#esther bauman
lu-inlondon · 1 year
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theoniprince · 1 year
... ... ...
.... ... ... I am sorry, Leo. I am so sorry. My most beloved. I am sorry you have to suffer like this.
Concept/storyboard for a new short comic.
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Tw: captivity/hostage
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bloomingkyras · 1 year
Meet Taryn Bauman By Estah for Bloomingkyras.
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Since its @estah birthday, i want to share a birthday gift to her and with u guys too a new Family of Postcard Legacy..
Hi guys, meet Taryn Bauman my 1st sim request by @estah 😊.
And here are her story:
Taryn live with her dad (Mr.Thomas) after her mum pass away due to accident. They live happily until, her dad married a woman that he know at the bar, Ms.Sierra. Taryn was so mad and she even once had escape from the house. Mr.Thomas was so mad and even call his team to look out for her. Owh btw her dad was a Captain in Sims Police Station @ San Myshuno. And they found her at one of her friend apartment at the town near by. And since then, she became a rebel and liked to argue with her father.
Name:Taryn Bauman (she/her)
Age: Teen
Traits: Green fiend ( i ask for this trait) , Adventures, (YA soon)
Aspiration: Drama Llama ( i never though she will give me this aspiration, it just fit the story. tq 😅)
I told Esther that I want a rebel and boyish type sims but still keep her sweet look. And here what she gave me.
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Guess what, i totally love her and she did it, what was requested. thanks again Esther ♡. For her Dad and Step mum was created by me. ( i use the same skin detail that Esther gave me for Taryn's dad)
U guys will see her around soon as i start Gen 3 Postcard Legacy Challenge.
Here are her look book (boyish but sweet look and i even gave Taryn her girly prom outfit as I know she will never wear that type of cloth 😅)..And as i promise to Esther, I keep her initial there.(skin,make up,etc i just ad on maskara)
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Seriously, giving her this type of outfit are out of my comfort zone but I manage to make it possible with what Esther gave 😅
(If u guys want full detail of Taryn's Outfit CC please let me know 😀)
And also, I already told Esther that i don't mind sharing her with u guys as long as u guys got permission from the owner. -love kyra *birthday wish for esther- enjoy ur birthday,live in full of love, create more sims and gameplay..and here u go a gift from me ur daughter Taryn. tq for making her for me 😊 don't worry i will keep her safe 😉
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Stranger things ocs part 1;
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Tiffany Esther Hammond
April 29 1966-1967 five minutes after Steve.
16/17 (season one)
17/18 (season two)
18/19 (seasons three and four)
Tiff the Metal Head
Tiff "The Rat's nest" Hammond
Tiffany "The Dreamer" Hammond
Tiff "The Gut Buster" Hammond
The Angel of Vengeance
The Swashbuckler
Captain Elora Everstone of the Stormbringer (DND character)
The pirate (graffiti name)
Forest Hills Trailer Park at Hawkins, Indiana
Unnamed Mother
Benny Hammond (father)
Diane Hopper (God mother)
Jim Hopper (God father)
Sarah Hopper (God sister)
Jane Hopper (God sister)
Vance Hopper (God cousin)
Griffin Stagg (God cousin)
Steve Harrington
Tommy Hagan
Carol Perkins
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Chrissy Cunningham
The Party
Erica Sinclair
Murray Bauman
Joyce Byers
Nancy Wheeler (frienemy)
Jonathan Byers (frienemy)
Billy Hargrove (arch enemy)
The Harrington Parents (enemy)
Neil Hargrove (enemy)
Keith (coworker and frienemy)
Vecna (enemy)
Martin Brenner (enemy)
Dr. Sam Owens (ally)
Claudia Henderson (acquaintance/parenal figure)
Jason Carver (sympathetic enemy)
Connie Frazier (father's killer/enemy)
Corroded Coffin
Hellfire Club
Scoops Ahoy
Family Video
Benny's Burgers
The Party
Member of the Corroded Coffin (-1986)
Member of the Hellfire Club (1980s-1986)
Employee at Family Video (1985-)
Employee at Scoops Ahoy (1985)
Waitress at Benny's Brugers (-1983)
Owner of Benny's Brugers (1983-)
Student at Hawkins High School (1981-1985)
5'4 1/2 (177.8 cm)
Frying Pan
Playing with fire
Stealing small things
Listening to music
Playing the keyboard
Trying to cook
Playing video games
Playing board games
Playing card games
Role playing
Treasure hunting
Hanging out with her friends
Making weird food combos
Bad graffiti
Dying her hair
Doing stupid things with her friends
Street racing
Collecting things
Playing dnd specifically
Street smart
Slightly rebellious
Bit of a chameleon
Constantly confused
Bit of a day dreamer
Bit of a smart ass
Annoying on occasion
Secret delinquent
Good in school and around most adults
A bit bossy at times
A bit of sailor mouth
Kind of a loud mouth
Almost zero brain to mouth filter
Open minded
Has a taste for justice
Bit of a punk
Bit of a metal head
Fan girl before it was popular
Theme Song:
Fight For Your Right by Beastie Boys
Relationship status:
single but crushing
Stranger Us
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Misa Rosè Buckley
March 19, 1971.
12 (season one)
13 (season two)
14 (season three)
14/15 (season four)
Misa Madrain
The ranger
Bow Master Misa
Miss Popular (given by Mike)
Frasier (graffiti name)
The Buckley House at Hawkins, Indiana
Minerva (grandmother)
Richard Buckley (father)
Melissa Buckley (mother)
Robin Buckley (older sister)
Susan Hargrove (maternal aunt)
Neil Hargrove (maternal uncle via marriage)
Billy Hargrove (Step-cousin)
Max Mayfield (maternal cousin)
The Party
Erica Sinclair
Steve Harrington
Chrissy Cunningham
Tiffany Hammond
Bob Newby
Eddie Munson (friend)
Nancy Wheeler (acquaintance)
Jonathan Byers (acquaintance)
Jim Hopper (acquaintance/parenal figure)
Joyce Byers (acquaintance/parenal figure)
Claudia Henderson (acquaintance/parenal figure)
Billy Hargrove (enemy)
Jason Carver (frienemy)
Vecna (enemy)
Scott Clarke (former teacher)
Martin Brenner (enemy)
Dr. Sam Owens (ally)
Demogorgon (enemy)
Connie Frazier (enemy)
Troy and James (enemy)
Demodogs (enemy)
Hospital Creature (enemy)
The Flayed (enemy)
Jake (enemy)
Troy (enemy)
James (enemy)
Angela (enemy)
Hawkins Middle School Cheerleaders (former)
Hawkins High School Girls' Soccer team
Hawkins High Drama Club
Hawkins High Band
Hellfire Club
Hawkins High School Band
The Party
Hawkins Middle School AV Club (formerly)
Member of the Hawkins Middle School AV Club (formerly)
Student at Hawkins Middle School (1982-1985)
Cheerleader at Hawkins Middle School (1982-1985)
Student at Hawkins High School (1985-)
Member of the Hellfire Club (1986-)
Member of the Party (1976-)
4'11" (149.86 cm)
Pocket knife
Screw driver
Bow and arrow
Cheerleading (formerly)
Playing the Clarinet
Taking care of her cat
Playing dnd
Street racing
Listening to music
Riding her bike
Running from the cops
Cloaked smart ass
Has a lot of attitude
Good at blending in
Annoying when she wants to be
Street smart
Theme Song:
Material girl by Madonna
Relationship status:
Single but crushing
Stranger Us
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non-e-per-sempre · 1 year
Meine Top 10 Tatorte update 2.0 - 2022
1. Tatort Berlin - Das Opfer (einfach nur wow ! dieser Tatort tat was Tatort Saarbrücken bisher noch nicht konnte) 2. Tatort Berlin - Tiere der Grossstadt (weil das Thema, die Rache so gut umgesetzt wurde + Roboter) 3. Tatort Luzern - Ihr werdet gerichtet 4. Tatort Saarbrücken - Herz der Schlange 5. Tatort Saarbrücken - Herr des Waldes 6. Tatort Saarbrücken - Das fleissige Liesschen 7. Tatort Kiel - Borowski und der gute Mensch (Kai Korthals ist einer der besten Tatort Villains ever! Bis ich gecheckt hatte das er Ihre Haare trägt auf dem Fahrrad, exploding brain emoji) 8. Tatort Luzern - Friss oder stirb (immer noch wegen der Musik und weil ich Kammerspiele liebe) 9. Tatort Zürich - Risiken mit Nebenwirkungen (Grandjean’s Rap & Sie allg.) 10. Tatort Luzern - Die Musik stirbt zuletzt (weil er ein One- Take Film ist und das beeindruckend ist)
Ende Jahr (2022) und ich kann sagen das Leo Hölzer & Adam Schürk immernoch  meine lieblings Komissare sind. Dicht gefolgt von Pia Heinrich & Esther Bauman. Das Berliner Duo überzeugt mich zusammen wieder mehr und Karow fand ich in der letzten Folge (Das Opfer) einfach spitze. Meine Top Tatort Komissare:
Robert Karow Adam Schürk Leo Hölzer Pia Heinrich Esther Baumann Isabelle Grandjean
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protopia23 · 1 year
Quellen + Links
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Aldred, Jonathan: Der korrumpierte Mensch
Allmendinger, Jutta und Wetzel, Jan: Die Vertrauensfrage
Ariely, Dan: Payoff
Ariely, Dan: Denken hilft zwar, nützt aber nichts
Ariely, Dan: Wer denken will, muss fühlen
Axelrod, Robert: Die Evolution der Kooperation, München 2009.
Bakan, Joel: The New Corporation
Banerjee, Abijit und Duflo, Esther: Economie utile pour des temps difficiles
Bartens, Werner: Empathie: Die Macht des Mitgefühls: Weshalb einfühlsame Menschen gesund und glücklich sind, München 2015.
Batson, Dan: Altruism in Humans
Bauer, Joachim: Das Gedächtnis des Körpers. Wie Beziehungen und Lebensstile unsere Gene steuern, München 2007.
Bauer, Joachim: Prinzip Menschlichkeit. Warum wir von Natur aus kooperieren, München 2011.
Bauer, Joachim: Schmerzgrenze. Vom Ursprung alltäglicher und globaler Gewalt, München 2011.
Bauer, Joachim: Warum ich fühle, was du fühlst. Intuitive Kommunikation und das Geheimnis der Spiegelneuronen, München 2006.
Bauer, Joachim: Das empathische Gen
Bauer, Joachim: Fühlen, was die Welt fühlt
Bauer, Joachim: Wie wir werden, wer wir sind
Bauman, Zygmunt: Leben als Konsum, Hamburg 2009.
Becker, Gary S.: Ökonomische Erklärung menschliches Verhaltens, Tübingen 1982.
Bernays, Edward: Propaganda. Der Kunst der Public Relations, Berlin 2011.
Berreby, David: Us and Them. The Science of Identity, London 2006. 
Botsman, Rachel und Roo Rogers: What’s Mine is Yours
Bregman, Rutger: Utopien für Realisten
Bregman: Im Grunde gut
Breithaupt Fritz: Kulturen der Empathie, Frankfurt am Main 2009. 
Buber, Martin: Ich und Du, Stuttgart 2014.
Bröckling, Ulrich: Das unternehmerische Selbst
Brown, Brené: Verletzlichkeit macht stark
Brown, Wendy: Die schleichende Revolution
Buber, Martin: Das Problem des Menschen
Buber, Martin: Ich und Du
Bueb, Bernhard: Lob der Diziplin. Eine Streitschrift, Berlin 2008.
Cabanas, Edgar und Illouz, Eva. Das Glücksdiktat
Christakis, N. A. und Fowler, J. H.: Die Macht sozialer Netzwerke. Wer uns wirklich beeinflusst und warum Glück ansteckend ist, Frankfurt am 2011.
Christakis, Nicholas: Blueprint
Crouch, Colin: Die bezifferte Welt. Wie die Logik der Finanzmärkte das Wissen bedroht, Berlin 2015.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: Flow
Damasio, Antonio: Am Anfang war das Gefühl. Der biologische Ursprung menschlicher Kultur, München 2017.
Damasio, Antonio: Descartes’ Irrtum
Darwin, Charles: Die Abstammung des Menschen
Davidson, Richard und Begley, Sharon: The Emotional Life of Your Brain
Dawkins, Richard: Das egoistische Gen, Heidelberg 2007.
Diener, Ed: Happiness
Doidge, Norman:
Doidge, Norman:
Dweck, Carol: Selbstbild
Einstein, Albert und Freud, Sigmund: Warum Krieg?
Eisler, Riane: Kelch & Schwert
Eisler, Riane: Die verkannten Grundlagen der Ökonomie
Eisler, Riane und Fry, Douglas: Nurturing Our Humanity
Etzioni, Amitai: The Moral Dimension
Eyal, Nir: Hooked
Felber, Christian: Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie. Eine demokratische Alternative wächst, Wien 2012.
Frankl, Viktor: Über den Sinn des Lebens
Frankl, Viktor: … trotzdem ja zum Leben sagen
Fromm, Erich: Haben oder Sein. Die seelischen Grundlagen einer neuen Gesellschaft, München 1995.
Fromm, Erich: Die Kunst des Liebens. (Fromm: Liebe)
Fry, Douglas: BeyondBeyound war
Gerhardt, Sue: The Selfish Society
Gerhardt, Sue: Why Love Matters
Glover, Jonathan: humanity
Goleman, Daniel; Davidson, Richard J.: Altered Traits. Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body, New York 2017.
Graeber, David: Bullshit-Jobs
Graeber, David und Wengrow, David: Anfänge
Gruen, Arno: Der Verlust des Mitgefühls. Über die Politik der Gleichgültigkeit, München 2015.
Grunwald, Martin: Homo Hapticus
Haidt, Jonathan: The Righteous Mind
Harari, Yuval Noah: Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit, München 2015.
Harari, Yuval Noah: Homo Deus. Eine Geschichte von Morgen, München 2017.
Harari, Yuval Noah: 21 Lektionen für das 21. Jahrhundert
Hare, Brian und Woods, Vanessa: Survival of the Friendliest
Hari, Johann: Lost Connections
Hari, Johann: Stolen Focus
Hartkemeyer, Martin, Johannes und Tobias: Dialogische Intelligenz
Hartmann, Martin: Vertrauen
Headlee, Celeste: We Need To Talk
Hertz, Noreena: Das Zeitalter der Einsamkeit
Hirschman, Martin: Leidenschaften und Interessen
Hobbes, Thomas: Vom Bürger. Vom Menschen, Hamburg 2017.
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan, Ditzingen 1986.
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer: Mothers & Others
Illouz, Eva: Gefühle im Zeitalter des Kapitalismus
Illouz, Eva: Warum Liebe endet
Isay, Dave: All There Is
Jaspers, Karl: Die Schuldfrage
Kahneman, Daniel: Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken, München 2011. 
Ryszard Kapuscinski: Der Andere
Kant, Immanuel: Was ist Aufklärung?
Kasser, Tim: The High Price of Materialism, London 2002.
Kast, Bas: Ich weiß nicht, was ich wollen soll. Warum wir uns so schwer entscheiden können und wo das Glück zu finden ist, Frankfurt am Main 2012.
Keltner, Dacher: Born to be Good
Keltner, Dacher: Awe
Keltner, Dacher: Macht-Paradox
Keysers, Christian: Unser empathisches Gehirn. Warum wir verstehen, was andere fühlen, München 2014.
Klein, Stefan: Der Sinn des Gebens. Warum Selbstlosigkeit in der Evolution siegt und wir mit Egoismus nicht weiterkommen, Frankfurt am Main 2011.
Kohn, Alfie: No Contest: The Case Against Competition: Why We Lose in Our Rae to Win, New York 1986.
Kohn, Alfie: Der Mythos des verwöhnten Kindes. Erziehungslügen unter die Lupe genommen, Weinheim und Basel 2005.
Kohn, Alfie: Liebe und Eigenständigkeit. Die Kunst bedingungsloser Elternschaft, jenseits von Belohnung und Bestrafung, Freiburg 2018. 
Korten, David C.: Change the Story. Change the Future. Weltsichten und ökonomischer Wandel, Phänomen-Verlag 2015.
Kropotkin, Peter: Gegenseitige Hilfe. In der Tier- und Menschenwelt, Trotzdem Verlagsgenossenschaft 2011.
Larnier, Jaron: Zehn Gründe, warum du deine Social Media Accounts sofort löschen musst
Lecomte Jacques: La Bonté humaine. Altruisme, empathie, générosité, Paris 2012.
Lecomte, Jacques: Les Entreprises Humanistes
Levitt, Steven und Dubner, Stephen: Freakonomics
Lieberman, Matthew: Social
Locke, John: Eine Abhandlung über den menschlichen Verstand
Lorenz, Konrad: Das sogenannte Böse. Zur Naturgeschichte der Aggression, München 2016.
Margulis, Lynn: Der symbiotische Planet oder Wie die Evolution wirklich verlief, Frankfurt am Main 2017.
Marmot, Michael: The Status Syndrome
Mason, Paul: Postkapitalismus. Grundrisse einer kommenden Ökonomie, Berlin 2016.
Mau, Steffen: Das metrische Wir. Über die Quantifizierung des Sozialen, Berlin 2017.
McCullough, Michael: Kindness for Strangers
McCullough, Michael: BeyondBeyound Revenge
Miegel, Meinhard: Exit. Wohlstand ohne Wachstum, Berlin 2010.
Miegel, Meinhard: Hybris. Die überforderte Gesellschaft, Berlin 2014.
Miegel, Meinhard: Das System ist am Ende. Das Leben geht weiter
Millburn, Joshua Fields und Nicodemus, Ryan: Love People, Use Things
Mirowski, Philip: Untote leben länger. Warum der Neoliberalismus nach der Krise noch stärker wird, Berlin 2015.
Naish, John: Genug. Wie Sie der Welt des Überflusses entkommen, Köln 2008.
Nowak, Martin A. mit Highfield, Roger: Kooperative Intelligenz. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis der Evolution, München 2013.
Oliner, Pearl und Samuel: Toward a Caring Society 
Ostrom, Elinor: Was mehr wird, wenn wir teilen. Vom gesellschaftlichen Wert der Gemeingüter, München 2012.
Pariser, Eli: Filter Bubble.
Pfaff,  Donald: The Altruistic Brain
Philipps, Adam und Taylor, Barbara: On Kindness
Pickett, Kate und Wilkinson, Richard: Gleichheit ist Glück: Warum gerechte Gesellschaften für alle besser sind, Berlin 2009.
Pinker, Steven: Gewalt. Eine neue Geschichte der Menschheit, Frankfurt am Main 2011.
Pinker, Steven: Das unbeschriebene Blatt
Popper, Karl: Vermutungen und Widerlegungen
Pörksen, Bernhard und Schulz von Thun, Friedemann: Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens
Precht, Richard David: Die Kunst, kein Egoist zu sein. Warum wir gerne gut sein wollen und was uns davon abhält, München 2012.
Precht, Richard David: Anna, die Schule und der liebe Gott. Der Verrat des Bildungssystems an unseren Kindern, München 2015.
Precht, Richard David: Jäger, Hirten, Kritiker, München 2018. (Precht: Jäger)
Prilleltensky, Isaac und Ora: How People Matter
Putnam, David: Better Together
Putnam, David: Bowling Alone. 20 Years Edition
Putnam, David: The Upswing
Rand, Ayn: Die Tugend des Egoismus. Eine neue Auffassung des Egoismus, Jena 2015.
Raworth, Kate: Die Donut-Ökonomie
Ricard, Matthieu: Allumfassende Nächstenliebe. Altruismus – die Antwort auf die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit, Hamburg 2017.
Rifkin, Jeremy: Die empathischeemphatische Zivilisation. Das Internet der Dinge, kollaboratives Gemeingut und der Rückzug des Kapitalismus, Frankfurt am Main 2014.
Rizzolatti, Giacomo und Sinigaglia, Corrado: Empathie und Spiegelneuronen. Die biologische Basis des Mitgefühls, Frankfurt am Main 2008.
Rosa, Hartmut: Resonanz. Eine Soziologie der Weltbeziehung, Berlin 2016.
Rosenberg, Marshall: Gewaltfreie Kommunikation
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Abhandlung über den Ursprung und die Grundlagen der Ungleichheit unter den Menschen. Ditzingen 1998.
Rushkoff, Douglas: Team Human
Rushkoff, Douglas: The Survival of the Richest
Russell, Bertrand: Eroberung des Glücks
Sandel, Michael: Was man für Geld nicht kaufen kann
Sandel, Michael: Vom Ende des Gemeinwohls
Sapolsky, Robert: Gewalt und Mitgefühl. Die Biologie des menschlichen Verhaltens, München 2017
Schirrmacher, Frank: Ego. Das Spiel des Lebens, München 2013.
Schwartz, Barry: The Costs of Living
Schwartz, Barry: The Battle for Human Nature
Sedlacek, Tomas: Die Ökonomie von Gut und Böse, München 2012.
Sedlacek, Tomas und Tanzer, Oliver: Die Dämonen des Kapitals. Die Ökonomie auf Freuds Couch, München 2017.
Sen, Amartya: Ökonomie für den Menschen. Wege zu Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität in der Marktwirtschaft, München 2007.
Sennett, Richard: Zusammenarbeit. Was unsere Gesellschaft zusammenhält, Berlin 2012.
Skidelsky, Robert: Die Rückkehr des Meisters. Keynes für das 21. Jahrhundert, München 2010. 
Singer, Peter: The Expanding Circle
Singer, Tania: Mitgefühl in der Wirtschaft, München 2015.
Solnit, Rebecca: A Paradise Built in Hell
Spitzer, Manfred: Digitale Demenz. München 2012.
Spitzer, Manfred: Einsamkeit
Splinter, Dirk und Wüstehube, Ljubjana: Mehr Dialog wagen!
Stark, Kio: When Strangers Meet
Stegemann, Bernd: Die Moralfalle
Sußebach, Henning: Liebe Sophie! Brief an meine Tochter, Freiburg im Breisgau 2013.
Szalavitz, Maia und Perry, Bruce: Born for Love
Tomasello, Michael: Eine Naturgeschichte des menschlichen Denkens, Berlin 2014.
Tomasello Michael: Eine Naturgeschichte der menschlichen Moral, Berlin 2016.
Tomasello, Michael: Warum wir kooperieren? Berlin 2012.
Tomasello, Michael: Mensch werden
Turkle, Sherry: Alone Together
Turkle, Sherry: Reclaiming Conversation
Verhaege, Paul: Und ich? Identität in einer durchökonomisierten Gesellschaft, München 2013.
Welzer, Harald. Selbst denken
Welzer, Harald: Alles könnte anders sein
Welzer, Harald: Nachruf auf mich selbst
Welzer, Harald: Der FuturZwei Zukunftsalmanach 2013
Westphalen, Andreas: Die Wiederentdeckung des Menschen
Westphalen, Andreas: Der Mensch im Zeitalter der Katastrophe
Wilson, E. O.: Die soziale Eroberung der Welt
Wrangham, Richard: Die Zähmung des Menschen
Zaki, Jamil: War for Kindness
Zichy, Michael: Die Macht der Menschenbilder
Zichy, Michael: Menschenbilder
Zuboff, Shosana: Das Zeitalter des Überwachungskapitalismus
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transientreverie · 4 years
Feeling ashamed that this keeps happening.
Feeling out of control and impulsive for continually, serially chasing after people who I know I shouldn’t, who I know I’ll develop feelings for.
Perpetually becoming infatuated. Yes, sometimes with the idea of people, sometimes with what they represent, but sometimes for who they are.
The man I’m developing feelings for asks: 
“How much of the way you're feeling and acting with me is because of me, and how much of it is because of what I represent to you? Whatever that is.“
And I don’t know.
What does he represent to me?
He reminds me that there are many parts of me I feel I can’t express. The kinky, free-loving, pleasure-chasing, hedonistic parts.
And then I remember my commitments, my very happy relationship to my fiancé, how much I love our life together, his family. 
But some things don’t feel right. And it makes me cry to even think that. And I don’t know how to approach it, or if those things are even fixable.
I feel judged sometimes when I talk to him about my feelings. He doesn’t understand. He gets really cold sometimes in the moments that I need warmth the most. He holds his angry frustrated feelings in towards me and his silence feels like punishment sometimes. It doesn’t feel like he’s often aware of the things going on inside of me, and so part of me feels like he doesn’t really know me.
And I feel like if I told him any of this, he would rightfully be hurt and angry. Hurt because I feel this way and also angry for reaching out to the people who fill in the gaps.
I keep telling myself it’s not about filling in the gaps. But what if it is?
Why is it more fun when things feel a little out of control, a little devious and forbidden? 
And why does this keep happening? Chronically? What am I chasing? What am I missing? Am I missing something or am I just looking to connect with many people on many different levels?
I know that I like arousing the people who arouse me. And I like knowing that people are aroused by me, when I’m aroused by them. 
I like the little dance, the push and pull, the pirouettes we do over the fine line of boundaries that often moves to suit our whims. 
That is not fair to my partner. And that makes me feel like a horrible person.
It feels like quarantine makes it harder because I’m stuck at home all the time. 
If I feel like my partner doesn’t know me, or doesn’t see certain parts of me, what does that mean?
What parts doesn’t he see? Or what parts does he not understand, or not accept?
The queer, feminist, leftist parts. He critiqued my body hair the other day and it still stings, not because he doesn’t like it, but because he told me he didn’t want to be seen in public with me. 
It feels absolutely awful to have someone put their social prison onto me when I’ve fought so hard to break free of it.
He’s told me my they/them pin on my bag feels too political for a trip to Home Depot. 
He gave me a really difficult time over wanting to talk over the possibility of using testosterone. 
There are parts of me that I feel are stifled and aren’t able to be expressed. 
When I meet people who accept these parts... yeah, I lean into them, because I feel known in a way that he doesn’t know me. I feel seen. And I can think of a handful of people who fall into this category. 
This time feels bad. Not because I’ve done anything particularly guilt-worthy. I’ve held back so, so much. FUCK, so much. There’s so much I’ve wanted to do. I’m like a seasoned fucking veteran now. It always ends the same way. We decide to be friends, platonic. And then that closeness becomes less intense. 
Is it that closeness I want? Can I get it without being sexual? The sexual part is part of what I like. It’s all wrapped up in the same thing, it’s just the one element that’s not “allowed.” I feel a little indulgent and needy when I ask for what I want in bed, and I know I shouldn’t, and I know it would fucking thrill some people to hear it. 
But he didn’t sign up for this. He didn’t sign up for a partner who has flings or whatever you want to call it with other people. We’ve had those talks. He doesn’t want that. And now it feels unapproachable. Like, case-closed. I know it’s not and it doesn’t have to be that way.
I don’t know if this is fair to him, but I also don’t know if it’s fair to me.
What would it mean to honour myself in this situation?
What do I need right now?
Why are these questions making me cry?
Is there something about these secrets that makes me feel like I have a modicum of control over my life, even if I feel very out of control?
In the words of Esther Perel: 
“As I listen to [my client], I start to suspect that her affair is about neither her husband nor their relationship. Her story echoes a theme that has come up repeatedly in my work: affairs as a form of self-discovery, a quest for a new (or lost) identity. For these seekers, infidelity is less likely to be a symptom of a problem, and more likely an expansive experience that involves growth, exploration, and transformation.
Sometimes when we seek the gaze of another, it’s not our partner we are turning away from, but the person we have become. We are not looking for another lover so much as another version of ourselves. The Mexican essayist Octavio Paz described eroticism as a “thirst for otherness.” So often, the most intoxicating “other” that people discover in an affair is not a new partner; it’s a new self.”
The sociologist Zygmunt Bauman wrote that in modern life,
there is always a suspicion … that one is living a lie or a mistake; that something crucially important has been overlooked, missed, neglected, left untried and unexplored; that a vital obligation to one’s own authentic self has not been met, or that some chances of unknown happiness completely different from any happiness experienced before have not been taken up in time and are bound to be lost forever.
Would I be doing this if there was no risk? I genuinely think so. It might not feel as intense, but I would still be extremely attracted to this man and willing to pursue him if I was single. But the transgression makes it harder to pull away and makes the desire more intense.
I know that the right thing to do is to end this thing. But I need to understand what it brings me. I think it makes me feel alive and more in touch with myself, my desires. It makes me feel rebellious. It makes me feel promiscuous, in a good way. 
I don’t know how to process this.
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California Democrat urges boycott of In-N-Out for donating to GOP. The burger chain gives to Democrats, too.
California Democrat urges boycott of In-N-Out for donating to GOP. The burger chain gives to Democrats, too.
California’s Democratic Party chairman nearly launched a food fight Wednesday when he called for a boycott of In-N-Out Burger over a contribution the popular fast-food chain made to the state Republican Party.
Eric Bauman, chair of the California Democratic Party, tweeted Wednesday:
“Et tu In-N-Out? Tens of thousands of dollars donated to the California Republican Party . . . it’s time to #BoycottInNOut — let Trump and his cronies support these creeps . . . perhaps animal style!”
Democrats swiftly dialed back Bauman’s call for people to stop eating at the chain’s 330-plus locations, which attract a passionate following across six states with their simple burgers-fries-and-shakes approach and “secret menu” (from which customers can order their burgers “animal style.”)
A spokesman for the California Democrats said the party will not pursue the boycott.
[Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone wears capitalism on his sleeve. Just bleep ask him.]
“It was his personal tweet and doesn’t reflect party policy,” spokesman John Vigna said in an interview. “That said, he is giving force to a sentiment many people feel right now. Which is that, in this era, with the stakes so high, engaging in things like personal boycotts is a way for people to effect change.”
Bauman was not available for comment.
One powerful California Democrat came to In-N-Out’s defense.
“For the record, at least In-N-Out pays their workers living wage, as employees. More than we can say about countless political donors on both sides,” tweeted state Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, whose Twitter site describes her as a progressive Democrat.
Calls for boycotts have received heightened attention in the Trump era, further evidence of the nation’s political polarization. President Trump urged fans to boycott National Football League games last year if players continued to kneel during the national anthem. Progressives have called for boycotts of anything Trump, including daughter Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand, which eventually was shut down.
Starbucks, Uber and even Amazon.com (whose chief executive, Jeffrey P. Bezos, owns The Washington Post) have been the subjects of calls for boycotts.
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In-N-Out Burger made contributions to Republicans and to Democratic-leaning political groups during the 2017-18 election cycle, according to data filed with the California secretary of state and supplied by In-N-Out.
The California Republican Party received $30,000 from In-N-Out’s political committee, while Californians for Jobs and a Strong Economy, a group that supports Democratic candidates, received a total of $60,000 in two donations from In-N-Out.
California Republican Party Chairman Jim Brulte released a statement after Bauman’s tweet, saying: “I have no idea what possessed the California Democrat Party chairman to attack a California institution like In-N-Out, especially considering the fact that the organization gave more money to Democrats than Republicans recently. I’m sure he got many angry phone calls from Democrats who have benefited from In-N-Out’s generosity, and that’s why he not only went dark following the tweet, but forced the party’s spokesperson to distance the party from the comments.”
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In a statement, In-N-Out Burger Executive Vice President Arnie Wensinger said: “In 2018, In-N-Out Burger has made equal contributions to both Democratic and Republican Political Action Committees in the State of California. For years, In-N-Out Burger has supported lawmakers who, regardless of political affiliation, promote policies that strengthen California and allow us to continue operating with the values of providing strong pay and great benefits for our Associates.”
“While it is unfortunate that our contributions to support both political parties in California has caused concern with some groups,” Wensinger added, “we believe that bipartisan support is a fair and consistent approach that best serves the interests of our company and all of our customers.”
As the burger business has exploded in recent years with regional and national chains including Shake Shack, Five Guys and BGR the Burger Joint, In-N-Out has held its own by sticking to basics.
In-N-Out is a third-generation, family-owned California institution known for its rabidly loyal customer base. The company was started in 1948 by Harry and Esther Snyder in Baldwin Park, Calif., as a small drive-through burger outlet.
In-N-Out has kept its menu relatively simple, highlighting its french fries, burgers, cheeseburgers and shakes while other fast-food chains have expanded into chicken nuggets, fish, salads and breakfast. The restaurants are known for their arrow logo out front and their “secret menu” that allows patrons to customize their orders.
The firm is now run by the Snyders’ 36-year-old granddaughter, Lynsi Snyder, who is the company’s president. Forbes estimates that Snyder is a billionaire.
Snyder has expanded the number of In-N-Out locations since becoming president in 2010, moving the chain beyond its southwestern roots and into Oregon, Texas and, soon, Colorado.
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kacydeneen · 6 years
In-N-Out Faces Calif. Boycott Calls After $25K Donation to GOP
In-N-Out Burger's recent $25,000 donation to the California Republican Party has tested the loyalty among some of the burger chain's many fans in the Golden State. 
According to a public filing on the California Secretary of State’s website, In-N-Out made the donation Monday.
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The donation made its way to thousands of people’s Twitter feeds on Wednesday and shortly after, the hashtag #BoycottInNOut was born.
California Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman called for the boycott, writing on Twitter: “It’s time to #BoycottInNOut — let Trump and his cronies support these creeps … perhaps animal style!"
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As news stories about the boycott spread, the California Democratic Party's communications director, John Vigna, said that Bauman's tweet was his own personal view and didn't reflect the official stance of the California Democratic Party, The Los Angeles Times reported.
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In-N-Out, which started in Baldwin Park, California, in 1948 by Harry Snyder and Esther Snyder, now has more than 330 locations across California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Utah. Most In-N-Out restaurants are in California. 
The company, which displays Bible verses on some of its packaging, has contributed to Republican causes in the past. According to the Sacramento Bee, it donated $30,000 to the California GOP in 2017.
But it also gave the pro-business PAC, “Californians for Jobs & A Strong Economy,” $80,000 in 2017. The PAC has worked to elect moderate California Democrats to office, according to the Bee. 
The official California Republican Party Twitter account was among those who panned the boycott campaign. The group tweeted that while Bauman "attacks an all-around great company, which is generous to both parties, CA leads the way in poverty, homelessness, unaffordability, traffic & underperforming schools. Oh, and violent crime is rising. But let's talk burgers instead."
California Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox also weighed in, sharing a tweet that included a picture of him outside an In-N-Out location.
"There’s nothing more Californian than In-N-Out Burger," he wrote. "Great lunch today in #Fresno. If .@GavinNewsom is nervous debating me on CA issues - maybe a friendly Double Double vs Caviar joust?"
In a statement to CNBC, In-N-Out Burger Executive Vice President Arnie Wensinger said the company "made equal contributions to both Democratic and Republican Political Action Committees in the state of California. For years, In-N-Out Burger has supported lawmakers who, regardless of political affiliation, promote policies that strengthen California and allow us to continue operating with the values of providing strong pay and great benefits for our Associates."
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On Twitter, discussion of the donations included plenty of snark amid the debate over whether a boycott was justified. 
"This is the best California publicity Shake Shack could ever ask for," one Twitter user wrote.
@NersesAposhian tweeted: "Wait... does this mean California liberals (basically most of the state) won’t eat at In-N-Out anymore? Shorter lines?!"
Another person tweeted, "This really bums me out because I’m a regular customer... BUT I cannot spent money with a company that supports the current GOP! #BoycottInNOut."
Check out some more tweets below:
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Photo Credit: Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser. In-N-Out Faces Calif. Boycott Calls After $25K Donation to GOP published first on Miami News
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arthisour-blog · 7 years
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Kerry Fitzgerald (Bron in 1950), better known as Kerry Awn, is an American cartoonist, actor, muralist, comedian, musician, iconographer and poster artist. He is best known for his comedy and the iconic ‘Austintatious’ mural near the University of Texas campus, a landmark he created with two other artists. Born in Houston as Kerry Fitzgerald, Awn became prominent on the Austin countercultural scene in the 1970s as a concert poster artist and as a member of the Uranium Savages.
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Kerry Awn went to the Houston Comedy Workshop in 1981 and began his career as a comedian. In 1982 he joined Esther’s Follies where his outlandish characters drew attention. Awn continued with Esther’s Follies as a regular for 30 years until 2011. He has also been a regular at the Velveeta Room, the Austin comedy club named after one of Awn’s characters, lounge lizard Ronnie Velveeta. He is the original winner of the Funniest Person in Austin contest in 1986. Kerry Awn has performed extensively as a stand-up comic from Amarillo to Austin.
Created in 1974, the mural dubbed ‘Austintatious’ is located on the north-facing wall of the 23rd Street Renaissance Market in Austin, Texas. Considered to be an important part of Austin history, the 40-year-old mural was damaged by graffiti in 1994 and again in January 2014. The colorful mural shows a bustling town beneath a clear blue sky surrounding Stephen F. Austin who is holding a few armadillos. In June 2014, Kerry Awn joined the other two original artists Tom Bauman and Rick Turner, who had returned to restore the mural. They crowd-sourced to raise $30,000 for supplies and to afford five weeks away from work. The three artists also collaborated in 2003 to create the Tejas mural that covers the opposite end of the market.
Other murals by Kerry Awn can be found on Planet K stores in the Austin area. One became the subject of a criminal charge, when the City of Bee Cave objected to it under its sign ordinance. In June 2012, after more than a year of battling over murals and building permits, Bee Cave City Council approved a settlement with the owner of Planet K.
Kerry Awn’s work appeared prominently in Austin’s The Rag and Houston’s Space City, early underground papers. Often Kerry Awn’s art was featured on the cover of Space City. During the heyday of the Armadillo World Headquarters, he created concert posters and handbills, many of which are archived in a collection at the Austin History Center. He was an among the group of artist known as the Armadillo Art Squad. The collection includes posters that promoted shows at Austin venues such as the Roadhouse, Jovitas, The Ritz, Willies Steamboat, Armadillo World Headquarters, the Continental Club, Soap Creek Saloon, La Zona Rosa, Liberty Lunch, and the Velveeta Room.
Kerry Awn was inducted into the Austin Arts Hall of Fame and has been recognized by the City of Austin and the State of Texas for his contributions to the arts. He was voted Austins funniest person 10 years running by the Austin Chronicle.
Kerry Awn was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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non-e-per-sempre · 2 years
Meine Top 10 Tatorte Update 2022
1. Tatort Berlin - Tiere der Grossstadt (für mich der beste Tatort weil das Thema, die Rache so gut umgesetzt wurde) 2. Tatort Luzern - Ihr werdet gerichtet 3. Tatort Saarbrücken - Herz der Schlange 4. Tatort Saarbrücken - Herr des Waldes 5. Tatort Saarbrücken - Das fleissige Liesschen 6. Tatort Luzern - Friss oder stirb (immer noch wegen der Musik und weil ich Kammerspiele liebe) 7. Tatort Kiel - Borowski und der gute Mensch (Kai Korthals ist einer der besten Tatort Villains ever! Bis ich gecheckt hatte das er Ihre Haare trägt auf dem Fahrrad, damn!) 8. Tatort Berlin - Dein Name sei Habinger 9. Tatort Hamburg - Tschill Out 10. Tatort Luzern - Die Musik stirbt zuletzt (weil er ein One- Take Film ist)
Ein Jahr später und ich kann sagen das Leo Hölzer & Adam Schürk definitiv meine lieblings Komissare sind. Dicht gefolgt von Pia Heinrich & Esther Bauman. Das Berliner Duo überzeugt mich zusammen nicht mehr so aber Karow fand ich in der letzten Folge überraschend dynamisch
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