#stargate xovers
lapseinrecs · 3 months
Here Tomorrow Gone Today
By tari_roo
On Archive of Our Own and Livejournal
Status: Complete; 32,766 words
Summary: SGA/SPN Crossover AU. The world ended and not how any hunter would have imagined. A BSG-style fleet of refugees on the run, with Dean Winchester aboard the Hammond. Shep POV.
My thoughts: !!! Great crossover. Mechanic/Engineer!Dean is always great.
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lenievi · 1 year
Stargate SG-1 is so good. I love it so much 🥺
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makiruz · 4 months
Ran iinto another Stargate crossover fic written by someone who hadn't watch the show, but I don't know this person so I'm a lot less forgiving.
It's called "The Dragon King's Temple" and I skimmed it before and they were things that felt off like making the Stargate an universal translator, I started reading and immediately felt it with Janet's feelings of zats, and well the TV Tropes page is discouraging the villain is "the last sane goa'uld" and we already have the Tok'ra plus goa'uld don't live that long, and apparently the Ancients created the goa'uld and I don't know.
But the real problem is looking at the comments, specifically author defending their changes, to a show they haven't watched; sigh, it was the same with A Star to Steer By, they didn't seem to realize they were changing Canon badly and got defensive. You don't get defensive when fans point you did something wrong, you say "you're probably right, but this is my story and I don't care"
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kitkatt0430 · 7 months
Rewatching SG-1 has reminded me of a Tales of Symphonia xOver idea I had that I'd still like to write.
It'd ignore the Tales of Symphonia sequel, so no Dawn of the New World stuff going on here. Instead, a few years post Tales of Symphonia and the reunification of the two world of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla into the single world of Aselia, an archeological dig in Tethe'alla discovers an outpost in the mountains that predates the Kharlan War and the civilizations involved by thousands of years.
It's not ancient Elven technology from their migration to the world from space either and likely predates even that long ago event - and the Elves are related to the Nox, though whether that comes up or not... at least it's world building, right? I considered the Ancients... but I like the Nox better for this. Anywho, the current Elves are an offshoot of the Nox who've lost their history and had somewhat divergent evolution from being on a completely different planet from the other Nox for so long.
It's Ancient technology, but with the Elves having forgotten their history they can't identify it anymore than the human and half-elven historians or archaeologists can. They've even consulted the Summon Spirits, but if they know then they aren't telling. And they do seem to know something.
Seles is fascinated. She's gotten interested in archaeology - Zelos blames Raine, who of course wouldn't see why being interested in old stuff would be so boring to him. But Zelos is trying to be supportive so he's shown up at the dig site.
There's a giant stone circle inside and that Zelos does find interesting. Its made up of a foreign material similar to exspheres, but it's clearly refined the same way exspheres were. While it's still somehow being powered - though they've yet to successfully activate it - it's clear the power source is external and stored in capacitors, not imbued with the power of a human life sacrificed to it's production.
That's when an offworld activation occurs and a Goa'uld and his army shows up. Zelos manages to hide Seles, but then he and two others are 'selected' similar to how Sha're and Skara are in the episode Children of the Gods.
On another world now, Zelos manages to befriend one of the Jaffa guards. Not enough to be snuck out, but enough that Zelos is pretty sure he's not going to get killed by this guy when things inevitably get worse. A selection is going on and, as Mekel explains, the Goa'uld - gods, but not really and isn't that a familiar situation for Zelos to be in? - are selecting new hosts. They're parasites. And that's when Zelos realizes he's in more trouble than he realized.
And so is Mekel and anyone else if Zelos gets 'Chosen'. The Chappa'ai (Stargate) is made of the similar-to-exspheres element. And so is the tech the Jaffa use - and thus the Goa'uld use. And, according to Mekel, the Goa'uld and Jaffa have that element - naquadah - in their blood stream. It's similar enough to exspheres that just being surrounded by so much of it makes Zelos able to feel his now-dormant powers again (dormant ever since he stopped using his angelus crystal) but not enough to actually use those powers.
He's pretty sure if he gets possessed? Those powers will be back and in the control of a wannabe god. Not good.
Mekel is not thrilled to learn this either. He may believe the Goa'uld are false gods, but they're still ridiculously powerful. Giving even one of them more power??? Could only be a bad thing. He's not sure he believes this isn't a ploy on Zelos' part to try and get away safely, but he does like Zelos now so... he decides to help Zelos escape. In doing so they discover a Tok'ra prisoner and after a short explanation about the Tok'ra vs Goa'uld divide, they decide to take him along.
The three of them jump a few planets and Zelos laments that he doesn't know his own world's address to go home. They'd be safe there. Though he's also hoping that they've somehow disabled the gate to prevent further incursions, though he knows Lloyd will be beyond pissed if the King chooses to abandon Zelos and the others to their fate that way.
They realize they didn't get away clean when an Ashrak injures the Tok'ra - Jeren and... I admit I don't have a name for his host in mind yet. They're too badly injured. Jeren could survive in a new host, but it's too late for his current one. Mekel refuses to become a Tok'ra host. If there were a way for him to be free of his symbiote without dying, he'd take it in a heartbeat... except for this. Which Jeren assures Mekel that he understands.
Zelos volunteers. He's come to trust Jeren and he knows the information Jeren seeks to take to the Tok'ra is important. It's just temporary, after all. Until a new host can be found, anyway.
As Zelos suspected, being bonded with Jeren revives his old exsphere/angelus crystal granted powers. He can't bring out his wings, but he's able to call on Judgement and some of his other high-level spells. And when the Ashrak strikes again, the three of them are able to kill the Goa'uld assassin this time.
But even with Zelos' healing powers restored, he never had Raine's gift for Resurrection and so Jeren's previous host is too far gone even for Zelos to heal even now. At least with the Ashrak dead, the man is avenged and they're able to safely seek out the current Tok'ra safe house by contacting another Tok'ra spy who knows where to send them.
The Tok'ra are fascinated by Zelos' powers but also relieved its not something they can replicate. Because if they can't, the Goa'uld can't either. And unfortunately the Tok'ra don't have a way to send Zelos home yet because they don't have the address to his world either.
When a new guy volunteers to become Jeren's host, Zelos decides he likes the partnership and stays Jeren's host after all. Mekel offers his services to the Tok'ra specifically to protect Zelos and Jeren. If the Goa'uld became aware of Zelos' powers, they'd seek to capture him and remove Jeren in order to take his body for themselves.
A few years later, Egeria is discovered and Zelos is brought in to try and use his unusual powers to heal her. He's met SG-1 once or twice before and Mekel and Teal'c have a mutual respect for each other going on. Zelos does manage to heal Egeria enough to stabilize her for travel, but she needs the care of her people going forward - she needs a host. But doing so meant revealing his abilities to SG-1.
Egeria fixes the flaws in Tretonin and Mekel jumps at the chance to try it. And after talking things over with SG-1, Zelos and Jeren tell Mekel they want to request they be assigned as a sort of permanent liaison to the SGC. Mekel likes this idea so they go through with it. Jacob and Selmak think it'll be a great fit.
Admittedly my ideas for this verse skip around a bit. Zelos, Jeren, and Mekel verses an Ori Prior would be very interesting to see happen. At some point they'd make contact with Aselia and Zelos is able to see his sister and friends again. Also... Lloyd and Colette kicking Ori ass with their angel powers, as some of the few still utilizing angelus crystals, would be a great deal of fun.
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lapseinart · 1 year
You know actually Stiles not going by Stiles in college and instead telling people his legal name Mieczyslaw has some great potential for crossovers especially if he goes by Mitch.
Like even without the American Assassin crossovers you can have just this character in say Stargate Atlantis or a SHIELD agent and his first name is Mitch and he’s got a bit of a mouth to him, kind of jaded, doesn’t talk about home, but then he starts opening up and then one day BOOM a member of his former pack appears calling him Stiles and everyone’s just like you talking about Mitch?
Also there’s like something to be said about everyone refusing to try to pronounce Stiles’ name in Teen Wolf like the doctor the teacher his friends and as someone with a non-English name it’s just not a great thought for me?
I think there was a Stargate Atlantis crossover fic I read that had a similar premise but I don’t think they called Stiles Mitch or Mieczyslaw.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, August 7
WILLOW: Buffy, look at me. Buffy looks at Willow, her lips quivering like she's about to cry. WILLOW: You are not in an institution. You have never been in an institution. BUFFY: (whispers) Yes, I have.
~~Normal Again~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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BtVS Double Drabble: Not Entertaining by badly_knitted (Buffy, Xander, Willow, PG)
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Dawn's Happy Day continued by ILLYRIAN (Dawn, with video, unrated)
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Wake Just To Hear Them by test_kard_girl (Lorne, Harmony, Not Rated)
Not Her Usual Fighting Style by Anonymous (Buffy/Spike, M)
Party Games by Kittenwritings (Fred/Coredlia/Harmony, T)
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Drink Me Up by royalxenawolf (Spike/female reader, Adult Only)
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Aftermath by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Aftermath by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Close to Home - ch. 1-5 by TheSigyn (Buffy/Spike, M) COMPLETE!
Ascension Interrupted - ch. 1 by mmooch (Buffy, Stargate SG-1 xover, T)
Hungry Like the Wolf - ch. 4 by fleetfootedfox (Buffy/Giles, E)
In Case You Haven't Noticed...- ch. 31 by Sdhuskerfan (Buffy/Giles, E)
Recompense - ch. 10 by Moonkid10 (Buffy/Faith, M)
The Engagement - ch. 11 by ChecksAmali_23 (Buffy/Faith, E)
Dear Journal - ch. 6 by desicat (Buffy/William Pratt, T)
Sparks In Dust - ch. 17 by GrimCityGirl (Willow/Tara, M)
No Going Back - ch. 21 by Tru2urheart (Willow/Tara, M)
Omission - ch. 13 by toutes_les_routes (Spike/Riley, Buffy/Riley, E)
… A Stranger I Go Hence - ch. 16 by MalkMcJorma (Faith/OMC, M)
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Tale as Old as Time - ch. 13 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Spiked - ch. 15-16 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] - ch. 41 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
East of Nevada - ch. 11 by Blissymbolics (Buffy/Spike, R)
Love Lives Here - ch. 93 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Truth and Consequences - ch. 21 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
Unconditional - ch. 9 by Blade Redwind (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Reclaimed - ch. 9 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Ascension Interrupted - ch. 1 by mmooch (Buffy, Stargate xover, FR13)
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Dear Journal - ch. 7 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) COMPLETE!
Tale as Old as Time - ch. 13 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here - ch. 93 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Culinary Arts: I made a Gentlemen Cake from Hush. by Deadly_Dame_Cakes
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Artwork: Spike drawing by sunflower1109 (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Still alive! ... watching Buffy and making a fanart of Spike was something I had to do 🥸👀 by anparna (Spike, worksafe)
Collage: The rest of the collages, again may be spoilers... I'm on season 6... by sunflower1109 (Faith, Giles, Angelus, William Pratt, worksafe)
Collage: Some Buffy the Vampire Slayer Collages, may be spoilers. I'm currently at S6... by sunflower1109 (Buffy, Willow, Xander, Angel, Cordelia, Oz, Spike, Tara, Anya, Jenny, worksafe)
Screencaps: FAITH LEHANE IN BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER S07EP18-19 by neverscreens (Faith)
Headers: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E02 — The Harvest (2). by nostalgc (ensemble, worksafe)
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E02 — The Harvest (2). by nostalgc (Buffy, worksafe)
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E02 — The Harvest (2). by nostalgc (Xander, worksafe)
Icons: Tara Maclay — Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S04. by nostalgc (Tara, worksafe)
Gifset: No matter how hard you fight you just end up in the same place. I don't see why you bother. by ladyverdance (Buffy, The Master, worksafe)
Gifset: In 243 years, I've loved exactly one person. I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life. by ptieuca (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: But there, atop the crypt, the shadow of a creature. Moonlight illuminates the creature. by ladyverdance (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: Save a Scooby, Collar a Vampire — School Hard (2.3) & All the Way (6.6) by ladyverdance (Buffy, Spike, Scoobies, worksafe)
Gifset: ... The Sharing of Power... by ladyverdance (Buffy, Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: Wesley and his cute obsession for appetizers by itslilahhere (Wesley, Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: Fresley + Loml by Taylor Swift "i felt a hole like this, never before and ever since" by eloisephillip (Wesley/Fred, worksafe)
Gifset: violent delights have violent ends... by clarkgriffon (Buffy/Spike, worksafe-ish)
Gifset: — Who do you work for? — Wilkins. The Mayor. [Crack. Scream.] — Who do you work for? — You. – by ladyverdance (vampire Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: To live is to suffer. But to survive, well, that's to find meaning in the suffering. Slippin’ by DMX by andremichaux (Buffy, Tara, Dawn, worksafe)
Fanvid: [Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift] by ceoazula (Buffy/Spike)
Fanvid: Joyce: Honey, did you somehow, unintentionally, lead him on in any way? by bananabeans88 (Buffy/Spike)
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Fanvid: Mummy is Here / Drusilla’s lament (Lyric video) by Ave Bondart (Drusilla)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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on to the "spike and buffy fuck nasty and destroy a house" episode. by justsolas
to save from spamming my incredibly incoherent thoughts on 6x08... by justsolas
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PODCAST: Episode 68: I Will Remember You by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: stopmejune seeks The Bronze documentary "IRL (In Real Life)"
ISO: bigbadllama seeks input on S5 cinematic recap video
ISO: Smellygrogru seeks thesis help from scholars and TV industry people
Rec: New Buffy reactor: Ashleigh Burton [react vidder] recced by Tuxedo_Mark
[Community Announcements]
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[gifset and fic rec]countdown to iwry 2024 — iwry2023 most heartbreaking fic: the girl and the ash by claddaghrings recced by iwillrememberyoumarathon
hellsmouthhqpromo [roleplay announcement]
[Fandom Discussions]
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Anya Jenkins from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is Autistic! by ur-fav-is-autistic
Teacher’s Pet Fashion Part Three by theoverlookedoneedits1997
I want an au where Spike and Buffy met again in LA between seasons 2 & 3... by skyegraves21
i just think if you decide that willow had a crush... by lesbianmarrow
It's tragic spike never wore any of drusilla's clothes tbh.by izzyspussy
Au where Faith comes back to sunnydale in season 5 by explosionshark
[AU where] Spike, for whatever reason, doesn't come back to Sunnydale. by coraniaid
[multiple asks, includes Hank Summers] 5, 13, and 15 for btvs for the fandom ask game [answered] by coraniaid
absolutely sending me that this looks like buffy just handed faith... by antlerslayer
POLL: If I were to make a Destiel-style fandom news meme ... [Bangel or Spuffy] by lierdumoa
POLL: 30-MAN ROYAL RUMBLE FOR FICTIONAL CHARACTERS TIME! (part 5) by could-they-be-a-pro-wrestler
POLL: Vampire Media Guys Round 23: Spike or Marko? by vampirewrestlinglover
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Which monsta would do it? by ILLYRIAN and Skanky Vamp
What If: The Potentials could chose by nightshade and ILLYRIAN
Was Buffy predestined to be the Slayer? by November and ILLYRIAN
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I love andrew because... by Level_Mixture_9533
Slayin' It Podcast is so bad [discussion of other podcasts too] by justagreatdane
Possible Debate Solved [Joyce telling Dawn that Buffy would not choose her] by ShyFiction
S7 Confusion. [The First's plan for Spike] by ShyFiction
Does Buffy have music problems? [different songs on streaming than when it aired live] by Hepcat10
Favorite moments that take place inside the Sunnydale High School Library? by InfiniteMehdiLove
i haven’t been able to continue watching [after Seeing Red and Villains] by 666grimes
Thoughts on season 3 finale from a first-time watcher [no spoilers beyond this episode] by spectacleskeptic
Fav Buffy Edits? [fanvids] by gwndlyn
Another take at Cordelia’s “I don’t see…”! by oliversurpless
Was Drogyn meant to be Gru? [in ATS] by Ok_Frame_4117
Could you see Wesley and Faith becoming friends in/after season 4? by IntelligentPumpkin74
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Interview: [video] Sarah Michelle on Break The Ice by Alo Yoga
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atlantis-scribe · 3 years
AU-gust 2021 ( Day 15 )
(in which John is in the middle of his worst nightmare come to life & Rodney seems to have had a more interesting past than originally advertised) 
"John, no!"
It was supposed to be a milk run. A routine treaty renewal with an ally they'd had since the expedition's first year. Nothing exciting was supposed to happen.
Nothing was supposed to happen.
"McKay, come on. Talk to me."
"Just hold on, we're almost there. Keep your eyes open, you hear me?"
"Dammit, Rodney! Don't do this to me!"
The race to the gate passed by in a blur, and John's heart thundered as he kept pace with the rest of his team.
Rodney was slung over one of Ronon's shoulders, head bouncing as his lifeblood continued to drip down the other man's arm. He stopped groaning half an hour and an eternity ago, and next to Ronon, John ran with his arm clenched tight on Rodney's TAC vest.
As they went through the event horizon, John's chest burned where the Telmaran rebel's bullet was supposed to go.
“John, what happened back there?”
Sensing that John was not fit for polite company, much less capable of giving a report, Teyla took Elizabeth aside and relayed to her the Cliff’s Notes version of the events.
That a group of rebels had stormed the government palace after they heard of the Atlantis team’s return.
That they’d claimed to have sensed a dark, cosmic entity within one of the team members the last time they visited.
That John, being the leader, had been the first suspect.
That Rodney had stepped in front of John just as the rebel leader’s gun went off.
“McKay’ll be fine.”
Ronon left John in the locker room after all but dragging him out of the medical wing. There was nothing they could do from there, anyway. And the last thing John needed was to have his heart rise and fall with the worry lines on Carson’s face as he worked to bring Rodney back to life from the other side of the operating room’s viewing window.
Back to John.
Now, John sat on the bench, Rodney’s bloody vest in his hands.
His arms stopped shaking a moment ago, but it still took a while for him to notice that the vest kept on trembling. Turning it over, John dug around the compartments until he found the source of the vibration.
It was a pocket watch.
The timepiece was silver and about the size of John’s palm. Its cover had intricate markings, circles and swirls intersected by seemingly random lines coming from different directions.
It looked old and worn, heavier than any pocket watch ought to weigh. When John ran a thumb over the curious designs, something inside glowed.
Before he could open it, his radio chirped and snapped him out of the daze. Carson’s frantic voice brought him back to solid ground.
“Colonel, we need you here in the infirmary. It’s Rodney. He—”
The rest of the doctor’s words got lost to wind as John sprinted to the nearest transporter.
The rest of John’s words, all the pleas and admissions threatening to leave his lips as he clutched at the sands of time, at the threads of Rodney’s life, froze as John saw the familiar, blinding light that had spilled from the infirmary when he arrived.
It was the same light that continued to pulse from within Rodney’s watch.
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banyanas · 4 years
beating off my horrible brain with a stick because i have other projects that take priority but also.... classic fantasy (or maybe an fe mashup if im feeling spicy) mustachioed village girl summons demon to destroy the lord the emperor put in charge of the newly-conquered territory
and he’s like. a ride out of my prison AND i get to squish a bunch of people? sign me up
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belindafish123 · 6 years
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Space Scots drinking at a bar. 🤣
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kirawords · 6 years
Sensates in space
Part 4. All Felix with a side of spoons
The city loves Felix and he loves it back. His gene is off the charts. Atlantis purrs for him, sliding open doors for him and leading him along a slow route through the entire city that ends in a room full of ZPMs, 1 of which is full and 2 of which are partially full.
Felix falls in with Radek Zelenka and soon the two are debating then modifying blue plans and making adjustments to Zalenkas still. They are able to almost double the production, which most of the city appreciates.
Rodney dubs him "king of the locksmiths" which lasts until the next time he demands a lock smith.
"Calll a looccksmiithhh" John warbles into the radio and then the call is picked up by Lorne and is finished off by Chuck while Rodney face palms.
What starts up as joke becomes a marathon of Robin Hood movies, which then turns into a city wide debate on which Robin Hood is the best.
"Look, the only Robin Hoods in this debate should be the ones with actual British accents." Rodney snaps.
The only thing the city can agree on is that Alan Rickman is the best Robin Hood villian.
That some how turns into a spoon contest, where people stand around in the mess holding spoons menacingly.
Teyla and Sun win in a tie (neither of them actually joined in the competition).
"It's so creepy." Felix says to Wolfgang.
Wolfgang shrugs "It's not like either of them would need the spoon."
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lapseinrecs · 7 months
A Star To Steer By
By dogmatix, norcumi
On Archive of Our Own (account required)
Status: Complete; 99,053 words; sequel last updated 2022
Summary: Jack O'Neill runs into the weirdest snake he's ever met, and that's saying something. Obi-Wan just wants to get his people home.
My thoughts: A really interesting crossover. I kinda wanna learn more about their culture.
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tos-fanart · 7 years
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by Tsuneo Sanda
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makiruz · 3 years
Oh my god yes! Let’s crossover RWBY with Stargate and Harry Potter! And you know what goes well with Harry Potter? Trollhunters! And I’m kinda reading Avatar fanfics, let throw that in too!
And it’s a time travel story, also there might or might not be a parallel universe somewhere! Let’s make a freaking fandom chop suey!
I am very sleep deprived
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Flash/Stargate Atlantis xOver where Hartley is cousins with the McKay siblings.
Hartley's similar personality wise with Rodney - driven to be the best, always has to be right - but he also gets putting family first above ambition because if he could get Jerrie away from his parents and it meant sacrificing his career in physics to do so? Hartley would do so in a heartbeat and never look back. So when Jeannie decides she can't be a mom and be a physicist at the same time, Hartley understands and supports her where Rodney doesn't. (Rodney gets there, eventually.)
When Hartley's disowned by his parents, it's Jeannie he goes to for support and he's probably not super close with Rodney at the time. Rodney's off doing his own thing and, like... he'd probably offer money for Hartley to finish getting his degrees, but Hartley needs emotional support too and that's something Jeannie can - and does - offer.
So that gives him someone to help him realize that getting too involved with his boss is a bad idea. No Eobard/Hartley happening here, but Hartley does still get fairly close to him and the ins and outs of the accelerator project. So Hartley does discover the flaw in the design and get fired for his trouble.
Now Eobard probably heard all about cousin Jeannie Miller and that name wouldn't stand out to him. Why would it? How would he know that she was Jeannie McKay before she got married or why her being a McKay would matter? It's a relatively common name, no way Eobard would connect Hartley to that Dr. Rodney McKay that Eobard probably was a little obsessed with in history class. After all, Eobard would have grown up in a time when the Stargate program had been declassified.
Thus Eobard would have no idea that when faced with being unable to stop his boss from trying to decimate the city with a dangerous accelerator, Hartley would pull out the big guns. He may not know what cousin Rodney does for a living, but he does know that it's a.) for the US military and b.) important enough that Jeannie not only forgave him for fucking off to nowhere for four years but even signed an NDA and spent a few weeks (months?) at Rodney's place of work/hidden blacksite to help on a top secret project.
Hartley reaches out to Rodney and Rodney gets concerned immediately. Maybe the accelerator project reminds him of the Arcturus project what with how it's meant to generate dark energy and is poised to blow up over someone's ego. He probably can't get away immediately, but assuming Sam is back Earthside then he convinces her to look into things. (Does she try to recruit Hartley? Probably. Does he want to work for the military no matter how cool the toys? Probably not. At first, anyway. Show him Earth from a starship window though and he'd probably ask where the sign up sheet is.)
Rodney shows up later and absolutely calls 'Dr. Harrison Wells' an idiot. Eobard doesn't take that well, but it'd be soooo funny.
The accelerator winds up going off anyway because Eobard is determined and whatever members of the SGC I feel like bestowing super powers to are present. The 'meta' gene(s) are absolutely related to the Ancients, though not necessarily the same one(s) that allow for controlling ancient tech. Though, uh, John and Rodney are definitely gonna get super powers because of course they would. That's what their weird luck is like.
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czytling · 2 years
Highlander the Series AU. Xover with Stargate.
TW: mentions of murder and general terror, planning a revolution. Honestly I don't think this goes above T at any point though.
The Horsemen haven't always been a band of Immortals running around in the Bronze Age, terrorising and murdering and pillaging.
Alright, so maybe that's not exactly correct. They were a band led by Immortals. They did run around for a good deal of Bronze Age, and even some time before it. They did murder. And terrorise. But it wasn't random. Or at least not at the beginning.
This is how it started.
The gods were real. Apophis, Ra, Baal, and many, many others with their glowing golden eyes and multitonal voices and superhuman powers. The Immortals, contrary to modern opinion, have not been part of them. That came later. The gods were cruel, and powerful, and no generation of humans slaving under their rule had enough power, knowledge and intelligence about their actions to rebel.
No generation had it, but one of the generations found a human, not loyal to the gods, who seemed to neither age nor die easily. This being became a living repository of knowledge gathered generation after generation, until one day the humans knew enough about the habits of gods to anticipate them. But the intelligence itself was not enough.
Then another Immortal, similar to the first one was found. This one was not interested in human customs, traditions and nature as the first one was. Instead, he was bloodthirsty, a bit crazy and a mechanical genius. He figured out how to trap the gods and how to force them out of the world. However, the intelligence and knowledge were still not enough.
Then came a third brother, for they were brothers in shared goal, the only ones surviving as the rebellion grew over decades and centuries. This one was nice, and friendly, and all animals loved him. He inspired loyalty and soon all were unified in struggle against the oppressors. This was nearly enough.
And then came the fourth one, the one with the spark. He could lead and convince others to follow and he was strong enough in his beliefs to raise even the cynics to fight, to finally move the struggle of generations into the light. And that was finally enough.
And so the revolution happened. And so it was successful. And so the gods were pushed back through the Gate, out of the Earth by the human armies and their four Immortal generals. And so, the humans became free people.
But some gods still remained, and those were the ones that the band was galloping across the plains to terrorise, and kill, and pulverise. And as the gods became fewer and fewer, the cause became forgotten, and the terror started.
We all know how it ended. But it's important to remember that the Loyal was not useless, the Crazy was the genius, the Cruel was the one who got every one to actually act. Noone is one dimensional. Not then, and not now. And especially not those who live for millenia.
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sunnydaleherald · 29 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, August 25th
GILES: Their numbers are increasing. BUFFY: And they're getting cockier. Look, I'm not loving it. Last night was a pretty close call. GILES: (distracted) Yes. BUFFY: Giles, care? I'm putting my life on the line battling the undead. Look, I broke a nail, okay? I'm wearing a press-on.
~~Prophecy Girl~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #164 — Flesh and Blood by veronyxk84 (Buffy, Dawn, PG-13)
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Red Light by mmooch (Buffy, The Rookie xover, T)
A Sparrow's Fall by eevol76vamp (Fred, Spike, Not Rated)
Beyond Red by fatalfae (Buffy, Tara, Xander, Willow, T)
Apocalypse Wishlist by HollyDB (Buffy/Spike, T)
Safe (with Spike) by BloodyEll42 (Dawn, Spike, Buffy, Xander, G)
Conversation with a Dead Friend by MGAllan (Xander/Jesse, T)
Damaged Goods 破損品 by MGAllan (Quentin Travers, T)
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Fuffy Drabble by thedeathscar (Buffy/Faith, unrated)
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If you'll have me by rossshin (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Double Date - ch. 1 by Rippertish (Buffy/Giles, E)
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Stiff Pole - ch. 4 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Mysterious Destinies - ch. 5 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lost in Desolation - ch. 5 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Blackcap's Song - ch. 7 by Murray (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] - ch. 45 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here - ch. 97 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Rebirth: A Stargate Tale - ch. 17 by Buffyworldbuilder (Buffy, Stargate xover, FR13)
Xanderpocalypse - ch. 11 by AxelBlade (Xander, Harry Potter and X-Men xover, FR15)
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Stiff Pole - ch. 4 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Anything But Ordinary - ch. 12 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
What the Drabble? Vol. 2 - ch. 64 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
To All We Guard - ch. 22 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here - ch. 97 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Comic: [Image description: Sherlock of BBC Sherlock and Buffy of Buffy The Vampire...] by paulgadzikowski (worksafe)
Artwork: Using my art to make some fake vintage style comic book covers by onedrawsoverthecuckoosnest (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Artwork: If Harmony had really been Buffy by isevery0nehereverystoned (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: continuing my series of illustrating scenes from the show Buffy The Vampire Slayer... by ibtravart (Buffy, worksafe)
Artwork: close ups!! ≽ܫ≼ by camellcat (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (1997-2003) by clarkgriffon (Spike, Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 2.10 & 1.03 by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma (Buffy, Kendra, Giles, Willow, worksafe)
Edit: Buffy Summers as the Sun sunlit by R.Wright / Buffy the last vampire slayer #4 ... by twelverriver (Buffy, worksafe)
Edit: I apologize, you forgive me. by raffaella-cerullo (Faith, worksafe)
Edit: charles bukowski, for jane by dogmetaphors (Spike, worksafe)
Edit: Buffy ~ Baltički profil - Ivana Milankova... by heterocosmica (Buffy, worksafe)
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E06 — The Pack. by nostalgc (Willow, worksafe)
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E06 — The Pack. by nostalgc (Buffy, worksafe)
Playlist: Musi Playlist by mr-miss-sunny (Spuffy)
Fanvid: buffy summers, certified "busy girl" by lesbianboyfriend (Buffy, worksafe)
Fanvid: this one is for the rupert giles fans out there, i hope i did him justice by bananabeans88 (Giles, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #79 by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #80 by thedecadentraven (Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #81 by thedecadentraven (worksafe)
Collage: Collage #83 by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #84 by thedecadentraven (worksafe)
Collage: Collage #89 by thedecadentraven (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
Collage: Xander and Anya by sunflower1109 (Xander/Anya, worksafe)
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Fanvid: Fred & Gunn - Architecture (Angel the Series) by TheOverLookedOne (Fred/Gunn)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I Robot, You Jane Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
my btvs tarot deck arrived and i love it so much, it's absolutely beautiful, but... by sadsmihalleyface
btvs 5x10 "into the woods" was very good. by lesbianmarrow
btvs 5x11 "triangle" episode made FOR ME. by lesbianmarrow
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First timer - just finished [all of BTVS] by banana_fine
I just watched 5X16, The Body, for the first time and holy shit... [first time viewer] by Impossible-Ad-3270
S4 E4 fear demon by Piratedking12
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: Christianduty seeks Obscure pieces of media connected to the show
ISO: atthecirclek seeks the brand of Buffy's tank top from season one? [with various resources in the comments]
ISO: Burnie89 seeks takers for a 3D Jesse bust
[Community Announcements]
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Sunday prompts: Lonely Prompts Sunday by comment_fic
[Fandom Discussions]
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Meme: [oh no we're all doomed by the narrative...] by kalmiopsis (Buffy, worksafe)
[i love Spike and Giles's father/son dynamic] by trealtox
a better season 6 villain: MOO by lunaticobscurity
[on how the Seeing Red scene was partially inspired by the writer's personal history] by housedyke
fic prompt: spies are forever buffy the vampire slayer au. tatiana is the slayer.... by ghostface-knight
fic prompt: [Willow in high school] by confusedguytoo
POLL: which of these lowest ranked episodes of btvs (according to imdb) is your favourite? by ohrevienssoleil
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Why Stakes? by MoonLightSY-3
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2 characters I would’ve liked to see live longer by atomiclovebomb
[Zura Skye as Cassie in Conversations with Dead People] by BiggTS
Does Willow think Buffy’s dumb, and if so was it ever explored in the show? by RafRide
Abigail [the movie and what if the vamps didn't dust on BTVS?] by Guilty-Tie164
Spike’s power relative to his age by Temporary-Buddy-2199
How does Spike enter the house in Lovers Walk? [vampires needing permission] by Fluffy-Maybe-6448
Is Buffy integral to Angel's character? [can you only watch ATS without BTVS?] by debujandobirds
Were Giles and Ethan lovers? by music_and_pop
Filming/Location Question: The WB Ranch by Special_Ear7031
[references to the 1969 Western movie] "The Wild Bunch" by caldude1985
Buffy’s Best Burns by Randy_Giles1880
Do you remember your reaction to the graduating class joining Buffy and the Scoobies in "Graduation Day, Part II"? by jdpm1991
« SPIKE », a mortal bartender in Tokyo [fic prompt] by Ok-Original4977
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters Mad Monster Expo 2024 Reports, Pics & Vids by dontkillspike
Comic Film & Manga Fest Berlin Event Cancelled via dontkillspike
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