#especially not Chara
the-n3w3st-g1rl-g1rl · 10 months
the fact that Chara's big plan to destroy the barrier involved them committing suicide…
like, killing themself for "the greater good"… and it didn't even work, either…
if anything it made things worse. because it made Asgore want to declare war on all humans. it caused Flowey to exist and caused mass murder on multiple resets.
and this isn't me blaming Chara for that. this is me saying that their suicide didn't improve anything. killing themself was a horrible idea with massive consequences. they didn't need to die, they didn't deserve to die and dying did not fix anything.
I don't understand how anyone sees them as a villain really…
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junebugdunes · 5 months
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shape language practice with the undertale crew
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wildflowercryptid · 4 months
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how carmine finds out florian's got a thing for kieran
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
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Wow. That could not have turned out worse.
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This comic will be on Holiday Hiatus this December and January! While on a cliffhanger? What a scam! >:/
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starryaike · 11 months
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The sillies
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grumpyghostdoodles · 2 months
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Poor Peepaw Starlo. They grow up so quickly.
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shimmershy · 1 year
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Chara Week Day 5: Ghost
Every time I see that machine in the True Lab, I wonder if it could possibly be Chara's soul in there? Probably unlikely, but not impossible... It's interesting to think about what the implications of that would be.
A version with no text and then a version with just the machine, because I think it looks pretty cool and ominous alone as well.....
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shinotail · 3 months
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misc art stuff i never posted here!
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pachimation · 1 year
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a certain mysterious incident that took place one night at lambad’s tavern
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carlyraejepsans · 2 months
Do you think Character and Frisk are nonbinary or is it supposed to be up to the players ?
no i don't think they're nonbinary
seeing as every single human we've met has been referred to as neutral the most logical conclusion is that UTDR humans straight up don't have genders at all.
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kamiart · 4 months
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I restarted P3P again and the noticeable style difference was bugging me so
woe, 2009 femc be upon ye
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pendwelling · 1 year
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The iconic same-age line pic from ep17 🥹
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r3dlif3 · 5 months
I think above all the worst misconception about a naruto character has to be a 31 year old obito still being in love with 14 year old rin. Not only does this go against obito's whole character past the third shinobi war but it's plainly disgusting that people think this about a middle aged man. I'm telling you now that rin was not the sole reason for Obito's hatred for the shinobi world she was just the catalyst for him agreeing to madara's plan, resulting in everything that happened.
It's just annoying to see this misconception even when within the manga itself obito has stated he isnt in love with rin anymore in his adulthood as he refers to his love of her in the past tense. It's just painful to see people forget that rin was his best friend, not just his crush. She was the first person in his life to introduce him to friendship and to truly believe in his abilities and dreams. They were eachothers closest friend within life, even if rin didn't reciprocate obito's feelings she still loved him and cherished him.
I see comments about obito being the ultimate simp or some shit like that and its infuriating to see this shit about such a complex character like obito, he's only wittled down to some guy in love who apparently caused a war only for her or kakashi's friend.
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emoangel44 · 8 months
i think the thing that makes people mischaracterize and completely miss the point of chara is that theyre written to be two very different things concurrently that dont really mesh together.
from what we know concretely about chara as a character, they were a very mentally ill child and complicated person who simultaneously hurt and helped people around them, who held both a lot of love and hate in their heart. they are fairly vague but also have specific character traits such as liking chocolate and filling up water glasses to the brim to maximize efficiency. they take speaking patterns from toriel and an interest in gardening from asgore. if you believe in the narrachara theory, they even have a character arc that changes depending on the route you take. they are inarguably a character who haunts the narrative due to their decisions in life having lead to tragedy that shapes the very plot of the game inextricably; and arguably a character that haunts the narrative and shapes the story much more literally in being a conscious force and companion that accompanies our journey.
at the same time, chara isnt treated as a character at all and is instead a meta-narrative device meant to act as an in-universe player stand-in. in this way chara isnt actually a person with character traits, but a vehicle for toby to provide commentary about the people who play video games. they are a concept that represents the state of thoughtless exp grinding. in the no mercy route their main purpose is to be a reflection of you and your mindset, even more directly than flowey. the reason theyre named after you is because, for a number of aspects in the game, they are supposed to be you; with no notable separation like there is with frisk.
this problem also heavily applies to frisk, for who there is an effort to separate their identity from yours at the end of the pacifist route but who still ends up with no real character traits of their own. people compensate for this by using black-and-white thinking; which results both in assigning frisk and chara a sort of "good-and-evil" dichotomy leading to their early fan interpretations, and in thinking that frisk and chara can only be either fully fleshed out characters or mindless player inserts leading to people favouring option one and basically ignoring the player as a concept except to occasionally use it as a generic big bad.
i think toby prioritized meta-textual implications over actual textual characterization for the human characters in undertale. this left chara as a character feeling unclear, unfocused, and incongruent due to them trying to be several things at once with no real through-line; and frisk as a character feeling practically non-existent outside of being a vessel. there are effectively two different charas in undertale, the character and the plot device, which makes it hard to talk about them as one consistent whole. i think this is why in tobys second game hes been putting such a focus on kris as a character and their separation from the player, as to improve on what he didnt properly touch on in undertale.
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ferronickel · 7 months
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Happy second anniversary to The Chara Timeline by @lilybug-02! I've been wanting to do some slightly Looking Glasses style fanart of these goobers for a while, and an anniversary seems like the perfect occasion.
Working on any project for two years, let alone a comic, is a huge achievement. I think sometimes it's tough to realize just how much work goes into creating a comic on your own, especially when you have other obligations. So congratulations on two years, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the comic goes from here!
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stellabyystarlight · 7 months
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no matter how many people point their fingers at you,
shine with passion, Esperanza
(+ happy bday momo!!)
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