#eugenia bickle
wyrmthrice · 10 months
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my pieces for the food and fashion zine in the @blaseballzinejam
ignore the fact its been a million years teehee i forgor
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my beloved beams. chillin and vibing i miss them. image IDs in alt text
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awhekate · 2 years
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eugenia bickle!!!!!!!
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64 ships enter, one ship leaves! who will reign supreme? how will your faves fare? it's a tlournament for the ages!
this is a seeded bracket generated from ships suggested in a google form. round 1 begins thursday, 03/30/23 and will run for one week. propaganda is encouraged - tag this blog and i'll share it!
Megan Ito/Parker MacMillan VS Leon Duncan/Andrew Trebek
Finn James/Kennedy Loser VS Hewitt Best/Yeong-Ho Garcia
Flattery McKinley/Niq Nyong'o VS Jessica Telephone/Betsy Trombone
Tillman Henderson/Declan Suzanne VS Don Mitchell/Percival Wheeler
Baldwin Breadwinner/Alyssa Harrell VS Axel Cardenas/Miguel Wheeler
Dominic Marijuana/Andrew Solis VS Eduardo Ingram/Leach Ingram
Pedro Davids/Valentine Games VS Anathema Elemefayo/Patty Fox/Hatfield Suzuki
Stevenson Heat/James Mora VS Baby Triumphant/Castillo Turner
Yosh Carpenter/Sebastian Woodman VS Cannonball Sports/Bees Taswell
Igneus Delacruz/Howell Franklin VS Mcdowell Mason/Sexton Wheerer
Allison Abbott/Kichiro Guerra VS Eugenia Garbage/Ziwa Mueller
Caleb Alvarado/Isaac Johnson VS Conner Haley/Sebastian Telephone
Brock Forbes/Adalberto Tosser VS Domino Bootleg/Theodore Honeywell
Lenny Marijuana/Chorby Short VS Moody Cookbook/Landry Violence
Margarito Nava/Nic Winkler VS Riley Firewall/Geraldine Frost
Inez Owens/Bees Taswell VS Paula Turnip/Hiroto Wilcox
Tyreek Olive/Landry Violence VS Fitzgerald Blackburn/Math Velazquez
Val Hitherto/Nerd Pacheco VS Ortiz Lopez/Pitching Machine
Luis Acevedo/Tot Clark VS Derrick Krueger/Sebastian Telephone
The San Francisco Lovers VS Gita Sparrow/Jayden Wright
Tillman Henderson/Mike Townsend VS Famous Owens/Mclaughlin Scorpler
Alaynabella Hollywood/Magi Ruiz VS Nerd Pacheco/Lars Taylor
Nagomi Mcdaniel/York Silk's Mom VS Qais Dogwalker/Grollis Zephyr
Jacob Haynes/Alaynabella Hollywood/Moses Mason VS Burke Gonzalez/Brock Watson/Joshua Watson
Jaylen Hotdogfingers/Jessica Telephone VS Juice Collins/Sutton Dreamy
Sandford Garner/Don Mitchell VS Famous Owens/Nerd Pacheco
Rivers Rosa/Lou Roseheart VS Jode Crutch/Rush Ito
Declan Suzanne/Edric Tosser/Baby Triumphant VS Lady Matsuyama/Bottles Šuljak
Cornelius Games/Richardson Games VS Mags Banananana/Eugenia Bickle
Workman Gloom & PolkaDot Patterson VS Shannon Chamberlain/Kennedy Loser
Caligula Lotus/Beck Whitney VS Steals Mondegreen/Silvaire Semiquaver
Summers Preston/Stephanie Winters VS Haruta Byrd/Bright Zimmerman
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tigerquoii · 3 years
.... Pickle 18 I think -KT💛
so true kt thank u for my milves 18 - putting a blanket on them Paula hates how easy it is to talk to Bickle. Hates it because this was supposed to be a distraction, and now it's something far too heavy in hir chest. Shi drives them out to a hill overlooking Moab and they sit next to each other in the truck, make out a bit, talk about things they remember from before Blaseball. Paula tells them about Forrest, about feeling like shi could never be a good enough parent for him. Bickle tells hir about friends from another universe, people she'll never see again and misses like breathing.
"You're softer than you look, Paula Reddick." Bickle says with a smile, and if Paula had a heart it would be pounding, but instead shi just sinks into hir seat a little, a ghostly hint of leather lingering in hir senses. Bickle falls asleep soon after that, the last of the day's heat fading from the cab of the truck. They must be tired, they always are, too many long days in the greenhouse, too little time to rest. They're using you as a distraction says that traitorous voice in the back of Paula's head, but the worst bit is that shi doesn't mind. Doesn't mind being a distraction if this is what it means, ghostly hands tangled in pink hair on sun-warmed seats. The warmth is fading fast, now, so shi grabs a blanket from the back, tucks it in around Bickle's sleeping body. Takes a moment to push a strand of hair out of her face, softer than shi ever would if Bickle was awake. "Sleep well." shi whispers, then sinks down into the engine, taking a comfort in the cold metal of it. So distant from the memory of warmth in hir arms. From here shi can feel Bickle distantly, inside the truck that is hir body. Shi thinks about revving the engine and driving off just to feel the heat and smoke of it, but it would wake Bickle up, so shi stays still, spreading ghostly awareness through the pistons of the engine, hating how easy it all is.
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waveridden · 4 years
“Typical,” Nic says. “Beck Whitney has a magic teleporting house and she forgets to tell us.”
A story about a greenhouse, a widow, a rooftop, a handful of cities, a little bit of magic, and an awful lot of coffee. (Or, a Far Meridian AU. 16k, Beck/Eugenia.)
For @leonstamatis. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.
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Interview: Jesse Eisenberg(''The Social Network'')
 Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network glitters with exquisite rage. This performance is not without precedent — Eisenberg saved Adventureland from Kristen Stewart's diffidence, and few will forget his character's wounded arrogance in The Squid and the Whale. In his latest role, the 27-year-old confirms himself as one of his generation's finest actors — I'd like to see Michael Cera try his hand at Aaron Sorkin's dialogue.
Eisenberg's performance suggests he's a genius, and a five-minute conversation does nothing to dispel that impression. I meet him in the hospitality suite of the W Hotel a few hours before The Social Network screens at Harvard. He's taller than I expect, but not dramatically so. His bearing is on the jumpy side, especially when he's trying to make a point.
Like any number of authors, he edits himself as he speaks. Unlike anyone I've ever interviewed, he speaks parenthetically, starting on one topic, switching to another, then returning, unprompted, to the first.
Was The Social Network filmed predominantly at Harvard?
No, we only filmed there for two weeks. They have really strict filming restrictions. I had heard that maybe they came close to loosening those for our film, but – do you ride a bike?
Yes I do.
That's cool. Me too. Is it hard to get around Boston on a bike?
No. It's very easy.
That's good. OK, that's good. I live in New York City and that's the only way to do it there, because of traffic and other things. And then you have to wait for the subway and you get impatient.
Is it true you get a ticket if you ride on the sidewalk?
I got pulled over! I rode on the sidewalk once, but it was at two in the morning. It's not a sidewalk that people use – it's not a sidewalk that people walk on, it was like a median – and the cop took my name down and gave me a warning. You know, New York City has a policy of taking your name down even if they don't issue a ticket, even if there's no arrest. And they're starting to overturn the policy because it's terribly discriminatory, because they're pulling over way more people in the black community than in the white community. So they have, like, information on millions of people that haven't done anything wrong, have not been arrested. Anybody questioned by the police, their information is taken down.
So we filmed for like two weeks on the periphery of the campus because they wouldn't let us film inside the school. I wish we filmed inside because –
The dorms in the film aren't real?
No, the dorms are incredible. The production designer, the guy who builds the all the sets and designs anything behind the actors – that's what the production is responsible for – created the most incredible sets. David Fincher, who directed the movie, is very meticulous, so he wanted a shot where my character is running up the stairs at Harvard. In order to create that – he didn't want to cut, he didn't want to edit, so we couldn't shoot the stairs somewhere and the upstairs somewhere else because he wanted it to be a continuous shot. So what that means is that in Los Angeles, they built an entirely raised set of dorms. We were wondering why the dorms are all raised – third-story, but with nothing below them. These are the efforts that went into this production. It looks like the most basic college dorm shot, but what it took to create that was so difficult. We shot, also, a little bit at Johns Hopkins University to stand in for some Harvard shots. And then, of course, there are some what they call hero shots of Harvard, where they really feature the campus.
David Fincher compared his Mark Zuckerberg to Travis Bickle or Rupert Pupkin. Where did your anger come from?
A few things. The primary source was Aaron Sorkin's characterization of Mark, which was really fascinating. He's both enigmatic as well as, I hope by the end of the movie, totally understandable. He's kind of lonely, and has an inability to connect in a comfortable way. That was kind of the main source of inspiration – although you can't really call it inspiration because it was a very explicit blueprint of what I was supposed to do.
The secondary source, I would say, was every interview, every video clip, every picture I could find of Mark Zuckerberg. His interviews transferred to mp3s so I could have them on my iPod and listen to them while we were shooting, kind of get the spirit of his character. I was able to obtain his college application to Harvard and read that he was a fencer, so I took fencing lessons. That was the secondary source of inspiration, or of preparation, was everything that had to do with the real person.
In terms of other characters in movies – I played a character that I think was not dissimilar, and I really loved playing that character, and that was in a movie that came out 5 years ago, and that was a movie called The Squid and the Whale. That was playing the director [Noah Baumbach] at 17. He also is dealing with tons of anger, but that comes out of his parents' divorce. I also thought a lot about that character because it was a movie that was already made, so all of the feelings that I had about the character were synthesized and I think it became an easily accessible thing with which to emotionally relate.
That makes sense. Both of those characters are mad at the patriarchy.
That's a perfect observation. In the case of that movie, he feels his parents he feels have done him wrong. In this case, Mark feels excluded by the old guard at Harvard and traditional social interactions. And in Mark's case, he creates an environment where he feels more comfortable interacting, which is online. Although how helpful that is to – how much that actually solves his problems is up for debate.
What was your model of the Harvard class system before going into this project?
As somebody with a 1260 SAT score, Harvard remained the tower on the hill for me.
I'm glad you use the old SAT score. That new scale is really annoying.
I also don't like it because – I like to write plays, I act in movies and plays – and the 1600 score used to be a really easy signifier, and now you have to qualify it in current movies. It's not easy for storytelling – like when cell phones became popular. It's very hard to dramatize text-messaging in movies – it used to be the phone and the answering machine, and the answering machine is so scary, and it used to derive so much tension, but now you don't have that.
I wonder if there's the equivalent of Gordon Gekko's giant cell phone in this movie, that will stick out 10 years from now.
Exactly. The movie takes place in 2003, so we're still using flip-phones.These guys are at the forefront of technology, and yet they're still using technology that, by today's standards,is a*r*ca*ne.
I really wish we were allowed to film more at Harvard because we really started to get in the spirit, even in the two and a half weeks that we were here, we started to get in the spirit of this – of the life here. So it's – one of the things that I thought about when I was thinking about playing Mark was that he's in an environment where every kid who was the best student at their high school has come and so the kind of drive he has and the ambition he has may have been rare in elementary school and high school, but is commonplace in this environment, and therefore it kind of raises the stakes for him creating – it just creates an additional pressure for him to do something significant. So when, in the movie, he appears very driven and very ambitious, part of that comes from being in an environment where everyone is driven and everybody is ambitious.
I want to know how it feels to portray someone who is not only a billionaire but is alive. Does it make you nervous in any way? I think that, for better or worse, he'll be associated with you. You can go on to do another great role, but he'll be saddled with you.
I've been thinking of it in the opposite way – that he's going to create a million other things and I'll forever be associated with just playing that role. I suppose it can go either way, depending on what we continue to do. I didn't feel the pressure that some other people on the movie felt because I'm in the unique position of having to defend him every day and understand him and sympathize with him. I felt a great affection for the character. I understand that there are a variety of reactions to the character, because he does some things that are hurtful to the other characters. But from my point of view, everything he does is justified.
Aaron Sorkin said that, at the end of the movie, Zuckerberg feels remorse. David Fincher said he does not. What do you think?
I think he feels that – I think he's starting to realize that he hurt some other people, but I don't think that he feels that those decisions were the wrong ones. I think Mark's primary objective in the movie is the creation, maintenance and expansion of Facebook. And if something is in the way of that, that's an obstacle that needs to be destroyed, not something that needs to be accounted for as the highest priority.
The other character in the movie, Eduardo, is Mark's friend in college and bankrolls the initial operation – I think (he) values Mark, his relationship with Mark, much more highly than Mark values his relationship with Eduardo, and therefore when he's taking the company in a way that Mark feels is destructive to it, he doesn't – Mark doesn't dismiss Facebook, he dismisses Eduardo, because that's where his priorities lie.
If you look at it from that perspective, everything Mark does is justified. So at the end, I think he feels bad that he hurt somebody, but I don't think he feels that it was the wrong decision.
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woaaah miguel anniematic part TWO lets gooOOoOooOo
Design credits under the cut anyway the way i am so glad miguel didnt fall anywhere until i was done with this
design credits (most of these are twitter handles): 
Individual Design Credits: Aldon Cashmoney by occultclassic - Jessica Telephone by telekeys - Avila Guzman by juangeedraws - Valentine Games, Valentine Games II by deerstained - Esme Ramsey by HetreaSky and grr - Comfort Septemberish by TedFallenger - Pudge Nakamoto by solphy - Basilio Fig by Fancymancer - Felix Garbage by ShorterSneakier - Kit Honey by saltbuzzard - Knight Triumphant by antsolot - Coolname Galvanic by skelebells - Baldwin Breadwinner by Glassgoblin Wiki Pages: Richmond Harrison - Logan Horseman Other: Nerd Pacheco - Miguel James - Eugenia Bickle - Lars Taylor - Mummy Melcon - Sutton Bishop - Kaj Statter Jr. - Jayden Wright - Wyatt Mason VII - Zack Sanders - Nagomi Nava - Iggy Delacruz - Hahn Fox - Sandoval Crossing - Paula Reddick - Kaz Fiasco - Joe Voorhees - Dudley Mueller - Hendricks Richardson - Sigmund Castillo - Quack Enjoyable - Phineas Wormthrice - Howell Franklin - Silvaire Semiquaver - Malik Romayne - Alaynabella Hollywood - Siobhan Chark - Elvis Figueroa - Liquid Friend XIV
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waveridden · 4 years
are you participating in the cultural event of blaseball? do you want to have feelings about the hellmouth sunbeams? do you think about eugenia bickle being in a home that is hers and not hers at the same time? i wrote a fic about that
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waveridden · 4 years
ok i did this last week so here’s the list of blaseball election things that i care about
i’m sad dot’s not a mechanic anymore but if they’re gonna go anywhere i’m glad they got to go back to the talkers
however i am excited both about shirai and eviltwin being on the mechs. this is gonna fucking rip
i think eviltwin is going to be a great mechanic
why do the garages have eight pitchers now. what do they need them for
nerd on the pies. going to pastry school. godspeed, professor
(something something peanut butter pie. anyways)
eugenia bickle was my first ever favorite blaseball character and i am UNSPEAKABLY SAD that she’s in the shadows now. i hope she gets to hang out with joe and have fun :(
it’s soooooo fucked up and funny that of the three players in the elsewhere right now, fitz changed teams and neerie got sent to the shadows. is neerie even going to be able to come back
spies and lovers doing enemies to lovers w/ these swaps is so entertaining
everyone’s already made picklestein/tillman jokes but i do think those jokes are funny. just wanted to acknowledge
last and most importantly, the wimdy to end all wimdys: a lot of the wills that passed had 0% final probabilities, but that was because it was a 1% of a 1% kind of a thing. the lift’s foreshadow vote? they put 25% of their votes into foreshadow but that specific filing had zero percent of their votes. absolutely delightful
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waveridden · 3 years
i am on a stats rabbit hole because i discovered that both malik destiny and eugenia bickle had an over 50% on-base percentage in s24
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waveridden · 4 years
Top 5 blaseball pitchers?
in no order other than the order in my heart:
eugenia bickle
mike townsend
wyatt pothos
polkadot patterson
lars taylor
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waveridden · 4 years
You made me care about Eugenia Bickle and now I want to know more about her even if it is incredibly niche headcanons
great news! i’ve got those
favorite thing about them: i think that she is like... okay. there are people in this world who are nice to spend time around because they are pleasant, and people who are nice to spend time around because they are kind. i think that eugenia is very kind. eugenia bickle may not remember your birthday but she will remember that it’s sort of near st. patrick’s day so she will send you a present on st. patrick’s day and be super apologetic but you’ll be touched because you didn’t think she’d even remember that much
least favorite thing about them: gets too in her head about the alternate universe thing. at this point she has been playing for nearly twice as long as original eugenia, and you’d think that’d mean that she has adjusted. she has not. she still feels bad.
favorite moment: out of fiction, every shutout she pitches is a favorite moment lmao. but also i’m terribly fond of the hellmouth beautification project
brOTP: sunbeams pitchers group brotp owns my heart. and i adore iggy/eugenia alternate universe solidarity.
OTP: oh MAN. i know i’ve seen eugenia/percival wheeler and i like that. i think she would get along with beck whitney. ship name is beckle.
nOTP: blaseball is weird because there are so many ship options that it’s hard to point to ones that i specifically dislike. but i can say with confidence that she’s a lesbian, so there’s that
random headcanon: gets, like, irrationally mad when people talk about flower language because it’s so specific to cultures and time-periods you can’t just say that a rose always means one certain thing there are so many factors to consider did you ever think about that! did you!
also, terrible baker. tries so hard. just can’t do it.
unpopular opinion: i don’t really know what popular opinion is? i guess my answer is: i think that her being a half-orc makes it less funny that her primary motivation in life is to throw a pitch so good that it goes through a human being. i think that is infinitely better if it is just a normal ass human woman who decides to do that. i don’t have a problem with the half-orc thing in general that’s just my take
song i associate with them: 100 bad days by ajr
favorite picture of them: jason drew her for me once!!!!!!!!
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waveridden · 4 years
eugenia bickle going from half a star to one and a half. proud
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waveridden · 4 years
top 5 blaseball players!
in order not of skill but of how much i love them:
eugenia bickle
sandoval crossing
randall marijuana
jessica telephone
nagomi nava / lars taylor (approximately tied)
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