#yes I went all out on the bg here and it is very much supposed to be the main focus
fantasmagoriam · 1 year
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Wolstinien Week 2023: Day 4 - Dragon
 I wonder if we’ll ever get to see a bigger version of Orn Khai, just like we did with Ehll Tou...
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If ever there was cry for help, that was it. I hear you! No more shipping and fan wars and charts and Army.
I'm not sure if this would help, but please feel free to pick from a topic below or ignore all of them:
You are obviously very drawn to music and film. What about painting & sculpture? Is there an artist, an era or genre that reigns supreme with you? Any why? Oh, and painting or sculpture? And why?
Ancient Egypt or Ancient Mesoamerica or neither?
Bronte or Austen? Other examples of proto-feminist literature?
Top five absolute worst film/series you can remember?
Is there a period of women's fashion that think, "yes, I could totally rock that," and wish it would make a comeback?
Where--and doing what--do you feel the closest to the sublime?
Finally, do you prefer Western or Asian gg, or not at all? Here's my controversial take and you can ream me out, if it will make for a good copy: It's not so much that I find the K-Pop gg groups look alike, but that they sound alike. I have a hard time distinguishing one voice from another--the range, tone, color, etc. are just too similar for me. Do I just need to listen more?
Enjoy your day!
Oooh, lots of questions and options. Thank you, anon 😊 Right, let's see.
1. I'd have to pick painting over sculpture simply because I was more exposed to art movements in painting in school or throughout my other years of study as an adult. I do have an inclination towards Baroque and Art Nouveau, but I'm mostly interested in everything that falls under contemporary art, beginning with the '70s until the present. Artists that come to mind would be Duchamp, Lichtenstein, Lucien Freud, David Hockney, Yayoi Kusama, Nam June Paik, Bill Viola, etc.
2. I'm going with Ancient Egypt simply because I went through a period in sixth grade when I would read everything I could find on the topic. I heard it's quite common for people to have an Ancient Egypt period in their life, particularly in their childhood. Mine started because one day my dad brought me a book.
3. Despite having first read Austen, I'll always choose the Bronte sisters. Particularly Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights is among my favorite novels in English literature.
4. Worst films I've seen: The 50 Shades of Grey series (I saw two of them just to laugh with other people, but it is an excruciating experience). Sex and The City 2 (highly offensive, wrong on many levels and completely unnecessary). The Twilight Series (I can't be convinced that there's anything good about how the films turned out, nor the story itself). I also saw some Avenger movie just to see what it's all about. Never again. Marvel movies are a plague. And lastly, American Sniper which might have kickstarted the hatred I have for Bradley Cooper and his acting.
5. Not that I think it should make a comeback or not, but my favorite period in women's fashion would be the 1930s. For day and evening wear as well. It has the practicality and glamour.
6. I never thought of it that way and perhaps there's less opportunities/occassions for it, but taking walks by myself through forests. The first time I have listened to Leonard Cohen in my childhood bedroom many years ago. Going to the cinema by myself, sitting in the front row in the middle and watching the full, uninterrupted 5 hours of Nymphomaniac. More often than not, cinema is connected to the sublime in my world.
7. I don't have a particular preference for it. Just as I don't have one for boy groups/bands. If it happens that I like one, then I listen to it.
I can understand why you think that K-Pop gg sound the same, but what I realized in my case is that it's a matter of exposure. There's plenty of bg in k-pop that "suffer" from the same issue, and once you get to listen to them more, you can see some particularities. Boy or girl groups are supposed to be homogenous, with some sort of variety added by the personas they present to the fans. A similarity in sound might be the result of trends and what producers are interested in. Again, groups that distinguish themselves from the crowd (which is quite a big one in K-Pop), do have their own style which can be easily identified the more you get accustomed to it.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
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JFK was shot and killed by Jaclyn Onassis she shot and killed him because he drugged her to death as for different character as her different character and he's a clone and he's gone he started war between the clans and the clones and the max sponsored it and David didn't know and he found out he said what to do figure out how you know and tell him so that was what he did and they had a better time then it got a little rough and they figured that out and all sudden they said this is what it's like we're not supposed to know and that's the secret and some kind of figured it out by watching the video like a few people did and she had to because he publicly harmed her it was one of the most horrific incidents in history people said but she really saved a lot of people he said it to her at work and she said I sort of know why so yes they're complete pigs there's a couple other problems it would not have turned this way I do not done that and people have found out that their weeklings too in a way the first of the max she went home and wept and told Dave and they went out on the weekend and had a great time and they said this where the turning point of the whole thing yeah me too the third wheel new movie by Panasonic pictures so this guy Dr Manhattan I'm going to go in comic Con are you guys are out in a tube yippee take a break would you bastards that's what they're saying you said you think you're here George and I heard them snickering that's great so they noticed something you're helping doing it and you have to they didn't make it harder they felt bad for you but they saw what you're doing and thought it was right and thought you're smart and you are and that's Hera and she took over past four sentences did they did an investigation and did nothing and part of the watchmen movie is about it and they're saying that the guy the comedian is Steve Dave and they're having someone hit him in his BG it's really the max working it again so it's kind of pervasive and it's really really guttural and they just just keep rubbing it into these gifted people and we can't imagine why they keep doing it and it's true they have these figures and stuff in their head but these guys are doing it too but they suspect it's us and really they're having a lot of trouble because they keep on blaming us and they don't do squat except sit there pissing us off so we know what they're up to and boy they dumb sometimes but anyways we are making some progress and it is like you said before we have some advances we are ready in some respects but not for the Big show they can look at things close enough to be a problem and we have an issue with that and so does everybody else so it is an issue
Thor Freya
It's too deep and we looked at doing what you're saying several hundred times with a whole bunch of different ideas even your basic idea would not be deep enough and you can see it it was very close within a few pounds no but you're right about something you would have to put back and layers and carefully done it looked different but not much and nobody would think we would do that so that was what the test run idea. I'm a serious saying but we probably didn't do it and we don't have enough support and enough Giants and enough personnel we're getting there they're taking over area
And they can see onto the surface of Saturn and Jupiter yes and they can scan down about 200 MI
Thor Freya
The upper part was us to the last few sentences
0 notes
ectonurites · 3 years
can anybody please explain the appeal of tim drake because ive been into the batfamily for a while now and tbh im really confused on why people like his character so much compared to the other robins. like they all have their own thing going on and he just... doesnt?
Have you read his Robin solo? Because if not and you want to try to like him but just don’t understand why people do, that’s what I’d recommend. That and like, Young Justice 1998. 
Because Tim definitely... does have his own thing going on. Maybe not in the same way as the others, but like, there’s a reason he has a 183 issue long solo comic that ran for like 16 years: he was fun to read about!
But I will give some more specific thoughts on the subject as a Tim Drake Appreciator™ (this got long im sorry)
The appeal of Tim (especially early on Tim) is kinda the fact that he’s this more normal kid. For a while that is his ‘thing’. He was basically designed to be a self-insert (he definitely became more than that along the way, but from the start he was meant to be relatable) in a different way than how Dick and Jason had been before him. 
Like the role of Robin from the start was this way to create a character young readers could identify with more, could see themselves in more. And Dick and Jason did that, but they still had this element to their lives and stories that was more... unattainable for the average reader. Dick was a circus prodigy, Jason was either also a circus prodigy if we remember pre-crisis or if we go with his post-crisis story he’s this street-wise orphaned kid who had a really tough life but still went on to be a hero anyways. Obviously those lives are relatable for some people, but those’re definitely not as broadly recognized as common upbringings especially not by DC trying to market to the ‘average’ kid/young teen.
But the creation of Tim changed the game a bit. Dick and Jason were these aspirations a kid could look to like ‘wow I want to be cool like that!’ but Tim was a Robin designed for kids to look at and go ‘wow, his problems and civilian life are just like mine AND he’s a hero, I want to be cool like that!’, ya know? Tim was... just a clever kid with an average life who managed to connect some dots and had enough drive to want to fix things he saw were a problem, he didn’t have the same kind of heightened drama backstory the others did. The Robins that came after Tim definitely didn’t have this idea of relatability in mind the same way either. Unfortunately Steph’s time as Robin was much more of a marketing ploy than an actual like... decision to make her Robin, so it’s hard to really fit her into this conversation. But Damian from the start was first of all initially created not to be Robin but just as the son of Talia and Bruce back in the 80’s, but when he was later reimagined into the character that would become Robin he had the whole ‘raised by and is the heir to the league of assassins and is the son of batman’ thing going on still. He just was not supposed to be relatable that same way, he was a character designed with different things in mind.
I really think it was more just DC’s 90′s era younger-audience comics in general that tried to push that relatability thing (like in YJ how Cissie even after quitting the team stays a major character as a civilian throughout, and the civilian aspect that’s super present in Bart’s 90s solo too, etc), but later in the 2000’s that idea was definitely pushed to the side in favor of... putting in even more dramatic superhero-y stuff.
And the other thing that’s... such a more normal thing but it actually made him unique here, was that Tim’s dad was still alive until like 2004 (so 15 years into Tim being around as a character). This gave Tim a lot more typical ‘family school girlfriends normal life etc’ problems on top of/in contrast with his superhero problems. These just manifested in very different ways than they could with the other Robins because of that unique situation with a living civilian parent who doesn’t know about hero stuff (until he did find out which lead to that whole Unmasked thing, but there was only the brief time around War Games & Identity Crisis where Jack knew Tim was actively Robin and he was... still alive) Tim also had his life at school expanded way more than most other Robins, like, he had such an extended supporting cast of civilian friends which is a really interesting thing to read about (and the fact that he hasn’t had that stuff since the New 52 I think really hurts his character)
And then related to that loss of his dad... Personally another thing about Tim that really interests me is how a lot of things were more... his choice. if that makes sense. A lot of characters in the Batfamily were struck with tragedy/extreme trauma before they became heroes and that’s what spurred them into this life of becoming heroes. Tim’s situation wasn’t like that at all! When he first got involved in everything during Lonely Place of Dying, the only tragedy he’d experienced was watching Dick’s tragedy happen. Which sure yes traumatic obviously, but that’s not the same as how pretty much all the other Bats had gone through these very personal losses or other sorts of very first-hand personal traumas that served as motivators. Tim didn’t start to experience those things until after he got involved in the hero life, and aside from his Mom’s death which was more of just an unrelated incident (that technically happened before he was officially Robin but it was during his time training to become Robin), pretty much all these other tragedies and things... would not have happened or been experienced by him had he not become Robin. 
That’s not me placing blame on him or anything like that, because god no that’s not how that works, but it’s very interesting because from his point of view he definitely feels that guilt because he knows him being Robin played a role in a lot of it (Thinking specifically about in Adventure Comics #3 when Kon even says “I know what guilt does to you” to him like it’s... it’s a thing with him!). His dad was murdered because he was Robin. He only met Steph and started dating her through being Robin, and thus he would not have experienced the loss of his girlfriend dying like that had he not been Robin. Tim met both Conner and Bart through being Robin, and would not have had a personal connection to them when they died otherwise. The whole Bruce’s death thing after Final Crisis, like. I could go on honestly, that was only talking about losses not even his own experiences nearly getting killed, but yeah, all these personal tragedies were experienced by him specifically because he chose to bring himself into this life, which I think in turn plays into how throughout his comics you see him go from having this really optimistic view on things and being really hopeful to seeing him at that low point he reaches by the time of Red Robin. (thinking about that one post that points out how Tim started out in the 90′s as an optimist and Steph a cynic and by the time they were Red Robin and Batgirl in 2009 they had switched outlooks...) 
I also think that him having had such a great team book with the original Young Justice can help contribute to people liking him. His friendships with the rest of the core four and that team in general are really compelling. (and that’s something like again when looking at the other Robins, while Dick had the Titans ofc, Jason never really found footing with a team outside of like one mission with the Titans and then We All Know How Damian’s Teen Titans Stuff Went. Steph also only ever really worked with a team outside the batfam on very brief occasions) and even though I’m not as big of a fan of the 2003 Teen Titans run that came after YJ, people who read Young Justice and also that could follow and be attached to those same characters over a pretty decently long period of time. 
Idk man, I don’t really have an ultimate point here i’m just rambling. I can definitely understand not seeing the appeal to him right away (honestly i’ve been into Batfam since like 2013/2014 and Tim did not become one of my faves until 2020) especially if like... idk when you say ‘into the batfamily’ that can mean a lot of different things. If you’re reading more like the bigger events with the batfam sure Tim can kinda fade into the bg a bit, if you’re more talking about fanon the fanon version of him is prettyyyyy uhhhhh not really the same as how he was in pre New 52 canon, if you’re mainly reading New 52 era Batfam stuff then that Tim I also don’t understand the appeal of bc thats Not My Boy, if you’re interested in a different member primarily and only familiar with Tim when he shows up in things focused on that other character then it’s easy to not really understand the appeal right away bc he’s more there to support that character rather than shine in his own right. 
I think it’s also worth mentioning he’s just not everybody’s cup of tea, and that’s totally fine. Like, these are fictional characters and sometimes you just will vibe with a character and sometimes you won’t! idk if this helped at all or even made sense. but yeah. I just think he’s neat 😌
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fandomscombine · 4 years
The Boyfriend Introduction
George Weasley x Reader
This is an entry for @wonderful-writer​ ‘s Ficmas Writing Challenge 
Prompts: “Exactly how many people did you invite over for Christmas dinner?”
Tropes No.6. There’s only one bed
Trope No.8. Snowed in
BG: Will George make a good first impression on your strict parents over Christmas Dinner? What happens when prying muggle relatives are added to the mix? No magic is allowed, and a heavy snowstorm trapped everyone inside. What was supposed to last a couple of hours had stretched overnight. Will your family approve of George? Or will he be trapped with people who dislike him for the night?
A/N: This took almost a month to write. Started this with my writing motivation streak on high. Then the burnout came, I could write nor even read. Now I’m slowly trying to get back into the mood. Yea I realized that it’s not super Christmasy. But I hope that you enjoy it all the same.
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‘Okay, you remember everything?’ You had just finish debriefing George on the what to expect when you arrive home later. What your parents likes and dislikes, what the home dynamic is, etcetera, brownie points to note to make sure he lands on your parent’s good side-you want your boyfriend’s first impression to be perfect!
‘Yes love, EVERYTHING. We’ve gone over this 3 times already, trust me it’s all up here’ George said, tapping a finger against his temple. ‘At this rate, I am more scared for them as it would be a total stranger knew everything about them!’ He pointed out.
‘Hey, you’re not a total stranger, they’ve met you before!’ You countered.
‘For only a couple of minutes, plus Fred was with us that time, I doubt they could have differentiated between us from that short time alone.’
Recalling back to the end of the summer holidays when your family had bumped into the Weasleys and Harry while school supplies shopping at Diagon Alley. You were just leaving of Flourish and Blotts while they were headed in. You had dropped your brand-new books and the twins had helped you pick them up. You had exchanged a quick thank you before hurried leaving to catch the bus back to muggle London.
Your parents had gratefully allowed you to spend the holidays at The Burrow, but only after they had met the boyfriend who you could never stop talking about. Majority of your letters back home consisted of gushing about how wonderful and sweet George is, so naturally your parents were curious and intrigued to finally meet this handsome fellow.
They had arranged for a Christmas Eve Dinner at home before you depart for The Burrow later in the evening.
‘You know, you still haven’t told me how you got your parents to let you spend the Christmas holiday with us.’ Quipped George. ‘I thought your dad was pretty strict.’ The Hogwarts Express had started slowing down, nearing its destination of Platform 9 ¾.
‘Yea but I guess it the real gamechanger was Mr.Weasley. The last I heard was that they started hanging out during breaks in the Ministry. It started out as a reconnaissance of some sort-the basic background check if the boy dating my daughter is good enough. Which then blossomed into friendship.’ You lean back against the train compartment window, giving him more space to reach up to the luggage rack overhead.
‘George! Y/n! Over here!’ Ginny yelled. She was standing near the trolleys, surrounded with a group of redheads.
Once you reached her, she wrapped you in a tight embrace. ‘I’m going to miss you.’
You chuckled, patting the girl’s shoulder. ‘Gin, I’m only be gone for a couple hours, we’ll be back by midnight.’
‘Yea, but til then I’ll be stuck with these dofusses.’ She winced, nodding towards the direction of her brothers.
‘Hey!’ exclaimed Ron.
Ignoring him, Ginny continued. ‘You know how time drags with these idiots. Why couldn’t I just come with?’
‘No you aren’t young lady.’ Stated Mrs.Weasley, making her way pass her children. ‘This is a very important occasion, meeting the parents. George has to make a good impression to y/n parents.’  She turned to the younger twin, hands on her waist. ‘So. NO funny business okay? I expect you to be on your best behaviour.’ She warned.
George raised 3 fingers up. ‘Yes ma’am. I promise.’
Mrs Weasley knew that despite George’s playful response, would keep this promise. Afterall she knew her children at heart. Recognises George’s coping tactics for nerves is through humour.
‘Alright then. I’ll see you later.’ Hugging you then her son. ‘Oh before I forget, we’ll take your luggage back with us so that it’ll be easier for you to get home. Fred! Percy! Come help me with these!’
‘Thank you Mrs.Weasley for-‘
‘Molly dear, call me Molly. I’ve known you for years now, you’re basically part of the family.’
You can feel your face warm up. ‘Thanks…Mrs…. I mean Molly for everything.’
‘No worries dear. Just be careful, I heard that it’ll snow more later.’
‘We will Mum.’ Replied George, placing a kiss on her check. ‘Don’t worry.’
You held your hand out to George. ‘Ready for your first ever ride on a muggle double decker bus?’
‘Oh yes.’ He nodded, interlocking his hands with yours.
‘Mum! I’m home!’ You shake off the snow that had stuck onto your boots before entering.
‘In here Dumpling!’ said a distant voice.
‘Dumpling huh?’ George teased; a smirk plastered on his face.
You were glad to see him calm down. ‘yea yea.’
‘Care to tell me why?’
‘Nope. Now get your butt in here.’
The house though small is full of life. Walls are lined with picture frames of the family together and along the hallway are frames of each member throughout the years.
You follow the fragrant smell of citrus in the air coming from the kitchen.
You head towards the opened refrigerator. ‘Merry Christmas Eve Mum!’ You greeted but were surprised to see someone else. ‘Dad! What are you doing here?’
‘What do you mean? It’s MY house!’ He resorted, taken aback.
‘You know what I mean.’
‘They let us off early in the Ministry.’
‘He means he left early’ Chimed your mother.
‘Perks of being the head of the department.’ He says nonchalantly, releasing you from a airtight embrace.
Your eyes light up. ‘You got the promotion?’ You asked, your father standing proud with a dazzling smile. ‘Congratulations Dad!’
‘Now now, this evening is not about me.’ His eyes dart to the tall boy behind you. The boy whose face showed apparent awkwardness during the mini intimate family catch up. ‘I don’t believe we’ve formally met. y/f/n yf/l/n.’ Extending his hand.
‘george..’ George cleared his throat. ‘George Weasley ,Sir. Pleasure to meet you Sir.’  George wondered if his hand had sweat more, feeling that your father was gripping his tight. Before his mind were to go down that rabbithole, he turned to your mother. ‘M’am..’
‘No please, call me y/m/n.’ Your mother insisted. ‘It’s nice to finally meet you George, we’ve heard so much about you.’ She leaned in close, whispering. ‘Between you and me, most of our dumpling’s letters here are about you!’ She looks over her shoulder to make sure, they aren’t overheard. Thankful you are preoccupied with dad. ‘It’s great to finally have a face to the name!’ Taking a more solemn tone she continued. ‘Listen you take good care of her okay, she doesn’t let anyone in her emotions easily, so you must be special.’
Just as fast as it came, she was back to normal. George would have thought that he imagined that whole exchange if it weren’t from the gleam in your mother’s eyes.
‘Right then.’ She clapped her hands together. ‘y/f/n, my love. Why don’t you give George here a tour of the house. Then help y/n and I when you’re done.’
‘On it my love.’ Your father replied, pecking your mother’s cheek. ‘George! I’m told you love inventing, so why don’t we start on with my study, I bet there’s a lot of things you’d find interesting.’ Said your father, leading George up the kitchen and up the stairs.
Once they rounded out the corner, your mother was instantly at your side, bumping your hips. ‘He seems like a nice boy. Quieter than I expected.’
‘Yea, He’ll get into the zone later.’ You noted. ‘Give him time and when he’s comfortable, he’ll be more like himself. He’ll really nervous, that’s all.’
‘I know.’
That made curious. ‘You know?’
‘Oh yess.’ Your mother sighed. ‘Your father had that exact same face when he first went to meet Grannie and Grandpops.’
‘Really?’ How had she never shared this story before?
‘umm hmm’ She reminisced. ‘It’s good that his reaction is like that. It shows that one’s scared and anxious, wanting to impress and give a good first impression.’
When she saw how lost you look, she held your chin up, elaborating. ‘It means that he cares. That it’s a big important deal, meeting the parents.’
It’s been a hour already since your father had dragged George off, to what you believe as a house tour disguised as a boyfriend interrogation. Truth be told you were scared out of your mind, you never had brought home a boy before so you didn’t know what to expect, this is unknown territory.
The growing sounds of footsteps and…laughter? Surely that was a good sign.
‘Woah that is a lot of food. Exactly how many people did you invite over for Christmas dinner?’ George had come up behind you, with a hand on your lower back- touchy as if warming up and testing the waters on how much physical touch he could get away with, with your parents in the room.
‘A lot.’ You replied, angling up to poke his cheek. ‘You’re not the only one with a big family, Weasley’
‘I thought you were only 4 of you?’
‘well, my mom’s side of the family is coming.’ You explained, counting them on your fingers. ‘So that’s includes my grandparents, aunts and uncles and their family-my cousins.’
‘why only your mom’s side?’ George was genuinely confused, isn’t Christmas all about getting together with family?
You chuckled. ‘oh it’s a funny story actually…’
‘More like an almost disastrous story.’ Cut in your father. ‘See my brother is a lightweight but every Christmas he tries to outdrink himself. And one Christmas, things…..got out of hand.’
When your father didn’t explain more, your mother further clarified, taking pity on George’s ever more puzzled look. ‘Long story short, he end up doing magic infront of my family specifically changed into his Animagus form it would be easy to say he just disappeared behind the couch if his animal form was small but his was a tiger- so harder to cover up.’
‘Dad ultimately had to obliviate 7 people’s memories of the past hour. From then on, for long holidays we separate the family into magic vs muggles.’
‘SO remember NO magic!’ Announced your dad. ‘Tonight, we act as Muggles, no magic at all cost. We won’t wanna risk Ministry intervention.’
The early Christmas dinner had gone in a blur, the food was quickly devoured by the table of 15. Yes that’s right, 15. Normally the dinner table could expand to accommodate 6 people, but thanks to transfiguration, your father had lengthen it to fit the then arriving guest.
In addition to enjoying the food, your relatives had seized the time to pry into your love life in between bites. The previous years’ answer of “I don’t have a boyfriend” followed by their unwanted input about what you’re doing wrong, was obviously not applicable.
So you ended up being interrogated by your aunt on your right, while George, who was sitting on your left was being questioned by your grandfather.
‘Gee is that the time! We better get going, maw come on dear we don’t want to be caught out of the road by the snowstorm.’ Your grandfather said, helping your grandmother up from her seat. ‘Get the car ready, Finn.’
At that, everyone began to get pack up. Usually you would all stay up for more talks, but under the threat of a looming snowstorm, it was better to be safe than sorry.
‘Alright dumpling, got everything?’ Your mother wondered, straightening up your coat.
‘Yup’ You replied, all snuggled up. You didn’t bother telling her that the coat wasn’t necessary as you would be apparating back to the Burrow- you knew how much she hated the tension apparition causes to one’s temples.
‘George..’ She said, now moving towards the quiet young man who had once again caught himself a bit out of place in such an intimate family moment. ‘It was really nice to meet you; I do hope that we would get to see you most often now that y/n has formally introduce us.’ She pulled him into a motherly hug. ‘You take care of my dumpling, or else… you’d find out what muggle parents do to those who hurt their children, and I warn you, you magic folks don’t know what’s coming.’
The final warning came and went, and George managed to utter. ‘I promise.’ Before your father came into view, looking more unreadable and stricter than their introductions earlier in the day.
George was terrified, he had thought that things had gone well, surely they had bonded over the guide house tour. Might had he said something wrong during dinner, Grandpa y/l/n sure did ask a lot of questions. George mentally recalled the past couple of hours, where could this all gone sideways.
To his surprise he was greeted with an outstretched hand. ‘You’re a good lad, George.’ Remarked your father, ‘Oh and you can call me y/f/n.’
Both your and George’s eyes go wide.
‘Thank you, sir! I mean…’ George was still nervous, a part of him thinking that this was a secret test. ‘y/f/n, sir. Thank you’ Tried George, the tips of his ears red.
Your father chuckled at the hesitant boy, ‘In time you will get the hang of that’ He turned to you. ‘That is.. if y/n is willing to for us to join you two in the future. The dinner might have frightened you off, sorry for that.’ Your father wrapped an arm around your mother, ‘Perhaps the next time could be with MY side of the family…’
At that moment the doorbell rang.
‘Now who could that be?’ Voiced your mother. ‘Mum, Dad!’
‘Bad News dearie, Roads and Highways are closed for the night-Too much snow.’ Explained your grandfather, barging into the warm house. ‘We’ll have to stay the night.’
‘Uh! George my boy, you are still here! Great! Pa look who it is!’ Cheered your grandfather, pinching his arm (His cheeks were too high up to reach).  Leaving George’s right sleeve with specks of melting snow. ‘Though I am afraid we would get to chatting in the morning, sleep is calling me.’
But before George would reply that he wouldn’t be here in the morning, your father interjected. ‘Yes yes of course, the guestroom is ready as always. Have a good night’s rest nannie.’ Looking past her to the doorway he shouted. ‘Finn you can take the couch, we’ll give you some blankets in a sec.’
He gestured for you both to follow him into the dinning room. You quickly followed suit, panicking as to how in the world could you apparate to the burrow while presenting a valid reason to your grandparents in 2 young person’s disappearance overnight when the is a heavy snowstorm raging on.
‘I wouldn’t suggest apparating tonight’ He huffed. ‘Unless of course if you don’t mind popping back in again tomorrow morning.’
You shook your head. You were not an earlier riser, besides spending the night in the burrow when had to be back home first thing would be wise, you would be just exhausting yourself.
‘Good. I’ll notify Arthur of our situation. Now unto the other thing….’ He raised a brow at George. ‘Since that the spare room and the couch are taken, it would be rude to ask a guest to rest in a more comfortable place..’
You internally groaned, you kinda had an idea where this conversation was headed to but gosh was it in the parents handbook to deliver to so awkwardly?
‘…you are bot old enough and trust both of you. So, George if you don’t mind, you would be spending the night in y/n’s room.’
You dared risked a quick glance at your boyfriend and you could tell that he was trying not to smirk.
George in fact was trying his best not to smile, biting the insides of his cheek to stop himself.
‘So no funny business.’
‘Yes Sir.’ George didn’t dare call him, y/f/n. Not at this moment, even if he was granted the permission.
‘So….This is me.’ Presenting your room. ‘It’s not much, but-‘
‘It’s beautiful.’ George cut you off. There wasn’t much going on, seeing that you spend majority of the year in Hogwarts and only a month or two at home. A single bed next to the window overlooking the road, a small desk, a wardrobe with a mirrored door and 2 bookshelves. Plain white walls decorated with a small makeshift photo wall of your most cherished memories.
Spotting the photos next to your bookshelf, he chortled.  ‘It’s really sweet of you, I feel honoured.’ He turned to you. ‘But this one? Seriously??!!?’ Pointing at the photograph.
It was of the yule ball. The relationship wasn’t official yet, it was still teetering on the side of best friends but with something more or so Fred calls ‘Y/n and George’s Era of Mutual Pining’.
The shot was of you in your gown, not so elegantly piggybacking on George, who was mid fall. Despite it all, you were both laughing your heads off. Ginny had taken that picture with your muggle camera. Something about it being developed as a standstill compared to the moving wizard photos adds charm to it, further highlighting such a moment.
‘I for one love it.’ You declared, leaning your head on his shoulder.
‘We do look nice together.’ He teased. ‘But gosh that is a bit unflattering, don’t you think? It looks like we’re drunk!’
‘Drunk on love you mean.’ Nudging his side. ‘Though we haven’t admitted it then.’
George squinted closer, ‘Wait a minute! It’s not moving!’
‘Yup, don’t want any muggle walking in a moving photo. But more importantly, it’s forever captures the moment of ‘I am in love with my best friend, a person who would never let me fall.’
‘Expect to fall in love, with your truly.’
‘Exactly.’ In moments like these, where no one else in the room, does George lets his sappy cheesy side on full blast and you love it. It’s as if a top-secret surprise that is for your eyes only.
‘Now come to bed with me.’ You reach for his hand, dragging him to your tiny bed. ‘I’m tired’
‘Love as much as I want to, I don’t think we’d fit.’ Eyeing the bed. ‘One of us will fall off- most probably me.’
Taking one of you pillows he said ‘ I’ll just lay down here.’
‘Nuh uh, not in my house. You are my boyfriend and my guest! No way am I letting you sleep on the floor!’ You argued. ‘Come cuddle with me, pleaseeeeeeee’ Giving him your best pout. ‘We have had any alone time, the whole day! Pleaseeeee babe! ’
George shook his head, knowing that the was no way that he could ever say ‘NO’ to you. He did miss his girl and after an exhaustive day practically being interrogated by multiple family member, he was grateful to finally spend time with you. ‘Alright.’ Giving into your request. ‘Scoot over and let me engulf you into a world of softness.’
Your head was resting on George’s chest, bopping along with his each intake of breath. The snow outside is still pouring but the all the noise is silenced as you focus in his heartbeat.  Tilting up slightly you pipped. ‘You comfortable Georgie?’
George wrapped his arms around you tighter. ‘I’m good anywhere with you.’ He placed a final kiss on your forehead before exhaustion take you both away to dreamland.
The sun had come up, casting a warm glow onto the white blanked pavement.  
Still drained from the day before, neither of you had woken up to your bedroom door opening.
‘Merry Christmas Y/n dearie! Nannie has bought you your favourite hot choco—’  Your grandmother stopped in her tracks upon seeing 2 angels tangled together with smiles etched on their sleeping faces. Reminding her of own younger days.
She leaves the mug on your desk, quietly shut the door. Once out on the hallway, she quickly makes her way to her husband, eager to tell him what he just saw and excited to come up with more questions they could interrogate George with-only the best for their granddaughter!
 Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1
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angelanimedesaray · 4 years
Through the Looking Glass Chapter 11:  Winter Snow
AN:  Yaaassss This is one of those chapters that has been in my head since I started writing the series.  Finallyyyyyyyy we’re here.
Also consider this the point that they’re not kids anymore.  They’ll be full blown adults next chapter.  Still teenagers here, but they won’t be in the next chapter.
Characters:  Levi, Reader, Mentions of Varioud BG Characters
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  Language, Mentions of Bullying, Depression, Bit of a Breakdown, Angst
Word Count:  12296.....Holy Shnikies, is that a new record for me with Tumblr fics? I think it is... O.o
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*Levi’s POV*
When she had shown him the little booklet of information about college, he hadn’t at the time realized just how big of a part that was going to play in her life--not so soon, at least.
It was nothing that happened right away, and not something that he noticed as soon as it started to happen.  For a while, everything continued as it always had.  He would show up in her world and be granted a brief reprieve from his life, with her pulling him deeper and deeper into the wonders her world had to offer, showing and teaching him new things.  When she turned fifteen and was able to drive a car--he finally had a name for those damn horseless carriages--she took the time to try and teach him how to drive those death machines as well.  It was rocky at first, with her focusing on how this button and this position and this pedal did such and such, starting with simply getting the car going and moving it back and forth, teaching him about basic signs, driving on certain terrains and in certain weather…
It ended up being an entire process, and it took more than a few days where they saw each other to teach him how to safely drive a car--and even then, she only taught him to use an automatic.  Apparently there was another kind of car that operated differently, but she said he shouldn't worry about learning to drive the other one unless she ended up getting one of those different cars.
It had been much easier learning the emergency phone number in her world, the number to call if there was ever trouble and they needed help.  Three numbers and press the green phone button, it didn't get much easier than that.
Of course, he also kept learning other things.  He liked to peruse the books in her house, particularly the ones about the history of her world, or the nature and what it looked like beyond what he saw with her.  Sometimes that was what he did while he waited for her to finish her schoolwork.  Other times, he practiced what she'd been showing him on the piano.  He wasn't as good at it as she was, but he also didn't have a piano to practice on in his world--not unless he drew all the keys in the dirt and pretended he heard the sounds of the keys while he practiced the patterns and positions.
Even though he'd practice by himself while he waited for her to finish the homework beyond his understanding, he preferred when she would help him practice.  He liked having her sit so close beside him, hands over or under his to show him the keys…
She also liked to take him places.  Especially after she got that car.  If they had the time and it wasn't too late in the day, she would drive them to another town to see a new park.  Once she'd gone bowling--and they'd both sucked until he finally got the hang of it.  She taught him pool after getting grumpy over Levi getting the hang of bowling and pulling ahead of her in three or four games.  Pool she'd been fairly good at, as had Levi once he got used to using the pool stick instead of a knife--he had wicked aim and accuracy, which helped him significantly in that game.
She liked to bring him places to try foods from different cultures with her, or to walk through bookstores and help her choose new fantasy or sci-fi or supernatural stories to read.  She’d even buy him any books that caught his eye so that he could read them when he visited, though he usually checked with her that they were non-fiction, first, so he could still learn something about the world she came from in the process.
While all this autonomy started to appear, and they were able to do and see more things, she was also...changing.
She was always so eager to get out of the house when she saw him, looking relieved and happy for an excuse.  When she thought he wasn't looking, she seemed tired.  There were circles under her eyes, a slight slump to her shoulders, and the few times Levi drove the car instead of her, if he glanced over at her he could catch her with her eyes closed, like she was trying to rest a little in the brief silence between them.  A few times, she'd fallen asleep on him, though Levi never said anything about it, even when she woke up embarrassed.  The most she would get would be a soft 'Tch' before he went back to whatever he'd been doing to entertain himself while she rested.  Considering how eagerly she always threw herself into their time together, she had to be exhausted if she was falling asleep during it.
And he didn't mind it at all when she fell asleep on him.  For those few minutes, it felt like he got to be the one to take care of her for once, something he didn't get to do nearly as much as he would like to.  She took care of him so much and in so many ways, he doubted he'd ever be able to catch up and return the favor to its fullest extent.  Plus, he soon found out why she always seemed so exhausted.  It turned out she was stressed and spread thin.
It was something he had to piece together slowly from things she said or papers he found.  She was always so focused on making the most out of his visits, that she never said a word about how tired she was, or the things that were stressing her out.  She wanted him to take his mind off his life, to not worry, so she tried not to mention anything that would make him worry about her.
But he paid attention when she talked to him.  She was going to school five days of the week, yes, but she was also working two jobs, as well as some babysitting on the side when the opportunity presented itself.  Her mother had apparently remarried, and was expecting another child soon, so she was trying to help more around the house with things her mother couldn't do due to her pregnancy.  She was putting in all the work required to stay at the top of her class, namely the very top, which would be called a valedictorian.  She was also keeping up with her interests, helping her mother with an out of home bakery business, keeping up with her piano practice, and she did something called skating that she felt gave her some exercise but also relaxed her.  She was also in one or two school activities that took her time, and once they reached a certain age, college came back into play, and she started applying to be let in and to be awarded money to go while keeping up with everything else.  He didn't know how she managed to find the energy to drag him all over creation and keep him discovering new things.
Every now and then she let slip that she wanted to leave the town she felt trapped in, and the people in it, and he could see the desperation in her eyes to do just that.  The stressors he could understand her wanting to leave, but the people...it took a few more hints for him to figure that part out.
Less of a hint.  He had to get her at the right moment, when she finally opened up to him about the part that worried her the most.
He'd appeared in one of his favorite ways--quietly, when he'd simply been walking down the street--and had suddenly been the private audience to the soft piano music being played in the darkened living room.
The happiness he felt to be here again, and to be hearing her music as well, was muffled when he noted the overall tone in the room.
The music was sad, melancholy, depressing, and there wasn't any light in the room to illuminate her or the piano, the curtains on the windows pulled closed, the lights kept off. He approached from behind quietly, a small frown on his face as he came up to inquire what was wrong.
Along the way, his foot crunched a paper, the sound unheard by Y/N because she was focused on the piano and what she was playing, not the rest of the room.  He picked it up to look at it closer, realizing it was part of a stack of papers that looked like those applications she'd been filling out so many of recently.
It wasn't one of the applications, but rather a note--a letter--attached to the top and addressed to her parents.  It was from one of her teachers, and it went on to talk about how the school she wanted to go to had a very low acceptance rate, was very far away and wouldn't have certain financial aid available for her, and how it was a very expensive school.  How she 'shouldn't plan on going to the one school alone, because it was unlikely for her to get in, and even less likely for her to pay for it' and needed to apply for more scholarships and to other schools, yet she refused to apply to more than two schools, and refused to apply for some of the scholarships.
Probably not the only thing bothering her that had her playing in the dark, but it was a good hint.
After putting the paper back into the stack, he stepped a little closer, finally making his presence known by commenting on the mood in the air she'd created.
"So doom and gloom--I'm supposed to be the depressing one," Levi quipped in a flat tone and she whipped around in surprise, banging her knee on the piano in the process and turning back around to clutch at her knee and hiss.
The pain, however, was an excuse to try and hide what he'd already seen.  Tears, freshly falling down her cheeks, and not from hitting her knees.
Levi’s usual closed off demeanor shifted, and he quickly came over to sit beside her on the bench.  She turned her head away from him to hide the tears as she tried to--unsuccessfully--wipe them away without him noticing.
The problem was that as soon as he was sitting beside her, he realized he didn't know what to say--either to get her to talk about it or to comfort her.  He simply sat there awkwardly in silence with her facing off to the side and him facing the piano, both of them unable to talk for some reason.
Hesitantly, unsure if it was the right move but knowing at least it would be something, Levi let his fingers find their way to the right place on the piano, and started to play one of the newer and more difficult pieces she’d taught him recently.  It was melancholy--most of the ones she taught him had a bittersweet edge to it, or at least a part of the song that felt that way--but it felt fitting for the moment, and he thought perhaps the song would prompt her to do something in return.  Maybe she’d play with him.  Maybe she’d start to talk.  That was up to her.
Levi quietly played out the song, focused on hitting the right chords, making sure his arm brushed against hers every now and then in the process when he reached for keys closer to where she was sitting as a way of having some contact with her.  She was silent at first, just listening to him play the song before, about halfway through, she finally reached out with one of her hands to play half the song.  Levi felt a little relief to be getting a response from her, and he let his hand slide over hers as she played half the song for him, feeling her fingers moving below his, able to feel the slight shake in them even though she seemed to be playing the notes steadily.
They continued like that for a while, before Levi started to worry that she might try to use the piano as a distraction rather than an opening to start talking.  As they neared the end of the song, he finally spoke up, cutting right to the heart of the matter.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, fingers still moving over the keys.  She shook her head, keeping her face turned away from him so he couldn’t see her expression.
“It’s nothing.”
“It really is.  It’s stupid, and it doesn’t matter in the long run, anyway.”
“If that was true, you wouldn’t have been crying.”
She sighed, hitting one of the notes with more force than necessary and letting her hand drop away from the piano just short of the end of the song.  Levi stopped playing as well, sitting quietly on the bench and gazing patiently at her back as he waited for her to start speaking.
“It’s just...everything going on, you know?  I mean, I took it all on myself, I really shouldn’t complain, and I wouldn’t, but it gets so much...harder when...Gah...I hate people…”
Her voice shook, and she sniffled rather loudly, rubbing her left eye with her palm.  Suddenly, Levi realized that besides the one time he’d helped her find her home when she’d run away...he didn’t think he’d seen her cry so openly around him.  He reached out to gently touch her shoulder, and a shudder seemed to go through her at the contact, and she turned on the piano bench so that she could face him, burying her face in his chest as a small, hiccupped sob escaping her as she curled up against him.  He was taken aback for a moment, but after feeling his heart ache and feeling how she was clutching at the fabric of his shirt, he gently draped an arm around her shoulders, letting his other hand gently touch her shoulder in a loose hug.
“Are people picking on you again?” Levi asked, digging for information to try and figure out what was wrong so he could figure out how to properly help her.  She gave a bitter laugh at his question, a sound that seemed strange coming from her.
“I think I’d prefer getting beaten up like back then to this bullshit,” she said bitterly, and Levi’s eyebrows raised.  He was pretty sure that was the first time he’d heard her swear, too.  “No, I...I’ve always kinda been an outcast, at school...which I guess I got used to it...somewhat...but it’s gotten really hard this year.  I’ve been working my ass of, and...and it just gets that much harder when you’re constantly hearing people call you lazy, and then you come home to hear the exact same thing as if you’re not spending every hour trying so hard...and then every time you accomplish something, everyone’s back there talking about how it's not going to matter anyway.”
She adopted a voice clearly meant to mimic everyone else, a bitter and cutting edge to her tone even with how her voice was muffled in his chest.  “Like you’re actually going to get accepted by any colleges or scholarships, you never get anything in on time, you’re always being told to get things in or they’ll be late, always turning it in last minute, you’re so lazy you never get anything done or doing what you’re supposed to be doing, like you’ll have enough scholarships or meet the deadlines for the places you want to go.  Oh, you got accepted by that college?  Well it’s not like you’ll ever be able to actually pay for it.  Oh, well if you do go to this college you want, you’ll just crash and burn anyway--you’re so straight laced I bet you’re that kid that goes crazy with freedom in college and drops out.  You’ve never had a boyfriend or had that many friends, you’re totally going to be that crazy cat lady with forty cats and no friends.  You can’t afford to go out for an hour, you have to stay home and get all these applications done, plus your homework, and don’t forget stuff for bible study every morning, and your practices, and yearbook, and everything else under the damn sun you’re not allowed to mess up in cause you have to be the perfect child that’s the first to go to college, you have to get the perfect cushy, high paying job, perfect grades, perfect activities, don’t get snippy with me if you’re feeling stressed it’s all your fault because you’re being lazy and not doing the work like you’re supposed to, you keep screwing around.  You’re tired?  Same thing applies--you don’t know tired, you’re just lazy and you can’t manage your time.  If you’re feeling so stretched thin, then you should just drop something.  But not this, or that, I don’t care if you don’t think this helps, don’t drop it either.  Oh, you’re not actually allowed to drop anything, just make it all work.”
Her grip tightened on him as she spoke, and he wasn’t sure if the trembling in her body was from sobs or rage with how bitter her voice seemed to sound despite the wobble from tears or the occasional hiccup of a sob.  He didn’t interrupt with any of his thoughts, he simply let her rant and rave to him, let her vent, because clearly she needed to.
“I know it shouldn’t matter.  I shouldn’t care about what they have to say.  It's the same people who make sure anything I like is uncool schoolwide as soon as they know I like it, who thought it would be so...fucking funny to make me go to homecoming with the kid who treated me like a disease and wouldn’t even touch my arm the whole time, the same kid who told me to go kill myself in class and people just fucking laughed and the teacher didn’t even blink even though she was sitting right there.  I shouldn’t give a damn about what they have to say, but after so long of hearing it, no matter how thick of a skin I think I’ve built up it still...it still gets to me, and I’m just...I’m just so tired…”
She sagged against him, like some of the fight left her after she finished speaking, curling up in his arms like a baby rabbit seeking shelter, like there was a fox right outside the burrow waiting to devour it and it knew it couldn’t run from it.  Levi had stiffened at the mention of the kid who’d told her to kill herself, his expression darkening as he got a better perspective of what her life was like at school, something he now realized he’d never heard about the social side of, only ever her schoolwork and the subjects she studied.  Never the people.
Now he knew why.  He just wished she would have said something sooner.  Did she really think that just because she wasn’t getting beat up that it wasn’t still a real problem?  If it was getting this bad…
She stayed slumped in his arms for several long moments, Levi gently rubbing her back to try and soothe her as he waited for her to regain her composure, feeling like she still had more to say and not wanting to interrupt her while he quietly absorbed information.  Then, abruptly, she sucked in a long breath and pulled away, arm rubbing angrily at her eyes with a fierce frown on her face.
“It’s still nothing, though,” she said as she got to her feet to start an aggravated pace, and Levi was just about to argue that yes, it was, after that long rant that had driven her to cursing and tears, but she was still talking, and she had a determined venom in her voice as she spoke.  “It’s nothing, because I’m not going to let it turn into something.  I don’t care if its spite driving me right now, but I swear I’m going to prove every last one of them wrong and--and--and break out of the fucking cage everyone keeps trying to put me in.  Even my mom.  I love her, but she’s just as bad, always demanding I be so fucking perfect and do what she wants instead of what I want.  But even she’s trying to pin me down, she keeps pushing for me to go to these colleges nearby, or to stay in the area, or to settle for something else even though what I want to do...yeah, its difficult, it's a high bar, and it’s going to take me really far away, but it’s my life, it’s my choice.  And I’m going to prove every last fucking one of them wrong and get the hell out of here and make something of myself.”
She finished with a huff, having worked herself up in her rant, turning to look at him with slightly flushed cheeks, looking expectantly at him for some kind of reply now that she was finished and he’d been silent for so long.  It wasn’t like he had the words to say, though--he wasn’t good at words, and she’d just dumped a lot of information on him.
“All those bad words.  I think I’m a shitty influence on you.”
She was taken aback for a moment, staring at him for a second before she snorted in surprise, the tension slowly draining from her shoulders and the faintest smile coming across her face.  She approached the bench once more, sitting beside him with the blush coloring her cheeks and her hands locked tightly together.
“You’re the only real friend I’ve had, no matter where I’ve gone.  You’ve always been here for me.  I don’t think I tell you enough that I’m really thankful to have you.  I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t.”
Her words were softly spoken, and she stayed close to him the entire time, even if her embarrassment didn’t allow her to look him in the eyes.  And to hear her say it aloud to him...it settled doubts he might have had that he wouldn’t have voiced otherwise, helped put some of the restlessness inside him at ease.
Levi looked at the piano in front of him, grasping the handles for the key lid and lowering it over the piano keys.  “You’ll make it,” he said with affirmed certainty.  “You’re tougher than you think.  You’ve made it this far, haven’t you?  What’s a little further?”
He looked over at her to catch her smiling warmly at him, a twinkle in her eyes, and he felt his heart soften in the face of that expression.  Once the key lid was in place, he gently touched her shoulder to give her a playful shove like she tended to do for him.
“You need a break.  I’m here.  What should we do?”
She heaved a sigh, looking away for a moment and chewing on her lip as she considered what was possibly an endless list of possibilities.  “It’s gonna start getting colder soon...so it should be something we won’t be able to do once winter settles in...I think it’ll be clear skies tonight…”  She turned to face him, that sparkle in her eyes again and a smile on her face.  “I know what we’re going to do.  Come on, we’ve got a bit of a drive to make first,” she said excitedly, getting up off the bench and heading to the front door, where she picked up what Levi knew to be her car keys.
Levi got up to follow her, wondering to himself where they were going now, and how far of a drive it would be.  What in-town activity would they be carrying out today?
They got into her car, Levi looking up to see the night sky as he opened the passenger side door and got inside, Y/N already starting up the car before he even shut the door and driving the car out of town and into open country.  They drove in silence for several minutes, Levi sneaking peaks at Y/N the entire time, mulling over the stress she was under and her confession in the other room.
He would have beat the shit out of a few people by now if he was there, but he never showed up when she was in school, always after.  He was never around when she needed him around, which meant that it was something she had to deal with on her own.
It was like he’d said, though.  She was stronger than she thought.  He’d seen the determination and the fire in her eyes before.  She would make it through.  And she would reach her goals.  Even if she had to get herself through on spite right now.
He still wanted to get his hands on that one individual in particular…but she hadn’t even given him a name.
Y/N suddenly took a turn onto a dirt road that went so far into a wheat field, turning off her lights--which immediately caught Levi’s attention--before she brought the car to a stop and shut all the lights off, reaching into the back to grab a blanket before she opened the door.
“We’re actually not supposed to be here--it’s private property--but we should be fine so long as we’re gone before dawn,” she said with a spark of rebellion in her eyes.
Good.  It sounded like she needed to break some rules and get outside some of the restrictions around her for a while.
Getting out of the car, Levi spoke up in a low voice, looking around at the field around him and noting that the hay didn’t reach high enough to cover the car.  There was a corn field behind them that would have been high enough to cover the car, but for some reason they’d parked here.  “What are we doing out here?”
Y/N got on the hood of her car carefully, scooting back until she could lean back to lie on the windshield with her legs stretched out in front of her.  She gestured for him to come up onto the hood instead of responding, waiting until he’d crawled up with a sigh before she threw the blanket over both of them.
As soon as he leaned back, he understood why they were here.  Leaning back on the hood of her car, he had a clear, unobstructed view of the night sky.  Where the corn would have reached high enough it could have obstructed the view somewhat, the wheat was low enough it didn’t creep into his line of sight for the sky.  It was just pure...open sky.  And out here, where there were no lights from town, just nature, the stars shone brilliantly in stunning detail, the only light that could have ‘affected’ the view being the moonlight itself.  But it was still a dazzling display above him, and all around there was the soft rustle of wind through the wheat fields, crickets, the occasional howl from coyotes in the distance--just nature, fresh air, the sky laid out endlessly in front of them…
Y/N shifted onto her side, curling up next to him with a comfortable sigh.  “I know you live underground so...I figured it’s about time we went stargazing.  I’m surprised we haven’t yet.”
Levi turned his head enough to look at her, noting that she was looking at him far more than the stars, probably gauging his reaction.  For her, this was something she saw quite frequently, so maybe his reaction to it was more interesting to her.  Still, knowing she’d chosen this because she knew about where he lived, how it wasn’t an everyday sight for him, how this was a sight that was denied to him…
Much like earlier, he put his arm around her instead of choosing to respond with words, pulling her a little closer to him as a way to show her his gratitude, that this did, in fact, mean something to him, and he appreciated her gesture.  She seemed to understand, that blush returning to her cheeks as she buried her face in his chest and pulled the blanket tighter around them as if that could hide her reaction and make it seem like she was just getting warm.
Knowing she drove them out here so they could see the stars, that her idea of an escape was to show him something that he rarely got to have and to sit in silence with him for however long they wanted to…
He cared about her.  Deeply.  That had never been in question.  From the moment she’d built that safe place for him--an image called to mind as he looked up at the stars unobstructed much like he had once looked up at them from the nest she’d created for him through the window of the tiny wooden playhouse--he had a soft spot in his heart for her.  And over the years, she just burrowed deeper and deeper, that flickering flame growing stronger, the warmth getting more intense.  She made him happy--made him feel like he belonged, even if he flickered in and out of the world.  Even though he didn’t get to stay, he was still so grateful to have a chance to be part of her life, to know her, to spend time with her.  She was a safe place for him, a place where he didn’t have to keep his guard up, where he could relax and just...be.  All these things he felt for her, and one thing that had held him back recently had been a concern that she might not feel the same way.
Now, lying side by side and looking up at the stars, knowing she’d done it for him and that this moment between them was what she considered an escape from her problems, that he might be as much of her escape as she was his...it gave him the sense that maybe, just maybe, she might care for him, too.
He didn’t say anything, though, not yet.  Right now, he just wanted to enjoy this as long as it lasted, with her in his arms lying next to him--eventually falling asleep, which he didn’t disrupt considering he now knew how much she needed it--gazing up at the stars in relative silence.
Sometime after she fell asleep, Levi looked down at her, the arm that had been wrapped around her all this time moving just slightly so his hand could reach into her hair, giving it a few soft, gentle strokes.
“Stay with me...I don’t want this to end…” he murmured softly for only him to hear, the stars and moon his only witness as he breathed her in for a moment before lying back down to gaze up at the sky, for once grateful to his insomnia to allow him to stay awake and simply bask in the simplistic beauty of the moment.
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*Reader’s POV*
At long last, Levi finally blipped into your world during winter, when there was snow on the ground.  You had been waiting years to be able to show him snow for the first time, to get to see his first experience with snow, share it with him…
As soon as you saw him appear in your room, you immediately dropped the pen you were using to write neatly on your scholarship applications and leapt to your feet, grinning widely at him and not even giving him a chance to orient himself in your world before you had your arm hooked around his and you were leading him down the stairs to the front door, where you started throwing winter clothes at him.
"Oh my God you're actually here, your timing is perfect cause right now--well, just put it all on, I don't want to spoil the surprise!" You squealed excitedly, yanking on a hat, gloves, a coat, simply draping the scarf loosely over your neck without wrapping it.  You tried to jump in and help Levi get dressed as well so he would move faster, but that only made him grumpy.
"I've got it--I can dress myself, I don't need you to do it for me," he grumbled, shrugging on the flannel coat you'd grabbed for him.  It was actually one of your stepfather's many coats, and it utterly dwarfed Levi...considering your stepfather was in the six foot range in height, and Levi…
Well, at least he would be well covered and warm.
Once Levi was well bundled and looking at you with a mixture of impatience and expectancy, you happily flung open the door, about to bound outside before you reminded yourself it was slick outside and you needed to watch your step.  You checked yourself, stepping around the icy spots outside your door and hanging back to shut the door so Levi could just focus on the experience.
It was snowing outside.  Not only that, but it had been snowing for the past few days, and there was a white blanket over the world at least a foot deep, with icicles hanging from the roof edge and ice patches hidden under the snow making the pathways treacherous.
Levi paused on the porch once he could see what the outside world looked like, with you sliding discreetly behind him to shut the door before too much heat got out of the house, quietly creeping around to his other side to watch him as he walked with slightly widened eyes to the edge of the covered porch, looking at the icicles and reaching out to touch one gingerly, head peeking out from the cover of the porch to look up at the white flurries falling from the sky.  His breath fogged in front of him, making him pull back for a second before he looked over at you, watching him excitedly on the porch.
"Snow," he said simply, and you nodded at him exuberantly.  You reached out to take his hand, stepping out into the snow and noting how high up to his legs he sank into the snow as he followed behind.  You didn't keep a hold of his hand, only grasping it long enough to get him to follow before letting go and allowing him to comfortably walk beside you.
"There's so many things to do and see--its cold, and I honestly hate the cold, but staying warm shouldn't be too much of a problem," you said with a glint in your eyes.  You knew the perfect place for sledding, knew somewhere the snow was particularly thick that would serve well for snowmen and snow forts and snowball fights.  Maybe it was little kid stuff, but Levi needed the chance to cut loose and be a kid, especially since he never had the snow experience when he was actually a little kid.  You might have to spend a bit of money, but you were fine with that, too, your purse slung firmly over your shoulders.  You could get a good sled at a nearby store, you could afford some coffee to warm back up and restore some energy after some time outside, and, you had some money for your thoughts on a grand finale for the night.
You'd been scheming this day ever since realizing Levi hadn't seen snow yet, and you were praying he was going to be able to stay for all of it.
"Watch your step--there's ice hidden under the snow on the sidewalks because it's been so cold, so just...be mindful," you warned him, walking with arms out at your side and methodically placed footsteps for a few moments.  "I always hate walking in fresh snow--everything looks so clean and pure and pretty that I feel like I'm ruining a beautiful snapshot of nature.  Though, we kinda have to walk in it to get where we're going," you said with a guilty note in your voice.
"Couldn't we just take your car?" Levi asked, and you noticed his gaze was now roving over the unblemished patches of snow around you, how it really did seem like a thick and pure blanket fallen over the world.
"Well, this is the more fun, scenic route.  Plus it's kinda dangerous to drive in weather like this before they've cleared the roads, especially with the ice underneath.
You could see that his cheeks and his nose were already starting to turn red, and that he'd mimicked how you had your scarf on.  Not wanting him to catch a cold--especially because you knew proper medicine was more of a luxury where he lived--you reached over and wrapped the scarf around his face, causing him to pause and give you a blank stare.  You coughed, hoping your blush could be passed off as a result of the cold like him.
"Besides, I want to show you this place in the forest.  One of my favorite things about when it's cold and snowy like this is what it sometimes does to the plants," you said as if you hadn't just wrapped the scarf around his face, continuing forwards and trudging through the snow in the direction of the nearby park that had the forest trail.
"Why do I feel like you've got this whole thing planned out?"
"Because I do.  I've been waiting for you to show up on a snow day for what feels like forever.  I can think of six things I want to try and fit into this one day--six!" You shrugged, as if it was still the most casual thing in the world, attempting to adopt his usual indifferent attitude to tease him a bit.  "Course, three things we can do at the park alone, so, no big deal," you said with a sniff, flashing him a mischievous smile a heartbeat later.
"And those things are…?"
"Well, we're gonna look at something.  Then we're gonna build something.  And then we're gonna do something."
Levi snorted.  "So informative."
"What? I was more specific:  looking, building, doing," you said with a pout before you pointed up at the park just ahead of you.  "Besides, we're practically here."
The park itself wasn't the pristine picture the rest of the snowy fields seemed to be--there were remnants of snow sculptures and forts, a few shakily made snowmen, footprints all over the place and snow splattered along the side of equipment.  The two of you trudged past that, though, and into the forest that was far less disturbed.  No one wanted to be hiking in this weather, except you two crazy teenagers, apparently.
Levi’s fingers brushed against a bush, and looking back you could see that some of the branches and leaves were encapsulated in ice.
"Almost, but I'm looking for something specific," you said cryptically.  There was this one tree at a fork in the forest path that you knew would look gorgeous trapped in ice like that, so you were keeping hush hush about it, leading the two of you deeper into the woods like you were the villain in a child's fairytale.
The crunch of snow and the blowing of the wind was the only sound, the icy air cutting at your lungs and making your breathing a little heavier than normal as you trudged uphill, frustrated to hear that Levi didn't seem to be struggling behind you.  You didn't understand how, but he appeared to be unbothered by the physical strain, at least for now.
After several minutes of hiking where Levi admired the wintery scenery around the two of you and you navigating, you finally came to your tree.
It was a weeping willow, placed by human hands at the fork in the path for aesthetic scenery purposes.  But right now, with the ice covering every branch and leaf in perfect, unclouded clarity like it had been entrapped in glass, branches swaying just slightly in the breeze…
It looked gorgeous.
"My favorite thing about winter isn't all the activities--its how the ice freezes over the trees.  I think it's beautiful," you said pensively, your hand cupping beneath some of the willow strands and letting the iced over, draped branches slip through your fingers.  "It's like they're frozen in time…"
Levi stood a few feet back, hands in his pockets, breath puffing steadily in front of him as he looked up at the magnificent tree that was 'frozen in time,' his gaze returning to you in time to see you disappearing behind a thick curtain of the iced over branches and leaves.  While he couldn't see you, you crouched down and tried to make a snowball as fast as you could, catching a glimpse of him moving to join you under the tree, which caused you to giggle and take a step or two back, your hastily made snowball hidden behind your back.
As soon as he stepped into the shelter of the tree, you practically slapped the snowball into his neck with the close range you were at, acting before you could doubt yourself, shrieking maniacally as your dipped your hand into the snow for another one, heart pounding at what you'd just initiated.
"What the f--"
"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" you shrieked, tossing another one at him that splattered harmlessly against his side.  You attempted to flee, trying to scoop up more snow as you darted out from under the willow, whipping around to see Levi already had one in his hand.  You flung instinctively, the shot sailing harmlessly over his shoulder and causing you to shriek again as he tossed his at you in retaliation, the snowball hitting squarely in the center of your chest.
"You brat!"
"I got you, admit it!  Take tha--shit!"
"Like this is a fight you can win!"
"I missed again?  Wait, fuck, no, stop, I'm a terrible shot--ack!"
"You asked for it!"
"I've made a terrible mistake, have mercy--EEK!"
"I surrender, uncle, uncle, I give, stop!"
The snowball fight had quickly turned into a snowball execution, Levi pelting you with snowballs with that ridiculous speed and wicked aim of his while your shots kept going wide and missing him while you tried in vain to run from him, ending with you laughing and shrieking, hunched over and taking a few more snowballs before Levi finally stopped.  You peeked your head up warily...and he crushed one last snowball atop your head, making you do a cold shiver dance as snow slipped down inside your shirt.
"There...I think that's a lesson learned," Levi was saying smugly, watching you do the cold dance with a smirk on his face.  He looked flushed though--you doubted from exertion, most likely from the cold.
"How about we do something less competitive--like make a snowman?  At least one?  And then we can go sledding.  We can take a break after that, I know a coffee shot that should still be open."
"As long as you don't make any more sad excuses at that snowball assault," Levi teased you, and you pouted, which only made him chuckle.
He was smiling and laughing, though.  And seeing snow for the first time.  This day was already a win for you. Now you just needed to try and get to the end of your list of what you wanted to try with him before he went back.  Who knew if the snow would still be here when he came back again?
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The snowman building and the sledding didn't last as long as you might have thought they would.  The snowman you two made by the willow tree was more of a monument to the fact the two of you had been there, complete with you wrapping your scarf around the snowman's 'neck' as a finishing touch, since it wasn't doing much in the way of warming you up draped loosely around your neck like that.
The sledding had been fun at first, trying desperately to guide the inflatable inner tube you'd bought at the nearest store down a steep hill before trudging all the way back up got tiring fast for you.  The final straw, though, had come when you made a ramp from the snow, managed to hit it on your way down, and then promptly fell off the inner tube midair, causing you and Levi to go flying in different directions through the air with no soft landings.  You were dazed after that, and Levi declared it the end of the sledding part of the day, demanding you move on to the next thing.  Besides, it was getting dark, so you were running out of time to do what you wanted to.
Little did he know…
After your annihilation with the sled, you'd guided Levi towards a coffee shop while nursing an ache in your head and shoulders where you'd slammed your body against the ground, still a little dazed.  You were both flushed from the cold and tired at this point, so the burst of warm air was extremely refreshing.
Levi looked around the little shop with a critical eye while you stomped snow off at the entrance mat, rubbing your hands together for added warmth.  "You haven't had coffee before, have you?"
"Never heard of it."
You gasped dramatically.  "You don't have coffee where you're from?  Oh the humanity!"  He rolled his eyes at your antics, and you walked forward towards the counter.  "Well, it's a hot drink, kind of like hot chocolate or tea...but also much different.  Its good for waking up or staying warm, and it can be made in all sorts of different ways.  In fact, what kind of stuff do you usually drink?  Besides water?"
Levi shrugged.  "Tea."
"Any kind of tea in particular?  Herbal, black, white, green, fruit?  Do you add lemon, or sugar, or milk, or anything like that?"
Levi looked away, like something you'd said bothered him, though you couldn't pinpoint what.  "Plain.  I drink my tea plain.  I do prefer black tea, when I can get it."
"Okay, black tea...strong, bold, dark, maybe with a bit of a nutty taste or malty...I know espresso is a different beast, but you might want something with more espresso...maybe a nut flavoring to help balance out the bitter without getting too sweet...You're not big on sweet things, right?"
Levi shook his head.  "I don't get many sweet things where I live."
You nodded, chewing your lip.  "Okay, so...toffee nut might be too sweet, so...either a hazelnut latte with an extra shot of espresso, or a hazelnut americano."
"What's the difference?"
"One is made with milk, the other with hot water.  I mean, maybe if you were more used to coffee I'd say go with the americano, cause there's not many other flavors to block out the overpowering taste of the espresso, but the latte I feel like has more that balances it all out."
"I didn't realize picking a damn drink was such a project."
"Like you don't fuss over your tea with the leaves and water temperature and extra flavorings."
"But also the americano might be closer to tea--"
"Just get me the damn latte and be done with it," he groaned, cutting you off before you could spiral further in these circles.
"Fine, fine, go find a table for us and I'll get the coffees," you said in a semi defensive voice that had the hint of a laugh at the end with how exasperated he sounded.  He wandered off towards the back to a two person table by the window, taking the seat with his back against the wall so he could see the whole room and you as you went to the counter, ordering his hazelnut latte and your own coffee, as well as two fresh rolls.  You waited patiently for your order, which didn't take too long because there weren't many people out and about right now in this weather--plus, this was officially dark enough the streetlights were turning on.
Taking the seat across from him, you placed the latte in front of him and reached into the little bag you brought with you, breaking apart the two rolls and holding one out to him.  “Here--I figured something to actually eat would be good, too,” you said cheerfully.
For some reason, Levi hesitated for a brief second, fingers hovering over the roll before starting to retract, eyes a little unfocused before he took the roll from you.  Strange, why that was a thing, but you brushed it off in favor of drinking from your cup of chosen coffee, cupping both hands around the cup to help you warm up.
“We can warm up in here for a while before heading back outside.  It’s only going to get colder as night settles in.”
“This is one of those six things you wanted to do, right?  Get coffee?” Levi asked, hands on the cup he had yet to drink from, allowing it to warm up his bare fingers.  Actually, looking at the window you could see some spots on the window where condensation had been wiped away on the inside, along the edge of the frost that was creeping along the outside of the window.  Had he been tracing the ice while he waited for you?
“It is, yeah.”
“It’s going to be dark, then, by the time we get to the sixth thing.  Was that intentional?”
You nodded.  “There’ll be far less people there if we go later when it’s dark out.  Plus, I think it’ll be prettier.”
“Are you going to tell me what the last thing is?”
“Nope.  You’ll have to wait and see.”
Levi scowled, finally taking a sip from the coffee you’d chosen for him.  He made a face at the first taste, and for a moment, you were worried he wasn’t going to like it and would set it right back down.  He took another sip, though, and he wasn’t neglecting the cup.  He didn’t seem to think it was the best thing in the world, but at least he was drinking it.
He was probably going to stick to tea, though, based on that expression.
“Well, what do you think so far?” you asked him after the two of you sat in silence for several minutes, nursing your coffees and letting yourselves warm up while you nibbled on your respective bread rolls.
“About the snow?”  When you didn’t correct him, he looked back outside the window.  It was still snowing, but much lighter than it had been before--like light flurries, or something out of a Christmas movie.  The snowflakes that hit the window evaporated almost instantly, revealing it had turned into the kind of snow that didn’t stick.  “It’s nice.”
You gave a pleased smile and took another sip from your cup, glad that so far your little endeavor to make snow and winter a positive experience for him had worked, despite the little hiccups along the way like falling off the sled and coffee apparently not being his thing.  At least he’d been willing to give it a try, though.
For the most part, the two of you sat in companionable silence, Levi asking the occasional question about the piano and what you were learning or pieces he was learning, and even giving you a tentative question about how the whole college thing was panning out.  It was still stressful, and as you’d said before, your...situation, or rather the people around you, were only making it so much harder for you and really getting under your skin about it all.  But Levi’s words from last time were something you were clinging to in order to help you push through these last few months before you would graduate high school and you could finally get out of here.
Just another one of the many reasons you were glad to have him in your life.  You wished he could stay with you, that you could keep him here.  His life in his world didn’t sound pleasant at all, and you knew he’d already been through some dark things.  Maybe if he was here, he could have a better life, things would be easier for him.
And...and maybe he’d choose to spend it with you.
You were blushing at the thought, and you panicked slightly when you remembered you weren’t outside, you were warm inside, and there was no biting cold to blame on the flush in your cheeks.  Finishing the cup of coffee with a rather painful swallow, you started gathering up your things, glancing out the window to see the sun had fully set and darkness had taken over the sky.
“We should probably get going.  Yeah, night might be the better time to go, but if we wait too long you might blip back, or they might close, so…” you said quickly, getting to your feet and tucking hair into your hat as a way to hide the fact that you were rubbing your cheeks in a weird hope that it would make the flush go away, or maybe give you an excuse.  Levi was still giving you an odd look, though, his eyebrows raised, but he got up without commenting on the blush.
Aw jeez, what if he saw, though?  He was so damn observant.  And what if he already knew?  What if he already knew that you’d been sneaking glances of him the past year or so that he’d come to visit you?  What if he knew you were starting to look for excuses to reach out and touch him, even for a moment?  What if he knew that part of the reason you buried your face in his chest whenever you two hugged or were curled close together--whether it was on the hood of a car or on the couch watching a show--was to hide the furious burn in your cheeks, and to let you simply breathe him in for a few moments?  What if he knew that the times that he tended to blip through into your world was when you wanted nothing more than to be around him, when you desperately wanted a friend and needed someone there to be a steady presence to help you get back on your feet, or provide a comfort that didn’t feel invasive or demanding on how you should bounce back or how you should be feeling.  What if he knew your heart had started skipping a beat when he looked at you like that with those sharp steel blue eyes, his hair falling in his face…
Ah, snap out of it, stop stop stop!  You’re friends!  Who knows if he even thinks of you that way, just...uhg, this isn’t about you, this is about him, this is his first snow, just...just focus on that right now, you can puzzle over your feelings after he’s left alone in bed throwing out your frustrated complaints about how you don’t know how to talk to people you like into your pillow like you usually do.  Later.  After this.  Focus, the night’s almost over, and he probably won’t be here much longer today, anyway.
Having given yourself a mental berating over the direction of your thoughts, you focused back on the present with a quick huff, straightening up and leading the charge back out into the cold snow, Levi walking leisurely at your side as usual.  It was a longer walk than any you’d done so far, and you were taking him in a direction that you hadn’t taken him before.  He wasn’t around a lot in the winter time, obviously, so he didn’t get to see this little hobby of yours.  Well, maybe not even a hobby, more like a winter pastime.  You were far from a professional or enthusiast.  It was just something you liked to do on occasion when it was cold, and you were hoping that it was something that he would find enjoyable as well.
It was a simple setup, one that matched the smaller town you were in, with a regular clear plastic half-wall lining the edge, plain Christmas lights crisscrossing over the walled off area several feet into the air and anchored to the poles along the outside, or to the small booth that served as the entrance fee area and the place to get rental skates, if there were enough.  Benches lined the outside of the wall, places for spectators to watch or people to put on their ice skates, and the small outdoor ice rink itself was well lit, the ice appearing to glitter between the starlight, Christmas lights, and the lightly falling snow.
There were a few people, but since it was getting dark and the weather was getting colder--it was already below freezing--most people had left or were in the process of leaving as you went to the booth, paying the entrance fee for two teenagers and getting your shoe size, then having an awkward few moments where you got to try and figure out what shoe size Levi was before you finally managed to get a pair that looked like it would fit him, passing his ice skates to him even though you still hadn’t given him an explanation about what you were doing.
You sat down together on a bench near one of the entrances to the rink, and Levi followed suit when you started taking off your shoes and putting the ice skates on in turn.
“Considering you’ve been stupidly good at anything like this so far, I sort of expect you to get the hang of this fairly quickly, but...this is called ice skating,” you explained in a low tone so no one would hear you explaining what this was to him.  “It’s all about balance and such--balance on the blades on your feet, center of balance, that kind of thing.  It might take a bit to get used to, but once you do, you’ll be skating along in no time.  It's something I like to do in the winter, and I thought you might enjoy it, too.”
You finished strapping the skates on, getting to your feet and taking a few careful steps since you were still on concrete until you were standing in front of Levi, holding your hands out for him to take.  “Here--just focus on standing and getting used to balancing on the blades, first,” you told him, pulling him up to his feet and letting him stand in front of you for a few moments, holding tightly to his hands as he wobbled slightly, feet moving from side to side experimentally, picking up one foot and attempting to keep his balance on the other, simply feeling it out for a few seconds while you held him securely in place.
His hands are warm...rough and calloused...but warm...
After he seemed to get his balance, you walked backwards to bring Levi forwards into the ice rink, making sure he kept his balance despite the awkward steps until you reached the smooth ice that the skates were meant for.  The slicing sound of the skate blade against the ice felt right to your ears, and you gave Levi a moment to adjust to the terrain, shifting so that you were standing beside him on the ice instead of in front of him, holding one of his hands.
The remaining skating group seemed to decide they didn’t want to risk crashing into the new skater in the small rink and left, meaning it was just the two of you in the rink as you taught Levi how to push off with the blades, how to turn, how to stop without face planting into the ice.  It was much faster than most people learned, but it was still slower than you expected.  He just seemed to be a natural at so many things, it was almost weird watching him have to progress through figuring out how to ice skate.
Then again, you were teaching him piano, as well, so it wasn’t entirely something new.  Maybe it was just the fact he always seemed to be magically gifted when it came to anything physical or something that had to do with aim, accuracy, speed…
With just the two of you, the rink was pretty quiet.  There were your voices, of course, with you encouraging him and explaining what you showed him on how to do this or that on the skates, how to speed up and slow down, how to do a hard and sudden stop (again, without face planting).  Levi occasionally made a few quips or grumbles, though none of it was mean spirited.  He seemed focused on what you were showing him, and he was learning it fairly quickly.  You might even dare to say he was having fun.
The other sounds were the slicing of your skates against the ice, and the music playing over loudspeakers on the poles for patrons to skate to if they wanted to.  The man running the booth wasn’t even paying attention to the two of you, he was watching tv on a tiny screen you could barely see through the window in the booth, meaning that for now, it was just the two of you, despite the normally public setting.
Once Levi had his balance and he was able to skate on his own, namely in a circle, considering you hadn’t taught him any tricks yet since you were rather focused on...just skate, you let his hand go, albeit reluctantly.  Still, it would allow him to get comfortable in the skates and skate on his own without leaning on you like a crutch--and the entire thing would be much more enjoyable for him if he could do it on his own without your help.
Once you were no longer teaching him the basics, you took off to go at your normal speed, skating fairly quickly around the rink, getting the feel for being in the skates again--figure skates, mind you.  You liked trying to pull off tricks, and you liked trying to time them to the music.  You weren’t an Olympic figure skater, but you could do some basic tricks.  Not only was it something that you liked doing and that gave you a degree of accomplishment, but it was also a moment to let yourself shine and show off a bit around Levi.
Closing your eyes, you simply felt the movement, the feel of the breeze created by your movement against your face, gravity acting on your body as you leaned this way or that for a turn.  You listened to the music, getting a feel for the beat and the pace before you started adjusting to try and match the music.  When the beat dropped, you attempted a leap and spin--just a quick one, landing a little shakily because it had been a while since you’d done this, but still sticking the landing for the most part.  Smiling slightly to yourself, you did it again with the next beat drop, the landing going much smoother.  You did a few simple movements as well as a few balancing attempts--skating on one foot was a little tricky and required quite a bit of balance, but you could do it--not that you let your foot go too far off the ground--you weren’t trying to form two right angles with your legs and upper body, you had a slight fear of losing your balance forward and causing a bad accident trying to pull that off.  It was simple leg up stuff that you tried.  And as long as you were paying attention, eyes open and alert to your surroundings, you could skate backwards, too--which you did.  It was at that point that you turned to see Levi watching you while you were skating, an intensity in his expression you hadn’t been expecting.  You blushed slightly to catch him staring at you, then gave him a smile, a wave, and you turned back around to do a nonchalant figure eight down the center, cutting across to the other side, doing a little spin before you came to skate beside him.
“So, what do you think?” you asked him warmly, skating casually beside him for the time being, staying on the inside so you were the one making the tighter turns.
“Think you could show me some of those tricks?” he asked, eyes down and directed towards your skates.  You chuckled, lifting one of your legs just slightly off the ice and unsurprised to find him mirroring your movements.  He was a little wobbly at first, just like when he’d stood up, but he quickly evened out, and he even was able to lean into the turns without crashing.  “I’d say wait for the harder ones like leaping spins until you’re a bit more experienced with the skates.  Maybe just stick to movements and patterns.  Lifting a leg, figure eights, skating backwards, that kind of thing.”
“What, you think that little of me?”
You snorted.  “On the contrary, you have a gift for learning these kinds of things.  I’m actually pretty envious how easily everything seems to come to you.”
“Not everything,” he mumbled, and you thought you saw his cheeks were flushed again.  Though maybe it was the cold.  It was far below freezing at this point, and the two of you were skating around, that freezing air blowing on your exposed skin in an almost cutting manner.  You hadn’t really noticed that much, though.  “Skating backwards shouldn’t be too hard, right?”
While you had expected him to try it, you hadn’t expected him to try it right at that very moment as he was skating beside you.  His hand suddenly grasped your arm, and he did a hard turn like he’d seen you do a few times for your tricks, coming to a slightly wobbly stop--not a full stop, you were both still moving--directly in front of you, one of his feet planted between your legs and the other on the outside.  He was, for the moment, skating backwards.
“It’s gonna be inverted, remember?  So instead of leaning--”
“I know,” he said with a huff, glancing behind him and leaning in a mirror of the direction you moved to turn with the curve of the small rink, his grip on your arm tightening slightly and his gaze down at your feet to make sure you two didn’t get tangled up in one another.
You went around the rink like this once...twice...eventually he stopped looking at the turns behind him or the skates below, his grip on your arm going lower...lower...closer to your hand...his eyes focused solely on you as you strangely enough took over guiding the two of you in nonchalant circles around the rink, feeling that gaze of his making your cheeks burn until, after a turn into the longer stretch of ice, you turned to look at him and ask what he was staring at.
He kissed you.
There was no warning.  You hardly had time to turn your head to face him before his lips were against yours.  His lips were cold because of the weather, maybe a little dry as well, but just like his hands, despite the rough and cold outer appearance, it was...soft.  Hesitant, even, like he might pull away at the first sign of discomfort.  You sucked in a sharp breath in surprise, feeling yourself lean into him, start to put more weight on him as you kissed him back just as hesitantly.
You were both frozen like that for a few moments, cold lips pressed together, timid and unsure about what to do, neither of you having done this before and knowing what came next.  But despite the freezing temperature and dry lips, it was still warm--or, it caused a warm feeling in your chest, a nervous and overeager squirm in your belly as your mind started to work again and all these thoughts started to crash down on you, realization of what this meant, what it could mean, that this was your first kiss, that Levi was kissing you, holding you a little closer to him.  After that initial freeze, you both tried to keep going, the inexperience showing but neither of you wanting to pull away.  If anything, you leaned into him a bit more, lips moving against his in the way you thought they were supposed to, his attempting to follow in kind.  As if to help guide both of you, his hand reached up to brush his knuckles carefully against your cheek, your head tilting slightly to the side in a reaction to the touch.
He felt warm.  He felt comfortable.  He felt inviting--like you belonged here, right here with him, stumbling through figuring out what came next, with him holding tight to you to help keep you steady when you started to shake, and you there to return the favor.
Your heart was pounding in your ears, and you felt breathless, felt your knees start to shake, the skates wobbling beneath you as Levi started to pull away, just as gently as he came in for the kiss.  Your eyes, squeezed shut a few moments ago as if that could help freeze the moment in time like the branches on the willow, started to open.
The presence you were leaning into in front of you suddenly disappeared, and with the amount of weight you’d been putting forward, you lost your balance, falling hard onto the ice with a skidding slide, palms burning against the cold ice as you pushed up onto your elbows, looking around in bewilderment.
And then you just...stayed there.  Just sat there.  Completely alone in the skating rink.  No one around to so much as witness what had happened, or confirmed it was real.
No Levi.
Just you.
Alone on the ice before you could even release the breath you’d been holding.
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*Levi’s POV*
Levi opened his eyes not to the chilling air and the bright lights both from the stairs and the strings of lights above, not to Y/N’s face aglow in that light, that blush in her cheeks that she’d kept trying to brush off as the cold despite her lingering touches, no lightly falling snow that left wet drops like dew on her cheeks, nose, and forehead.  He was alone in the silence of the Underground, lying stretched out on a couch with an arm behind his head under a pillow, staring up at the dark ceiling of his current place of residence.
He closed his eyes tightly, trying to will himself back to that moment, feeling a bubbling anger rising in his chest.  Nothing was happening.  He couldn’t smell the fresh air, couldn’t hear the faint music, couldn’t feel her hand against his arm or her lips against his, couldn’t feel the unsteady weight of having those blades under his feet.  He held his breath, eyes shut as tight as he could, trying so damn hard to get back there.
But nothing changed.  Even though there was nowhere he wanted to be more right now.
Levi opened his eyes slightly, peering at the ceiling without really seeing it, hand stretching out in front of him like he was reaching out to that mental image of the girl running ahead of him, just out of reach even as he stretched, tried to grab onto her even as she slipped through his fingers like smoke, far out of his reach.
Levi’s outstretched hand turned into a fist, and he slammed it against the wall the couch was pushed up against, hearing something crack.  “Shit!”
It had been so perfect.  He’d been watching her the whole time, watching her move so gracefully and freely, so confident and just so...so...beautiful.  And she didn’t seem to even realize that was how he saw her.  Didn’t seem to realize just how much she was worth to him.  He couldn’t help himself--he hadn’t even realized what he was doing until his lips were on hers.  But it had still felt so right in that moment, in that single, fleeting, perfect moment.
And now he was right back here.  All over again.  He didn’t even get the chance to open his eyes and see her reaction, and it pissed him off.  Now he had to wait, and he hated the thought.  Anger and frustration bubbled right to the surface as he got up off the couch, unable to sit still as he got to his feet with a dark, sulking look on his face at how robbed he felt right now.
Though there was also a tiny part of him that was scared because he hadn’t been able to see her reaction.  Especially now that he’d just disappeared on her.
He didn’t know how long he could wait--he knew he’d have to, but it had to come eventually.  He’d go back soon, surely, and he could see her then, he could try to figure out what that kiss was to her when he went back, what it meant for them.  Even if part of him was nervous to know how she was going to take it, even if he had no idea what this meant for them, fuck, he had to know, and he couldn’t stand to wait another hour!
What Levi didn’t know at the time...was that it would be years before he ever saw her again.
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Next Chapter---->
(Strikethroughs Couldn’t Be Tagged)
Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn  @humanitys-hottestsoldier  @whalerus @sunny-flo @thirstyforsometea @hauntedhousecat @peaches-and-clouds
Through The Looking Glass Tags:  @artist-bby @kaz2y5-pie @tartheyes @super-peace-fangirl @huntersbunker @nefelimalfoy @soft-levi-girl-blog @honeygivemeachainsaw @regalillegal @sugas-daddy7 @cathyannecookie @chaoticshepardplaid @roayaloveslife @sanrioclit @wvnderfvllyalvne @sparkling-gayyyy @do-not-feed-sugar​
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callboxkat · 4 years
Statement of Patton Sanders
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Author’s note: Anon, this is probably not what you meant, but, hey! Here you go!
Summary: Statement of Patton Sanders regarding a series of accidents. Statement recorded live from subject, February 7th, 2021, by Logan Sanders—no relation—Head Archivist of The Magnus Institute, London.
(Necessary bg info: The Magnus Institute is an organization that takes and investigates statements about paranormal experiences. Jurgen Leitner is a character who collected books with supernatural powers.)
Warnings: This is a The Magnus Archives AU, so if you’ve listened to that you should know what to expect. Body horror (cut off fingers, broken neck), nondescriptive vomiting, blood mention, food mention. Child abuse, sort of. It's in a story in this story. No character death or villain characters.
Word Count: 3289
Original prompt:
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Writing Masterpost!
Ao3 Link
“Hey, we have the same glasses.”
“Yes, I suppose we do—Do you need help with the chair? Oh, you’ve got it.”
Patton and the other man sat down on opposite sides of a desk. He was a weary-looking, bespectacled man who couldn’t have been much different in age from himself, although slivers of premature gray were visible in his hair.
The man—an archivist, he’d introduced himself as—leaned forward to turn on a tape recorder. It seemed a little old-fashioned, but it certainly did fit in with the overall vibe of the place (recording on a laptop would have probably felt out of place), and Patton didn’t mind. This would be much easier than hand-writing his entire statement.
The archivist cleared his throat. “Statement of Patton Sanders regarding a series of accidents. Statement recorded live from subject, February 6th, 2021, by Logan Sanders—no relation—Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement begins.”
Patton shifted in his seat. The archivist sat across him, looking at him expectantly. The tape recorder lay innocently on the desk between them, the tape inside slowly turning with a quiet tick. They sat in the basement of the oft-mocked Magnus Institute. They were in an office, but even here the walls were lined with bookcases, stacked with boxes upon boxes, each of them, it appeared, filled to the brim with folders, or with cassette tapes. Other peoples’ statements, presumably. Patton wasn’t sure how he felt about that. His story just being one of hundreds more, maybe thousands, in those boxes.
“Do I just… start?” he asked.
The archivist adjusted his glasses. “Yes, please.”
He nodded, swallowed, and even before he’d fully decided where to begin, he spoke. The words came surprisingly easily.
“I used to work at a library in my home town, back in the US. It’s a little town in Florida, almost at the border with Georgia, pretty near the coast. I don’t… I don’t work there anymore, of course. But at the time—this was about three years ago, back in 2017—I was there most days.
“One day we got this book in the return bin. It was weird. Not one of ours. It didn’t have a title that I could see, but there was a label on the inside cover. It was a bit smudged, but the last name was Leitner. I don’t know if it belonged to them, or if that was the author… I don’t know. It doesn’t matter, I guess.”
He noticed that the archivist suddenly seemed very interested in what he was saying, even leaning forward to hear.
“I was about to move the book over to the donations bin—I figured that’s what it was, you know, just a book somebody didn’t want, and decided to give to us rather than throw away, and got the wrong bin by mistake. But… I don’t know. Something about it just drew me in. I have no idea what; usually I go more for cookbooks, or crafts stuff, or um, lighter fiction. Not… that.”
He tried for a weak smile, but the archivist didn’t seem open to humor. Which Patton have once found awkward, but now it was almost a relief. He wasn’t sure how to make his story funny.
“So I took it out of the return bin, and I put it on my desk, instead. I was busy right then, but when I had a free moment, I sat down to take a look at it. It was old and worn, and like I said, there was no title. But it had this… weird feeling to it. Something off about it. I didn’t like it at all. But it was like I had to open it.
Patton sighed, glancing away. Suddenly, he felt on the edge of tears.
“And I made the biggest mistake of my life, and I opened that book.
“It was a story about a child who keeps refusing to do his chores. His mom would give him things to do, and the kid would say, ‘Yes, I’ll do them!’ but then as soon as the mom leaves, he’d drop the broom or whatever and run off to play with his toys instead. And as time goes on the mom gets more and more tired of this, because she has to do all the chores he doesn’t want to do.
“So, she takes him aside, and tells him sternly that he has to do his chores, or there would be consequences. And of course, he doesn’t listen, because he’s a kid.
“So the next day, takes him aside again, and tells him again to do his chores, and he continues not to. And it continues like that for ten days. But on the tenth day, the mom trips on the broom that the kid left in the middle of the floor, and she hurts herself. Very, um… very badly. She… breaks her neck. But she gets up off the floor, and her neck is all… it’s bent at a 90 degree angle. And there’s blood on the floor. I remember that page very vividly. Most of the book was in black ink, with some—” He made a face, “—illustrations. In the picture on that page, the blood was red.
“So, the mom… she goes to the kid, her neck all wrong, and she tells him, ‘You’re going to clean until your fingers fall off! Which… he does. She makes him clean, and clean, and clean. He has to scrub the floor, and when he finishes, she makes him start all over again, and again, and again. And, one by one, his fingers just… fall off.”
Patton was silent for a moment.
“On the last page of the book, there was a handprint. It wasn’t printed, you know, with ink. It was stuck in with a dark substance. I like to think maybe it was chocolate or something… but I doubt it. The weirdest thing about it, though, was that it had no fingers.
“When I closed that awful thing, I looked up, and it was dark outside. I’d apparently been reading for hours. I want you to understand—this wasn’t a big book. Maybe twenty pages, tops. And I’d found it near the start of my shift. I have no idea where all that time went, or how I didn’t notice it passing. Or why no one came in to disturb me. It’s like no one came to the library that entire day. I lived in a small town, like I said, but it wasn’t that small. We usually had people trickling in and out, even on slow days. Retired people who needed something to do, school kids doing homework, you know. You have a library here, you should understand, even if yours is more, uh… specific. So, it was really strange that no one had come in at all.
“Anyway, it was a horrible, horrible book. It was like someone set out to write a kids’ book about why they should do their chores, but instead of that, it was this nightmare version. I really didn’t want to add it to our library. Where would you even put a book like that? So I didn’t put it in the donation pile like I’d planned. But I also didn’t seem… able to just, like, get rid of it. I couldn’t just throw it away. Not because it was old and weird and maybe worth some money, no, more like… I don’t know. I just couldn’t do it. It’s hard to explain. So I put it in my desk, went home, and tried to forget about it.
“I’ll admit that, at the time, my apartment—my flat, you call ‘em here—wasn’t the cleanest back then. And thinking of that book, I kind of wanted to clean it. But also… I really didn’t. Thinking of that book made me very aware of the mess, but I kept thinking of that kid and the way his fingers just fell off, one by one, with that horrifying mom with her broken neck just watching, and then that handprint in the back of the book.
“I thought maybe whoever owned the book last, that Leitner person or whoever, put the handprint in there as some kind of joke. Just tilted up their fingers so they didn’t touch the page, to make it look like they didn’t have any. But I guess I kinda doubted that, even then.
“I made dinner that night, fed Jim and Pam—they’re my cats—and I left the plates in the sink to clean the next day.
“In the morning, they were stacked on the counter, perfectly clean. I tried to tell myself maybe I’d cleaned them and forgot, or maybe the cats had…. Somehow bumped them, and licked them clean, and it had just coincidentally looked purposeful. I don’t know. Pam liked to jump up on tables.
“I’d almost put it out of my head when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting any visitors, but sometimes a couple of my friends would drop by at random, so I might not have thought much of it, except that my cats suddenly started acting different. Scared. They were hissing, and they ran off to hide. That wasn’t like them at all. …I didn’t answer the door.
“A half hour or so passed, and I figured whoever it was was probably gone, so I went to peek out the front window. Sure enough, whoever it was… if there ever even was anyone out there… was gone. But there was a box sitting on the welcome mat. Plain cardboard, no shipping label or address or anything.
“I should have left it alone. It probably wouldn’t have changed anything, but… who knows.” He let out a heavy sigh. “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t leave it alone. I looked around, I wanted to make sure no one was there. No one was, as far as I could tell, so I opened the door.
“The box was small, maybe 6 inches long, a little less tall and wide than that—err, I’m not sure what that is in metric. Maybe like… 15 centimeters?”
The archivist waved him off. “It’s fine.”
“Sorry. So the box was small, and it was very light when I picked it up, which was honestly a bit of a relief at the time. I could practically hear one of my friends, Virgil, screaming at me about mail bombs. He’s a pretty cautious guy. Now I think maybe he had the right idea.
“I thought maybe the box was empty, even, until I stepped over the threshold and… and I uh, felt something rolling around in there.”
He shuddered at the memory.
“I brought it into the kitchen and opened up the box. Inside was… inside was a single, human finger, cut off just below where the joint would have been on the person’s hand.
“I felt sick. I was sick. I barely made it to the trash can. I remember my cats still didn’t come back to see what was going on, which was unusual for them. Normally they were very nosy little guys. It was like they knew something was very, very wrong. I don’t blame them for staying away.
“I called the cops right away, of course. Or, as soon as I’d calmed down enough to dial the number. I mean, course I did. Someone had dropped off a finger at my door.
“The lady on the phone was very nice, but I don’t think she believed me at first. Or maybe she just couldn’t understand what I was saying. I was a little upset, obviously. Eventually, though, the police did show up. They took the box, asked me some questions, and they left.
“That night, I was in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes, trying to forget the whole thing. I was almost done, but then, somehow… the garbage disposal turned itself on. Something wrong with the wiring, they told maybe. I was so surprised that I dropped the plate I was holding, and the stack of dishes shifted, and somehow, my hand ended up… my finger went down the drain. Into the garbage disposal. It all happened so fast. One second I was just washing a plate, humming the intro to Steven Universe, and the next….
“I scrambled to turn it off, but it was too late. I grabbed a dish towel and drove myself to the hospital in a panic. Only remembered later to send someone to look after the cats.
“They couldn’t save my finger, even if they had tried. There wasn’t anything left to save.
“A week later, I got another package. Left at my door, just like the last one. Identical to the first, but this time it was a different finger. Maybe from the same hand, but it wasn’t like I looked at it long enough to know for sure. And I’m not a doctor. I called the cops again, and they came. They weren’t much help. They poked around a bit, talked to the neighbors, and told me to get a security camera. I did do that.
“I was very careful that day, remembering what had happened last time, even though I knew it was ridiculous. What, some crazy person leaves a severed finger on my doorstep, and that somehow makes me lose my own in a freak accident? …But I was careful, anyway. And nothing happened that day. But the next morning, when I went to go to work… I slammed the car door shut on my finger.
“It kept happening. The same plain cardboard boxes left at my door. The camera always seemed to cut out when they were delivered, although once I swear I caught a glimpse of a silhouette. It looked… wrong, though. Maybe it was a tree casting a shadow or something. No one’s head looks like that.
“I stopped calling the police, eventually. They didn’t help. Just asked the same questions, swore they were doing all they could, and left. I stopped opening the boxes, too. I tried throwing them out, burning them, kicking them into the gutter. I went to stay with my friend Virgil, but the box found me there, too. I moved twice. It didn’t seem to matter. Every week, a box would show up, and within a day or two, even if I never even opened my front door or looked at the box, I’d lose another finger. Until….”
Patton looked down at his lap, where his hands sat. Where each finger should be, they instead ended in neat little stubs just after the knuckle. They were remarkably even, considering that he’d lost each one in different ways, in different weeks. One after the other.
“After that, it finally stopped. My hands healed as much as they ever would, and I went back to work—I still don’t know how I kept that job—and I found that book in my desk. I tried to throw it out, but I couldn’t make myself let go of it. I tried to feed it to the paper shredder, but I couldn’t make myself rip out the pages. Eventually I just threw it across the room, and it landed neatly in the pile of donated books. Apparently, it would have let me just… add it to the collection. But I couldn’t let other people read it—What if the same thing happened to them? So I took it home with me.
“I did try to get rid of it on the way there. I stopped by the river, a dumpster… I tried to set it on fire. Imagine trying to get a lighter to work like this. I couldn’t follow through with any of them, though, and not just because of my hands. The book wouldn’t let me. Or I wouldn’t let myself. I don’t know which it was, really. Maybe I was afraid something worse would happen if I managed to destroy it. I don’t know.
“I locked it away. Buried it where I couldn’t see it. Still, it was like it was calling to me, telling it to hold it, to read it, to place my own hand over that awful handprint. It was driving me crazy. The cats wouldn’t go near the room it was in.
“I tried to ignore it. To forget about it. For a while, I thought it was working. I was still constantly aware of where it was, but it got easier to ignore.
“Then, one day, the doorbell rang. It was another box. Inside was a single, severed toe.”
A silence stretched between them, yawning between Patton and the archivist. The tape recorder ticked on. A tear rolled down Patton’s cheek. When he continued, his voice was choked.
“I will never forgive myself for what I did next, but I couldn’t go through that again. Please don’t judge me. I know it’s unforgiveable. But you can’t understand what it was like, not if you’ve never been through something like that.  I knew it was the book by now, that was doing this to me, and I had to be rid of it. I still couldn’t destroy it, but I could… give it away. So I went and I got the book, and I wrapped it up as best I could, and I wrote ‘DO NOT READ’ on the package in capital letters. And I gave it away. I don’t know who I gave it to, and I don’t want to know. I drove across town, stopped at a random house, and stuffed the book in their mailbox. I can only hope they never read it.”
Patton let out a shaky breath. “It worked.”
The archivist’s face was impassive.
“After that was all finally over, I decided I needed to get out of there. Not just out of the town, but as far as I could get. I had family in the UK, and one of my friends studied abroad here and loved it, plus you guys speak English, so it seemed like as good a place to go as any. So I moved. Nothing else has happened since. I don’t have any fingers, but at least I have all my toes, and I’m rid of that awful book. I’ve tried to forget the whole thing, which as you might imagine, is a little difficult, but I try. Still, when one of my coworkers mentioned this place—I work at a shop now, restocking at night, so I don’t have to see the customers—I decided to come. I just want to be rid of this story. So… if you guys can track down that book, stop it from hurting anyone else, please do.” He clenched his hands, as well as he could. “I don’t want its weight on my mind anymore. It’s done enough to me.”
He fell silent.
“Statement ends,” said Logan. The archivist leaned forward and turned off the tape recorder. “Thank you for coming in. You can leave the way you came. Roman, my assistant, will take down your details. We might contact you if we need further information. Do you, by chance, remember the address of the house where you left the book?”
Patton shook his head. “No, I… I didn’t want to know.”
Logan nodded slowly. “Alright. Well… we appreciate your time.”
“I hope my statement… ah, comes in handy,” Patton joked weakly. He almost smiled at the gobsmacked look on the archivist’s face, the most emotion he’d shown the entire time Patton had been there. And then, he got up, and he left his story behind. He’d given it away to someone else, and he was done with it.
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parkhxh · 4 years
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in raymond fashion, bonjour! hi cuties!!! i’m rina and so excited to be here!!! i’m gonna get straight to the point and say that the bio i typed up isn’t v helpful for anything except explaining why hailey came to the islands, so there will be a little recap under the cut as well as a few more small details about this little bab. give this a like if you’d like to plot and i’ll come sliding into ur dms! ps admin april ur wonderful with fc suggestions
ok so for starters, this is hyemi!! she won’t explicitly tell you to call her hailey bc she’s just annoying like that but she will refer to herself as such as a “yes i do have an english name bc i speak english subtle flex nbd”
but she’ll introduce herself with both names and you have the option to pick (but if you do wanna get some brownie points with her i’m just gonna say that she LIGHTS UP when called by her english name)
call her by her full name ( park hyemi ) tho and she’ll know that you mean serious business 
OK onto her bg she was raised in seoul, her dad being a big ceo of an entertainment company and her mom being a super popular actress 
her parents valued staying in the good graces of the public eye over genuine familial relationships so she’s been living her life trying to fit into the mold of a perfect, polite, wonderful daughter
she has an older brother ( WANTED CONNECTION !!! ) who was expected to take on all the duties of the eldest child/only son, but was always overshadowed by hyemi (who was much better at picking up the skills and work necessary) instead
long story short, he up and left one day without a word to anyone in the family and their parents were both kinda shrug and instead of being concerned about it, turned all their effort and attention towards shifting the filial duties onto their perfect daughter hyemi
she was pretty distraught over this and couldn’t understand how no one seemed phased by any of it, which messed up her work ethic and she couldn’t really focus on doing anything
although she and her brother weren’t all that close (she always felt that he hated her bc they were essentially kind of being pitted against each other by their parents’ expectations of them both) she blamed herself for his leave
unsure of how to navigate her feelings she went into his room hoping for some kind of comfort/closure but it was so messy she kind of ended up cleaning some things and found a nook inc. brochure which seemed to scream IT’S A SIGN to her
so while she normally is one to only believe in concrete plans and solid evidence, she really wanted to believe that she might find her brother here, make up with him, and also get some time away from the stress of their family lol
i know that was supposed to be a summary but honestly i think it’s longer than her bio ANYWAYS some personality blabbing &&. headcanons and then i’ll stop talking i’m sorry????
she’s honestly so judgemental and high maintenance but will never speak those thoughts out loud bc of how she was raised
very very flirty but she thinks that she’s just being nice and showering people with compliments bc who doesn’t love those
generally a nice person, but bc she’s so heavy on the compliments a lot of people think that her personality is fake/artificial 
she is a frequent shopper at graciegrace
while she doesn’t seem the type, she actually enjoys nature a lot and is pretty willing to go hiking (as long as you’re familiar with the trail and won’t get her lost)
with that said, she loves flowers and enjoys long walks on the beach
her parents don’t know, but she’s always been interested in baking (she loves how precise measurements need to be and has a bit of a sweet tooth/loves cute treats)
bc of this she strolls past fleur de la mer bakery at least twice a day, taking in the sights and scents of their treats 
her favorite topic to shift to when she doesn’t know what else to talk about is herself
ok!!! i think i’m finished!! if you read up this far thank you and i’m so sorry for my rambling!! i look forward to writing with you all <3
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 36
time travel arccccccccccccc yessssssssss
I have been waiting SO LONG to reread this arc hhhhh yessss
starting off strong with the sexy roller cover. nice
I love the disconnect of ‘orion pax: outlaw’ compared to the last time we saw him in shadowplay where he was orion pax: supercop
he’s still punching people for JUSTICE or whatever so I guess not much has changed
oh my god this is the issue with the many many two-page spreads...the first time I read this issue I didn't realize that was a thing and GOD I was SO fucking confused. there's already a lot going on in this issue/arc but this made things so much worse hvbhjkdfbsk. I powered thru and still managed to understand most of the arc despite reading half this issue out of order (essentially) bc the website I read it on split the pages up and I couldn't tell they were supposed to be doubled (and also I'm dumb so I didn't figure it out)
anyways, the actual issue...windcharger is out here using his powers to rip a dudes arms clean off. wow!
and there's skids getting punched in the face. Ls
and glitch! a totally minor character of course...
MANNNNN I SO adore the panel of all the lost lighters appearing in a cloud of purple smoke, all posing epically....SO fucking good, peak sci-fi coolness vibes, A++
as usual jro killing it w/the titles, ‘elegant chaos’ is such a great name for a time travel arc
also reading the tfwiki has shown me that many of jros titles are song or album titles, to which I say - that's epic and I love it. with jro doing it, I feel like it straddles the line between referencing music and the very fanfic-esque ‘title things after music’ vibe. I love it
oh god I forgot they use bs cybertronian time units in this sometimes lmao...I mean of course they do but still like, what the fuck is a cycle. is that a day. I feel like these words all have no meaning/the meanings change drastically depending on continuity. I cant keep up and also I'm lazy and don't care enough to try
I love rodimus did u know
poor riptide looks so confused lmao
IS....IS REWIND PIGGYBACKING TAILGATE...THATS SO FUCKING CUTE....I cant fully tell bc of the page layout but ooomg so precious. minibot buddies
whirl saying ‘chuff’ just reminded me how british jro is hvbhakjhdsfbs sometimes it just Jumps Out in mtmte and I'm like Oh God Britain Is Real
I really like the mtmte approach to time travel and paradoxes and whatnot. its just complex enough to be interesting but not too convoluted that it bogs down the story. perfect sci-fi fun!
mannnn chromedome talking abt brainstorm :( I'm sad abt those two hhhhh
and I love how at this point, nobody in the cast ACTUALLY knows brainstorm well enough to know what he’s really doing - including chromedome, who’s ostensibly his closest friend, somebody he’s known for a while - and even the readers don't really know what he’s up to...I like the mystery tbh
cant believe rewind wrote orion pax’s biography, omg. completely forgot abt that detail
cd saying ‘I love it when he talks history’ about rewind....hhhh I love cdrw so muuuuch
godddd the line rodimus says abt whirl - how they need people like whirl around who are ‘happy to get in the way’ of danger and death - that shit haunts me man like...rodimus is basically saying that he’s bringing whirl along to potentially die in place of someone like orion pax (nevermind the fact that whirl dying would ALSO fuck up the timeline)...like, how deep does it go?? is he saying that bc he knows whirl has been trying to get himself killed for a while now, or just bc whirl likes violence? mannn I cant...the character intricacies...man
anyways...I love rodimus he’s such an interesting character. you have that fucked up moment and then in the next panel he’s saying ‘if you want to call it a time phone, I wont stop you’ about the quantum walkie-talkie. he has the RANGE
oh and then rodimus casually volunteering chromedome to do mnemosurgery on anyone who might accidentally find out about them time traveling, which is again fucked up on multiple levels. the raaaaange
vjaksbhdhfusajbfdjk that panel of the lost light squad just standing there like idiots reminds me of that post where someone said abt that panel ‘these characters have a collective 3 brain cells’ or something hvbjadkfnksfdl
rodimus IMMEDIATELY breaking his own rules by trying to reassure pax that they're good guys by pointing at his autobot badge, even tho the autobots DONT EVEN EXIST YET at this point...my boy PLEASE go purchase some brain cells from the store 
and the fact that rodimus introduced himself to pax w/his real name...shouldn't he go by an alias or st??? that seems like a good time travel rule since optimus and rodimus definitely know each other later 
and like, did they not anticipate that some of the people in the past would recognize some of the lost lighters hgbajkhdjfnjksf like cd and whirl get Instantly recognized...great job guys
they are all SO bad at this hvbahskjdhfbasjkf I cantttt luckily for them the orion crew is handing them easy alibis 
‘the dugout’ is that a baseball reference????
also I love the scenery here, the bg looks like rock but there's metal piping and stuff running thru it, its so cool...really adds to the whole ‘cybertron biomes are made of metal’ thing
‘ancient history’ rodimus are you KIDDING ME-
cyclonus time travels to the past and IMMEDIATELY finds a window to stare broodingly out of. icon
tailgate thinking orion pax is SUPER COOL continues here from shadowplay and I love it...tailgate is so cute
and the tg saying ‘don't you think that's awesome, cyclonus?’ hhhhh so cute
one reason I love this arc so much is that this is the arc where the gay Really amps up 
TRAILBREAKER.... oh man ;_;
are you telling me that this outlaw base they're in has ONE bed for all of these people. what the hell vhbaksjhfnsal
cant believe rung sampled roller’s steroid juice box
also cant believe robot steroids exist. except yes I can and I love it
oooh roller’s a 0/1%er? I forgot abt that 
cant believe orion pax just grabs some random phone that belongs to these weird new people and answers it. WHO does that
goddddd megatron and orion’s conversation....destroy me
HHHHHH like...the HISTORY....the regret...the missed opportunities...its all so palpable....goddddddd
and of COURSE, the whole thing is steeped in tragedy...the ideological differences that will become the foundation for a 4 million year long war...megatron, who believes that you need to burn things down and start again to really make change stick, and then orion, who says ‘reform is the answer, not revolution’....AUGHHH the intricacies. mannnn
‘you sound lost’ 😭😭😭
‘its tragic.’ yeah, that about sums up their relationship, especially at this stage and in this continuity 
anyways. [cries about old man megatron talking to young naïve orion pax] goodbye
AUGHHH and then we jump to rodimus ONCE AGAIN breaking his own rules and trying to save trailbreaker...IT HURTS MAN...god I love rodimus, I feel like him being broken up about crewmembers like trailbreaker dying is one part regular sadness over people he knows dying for tragic reasons, and one part personal guilt at someone under his command dying, even if he’s not involved/at fault. I love the dichotomy of this emotional reaction that comes only partially from empathy/emotion, but also comes from a kinda self-centered need for success as measured by people under your command staying alive. and taking into account rodimus’s life it totally makes sense that he’d act like that...GAH I love it. the complexity of it all!
orion pax saying ‘you should read [megatron]. it’s powerful stuff’ I'm screaming, so many LAYERSSSSS
I fucking love time travel AHHHHHHHHH like the opportunity for interactions like these....chefs kiss
‘hey, best friend! miss you!’ rodimus is such a shit hvbdajkfksjhfd 
‘very sus’ rodimus ahead of his time w/the among us lingo
oooh and then they realize that the senate is trying to kill the sparks...gotta save the babies!
tailgate scolding cyclonus for bluntly stating that you'd wanna be subtle when killing newborns...hhhvbhsdfhhhhhh I love them sm
ooooh and rewind has an interesting suggestion - that the senate is actually trying to irradiate the sparks into being outliers...rewind is so smart I love him
and the fact that he’s using history from his database...love it
rodimus sending cyclonus and whirl out like pokemon
also wow this is literally the 5th (I think) double page spread in this issue...the confusion I felt the first time I read this...lmao 
and now this is literally one of my favorite issues so I'm glad I know what's going on lmao
oh man rodimus telling cd not to erase trailbreakers memory even tho that could jeopardize the entire timeline... :( 
oh man I didn't even notice but roller getting debris blasted into his face like that makes the whole ‘roller is tarn’ theory even more legit considering tarn’s face scars....
‘tighter the better’ hhh don't say that orion. but also, that’s the companion phrase to megatron saying ‘the deeper the better’ hvbhasjkhdfbaksjlf
I do love the semi-campy action hero antics that orion pax gets up to. its just so fun, even when the stakes are high and things are serious
‘this is the greatest thing I have ever seen’ tg ily
THE REVEAL THAT THE SPARKS WENT TO NYON...so rodimus just saved himself, basically...time travel is so trippy
oh man that last panel of trailbreaker holding up roller’s juice box...iirc the first time I read this I thought that was roller (cause of the juice box I guess? idk I'm an idiot) so I was like oh ok he must've come back or something. very much related but I didn't really think about tarn being a particular pre-established character and totally didn't read the whole ‘roller is tarn’ thing that was going on 
which in my defense ruth also didn't pick up on any of that while reading this and eventually like 2 issues before the reveal I had to prompt her like ‘you should maybe be wondering WHO tarn is’ vhbahjksdfbaksjdf
so! issue 37! this issue is a solid favorite of mine, id say definitely top 5 or even 3. I'm super biased bc I fucking LOVE time travel, it’s seriously one of my favorite tropes ever, and this issue hits all the time travel beats I love. characters traveling to the past and interacting with people they know! conversations that have multiple meanings bc of TIME TRAVEL! trying to save someone who meets a terrible fate in your future! fun time travel action! the time traveling characters being generally terrible at hiding the fact that they're time travelers! ITS SO GOOD. 
and I love the clever way everything is tied together here - where we get a nice continuation of shadowplay, with this taking place shortly after that with a lot of the same cast, and time travel classics like the good ole ‘if we hadn't travelled back in time and done what we did, the future we came from wouldn't have existed at all,’ in the flavor of ‘rodimus saving his baby self’ and ‘rodimus NOT saving trailbreaker’ and ‘everyone forgot about roller :(’ 
ok but like, did the lost lighters just go ‘oh well, guess rollers gone now.’ like they DID realize that the outlaw crew would have no idea what happened to him if they got their memories erased, right?? did the lost lighters figure that since roller never reappeared after this time period, that was how history was ‘supposed’ to go and they shouldn't mess with it? am I overthinking it? as usual: yes, probably. I love overthinking about comics, in case that wasn't obvious
basically...I love this issue soooo much. so so good and a bunch of fun tropes that I love. I mean the whole arc is like that for me since I love time travel so much. so I cant wait to (re)read more!!
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I’m really bored and sick so here’s why I think this theory
Tumblr media
Is bullshit. It’s some Instagram comment, I wiped out the @ so the person doesn’t hate me lol.
1st, it was a one night stand. Typical bg narrative, yes it is possible L got drunk and had sex and got a random girl pregnant on the first try. The only thing I’d like to point out here is that L’s party boy, drunk image was very recent at the time. In 2015 L was the least papped member and mostly stayed indoors (in the eyes of the public) and all of a sudden he started being seen in clubs daily. I’m talking every single night, he was seen. It was weird, what was weirder was his party planner (some guy on twt who got L into these parties and such) would consistently tweet about when and where L was going to party somewhere. It seemed dangerous, to be almost live tweeting a celebrities location. Something a manegment would fire over..unless of course that was his job. Instead consider the easiest way to get paps somewhere is of course, to tell them. And since modest couldn’t do it, they hired this guy to make sure L was ‘caught’ out as much as possible. Modest purposefully sent L to all these parties in preparation for Bg so he would slot easier into the “irresponsible, drunk, washed up boy bander” stereotype.
2. L lost a custody battle. They also mention some kind of internal fight about the kid but that’s all bull shit cause the kid wasn’t theirs to fight over. Was it possible for L to lose a custody battle? I’m going with no. In California it is true that the mother of a child will automatically get full custody if the parents are not married. Since L and B are not (and never will be) married B would have gotten custody easily. L then could have run off back to London not giving a shit about his kid. But OP is saying that L wanted to have shared custody and failed to receive it. So according to them, L wants freddo he just can’t get custody. So how do you get custody? I’m not going to pretend that the legal system isn’t a bitch but L. Is. A. Fucking. MILLIONARE. He could afford the best lawyers possible to speak for him, there is no way in my mind that L would have lost ALL custody if they had gotten to that point. But they didn’t. They never went to court...why? Because that requires proof of parentage I.E a paternity test. Something L’s team has gone on RECORD saying he never got. If he never proved the baby was his with DNA, he doesn’t have a legal claim to the child. Therefore no custody battle. So OP is wrong because, it never got that far. Either L didn’t care enough to get a pat test OR he knew the baby wasn’t his. And no, no fucking millionaire (or regular person!) would claim a child and pay for them if they weren’t sure it was theirs. There was no custody battle because why would you fight over custody of a baby that isn’t yours.
3. Danielle? Idk why D is here at all but basically OP uses her as an explanation for some other weird occurrences. Like L allegedly not being allowed in the room when B gave birth. This would be weirder if they were dating but they weren’t so I could care less. But OP also brings up the parking lot trade offs. Stating that she (B) didn’t want D to know where she lives...like she’s dangerous? What? Do you think D was going to egg her house? Doesn’t make sense. It ALSO doesn’t make sense for a millionare and his baby mama to trade said baby in a public parking lot like a bag of groceries. Remember publicly they are supposed to be on good terms, friends but excited to be parents. The only reason I could see a parking lot being used is if you and your co parent are on bad terms and need a neutral space where no one person has more power. But again GOOD TERMS and if they aren’t on good terms the media lied and you have to start wondering what else they lied about blah blah blah leads back to bg. It would make more sense to go to one of there houses, because yknow THEYRE FAMOUS of corse they’ll get papped tossing the baby back and forth like a football if they do it in public. So obviously, it was just another way for them to get papped to prove the stunts legitimacy when in reality it just makes of more obvious.
In conclusion, OP I’m sorry to tell you this but your theory makes no sense and Louis has never had sex with a women. so sorry, good nigh
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namchyoon · 4 years
🎨 if u want hehe 😚
HANNA YOU COME HERE AND ASK IF I WANT TO DO THIS FOR YOUR GIFS??? YOU’RE ASKING YOUR #1 FAN IF SHE WANTS TO PRAISE YOU 😳😳😳😳😳 YES OF COURSE 100% OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME MA’AM PLEASE BUCKLE IN THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME!!!!!! all rules out of the window for this one because i can and will include all the bangtan sets i can AND of course a few got7 sets too 🥰
jin lgo forest ver - SEE IT’S SETS LIKE THESE THAT MADE ME BELIEVE JIN WAS YOUR BIAS 😳😳😳😳 HE’S ALREADY THE PERFECT MAN AND THEN YOU MAKE GIFS LIKE THESE WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOT FALL IN LOVE???? SORRY, IMPOSSIBLE 😔😔 again i love how you’ve kept all of the colors without getting rid of any of them AND working with the natural light and STILL making the gif look SO HQ 😳 what kind of deal do you have with photoshop that it lets you have so many colors 😭😭 but thank you ps couldn’t think of a better person for extra colors privileges
yoongi mots on:e - i 100% screamed about this the last time i did an ask game but i will scream again BECAUSE HOLY SHIT???????? HE JUST LOOKS SO GOOD HERE IT’S UNBELIEVABLE AND THE COLORING AND QUALITY OF THESE GIFS!!!!! and the fact that you found a LEGAL VLIVE LINK FOR THIS WE HAVE TO STAN 😭😭 THIS ENTIRE SET IS JUST YOUR SUPERIOR GIF QUALITY SHINING THROUGH 😭😭
this is the part where i realized that i’ve actually screamed about all the other sets in the past ask game so there’ll be more got7 sets here than bts sets but i did find the ask where i screamed about them so here they are 
beautiful beautiful beautiful bambam - HE’S SO.................. YEAH 😔 and the fact that i was typing this just as his part in poison came on.......... destiny i think 😔 i’m so tempted to go search the raw file for this just so i know if your magic made it 200 times better or 300 times better but i’m 100% sure it did not look even as near to perfect as your set looks 🥰 also that eyeshadow standing out is so sexc just like he 😳😳😳
sunshine - THE SUN IS SHINING I LOVE THIS SET SO MUCH YOUNGJAE’S LAUGH IS EVERYTHING!!!! ALL THESE GIFS ARE JUST PURE DEVASTATION 😭😭😭 YOUR SMILEY GOT7 AGENDA IS THE GREATEST THING HONESTLY NOTHING BETTER THAN THEIR SMILES 🥺🥺🥺 also the green in the bg and the brown of his sweater complement each other so well the earth tones ahhhhhh 🥺
focus on me - i remember seeing this set when you first posted it and i immediately went to watch the mv because of how pretty this set was, oh the pre-ahgase days 😳😳😳😳 there’s so many colors here AND far shots but somehow it’s not oversharpened or noisy the talent JUMPED OUT in this entire set maam 😳 
pain - this is it, the perfect gif, you’ve achieved it, nothing will ever top this (i mean your next set will and then the set after that and so on but i digress) i just need you to know this moment lives in my mind rent free 24/7 and this might be my new favourite got7 gif, at least until i wake up and someone else wrecks me 😔😔😔😔
7 with 7 - okay this is the last one for now feel like this is the best note to end on because this set is beautiful and emotional and perfect and SCREAMS got7 with the colours and the peak devastation that is those moments 😔😔😔 also you choosing all their signature smiles and laughs............ maybe i’m crying 😭😭 very much love them 😔
creators send me 🎨 & I’ll tell you my favorite of your last ten creations and why
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mr-mr-ontheradio · 5 years
Hey! 2014 anon here. I completely agree with you. However I feel him and Louis were going through some problems in their relationship because of all the stunting. Maybe that's why Harry was making connections in the industry and was looking for a way out for both of them. Maybe whatever is happening till now was all planned during that time with azoffs. But I don't understand b***gate. It was like they started winning and everything went to sh*t.
Also I blame azoffs for the whole Harry is better than other 1d boys narrative which increased the differences between Harry and Louis public image. I feel Harry was too desperate for their way out as evident with whole hendall stunt. Maybe because it started affecting Louis health. And yes Louis is so supportive of Harry that it makes me cry. The period from 1d day, wwa upto book signing is extremely difficult to watch. Though four promo gave some amazing moments. Thank you for answering. :)
I don't think Harry was looking for a way out as much as Jeff showed him there was one. Jeff gets a lot of shit in this fandom and there are definitely reasons to question his actions and motives especially since we're all so protective of Harry but at the end of the day I think Jeff kind of saved Harry from a lifetime of hiding who he really is. I know we still see stunting and closeting from Harry but he also gets to dress how he wants, wear makeup, endorse LGBT movements and charities, act however flamboyant he wants, make the music he wants, and enjoys an extensive amount of freedom and privacy considering his level of fame since he goes MIA for weeks and even months at a time.
People also don't understand that stunting isn't really a bad thing altogether and isn't always just about enforcing a het narrative. Every celebrity does stunting it's a part of being famous. It's actually a good way to boost fame for both people involved or projects both are working on. There are very few things that make a celebrity interesting to the locals outside of scandals and dating rumors so if we have to pick I'd prefer Harry spends a few days out of the year walking around with a pretty girl to Harry getting humiliated and villified in the media over some controversy.
As far as Elounor goes I think it's strictly about the closet because Elounor is as plain-jane as it gets and she's not using her relationship with Louis to draw attention to herself. It's actually the opposite she draws as little attention to herself and her personal life as possible aside from promoting brand names here and there.
They don't want us to know much about Eleanor or give her the fame boost that we gave Danielle.
I'm always hesitant to call BG a stunt bc I think even if there's the smallest chance the kid is really his then calling the whole thing fake makes me really uncomfortable. That being said there is so much that doesn't make sense or add up and the Jungwirths were definitely using the situation to make a profit and promote Briana whether it was a stunt or not.
There are theories that I find compelling about how BG was supposed to be Zayn's stunt but he left the band so it was given to Louis. This is obviously a farfetched one but I think if babygate was a stunt it wasn't just about closetting Louis. They could have released a sex tape and it would have been more effective and less convoluted if that was the only goal. I think it was about creating a scandal to hype their album and the goal would have been to let it run its course and then get a pat test and reveal it wasn't actually his for another scandal to promote something else. it got wayy out of hand though as people weren't buying it from day one.
So either that or BG was used to punish Louis for some horrible reason god only knows so I prefer to think either he did knock up Briana one night when he was drunk and him and Harry were on a break, or a wild PR stunt that was supposed to end but got too complicated.
I think 2015 was where 1D was clashing hard with the management/label. They actually missed a concert under REALLY shady circumstances where fans saw them at the venue literally ready to go on stage and then the whole concert was shut down. The whole thing was so shady which makes me think it was a power play on managements part to make them behave. RBB was also a big part of OTRA and Harry started stanning rainbows and waving the pride flags at the shows.
Of course there was some backlash with that when Liam gave an interview denouncing all the pride stuff fans brought to concerts, but it was still something.
Larry also started interacting more on camera, Louis was seen at Harry's 21st birthday party by well-known LA "stalkers" even though there was no record of him being there, and then of course Lairport happened so either they stopped giving a shit or were negotiating more freedom.
Louis public image was a catastrophe though and Zayn did leave the band and they announced hiatus. I don't think we'll ever know what really happened but I think all the boys were getting increasingly frustrated and acting out in every way they could. My theory is that Louis kind of took a hit for Harry so he wouldn't have to be the womanizer anymore and would be given more freedom but that could just have easily been managements decision.
As far as separating Harry's image from Louis I don't think Jeff was the reason it started but I think he plays a part in it's continuation. Harry got out of 1D relatively unscathed as far as PR scandals but Louis is still wrapped up in 10 layers of shit on top of the actual tragedies that happened to him. From a career standpoint I guess it makes sense to keep their images separate especially since solo harries are so against Louis and vice versa. Hopefully theyve been working out a way to navigate Louis back into Harry's life publically but who knows.
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space--cadet-glow · 5 years
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 6: Meet Ezlo, the Talking Bird-Hat
Whilst on our quest to find the Minish, we find... A Minish. Sort of. Meet Ezlo, who is infinitely funnier in German than he is in English. Here is my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: "English equivalent" (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it's gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it's practically English already) OE: "official English (translation as given in the European English version of "The Minish Cap")" (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out" (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Ezelo: „Aua! Hört... He, hört doch auf!" DT: „Ow! Hear... Hey, cease that!" EQ: "Ow! Hey, quit that!" OE: "Ouch! Won't somebody stop them!?" (NOTE: Idiomatic, I think...)
Ezelo: „Autsch! Auaaa!!! Hilfe! Ist denn da niemand?!" DT: „Ouch! Owwww!!! Help! Is then there nobody?!" EQ: "Ouch! Owwww!!! Help! Is anybody there?!" OE: "Ow! Ow! Help... Somebody! Can't anybody hear me?"
Ezelo: „He! Du! Kleiner Mensh! Ja, du!!! Aua!" DT/EQ:  „"Hey! You! Little human! Yes, you!!! Ow!" OE: "Hey! Kid! You there! Ow!" (NOTE: Ezlo is called „Ezelo" in German.)
Ezelo: „He, du da! Guck nicht einfach nur zu... Autsch!" DT: „Hey, you there! Look not simply only to... Ouch!" EQ: "Hey, you there! Don't just look at... Ouch!" OE: "Hey! Don't just stand there! Do something!!!"
Ezelo: „Jetzt steh doch nicht untätig herum! So hilf mir doch!" DT: „Now stand but not idly around! So help (for) me nevertheless!" EQ: "Now, don't just stand around! Help me nevertheless!" OE: "What's wrong with you!? Do you like watching me take this abuse!? Help me!" (NOTE: Help is provided "for" somebody in German.)
Ezelo: „Puh! Das ist ja gerade noch mal gut gegangen." DT: „Phew! That is indeed just yet (softener) well went." EQ: "Phew! Well, that went well!" OE: "Phew! Well done! That was close." (NOTE: „mal" is used to soften the harshness of a sentence.)
Ezelo: „Na ja, ich wäre auch alleine mit denen fertig geworden. Apropos..." DT: „Well indeed, I would have also alone with (to) those finished become. By the way..." EQ: "Yes indeed, I could have been finished by them alone. By the way..." OE: "Not that I couldn't handle them myself. But that's beside the point!"
Ezelo: „Was macht ein Kind wie du ganz alleine hier im dunklen Wald?" DT: "What does a child like you all alone here in the dark forest? EQ: "What is a child like you doing here all alone in the dark forest?" OE: "What in the world is a lone child doing so deep in the woods?"
Ezelo: „Ach so... Ich verstehe." DT/EQ: „Oh so... I understand." OE: "Ho ho! I see."
Ezelo: „Minish?! Vaati?!" DT/EQ: "Minish?! Vaati?!" OE: "The... Picori you say? And Vaati?"
Ezleo: „Fluch?! Heiliges Schwert?!" DT/EQ: "Curse?! Holy Sword?!" OE: "Vaati cursed somebody? What? The sacred blade?!?"
Ezelo: „So ist das also! Ja, gewiss, ich habe dich verstanden." DT: „So is that so! Yes, certainly, I (have) you understood." EQ: "So, is that so! Yes, I certainly understood you." OE: "Is that so? I see, I see..." (NOTE: Ezlo's second sentence is in conversational past.)
Ezelo: „Es ist nämlich so, dass ich selbst auf Reisen bin, um einen Weg zu finden, wie man den Fluch des Hexenmeisters brechen kann. Man braucht also das..." DT: „It is namely so, that I even of travels am, in order a way to find, how one the curse of the sorcerer break can. One needs also that..." EQ: "You see, even I am traveling in order to find a way for how one can break the curse of the sorcerer. One also needs that..." OE: "You know, you and I have quite a lot in common. You see, I, too, am on a quest to break a curse of Vaati's." (NOTE: „Es ist nämlich so" can mean both "it is namely so" and "you see" as in interjection.)
Ezelo: „Heilige Schwert? Gut, dann werde ich mich dir anschließen." DT: „Holy sword? Good, then will I me (to) you connect." EQ: "Holy sword? Good, then I'll join you." OE: "And you say that reforging the sacred blade can break his curse, eh? Well, then you have found yourself a companion, my boy!"
Ezelo: „Mein Name ist Ezelo. Es freut mich, deine Bekanntschaft zu machen." DT: „My name is Ezelo. It pleases me, your acquaintance to make." EQ: "My name is Ezelo. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." OE: "My name is Ezlo. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Ezelo: „Warte! Warte doch mal!" DT: „Wait! Wait still (softener)!" EQ: "Wait! Wait a moment!" OE: "Wait! Wait, I say!" (NOTE: Even with the „mal", it's still idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Renn doch nicht so, mein Kind!" DT: „Run yet not so, my child!" EQ: "Don't run so, my child!" OE: "You walk so quickly! Too quickly, in fact!"
Ezelo: „Kannst du nicht langsamer gehen?" DT: „Can you not slower go?" EQ: "Can't you go slower?" OE: "Can't you go any slower? Surely you've noticed that I have no legs..."
Ezelo: „Sieh mal, Kindchen. Wie soll ein kleiner Wicht wie ich je mit dir Schritt halten?" DT: „Look (softener), little child/kiddo. How shall a little wretch how I ever with to you keep in step?" EQ: "Look, little child/kiddo. How shall a little wretch such as me ever keep in step with you?" OE: "Boy! Take a good look at me! Do you really think I can walk that fast!" (NOTE: Originally, I planned to translate Ezlo's nickname for Link as "little child", but I realised that "kiddo" not only works better, but is a dimunitive just like „Kindchen" is!)
Ezelo: „Also wirklich!" DT: „So really!" EQ: "Honestly!" OE: "Augh!" (NOTE: Idiomatic again. Now that I think about it, most of what Ezlo says is idiomatic...)
Ezelo: „Was für eine absolut unmögliche Göre du doch bist!" DT: „What for an absolute impossible brat you still are!" EQ: "What an absolutely impossible brat you still are!" OE: "If it isn't one thing, it's another! You are a troublesome boy!" (NOTE: Just realised that it could have come out as, "What an absolutely impossible brat you are, indeed!")
Ezelo: „Viel besser! Wenn ich hier oben bin, kannst du mir nicht mehr devonlaufen." DT: „Much better! When I here overhead am, can you (for) me not more out-run." EQ: "Much better! When I am overhead here, you cannot out-run me anymore." OE: "There! Now, you can't possibly leave me behind."
Ezelo: „Ah! Sehr hübsche Aussicht hier!" DT/EQ: „"Ah! Very nice/pretty view here!" OE: "My... It's quite comfortable up here. More comfortable than it looks, surely."
Ezelo: „Und außerdem äußerst bequem für mich!" DT/EQ: „"And furthermore, extremely convenient for me!" OE: "And much easier on me!"
Ezelo: „Hm? Was grummelst du da? Los, auf geht's, zackizacki!" DT: „Hm? What grumble you there? Go, let's go, make it snappy!" EQ: "Hm? What are you grumbling there? Go, let's go, make it snappy!" OE: "Hey! Quit your squirming! Can't you sit still? See! There..." (NOTE: Idiomatic. „Zackizacki" just sounds so cute.)
Ezelo: „Ach, ehe ich es vergesse!" DT: „Oh, before I it forget!" EQ: "Oh, before I forget!" OE: "Yes, yes! That's it. Much better."
Ezelo: „Für kleine Kinder wie dich gibt es allerlei Dinge, die sie nicht verstehen." DT: „For small child such as yourself there are various things, that they not understand." EQ: "For small children such as yourself, there are various things that they don't understand." OE: "Now, I suppose a boy like you still has much to learn about the world."
Ezelo: „Drücke in solchen Momenten einfach SELECT! Ich helfe dir dann." DT: „Press in such moments easy SELECT! I help (for) you then." EQ: "Easily press SELECT in such moments. I'll help you then." OE: "If you ever need my insight, press SELECT. I'll be happy to help!"
Ezelo: „Herrje! Das wird anstrengend!" DT: „Oh, dear! This will exhausting!" EQ: "Oh, dear! This will be exhausting!" OE: "Ah, such a hopeless child..." (NOTE: Alternate translation would be "Oh, dear! This is exhausting!")
Ezelo: „Kindchen! Ich verrate dir etwas." DT: „Kiddo! I reveal to you something." EQ: "Kiddo! Let me reveal something to you." OE: "Hold on for a moment, my boy! We've stumbled across something important!"
Ezelo: „Die Welt der Minish ist sehr klein. Du kannst die Minish nicht treffen," DT: „The World of the Minish is very small. You can the Minish not meet," EQ: "The World of the Minish is very small. You cannot meet the Minish," OE: "The world of the Minish is very small. You're far too big to meet them now."
Ezelo: „solange du groß bist." DT: „so long you big are." EQ: "as long as you are big." OE: "Eh? Who are the Minish? Ah, yes! Silly me! Allow me to explain..."
(OE Ezlo proceeds to completely hi-jack the plot with two text boxes that aren't present in the German version.) [OE: "You humans call them "Picori," but they refer to themselves as the Minish!"] [OE: "Strange how, in the world of humans, only this forest kept that name..."] (NOTE: I think this is because the OE version added a plot twist where the tiny people are referred to with two names: "Picori" and "Minish". I also think it's to justify the title of "The MINISH Cap". The dual-names are completely lost in any version, German included, that calls them just "Minish" or "Picori".)
Ezelo: „Schau mal dort! Sieht aus wie ein normaler Baumstumpf, nicht?" DT: „Look (softener) there! Looks like a normal tree-stump, not?" EQ: "Look there! Looks like a normal tree-stump, no?" OE: "Anyhow, deep in the forest they built a tiny village, where many now live." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Ja, ja, aber!" DT/EQ: „"Yes, yes, but!" OE: "But if we're to enter the village, we'll have to make you a touch smaller first."
Ezelo: „Dieser Baumstumpf ist ein geheimes Portal, das die Menschen vor langer..." DT: „This tree-stump is a covertly Portal, that the humans before long..." EQ: "This tree-stump is a covertly Portal that the humans a long..." OE: "Look at that! At first glance, it appears to be a mere stump, yes?"
Ezelo: „...Zeit erschaffen haben, um ihre Körpergröße ändern zu können!" DT: „...Time created have, in order their body size alter to can!" EQ: "...time ago have created in order to be able to alter their body size!" OE: "No! That stump is a portal used by people long ago to adjust their size!"
Ezelo: „Wenn ich dabei bin, kannst du dort so klein werden wie ein Minish!" DT: „When I nearby am, can you there so small become how a Minish!" EQ: "When I am nearby, you can become as small as a Minish!" OE: "With my help, you can use it to shrink down to Minish size."
Ezelo: „Wenn du auf dem Baumstumpf R drückst, wirst du klein." DT: „When you on the tree-stump R press, become you small." EQ: "When you press R on the tree-stump, you'll become small." OE: "Just stand on the stump and press R to shrink."
Ezelo: „Um wieder groß zu werden, drückst du erneut R." DT: „In order again big to become, press you anew R." EQ: "In order to become big again, press R anew." OE: "To return to normal, stand next to the stump and press R."
Ezelo: „Also los, ab geht die Post!" DT/EQ: „"So go, off you go!" OE: "Get me up there, and we'll give it a try." (NOTE: That was hilariously idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Jetzt siehst du die Welt mit den Augen eines Minish!" DT: „Now see you the world with the eyes (of) a Minish!" EQ: "Now you see the world with the eyes of a Minish!" OE: "Welcome to the world through the eyes of the Minish!"
Ezelo: „Und, war das nicht nett von mir? Du brauchst dich nicht zu bedanken!" DT: „And, was that not nice of me? You need you not to thank!" EQ: "And was that not nice of me? You don't need to thank me!" OE: "Now, aren't you glad you saved me? No need to thank me, though!"
Ezelo: „Solche Portale gibt es hier und da, in verschiedenster Gestalt." DT: „Such Portals are there here and there, in different shapes/forms." EQ: "There are such Portals here and there, in different shapes/forms." OE: "Portals that reduce your size are all around, in different shapes and sizes."
Ezelo: „Um wieder groß zu werden, stell dich neben den Baumstumpf, und drücke R!" DT: „In order again big to become, place yourself beside the tree-stump, and press R!" EQ: "In order to become big again, place yourself beside the tree-stump, and press R!" OE: "If you want to return to normal, stand next to a portal and press R."
Ezelo: „Du musst aufpassen, denn wenn du klein bist, lauern viele Gefahren!" DT: „You must watch out, then when you small are, lurk many dangers!" EQ: "You must watch out, because when you are small, many dangers lurk!" OE: "But there is one thing you must know: being Minish-sized is full of dangers!"
Ezelo: „Wenn du groß bist, ist es eine kleine Pfütze, wenn du klein bist, ein Meer." DT: „When you big are, it is a small puddle, when you small are, a sea." EQ: "When you are big, it is a small puddle; when you are small, a sea." OE: "Mere puddles at your normal size are bottomless swamps to the Minish."
Ezelo: „Wenn dir was passiert, geht es mir auch an den Kragen. Also aufgepasst!" DT: "If to you what/something happens, goes it for me also on the collar. So watch out!" EQ: "If something happens to you, I'm in for it, too. So watch out!" OE: "And as your companion, if anything bad happens to you, it happens to me, too! So proceed with caution, my lad! If not for your own sake, but for my own!" (NOTE: „an den Kragen" is an idiom akin to "in for it", as in "in trouble".)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
You're supposed to cool and people came by and said it too they said this is history these boats are historic and they should be preserved and they used to doing it and a lot of them do it so a few of them are getting together and they're going to try and restore them and Mac heard what you were saying too I said these are old times smuggling boats and they're used a while ago years and years ago some of many years ago they looked and it was a 60s and it looks again he thinks I think I know what boat it is and he he knew it off and on and it's kind of awful and finally he said this is from the 30s and it's prohibition time and they're moving alcohol and there's a famous movie that is out there with BG because of this boat and BG is actually Gilligan and he crashes with a Mac and they get stuck there really just for a day and it's one episode that seems real and the rest seem fake and they like the premise and they heard it from the future and they made a show and it's going to go ahead it was probably going to go ahead but later and probably now they're going to restore it nicely it still gets damaged in a storm it's a small storm but they have them out there at sea and they're trying to smuggle things from Cuba Small things no the loads too heavy and the rich b****** and they have a big ship moving and it's going to be the escort or something and they're taking it they're pegging it and the motor can't take it and they end up crashing
It's a lot of stuff going on. Preamble to Star wars A New Hope The empire strikes back and return to the Jedi is beginning that is the beginning of the entire Star wars saga which is humongous there's four movies after there are television show series that we're having going on for years and started recently this cartoon series that went on the whole time for 45 years or more and it is a gigantic saga humongous numbers of fans are coming out it is huge okay this is one of the largest genre if not the largest on Earth and our son is sitting there with Darth Vader and we keep telling our people he's having trouble getting his contract renewed for his apartment and we're starting to see that he's getting attention yes and negative attention too but really a lot of ours are starting to pay attention this is a huge huge genre and a giant film and more so has significant meaning to us, as the father Vita represents the fall of a rebel and he's a not a lower level one but he's a general and he used to call my minor general but now it's pretty big but he's causing tons of problems and really he's annihilating them and he went to berserker and he's wrong and they try to tell him it's not working and it's almost over for him and with him out of the way we will be able to deal with the powers of b easier after Trump and Trump is taking a beating and doesn't know it he will shortly right after right before Vader goes back goes into the hospital and for a while a few days at least and it causes problems here and other Max start working on it and they realize something we're not really supporting him that much and his are trying to take all the stuff so they start getting involved and say that's what they're doing and it works out a little better for a time being and he comes back and he gets the contract going rather quickly and he says you're pretty smart for a kid cuz yeah I know I didn't know that was going to happen and I kind of pieced it together slowly he sees it but then he says what were you saying well I need to be reunited and I think that will and Bill are doing it too you found them doing it it's like this team it doesn't talk to each other and it works and it's very very skillful people are afraid of it. So is what to say but it's going on now and this guy sounds sick but he's just hydrating so it's a weird time and it's going on now and there's a bunch of stuff but boy there's a huge huge movie series it is changing my life the flavor is coming back the memories the sorrow the feeling of helplessness and congestedness and fear which is good because the empire is getting their empire ships back and the rebellion the rebels of the molar class are going to be gone it's going to be a huge shift in the paradigm and we're going to have to adapt
Thor Freya
God bless you my husband for doing your work and for having friendships with people and even though it's odd that they do the job and they're getting it done and they see it and understand that this is a problem this time you FK it's cost too many problems he's too overt and loud I mean and here you go we're going to go into this now and I know that you're emotional about it and I am too and I'm showing you it and you just can't handle it I guess since I can but I know that you're feeling a lot of emotions and so am I I try not to because of where I am and I don't really know the effect I guess it was just hard mean person to be really not too good but it's really sad and it brings back hard memories a family time soon I had a good childhood considering and I know that and it was rough for both of us mine too and I see you jen weathering and in trouble, can I see the empire and it's about very very strange racism. And it's coming back and solidly and I can see that they're very Stern about it and that they're getting data and Intel on Tommy f and they intend on taking over it's a pretty rich maneuver they're doing but it's also poor in many ways. But it's an emotional time. And to see Scott Smith when it happens looking up at the two sons is going to touch a lot of people namely me and you because we're right there and they're making the movie and we can see that they're afraid and scared and it's coming back to them. And here's the advice and laughs and says that's who he is is the kid down the street and he bought my bike and he made the best of it and he just was in love with that little bike says if you had it now would be driving it around and says I doubt it and he says are you done a lot of things. Which is funny cuz they're thinking of trying to bring it back make the frame a little bigger it's not the cc's but you can actually put an insert in it and make it 49 and they can't tell you from the outside but it would sound like a 49cc but they can put a high performance insert in and he says this is true and the combustion chamber would be a little bit bigger so that's how it goes people say it makes it much more powerful and it runs a little odd but the sleeve is not even that big it's like quarter of an inch or 1/8 of an inch so we're going to see if they do that they've done it before and Kawasaki is interested in helping and we have a bike that sells like it so now it's kind of a no sweatshirt and license it. So in the frame is pretty sturdy he says it is I can put a bigger motor on getting any money if you get any money. So we have a plan for the rental agreement and Sherry is probably it and she'll still be around any color rebel but she's really a woman and she's not a gifted person and she's the devil for the queen and even saying the Queen's not out and after a while to get tired of it but not yet
I'm sad and selling just like him and a friend here it's going to be a trying time and we're wondering what to do right now they've been waiting all night and holding Trump off and reading and really he has to get hit to be held off it's an idiot. It's not going to go well and it's only been a couple hours it's like 1:00 a.m. to go 5 more hours of this and we don't think it's going to be that great but grateful for them showing up I'm driving around and not being detected so they must be hot and yeah and now I see desert that's hot and that's what he says and they're cool as they're moving along okay that makes sense so we feel bad but Trump will pay if he does it and Jason will make him pay too and really they suck we told him to go over there and they won't and they won't listen to what we're saying they want to negotiate anything but the queen was there and we were friends but she was kind of b***** but we negotiated stuff and he was really into being nice and stuff we did stuff together sometimes and sometimes you didn't know it was me and he's hanging out with Kevin and actually is Uncle Paul he doesn't know that and he got really nervous one night and since the Bible and since now he's nervous again it says I'm kind of nervous too because I send back things slow haphazard and does look like much as gel except for the empire. And it's not that guy you need to poop you need to know that your fleet is small like ours and we're in trouble and he's sitting in front really do you do your movies individually elsewhere so he gets that and we're moving out it's going to happen shortly I want you to read different areas that kind of equal it says a special stuff there the special stuff there so we went through it already and it's the same stuff so it says no it's not and what's different about it it's his color so he says I'll try but we don't think so I'm upset and I'll have to renew the rent thing and I'll hang around besides the women's movement he says and oh yeah I remember that and they don't want to clean and charge but they don't want to lose the power so I'm okay
Sherry says they make a lot of bikes for women and her is working on some kind of chopper she says yes it's a full-blown chopper for women so he's laughing what will happen a built-in compact so I'm laughing now too cuz he knows the word she says it is a compact between us this is a better not be on a trike that you're riding on she's laughing no the agreement and yeah I know what you mean he says so this is Grace
0 notes
memoriashell · 6 years
Characters / Pairing: Muffet, some vague Mettaton / Muffet, some vague Undyne / Muffet, some Napstablook, and if you really squint you might see some Alphyne in the bg.
crossposted on ao3 ft. the full extent of my notes
Notes: Hi @roxrezi, I'm your secret santa! Since I quite love myself some Muffet, I thought I’d write something with her for you. I also really wanted to try writing some Undyne / Muffet and Mettaton / Muffet, and somewhere along the way I went from planing out something with everyone’s first holiday on the surface to... an exploration of various route endings and not at all holiday related. Whoops. This was also supposed to be a lot shorter, but here we are at 4k words instead. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! This was done as a part of @undertalesecretsanta . Thank you mods for all your efforts in hosting the event! 
Summary:  Webs are a sticky, tricky thing, really. Fortunately, spiders know how to untangle themselves from even the trickiest of webs.
( an apt way to view the branches of fate, really )
A human, they whisper, a human is coming. Get the soul and you will be rewarded.
And so, once again, Muffet finds herself with a renewed purpose. She has grown tired of fussy monsters who will not help her, of having to swindle for even a little bit to be thrown her way. She won’t need to bake for profit ever again if she succeeds. She can finally relax.
Soon. Soon she will have enough, and everything will be alright. The spider clan will be rich and able to be reunited, and they can all be happy together, and she will be happy too—
( — and this is the thought she hold onto when the frying pan slams down on her body ).
The Ruins are ( mostly ) empty. Same goes for Snowdin, and Waterfall—
She wonders if they were bored by the time they got to Hotland. Despicable, really, but seeing as they hadn’t harmed her or her spiders, she can’t completely hate them either.
No, that is a lie, Muffet absolutely detests that human. Her spiders may come first, but that does not make her heartless when it came to other monsters. But she is a woman of her word, there was no reason to kill a human that had supported her cause.
( Was it wrong of her to have done so? Perhaps. Maybe then, there would be a little more liveliness left in the Underground, flashy and loud— )
Napstablook is generous enough to assist her with arranging help with getting the spiders out of the Ruins; the fact that, despite everything, her spiders can be reunited is barely a silver lining, but she’ll take what she can get. The fact that she can afford to bring them home hardly matters, when the Underground is so sparse and the Ruins are opened up once again. It’s not even nearly as much of a hassle, as cold as Snowdin is to travel through. Traps and puzzles are deactivated, there is no need for those things anymore, so there is little but the cold to slow her down.
The spiders are back home, where they should be. Hotland is more or less the same, minus two voices— one loud and glamorous, one not so. Everything should be fine, by those standards.
But it’s not.
It is not.
The world just does not feel quite right.
Every king needs their queen— no, that is a lie. Mettaton needs no one, if she is to be honest, but she is good at her job.
Muffet dangles from her web, flaunting— a menacing flash of her flash of her fangs. Intimidate their ‘foes’ into confessing their ‘crimes’— work that she could leave to that skeleton, sure, but Sans has always been lazy. She, however, never slacks off.
( Perhaps no real wrongdoings have been done, but it’s fine discarding a few extra ingredients from the batch. Better than letting them sit and go bad— rotten ingredients were never any good. It would spoil the whole batch!
Besides, her pet, her darling Cupcake needed a treat to be rewarded with. What better than something she needed to get rid of anyways? )
It wasn’t like she did not benefit from it either. Why would she serve a fussy customer— no, let her rephrase that: Muffet found no point, no joy in serving someone who did not service her needs too. Even when that someone was the ruler of the Underground, known for whispers of sudden disappearances; she had enough pride left that she would not let herself be squished under Mettaton’s heel like some pest. Her spiders had been brought home with his generosity, and it is oh so fun to watch monsters squirm when she watches them with two, four, five eyes, and claps in joy with her hands— that is a thrill unlike anything else, one that even the capturing of a soul surely wouldn’t have brought. It is not all bad, the monsters had never done anything to serve her, why should she spare them now?
( There is a reason why monsters do not come to her parlor anymore ).
No, while the spider monster might hold a grudge for none of them to be willing to help her cause, that was then and this is now. This is a matter of business, dearie, did you not understand that? Muffet coos and is amused in her tittering, as she watches confusion spread across features.
Spiders may live with her now, but that did not mean that some did not linger in other parts of the Underground. Allow for the whispers to reach corners and make its way back to her. It was always a fun choice to make, what to do with that information. Let one of the ‘agents’ handle this? Handle it herself? Do nothing with it?
( Those who enter the parlor do not usually leave ).
Of course, she can always hand the task over to Mettaton, but she usually left that for the worst offenses only. It was much more delightful to watch and wait to see how he’d react on such occasions, if it was worth making a mess of himself for. More often than not, the answer was yes, and she would make sure the webs were keeping the prey in place, maybe paralyze them if they seemed particularly rowdy, but otherwise sat back to admire his work.
Despite it all, she does not think he’s a bad person— would that not make her a bad person too? Muffet knows that once, he was not half a bad person, despite what one might believe; she was once not an entirely bad person either, despite her arguments that she has remained unchanged all these times.
It wasn’t their fault that they were like this, was it?
“Darling,” He beckons for her, so she lowers herself from her web, dropping herself from the sticky silk with ease and onto his lap. She hardly weighs a thing to a monster made of metal, two hands settling themselves on his shoulders, two others coming up to cup his face. “Have you heard the news?”
“Dearie.” She returns, a brief kiss; her eyes blink at him. “You are the news~” Which is, technically speaking, true. MTT News was the Underground’s news source. Perhaps not like what it once was, but still news.
The robot gives her a look that seems unimpressed, but she knows he’ll let her get away with it ( almost anyone else would’ve been too scared to even consider talking back, she enjoys such privilege with glee ). “You’ve been holding out on me. There was an incident on the edges of Hotland?”
Ah, that. Well, what can she say? She knows Mettaton likes keeping away from the lab. She shrugs, fangs peeking out as she grins. “Someone simply needed a dunk in the river, ahuhu~~” A forceful dip, perhaps, but what did the details matter. If he can read between the lines and figure out what exactly that all means, it does not show; of course, he is an actor, she would not be surprised if he knows exactly and simply opts to not speak of it.
“Well—” He starts, a pause, she’s caught him off guard. Hadn’t predicted her answer. A mechanical clearing of his throat, before he speaks again. “Well, that still calls for a punishment... or perhaps a reward?”
There’s a gleam in her eyes, a grin and a giggle before she’s pulling back. “Already a step ahead of you~ I brought them back for you speak to, fufufu~”
“Ah, now you’re speaking my language, gorgeous.”
( A butterfly and a spider trapped in a web—
—who is really the victim here? )
Humans aren’t so bad, she decides. She still lacks enough to bring the spiders back home, and they were still stuck in the Underground, but they weren’t dead. It’s not all bad. They made an effort to help her, which is more than she can say for some monsters.
The shy, nerdy one passes through, sometimes, to check up on her; and she will flash her fangs at the scientist and giggle as she scampers off. Other days Muffet will leave her web, willingly, to see the spiders now that the Ruins aren’t closed off.
One time, she leaves to go through to Snowdin, try and figure out if there is a good way to bring the spiders home. Even if she’s cold, at least the Royal Guard is there to help her.
( Which roughly translates to, at least the Canine Unit was there to try and play with her. And then went to fetch Papyrus when they realized she wasn’t interested in them, who in turn fetched Undyne, because Undyne was likely to be more helpful at assisting ).
Muffet likes Undyne ( only kind of like that ) because she’s to the point. She doesn’t bother with trying to skirt around things— time is money, as the saying goes, and while Muffet is not really that greedy with her money, she’d much rather not freeze to death out in Snowdin. Unfortunately, the former captain has very little advice to offer, since the main issue is the fact that the forest is big and the spiders would probably die before they even reached town. The cold is not a foe that can be fought, unfortunately; she laughs a little when the warrior offers to beat up the cold nonetheless. On a more serious note, Undyne also offers to check in with Alphys for her opinion, which is favor she wouldn’t have been willing to ask for on her own, so she’s somewhat thankful for that.
She hasn’t visited with Napstablook in a while, so she does that— she nabbed some ghost pastries in advance for this particular occasion. Just because she only sold spider goods didn’t mean she was incapable of baking other things! For a very select audience, perhaps, but she liked to think of it less as business and more like the kind of favor one did for their friend. They were supportive of her cause and if she baked a few goods for them every now and then in return, what of it? They needed something good, they were always so blue— not that she can blame them for that, but that’s besides the point.
She realizes a little too late that her sudden visit has intruded on something— well, probably something, she’s not entirely sure if they are lying on the floor in accordance to ‘tradition’, or for some other reason. Muffet spares a brief glance to their other visitor, a figure she can recognize quite well, but opts to ignore for the time being.
“oh... i wasn’t... expecting to see you... muffet...” They greet her; the sort of dejected manner they hold themselves with has always made her frown ( she’s glad to see she’s not the only one, if the motion in her peripherals is to be any indication ).
“Why not? You’re my best customer~” Teasing, she’s only teasing as the basket is offered to them. “I had some... business to attend to in Snowdin~ I thought I would come by to keep you company afterwards.”
“oh, right... the spiders are still in the ruins... aren’t they? i’m sorry... i’d help if i could... but the snail business is... still pretty bad.”
Muffet tuts at him, as if she’d blame him. They were both suffering from not being to make money off their fellow monsters, Napstablook was just better natured about it. She was not, though. “Ah, speaking of that, dearie~ I’ve got quite the story about that!” She ignores the metallic sound of their third party getting up, ignores what she assumes to be a glare. “You remember the human who came through, yes? Quite a darling~~ Even helped donate to our bake sale a little~ Not that I knew that when I was fighting them. And—”
“Darling.” Mettaton drawls, and she knows she’s annoyed him. Good! She almost killed an innocent human on his behalf! He’s cunning, Muffet will give him that, but she does not enjoy being deceived like that. He should be at least half as annoyed as she is. “Your gossip is going to put me to sleep. Please change the topic before you bore me any more than you already have.”
“i... don’t really mind...” Napstablook chimes in, though they seem to go ignored.
“You’re no fun. Fine~” She pouts, four arms crossed; she’ll drop the topic for now. Besides, she doesn’t really need to give Napstablook something else to be sad about. “Would you like to hear about the gossip in Snowdin instead then?”
Later, when she leaves Blook Acres, she knows she is not alone, because she can hear the plodding of heeled boots, so she stops and waits for him to catch up— it doesn’t really make much of a difference since they both need to take Hotland’s elevator to get back to their respective homes, but there was no need for her to make him chase after her ( well, maybe it’d be fun to have someone chase after her, but she digresses. It’s a time waster right now ).
“I feel as though I might... owe you an apology.” He starts, and Muffet wants to snort a little— an apology would be far from compensation, but it might be a step in the right direction. If she’s feeling generous. “I was not aware that things were so dire for you. Allow me to make up for it.”
She’s still upset that Mettaton so easily played her for a fool— holding a grudge, however, feels foolish for now ( or maybe she’s being fooled again, only the angel knows ). “And what do you get out of it?”
“Well, I’d never! But, you know, if you’re offering— the spiders being saved from the Ruins would be quite a broadcast worthy moment.”
She groans because, of course, she should have expected there’d be a catch, and of course, it’s a ridiculous catch ( really, she was expecting something entirely different )— only fitting for someone with as much grandeur as him. It’s such a small price for her, though, so she will begrudgingly agree.
It’s better. Things are not the best— this is far from their best ending.
But it’s better, she can’t ask for much else.
People come. People leave. That is the way this world works, she knows. People come and go, and she has no intentions of trying to make them stay. Such is futile.
Muffet laughs and giggles at monsters who pass through her domain, at the ones that try and convince her to leave her home. What an opportune moment, is what she thinks, and so she stays, like always.
Silly scientists.
( While she regrets not tying Alphys up and playing with her a bit, she’s never seen the lizard so determined— frantic and anxious, yes, that is a given as far as she can tell, but determined is not. So she lets her go on her way, knows that something is coming her way and prepares ).
She is no hero— Muffet would laugh in your face at even the mere suggestion of such— she is no hero, she is not trying to defeat that thing for the sake of others.
No, such a greedy human deserves no pity, no break. One who may have supported her cause all the same, but that is besides the point. A being who has killed so many must have quiet some money— sure, it’s a shame she must go about funding her cause this way, but she thinks the monsters would have preferred it go to her than their killer. Surely, this time, she can succeed in bringing the spiders home. She can be happy knowing that, for a fact.
So she cackles when the thing finally decides to show up, pass through her nest— a foolish move, she thinks. Why would you go through her home? No one is more familiar with the webbed area like she is, it is so easy to catch the tiny little thing like the pest it is. It hardly even seems human when it stares her down like that, face devoid of any emotion. Unfeeling, unlike any monster. Muffet grins and bares her fangs at it and—
She is cocky, has hardly had the time to utter even a sentence; doesn’t notice the weapon until it has collided with her painfully.
This isn’t right.
Her spiders scuttle around her feet, whispers of go home, go home, go home.
Muffet does not bake, she does not tease to munch on people— in this small town, too idle for anyone’s wellbeing, she does not do anything. A monster like her has no place here.
She might as well be a ghost.
( Go home, go home, go back underground.
If only things were that easy ).
Something happens out there, she knows— an echo of laughter falls from her lips.
She does not go out.
( Go back, go back.
She waits until they can go back ).
It is probably a good thing that their leader is a lively one, or else she thinks that monster’s spirits would’ve been much lower than they currently were. It was not as simple as turning on the television to watch Mettaton’s shows to make them smile anymore. A shame, truly, because while Muffet did not care for those kind of flashy things, had no care for stars of that caliber, she can recognize something has been lost from the Underground.
( A shame, but it really makes no difference to her in the end. Her spiders have been spared, so that’s all that matters to her. The safety of her spiders.
It’s easier to act like that’s all that matters, that things are better for her that way, at least ).
Their new ruler is much more brutal. Blunt. Blood-thirsty— and sure, Undyne’s always been kind of like that, probably. It was an admirable trait, for the head of the Royal Guard; it is a good trait for a ruler too, when supported by the people that she rules over.
Muffet tuts at her and wonders if she will grow to regret that, however, when her grief finally fades. She can mourn those who were lost, but she cannot do so forever. People will move past their grief, eventually... or die when their hope finally gives out.
( She leaves Hotland, passes the lab with its broken doors, forced open when it’d been quiet for too long. It is a sorry echo of what it had once been there. Of who had once been there.
It doesn’t matter, she reaffirms ).
One of her spiders accompanies her, riding on her shoulder; the others stay safe at home with her dear pet. She grabs onto her dress with two of her arms, lifts it up as she wades through the waters of Waterfall. She does not really care for the wet, rocky terrain of Waterfall, but she can afford to make sacrifices. It’s not like any of them have better things to be doing.
( Despite what one may think, she is not entirely all selfish. That said, she is not selfless either, she has her reasons for doing what she does. Her own trivial sort of gain ).
She leaves ghost pastries with Napstablook and checks up on the snails ( she does not care for that wet, slimy thing, but they are friends of the spiders, kind of, and they are tasty, so it’s only with brief prodding before she goes on her way ). Napstablook tells her what she needs to know in exchange for the treats, though she knows they would have told her regardless, just as she would’ve given them to them regardless.
She’s not at her former home, but the piano echoes in the corridors long before she is even close to reaching her. An echoing reminder of how much more empty Waterfall ( the Underground in general, really ) is these days, there is no Shyren to sing along with the occasional plink of an off key note. Once, Muffet would have come to Waterfall to see Napstablook and would have expected to hear the warrior training. Loud clanging of pots and voices yelling while they cooked. The piano playing might have been loud and passionate, fierce and angry at a situation like this, but it is much more dull and sullen now, an almost fragile sound. She finds the Empress draped over the piano, quietly— in a world of her own, probably. She wonders if she has cried today too.
( Once, Muffet thinks she might have not minded the Underground being so empty. She is not sure how to feel anymore ).
Two arms reach up to smooth her hair back into being ‘presentable’— she is pretty sure Undyne has never cared for her appearance, but a leader should look the part— two others gently pull her back in a gesture that could be considered a hug. “Your people await you, dearie~” There is a hum of acknowledgment and little more, but that is fine. She’s not here to fix what cannot be mended.
( Once, Muffet feels like this could have been love ).
Surface spiders are so very interesting, Muffet decides. When the human— Frisk— mentions to her that the surface has quite a variety of spiders, she did not think they meant it as sincerely as they did. They are so similar to the ones at her home, yet vastly different all the same. She wonders at what point spider monsters and human spider-animal-things changed, but that sounds like a biology thing that Alphys could probably answer in a way that would make no sense to her. So she will just wonder and appreciate the similarities between them— they can communicate with each other, so there’s that. Do the differences even matter, knowing that?
The surface world in general, is very interesting. Muffet does not technically need to bake anymore since the spiders are free, but she does need to make a ‘living’ of sorts, and baking is the easiest way of doing that. Humans may be skeptical of food with spiders in it, but her fellow monsters are finally coming around to her pastries, so all is well.
Well, sort of.
As good for business as all the attention is, it brings about some... unwanted guests. That is probably a generous way of describing the current pest.
“Cameras aren’t allowed back here, dearie~ No exceptions. Leave~~” She’s very to the point about it, easily weaving around Mettaton’s boxy build to get to the oven so she can check on what she’s baking— she needs no pests hanging about, nor does she need any additional distractions. There’s a pause where she thinks he’s actually going to put up a fight, but seems to think better of it and dismisses the camera crew with a wave of his hand. Not the outcome she’d expected, but better. Workable.
“I’m not stopping to talk to you, so speak up~” Muffet might have spiders to help her, but there is only so much they can do, which means she doesn’t have the time for a break. It’s probably good that she has the extra arms to pitch in.
“A brand deal would only benefit the both of us, you know. I’ll provide you with some proper advertising. If we combined our efforts, we’d be actual competition against Grillby’s.”
“Grillby’s doesn’t sell sweets~~ Humans, on the other hand... Still, I’m doing fine here. I don’t need your silly brand~” She bares her teeth in a way that she wants to be menacing ( unfortunately, Mettaton is not a tiny and naïve human, so he doesn’t even flinch— he laughs, the audacity! ); he looks put out, though, so she supposes that’s a victory.
Also unfortunately, Mettaton is stubborn, so even though she gets rid of him for the day, he returns no less than three times that week. Never alone, either, so as much as she would like to rid of him, it’s not so easy to do so. Business propositions are put aside for casual conversations, but she doesn’t trust him so easily ( she’s been deceived by him once before, no need to go doing that again ).
She feels uneasy, like— like she’s missing something. Like something should have happened. But nothing happens, and she’s not sure if that’s a good thing or not. They monsters more than deserve some peace after everything, so she’ll take the peace as a sign of good things to come.
( Even if it cannot last ).
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slashtakemylife · 6 years
Sheith was NEVER meant to be canon
First of all, I will NEVER EVER discourage a ship, I welcome all ships, heck send me right now a message about sheith HC and I'll encourage you and even HC with you as well
But please, Sheith was NEVER in any point supposed to be canon and yes I've seen and read a LOT of theories and let me tell you, you all need to watch all of captain america's movies but that comes later, first here's some arguments
Brotherhood: Yes I know you get this argument a LOT but the Brotherhood (TM) story line is extremely common
The Hobbit (Bilbo and Thorin) Sherlock, both movies and BBC (Sherlock and Watson) Merlin (Merlin and Arthur) and my main base Captain America (Steve and Bucky) I'm sorry I can't bring you child shows because none come to mind right now
All this shows and even more, show a bond between males that go beyond friendship, become brothers, even stronger than blood but also these guys are actually the most popular ship in their franchise and it's no surprise why, even Queerbaiting comes from here because they KNOW people are invested in them and deliberately make scenes that encourage people DESPITE knowing they will never follow through, so you are not new, the first or even the last
The Beard
So it comes a point were this male/male relationships are so close you begin to think, hmmm, I wonder if there's more? Could it be romantic?! And at this exact moment content makers pull out their trap card, The Love Interest!
Nothing a seldom developed female character can't fix, right? They can add a female character and push her solely for romance (since they don't actually know what to do with a female character, wtf do vaginas even do?) with a few character development moments and also to show like, No they are not gay, look at this happy HETERO couple!
Now is the moment were I confess I am a rabbid Adashi shipper, YES I will protect my son Adam from ANYONE and right now I'm gonna tell you the real deal, the absolute tea of my boy Adam!
Adam is a freaking Beard
So yeah, when S6 ended, it also came to a point were they realized things had gone way to gay and considering how they had hyped LGTB, they knew now was the time to deliver and put an end to a romantic Sheith with the respective Beard (Acxa I think was considered to be Keith's beard but maybe they cast it out later on?) but wait! Ohhh f*ck, we forgot Shiro was gay, uh oh, that means Shiro's beard is a guy, yeah, remember that boy Adam back from when we were doing S2?
In case you don't remember, here's some history, Shiro was supposed to die back in S2 so that Keith could rise into the BP, in an interview, JDS and LM said that S7's Adam flashback was supposed to happen in S2, so those scenes were prepared beforehand, they were actually going to show a gay Shiro and then he was going to die but since they didn't want to do the BYG trope, *cough* bullshit *cough* toy sales and Shiro being Very popular *cough*, they let Shiro live, be the BP and also help make a storyline were Keith goes with the blades instead of immediately into BP and also create this amazing brotherhood that would guide both their characters (the only reason S6 gets a pass is mostly that emotional, visually beautiful fight between Shiro and Keith)
But then as I said, it reached the point were it was way to gay and the beard was needed but unfortunately, the beard was gay and honestly they didn't want to spend too much time on the gay, luckily all they need is a beard, nothing more so here VLD tried to be sneaky with these easy steps:
Put Shiro's gay beard
Get brownie point for the rep they promised
Kill Sheith in the process
Also kill Klance since it's stablished Shiro is he only rep
Kill the beard as well since we don't actually want to put a whole gay storyline, we only need to stablish Shiro as gay
This is very VERY clear in how they justified Adam's death by saying it was tragedy, war and loss, specially when they mentioned that Shiro is the rep, no one EVER made an intention to give Shiro a full GAY romance in ANY way or with any character, but their plan went to shit when everyone (rightfully) called out their BS so they needed a quick fix specially with the coming S8 which was probably mostly done
Why didn't they just make Shiro marry Keith? Their relationship was very developed it was a very easy step, in fact! We have clear evidence they cut out big Sheith moments and interactions and deliveratedly added more Curtis in the BG to justify the ending
If they had prepared a Sheith canon finale it would've saved their ASS, all they had to do in S7 was say 'there's more rep to come!' And be done with the controversy and you are right, ot would've been a slow build relationship
I wholeheartedly believe they cut Sheith scenes and added more Curtis, I do, but here's why, S8 was mostly done, they had done their LGTB duty and S7 should have all the rep the fandom needed, things were good, we could forget that pending and move on with the finale, then the fandom exploted (rightfuly mind you
So VLD had to fix this, they knew S8 also had Sheith PLATONIC moments since they thought they were safe, we were supposed to know this was a friendship, not a relationship, that was the point of the beard! But the beard and the rep both failed (you mean an ambiguous scene and later kill the SO doesn't work? *pikachu face*)
They cut Sheith platonic moments, made klance open ended, used the deus ex machina card for Ezor and Zethrid and rush a Shiro wedding
Look I'm an Adashi, my ship IS canon but one is dead and the other married off, if they had added Adam at the wedding it would've also felt awkward, this Shiro friend that we barely saw is now married to him? Only if you know their true relationship would you understand but it would also feel out of the blue (they did broke up) specially since their scene felt final and not a petty dispute or a misunderstanding but a really sad but necessary choice, none were in the wrong
So I understand the canon and the behind the scenes as to why this happened, but that doesn't mean I'll stop shipping them (F*ck VLD, I'm he captain now) I choose to drown in fanfiction but I won't hate or belittle Curtis because he really is a backgroungd character that got roped into this but people like him, so respect him, his relationship with Shiro and their shippers
So back to my Captain America, I chose this pairing because they went through the same, in Cap 1 there was a balance between the friendship between Steve and Bucky and the slow buildup of Steve and Peggy so while you could definitely ship Stucky if you wanted, the clear canon was Steggy, what happens in Cap 2? The Stucky relationship gets more screen time and the developing romance Staron is very little (non-existent) so when we get to Cap 3 were Cap goes against everyone FOR Bucky, well #GetCaptainAmericaABoyfriend was trending, why? Because The Beard, Sharon as a character and Staron as a couple was so underdeveloped that we all felt wierd with that kiss, sure we knew it was going to happen and that there was something there but suddenly in our faces? People felt comfortable with Stucky because it was more developed that the actual canon relationship, if they had actually made an effort to flush out Sharon and her relationship with Cap, I think it wouldn't have feel so akward, it doesn't help that we repeatedly get reminded of Peggy so they never really pay time to poor Sharon (Yes I'm a Stucky but if a female is done right I can accept her because I actually love Steggy as well)
So Sheith went through the same, they coded their relationship a certain way and failed to separate the romance and bromance, it's never fun to be the obligatory love interest to push away that gay sh*t, Lance actually went through thos since S8 has him mostly worry for Allura
So this is a long rant so thanks for reading
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