#guy gulp
wormthrice · 10 months
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what are they gossiping about?
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my beloved beams. chillin and vibing i miss them. image IDs in alt text
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necromancer-mango · 2 years
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[start image description: Three digital drawings of Aldon Cashmoney and Guy Gulp,  Lachlan Shelton, and  Qais Dogwalker from the game Blaseball. In the first image, Aldon and Guy are two Black people in an embrace, golden wings from Aldon enveloping the two of them in front of a pale green/blue background. Aldon is wearing a hot pink suit, while Guy is wearing a light blue hoodie over a green button up shirt. The second image is a bust drawing of Lachlan, who is a Black person, wearing a blue baseball cap, with black streaks under the eyes. Lachlan is facing 3/4 to the right, with a neutral expression. The third drawing is a bust drawing of Qais, who is Pakistani and Dominican. They are facing 3/4 to the left with a grin and a wink. Their hair is dyed pink and styled into short dreads. the top portion of the hair is tied up into a small ponytail, with the rest of the dreads loose around the head. /end image description]
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finzphoenix · 3 months
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker are both two men who get progressively scarier the more you watch them.
Like, Luke in A New Hope was baby af. He was a child. Even in the Empire Strikes Back, what a little guy. A tiny fellow.
Then boom, Return of the Jedi, and Luke is smiling and like “Tell these Ewoks that you are their God and that if they do not release us, you will be Angered…” He is in all black, he is missing a hand, he has gone off the rails conpletely. He’s like “How will I tell Leia that we’re siblings? …Oh! I know! Riddles!” Luke Skywalker gets struck by Force Lightning like nine times and still gets up and drags his dad’s lifeless body out. There were moments one might look at him and think, “no, ur wrong, he still babie” but you are the wrong one! He goes into Jabba’s Palace and straight up stands there smiling and threatening him the whole time. He’s standing on a plank over the Sarlacc and he’s still like “So this is how you’d like to play :)” Luke straight up snapped, he got spooky by the end of the og trilogy.
Din Djarin, straight off the back, is kind of intimidating. He is a man in full armour who hunts people and freezes them in carbonite and appears behind their shoulders when they least expect it. But, after Grogu shows up, you probably think “this man is weak to this baby, he will become soft” but no! The opposite happens!
I’m talking about episode 6. The Prisoner. I have wanted desperately to talk about this for days, but have only just found the words to do so. Let me explain.
Din Djarin is filmed and edited like a horror movie villain. Like a supernatural force of evil who stalks his prey. Straight up like a slasher villain out of the eighties. There’s hints of this beforehand, what with Din appearing behind a guy in the very first episode, and the fact that he has been shot point blank (many times) but no matter how many times he falls, he always gets back up. Okay, that’s all fine and good.
But episode 6 goes beyond that. He stalks a bunch if assholes through flickering red lights. He splits them up, he takes them out one by one, and the last person standing manages to get out, thinks they’ve escaped, only to die (technically) at Din’s hand anyway. He is straight up a horror movie villain I don’t know how else to explain it, he is a horror movie villain.
Don’t take this the wrong way. Being spooky and intimidating isn’t a bad thing, especially not in Star Wars! Luke Skywalker and his ability to say terrible things while smiling, Din Djarin and his predilection for appearing right behind someone, these ar egood things. I like these things a lot. I love these. I love that Luke is the cutest little scary fella in the galaxy. I love that Din is the most awkward little scary fella in the galaxy. I think it’s great.
Why do I bring this up?
Well, for one, I have been trying to word my view on Din Djarin for days now. I love this man, I have to mock him or I’ll feel incomplete. And I think it’s a disservice to pretend that Luke isn’t a person who most people in the Star Wars universe think about and shiver. Don’t get me wrong, I love sunshine boy Luke, but he isn’t really like that, at least not by this point in the series. He just strikes me as the type of person to say incredibly dark, deranged things with a blank face, then smile at cute kittens. Luke is messed up, and we should talk about it more because it’s very interesting to explore the various ways he’s messed up.
But for another, I am a big fan of Din and Luke being buddies who go absolutely anywhere and scare the shit out of people. A Mandalorian next to a Jedi Knight? Two people who eat Storm Troopers for breakfast?? Can you imagine how much the fragments of the Empire that are still left are quaking??? Those two would go absolutelu anywhere and the anyone on planet who ever sided with the Empire would give themselves up or run, immediately.
Like, Din singlehandedly took out that whole troop on Nevarro. All by himself, he shot out all of the Storm Troopers and everyone inside and I like to think there are whispered stories about him similar to the ones about the Boogeyman.
Now, I know Luke didn’t actually kill the Emperor and Darth Vader, but does anyone in universe know that? Or does everyone think that Luke not only blew up the Death Star, but he also murdered the two head honchos and came out completely unscathed? Luke is definitely a boogeyman.
I don’t know. Something about two terrifying men walking into a bar full of Imperials only to walk out five minutes later of a bar full of dead Imperials just really fills me with joy. Something about the mental image I have of Storm Troopers fearfully sharing increasingly terrifying stories about these two makes me happy. I like bad people being scared shitless, all right? Sue me.
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mlkinis · 1 year
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gavial the invincible!
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dsm--v · 2 months
my hungry ass could not watch the falsettos 2016 revival starring christian borle
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whosagodnow · 1 year
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savoryangel · 9 months
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mwah mwah kissie sound fx
my sona uses he/him !
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mouselikesclowns · 11 months
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The second image is my first drawing of him (so a bit oldish) but I never showed him here so here you go
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wormthrice · 1 year
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solarium gift exchange time :3
the housemates playing cards for @sol-shines :3 im super duper proud of this bad boy
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y97dgu · 1 year
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ahem... i drew thorin relaxing... oh and shirtless
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little-bumblebeeee · 9 months
Eddie isn't the type to ask what someone is listening to. If they have earbuds in, he'll just pluck one out and put it into his own ear to see.
He stopped that after he took Steve's headphones, thinking it was some pop or Taylor Swift or even music that Eddie would be into.
Turns out Steve does not listen to that stuff
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orkojpeg · 5 months
hate liking TT villains because i’ll see “nightshade” in a normal context but be like “HUAAGH ITS THE! ITS THE GUY!!! THE THE THE GUY!!!!”
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demoralizedreprobate · 9 months
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rockers poster i tried my very hardest to digitally clean up and format based off of images i've seen online.
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bongopteris · 1 year
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drew this girlboy like half a year ago but the pose was so awkward i never posted it. the pose is still awkward i didnt change a thing but now its OUT HERE.. FUCKIFM SCARY...
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