's impossible to "get over" bullying, Anon. I'm in no way telling you to just get over it and move on, find some great well of not caring somewhere! What I'm saying is that there is power in not giving them power. The power to make you anxious, uncomfortable, unsafe, when you have every right to be here doing your thing and are not hurting anyone. And it might seem to be a deeply contrary sort of logic, but realizing and accepting that there are people out there who irrationally dislike you for literally no reason, that you cannot infallibly escape or avoid, despite doing nothing wrong is a bit empowering. Because it puts into perspective the things you can control, and when we know what is in our control, it's easier to just enjoy our time here without constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. If it drops, we can go put it back in the closet where it belongs.
It starts to put a positive spin on the whole, damned if I do, damned if I don't feeling, if that makes sense? I'm probably way too tired to try to be explaining this lol I'm sorry!
Anyway, again, I'm not implying you can or should do any, let alone all, of those suggestions! I just really hope that something will help you feel even a little bit more at ease. It's an unfair situation, it isn't right, and you have every reason to be uncomfortable and stressed. If I could make it happen, you better believe that every policing asshole out there would be writing heartfelt apology letters and sending donations to everyone they've upset lol but...since I can't make that happen, all I can do is say what I, personally, do, would do, or have done.
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royalreef · 4 years
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(( As much as I love Monster Prom, some of its decisions as it comes to canon are just... boring. Disappointing and kind of a letdown in comparison to what was previously implied. They aren’t necessarily bad, and even in another story they could be perfect and impactful, and they’re all written nicely - but it’s just... A letdown in comparison to all the other possibilities.
Like I remember when the only lore ending we had available for any of the ROs was Damien’s Hairstylist ending, and the RPC was FULL of unique takes on lore for all the other characters! Like the old idea of Liam and Polly being childhood friends, or lore with gorgons, or even just how Zoe would behave after becoming a student. I’m not mad with how they all actually turned out, as again, I do think they were written well and were impactful in the intended ways, but at the same time... They feel like simple answers. Answers that don’t play as much in the idea that, these are monsters, in a world where magic and utter nonsense are commonplace and nearly anything is possible so long as you have the stats for it. It’s boring. It’s simple, and easy, and not too unusual once you get the gist of it.
Maybe it’s just the fact that the rest of the game is so wholly based in anything other than realism that having the serious lore be realistic just... I don’t know, feels strange?
As odd as it is, I feel like I lucked out with Miranda. The Bellanda ending was just bad, providing next to nothing lore-wise, coming off in a way that I’m sure wasn’t intended, and fumbling everything that’s been implied with Miranda up until then. Most of my Bellanda lore was developed before its release, since Bellanda herself was known about before then and I know someone had looked through the game files to find the picture for that one ending, so other than getting the other sisters’ names and adding a few chunks of things for me to work with, not much with my lore changed. Hell, the entire ending was just about lampshading how Miranda had no character nor lore nor motivations, and it just.... Felt like the worst possible way to explore Miri in any further detail?
Especially because she’s not a boring character!!! Once you start looking at her, laying out the consistencies and all the little things that we’ve been dropped, it paints a wonderfully interesting picture with a lot of fascinating things at play! She’s mega-rich in a way that even existing monarchies aren’t and weren’t even historically, she mentions things which have no business being in a fantasy kingdom, what is implied about her culture is bizarre and suggests that the Merkingdom has been isolated from other influences for far longer than even monsters and humans have from each other, what we hear about the Vanderbilts themselves and Miranda’s upbringing and all her little traits is sincerely concerning, and even the most obvious “ something is most definitely going on in a way we can’t see ” trait of her having eating serfs and not eating for herself is entirely undiscussed and never touched upon. She’s a character with a TON of vague, interesting concepts and a whole lot of unknown space between, and canon’s answer of “That space is totally empty, Miranda has nothing going on whatsoever” just feels like a copout!! There are so many interesting ways you could take it, and to completely dismiss that is BORING!!!
Like... I don’t know, maybe it’s me fanning my own flames, but I feel like it makes sense that the blog I really stuck with and the blog that’s been active in the MonProm RPC the longest would be a Miranda blog. She, out of all the characters, has the most big, interesting concepts behind her, and canon has almost entirely abandoned her. To be a Miranda blog, you have to deal with those concepts one way or another, and you have to wade into all the implications of them to continually write her, and with canon and fandom both ignoring her, you have to be very internally motivated to keep going with her. While I’m sure any other character had the same possibility, that they could’ve been the one in my place who got started at the beginning of the RPC and stuck around as long as I have - it just feels fitting to me, that Miranda was the canon character who it happened to. Canon didn’t really have a chance to kill her lore with a boring answer to who she is and why, and even in being canon divergent in the way that I am, it’s still less canon divergent than how a lot of the older ideas on lore would be anymore.
Maybe this is wholly me connecting red string on a corkboard. I’m willing to accept that, and it’s probably the truth. But it feels like a lot of wasted opportunities to make really unique, complex lore that just fell through the cracks because canon played it safe. 
If anything, I’d liken it a lot to the monster designs themselves. There was a chance to create beautiful, unique, horrifying monsters that you can date and be your worst self with, and while what we ended up getting is still good, they’re also kinda just people in face paint.     
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takusanno · 4 years
RP CANON: Gray – Disbandment of FT and Erza’s influence during the one year
TL;DR- Previously, my version of Gray was super bitter about FT after the disbandment and was struggling a lot with demonic darkness because of his magic and conflicted feelings. He was distancing himself from the guildmembers. But now that I’m less bitter myself, I’m revising things and have included something I felt was missing – a Friendship Speech (of course) – that helps him regain his belief in the guild. So even though he does still have trouble with the demon slaying magic at times, and he’s not ready to forgive Makarov for breaking up the guild, he’s not a mess of Angsty McAngst.
I reflected the other week about how there was a time a few years ago when I felt steeped in bitterness because of the FT manga and rpc, and how some of my personal frustrations skewed some of my portrayals, and how some decent time apart and a recent rewatch/reread of some earlier FT has helped restore things for me. One of the big things that got to me in that bitter time was the FT guild disbanding.
The guild built everything based on their bonds, giving speech after speech about how much the family meant to them and that they’d never give one of their members up. 
And then they broke up and moved on. They didn’t have a lot of choice, I know, but then it also seemed like most of them didn’t even keep in contact with each other. And then they were reunited and everything was all good again? No, surely there was some big hurting.
For Gray, who had been put through an emotional blender particularly with the Silver thing and learning new magic so suddenly, the disbandment wasn’t something he could be okay with. And the reunion didn’t sit right either. (As a side note, I had Lucy and Levy as muses back at the time and with my frustration at the FT guild and everything, I had set their main verses as them no longer being in FT – where they had helped get the guild back but with no intention of officially rejoining. Lucy especially was too hurt by Natsu leaving and everything and couldn’t go on with FT. But now i would do things differently). 
The portrayal I had for Gray back then was a dark, bitter guy who remained in the guild but no longer felt he could trust it and was struggling mightily with the darkness of the demon slaying magic. It was even getting to the point where I considered him leaving the guild.
And while I’m all for exploring different paths for a muse, I wasn’t really happy with his direction and also felt like his attitude would make interactions too difficult (not that I think a muse should be changed or toned down just for interactions). Rewatching FT made me miss the old Gray and the idea of him being able to have more lighthearted interactions. It also reminded me of the good parts of the FT guild. 
I wanted to get my Gray back to feeling the love for FT but couldn’t see how to, especially with where he was currently. And then all the Nakama Power™ speeches got to me and I was inspired. And now here we are – Gray is a firm fairy once again, though the burden of the demon slaying magic still causes issues at times (just not to the degree it was in my previous version of him) and his feelings towards Makarov are shaky.
The below is replacing what I had before and eases up on the poor guy’s struggles.
Following the events of Tartaros, Gray retreated to the mountains bordering Fiore and Iceberg to center himself and begin training. He was accompanied by Juvia and the two were therefore not present when Makarov disbanded the guild and removed the marks of those around.
Deep in seclusion, it was several months later that they heard FT was no more. The guild had been his home and foundation since he was a kid. He had always been taught the bonds were unbreakable, so to hear it was dissolved could not have been more of a shock. He didn’t believe it at first.
His struggle to comprehend this shattering of his life, the hypocrisy of Makarov, caused the issues he’d been having with his demon slaying magic to worsen, creating the dark stain that started to come over him. Juvia also struggled with the news of FT but was a little more concerned with the change in Gray. He distanced himself from her due to the darkness, but she did her best to restore his hope in the guild. Her words helped a little, but it was running into Erza that changed things for him.
The darkness, fueled by his hurt, confusion, and bitterness, had grown stronger, despite help from Porlyusica. He argued with Erza. How could she be okay with FT being gone? Did it not hurt her too? She had been in the guild almost as long as he had. He questioned whether everything had been a lie. Were their bonds nothing after all?
Erza fought back against that, reminding him that they didn’t need to see a guildmark or have a building, or even to see each other in order to believe in each other. She spoke of the hand gesture they all make, the one that represented the idea that even if their paths were different and they couldn’t see each other, they were always watching. She remained sure that Makarov had some reason for what he was doing.
Gray wasn’t convinced about that part, but her words did spark within him and settle most of his heart’s confusion, relieving him of the majority of his darkness and bitterness. Thoughts of how Juvia had stuck with him and how they had helped each other also eased him and reminded him of the power of friendship™ and FT.
When the guild got back together, he did have a few reservations for a while, especially hearing about some of the other guildmembers pain at the separation, as it brought back bitterness about Makarov. Now, things almost feel like they did before, but Gray struggles with his conflicted feelings about Makarov and deep down is aware that things between them can’t quite go back to how they were. Makarov broke the trust of his ‘children’.
But when the bitterness about the disbandment comes, he reminds himself of Erza’s words and how there doesn’t need to be a physical presence/reminder of the guild for it to exist in their hearts. He holds tight to this, and part of him fears letting it go, wary of falling to darkness completely.
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amorecleverdevil · 5 years
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@shiftingsupport​: 1 and 13?    ↪︎ ask the mun about writing. [ 𝔄𝔠𝔠𝔢𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ]
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         𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩. Oh hell yeh! Question time! I threw your answers down below a lil read more because I’m what the kids like to call?? A rambler.
1). What does your writing process look like?
A mess?? Lmao nah;;; So, honestly it depends on what I’m writing, how long I’m going to be continuing the story revolving around it, and what my current mood is. In general, I am a person who has a hard time sticking to one particular style or approach because I just get bored of it a lot. I find it a lot of fun to come at writing in many different ways and I’ve found that it’s helped me really explore what I do and don’t like for each genre or character that I attempt to tackle.
That being said, though, I tend to have at least a couple consistencies. Basically, when I’m writing replies, the most important questions I ask myself tend to be;
What is my character’s reaction to what just happened?
What have I written that actively engages the other writer and/or their character?
Have I actually described the scene or merely provided dialogue?
Will this thread carry for at least two more replies and, if not, should I end it or can I add something to make it keep going?
I’ll go ahead and give you some examples using writing that I’ve previously written to paint what I mean with each of them. For the first point, that’s the one that most people I’ve seen tend to have the best grip on, obviously. People who do roleplay tend to really know their own characters and can write them really compellingly. Most of the time, this part of the writing comes from the other player setting up a question or scenario and my character basically engaging with it. Typically, reactions tend to be the first thing I’ll actually be the first thing I put into a reply and I think that they are really important to keeping a fluid transition from one character to the next. 
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In the above example, you can kinda see what I’m talking about. Basically, Izzy made Gwen say something and Billy here gave a very basic response to it. Most of the time, I find dialogue or verbal responses are the best because usually the other character should pick up on them, but I like mixing in physical reactions and more internal monologues alongside those verbal responses. Sometimes, if two characters are in tune enough with each other, it actually can be really rad to get away with only physical reactions and internal dialogues, but that often requires a certain connection and history between characters to make accurate conclusions about what might be going through their head. Here is a great example between one of my mains and Nay from my old blog.
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Basically, Nay notices that Oswald is probably getting emotional over the fact they’re standing in front of this grave and looks down to get a better idea of who Oswald is getting so upset over. Oswald then follows his line of sight to the headstones, themselves. It’s a more sad scene, so not only is the lack of actual verbal responses very fun to play with, it’s also much more appropriate for the tone of the thread. This is something I love to try and play with a lot, but I avoid doing it as much with people who I have not already threaded with a few times.
After that, I then have to try to actively engage the other writer or create an opportunity for them to add to the thread as well. Especially when writing with someone new or for whom you may not have an immediate chemistry with, it becomes very important to throw them a bone, so I usually will do this as a follow up. I personally don’t love using questions to carry a thread, but it can be a good way to give an explicit indication of how the other person can contribute to it and it can be a lot more comfortable for people who are new to interacting with me and may be hesitant to just throw new ideas at me without having an extensive conversation about it. Here is an example where Naomasa responded to a question that Oboro poses and interacts with a nonverbal. 
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These first two bullets are what I usually consider the meat of the reply, so the most work is put into them. Everything else is filler and tends to be what actually makes the replies prettier and more interesting. In many cases, adding the last two can even happen naturally when you are trying to come up with ways to do the former, but it’s still something I keep in mind to look out for when I’m writing. Of the four points, I think that the one I probably struggle with the most is the one that revolves around describing the scene and I think that has been what’s kept me from reaching that multi-para/novella goal that I really wanna be able to do when writing threads, but I’ve been putting in more work to try and get on top of that one. 
The final point is basically just thinking about what I can add to try and keep a thread engaging. This is when I really tend to bring in that plot and start advancing it. Introducing a conflict or a new activity in the scene that might not have otherwise been relevant before now can really revive a thread and I tend to do that a lot if I feel like a thread is dying out too quickly. Sometimes it takes, sometimes it doesn’t but it’s basically just my way of jumpstarting an interaction I feel like didn’t have enough substance to get off the ground in the first place. The example for this one is between Naomasa and Jasper - Yes, I know it’s the same person, again, but it’s because Fabgen is ridiculously good at doing the whole “yes and” thing and really we should all just take some time to appreciate them - in which the two of them are both responding to a crisis of some kind. I had felt the nature of the thread hadn’t given them a concrete way to continue to interact with each other, so I made up a random conflict that they both could work! In this case, it was some random kid running into danger.
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After ALL of that, basically the last thing I tend to do for a thread is proofread and format. In a perfect world, I’d actually do the whole proofreading thing more often, but lmao nah. Basically, tldr, my writing process when doing threads is:
1). Respond to what the other person says. 2). Give them something to respond to. 3). Introduce a new plot point as necessary. 4). Fill in scene details and revise as necessary.
If you read back on my old threads, you’ll probably notice most of them follow this linear outline. Sometimes I’ll switch a couple things around, but 95% of the time you can literally cut my replies pretty into these parts without too much trouble. Also yall should go check out the people in these example threads because they’re all very talented and worth interacting with!! 
13). What do you look for in an RP partner?
Hmm.... An excellent question let’s see...
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Typically, these are things that make or break rp relationships:
Have concise rules/ooc pages that includes information such as their name, their pronouns, their age and their triggers. For certain fandoms, I also tend to look for stances on certain major discourse points.
Have the ability to para or multi-para threads and 3rd person POV. We don’t have to always do this, but I do really prefer this kind of RP.
Have the ability to participate in joke/crack posting
Read my character info or at least my rules before interacting with me. I know they are long and tedious and that I tend to ramble, but there are some important things in there that may vastly differ from many other people in the RPC and it’s important to me that everyone takes those things into account when engaging with me.
Have discord for OOC conversations and extended plotting or, at the very least, be comfortable chatting regularly via IM.
Follow me. It’s not necessary to interact with me and I 100% will interact with people who are not mutuals, but I typically tend to assume others around me are mutuals only regardless of whether or not they actually are and it’ll often put most of the responsibility on the other person to come interact with me if they want to thread.
I tend to main with people who will have OOC conversations with me about our characters and who are willing to adapt to fit into the settings / verses which I have already created for my characters. I am always seeking out familial relationships of ANY kind and will usually be quick to main people who do these kinds of threads with me. I do have ships for many of my characters that I tend to indulge in, but my mains tend to be people who actually get me to start shipping something because the characters just ended up vibing so well. I actually really love shipping my bi male characters with women, but there just really aren’t enough ladies in any of the RPCs to have lasting ships ;;y;;, so if we are able to get one going, I’d probably consider maining with ya’ll
I tend to like people who like continuous threads and verse building. I tend to like people who don’t mind having a million unfinished threads. I tend to gravitate to people who do formatting and icons, but I do not require it. I tend to shy away from people who are too self-concious about doubles or who tend to prefer being exclusive. 
Overall, I’m open to at least trying to rp with everyone! And I’ve definitely formed lasting friendships with people who did not meet many of this criteria, but in terms of what I look for this is probably a pretty good list.
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frcmshadcws · 5 years
Hot Takes From Your Local Bastard  ||  Selectively Accepting!
🚫 — Are there blogs you just won’t follow or characters you won’t interact with?
Characters? Not canon muses in this fandom  &  not for any particular set of reasons. But if a character genuinely makes me uncomfortable, or I just honestly cannot stand them (annoying personalities / etc), then sure  —  of course I’m not going to interact with characters that upset or massively irritate me.
Blogs? Of fucking course there are. Anyone that isn’t in compliance with my rules  —  having an age listed, having rules that I can easily access, being a generally decent person; the list goes on. If you aren’t in accordance with those? You’re immediately a part of this list. Anyone that demonizes other writers, for no valid (imo) reason, or actively supports call-out culture, is also probably on this list.
And outside of my rules? There are plenty of people within the RPC who, while they may not necessarily break my rules outright, I am never going to follow. Those are mostly people I’ve previously followed  /  associated with, who have proved themselves to be a toxic presence, though, so I’m going to leave that where it is.
😒 — Have you disliked a person/muse that everyone else loved?
I don’t think there are any muses/characters, that everyone’s adored  &  I haven’t liked. As for actual people? Eh… Yeah, of course it’s happened.
I’m a bitter bastard; I frequently just outright do not like people. That aside, there have been a lot of situations where people who were ‘popular’? Were also outright toxic  &  harmful, within the RPC. There… still are, actually. And anyone decent was/is left starring at their screen, going “But why do people like you?”
Luckily, those people have lost their old ‘traction’  &  are more easily avoided, these days. But we’re ending this here, because I really don’t want to start accidentally dropping ‘hints’ about who I dislike  —  that’s a private matter, as it should be.
🔥 — What is your hottest take on your fandom?
Everyone needs to grow the fuck up.
And frankly? I could leave it there, because I mean about 20 different things by that. But I’m gonna narrow it down to one of them. More than anything? People in this fandom, particularly in the roleplay community of it, need to learn to manage their expectations.
This is a relatively small RPC these days  &  near-everyone that I’ve seen in it, like most adults, has a host of other responsibilities. People aren’t going to be online constantly  &  people certainly aren’t going to be replying to threads/etc all the time. We’ve all got obligations, lives to live. And I’ve seen this recent influx in people getting bitchy with people, or starting to guilt-trip people, for not replying to them frequently. That shit? Needs to fucking STOP. Nobody owes you a damned thing. Grow up.
Related! Can I remind everyone that the vast majority of these characters, have a lot of shit going on in their canon? They’re busy people  &  most of them aren’t the easiest to interact with in the first place. It’s not exactly simple, to craft interactions with these muses. There’s a reason most of us have AUs, or our friends have AUs for the Hellsing universe to make interaction work. There’s a reason that the question of “when did they find time for this interaction”? Usually stays a question, that nobody addresses. It’s not a simple universe, or canon, to interact with. Manage your expectations  —  those directly in the RPC  &  those interacting with us.
👙 — What is your take on sexy characters?
Let characters be sexy  —  that is literally a summary of my thoughts on the matter. I’ve never personally understood why people get so ‘up in arms’ about the fact that a character is attractive. Especially in anime, where it ought to be expected that you’re going to see at-least-somewhat sexualized characters  —  it’s the nature of anime  &  if you have an issue with that, then maybe anime isn’t for you, but that isn’t my problem; it’s yours. Sure, there’s something to be said about over-sexualization, or characters that shouldn’t be sexualized  —  that’s a conversation we can have, definitely. But standardly speaking? I don’t really care if there are sexy characters in a show; it’s not that fucking deep.
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siderealsentinel · 6 years
“How long has it actually been since the Age of Fairy Tales?”
I hear this question get asked a lot, especially within the RPC, where timelines can be vital to character development. I’ve heard a range of suggestions, some people assuming as high as 2000 years. After some digging, the conclusion I’ve come to is somewhere within the range of 100 to 200 years. How? I’ll explain below. Warning: Minor KH3 spoilers will be included.
Let’s start from where it all began, the events that lead up to the Keyblade War, the dubbed Age of Fairy Tales. It was then that hundreds, if not thousands, of young keyblade warriors, sorted into factions known as Unions, worked together to defend the light. But over time, they came to fight over it, and thus the Keyblade War was waged. Since we have no clear indication as to the years this all came about, let’s use the beginning of the Keyblade War as our ground zero. It’s at this time that the only (thus far) known survivors of the Keyblade War, the Dandelions, made their escape to evade the war.
Jump to Birth by Sleep, and we’re given the Keyblade Graveyard, a veritable resting place of scores upon scores of keyblades, dead and powerless without their wielders. Whilst the game itself gave no clear idea as to how much time had really passed, in an interview with Tetsuya Nomura it was discovered that it was at least 100 years before Sora gained his keyblade, this being in KH1. Already we have our baseline, and knowing that 10 years pass between BbS and KH1, that puts us at around 90 years between the Keyblade War and the events of Birth by Sleep.
So where do we go from here? Fast forward to KH3, specifically to the endgame content known as the Secret Reports. Within one of these documents, we find this passage: “Eraqus is a blueblood, descended from the very first Masters in the Age of Fairy Tales.” With the mention of ‘Masters,’ it would be easy to assume this line refers to the Foretellers themselves; but at the end of KH3 we discover that not only are they still alive, but appear to have aged very little if at all. The one hitch is the Union Vulpes leader, Ava, who is not present in this scene. It’s not yet known what became of her, but for now let’s assume she’s involved in a grander scheme. This leaves us with our previously known survivors, the Dandelions. Among them were the succeeding Foretellers, whom could also be referred to as Masters.
To our knowledge, these are the only people who could go on to have families later. But of course, most of them are still teenagers or young adults at the time. So, using the Keyblade War as ground zero, let’s add ten years to give them time to begin families. Now? Back to Eraqus. Blueblood, as a term, refers to someone being of or descended from royal or noble birth. To claim blue blood, or really any special heritage by blood, one must be at least 1/16th of that blood, or a great great grandson/great great granddaughter of the original blood. That is, within four generations. The average timespan of a generation is 30 years. Assuming Eraqus sits at the 1/16th mark, the fourth generation, this would give us 100 years already by the time he is born.
There’s nothing to say exactly how old Eraqus, or Xehanort, really are. In KH3 we’re shown that they were friends as students, roughly the same age, despite how they appeared later in life. (Clearly, time was much kinder to Eraqus.) This in mind, it’s pretty clear their physical age is less than 100 years. Already this puts us under the 200 year mark. Apologies to anyone thinking it was longer than 200 years - it’s just not possible! We don’t have any way of knowing exactly how old Eraqus is, or exactly what generation he is descended from the first wielders. Assuming he is around 60 years old, he could be anything from the second generation, giving us 100 years, to the fourth generation, giving us 160 years. My best guess would be somewhere in the middle - the third generation, putting us at the 130 year mark. In conclusion, it was very roughly 150 years between the Keyblade War and the Events of Birth by Sleep.
And that’s it! Feel free to share this if you found it interesting, and if you have any questions or additional thoughts, you’re welcome to add them in your reblogs. Thanks for reading!
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daemon-knight · 6 years
Well folks, it’s time for me to once again shake off all the conflicting feelings and nagging thoughts I’ve had about Tumblr RPing and the general community. Yup, another semi-off-the-cuff Rambling. And I’m using the tiny text this time, so you know it’s big. 
I… honestly don’t feel comfortable calling it off-the-cuff given how many times I’ve edited and organized this, but it breaks my usual rules of a Rambling due to how blunt it is, so… here we are. I want to say this will be the last time I make an off-the-cuff post like this, but I also know I’m going to be doing posts like this for as long as I continue to RP, especially on Tumblr. My gripes will never cease, and I always have something to whine about.
But with that all said…
Nitpicks that Bug Allen
I’m going to just knock out the smaller issues I have with the RPC now before I really start rant and rave about the issues I want to get to. For those who have been following me long enough to know about my ramblings and gripes these are probably issues you’ve heard me talk about once or twice… or thrice. In any case here are the short ones, or at least the ones I can summarize in a sentence or two:
People still have very long bios and rules pages and it needs to stop. I’ve talked about these five times and I the fact I’m bring it up again  just makes me mad.
Speaking of continuing issues, passwords are still a thing too. Get rid of them. You wouldn’t need them if your rules page was short to begin with.
Also gonna’ say this again, but musing and aesthetic posts do nothing to show your character’s personality, traits, or themes, you’re writing does.
I’m starting to see blogs with half-finished or non-existent about pages promoting     themselves. No. Stop that. Finish the blog or drop it, don’t do it halfway and expect to be rewarded.
Probably gonna’ be its own section in this giant Rambling but stop trying to world-build outside of your character. That’s annoying and it makes more work for your partners that’ll be a wasted effort if you yourself only     adhere to it when it works for you.
Dash Commentary. It’s either funny or it’s metagaming. If you aren’t making a comment about something happening to be funny, then don’t post it, that gets very annoying in more plotted storylines.
Pretty sure judolette/Lita covered this at some point, but canon blogs depending on wiki links for bios… no.
Power Levels are still a thing that piss me off, but I’ll go into this later, for now just watch this, this, and this to get an idea of what power levels mean in terms of writing. The short version is that you don’t have the luxury of a universal power scale on     Tumblr, so you have to actually show strength instead of imply it.
Well, I just said the P-word, so I guess I’ll just get to meat of it now…
Power Levels and Fight RPs
Apparently, I can’t talk about this without going on a rant, so here we are. Okay, quick question for anyone that’s been following and reading Claudia’s stuff for a while.
How strong do you think Claudia is?
Take a moment to think about that. On a scale of one to ten, where do you think Claudia stands? Feel free to message me the answer if you want. If you want some context she’s canonically fought a dragon, a ninja, an alien mercenary, a monster hunter, a vampire-hunting vampire, and so on.
Okay, have your answer? Good.
You’re wrong. Claudia is as strong or weak as she needs to be for the plot to have stakes. Her strength in terms of value is irrelevant so long as its believable.
Claudia is strong enough to match her super alien girlfriend, but weak enough to be hard countered by the four-foot inquisitor. Strong enough that she can face off against the six-foot dragon gatekeeper barehanded, but weak enough for the creepy space witch from space to scare her despite her brave face. Strong enough to 1v1 an actual dragon, but weak enough to get overpowered by her little sisters.
You get the point?
Is it clicking?
I’m not even talk about things that happened off screen, Claudia has fought against all these threats and people in canon. When it comes to fight RPs my logic on if an attack hits or misses is simply what reaction creates the best reply. This is why Claudia consistently gets wrecked by Nero but is having an epic kung fu battle with Meiling, it’s interesting and cool. It’s why Temma and Claudia’s sparring matches are low-key and simple while Syn’s fights are bombastic and having them throw each other through buildings like a DBZ fight.
Again, is it clicking? This is basically how a lot of pro-wrestling works. 
Granted, I’ll admit I don’t plot a lot of the RP fights on this site because I see Tumblr RPing as a lot more free-formed than in the forums where nearly everything is a plot line to an extent. This place tends to have a lot of on-and-off RPs that can go quiet and dead for weeks and months before getting started again. That… makes me hesitant to plot anything that isn’t silly or nonsensical because the chances of it truly playing a role in a plotline can get wrecked the moment someone goes dark for a month.
But speaking of Tumblr RPing...
How Allen Views RPing
I think this is the main thing that gets my goat for a lot of the things that go on with the RPC here on Tumblr. To me, role-playing is just that, playing a role. The main idea behind it being to make a character and write them in whatever wacky adventures you and your partners can think up while keeping some thread of continuity and stakes. To that end the biggest thing I like to see as a writer in this type of medium is convincing and interesting characters that would mesh well with the characters I’ve written, be it their personality, background, mannerisms, writing style of the writer, etc.. 
Or you’re a shipping/smut blog that just wants to kiss and bang. No judgement either way that’s just not what I’m into, at least not on Tumblr.
But back to my point, this type of writing is very character driven. It depends a lot on making an interesting character in background, premise, personality, and actions, as well as showing those things through the writing. 
I know I make it sound complex, but for me, if I find a character that can punch Claudia in the face and will, in fact, do so if challenged then that’s enough to at least get me interested in a plot of some kind. Granted, there are some nuances for that, but I’m a pretty simple guy at the end of the day.
You see my point, right? A lot of RPing revolves around the character and making them feel real, or at least probable. This is a part of story writing too, but it’s not the only thing to worry about when writing a story, and it doesn’t have to be the focus unlike RPing.
This also plays into why I don’t partake in nor appreciate things like musings or aesthetic posts. Those don’t sell people on the character, what you write sells people on the character. Pictures, quotes, and other aesthetics do little to show how your character behaves and acts, they’re a shortcut to skip out on writing a character, and I refuse to partake in it.
Essentially, it’s a lot telling and not much showing, and that pisses me off.
I know I sound like a bit of a hypocrite since I occasionally post my drawings of Clauds and her musings, but in my defense most of my posts involve actual writing and her musings are writing in character to her specifically.
And on that note...
Allen’s Views on Canon Blogs
A lot of what I said about writing your character and show their personality and traits through said righting mostly applied to OC blogs and OCs. I won’t go into the nitty-gritty of character writing, but the basics are to just write a character, a premise/goal for that character, and keep the personality and behavior consistent with what you’ve previously established.
Canon characters are a different story.
Well, not completely. I see canon blogs in a similar way, but under much more scrutiny. With an OC you just need to make sure your character is within the grounds of what you’ve written in their profile. So long as it’s probable it’s not OOC or cheating.
Canon characters don’t get that much leeway.
The same principle of selling your character applies, but now with a character that already has an established background, personality, and expectations by fans of the series. This is the reason I think a lot of canon blogs in the RPC get into drama. The fact that these characters already have established backgrounds and expectations can cause a lot of people to get in a fit when those expectations aren’t met. When someone veers off too much from established canon without good reason it breaks the emersion and people get annoyed by that. This is also why when I use to be involved in Canon blogs I usually went with side characters or main characters from very small/unnoticed properties.
Like I said, the idea of selling the character still applies, but that also means the musing and aesthetic postings I mentioned before annoy me even more for canon blogs. The fact that there’s already a lot that we know about these characters to begin with means there’s no real reason to try and cheat by using musings or aesthetic post to get an idea of the character, we already know them or there’s a wiki page that explains them. Or your profile did what it was supposed to and gave us a basic idea of what the character is about. The only case I would see for a reason to cheat would be if your character was diverting from canon in an extreme way.
Which is a nice segue to…
Canon Divergent Blogs
I see two main types of Divergent blogs.
The first type are the blogs that pop up because a character was killed off in canon or put in some state of incapacity like a coma or warped to another dimension, or… just written out of the media for some reason. In this case I think a divergent blog is fine. There might be some narrative issues that would lead to certain characters not evolving or developing because of the sacrifices made or the attempts at realism within the story might ring hallow, but that’s overall harmless in the grander scheme of things and there are some writing tricks to make a fake-out death just as meaningful as a real one. 
However... the second type has me worried. 
The second type is usually some variation of “this character was written poorly by my standards and I’m rewriting them to what they should properly be.” As someone writing their own story and has attempted to write several stories in the past, I’ll tell you straight up that story writing is hard as hell and RPing is a cakewalk by comparison. Making a story from scratch with consist and entertaining characters that have unique character designs and personalities is probably one of the hardest things to do. And that’s just writing, I can’t even imagine the trials animators and professional comic/manga artists go through in order to do the same for all the work it takes to have a series, let alone a successful one.
This stuff isn’t easy, though I do understand the mindset. If character X got shafted and you want to give them a better shake, fine. But… be wary when you assume the version of the character you’re writing is the better one or what was supposed to be, especially for children’s media/anime. Just… remember that you’re writing for a character that was probably made for kids and not an older adolescence crowd, no matter how dark or deep the writing got. When a canon character deviates so far from the original Canon can you really say they’re the same person?
That said, as an OC blog that doesn’t follow a particular canon universe, I myself have no real stake if Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto starts acting like a happy-go-lucky ditz, or if Jin Kisaragi from Blazblue actually starts to visibly care about people other than Ragna and Tsubaki. Claudia has nothing to do with character, so what they do and her reactions to their interactions is... eh, negligent at best in the grand scheme of things.
I… don’t have a good segue to this next topic, so…
A bit random, but I wanna’ get my opinions on shipping out the way while I’m here. This is something I’ve never really understood, neither in RPing nor in fandom. 
From a writer’s perspective, a romantic subplot is tricky because it an easily become the focus and create a huge genre shift that will annoy your main demographic. As such, when two characters get together it’s usually at the end of a story and end it there, because writing a continuous relationship with ups and downs can be difficult when you’re an action series about explosions and punching people. However, the general rules of writing a relationship is usually to keep the character... well, in character. I’ve talked about this before as well, but Claudia dating Syn doesn’t change a lot about their personalities, or at least Claudia’s. She’s still a tomboyish girl that likes fighting, she still picks fights with essentially everyone, she still... acts like Claudia. The only addition is that she’ll occasionally mention she has a girlfriend, and even then she’ll admit that their relationship isn’t the greatest. Syn is always on missions or jobs off planet that just leave Claudia to hang out with her robot maids. Syn is noticeably stronger than Claudia and that ruffles her pride a bit. Syn does a lot of dirty jobs that could harm Claudia’s reputation further if political enemies learned about Claudia’s relationship with her. Hell, Syn is substantially older than Claudia by hundreds of years and that age gap itself creates issues of perspective. This is just a series of things to touch and write about.
Ah, but I was talking about how this played into RPing. 
Again, from a writer’s perspective my main question is does the ship make some form of sense and will the ship create a genre shift that turns what I was originally watching/reading into some romantic series. If the pairing can make sense and the tone/genre remain steady, then I see no issue with it. In terms of RPing, so long as the ship doesn’t lead to you never replying to other RPs and keeping your character consistent with your original premise then I see no issue with it.
So I’ll never understand why people get so riled up about this. Folks need to realize that these are fictional characters that aren’t real. Who they date won’t affect you, and unless it cripples the writing, I don’t think it needs complaint. But then again, romance is my weakest point as a writer next to smut, so… who knows, maybe I’m off base with this one.
I… also don’t have a good segue for this one either, so let’s talk about…
Multi Muse Blogs
To every multi-muse blog following me right now. I want you to do me a favor and pick out your top five characters, the top five that you always like writing for and playing as. You got them figured out?
Okay, delete everyone else from your blog.
Take it from a guy that ran a Multi-Muse blog for three years, don’t just add every random muse that pops into your head. Figure your top five and if you need to have more then make them side muses and specify on your blog somewhere, they’re side muses. Remember all that talk I gave about keeping things in your profile short and simple? Well now you have +5 characters, so that because a requirement if you want to keep your blog running smoothly. Everything I said before about running a blog, aesthetic posts, and so on just become five times more important now because you making five times the work for anyone coming to your blog.
Here’s a quick rundown of how I managed my multi-muse blog:
It’d be best to keep every character within the same world/universe or following a similar theme, my OC mutli-muse was focused on mercenaries and my canon multi-muse had all the characters from the same organization for an example.
Make your profiles short and simple. This is very important because you have 5+ characters and we need to get an idea about them very quickly.
Again, try and keep the limit around five. If another OC pops into your head do me a favor and write a short story about it if you really need to write them, keep them away from your blog unless they’re absolutely needed.
Wouldn’t hurt to get a page code from theme-hunters and have a small blurb about each character either. I know that’s a lot of work, but it really helps when it comes to summarizing a character at a glance.
That’s all I can really say on the matter.
And yet another bad segue…
World Building and Verses
Pretty sure I talked about this several times before, but let me put it in basic terms:
If it’s not relevant to your character, it’s not relevant to us. Your world’s 5 deities mean jack if your character isn’t religious and not actively worshiping one of them while warring with the other four. That long 5-page essay about your world’s magic means jack if your character doesn’t use magic, and even if they do just describe it in a way that’s relevant to your character. Your character’s ancient sword passed down from the great hero king means jack if that king isn’t King Arthur or someone of actual world renown. Hell, this is why a canned the lore of Claudia’s spear in her profile, it wasn’t that relevant to Claudia as a character nor did a play a part in any RP, so it was pointless text and I removed it.
Again, I’ve said this before, but Tumblr RPing doesn’t work like a group/forum RP. Your character’s world is automatically fuses with everyone else’s unless there’s a specific verse for it like RWBY. That world has a lot of specific rules and systems relevant to it, but nearly every other universe is just a spin on modern fantasy, which I be glossed off with a bit of creativity. This is how Claudia’s Soul Eater verse works. Soul Eater is within a modern world, but has supernatural elements like people that can fly and shoot lasers and the like. Claudia’s canon world has those things too, but not cars and other modern devices. At the same time, the Soul Eater verse can keep Claudia as a normal human with some decent fighting skills and keep her skills relevant.
Let’s be real, being able to wield a spear or other melee weapons is pointless in our modern world, but if said weapons were the only way to kill demons and other monstrosities, then people that can master those weapons have worth and can beat up said monsters and other threats with melee weapons without people batting an eye at it. The Soul Eater verse isn’t there just for the sake of Soul Eater, but for the sake of Claudia interacting with characters in a Modern setting that won’t destroy her premise of low-born noble joining military to no suck dick.
Actually, I’ve been talking a lot about writing, and I think that’s the last of things that truly annoy me about RPing on this site, so I think I’ll concluded this with…
Something of a Disclaimer
Now that I got all that out of my system let me say this while I have your attention, because I know I probably ruffled some feathers with this post.
Don’t take what I said to mean I think Claudia is being written with the idea of exploring deep themes, complicated relationships, or anything like that. Claudia is a Black, lesbian knight from Medieval-RPG-Fantasy -France that wields a black spear that can transform into other phallic weapons and is dating a cannibal alien mercenary from outer space while sparring with her robo-maids. She is currently training/mentoring an android that was made/adopted by a hyper-sexual dimensional space witch from space. Her circle of friends consists of a ninja, two catgirls, a vampire, ghost skeleton, and her samurai uncle. And need I remind you of all the times I’ve even taken my potshots at her. Trust me, I’m not saying my character is a stream of good writing.
For example, I’m trying to write my own original story. It was originally going to be about forest ninjas solving a civil war/political schism, but that got canned when I started to work on the world-building and realized writing out a solid civil war plotline was too difficult for someone of my skill. So, I changed it over to kung fu girls and that’s slowly turning into a series of vignettes with an over-arcing plot about a turf war in the background, something in the vein of K-On in terms of structure (a little ironic given the main character is named Kyo-Annie). 
This isn’t even my first time trying to write about the kung fu girls or the ninja girls, this is my third attempt at both over a year’s time. Writing, especially for a story, is hard. You need a well-made plot, decent world-building, entertaining characters, good sentence structure, unique writing style, and so on. Not to mention understand enough about the very language you’re writing in to make sure all the words flow properly. I honestly have no idea how you multi-lingual folks do it, I’m truly impressed by you guys.
But the point is, writing a story and writing a character are very different things, and I’m someone that’s been leaning more towards story-writing as time goes on than character writing. Writing Claudia’s character involves me making sure her dialogue and actions match up with what I’m presenting as a tomboyish, competitive jock that likes fighting and wants to maybe be a princess. Writing Claudia’s story involves me delving into things like upward social mobility, researching medieval politics and warfare, talking about themes of conservative tradition vs. progressive advancement at the cost of identity, whether losing oneself for the sake of their goals is worth it, and the list just goes on. 
It's like I said in my views of RPings, I see this as a very different form of writing and when doing a story, especially on Tumblr. You don’t have the luxury of icons to show expressions, or a profile to get a basic idea of a character. A lot of world-building needs to be done properly and carefully integrated into the story. You can’t just randomly add character upon character without it getting called out as impulsively hopping POVs. There’s just… a lot to keep in mind, and as I start writing these stories and get more involved in writing off Tumblr, the more… Tumblr annoys me.
Ugh, this got depressing. I think I’ll talk about something positive next time. Anyway folks, this 3000+ word Rambling is done. Hopefully I’ll talk about something more fun later.
Like fight RPs and fight narratives, those are always fun.
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thaliacrawford · 7 years
i don’t really think many people know about this (as i’ve just recently learned of this information as well) so i just wanted to make a little post regarding ALISSA VIOLET and CHANTEL JEFFRIES.
starting off with alissa, i’d just like to point out that i’m not 100% sure if these are real or fake as screenshots/tweets can be easily faked but alissa has used the n word in tweets in the past. THIS is a screenshot (not taken by me) of quite a few tweets by alissa that include the n word. like i said, screenshots can be easily faked but if you click HERE and HERE, you will be redirected to two tweets that are still up on her page where she uses the n word. these tweets were from 2012 - 2014 so she was 15 - 17 years old when they were tweeted. i don’t believe she’s ever made an apology or even a statement about it. not to mention, her boyfriend, faze banks, uses the n word and even defended pewdiepie on twitter after he had said it.
now going to chantel, when she had been arrested alongside justin bieber for drag racing, things started popping up about how she had been previously arrested multiple times, (BLOOD TW in this article) one of them being for assault with a deadly weapon where she had went to her old friend’s house and stabbed one of the girl’s in the arm. the case was dropped due to the victim no longer wanting to press charges. chantel denies that it ever happened but there are quite a few articles on that incident and her other alleged arrests as well.
take all this information as you will, especially chantel due to there not really being proof of her being arrested for any of the alleged incidents though i do believe that it’s fair for her to be banned in rps alongside other fcs who have been accused/arrested of assault. when it comes to alissa, there’s no denying that she used the n word in the past (i don’t believe there’s any proof of the present) so in my opinion, if you’re going to ban fcs who have used the n word in the past, she should be added to your list as well.
however, everybody is allowed to ban or not ban anyone they want and feel uncomfortable with whoever they want. i just wanted to give this information out to the rpc because i don’t think a lot of people know about this stuff. 
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grcndel · 7 years
hey.  so.
i don't normally like getting caught up in bullshit and drama on this website, but recent events have brought up the topic of a pretty explicitly homophobic user in the RPC, and i've been asked to provide proof of some of the garbage she's said and done to both me and others, so. 
here's your evidence. 
do with it what you please, interpret it as you please -- but here's your evidence.
regardless of how conscious or  intentional her actions have been, xuxu (osfractxm --> saintginevra / dcradc / equitvm / seculum / itsrickybxtch / compendixm / etc.) has said and done things to other members of the RPC that have hurt them, and that have contributed to much larger issues -- ex., homophobic rhetoric / fetishization / erasure.
i apologize in advance for certain images being low-quality, or compressed oddly by my blog theme. for readability's sake, i recommend clicking on the screenshots provided.
here's my personal run-in with xuxu, wherein she first approaches me regarding a sort of shipping call despite my rules explicitly stating that grendel is gay. when i explain this to her, she follows it up with a statement that essentially boils down to "oh, i knew he was gay; my muse tends to go after gay muses specifically, which i then use as a personal angst plot on her behalf."
osfractxm (xuxu):   ;;I saw your post about flirting with grendel, i have no knowledge of the game, per say, but zombie lady over here is like, "dat monster ... he kinna cute" xuxu:   but i also assume he's based off the grendel from beowulf, yes? xuxu:   or /is/ the grendel from beowulf grcndel (me):   im sorr y zombie lady you can Try to flirt with him but he's sad and gay and will probably just. completely go quiet because he doesn't know how to deal with people. -- ALSO,, yes!! he is grendel from beowulf; just in a verse where he survived the maiming me:   and lived to modern day me:   he's just trying to get by and not be a total monster anymore. xuxu:   gg  (ginevra)  over here has a tendency to think gay men are cute and then regret everything. but hey.
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i really shouldn't have to explain why saying this shit, especially to a gay man, is pretty fucking creepy.
( in hindsight, i admit that i probably should have been more assertive about saying 'no,' but i didn't want to be rude. i made it clear enough that gren wouldn't react well in the only way i felt comfortable and decent doing so at the time. i figured maybe she'd just forgotten, or hadn't read my rules yet, so i wanted to be gentle about the rejection. )
i do understand that, out of context, what she said up there seems misguided, but maybe not bad. 
it gets bad, though, when you consider her interactions with a certain other character on her nsfw archive blog, ossaxfortes, wherein she has (recently!) been writing out a plot of her muse seducing a character that the mun had previously written as explicitly gay.
just in case you don’t want to read it yourself (i can’t say i blame you), i’ll say here that a major fetish-point of the thread between ginevra and this other muse seems to be the fact that he's ~fucking a woman instead of a man, oh, how dirty and different and strange~.
given that thread, plus whatever brief thing has gone down between her and i, i don't think it's unreasonable to say that xuxu most likely seeks out gay muses and gets off on the "Gay Man Experiencing Straight Sex, But Oh, It's Okay, Because He Liked It!" plot, and that she was most likely going to attempt to do the same with grendel if i hadn't shut her down and stopped replying to her, which -- as a gay person who's experienced corrective rape -- is ... pretty fucking sickening to me.
but!  maybe i’m not the best judge of this kind of thing. i mean, after all -- what do i, a gay man, know about what counts as fetishism and erasure of gay people? not as much as too non-gay-men, obviously.
let's go on.
here are the testimonies of a close personal friend of mine regarding their experiences with her + their observation of her tendency to muse-hound/muse-hoard and force-ship, which they have personally experienced, as well as general statements regarding her behavior as an rp partner (draining + pushy in ooc interactions; no regards for other peoples’ comfort or consent; takes advantage of people with passive personalities, however conscious or intentional).
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here's some of the awful shit xuxu's personally sent to this friend + people this friend knows.
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let’s start off with some good old rape fetishism, shall we?
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and maybe some admittance to knowing other people’s characters are gay & going after them anyway.
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... yeah, no she’s definitely aware of what she’s doing / is proud of it.
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it really DID come out of nowhere!
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   > do you want my nsfw blog?    > ‘not really, no thanks’    > xuxu sends the nsfw blog anyway.png
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fair enough, but kind of an uncomfortable statement.
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kind of another uncomfortable statement / context for a former testimony.
so, reasonably, the other party involved in these screencaps left the situation.
...... and here's xuxu failing to just do the right thing and leave them alone after they've blocked her. (way to ruin a good apology with self-victimization, passive-aggression, and guilt-tripping, btw.)
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-- also, on a final note? just to add a little irony onto the shitpile? here's a particularly pissy segment of a particularly pissy little post that xuxu still has up on her blog.
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interesting viewpoint on minority characters/the voices of minority people, considering everything, isn't it?
very, very interesting.
HOWEVER.  please understand that, regardless of how sarcastic and bitter i might sound, this post is not telling you to send hate to xuxu, or to approach her about this at all. this post is not telling you to feel one way or the other about the person or the circumstances. i know i, personally, have probably done my fair share of similar shit in the past -- i’m not saying xuxu’s the fucking devil. i’m just saying, ‘if this sort of thing bothers you, watch out.’
i only want to put this information out there so that people who are bothered by this sort of thing can AVOID her, unfollow her, block her -- whatever they have to do to keep themselves safe and comfortable.
you can dislike her, or dislike me. i don’t care. you can reblog this, ignore this and scroll past it, feel neutral about it, i don’t care. you can agree with either one of us or neither of us at all -- you can even think me writing this whole thing up is stupid and unfounded and unnecessary, i don’t fucking care, but whatever you do? DO NOT turn this into some all-out fucking war. that’s not what i want, for either party.
like i said before -- read this objectively and take it as you will. don’t listen blindly to strange men on the internet. don’t just assume somebody’s a piece of shit because ruben @ grcndel dot tumblr dot com said they were. make up our own mind about it; i can’t do that for you. --  but, above anything?
just be safe.
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pocmuzings · 8 years
Hello hello! I'm starting up a skeleton rpg and I really don't want to use problematic FC's, but I'm not fully aware of which fcs are problematic? I know some, but most who are called out in rpgs I wasn't even aware of? So I was wondering if you could just please point me towards a list or educate me on which FC's are problematic because I don't want my rpg to be on the side of toxicity? Please and thank you!!!!!
Sure lovely! First of all, there’s nothing wrong with putting in somebody who’s problematic if you don’t know they’re problematic. This is about educating yourself, and your rp’ers! So don’t be too hard on yourself. Also take note, that some celebrities can be problematic, but learn from their behaviour, or have been problematic 5+ years ago. It’s important to remember that everybody makes mistakes and we’ve all been problematic at some point, so you are allowed some leeway. However, if a celeb is continuously problematic, and you use them, that’s when you run into issues. 
Without much further ado, here are some problematic FCs
Bella Thorne: Made racist comments about Zendaya Coleman, has used the ‘N’ word previously
Blake Lively: Woody Allen apologist
Camila Cabello: racist to fellow band mate
Cate Blanchette: Woody Allen apologist, named her child after convicted child-rapist Roman Polanski
Chris Colfer: Sexist
Colton Haynes: Does black face repeatedly
Cole Sprouse, Alex Pettyfer, Michael Fassbender, Johnny Depp: have history of abusing ex partners
Dominic Sherwood: called fellow cast mate f*g on live stream
Emma Roberts, Evan Peters: both have physical abuse allegations
Emeraude Toubia: Appropriated black culture and hairstyle
5 Seconds of Summer: Sexist.
Gigi Hadid: Extremely racist. Wears other cultures clothes as fashion statements, posted a photo recently making fun of Asian people’s eyes.
Herizen Guardiola: Dated a minor
Ian Somerhalder: Sexist. Also… Forced his girlfriend to get pregnant by throwing away her birth control pills without her knowing. 
Jennifer Lawrence: racist, ableist, transphobic, culturally insensitive
Jared Leto, Casey Affleck, Kevin Spacey: Rape charges against them
Justin Timberlake: Exoticizes Black Culture, and uses it to make money
Justin Bieber: there’s so much problematic about him i don’t know where to start. He’s just an overall very awful person.
Kristen Stewart: Woody Allen apologist
Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson: Sexist. Louis has also used the ‘n’ word.
Miley Cyrus: Culturally appropriates, and racist
Nina Dobrev: Johnny Depp supporter. Appropriated Cinco De Mayo.
The Jenners / kardashians: Appropriate black culture
Nicola Peltz: Shrugged away racism, especially of her whitewashing in Avatar
Nina Dobrev: appropriated mexican culture, and day of the dead, and used it for fashion. then upon being called out, deleted the caption. Supports J*nny Depp.
Naya Rivera: physical abuse assault allegations
Melissa Benoist: offended LGBT+ community by repeatedly laughing at fans saying her ‘supergirl’ character would be bi/lesbian.
Melanie Martinez: Rapist.
Taylor Swift: white feminist, racist
Timothee Chalamet: Worked with Woody Allen then lied about it when called out. Was also in a film that promoted pedophilia. 
Tyler Oakley: Racist, sexist, transphobic
Uriah Shelton: Encourages posts that say feminism is not needed.
Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez: Shrugged away BLM movement, saying bullshit “all lives matter” instead. Culturally appropriate clothes and bindi’s
Zayn Malik: Supported his racist girlfriend, sexist.
Helpers of Indie have a list of banned and grey / murky area banned FC’s
These xx, xx blogs are very helpful and i indeed think you should check them out whilst looking at FC’s
Yourfaveisproblematic is very helpful, but bear in mind that some of these celebrities on the list were problematic a few years ago, or possibly before educating themselves, so make sure to check how recent the sources are.
A masterlist of banned FC’s, but i’m not too sure how frequently it is updated. This is also helpful for finding a celeb who possibly does not like to be RP’ed
I also have this tag here, where i put banned and problematic FC’s!
All of these have been sourced and double checked by me, although i am not perfect myself, there could be a few mistakes. If you need me to send over sources, i’m more then happy to send you all of mine! I’m sure there are more, but these are the main ones i see still used in the RPC/H/A community.
Thank you for wanting to educate yourself, that is already such incredible stuff! Good luck, and if you need any more help, let me know!
P.S if anybody knows anybody i should include in the list, please let me know!
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astrcllcgic · 6 years
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【☆】I can’t sleep and there’s a number of reasons as to why I can’t sleep so I thought it would be easier to just talk about it here. It’s related to some asks I obtained on my roleplay account from someone who is apart of The Arcana Fandom as well as RPC. I wish this didn’t affect me much but unfortunately it’s affected me far more that I’d have liked it too to the point of I have no motivation to roleplay in the slightest. This is me just writing and talking about it, trying to sort my head out and get out what’s been bothering me about this all. You’re not required to read this as it’s simply me just needing somewhere to outlet my thoughts.
However. if you’re reading this then strap yourselves in because this is a bit of a long post I must admit and it will be hidden under a read more to save your dashboards.
Recently my multi-muse roleplay account was subject to a hate/guit trip anon. The second one that is. The first one is on an archive of the blog. Both where on the same matter of how I ran my account and wasn’t ‘open’ to interacting with people and I was the sort of person this individual despised just because of how I ran my account. 
For people who don’t know, a multi-muse is an account where you write at least two or more characters. I myself was and still am a private, selective and independent account which essentially means, I don’t belong to any groups, I am selective on who I wish to interact with due to past experiences and for my own comfort and private essentially means I will only interact with mutual followers. 
I responded to them, the first ask back around the start of January. I was polite and clarified things to them that they had accused me off. (You can find the ask and response to it here). In the end, I stated that they could speak to me privately if they had more issues. They never did. What they didn’t know however was that I actually knew who they where. How you may ask? Well they unfollowed me around the time I got the ask on my previous account. As well as that, I had an ask from their main account, directing me to their side roleplay account related to The Arcana fandom. Clicking on their profile revealed I was blocked by them. 
It was clear to me that just because of how I ran my account, I had single handedly annoyed this person to the point they felt it was necessary to send me an anon stating this and then proceeding to block me either to ensure they didn’t have to see me again or read my response instead of talking to me like a civil adult? I’d have happily spoken to them privately if they revealed themselves so the matter didn’t have to be brought out to public and everything could have been kept private and I’d have explained the reasoning behind why I ran my account the way it’s ran.  
We fast forward two months. It’s now March and I’m slowly getting my remade multi-muse more active all while completing KH3 and the entire Spyro trilogy. Everything is going fine as I’m taking my time and doing things my own pace to stop myself from getting stressed out from a hobby... Or so I thought. 
The person who blocked me on my previous multi-muse had gone and refollowed. Only this time they didn’t send an ask stating they had a side roleplay account. A part of me admittedly thought they where a bit dumb for following me after the anon they sent on my previous account. And I hadn’t changed my url in the slightest. It was the same url that I used previously before I moved to a new account and my penname was the same too. The only difference between the two was that I had updated my mun face claim icons with a new PSD, removed a bunch of muses and updated the theme. 
I can admit, I should have possibly blocked them when I remade, but I am not a confrontational person and try not to block unless it is absolutely necessary. All I had done was blacklist their urls and muted their account as well (something doable thanks to XKit)  so I wouldn’t see any of their posts in The Arcana RP tag for my own comfort. 
So it was safe to say, I wasn’t going to follow them. I didn’t wish to follow them the first time and after that anon they sent I definitely wasn’t going to follow them. A part of me knew that they had to be following for a reason. Like, why follow me after the crap you pulled almost two months ago? But I also didn’t want to go and block them in any way and cause more issues. 
I shared a meme, asking people to state the truth and what they liked about me and/or my writing and what they didn’t like about me and/or my writing and do it on anon. I got not one but two asks that where... Unpleasant. The ask with them can be found here. I was asleep at the time I received them and no one had unfollowed me so it was clear it had to be someone who followed me. The ask is very long if you decide to read it and I apologise for that.
It wasn’t too hard to figure it out really. When the ask I received in January being similarly worded as the new asks in March. Them stating they have a side rp account was their down fall I must admit as I knew exactly which of my followers at the time and I tend to always keep note of which followers do have side rp accounts for my own reference. Plus from what I had experienced with them previously via anon, it really wasn’t a surprise.
I won’t repeat everything I said in the most recent asks. Honestly there’s no need for me to do that. But I made my point and clarified everything once again as well as saying that some of the things they said where toxic behaviour. I also stated multiple times I had a pretty good idea who they where and in the end, asked them to simply unfollow me. The ask wasn’t even up five minutes before I was unfollowed by them so to me it’s clear they didn’t read it or did they expect such a long response. I proceeded to block both their accounts just for safety.
I shared a meme, simply wanting to know what people thought of me in the end. It was not a free pass to send guilt trip anons or extreme hate. It was a meme that was there to state what you liked about me or didn’t like about me. Same with what I did with my account and writing. Did you like what I was doing in general. 
It wasn’t permission for someone to be a coward and hide behind an anon. Say vile words thinking they got away with it. But no they haven’t. Because if you’re going to send hate they you aren’t going to want to do things to get caught. Such as blocking and unfollowing when sending an ask or practically told to unfollow me when you see your ask responded and not in the way you where probably hopping. They’re blocked now and I will keep on blocking them for my own comfort so that they no longer attempt to send any form of hate or guilt tripping again. All I can hope is that they decide to grow up and learn from this, that this isn’t acceptable behaviour to treat someone. Especially if you wish to write with them.
Somehow, this ask has still affected me because I’m still thinking about it everyday and it’s killing my motivation to write. I know it shouldn’t. I’m not offended by the words in the slightest. I’m more disappointed that the person didn’t speak to me like an adult and actually think this is acceptable behaviour if you encounter something you dislike within the RPC.
I hope that this passes soon enough as I do wish to write again. I’m just upset that I’ve realised it’s about these asks sent by a coward in the end. 
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