#eufòria tv3
perqueheplorat · 24 days
A la temporada passada d'Eufòria, l'Alèxia va cantar el rol de Blanca a la cançó Per què he plorat. Així de bé li va sortir amb només una setmana per preparar-se la cançó! Quines ganes de veure com ho farà aquesta vegada que tindrà mesos.
L'enhorabona, Alèxia, per aquest paper. Seguint les passes de l'Elena Gadel, que va interpretar la Blanca acabada de sortir d'Operación Triumfo. Esperem que sigui l'inici d'una altra bona carrera al teatre musical català.
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A new song by the Catalan singer Triquell. He just started his career last year by taking part in the talent show Eufòria and is already releasing a bop like this! 🤩
The lyrics talk about being in a boring party and deciding to do something about it to fix it.
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no-passaran · 2 years
Jo cada vegada que algú canta la cançó de la plaça del diamant
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cardonaevents · 2 years
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Avui hem estat al @camping_hostalet on estaven gravant un programa de TV3 amb en Marc Clotet d' Eufòria i on nosaltres hem fet una activitat de tir amb arc. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_CsJ-opfB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hi! I was wondering if you could recommend any resources for learning Catalan? I'm a native English speaker who has extended family over in Barcelona. I learnt Spanish as a child and my parents always told me there was no point in learning Catalan, but for a vast amount of my family and friends it's their first language and I've always hated that they have to switch to Spanish so I can participate in the conversation. I'd hoped to take some classes whilst at University, but the universities I have ended up attending don't offer it as a course unfortunately. So, I've decided to learn it by myself!
Hello! First of all, thank you very much for your interest and your effort. It's true there's many people who think it's useless because we already have another language we can switch to (and so must switch to) when a foreigner is present, but I'm sure that (as you already see) it will be very rewarding.
I answered a similar question here. In that post, you can find different resources for learning and practising Catalan, and as always I recommend parla.cat.
But since you already speak another Romance language I'm sure you'll have it easier! I would recommend to get used to hearing the language, for example by watching videos with subtitles.
On TV3 a la carta (the website of Catalonia’s public TV channel) you can find many shows that you can watch for free. All of them have subtitles in Catalan available, and since recently they’ve added the option to use automatically-translated subtitles in Spanish and English. Here’s some shows I recommend:
Crims: a true crime show that has been very successful
El Foraster: this is a very wholesome show where a comedian travels to a different Catalan village in every show. He goes around meeting the villagers in order to make a stand-up comedy style performance about the village, where they’re all invited. It’s very funny and sweet and you get to know more about Catalonia’s small towns.
Polseres Vermelles: a fiction drama about a group of young people in a hospital. This is probably the most successful Catalan TV series of all times, it was even praised by Steven Spielberg.
Merlí: a fiction teenage drama about a high school philosophy class (also on Netflix)
La Riera: a soap opera that was VERY successful some years ago
Eufòria: a singing talent show
Batalla Monumental: a contest where they present different monuments and historical sites in Catalonia
No pot ser!: a journalist visits different places around the world to see what unbelievable turns technology is taking
Cuines: cooking show. (Note: the woman has a Tortosa accent, she’s the only exception. Almost all the others you’ll find in this list have a Central Catalan accent, more similar to what your relatives from Barcelona probably speak)
Trinxeres: three friends walk along the trenchlines of the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia, meeting witnesses and telling their stories
Sense Ficció: documentaries
30 minuts: documentaries about different topics that are 30-45 minutes long
60 minuts: documentaries that are just under an hour long
Telenotícies: this is just the news, but same as the documentaries, the good thing about them is that the presenters always speak in a very clear and standard accent and very correctly (other shows like Eufòria use more slang)
And, of course, I couldn’t not recommend Plats Bruts! The most famous Catalan sit-com that we all love so much. But you might enjoy this one more when you know the language better.
If for now you find those difficult to follow, you could start with dubbed children’s media, because those always have the clearest and most standard accents. You can find shows like Detective Conan, Miraculous Ladybug, Totally Spies, Kung-Fu Panda: incredible legends for foreign media, and for Catalan productions the classics Les tres bessones (three naughty sisters who in every episode are punished by a witch to be trapped in a different fairytale, book story or sent to help a historical character) and Rovelló (the adventuries of the dog Rovelló).
There are also YouTube channels made for people who are learning, so they have subtitles available both in Catalan and in English. For example:
Couch Polyglot (has videos in different languages, look for the ones with the Catalan flag)
Català al natural (this one only has subtitles in Catalan, but he has videos about interesting topics and he speaks very clearly and slow enough for learners)
And I also recommend the Instagram account DailyCatalan.
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perqueheplorat · 1 year
🗣 “És una llàstima que fer un musical gran en català sigui excepcional”
El nen que es va enamorar del teatre amb Mar i cel hi ha acabat treballant des de totes les vessants. Daniel Anglès ha treballat com a actor, cantant, adaptador de lletres, coordinador artístic, professor, director de musicals... Ja fa temps que és conegut, però darrerament el públic l’ha tingut molt present com a coach del programa ‘Eufòria’, de TV3.
Aquesta temporada dirigeix Golfus de Roma, una de les comèdies musicals més populars de la història, que es pot gaudir al Teatre Condal. 🎶 Que un musical de gran format –amb molts actors i una gran posada en escena– es representi en català és, a hores d’ara, una excepció a Barcelona, més si s’ha representat també a Madrid. En parlem amb Daniel Anglès, que reivindica els esforços que s’hi han destinat per a aconseguir-ho i lamenta que aquest cas sigui l’excepció.
Podeu llegir l’entrevista sencera en aquest enllaç:
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no-passaran · 2 years
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Sentint l'actuació del Pedro avui a Eufòria
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