milkweedman · 2 years
One of those shifts that makes you wonder if, objectively, you are perhaps too disabled to work.
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latinotiktok · 1 year
hipoteticas: ustedes que pensa que pasara si todos los paises latinoamericanos se convertirían en un singular país
The neutral ending: Seguimos como ahora, cada tanto un poquito de inseguridad, corrupción pero tambien un poco de adquisición de derechos. Seguimos siendo el patio trasero de USA pero no hay dictaduras. Todavia hay una grieta. Seguimos peleando con los latinos de USA por cosas boludas
The bad ending: pensamos con el ojete, una crisis economica nos lleva a una guerra civil entre nosotros, nos vendemos a USA. Trump presidente y su primera ley es prohibir el reggaeton y la cumbia, Chayanne es sacrificado ante nuestros ojos.
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bdor1995 · 2 months
currently at a point in my summer camp job experience that every child I see off my job I will fanticize about packing them into ziplock bags and shipping them off to turkmenistan labeled as endangered fruits and vegetables
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justahappycloud · 1 year
hii, what happened to tor star-crossed?? I loved it, will you upload it again?
hi love!!! star-crossed is alive and well. I'm finishing the spring i chapter, actually!! so it's going marvellously. to tell you the truth, i realised i was writing at a snails pace (and that the pressure of posting another chapter was not as inspiring as i thought, but rather daunting). i realised I'm more of a "write it all first, post after editing" kind of fanfic writer, so I'm waiting until i finish it to upload it again with a regular post schedule (so new chapters more often! yay!), a new summary and probably some edits that will make the story better once I'm not worried about editing fast to post it on ao3
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coraclavia · 10 months
of all Riccardo Estli's compositions, I think "Katya's Waltz" from the Goncharov score is one of his most beautiful
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sexysilverstrider · 9 months
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Kino: I went out of my way to save you when you were on the verge of death, you know? Isn’t there something you want to tell me?
Yui: …Not really. I have nothing to say to you.
Kino: …
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myrunawaysweets · 9 months
Bakugou would definitely be the type of yandere to be quiet and move swiftly.
He knows everything about you, obsessed about you honestly. But he's so quiet around you that you think he hated you to the point of ignoring you but he's ho estly short circuiting from being too close to you, he's memorizing your scent.
He definitely has your pictures (that he either stole from your parents house or took himself) hung on his walls in his room. Hence why no one's allowed in.
He got his tendencies from his dad 100%
If you have/had a crush on him and made advances on him he'd stay quiet in the moment but would stay up all night obsessing over it.
He would kill all might of you so much as asked.
Katsuki would leave gifts in front of your room and they're always exactly what you want.
Definitely broke into your room while you were out and stole a few things (underwear, diary, brush, favourite stuffy)
Speaking of stealing your diary, one he finds out you have a crush on him, he'd definitely make use of that info and make you his.
He definitely killed Yo Shindo for flirting with you.
If you guys ever have a sleep over, he would 100% stay up all night watching you sleep as he talks about how he'll never let you go or let anyone take you from him. Basic yandere things.
I'll probably write a short fic about this one day.
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ibhave a crush on my straight friend and she gave me one of her bras and one of her shirts . ive been sleeping in it. i ho estly js pretebd we’re dating in my mind bc she grabs my thighs and bites my nexk and its Close Enough. God
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bellhopping · 7 months
hon estly pisses me off that my mom's been putting off making my bank account for so long. fuuucckkk please please please please I need to save up money to move out I don't want to be here anymore
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little-watcher · 2 months
Who's someone you wish you could hang out with more often?
pro bly jo n. o r my mo m (ja ne). hon estly everyon e in th e archi ves w e nev er han g out
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nikkialena · 2 years
A dry cough fell from your lips as you made your way through the pitch black smoke, choking the life out of you, with each breath the fire seared your lungs and stung your eyes.
Pushing through the burning cornstalks your douced them flames with water; but it only seemed to daze the flames for a moment before they started up again. You stumbled back, with tears in your eyes you stumbled blindly towards your house . The heat scorching your skin felt like nothing compared to the burning pain on the inside of your chest, you quickly filled the bucket and dounced the flames until every last flame, spark and ember was put out.
Collapsing onto your knees and coughing out lungful after lungful of smoke. Your throat burned as you gasped for air in between coughs and sobs slowly, you raised your head to look around at the damage done.
"Damn it" you mumbled hoarsely , rubbing your forehead to ease some of the pain you were feeling, large patches of cornfield we're burnt away.
The small wooden cottage that had once sat right in middle of the cornfield,now had a caved roof, burnt walls and shattered windows "God dammit!" You yelled as you stood up, your legs wobbled beneath you, the sound of crying birds made its presence known. You tried your best to ignore it.
Not even to mention the sizzling shed decked fence and soiled dirt, it would take months, maybe even a year to repair the damage what had even started the fire in the first place?
You didn't even want to think about it; you just wanted to go home and rest, maybe have a glass or two of whisky, you thought slowly getting to your feet.
Walking back to your house felt longer than expected; as you noticed a light on in your library on the second floor, the only problem was you hadn't been up there.
As you approached the porch; you noticed your shotgun was missing from it's seat upon your rocking chair, which meant someone must have been here.
Your heart skipped a beat, and your blood ran cold, as you turned the knob slowly, the door creaked and groaned slightly as it opened and you took a hesitant step forward you held your breath as you inched into the darkness.
"H-Hello" you called only to be immediately grabbed by your wrist throne to the floor and slammed against the floorboard harshly.
Panicking you attempted to pry his hand off your wrist; and squirm from underneath him, but your whole body froze when he pressed a gun to your stomach.
"Hands; gettem above your head love" He said quietly his voice low and husky but you couldn't see his face; you could only see the outline of a man, his features shrouded in shadows, slowly you raised your hands and he grabbed them roughly.
Tying them together with rope; that dug into your skin and stung painfully, you opened your mouth to speak but he covered it with a calloused hand.
"We're going to take this nice and easy love; I just need you to nod yes or no or a quick explanation okay ?" he asked in a soothing tone, as if he was talking to a scared rabbit.
Taking a deep breath you nodded silently as he lifted the gun from your belly; but didn't lower it, "alright, now where exactly am I" he asked breath ragged.
"Y-your on my farm, on the outskirts of Estli" you mumbled meekly, you could hear him tsk, followed by a few intelligible slurs "I meant country wise" he hissed.
And you flinched back "we're in Nicaragua" you whispered, you heard a grunt "where's your family, sweetheart?" he asked and a lump formed in your throat "I-I don't have any my husband died a few months back, and my family have disowned me".
You noticed his breathing was getting worse and his hands were shaking, "are...are you okay you seem hurt",
you whispered nervously.
"I think you should worry about yourself" he managed to say in an almost uncharacteristically harsh manner
"What happened to you are you hurt" you insisted trying not to let the concern for your safety cloud your rational thinking.
"No shit sherlock, it doesn't matter do you have a medkit somewhere", "in the cupboard under the kitchen sink", you answered he nodded his head, but didn't move "go grab it please".
He hissed motioning you forward with the gun, you raised your hands to remind him of the binds and he cursed, pulling the a knife from his pocket.
He yanked you close with a tug on the rope, "I'm going to cut these, but so help me if you even look the wrong way and I'll slit your throat ".
You shuddered, "don't worry, I'll behave".
He smiled or at least you think so can't really see his face from behind the mask "good girl", he easily cut away the ropes and you rubbed the welts underneath them slowly turning for the kitchen.
Peeking over your shoulder your eyes locked with his and you quickly looked forward, walking to the sink you bent over and picked up the heavy metal kit.
"I-I got it" you stammered and he snatched it from your grasp, motioning for you to move forward with the gun, he pushed and prodded you upstairs and into your bedroom.
Where two guys laid on the floor; one with a bloody gash across his forehead and another with bruises all down his cheekbone and a broken nose, both of them were unconscious. Your eyes slid over to the male who held you at gunpoint, "why don't you sit down iny line of sight" you didn't question and took a seat on the bed.
He quickly began to work tearing open the kid and fumbling with some white clothes gauges and alcohol, you watched him with wide fearful eyes.
As he dabbed at wounds and dropped cotton balls; it was clear he didn't really know what he was doing, and was a bit frustrated about it.
"You might want to start by sanitizing the wound so it doesn't get infected" you mumbled softly, your voice sounded hoarse and scratchy.
He paused "what?".
"It's going to be infected unless you disinfect it and then put some kind of dressing on it, but gauge by the size of that cut he'll need stitches".
You could tell that he didn't like that, being told what to do by a stranger, but he reluctantly did as you told, grabbing for the alcohol but you shouted no.
He glared at you; "well what am I supposed to use then", slowly getting down from your perch on the bed you sighed "here just let me do it".
"And why should I trust you with my mates", "because you have a bleeding gunshot wound in your thigh, you could possibly bleed out within the hour, and their both in bad shape as well. I have my doctors degree, you don't".
He reluctantly lowered the gun taking a seat on the bed; "alright but make quick and if-" you rolled your eyes cutting him off "yes yes I know you'll shoot me, or stab me shut the hell up I need to focus".
You started with the man with the gash across his head first. After carefully cleaning it out and stitching the wound it didn't take long for you to bandage it up. Then moved on to the guy with a broken nose and bruised cheekbones, applying antiseptic once you were done, and then there was one, turning to the male with the gun.
Ignoring the gun you tore thro his pants material to clean the wound, "if you got a doctor's why are you here farming", you sighed"it was my father's land, gave it to me before he was died".
"Thought you said family disowned you", "they did, my father was the only one to care for me", finishing up the bandage you stepped back "all done" you muttered standing up and walking to the bathroom to wash your hands.
Opening the doors and turning on the tap you splashed water onto your face, you wiped the water from your cheeks and hair, washing off the smell of smoke and sweat. When you turned around, you saw him staring at you from outside the bathroom doorway.
"Is... is there anything else I can do for you? " you asked unsurely glancing between him and the floor, feeling awkward at his prolonged stare.
He shook his head and motioned toward the door, "I'm tired", "okay you can sleep on my bed", "I'll take the guest bedroom", you started but he cut you off.
"Uh uh we'll share" he stated nonchalantly and you stood stock still, trying to wrap your mind around what he just said "are...are you serious?".
"As a fucking heart attack darling can't have you running off and telling on us, so yeah, I'm pretty damn serious love, if you try anything funny I will kill you got it?"
You nodded your head laying on the bed back to him as he settled in the other side, you felt his arm wrap around you and pull you close not in an endearing way but more like a cage.
Navy blue skies bleed into pink and orange streaks as the sun descends below the horizon, the sound of birds chirping fill the air, as you tie a pink apron around your waist.
Walking into the kitchen with a bit of a skip, it's been a while since you had guest over, sure they held you held you at gunpoint, but they could have shot you and they don't what better way to thank them than with breakfast.
Opening the kitchen fridge you pulled out the carton of eggs, some flour strawberries, butter, seasonings bacon and sausage oh and who could forget the oatmeal.
Setting everything on the counter you turned on the stove and got to work, pulling out the skillet and setting it over the flame, while you kneaded the dough for the biscuits and started the bacon.
As you whisked up the eggs and added the seasoning, you thought you saw something in your peripheral vision, but ignored it continuing on.
After a hour or two of hard work everything was done and you set the four plates, three of them stacked like mountains and one just enough.
Balancing all four plates you turned around and yelped nearly dropping one; all three of them were awake and staring intently at you as if contemplating something.
"You scared me", you exclaimed with a slight chuckle and placing the plates down, none of them moved to eat .
You took a plate and sat next to each of them, pushing your food towards them slightly "eat it'll make you feel better".
However they just stared at you, causing you to frown in confusion, you hesitantly lifted up the fork and placed it on the edge of their plate, then it clicked "it's not poisoned promise".
They continued to stare at it.
With a sigh, you picked up your fork and spoon and sampled, each of their meals "see if it was poisoned why would I eat it" finally one of them decided to eat.
Picking up a fork and stabbing into the sausage, and ate it the others quickly followed and the room filled with the satisfying clanks of silverware against porcelain, You nodded proudly at them eating, smiling softly when they glanced at you before focusing back on their own plates.
"The heli's completely wrecked and all communications are cut", said one with what sound like a Scottish accent, "we seem to be pretty far off from mainland to to far to walk...like this at least".
Said another with a weird cloth surrounding his facial features,
"so that means we'll have to stay here until we can fix the ship".
That caused you to stop mid; sure you were okay with them staying the night, and maybe a little later but indefinitely, you swallowed nervously.
"Or find another one" you offered quietly making all three of them look at you, it was like they'd almost completely forgotten you were there.
"I agree with her" said the one with the weird face drape, "I don't think we'd be able to repair that, also we don't know where we are or the landscape we could get lost".
"I hear you Konig but we got shot down; I doubt it'll be long before they come searching for the lost heli, don't you think this'll be the first place they'll search".
"You could hide in my cellar" you offered without thinking , you froze instantly when everyone looked at you, "or... I mean there's plenty of rooms in the house.....but if you need to hide.... there's a hidden cellar".
All three males glanced at each other and nodded simultaneously, "fine just until we can get a heli or communications", you nodded collecting the plates and loading the dish washer.
Once that was set you started outside but the one with the skull mask grabbed you, "where do you think you're going live?"
You nonchalantly motioned to the cornfield outside the window, "I live on a farm, crops and farm animals don't tend to themselves, I gotta harvest, milk the cows, sheer the sheep, water the plants, feed the sows, butcher a few critters for selling, somehow hide the damage y'all caused get to fixing, the cabin and the shed repair the fence and on top of that walk the animals and reseed the fields".
The two men looked impressed and intrigued "you do all of that by your lonesome?" asked Konig.
You shrugged "well yeah; how else am I supposed to provide for myself" you questioned raising an eyebrow, "that is assuming you don't kill me right?"
They both chuckled at that, but the skull one didn't "to be determined, but don't let us stop to you get to work cowgirl", he said placing your sunhat on your head and practically shoving you out the door.
"well someone has issues"
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eyesofanapothecarian · 6 months
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The 202 voted poll results.
Not much changed.
You can definitely tell that this is over that weeks time period.
All these different screenshots.
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Sadly, Lishu is still at the bottom of everyone who voted list.
Loulan, that bitch traitor, she is ever soared past her in the voting to get 4th place.
Like I don't understand.
Why do people not like Lishu so much??
Other then she's a stuck up consort that's also been one all her latter childhood into to teen years, everything that happens over her is not her fault.
Yea she has medical health problems but ho estly in my head as soon as I noticed this it averaged out to knowing in a group of girls only allowed notice you'll find there's always one girl who has this problem.
They weary as hell about trying anything new to cause that usually ends up going bad for allergic reaction notice again.
I'll do a knew poll to get some curiosities taken care of.
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figula · 10 months
im trying really really hard to be a good partner to ben these past few months w/ this post-wedding depression or whatever (we dk if its even the wedding anymore at this point vc its been like 3 months like. what is the reason) and i think i am doing a good job hon estly but like im finding it so so hard the longer it goes on, the longer it goes on the more i am finding myself having hours-long crying fits bc i dont know what to do or how to fix it or w/e & it's really really stressing me out so much now. these past few weeks ive just felt like garbage most off the time (not helped by this month-long period from HELL) and i was pretty decent at taking the good days as they came + dealing with the bad days when they came for sept/oct but three months into this ride tbh im feeling absolutely fraught and desperate waiting for something to change long-term and. yeah i will probably delete this bc when he wakes up im sure its not going to be a winner to read i just had to get it out somewhere
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Hey brenya, got any drinks that always seem to be difficult to make or do you have bartending down pact?
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--E-> Hon-Estly I t-End to forg-Et how to do things som-Etim-Es, but it hadn't cull-Ed anyon-E y-Et so I think I'm doing good.
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amothmanstolemydoritos · 11 months
Road To El Dorado Legend Quest.
Tulio- Alebrije
Miguel- Evaristo
Chel- CJ (As a Alebrije)
Tzekel-Kan- TBA
Chief Tannabok- TBA
Hernán Cortés- TBA
Altivo- TBA
Zaragoza- TBA
The Spanish Guard- TBA
Acolyte- TBA
Girl in Barcelona- Kylíe
Jaguar- TBA
Bibo- Miztli Choke Estli
Cook- TBA
Bull- TBA
The Singing Narrator- TBA
Native- TBA
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thetisming · 11 months
hon estly Speak Now is the maycois album
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