#etc . i love extremely casual friendships<3
storm-priestess · 2 years
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(all pictures taken from weheartit)
○ Pile 1 ○
this person challenges you career-wise, as well as regarding your self worth
they will make you question why you let others treat you like shit, most likely at work, school, or in friendships
I'm getting that they give you pep talks, hype you up and remind you that you deserve to be respected and loved
very power couple vibes, albeit not super romantic, there's a lot of affection here
they'll support you through all the late nights stuck at the library or working overtime, cheering you on
this is extremely sweet :')
they like sending you messages when you're apart, letting you know that they're thinking of you <3
I can't get over how powerful this is, they truly help you see your inner light. whether this relationship lasts or not, you'll carry their influence with you forever and will never regret the time you spent with them, if only bc they helped you climb out of a dark space
they really, really care about your well-being, almost forcefully
VERY mulan and li shang vibe, although I get the sense you're a bit more nervous and self critical than mulan was in the movie
they're just so invested in you knowing your worth, it's beautiful
○ Pile 2 ○
whirlwind romance vibe, but I feel like your intentions are a bit mismatched. one of you is more interested in the romance and intrigue of it all, the other just a fun time
this could be on-and-off again, with one of you clinging onto the relationship a bit more emotionally than the other
a tendency to cling onto the other, trying to coerce them into putting more of themselves into the connection
regardless, this is a really fun time you guys have
towards the end things may get a little messy, but alongside the bomb sex the spontaneity permeates the rest of the relationship and you guys genuinely enjoy one another's company
I feel like it starts rather abruptly, and hinges on physical attraction to get the ball rolling. then you start texting, meeting up for casual dates/sex, etc, and then one of you catches a bit more intense feelings… (the other is still invested, just maybe not as… obsessed might be too strong of a word, but you get what I mean)
it does seem a bit unbalanced, but if you're honest about what you want out of the relationship you have a stronger chance of getting it. I do see evidence of effort coming from both sides to keep the relationship going, so hopefully you guys can find a peaceful balance that satisfies both of your needs
○ Pile 3 ○
this feels very different from the first two piles… I think this is more for just one person, or a small group of you. it feels like a personal reading
you're the enigmatic one in your friend group. you do what you want to do and are so charismatic that others follow you (not in a cultish way lol, they just love the fun that you incite. it's very sweet)
you've recently moved on from an ex or a crush that you pursued and their rejection bruised your ego a bit. you've just about recollected the rest of your diminished spark and are setting out anew, possibly determined to focus on yourself from now on
but you're met with a bunch of options… you've gained a lot of romantic attention and people are starting to come forward, or at least flirt a lil bit, shoot their shot, slide into dms, whatever
you're just focusing on your friends for now tho, no intentions of jumping right into a romantic relationship….
but it finds you. you don't even have to try
some of you… may realize things about your sexuality. you're attracted to a wider variety of people. that, and/or one of your close friends starts to look mighty interesting…
this is a deep connection. not just a fling or a gateway into discovering the depth of your sexuality, but a really beautiful pairing that means a lot to both of you
you might be at a party and drunkenly kiss your friend, only to laugh about it and carry on
but it becomes less funny later on
you won't be able to stop thinking about it
either that, or you're just hanging out with your friends and have a realization
regardless, this catches you completely off guard
this is really, really special
there's a lot more under the surface here, but it's not for me to convey. things are meant to unfold naturally from here on out. you also probably won't be able to get anymore information on this from other sources (pacs, youtube vids, etc). it feels a bit like the universe is wiping the dirt off their hands and being like 'there. I told you. figure the rest out yourself.'
take it one day at a time guys <3 everything will work out fine
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wildlyfreemoon · 1 month
a casual’s problems with tua s4 (spoilers)
I just… the umbrella academy s4… (spoilers below) -- 4 things i didnt like, and 1 thing i did
like as someone who is a casual viewer and not super involved in the fandom up until this point, even I am like. Dumbfounded by wtv this season was…
five x lila / the stuck in the subway plot
common census shows that the Lila x Five thing was weird but I just think it’s such a shame that they both probably had so much shared resentment for their “upbringing” and the commission and that whole aspect of their friendship/relationship has completely been thrown away in lieu of them getting together
I don’t have a big gripe with five being gone for 7 years and only him knowing that (ie he was gone for 7 years but people think he’s been gone for a couple hours) bc I THOUGHT this would be a way to explain how Aidan (his actor) is no longer a child and doesnt look like a child any more -- but the show explained that by making s4 take place 6 years after s3. but now five should look 26 (13 y/o body in s1 + 6 year gap + extra 7 years in the subway)
... But there was no real reason (at least to me) for Lila to be with him imo
In honesty, i could see five falling for lila, not because i think he truly LOVES her, but because we have seen a similar pattern of behavior before... at a time where he is isolated and alone, he clung to a vaguely humanoid mannequin for comfort and connection. I can see five trying to lean (?) on lila to not lose his sense of self while he's physically lost again... that being said, i dont see why it HAD to be romantic because another aspect of Five's character is that he is EXTREMELY loyal. he literally went 45 years in the apocalypse, constantly trying to get back to his family. and once Five actually reunited with his family, tried to save them, etc. (as i said earlier, i am a casual fan - although i intend to rewatch s1 to erase wtv s4 was from my mind - so i cant pinpoint exact moments where Five bonded with his siblings post traveling back to them, but i know it happens!)
I just think that if five was alone, AGAIN, FOR YEARS, there could have been interesting parallels to his arc/main motivations in the first season — how no matter how long he was separated for, he wanted to get back to his family, to be with them, to save them…
there still could have been a part where he stops for a couple months because he’s so exhausted and has a crisis wondering if he’s meant to be alone, or why he always gets separated (even after finding the book home, he could take another 6 months in his crisis mode — btw the journal showing the way home makes no sense to me like I get that alternate timeline fives made it but how did they know to make a guide back to OUR five’s timeline or wtv)
2. ben's wasted potential
idk i thought there could have been more ben development. his relationship with his siblings.
the way i see it, (sparrow) ben might have wanted his powers back to feel powerful or to feel connected with his (dead) siblings again. he had trouble connecting with the umbrellas who are "close" and know him but he doesnt know them, making him feel isolated.
the show could have showed us how he bonded with the umbrellas, or just in general, not put him in jail for a ponzi scheme for 4/6 years, which FURTHER created a divide between them when they could have just shown subtle nuances about their new formed relationships.
(also have seen posts about ben dying as the monster he - umbrella ben - always thought he was! and like so true but also so painful for them to bring up like thats so... horrid)
3. the jennifer incident
didnt really understand it... like why was she in the squid? i dont understand why the showrunners would invest "time" (no matter how little they spent on it) into creating a whole plot point and character to give jennifer no character, no motivations, no nothing!
imo, they could have just done the "timelines are bleeding into one another" and just said that everything would be erased because every timeline would replace each other or create too much chaos (? if that makes sense), rather than marigold/durango stuff...
i just think it was such a disappointment for them to introduce a new character but not explain the many intricacies about her
i assume that jennifer was miraculously in the squid like the umbrellas/sparrows were miraculously birthed or wtv, but they dont explain why she was so willing to go with and trust ben immediately, or give her literally any motivations or emotions (?)... like she was seen to be protective and caring of her adoptive uncle, just to leave him for ben?? like if ben and jennifer had a connection because tentacle powers and squid girl -- why??!! it just... make it make sense please!
3a. reginald, ben and jennifer
i do think it was interesting for reginald to have 🔫 ben in the original timeline, but for aforementioned, issues with the lack of development on jennifer and the jennifer incident, it overall felt very lack luster
this aspect of the umbrellas and reginald's relationship was super interesting. the fact reginald was so willing and easily killed one of them, further highlights that reginald was just seeing them as a means to an end.
4. the ending
lowkey hated it... because the whole, "the team sacrificed themselves and everything is righted because we never would have existed" thing feels like such a cop out....
like a "it was all just a dream" ending
+1. Klaus being sober and attempting to keep that
like he was sober for 3 years (a huge accomplishment and im so proud of klaus), and despite everyone basically begging him to drink a sake bomb with them in ep 1, he throws it over his shoulder, maintaining his sobriety. even though klaus doesnt stay sober through the whole season, that scene was really nice to me. i remember watching it and hearing klaus say "it doesnt count" and my heart dropping so hard, for it to be revealed he didnt actually take it and make me feel better again.
...then he gets his powers back and feels like he needs substances to cope... which is trigger for him and a normal response.
i dont blame klaus, and while i dont particularly like how the show handled his sobriety and relapse (esp the positions it put klaus through in s4 with like no real impact on the plot, or klaus realising himself -- which there was a whole scenes about klaus being most powerful when he's sober with reginald in s2 i believe?), it was interesting to show how an addict and their actions can effect the people that care about them too (ie how claire reacts). i think they could have had a more nuanced approach, but overall, the initial attempt to stay sober was cool
i thought it was cool how klaus became a germaphobe/afraid of death(?) after being sober. because i thought it was a symbol of how klaus realised he is no longer immortal and can die now, so he becomes overly cautious, realising how he cannot keep living life the way he had. and this translates to his care of claire i thought, because he can no longer talk to the dead either :D
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sniffanimal · 6 months
soliciting video game recs! I am extremely picky with video games and that makes it really really hard to find games to play, so maybe you, my Gamer Followers, can point me towards stuff I might like if I list some of the things I enjoyed? stuff I like/dislike under the cut. super open to Indies/short games!!!
platforms I have: switch, android, hacked 3DS, and a very Mid-tier PC. I greatly prefer controller over mouse+keyboard! not opposed to emulation
genres I've enjoyed: puzzle, sandbox, dating/friendship Sims, a lot of random simulator types, factory management/resource management, games where you need 3 different wikis to understand, farming, turn based combat, numbers-go-up/clickers, silly gimmick games, and more-art-than-gameplay types. I'm a casual who's only in it for cute pixels and numbers go up. lots of love for peaceful/accessibility settings!!
games I've generally enjoyed: portal/portal 2, Minecraft, hypnospace outlaw, Factorio, animal crossing, Littlewood, stardew valley, cookie clicker, Minecraft, idle Skilling, the Stanley Parable/tspude, turnip boy commits tax fraud, Minecraft, kill it with fire, and puzzles like sudoku/nonogram/etc.
what I know I don't like (not a hard No list): lots of combat especially if I need reflexes for it, 3rd person shooters, most shooters tbh, survival crafts that are more survival than crafting, online co-op, bullet hell, straight up VNs unless they're really really really good
I'm REALLY into artsy games that are like... less about the game and more about Something yanno?
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tennisthemedhatesex · 10 months
Listen. I am just an endless death note AU generator. Currently I have the following going on:
Coffee shop AU but starting slightly before Light becomes Kira: Light meets this mysterious stranger who was tired/felt like adding weirdness to the world one morning and didn't choose a false name for his coffee orders, and it becomes this sort of running joke/game between them with Light trying to figure out his name or various lore about him and L finding this extremely amusing. But then Light finds the death note. L joins the case. Neither of them know this about each other yet, and as Light and L begin to suspect each other they're still keeping up the charade of casual friendship and a half-joking challenge while it takes on a whole additional dimension and they're catching feelings. Hell on earth for poor Light. They have chess sex at one point.
Death Note Randall and Hopkirk (deceased) AU: my personal favorite but extremely niche. Basically ghost L but. a Specific Flavor. Not only do I steal the rahd lore, but there are some Details (muahaha etc.) You don't need to have seen rahd to enjoy it. Here's a playlist but you could not get me to post the actual fic yet under torture
Modern day AU but the main way that this effects the plot is that Light is majorly into competitive Microsoft Excel and L is secretly the world champion that he's had an intense rivalry with ever since Light started.
Another ghost L thing but in this one L possesses Light's body after his death and now they have to Share
Similar to those time travel AUs where Light and/or L gets sent back and have to decide whether to make different decisions except it's the task force (excluding L and Light) and they have to decide whether to try to prove it and arrest him or try to help him and whether they should let Light know about this or if that would be a death sentence. Lots of problem solving, lots of decision making, Light gets to unmask <3 (This one was inspired by (but different from) a tumblr post I should add a link to if I can find it)
One where I mess with the lore so that Light is transforming into a shinigami due to the number of people he has killed (symbolism etc) but this starts right before his confinement so he has to try to hide it and it generally messes up his plans horribly because. Imagine being under constant observation by the world's greatest detective but you're literally transforming into a death god while trying to hide that anything is unusual about you at all.
"Characters watch the show" but it's characters get transported to this world and exposed to modern fandom. This takes place during the warehouse so Light's alive but Mikami is there. They're just yoinked out of there. There is another version of this that takes place during Yotsuba Arc instead.
Along similar-ish lines, a blatantly comedic fic where L reads explicit rpf about L and Kira in front of Light at one point during Yotsuba Arc and Light gets really mad about it leading to intense debate of what Kira would be like in bed, among other things. Keep in mind Light does not have his memories but he does have strong opinions on the topic, for some mysterious reason that Light tries really hard to justify to himself
And more. I love making things worse for my poor little meow meow specifically because I understand his brand of problem solving on a spiritual level and I like to watch it play out. But also because pushing Light to his extremes and seeing how much it takes for him to snap is like crack to me. Mentally putting this guy in saw traps.
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comradeocean · 7 months
One Day 2024 Emma Morley headcanon I figured out from a throwaway line in a fic I'm working on but I'm not gonna include bc it's already too long and weird but I just need to put this out there in the world:
after Tilly's wedding they resume their friendship w extreme gusto - emails, many phone calls, back and forth SMSs all day (Dex is hugely relieved he's on a separate contract from Sylvie but chooses not to think about this too much)
Clearly full blown emotional affair level, and with Sylvie switched on to wedding planning mode and buried in logistics and catering and whatever, it's easy for Dex to coast, being supportive and going along with whatever The Fiancée wants while thinking about how he'd word the funny email to Em about this ridiculous wedding activity later that night etc
So it's not hard for Dex and Em to pretend everything is just like it was and revert to their early stage London friendship (where according to the book version they were completely obsessed w each other). Until the wedding. And the honeymoon.
When Dexter goes cold turkey no contact for the entire 3 weeks bc he realized at some point (maybe at the reception when he wanted to immediately go dance w Em? Or Sylvie has like a dress crisis 15 minutes before walking down the aisle and he's not really panicking but preoccupied over some ambivalent email Emma's agent sent her about a possible TV adaptation of her book and whether he should try to hook her up with some contact he has) that this was really fucked up! and he was being an awful shitty person to Sylvie! who he loves! and has gotten married and is having a kid with!!
Em, of course, has also been in full denial about this - he's just my best friend (Tilly: so what am I? chopped liver??), we're just catching up after not being in touch for so long. And she's able to lie to herself about this until he suddenly goes completely off grid during the honeymoon and she has a mini breakdown and realizes:
- she's fallen back in love w him - he's just being regular old charming rooting-for-her-all-the-way #1 cheerleader Dexter - she craves validation, he clearly still has bad impulse control so it's headed straight for a Headmaster Phil sordid affair situation - and she cannot have their friendship degenerate into that
so she has some crisis meetings with Tilly and decides to dial it the fuck back. only casual drop-in hangouts in public with other ppl around. phone calls preferably same. no texting. emails get a pass bc it's like work (it's OK she can still be in denial a little bit, as a treat)
and miracle of miracles! by some unspoken agreement he's also dialing it the fuck back. (Em bitterly tells herself it was the mind blowing honeymoon sex.) (intuition bitterly confirmed by Dex now regularly bringing Sylvie along to their dinner/lunch/coffee dates)
Emma is trying very hard to be a supportive innocuous 100% platonic not secretly pining best friend but it's fucking hard and she ends up cancelling a bunch of things at the last minute bc of migraines or swollen glands or whatever mysterious illness she makes up, because seeing them being lovey-dovey is so fucking painful she's literally constantly on the verge of tears. Eventually, faking it till she makes it works and she's able to ignore it better and it's on a way lower shimmer and everything is mostly fine again.
all this to say! Emma was on super high guard in Paris refusing to believe Dexter had any deeper feelings specifically for her, Emma, as a person, besides someone who is always there for him and low effort etc. So his sudden refusal to have dinner w her and Jean-Pierre is very confusing. She's trying to figure it out - Dex is extroverted, loves meeting ppl and bantering and showing her up, a little too much even, like a competition to prove who's more charismatic. And the swollen glands thing is clearly fake. So what is up?????
She's distracted, picking over it on the walk to the restaurant w Jean-Pierre until she suddenly considers the possibility he is pulling the same trick she did - he is so heartbroken seeing her w someone else it is causing sufficient anguish he can't even fake being friendly and social. Dexter! Mr TV Presenter social butterfly Dexter Mayhew! And so the penny droppeth 😋
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smoochhyuka · 10 months
about smoochhyuka
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Hi! This contains a short introduction, some warnings and my masterlist. :D
○o。About me! You can call me Soi or Smooch, I am 20 years old and a uni student from Germany. I have been a Moa since 2021 literally because of tubatus Tiktok promotions for No Rules lol. This January 2024 I got into Riize and will write for them as well, although I am not as confident in my characterisation for them as I am with tubatu!
My ult is Taehyun, but my bias changes all the time. When I started this blog it was Hueningkai, but right now it's Soobin, next month it might be Yeonjun or Beomgyu, or maybe Taehyun wrecks his way back to the top. I also tend to write for my current bias so it might get Taehyun heavy in the future.
With Riize it's Anton hands down, no competition. I really really really like everyone else too and I am looking forward to writing for every member!
This is a purely NSFW blog, here and there I will probably post something fluffy and SFW but please don't follow me if you are underage or engage with my NSFW content, it's uncomfortable.
I would love to take them, so feel free to send me some in my inbox! Just be aware that I will answer in my own time, so don't worry if it takes some time. I won't write anything hardcore or extreme, it can be dirty but nothing that is degenerate yk. I also love to just get feedback or we could thirst together lol!
I am a cis woman, so most of my readers will be fem as well, but I will try my best to do some gn!reader works too, I will always mark it in the content warnings. I could write something SFW for male!reader if requested, but it wouldn't be a full fanfiction yk. I am not plussize, but my reader definitely tends to be read as not-skinny. As a POC woman I also write POC friendly, no blushing on pale skin, no long hair, no mention of eye color etc.
Other fandoms
I won't write anything NSFW for other groups, but I am a casual fan of stray kids, IVE, aespa and le sserafim and could write friendship or relationship headcanons. I want this to kind of stay a tubatu and Riize blog, but I am also in the Criminal Minds (SPENCERR) fandom and the bnha fandom (KATSUKI).
Activity level
Even though I won't publish on a weekly basis, I will reblog everything I like from other writers here so this blog is going to be relatively active. (always tagged as reblog)
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Updated 280124
○o。All of my own works will be tagged as smoochwrites
Tubatu OT5
Tubatu as service tops
Fucking Tubatu on a party
All at once
nothing here yet :(
Switch!Soobin supremacy (why did it flop so bad?)
Soobin NSFW alphabet
Average sized Beomgyu who is eager to please you
Tyuns NSFW alphabet
Munch!Kai tasting heaven for the first time
It's showbiz baby! (SFW)
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Updated 230224
○o。All of my own works will be tagged as smoochwrites
Riize OT6
Riize as boyfriends (SFW)
Surprising Riize in lingerie <3
Shotaro as your playful dom
Throupling with 01z (SFW)
Throupling with 01z (SFW)
nothing here yet :(
nothing here yet :(
Anton with a loud s/o (SFW)
Hair-pulling with Anton
Anton admitting his mommy kink (smau)
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
“You've earned the right to see the universe without a gun in your hand” is still so good, love that Drift is the one who wrote that line. This is immediately turning into the Drift Retrospective lmfAO sorry but he's my favey and he's integral to this story getting started, I'll talk about everyone else in due time
like right now for instance, aaahhgfsghdfjdk seeing Ratchet talk about how he's joining the Lost Light to find a successor so he can retire has got me feeling things lmAO you find so much more, buddy, you find a whole entire husband and a family and aaaaaagfdshahgkadsjk
Cyclonus is making me feel things too, he's all talking about how Rodimus made promises to him out of moral obligation since he helped out during the last ordeal, he doesn't even know he's gonna kiss that guy in the last issue he's gonna end up your friend, your TRUE friend
God, Prowl referring to Rewind as Chromedome's “best friend” is still so fuckin funny. I know it was because James Roberts wasn't sure if he was gonna be allowed to make them canon husbands yet but it still works in retrospect because it makes Prowl seem like he either doesn't know they're married or does know and is being a dick about it, which are both hilarious options
Oh, sweet Tailgate. The reason I started reading this comic in the first place lmAO Straight up I just saw this cute-ass robot all over my dashboard and was like “I need to know your story” and just went for it, like just based off looks alone. Tailgate is literally so cute that he changed the course of my life for the next fuckin decade
What a fuckin way for Whirl and Cyclonus to meet. *turns to the camera and points with my thumb, smirking knowingly* They don't even know they're gonna be besties
None of these fuckin losers know how happy they're gonna make each other ha ha idiots get friendshipped and romanced
fuck I forgot these idiots have an in-universe wiki on themselves lmfAO
Swerve really did just slap his Autobot badge right on the crotch huh
*turns to the camera again, pointing with my thumb and smirking knowingly at Rung* He doesn't know he's God
Chromedome just casually being ableist at his husband for exposition reasons
extremely funny that Tailgate's first interaction with Whirl involves him nearly vaporizing him by complete accident
damn the Lost Light's journey really does start with the ship just fucking exploding huh
awww the message the crew leaves to their past selves god I can't wait to re-read this comic lmAO I'm already sitting here like “ooh that's foreshadowing for this arc, and THAT'S foreshadowing for THIS arc and THAT'S
SKIIIIIIIIDS HEY BUDDY omg *turns to the camera, points, smirks etc* he doesn't know most things
God. I'm still so mad about the foreshadowing that Rung is Primus being present from the very beginning. It was his hat, Mr. Krabs, hE WAS NUMBER ONE. AND ALSO HE AUTO HEALS
him saying that Ratchet's hands are as gentle as sunlight on snow is very adorable though, love that Ratchet immediately takes a fucking hammer to said hands right after he says this
giggles and kicks my gay little feet at Ratchet bitching about Drift, you loooove hiiiiiiiim, yOU LOOOOVE HIIIIIMMMM
they really just let Swerve shatter Tailgate's entire world for laughs huh lmAO
“I'm going to kill you,” he says, “don't think you'll see it coming,” he says, fucking LOL *points at the panel of Cyclonus crying on Whirl's shoulder in Lost Light* LMAOOOOOOOO
Tailgate saw the opportunity to write his own backstory and jumped on that shit immediately, honestly I respect it
three people died just from starting the ship lmfAO god just frame one with the tragedies
and then there's a fucking sparkeater lmfAO it truly just is just nonstop
Rodimus when the ship explodes: no one's dying on my watch, we're gonna do our best to save everyone and fix them and make sure they're safe Rodimus when he's told there's a sparkeater on the ship: cool
ohoho, it begins, Tailgate has made first contact with Cyclonus
I do like how even though Swerve very much did kind of force friendship upon Skids, Skids is still hanging out with him. He does think “Skids and Swerve” sounds cool, awwwuhgufghgusdj ❤️❤️❤️
Skids pulling Rung up into the ceilingjhdfskdlghd........ THINKS ABOUT CERTAIN PARTS OF LOST LIGHT........
poor Tailgate got told about the war from the one person on the ship who's a decepticon apologist. To be fair he probably should've gotten more than exactly one (1) perspective before choosing a side but still
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divinequo · 1 year
It's not about assembling a healthy relationship it's about what you think would be interesting to watch and boy when I tell you it would be interesting to watch Glam and Ches fail at homosexuality I mean that. Their gay divorce would have a bodycount. Lacho vibes. Disaster ensues.
That absolutely is a fair point, I can see what you mean by disaster, I feel like they both would be incredibly awkward towards each other and fail at trying to do basically romantic stuff lmao
What I meant was a bit more serious though
(TW for Dr*g mentioned and ab*$3 implied)
From what we've seen both are extremely mentally unstable, especially glam in what is shown from his side of the story, I deeply apologize to all chesglam enjoyers (that includes myself as well) but truth is that ches is ignorant, selfish, reckless, and distraction driven, while glam is manipulative, controlling, unpredictable with his emotions, anger issues, etc, both of them are horrible to others at times (I'm not sure who is worse considering I don't have all their 'moral crimes' on a list ofc) but to be brutally honest, they're both bad people, everyone in this show is almost, (with the exception of heavy and lif) but we love them all BECAUSE its realistic, that's apart of the appeal, but with those two and their personalities at play, along with their dynamic, while at surface level seems like a pure dream, if we imagine chesglam from a realistic point of view
its quite horrifying to actually think about
With ches's substance ab*se problems he'd be unattainable, swift with his actions, and as we've seen, forgetful and careless, (ofc most of these issues are merely due to the actual substances effecting his body but still) while glam is controlling of smaller and bigger aspects, it's admirable when it's on more casual things like schedules and meal plans but pin that over to ches and their relationship and you can see where the problems would start to settle in, yelling at him during relapses as ches throws up in the bathroom, and insulting him (again mostly canon) but it being almost all the time?? Not to mention how when he has an idea of plan he literally doesn't pay attention or care about anything else, plus the lack of understanding towards how addictions work and how it effects the brain chemistry in the process would seriously lead to some loud and incredibly stressful nights for ches, but ofc he'd probably be high during it or just knocked out completely, also the way when ches lost his temper glam just immediately smacked him?? And slapping him across the face, over an emotional outburst, (yes i understand ches was insulting Victoria but like.. he didn't even know her??) and I'd prefer not to think about what exactly Glam would do to him if he actually did something wrong that was more important than what he said, in theory its ofc ok to ship them, suffer all they've had a lot of cute moments together and their friendship was genuinely healthy and more valuable when they were younger, it's just in my opinion, the combination of one guy being incredibly controlling and guilt tripping those he cares about to get what he wants and another guy who is addicted to seriously harmful substances and is emotionally unstable due to his mothers lack of attention and sudden absence and therefore being vulnerable as a result, is very... Interesting yet... You know... Not desirable to me to see or watch
All non illegal ships are valid, ship whatever you want, I ship chesglam too because the idea is cute, I apologize for the rant it's just I've been thinking this for a long while since we saw the new episode snd got more insight into their characters, would love to hear your opinions though and thoughts, stay safe everyone xoxo~☆
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formula-fun · 1 year
I just wanted to come by and say I absolutely loveee your writing, especially the relationships between the characters💕 Now, idk if it's a spoiler, feel free to not respond, but i loved Charles and Pierre's friendship and now I'm really surprised how much I ship Pierre and Yuki and how wholesome Charles and Yuki's interactions are. I was wondering if you have given any thoughts abt P/Y future and maybe how they/Charles might react to them being pregnant/having a baby?
(2) Also, not to be annoying lol, but do the pack get to know at some point abt Charles and Max's baby? 👀👀👀👀 they're all such a mess of emotions, I imagine how would that go
Hi! Thanks so much, that's so sweet <3 I put it under a read more because it's really long, sorry!!
First off so glad you like the vibes because I knew the pack dynamic was a little unusual, but I've kind of had fun writing it! Charles and Pierre are what would traditionally be the 'pack leaders' except they're romantically not compatible, and while they both are in relationships with other people those other people aren't really in the pack per se--Yuki is friends with everyone but he didn't grow up with them, so while he ends up being close with them over the years he still has another pack back home. But he and Charles are still bros and they have a good influence on each other since Charles helps Yuki feel more included, Yuki helps Charles feel less isolated about his secondary gender, and they can both bitch about Pierre together <33
I haven't thought about Yuki and Pierre having kids a lot to be honest but I know irl they both want them, so they'd probably have them somewhere down the line! In my head Yuki is really casual about everything even when he's freaking out about it (he asked Pierre to be his mate over breakfast while on his phone and didn't so much ask him as just say "I think we should be mates" and then had the audacity to look startled when Pierre choked on his smoothie), so I think one day after they've both retired from racing he would tell him he thinks it's time for them to have kids and he's ready to come off birth control. To which Pierre again chokes on his smoothie.
Max and Charles have a good number of brain cells between them but all of them are devoted to motor racing, which is not the case with Yuki and Pierre whatsoever, so everything they do is planned. Pierre is much more insane about it. Yuki has finally opened his restaurant in his retirement, and he's happy to wait out the nine months sitting at the bar eating sorbet and sorting through bills and invoices. Pierre is the one who listens to about thirty parenting podcasts while doing core workouts at the gym every day so that he can easily lift his small child when the time comes. It's excessive. He's squatting 190. A baby weighs like...3 kilos. Every time someone asks him he gives this speech about mental and physical strength. His brothers are a little worried about him.
As for Charles, he's as laissez faire about the whole thing as Yuki is, which Pierre finds extremely annoying. Small spoiler, but at this point Charles is still racing, as is Max, and they're both seasoned parents. They've got two already with a vague idea to have a third once they retire for good, so unfortunately for Pierre and Yuki this means they're given babysitting duty much more often because "it's good practice" and "it's not like you're still working" and "now you can finally put all those parenting podcasts to good use" etc etc. The Verstappen/Leclerc children are 5 and 7, are extremely loud and have the added ability to throw tantrums in four languages at once. Yuki teaches them lots of Japanese swear words so they can add a fifth. They're very adoring of the baby when it's finally born, which Pierre claims is a good sign they're not actually psychologically damaged and tries to give Charles a lecture about the importance of a diverse age range in early childhood friendships immediately after the 2031 Vietnamese Grand Prix podium, when Charles is too exhausted to escape. Charles retains exactly none of that information.
(Pierre ends up calling Max in a panic late at night a lot, because Max is the only one who really sees his side of things. Max wasn't terrified of fatherhood until the instant an exhausted Charles placed their equally exhausted newborn into his arms, and then it slammed into him like brick to the face. He had to get over it fast. He was the stay at home parent and things weren't easy that year, so he had to learn very very quickly how to be a father--the kind of father he wants to be, anyway. He's still trying and there are no real guidebooks for these things, but their kids seem to be alright so he can't be fucking up too badly. Sometimes that's all Pierre needs to hear.)
As for your second question, I can't give you specifics but they'll all learn about it before the fic is over!! It'll happen very soon and I promise they will be suitably messy about it. Thanks so much for the asks, these were so fun to answer! <3
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ramonadecember · 1 year
👀👀👀 for Moth:
Eros 3, 4
Philia 1, 5
Storge 5
Agape 3, 5
Ludus 3, 4
Pragma 2
Philautia 1
oc love asks.
baby’s first dnd character!! my beloved beef boy!!
Eros/3: Moth is more or less fine with some level of PDA, he just doesn’t necessarily instigate a lot of it, and he’d definitely ‘get a room!’ etc. people who are being too ‘gross,’ haha. he’s just a kinda awkward dude, so being affectionate doesn’t always go so well, though some people seem to find it endearing. Moth is also def a ‘the more he drinks, the more affectionate he is’ kind of guy too.
Eros/4: he definitely doesn’t think love at first sight is a thing and would roll his eyes at anyone who tries to say differently. lust at first sight is totally a thing though. there’s been many a time he’s spotted someone and been like yes yeah that right there and gone for it (or ya know… tried. see the above ‘awkward’ thing lmfao), and he’s def joked about ‘that’s the person I’m going to marry’ etc. based solely on looks, but Moth is not dumb enough to think it’s actually love. 
Philia/1: his best friend is a half-elf named Addy! being new to dnd, me and my friend who joined at the same time kind of tied our backstories in with the other’s so that we could be in it together lol. they’ve been together since childhood when Moth’s mother moved them from their clan to the town where Addy lived. the term ‘thick as thieves’ is great for them because, well, there’s been a lot of thievery in the course of their friendship, haha. they get into SO much trouble together, and on their own, but they always have the other person to get them through. ride or die status for sure. he’s done worse for less.
Philia/5: that Addy makes it with the NPC guard that doesn’t understand she’s flirting lmfao but for real, Addy… got herself into some pretty big trouble back home, which is why she had no problem dropping everything to set off with Moth when he asked her to accompany him on his overly complicated dad-finding mission. so he’d really like for her to get that sorted out, because yes they sometimes do questionable things, but she doesn’t deserve this particular situation. and Moth is very much ready to go to extremes to make it happen if he has to, even if it’s not his usual style. 
Storge/5: I mean… I feel like he wouldn’t see the point of living someone if it’s not going to be reciprocated. sounds like a good way to make yourself hurt for no reason. if you do love someone though, it shouldn’t be transactional (which means something considering his views on altruism (see the below answer)). that’s not love. Moth has also definitely experienced unconditional love in the form of his mom. she knows he’s a… but of a delinquent and it doesn’t change how she loves him, even when he’s not making great choices. 
Agape/3: Moth thinks that doing things for altruistic reasons is a missed opportunity lol. he doesn’t think that it’s a naive choice or that it’s dumb to do good just for the sake of doing good, Moth just doesn’t know why you wouldn’t try to get more out of a situation. his first question when someone asks something of him is typically along the lines of what’s in it for him/what’s the pay. other people may be altruistic, and that’s good for them, but it ain’t Moth’s typical thing.
Agape/5: I wouldn’t say Moth empathizes with his enemies, but he doesn’t just like… kill them like it’s nothing. Moth tries to avoid it if he can, sneaking around, talking his way out of things, knocking people out of it comes to that. right now his life has mostly consisted of mutated creatures and needing to get rid of them, so that also helps too, he doesn’t feel as bad about zapping giant rats as he does about people. though it’s much grosser. 
Ludus/3: he’s definitely down for a one night stand. Moth isn’t necessarily like… actively seeking them out, and he doesn’t mind repeats, but he ain’t gonna turn down a pretty face just because he knows it’s only for the night. Moth is pretty casual about all things dating/sex/relationship-wise anyway, so he’s not necessarily looking for ~more~, and he’s sure that if he was, he wouldn’t confuse a one time hookup with someone showing actual interest.  
Ludus/4: people are prone to believing Moth’s first crush was Addy, but I don’t think it was. I’m honestly not entirely sure, but I’m more thinking like… one of the orcs from his clan. man or woman, all big and muscley… Moth would have had major heart eyes. bonus points for the fact that there’s zero chance they would have given the time of day, and that they could have snapped him over his knee lmfao.
Philautia/1: Moth has a pretty good sense of his worth/value, he’s actually… fairly well adjusted (particularly when considering he’s a character created by me lmfao). maybe things have been a little rough over the course of his life and as he grew up, but get hasn’t really let it get to him. he’s got work that he likes and is good at even if it’s mostly shady work lol, moving from the clan to a town full of all sorts of races help nip the majority insecurity over only being a half-orc in the bud, and though his father is out of the picture he’s still got a mom who loves him so much. so even when insecurities do arise over those things like they’re bound to, he’s pretty good at knowing that’s he’s still… okay.
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songtwo · 2 years
I love the kind of friends who u only meet once never really talk to each other and yet everytime u meet again u hug like ur childhood friends and invite each other to ur next birthday party
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grandadtwelve · 2 years
how I think different pairings of nuwho companions would get on:
(not including characters who have already met in tv show canon)
engaged to be married:
jack + river: i mean come on. they’re obsessed w each other, they go shopping together, they commit crimes together, and they torment the doctor together
jack + clara: specifically jack and immortal!clara from post-s10. they’re not in like a committed romantic relationship, they just have an intensely romantic friendship, a lot of sex, got drunk married in space vegas, and then just never got a divorce
best friends, literally inseparable:
rose + donna: I KNOW donna would have rose in tears w laughter 24/7. they’d have so much fun and talk so much shit together and the doctor would never know peace again and okay: HEAR ME OUT. If rose fell in love w metacrisis!ten…. I think she also would’ve fallen in love w metacrisis!donna. That’s all
rose + bill: rose at 19 and bill at 19 would be besties, but bill would have a MASSIVE crush on s4 rose <3 they have a lot in common and rose finds bills awkwardness and sense of humor enormously endearing
jack + amy: oh god…. rip rory you will never recover from this
martha + rory: doctor friends!!! logic oriented people who are more aware of the damage the doctor is capable of than some of his other companions!! they get along great in literally every situation you could put them in
martha + clara: i don’t know why but I think they’d be kind of perfect? really good teamwork but also they’d just genuinely enjoy each other’s company. martha knows how to tell clara to chill out w out getting her mad and clara tells martha she can do better any times she mentions ten or mickey
martha + bill: pure vibes. they have a very similar response of bafflement to the doctors bullshit and I just think they would have a great time
river + clara: okay. personally i think mel and clara had a toxic homoerotic whirlwind friendship that ended in disaster and heartbreak and probably some jail time. post-s10 clara and river don’t exactly pick up where they left off but they definitely still adore each other and have a wonderful “human who has been made immortal/given an augmented lifespan by means of gallifreyan technology” trio with jack
river + bill: river is bills adoptive mother/grandmother. end of story. river adores her, is so proud of her, spoils her at every oportunity, and bill thinks she’s the coolest person she’s ever met and can’t believe she’s married to the doctor
casual friendship:
rose + martha: they’re friends! but they come from very different backgrounds and i don’t think they’d actually have much in common
rose + amy: again, they’d be friends but just wouldn’t end up hanging out much! they ALWAYS back each other up in arguments though
rose + rory: I think they’d both find each other really sweet! don’t really have any other thoughts abt them
jack + rory: jack flirts w him, rory pretends to be annoyed but it actually genuinely flattered
jack + bill: bill is entertained by him and they have some wlw/mlm solidarity moments but eh, they never get super close
donna + amy: would rly rly rly enjoy making fun of the doctor together. that’s it
donna + clara: clara would just sit back and watch donna tear into every villain/threat/etc they came across and find it extremely entertaining
donna + bill: they have not stopped laughing since they met
rory + clara: they’re both calmed by each other’s presence in the face of danger! rory knows clara has a plan, clara knows there’s someone around who’s better at making sure no one’s hurt or left behind
respect/functional but not close:
martha + river: they’d work well together if they needed to but they literally could not have less in common
donna + rory: eh! again, not much in common. very different energies
amy + clara: idk why but these two just don’t work well for me in my head? they don’t dislike each other but it’s just kinda like. Yeah ok
martha + amy: I think martha would be a little irritated w amy’s lack of planning amidst crisis but otherwise they’d be like. Okay
outright dislike:
rose + clara: idk where to put these two cause: clara would drive s1 rose out of her mind w her control issues, rose with her possessiveness over the doctor, clara would get patronizing and rose would get immature. however s10 clara and s4 rose would be an INCREDIBLE team and it wouldn’t matter how they felt abt each other, they’d solve any and every problem you threw at them
donna + missy: the only reason no one’s dying is because missy finds her entertaining. the verbal sparring would be legendary but donna is way too moral and way too protective over the doctor to not absolutely hate missy
amy + missy: amy is used to rivers chaos so she’s not as stressed out by missy as other companions might be but um. Still definitely not a fan.
rory + missy: he wants absolutely nothing to do with her which includes getting close enough to kill or be killed
*mid fight* are we abt to kiss rn?: 
rose + river: good god can you imagine? i think rose would immediately go for how she acted w sarah jane and river would be flirty in a ?condescending way? but there’d be an underlying tension that everyone else would be terrified to point out
river + missy: enough said.
someone is getting murdered:
rose + missy: absolutely not
martha + missy: after what simm!master did? it’s on sight sorry
jack + missy: i want them to get along so bad but. same issue as the above unfortunately
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literatikoo · 3 years
Lane Kim deserved better
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would only write Lane Kim meta when I am very very angry because I need to be powered by spite and petty energy to unravel exactly how much of a disservice this show was to Lane and by extension any Asian kid with a similar life. And, well, it's happening now, so buckle up kids, this is going to be a loooong ride because I have a lot to say.
Before we start on the negative aspects, the show got a lot of things about Lane right, which is why I care so much about her character. Yes, ASP obviously didn't know how to write a POC experience and it's seen in the way some very harmful stereotypes were propagated (the tiger mom trope, Mrs Kim's religious beliefs, the depiction of the Kim extended family etc) but at the same time Lane was beautifully written as a character, unlike her plot which left much to be desired. Lane Kim was an Asian girl with rock n roll dreams who had an extremely fraught relationship with her mother and had to fight for even a semblance of independence. And I hate to say it but a lot of daughters of Asian households are forced to hide a part of themselves from their families, so Lane's story was authentic.
Not only was Lane amazing as an individual, she was also a great friend. She was the only one who was really in Rory's corner; she never judged her and supported all of Rory's relationships (my favourite example of this is when she barely tolerated Jess in S2/3 and then did a complete 180 like 5 episodes later, all because Rory decided to finally accept she liked him). Lane never pointed out what Rory was doing wrong not because she was afraid of doing so but because the two of them had been friends for years and Lane believed that Rory would figure it out one day. Lane shows this unconditional kindness not only to Rory but to everyone. She takes in her Korean cousin and teaches her to have fun even when she's afraid that Mrs Kim has replaced her, she lets Gil be in the band because she empathises with him, she takes care of the band and prevents it from breaking up multiple times. And these are only a few examples of Lane being the kindest character on GG.
One of the best things in Gilmore Girls is that the most unproblematic, amazing guy is given to Lane. Dave Rygalski is the best love interest on the show hands down (Sorry to my boy Jess but Dave was LEAGUES ahead of him at 17) and Lane definitely deserved someone like that. Their story was adorable and I would have loved for them to be endgame. However, what grates me is that when I see people talking about Lane "deserving better," it's usually about Dave vs Zach. When Lane actually deserved better as a WHOLE and not only in terms of love interests. I always thought it made more sense for her to end up alone at the end of the og series. Because Lane was a person who craved independence and she was not going to get that while tied to some guy (even if that guy is boyfriend extraordinaire, Dave Rygalski). It's even worse when we see that Lane is the only female character on the show to be treated this way. Rory rejects marriage for her career while Lane ends up with marriage as her storyline. Lorelai and Luke get back together but their relationship is still left open ended, though arguably it would've made more sense if they got married when Lane and Zach did. Paris gets into Harvard Medical school and gets a great relationship, similarly Sookie gets the family she wanted and continues to be amazing at her job. But Lane... god Lane is the only one without an open ending, without any space for speculation of where her life might lead her. Not only did they marry her off, they also gave her a terrible first time and twins, effectively locking her to Stars Hollow. The show even cut down all hope of her being a rock n roll mom as one of her S7 storylines is choosing the kids over going on tour with Zach. She doesn't get to be her own person for more than ONE season; she's stuck with being a daughter and then a wife and then a mother.
Something else that angers me about Lane's storyline is that we never really get to see how badly her relationship with her mom affects her. Don't get me wrong, I adore Mrs Kim's redemption arc and I think it was beautifully juxtaposed to Lorelai and Rory's crumbling relationship, but having a mother like that is hard. Not only did Lane have to hide 90% of her personality from Mrs Kim but she also lived with the fact that one day she might have to choose between her dreams and her mother. In the end, Mrs Kim makes that choice for her and deals with it by kicking Lane out in S4, and yet we never really see how that negatively affects Lane. Hell, Jess acts like a broody teen for two seasons, Rory wastes six months of her life away at the DAR and they both come out of it successfully. Lane gets kicked out, figures out her own living conditions, gets a job, works insanely hard for her band and... ends up having to give her dreams up completely.
Lane and Paris shared a lot of similarities too, even if they both had different friendships with Rory. They both came from terrible families and looked to Lorelai as a mother figure, they both cared deeply for Rory, and they were both incredibly passionate about their careers. Paris made calendars and flashcards and went crazy studying for both pre med and pre law. Lane was a walking, talking music encyclopaedia, she bought CDs obsessively and organised them by genre under her floorboards, she taught herself to play the drums and then found a band to play for. And yet... only Paris becomes successful in the end, whereas Lane takes over Kim's antiques. Lane was still a musician in AYITL and she can be rock n roll even with kids but this is all hypothetical and we never see it on the show.
There is a lot of terrible, lazy writing on the show and a lot of characters get ruined because of it but with Lane, her character stays the same, they just ruin everything else for her. I think she'll be an amazing mom and will probably make her best out of doing music casually. But the writers also took something so special and destroyed it just because Lane stopped being as important to the plot as she was in seasons 1-3. Lane and Rory drifting a little after Rory leaves for Yale makes perfect sense, that's just how relationships are, always changing. And yet as Lane's importance to Rory decreased so did her importance to the writers.
Lane wasn't the kind of character that needed character development or a redeeming character arc- she was never a bad person and nothing about her had to be fixed, unlike Jess or even Paris. All she really needed was for her dreams to come true because for the first 4 seasons her dreams were the biggest fixture of her personality. Like how Jess needed to overcome his trauma and Rory needed to figure out where she fit in and Paris needed to become a girlboss, Lane needed to realise her dreams because that's where her arc was leading her. But it just didn't happen. Instead, Lane becomes 2-dimensional; a large part of her screentime is taken up by Zach problems, her dreams fall flat and she becomes tied to Stars Hollow for the rest of her life. Not to mention we see less of Lane in favour of Logan and the dickhead posse.
This is not me hating on all the other characters I've mentioned in this meta, I'm just pointing out the lack of respect the writers have for Lane in comparison to all these other people who fulfilled the role they were made for. Why would you write Lane to have all these dreams and make her struggle so hard for 4 seasons just to smash them to pieces? And why is it that one of the only POC characters on this show is treated like this?
And you can't tell me the writers didn't know what they were doing, not when this is a direct quote from Lane in S7:
"It was such a small window -- a peephole, really. For years, I was this repressed kid, and then there was the briefest of windows. And then -- slam. All of a sudden, I'm this overburdened mother. I barely got to do it, Zach. I barely got the chance to be a person."
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what-is-originality · 2 years
thoughts on House of the Dragon ep. 2, from a casual fan.
OK, this is by no means a groundbreaking opinion, but I'm definitely very sympathetic towards Alicent Hightower atm because I do feel like she's being used as a pawn by her father & I don't think she's relishing in the spectacle at all, especially considering the fallout with Rhaenyra that’s bound to follow.
I think by ep. 3 she'll have grown into herself more as a character, and will be a little less anxious since she'll have more agency as the Queen/mother of Viserys' heirs and will hopefully have some say against her father, too. Naturally, being at odds with Rhaenyra & having children of her own will create a *huge* rift between them as she'll eventually have to put the interests of her family above their friendship and will grow into more of a scheme-y character like her father, but I can't really begrudge her that – after all, there's no going back from fucking your best friend's dad lol.
I think the breakdown of R & A's homoerotic friendship is so interesting too because it adds an additional layer of complexity to the story by fleshing out her character’s background a bit more and making her more than just an 'evil stepmother' trope.
Like, the first two episodes have made it apparent that she’s being groomed by her father and, as a result, is essentially being moulded into a villain by Otto (who’s aided of course by the show’s contemporary political climate which sets a precedent for women – girls, really –  to be used as bargaining chips by way of marriage and for men to seek honour and glory as cannon fodder soldiers etc.) because he’s essentially tying her hands by making her ingratiate herself to Viserys, regardless of all of the interpersonal fallout it will result in.
Inevitably, as her brood grows, Alicent’ will want to protect her family/line by any means necessary, even if it means committing horrific acts and going against her former best friend to secure her bloodline. I definitely think it will get to a boiling point where something happens that’s potentially so extreme that there’ll be no going back for the two because should they "wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er".
On the other hand, I don't think she'll be entirely 'innocent' by the time the conflict between the 'Greens' and the 'Blacks' is well underway, because she'll get a taste of the power she never had before her betrothal & lose sight of the parts of herself she'd been manipulated as a child into believing were weak.
Now, I don't think she'll be so blinded by power that she won't be aware that some of the things she'll do are outright wrong, but she'll do them anyway to keep herself from being as powerless as she once was or even just to stick it to Rhaenrys out of spite, which is always a motivator. Either way, I'd love to see some regretful scenes with the two at some point, maybe a lingering glance between the two (or even just a pause when one finds a trinket that the other had gifted them in childhood, something like that) that conveys that they're both sad about how things turned out and wish they could turn back the hands of time but ultimately know that it’s too late to change it now.
 [* = As stated in the title, I am just a casual fan of both shows. I haven’t rewatched GoT since it ended and I only got up to A Storm of Swords in the asoiaf series. I have not read Fire & Blood past the stories of King Aegon I, though I do have some knowledge what will happen in the story, so this is essentially a blind opinion on the story so far as depicted by the show. However, I do have a soft spot for characters that are deeply hated by fans, especially female characters, so this tweet essentially sums the post up:
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hello! I saw your 1000 follower match up event and I wanted to participate lol. I hope you have a great day, and your friends and family is doing well❣️
I was going to go on annon but then decided that there's nothing embarassing about this, so... yea :D I'll begin then.
1- Gendered pronouns dont really exist in where I live but I'd say it's she-her.
2 - The fandoms I really like are Tears of Themis and Obey Me!.
3 - I'm fine with both Female and Male <3
4 - I like romantic match-ups more.
5 - I'm an INTP-T
6 - I'm a december sagittarius.
7 - Personally I value humour, realism and honesty. I cannot tolerate bullshit where it's a game of cat and mouse, or if they treat me as a disposable object just to make me "jealous". I feel sick to my stomach when I see that. It's fun when you're friends since nothing is ever seriousin a friendship, but a relationship or a flirt has to be kept to a proper level with set boundaries. I can't do casual relationships, though ironically, I'm very afraid of commitment...
8 - Hm, I don't really have a type. Just tall men and women in general, I like it when they hover over me. I also love pathetic men and women lol (not in a literal sense, more like a comical sense. Someone who gets crinkled up like a tissue paper whenever they are in an unfamiliar situation or something like that)
9 - I'm laid back. I dont really show that I care about things until it gets late and I start thinking about it on my bed. I get emotional easily, especially anger is one of the easiest emotions to show for me. People say that I'm hard to read me and call me weird. Also if I really like something, I want all variations of it. Like a specific clothing piece, a particular brand of sketch books, etc. I value money a lot too. Though I can't do math at all.
10 - I love drawing, anime-style games, listening to different types of music and writing. I also knit sometimes.
11- I'm still a student, getting ready for an important exam soon lol. I have a cat, and I feed and pet countless others outside. I love aquariums, though I can't visit them because they are so far away. I despise alcohol because it stinks. I hate cigarettes too. I'm really good at hiding my irritation towards a person when they are present. I like gossiping a lot, though I never call people names if they haven't hurt me or my friends. I also like drawing a lot, and making up stories. I also tend to daydream a lot. And I can't live without the brief moments of time where i just sit down in front of my computer to watch movies after a long day.
12 - I love scenerios where I'm the one that does the comforting. I'm awkward around people who are upset. So being able to take care of someone when they are down is something I desparately want to do, yet I find myself at a loss of what to do. I love scenerios where I see my favorite character get snapped in two like a glowstick, yknow. If that isnt clear enough, I want to see heavy angst with this character. Could be anything. Death (could be the reader/character/anyone thats involved in the character's life), being wronged and extremely frustrated because of it, having their life-long ambitions fail, things like that.
1000 Follower Event Matchup #6
My event is now CLOSED, but I will be doing more events like these in the future. You can checkout the masterlist for this event here.
Note: Hello! Welcome to my blog :D, I'm glad you found me. I'm just noticing your Artem PFP now and (spoiler) I'm a little sad that I didn't pair you with him, I felt like he could be a little too serious at times, and that wouldn't be too compatible based on what you asked for. SO I'M SORRY. I HOPE YOU STILL ENJOY THIS MATCHUP :( <3. I think both of these guys will compliment you very well based on how you described yourself along with the more technical aspects like mbti and zodiac sign (though I never base my matchups solely on those bc they aren't always 100% accurate, they just give me a starting point). Anyway I hope you enjoy!
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I match you with LUKE PEARCE and SIMEON
Runner-ups were Vyn and Mammon (didn’t choose them though, because I think even though they’re both loyal to no end, they wouldn’t be 100% clear about their feelings for you)
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Technical: Your INFP and ISFJ connection is pretty great. You both communicate perfectly together and get along well. There’s never any miscommunication with you both. You each bring out a part of each other that you couldn’t without each other, and you work well as a team in lifting each other up. However, you could easily tire each other out with high highs and low lows, so make sure you take reasonable breaks from each other. Once you lay out your differences and accept them, your relationship will go a lot smoother from there. As for you both being Saggitarius’ get ready for a life of adventure together. You will both want to travel the world and see and experience as much as possible together. And while being too invested in only having fun and not being more realistic, I think you both have qualities that level you down so you don’t get too carried away, which could bring problems in the relationship. But you both would balance fun and seriousness well. 
Personable: Luke is your perfect boy next door. He has all the qualities you’d ever want in a partner. He’s intelligent, adventurous, caring, loyal, honest, yet still humorous and he can be a realist I think. He would make you feel very secure in your relationship with him. You know he’ll never have eyes for anyone else and he buys you flowers and tells you how much he missed you when he comes back from work along with a hug and kiss. He makes it a habit to always greet you before leaving for work and when he comes back home. (if you live separately, then he calls or texts you every morning before work and does the same or tries to see you after he closes his shop for the day).
Luke would NEVER try and make you feel jealous. Even in the beginning before he knew you had feelings for him, he’d never try and get those feelings out by trying to make you feel jealous. He wouldn't want to hurt you if you did happen to have feelings for him. I’m not sure how tall you are, but Luke is pretty tall at 5’11 (180cm) so I think that’s a great height. MMM I think Luke also meets your ‘pathetic man’ requirement in that he’s a little awkward at the beginning of your relationship. So things like holding hands and kissing are still new to him and he’s never been in a real relationship before so he does get a little FNJEAFEA when thing like that happen in the beginning. But I think he’d always be partly a little blushy and shy around you even when he is 100% comfortable around you because he still can’t believe he’s with you!
I know Luke has a bad habit of lying to try to keep you safe, so he tries to show you his best self at all times and keeps you away from the dangerous part of his work, but he does this because he cares about you. I truly believe that over time in a romantic relationship with you, he’d learn to let you in more and let you see even the ugly parts of himself. So please be patient with him and speak your mind about how him hiding stuff makes you feel! That’ll encourage him to open up a little more, but be a little patient with him :3
He’s super supportive in terms of your studies and offers to help as much as he can if you need it! He’s very patient, but I don’t think he’d ever make you upset or anything serious like that. He respects any boundaries you put up and you'll have no issues with smoke or alcohol with him. He won’t drink or smoke, especially if you don’t like it, but I’m sure he doesn’t do those things anyway. You love aquariums? Well, Luke will definitely take you on many dates to one, even if it’s super far, you guys will make it into a day trip. As for your cat, he’ll love that cat as much as you do. Don’t be surprised if your cat goes to him for pets and cuddles first NFJEAFJKI. Overall, I think this relationship would blossom into something really healthy and beautiful. Just give it some time!
Comforting Luke After Someone Close to Him Passes Away
Warning: don’t read if you don’t like mentions of people passing away
I really think Luke is the type to not want to burden the people in his life with his emotions, so he tries to bottle his feelings up or isolate himself
So when he finds out that one of his older, loyal customers passes away before he gets a chance to see the antique Luke had repaired for him, Luke kinda shuts down
He closes the shop for a few weeks and tells his detective agency that he can’t go on any missions for a while. He’s just moping in bed and hasn’t called you very often
SO of course, you know something is up and so you let yourself into his apartment after walking through the store that was already starting to collect dust from being closed for a while
You open his apartment door with the spare key he made for you and see the mess inside his apartment as well
It’s dark and dusty, as if no one has been living in there for a while
You make your way to Luke’s bed, which he is lying in, and he doesn’t even flinch as you take a seat on his mattress at the end of his bed and poke him a bit
He knows you’re there, but he doesn't want you to see him in that state, so he stays facing the wall
So you just start talking; Luke had already told you about his customer passing away, but he brushed over the way it had made him feel when he texted you about it
You knew it would affect your soft-hearted boyfriend though, hence why you gave him his space to grieve, but you were now here to shake him out of his sadness before he rotted away
You get up from his bed and start tidying up for him; starting with opening the shades to let in some natural light, you get to dusting and cleaning up so at least Luke can be surrounded by cleanliness which might help him feel better
As you’re cleaning, Luke finally turns over and just watches you do your thing
Just seeing you there in his once dark, lonely apartment makes him feel a little better, but he still stays in bed, unmoving
He just needs times and some more talking from you to get back into his normal groove
Make him some dinner or order take-out, it doesn’t matter, just get this man eating quickly because we all know he probably has only been munching on whatever he could find in his apartment since he can’t cook
Only when he smells the food will he finally get up from his bed and join you at his small dining table, made for two
He becomes a little more verbal, talking about his memories of fixing thing for the old man who he grown fond of, as if he was his own grandfather
He holds your hand across the table the whole time he’s talking
Just let him talk everything out and be there to support him in the way you do best
Eventually he’ll rise from his slump and be back to his usual self, but in the meantime he just needs you to be there for him
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Technical: Your INTP and ENFJ pairing with SImeon is interesting because you both don’t fully understand each other, but that seems to be what attracts you both to each other. Your relationship his very romantic and full of surprises (the good kind). Communication is great as well, there may be things you don’t both agree with, but you easily adapt and get used to the way you both think. This leads to expanding your perspectives together. You are a Saggitarius and Simeon is an Aquarius, together you make an ideal pair. His love for humanity and community can be a beautiful contrast to Saggitarius’ who usually seek for truth and knowledge. Together you’re unstoppable and compliment each other beautifully. 
Personable: Again, Simeon is very loyal, of course and super kind. He would never lead you on and makes sure you know how he feels about you all the time. As the extrovert in the relationship, he probably approached you first and stated clearly that he liked you and wanted to be together with you, so nothing will change that. As someone who is very calm, Simeon would be great at keeping your emotions leveled. You’ll never get very angry at him, but if there is ever a moment where you are angry, he’d know how to calm you down quickly without making matters worse. He’s very passionate about his love for you, so he’s super touchy and affectionate with you at all times. However, if this does become overwhelming for you, he has no problem with respecting your boundaries, just let him know.
Simeon is very tall at like 6’3 I think (190.5cm?) so he would definitely loom over you unless you’re taller than that. As a writer, he’d probably come to you with his latest book (uh spoiler if you’re not up to the part where they reveal that Simeon is the author of this series) for TSL. He respects your opinion so he would love to know how you feel about the direction the series is going in. AND he'd love to read any of your own writing as well if you'd like to share it with him. I see him wanting to be tech-y and play video games with you, even though he’s horrible at using technology and can’t text to save his life, but he’ll try for you! 
Loves your cat a lot! Even though he’s not part of the cat squad like Solomon, Satan, or Barbatos, he definitely loves all creatures. Therefore, he would enjoy going to aquariums as well and will travel to the human world so he can go to one with you. He understands you commitment issues and he’s fine with that. He’ll take your relationship as slowly as possible, and if you ever have any insecurities, he wipes those all away with his words and actions of love. He wants you to know that he’ll never make you uncomfortable or betray you. He’s all yours and you’re the only one he’ll ever want. He learns to read your body language so he can become an expert at all things about you, including your ‘hard to read’ demeanor. In no time he’ll be able to tell what you’re thinking by the smallest of actions or words. Most attentive boyfriend ever, 10/10 great relationship full of respect and love.
Comforting Simeon
I think Simeon is more open about his emotions, so when the cafe he tried to open up in the human world wasn’t going so well, he went straight to you about it
After all, he respects you so much and he’ll take any advice you give him to heart
He’s very broken, since he wanted to make a life for himself in the human world so he could be around you more often, but things were not going as planned
He wasn’t getting any customers, and in no time he’d have to close his business (ofc he’s against using any angel charm to try and get new customers. He wants an honest business, as an honest man)
I can’t imagine him being sad for long though, he’s very positive and happy all of the time, and deals with issues like these fairly well because he can see the bright side of things
So there isn’t much comforting you need to do
All he needs to know is that you believe in him and know that his business will be a success one day
And boom, he’s feeling more hopeful already
He probably invites you over to his cafe and asks for your help in decorating or any other ideas that you think might help him gain business
The only time I see him ever really going full dark angel mode is if anyone ever hurt you or if you passed away
I don’t know how he would react, but I know it wouldn’t be so easy to resolve as his cafe issues
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Posted: 9/25/2022
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maybeacrowdedmind · 3 years
So I Just Finished Skam...
First of all, I loved it. It was an incredible show and I'm so glad that there are so many remakes because I enjoyed it so much. One of my favorite things about the show was the fact that it feels extremely realistic, and I think a lot of that is due to the fact that a majority of the actors were actual teenagers (rather than actors who are obviously in their mid 20s and playing characters who are 16) and the fact that the characters behaved like actual teenagers (like using Facebook and Instagram, using "bad" language, dancing and singing along to music, etc. etc.). The other thing I adored about this show was the amount of importance that was placed on friendship. Platonic relationships in fiction are normally vastly underrated or underdeveloped in favor of romantic ones, so I appreciated that Skam showed so many friendships. So I decided to make a list of my favorite friendship moments from each season (two moments per season, with honorable mentions at the end before moving on).
Season 1:
1) Noora cheering up Eva by singing Justin Bieber to her:
I am not a fan of Justin Bieber at all (if you like him, all the more power to you, but I personally can't stand him), but Noora singing to Eva was such a great moment. She knew how sad Eva was, and decided to cheer her up by sharing something that made her (Noora) happy, and it was a really sweet moment between friends. It was also something that is realistic to do when someone you care about is down, and even though it was a small scene, it showed how strong a friendship Noora and Eva have.
2) All of the bonding moments between Sana, Vilde, Eva, Noora, and Chris:
I know this is a vague one, but just the sheer amount of time the girls spend together, whether they are doing something important or just hanging out was really awesome to see. Most of the time, tv shows don't take time to show us little moments like characters talking about boys or just sitting hanging out unless it has a more dramatc purpose. With Skam, we got to see those moments, which made the friendship between the girls that much more realistic.
Honorable Mentions for Season 1:
Eva grabbing the wrong Chris for Vilde, leading both Chris and Penetrator Chris (love that nearly everyone calls him that in the show by the way) to share a huge hug and go "name twins!" because that's totally something I'd do if I met someone who shared my name.
Eva and Ingrid finally talking about everything that happened, giving them both closure and the ability to move on, even if their friendship would never be the same (this was such a great scene because it showed Eva apologizing and telling Ingrid that she couldn't change what she did, but she would if she could, and it also allowed Ingrid to be hurt by what happened with Jonas, because let's face it, Ingrid was the injured party in that particular situation).
Season 2:
1) Noora telling Vilde all of the important things that the ingredients for tortilla do for you, and Vilde later doing the same for Noora:
I love how all of the girls take care of one another, but this scene in particular I loved a lot. Noora has noticed that Vilde hasn't been eating, and after hearing Vilde tell her all the reasons she doesn't like potatoes, Noora tells Vilde all the reasons she should. Noora also does so in a way that isn't shaming Vilde or being condescending to her, rather, Noora brings it up in a casual conversation. Later, Vilde notices Noora not eating, and prepares tortilla for her, quoting what Noora told her about potatoes and eating it with her. I loved this scene because it showed how much Noora and Vilde understood one another, as well as the importance of support.
2) The amount of support given to Noora by the girls after she discloses what happened with Nico:
This one is a total no-brainer. Noora had no idea what had happened that night, and had very little to go off of, and she spent the next few episodes terrified. When she tells the girls what she thinks might have happened, they all immediately stop what they're doing and rally around her. The no-dialogue scene in which they take Noora to the doctor and hold her and keep her safe was incredibly touching, and to be honest, nearly made me tear up.
Honorable Mentions for Season 2:
Sana and Chris playing a joke on the girls at the cabin during their break, because that whole episode was hilarious, and the individual ways each girl reacted was totally in character for each of them.
All of the girls telling Noora that they knew about her and William, because it was the most obvious thing in the world, and Noora being sheepish and surprised that she hadn't been hiding it as well as she thought.
Season 3:
1) Jonas, Magnus, and Mahdi telling Isak what to text Even:
This scene was so funny, and not the type I usually get to see when it comes to male friendships. I love that Isak tells them that he has no idea how to reply to Even, and Jonas tells him what he should say, with Magnus and Mahdi inserting their opinions and talking about how they text girls. It was enjoyable to watch because too many times fiction shows us that boys don't have the same relationship confusion that girls do, and it's often not true. I like that this scene allowed the boys to just be boys, because everybody deals with uncertainty, especially when it comes to liking someone.
2) Linn and Even playing video games together:
I know this scene is literally like two seconds and that we only see them ending from Isak's perspective, but hear me out. I'm pretty sure this is the first scene we see that shows Linn actively smiling and looking happy. Also, Even had just come off of a manic episode, was feeling depressed, and when we see him playing video games with Linn, he too looks actually happy, which is always great to see. Plus, the way Linn and Even are interacting with one another, it looks like they've known each other forever rather than two people who have just met, and even though it was a fraction of a scene, it was super great to watch.
Honorable Mentions for Season 3:
The entire development of Sana and Isak's friendship (I almost broke my "only two friendship moments" per season rule for this, but I decided to stick to my guns). Isak and Sana have a great friendship and I love how it came out of nowhere. Their friendship is literally started by being partnered together for school, which only happened because Sana sat by Isak to tell him that she had the weed he hid (a beautiful start to a beautiful friendship).
Isak coming out to Jonas by telling him that he liked someone and giving him the hint that it wasn't a girl, and Jonas reacting by thinking about the hint for a minute and then going "it's not me...is it?" because the expression Jonas had on his face while he thought about who it could be was funny because it looked like the fact that Isak had just come out to him wasn't even on his radar, because he was more concerned about guessing right, and the fact that he guessed himself was humorous to me.
Season 4:
1) Chris being a total ride-or-die friend to Sana after the stuff regarding the hate accounts for Sara and Vilde came out:
Everybody needs a friend like Chris. She is without a doubt one of the most loyal tv show characters I've seen and I wish Skam had run for more seasons so we could get a Chris season (and a Vilde season and an Even season, and a spin-off for Eskild and Linn, who both totally deserve one). Chris is the first person Sana told about the Sara account, and the first thing she did was tell Sana that the hate would blow over if Eva found out the truth (because Eva and everybody else thought Isak was responsible for it, and Eva was pissed AF at him). Chris also made sure that Sana knew that she didn't hate her for what happened, because everybody screwed up (seriously, we all need a friend like Chris).
2) The girls showing up to the bus meeting in their own tiny bus named "Los Losers" for Sana, effectively showing all of the Pepsi-Max girls (like Penetrator Chris, that will forever be their name) that if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them. Sana was terrified that the girls would never forgive her, and when they all show up in the bus screaming her name, the joy on Sana's face is practically tangible. I love that they all pull Sana into the bus and give the Pepsi-Max girls the finger as they drive off, because really, what better way to show the true bonds of friendship than by collectively flipping off a ton of girls who messed with one of their own.
Honorable Mentions for Season 4:
Sana and Even's friendship, and the fact that she protected and respected his privacy when Isak asked her why she never said that she already knew Even, because too many times do I see characters give away information to other people that isn't theirs to give, and the fact that it didn't matter to Sana that Isak and Even were together, she was still going to make sure that Even had a right to the details of his personal life was extremely important.
The conversation between Sana and Jamilla about their schooling and Islam, because the texts we see between them prior to their falling out show that they were very close, and it was nice to see them talk and reconcile, because that's how life works sometimes. You fight and fall out with people, and after time passes, sometimes there is reconciliation.
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