#very specific colors! and I kinda remember how I got there but not really
jensonsbuttons · 1 year
seb canvas wip but under the cut
ignore the smudge by the e that will be gone
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evilminji · 6 months
Okay, you know how bird don't ACTUALLY look the way we think they do?
They are far more colorful? But only to the eyes of other birds?
And it has to do with how light reflects off them and how their eyes are shaped etc etc.?
Well..... humans can see the most shades of green, right? But! We sure as shit can't see UltaViolet and InfraRed? Or shades BEYOND those. Ectoplasmic colors. Magical ones. Third eye, need to see with your SOUL type ones.
Danny? Could very well still have lil baby "kitten's eyes who haven't open yet" syndrome.
He thinks the Zone is Green and his hair is white.
But it's not.
His hair is Starlight colored. Frost. His suit is specifically "the void between stars" colored. Which looks... different? Then black? No, no, guys. How can you guys not see it? It looks REALLY different! How did he not NOTICE before?! They're not ever CLOSE to the same shade! It's like calling salmon and hot pink the same. You know... if you were to compare an actual fish and some irradiated, violently glowing version of "hot pink".
His gloves are.... guys, these ares stars. Pressed so close together there's no gap. His body is the night sky, all rearranged. He's wearing SPACE, guys.
*continues to stare at his gloves for the next five hours*
Now... why is this relevant? Because! Danny slowly, as all humans do, adjusts! It's like finally having glasses after years of blurry vision. He... forgets, what it was like, not NOT See Zone Colors. Not completely, mind you, but enough he has to be reminded.
And the Zone? A Realm of the Dead. Specifically, the great catch-all and highway of the Dead. They get EVERYBODY. Misfits and vagabonds. Those who don't quite fit. Funky lil dudes. And of course, assholes, but everybody has those! See, Zone colors?
They're all of um!
It's like looking at the technicolor, stobe light, multi galaxies in one, Sun. Tingly(tm)!!! You get used to it. What helps? Is that as garish as the Zone is? The painting and grand tapestry of it all? Keeps changing. Like weather. If it's too much for you, you can stay inside your Lair until the current Color changes. Until the designs shift. Vibe changes.
There are even glasses for that! "Temperate" areas for people to set up, that get headaches or are just... kinda killjoys. Too each their own. Though the stormy areas? Those guys are freaks. Watch out for those guys. They're the kind who stare directly are stars until their eyes burn out.
Where was I? Oh yeah! Danny!
No longer a wee baby, smol baby, twig-o!
Sad. We miss it.
But he did get used to Seeing The Colors. Got a handle on his powers. And! Finally worked with his parents on how to safely turn the portal OFF. There was much booing. Cries of "kill joy" and "booo! You suck!". But? Like? Dude DID have the right to protect his home. Go to college. What can you do?
Problem with THAT is? Baby grew into his "built like a brick shit house of constantly running off to literally tackle the Supernatural excellence" Fenton genetics. He Tall. Muscles! And he PUMPING out "somethings fucked up with me" Vibes!
Add in his DEEPLY Sus off hand comments. Weird ability to tell when someone has or is about to die. Basic immunity to the cold. Fuckin EYE GLOW?
Ha ha... *Horror movie screams from his college dorm mates*
Clearly a demon!
He gets kicked out. Well... not kicked out. He's a model student and broken no rules. They'd never survive the lawsuit. But... he's? STRONGLY INCOURAGED to finish his education elsewhere. Repeatedly. By like... 15 colleges.
Sam is not just livid, she's actively foaming at the mouth.
Breathe, Sam! Remember what your doctor said! Your mortal body can't handle that kinda Vengance spiral! Think of your blood pressure! Breathe!!! (Were not for the laws of this land... and the weak, fleshy constraints of her mortal form!)
Thankfully? Tucker's been interning, remotely of course, with Wayne Industries. He asked his manager where he could find some of those scholarship forms. (Since Gotham University is just a touch out of Danny's price range.) Manager wanted to know why. And oh! Oh holy shit. Apparently? Danny is the hot new office gossip.
People in the main office are OUTRAGED. Danny's "too spooky"?! Too FUCKIN SPOOKY!? Are you KIDDING THEM? Even juicier, a Meta kid from some wacky ghost hunters turned scientists. From a line of Supernatural hunters. Wants to be a aeronautics engineer.
Ooooooh how SPOOKY! Better watch out! He'll design an ENGINE at yooooou!
Fuckin casuals. Non-Gothamites are WEAK. "Too scary" their collective asses. Yeah, maybe the kid SHOULD come too Gotham. He can be the weird kid. Mildly unsettling or something. His powers won't be SHIT in Gotham. Just remind him to buy a gas mask.
So! Danny gets his Scholarship! Merrily packs his bags for darker, Gothic hellscape hills. Unaware... that Constantine has been following reports of a "demon" that he's? 80% sure is a Banshee but MIGHT be a winter spirt with a shtick? For the past 13 colleges. He's getting closer. And this sucker is a strong one.
Not "this is going to cause me serious, life imperilling danger" strong. But more? "Man, that cat is HUUUUUGE". Could he still get mauled a lil? Yeah. Scratched to all hell and back? Probably! But DIE? Unlikely.
He just needs to know why the FUCK this spirit his hanging around colleges.
Which is made harder... by the fact that what HE sees? And what OTHER people see? When they look at this guy? Separate things. Yeah, he'd LOVE to give you guys a description! IF HE HAD ONE.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hdgnj @spidori @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @lolottes
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wttcsms · 1 year
i can walk you home and practice method acting ; satoru gojo.
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pairing satoru gojo x f!reader   word count 1.3k   synopsis saying goodbye. content contains hurt/probably no comfort, bittersweet ending, allusion to character death, jjk 236 leak inspired author’s notes gege needs to sleep with both eyes open, no sweet dreams 4 him >:(
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“You know, some people consider coffee dates as not real dates,” you point out. “Very cheap—”
“—your coffee was eight dollars, don’t start with me—” 
“—you don’t even wanna know what I just went through before meeting you here—”
“—shows no interest—”
“—I’ve been interested in you since before I even knew you.” 
You pause your half-hearted attempt at teasing him. The truth is, there is nothing cheap, low-effort, or uninteresting about Satoru Gojo. No one has ever held your attention and your affections for as long or as strongly as he does. The world is reduced to nothing more than the cafe the two of you spent a lot of time frequenting beforehand. It’s why everything is in such startling, vivid detail. Some of your best memories are here, and it shows from the warm scent of coffee wafting in the air, and how you got his complicated frozen coffee order just right.
“Smooth. You use that line on all the girls you buy coffee for?” 
“Oh, other girls exist?” Satoru’s bright, cerulean eyes widen in mock surprise. If there’s one thing that your fiance is good at, it’s committing to the bit. No one gets into character as well as he does. 
No one ever will.
Trying to keep your darker thoughts at bay, you try to think of a retort but fall short, settling for, “How can you even be interested in someone before you even know they exist?” 
“Because everyone was boring to me ‘til I met you. All my interest was reserved specifically for you.” He hums. He doesn’t tell you the really sappy stuff he holds inside his heart, like how he thinks his soul knew that it belonged to you and that’s why he could never connect with anyone else. He figures, foolishly, that he still has time to bring it up later.
Later, when he’s not choking on his own blood and lost in the illusion you have shrouded the both of you in.
My beautiful, delusional girl. 
He says it to tease you, but the fondness with which he laces the words in only further proves how completely, utterly whipped he is for you. Somewhere deep inside of him, he’s well aware that he’s in your domain. That he is not sitting inside the cafe he nervously took you to the first time he got the nerve to ask you to hang out. He knows that this is nothing more than a cleverly crafted illusion used to make saying goodbye a lot easier for the two of you. 
Everything is just so vivid. The colors, the scent, you. He knows it’s selfish to want to drag out this process even longer. It must be tiring for you, to have to mentally strain to maintain this realistic illusion while also tricking his mind into ignoring the pain he’s actually in. He can see it in your eyes; the ones that never seem to want to leave his face, almost like you’re scared you’re going to forget him the moment you blink. 
He stretches, fakes a yawn. “It’s getting kinda late, don’t ya think? I should probably head home.” 
“I’ll walk you there.” You say, getting up from your chair. 
“You think a man like me can’t defend himself?” You want to remember Satoru like this: messy hair, eyes brimming with mischief and life, cocky grin. Maybe it’s your heart acting on its own accord, altering reality for your own benefit, but Satoru looks younger in this lighting. Happier. At peace.
“I think you’re the type of man people need to be defended from. It’s my civic duty to make sure you’re not wreaking havoc.” 
You know that time is limited. You know that neither of you really want to acknowledge what’s truly happening. Satoru has to go, and all that he’ll be leaving you behind with is the aftermath. If you try hard enough, you can manipulate your minds into thinking that these seconds are much longer than they actually are, but—
—he deserves to rest. 
That’s why walking him to his front door is an ordeal that lasts a total of two seconds. One blink, and the cafe has vanished. Now, he’s standing in front of his apartment door, still smiling, still bright, still alive. 
“So, you going to invite me in?” You tease him, keeping your tone lighthearted, as if he doesn’t know you well enough to know how you’re truly feeling.
“After just the first date?” He pretends to look offended. “I don’t know what kind of man you take me for, but I don’t let just anyone spend the night, especially only after a coffee non-date.” 
“Fine.” You pretend to contemplate, the smile on your face perhaps the only real thing here. “Will you let me hit on the second date, at least?”
“I’ll think about it.” And then, Satoru cocks his head to the side. “I’ll see you the same time next week?”
You don’t want to think about the real world. In this world, it’s just the two of you, and that’s all that matters.
You swallow back any sadness; Satoru swallows back any blood. 
“Text me where, and I’ll be there.” You say this, knowing that you would gladly follow Satoru right through the door that beckons for him. He’s smiling, like he knows what you’re thinking about.
“I’ll pick you up when it’s time. But, uh, if I don’t text you back soon, sorry in advance.” He gives you that boyish look of his, the face he always makes when he’s about to make an incredibly stupid joke. “I have a bad habit of ghosting people.” 
A kind of guttural sound leaves your throat; a choked up laugh and a barely concealed sob. Ghosting, really, Satoru?
“It’s okay. I have a bad habit of liking guys that are bad for my health.” 
“If you don’t hear from me, just know that it’s me and not you.” 
“I love being fed cliche lines like this. Tell me some more.” Tell me everything, you want to beg him. Let’s just stand here forever, and you’ll drag out the time, and he can talk for as long as he wants to about anything and everything. 
“Feeling a bit sleepy. The cliche lines will have to wait until next time.” He clears his throat. “Hey, I know we just had our first date—”
“—coffee doesn’t count, you still owe me a real first date.” 
He sticks out his tongue, childishly, at your interruption. “Is it too soon for me to tell you that I love you? I don’t normally move this fast, but I really do love you. Hope this doesn’t scare you away.” 
He could never scare you away.
You should tell him that, but something in his eyes and in his smile let’s you know that he’s already aware.
“Is it too soon for me to tell you that I love you, too?”
“Yeah, it’s kinda crazy. Lucky for you, I like crazy girls.”
“Please don’t go to sleep yet, Satoru. You haven’t even walked through the door yet, and I already miss you.” In the illusion you’ve created, you can take away that door from him. It won’t change the truth, but it can certainly prolong the pain that comes with it. You don’t, though. Even if his hand wasn’t already reaching for the doorknob, you would never take the choice away from him.
“Yeah, I have a lasting effect on women, what can I say?” He laughs, but there’s none of his trademark humor woven in it. The world goes quiet. “I’m feeling really tired, [Name]. I’m gonna head to bed now.”
“Goodnight, then. Sweet dreams, Satoru.” 
He looks at you. Really looks at you, like he’s trying to embed the memory of your visage on his pupils, to have it so permanently etched in his mind that he’ll still be able to remember you every time he closes his eyes.
“As long as you’re in every single one of them, they will be.” 
He opens the door.
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a/n: reader's cursed technique is the ability to use cursed energy to "manipulate" reality; in all actuality, you create illusions, able to trick others into seeing whatever you're crafting. it helps in trapping curses, and letting gojo say goodbye to you without making you look at him choke on his blood
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girls--complex · 1 month
hi, love your work a lot! it manages to blend coherence with layers of esoterica, in a fun & meaningful way. do you have any big influences with your style?
Writing this as a narrative because my whimsicall mind can't seem to organize information logickally otherwise
When I was a child my Dad would show me a lot of comics/cartoons in all different styles/eras and so I was internalizing comic book logic from the very beginning. He really liked American comix both capes and Indie stuff but was also into franco belgian artists and let's be clear my papa has good taste so I was readying good stuff though I couldn't remember it all too reliably... Also Comics Journal, so I was reading comics & meta about comics. So basically I have like a deep archetypal brain stem dark spring of mind that spits out raw comic information like a dream that I can't place until I rediscover them, and a lot of deep unremembered imprintations that R kinda roiling around under the surface #Stupidsoldier
N then I was a deviantart kiddo and a reading manga at barnes and noble kiddo, and then I went and got a formal art education and learned about all these artists that sort of did pseudo comics or cartoons but didnt articulate it that way-- The German xpressionists are a big example of this -- and also about overall principles of like scale and hierarchy and time and presence -- and also just that I really like drawin the human figure in particular :)
I'm really grateful that my parents especially my dad were actually really supportive/invested in me being an artist even though they had very little faith in my character or overall competence. so I was always doing art activities to make me better at drawing because that was like the one redeeming quality I had, a lot of household resources went into me having art tutoring or doing community classes, and I was really strongly encouraged to get ma BFA
So 4 influences well I like things that are very stylish but very specific in how they represent figure N physiognomy... Naoki Urosawa & Jeff Smith were fascinations 2 me along this line... Arakawa is good too... I feel like this is a strength of American and British cartoonists generally but struggling to think of names
My favorite painter is tied between two commies: Siqueiros, who was a Mexican muralist and chaotic socialist, really specific markmaking and texture, pathos drenched figuration, charged epic landscapes, and Petrov-Vodkin, Russian ikonographer who became a propagandist for the USSR, semi-social-realist, semi-ikonographic compositions in which space is wrapping around itself to organize human figures according to a mythological logic, flattish, very cartoons/comics aligned, strange treatment of color but all really effective
History painting overall is everything to me it really doesn't show in Coward but I think it shows elsewhere some of my other dramatic sensibility is a lot from 00s action movie shlock which I would always enjoy to go see when I was younger and was somehow fascinated with the environment of government buildings and prisons and secret operations happeningunder the surface of every day life erupting into wet violence of men punching each other
I love the movie THE RAID redemption !!!!
I learned a lot of the logic of pacing N building pages around Tezuka's work as well as FMA N Death Note I think were big 1s to teach me that logic. Tezuka is a really good artist to look at for how to compose a page that supports the energy of the events that are happening on it, not that that's something I personally am good at. Favorite mangaka for tone and environment and visual identity are Katsuhiro Otomo, Tustomu Nihei, Suehiro Maruo, Nishioka siblings, Hideshi Hino
A lot of my sense of timing is also from news paper strips tbh. It's just a gut thing to me at this point hehe , Character design is also a gut thing for me I draw a little thing and I can either ensoul it with psychosexual fixation or I can't
I was born in the hospital Henry Darger worked at St. Joe's he's an ancestor to me but ofc inimitable by virtue of GOD being his sole audience
As for the esoterickal dimensions I feel like it's all it's own post let's just say I lack the inclination and ability for systematic and rigorous study but I am really interesting in gathering little packets of information and arranging them into dioramas and the longer I do it the more packets I accrue
I want to make a list of artists on here that I like/admire sometime too but that's too much for me rn. I also suspect a lot of people R mad at me for arbitrary reasons just as I also am mad at a lot of people for arbitrary reasons so I dont wanna bother no one ...
Oh well so I'm intentionally reorganizing how I draw right now because I sense a shift in my trajectory again so thanks for making me reflect
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millyrocking · 3 months
a summary (with some colorful commentary) of great rivalries: bret hart and shawn michaels
-i have to mention that bret is wearing a black button down that’s open enough for you to see his chest and shawn’s button down has no sleeves.
-bret’s hair has lightened up to a nice honey brown here. it looks good.
- bret and jim liked working with rockers from the start because they were fast and had great athleticism
- shawn thanked bret for being nice abt his past as a rocker.
- the rockers bad behavior was often excused because they were great in ring performers.
-shawn comes off as very anxious to me. i don’t know if it’s because of bret or having to speak about his past behavior but he’s fidgeting a lot.
- shawn always looks to bret when he’s talking but bret looks at jim ross almost the entire time. he glances to shawn here and there.
- bret remembers EVERYTHING. im so sorry but i take his word over shawn’s any time.
- bret: “shawn and marty had that sexy boy kind of look”
- shawn said that the rockers and hart foundation were a good pair up because hart foundation didn’t down them for being small like the other guys did
- bret could do a verbal telling of the history of wwf from 84-95 seriously. his memory is impeccable.
- bret being so upset abt the rope breaking during the rockers vs hart foundation title match — telling the ref and everybody to stop the match so they could fix it
- the match went to hell and bret said it was the first time he was lost in a match — bret was so sick about the rope 😭
- bret and shawn had the first ladder match in wwe history plus fun fact it was bret who brought ladder matches to wwe bc they did them in stampede wrestling
- bret was camera shy when he was starting out in wwf
- the way shawn looks at bret when he’s talking aww he’s locked in
- from 80s to early 90s — bret said it transition from the dinosaurs to the mammals
- bret always gives shawn props on how good he was in this interview which is nice bc i guess shawn really needs to hear that specifically from bret
- before wwf — shawn was taught to destroy rivals and be cutthroat but wwf was more obsessed with how big you are — the bigger you are in size, the more status
- shawn and bret got along from day 1
- it was curt (hennig), bret and shawn as a little trio back in the early 90s
- bret said him, curt and shawn used to play baseball with an axe handle when they had down time 🥺
- bret considered shawn one of his besties, shawn visited his kids (early 90s) — i posted an interview excerpt about this from bret
- it’s scary that back then wrestlers were all drug addicts to varying degrees — bret and shawn have lost so many friendships over drug use and death wow
- bret often went to bat for shawn to upper management— always put in a good word for him to vince
- bret said shawn was one of the best athletes to come into wrestling
- bret always wanted to pass the torch to shawn. it was always in his plans.
- i think maybe shawn was so pissed with bret because he wanted to be bret’s equal in the business and not the guy who’s running behind him to get the baton?
- shawn and bret drew close to each other because they shared a common value: no matter the crowd and circumstance, work as hard as you can
- shawn: “people would be surprised at how many events there were where it was shawn and bret celebrating together”
- while bret was winning belts, shawn was struggling with drug issues — then the kliq formed
- iron man match — bret and shawn were still friends but drifting slowly
- bret liked kevin nash and thought he supported him during his tenure at wwf
- shawn turned babyface and came in bret’s babyface lane — a spark of friction here
- bret felt that him being champion meant nothing to wwf, felt he was a placeholder for someone else to get the belt and felt disrespected because he’s turning out classic matches and getting nothing for it - yet shawn put out less work and gets handed the belt — animosity kinda started there — bret felt upper management wasn’t treating him right even though bret thought he was more over than he ever was
- so bret sorta left
- bret didn’t feel like shawn was interested in sharing the wealth, wanted to keep it for the kliq — told bret he had plans to basically only work w the kliq — shawn doesn’t remember this convo allegedly but doesn’t doubt he said this
- shawn: the futurist — the business needed to get edgier — he’s kinda tony stark coded to me
- bret: the traditionalist — VERY steve rogers coded like i can’t make this shit up 😭
- bret felt he was the leader of the locker room — most wrestlers voiced their concerns to him — bret the den mother
- what kinda pisses me off is i feel like bret never got to be the super megastar that he should’ve been like the rock, stone cold, hulk hogan, john cena were — he should’ve been THE quintessential 90s superstar wrestler (he probably was and since i wasn’t born yet i just dont know)
- hitman fans are an oppressed group. they were always screwing over his character 😭
- bret and shawn choreographed the iron man match together— bret’s so happy abt this match because it went perfectly. went exactly the way they planned.
- shawn called bret the next day or so to thank him
- the 2 min overtime was a work — we should all know that
- shawn’s attitude after the iron man match — pushing earl away when he’s clipping the belt, no handshake was a work
- shawn told earl to get bret the hell out of the ring — bret didn’t have a problem with this, just felt it was a speed thing — just something that came out to get things moving and keep time
- after the match — owen called bret and said the locker room really thinks you and shawn hate each other bc you didn’t shake hands — bret loved this heat because it would create good money for the both of them
- shawn and bret had a convo abt their heat being a work
- bret was proud of shawn’s champion run in 96 — thought he did a good job
- bret planned to throw jabs at shawn when he returned in oct 96 as a work so he could play the bitter and disgraced ex champ who’s coming back to get what’s his
- clip of a fan calling bret a pretty boy (i agree)
- i swear shawn never finishes a sentence. real.
- shawn’s wild asf for saying “stu hart is dead and walked around calgary as if he’s still alive” in 97. im sorry if i were bret id wanna beat his ass any chance i got too 😭
- i think their worked heat turned into a shoot (using all the terminology) in summer 97 bc of their promos — they were talking too much shit about each other it started to get kinda real
- bret negotiated the biggest contract in wcw at the time
- shawn and his “knee injury” — no one believed it and im sorry i dont either 😭 — bret was upset bc he thought shawn was being selfish and putting more work onto the guys to carry the company while he does backflips in his shorts and loafers
- my theory is shawn faked this knee injury to get out of dropping the belt to bret at wrestlemania xiii — probably felt pissed about him having the biggest contract, hailed for saving wwf ratings, being able to take a long ass break (even though technically bret’s previous contract ended) and come back to be top of the card
- but its okay because bret vs stone cold at wrestlemania xiii is a classic — my second favorite bret match — i think him and shawn’s iron man match is my all time fave
- bret said something about shawn’s parents being embarrassed about the playgirl shoot — this set shawn off
- shawn said for some reason he really wanted bret’s pat on the back, his validation and affirmation
- bret thought him and shawn were always on the same page about their fake heat
- bret felt shafted by shawn for the wrestlemania switch, felt shawn let the company down
- all the things bret ever said about shawn was strictly about his character
- bret and shawn would work out what they were gonna say about each other (in 97) and shawn would be like “great 😄👍🏼” but then bret would come back into the locker room and shawn would be like “😢” while everyone was like “great work bret! 😁” — shawn smiles and laughs as bret says this
- bret thought the “pat on the back” that shawn was looking for was incoming, all he wanted to do was build up shawn and make him even bigger than he was. bret knew his time was coming to an end and always had plans for shawn to be his successor but bret admits that he was way too realistic with the heat and it ruined his and shawn’s relationship
- shawn felt that him and his character were one, attacking shawn michaels the wrestler, the kayfabe was attacking shawn the person
- bret didn’t like shawn’s stripping in the ring as a babyface then him bringing kids in the ring to dance with him — bret felt it was wrong — they had a light disagreement here
- shawn didn’t have the capacity at the time to put his feelings aside for business because he felt insecure about his public perception
- bret just wanted to get money with shawn, he feels horrible for damaging the trust between them — didn’t understand how much heat he had with shawn until the sunny days promo
- bret probably wouldn’t care too much about the sunny days comment if his kids and family weren’t asking him if he’s cheating w sunny
- i think the actual start of the real beef was “bret’s announcement” promo where shawn sweet chin musics bret into his wheelchair —- bret went on too long because he couldn’t hear his cue in his headset due to the noise of the crowd so he made them go off air and shawn didn’t get to do the kick before the cameras cut. shawn was LIVID about this bc he felt bret did it on purpose to humiliate him and be able to berate him live with shawn not being able to retaliate.
- shawn says him and bret would have convos where bret would say “just trust me” but felt bret had it out for him and this promo was proof so now shawn was talking the gloves off and refusing to respect bret —- then he did the sunny days promo
- “the cat fight in hartford” as bret calls it came after the sunny days promo
- apparently after all this, they were still on decent terms. (also random fun fact that was not told in this interview: the costume ladies stopped making bret’s ring attire because he beat up shawn in hartford). bret was told him and shawn had a wrestlemania spot (xiv im guessing shawn says he didn’t know that) so he told shawn he had no problem putting him over. shawn said “thank you and i appreciate that but i would never do the same for you”— neidhart and ken shamrock were there
- bret says the next day, he goes to tulsa, ok tv tapings (its crazy that he remembers such details) and vince says bret you have to drop the belt in montreal to shawn but bret tells vince what shawn said about not putting him over
- vince said im gonna get shawn and you’ll repeat what you just said, vince finds him and just says “im gonna put the belt on you shawn” and shawn starts acting fake and praises bret
- so bret did not want to put shawn over because he disrespected him
- one thing that people always get wrong about the lead up to the screwjob that pisses me off is that they think bret had a huge vendetta against shawn and didn’t want to drop to him or anyone, wanted to carry the belt to wcw and he didn’t wanna lose in canada EVER and that bret was being a difficult bitch in the midst of this when bret has said time and time again this was not true:
1. bret had no problem dropping the belt to shawn initially. he was happy to do it but shawn telling bret he wouldn’t put him over is what ruined it.
2. bret had no intention of bringing the belt to wcw ever. he and vince went over many ways that he could drop the belt — on raw, the next in your house, ss. it was never an issue. and he said he would’ve dropped it to ANYONE. so no the screwjob was not a “business decision” like triple h, stone cold and undertaker claim. i could get that it was supposed to be business as in they needed to start the attitude era and shawn was supposed to be the face of the company for that and needed the belt but stone cold could’ve gotten it and have a stone cold vs shawn match and spend more time beefing up dx. drop to undertaker — shawn vs undertaker again in a rematch after that in your house hell in a cell. there were ways. plus the way they went about it kinda breached bret’s contract but thats another post (i could really do a montreal screwjob post if anyone is interested because i know basically EVERY public detail about it now).
3. “ooh bret just didn’t wanna lose in canada!!” okay is that so bad? that’s his biggest audience and home country. plus they don’t run that many shows there anyway so why can’t we let bret have that? also bret said he would’ve dropped the belt in ottawa and where is that? okay then.
-triple h having a say in this decision is very weird to me. hunter said “fuck bret not wanting to drop the belt to shawn. if he doesn’t wanna do business, we’ll do it for him” he egged on the double cross. im also confused as to why shawn and triple h are in the management room like they’re execs and why are we going over finishes without the second party of the match? thats not how its supposed to be done.
-for bret, it was all about respect. for shawn, it was about validation. i just don’t get why it was so important to get it from bret. maybe because bret’s a vet? he knows the business in and out, has played almost every role central to pro wrestling, from a wrestling royalty family — possibly bret not validating shawn felt like a burial of his talent? like the expert who has seen almost all the greats can’t recognize that same greatness in him which makes him feel like he’s not as good as he thinks he is?
-if im hearing this correctly, shawn didn’t know how the double cross was going to go. he knew it was going to happen but not exactly how.
-bret and shawn had a final heart to heart the day of or hours before the screwjob, talking about their problems, how they were fucked up in their connection and trying to reestablish some trust going into the SS match — shawn starts crying a bit here because he feels so guilty about his involvement in the screwjob
-shawn felt he had a huge weight on lap with the decision to carry out the screwjob or change the finish— he said he did what he was told because he felt like a little soldier for the company (for vince)
-shawn said this was easily one of the lowest points in his career
-vince wanted to take full responsibility for the screwjob but shawn is ?? abt that bc shawn is gonna be the one in the locker room and the matches so who’s really gonna feel the heat?
-bret didn’t punch or rough up shawn after the screwjob because he didn’t know if shawn was really involved or not and would feel bad if he physically hurt him while he was innocent. bret said he would feel bad about it for the rest of his life.
-bret had 275 days in his contract for 97 but did 310 days
-bret was devastated about this double cross — bret holds back tears after he says this
-bret felt more betrayed by shawn than vince. he said if it were the other way around and they wanted bret to screw shawn, “there would be nothing they do or say to get me to do that”
- bret categorizes himself as “one of the boys” not a “company guy”
-even after everything, bret still had respect for shawn
-i understand why bret was so absolutely pissed about the double cross because 300 days for 14 years — sick, hurt, missing family, leaving on christmas just for them to say fuck you and get the fuck out
-side note: bret tells shawn canada doesn’t hate you because of the screwjob but because you dry humped the flag
-not to be extra but there’s an interlude here where wwe sums up their lives post screwjob and bret’s section is just absolutely devastating (becsuse his life after really was) — owen’s death, his concussion, his mom died, davey boy died, his stroke, his dad dies after (thats a LOT of trauma over the span of 6 years) while shawn’s section is just like yeah he broke his back but had an amazing, spectacular, spiritually fulfilling journey where like fine wine he got better with time like alright…
-bret says he was so angry about everything related to wwe that he felt like “parachuting in[to raw] with a machine gun”. he wondered how he could arrange it 😭
-tyson kidd told bret that shawn still feels bad about what happened (i think this was 2009?) and wanted to call bret to talk. bret told tyson to give shawn his number. bret waited for shawn to call for a year and asked tyson why he hadn’t.
-the big motivator for bret to reach out to shawn was the wrestlemania xxv match with shawn and undertaker— bret was so proud of him and undertaker and wanted to call shawn to congratulate him.
-shawn didn’t call bret because he was scared (shawn says this so bluntly). he wanted to make up with bret so badly that he couldn’t handle bret being closed off to reconciliation.
-the make up in the ring was very genuine.
-shawn is very torn up about the fact that he didn’t have the ability back then to…not be an asshole. he wished he was a better person and he got a little worked up and choked up about the fact that he was not. it devastates him that his poor decisions and emotional stability ruined his connection with bret.
-shawn also says with the utmost conviction: “for whatever reason, i just wanted bret hart to like me”
- there’s a very cute clip here from the interview day (theyre in some other room) where bret makes some joke, shawn laughs and grabs bret’s arm while bret smiles 😊
-clip of bret and shawn strolling the dock, just chatting
-bret on forgiving shawn: “it pulled this weight off of shawn. it set him free which in turn set me free”
-clip of bret showing shawn something on his phone
-shawn is just so happy to have made up with bret. you could tell he missed him.
-the final line of the interview from jim ross is “hope lives. thank you.” the drama of it all.
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unreleasedwrites · 5 months
Um hi I am kinda shy and can you please do a lookism men x black fem reader?
drabbling about lookism characters w a black woman
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pov: lookism characters dating a black woman
character(s) included: multiple; Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Johan Seong, Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Vin Jin, Yoojin, Yooseong, Baek Hangyeol, Baek Gyeol, Diego Kang/James Lee, Seongji Yook, Jaegyeon Na, Gitae Kim
cw: my opinion, tbh I wasn’t sure how to do this and I’d like to just state that I am not a black woman, but I did try my best to get this request done from what I know in social media and experiences of other black women that I know with their mans, although this can lowkey be seen as any person since i dont really know how to put ideas about them w a specific race, but i tried my best 😭, also wasn’t sure which character would do which so just imagine someone else if you’d like, in this scenarios— they all love you veryyyyyyyy much so if yiu imagine someone like yoojin doing all that for you, remember he is obsessed w you and they all are in these fics and drabbles ( im delusional ), also there are a lot of characters in each because i feel like they all could do that 😭😭
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unwrapped on: Sunday Night, April 28 2024
wrapped up on: Saturday Night, May 11 2024
published on: Saturday Night, May 11 2024 (at around 9 PM)
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Absolutely head over heels
Absolutely loves seeing you in FLASHY colors. He solely thinks that it highlights your skin tone incredibly well and he just loves matching with you whenever he can. He gets himself involved with all your hair appointments, even though they can take up to literal HOURS. He will literally and deliberately sit there and happily watch you without any complaints. Loves seeing your finished hairstyles, whether it’s any sort of braids, extensions, laid out edges, or new wigs that you had custom made— he is absolutely amazed with how it all turned out. This man tries to help you with your hair but really can’t figure it out so he ends up just watching you as per usual, patient and puppy dog eyed. Even if he isn’t used to it, he will try to do your makeup happily if you let him. If you do, he will be overjoyed and start off with your skincare products and the makeup is only after that. He clings onto you like a lost puppy whenever you just got back from shopping or an appointment because you just look, oh sooo pretty and he doesn’t know how to tell you that in words.
Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Johan Seong, Yooseong, Baek Hangyeol, Seongji Yook
If he wanted to he would (rich version)
Will rearrange his ENTIRE day to day schedule just for you. He will take you to get your hair done whenever and wherever you want. He comes around at the end of all your appointments to pay and smother you in compliments about how good you look, and if you don’t like what the stylist did, he’ll take care of it. He pays for everything, from your hair and lashes to your nails and makeup products. He doesn’t care about how much it all costs, as long as you’re happy with how it turned out and the service or products, he will never complain or even bring up having to pay for stuff because you can provide for yourself and actually don’t need him financially— but he insists. Of course, you find ways to make it up to him to which he is very happy with. Even if the stylist seemingly did a pretty bad job, he will never admit that even if it were true. He will make sure you feel secure and that it isn’t bad at all, and he immediately books and pays for your new appointment with your favorite stylist.
Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Yoojin, Baek Hangyeol, Baek Gyeol, Diego Kang/James Lee
You’re just too perfect
Would love to try out the things you do normally but he’s never done before. Wearing bonnets? Count him in. Wanna do braids on / with him? He doesn’t mind. Cook him food he hasn’t tried before? He’ll love it as long as you made it. Also loves seeing GOLD on you. It just highlights your skin tone so well and he makes sure you’re always wearing what you’d like but he loves seeing you in shiny jewelry because it just compliments you so well. Loves all the hairstyles you do but one of the ones that baffles him the most is when you just unwrapped your silk press. He thinks its so satisfying and this man is also head over heels with every single aspect of your body. It doesn’t matter where or why, how small or how big, he is just absolutely obsessed with you. He will also specifically give you his clothes with the colors that he thinks suit you so insanely well.
i feel like all of them 😭😭: Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Johan Seong, Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Vin Jin, Yoojin, Yooseong, Baek Hangyeol, Baek Gyeol, Diego Kang/James Lee, Seongji Yook, Jaegyeon Na, Gitae Kim
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notes: some are in the cw (content warnings), but also im gonna be insanely busy for like the next 2 weeks but I will upload a masterlist (even though i dont have much works lol), plus an about me post so you can see info on requesting and what i write, i only wanted to post the about me since the masterlist is kinda empty, but in my about me post there is a supposed link that leads to the masterlist so yeah… Also if you look at my masterlist, you’ll be able to see what im currently writing in my drafts and some fics i may do soon!! andDDDDdddDd TYSM FOR 100 FOLLOWERS (107 to be exact) IM SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YALL AND I NEVER WOULDVE IMAGINE THAT I COULD GET HERE AND THATS ALSO WHY IM UPLOADING THE MASTERLIST AND ABOUT ME 😭😭 also because ill be busy my only post within the next week and about a half will just be the masterlist and about me post so im sorry abt that but after ill be back to writing !! 💝💝 thank you so much ❤️🤍
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate any feedback like comments, likes, reblogs, and requests
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad and I will be doing more of these drabbles so just feel free to request but try to specify if a drabble is actually what you’re looking for and not a one shot, thank you!! 💝
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anxious-witch · 9 months
Sooo, since like, literally three people asked(like I need more enabling lmao) here is a drabble/snippet from poly!JO soulmate au from August. It isn't finished and kinda a kess so read at your own risk, definitely not up to my usual quality.
Tw for alcohol, vomiting, character's drink being spiked (if I forgot anything, please let me know)
Bojan was born with four stripes on his stomach. Yellow, red, purple and blue. It reminded him of a mini rainbow. When he was little he used to trace them. Wondering how it related to his soulmate.
His parents seemed reluctant to tell him. And Bojan didn't understand. Not until his sister pulled him aside one day before he started school and explained. Soulmate marks indicated something about his soulmate, but his was special. Bojan remembered that she specifically used the word special.
Not weird, not odd. Special.
She said that since his has more than one color, it probably means more than one soulmate. That there was nothing wrong eith that, but that he had to be careful since not everyone would understand. 
She told him it was easy enough to cover with clothes, but in case he needed to, she showed him how to hide it with makeup.
Bojan hadn't been seven for awhile now. He was twenty four and he understood much, much better why his sister was so careful about all of it. At best, people with multiple marks were looked down upon. And Bojan didn't always have the best of luck, either.
He wished he could say that the reason he wanted to convince Kris to join the band was purely because of talent. Not that Kris wasn't extremly talented because he was. Bojan was already laying groundwork to ask him to join. And then Kris tied his hair back in a ponytail, revealing his soulmark.
Four stripes. Red, pink, purple and blue. Perfectly lined up. 
Bojan had to swallow past the lump in his throat. Found one of you. 
He didn't want Kris to join the band because of that thiugh. So instead he did his best to charm him. Teasing and laughing and promising. Kris agreed, under the condition that Jan may join too.
"He is my best friend and my soulmate. I am not going anywhere without him."
How could have Bojan refused?
Kris and Jan were polar opposites that somehow managed to work in perfect harmony. Kris charmed you with his cute laugh and politeness, while Jan disarmed you with flirting and downright filthy things he could say with a straight face.
Bojan planned on telling them about his mark. He really did. It was just that everytime he tried, fear of rejection wrapped itself over his chest.
What if they didn't want him? What if it would make things weird? 
He was a coward. He knew as much. He just couldn't bring himself to tell them. 
His mark ached sometimes. Especially when he saw how gently Jan would kiss the mark on Kris's neck, or Kris wrapping his fingers around the one on Jan's wrist. 
Jan made it worse with the way he wore his so openly. Like a badge of honor. Bojan suggested him to put a bracelet or some makeup on it once, to hide it.
He remembered Jan's fury to this day.
"What, do you have something against it? Do you think I should be fucking ashamed of my soulmates?"
Bojan took a step back, raising his hands in a placating gesture.
"No, of course not...I just think it might be wise not to show it off. People get beaten up for less. I don't want to see you hurt."
Jan looked at him for one very long moment. Bojan felt like he was being carved from inside out and examined.
"Let me worry about that. What business of yours is that, anyway?"
Bojan's mark pulsed under his shirt. He resisted the urge to rub the pain away. He shrugged.
They never spoke of it again. Years passed and Bojan got used to the yearing that came with being so close and yet so far. 
And then Jure came along. Bojan was still sad because of Matic leaving. That's the only excuse he had for not noticing Jure's mark sooner.
It came to a head during summer vacation. Jure joined them at the pool. And on his leg, just under his knee, was a mark. Four strips. Yellow, pink, red and purple.
Bojan heard Kris gasp from somewhere far away. His own mark throbbed underneath the band aid he put on. The lie he said was that he had a scar from surgery that he didn't want to show. Jan teased him for being vain, but no one ever questioned it. 
He and Martin exchanged a glance. Silently agreeing to leave and give them a moment. If Bojan's heart felt heavy or his mark burned, knowing he belonged there too, well. That was only for him to know.
Bojan was running out of excuses. Jure made a perfect new addition to Kris and Jan. While they certainly took some time to find a way to navigate a new configuration, they did work it out. Sometimes Bojan was so jealous he could taste it. 
Which usually meant he got hammered and left with the first person who wanted to take him home and fuck him. 
Other times, he just got hammered and called Luka through Skype. Luka who'd cursed him out and scolded him for being an idiot, but would still try and get him to take care of himself. Made sure he drank water and had a bucket nearby.
That was probably more than he deserved.
"So let me get this straight. Three of your soulmates recently got together. Which disproved your theory about them not wanting you because they are monogamous. Shocker, really. And instead of telling them now, you got hammer."
Bojan raised a finger in the air.
"And made out with a girl at the party in front of them."
Luka pinched his nose. He took a deep breath.
"And made out with a girl in front of them. Great! Lovely! What's the next step in your brilliant, self-destructive plan?"
Bojan shrugged. Luka sighed again.
"You are a menace. But you are also my friend. Which means I want you to be a happy menace. Please tell them."
"I'll think about it."
Luka shook his head and looked at him sadly.
"Sure you will."
He didn't end up telling them. In his defense, he really was preoccupied. Few days later, Martin told him he was leaving the band to concentrate on finishing college.
Bojan grieved the loss of another friend, as ridiculous as it sounded. While Kris and Jan loved Martin as well, it was different. They had each other and Jure now.
So Bojan arranged everything for Martin's last concert with them. And looked for the replacement. Which was how he found Nace. 
Bringing Jan along was his first mistake. Perhaps if he hadn't it could have been avoided. 
Nace fit into the criteria to perfectly replace Martin on stage. Jure even joked they looked similar enough that fans won't even notice the difference. Bojan would, though. He wasn't only losing a friend who he worked with since the beginning, but also his last line of defense. 
His mark ached harder than before ever since Jure joined in. 
He and Jan interviewed Nace and it was all going well. Bojan was finally starting to relax, realizing Nace would be a good fit. He was responsible, but knew how to joke still. They did need someone to keep them in check on occasion. And Nace didn't drink. His guitar skills were amazing too. All in all, perfect.
Up until he took off his leather jacket and stayed only in short sleeves. Showing off a soulmark on his right biceps.
Four stripes. Yellow, pink, red and blue. Bojan froze. 
"Nace," Jan said, sounding almost breathless, "is that your soulmark?"
Nace looked at him in confusion. Jan raised his hand to show off his wrist and Nace's eyes widened. 
"You are-"
"Yes. And I have found the other two. You are the forth."
Bojan felt like he was watching a private moment. Nace seems to be at a loss on what to say, simply looking at Jan like he was a miracle.
"So...only one remains."
A lump formed in Bojan's throat. His mark burned viciously. As if it was screaming: I am here!  Bojan got up.
"I'll leave you to settle...um. This. I think we can conclude Nace is a good fit by what was said already anyway. Have fun."
Jan's heavy gaze followed him until he took a turn in the alley, away from the view of the café. 
The next few weeks were torture. Watching them was torture. The way they all balanced each other perfectly. Jure's jokes and pranks contrasted Nace's mature, thought out responses. Kris' anxious energy was match by Jan's always relaxed state. They mixed and matched and still-
God, his mark burned. Bojan had too many moments where he had to excuse hinself and just breathe. Will the pain away. 
They were all there. Missing only one puzzle piece. All he had to do was go there and tell them. Just-
"Bojan?" Nace gently called out, startling him.
He turned from where he was leaning on the sink in the kitch to face him. Nace was always so measured in his movements, in his words. He told that that was because he used to be wild in his teenage years. He appriciated measured, gebtle approach a lot more now. 
"Sorry, I got lost in thought. Did you need something?"
"I just wanted to talk to you, if you have a minute?"
Bojan shrugged, even as his defense mechanisms rose up. Did he know? How would he have even realized? No. Impossible. 
"Sure. Shoot."
Nace's gaze traveled over his face and Bojan had the urge to squirm. All of them were attractive of course, but Nace and Jan had this odd ability to make him feel like they knew all his secrets. Bojan didn't have time to unpack why he was bith terrified and attracted to the feeling.
"I know this whole thing can't be easy for you. With all of us being bonded, you must feel left out. And I am sorry if I contributed to that by joining the band."
Bojan bit his lip. Oh. That was so thoughtful. He felt even more guilty about lying now. 
"It's not your fault. And I'm-I'm glad you guys found each other. It just gets a bit...much, sometimes."
Nace nodded.
"I can imagine. Kris told me you haven't found your own match yet, so it must be doubly hard for you."
God. He could just tell him. Bojan opened his mouth.
"Nace I-"
Jure came running, to show Nace a very specific cat video. It broke their moment and Bojan's sudden bravery disappeared.
He didn't tell him.
Which was why he ended up at the bar again. This time, without any of them around. He chatted up a guy who vaguely reminded him of Nace. Accidentally of course. 
It tricked his brain into feeling safe. So Bojan wasn't watching his drink as attentively as he should have.
He only realized his mistake when the room started to spin. Panic gripped him. If he went to the bathroom, he was going to show he was suspicious. But what could he do?
Now, Bojan will admit he wasn't someone who ever studied the soulmate bond. But even he knew about it. In theory. He tried to block in out of his mind most of the timez terrified of exposing himself.
But in his panic and confusion, he found it. He could feel faint flashes of what the other four felt. And he, idiotically, pushed all his fear and panic through the bond. 
The closest way to describe the feeling was smashing the fire alarm. 
Suddenly he could feel all of them. As if they they were reaching out to him. Jan's fierce protectiveness, Kris gentle reassurance. Jure's playfulness was there, even with his worry. And Nace was a warm, stable presence of comfort.
Bojan's phone rang. The guy he was drinking with seemed annoyed, but it gave him an excuse to step away and answer the phone. 
He managed to make it out of the club, to the fresh, cold air. 
"Bojan, where are you?"
Jan's voice was sharp and urgent. It immediately brought tears to Bojan's eyes.
"At the bar near my apartment. I'm sorry I-I think the guy put something in my drink. Everything is kind of spinning and I swear I only had one drink! Jan, I'm scared."
He heard Jan swearing at the other end, and there was such an intense wave of protectivness that came through the bond that Bojan felt like it wrapped around him. 
"It's okay. We are coming to get you. I will give Kris the phone now, okay? Stay on the line."
He sat on the ground, to get the spinning under control. He was so tired.
"Bojan? Can you hear me?"
"Kris," he sighed contentedly. 
Kris had such a nice, soothing voice. Bojan wanted to fall asleep to him talking.
"Yes, it's me. Can you tell me how are you feeling?"
Bojan hummed, thoughtful. Woth everything they were feeling, it was hard to pinpoint how he felt.
"Tired. Kinda sick? Not like I'll throw up but like I didn't eat something right. And everything is still spinning."
Kris kept talking to him and asking him irrelevant questions just to keep him on the line. Bojan fought against drifting off, but it became harder.
"Kris," he whined, "I am so tired."
He gently shushed him.
"I know sweetheart. Just a bit longer. We'll be there in a minute."
The rest was a blur. He remembered them picking him up and driving him home, but drugs made everything hazy. Last thing he remembered was being put to bed and then everything going dark.
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bizlybebo · 4 months
VIXENNNNNN!!! Before I return to the dishwasher I have a question. What are your PD boys + Ashe headcanons. Appearances? Idiosyncrasies? Anything? Please 🙏
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okok here’s some off the top of my head:
-Dakota’s got a lisp + a bit of a hard time speaking overall. However, it also means he places a lot of importance on what people have to say since those willing to listen to him even if he takes a second are ones he wants to hear from the most, if that makes sense
-Ashe is naturally blonde. She’s got the exact same hair color as Mark, but she bleaches it. She also has green eyes like her dad, but she inherited her mother’s complexion and facial features (also her mom was hispanic. trust i’m bizlybebo).
-Vyncent’s not a huge fan of haircuts on Prime (loud environment + the icky thing where all the hairs get caught on your shirt), so for most of season 1, Tide took care of his hair. Without Tide to really take care of it during season 2, it grew out significantly. William and Dakota take turns trying to braid it now.
-Since Fauna’s pretty cloudy (as far as I remember), Vyncent’s not used to a lot of direct sunlight. He goes to the beach once on Prime and gets sooo sunburnt cause he Doesn’t Get the concept of sunscreen entirely.
-Dakota’s the shortest. This one’s literally canon but I personally like to think that PD in order from tallest to shortest is: Vyncent, Ashe, William, then Dakota. Will’s still like a good head or so taller than Dakota
-Vyncent is scared of multiple household appliances. He has beef with ceiling fans and toasters especially.
-William gets the tetris effect but for like solving mysteries. Whenever he’s really sleepy he starts rattling off random criteria or a synopsis of his general surroundings/anything he notices under his breath.
-Ashe, oddly enough, is the member of PD who goes the most all out for Christmas/holiday season. She loves decorating and making cookies and everything, since it’s her first opportunity to do it with friends and family again in a long time.
-It feels like everyone on here is saying this which makes me so happy cause it’s so real but: Southern William. ouugigohiifih it’s so real to me.
and then some rapid fire ones:
-William has ehlers-danlos. trust
-Dakota Cole freckles. you agree
-Scenemo Ashe and emo William. You agree
-Dakota is terrified of spiders (scooby doo jumps into Ashe’s arms), Ashe is the kind of person to take the spider outside, William just kinda freezes and decides it’s the spiders house now, and Vyncent probably fucking eats spiders
-William does specific makeup to make himself look more alive/masculine (tboy William real. trust)
-William and Ashe are both the kind of person to have one (1) hoodie they constantly wear and basically nothing else.
-Ashe makes kandi and made PD matching bracelets during s1 (smiles. don’t think about Dakota accidentally breaking it during s2 and how bad he’d feel)
-Vyncent collects jewelry (elf brain likes shiny shit or something) but doesn’t wear it often. He just. Keeps it on him and pulls it out to look at it sometimes all proud of it
-Dakota “accidentally” leaves his flannels in Ashe’s dorm all the time when he visits her so he has an excuse to come back. Ashe gives him one back and suddenly two more appear
-Williams actually very beautiful/handsome he literally just gets no bitches because he’s Like That.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
what’s wrong with you based on your favorite batman villain
(don’t take these too seriously)
(sequel to this post)
The Riddler: Holy shit shut the fuck up for two seconds PLEASE. i know you have a touch of the tism and crave to derail every conversation to talk about your special interest but no one else is having fun. this is why you don’t have any friends. You also have a very niche and the second most expensive taste in clothing so you only have like 3 outfits to mix and match. You either dress like you’re going to the Met Gala or like a dad on vacation, no in between
The Penguin: STOP FUCKING IMPULSE BUYING!!! YOU HAVE TOO MANY TRINKETS!!! YOU DONT NEED IT JUST BECAUSE ITS PRETTY!!!! You have the most expensive taste in clothing, especially victorian undergarments, and spend an embarrassing amount of money to dress like a vampire. And stop being so hard on your body. It might not always be the perfect image of what you want, but it’s doing its best, even if you have to help it out a bit.
Harley Quinn: Sweetheart, I promise you are more than just your sex appeal. I know you grew up around misogyny and were raised to be a housewife but you’re free now!! Well…you would be if you stopped picking the shittiest men. A relationship does not define you, stop settling for assholes because you feel ashamed for being single. Have you tried dating a woman? No, seriously, try it. You deserve it
The Joker: Stop using your humor to deflect from your trauma, i bet your back hurts from carrying the weight of being the funniest person in your friend group. You’re a big time maximalist who spends an hour picking out a hundred accessories to wear and wind up being late because you couldn’t choose which kandi bracelets were best for the occasion. You’re still holding on to the last shreds of your teenage edgelord phase. Also clean your damn room and throw away those old drink cans, nasty ass
Catwoman: How does it feel to be the sexiest person in the room at any given time? Not good, I bet, since you struggle to make friends because of how often they wind up to only be after your body. Sorry you can’t catch a break. You’re probably still carrying money saving habits you got from your parents when you were a kid even though you don’t need to now. Also please try wearing a color besides black, it’s almost summer, you’re gonna die of heatstroke. Nice eyeliner though
Poison Ivy: Dude, so many people are crushing on you rn, how do you not see this?! You’re so hot but soooo emotionally unavailable, christ. A boy in middle school said something uncomfortable to you once which was then reinforced by the misogynistic micro aggressions you were subject to as a teenager and it’s kinda tainted your entire view of the male gender, which is fair but also kinda sucks.
The Scarecrow: Daddy issues, daddy issues everywhere. He was scary as fuck, wasn’t he? Your fear was valid. You really love to analyze people which wouldn’t be an issue if you could actually be subtle about it. Stop staring, you creep. Also, that flannel doesn’t look as good as you think it does, you look like a depressed lumberjack. Like please just buy a cardigan. Halloween is your favorite holiday and you get really annoying about it around mid august. And remember to brush your fuckin hair for gods sake
The Mad Hatter: You get like…reeeeaaaally weird about your crushes, man. Like whatever you’re doing it’s not normal. You can just talk to them, you know. You have the weirdest sexual interests but they’re more so hyper specific and niche than gross or unsettling. That’s better, I guess? You gotta leave your headspace and live in reality for a bit, man. I know it kinda sucks, but there are real people here! Also you’re short. Gross
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reimeichan · 6 months
God it's so weird to look back through my life and be able to pinpoint exact moments that a specific alter was fronting. Back then we didn't even know we had DID (for the most part) yet this disorder has colored my life for almost as long as I've been alive.
When I was in high school, one of the elective classes I took was orchestra. I was super passionate about it; I would regularly stay after school to help the other orchestras in my school during rehearsal, which was basically unheard of at my school. I was known for loving not just playing the viola but also caring a lot about the group as a whole, taking time to help anyone struggling with specific parts of a piece or even to help set up the room for practice or the stage for performances. I took viola and orchestra very seriously.
But also.... I had a silly, playful side to me. Most anyone who knew me outside of orchestra knew this about me, but my director sure did not. So when it came time for the annual region-wide audition for the "top orchestra of the region" (region being a collection of several school districts), I was expected to audition like I had all the previous years. And, well, I suppose the me that was there on the day of the audition had other plans. Instead of playing the excerpts like she was asked to, she instead, in order: played a C major scale (the easiest scale to play on a viola), played a singular D major chord (but like, REALLY BADLY out of tune), and, the kicker: instead if playing the excerpt from Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 Movement 4, she played a part from *Movement 2* of the same symphony, AKA a piece our high school had played in front of every music educator in the state. So, yknow, it was obvious which school I'd come from.
When word got around to our director what had occurred, he was pissed beyond belief. He brought me into his office, and I could tell he was just absolutely dumbfounded and perplexed. He stated how I was "the last person [he] expected to pull something like that". I remember shrugging and kinda bluntly saying something rude back while feeling like he was making a big deal out of nothing, which would have been incredibly out of character for me as well as I adored that director- and I'm realizing now that the version of me who was in his office that day was neither the version of me who usually played in the orchestra, nor was that the version of me who pranked the audition process.
And like... it's wild to me that I can so clearly tell which parts of me were present for each of those moments. The one who's usually in orchestra? That's Gray (aka me), the goody two-shoes. The prankster was obviously Purple. And the one who had to deal with a disappointed director was Green. But at the time none of us were even consciously fronting or switching for any of that, it all happened so quickly and suddenly that it felt really disjointed. Hell, for years afterwards I'd still ask myself what possessed me to be an obvious prankster, or to snap back at my director like that. Well, I guess now I know I probably was possessed in some way (heh).
Just, yeah. Some rambling thoughts of the now I guess.
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ieatkeyboard · 5 months
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First, the classic. I didn't realize the stitching on his pants till now but it is BAAAD. The belt is a weird shit-green? I think they were leaning to gold but it is NOT giving gold. I cant tell if he's wearing a weird vest under his jacket or if it's part of it- The scarf is cute and I like the shirt.
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I took the seams off the pants but without them, the pants clashed really badly with the shirt so I made the pants a bit darker. I made the scarf and shoes a bit darker too because as much as the scarf looked fine against the jacket, the shoes looked gray against the pants and I wanted them to match the way they did before. I made the belt a more orange/yellow color so it would hopefully look more gold than the shit green belt from before. As much as I don't know what the jacket/vest is it IS cute so I left it alone and I didn't touch the shirt.
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I actually like this outfit a lot- Its comfy and cute. The shoes are kinda weird- And I think the pants blend into the boots too well, I can't tell them apart (I'm also blind as hell so this is probably a me problem)
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I made the boots a little bigger and took away ALL the buttons from the outfit because I personally didn't like it. It felt like he was modeling and wearing a specific collection, instead of wearing something he liked. I made the pants a smidge lighter and that's it!
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Please don't kill me over this PLEASE. I love him but the little thing on his jacket(I FORGOT THE NAME) is very...Interesting. I dont like how the shoes are red and the rest of the outfit is pink/light blue/gold and green 😭 And those heels look small on him- The necklace is gorgeous but the fact the necklace is silver, the buttons on his pants are bronze and the rose is gold is so awful to me. The pattern on the sweater is also weird-
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First, I took the red off the shoes and made them look like they got a little better. I took away the pattern on his sweater but I liked the kinda gradient affect so I kept that. I made his buttons match his rose, I made the color of the ribbon match the rest of the pink in the outfit because we can only have so many colors before we start looking weird-
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I'm sorry they ate these the FUCK up. But because this is about what I think I'll change it up a little-
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BAM. Since the boys bunny uniforms feel very based on their sin and personality I gave Asmo some hearts for his sin and as a pop of pink since he is ALWAYS seen in pink. When I think of bunnies, I think more "soft and cute" so I took the geometric shapes out of the ears.
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I actually love his demon form so I wont change much
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I took the gray off his left shoe because there isn't any gray on the other side and I know it's a dumb reason but it makes sense in my brain. I made the pink a little more cool toned and made his nails black because ooooo spooky demon
Asmo has a few other outfits but these are really the only ones I could think of that I had a problem with or just wanted to mess with. Asmo has an amazing character design and his outfits are cute! These are just things I would've done differently!
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single-malt-scotch · 8 months
Given we are two episodes in to bdubs this HC seasons I will ramble a tad about his format this season and the timeline/comparisons to past ones!
Let's talk in parts for a second. For thumbnails. I didn't really know what to expect tbh. He's been going more minimalist in thumbnails for a while now- HC S9 and Create have very simple thumbnails very focus on the builds (if they occur in the HC video). Go from season 7 HC to now and they've changed a Lot. S8 was simple too if you take away the color overlay. But S10 is mega simple. There isn't even a title on the thumbnails!
Then intros. S7 and S8 would randomly have an intro of "welcome to hermitcraft!" And sometimes none at all. S9 started "welcome to hoymicraf" (how do we spell this) consistently. Additionally all those seasons had some intros beginning with some third person camera to start a scene (more consistent as time went), or without that intro in season 7, 8 and 10 we'd also just start in first pov while bdubs is already in action. Additionally intro music was always very energetic, and so far what we heard in his first s10 intro (and based off the time lapses) we are getting something way more chill. Ep2's intro is one of those exceptions for the specific scenarios that happen sometimes. The choice of situational music.
General editing? Kinda crossed over with intros here because intros have very blatant editing with music and camera etc. Tbh the biggest thing to any season is music choice, which changes how things feel entirely. Past seasons had faster paced songs in intros and many building segments had orchestral, so on. The way those building segments play out has slowly turned into bdubs cutting it up to fit the beat of music, which is most apparent now in S10 and bwb S3. For S10 I feel like this enunciates the calm music even more as it puts emphasis on what is the louder/more striking note of the song. Through S10 episodes right now we have seen more use of replay mod in more than just the intro. Usually wide shots with music. Thought out compositions and wide shots often showing scale of things around him. Even purposefully taking moments to stop and pause and linger on the shot. Definitely more cinematic, and completely different with his it slows down.
It is interesting to see what some people might feel is a total 180! Considering I have seen the flow of his format for so long "slow" is not unfamiliar but because he has grown so much as a commentator he handles this very well. It's not "old inexperienced commentator" slow. Because you can tell if you pay attention he isn't different from who he has been in recent years. He's always the same and going this direction is done w the same level of development and experience. Hes still silly, he's still got energy. It's just presentation! It feels different a lot by how he's editing.
Even so it makes me wonder Why. Was his previous loud style and high energy more aimed at when his kids were just born and very little, and he had an obvious shift to making his videos possibly more appealing to children and be child appropriate? Has he 'mellowed out' for any particular reason? If you watch him a lot, especially his Livestreams (the member ones rly) bdubs thinks hard about his building skills. He is genuinely an artist aiming to improve every day and I think he's gotten a lot back into really expressing his thoughts and feelings regarding the art. It's been a gradual focus returning I have seen. Perhaps he has decided to lean into this more on purpose, and in doing so that shifts his focus away from what people felt was "childish" acting. But it's important to remember, as a bdubs lover, the analysis here isn't actually one to say he's "changed" because he hasn't. As a content creator he knows what he's going for and to some level has consciously made these changes. We still got bdubs, he's just doing it different. And honestly if you were turned off by the energy of S9, I highly recommend giving this season a watch if you want something more artistic, and good discussion about building process.
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esther-dot · 1 year
Idk how attractive jon is supposed to be but he has the stark look and sansa has a thing for the stark look, i mean look at waymar and loras, their descriptions match jon's exactly. Sansa's opinion at the end of the day>>>
I love Sansa’s Waymar and Loras crushes! So cute! I kinda think a good part of what attracts Sansa to any given guy is the romantic notions she can attach to them, not strictly their physical appearance? So while I certainly agree with the Jon and Waymar parallels and think martin intentionally wrote similarities between Jon and her crushes, I believe her romanticized view of knight was a factor as well. Personally, I wish Martin talked about Sansa’s body/ how beautiful she is a lot less, so this isn't a topic I enjoy discussing, but the convo kicked off because of a poll and here’s a screenshot of my totally unremarkable tags:
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And here’s what an angry Jon fan posted because they didn’t like the tags on the poll:
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They go on to criticize other tags by Sansa fans/Jonsas, but mine were based on specific lines from the books because the question wasn’t vibes but canonical beauty, and it so happens, these are lines I am very fond of because I love NedCat:
And was it really such a terrible thing, to want a pretty wife? She remembered her own childish disappointment, the first time she had laid eyes on Eddard Stark. She had pictured him as a younger version of his brother Brandon, but that was wrong. Ned was shorter and plainer of face, and so somber. He spoke courteously enough, but beneath the words she sensed a coolness that was all at odds with Brandon, whose mirths had been as wild as his rages. Even when he took her maidenhood, their love had more of duty to it than of passion. We made Robb that night, though; we made a king together. And after the war, at Winterfell, I had love enough for any woman, once I found the good sweet heart beneath Ned's solemn face. (ASOS, Catelyn V)
It’s a beautiful passage with a lovely sentiment, so I take exception to classifying this as petty fandom shit when there was nothing intentionally insulting behind what I said, I just think Cat's thoughts about a man she dearly loves were pertinent. Also, Jon’s Stark looks are a big R+L=J clue which is teased a lot in AGOT so it’s intentional and important:
The boy absorbed that all in silence. He had the Stark face if not the name: long, solemn, guarded, a face that gave nothing away. Whoever his mother had been, she had left little of herself in her son. "What are you reading about?" he asked. (AGOT, Tyrion II)
Martin described Jon’s face the same way he does Ned’s here, although the point was ha ha! he has the Stark look not because of his father but because of his mother, Lyanna.
Jon had their father's face, as she did. They were the only ones. Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair. (AGOT, Arya I)
Arya heard and whirled around, glaring. "I don't care what you say, I'm going out riding." Her long horsey face got the stubborn look that meant she was going to do something willful. (AGOT, Sansa I)
Sansa could never understand how two sisters, born only two years apart, could be so different. It would have been easier if Arya had been a bastard, like their half brother Jon. She even looked like Jon, with the long face and brown hair of the Starks, and nothing of their lady mother in her face or her coloring. (AGOT, Sansa I)
"Lyanna might have carried a sword, if my lord father had allowed it. You remind me of her sometimes. You even look like her." (AGOT, Arya II)
Now, Ned goes on to say Lyanna is beautiful so a lot of fans really emphasize that and say it means Jon and Arya are/will be attractive, and maybe! It doesn't bother me for people to read it that way, but if you look at the other uses of long face in ASOIAF, or the Stark look, I think it indicates, it's not particularly attractive, and one might even say, it's unremarkable. I didn’t say ugly, its simply unexceptional imo. Obviously the horsey face/horse faced stuff is an insult so we don't have to take that to be a neutral assessment, but I don't think it actually means pretty either, not when you look at how it's used elsewhere.
Anyway, it doesn't matter if Jon is handsome or not because we all were supposed to have already learned that what matters is who he is, not his face. So, while I have no investment in how attractive/unattractive these characters are, I imagine that Jon being Jon is what will make Sansa fall for him, not how pretty he is. Something that might sound kinda like this:
I had love enough for any woman, once I found the good sweet heart beneath Ned's Jon's solemn face
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reverthestarryeyed · 2 months
i mentally tortured myself making this 🤣
So meet my oc, I call him Fantoccinaio
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Since the anatomy of Hazbin hotel characters are so weird, I needed to use a reference, I decided to use Alastor, specifically this Alastor -- https://youtu.be/T9hV4WouqX4?si=rysryH1C4aZgAWgh and https://youtube.com/shorts/FDntLPnB6Qc?si=h0kWpDhQQKqwYTzq (God, these Alastor's look so good)
So here's some general information about him: He's the new resident of the Hazbin Hotel since he genuinely does feel bad for doing the things that he did while he was alive, and no this did not happen after he got into He'll. Even in life he felt immense regret and sorrow for doing the things he did (Hence why he went to the Hotel in the first place), it just felt really good for him, like an addiction he couldn't let go of not matter what he did, so he kept doing it over and over and over again. In the end he died of old age, he doesn't know why it felt good or why he enjoyed it, he still beats himself up about it.
So what sin he committed while he was alive: So firstly, he was originally going to be a killer or something, but then I thought that murder was a tad bit too generic, so I decided to make him a Pedophile (see how this mentally tortured me when making this ? 😆).
He doesn't even know how it started, but I'm thinking of him just being really into loli's and shota's, like he was just purely online stuff, nothing outside of it, but then slowly he started gaining attractions to real life children (God, this is paining me to write 😭😂) and then one day he couldn't take it anymore and enacted on those thoughts.
He would then manipulate the children into not telling anyone, gaslight them into thinking they consented and that they enjoyed it, manipulated them into agreeing, and if they did try to tell someone he would tamper and manipulate the emotions of them to make the kids/victims sympathize with him more than they otherwise would, making them feel too guilty to do anything about their situation, etc. he was basically a mental and emotional abuser as well.
But like I said he genuinely did felt regret for it, he felt regret everytime he touched a child, he would cry right after, he knew what he was doing was wrong but didn't and couldn't stop.
Now for his design: I wanted to make his clothes look very clown-y, because as he was in life -- a fool, I also decided to make him wear socks (though sometimes he doesn't even wear that) as a reference to The Fool from Tarot cards (I've also heard that The Fool doesn't wear anything on his feet), and also to socks being used for comedic characters (I've heard of this somewhere, I don't remember where, I think it was Socks and Buskin?).
If you haven't noticed I also took some inspiration from Inside Out for his face -- Anxiety, Envy, and Embarrassment (he's really large, like 7-8 feet tall, or 9, I can't decide). I've also given him really dark skin, I tried picking a color that matches a rotting corpse, and also white hair to show that he died of old age and was never caught. I also gave him very large eyes to show his fixation with children, they also sparkle (as you can see) to when he sees a child, or someone childlike, and I decided to make them blue to show the sadness he felt.
And his hands, very, very large hands, I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain as to why he has large hands....Anyway, he also has crooked teeth with a lot of it missing because, again, died of old age.
I've also tried putting him in a nervous stance, kinda like this but it didn't work
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I was planning to give him a straight jacket, to show insanity but decided against it.
Now for his powers and abilities (I'm pretty sure everyone in hell has that, so why not?): He has the ability to create and manipulate stuffed dolls, it's more like Dolls made from string, but same thing, stuffing is basically just string crumpled up. He can also turn other people into dolls by wrapping them around string, and then making the string go in and out of them until they become a doll (he can even make someone shrink by crushing them). Of course he can also set traps with the string, so if people run into them they'll be cut to prices.
Fant also carries around a stuffed doll of a little boy he calls Jack (or sometimes Fante) and he has an infatuation (probably) with Niffty because she looks, acts and sounds like a child....sorta, and his feelings are sorta reciprocated because it's...well...y'know Niffty
Ok, wow, this was a lot longer than I thought, I didn't even think I made that much lore for him 😆
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ego-osbourne · 9 months
2023 Art Roundup
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(These aren’t entirely indicative of when I posted them, but when I actually finished them.)
These are some of my biggest/favorite projects through each month!
Piece details + Mod-posting below!
JAN - Asteía ; This was one of my first projects of the year that dealt with lighting, and additionally light from multiple sources! I also remember experimenting with backgrounds and how to make a character pop against a semi-detailed background without making them get lost in the piece.
FEB - Mora and Ego ; This was a good project on figuring out how to fill empty space while still keeping the atmosphere of a piece. It was also good perspective practice!
MAR - Sanguine and Ego ; Though I’m no longer too happy with the proportions or lighting of this piece, I still remember having a blast with it. Hearing feedback about them holding hands and Sanguine’s ear getting squished are very fun memories for me.
APR - Miraak and Ego ; This might be my favorite project of the whole year! Though I know I can do backgrounds better now, I remember being pretty confident and happy during the whole process! I think the motion/lighting/effects all came out very well :] ALSO it was the first piece I did with expressive masks for Miraak and Ego! Wahoo!
MAY - Mora and Ego (again) ; Though the last one was my personal favorite, I heard from a couple of friends that THIS was their favorite. Though a pain in the ASS to do, I’m especially happy with all the texture effects. This was also me experimenting with Mora’s design!
JUN - Erandur ; Not a particularly complicated/difficult piece, but one that was simply pure fun. Had a blast with lighting effects and atmosphere. It was also a good break from the family trip I was taking at the same time ,:]
JUL - Dagon ; Specifically his revamp! This was my first successful attempt at a (very) muscular body type that I liked! In fact, over the course of the year I’ve been pretty proud of my progress of expanding on body types. This one especially, though, was just very fun!
AUG - Iren and Rakell ; My first dive into a colored + shaded animatic (animation? It’s awful choppy lol)! FAR from perfect, but I was (and still am) so happy with the outcome. I particularly remember enjoying figuring out lines of movement and sound effects for the video.
SEP - Sanguine ; My first (and still only, though hopefully not for long) attempt at making Sanguine intimidating. I think this one is going in the right direction! As far as effects go, I actually had a very tough time with things because of a few layer-merging mishaps, but the final product was well-received!
OCT - The Warden ; After many-a night on Minecraft with friends, I realized just how much I loved the warden, and HAD to draw them. Redesigning characters is one of my absolute favorite things to do, especially when taking minimal details and expanding on them! They were super fun all around.
NOV - Miraak, Serana, Ego, and Ancano ; I’d been meaning to draw the siblings being siblings for a while now, but putting them all on one canvas was more than a little intimidating. I was so happy to have it done, though, and I kinda love seeing their colors clash together.
DEC - Sanguine (again) ; After not drawing him for so long, it was a blast doing so. The moment I was back home for winter break, I was ECSTATIC to get to work on this piece. #1 blorbo
This year has been an absolute ride.
I became a mod and then co-owner of the TES server that got me into making TDI and have made some really tight friendships over there (genuinely, anyone reading this who is/was in the cult server, I’m so damn happy to know you).
I’ve done some intense progress on TDI, and even though I didn’t QUITE accomplish my New Years Resolution of posting Ch. 1 this year, hopefully you can understand the drawbacks considering I am… //checks notes/// 70+ chapters in and still going.
I’m in college! Have been for a hot second now, but I’ve been working towards a ministry degree, and have future plans of getting a PhD after my bachelor’s so I can teach at a college level! I don’t think I talk a lot about my irl happenings, but hopefully that gives you an idea of why I might be a liiittle busy when it comes to writing. Ministry is an unforgiving degree when it comes to papers and meetings.
As earlier mentioned, I’ve learned how to do different body types, and am trying to find a good balance between shape language and inclusivity when it comes to bodies! I am… still struggling with feminine anatomy! Admittedly! But I’m willing to keep trying ,:]
And, overall, I (certainly hope I have) improved on my art. I have a much better sense of face shapes, line weights, and consistent details than I did at the beginning of the year. Always learning, but always improving, too!
I hope your year has gone well! Thank you so very much for checking out my blog. Tumblr has been a wonderful thing to get into and has led me to a lot of wonderful people. See you in the new year!
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dogtoling · 8 months
how would you go about designing a sona-adjacent character for splatoon? I know I’m going with octoling bc I play as them exclusively and this is more a character made from my ingame avatar, but everything else has me indecisive.. sorry I know this is a vague question but I’m interested in hearing your thoughts
this is a cool question! I struggled with this for a really long time and have had MANY sona designs (which either got trashed or became separate characters over time). Really i think how you approach a sona is different for every person. sorry if this is incoherent as i'm typing at 6am from bed
So basically first thing is what are you planning on using the character for? For example in my case when I used to try making splatoon sonas I made them *too much* like me to the point where i didn't like them and they didn't really fit in the world or were interesting at all. But that's just talking personality-wise. I could make an extremely bland octopus guy who doesnt play Turf War or ever go anywhere but it's also like, what is even the point of having a Splatoon sona at that point. What you want to use your sona for kind of affects how they would ideally be in my opinion.
So the way I ended up designing my sona (Koira) was to have us share traits but not have them specifically BE me, which is an approach that I find works really well in creating a connection to a character while still letting them be a character of their own. I would refer to it as more like making a self-insert character to control in a setting rather than physically being there and feeling confined to being yourself if that makes sense? it probably doesnt. But the self-insert player character is kinda what you already do in Splatoon anyway.
I find it a good approach to go with a mix of aspects that are accurate to you but combined with things that are kind of out there. Then you can have a character that's still interesting and appealing to you and might seem similar enough at face value to be relatable, while not being like, super boring. I don't remember my exact design process with Koira, I wanted the design to be silly and stand out and be relatable to how I play the game and approach the series, while at the same time not being confined to what I would realistically do or be like. Like I do not own a labcoat in real life, or mismatched boots, or round shades.
But I DO own a pair of broken shades i found from a trash can, and in the context of being an avid squid researcher online I felt it would be very fitting to make my in-universe guy an actual squid scientist, and i WISH i had shoes like that because theyre pretty cool. And he has split ends because I DO have split ends (there are so many), but i don't have blonde hair. I picked yellow because it's my favorite color. I would NOT touch turf wars with a ten foot pole if i actually existed in the splatoon world and was the same person there that i am in real life, but like, in the context of Splatoon i might as well have my Splatoon guy represent some aspect of my gameplay experience, hence they own like every weapon but don't really play. Et cetera.
So really again people have different preferences with how to approach making a sona, or sona-adjacent characters like you said, personally the Player Character approach tends to work pretty well for me. I try to reflect my real physical in-the-flesh self less, because that's kind of boring (i literally already exist), and go for the more exaggerated version where some aspects represent me but it's not Literally Me. Like, I'm trying to make What If I Was An Octoling, and not What If An Octoling Looked Like Me The Human. The process of how to get there is a little patchy and again, probably different for everybody, and bear in mind that you might make a sona and not like it and start from scratch. That might happen 5 times. That might happen 10 times. You still learn something more about the process every time.
Here's some questions I can present to help with sona designing...
1. What are some traits that I think reflect myself? How can I include those in the character design?
2. In tandem with the previous question; what species should I pick? (You already picked Octoling, so this one is a bit obsolete - but it's worth thinking about for people who struggle to pick.)
3. If I existed in the Splatoon world, what would I probably, somewhat realistically be doing with my life? What kind of job or hobbies would I have? Can that be reflected in the design?
4. Do I care about any of the above stuff or do I just want to come up with something original? Could I use some of my answers to work with and fill in the blanks with other things that are just cool?
5. How would the ways I play Splatoon be reflected if translated to an in-universe character? (For example, based on how I play, my game-realistic Splatsona would just be a full-time Salmon Runner...)
6. Do I want to use in-game gearsets, or reference the kind of style I prefer in real life, or maybe come up with something unique?
7. Can my main weapon or playstyle be directly equated to my character's personality or appearance? Do I want their personality to be game-accurate, real life accurate or somewhere in between?
8. Finding inspiration through your player character's Badges, Banner and Title that you currently have; what do those say about the player? Or what about the locker?
9. What are some things I love about the setting of Splatoon that I could reflect in a sona or self insert? (For example I made mine an in-universe Inkling researcher to reflect my own obsessiveness about Inkling biology. And squid suckers. I have a dried squid in a minigrip bag on my shelf)
10. The obligatory step in any character design: Can i do something to make it fun or appealing to myself? Adding some flavor.
Aside from all that and I definitely forgot SOMETHING, my general character design tip is do not expect the first draft to be the final perfect result. I watched a video once that said to draw every character design Three Times before 'finalizing' it and it works EXTREMELY well when youre whipping up a character basically from scratch and have an idea in your head, but on paper, you just need some kind of first draft to see if that idea works. The second and third iterations usually help trim out whatever didnt work in the earlier designs and when you keep making more, the parts that DO work are solidified and refined over time.
Rule number 2: if you make a sona design and don't like it, ask yourself why. Then change it! It's not the time to start some kind of self reflecting journey, maybe you just want a more interesting haircut than what you have in real life and you can totally do that if you're bold (my hair is brown, I didn't want the splatoon to have brown hair when like half the point of the game is Neon Color). Maybe you want bright pink eyes. Maybe you want a ridiculous job that you could never do in real life but that would make your character way more interesting. Maybe you want to give them a pet slug because you would LOVE ONE in real life but dont have one, and that would complete the character.
i forgot my point but hopefully this helped and was useful even a little bit? yay
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