#ethan o'neil
dandylion240 · 2 months
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“Don’t you remember? I called you and told you all about it. You said Awan deserved it. I want to make sure he did. Sometimes I feel bad about it, kind of like guilt.”
“You have nothing to feel guilty about,” he assured her even though he had no idea what she was talking about. All he wanted was to return to his phone messages.
“So you don’t think I need to feel guilty about what I’ve done,” she persisted.
“It was so long ago, who even remembers it,” Ethan said, glancing down at the phone in his hand. “What does it matter now anyway? It’s not like you can change the past.”
“That’s what I thought,” she sighed watching him lift his phone but this time she didn’t try to stop him. She wasn’t sure what she expected but she didn’t feel much better than she did before, she might even feel a little worse.
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wholesome-holland · 8 months
euphoria masterlist!
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emily’s navigation rules for requesting
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rue bennett
to be added!
fezco o’neill
look whose got a torch
mini me (lwgat part two)
empty house
ashtray o’neill (platonic only!)
mini me (lwgat part two)
maddy perez
karma’s a bitch
cassie howard
permanent mistakes
lexi howard
to be added!
kat hernandez
to be added!
jules vaughn
to be added!
nate jacobs
to be added!
ethan daley
to be added!
to be added!
to be added!
gia bennett (platonic only!)
to be added!
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zea9love · 8 months
⚠️ TW: Mentions of Angus Cloud ⚠️
Long post ahead
Yeah, at this point, I just hope Sam Levinson pulls a Sense8 and gives Euphoria a finale special that lasts about an hour or two so we can MOVE ON AND BE DONE WITH IT!
•Most of the writing for Season 2 was a mess and hardly felt connected to Season 1 (and now we have confirmation from Jacob Elordi and Colman Domingo that Sam DIDN’T WANT THE WRITING TO DO SO)
•Sam has stolen not one, but two shows from female writers/directors and ruined so much of what they were originally supposed to be about (which adds another reason why S1 and S2 felt so disconnected). A lot of what happened in S2 and The Idol felt like it was being done for shock value.
•There were so many unresolved plot holes in both S1 and S2 and they will probably never even be addressed in S3.
•As I said in another post, if there’s going to be a 5 year time skip, then a lot of these characters have no reason to still be associating with one another since things left off on such a bad note (Rue and Jules broke up, Maddy and Cassie aren’t friends anymore, Nate isn’t with either of them and no one likes him, a lot of the characters aren’t even really FRIENDS)
•I feel like a lot of people (especially on Twitter) are getting to a point where they are thinking “Ok, we get it. Rue is addicted to drugs. Is she ever going to have a storyline outside of that?”
•The cast is always so booked and busy that it constantly takes 3 to 4 years for a new season to be confirmed and these actors can only play teenagers/young adults but for so long.
•Kat was such a popular part of S1 and barely did anything in S2 because Barbie Ferreira didn’t want to do whatever poorly written storyline Sam Levinson had planned for Kat. It’s as if she was being punished and I’d rather the cast not be working for him if he’s just gonna do that when they feel uncomfortable doing a certain scene or storyline.
•And of course, there’s the unexpected passing of Angus Cloud. I talked about the 2 different ways the show could handle it in this post.
But it’s for all these reasons (and probably a bunch more that I’m not even thinking of right now) that I’d honestly rather the show just end after Season 3 or a 2 hour long special. Euphoria is a show that I really like, but Sam Levinson is not that great of a writer, so he just needs to wrap it up atp!
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iamnotathornbird · 6 months
bring back season three of euphoria as a graphic novel + accompanying soundtrack by labrinth feat. zendaya (w/ dominic fike?).
give fexi the happy ending they deserve (rip angus cloud). retcon ashtray's death because 😢. or maybe don't. idk.
get rid of nate jacobs because 🤮. send cal to jail. mention the other brother and make it NBD (idk away at college somewhere?).
maybe cassie stops chasing terrible boys and turns to drugs or alcohol like her parents. maybe she struggles to get herself together.
retcon kat's awful ending. have her tell ethan that she freaked out about him getting close to her and she didn't mean to break up with him and she really doesn't have a terminal brain disorder because WTF SAM LEVINSON. give her a storyline that doesn't revolve around her weight.
i'm not a writer so idk, but anything is better than waiting around for another year+ for sam levinson to pull something out of his ass when the best he could come up with so far was a knock off of veronica mars.
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The ballad of Buster Scruggs, 2018
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laserpinksteam · 8 months
Film after film: Dutch (dir. Peter Faiman, 1991)
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lapseinrecs · 7 months
No Easy Day
By Liron_aria @queen-of-carven-stone
On Archive of Our Own (account required) & Fanfiction.net
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 11,663 words
Summary: SG-1 knows that there's no such thing a routine recon mission, so it shouldn't surprise them when Daniel Jackson befriends four teenagers and a twenty-something and winds up helping resolve an alien civil war. a.k.a. Just once, Tommy Oliver would like his birthday to pass without someone trying to maim, torture, or murder him and the people he cares about.
My thoughts: I appreciate the way that they weave together the military and the Power Rangers interactions.
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muserepeats · 5 months
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let the light in
a friday night lights x euphoria crossover!
Tami Taylor's first day as the new Vice Principal at East Highland was not turning out as she'd expected. Tami stepped right into the fallout of a very controversial play by student Lexi Howard, one that laid bare the troubling social dynamics of the Southern California high school and caused a violent altercation that the whole town is buzzing about. On top of that, another student named Fezco O'Neill had gone missing, and Tami and her husband Eric seemed to be the only adults who cared about finding him. What they imagined as an easy last chapter before retirement would be much more challenging for the Taylors as they get to know Lexi, Fezco, Rue, Jules, Maddy, Cassie, Kat, Ethan, and Nate. But, as always, Tami knows best, and she might be just the person to turn things around at Euphoria High.
Author's note: This was written as a part of the @ficwritersforreproductiverights drive - almost two years later!
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kotylynnemerrill · 3 months
Okay...so ch. 2...since I kept picturing different scenes - I'm gonna go ahead and write them out - it gave me the idea to do this fic out of order...like snippets from different times and situations during their lives together. I love fics like this...so this fic is not gonna be in any kind of order...deal with it 😘
Also I really appreciate all of you who like, reblog or comment on this. Means more than you know.
PSA this ch a lil sad y'all. But don't worry...my fics will always have a happy ending.
Also no one said I was good at writing action sequences so...if it sucks y'all have officially been warned.
God I really hope you guys are liking this...
Your Words I Hold Forever Ch. 2
December 19th, 1968 7:20pm
Fez sighed heavily as he peered down at his hands... probably permanently dirty and blistered now. He assessed his handy work thus far, and frowned. The hole wasn't deep enough - no yet. But, it was getting late, and the camp was fairly quiet except for the hushed voices coming from his platoon mates.
He needed a break.
Five minutes. He would get a quick drink of water and sit for just five minutes...then he would get back to it. And hopefully Ethan would show up soon.
Ethan was supposed to be holed up with him for the night (helping dig the fox hole too he thought annoyed) but he hadn't shown up yet.
Where the hell was he?
Fez let out a sigh, figuring he'd show up eventually, and set the short-handel shovel against the wall of the hole next to his rifle with a 'thunk'. He grabbed his canteen and took a long drink, recapped it, and situated himself on the ground. The unusually cool clay felt nice against his back as leaned against it, like an ice pack on his skin.
He set the canteen next to his outstretched legs and his fingers instinctually grabbed at the side of his thigh where there was a large pocket...felt the small notebook there and closed his eyes.
He would finish the letter later...in the morning perhaps, if time allowed. He would let her know he was thinking of her...always. He would let her know he was okay and that things had been calm, peaceful almost.
Nothing like what happened two months ago with Nate, Mackay...and the Vietnamese girl. And certainly nothing like what happened to Nickle...and the attack on that village south of Hol An.
He just wanted to be home, home with his family...home with Lexi.
Fez wondered how Lexi was getting along now...so close to the due date. She had mentioned being tired and sore, and complaining of swollen ankles in the last letter he had received. But she seemed happy and the baby was doing great, and growing...a lot.
It was a trip to think that in just six or seven weeks he and Lexi would be parents. He wasn't sure if he would ever get used to the idea. It still didn't feel real to him. Maybe because he wasn't there with Lexi to experience everything, all the little milestones, like most soon to be fathers.
But he had the letters Lexi would send and he considered that good as gold. He memorized the little details she would share...
Baby has fingernails. Baby's heart kinda sounds like galloping horses. Linea nigra is a vertical dark line that appears on your belly. Baby is literally able to do summersaults. Baby is 17 1/2 inches long, and 6.8 pounds, they're going to be chunky. Baby's kidneys are fully developed now. Apparently, carrying low and sideways means Baby is a boy more than likely, but that information comes from both Kitty and mom - more than likely that's not accurate.
He was thankful Suze had calmed down and was trying to be supportive...had even begun to back off the drinking and found a new jones for painting. And, according to Lexi, was currently in the midst of creating a mural for the nursery.
He hoped he would get to see it.
"Hey O'Neil!" Someone whispered from above him, bringing him out of his thoughts. "Man you got any extra -"
Fez barely had enough time to look up before a loud stream of pops assaulted his ears and he felt something wet spray against the left side of his face and chest. His heart sprung from his chest and lodged in his stomach.
He was on his feet in an instant, bounding up off the ground just in time as the kid...Hardy...he thought that had been his name...fell into the hole. Almost on top of him.
The kids left eye was completely blown out and there was a second hole just below that, nothing but a crater of mangled red meat, bone and teeth.
Fez grabbed his rifle and leapt out of the fox hole, just as a grenade set off on the other side of the camp...then another...closer this time. Once he reached the top of the hole he whirled the m16 quickly into the shooting position and clicked the safety off.
Chaos broke out.
There was nothing but noise and shouting around him now. He could see what looked like thousands of fireflies wizzing by in quick single line successions. First from the south side of the camp, then another a mere two hundred yards to his left.
Fuck! Where was he supposed to aim?
With the approaching dark, and now the smoke from the grenades and m16 rounds shrouding the edge of the surrounding forest in a thick fog, he couldn't make out shit.
He could see only a handful of his platoon mates, rushing to get to the safety of their fox holes. He saw more trying to hide behind and underneath the few M-113 APC vehicles parked at the camp.
Something whizzed past his head causing him to duck down in a kneeling position.
"Fez! Get down!" He looked over to see three of his platoon mates in a fox hole about sixty feet from him. One of them was frantically pointing to his right towards the west side of the camp. "VC to the west! Shoot damnit - shoot -" another explosion ripped through the ground just as Fez turned his head to look where the guy had been pointing.
The sound was deafening and there was a shrill ringing in Fez's ears. The smell of sulfur nearly choked him. When he looked back, the fox hole was now a large crater and enveloped in swirls of smoke.
Fez's turned to head back to his own fox hole, towards safety, when something hit him in the chest...then in the stomach. Another hard thud to his left shoulder sent him spinning and he fell backwards into the fox hole, landing on his side.
He let out a loud gasp and pain exploded within his chest as his body slumped, rolling him onto his stomach, and he tried to catch his breath. He tried to free the arm pinned beneath him, but he couldn't move.
He took another breath in...more pain, this time followed by a distinct squelching rattle as he exhaled.
Oh fuck...
He could still hear the chaos unfolding above him but with dred he noticed the noise was less distinguishable now.
Fuck! Not like this...
Fez had once told Lexi he believed in God...not now...not in this place, but if he was about to meet 'him' he prayed the big guy would take him soon. He prayed he would keep Lexi safe and give her strength.
He didn't want to leave her like this...but...
A rage suddenly boiled inside of Fez. Fuck the big guy...why did it have to end like this...His eyes stung as the tears began to form.
He could feel warmth and wetness spread beneath him. He was bleeding out. A tear slipped out of the corner of his eye, leaving a wavy streak down the strong bridge of his nose.
He thought back to how pissed Lexi had been when he had finally got the courage to tell her he was being shipped out to Nam. All the things he had said...promises he had made. What fucking good were they now...
He always figured he would get fucked over considering his line of work back in Cali. He hadn't been lying when he said everybody eventually had to pay for all the wrong they did...but not her.
He didn't figure she would be punished as well.
Or maybe Lexi and the baby were his punishment. Giving him hope of having something he desperately wanted...then taking it away.
But they didn't need to suffer along with him.
Fez felt heavy now, like his body was weighed down and fused with the dark red earth beneath him. He felt sleepy almost...maybe that wasn't quite the right word. But he couldn't keep his eyes open. He blinked rapidly but it didn't help.
The gunfire, explosions...the shouting sounded even more distant now, like how he would hear it when he had been a newbie stationed in Tien-sha...it sounded miles away. He could still feel the ground shake though, followed by a shower of dirt.
He just needed to close his eyes...
The night he and Lexi met flashed in his mind. The classy outfit, red lips and the most beautiful doe eyes.
He had felt grimmy wanting her, such an obviously good girl...she would never feel the same Fez had told himself but like with most things in his life he felt sure about, he had been wrong...so wonderfully wrong.
The ground shook again, a spray of dirt from the opposite side this time hit him, covering his face.
It was a warm evening, in his grandmother's living room, the music playing softly. Giving her a twirl as they danced.
Their first night together...tears and nervous touches...soft skin beneath his fingertips. Cinnamon colored hair splayed across his pillow...the soft delicious sounds she had made.
Fez slowly flexes his fingers again, moving them until he feels the notebook in his side leg pocket. He shudders...
It was still there. Tucked in between the pages was a photo of Lexi she had sent with her last letter. A grainy photo but beautiful. She was wearing a loose fitting dress and looking down at her lap, a soft smile gracing her lips. She was looking at her hands placed protectively over the growing swell there. Visible proof of the life growing within her...the life he had helped create.
Fez began praying out loud. He wasn't for sure if he was hearing the words he was speaking, but someone was going to fucking hear.
"Oh Lord thou art in heaven...bless them and keep them safe...keep them safe within the folds of your gracious arms...forgive me...forgive me..."
A sob slipped from his quivering lips.
" Oh Lord please forgive me...Lexi please...forgive..."
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slxsherwriter · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my depraved little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of slasher and horror characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of these characters and potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Masterlist mobile friendly || Non-slasher writings blog: @rewritethisstxry
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Who I write for:
Michael Myers (primarily Rob Zombie based)
Corey Cunningham
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Rusty Nail
Eric Newlon
Jesse Cromeans
Asa Emory
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Ethan Landry
Mickey Altieri
Jedidiah Sawyer
Tex Sawyer
Thomas Brown Hewitt
Jason Voorhees
Evan MacMillan
Frank Morrison
Caleb Quinn
John Ryder
Leslie Vernon
Ethan Belfrage
Dr. Richard Sommers
Lawrence O'Neill
Lawrence Gordon
Robert Englund characters
Wayne Jackson (A Good Day for It)
Stuart Lloyd (The Last Showing)
Dr. Peter Andover (Fear Clinic)
Professor William Wexler (Urban Legend)
Doc Halloran (Behind the Mask)
Dr. Anton Rudolph (Python)
Jim Bickerman (Lake Placid)
Mayor Buckman (2001 Maniacs)
Warden Kane (The Funhouse Massacre)
Inkubus (Inkubus)
Sheriff Richard Berger (Heartstopper)
Scratch Monahan (Windfall)
Detective Gassner (Criminal Minds)
Mr. Meredith (Natty Knocks)
Tim Wexler (MacGyver)
Vaughn (Hunter)
Lyle Eckert (Walker Texas Ranger)
Costas Mandylor characters
Mark Hoffman (Saw)
The Warden (Death Count)
John Shepherd (Bloodthirst)
Agent Cole Bennett (Night of the Sicario)
Cylus Atkinson (The Horde)
Raymond Crowe (Saints & Sinners)
Jim (Blackout)
Chase Harper (Primal Doubt)
Stephan Lang characters
Norman Nordstrom (Don’t Breathe)
The Party Crasher (The Hard Way)
Miles Quartich (Avatar)
Fred Parras (VFW)
Holt Ramsey (A Good Marriage)
John Korver(Gridlocked)
Tony Cobb (Monkey Paw)
Nathaniel Taylor (Terra Nova)
Richard Brake characters
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane (3 From Hell)
Doom-head (31)
Dean Portman (Doom)
Otis Clairborne (RIPD 2)
William Colcott (The Gates)
Mr. Big (Bingo Hell)
Dr. Henry Augustus Wolfgang (The Munsters)
Norman Tyrus (A Good Day For It)
Bill Moseley characters
Otis Driftwood
Luigi Largo (Repo)
Darryl (Old 37)
Logan Burnhardt (Dead Air)
Frank (Fair Game)
Doc (Shed of the Dead)
Zach Garrett (Halloween)
Jake Spooler (The Practice)
Abner Honeywell (Natty Knocks)
Gimple (Minutes to Midnight)
Captain Harris (Welcome to Horrorwood series)
Farmer Sam (Hayride to Hell)
Bruce (Boar)
Jacob Sutter (The Horde)
Peter Van Hooten (The House of the Witchdoctor)
Deputy Henry Depford (Dead Souls)
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masterofmaagnetism · 1 year
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dandylion240 · 5 months
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Gasping “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just what it sounds like,” Ethan said “I’m worried about you. All this magic stuff is crazy. Are you crazy Jonah? I could make a pretty good case if we went to court.”
Jonah’s mind went back to the years of therapy and drugs that Ethan had manipulated him into taking. He knew that the doctor would back Ethan’s claim if it came to court. “I’m not crazy Ethan. There’s nothing wrong in wanting to give my children the right education to use their magic in the most responsible way possible. I’ll agree to your terms.”
“Good,” Ethan walked around the table, stopping beside Jonah. “Just remember what I said. Those are my kids and I’ll do what I think is necessary to protect them.”
Jonah nodded “please go now.” His jaw was tense from clenching it. He wished he could believe it was a hollow threat but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Tim Blake Nelson in the title segment of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
James Franco in the "Near Algodones" segment of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Liam Neeson in the "Meal Ticket" segment of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Tom Waits in the "All Gold Canyon" segment of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Grainger Hines in "The Gal Who Got Rattled" segment of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Jonjo O'Neill and Brendan Gleeson in "The Mortal Remains" segment of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, 2018)
Cast: Tim Blake Nelson, Willie Watson, Clancy Brown, Danny McCarthy, David Krumholtz, James Franco, Stephen Root, Ralph Ineson, Jesse Luken, Liam Neeson, Harry Melling,  Jiji Hise, Paul Rae, Tom Waits, Sam Dillon, Bill Heck, Zoe Kazan, Grainger Hines, Jefferson Mays, Jonjo O'Neill, Brendan Gleeson, Saul Rubinek, Tyne Daly, Chelcie Ross. Screenplay: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen, "All Gold Canyon" segment based on a story by Jack London, "The Gal Who Got Rattled" segment based on a story by Stewart Edward White. Cinematography: Bruno Delbonnel. Production design: Jess Gonchor. Film editing: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen. Music: Carter Burwell. The six short films collected into The Ballad of Buster Scruggs are set in the central period of the American myth, the Old West, and they evoke major American writers like Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, and William Faulkner, as well as the two chroniclers of the vanishing American wilderness cited as sources for the segments "All Gold Canyon" and "The Gal Who Got Rattled," Jack London and Stewart Edward White. It's a very "literary" film whose characters often don't just talk, they orate, in florid 19th-century diction. And it's a film based in that American folk genre, the tall tale. Those who task the Coens with cynicism and coldness will find ammunition in all of these short films for their argument: Every good deed or noble intention in these stories gets thwarted or maimed. There's probably no crueler story on film than the "Meal Ticket" segment. And yet, we treasure Poe and Twain and Faulkner for their frequent heartlessness, praising their ironic vision. Is it that we expect more warmth from our movies than from our literature? As a genre, the anthology film has gone out of favor, largely because so many of them are uneven in quality, and while it's easy to rank the segments of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs -- I would put "The Gal Who Got Rattled" at the top and "Near Algodones" at the bottom -- the Coens have a unifying vision that makes each segment play off of the others, the way short stories in an anthology by Alice Munro or George Saunders set up reverberations among themselves.
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fleshthatfalls · 2 years
tmnt characters as who they'd be in euphoria :
Leonardo as...
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Rue Bennett!
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Raphael as...
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Donatello as...
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Michelangelo as...
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April O'Neil as...
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Lexi Howard!
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xwildheart · 1 year
mobile muse page
astrid cunningham - rachel weisz- lawyer- she/her- closeted bisexual atticus newton- jordan fisher- florist- he/him- pansexual benjamin dunn- andrew garfield- bartender- he/him- heterosexual caleb lennox- gavin leatherwood- trust fund kid- he/him- pansexual calliope halkias- alycia debnam-carey- interpreter- she/her- bisexual cassian odair- mason gooding- hockey player- he/him- heterosexual charlotte kincaid- madison iseman- musician/rock star- she/her- bisexual daphne holt- haley lu richardson- veterinarian= she/her- bisexual emmett kelly- sam claflin- tv producer- he/him-heterosexual ethan arlington- tom holland-physical therapist- he/him- pansexual fern odair- zendaya coleman- psychic medium/baker- she/her-pansexual fiona leung- natasha liu bordizzo- flight attendant- she/her- bisexual hank sullivan- bill hader- pharmacist/drug dealer- he/him- heterosexual hannah sterling- ashley johnson- graphic designer- she/her-bisexual imogen reynolds- brianne howey-romance author/ghost hunter- she/her-bisexual isla vasquez- genesis rodriguez- ballet instructor- she/her- bisexual ivy bennett- greta onieogou- er nurse- she/her- bisexual jamie spencer- mathhew gray gubler- author- he/him- heterosexual jane porter- gemma arterton- biology professor- she/her- heterosexual joel danvers- chris evans- voice actor- he/him-heterosexual josephine harris- elizabeth olsen- bakery owner- she/her- lesbian jude thatcher- bill skarsgard- pilot/rich kid- he/him- pansexual kit anderson- robert sheehan- tattoo artist- he/him- pansexual leonardo vasquez- pedro pascal- landscaper/ex military- he/him- heterosexual molly barlowe- kennedy mcmann- paramedic- she/her- bisexual naomi quinlan- samantha logan- waitress/med student- she/her- bisexual nicola vos- teresa palmer- assassin- she/her-pansexual oliver o'neil- boyd holbrook- medical examiner- he/him-heterosexual parker frost- hunter parrish- pediatrician- he/him- pansexual peri frost- rose mciver- ice skater- she/her-bisexual phaedra kavanaugh- zoey deutch- kindergarten teacher- she/her-bisexual piper lennox- diana silvers- trust fun kid- she/her- closeted female leaning bisexual reid taylor- dylan o'brien- firefighter-he/him- heterosexual savannah forbes- nathalie emannuel- fbi agent- she/her- bisexual sebastian mercado- peter gadiot- underground boxer- he/him- heterosexual tallulah lawrence- victoria pedretti- vet tech/ vet med student- she/her- bisexual tessa jacobs- odette annable- single mom/bartender- she/her- bisexual theodore ellison- david tennant- politician- he/him- heterosexual vivian gray- aubrey plaza- escort/realtor- she/her- pansexual willow arlington- natalia dyer- bartender/part time nanny- she/her-bisexual wren henson- fivel stewart- artist- she/her-bisexual wyatt morales- oscar isaac- former lawyer- now ranch owner- he/him-heterosexual
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wendyeve24 · 1 year
I'm not just writing chapter 8... I'm also writing chapter 9 and both will be released on the same day. Chapter 8 is finished but Chapter 9 is still in the works. Thank you so much for your patience and I might do a poll soon asking you all which character or characters you'd like to see in a spin-off fic. I already definitely have a character in mind, but let me know which ones you'd like to see in their own spin-off.
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