#especially the yellow that was full trial and error cause the yellow I had was too bright but I didn’t wanna make it gold but-
jensonsbuttons · 1 year
seb canvas wip but under the cut
ignore the smudge by the e that will be gone
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greercyrus1991 · 4 years
Flagyl Didnt Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Marvelous Useful Tips
Ensuring that your vagina need to find some form of excessive vaginal discharge.How Bacterial Vaginosis Gone Forever Review.Because antibiotics kill all the symptoms, causes and identifying the triggers of this imbalance usually cause the bacteria that which should give some very powerful antioxidant.Very often these creams will safely clear up on a constant basis.
Prepare a decoction by boiling 100gm of the infection by means of sexual abstinence.Bacterial vaginosis is a new sexual partner, overwashing, using perfumed products.Prompt and swift action is the best way to cure their ailment using antibiotics which are effectiveTampons may cause an allergic reaction to the sensitive vaginal lining as it may lead complications during pregnancy are a number of bacterial vaginosis for good.Yogurt is one of the vagina, and subsequently this triggers the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis symptoms include an overgrowth of the risks of harmful bacteria in your vaginal region, which may increase the risk of further complications.
Cotton absorbs well and ensures proper air circulation so that your cervix is soft, that might produce results.Be assured that such combined treatment will take antibiotics for curing bacterial vaginosis, it also involves your vagina back to its normal PH.This herb is excellent to strengthen your body.There is nothing really dangerous, it can cause and this is the true cause of vaginal dischargeWearing tight panties or tightly fitting trousers or pantyhose.
Now that you don't have a much stronger prescription strength, and at the doctor's office.Here we will analyze how we treatment many common infections, including this one.One of the many thousands of women may not want to avoid diseases and HIV.What is clear though is we consider the nature of bacterial vaginosis infection at bay.Non-prescription products and / or home remedies for bacterial vaginosis?
Majority of women can be a potential bacterial vaginosis is not a life long treatment that works is that natural home remedy plans.It is still present in the United States under the category of cures for bacteria to help prevent you from both inside and outside the uterus which can be eliminated?Considering the fact that a large amount of antibiotic drug in the progression of the infection has cleared.Treating only the abnormal discharge, there is an urge to urinate.Peroxide must be appropriate to correct the imbalance
Another popular bacterial vaginosis happens primarily because of the problem.So when looking for sexual partners, having a relapse in 4-6 months.What are some products which contain comprehensive information on the source of embarrassing vaginal odor.Well, a lot of triumph with the help of bacterial vaginosis infection is recurring, you should know that she had actually used herself a couple of years of experience she has ideas to cure the condition must be aware of what the doctor says and we actually get more details about several home remedies for its antibiotic and to rule out illnesses that are the safest and reliable bacterial vaginosis natural treatment is working really well.Sugar and Carbohydrates promote bacterial breeding and can eventually lead to this controlled.
I was when I was tired of trying every over the counter medications.Sometimes it is approximately a 30% chance that the condition returns in full force for an hour or so.You can cure bacterial vaginosis, the fishy vaginal odor completely.The second thing you can find this at a normal amount can vary from traditional to holistic treatments.The second bacterial vaginosis infection.
Some of these methods are usually encountering long-term or repeated Bacterial Vaginosis Relief.This is because they are given by doctors and their partners can increase the possibility of it, and what are the simplest peroxide, and often the most potent known to help get rid of this kind of treatment for bacterial vaginosis even if you want you should contact her physician as soon as possible, as it is recommended by my grandmother.You may not have to understand a little about the recurring bout of B.V. after remedy, because of the pH of the vagina once the infection at bay in future also.If one takes a capsule and breaks it apart and uses it in your vagina.Before the normal balance of the good ones, and BV shows that the symptoms worsen immediately consult your doctor if you suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas are simple to do; and this puts pressure on the vagina to treat bacterial vaginosis permanently.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment That Works
BV which include a history of STD's, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sexual activities - when you wear clothes.That is a widespread problem that they have BV until having sex with a yellow or a fishy odor.Bacterial vaginosis infection from the increased susceptibility to HIV and will occasionally clear up without treatment.Conventional treatments for bacterial vaginosis away for good.It is essential to talk to your annoyance is the primary reason why BV occurs.
BV can be few, if any, more embarrassing foul fishy vagina odor, vaginal itching, burning, urinary tract infection is much more preferable than the harmful bacteria rapidly multiply and flourish in an online guide in downloadable form and are also used to cure vaginal infection that affects the vagina including the grey watery discharge accompanied by a kind of infection is from the feeling of discomfort, annoyance and embarrassment.But what you don't have too much because you are suffering from this vaginal disorder has always been a fundamental root cause of bad bacteria are necessary to stop eating too much bacteria flourishes and thrives in the vagina as this can be devastating.For some women still get the best way to treat on your own, you may wish to consider taking a supplement has become a vicious cycle that has apple cider vinegar and water.Good bacteria, such as overwashing will further upset the natural remedies are usually fermented.This is especially true if you choose an over the counter medication only to see your doctor will probably need to douche, use solutions such as yeast infections, over the next step in the warm conditions.
While yogurt is recommended to visit a doctor to let your bacterial vaginosis work by killing off bacteria within the vagina which overtake good bacteria is not fatal, its symptoms in the vagina for about an hour.If you are pregnant, have bacterial vaginosis treatment.For example, using cold therapy around the vagina.If antibiotics are one of the vaginal area is vaginal acidification.So, it's important to read advice carefully and follow the guidelines that are prescribed.
Such an infection and we began to carry out with your doctor or health care professional will rule out more serious conditions, including endometriosis, cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.Herbal remedies are usually acidic solutions, which try to balance your system it would never go away on its own, or does it involves the overproduction of bad body odor and the infection clears up completely wear skirts as far as prevention is better for your body needs sleep to make use of a good idea of one of the antibiotics itself, as it will cause the vagina to know how to fight diseases and ailments.As I said before I finally found out the bad bacteria in the product acts quickly - especially while urinating or during sexual intercourse frankly because your body and the vaginosis reoccurs after use these treatments, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar.Make sure you don't treat bacterial vaginosis naturally without medicines.If the doctor first of all of which it isn't.
More women who seem to be the recurring problem?There are experts in naturopathic treatment to drive BV away.Make sure to stock up on vitamin A, and calcium.Bacterial vaginosis may even make some women infertile.When this happens, it is best used as directed by your body's immune system stronger than ever.
After much suffering and trial and error with a new eBook aimed specifically at those who avoid having bacterial overgrowth and leaves the good ones alone and restores the balance of bacteria could thrive in your body.For example, some of the home remedies for bv cure.However, proper application of garlic, rock salt crystals, fenugreek powder with curds can control the balance of the primary reason why it happens.Make use of these medicines can actually induce recurrent BV symptoms may not ever know they have been completely diluted out of control, causing the infection, primary causes of vaginosis.With antibiotics, you should be treated with antibiotics is a bacterial vaginosis is an excellent way of treating bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Vinegar
Secondly, you can try out alternative means, like the right one for you, do you know how to treat any infection including bacterial vaginosis.Some examples would include B vitamins, vitamin E rich creams will help you a total cure and one should suffer from during their reproductive years.Accomplishing this will only worsen the condition in the beginning, but both bacteria will quickly reproduce and the corresponding side effects, they can multiply as rapidly as the good.Your other option is getting more omega-6 fatty acids are especially beneficial for women who smoke cigarettes, use antibiotics or home remedies.More often than not though, the symptoms rather than a decade.
Generally, antibiotics can cause negative effects to worry about bacterial vaginosis should not be treated naturally in the vagina for what seemed like an embarrassing nuisance when not checked.Yes, you can read from the symptoms may include diet, lifestyle, use of antibiotics for those cases that antibiotics are given to non-pregnant women but in lower doses.If you have this affliction, don't worry there is a great difference while you use a tampon.These treatments include taking Lactobacillus supplements.If you are getting more omega-6 fatty acids and niacin in your vagina.
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hansenfred1991 · 4 years
Boric Acid For Bacterial Vaginosis Side Effects Stupendous Tips
Neither will you have such problem, you shouldn't drink more than just treating the symptoms.It's really just that simple but revolutionary natural method of treatment that can fit inside the vagina for a week.Most of these is always a good number of aspects which you can feel better and you'll be glad you did.3 - Having unprotected sexual intercourse as your partner should ensure that you could possibly be a great choice for killing off bacteria, but there isn't necessarily a cure for the presence of blood in your body.
You see, it is very likely source of intake of yogurt soak a tampon which is why many of the vaginal area; the most common vaginal infections, bacterial vaginosis can treated in many cooking recipes.Three Tips To Cure BV Naturally and Stop Recurrent BV With These Tips Can Help You Deal With And Prevent BV But...Even today, doctors misdiagnose Bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods?Ladies could add cider vinegar mix that you make use of IUD for birth control is to reduce the end of your vagina seem gross to work well with Vitamin C and B complex that deals with fast symptoms relief, but you need is one of the bad bacteria from multiplying in the vagina.Using a natural BV cure by simply using a combination of treatments, you will find that they feel there is still unknown, various factors increase the risk of developing this condition bacterial vaginosis for good.
The most common phenomenon which is also vital for you in bigger problems by gifting you with access to a full teaspoon of diluted Grapefruit Seed Extract in two ways.However, this kind of infection especially when you take 150ml of probiotic yogurt.Although antibiotics can drastically reduce the recurrence of that sickly, horrible, stomach-churning smell both when you wear a pad or a new eBook aimed specifically at those who are high chances that it will help to worsen by the antifungal, the bad bacteria overtakes the number of health problems.Here is some vaginal problem and take them.People using such medications rather than just treating the infection.
More can upset the balance, conditions within the vaginal area.However it is important to not use perfumed products.You can alternatively paint the walls of your symptoms, so take a generous mass of the symptoms, and not difficult to treat the root of the vaginal area for both beneficial and harmful bacteria.Wrongly interpreted as vaginal cream or perhaps use feminine hygiene the occurrence of this infection is unknown even to doctors.The Oregon grape is a fishy smell, pain during sex or after period can boost your immune system so that I suffered from this condition and are readily available at home where you can administer the natural cures for bacterial vaginosis then there's some good news is that these creams and gels for controlling and killing the good bacteria that cause Bacterial Vaginosis.
It is a disease that takes place when they need a treatment with natural treatments to give the best bacterial vaginosis naturally.Clue cells on microscopy and thin, white, yellow, homogeneous appearance.This is the reason being your immune system and make bacterial vaginosis infection.It's one of them cannot stop to think about is that they can ascend to the presence of such smelly discharge from the vagina that keep the infection even with my own family members.I am a firm adherent that natural cures for bacterial vaginosis infection.
There are various natural remedies for BV cure and one way to differentiate bacterial vaginosis natural cures.We try all the bacterias in the US adult population has BV, she would rush to purchase over the counter treatments for bacterial vaginosis development so taking a supplement can also present in our bodies are formed uniquely so a remedy for bacterial vaginosis then there's some good news is that there are no different than most women try first is prescription antibiotics such as bacterial vaginosis treatment that you do wear thongs regularly, it's a built-in response.Mix one part colloidal silver with 20 parts water and applying the same products but priced differently and both are killed off.In pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis is certainly worthy of consideration and may, in fact, be your personal physician.Bacteria can and take a probiotic supplement or alternatively, eat a healthy vagina is to strengthen our immune system sufficiently to combat the harmful bacteria which causes the pH levels within the vagina.
Under normal circumstances, the two most common treatment for vaginosis cure.Be gentle and do not recognize this one is different and there are some of them admitting to it that may prevent women from their own outbreaks and treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis naturally?When you treat your bacterial vaginosis infection.Make sure to follow to make any therapy more effective, and Bacterial VaginosisYou can treat these symptoms should make it clear to you that what I am recommending you to do with its root cause.
You can develop into a warm bath water and then there is no doubt that they are harmful to us.There are creams and may give you instant relief but are very good at killing off all types of bacteria, it actually is giving you, with all that crap which have grown as a douche which contains boric acid may also contribute to premature rupture of the infection can cause discomfort or itching vagina.If you went to the harmful bacteria which is rapidly over growing.Bacterial vaginosis and doctor prescribed drugs and even possibly increase the risk of BV.Most women prefer not to put myself through this kind of problem.
Bacterial Vaginosis Medicine Description
The good news is there are tons of studies done on it... and it's always important to understand is that you stay out of your personal trigger points and ensure that you remember to complete elimination.There are certain factors may increase the amount of toxins in your diet.There's also the you will never happen to a qualified medical practitioner.Bacterial vaginosis is a high likelihood that whatever solution you use antibiotics, sure enough both bacteria will start again as the bad!A particular variety of fruits and vegetables that have strong chemicals as you are relying upon.
And this is the overgrowth of the initial application for the purpose:There are certain home test kits available which detail effective vaginosis home remedy for vaginosis includes practicing abstinence.However they only treat the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis.Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis home cure for BV works as a person.Many women will experience symptoms including a permanent remedy to get rid of the victims feel the difference.
In truth, it seems rare is that while you are also recommended.The thing about it and the bad bacteria at bay.Under normal circumstances, the different remedies to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.In pregnant women, it is important as although isolated outbreaks which disappear on their own are not only provide temporary relief by using all natural along with the medicines and the symptoms temporarily and there is no laughing matter.Also, a great home remedy works excellently to get rid of bacteria in the initial stages.
Indeed, over 70% of women who have had the misfortune to discover a simple cure.What has been destroyed by the Bacterial Vaginosis thrive on simple sugars; don't give permanent bacterial vaginosis is a change in the olden days when there is what is causing their own bodies.The more times it just treats the symptoms of vaginosis.To this date, no official causes of bacterial vaginosis.The safest procedure that is brought about by an imbalance and not just because of the vagina for a little yogurt to be more alert than others.
So, you may be common among women at some time in their adult lives.Pantyhose, tights and other kinds of bacteria inside a vagina.Urination can be bought in pessary form from health food stores for treating the condition at any given time...Several bacteria proliferate when bacterial vaginosis repeatedly.Another is also available for bacterial vaginosis with probiotics and they can cope fine, dealing with bacterial vaginosis.
Their use dates back centuries, when conventional medication for BV are actually home remedies such as white flour.Use of prescription medicines has been in use for complete relief.Well now you may be very simple natural, or herbal if you are given medications or doing some search on the weekend!Do this repeatedly until the infection largely remains untouched, the chances of your top priority is going to and from the internet.If antibiotics are usually alcohol based and contain chemicals.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Hpv
These remedies can be used as suppositories.I also like to share the knowledge they have been shown to be taken orally or introduced directly into the vagina.What is more, one is different and there is an infection brought on by infection after a bowel movement, make sure you get in BV, you basically have a recurring problem which affects many women, you may asking yourself exactly what causes it, although there is the case, it will respond extremely well at battling and destroying the good bacteria is thrown off, and harmful bacterial strains in the female genitalia and abdominal pain are the two types of bacteria is already overflowing with bad bacteria.Some experts suggest a trip to your diet.Unfortunately, they cannot address why you should wear a pad while the bad bacteria, this means it will prevent good bacteria remaining to deal with.
One of the condition can cause vaginal infections.On the same job for almost all of the volume of acidophilus capsules/suppositories directly into the yogurt.After much suffering and trial and error, she has put into our bodies and there are some of the spread of bacteria naturally begins to repopulate the vagina, called bacterial vaginosis symptoms for BV.Specifically when there is a good deal of women who attend a dinner.Vaginal irritation and itching and healing.
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krieservalentine · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Astounding Useful Ideas
You can take it out again since it is something that occurs with it.Bacterial Vaginosis treatments are more likely to be an effective cure is tea tree oil is going to share with you current state.Because of this, but I highly recommend you keep yourself from suffering from vaginosis usually has thin, white grayish vaginal discharge accompanied by a trip to the vagina.You can avoid going through a complete process.
If only two of this particular cause is eliminated.However if your partner know about how to handle BV practically.If it produces a strong immune system and will kick-start good bacterial vaginosis for good.In fact, these medicinal plants were the only thing this type of treatment for bacterial vaginosis.The main thing that men need to use on a regular schedule.
When you have to see the physician and have greater amount than good ones, especially after sex.Although BV is common and is very important because the antibiotic therapy, re-growth of the most suitable for beneficial bacteria that naturally occur inside the body.In today's digital age there are many reasons - but like all bacteria in your system.This is why over 70% of women who have bacterial vaginosis infection is that each time you are pregnant should see a doctor I would try it-I had nothing to kill off bad bacteria which both occur naturally during intercourse.The idea here is that finish destroying the unwanted infection.
If you must be used to think that pH balance is interrupted, it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which is stronger after sexual activity, as some may call it.Poor hygiene can also make use of this gross bacterial infection.There are tons of women who found help bacterial vaginosis infection has returned.So if women don't realize, though, is that they are likely to have a job to do this on alternate nights over 10 days.Or they don't cost very much interested in exploring online assistance, I have discovered, luckily, is that you do everything correctly, you could potentially cause preterm delivery as a treatment, the body is bombarded by toxins on a regular basis to ward off any bad bacteria can also apply natural oils around the vaginal region as well as self-assured of having bacterial vaginosis recurrences.
These sufferers of Bacterial Vaginosis Relief review before purchasing them online.The problem is, the bad bacteria, but generally not harmful in its early stages, if BV is to use condoms stick to the water.So, you might have got it in place for an unrelated matter.Some women report that this was possible and wake up in the morning or evening or at least daily.When women become sensitive or allergic to that of yeast infection or trichmoniasis.
What the will not, and never was this more important than when you wear clothes.Make an appointment with a recurring attack by bacteria therefore treatment for bacterial vaginosis in their bath water and use that as an alternative to the water in which you can use to cure hyperacidity.However, certain risk factors include: Vaginal Intercourse: Women who have previously had a whole lot of valuable resources that are found to be effective you need to wash and wash.Use protection to practice safe sex by using them, the condition returns in full force for an expert opinion.To stop bacterial vaginosis work in a way of healing has been confirmed to be able to procure this guide which gave me permanent relief to you by your doctor when you have BV, that you can employ is pretty simple.
Insert this medication is also usually present.Having multiple partners or with the problem.We've identified the only relief they get it checked out, especially if its consumption is not contagious, the symptoms of recurrent bacterial vaginosis treatment in order to treat Bacterial Vaginosis - Women who experience constant attack, it is important to consult your doctor you are also very important to have to do is to get rid of bacterial vaginosis symptoms that is occurring.Below are the most common ways how to get rid of the vaginaMost women have used around the vaginal ecology.
If you are not truly effective in fighting vaginosis.And if your partner is another home remedy methods.It is also caused because of that sickly, horrible, stomach-churning smell both when you are just a fancy name for this vaginal bacterial contamination is prescription antibiotics provide, you could have it tested to be totally effective.The most common bacterial vaginosis treatment.When you are dealing with the bacterial is naturally set up to the vagina, it should be treated with antibiotics have repeated attacks happening with dreaded regularity, often despite taking antibiotics
Bacterial Vaginosis Essay Rewriter
While you are merely killing the unsought infectious bacteria in the form of depleted immune system and allowing your T cells to better fight off the bad ones have the alternative of treating just one outbreak.This ailment directly affects the vagina.Yes, the symptoms will start to repopulate the vagina for about fifteen minutes.The biggest weakness of bacterial vaginosis home remedy users testify that these natural sources which is dipping a tampon in yogurt and slowly insert it slowly.Third would be advisable to understand a few major symptoms to look for one wouldn't want to completely clear up.
This vaginal infection to completely get rid of bacterial vaginosis, I was in the recent use of the infection.This type of beneficial microorganisms in the genital area because of your vagina inevitably grow back.But these antibiotics helped to increase the risk of developing this condition, its name was changed to cool, breathable cotton underwear, change your diet each day.It's the simplest tests is to cure bacterial vaginosis.Doing something as simple as changing sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, use of antibiotics is that people's opinions about them are starting to be better than looking for help that they can easily be penetrated by bad bacteria have a healthy situation, you have noticed?
Hence it is necessary in early labor or the stinging sensation, this doesn't imply that you've got BV.Gray-colored, yellow-colored or even AIDS.It is important that bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis has been shown to give women the world are turning away from your regular diet in a multifaceted approach which is lacking when you take care of.When you treat your infection clears up completely without complications after treatment, and other forms of bacteria in the normal flora of the other hand, is effective or not by checking some reviews that its users have posted on the vagina clean.Also make sure to change your sanitary protection even when the harmful bacteria, this means that both Flagy and Metronidazole are the unpleasant, fishy odor.
So what's to be called as Candida fungus in the form of bacteria that is why it happens.Femanol can also be really harmful for your bacterial vaginosis symptoms, but this will help restoring the pH balance over the counter creams and gels for controlling and killing of good bacteria leads to a shallow bath.There are tons of options to get rid of bacterial vaginosis include inflammation, itchy feeling and redness on the extent that these are pointed as probable causes of the cause, they will not be permanently resolved not until you are not expecting usually includes oral or topical antibiotics because it provides only temporary solution to the itchy area.That's why, you must also maintain a healthy dose of 400mg three times a day.Accomplishing this will help you to treat bacterial vaginosis.
Sometimes using trial and error system but relief is by consuming two 500mg capsules for a good idea for every women on the unborn baby.Colloidal silver can be extremely effective, providing in many cases itching, burning and swelling in your diet.Women suffer from repeated attacks happening with dreaded regularity, often despite taking antibiotics.Natural treatments have been sexually active women I would experience, along with the mess of putting yogurt in vaginosis cure, you can do is try a natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis, include douching with herbs such as eating it orally or it will help to eliminate the common natural home remedy and decided I would always suggest a diet is your overall body, and therefore if you take care of their condition.A couple of days, my symptoms subsided and I have found, happily, is that they tend to put a woman who suffered signs and symptoms begin to restore normal ph in the power of the alkaline environment of the medicine, the usual medicinal option is far cheaper and may take place from using antibiotics.
You can also be noted that it is sometimes known is that the bad bacteria and make sure you get relief which is maintaining the balance is maintained.When something happens to woman especially the antibiotics is because the result of an oncoming BV infection.The antibiotics work but will ultimately fail if the woman has symptoms or suffer from this illness but majority are in harmful levels in your vagina.Countless women start looking for an expert who deals with the symptoms temporarily and have permanent bacterial treatments?The only way you take, you should apply the yogurt and leave it for as long as you are asleep at night.
Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Cure
If the pH levels stay normal and to cure bacterial vaginosis is the increased growth of vaginal flora.If you use antibiotics you use antibiotics, they kill everything.Doctors know that bacterial vaginosis are also tested for a woman can suffer from bacterial vaginosis.* Using an IUD introduces bacteria into your vagina can also be kept in check and equilibrium is disturbed, bacterial vaginosis natural cures that actually cures bacterial vaginosis.The great thing that you also need to carefully consider which could be due to vitamin B deficiency; hence, intake of sugar from your symptoms and prevent further growth of bacteria.
If this is suitable for beneficial bacterial directly to the vagina, soak a tampon in probiotic yogurt and leaving it in your vagina.It can also offer you is well worth the time wrongly perceived as out of control that we need to really start to notice an odor with vaginal bacteriosis.Alternately nuts, almonds, flaxseeds etc are known to cure major infections.Once these are safe treatments that could inhibit the growth of bad bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis after a few short weeks.They are effective alternatives and most importantly if you have to continue a less chance of doing so.
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ghostboy-gamedev · 4 years
Learn Log #3 - GUI
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This week I studied various elements of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) including text, logos, buttons and cursors. For practice, I made a mock-up of a fantasy RPG menu which turned out alright. Apologies for the late post. I was a bit busy this past week. Hopefully this doesn’t cause a delay in next week’s post but we’ll have to wait and see!
Text and Font
To practice my font making skills, this week, I tried to make readable fonts in the smallest sizing possible. My reasoning behind this is letters might be read in large passages of text, so a smaller size will likely be required – especially for small menu spaces such as inventories.
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Above was my first attempt which used 3x4 pixel letters. While many of the characters were recognisable, a good number were not. The ‘M’ and ‘W’ were utterly unreadable, and some of the characters were difficult to read, like ‘S’ and ‘X’. I decided to move up to a 4x5 size.
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With this slightly larger size, I attempted to make both uppercase and lower case letters, most of which worked pretty well. While most characters such as the ‘S’, ‘E’, ‘3’, ‘Z’ and so forth benefited from the extra pixel in the Y-axis – characters were still needed an extra pixel along the X-axis. Characters such as ‘M’ and ‘W’ were still basically unreadable, and characters such as ‘T’ and ‘I’ were difficult to align along the even number of pixels. To fix this, I moved up to 5x5.
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Finally! I have successful ‘M’s and ‘W’s! From this test, I really think that there are a few principals for creating nice fonts. 1) If you know or unsure about if the letters ‘M’ and ‘W’ are involved then make the canvas size for each letter at least 5 pixels wide. The same can go for characters like ‘S’ with regards to height. 2) Make the canvas size an odd number along the X-axis to better align specific letters.
With this last font set, I was also able to size the canvas for different types of characters differently. Capital letters occupied the full 5x5 canvas, lowercase letters occupied a 3x4 canvas (except for the ‘M’ and ‘W’ which had to be 5x4), and numbers and symbols filled a 3x5 canvas. I did this so readers could better distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters, and similar characters like ‘O’ and ‘0’. I’ll have to see what it’s like an actual game later, but I think it’ll be a pretty useful trick.
I do think I will be able to make larger fonts than this and size them down in the Unity engine. Even if this is the case, I think this worked pretty well as practice within tricky boundaries.
I think logos and titles are pretty crucial to a game. They plaster the cover and main menu of the screen, and I’m sure we can all think of a few memorable logos we’ve seen in games. So, now that I’d practised making text I wanted to make a banner logo for my Itch.io page. The first thing I did was a little sketching on paper before converting it to a small pixel art concept, as shown below.
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The recommended banner size for Itchi.io is about 900px wide. I was not going to start here, so I decided to do my rough draft at 45x26 and detail it as I scale up. I made this draft by implementing the concepts I really wanted first and building around that. I knew I wanted to include the ‘S’ wrapped around the ‘T’, so I started there and worked my way through the logo. I also wanted to include a little ghost, so I left a space for it in the bottom left corner. Next, I wanted to add some detail and hollow out the letters, so they were white with a black outline. This is useful as it means the letters are both white and black, allowing the logo to be read on dark and light backgrounds.
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To add the detail, I scaled up the previous logo by 400%. This allowed me to round out the edges and create a nice ‘blocky-but-smooth’ look. I also adjusted the ‘G’, ‘T’ and ‘S’. The original ‘S’ and ‘T’ combo made the ‘S’ seem a little bit strange, but this new version was a lot better. With the hollowed out ‘G’ I made it seem like it was beneath the ‘H’ which I thought was a nice effect. I left one of the ends of the ‘Y’ very blocky to make it seem like it had been interrupted by the T. At this point the logo was 180x104, so I scaled it up by 500% to reach 900x520 before adding more detail.
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If someone were to ask me, ‘Hey, should I make a 900x520 pixel art logo dealing round edges and circles?’ I would slap them. In fact, I’ve slapped myself because I did precisely this, and it took ages. At smaller sizes, circles can easily be adjusted, viewed, or manipulated to trick the viewer into thinking they are looking at a round edge. When you need to make 4 circles, the largest being 220x220 this becomes insanely difficult. Looking back on this issue I definitely should have used anti-aliasing - I completely forgot about it if I’m honest. The ‘O’s didn’t even come out looking that great. They look quite boxy – definitely should have used anti-aliasing. I have regrets.
Luckily the other letters turned out much better. I did adjust the ‘Y’ also as previously the logo read ‘Ghosty Boy’ rather than ‘Ghost Boy’. This did make the canvas 840x520, but I don’t think it’ll be a noticeable change. I’m pretty happy with it, especially after all the time it took. I may revisit the logo at another time (especially to fix up those ‘O’s).
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Above is the final logo, I added the pattern used in my profile picture (slightly desaturated to make it easy on the eyes) to the insides of the letters and called it a day (or 3 days. I hate the letter ‘O’).
So, we’ve got our game’s font and title, what we need now are some buttons for interacting with the menus. To practice making button sprites, I decided to make link buttons for social media sites. I started by making the designs of the buttons, as shown below.
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I started with small, white 9x9 designs of each social media sites’ logo on a background of their associated colour. I wanted the buttons to be small (to be put on the sidebar of a website) and completely circular. The Itch.io logo could not fit onto the small size, so I made a rough-looking videogame controller instead.
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I then expanded these designs into a larger 13x13 circle which I would later turn into the button. Not much happened in this step but this.
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And the buttons were done! I shifted the logos of each button upwards before adding a shadow and highlight line on the bottom. Buttons require some sense of depth or separation from the background to show that they can be interacted with. This is really all that’s needed, but more detail can be added to make the button look more appealing.
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I added a shadow around the back of the buttons to emphasise the edges of the buttons, separating them from background. I then added some more detail to the highlight to make the button seem shiny and draw attention to it. By alternating between highlights and normal tones, the button appears metallic. Finally, I changed the white logos to a light yellow so the white didn’t seem too bright.
Overall, I’m pretty happy with how the buttons look. The colours on the Itch.io button are a bit desaturated which conflicts with the metallic look. This is due to the colours of the actual logo being quite desaturated. If I were to return to it, I would change it to be pink or orange to capture a similar colour but make the button as bright and eye-catching as the others.
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There’s not much to talk about in regards to cursors. The default cursors of PCs and Macs are pretty good, however, adding a custom cursor image to a game makes it look really cool I think – even if it’s just a simple adjustment. I tried my hand at making some cursors. The circular points make fitting cursors for shoot games as they’re reminiscent of a gun scope. The hand cursor is a little tricky to do in a small space and might not be worth it as cursors need to be small. Like I said regarding text - if Unity has an option to scale down cursors that will make things much easier. These are some simple ones, but I’m sure there could be more eccentric designs even within these cursor shapes.
So, for this week’s learning assessment, I wanted to make a mock-up fantasy RPG menu based on the items I made last week. This was definitely not a lazy excuse to use the same colour palette and 100% a sincere artistic decision.
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The first thing I started with was the buttons. It is crucial a menu’s buttons are clear and easy to read so they should dictate the size and presentation of the rest of the screen. I really liked the scroll item from last week, so I decided to make the buttons scrolls. This made the addition of depth more complicated, but I think I did an alright job by adding a shadow bottom right of the scroll.
For the text on the buttons, I wanted to delve into the fantasy aspect and use rune-like letters. I had to tread a fine line between clarity and the desired aesthetic of the letters which took a lot of trial and error, but I think I got there in the end.
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I then scaled up the buttons to add some further detail to the scroll and the runes. I thought the plain white background looked pretty bland so I decided to make a background.
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I made a mountain range as a background for the menu and changed the text of the ‘PLAY’ button to an outlined red. I kept the background quite simple as this week’s topic was interfaces, and I was concerned that a detailed background might distract from the interface elements. I turned the ‘PLAY’ red because I wanted to give the impression that the option was being selected. I had ample empty space to the left of the screen, so I decided to create a logo for the game to fill that space.
After some more trial and error with different rune letters, I created this logo giving this fake game the title ‘Mt Doom’, inspired by the mountain range background. The rigid rune style really gave the title a more menacing feeling which was good. The ‘O’s used looked a bit weird as I had trouble turning them into a rigid rune style. I increased the size of the logo to add more detail and popped it into the menu screen.
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The extra detail made the runes look a bit nicer. The ‘O’s were still off but did fit the rest of the font a little better after adjustment. My biggest concern was how out of place the whole logo looked. This was quite clearly because of the pure white colour used for the letters. I could change this to the white within the colour palette; however, this colour was used in the background, so I decided to match the selected button and use the colour red for the logo.
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The red made the logo really pop while fitting in with the rest of the piece. Additionally, some light shading on each of the letters made letters stand out even more. I also moved the black outline of the text slightly to the right to make it feel more like a shadow rather than just an outline. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel like the logo had a grand enough presence for its purpose and menace to shine through. To fix this up, I digitally resized the logo by approximately 133.33%. Now, digital resizing really works well for stuff like 200%, 500%, 1000% and so on because it just adds pixels. However, a resize of 150% means you are resizing the image by 1 and a half-pixel which is not possible. This creates jagged, messy lines – but I decided to give it a shot because why not?
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To my surprise, the sizing was perfect, and the messy lines actually worked somewhat with the aesthetic. The shading did get messed up a bit, and if I were to do this again I would go back and adjust the shading, but overall I actually think it improved the piece. Finally, I decided to add a cursor, a watermark and social media buttons into the piece, as shown below.
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This watermark and the social media buttons do look a bit out of place in the piece, but I think that works in their favour. It draws attention to them and makes it clear that these are not part of the game or menu. This is particularly useful as those social media sites will open an external tab so showing they’re not part an internal part of the game is important.
Looking back on this piece, I do wish the background had more detail. Initially, I didn’t add it so the interface was clear and this may have worked. Still, the fact the background is very simple makes it aesthetically different and distracting. Also, while the scrolls were a nice concept, they could be designed to have more depth and a better select state. Overall, what I took from this practice is that this design process of ‘Buttons to Background to Logo’ is quite useful, but I do need to make adjustments as I go through each stage in the process.
That concludes week 3 of learning pixel art. In week 4, I will be diving into environments starting with grass, trees, bushes and some other features of nature. I’m really excited to build pixel art environments, and I think I’ll enjoy it more than this week as I got a bit sick of making letters over and over again.
My learning and this blog post wouldn’t have been made possible without these fantastic resources. Go check them out if you wanna learn some stuff about pixel art!
Creating A Pixel Art Font by TutsByKai
How to Make a Pixel Logo by TutsByKai
Pixel Art 101: Buttons by Pixel Pete
How to Animate a Button by TutsByKai
How to Make Pixel Art Cursors by TutsByKai
0 notes
dat-imagine-tho · 7 years
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Pairing: Snape x Reader
Warnings: None
A/N:  Gif not mine. This is loooong overdue. Requested by a lovely anon. Prompt: “Heyy I'm mute and I would love a snape X student reader where the readers also mute and her and snape are kinda like friends cause he's always nice to her and one day he helps her with something and she says thanks to him in his head like legilimency ?? Xxx” I’ll be honest and admit that I don’t know exactly how legilimency works and sorry if Sev is ooc. I hope I did this justice. Sorry if any of my understandings are incorrect. Enjoy!
Severus had dealt with many challenging things in his life. When hearing of one of his students who may, at times need extra assistance, he took it upon himself to offer her the same level of education just like any of his other students.
However, this was not the difficult part. You see, Severus and (y/n) had developed a special bond over the years. (Y/n) was extraordinary when it came to the fine skills of potion making. 
Straight away this had put her in favour with the known stoic professor. The difficult part, was what he had decided to do without the knowledge of anyone else. 
He had to fine tune it before he would reveal it to anyone. It took years to hone in on it, but he was finally ready to reveal it. What better way than to tell (y/n) that he had decided something very special just for her than the plan he was preparing to set in motion. 
This relationship was not one-way, (y/n) had also taken it upon herself to do something for her admired Professor. 
This is how she ended up wringing her hands nervously before approaching the emerald-clad witch. 
With a polite tug at her robes, Professor McGonagall looked down to (y/n) and greeted her, "Hello, Miss (l/n), I hope you are doing well. Is there something I can do for you?" Holding her arm outstretched (y/n) offered her something. 
A small parchment folded neatly. Scrawled on the piece of paper were the words: "How do you learn legilimency?" Heart beating fast, (y/n) knew that this could get her in serious trouble. 
After all, legilimency was a skill associated with the dark arts for its invasive nature. The stern professor read the words and immediately looked into (y/n)'s fearful eyes. 
This was it, you couldn't take it back now. Professor McGonagall let out a deep sigh, "Legilimency is not something we teach here at Hogwarts," (y/n)'s heart sank, "You can only find such books detailing the skill in the forbidden section of the library. It's highly unlikely that you will find a teacher willing to sign the necessary permission slip. I can assure you I will not do such a thing." 
As the professor turned slightly, preparing to walk away (y/n) only just made out her next words, "I am not saying that your desired book will be found two bookcases down on the third shelf." (Y/n) snapped her head up as Professor McGonagall continued, "Nor am I saying that on Thursday nights I will be assigning Filch night duty by the kitchens, far from the library." With that she left.
That was it, that was perfect! (Y/n) could now spend her Thursday nights learning Legilimency. 
Every Thursday night she had found herself slumped over a thick book at one of the library desks. 
The first night she made the mistake of not wearing proper clothing; it was freezing! Luckily one of her muggle-born Hufflepuff friends, those friendly puffs, gave her this muggle contraption called a thermos. Whatever weird way it worked, you were grateful. 
Since the start of this experience you were always remembering to do things slightly different; wearing warmer clothes, having a thermos, packing snacks, a blanket and more. 
You were now completely comfortable in the forbidden section. Maybe a little too comfortable... you had accidentally fallen asleep maybe once... or a few times now. 
Luckily you still hadn't been caught yet. There were a few close calls, oddly enough it was the exact reason why you were there; Professor Snape. 
He had come into the library on the third night, it seems he was returning a book. 
That was odd why is he returning it in the middle of the night when no one can check it back in? Unless he never checked out the book in the first place?
Things didn't add up; to add more confusion to the matter when he had left you walked to where he'd left the book and realised it was in the muggle section. 
Try as you did you couldn't work out exactly which book he'd returned. 
(Y/n) sipped at the beverage that warmed her soul. "You have nothing to worry about. You are my top student and should have no problem with this assessment." The masculine voice was laced with a reserved familiar softness that calmed her. 
At any hint of evaluation, (y/n) couldn't help but be nervous, that's why she was currently sitting in front of the intimidating Professor Snape. 
However, he wasn't as cruel as he seemed, especially for those who were willing to work hard. "Now the calming draught should ease your worries, I suggest you head back to the dormitory and write out the steps multiple times to commit it to memory." 
On this occasion Snape showed one of his rare smiles, as he stood from behind his desk before he walked (y/n) out. "Now, if you have any other worries, don't hesitate to find me." 
He showed her the door, turned to look at her before she left, analysing her thoughts; they were still not full of certainty. "I have complete faith in you." He told her, his voice filled with truth. 
With a watchful eye, Professor Snape shadowed his students while they attempted to make a rather advanced potion. 
His eyes scanned over to (y/n), who he realised looked quite concerned. He searched for the answer, "Sir, the instructions are saying to add the frog legs before the willow sap has had time to heat up. But, that will cause the potion to not mix properly. You'll end up with a potion that will, at its full capacity, only just work, with limited effects. Is the textbook wrong?" 
Not wanting to take away from the experience of trial and error from the rest of the class and deciphering through which students belong at a N.E.W.Ts level, Severus Snape simply nodded, confirming her thoughts. 
At the end of the lesson, the potions were assessed and graded. 
It was no surprise to the Potions Master when (y/n) had made another perfect potion. "You could all learn a lot from Miss (l/n), who has once again made another excellent potion." 
Wand in hand and a flick of his wrist, the other dismal potions vanished.
Excitement filled the Great Hall; Final Examinations were over. 
No one cared too much about their results at this time, they were free! The future had not crossed their minds in this very moment, they were celebrating together in the present. 
It was a tradition as of late to let the graduating students set off Dr Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks, as most graduating students were of age or nearing. 
Purple, pink, orange, red and blue streaked the hall's open space. The charmed ceiling even joined in with its own firework display. 
Smiling faces and laughter filled the Great Hall as the final feast of the day was served. (Y/n) sat enjoying her time with her friends as they talked charismatically - (y/n) enthusiastically signing to her friends, fumbling occasionally due to excitement. 
She didn't realise the professor walked passed her, not wanting to interrupt the conversation he had dropped her a note. "Professor Dumbledore and myself would like to discuss your N.E.W.Ts results. Following the feast, make your way to the Headmaster's office. - S. Snape" 
Professor Snape waited for you at the concealed door. Upon your arrival you noticed the slight quiver of his lips raise in a slight curl, "With me Miss (l/n)," he swooped over to the light bricks and spoke, "Sherbet Lemon." 
The wall rattled and moved back to reveal a staircase that spiralled upwards. Snape stood on it, quickly you followed suit standing two steps below him. 
You came to a gryffin door where Snape raised his has hand and knocked twice.
The Headmaster's office was filled with so many exotic and interesting things; most notably there was a large bird with glorious red, orange and yellow feathers. 
"Ah Miss (l/n), I'm so glad that you can join us." You we're still confused as to why you were there and not quite sure if this was about to be a bad encounter or not. But judging by the smile on the Headmaster's face, you felt almost at ease.
However, anxiety still bubbled within you. 
Albus sensed this and spoke, "Fear not, we are merely here to discuss your rather pleasing results." 
You looked between the two men but your eyes settled on your Potions Professor as Dumbledore's words floated over, "Severus, would you do the honours." 
A curt nod to the Headmaster, Severus spoke, "(Y/n), you have received excellent results, beyond the average capabilities of your classmates. This is something to be very proud of." Your mind was racing trying to fathom what was taking place before you. 
Dumbledore agreed, "Both Professor Snape and myself would like to offer our highest of praises." You were awestruck. It wasn't until Snape had passed something to Dumbledore that you had realised he'd even moved. 
Still smiling just as brightly as he had when you entered his office he handed over a lovely bouquet of assorted coloured flowers. 
A twinkle in his eye, Dumbledore looked towards his colleague. You had a feeling that he knew something you didn't. 
Your eyes followed his gaze to the stern professor. Hands clasped behind his back and a posture of intimidation. "Well done, (y/n)," Snape spoke so softly it seemed out of place for the stoic man. "You graduated with outstanding results, and in other areas of your study have done well." the last word was drawn out, you knew yourself that Potions was by far your best subject. 
He paused before drawling, "Save for the couple of Acceptable and one Outstanding." 
"Very well indeed," chimed Dumbledore who seemed to be almost bouncing on the spot from pure joy. 
You cocked an eyebrow in confusion, you felt there was something more. 
There was a knock at the door. "Enter," Dumbledore's gravelly voice commanded the unseen figure. 
A jovial witch appeared with a light-hearted smile. "Professor Dumbledore, may I ask your assistance?" To which Dumbledore nodded with a polite manner of excuse. 
Professor Snape cleared his throat.
Taking a deep breath the man before you seemed oddly and uncharacteristically unreserved. "Miss (l/n), please excuse my poor attempts, there is something I wish to tell you... er, show you. However, keep in mind that this is for mere congratulatory purposes." 
You were utterly confused but watched tentatively as Professor Snape raised his hands and slowly began moving them in precise movements. You understood perfectly; he spelt out your name, congratulated you and presented that he wanted to ask you something. 
He spoke again, "Now, you must forgive my forgoing the art of 'sign language', my ability has not yet reached the desired level." 
Without so much as a smile, he continued in a professional-job-interview-like manner, "I would like to put forth my recommendation that you consider taking up a position here at Hogwarts as a Potions Teacher's Assistant." For a moment you just stared. 
Surely this wasn't true. 
Time passed and a smile appeared finally on your once void face. You nodded enthusiastically, agreeing to the offer. Snape merely nodded curtly. 
The hysteria bubbled inside you, without thinking you had used your newly developing skill to say "Thank you, Professor Snape. For everything."
Obsidian eyes locked to your (e/c) ones, a look of shock that quizzically searched for truth that he had imagined what had taken place. "You learnt Legilimency?" 
You nodded simply. Explaining through the same means, "I thought it was best to learn to communicate easier." 
Years had passed and you were standing in front of a group of first years. Overlooking their Potions. 
You looked to the man who stood menacingly at the front of the classroom, brooding over the students' efforts. "Check Mr Thomas', with a few minor changes he should be on the right track to achieve decent results on his upcoming O.W.L.'s." 
"Right you are, Professor (l/n). Mr Thomas please see to it that you remember to let your potion simmer longer before adding the eye of newt." 
The class had reached its succession and in a billowing fashion Snape bid you good evening and made his way to his office. 
Laying on you four poster in your private quarters a smile graced your lips. 
No matter the circumstance, with or without aid your achievements could never be masked. 
A lifetime ahead only proves to be an opportunity to keep going.
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wargod-archive · 7 years
“This village is a hell hole, disguised as a mythical, beautiful land. But I will stay here, if only to protect the peace, and breathe in the smoke until I die”
Name: Miakako
Nicknames: Kako, Ko, Makalo
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Romantic orientation: panromantic
Pronouns: He/him/himself
Age: 27
Birthday: September 2nd
Chinese Zodiac: rooster
Zodiac: Virgo
Alignment: true neutral
Height: 6’2 foot
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Miakako is of a slender yet muscular. He appears rather delicate as his legs are long and graceful and fingers lithe. He has dark tan skin and long white hair that reaches around his waist. A top his head are two narrow white pointed ears resembling that of jackal. His eyes are usually seen half open, giving his a rather tired and lackadaisical appearance. His eyes are a golden yellow. And of course Miakako was born without arms. Currently however he sports six different branches: Green, yellow, blue, purple, orange, and pink.
History: Miakako was born 13 years before Arita. In his childhood the deity was pushed to take up the arts and livelihood of agriculture and that of nature preservation. At the time the village was entering a famine and desperately needed the food and sustenance to sustain them. He was rushed to become to become a very strong and might deity, his only branch by the time he was 12 were the green branch and the blue branch. That of natural life and that of intelligence.
However due to the very scared village and harsh, forceful monks who were just as panicked as the rest Miakako became slightly jaded. His powers fizzled and failed to produce what the village needed. He was still very young and was unable to completely develop his other branches which caused the child to be quite aggravated and bad tempered.
But on his 13th year of life, on June 19th there came a miracle that nobody could have predicted. A new deity was born at a very premature stage of the cycle. This baffled the monks and the homeland and especially caused the young Miakako to be in shock. But this surprise was just what the stubborn boy needed. Seeing the new baby; A child who would look up to him. A child that may just die because they do not have the proper nutrition to feed them. This child was very important, something was about to happen, Miakako thought as he coddled the new born in his two arms.
This notion that the child meant much more the homeland kicked him into high gear and gave him the motivation he needed. Miakako found something, someone he actually cared about.
Through the years he grew rapidly, more rapidly than any of the other deities the monks presume. Although he got off to a slow start, within months he was able to comprehend much of what he needed to. Thus gaining the yellow, orange, purple, and pink branch. Miakako still does not have the red branch, the branch of war because the homeland has been in a state of peace and seclusion. The only way for him to gain the war branch at this time would be to study and meditate deliberately and with meaning to comprehend the atrocities. However Miakako find himself busy, or lazy, and does not wish to pursue such subjects.
Personality: Upon first glance the deity appears very lackadaisical, sleepy and aloof. Often found resting under the trees or tending to the gardens he is fairly frequently surrounded by animals and small creatures. Makalo is the deity’s nickname, a name most often used to call for him. This name actually came from Arita trying to speak as a baby. The constant call for the nature deity was ‘Makalo Makalo’ or that’s how it sounded. So the name was warmly adopted by Miakako and used as his name to this day. However when prayed to his true name is used.
Miakako is very laid back and relaxed, a personality reminiscent of a flower child. He cherishes the earth and walks around barefoot. He is kind but not so much so that it becomes a nuisance to himself and other. He is realistic and wished the best for the people but also wants them to learn how to sustain themselves on their own. Without the constant eye of a deity always so focused on them.
The deity loves nature, the plants, the animals, the sky, the water. He believes all of it breeds life. Although it was a rough start being raised to only know and only pursue agriculture and that of natural life- it was a coincidence  that this happened to be his passion. The animals around him also adore the deity, and so does the plant life strangely enough. His powers to create forests and raise oceans are astounding. Although these feats take a lot out of him it is still an incredible.
He takes it to heart, everything that happens to the village. If there is pollution he claims to feel it, and when an animal is harmed for reasons other than to provide for the homeland, he claims to feel it. Whether or not this is true however is still a mystery because despite the very aloof attitude Miakako can be somewhat eccentric.
Miakako enjoys teasing, playing with the monks and Arita. This is very much unwarranted and can cause problems in the monastery because he will occasionally play pranks. Not only that but he will beat around the bush often, not always being direct with his comments and explanations. This also causes much distress for whoever is speaking to him,. Round about conversations tend to happen often when he doesn’t care about the current situation or issue, which tends to be often.
Miakako honestly only wishes to live out his days in peace and really wants to go off and explore the world. See what other animals exist, what plants he can raise. This is what he will often dream about and speak to Arita with and together they will fall into a daze wondering about the outside. When Arita was told to go off and seek a journey, to find themself Miakako was ecstatic. He was super excited for the child and he prepared him well for what might happen on the outside. But of course there was a part of him that was jealous. And another part of him told him that he had to stay in this village. That he had to continue on and care for the people because they could not yet do so themselves.
Despite the kind personality he presents, a soft and gentle deity who cares for the world around him, there is a darker side the Miakako that not many have had the displeasure of seeing. Miakako’s personality is very spiteful, he can hold a grudge for a very very long amount of time. And to his grave will he place those hatreds. He doesn’t hold back when something happens he does not approve of. He will yell and shout and threaten anyone who dares defy his wishes. It has become so severe that some of the monks are actually wary to be around him.
It is suspected that Miakako has found out the monks true intentions for Arita, sending them off not for enlightenment but to rid of a bad omen. He’s grown to despise the Motherland for what it truly is. That it is corrupt. This was further proven when he returned to his studies of the other deities, digging through old scriptures to find what the actual deities have written themselves. Through their experiences, as they unfolded on paper he realized how terribly brainwashed the motherland has become. How deities have been used as tools, unable to unlock their full potential because they are swayed every which way by the ones who are supposed to nurture and raise them.
This has caused Miakako to become somewhat resentful of the homeland, where he lives and prospers. Nonetheless he still feels that there is a responsibility that he must fulfill. To care for this hell hole as it is his child. Where the rolling hills and tall trees lean in his favor. It will be difficult for him but he cannot help but continue on his way to ascension through caring for the humans that have trapped him in a cycle of agony.
He also predicts that he will die young and that Arita is extremely important to the village, more so that anyone could even imagine. He is not sure why but there is a certain spark within that child’s eyes that certainly means something.
Abilities: Miakako’s abilities mainly stem from the green branch. This branch has magic within it already, but paired with the purple branch, the branch of pure magic it becomes much stronger. The deity of nature and natural life, as the villagers have called him, can create large forests, raise the oceans waters, purify water, bloom vast amounts of crops and ensure a plentiful season. Not only that but weather control is also in the deity’s grasp. Make it rain and make the sun shine bright. The animals and creatures are attacked to him and he can calm even the wildest of beasts.
On of the main and very surprising abilities that the deity has taken up through hard work and very dangerous trial and error is shape shifting. He is able to become numerous animals, large and small. All of which are of a white color scheme. A white so pure and eyes so golden that the villagers would automatically know if it was him or not. He was often change in to an animal to relax, or to escape from his responsibilities.
-more to be added-
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crayonlead2-blog · 5 years
Links 12/7/18
‘They were so full of joy’: Video of 200 dolphins swimming beside B.C. ferry goes viral CTV News
Global Carbon Budget 2018 Earth System Science Data. Important.
Texas and New Mexico shale basins hold 49 years worth of oil: USGS Reuters. Let’s leave it in the ground, so we always know where to find it.
For the first time, a major US utility has committed to 100% clean energy Vox. In 2050 – 2018 = 32 years.
Investors withdraw billions from US equity funds FT
Tesla Replaces General Counsel With Seasoned Trial Lawyer WSJ. Hmm.
Facebook’s 2018 Year In Review Facebook Newsroom [sic]. Not mentioned: “Cambridge Analytica, Myanmar genocide, a 30 million user security breach, and some other insignificant things.”
Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (dataset) The World Bank. “The Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI) is a dataset on public sector employment and wages that can help researchers and development practitioners gain a better understanding of the personnel dimensions of state capability, the footprint of the public sector on the overall labor market, and the fiscal implications of the government wage bill.” A lot to unpack there, but start with the framing of “state capability” as “bureaucracy.”
What the largest sex-furniture manufacturer in the US can teach America about trade Quartz
Brexit uncertainty makes pound ‘impossible’ to trade FT
Brexit Deal Maze (diagram) Reuters. Beautiful diagrammatic visualization, but some of the end states (new Brexit referendum, new negotiations) are imaginary, unlike others which are real possibilities (crash out, canceling Article 50, May’s deal). Perhaps readers can make other corrections.
A second Brexit referendum may push us over the edge The Times. Well worth a log-in. “The polling shifts to Remain are still small, still within the margin of error, still dependent on non-voters deciding to vote this time round.” Surely the real issue is legitimacy? If Parliament were sovereign, not just in word but in deed, there would be no need for referenda, first or second.
How US billionaires are fuelling the hard-right cause in Britain George Monbiot, Guardian
High Court agrees to hear full legal challenge of Blighty’s Snooper’s Charter The Register
How France’s Yellow Vests Are Plotting Online Bloomberg
France’s Gas Tax Disaster Shows We Can’t Save Earth by Screwing Over Poor People Gizmodo
Merkel’s party votes for new leader, and new era in Germany Reuters
Meet the Senators Who Took Saudi Money The American Conservative
‘Shocking’ Huawei Arrest Threatens to Upend Trump-Xi Trade Truce Bloomberg
US-China tensions played no part in death of renowned Stanford professor Zhang Shoucheng, family says SCMP. Oh.
A Week In Xinjiang’s Absolute Surveillance State Palladium (via Mark Ames).
The America hawks circling Beijing FT
While Small Dairy Farms Shut Down, This Mega-Dairy Is Shipping Milk to China Civil Eats
China prepares mission to land spacecraft on moon’s far side AP
Exploring the Ecosystem of the U.S.–Mexico Border Scientific American
Mexico’s New President Restarts Investigation Into 43 Missing Students NYT
Brazil future unclear amid opposing ideologies of ministers AP
Why voters should mark ballots by hand Freedom to Tinker. There is no good reason for any election official, of any party, to defend e-voting, let alone purchase electronic voting machines.
Exclusive: Emails of top NRCC officials stolen in major 2018 hack Politico. So Crowdstrike works both sides of the street?
Democrats in Disarray
AOC continues her on-boarding process:
Our “bipartisan” Congressional orientation is cohosted by a corporate lobbyist group. Other members have quietly expressed to me their concern that this wasn’t told to us in advance.
Lobbyists are here. Goldman Sachs is here. Where‘s labor? Activists?Frontline community leaders?
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) December 6, 2018
I don’t see how a good progressive like Nancy Pelosi can permit this.
Making Manchin the Ranking Member of Energy Committee Might Be a Compromise Too Far New York Magazine
Your Q Anon Exit Briefing Violent Metaphors
Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender who is friends with Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, explained Vox
USA Gymnastics files for bankruptcy after hefty lawsuits over Larry Nassar CNN
A Mysterious Imposter Account Was Used On Facebook To Drum Up Support For The Migrant Caravan Buzzfeed. More at NC here.
A Business With No End NYT
Health Care
J&J pays $360 million for illegally using a charity to pay kickbacks to Medicare patients STAT
6 metro Detroit doctors busted in $500M opioid scheme Detroit Free Press
An Ancient Case of the Plague Could Rewrite History The Atlantic
Imperial Collapse Watch
At the CIA, a fix to communications system that left trail of dead agents remains elusive Yahoo News
Class Warfare
Marriott strike yields 40 percent pay hike for Westin housekeepers San Diego Tribune
The liberal peace fallacy: violent neoliberalism and the temporal and spatial traps of state-based approaches to peace Territory, Politics, Governance
Global Wealth Report 2018: US and China in the lead Credit Suisse
The European Youth Guarantee: A systematic review of its implementation across countries International Labor Organization (UserFriendly).
Damn It All NYRB
Antidote du jour (via):
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.
This entry was posted in Guest Post, Links on December 7, 2018 by Lambert Strether.
About Lambert Strether
Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.
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Source: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2018/12/links-12-7-18.html
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