#espio's master
blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1018: Home At Last (Sonic)
4:23 p.m. at the Crocodile's Residence.........
Espio: Ah....Ahh...AHH-
Cream brings a tissue in front of Espio's nose in time for him to sneeze on it before sighing again.
Espio: Thanks again, Cream.
Cream: (Smiles Brightly) You're blessed and welcome!~ (Takes the Tissue to a Nearby Trash Can)
Silver: (Has His Hand Onto Espio's Forehead While Sitting Next to Him on One Side) Your temperature doesn't seem to being heating up too badly compared to yesterday.
Blaze: (Sighs in Relief While Sitting Next to Espio on the Other Side) That's good to hear at least....(Gives Espio a Motherly Glare) Still, what on earth were you thinking fighting this Master Zik person in a middle of a rainstorm? Without wearing a coat nonetheless?
Cream: (Crosses Her Arms While Pouting at Espio) That's what I've been wanting to know. So reckless....(Turns to Blaze) Did you know he used to meditate in the rain when we was a child?
Silver: (Eyes Widened a Bit) Really?
Charmy: Yeeeup. Even tried meditating under a waterfall too.
Cheese: (Nodded in Agreement) Chao.
Blaze: (Already Pinching her Nose) Okay, meditating in the rain is one thing, but under a waterfall!? (Turns Back to Her Boyfriend) Seriously?
Espio: I was young and clueless at the time. (Looks Away While Blushing a Little) Besides, Master has already scolded me about my recklessness afterwards, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal to begin with....(Hears a Few Giggles From Before Sighing) What's funny?
Blaze: Oh nothing~ (Smirks Playfully at Espio) Just admiring how cute you look when you pout~
Silver: (Giggles Softly) Yeah~ Hence why you will always be the cute one in our relationship~
Charmy: (Laughs While Singing and Pointing at Espio) Espio's the cute on in his relationship!~
Cheese: (Tease Along With Charmy) Chao Chao Chao!~
Cream: He gets it from mommy and me~ (Smiles Proudly While Pointing Up a Bit) Us Rabbits have a very unique talent of making ourselves look cuter than we already are.
Espio: How do I even- (Sighs Once More Before Facepalming Himself) You know what? Forget it. I am too sick to even try and argue at the moment.
Blaze: (Rolls her Eyes) You only have a cold, dear. It'll come to pass eventually.
Silver: (Turns to Cream) By the way, were you three able to tell your mom and dad about what happened the day before?
Cream: (Nodded To Silver) I told daddy about the showdown before we left the house that evening. He said him and mommy were already packing up to leave their honeymoon trip. The boys and I were so busy taking care of Espio that I didn't have the time to call them again this morning. ('Sighs a Bit Worryingly') I hope they make it back here oka-
A loud crash suddenly echoed in the living room as the gang turn their head see to the married bride herself, Vanilla, wearing her biker suit and holding her newly husband, Vector, in her arms while panting.
Vector: Uhhhh....(Slowly Spread his Arms Out With an Awkward Smile on his Face) Surprise!.....
Cream: ('Gasps') Mommy!~ Daddy!~ (Happily Rushes Over Towards the Older Couple to Hug Them Along With Charmy)
Charmy: You're back!~
Cheese: (Happily Flies Over to Join the Group Hug) the Chao Chaochao!~
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly as She Lowers Her Husband Down on his Feet as She Receives Their Group Hugs) Oh my sweet little angels~ It's so great to finally see you all again!~ We're sorry we didn't come here sooner. The traffic here have gotten a lot more busy as of late.
Vector: So we decided to take a few shortcuts along the way. Some of which......preeetty scary to go through to be honest.
Vanilla: (Frowns Sadly) Sorry.....
Vector: (Immediately Grabs Vanilla's Hands With a Reassuring Smile on his Face) But it's okay! We still managed to get here without any police cars stopping us. (Turns to Vanilla) You did great, honey.
Vector kiss the top of his wife's head as she smiles and hugs him in a very loving manner.
Espio: You two need to be more careful around road next time. There's no telling what kind of wide open accident you'll get yourselves into.....
Vanilla: ('GASPS') Espio!~ (Immediately Rushes Over to The Living Room's Sofa and Picks Espio Up into a Tight, Loving Hug) My sweet baby boy, you had us soooo worried!~ (Gently Lowers the Ninja Down in his Feet Before Placing her Hand Onto his Forehead) How is your temperature? You don't feel too woozy and light headed, do you?
Silver: (Smiles Softly at Vanilla) We've already checked his temperature, Mrs. Rabbit. He's doing a lot better now.
Blaze: (Smiles Brightly at the Newly Wedded Couple) Or should we say Mrs. Crocodile!~ How was your very first honeymoon together?~
Vanilla: (Went Back to Smiling While Claspingher Hands Together) Oh Blaze, it was such a wonderful first experience!~ The lovely scenery of the towns, the exquisite desserts and four meals-
Vector: Which cost a crap ton by the way!
Vanilla: (Smiles Sheepishly) T-True.....But at least the meals we ordered there were still delicious. ('Sighs Dreamingly') There's so many breath taking things to see in Spagonia that I can't even decide which one I adored the most......
Charmy: You got any pictures for us to see?
Vector: Oh yeah. Lots of them. But before we do that, you kids mind giving your mother, brother, and I some private? We have a lot to talk about today.
Espio's eyes begins to widen a bit by Vector's slow glance towards him
Silver: Oh! Uh....sure. We'll....(Gets Himself Up From the Sofa He Was Sitting on) get out of your hair. (Whipsers 'Sorry' to Espio as he Gives Him a Good Luck Kiss on One Cheek Before Walking to the Kitchen)
Blaze: (Gets Up.From the Sofa as Well) Kids, it's time we give them privacy! (Turns to Espio and Whispers) Best of luck, dear. (Kiss Him in the Other Side of the Cheek Before Walking Away) You are going to need it.....
Cream: Poor Espio.....
Charmy: We know him well....
Cheese: Chao.
With one final stare, the trio finally turn away and follows Blaze into the kitchen, leaving the ninja and the married couple alone in the living room in a few seconds of silence.
Espio: (Tries to Process What is Happening)
Vector: (Turns Back to Espio) So are you really feeling better from that cold of yours, champ? No headaches or anything else out of the ordinary?
Espio: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! Uh....('Clears Throat') Yes. Other than a few random- (Quickly Squeezes Onto his Robe Before Looking Back Up at Vector) sneezes that occurred every so often, I say the road of recovery is going smoothly for me so far.
Vector: (Smiles Brightly) Good, good. If that's the case, then I guess that means I won't have to feel guilty for what I'm about to do next!
Espio: I.....(Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) beg your pard-
Before Espio could even start finishing that sentence, he sudden felt a sharp smack by his longtime detective partner/father-figure, much to everyone, sans for Vanilla's, surprise.
Espio: (Winces a Bit in Pain While Holding his Head)..... Okay. I'll admit.....I deserve that.
Vector: (Growls While Glaring at Espio in a Fatherly Yet Comedic Fashion) YA DAMN RIGHT YOU DESERVE THAT ONE! Making the two of us worry about your hide for two and a half days of getting here!
Vanilla: (Crosses her Arms at Espio With a Worried, Disappointed Glare on her Face) Using a shadow clone to watch over the kids while you go out fighting someone, in /he middle of the rain-
Charmy: (In the Kitchen) Without wearing a coat!
Vanilla: WITHOUT wearing a coat, Espio! What were you thinking throughout all of that!?
Espio: (Sighs in Defeat While LookingDown on the Floor in Shame) Not in a clear manner unfortunately....I was too hellbent on challenging Master Zik again after all these years, that I didn't bother to care that much about the consequences that comes my way.....(Looks Back Up to Vanilla and Vector) Or the people I would end up worrying.
Vector: See? And that's a another thing: Who was thar Zik person fought anyways?
Vanilla: He hasn't been bullying you this entire time, without any of us knowing, has he?
Espio: (Shakes his Head) No, no. It's nothing like that. My reasonings for fighting him are more or less deeper than that.
The couple look at each other for a brief second before nodding, making their way to the sofa and sitting next to Espio on each sides.
Vanilla: We're all ears, dear.
Vector: Whenever you're ready.
Espio: (Looks Back and Forth at Vector and Vanilla Before Taking a Deep Breath) Okay. So my master, Hoshimaru Hisashi, and Zik has been friends for very long time, long before he took me to his home in my younger years. Some say their bond and rivalry for one another were very strong at the time, that either led to great fortune or pure destruction to everyone involved.
Vector: Damn. So they're like Sonic and Shadow in a way?
Espio: To some extent. But less chaos powers, and more beyond our years in experience and discipline.
Vector/Vanilla: Uh-Huh..../ Ohh I see.....
Espio: But anyways, one day, when Zik and his students came to visit our temple for tea, he challenged my master in a sparring match. It went along normally at first, but it wasn't long till for the fight itself to become more intense as time passes. It was impressive that our eyes were able to keep up with each movements they take, natural speed and all.
Vector/Vanilla: (Starts Nodding in Understanding)
Espio: (Starts Frowning and Looking Down on the Ground) However.......
Vanilla: (Immediately Starts Getting Worried as She and Vector Catches One Glance of their Boy in Distress) Espio?
Espio: It would only last about a few minutes or so until.......
One strike. One, single strike. To some, it would be wishful thinking to rely on doing something so simple. But for Zik..... It was more than enough for him to claim his victory, as he sends his rival down to his knees.
Espio: MASTEEERRRR! (Quickly Rushes Over to his Master's Side Along With a Few Guests)
Guests: Are you okay!? /Try not to move too much!
Hoshi: (Places his Arm Around his Chest While Standing on One Knee Panting) My.....apologies everyone....(Quickly Uses his Other Hand to Cover his Suddenly Coughing Before Sighing) It seems.... my careless thinking.....has.....('Cough') gotten the better of me this time around......
Zik: (Stares at his Opponent Calm, Yet Victoriously) Indeed it has, my dear old friend. But suppose it goes to show how different our skills in combat has gotten over a decade or few. (Walks Away Before Turning his Head Back to Hoshi With a Small, Yet Evil, Cocky Smirk Creeping on his Face) Yours is simply lacking.
The young chameleon's eyes begins to widens as the feeling of anger slowly begins to creep up on his. As his hands begins to form into knuckles, Espio begins run over to the old zeti in question, that is until five of his much younger students suddenly appears to block his path.
Long, Pink Zeti: Mess with our master and you mess with all of us, PUNK!
Buff, Red Zeti: (Crosses his Arms While Glaring at the Young Chameleon) If you know what's good for you, runt, then I advise you turn back your master.
Pretty, Green Female Zeti: Pleeease?~ I really don't wanna punch that handsome face of yours.
Buff, Red Zeti: (Turbs at the Green Zeti Beside Him With a Glare) Zeena!
Zeena: Whaaaat? He's a cutie!~ And like so my type too~
Buff, Red Zeti: ('Groans While Rolling his Eyes')
Espio: ('Growls in Anger') Get OUT of my way before I-
?????: ESPIO!
The young Espio eyes widens once more as he turns his head back to his master glaring at him as two of their guests helping him get back up on his feet.
Hoshi: Stand down.
Espio: (Stares at Hoshi in Disbelief) B-But Master, you're hurting because him!
Hoshi: I am- ('Winces a Bit in Pain') aware of my current state. But like I said before, my carelessness has led me to this. And whatever tactics he schemed during, doesn't change the fact that he has beaten me fair and square.
Espio: But-
Hoshi: Calm yourself, my pupil. Do not let today's match cloud you in anger. Learn from this. And see it that you don't make the same mistake I di- (Suddenly Felt a Another Sharp Pain in his Chest) ('Nrghh')
Guest #1: Let's get you back to your room now, master.
Espio: (Watches his Master Being Carried Back to his Room Before Sighing and Reluctantly Bowing Down to Him) Yes, master.
Zik: (Slowly Shakes his Head) Poor Hoshimaru. Always knew he was a naive fool since day one, but his foolish has reached to great heights today. As expected. (Turns and Start Walking Away) Alright, children, let's moseley our way out of-
Zik and his students turn back around to see the young chameleon staring at them woth fierce anger in his eyes.
Long, Pink Zeti: ('Groans Loudly in Annoyance') Ugggggh for the love of- WHAT NOW, SQUIRT!?
Espio: (Ignores the Pink Zeto Entirely as He Has His Focus Primarily On.....) Master Zik!
Zik: (Raises his Eyes in a Bit of Curiosity) Yes, boy?
Espio: I.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) I know master said nort to be angry.....And I know that I still have a lot to learn to be a strong shinobi......(Begins to Point His Finger at the Old Zeti With Determination) BUT THAT WON'T STOP ME FROM FROM AVENGING HIM BY BEATING YOU ONE OF THESE DAY, SO YOU BETTER PREPARE YOURSELF BY THENNNNN!
Buff, Red Zeti: (Glares Menacingly at Espio) You dare ask our master to your pointless challe-
Zik: I accept.
Buff, Red Zeti: (Eyes Widened Before Turning Back to his Master) You what!?
Zik: (Turns to His Student) I said I accept his challenge. (Uses his Pinky to Dig Through his Ear Hole) Is your hearing not working correctly, Zavok my boy? (Finds Ear Wax in his Pinky Before Blowing it Out)
Zavok: ('Sighs Heavily') No, master, my hearing is just fine......And you shouldn't be accepting this runt request. It's beneath you.
Zik: Oh come now. You and I both know that I hardly back down from a challenge. And besides, I think the boy has enough potential to begin with.
Zavok looks back Espio who is currently muttering and geeking out at the fact that elder zeti has accepted his sudden request.
Zavok: (Rolls his Eyes) Riiiight.....
Zik: (Tap his Cane to the Ground) ('Tap Tap') Young man.
Espio: (Immediately Stops his Rsmblings and Gives Zik his Full Attention in a Straight Form) Y-Yes?
Zik: If you are fully certain about the choice you just made.....If you have that much faith in your current growth and skills.....(Smiles Brightly) Just say the word. And I will be glad to take you on anytime, so long as you actually give me a good challenge that is. (Laughs Wholeheartedly)
Espio: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Awe) Master.....(Went Back to his Determined Look Before Nodding in Agreement) Right. I'll do whatever I can get stronger, to avenge master's name. You'll see.
Flashback Ended
Espio: Then after that, I took my words to heart and begin practicing and took every opportunity to fight him wherever him and his students comes back to visit the temple. It.....(Starts Looking Away in a Bit of Embarrassment) went as well as you expected as the time.
Esipo begins to remember all times he challenged Zik to a fight in this youth....and all the time the old Zeti easily beaten him every match easily. Sneak attacks, charge in rush assaults.....you name it and Zik would find some way to defeat the young chameleon at his own game.
One time, he was able one shot the poor ninja in training, effortlessly while drinking Hoshi's newly made Herb Tea at the time. It wasn't much to most, but to him, It was best tea he ever tasted in years.
Vector: You were one persistent little twerp, weren't you?
Espio: Master did say I have the tendency to not quit when it's necessary. It's incredible how far I've come since then....
Vanilla: And we couldn't be any prouder. But speaking of which....(Starts Getting Worried Again) How was that master of yours after the match? The attack didn't damaged him too much, did it?
Espio: It didn't fortunately. Granted, it took a while for him to recover and he had to face a few setbacks since then, other than that, he's fine. At least I hope he still is......
Vanilla: (Gives Espio a Reassuring Smile) I'm sure we'll have the opportunity of visiting him one of these days.
Vector: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. He seems like a pretty cool guy to talk to.
Espio: (Smiles a Little) He is. (Went Back to Frowning While Sighing) But back to the topic at hand, whatever my reasons for doing what I did the day before doesn't excuse the fact that I've cause you all concerns and grief. (,Bows at the Married Couple) I apologize greatly for that, as well as making you two leave your honeymoon early.
Vector: ('Scoffs') Oh please. Your mother and I were already planning on leaving Spagonia behind early before Cream even made that call.
Espio: Wait. (Eyes Begins to Widened in Genuine Surprise) You were?
Vector: (Smiles Softly) Yeah, man. I mean, sure, we had a really great time there, with the place being romantic and all, but we've already missed the hell out of you kids the moment we stepped in that limousine.
Vanilla: (Nodded in Agreement) It's true. There's not a day in the world that we don't think about you four. You're our heart and soul.
Vector: And we're never gonna stop worrying about any of you even we start having gray hair. Which would look great on your mother by the way.
Espio: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) I can believe that.
Vanilla giggles and bluhes at the compliment as She wave her hand down.
Espio: (Smiles a Little) But still, we appericate the care and effort you have given us thus far. We love you guys.
Vector: We love you guys too, Espio. (Crosses his Arms) But don't think for a second just because we're having a sentiment moment, that you're automatically off the hook!
Vanilla: (Places her Hand onto her Chest) As much as it pains me to say, I'm afraid the two of us here must punishment you.
Espio: ('Sigh') Very well. I accept any punishment you have in store for me.
Vector: Really? No complaints?
Espio: No complaints. I worried you all. So naturally, it's only fair that I face the consequences of my actions.
Vector: ....Well shi-I-I mean! (Clears his Throat Before Crossing his Arms Again) Alrighty then. Well, first and foremost, you're hereby grounded for two to three weeks. The only time you're allowed to leave this house whenever you and I go out for another case, your mom wants help getting groceries, or when your siblings want to go out and play. Other than that, leaving here is off limits.
Vanilla: And while we're on the topic of that, I hereby forbid you from training out there by the tree until your punishment is over. You've done enough hand-to-hand combat for one day and I think it's high time you need to take a break from it for a while.
Espio: (Simply Nodded) Fair enough. I...take it that means that I won't be seeing Blaze and Silver for a while now, huh?
Vanilla: (Shakes her Head Happily) Nonsense. Those two are always welcome to come by our home anytime.
Vector: But you three are not allowed to leave out of here together until your weeks are up, got it?
Espio: (Nodded Once More) Right. Is there anything else?
Vector raises his finger up to say something....then starts crossing his arms again to think....only to realize that he couldn't really think of anything else.
Vector: Uhh...(Shrugs) Yeah. I got nothing else.
Vanilla: I have a suggestion. Starting today, here and now, I want you to stay in the sofa.....(Grabs a Blanket And Covers herself and the Boys in it) and get yourself nice and cozy as we have ourselves a family movie night.
Vector: (Calls Out to the Gang) KIDS, GET IN HERE! WE'RE HAVING MOVIE NIGHT!
Espio: (Raises an Eyebrow) In the afternoon?
Vector: Afternoon, night. Who cares? I wanna watch stuff on our screen.
The kids, Silver and Blaze rushes our of the kitchen to join the trio in the sofa together. Cream, Cheese, and Charmy sits down together on the floor, in front of the coffee table,as Espio's lovers sits right back next to him, hugging their boyfriend lovingly.
Espio: (Chuckles Lightly) Not my idea of punishment, but i suppose it will do for now.
Silver: I wonder what movie we'll be watching first.
Blaze: There is a lot to choose from.
Vector: Don't know about you guys, but I wanna give that Chip n' Dale movi e a watch!
The gang, except for the kids, look at each other with uncertainty uncertainty each of their faces.
Vanilla: Um....Vector, dear....Perhaps we'd be better off not watching that one for now.
Vector: How come? Is it because of the whole translation to live action or something?
Vanilla: Not entirely. But....well....(Starts Whispering into Vector's Ear)
Vector: Yeah, I know Peter Pan is in this one-(Continues Hearing His Wife Whispering in his Ear Before Having Eyes Slowly Widens by Every Detail Given to Him) Oh.....Oh.....(Slowly Turns his Head to Vanilla) You....don't say.....
Vanilla: (Simply Nodded) I'm afraid it's true, dear. Oh! And also....(Went Back to Whispering)
Vector's eyes begins to widen again, only this time it's in disgust.
Vector: Oh god. THAT thing is also in there!?
Vanilla: (Nodded Once More) Mmhmm.
Vector: ('Ugh') Screw that noise. Kids, we're watching through Toy Story 1-4. And maybe the Buzz Lightyear one too if we're lucky.
Cream/Charmy/Cheese: YAY!/CHAO CHAO!
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inbarfink · 11 months
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maplethedarkshine · 6 months
Random sonic headcanons
Sonic does have a house, but he only uses it to store his things and basically never spends time in it
Mighty and Ray haven't appear in modern sonic because mighty is somehow still missing and ray is searching for him
In the future, since there's no longer equidnas, silver is now the guardian of angel/onix island
Also, every time he goes back to the past is because the master emerald shows him a vision of it and he goes to check if everything if ok
The chaotix only have 2 rooms in the house and espio sleeps in the sofa
Mighty is the one who gave the cowboy/ treasure hunter hat to knuckles
Metal sonic actually died/was destroyed in back in rivals 2. The one that appears in team sonic racing is a prototype of eggman to try to rebuild him, but he's not complete and has no AI programed yet
Speaking of. Eggman nega died (left to die by espio-) in the ifrit dimension in the same game
The early concept of sonic in a band actually happened early in the timeline. So, vector and sonic know each other, but since they're really not longer friends they pretend like they don't recognize each other
The only ones who remember sonic 06 are sonic, Elise (partially) and blaze (partially/regained her memory in generations)
Mephiles/solaris didn't died when Elise blew up the flame, he just lost his corporeal form and now he's exclusively an omnipresent being
Charmy bee is literally god /j
Classic sonic isn't mute, he simply refused to talk in generations-forces because he was annoyed and hated almost everyone (look at the rescue friends cutscenes from classic POV, he looks pissed)
Omega is still pretty much alive by silver's future, shadow not so much
Sonic is terrible at videogames, he ragequits every single time after 3 minutes of picking the control
Surprisingly, the only one good with handling Money on team chaotix is Charmy. Espio wastes it all in gambling and Vector gets scammed 24/7
Idk, that's all, bye
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #11: The Battle for Angel Island (Part 3)
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Moving on to the next stage of the story (which at this point could be called Sonic Heroes 2), we are greeted with this amazing cover. I absolutely love how it shows Metal Sonic’s progression to Neo Metal Sonic and then Master Overlord.
We start out with Blaze realizing that Angel Island is in free fall and wondering if she had something to do with that, only to get saved by Amy and Tangle, who are both on an Egg Fleet battleship. I assume nobody briefed her on the fact that removing the Master Emerald could cause this.
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Meanwhile, Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles are just trying to get avoid being crushed by Master Overlord. Sonic notes that at least he isn’t Super anymore, but that doesn’t really help their situation.
Knuckles calls Amy for support, hoping Burning Blaze is still active, but she relies Blaze’s message of not being able to transform due to the diminished power of the Sol Emeralds. Not to mention, since they have no access to the Chaos Emeralds, Super Sonic (and Super Shadow and Super Silver) are a no go too. Shadow refuses to abandon the fight, with Sonic telling him how he has a plan. Apparently, this plan involves them being captured by Master Overlord.
Uh, Sonic?
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Sonic points out that all they have to do is to rip out the Master Emerald and Master Overlord is done for. Knuckles decides to focus on the Master Emerald, while Shadow agrees to work with Sonic on busting Master Overlord’s wings and driving him closer to the island.
Meanwhile, Tails and Vector are inside the battleship, with Tails directing it towards Master Overlord, firing at the robotic dragon.
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Meanwhile, Knuckles glides towards the Master Emerald, calling Amy to deal with Master Overlord, while Sonic and Shadow tackle Master Overlord. Huh, last time they were in such situation (from what I saw), it was in Sonic Boom Season 2 Finale, where Boom!Sonic proposed a plan to attack Boom!Metal Sonic to Boom!Shadow, only for the latter to ram into him and attempt to attack Boom!Metal on his own. It didn’t go well for him.
Fortunately, unlike his Boom!Counterpart, Shadow here just follows Sonic’s lead.
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We then switch scenes to Mr. Tinker being strapped to a table inside some kind of laboratory, with Rough and Tumble questioning their current boss on Mr. Tinker’s behavior. This is also where we meet our new antagonist, Dr. Starline.
So, my thoughts on Starline is that is the kind of villain who leaves an impression on you, as you will find out in the following Issues. I actually grew quite curious about him when I first read this story, wanting to know what he is up to.
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Starline’s goal here is to return Mr. Tinker back to Dr. Eggman... by literally electrocuting him!!!
Hey, if there’s anyone who thinks that IDW had made Sonic soft and too child-friendly, here’s a newsflash for you - look at the panel above and tell me that Starline torturing Mr. Tinker isn’t disturbing at all. I dare you!
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We then return back to the fight on Angel Island, focusing specifically on Sonic and Master Overlord, with Sonic deciding to tick the latter off by mentioning how Metal Sonic had called him his “loathsome copy”, but last time Sonic checked, hedgehogs couldn’t turn into dragons or were robots for that matter, or use the Master Emerald, or the fact that Sonic came first.
Master Overlord is, naturally, pissed off, calling himself a perfected Sonic, only to get shot in the face by Whisper, with Amy leading her team into battle. Awesome!
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We then follow the team literally tearing Master Overlord apart, the latter being unable to do anything as he’s to big to even reach for the heroes, who are crawling all over him like ants... at least until he has enough, shaking everyone off.
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Fortunately, Silver catches everyone with his psychokinesis, which is then followed by this epic shot of Tails ramming the battleship into Master Overlord.
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Tails is either overjoyed he landed a direct hit... or in disbelief he did something like that. Meanwhile, Knuckles finally manages to dig out the Master Emerald, gliding towards Angel Island with the happiest/most smug grin I ever saw on him. I swear, I laughed for a solid minute when I saw that panel. Look at him, he’s so proud of himself!
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After ramming the Master Emerald back into its place, Knuckles lets out a laugh of relief, with Angel Island finally being saved.
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After landing on Angel Island, Sonic immediately runs over to Tails (I guess you could call it Big Brother Instinct) to check on him, with Tails being completely fine. They then check on Metal Sonic, who is pretty much KO-ed. He won’t be getting up soon.
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Everyone is relieved that the fight is finally over, with Vector noting how the case is closed, Tangle hoping she could continue participating in these kinds of adventures, Silver and Blaze thanking Whisper for help and Shadow waving back at Rouge as he leaves, not wanting to stick around. As for how he’s going to leave Angel Island? I’m assuming he’ll just warp away.
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Knuckles is just happy to be back on Angel Island, with the Master Emerald saved, and Sonic and Tails note how the world is finally safe.
We then immediately cut to the reason why they’re celebrating the safety of their world a bit too soon.
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)  
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darkchaogarden-blog · 9 months
The Chaotix are the Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Vector is Master Shake, Espio is Frylock, and Charmy is Meatwad.
I don’t know what to do with this information, but I thought about it, and so now I give it to you…
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
in some freaky alternative world where sonic characters go to school for some reason, what do you think espio and silver could major in? coming from a tired uni student
Tired uni student bros, let's go :'D
Espio strikes me as the kind of person who'd do a study in literature or a language. Maybe a double Masters so he can do both, even! And he'd be the one who also has one bazillion extracurriculars and is the president of one study association and the secretary of another club while consistently getting amazing grades and everyone just generally wonders how he doesn't crash under the pressure. Meanwhile for Silver... I'd say something with plants, were it not that I've only heard bad things about Plant Sciences, haha. Or at least boring things, since I doubt Silver would like doing endless lab work and stuff with statistical models. So maybe more of an ecological or environmental study, then? One where he can do lots of fieldwork and go outside! I can see him concern himself with things like climate change and how that impacts species and habitats the world over.
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nonbinarycharmybee · 2 years
for movieverse Espio, would you want him to be more of an adult like Vector or him to be a kid who acts his age
Nah I love Espio being an actual teenager. Yes he's more emotionally mature than most adults yes he's probably a trained assassin. Yes he listens to mcr and has a personal vendetta against naruto. They can coexist <3
But fr, I'd want him to be sort of like movie-verse Knuckles, especially since they're the same age. Knuckles is more than capable of taking care of himself, but the important thing is that he doesn't have to.
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gayemeralds · 2 years
who’s your least favorite chaotix member?
i'm going to have to say charmy just because little kid characters aren't super my thing but when he's with the chaotix he's fantastic. isolated im not super invested in him but i think he really balances out the chaotix, even if it's just in a more comedic way.
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mobianxcycle · 13 days
would your muse prefer to be freezing cold or really hot?
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"H-hot or cold? That's pretty hard to choose. . ." The rabbit quietly spoke, continuing with the crafting of her little flower crown for her chao friend. "I feel really icky and gross when it's hot. So. . . wouldn't colder be better? Mom can always get out my jacket or sweaters so I won't be too cold!"
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"Hot or cold, huh? Well, I suppose I'd have to say I much prefer the heat." Espio was spinning a kunai on his finger, keeping a steady speed as to maintain proper control of it before it could get out of hand. But his attention never left his inquirer, gold eyes remaining locked on. "I can perform just fine, working in the cold. But I will admit my movements feel a little more forced and sluggish compared to when I work in the heat. Comes with being a chameleon, and being more cold-blooded."
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friendship-got-faster · 3 months
Decided the ponies of the AU need some alternative names better fit for the world of Equestria!
(and so they they can bs properly identified separately from the original sonic cast)
Here's a master list of all the names for everypony:
• Ponies
– Sonic Boom (Sonic)
– Twisty Tails (Tails)
– Ace Rose ("Ace") (Amy)
– Creme brulee ("Creme") (Cream)
– Bulky Catch ("Bulk") (Big)
– Mareroon ("Roon") (Rouge) batpony
– Shadow Sparks (Shadow)
– Silver stardust (Silver)
• Other Creatures
– Buckles ("Bucks") (Knuckles) Zebra
– Tenochtitlan ("Teno") (Tikal) Zebra
– Blazing Aster (Blaze) Kirin
– Mareef (Marine) Hippogriff
– Espionage (Espio) Dragon
– Scorcher (Vector) Dragon
– Hamuli (Charmy) Changeling
• Machines
– Timber Omega (T-123 Omega) (Omega)
– Metal Boom (Metal Sonic)
(this list will be updated if I think of any additional characters I'd like to include )
╰┈➤ Tags––––––––––
Some character are still referred to by there original name, so for tags I'll be using
The original name of that Character (e.g. Amy)
The original, fullname (e.g. Amy Rose)
The AU name (e.g. Ace Rose)
→ Explaining the nameing ––––––––––
• Ace Rose ––––––––––
→ Card pun
• Creme Brulee ––––––––––
→ Creme Brulee is a type of dessert which primarily uses cream!
• Bulky Catch ––––––––––
→ a play on his size but a hint to his love of fishing! (and because he quite the catch himself, we love big in these parts)
• Mareroon ––––––––––
→ since "Rouge" is a color, I decided to pick another color as the alternative name. Maroon not only works for the pun, but is also a color associated with bl*od, which felt appropriate for a bat pony
• Shadow Sparks ––––––––––
→ he's a dark figure, illuminated only by the sparks of his own magic
• Buckles ––––––––––
→ Horses (or Zebras in this case) don't have hands, so they don't have Knuckles, so they can't punch. Horses do however, have hooves, and can kick, this Buckles, Bucks!
• Tenochtitlan ––––––––––
→ Tikal is named after a temple, so I figured her AU name should be named after a temple in Equestria, and I landed on the Tenochtitlan temple, not much is actually known for this temple in universe, so writing will be required.
• Blazing Aster ––––––––––
→ the Kirin have plant/nature related names. Aster is a kind of purple flower so I figured it fit best!
• Mareef ––––––––––
→ "Marine" is in reference to general Ocean life, which is very prominent in Coral Reefs.
• Espionage ––––––––––
→ Dragons usually have short names that list off a specific trait, Espio is short of espionage which refers to spying
• Scorcher ––––––––––
→ A hint at his fire breath (or fire tunes if you'd like)
• Hamuli ––––––––––
→ the changelings tend to have names that reference bug anatomy or topics, "Hamuli" are a structure found on honeybee wings.
• Timber Omega ––––––––––
→ Omega is a term used for wolf rankings in some cases, so perhaps it's used for Timberwolves as well! Omegas design will reflect that aspect as well as what powers him
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flygutzz · 29 days
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Me n @nortsauce 's characters!
nort: Davy & Chime Mine (Fly): Wivie & Blink
more about them under the cut!
Name: Wisteria-Vineyard "Wivie/Wivy/YV/Wist/Vinny" Rose Age: 15-16 Pronouns: he/him Basic Description Wivie is an empathetic and upbeat hedgehog created by the master emeralds as a counter weight to a great evil that was spawned in the world. he was found by knuckles and adopted by Amy. Hes obsessed with legends and becoming a hero. unfortunately he kinda sucks at everything and has a lot of work ahead of him. He has a high emotional intelligence and wishes to help people any way he can. After discovering his special abilities he trains under sonic to become control his powers and protect his world and the ones he loves
at first he looked nothing like a mobian when he was first found but as he grew he seemed to to take a more hedgehog like appearance
Mama’s boy!! Always suspicious abt any of Amy’s girlfriends
Loves skirts and dresses.
can read tarot cards thanks to his mom aswell as palm readings
can skate/hoverboard
Name: Davy “Jokes” Leavian Age: 15-16 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description An aggressive and headstrong girl. She's tough and a skilled fighter and is always ready to show off her talents. She doesn’t talk about her past due to her not trusting who’s in the Codfather’s mafia gang that she is in deep trouble with. She’s obviously connected with the forbidden parts of the deep sea in mobius but never questioned why. She lives on her own, and has trouble keeping friends, but wants to prove herself. Can be blunt but means well.
Leviathan child
Glows when powered up
can shoot her back “petals” to poison or grab things
Name: Chime (Chee-Mei OR just Chime either works) Age: 15 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description Chime is an excitable girl of few words who is an apprentice of Espio. She’s not always silent but prefers to be as quiet as possible, hard to do when she’s got 100 pound weights on her hair and a bell she never takes off. She’s loyal and loves making friends, but she also is very skilled and deft with any sharp object. She’s precise and cunning, but her lack of any sort of magical or enhanced physical abilities make her a little insecure. She’s said to be a part of a group protecting… something.
Very Fast and Agile
Skilled in “cutting” weapons (knives, swords, any bladed thing)
Very quiet
likes tea parties
due to her being very quiet and skilled many people feel threatened by her but she's a sweetie
She’s also forced to wear the bell bcs she kept sneaking up and scaring people
Name: Blink the Hedgehog Age: young??? Pronouns: Gender fluid, changes any chance they get Basic Description: Blink an eccentric kid who wants to become as strong as they possible can be. They love to run around and mess with people with pranks, especially at Team Dark. Blink has some violent tendencies because of how they were raised by mercenaries and a war machine, so Shadow tries to keep them away from a lot of people. They have a close but complicated relationship with shadow and a distant relationship with sonic, with either of them barely even knowing that each other existed for the first few years of Blinks life.
slower than sonic but higher endurance
calls his parents "pops" or by their names interchangeably (great relationship guys 👍)
has a clock on their right glove and a compass on their left glove: this helps blink control and reorient themself after "blinking*" through time and space
Blink*: can bring them in and out of existence as a form of "teleportation"
Speed break: bursts of speed that allow them reach point A to point B in less than a second (tracer from OW)
No-Clip (lol) : can phase through objects (generally used during speed breaks)
Time Control (Only With a Chaos Emerald)
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1153: See Him Again (Sonic)
12:12 p.m. at the Crocodile Residence's Kitchen...........
Espio: (Grabs his Chin While Examining Directly at the Turkey in Front of Him) Hmmm.............
Vanilla: (Nervously Grabs Onto her Knuckle Placed on her Chest) Give it to me straight, Espio. ('Gulp') I-I can handle it........
Espio: Well...The color and texture of the skin is rich brown......The seasonings are in place.....(Sticks the Needle Point of the Meat Thermometer onto the Middle of the Turkey as He Watches the Device Calculate it's Temperature) And from the looks of it, the temperature is very close to actual heat temperature. (Takes the Thermometer Out of the Turkey, Forming a Proud Smile on his Face) With that being said, I am happy to announce that our turkey this year is in near perfection.
Vanilla: (Gasps Before Happily Clapping her Hands Rapidly) It's even better than last year!~
Espio: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Indeed. You went all out this year around and it definitely shows- (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Tight, Loving Hug)
Vanilla: (Happily Hugging Espio) WE went all out this year alone!~ Our Thanksgiving dinner wouldn't nearly be as spectacular as it is now if it weren't to your help and guidance!~ Thank you!!~
Espio: (Winces in a Bit of Pain) Don't....mention it.....Happy to help, Mother!......
Vanilla: Oh. (Lets Go of Espio with a Sheepish Smile on her Face) S-Sorry about that, dear~ The excitement got the better of me again....
Espio: That's alright, mother. (Picks up the Lit and Place it Over the Newly Cooked Turkey) Master would get ecstatic too if he was here to see all of this.
Vanilla: I've been meaning to ask you about him. Was he the one who taught you how to cook in the first place?
Espio: Somewhat. His favorite meal growing up would always be any bowl ramen you could think of. So when I was younger and with the help from a few of his peers, I was able to learn how make one for ourselves to enjoy on many occasions. (Smiles Fondly at the Past) And every time, he would always put on a delightful smile on his face, praising me for a job well done.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Can't say I blame him. Your ramen are worth the praise and admiration~
Espio: (Happily Bows at Vanilla) Thank you. I'm glad you guys like them. But anyways, it wasn't until I grew up and left out of the dojo on my own a few years later that I've gradually started to learn how to cook various other meals from every cookbooks I could get my hands on at the time. It always makes me wonder what master would think if ever tries them out for himself. (Slowly Starts to Frown a Bit) If.....he's okay that is......
Vanilla: (Frowns a Bit as Well) You still haven't heard back from him yet?
Espio: ('Sigh') I can't say that I have unfortunately...... I know it takes time for a letter to reach it's destination in a long distance, but it's been so long since either of us seen each other face to face. I couldn't help but to worry about him.....
Vanilla: (Gives Espio a Reassuring Smile on her Face) Have more faith in him, dear. I'm sure you two will see one another one day.
Espio: (Simply Nodded) I hope so. (Smiles Softly at Vanilla) I have yet to introduce him to wonderful folks i considered my family.
Vanilla's heart starts to melt in pure happiness by Espio's comment. It makes her happy to know Espio and Charmy see her as their mother, let alone have them and Vector apart of her family to begin with.
Cheese: (In the Other Room as Well) CHAO CHAO!!~
Confused and curious, Espio and Vanilla decides to head into living room to find out.
Vanilla: (Walks into the Living Room Along with Espio) The mall man came by our house on Thanksgiving Day?
Vector: Nah, it was a while Flicky that flew by
Charmy: With this really cool looking scar on the right side of his eyes.
Cream: It must've so hard for that poor little thing to see properly.....
Espio: A scar on his.....(Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Realization) Wait....That Flicky....It doesn't happen to belong to Master, does it?
Vector: Only one way to find out.
Espio catches the scroll Vector tossed to him before giving a silent nod,, opens it up, and, begins to read it out loud for everyone to hear.
Dear Espio,
Hello! Its been so long since I heard from you these days. I apologize greatly for not being able to write a letter back sooner. I have been a lot busy training with newest recruits nowadays that I don't quite have much freetime on my hands as I used to in the old days. And before you start to worry, yes, I am doing fairly well these days. I might have gotten older, but my guidance and unyielding spirit has not died out just yet.
On a brighter note, I have read each letter you have given thus far, and while it pains me that you are not with us these days, it also makes me incredibly happy to hear that you not only found a profession that tests your skills and intelligence flawlessly, but you also found those whom you formed an unbreakable bonds with. Those you considered as your very own family.
You've grown a lot since then and as such, words cannot describe just how proud I truly am of you and your progress thus. I still hope for the day we cross paths once more soon, even meeting the love ones you've talked so much about, but until that day comes, all I can do now is to wish you the best of luck to what life has in store for you next and pray that one day, you will strive to become a better man than I could ever hope of being.
Until we meet again, take care, my prized student.
Hoshimaru Hasashi
Tears begins to flow down from Espio's eyes as the melting feeling of his heart starts occur within him. It's been a long time since he feels the need to cry. But as emotional as he is now, he's extremely happy to know that one and master is not only alive and well, but that he's proud of him. Proud of the young man he spent all these years training and raising worked his way up to becoming what is now: a Chaotix Detective and a full-fledged shinobi.
Cream: (Starts Getting Worried) Espio? Are you okay?
Espio: Yeah.....('Sniff') (Uses the Back of his Knuckle to Wipe the Tears Away) Everything is fine.......
Vanilla: Do you wanna group hug by an chance?
Espio: Yeah....('Sniff') (Turns to Everyone with a Teary Smile on his Face) A hug....would be nice about now.......
Vanilla: Oh baby!~ (Rushes Over to Give Espio Another Loving Hug) It's okay.
Cream: (Joins in on the Hug Fest as Well) There's no need to cry~
Cheese: (Joins in) Chao Chao Chao.
Charmy: (Joins in) Yeah, It's okay.
Vector: (Joins in on the Group Hug) We got you, man. We stick together no matter what.
Espio: (Hugs His Family Back) ('Sniff') I know.....('Sniff') I love you all so much.....
Cheese suddenly notices a folded up piece if paper on the ground before floating himself over there, picks it up, and unfolds it for himself.
It didn't take long fornthe young Chao's eyes to widened at what he saw before rushing back to the family.
Cheese: (Starts Tapping on Charmy's Shoulder) ('Psst') Chao. Chaochao Chao Chao.
Charmy: (Turns to Cheese) Hm? What's up, Cheese?
Cheese: (Shows Charmy the Picture) Chao!
Charmy: (Eyes Widened at What he is Seeing Right Now) NO WAHAYAYAYYYY! (Starts Bursting Out Laughing)
Vanilla: (Quickly Turns to the Bee Along with Everyone Else) Charmy?
Vector: What gotten you more noisy than usual?
Charmy: (Flailing his Hands amd Feet Around Before Taking the Picture From an Already Snickering Cheese's Hand) Guys, guys, you gotta see this! Chese found one of Espio's baby picture sitting on the floor!
Espio: (Eyes Widened as He Turns Directly at Charmy) Who's baby picture?
Charmy: (Points at Espio) Yours! (Forms a Teasing Smirk on his Face) Apparently Master Hisashi's Prized Student just so happens to be a famous Lil' Ninja Star~ See? (Shows Everyone a Picture of a Baby Espio Happily Holding up Kunais Up in the Air with the Captions 'BABY NINJA STAR' Written Below the Picture Itself)
Espio: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Shock and Silence)
Cream/Vanilla: ('Gasps') Oh my gosh!~
Vector: (Starts Laughing as Well)
Vanilla: (Clasps Her Hands Together as They Begin to Gush About thr Picture in Question) He's looks so adorable!!~
Cream: AWWWWWW!~
Espio: N-N-No!.....(Starts Blushing) D-Don't tell me.....
Vector: Hey, Ninja Star! Your master wrote a note for you behind the photo. Says he hope we could savor your cuteness for generations to come!~ (Continues Laughing with Charmy and Cheese)
Espio: (Crunches Up the Letter in Complete Anger) Damn you.....Master Hisahi!!
Cream: (Gently Grabs Hold of Espio's Other Hand) Espio, are you okay now?
Espio: (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Looking Down at Cream) Well, other than my immense embarrassment, I say I'll do just fine for now.......
Cream: (Smiles Softly) That's good. (Hugs Espio) Please don't be mad. We only laugh because we care.
Espio: ('Sighs Heavily') I just hope no one else sees th-
?????: ESPIO!~
Espio's eyes starts to widened yet again as he turns to see his girlfriend abd boyfriend, Blaze and Silver, joining in on the sightseeing crowd.
Blaze: (Smiles Brightly) You didn't tell us you had an precious baby photo lying around here~
Silver: (Clasps his Hands Together as He Starts Gushing) You look so cute and squishy, I could just pinch your cheeks just thinking about them!~
Espio: (Squats Down on the Ground and Lowers his Head onto his Knees) My life is officially over.....
Cream: No, your life is still continuing. (Hugs Espio Yet Again) And we're here to see it through the very end. (Gives Espio a Kiss on the Head)
Espio: ('Sigh') I know.
Happy Late Thanksgiving, Everyone!!
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000marie198 · 3 months
a litte headcanon i thought a few munites ago
sonic is the ulitmate photobomber, there has been millions of photos across the planet with blue streak behind them and there no way to plan for it, he is fast enough to pose for the picture and be gone before you even turn around, there a ton of then
Imagine Sonic and eggman beating the life outta of each other in background of your family photo
he will never apologize for this
Vdrgghghbghb YES! This is so real I love this headcanon
I think I made a HC like this one with Sonic Wachowski in some other post but yes Love me Sonic who photobombs every picture
Remember that Sonic X episode where Sam challenged him to a race and it appeared to be a tie so they checked the slowed recording frame by frame? Yeah, he does stuff like that on the regular. This is what happens when a silly teenager who loves having fun is given super speed
He'll infiltrate Eggman's base and make faces at every security camera while running past them. They're a little secret 'gift' if Eggman or Metal ever reviews any footage
He'll be like a little cryptid ghost urban legend in places where he never frequents but shows up in the group photos of teams like them unsolved mystery pics where a person who's supposed to be dead is in picture taken after their death kinda deal but like, more cool than scary.
What is Sonic the hedgehog doing at our wedding? Why is he amongst the graduates? Etc. Most of the people don't mind getting photo bombed by Sonic, they are instead excited.
The people who'd actually be most annoyed are his closest friends because his bombs in such pictures are so hilarious and half the time his expressions are those of a little menace enjoying causing them misery. (He's reclining over the Master Emerald in the picture Knuckles had asked Tails to be taken for commemoration and record. He's grinning evilly from behind with mints in hand as Tails captured some images for his video's thumbnails. He's blowing a raspberry at Abraham Tower in the official picture of Team Dark receiving some award. He's playing dead in the background of his friends' selfies, he's moonwalking on Tails' live stream and disappears before Tails reaches the lounge, he teams up with Charmy to ruin Espio's timer photos of cool ninja poses, he shows up in one of the images of Amy's picnic with half the deserts gone and stuffed mouth while giving a deer in headlights look at the camera, she turns around after checking the photo and nothing is there but half the deserts are gone. )
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mstormcloud · 5 months
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More fankids!! Both because they are genuinely fun to make and give lore to but also because I made Mirai and then wanted to make sure she had friends!
Aster is designed by my friend Duetland!! (The last art is by them!!) They aren’t on tumblr but you can find him on Instagram @duetland :)
Lore for each of them under the cut! (LONG POST WARNING!!!!)
Gold and Aster:
Shadow and Sonics kids. They’re twins (with Aster being older). Both were babysat by Tails a lot and ended up picking up a lot of stuff from him as well as their parents. Gold became more responsible and significantly more polite (far more than either of his parents lmao) meanwhile Aster became interested in robotics. Specifically those related to space like rockets or planet rovers.
When the two were born there was immediate concern about their power imbalance. Aster was born with no powers at all, meanwhile Gold’s chaos energy was so high Shadow feared he would burn himself up unless something was done. Due to them being twins, it essentially ended up where instead of two moderately powerful hedgehogs - Gold got enough power for two while Aster has none. This leads Aster to resent Gold, less because she actually wants superpowers but more because Sonic and Shadow are always fussing over Gold (to make sure his powers aren’t harming him) and she feels like her parents don’t care for her. Causing her to push them out even more. She listens to Shadow more than Sonic, but they don’t end up talking through all this properly until Espio gets involved since unlike Sonic and Shadow who had powers all their lives - Espio had to teach himself his abilities and is able to empathize with Aster more.
3. Rhine
Rouge and Knuckles’ child. I’ve thought about her way less WHOOPS but!! Despite not being an echidna he looks up to his father a lot and promises to be the best guardian of the master emerald he can possibly be. Has a habit of just picking up shiny things like a magpie and will turn them into jewelry. Is blunt and gullible like her father but likes thinking things through before she moves. Uses the shovel claws more as weapons than actual shovels - he’s a bit of a neat freak.
Mirai and Gummy:
Mirais story is on my previous post! Not much has been added since then other than that I’ve decided she’s a bit of a troublemaker and very energetic, sarcastic, silly and kinda stupid. As for Gummy he’s about 7 years younger than Mirai, and I haven’t quite figured out what he’d be interested in yet haha
Eli and Anchor:
These two are half siblings! Eli’s parents are Amy and Metal. While investigating the ruins of a disaster, Amy and Metal find a child who who had been incredibly injured. They happen to be closer to Eggmans new hideout (where he has retired and is just kinda pouting by himself forever) than anywhere else - the two break in and force Eggman to help them save the child. Since the current Metal is Amy’s size, there were several smaller models for when he was “younger” - Eggman uses one of these scrapped smaller Metals to give the child cybernetic parts and saves their life. Amy and Metal then take the child back to their house and raise it as their own, with Eggman forcing them to bring Eli over frequently so he can see his grandchild.
Anchor is the child of Blaze and Amy! I’m just letting Amy be poly I think she has a lot of love in her heart and now she has two wifes. Anchor lives the Sol kingdom, and takes after her aunt Marine quite a bit with her love for adventure and especially sailing! When she was young, much like Blaze, she was brought before the Sol emeralds and blessed with a power. I feel like she’d be able to control / harness winds rather than fire though - to help with her sailing.
If you read all of this - thanks!! You didn’t have to but it was very nice of you!
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #42: Zeti Hunt (Part 2)
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When we left off in the last Issue, the Zeti had managed to gather and lure Sonic and Team Chaotix away from the Restoration HQ in an attempt to break into the place and destroy it. So, let’s see how the Restoration will handle being under attack and what their plan for the Zeti is.
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We start off with Jewel basically having a zoom meeting with Team Chaotix, Tails and Sonic to go over their plan on how to handle the Zeti. Team Chaotix is currently in Sunset City. Tails is at his workshop at Central City, working on something. Sonic is at Winterburg, chilling on a couch with hot cocoa in hand.
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Jewel asks Vector to brief them all on the situation, with Vector explaining that they figured out that the Zeti are attacking all the towns they attempted to control during the Zombot Fiasco (yeah, considering how many times I used the term, I figured I might as well continue with it), so since two towns are left over, the Chaotix and Sonic will attempt to ambush them. As for Tails, he has been working on something.
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He presents everyone the Zeti Zapper, a device that turns their own electro-magnetic powers against them. It would disable them, allowing for easy capture and transport aboard the Zeti Launcher, which is basically a rocket that would sent them back to Lost Hex, never to be seen again.
Jewel is a bit worried that they might remove the Zappers or take control of the rocket, but Tails assures her that he built in safe-guards, so the toughest part would be to take everyone down.
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Sonic tells Jewel to trust Tails and that things will be fine. However, despite his reassurances, Sonic appears to be worried. He notes how he had just saved Winterburg from Eggman and how he’s not going to let the Zeti destroy it. He thinks about how hard everyone worked to rebuilt everything and how they just want to forget the Zombot Fiasco, but it is hard with the likes of Eggman and Zeti around; and he’s also hoping the Babylon Rogues won’t try to create any trouble, or worse, that Starline might make another return.
Honestly, it is obvious that, despite his seemingly carefree attitude, Sonic tends to worry a lot. Sure, the greatest (most recent) crisis is over and the missions he had afterwards were on a smaller scale, but any of his enemies might cause trouble once again and destroy what the Restoration had just fixed. People just want to move on with their lives, but it is not possible when there are villains running around trying to undo their hard work.
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Speaking of Starline, he’s at Emeraldville Ruins, right at the entrance to the Restoration HQ. After his defeat at White Park (which he himself was responsible for, the idiot), he decided to find Belle, geeking out over her design and construction, calling her an unique creation.
Okay, I can’t stay mad at this guy. Just look at the panel above, he is totally excited to have seen a completely unorthodox creation of his idol and wants to learn more about it. Admittedly, it is also a bit creepy because... well, this IS Starline we’re talking about and I doubt Belle would agree to be studied by him.
Anyways, he has figured that Belle is in Restoration HQ, and he notes how he can use the Tricore to storm it, but that is Eggman’s style, not his. He also notes how he will be identified by everyone, so using the hypno-glove won’t really work. In short, he needs to be stealthy, so he enters the shed, having seen people going inside but not leaving, and deduces that there is a trap door. After finding the correct lever, he notes how he cannot celebrate yet, as he hasn’t the time to establish a good distraction, which cues right into what is going on at the main entrance to Restoration HQ.
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Speaking of distraction... Holy Hell! The Zeti really know how to make an entrance! 
They basically hijacked a truck, set it on fire and drove it straight into the main entrance, just casually walking inside. That’s pretty badass if you ask me.
Finally at Restoration HQ, they aren’t really impressed by what they see, and Zavok orders them to tear everything down, causing destruction all over the place and beating the security (with Zeena even doing Sonic’s iconic pose from Sonic Adventure; nice reference!). Zavok then gathers them up, saying how they’ll fight the Restoration’s soldiers as one.
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Zavok wonders where the rest of the security is, but Zik figures that that’s all, explaining how people here cherish peace (duh, no surprise, they had dealt with a war several months ago), only being disturbed by Eggman’s madness (Ha! You’re right there, Grandpa!), and even then, they’re relying on Sonic and co. to save the day.
Zeena wonders what happens if someone takes their stuff or picks their fight, but Zik continues how they’re to kind and compassionate to do that, which grosses her out. I really, like how the Zeti cannot even comprehend how some people can just be nice to each other. It’s totally alien to them.
Zavok then commands they march right to the heart of their operations and just rip it out.
There is something I have to wonder about. Did it occur to them that, I dunno, someone might actually alert Sonic they’re at the base? I mean, it’s just a thought and a very likely possibility.
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Starline witnesses the Zeti’s destruction and is shocked that Zavok is still alive, only to realize that he can use the ensuing chaos to his advantage. While the Zeti terrorize everyone, he can move around freely, but he still has to be careful not to be caught.
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While Starline hopes that his enemies will keep each other occupied, we see Jewel, Tangle and Whisper in the main control room, having blocked it off and preparing for the battle. Jewel calls Team Chaotix, Tails and Sonic to tell them that the Zeti are here. Charmy is confused, as they had followed the clues, but Vector has figured that they had been baited and they run off back. Tails has packed up the Zeti Zappers and is most likely to arrive there first, telling Sonic they’ll go inside together. But, Sonic doesn’t answer, much to Tails’ confusion.
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As for Sonic?
He’s already en route to Restoration HQ with a rather intense look on his expression. Like, damn, I don’t think I’ve seen him so pissed off since the Zombot Fiasco when he confronted Eggman and Starline.
You mess with Sonic’s friends, you mess with Sonic himself, and Gaia below help you if you make him angry.
Back at Restoration HQ, Zomom has wandered into the machine shop, with the guy in charge and Belle hiding there. Suddenly, Starline appears, hypnotizing Zomom into leaving and is quite surprised it worked so easily. The guy in charge thanks him for saving them, but Belle warns him that Starline is another Bad Guy.
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The orangutan is confused, since he just saved them, but Starline quips how he can multi-task and asks him to hand over Belle. The dude refuses, noting how they all look after each other, even if Belle messes up (love how, despite losing his patience with her, he still cares a lot about Belle). Starline is pleasantly surprised to see that Belle is self-actualizing (uh, I think she was always like this) and Belle introduces herself.
Starline tells her how she left an impression on him (and kicked him in the face) and how she’d be pivotal to completing his project and how he will handle her with the utmost respect, seeing her as just another Eggman handicraft rather than a person.
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The orangutan dude tells Starline that she isn’t coming with him and is about to knock him over with a pipe wrench, but Starline easily paralyzes him with his heel spurs, explaining to Belle how the next round of toxins will be the end of him and how if they leave right now, he’d be too busy to finish him off. Belle agrees, having no other choice.
Meanwhile, we see Sonic running up to the main entrance, with the guard pointing him inside and Sonic just barely missing Starline and Belle as they go to the elevator. If he just looked to his left as he dashed past, he would’ve seen them.
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Meanwhile, Starline is pissed off that the elevator is out of service, but I guess we can thank that to the Zeti, with Belle even suggesting they probably cut the power lines and decides to bail. Starline responds by grabbing her and using the Fly Core to get out.
As for the Zeti, Zomom is currently trying to punch his way through the sealed steel doors, making a little gap which Zavok then attempts to pry open. But before he can open the so-called tomb, Sonic spin-dashes into them.
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He then makes comes to a halt, ready to beat them up, while the Zeti are ready to put him into his grave.
This is going to be awesome!
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
37 notes · View notes
themetalvirus · 6 months
shadow is an alicorn because he's the prince of the black arms. sonic is an earth pony because he is a fast RUNNER and his specialty is NOT flying and earth ponies CANONICALLY HAVE STRONGER BODIES AND LEGS WHICH WOULD MAKE HIM RUN GOOD!!!!!! NOT a pegasus. tails is a pegasus but he has tiny wings like scootaloo and flies with his two tails instead. knuckles earth pony. silver is a unicorn. blaze is an alicorn because she's a princess. elise? alicorn. cream is a pegasus. rouge is a batpony. marine is an earth pony. surge and kit are both unicorns. scourge uses the power of the master emerald to make himself an alicorn but because it only half transformed him he can't actually fly very high or use much magic, and when he does use magic it's very tempest shadow-esque. amy is a unicorn because of her affinity for the occult. eggman is a dragon. espio is a unicorn who uses stealth magic, vector is an earth pony, charmy is a pegasus. the babylon rogues are all griffons. do you hear me
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